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Seems like we have a list of writers so far. Cindy Morrow confirmed she wasn't coming back for S4, and we don't know about Larson yet.

Writers list for season 4.

Meghan McCarthy
Amy Keating Rogers
Corey Powel
Charlotte Fullerton
Merriwether Williams

New writers:
Natasha Levinger
Josh Haber
Scott Sonneborn


>Natasha Levinger (Twitter)

Previous Writing Credits
IMDB Only lists a teleplay from 2004 on this one.

>Josh Haber

Previous Writing Credits
Kaijudo: Rise of the Duel Masters

>Scott Sonneborn

Previous Writing Credits
Legion of Superheroes
Voltron Force
G.I. Joe Renegades
Generator Rex
>no link to old thread
Pony is very afraid of her big speech tomorrow.
>no link to old thread

The linkboard usually has it. Plus, I forgot. Sue me.
This guy was also added a short time ago.

>Ed Valentine

Fairly Odd Parents

Still early, faglord
you're just as bad

I'm only saging to show my disapproval

I know it holds no meaning
Scott Sonneborn looks promising as an adventure episode writer, despite those being stupid shows...
>I'm only saging to show my disapproval
>I'm only saging to show my disapproval
>I'm only saging to show my disapproval
>I'm only saging to show my disapproval
>I'm only saging to show my disapproval

Why don't you greentext it another 5 times?
I remember reading something about a big announcement posted to FiM's Facebook with a picture of Apple Bloom and Babs. Anyone know what the announcement was?
S4 release
Nov. 23
are you fucking serious?
season 4 starts november 23
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>Cindy Morrow confirmed she wasn't coming back for S4

>Writers list for season 4.
>Merriwether Williams

Well, season 4 is going to be shit.
I knew that was the date, just wasn't sure it was the big announcement. I was hoping for the statement that no S4 Babs was a mistake and there's gonna be an episode all about her, or something unexpected.
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>you will never celebrate a very hapvw mnulh with pone
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Would you rather be with your favorite pony, with both of you in anthro form, or least favorite (out of the main 6) in pony form?
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Pinkie needs to watch after that beautiful face of hers
>Season 4
>Forgetting that Season 4 has more Dave Polsky.
The shiggiest of diggies.
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Request finished, on to more.
Not the original requester but can you draw a happy Trixie?
Aww. I feel kind of bad for both of them.
I mean in this picture
These are some bittersweet feelings
Where the black ones can't give them stds.
why would you feel bad for Derpy? She's having fun with magic.
how anthro we talkin' here?

fuck it who am I kidding I'd probably go with option 1 even if we had to be fish
Atryl-level anthro
Where is promised Celestia
Because Trixie doesn't even appreciate her solitary fan a little.
applebloom no

that's not right
Iron Will teaching Spike how to lift.
She will just give her time.
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Naked Pinkie Pie
Well, she is used to drawing in large crowds.
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I second this.
just drawa version with a smile please
>Fairly Odd Parents
What season to what season? This is important.
>wanting worst filly

>you will never be trixie's solitary fan
>she will never thank you for your loyalty with a special private show
It may have Polsky-Wolsky, but it will have Meghan and Merriewether to fuck up everything to crystal kingdom come..
super satan please
not everything needs to be sexual
Wonderbolt Academy wasn't bad. Boring, but not bad. I actually liked it mroe on a rewatch.
Here it lists episodes: 3 7 8 11 12 14

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>Meghan McCarthy
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Here you go, anon.
Unless you are Sethisto. Then you will be the first line of your post.
The second one still applies though.
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based flak cannon
Who said anything about sexual?

You did.
thanks bro~
>Volume 8 and 9
>All post Poof
Welp, there goes that brief hope.
Flak ready
I'm going
i've read enough greentexts to know that that post was clearly made for sexual purposes
at least i have job
>You will never help Trixie make her magic wand disappear.
And you made it a self-fulfilling prophecy.

It's you.

You're the sexual.
Is that anon who watched 1408 here?
"Watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie makes this human partially disappear!
>she will never coax you into her wagon and just overwhelm you and put a collor on you and make you her slave and plaything
I don't even think people can live to be 605 years old, Anon
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I think my pony is stuck and can't get up
Try rubbings its belly
we are talking about her wand, anon~
Worst filly is Applebloom.
>I help the Sesame Street Muppets tweet (since their hands are really small).

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Why not? Didn't you invite them?
Can't story the Corey.
funny enough, i've been participating in erps a lot more these days for some reason despite never doing before
feels weird
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The Larson mantel has been passed.
Does anyone have a good reference picture of a day and night guard? I can't find a good side reference of that day guard by equestria-prevails.

I'd ERP about that dragon

Hey Generator Rex was good and the second season of LOSH was ok.
RIP in peace MA Larson
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>NSFW prints
Is that allowed?
>selling porn at bronycon
>out of your hotel room

>rape incoming
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Thanks, must've skipped over that image.
It's not a con until porn prints are being sold under the table/after hours!
There's a lot of under-the-table dealings at cons out of the hotel rooms.
Did you wind it up first?

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Is it just me or have you improved a lot.
>illegal to conduct private business transactions in a private hotel room
>just for fun
>selling them
when did Morrow confirm she wasn't coming back?

also this is pretty much the final nail in the coffin, season 4 confirmed for complete garbage
He has, it's a good thing
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Just insert the key and turn clockwise.
Also not too much or she'll get stuck.
*plays a sad violin for MLPG*

Fine, I won't do it.
Huh Larson isn't coming back?

I just come here for the porn and pics
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I did it

She's not dead, but she's not happy either
So you don't want to make dosh like your attentionwhore faggot friend?
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have this
Cock pics or no purchase.
I'll be happy and surprised if I break even.
>wanting to be further associated with Ponetanic

good for him for jumping ship

>attentionwhore faggot friend

.....Rainbow DasboSchitt already is :/
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We really are one of the most drawhore-filled generals I've ever seen
Going to other generals it's such a different balance
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Well at least she's not dead. Now you can make her happy.
Try the Wonderbolts method. It always works for my Dash.

Can I buy a Weaver plushy, GG?
Man I'm terrible with my Dash. I think I might just toss her and get a Fluttershy, I hear they're easier.
At a con.

S3 was shit for her.
>go into another board
>god I hate artists they remind me of deviantart

My Futashy is definitely superior to the Dash model.
We don't know.
>that image

Yes but her episodes in S2 were fantastic. We've been over this.

GG pls draw hyperspace hyperwars.
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It's great.

