Old Horse>>12337112For you sleepy heads: http://family-room.ew.com/2013/07/25/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic-season-4-premiereAt Saturday, November 23, new ponies will arrive! Are you hoping for a preview to show up before this date?
I'm not betting on it.
>>12340276It's pretty much guaranteed that we'll get one before the premiere. Question is when.
>>12340286What is wrong with that, anon?
>>12340296inb4 10 minutes of the first episodelike s3e1
>>12340299no, she's elsewhere on her blog
Guys,I need help.What flavor is Scootaloo?
>>12340319>they spoil 75% of episode 1 in advance>the premiere is episode 1 & 2 back to back with no cliffhanger week of lots of speculation
>>12340319I didn't like having that much of it at once, but it felt sort of like a mini episode thread the way discussion happened after that was posted.
Stop being sad, MLPGI'd like you if I met youAnd then you'd leave me like everyone does
>>12340328Sweet & Sour pork
>>12340347I s-still like her
>Are you hoping for a preview to show up before this date?Most likely.
>>12340343>I'd like you if you met me.No you wouldn't.
>>12340276I'm ready for half the season to be previewed/leaked before November.I just want some new pony.
>>12340343It would be a mistake to not hate me. It goes against human nature to not hate me.
>>12340358I just hope she gets a good episode soon in a similar vien as KCACO was aka something featuring fluttershy that's NOT about her social problems
>>12340331Crystal Empire went a quite unexpected direction.
>>12340367I'm ready for the whole season to be leaked before August.I want pony more than you want pony. nyah.
>>12340378>Implying they're not going to fix FluttershyTHEY FIXED TWILIGHTTHEY'LL FIX FLUTTERSHYTHEN YOU'LL HAVE NO-ONE TO RELATE TO
>>12340378KCaFO would have been a much better episode if it actually focused on Fluttershy.
Pinkie is on HCG
>>12340397At least it did something actually different and developmental with her, though.
>>12340378That season 2 problem as with other ponies: Dash is a cunt, Twilight is a crazy bitch, AJ is background pony, Pinkie doing things that does not involve her being there and Rarity take all the spotlight for herself. Thank god that change to the opposite in Season 3 and I hope it continue on from there.
>>12340400pfftI'll not just hug you, I'll make friends with you and go on a magical adventure to defeat evil using only our glorious bond of friendship.Don't get in a fuckin' dick-swinging contest with me about My Little Pony, nigger. You won't win.
>>12340414Fluttershy is the same as she always is: boring and useless except for when the plot needs a deus ex machina (the stare)
>>12340414as long as we get more discord trolling those mean little ponies, my life will be complete and i can finally get my autism license
>>12340406WowThis is bottom of the barrel attention-whoringYou've put practically put a saddle on GG's coat tails
>>12340429>S$But we've already seen S3
>>12340429>S$hasbro pls
>>12340439But that could be said with all the other ponies, anon.
>>12340411EQG: Special Talent TaskforceI would watch this.
the end
I wonder what NTSTS would say to those drawings GG did.
>>12340465>is dark and edgy like my soul
>>12340456A nice ending.
what do you call a sad fap?
>>12340454no actually
>>12340456Imma jack you up, Celestia.See how fuckin' optimistic you are after I've jammed your own horn up your dick hole.
>>12340454Other ponies don't have a plot device as strong 'The Stare'. Other than maybe the elements of harmony, and they had a build-up to them and are SUPPOSED to be the macguffins, Fluttershy's thing just came out of nowhere.
>>12340456too bad i have nowhere left to run and will freeze to death in this long cold night, before ever seeing the dawn.
>>12340456I always like Celestia for being this kind of pony.
>>12340493>Pinkie Sense
what is celestia was a jellyfish
>>12340450OK, anon, let's all pay attention to you, just like you want.How was school today? Did you make any new friends? What would you like for dinner?
>>12340498I don't recall Pinkie Sense being used in anywhere near the same kind of degree as the stare is normally used
>>12340492>See how fuckin' optimistic you are after I've jammed your own horn up your dick hole.
>>12340493think about what would have happened if starte master had come out during season 3 and was EXACTLY the same.people would call bullshit on the stare and everything else they could ever possibly spot and call it the worst episode of the eintire show.
>>12340509watThere was a whole episode about it and then she used it again in MMDWFluttershy has used her gay-ass stair all of one time.
>>12340509The stare has only been used like...what, twice or 3 times?I know pinkie sense has been used more than that. More subtely, but still.
>>12340494>too bad i have nowhere left to run and will freeze to death in this long cold night, before ever seeing the dawn.Unless that's literally true, that's not metaphorically true.
>starting a 26-episode season in NovemberHuh. Maybe they actually will get through the whole thing before school lets out for the summer.
