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Afternoon Rarity (aka best pony) thread
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
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marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
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Lists of Scripts:

http://derpy.me/mlpgn (MLPG Nexus)


Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

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More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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She's a perfectly good pony, but certainly not the best
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Now this is my kind of thread.
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ITsa nice pony!
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>that feel when no proper pone figurine to reenact similar scenes with
>sageing a general
I don't think you quite understand how this goes.
what tweet?
Would Rarity shave her head if it was the latest fashion trend?
what did it say
Little girls that care about quality in their toys usual end up buying toys that are considered "for boys" anyways.

This is why hasbro can get away with their shit
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Well, this filly is better than that apple.
Best pony, best thread.
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I liked magical mystery cure.
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Same here
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>sage with an image
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So many niggas in this thread.
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Keep telling yourself that
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>Manually spamming
>Thinking sage does anything in a general
Isn't he just the cutest thing?
Did you ever do the other transformations scenes form the HD rip? I only have the ones from the cam rips.
Like I'm telling you. I need some plausible deniability that I don't browse this place.
Rarity's too cool for that. She doesn't follow fashions, she IS fashion. She doesn't follow trends, she MAKES them.
MMC was an abrupt, disgusting way to end S3.
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Oh hey, me too.

Please don't post in a general without bumping...
>dat sweet abuse
I need to find an mp4/avi version of the 1080p rip before I can make all of the gifs I want to.
i used to think you had tastes
You cannot stop me!
Just use Handbrake or something to convert the .mkv file.
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well I can confirm that I do have tastes.
And good ones at that.
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As do I. Also, Celestia gets to sing!
I've tried multiple converters and they either can't read the file, or they destroy the quality.
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An angel doesn't make love. An angel is love!
>redirected because no account
this is as far as I go. Please MLPG, you're my only hope
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Fluttershy is the most adorable little stoner
Rarity isn't an angel.
She's close, but not perfect
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Would you give up everything you own to serve as Nightmare Rarity's personal slave?
Rarity wouldn't want that.
Oh, are you that faget who boasted about his super impressive 400 twitter followers yesterday?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.8 7/13/13 UPD
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
http://derpy.me/WhosWho (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)

Lists of Scripts:

http://derpy.me/mlpgn (MLPG Nexus)


Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):
- http://derpy.me/qzTBg

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
Guys pony is stabbing me in the gut with her horn.
That means she loves me right?
Are you https://twitter.com/NormandyJayden ?
That implies you're someone significant
spill the beans, you can do it subtly like Faust did on /co/ and no one will be the wiser
Remove Nightmare.

I'd be Rarity's man servant/slave/pet for life.
that sounds pretty gay
God no.
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I swear, EA, if this is you
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You ask that a bunch of times in the past.

Unlikely, that guy links to his fimfiction account on his twitter, that is way lower than MLPG.
Okay firstly that's a horrible drawing

Secondly no. I would do my best to find away to turn her back. Worst case scenario I pretend to be her slave and help the rest of the mane cast to save her

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You're sitting down drawing some ponies when this mare sits next to you and starts drawing humans in crayon and then she slaps you with her futa cock

What do?
how big is her penis?
>get called EA

Well, this is a first.
suck it until she cums to teach her lesson
>browsing Tabitha's tweets
holy shit
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Something like this then?
Casual, I've been called EA numerous times.
I just wanted you to be EA, ok?
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>and then she slaps you with her futa cock
You know this post makes me see the big picture of this place.
I mean you have the first part which is pretty normal, you know? Then you get the spoiler which is just there. Then I realize this is one of the more tamer things said here. It's just you know...strange.
Yeah that'll show her
I want to stroke a futa filly's cock until she cums on her own face
She is pretty nuts.
I always have to wonder whether it's an elaborate act, but it's in almost every aspect of her in everything she's done publicly.
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you betcha!
I-is it bad that I somewhat like that design?
I mean, the drawing isn't that good and all, but I bet that if a better artist did something with this design it would be terrific.
But what if Nightmarerity realized you were pretending, and started to MAKE be her slve through subtle mind control?
Not really.
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EG Vinyl is such a cutie. She needs more art.
No. I would never betray my waifu.

And if someone had to mind break me, I'd prefer NMM

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your face needs more art
It's not an act. Everyone says she's crazy. Every single person.
The most normal things someone said she did was Nicole when she said that she's the first one to point out the double entendres in the script while recordingthe lines for the show.
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How come every character magically became high school age when in the show they are presumed to be much younger or older?
That's not up to you to decide, Anon
because bad writing
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The only thing from EqG that needs more art is Diamond Tiara
No, wait, I'm stupid. Of course that's him, the cap he showed had a "1 hour ago" in it and that's the only favourite of hers which fits in that time frame.
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>she's the first one to point out the double entendres in the script
that's awesome
Anon don't try to use logic
>Everyone has been in High School for over 10 years
>Cheerilee is a teacher and Rarity is a student despite in the show being in the same class
>Big Mac is the same age as AJ
>And AB is only 4 years younger than them
I can at least fight back.
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She (and Silver Spoon) had nice prom dresses at least.
Man, if it is him he's a huge faggot
>That tail
For a split-second, I thought it was Ikea pony.
It is useless to resist
Just let it happen
You'll learn to enjoy it soon
>no smut
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DT's kinda shit
SS is pretty good
They were the two cutest eqg characters, hands down.
All around best girls
If that is truly him I have no idea why he has a problem to admit that he comes here. There are ponies all over his pages, it's already linked to his face and thus to his identity and he provides links to pretty much everything on his fimfic account.
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Daily reminder.
B-but.. muh waifu
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She really needs more art.
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That pony needs more art
>Steam profile
>steam groups
>"Bronies of FJ"
Going to take a shot in the dark here and say that's not him. Besides, he could have taken that cap a while ago before posting it.
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What if ponies did American Apparel ads?
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>people like this exist
Terse probably infected you
The only good characters from EqG are Sweetie and no one else
Hi asked this yesterday but it phased it so badly no one understood