MLPG produces much wonderful art.
i'm actually spending more time in a different general now, because they don't constantly make me want to draw
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>New writers:
>Natasha Levinger
>Josh Haber
>Scott Sonneborn

What's some of the stuff they've done before? Credentials, pls.
all you guys make me wanna learn to draw and draw your oc stuff too but then i dont know if that will make you uncomfortable and then i dont draw
>new write: Joss Whedon
Thanks for the extra ref.

Thanks. I'm glad when I can have noticeable improvement.
If I was a drawfag, I wouldn't come here. Too much shit and contributor drama.
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nobby pls
I visit different threads because they're not so full of fags.
>new writer: George Lucas
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never heard of him
Why don't you want to want to draw?

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Every time I come here optimistic I leave wanting to kill myself
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Oh no MLPG

Season 4 is burning! It's a terrible case of Larson!
wasn't me
I went to draw a little more actually.
It's right there in the post Anon.
What's that one drug that people use to concentrate like fuck? Not ritalin, it's something else. I kind of wish I could get my hands on some of that.
It all feels very personal too
Like if I really wanted something ridiculous like a picture of Dash dressed like an 1800s British conscript I could probably get it drawn by some one.
I just wish there was more collaboration and less between you guys.
I know there's potential for something great with all the creativity around here. Just need to have it focused somehow without it getting out of hand socially.

Oh, hi, LanternJohn.
And Meghan wrote Party of One and Green isn't your Color

What's your point?
Try trading your Dash for Fluttershy first. There's a lot of people who wanted a more energetic pegasus than Fluttershy but never did the research.
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thanks crookedtrees
less drama*
McCarthy was decent before she went mad with power.
you left us 5ever
you dont glove us anymore
you hat us
Yeah, adderall. Is it any good?

The R63Dash is too much of a douche.

The Futashy is far more caring.
i just don't want to anymore
it's a vidya general and five yes five of the developers frequently drop in.
it's comparable to having lauren faust and flashinthepan visit every single day
I spend time in other generals becuase I want to broaden my horizons and draw more than pony
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I LIKE THIS PONY more than I like Twilight which isn't saying much
Okay, I'm going to go to a friend's house and go drinking. I'll get more requests that I got tonight done tomorrow.
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Snips and Snails count as two fans. And they're more like the guy who shot John Lennon than the fans you want. Remember how they called in the ursa, crushed her house, and ruined her reputation by bringing space bear to her lie? Yeah I wouldn't appreciate them, either.
I guess it could be done, though
adderall makes me feel good as fuck
Have fun
I know where you live
I'll wait for the night guard thing.
But if you wanted to draw that meant you liked to draw.

Why don't you want to like to draw now?
My buddy once took some and then sat down and read an entire economics textbook without stopping.
which general?

She wants the cocks.
It's great for me, just don't overdue it.
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I forgot my meds again
And yet she immediately takes to them in Magic Duel.
it will spark a shitpost cascade.
anon will be upset over his art dispensers fraternizing.
Holy shit that is fucking awesome. I was thinking about using it to help me concentrate and improve my drawing.
I see what you mean, but the whole Trixie/Derpy thing is based off of EG where Snips and Snails were Sunset's lackeys.
Sounds like bronies.
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That's a horrible implication.
Williams coming back is slightly annoying but not that bad. I mean I enjoyed like 2 of her episodes but Polsky? I don't think iv liked any of his at all.
I feel like if you did that, you'd spend 3 hours on a circle.
It helps a ton.
It would
But make sure you don't have anything readily bothersome near you like a big mess or dirty dishes
Sounds hot to me.
Any love letter that ends the next day with pretty cuts didn't get well, generally.
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>Rarty is asleep
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>If I was a drawfag, I wouldn't come here. Too much shit and contributor drama.
I mean people can talk about attention whoring and how artists only post for attention and stuff but positive reinforcement is a big thing, and it changes the whole environment

you might think MLPG is bad but if you go to a /vg/ general or something and try to draw for them you're usually gonna have a bad time
I drew for starbound general briefly and there were a few other drawhores there but any time we posted anything we'd be lucky to get maybe 1 or 2 responses, usually none, people were too busy arguing that the devs were liars and the game was never coming out
TES generals ignore drawfags in favor of people posting their waifus
Most generals just don't give a shit

So yes there's some drama here but it's preferable to drawing for a really angry crowd who will only care when they say I'M SO TIRED OF PEOPLE DRAWING AND POSTING THESE CHARACTERS, I'D RATHER ARGUE ABOUT HOW THE GAME IS SHIT
because i hate it
i'm afraid i can't tell you, anon.

MaCarthy is mostly fine as a writer, she just should not be the showrunner.
If she hadn't been lying in the first place she could have avoided the disastrous associated consequences for being unable to back up her claims.

Just saiyan.
Shit. Maybe I shouldn't, then. I have anxiety like crazy. I'm kind of afraid I'd just end up getting frantic that I couldn't get a certain thing right.
I was thinking about this same topic just yesterday. I don't think I want to take performance enhancing drugs for art.
What if Trixie agreed to take their virginities in exchange they never bother her again.
it's kraut, and probably KSP
No you could tell me you just choose not to
But you did choose to bring it up
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Thank you, you took the words right out of my mouth. Heart Notes is a deadpan snarker who makes electronic music and I've got nothing but shit from other people who think their OCs are sooo much better and they're awful and they can't draw half as well as me and bore me to tears.

>TES generals ignore drawfags in favor of people posting their waifus
tes general ignore the game in favor of waifus
>performance enhancing
What are they gonna do, take your medals back?
i just want you to feel like you're missing out.because you are.
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I had to work on a cock farm. A COCK FARM!
she made a bad decision
people make bad decisions all the time

besides, if she hadn't been lying in the first place, the episode would have been pretty boring
I wouldn't be surprised!
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GG, did you/could you do the other mane 6 in pinkie's style here?

I think Gami left his pills here, let me check because right now something to pale that keen edge of misery would be nice.
I'm never sure if I'm being overbearing in praise, even if I just drop a simple "nice job."
Maybe the generals you drawed for were shit. Still, I'd rather be somewhere else than here.

>stealing you fiancee's pills
kinky sex with Rarity
yeah, same with if twilight's friends hadn't been cunts during the show

Enslaving people is not something you do to your friends. Nor is testing dangerous body modifications.
.... The Ritalin bottle was full of legos with a note that said "nice try"

... You win this time, Pinkie Pie.
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Snips and Snails also made a bad decision.

Bad decisions just keep piling up all around.
then leave you fucking asshole
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i will do my fun little pone dance for u
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>strap ons and honey
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You drew TES art?