>>12340512thatis not unf CC
>>12340532>>12340534Sorry I don't remember the episode where Pinkie used pinkie sense to defeat giant and/or evil supernatural monsters or really do ANYTHING useful of the sort
>>12340518Don't try to butter me up with foreplay, motherfucker!You won't kill my angry, cynical pessimism! Nuclear apocalypse will happen before you can!
>>12340532>one timedyewts
>>12340456eh.i won't save that one.
>getting mad when pone uses special powers>getting mad when pone doesn't use special powersYou guys are fucking fagtractors.
>ponycountdown.com hasn't updatedthat site is ded
>>12340554She didn't use the stare on the dragon, she just bitched him outand chickens don't count
>>12340569>fagtractors.heh, I'm gonna use that one
>>12340569is that like, a gay protractor?
>>12340554She used it to save Twilight from the Cydra or whatever. Point out the episode besides Stare master where fluttershy used the stare as a major plot device.If anything, they've used it equally. The stare and the pinkie sense have both been used once as a major plot device, but other than that, have only been used once or twice subtley in ways that had no effect on the plot
>>12340569the problem with fluttershy is that she doesn't do anything when she isn't being a plot deviceshe's just in the background going 'um' and 'excuse me' and squeaking and then occasionally she stares down a creature that causes literal petrification by eye contact
>>12340493The elements of harmony aren't macguffins. Macguffins are plot devices that exist solely to drive the story but have no practical use in the story themselves; the Maltese Falcon is about as important as they get. The elements of harmony are more Chekov's guns than Macguffins.
>>12340554Mare Do Well. Predicting the future and dodging falling masonry whilst saving the builders was the power that Pinkie provided.
>>12340586That changed in Keep Calm and Carry On though.
>>12340577>She didn't use the stare on the dragon, she just bitched him outpffffffffffffffffffffhahahahahahaha
>>12340586FS was the only halfway intelligent character in How To Beta Your Dragon 2: The Timberwolvening. She's been the voice of reason a few other times too.You need to watch the show sometime.
>>12340581I just made it up. Glad you like it.
>>12340595ok, I'll give you that. She ruined the best villain the series has had thus far, effectively making it so that Hasbro can write Discord out of the series and never bring him back. Because he's not evil any more.
>>12340602>that titleLMFAOsidesdestroyed
>>12340602That was a shitty episode though with shitty writing and shitty CGI
>>12340610But that's not true at all
>>12340596anon plspls anonthat dragon was a bitch
>>12340610>blaming a single character for a poorly-written and worse-executed episodelyl
>>12340622search your heart
>>12340627>phoenix chickoh shitOH SHITAND THEN SPIKE BECAME A DOGOH SHIT
>>12340620Please don't ever respond to one of my posts again.
>>12340629I'm not blaming Fluttershy for the fact that the episode was poorly written and poorly executed, that's the writer's fault. Fluttershy was the one written into the role, though.
>>12340629>not blaming shitlestia
>>12340627>tfw they put Peewee on the busWhat was even the point of them introducing him if they were never going to do anything with it.They do that constantly now. Just add something new and never explain it or expand on it.
Have some slutty pon
i still remember spike at your service provoking zone to protest faintly that he wasn't beta then backing down that he's only a dom in bed because human empathy wins over cruelty and the day is saved thanks to Fausttopkek
>>12340653she's not a slutcheck your privilege
>>12340652same reason they introduced fluttershy only to not have her do anything
>>12340532>all of one timeDO YOU EVEN WATCH THE FUCKING SHOW
>>12340653How much for a Rusyt Venture?
>>12340653go on
>>12340653so for for bits I can kiss all of her cheeks?
>>12340616Is "thing" Fluttershy?Because it's okay not to like Fluttershy.
>>12340666Wait so you have to pay 10 bits to kiss her on the mouth?What the hell do you get to kiss for 1 bit?
>>12340456I think I love you for this, GG
>>12340650>>12340640can we just put 100% of the blame for KCAFO on the autist brony who wrote it and the fagtractor executive who greenlighted it?i mean i'm a flutterfag and even i think that episode was 4 parts shit to every 1 part cute
>>12340653Is there a discount for a package deal?
>>12340681I love you too, anon
>>12340679you get to give her a rimjob, i guess... yeah i went there
You walk into the bar.You see an elf.
>>12340679it says on the sign
>>12340662Not that guy, but I've only seen S3 once and never again. AFAIK, they only explicitly mentioned the stare once after the episode where it was developed, this not including the times she's stood up to bullies, like the dragon or the minotaur guy.
>>12340691No you don't.
>>12340660She's a strong, independent mare who is entitled to doing whatever she wants with her bodyHow about you check yours
>>12340697>take boat
>>12340697Does this elf make cookies?Because if not, I don't really care.
>>12340701Fluttershy didn't use the stare on iron will. DYEWTS?
At long last a light appears at the end of this tunnel. The end of the hiatus is in sight. Brave yourselves. Pone is coming.