Has anyone, see the British tv show "Some girls" i was re-watching it and thought it had a lot in common with MLP
called just be the all mostly female cast but i remember think this is mlp crossed with "the wire"
Anyone else see it?
It's okay DeathScar, no one will watch you for being a full blown brony.
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She will soon follow the same path as you did
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>That opinion
Apparently accidentally copypasting 40000 characters into the QR box causes it to lock up for a good minute. Good to know.
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Scoots was the cutest one.
Judge. I meant judge. How did I even fuck up like that?
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Where are all these high-quality gifs coming from?
Did the Equestria Girls DVD leak or something?
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OOH BOY *gushes*




I doubt that. She'll most likely just send her ass back to the moon.
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I hear ya'. She's pretty damn cute.
Because you failed your job as a judge and now you hate the word, and replacing it with arbitrary other words is to you like a Freudian slip.
It was sold at the recent convention.
Tell me Satan, why has this not been done before?
eqg was realeased on bu-ray last week at comic-con
Equestria girls BR leaked.
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BD rip.
Celestia has no elements
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yes. the dvd rip has been out this week. We all watched it. There was even a episode capping (which took forever because he movie is a hour long)
Why do you have to shitpost?
No, I think it's just because I'm stupid and my brain is dying from a pone overdose.
I can't stop watching this gif. Send help please.
Spitfire is an awful pony to ship her with, though.
>people actually like Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara as characters
Literally their entire purpose is to be generic unlikable bitches
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She has the element of laughter. In her heart.
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>Boo boo boo
Rarity and Twilight touching horns
Andrea Libman pone doing cute stuff
Pony DT and SS in these dresses>>12364585


No, I don't think YOU understand how this goes!
Ikea pony.
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>that feel
Do you have to put her together yourself? And what if she has a companion allen wrench.
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What a slut.
Anon, please.

She's getting paid for it, she's a whore. A slut does it for free.

I would buy a kiss from that cutie.
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Who squashed their heads?
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Even if Heaven and Hell were real I'm pretty sure I'd rather go to Hell than be surrounded by religious freaks.
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She's phasing out!
Wrong thread?
We sure are.
Fuck no, I hate Liberals.

>not wanting to visit Celestia in her astral surveillance plane after your death to be reborn as a cute pony

Shut up.

like gandalf?
>I hate Liberals.
Are you a marxist too!?
ignore, filter, report
>Thinking of Heaven as some stupid cloudy world with all religious people
>Not your personal Heaven which is basically your perfect world
Enjoy not being en Equestria after death, faglord
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derpibooru's down until monday what do
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Gandalf was reborn as a cute pony?
implying god would let people who want their heaven to be like horseland in

No, just an Atheist Conservative.
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Seeing as this is a rarity thread, I'm gonna ask here.

Does anyone know any good Rarity clopfics?
Go to superiour pbooru
Ponibooru exists
Sit and contemplate your life decisions that led to that being an issue.
If you are a good person, yes.
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white wizard but close enough.
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
come on...
Not watching the show for so long made me forget how beautiful Rarity is.
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Rarity isn't white, she's grey
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22 KB
captcha just taught me a new word
i wish i was a pony
>Shitty internet
>Try to post a .gif
>It takes so long to upload that by the time it does, my captcha has expired and the post wont go through
This is some grade A horse shit moot.
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According to Christianity God doesn't care if you are a good person or not.
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Lets compare
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>that fucking feel
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Well then FINE, mister persnickety!
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buy a pass like a good goy!
Heh. I'll find some way to incorporate it into my vocabulary.
give harsh critique to her human anatomy, while jacking her off
Too bad my God has told me your God is a fag and that I can go to Heaven even if I didn't believe in him.
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She's really something, man.
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Good horse
Oyh, i hate liberals and marxist.
>tfw I have one
T-thanks Mr. Merchant

Stop making me like Rarity, man
I already have a waifu
Honorable merchant always looking out for you
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Best horse.
Actually I'm pretty sure you only go to hell if you "know" that the bible is the word of god and you still reject it. If you don't believe its the truth it won't immediately get you a ticket to hell.

At least that's how my religion teacher always interpreted some passage where they mentioned something about people being able to "see" in relation to the religion.
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Nothing's stopping you from liking best pony and having a different waifu.

Of course, your waifu won't compare to rarity, but you shouldn't feel bad about that.
I don't know, but I'm totally not him, dude
What if
What if

SA has to deal with the mane 6 except Twilight isn't around.

I want Shining Armor to ream me like a Xerox machine.
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Don't you fucking dare betray her for Rarity.
Even Rarity would be disappointed in you.
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But what if my waifu and best pony are both the same?
i hate how all the childrens songs tell children to be themselves. there are a ton of people who should not be themselves, like mlpg. you should not be yourself in public and openly discuss horse sex and sex with imaginary children.
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No, thank you, go- I mean Anon.
Thank you for your shek- dollars!
They will surely come in handy for Isra- 4chan.
Crazy shenanigans will happen
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Somebody should draw that
I didn't mean ''like her''.
I meant ''/like/ like her''.
Disgusting whore.
>tfw you accidentally walk into the Jewish quarter
>Hebrew script and pictures of rabbis everywhere
>14 falafel joints right next to each other
>Everyone has the nose
>There's a museum called the "Shoah Exhibit"
>You hear someone in the distance scream "OY VEY"
I wish I was joking.
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Is there any complete idiot's guide to Civ? I really want to try and learn how to play it but I'm shit at it.
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Then what >>12365251 said is true. As perfect as rarity is, one should never betray their waifu. it's just not right.

Then you have good tastes.
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Look at this slut
Pinkie blowing raspberries into fluttershy's belly
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>Bat pony thread writing Dark Souls crossover fanfiction
>tfw I'll never be able to laugh about oy vey, shekels and goys because we holocausted all of our jews and no one else uses it
Is there a specific thing you're having trouble with or is it the game in general?
So like Twilight is out of town with Spike and SA has to watch the Library while she's gone. Crazy hijinks ensue.