At least the knife still loves me.
Maar Da
I wish I was dead
>Snips Vs.
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"Creampie? Did someone say creampie? I'll fucking hoof you in the balls"
>dripping hot candle wax onto her butt
Stick it in your vagina.
Snails looks way too fancy.
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>Maybe the generals you drawed for were shit
my point is most places don't give a shit about drawhores
I mean look at the drawhore generals, they've got some talented people dropping in from time to time and the whole thread is SOMEONE, PLEASE DRAW THIS INCREDIBLY SPECIFIC PORN EXACTLY AS I DETAIL IT posted a dozen times on repeat until someone does it, at which point it gets no acknowledgement and the person requesting it just saves it and leaves

>I'm never sure if I'm being overbearing in praise, even if I just drop a simple "nice job."
honestly I could get into the kind of responses that really motivate me, but at the end of the day all it takes is some kind of acknowledgement. Posting in most other generals will just see your stuff totally ignored, and drawing in a vaccuum gets old real fast.
They were willing, and she had them as personal attendants. I'm not saying what she was doing with them was healthy, but she had the means of forcing them into much less favorable positions. If anything, she's shown more appreciation for those two than any of her other fans.
>dat pic
My hurt....it hearts...
>my point is most places don't give a shit about drawhores
this maybe MLPG is filled with shitposters but they love artists.
What if EqG femSnails?
I said "condom", woman.
Calm the fuck down.

pls tell me how to tell you I like something

because I really worry about that
>but at the end of the day all it takes is some kind of acknowledgement.
This. It kind of sucks whenever I draw something and it gets entirely ignored.
snails looks super cute like that
I'm sterile.
I think he has gotten a lot of that already. Didn't someone here send him a 3ds or something? That must be nice.
I like your stuff. It can be pretty funny.
Alright. I'll keep on trying to comment, even if I'm not really motivational.
I have hyperspermia.

You'll be dripping for days.
>watching Breaking Bad for the first time at a friend's request
>at least John De Lancie is in this episode
>he's yelling at his daughter "... AND I COULD CARE LESS..."

What is it with MLP villains?
GG please draw something about how crappy the Chrysalis toy is.
MLPG is heading that way. Too many Anons already treat the drawfags like livestock and are entitled cunts about it.

Well I'm not gonna not tell him I like something just because someone else did already
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>You drew TES art?
I tried to draw things that were currently being discussed to be as relevant as possible but people just kept talking about waifus
I guess I am an attention whore for giving up after being ignored but that's kind of how it works I guess

Does she have other fans in the show? A crowd of background ponies doesn't mean anything.
I'm pretty damn sure it's general dependent. Drawing for the FGG, SMTG or even KSG (why does this still exists would be different from other generals.
Oh. looks like the other 58 Anons who all have hypospermia and 10" dicks will join in soon.
and too many anons treat drawfags like gods.
I've only ever seen one other anon with it.
>playing as Argonian
which pony enjoys Anal Sex: The OST?
I could never sneak up on Briarhearts. Fuckers always turned around at the last second, or someone else walked in.
You'd think having maxed sneak, muffled boots, and invisibility would be enough, but apparently not.
Drawfags are gods Anon. But you want to treat them like livestock

I for one always make sure to say thanks to drawfags.
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And too many drawfags treat anons like a dedicated art audience
>Applejack and Rainbow Dash are at Sweet Apple Acres, pulling a cart full of what look like giant cotton balls
>"Mighty thankful for ya helping me out today, Dash."
>"No problem, but what exactly are we doing anyway?"
>"Well ya see this time of year the summer heat is real hard on the apple trees. So with Twilight's cloud walking spell and your help, we just take some of these here cloud tufts and space them around the trees to cool them off."
>"Oh I see. Cloud seeding."
>The two friends get to work placing clouds all around the farm
>But the monotony of the work starts to wear on Dash after a few hours. Seeing Applejack with her back turned, she gets a devilish idea and hurls a cloud ball at the earth pony.
>The condensed vapor hits like a light snow ball, tumbling Applejack's hat to the ground and making Dash laugh.
>"Oh, real funny Rainbow..." Applejack says before hurling her own cloud ball at the pegasus
>It hits her square in the face and laves a beard, making Applejack laugh.
>The two of them laugh some more and Dash gives Applejack a frendly punch in the shoulder
>Applejack gives her one too, some what harder
>Dash gives her another, so hard Applejack almost loses balance
>They both stop laughing

>Some time later, Twilight stops by the farm to see how things are going
>Drawn to the sound of laughter, she finds Applejack and Rainbow Dash leaning back against an apple tree arms around each other's shoulders
>Both of them are bloodied and bruised, especially around the faces.
>Dash is missing some feathers
>Applejack is missing some teeth
>"What the heck happened here?!"
>The two ponies stop laughing and try to think of something to say to Twilight
>"Uhhh.....there was a bear?" Applejack says, whistling through her teeth as she talks
>not playing as argonian
To be fair, it's a mistake lots of people make.
Not as often as "I lay down on my bed" though. That really irks me because of how so many shows have it.
But that's how it should be.

>not playing as a Khajiit or a Nord

goddamn casual
if they draw you a thing you should thank them.
appledash is shit
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pinkamena diane pie and nightmare princess twilight sparkle

who thought this was a good idea??
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Why is Fluttershy so crazy for anal
Applejack's alibi is rather toothless.
I don't mean that you shouldn't, more that you shouldn't need to think about how you are thanking drawfags, as long as you're thanking them for the work they do

This isn't /ic/ and too many forget that

there's more to MLPG than drawfags and anons
>playing as a furry
>muh viking fantasies
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Argonians are cute as hell
Now this is really cute. I love it.
I believe BCS is Satan. Is that close?
I love argonian tits
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bi-monthly reminder


Awww, yeah, this guy gets it. Lifts-Her-Tail for sure
Like what? Writefags? Don't make me fucking laugh.
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those ponies know how to have a good time

>implying playing as an Argonian is any less furry
>not having viking fantasies

>an audience

i will fucking HURT you
>mammaries on a reptile

No, like people coming here for discussion about not art
>playing any TES games
who knew Fluttershy was a buttslut?
God he didn't even draw Dah's main colors in the right order
I just noticed that
she tried it once and found it fun
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everyone in equestria
>not playing as a high elf
>not redguard
That was nice, thanks.
>Not playing Morrowind when it first came out
>fine with talking humanoid lizards
>get upset over tits
Might as well go to /mlp/ proper for that. if it's not art, or contributor drama/cock sucking, or ERP, it's worthless.
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It's lore accurate!
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You made me have a good time with those.
where do you think you are?
I miss canon nudity
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Speaking of buttslut
>not worthless
maybe you should fuck off

>discussing non-pony with /mlp/

Fuck you for even suggesting that
so casual
erp serves my boner well
a thread for retards?
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We lewd now?
Pony should play the kazoo.
>dickless princesses
Help with what?

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I meant show discussion, idiot.
call everything epic and amazing
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>Scrubbles doing cute greentexts and not horrible jokes



Well then fuck off, because I wasn't.