>>12340688>Twilight recolored herself to get kissing practice.>No one can tell it's her until she writes a report on it and publishes what she's learned.
>>12340678Finally someone who understands my dislike of thing
>>12340704now draw a bunch of stallions fucking her holes
would you let kissbit mare sit on your face?
>>12340701She attempted using it on Discord in KCAFO
>>12340707You ask the elf if he makes cookies.You hear eople across the bar laughing.
>>12340709There Bronycon in the horizon to keep us busy.
>>12340721How much would that cost?
>>12340703I'm not going to argue with you anon
>>12340698Oh! I didn't notice it because I didn't scroll down far enough.Also I didn't even quote the right post in my reply. Maybe it's time to go pay Luna a visit.
>>12340697I made a female wood elf with pink hair in oblivionI called her fluttershy
>>12340708that's what I said, retard.
>>12340709But when pone comes, Twilight will be a fucking god.Her friends won't be able to relate to her anymore because she's just plain demonstrably better than themFriendship is no longer magic, anon. It's fucking dead.
>>12340728she'll give you two bits for two minutes
>>12340726We won't be able to play "Where's Nathan" this year, not so much fun.
>>12340723and when else did she explicitly use it, not counting the episode where it was introduced?
>>12340725What's an eople, is it some mythological creature?
>>12340743Nigga, I'd give HER two bits for one minute.
>>12340742Twilight Sparkle isn't divinity, anon, she's just a princess.
>>12340711>tfw Twilight sits on Spike's face while he rims her and Rarity shoves her horn in her pussy and Discord is rubbing her wings tenderlyunf~
>>12340743Isn't that the other way around?
>>12340476>Celestia will never sit on your shoulders, pointing at stuff she doesn't know and ask you to explain its purpose to her
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
>>12340742Heretic! True friendship never dies!
>>12340752she hoofslaps you across the face and storms offmaybe you shouldn't treat pony like a whore next time
>>12340754She has wings and is magic.She's literally an angel.A horse angel.
>>12340742i've yet to come up with a way the writers could make s4 good, based on what happened in s3it's over guys
>>12340770all pegasi are angels then
>>12340749That was the only other time if I recall correctly, but it's still enough to disprove your point that she used it, and I quote, "all of one time."
>>12340775you're free to leave
>>12340770Then why is her name not Erika?
>>12340764I will not outlive my parents
>>12340775i've got an ideacan you guess what it isp___
>>12340742>>12340775it's like you're not even hyped about the preview we gotNot even gonna lie, I have hated the idea of Alicorn Twilight as anything but a show ender, but I'm optimistic that they can take this to good places.Don't be afraid to hope, /co/
>>12340783>implying the ride ends.
>>12340789i probably won't outlive my cat.
>>12340770Uh-huh. This is a world where that kind of thing is pretty normal. That's like arguing that a human with money and a good body must literally be Bruce Wayne.
>>12340750the oeple attacks yourocks fall
>>12340742If they don't make an episode where the other ponies get mad jelly of Twilight's new alicorniness then I'm going to complain about it on an imageboard.
>>12340782I'm not the one arguing that you stupid fuck..
>>12340764>"Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.">Twilight confirmed to make noblest sacrifice in season 4 finale.How would you feel if Twilight stood up to impossible odds to protect her friends and somehow managed to take out the big bad in a clever, yet sacrificial plan?
>>12340810>complain about it on an imageboardlol nerd
>>12340801Are you high right now I'm trying to understand your analogy.
>>12340810rarity will be jealous about twilight in secret but will get into a situation where she can either take thing and become an equal to twilight or give it away and she will be generous and become an alicorn princess
>>12340795I'm over Twilight being an alicorn and princess.Only thing that still bugs me is how they made her just a little bit taller.Going off Equestria Girls the animators can't even keep her at a consistent height. This is going to bug the piss out of me all season.
>>12340810as potentially really good as this episode would be, it would only really be able to rehash Green Isn't Your Color to some extent.
>>12340818"I somehow ended up in a stream of a show that isn't FiM"
>tfw you will never insert your long dragon tongue into your waifu's ass after using her as your personal toilet as she shrieks in embarassment and your hemipenii are rock hard
>>12340795Saint Walker, are you aware that the entirety of one of the Corps is going to be wiped out in DC's upcoming event?And that stakes are that it's going to be yours, because 'lolnohope'?
>>12340818I hope she dies and is replaced by sunset shimmerI hope you dieI hope everyone dies except the drawfags and me and then they will be slaves to my mindless requests
>>12340835That's half dumb and I half hate it.
>>12340818If she sacrifices immortality to save her friends I'd love that S4 finale. However Mcarthy doesn't think of the show as more than a show, so I think she just means they'll all stop existing once the show ends.
>>12340847you cannot resist the clop
>>12340839It might be a retread of the theme, but it has so much awesome potential. Plus it'd be a good catharsis for everyone as well as the entire Twilycorn deal.