>Rarity wants to use him as a model
>Fluttershy wants him to guard on a trip to Froggybottom
>Pinkie keeps trying to throw him a surprise party but being a guard he always spots her first
>AJ wants apples apples apples I guess
>Rainbow keeps bugging him about what it's like to be a royal guard
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Once when I was in middle school I said "oy vey" in front of my Jewish shrink because I think I'd heard it in a Mel Brooks movie or something
He cracked the hell up and I was so confused
Real talk. Flutershy had the cutest prom dress.
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76 KB
>this fucking comic
Too bad her porn dress isn't as good
>>AJ wants apples apples apples I guess
Big mac is hurt again
needs help at the farm

The first time I saw a black man I asked him "How'd you get like that?"
I don't think so. Just play a few rounds against an easier AI, you'll figure it out quick enough. It's not complicated.
>Big mac is dead, so she needs another big brother
Pony died suddenly
Sweetie Belle had the best prom dress.
I blame the parents.
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Which pony?
Time to hide the body.

I propose eating it
The best
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Oh man. I'm pretty sure a ton of kids have that experience. First time I saw a black guy I asked him why he was so dirty.
Pony is full of nutrients
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Zecora offers you a potion.

What does it do?
I don't know
Let's find out
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Why is her face stuck like that?
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Time for horse necromancy, yay!
She hid the body somewhere, and the only way for her to get her old face back is to show us where.
It catches your insides on fire
Turns ponies into zebras
A friend told me about a time it got raped and I err...got turned on by it...
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I want to fuck Rarity behind the bleachers while another class' PE class is going on.
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Lets you control fire.
Get in line
>A friend told me about a time it got raped
>A friend
Is your waifu a horse?
We don't like it's kind around these parts.
Time to do some community service Anon.
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That's weird, man.
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I want in
Is your friend a fucking dog or something
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It's intersex. "it" is its preferred pronoun.
Inanimate objects can't talk, anon.
dinofag pls
Is it BCS?
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Sorry, we won't let you, but you can have this one instead
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I thought BCS was a gurl?
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Well shit, this isn't actually too bad.


Voice doesn't really fit Luna in my opinion, but it was still...nice.
>"it" is its preferred pronoun.
That's pretty, let's say, uncommon
They actually put that in the show?
BCS changes her sex every few days.

That's SHEmazing!
She's already filled with animal spunk
It's at best a 6/10
Still way way ahead of everything else in thefandom
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Bad things happen
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It was cute. I enjoyed it. About time Luna gets some love.
To pony's butt?
Bad things always happen.
Angel Bunny is judging you
Maybe good things ill happen
>About time Luna gets some love.

You must be new to this whole "pony" thing.
>About time Luna gets some love.
What fandom are you talking about, Anon?
Last time I checked Luna is one of the most popular ponies.
And that's why fluttershy is worst pony
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Life sucks, then you die.
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Oh really? For being so popular she sure is dwarfed by background ponies.
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>travel back in time to 2011 /co/ threads
>post this gif and never say anything else
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>equestria girls blu-ray released
>still no HD scan of comic #9
That's because they think they identify with her

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Or because they just like the princess pones.
Then why don't they like Celestia as much?
That hat was pretty cute on her.
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Don't be silly anon.
Main characters get plenty of attention.
I like her because she was funny in LE
I decided to venture into the mlp reddit to see if they had a scan
Some guy acted like he did over a few posts and then linked me to yayponies and acted like I was an idiot
I hate that place
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I-I'm cute?
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You're joking right.
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I thought Celestia had a bloated front hoof in the thumbnail
>MLPG is the only bastion of Celestiafags

Honestly, I think it's a testament at how good the writers are that almost every character has a huge fanbase
So... did any of you actually buy that Rainbow Dash pet on the xbox avatar marketplace?
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I'm 99.9% sure the majority of the fandom prefers Luna over Celestia
fuck off
>tfw I am both her and Flutterfag.
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I'm not complaining.
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Which pony would be a good pony
She hasn't had an episode and isn't very interesting, possibly because of the first reason.
most of her popularity comes from gamer luna and what's left of nlr

All of them except the ones that aren't good.
You're going to have to be more specific
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Yes you are

You're always complaining
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Their mommy issues aren't severe enough.
I wonder how fans would've reacted to Twilycorn and Equestria grills back in the day.
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Now that's a fucking pity.
Well I would have been less invested in MLP so maybe I wouldn't have hated it as much.
One year ago

Glitter Glue go 6k from someone

Time flies
I expected Twilight to become a princess when I first watched the show
They would've been disappointed and dropped the show, probably. I remember people saying that they could see Twilight becoming a princess from all the obvious hints.

But that was at the end of the series, where it would've been arguably very fitting and a nice end to the story and setting. EQG? Probably the same we had. Initial freak out and then "meh"
Because Celestia is somewhat more developed than Luna and bronies can't project their retarded headcanons on her that easily.
I would have donated to him.
Better get working on becoming internet so that if I ever get in a rough spot I can beg for money.
I think it has a lot to do with her just being dark colored and night themed actually since they love their edgy no one understands me personalities.
>you will never be the internet
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>Celestia is somewhat more developed than Luna
That's completely fucking wrong though.
I don't think that was a typo, anon

Thinking it over, so would i.

I have used money on things that have entertained me less than he have.
Whenever I see a Lunafag I always imagine it to be Strong Sad.
That makes it much funnier
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Where are you even getting this.
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About pony Fluttershy
Eg Fluttershy is pretty alright for me
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It can't be helped. I love these two ponies.
Before Luna Eclipsed it was right.
And we have a bit of characterization for Celestia, it's just spread out over 3 whole seasons because she didn't have an episode yet.