I need somebody.
where's part 1
It's Scrubbles, he has lots of story ideas THAT HE WON'T FOLLOW THROUGH WITH BECAUSE HE HAS NO SELF-ESTEEM
this shit doesn't have futa shit right?
i need an adult
this is my fetish
I am an adult.
So you come to MLPG talk about not pony stuff?

to make those grilled cheeses?
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Why aren't you talking about me?
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Try skimming it.

That's not what I said.
because reasons
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Because random humor is terrible

top row done, gonna work on bottom row tomorrow
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because your character is too flat
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Which pony is the most likely to have a pony addiction?

which one is the least likely?
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Because you're a slut
WHy aren't you real?
Thanks, SB.
And if that's you and if you're still freaking out, take out your favorite pictures and fapfics and edge a little.
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Well it's certainly not because of your amazing singing voice.
you don't like anal as much as certain other, better ponies.

also this
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To tell the truth?
The kind of reaction I try to foster most is discussion
I don't really know how to explain it well but the attention I want is more for my ideas than for myself.

When I do a quest I'd much rather have people discuss the characters and the world than kiss my ass and tell me how good the quest is. I draw monstergirls not hoping people will tell me "wow, your monstergirls are great! You're so good at this!" but that people will talk about the girls themselves. The best response I ever get is when people talk about "what do you guys think it would be like to be roommates with [x]?" or "I wonder how [x] and [y] would get along?"
A lot of the stuff here I draw is the same way, when I put out ideas I do it largely because it's an idea I think is interesting and I want to encourage discussion on it
This is also part of why I always repost my own work, not because I want people going "OH I NEVER SAW THAT HILARIOUS A+ WEAVER IS A COMEDY MASTER" but to try and encourage a topic of discussion
Late S1/S2 pinkie was best pinkie

>stage magician putting on a show
>Rarity, Rainbow, AJ all being bitches.
AJ I could see, but fucking Rarity and Rainbow have done worse for attention. At least Trixie has the excuse that it's her fucking way of living.
Singing voice Pinkie > regular voice Pinkie.
have you ever drawn Caimon cooking with AJ?

Isn't a gris-gris a thing you wear to protect you from evil things
I can't always think of how to foster things so I end up saying I LIKE THING

I'm sorry
i never realized that, but that's kinda how i think about it.
>Twilight hasn't seen Rainbow Dash in a few days. Asking around town no one else has either
>Worried, she flies up to her house to check on her
>"Rainbow Dash, are you home?" She calls though the door while knocking
>She hears Dash yell for her to come in, mumbling something about pizza
>Inside the house is very dark, cloud curtains over all the windows and the only source of light emanating from a large TV set. Rainbow Dash is vegged out her cloud couch, surrounded by a veritable army of empty junk food boxes and wrappers. A mountain of empty energy drink cans towers near by
>""Oh.....hi Twilight. Thought you were the pizza guy."
>"Are you ok? No one has seen you in days."
>"What? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just playing this really great video game."
>On the tv Twilight sees a bunch of blips and boops that she guess are supposed to be characters or something. One of them falls on another and it winks out, causing Dash to curse.
>"Dash, you can't just stay in here all day eating junk food. You're an athlete!"
>She doesnt seem to hear Twilight at all
>"You can't just stay inside all day playign video games alone."
>"But I'm not alone! It's a two player game!"
>Beside Twilight, the mountain of soda cans breaths in and shudders. Teh cans fall down to reveal Pinkie Pie underneath, drooling mouth agape and passed out on a large inflatable plastic recliner gently bobbing on the cloud floor. A game controller sits on her lap.
>"And she's still beating me! I just don't get it!"

oh my

i feel like I walked into something there. is it TMI tuesday already?
Moar stallion and monster girl interaction when?
That's pretty interesting. So it's more about the idea or concept than the art itself to you?

I want to rub Gator Gal's belly.
No I'm just lazy and unorganized

Green text are easier then questing
The name is Caimon, aka best monster girl.
I like this Scrubbles.
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>more about the idea than the execution


You should do full fics.
Pretty funny
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>not khajjit
I've played one in every single TES game.

And I horde moonsugar.
>forgot about alicorn stuff
>read this
The last line was laid on a bit heavy, the description was almost enough
I like red guards.
>best monster girl
Now I dont know about that, If I had to put my favorites in a list:

3. The giant pink and brown one I forgot the name of
But you're appledan, the guy who pretends it's okay to waifu hop and have multiple waifus.

Your opinion doesn't matter.
the sun is shining every day

I would

but I dont. It's easier and simpler to do one shot quick scenes then it is to do entire narratives and I have a terrible habit of starting shit and never finishing
The only reason you like those 3 the most is because they're chubby, like that cousin you want to rail.

You're wrong though.

It's Caimon.
>tfw grewntexting easier than working on actual fics
I've written so much and made no progress
Greentext could actually make a good narrative outline to follow.
Remember that it's not completely useless, just mostly.
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>like that cousin you want to rail
>want to rail
I recently found out that that's not how I feel about her
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>waifuing your cousin
You want to marry her??
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Hey there anon, do you want a pony job under the table while you work?
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I suddenly feel much better.
and here i was thinking that mlpg had writefags
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I'd a Rarity
Great job, now try getting rid of BCS's bullshit.
>"found out"

That means you were either told off by her, or you mentioned it to someone and they said you can't peruse it.
I'm surprised this hasn't been linked yet.

this is why you are my senpai if I was a faggot who senpai's people but you get my drift
he should draw his self-insert fucking ponies
So Twilight tried to do stand up at the local club. But it didn't go well.

Everyone thought her jokes too ali[/dpoiler]corny!

I recommended something not pone.

Maybe you all should do that. It probably burns Tex out doing the same thing over and over.
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>mightyshockwaves-vault said: Maybe you should move away from horses. Draw something unique, like an alien from District 9, or a butterfly.

Go figure, also
It wasn't posted because he's no longer relevant.
Guys please
It's more like "she's the only person who showed me any kind of affection and I'd do anything for her" and I just misunderstood what I felt at that time than "holy fuck I wanna do her so bad"
there is nothing that is truly unique anymore, anon
Can't go wrong with drawing pokemon
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>That's pretty interesting. So it's more about the idea or concept than the art itself to you?
usually, yes
I would prefer people talk about my art than about me, and by that I mean discussing the characters or situations, not so much the quality
Engaging the material will always beat out meaningless praise. Sometimes I see people talk about "who is best monstergirl" and debate their relative qualities and that's like, the best kind of post to see

I'd rather have one person go off on "I hate Weaver but this character is still pretty fun, I like how..." than have a thousand "like!"s

Also I'm sorry if I'm getting too up my own ass here about this stuff but I'm trying to give some insight on my thought processes and I think I'm learning a lot, myself
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Sunkist truly is the nectar of the Gods.
Pokemon are so overrated
I'm pretty sure she wouldn't you.