>>12340857Well, she won't be able to sacrifice immortality because she doesn't have it.
>S4 premier date announced>same day as Doctor Who 50th anniversaryCoincidence?
>>12340857>However Mcarthy doesn't think of the show as more than a show...is it? Other than the comic, and I guess the game, is it? Oh, and toys.
>>12340835>rarara becomes an alicorn princess>nobody still knows who she is or her fashion line
Did you brush your teeth today, MLPG?>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrUVx3zRPVo
i have a confession to makei like tying up boys and dressing them up in girl's clothes just to make them blush
>>12340775you have no imagination and whine as a result, you are therefore worthless to us. Go now.
>>12340844It'll almost definitely get retconned within a year
>>12340869if i had a dickit would beROCKHARD
>>12340868>you have any evidence that supports the notion that alicorns don't live longer than the average pony
>>12340857Correction. McCarthy doesn't think of it as more than a paycheck.
>>12340827Wings + magic in world with wings + magic means angel.So every wealthy man with a rocking body is literally Batman.
>Two part season premier followed by one month mini hiatus. Calling it now
>>12340869>They did this on purpose.>They put in what looks like a blue police box in the background of one scene>Later on we see the Time Turner running in the backround like he's late for something.>Derpy flies by a second later.How would you feel about such a shout out?
>>12340838If they don't make her taller how else are you supposed to notice that she's a princess now and that you have to buy her new toys because mooooom my old twilight doll doesn't have wings we have to buy the new ooooone
>>12340880I like to tie up girls and put my penis inside them against their will.I probably shouldn't have admitted that.
>>12340895Oh right. Well if there isn't and egg on my face.
>>12340902>Time TurnerIt's Dr.Hooves now.
>>12340906>and then all her friends become princesses and moooooom i need the new friends
>>12340907>"Anonymous said it was a 'Joke' "
>>12340897too easy
>>12340911I thought I heard about that but I didn't want anyone's autism to flare up and just hear them rage about the name instead.
>>12340902I wouldn't care so muchbut those cocksmokers who get so asspained about it being in the comics are in for a world of mad>>12340912Isn't there one of those with Pinkie? I always mean to post it but I van never find it
Would you rather have a two part premiere with one part immediately after the other or one with a week between them?
>>12340844They already did that in the 90's when they did that knee jerk evil Hal storyline. Why would they do the same thing again?
What would be worse, MLPG? Season 4 revolving around Twilight's princess adventures, starring Cadence, or continuing on with the series as normal with the whole princess thing having 0 relevance at all?
>>12340844wait what? fuck
>>12340906i have not bought any twilicorn toys yetthey're not show accurateget on it has-shit
>>123409211 week sure3 weeks not so much
>>12340923Former, the latter only means that MMC was retarded, which it was, while the former makes the entire season rubbish.
>>12340923>continuing on with the series as normal with the whole princess thing having 0 relevance at all?But that's what they're doing.
Was this the "big news" The Hub was trumpeting on their Facebook page?
>>12340919it's not that I get mad about brony pandering, it's just that I care less and less about the showit used to be a good show
>>12340937s4 confirmed for nov 23
>>12340937Season 4 premiere is November 23rd
>>12340937NEW PONY STARTS NOV. 23
>>12340923All I want is a running gag where Twilight can't figure out how to land, and keeps crashing every time she tries.Like in Greatest American Hero.
>>12340950So like Rainbow Dash?
>>12340919A reference is all fine and dandy if it happens every now and then.A reference every second panel in every issue is just lazy.
>>12340936That's just as worthless.
>tfw Twilight can't sleep because her constant 2lewd thoughts give her awkward wing boners.Having wings is suffering
>>12340919I'm looking. I have one with pinkie as a blue lantern and dash as a red lantern. Can't find it.
>>12340950I'd really like a running gag involving Twilight still learning to fly in some way. Be adorable to see her get flustered over it all the time.
>>12340937So we believe.
>>12340941>>12340944>>12340947Dammit, a simple 'yes' would have been sufficient.
>>12340947SO ONLY FOUR MORE MONTHS.That's around 121 days depending on how you want to slice it.
>>12340970Not for that question.
>>12340897in any case, that's not an apt analogy because money and muscles aren't essentially mutually exclusive in this universe.Until Hasbro decides that they can make even more bronybux by creating a city that just happens to be completely populated with alicorns, there are only 4 alicorns in all of Equestria and that makes them royalty and gives them immense power.they're not angels, but they're as close to gods as we've seen so far.
>>12340950>>12340966They're going to have an episode where Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy both teach her how to fly but neither one ends up being the best teacher.
>>12340923No contest.Twilight's princess adventures, starring Cadence.If the show ignored alicorn Twilight I could learn do it as well.
>>12340939Yes. It used to be a good show. It also still is a good show. It will also likely remain a good show.It's all fun.