>vinyl scratch

i dont think writing has much to do with it, friend
Twilight has some amazing sideburns in that gif.
I think anon expressed what he meant wrong. Celestia's character is quite solid and stable, compare to Luna's.
Which pony would like getting their ears scratched the most?
Some people just don't like the S2 Lunafags, we're pretty quiet and keep to ourselves.
The S1 Fluttershy v2.0 Lunafags were the awful ones.
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Step Up
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I like art of the royal sisters being close to their subjects.
You gotta thank the pone designers for that one
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>Luna: 2 comics and an episode
>Celestia: Appears every once in awhile to take a friendship report (NOT ANYMORE) Appears to tell the mane 6 to get rid of the new big bad

What about Luna's character is unstable though?
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>EG Fluttershy better than pony Fluttershy
I blame ourselves for bring ing shit like Vinyl and Doctor Hooves into the spot light.
Gather under Rarity
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what is tsundere princess pon?
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>What about Luna's character is unstable though?
there is no sunject in this picture

It's "Luna and I," dork!
That doesn't explain anything anon
Luna is brash, behind the times, and demands respect though she gets it through fear. A bit of a prankster/joker like her sister.
There's not a lot you can say about Celestia beyond that she has pretty wings.
Out of the few instances we've seen Luna, first she was just all sad and shit, then she was all out of touch with everything, then she was kind of okay, then this fuckery in the big mac comic
why does her neck attach to the left side of her head?
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The whole shy and reserved thing wasn't as played up as usual, and she talked a hell of a lot more (when she said she was going to vote for Twilight after showing her the video, it was really cute)
No, but it is hilarious even if you don't see it.
And luna has some sweet dreamwalking powers.
I like the RD/lunar pics best but there fairly rare
Celestia is more of a prankster than Luna.
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I bet she's a total ass slut
I would give her what she needs
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My heart would not take it.
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>using headcanon in show discussion
why the fuck would anyone vote for the new student who shoved up on the first day and they know nothing about?
You already said that Celestia is relatively often a prankster. She's also the more laid back one of the two, mentally at least, since she doesn't show that often. She's supposed to be the one that's really smart and she also has a good idea about the outcome of various events, although this has been sacrificed a few times because lolshittywriting.
Celestia wishes she didn't have to deal with all the decorum and things that come with being a Princess, and uses pranking as a sort of outlet. She's more of a prankster than Luna. Very protective of Equestria, considers them all her own little ponies, but I guess you could say that's expected
that's not headcanon
The comic fits perfectly inline with her character, it's not S2 anymore then and she's not trying to be reaquainted with the people she rules.
Rather just looking for an escape/vacation from "troubling times", presumably talking about the Nightmarity arc(probably before it).
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I just like Luna getting some love.
wait holy shit is the big mac comic out
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I see what you did there.
out of his sheath?
>FPK when she fell down all of a sudden to surprise SPike
>It's About Time at the end
>At the end of A Bird in the Hoof with Philomena
>zaps RD
that is horrifying
And that one scene where she tricks Mr or Mrs Cake
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>Luna spends an entire night trying to have fun, albeit misguided, still plays a shit ton of pranks on the ponies of ponyville
>one line

But it is.

isn't that the meme man?
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>still plays a shit ton of pranks on the ponies of ponyville
When? She did like one thing.
>Celestia wishes she didn't have to deal with all the decorum and things that come with being a Princess, and uses pranking as a sort of outlet.
You can't say this isn't blatant head canon.
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Wouldn't be surprised.

I would too.
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>thunder cloud
>NMM scare
>Jumping out of apple barrel
>DYETWS etc etc
thank you for the rebuttal ;_;
Celestia spends what amounts to an entire episode as a prank on Fluttershy in addition to that. Not to mention her reaction the GGG debacle was "thank god it wasn't so boring as last time."
I thought she said something to that effect in the same episode as the "gotcha" scene, but I might be wrong on that. Been a while since I've seen that one, to be honest

Celestia is more silly than Luna.
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Madison doesn't sound like a little girl's name.
I don't think it's been released yet, but I did find this: http://imgur.com/a/xSKjP#0
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119 days

119 days...
Spiders wasn't a joke.
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Why can't we just agree that both Luna and Celestia like fun and pranks
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Goddamn magnetic putty is so cool.
We've already gone 150, we can go 119 more.
I am excite for fleetfoot comic and art.

Luna is more silly than Celestia

Besides, we were arguing who had more character. And now you guys are grasping for straws with this "Prankster" thing. They both obviously love jokes but Luna still gets WAY more action than Celestia.
What if jelly pone completely engulfs you?
What if jelly pon enters every orifice and completely fills you up sexually?
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What if we're just stuck in some loop
Yes it was.

A terrible joke, yeah, but she still did it in an attempt to have fun.
>Luna still gets WAY more action than Celestia.
I have some bad news for you, Anon?
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Because Celestia is actually a fascist dictator and Luna is really in charge of some sort of half-baked pony rebellion
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No Luna is such a DEEP character and is so emotionally brooding and sad on the inside to prank that's what she needs me and my baka-hoshonin-jutsu romance technique!

Stay away from Luna or else I will grab you by the throat and say "Back the frick off!"
>Fleetfoot Mac
>Fleetwood Mac
i wonder if that's another reference.
because that one would be awesome
Luna is best princess
I may be biased as i like the night more then the day.
Would post some but not on my normal computer and lost all my photos
>more fun in hell.jpg
I don't even know why I used a question mark there
She wasn't even a student. She wasn't even ENROLLED, she never even went to class and she shouldn't have been eligible.
A Bird in the Hoof was NOT a prank by Celestia, Philomena did it and Fluttershy allowed it to happen.
>That poster
I'm about to vomit
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Oh my god read the fucking comic. It's actually great except for that part.
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>Oh boy I LOVE vomit!
>It's like a party in reverse
>Good shot, Trolol lolo!
And people actually say the comic is good...
The apple comic isn't all that great. It's not bad but nothing about it seemed outstanding.
I need a big color guide.
rediv pls
Both of them have about the same number of pranking, really. Luna had two or three in Nightmare night, Celestia had "gotcha" and the rest of the Philomena episode as well as her reaction to the GGG being a fiasco