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If you could, would you?

Yeah, I generally recommend that people who draw people all the time because they want to draw people should draw planes.
Snowflakes are always unique.
If she gave you a boner, you want to bone her.
ding ding ding

you're treated as shit here unless you draw and post 24/7 here

thank god i don't draw
she might
I like your version of eqg better.
Taking a bunch of quick sketch requests. Requests posted with a handy ref picture will be done first.
Oh look popularfag discussion.



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Maredusa brushing her mane.
I've used greentexting as outlining for scenes before, yeah
but most stuff is spur-of-the-moment >ywn stuff or cute at 3 AM
the struggle is real
We've got scrubbles and Ea and darf sometimes
Not sure why you replied to me, though
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It's happening. Tex is moving past pones.
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These 2 watching watching the night sky
>than have a thousand "likes!"

so no acknowledgments at all if we have no ideas of our own
>implying he doesnt have a cute style
>just a shitty peronality and choice of what to draw
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Pony version of this
>playing as a filthy degenerate race
My chamber needs to be emptied, slave.

he knows..........
El wrongo
Tex will never come back and he's not a pony.
How is he relevant?
he'll likely be more liked in whatever place he decides to set up camp, and we'd be spared from an annoying spammer

Win/Win for everyone involved.
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Applejack put a hoof around Fluttershy's neck and didn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. Fluttershy just sobbed.

Twilight's wingtips dragged on the ground. Rainbow looked angry, for some reason. Rarity silently hugged Spike, who looked confused.

Pinkie Pie looked peaceful.

Her mane remained poofy, and she still had a smile on her face, like the punchline to some cosmic joke. The doctor waited patiently by the door until they were ready to leave.

The next day, the clowns began to arrive.
True. But its still SOMETHING. I always hated discussion about contributors but man if its just ideas than shoot it cant be THAT difficult.
There was some one who emulated his style for his birthday. It was a Flash game with Pinkie and it was fantastic.
I'll see if I can't find it.

Not necessarily. It depends on the size.

Endii, if you're not into ponies, leave.

My ideas:

>Adventure stories. May or may not involve pones.
>Semi-autobiographical indie comic
>Cool power fantasy stuff.
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Man if I was a khajiit I would so eye of fear your ass/sneak out under the cover of darkness.

go die in a fire
It's not that black and white man.
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Fuck off.
He left MLPG for Fimfiction (thank god).
>tfw people keep moving on
>so many trippers move on
>everyone except for you

Kill yourself.
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Apples stacked from biggest to smallest.
Big Mac - Braeburn - AJ - Babs - Applebloom
He was in here the other day
You get a boner when you want to bone someone. Your cousin gave you a boner.

i was waiting for this 8D

anon is 2slow to pay attention
Don't you mean you would down your depression with moon sugar and pass out on the street?
Typical filthy Khajits.

I've seen a reverse cowgirl befor, but this is a new one!
>Twilight will never kiss you a lot
>posting =/= contributing
I-I'm not sure I like where this is going
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[Leaked, DHX Media, Limited, July 26, 2013, Official]

"Season 4, Episode 17: Game On"

"Description: On the way to the Equestria Games taking place at the Crystal Empire, Spike is knocked out cold and transported into an alternate dimension where he and others are turned into various game characters.

Spike will maintain his dragon form, except he is known as "Spikero" and gains wings. When he wakes up he finds that Owlowiscious has been transformed into a dragonfly. The duo set out to find their friends and discover exactly what is going on."

You should do whatever you want. You should draw for fun, not because of any obligations.
Seth would've had a boner.
But that's not the only thing I felt there. Of course boner because she was damn near smothering me with her tits but when she let go I felt that she really cared for me and she felt like showing me unlike all these other "oh shutup you know I care" assholes.
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...This can't possibly....

Just throw in Trixie and Seth will drown in his own semen
Jessy's prints look so nice and mine suck
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you can't possibly be this retard
What race would each pony play?
guaranteed responses
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please please please no image dup
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But it would merely be a ruse. For you see, as soon as you looked away from my pathetic form, I would spring into action with my amazing feline reflexes and stab you in the back.
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are you people actually serious
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>Linking AppleDan to /soc/

Careful you might make him post his face again
This is the worst fanfiction I have ever read!
That liquid has the viscosity of cum.
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all I said was bullshit
as in it's bull shit, and not real
well, if I wasn't into pone, I wouldn't be drawing them for fun, would I

i just thought that tex wanted to draw something non-pone was all
does this surprise you?
>OC shit
Because it's not like music should be pleasant to listen to, or anything.
He will, but when he left he completely severed all ties and blamed everyone here.
It's not as simple as him just wanting to draw something else.
Hers suck too.
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>so no acknowledgments at all if we have no ideas of our own
No, that's not what I'm trying to say. I'm talking specifically about facebook/tumblr "like"s in this case. I feel like they're meaningless.
On the other hand if someone reblogs something and all they do is tag it #WHOA then that alone is much more fun to see because I get an idea of how they reacted to it

I'm not saying "write me an essay on what you liked or don't respond at all", but I do like to see what people liked or why
"Like"s are just the equivalent of someone glancing over and saying "cool"

That looks like an angry cyclops.
Fluttershy is a Wood Elf

Bullshit. Sounds like shitty fan fiction.

That's because most people do just glance over things and say "cool"
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Would you a battle sister?

GG, what other artists do you like?
found it
>>and blamed everyone here


why? if he wants to fuck off and do something else, let him. shit doesn't matter. hell, he probably won't bother us again, and that's a good thing
He kinda went over the deep end in his last days
Yeah, he got shit tons of attention and said that he wasn't being appreciated.
Fund it.
Anon, shut the fuck up.
but what does that have to do with blaming everyone?

those are two different things
A lot of art here doesn't get much more than a thanks and genuine appreciation here because there's not much else to say.
The nice thing is that with the high concentration of artists is that they can help eachother out by recommending techniques etc.

uh oh
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Yeah, well so did Equestria Girls and a "Power Ponies" episode

I think that it's bullshit too but people need to realize that the "Fanfiction" excuse isn't really valid anymore, Hasbro has shown that they will go pretty out there.
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Come one come all!
What a faggot. Now he's circle jerking. Krautism spreads to the weak minded.
He isn't going to list you, so.
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Yeah, you don't know half of what you're talking about.
AH YIS! Another contributor discussion. Fuck you all, fuck you jellyfags, and fuck your popularfags.
This sounds entirely absurd
>10 bits

I ain't made of money, girl.
If Tex comes back I will never stop shitting on him.
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>is it safe?

bitch pls, I'm Zone, I don't care who worships me and who doesn't, I'm a fucking green pony whose Cutie Mark is bleeding hearts.