>>12340974It's been confirmed that literally any pony can become an alicorn, even Earth Ponies.
>>12340958hi twilight want me to tell you a bedtime story
>>12340976FS would be shitty flight instructor.
>november 23>4 months awayYeah no, excuse me if i withhold my enthusiasmWhy would they announce it so early when is still so far away??Lats year they made the announcement less than one month before the premier.I guess they didn't want to risk lose hype for the show
>>12340970>>12340973Reread: he asked if "this" was the big news.A yes WOULD have been sufficient.
>>12340972Four more months and then Gloomy will be gone forever.
>>12340987>it is still a good showSeason 3 proved otherwise. I doubt they can pull out of this shit.
>>12340990I can understand pegasi and I can understand unicorns,but I can't see a mud pony rising to glory like that. Unless we find out Luna and Celestia were born earth ponies or something.
>>12340990>confirmedBy whom?I don't remember that.
>>12340994They're trying to distract all the bronies from the bluray rip of Equestria Girls so they can con them all into watching it only on the Hub.
>>12340990Yes, but they need to do something very speshulWhich doesn't describe what Twilight or Cadence did, but whatever
>>12341000Why are you even here?
>>12340997DON'T FUCKING SAY THAT I'TS NOT TRUE SHE LIKES WATCHING THE SHOW AS WELLshe'll just be very small>>12341004It's in the book. I think it's rubbish, personally.>inb4 misunderstanding about tiers of canon
season 4 better give me my damn sombra and celestia and luna and discord backstories or i'm going to continue pestering mccarthy and larson until one of them caves in and makes the lore, whatever that may be, canonworldbuilding, motherfuckers, IT'S LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO WRITE THOSE CHARACTER SWEET SPOTS
>>12340990>>12341004I think he's just saying that Celestia can just poop out an alicorn with her magic or something like that.
>>12341022But you don't fucking pester them and even if you did they wouldn't give a shit about you because you're insane
>>12341000S3 was fun. you do remember what fun is don't you? It's when you're enjoying yourself and your smile is wide as a mile. Lighten up gloomy gus.
>>12340990>>12341002>Celestia's hope is that eventually all ponies will become alicorns
>>12341034Does she grow bigger the longer the hiatus is?
>>12341042Celestia is a FILTHY COMMUNIST SWINE
>>12341038I do remember what fun is. Which is why I don't make shitty excuses for crap like season 3.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gWjR4mgVmkIt's not fanservice, it's fucking called writing your cartoon properly and listening to criticism (NOT trolling you nignogs constructive criticism means making more than such deep statement as "i hate thing" and "you suck")
>>12340997>>12341017>>12341034>>12341044Gloomy's special talent is size magic.
What's the reason for this early announcement?I don't think many shows give an air date for a new season 4 months away
>>12341011It has to be just the right kind of special. They need to be exceptional at their special talent. Some ponies are just more likely than others. You're never going to a pony who is good at growing carrots become an alicorn. Rainbow Dash's special talent makes her exceptional. If her special talent could be used to do good she could be an alicorn. The other mane6 (barring Twilight) don't really have the right talents for it.
>new horse episodes soonI AM SO HAPPY
>>12341002You just know Applejack and Pinkie Pie will become alicorns eventually.
>>12341046>being this madlel
>>12341042>shes actually just assembling an army of godlike alicorns
>>12341044It's why she's so big this time around. Next hiatus she may be a bit more manageable.
>>12341034Are...are there tiny little pones that represent the 6 days between episodes?
>>12341047>continue pestering mccarthy and larson until one of them caves in and makes the loreThat's not constructive criticism, that's just harassment
>>12341054>You're never going to a pony who is good at growing carrots become an alicorn.[citation needed]
>>12341044>generation ending will make her into a massively large pony while we wait for G5
>>12341054>The other mane6 (barring Twilight) don't really have the right talents for it.They're all Elements of Harmony. They're all qualified.
>>12341033>inb4 lame bug punI know this comes as a shock but writers and artists in general like to hear long exhaustive dissections of their work on a critical level, especially stuff that isn't shallow like "cute" or "nice" or "it's okay"complacency is the death of an artistreader apathy is the curse of an ineffective writer
>>12341067No, that's still Gloomy's jobwhy is she so perfect MLPG
>>12341070were you even AT bronycon 1, 2, and 3?i'm hardly the worst fan they have. trust me on this one.
>>12341046People like you are why I can't talk about Korra on /co/. You let these things get to you and go to your head until no one who hasn't been in your circlejerk of despair can make sense of your opinion that you feel entitled to share.Watch the show. Have a good time. Laugh at cute ponies. It's not hard.
>>12341079There's a little truth to that I guess. The Princess of Generosity or the Princess of Laughter are a bit abstract but Cadence is essentially the Princess of Love.