Actually, >>12366386's got it right. Hell, they ARE sisters after all, it's not crazy to assume they're similar in some ways.
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Luna is a very lovely pone.
>I am going to judge a 9-issue comic with 6 micro comics on a single line
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You'd be surprised what hiatus can do to people.
>the rest of the Philomena episode
Celestia didn't have anything to do with most of that episode though.
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thunder cloud wasn't a prank, it was revenge for Dash doing the very same thing and causing Luna trouble earlier in the episode

spiders was not a prank, it was Luna losing her shit

NMM was not a prank, it was Twilights idea to try to get the fillies to take a liking to Luna

Jumping out of the apple bobbing thing is the only one that really qualifies

I think Luna has an entirely different sense of humor than Celestia
Rediv doesn't like puke, she just has a big butt.
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>you only like it because it's hiatus
>people can only disagree with me if they are deluded
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I mean when it comes down to it, I'd still fuck them both
Can I touch it nonsexually?
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I felt it was the most "full" of all the comics, like you could have made an actual episode of the show about it.

Besides, everyone knows Rarihippie > Ponyacci > Apple > Rainbow Boring > FlutterB^U > Twilight "Help I'm drawn by a child" Sparkle
No you're wrong
you are a retard
>Cloud was not a prank
So I guess buttering my kitchen for revenge after my room mate did the same thing to me doesn't count as a prank?
Jump off a cliff, saucer.

>Legit subtle Dr Who reference
>While at the same time destroying the Derpy Whooves ship

How is this bad?
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Dotkwa challenged me to paint a pony with only one layer, so I did.

I need to practice more.
what draw

that eye is actually pretty clever
I think you'd have to ask her about that.
>defending out of place references
Can someone post the screencap of Derpy wearing the muffin saddlebag so this anon dies of an aneurysm?
That's rubbish. Twilight's one was decently written and drawn, the only thing that really sucked about it was the coloring, and you put it below two complete shit comics.

Best princess.

I trust you know which one I'm talking about.
Rainbow Dash calling Luna dark and edgy
it should be red though
>implying that the Twilight one ins't better than Flutter and dash micro
>And the Apple Micro
I'd say all of those were actually pranks. A prank for revenge or a prank that was somebody else's idea is still a prank, eh?
Spiders wasn't a prank though.
Like I said, it's been a while since I watched it, but she did prank Fluttershy. Which is funny, because Fluttershy seems like a pony whom it wouldn't be a good idea to prank, but she did it anyway.
big futa human fucking her little stallion lover
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This pone prostituting herself on the street.
Pony Vinyl in her EG clothes
They are out of place and they suck, but a single panel reference doesn't make everything else in the comic worthless.
I can't read it. How do you know it's a ship destroying moment
>Pranking Fluttershy
*grabs .50 cal rifle and combat shotgun*
Twilight's mostly got screwed by a bad colorist, I remember hearing. Anybody have a comparison of the inking of that comic to the final copy?
I think it kind of levels out, AJ's was all around alright, Twilight's was probably somewhat more interesting, at least to me, and the coloring job was really awful.
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> A prank for revenge or a prank that was somebody else's idea is still a prank, eh?

Not when people are directly comparing the two princesses and their natures in regard to said pranks
muh autism

Derpy is saying "Do I know you?"
Not that it will matter in the end, but I though it was a nice take that.
But why would I fuck a woman without the Gardasil vaccine?

(Not to mention, you know, a horse.)
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>tfw can't paint
Teach me your ways
>Flutter and dash micro

>There will never be a Valentines Day special micro starring Dash and Fluttershy
Fleetfoot x Bigmac

It didn't destroy the ship since it's a reference to the original Doctor Who episode. We are not that lucky.

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Zebra complaining about her absence in EG
> on the cheek
I like where this is going
Luna pranking Fluttershy to death with tyre iron
The unspoiled part above is the request.
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>but she did prank Fluttershy
Why do you keep saying this. She didn't prank Fluttershy at all. She thought her fucking pet was missing and deployed a shit ton of royal guard to look for it. She didn't even say anything funny afterwards. She just told Fluttershy to ask next time.
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>People keep donating to SGDQ with shoutouts to "bronies and pegasisters"
>The chat always gets autismally mad
This is too great
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It was on Comixology for an hour before being taken down. There's a high-res MEGA rip floating around out there.


>Dr Whooves: This watch is me!
>Derpy: "Do I know you?"
>doesn't count as a prank because I said so
NMM wasn't Luna's idea, that's what makes it unfitting for this argument.
you might want to try silhouetting before you paint in next time
Oh. Well, her butt is still big.
something that you will post
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I thought this was directly a reference to the actual Doctor Who where a scene just like this takes place between him and Martha.

Or, you know, could just be "before" they met.
I enjoyed Twilight's one more than AJ's
AJ's wasn't bad but it wasn't that interesting either.
It may not have any weak moments but it doesn't have any strong ones either. maybe a part or two were nice.

Really the only problem with Twi's micro was the colorist fucking up everything beyond believe.

For me it's
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>Princess that just came out of 1000 years of isolation who is socially handicapped and has admittedly no concept of what constitutes "fun"
>shes totally a prankster guys
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Just don't ask for a blowjob, she'll gag herself so she can throw up on your cock.
give up. there are more worthwhile things you can do with your life.
I guess that makes sense, yeah. Maybe I'm trying to hard to balance things
by the way, I've been pulling on the side of Celestia as being more prank-happy for most of this
That's not a take that at all, though. You know Dr. Who is about time travel, right?
But I can't even paint.

> Twilight discovers fingers
I'm surprised no one's capitalized on this, a la Rule 34.
Painting is a legitimate skill to have
unlike writing fanfictino
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but I've been drawing Fluttershy all day

go to sleep kevin

What's her name?