I thrive on being heartbroken.

That's nice, but it was pretty obvious from the start he wasn't coming back.
What would ponies final smash be?

>i will never stop shitposting about him

you are an objectively terrible person
Might as well go somewhere else then. Constructive criticism is not MLPG's strength
pas mal
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those other things have actual plots and don't involve completely unrelated franchises.
It's BCS being fucking nuts.
The usual.
It'll be nice to have new cute pony in a few months.
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I hate to admit it but this Anon is kinda right.

Break down Equestria girls into its base form and if you'd have shown anybody in the fandom that 1 year ago, they would've written it off as shitty fanfiction
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>"Power Ponies"

How is a story where ponies get sucked into a comic book (which is most likely the case) sound anything like a fanfiction?

Spike is your typical male character, him being into comics or comics existing in the Equestria is not that farfetched. We've seen weirder magic in the show so one where it sucks the characters into a fictional world isn't that bizarre either.
Pfft. Mlpg can't art criticism.
Remind me to spray paint a ton of pennies gold before I go through the portal.
You know, the Pone Zone?
That place you go when it's 4am and you're drugged up and you've been at home in bed fantasizing about pone and masturbating with your horse dildo for 20 hours straight?
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I just really liked how Pinkie linked his nose as he fucked her
Whatever that is, I love it

That's shitposting anon. You need to be mature and not want to stir shit up.
Twilight=High Elf
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Twi - Altmer, because magicka
Flutters - Bosmer, because nature
AJ - Redguard, because strong and more fixated than Nords
Ponka - Khajit, because moon sugar
Rarity - Imperial, because nobles
Dash - Argonian, quick and agile
If they'll spoof Superheroes, who's to say that they won't spoof videogames? They are each just as likely.

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nah, I'm sure there are High School AU fics that are better than EG.
>doesn't understand the difference between a spoof and a crossover
>implying Twily wouldn't be Breton with the Mage sign
Socrates was full of shit.

Ideas are a diamond dozen.
weak minds commit suicide

>The Platonic Ideal of Pones
>a dime a dozen
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>tfw no strams
I'm thinking about ti
i could stream myself browsing mlpg and watching kickass

This "Brony" greenname anon is quickly becoming my favorite anti-shitposter
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Is that right, faggot?
I really really love dog on pony
I don't know what it is
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Altmer have a much higher affinity to magicka.
I thought about making her a Dunmer in the Telvanni house.
Divayth Fyr would be totally Starswirl.
the strongest minds commit suicide
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>GG, what other artists do you like?
Well, I think I look for artists with creative ideas and expressive images more than anything
My favorite artists are the ones who make me want to draw

As for personally, I only know most artists here as acquaintances
But I like to think am on pretty good terms with some good folks like Klondike, CC, Rose, and def. Mangneto and MT we go back before MLPG

>Used to go to Tex's streams
>Only occasionally pay attention to his drawings
>Mostly go there to listen to his nice music selection.

He still needs to posts his music collection. I like all of his stuff.
You should stream yourself watching a pony episode while the stream berates your opinions on it.
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>rarity's face
>that drip


Does the real zone know you parade around with his name?
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Does MT have a different tumblr for art only? One of my favorite drawfags but they reblog a ton of useless shit.

That doesn't even make any sense. In this doggy dog world you have turn a blonde eye to these mistake, because they for all intensive purposes don't matter.

I wish I was the Rarity
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Amidst the many stagecoaches, carriages, and dirigibles dropping off ponies, Pinkie's family pulled their wagon into town. Their dour expressions were, for once, not out of place; a grey pall had overshadowed Ponyville. (The Mayor had felt it appropriate to allow Rainbow Dash some time off.)

They said the rock farm was doing better than ever, thanks to Ponypalooza, and several foals had received their marks in geology since the concert (though Applebloom and her friends weren't among them). Cloudy mentioned that Pinkie hadn't even given them a hint. From their wagon, they pulled a breathtaking pink quartz headstone, ornately and intricately carved with the words no one wanted to read.

They had a hard time finding room to stay. Every Bed And Breakfast was booked full, and the inns were beyond capacity. There were many new ponies wandering around town, many of them with humor-related marks. The townsponies were too polite to ask, and the visitors all had looks of determination and vigor.

The Cakes asked the Pies to stay with them. It seemed the silence of Sugarcube Corner the previous night had left the foals awake and crying, which had left the Cakes yawning and depressed.

After they moved their family's luggage upstairs, Marble and Limestone went to the hospital. Their hooves clicked and clacked on the cold tile of the basement. Marble Slab, the coroner, told them, to their surprise, that someone had already claimed the body, and had left an envelope for whoever would come looking. She assured the sisters that the signed document had been very clear, and that the lawyer was completely serious.

Except for the big red nose...
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I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts.
>unironic searching for Spike as Spyro

Damn you're retarded
>The Form of the Pony
>My favorite artists are the ones who make me want to draw

That's so self centered.
Dead minds commit suicide

Do you like any professional artists though? Like Monet or Escher?
I have an intact German Shepard if you're interested.
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The question was what artist you liked not what people.

Surely all of your favorite artists can't be from 4chan.
I'm seeing a pattern.
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is this some crazzy copy-pasta that I've never seen before?
>Tracy Chapman
You're alright, anon.
Unless that's an ironic tab. If so, fuck you.
Thank you Kraut

Thank you so much
Honest question

Does Boxdog feel more like an obligation than a creative outlet to you at this point? I enjoy it but it seems ignored.


Go here.
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I was actually genuinely intrigued to see if there was a shitton of crossover art between the two, mostly because I feel like a dumbshit for never making the connection before.

How fucking jaded can you be?
Nah I feel the same way. My favorite artists are the ones that make me want to draw. I started drawing after one of Rose's drawing streams.
>That filename
Is Spock still running around or has that been wrapped up?
someone come up with a better thing for average mind
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Would you help pone bulk up
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I sometimes wonder why don't we do more of this.
SpOck is still around and he's pretty great.
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You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
Why? Is she gonna start hibernating?
THIS is my preferred look for Rarity.
I'll take that as a yes
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I got this one
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Not really, no

She doesn't even need to know that you're helping her
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>The question was what artist you liked not what people.
Artists aren't people??