>>12341061>not caring about the show
>>12341070>>continue pestering mccarthy and larson until one of them caves in and makes the loreThat's not constructive criticism, that's just harassmentGO BACK TO PONYCHANhttp://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/
>>12341090>I'm not the worst, so it's not harassmentYour argumentholds no water.
>>12341070I wouldn't want Larson or McCarthy to make any lore. I've got no faith in their talents.
>>12341095Korra was pretty bad though
>>12341085Is Gloomy happy or sad about the hiatus? It means she becomes less important. IS she looking forward to being shoved into the background?
>>12341098>calling yourself a fan when you just watch it for the porn and you don't care and it's "popular"...Disgusting. shit tier bronies.
>>12341095No, Korra was a good show with autists who complained too much about a few minor flaws.Season 3 was shit. Plain and simple.
>>12341085because she's bigmore pony to grab onto and cuddle
>>12341115Oh yeah well so was your face
>>12341116Gloomy is just kind of a somber pony in general. She loves watching the show, and she really loves ___you___.
>>12341107this is now a watersports thread since your post is incoherent
>>12341130And your mom
>>12341095Korra was honestly bad though. It had a great setup, but then they bogged it down by getting rid of the triple triad, introducing a boring sport to waste time that could be spent actually fighting, and an awful love story
>>12341118this picture is so dumb
>>12341027Fluttershy Fluttershy Fluttershy can hardly fly
>derpibooru likes this
>>12341121Bronies liked season 3.If I were a brony, I'd go on and on about how season three was wonderful and 20% cooler and so was EqG and there's nothing wrong and I just love it so much.Yeah, the porn is better than season 3.
>>12341136I miss the last airbender.
>>12341116Gloomy likes watching the show and reading the comics. She doesn't mind the hiatus, but she's realistic about it.And she's always important to me>>12341129this is true>>12341131I hopeGod I'm such a faggot, waifuing an OC
>>12341137If they removed the Fausticorn and added Cadence I think it would be pretty.
>>12341136i willdestroy you and all your loved oneshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwGe1ziyuOw
>>12341079>>12341097I'm pretty much expecting this to happen by show's end, for the toys. I just hope they use the time to lead to into it with more than half a season. Foreshadow it by seasons.
>>12341144>actually has a stupid blue unicorn tattoohah
>>12341077>implying gen 5 won't be shit
>>12341146>porn is better than Season 3not arguing that one since r34 artists have a keen eye for character development and quality... most of the time
>>12341144Would violate if tattoos wash off /10
>>12341144>all inked up>dashfagEhhh... I'll pass.
which pony loves anal sax the most
i hope S4 is fucking awful
>>12341146That's really sad.
>>12341156Can you refute some of that guy's arguments? I've heard them a lot on /co/ and elsewhere and I really don't know if I should watch it or notEither way I'm going to rewatch TLA first, but still if you could make some counterpoints that would be helpful
>>12341115No it wasn't. It was a pretty awesome. But like I said, circlejerk of despair. You let enough 'not completely satisfied' opinions bounce off each other long enough and they turn into 'it is of the devil and pure shit' in time. No one who hasn't been paying attention to those threads on /co/ can even understand where the dislike is coming from or that it exists at all.But go on, let other people keep you from enjoying fun things. I've been having fun with both that show and this one this whole time and no one can stop me!
Pinkie pie's sister? So we're not getting Inkie and Blinkie (fuck you those names sound better than the book names)? What a rip.
>>12341166I'm sure there will be people waiting for it regardless, but unless they can get another star production crew and cast together I'll have to agree.
>>12341183Some anon just can't enjoy ponies like others.
Anybody got that comic about the guy who does drugs in his car and Rainbow Dash appears and he goes on about not taking any substance in bad english?Dump it for me please
>>12341186http://pastebin.com/9XiQGT4A>parents and her sisters
>>12341146You wouldn't know a golden episode if you saw it.
>>12341181AJ, she does covers of the anal sex ost with it
>>12341184Top 5 reasons why Korra is an amazing sequel:1. Strong female role model, great influence on young girls2. Conflict that includes realistic family pressure and individual vs society3. An honest treatment of the complications of incest (the two brothers both lusting over her) and polyamory4. Power struggles and handling the topic of rape and power loss without screaming "RAPE!" in theme when Korra has her Avatar-ism stolen away5. The amazing art and animation quality and backgrounds make it sheer eye candy and the music is fantastic tooAnyone who says otherwise is a goddamn pleb with 0 taste, shit tier colord
>>12341223I was with you until #3 and 4. Where the fuck did those come from?
>>12341184If you've watched the first series then you might as well watch it. But everything >>12341136is true
>>12341240tumblr, probably
>4 months until we see how meghan ruined the showhopefully by then most people will realize how stupid move was to turn Twilight into a princess
>>12341223>1. Strong female role model, great influence on young girlsshe's a fucking air head after episode 3 and whatthe fuck with 3 and 4? Fuck off to tumblr.