Jesus Christ.
She obviously thought a ton of spiders was fun though. Just her definition of it. She didn't mean to harm them or anything.
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Would someone mind replying to this post for me? I'm trying to test something.
If it wasn't for the shitty coloring in Twilight's I would agree with that list, but it did look like ass, so I'd put Pinkie's comic above Twilight's.
Who cares, I'd get a blowjob from a total cutie!
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Fuck you guys for defending this bullshit.
as in you take a solid color (usually dark) and basically draw the silhouette of what you're drawing, and then you paint in all the details onto that. it helps a lot with 1 layer stuff imo
>we still dont have the entire comic
come the fuck ooon
>this has any relevance
It doesn't matter who came up with it, pranking for revenge is perfectly legitimate.
I don't know about you, but getting stomach acid in my urethra turns me off.
She doesn't have one yet.
Fuck you for getting assblasted about a reference
>"What does THE REST OF ME look like!?"
Nobody's capitalized on this, either.
I feel like pony porn artists are really dropping the ball on this one because they don't want to draw the EqG designs or something
Which pony has the superior posterior?
no. art is a waste of time unless you have a legitimate opportunity to do it professionally

She doesn't have one yet. The comic general calls her Sherbert.
I don't think you understand
how lonely and desperate I am
I guess I'd better drop all my hobbies and just focus on working 18 hours per day then
>sweater vest

Would it kill you to give her something different? Don't get me wrong, it looks nice and cute (props for not giving her a huge bust), but that's the only thing human FS gets drawn in.
Would you rather we panderedto your opinion and took the comic as not canon?

It's just a kinda-fun reference in a comic for fun

Find your oldest picture and input the date in Wolframalpha.com to get the time difference from today. And post a newer pic for a comparison
EG was boring and forgettable and their designs are awful, no wonder no one bothers drawing them.
oh well I've had a hard-on wanting to name a pony Heartseeker for a while.
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>50k followers for meh art, sex jokes, and butts
The same could be said about all hobbies. But I enjoy drawing too much to just drop it completely.

We have thee entire comic, but it's so blurry that it's unreadable in some parts. Better to just wait a week until yayponies gets it.
I'm a 24 year old obese virgin with no social skills.

Vomit on my cock isn't worth it.
Why is Pumpkin so violent?
>Celestia: Appears every once in awhile to take a friendship report (NOT ANYMORE) Appears to tell the mane 6 to get rid of the new big bad

>you can absolutely dont say anything about her personality from the parts where she appeared
the one fanon i can not stand in any way.
where did it star anyways?
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She was not trying to hurt anyone true, but she was also not doing it for a laugh. She was simply pissed when she went spider mode on everyone

Go ahead. It's not like their name is any more relevant. Heartseeker is a pretty name.
>time you enjoy wasting is still time wasted
You must be a fucking riot at parties
>Pound is bitting
>Pumpkin is pouding
Anon please revise your grammar before posting again. No one can understand you.
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Isn't that Sweetcream Scoops?
>>time you enjoy wasting is still time wasted
exactly. you should do something worthwhile instead of wasting your limited lifetime on art
They're branching out into other interests
why aren't you? Drawing sounds fun, doesn't it?
that's her.
I think it was a last effort at getting a laugh.

Because that's what was funny a thousand years ago, probably.

Clearly you've never been around kids.
why, yes it is
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You'd think they get more art of their prom dresses. At least Dash and Rarity.
I wonder what her cream tastes like
Like what?
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3 guesses
Yeah, at least Monster High has some distinction in character direction among characters.

As it was I kept wondering - YEARNING - to figure out how the fuck everyone could have rainbow-spectrum skin color and no one thought this was unusual for humans.
You might want to ask Ross about that one, he loves them mimes
>loves to sing
>special talent is an ice cream
>she's selling kisses
It's just like life is saying fuck you to her

Why spend your limited lifetime exhausting yourself when you can spend time to enjoy it?

>implying I go to parties.

Nobody became famous without dedicating their whole life to something.
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it dounds fun, but it isn't. the only thing you get out of it is eventual satusfaction once you're done or deluding yourself into thinking that your shitty is fun to make
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>this girl has 200K+ followers and she only posts about tumblr bullshit and whining about stupid shit.

why even bother trying to compete with that you will never be that popular.
>how the fuck everyone could have rainbow-spectrum skin color and no one thought this was unusual for humans
There are many many other issues with it so I never really got stuck wondering about this

Nope. She just knows that a day of whoring subsidizes making new ice cream creations for months.
You know what else is fun?
Speaking the english language.
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When the pony thing started to branch out into different websites. People saw that a pony resembled David with an hourglass cutie mark and for fanon purposes deemed it necessary to get him a companion. For some reason they chose Derpy.
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i fucking hate you know mlpg

citation needed
>>sweater vest
Is thats what they are called? I've been trying to find out the name for ages but none of the names I heard so far resulted in any hits with google for that type of sweater

Not only that, Big Mac is the only guy with normal skin Norman doesn't coat

Were they afraid that they'd offend Native Americans by having a red-skinned character?
well I suppose I can always hold onto the name in the event I need to make some awful slutty horse oc at some point.

at this point, not drawing her in a sweater feels like a cardinal sin.
You know what else is fun?
writing it
Okay you can get into Equestria
There are two ways.
Either pass a challenge from each of the mane cast or pass the Mystery challenge

What do you choose?
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I assume my request was dropped? :<
it keeps happening
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Hey just be glad Colgate/Minuette's original name did not stick, otherwise there would be two of them
Ink Well? Is that really secretary pony's name?
each of the main six
they are all nice ponies so they'd at least make it fair
Can you tell us what the main cast's challenges are?
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Can't tell if it's bait but I'm assuming it is because I laughed so hard.

What you deem worthwhile is not the same as what I deem worthwhile. Enjoy working your whole life, retiring at 80, and maybe if you're lucky you'll die surrounded by people who love you.
>Dash will probably have some kind of athletic challenge
Eeeeehh, I'll take it anyway. Six tiny challenges > one big challenge
I'd go with the main cast challenges, because they wouldn't come up with anything that would include seriously risking my life.
The "dip your quill" jokes write themselves.
What's wrong? I don't like looking stupid so I'm always happy when someone corrects me and thus helps me to avoid that mistake the next time.

or mystery challenge, I guess
I'd rather fail out of a single challenge then go through several rounds of failure
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He's lying. In the season 1 finale there were background ponies that were clearly all different forms of the Doctor. This encouraged the whole Dr Whooves thing.