>Do you like any professional artists though?
Oh! Um.
But the phrase used was "other artists", which suggests people in the same level/group as me
Which definitely doesn't include professional artists

>>My favorite artists are the ones who make me want to draw
>That's so self centered.
No, not at all
Being inspirational and thought-provoking is a very legitimate quality for an artist
Someone whose work is so impressive and creative it inspires creativity in others should be admired
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Four times daily.
Oh great BCS changed tripcodes again now I have another one to add to my filter.
No, I don't think she does.
I need to read more and see how I feel about it. On the one hand, it's an interesting idea with potential; on the other hand, I could see it devolving into something really stupid.
which one is the before shot?
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Despite superior's obvious flaws, it has actually been a very fun read. I love seeing Otto's decent back into super villain territory. You just know when all his shit finally starts catching up to him his ego is going to be crushed.
And Yost's has been writing Otto 10x better than Slott.

If you haven't been reading it I suggest you give both Superior and Avenging Spider-Man/Superior teamup a chance.
strong minds only discuss butt sex with girl not homo butt sex
I am not of that opinion.
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Fluttershy enjoys sitting on power lines
Sup anon.
Lovely friday/saturday in the general huh?
People aren't artists.
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I found something for you
Fluttershy grew up under powerlines.
It really shows.

golly gee fuckin wilikers is it ever fun
>People aren't artists.
The people I listed all are
oh my god she skinned the shark and is wearing it as battle armor
i follow hitlers blog for his art, i dont wanna hear his personal opinion of the jews all day.
Oh, and we're having a pretty good thread about it over on /co/ right now.

I...have a might need.
Fuck you, you know what I mean.

Surely you can name an artist you like that doesn't browse mlpg.
Are you fucking retarded? The one on the left, dipshit.
Has anyone eve linked a /co/ thread here that wasn't deleted?
fuck off
no one cares
she's a very tubby pony
>>>>/co/52279104 (Dead)
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I don't know, I don't think he knows much about art.
We can't link to /co/ or /b/. All threads come up as dead when we do.
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I love ponies in bunny suits

Especially the snarky ones
is this rediv
I had a crawling suspision that the one on the right was and that the grill was just proudly showing weight loss

Knowing the truth now makes it more unf-y
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Reposting this from yesterday in case that anon who requested this didn't get a chance to see it.
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Your tumblr says there would be ponies and adorkable zebras.

I was lied to.
She wishes.
Can't link to /co/ here, mate.
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Just leave.
Pinkie's leg's are kinda skinny compared to her body but cute
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Well...I'm sorry....
I mean....i discovered that tumblr was a blog...and I use it like one?
Not him but its nice. Are Pinkie's leg suppose to be that thin or that is what it looks like in action/movement?
You really didn't know until now?
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ponies with ponytails are just the cutest
I don't know if I'd want a tiny MT in my pocket
She might say lewd things to people I greet
I'm sure I got it right this time.
What if Minituffs blind bag figure?
>Oh hey writers list
>no MA Larson
The fuck he's working on S4. That's confirmed.
I certainly fucking didn't.
Are they actually dead or just redirected to a null page?
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Hello friend I am here!
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That's not what I mean.

J-just draw more.
Perfectly acceptable.
embarrassed Dash is the cutest
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Did you miss Derpy in S3? Do you expect her to come back for S4?
Oh I didn't notice that while drawing it, so no not intentional.

Ah well, I'll keep that in mind for next time.
finish that dash with goggles picture
No, I only saw people post links to pony-related /co/ threads so I always thought the mods got to them before we could see them.
Holy christ this is so fucking hot
>what the fuck it hasnt been easter yet
>go to check
>it has

fuck doing the same boring shit everyday all alone is making lose sense of time
Needs more depressed and unhappy pones.
mlp cannot link to /co/

And people wonder why I like Sugar.
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Sure, she appeared in the finale.
She likely wont ever get a speaking role again but I didn't mind playing find the Derpy
If mlpg were to write an episode, what would it be about?

Why aren't you licking Jim Gordon's ass?
No they're not actually deleted, you're just taken to the archive.

probably due to shameless pandaring
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Yeh okay
That Derpy was best Derpy
Hard to say, over the course of 3 seasons she has become pretty popular among kids.
I hope she stays in, I wasn't sure if we'd have seen her at all in S3.
She'll be back
is this true
Yes, I know. I am purposely being stupid because it is entertaining to me.

You make everything unfun, anon.
"hey there Vice President Sallsworth!"
>she has nice boobs, you should do her"
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what was the request?

>pinkie being an asshole while twilight tries to study and improve the world while pinkie just fucks around doing nothing of value for society

was that it?
It almost looks like what she ate on the first panel made her suddenly fatten up, making her clothes burst open

Micro Tuffs, you always give the worst advice.
I still <3 you
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>Did you miss Derpy in S3
She was in the fucking Finale.
She'll be back. Her absence in S3 was just a result of the too-quick reaction Hasbro had to TLR.
Aren't you the one who enjoys whenever Doctor Hooves appears on official MLP related media?
Not sure if misspelling
>dat orgasm

god daaaaamn

this is the only one I have that hasn't already been posted

The following day, the entire town was bustling with activity. As soon as the sun had been placed in the sky, five very important ponies received invitations to breakfast, delivered by silent ponies who were bleached white, and dyed with black stripes in the French tradition.

Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy arrived at Sugarcube Corner's dining room. Several rather cheery ponies brought each their favorite breakfast; Twilight and Rarity had eggs with their meals, since unicorns (and former unicorns) were omnivorous, while Fluttershy was served the best freshly double-cut grass she'd ever smelled, garnished with clover.

Applejack showed up just as they were about to dig in, and Rainbow Dash came downstairs with the Pies. It turned out she had spent the wee hours of the morning playing board games with Marble and Limestone Pie, and had fallen asleep on Pinkie's inside balcony where the mime had found her at sunup.

After breakfast, they were each given envelopes. Pinkie's best calligraphed mouthwriting instructed each of them to find a particular object, which had been hidden somewhere in or near Ponyville. Applejack and Fluttershy's objectives were located at Zecora's hut, while the other three were sent to the windmill on the hill.

Each of the notes ended with, "P.S.: Discuss that time when..." and a very personal memory.
>she has become pretty popular among kids.