>>12341223>Strong female role modelstopped reading
>>12341136My fucking god. You actually didn't enjoy the Probending stuff?
>>12341223>An honest treatment of the complications of incest (the two brothers both lusting over her)Wait what, seriously? Can I get a confirmation on that?fucking, gross. I'm ok with people liking incest, but it still squicks me the fuck out. It doesn't help my twin sister and I kinda look like the Pines. Eugh.That aside, the fighting and steampunk elements in the AMV you linked did look pretty neat
BCS, please get bannedThanks.
>>12341240Did you even WATCH Season 1 of Korra? /co/ already discussed this to death and I covered this with my H Flash I'm doing later with Zone and Natsume in late 2013. Duh.
>>12341247everything he said was bullshit and opinion.
>>12341223I'm pretty damn sure the nickname "Whorra" is well earned
>>12341247>>12341136>Getting rid of the Triple TriadI don't even remember how that went down. Mind refreshing me?
>>12341252will you please go cry in a corner instead of to us?
>>12341252If they do more stuff like in EQG with Twilight having problems I'm going to be very happythe wing stuff was 2cute
>>12341269that's old, really old
>>12341262hownew.ruGOOGLE IThttps://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=434888Their names are Mako and Bolin, you're welcome.
>>12341260Nope. It was very uninteresting, I would have rather had actual fights, like the TLA.Also another thing that bothered me in Korra was that almost every fight had some cheesy slow mo effect
Why the fuck are you fags talking about naruto and shit
>>12341277>cuteshe looks disgustingly disproportionated with those things
>>12341273I won't contest that nickname, however I'm just going to sum this up with>OPINIONS! People disagree sometimes!
>>12341275Amon took them out in like the 3rd episode or something. Never spoken about again, no fight just captured and taken out.
>>12341279please report this postban this bitch again
>>12341273I've never heard anyone autistic enough to say that. And no.
>>12341262>Wait what, seriously?No. spoilered for spoilers.There's two brothers, both fall in love with her for a little bit, one gets turned down, other one chooses another girl.
>>12341262>>12341305Forgot to explicitly say that there's nothing even vaguely incestual about it.
>>12341214I dont think that means Pinkie, but i'd like to be wrong
>>12341300maybe you should just go back to ponychan if you're going to be such a bitch?
>>12341321No BCS, it's you that needs to go.
>>12341304sounds like pretty standard /co/ misogyny to me
>>12341279I was asking for confirmation from somebody else, actually. No offense.>calling new because I haven't watched Korrawell, Jesus fuck, if you want to be rude about it. And I'm going to hazard a guess and say that I'm probably not going to look at that inkbunny link, given that I've already said incest ain't my thing.Also, thanks for the spoiler in #4, as somebody yet to start watching the show I appreciated how I can't use that as a reason to start watching at all.>>12341305>>12341314Thank you. And thank you for spoiling a spoiler. Cheers.
>>12341284Oh come on! By doing a professional sport they were able to weave in some fighting styles into the bending from other professional sports. It was a lot of fun to watch! But no, they should have just done 'more real fights' with the same old that we had in the last series and nothing new.
>>12341297Bah, guess it wasn't entirely the fault of my shit memory, it was just that unmemorable. Thanks.
>>12341331I don't see anybody having a problem until you showed up and started shitposting.
>>12341334best background horse and VA
Any one know what writers are confirmed for Season 4? Is it going to be exactly the same as season 3?
>>12341341Yeah I remember when they started showing bending with MMA stuff and I thought that was really neat, but then it was wasted on the sport.
>>12341364AKR is back, Cindy Morrow is gone
what do you guys think
>>12341339I think the main reason /co/ is so weird about hating Korra is because of the tumblr parts of the fandom and their opposing 'idiot feminist' opinions. So the /co/ group just work to counter them by hating the show with an unwarranted passion.
>>12341340>calling new because I haven't watched KorraHave you never seen BCS posting in here before? The only thing she does is spewing catchphrases, with her favourite ones being "back to ponychan" and "newfag"
>>12341364AKR is in. And she REALLY happy about it.
>>12341351I have a problem with it, but posting about my problem with it would have been itself a contribution to the stuff I don't like, so I didn't.
>>12341341>>12341341>the shouldn't have done anything newYeah if I didn't want anything new, I'd have just watched reruns of TLA. Doing something new is exactly what they should have done, and the sporting event thing was both good world building and character development.
>children of the night>story makes no sense>luna is peter pan>worst OCs everwhy this fandom big projects always find so many ways to fuck up so bad?
>>12341369>wastedThat's the whole fucking point of it. And it was fun. It was enjoyable to watch. As a result when they do 'real fights' we also get them doing the same MMA style fighting. I loved it. This is obviously just an opinion point so I don't think it counts as a valid criticism of the show.
i found alcohol. sanity hurts so time for my one and only true love...