I wish the animators would start ponifying actual people for background ponies again. They were fun to spot.
I don't think he does it on purpose, he just seems to be really bad at remembering stuff.
for some reason that post made me thing of an old story about me and the moon
forgive me if unrelated
when i was younger i remember i was sitting in class and learning bout the moon, i was like 4 at the time
It was very basic stuff the sun comes out in the day the moon comes out at night,
being four or whatever i had to always believe what my teacher said. till then cause it occured to me that i had seen the moon during the day.
I glanced out the widow and even though it was like 2:00 there it was floating in the air.
I put up my hand to ask call my teacher out on it but she didn't go for it "Silly anon sun is in the day not the moon"
But there she was, just hanging there. Beautiful
her existance showing me for the first time that maybe there's something more to truth, then what people tell you is true.
The idea that at 4 i could be right and my teacher wrong seemed impossible but the day moon just hung there defiantly and so did my knowledge of it hang in my mind defiantly
I think that even that feeling of power and truth that came from expecting what i saw over what i was told shaped my life more then any other experience at that age
it was probably the reason i became a scientist
but since then i've always felt an almost maternal connection with the moon
So that's probable why i like moonbutt
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>drawfag says they'll draw request
>never hear from them again
Each something that they are good.
Twilight would give you a quiz with questions from everything
Dash would have a sport challenge
Pinkie a baking challenge.
And so on.

They are fair so they won't give you impossible challenges but they won't be easy peasy either.
They will say if you passed or not.
Also you only have to pass 4 of their challenges.
I always do every request I just never post them because they're terrible and my autism kicks in

what was your request, anon-kun

The doctor whooves thing came about way before the season finale. WAY before it. Try the first time people got ahold of his cutie mark.

They also Called Colgate Romana. Again, way before the season 1 finale.
What do I have to do to make you dump all the stuff you haven't shown us yet?
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>Drawfag asks for requests
>Doesn't get more than 5
>Ignores mine even though it's not a hard one

PACIFIC RIM PONES ARE COMING I SWEAR It's just that I'm a bit burnt out on drawing right now since I've done 3 pics in like 2 weeks and that's a lot for me because I'm a fucking casual. I need time to play all this vidya I got from the steam sale.
So you put everything in your stash?
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Get better human waifu tastes
>you can absolutely dont say anything about her personality from the parts where she appeared

I only have a vague idea of what you were trying to say, but I think the problem was >you can absolutely dont

Is english not your first language?
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>always respond when a drawfag asks for a request, usually with something simple but cute, involving a handful of ponies at the most, and ideally something I think would look nice in their style
>they always do mine, and I'm here for long enough that I never miss the result
It's either not challenging enough or not interesting enough. You shouldn't feel bad
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Romana is a beautiful name.

I wonder why it didn't stick.
Maybe it was too simple.
"Pony being cute" for example wouldn't be a request I would pick if I don't have a sudden inspiration for it.

People didn't want two time lord pones
thats gross anon
what the fuck does romana even mean, i never go that
I hate it when I miss someone drawing my request, it always makes me feel like a huge asshole.
I always prefered Romana, not because I'm a Doctor Who fan, but because it's better than a toothpaste brand name
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No, it isn't. But yeah, I see what you mean. Thanks.
You're the one that likes vomit.
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Romana was a female Time Lord from one of the earlier seasons of Doctor Who
>drawfag asks for requests
>gets ten requests from same guy with awful fetishes who doesn't understand the difference between a single illustration and a multi-part comic illustrating a sequential series of events

I'm never asking for requests in /d/ again.
Fuck off lazy cunt. YOU should feel bad for dropping the promise. Otherwise don't promises around, pretentious prick.

fucking hate selfish drawfags the think they are special
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drawfags tend to prioritize better ideas.
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This topic makes me sick
... how did you find that so quickly?
when did MSOB start working on the show?
Wow, even her name is slutty.
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It was a really stupid name considering her color scheme didn't even match, opposed to Doctor Hooves, who looks almost like he was intentionally made to look like David tennant, despite the animators claims.
You hate everyone anon, it's not his fault your requests are garbage.
>Everyone must obey to my very will because I, mighty Anon of MLPG, am the most important person of any room I enter
Who the fuck let Patrick Bateman in here?
>brokenenglishanon will never stop flinging shit and start making sense
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>requests in drawthreads in a nutshell
not like that?
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>get request
>post results
>it gets reposted for the next couple of threads
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Come at me bro.
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I've thought the same thing but I never feel like I put too much thought in them
What would a cutie mark for coming up with requests look like? Does that even count as a talent?
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>mfw my parents are currently looking to buy a farm house
>and thinking about getting some horses
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>ask for requests
>try to draw most of them
>they all look fucking terrible and I never post them because oh god why

That, or I do draw and post them, but only sketch them so I can say "y-yeah. I-it's just a sketch. That's why it's so bad"
what are you gonna do, fuck a horse?
I only had that once.
It was nice.
Now it's annoying because it's always in some dump-thread on /mlp/ and I can never post it without resizing first.
They also keep dumping the re-sized versions.
You mean like, blocking the shadows first then adding the highlights as I render?

Because that's what I did
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Anon confirmed for good taste
Your art is boring shit, mewball. Sameposes, hairy and lazy lines. There is no art-value in your scribbles and your understanding of colors is terrible... if you can call that acid mess colors.
Don't be ashamed, anon.
By simply contributing you're already making the world a better place.