I have no idea how.
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Just doing my job
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I hate derpy.
>"Being stupid is le fun XD and le entertaining hurrr durrr :DDDDD ;D"

Christ. People like you make me want to hate humanity even more.
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who summons me
Because she's a very silly pony and kids are none the wiser about the name's origins.
They don't care.
Close, the request was "Pinkie annoying Twilight by following her around on a beachball" (Or something similar to that)

It was strangely specific and I thought it sounded cute.
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>Fuck you, you know what I mean.
No, I really didn't, that's my point
One guy says "artists not people" which is weird and other guy says "other artists" which means other artists like you but I am not like professional artists at all
If you meant professional artists you should have just said that

I'm not a huge fan of more traditional artists like Rembrandt or even Monet, but I do enjoy a lot of Picasso's early work though it lacks a lot of the experimental quality that defines him
I like Dali a lot and if we're talking a little more classical I like Reuben quite a bit but who's surprised by that
If I had to pick a more definitive one, Francis Bacon is a good contender for my top spot
I like impressionistic art a lot more than traditional representationalism and while I don't get too heavy into the technical aspect usually Bacon's brushwork is really cool
I also like Pollock a lot but not so much his pure splatter pieces
LE, HWE and HCFS Derpy were best Derpy.
I have performed the ritual
I command you to take your left hand and slap yourself across the face

I do!
I was talking about like fanartists but that's cool too yo
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>Soccer Moms
>Derpy being recognized in the show

These two things can never coexist. Ever.

And at this point in time, soccer moms are still roaming rampant.
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how doo u paint
Rarity being a diamond dog cock slut is way too unf. Are there any fapfics on this?
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[Leaked, DHX Media, Limited, July 26, 2013, Official]

"Season 4, Episode 21: Broncback Mountain"

"Description: After Applejack sends Big Macintosh and Caramel on a routine expedition to The Great Mossy Mountains South of The Badlands, something goes terribly wrong. As part of a good will mission to keep relations among the Apple family strong, the two were meant to meet and trade with distant relatives. However, as the two stallions cut through the feared and forbidden Badlands to save time and reach their final goal, they are attacked by a vicious cluster of colossal sand worms and lose all their goods and gear in the escape. The pair will continue to share in a quest to traverse the dangerous desert lands unprepared and unaided in order to reach civilization as they explore both the deadly wilderness and each other."
Then why are you bitching about pandering?
It wasn't soccer moms rather people who had no business speaking for others
>Broncback Mountain
already shit

come on man you can do better then that
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More like best.
Oh no...spicy food. I can't deal
If only.
Come down from that tree.
It wasn't even soccer moms

it was a handful of tumblr social justice dickwads
How do I foreplay a 2 inch high pony
But, other than one kind of minor scene, she's not really prominent on he show enough to have little girls as fans.
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You're sitting down unfing to Diamond Dog cock slut when this mare comes up to you and gives you a great big hug with a gigantic smile on her face which distracts you from her futa mare cock flying toward your face
stop posting this
you're really, really bad at this, anon
why is derpy so epic
is it because 4chan made her?
i like when she says "muffins"
>and each other
you almost had me
I think we need to get him down, he's pretty high up.
Here, hold my beer.
>I was talking about like fanartists but that's cool too yo
See now I'm legit confused because "famous artists like monet or escher" was actually specified

so now we're talking about non-MLPG internet artists? I like a lot of drawhores I used to roll with, most of whom are better than me, but the truth is if I don't know them I don't really follow them that much. I don't know, I like a lot of what I see but there are probably only a few artists I follow that I don't know as acquaintances
Praiz draws cartoon porn the way I wish I could
The kids were the ones asking about her at conventions.
They're not idiots and more observant than you give them credit for.
>explore both the deadly wilderness and each other
Okay I laughed
how many times a day to i have to jack off pinkie geez
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Return the hug warmly and give her a soft peck on her flare. What a sweet pony.
>They're not idiots and more observant than you give them credit for.

then why did they watch eg
explain that

I wanted to be more blunt at the end and put "and each others' supple virgin colons" but I changed it last second.

Zebra dick or diamond dick or shark dick

If mini had to one over the others, which would it be?
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Well I just lost my job.
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Just remane them.

oh lord, the autism. You'll be fine.
Kids are crazy about teenagers who used to be horses
>vegetables make it sweet

I thought that low-protein foods and fruit made it sweet?
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It's about keeping it classy.

It's the difference between taking a lovely couple like Lauren and Craig to dinner and buying them wine and flowers and hugging them goodbye and asking someone to send you "selfies" on Facebook.
If you keep posting like this I might just actually eat more vegetables just to eat my cum.

The girl tries, okay.
I thought it was pineapples that did that?
brushing your teeth also makes your cum taste nicer
Wait shit which CMC can't sing good again?
Minimini Tuffs I think you're defective.
Maybe I should get another defective pony to balance you out.
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That doesn't answer anything.
You ALMOST had me.
Though AB probably isn't much better.
Time to rewatch that episode anon.
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Yeah, and pineapple is a vegetable
Did you all fail elementary school or what

>not turning the futacock into swiss cheese with the power of the BRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTT
Way to beef it anon
Actually it's flossing.
You floss every day, right anon?
stop making me filter your new trips bcs

Then you are an idiot and I can't help you.
1. choose mood
2. select color based on mood
3. select light source
4. do the disco basically and throw colors at the canvas, maybe start with "base" maybe start with darkest shadows maybe start with highlights however you feel man painting is love and freedom
5. hate what you've done and alt-tab and look at the internet
6. go back and fix your shitty painting
7. continue steps 5 and 6 until painting is no longer shitty
8. maybe (if ur casul) throw on a light overlay (this shit best not be your crutch) or color balance (slightly less casul but still shouldnt be used much)
9. post on mlpg and get ignored
10. cry a lot
11. do it again
no flossing helps reduce oily skin and improves your hair
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You tell 'em Megasweet.

And a tomato is clearly a vegetable.
but i performed the ritual...
Thank you Anons. I would have watched the episode again but I needed this info quick.
Sounds fun maybe I'll paint more often!
>responding to yourself
All fruits are vegetables. Not all vegetables are fruits.
The scavenger hunt, which is what it became when each of the locations turned out to have more envelopes, was done by lunchtime. Rainbow cleared the clouds from Ponyville's sky, and they all had a discussion over lunch of their adventures that morning, and what they'd all discussed.

And then there was the inevitable lull in conversation. Each of them looked at the meal, and several sighed. Fluttershy began to cry again, as did Rarity. Hugs and comforting whispers were had by all among the mushroom-shaped tables of the outdoor cafe.

An orange earth stallion with a thinning mane walked up to the table. "My condolences, madams. We, the humble performers, suggest that you freshen up. The main event starts at 3'o'clock, in town hall. Please arrive at Carousel Boutique to be fitted by two." He did a backflip, showing that he was surprisingly spry for his age, and then walked away.

Rarity gasped. "I had no idea... those orders were from her?"
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Man, Praiz is definitely one of my favorite cartoon porn artists

I'm kinda fumbling to say exactly why, but I guess it's because everything he draws is so simple yet so dynamic. His faces and his body language are so expressive.

Hell, that's a lot of the same reasons I like your art.
olibacon, please.
Kinda doubt BCS remembers MS's old defunct tripcode

the best one
I'm just going to put this out there

She's small enough to do that for me
>no tbe
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