>tfw you make a joke request and someone actually does it
>tfw you don't know tfw
>they all look fucking terrible and I never post them because oh god why
That's why I only ask as Anon, then no one can force me to post those abominations.
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Are you trying to say there's a specific way to enjoy vomit?
>get request
>post results
>no replies
>never posted again
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no i mean like making a blob of color that is generally the silhouette of what you're trying to draw and then turning that into your finished drawing
You like vomit for sexual, you said it yourself.

You also said you like eating coke and mentos to expand your stomach.
>You also said you like eating coke and mentos to expand your stomach.
What the fuck, red
Honestly one of the most boring animus I've ever seen.
>Absolutely terrible pacing
>Dialogue is uninteresting and insufficient to carry through the terrible pacing
Got through the first five episodes and gave up because I could not keep myself interested.
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>1 Year, 10 Months, 4 Days ago
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rroyals into thread
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I can't imagine fetishizing vomit is as simple as getting hard at somebody puking everywhere. Not everybody here likes real horses, either.


listen to me

fuck the horses
> Twilight discovers fingers
you're really good anon
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You're into some weird shit.

Are you going to tell us how to enjoy vomit?
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I didn't like trying to pass them off as time lord ponies seriously anyway, either of them

It was funny when we just used the name to identify the particular background pony but like everything that starts here, shit Klondiked
i'm just glad i'm through this art phase
>eating coke and mentos to expand your stomach
what does that feel like, red?
this makes me not even want to bother
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remember when butts
That's some nice improvement Jailbait.
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>implying you can't make the same improvement
look at this ass
If we were ponies, we'd get to look at each other's butts all the time.
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Brownies ruin everything amirite?

I honestly can't think of one good thing to ever come from one.
The 00s are over
The only time I found vomit not repulsive was when some fluid was spewed up from gagging on a cock too much, and only then it was in the heat of the moment. I cant really imagine vomit being sexy.
it's not worth it, because even if you ever get good at art, what then?
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Rarity has a lovely butt
holy fuck dat improvement
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would you hang out in packs and just do that all the time?
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Damn jailbait. You use sai, right?
fillies please stop
you can fall off the roof
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Quite so!
I don't know about anybody else, anon, but I'm down if we all turn into qt mares
Buttgang? Definitely.
i'm lazy, have no artistic ability, and the whole pony thing i going to end next year, and i'd only really get into drawing for pone.

what's the point?
prettiest, most fabulous stallion
What if there was an episode about sexual harassment?
He can draw whatever comes to mind and share it with others.
Not everything needs to be done for monetary gain.
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I rather be alone.
Would you at least buy a mirror?
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And when I look at my own stuff, I'm stagnating and going backwards.

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still waiting for someone to do a rarity version of this gif

it can be pony or human
those are all different artists
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>A Friend in Deed
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Just pick up a piece of paper and start drawing.
No excuses
How do you think non-unicorns shave?
Oh anon...
The ride may be over for some people, but ponies will probably go past a S4.
>the whole pony thing i going to end next year
>implying the ride will ever end
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2 years, 3 months, 21 days

>tfw no gains
what's this from?
> spread rumors
Is that really all you want to spread, Rarity?
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like everyone else
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>mlpg giving art critique
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Of course I would get a mirror. How else would I be able to brush my own mane?
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pony facial hair is a mystery I will never understand
That wasn't sexual.
>one of the guys is black

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The one on the right is much more aesthetically pleasing despite its subject being worse than the pic on the left.
>i have and it doesn't work this way
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And they're wrong how?
Why is she drinking milk after a shower?
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7 years 1 month 12 days ago
Please stop posting unrelated images from reddit for attention
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>May 5th, 2012

I feel like those cringe pics from Deviantart where some artist does a 5-year comparison and it still looks like shit
any time is a good time for milk, anon
gotta get that calcium for strong, healthy bones
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1 year 11 months 29 days ago
rediv can you draw night guard/sun guard shipping?
>He doesn't want strong bones
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Nothing unusual

It's not milk
How much calcium is in semen?
what's the point?
Would you drop e with rarara at a rave?
I wouldn't really mind the EqG designs if it weren't for that horrid artstyle
Especially Rarity
Mhhm, Rarity
no problem
so what DOES diet coke and mentos feel like?
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>all that progress
at some point something went horribly wrong with me
Holy shit that goat is so fabulous

>First pic was a self insert OC.

I don't even care, Dooks pone was kawaii

Damn son.
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>1 year, 5 months, 18 days ago
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Nope, that pone is dead now.
Don't ask that.
You'll be glad you started once you've made significant progress
>A tablespoon of semen contains approximately six calories. Semen does contain protein, but it also contains all kinds of chemicals and minerals, including water, sugar, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, nitrogen, vitamin B12, and zinc. But it does not contain enough of any of these things to be considered "nutritious."
nice work purpleyoshi
not him, but if i had never amde any progress despite trying as hard as i could with advice and targeted and scheduled practice for over a year?

What if I drew Dookspone x Tropicana touching each other's afros?
i am bringing awareness that there are people in mlpg who give awful advice and opinions without knowing anything.

we dont need any more contributors chased off like tex because they take these idiots seriously.
Enormous improvements.
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>But it does not contain enough of any of these things to be considered "nutritious."
That just means you're not getting enough
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Should I redraw one of my older pics for my artiversary?
Interesting. I guess it's a snack then.
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I think it's agreed that the EG designs wouldn't be AS horrible(still not good or even decent) if it wasn't for the art style

Fuck, we seriously need porn of her and Dash in their dance dresses. They ware so damn unf.
Don't worry, you are not the only one who feels bad when he looks at those comparisons.

Though I know that it is completely my fault for being lazy and not practicing daily.
I know right
Give me enough ponies and I'll live off of sperm for as long as you want me to
Redraw that really lewd picture you drew

Tropicana is kawaii
That means you're either not trying hard enough or you're following bad advice
Pick one you like.
>Dash and AJ still wearing skirts
They're not terrible, but they're far from good.

Listen to this guy. Don't think like that. It's not about being the best out there, but it's to do what you're passionate about. Maybe art isn't your thing, but when you do something you love, do it for fun.