>>12341362What a wt 3.14Would waifu the everliving fuck out of.
>>12341388>AKR wrote the Pinkie musical episode
>>12341374>>12341388Sweet, between her and Corey I think Season 4 is shaping up quite nicely.
>>12341339Can I take the middle ground of "I like Korra and I would highly recommend it as a cool cartoon" without going I LURVE TING LET ME SPERG EVERYWHERE or going I HATE TING RUINED AVATURR FOREVRES
>>12341398>why this fandom big projects always find so many ways to fuck up so bad?because the people with the most dedication are just in it for attention and boss people around with their bad ideas.
Fuck I discovered today that people actually think dj pon3 is a FTM transexual.
>>12341410andrea pibb
>>12341379No /co/ is weird about hating Korra because that's what /co/ those.They hate TLA too and harp on stupid shit, because that's what /co/ does, even though it's one of the best western cartoons ever made. They just like to bitch and moan about stupid shit, because they're like a bunch of old hens.And /co/'s misogyny is deep, and long predates tumblr. They're like /v/ in that regard.
>>12341416there is a new writer in the team.
>>12341403Opinions can count as valid criticism. I'm not sure why you think it can't.
>>12341374> Cindy Morrow is gone[citation needed] really?that's kind of a big loss, she wrote some of the best episodes, though she also wrote the owl episodedoes anyone knows if Merriwether is coming back?
>>12341425that's not Wakfu
>>12341418No, you can not.That would be against the rules of being a fan of something
>>12341418Yes you can, but just not on tumblr or /co/. They are the two extremes that keep balance to the force so that we may walk the middle paths of fandom in safety. Pity them and thank them for their sacrifice.
>>12341410Too bad she's getting railed by probably more than half the wonderbolt trainees
>>12341426I hope that writer that wrote Scootaloo nightmare is on board!
>>12341419like I usually say, if you want something done, do it yourself so that way when people take potshots at it you can just say "well i tried" or "i'll do better next time" and no one else gets hurt/tg/ and I had an interesting discussion that Twilight Sparkle would turn evil but only to protect her friends thus making her chaotic evil but for good purposes, if the ends justify the means... making her an antihero, if they choose to pursue that line of reasoning for S4. they'd be flat out dumb not too.
>>12341444>wonderbolts sexunf unf unf
>>12341429yes she's gone for good and we don't know about Merriwether.
>>12341443What you say to an antibrony having a bad day:Yes, let the hate flow through you. The ponies will continue to be cute. You cannot resist the herd.
>>12341422wait what, whyI mean how would you even deduce thatSay what you will about fanon personalities most of them comes from what little screentime they have. For instance, Octavia acts reservedly to Pinkie's antics, which makes most people characterize her as being no-nonsense, serious all the time, and a bit stuck up. It's conjecture, but it's coming from somethingFrom what was this conjectured?
>>12341429She mentioned it at a con. Though i distincly remember seeing a tweet by her that mentioned that she was back on MLP, but i never saved it
>>12341479>I mean how would you even deduce thatbecause muh social justice
>>12341425>They hate TLA tooWhat, no they don't. Most of what I've seen is people going on about how Korra was a disappointment compared to it.
>>12341479One of the online stores selling the new DJP0N3 toy accidentally listed it as a 'he'
>>12341482>she's back for S5
>>12341429#beingatruefanI will continue to be entertained by MLP even if EQG was blatantly mediocre and Season 4 sucks because I know the fandom will pick up the slack and make gold out of bronze and gild bland episodes into something worth discussing.
>>12341444>you will never be a wonderbolt recruit who offers her ''services'' to the trainees in order to make it to the top faster
>>12341479because they're transsexuals projecting.
>>12341479It's conjectured from my dickbecause it gets hard thinking about male scratch
>>12341479https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=448527DarkTailskp15 hours, 2 minutes agoNope a staff member at Twitter staated she was a she, also if you read states it "looks like her" but not her.CorruptDezzy14 hours, 43 minutes ago@ DarkTailskpStill FtM to me.Can't convince my other wise.
>>12341452She is. And the new writer did a rarity episode that apparently broke Tabs
>>12341500I love how the Wonderbolt training uniforms are designed to show off the ass... I mean, the Cutie Mark.
>>12341453>/tg/ and I had an interesting discussion that Twilight Sparkle would turn evil but only to protect her friends thus making her chaotic evil but for good purposes, if the ends justify the means... making her an antihero, if they choose to pursue that line of reasoning for S4.>I missed a /tg/ pony threadGoddammit.Maybe we need some way of detecting pony threads on other boards so we can at least see them.
>>12341499that's not being a true fan, that's being a fan of the fandom
>>12341416>>12341426>>12341374Plus, Fullerton is coming back!Just for one episode, but still!Fullerton was supposed to write the wedding episodes but her husband died and she couldn't continue working
>>12341422.....for real?? Are they serious?
>>12341522that's fucking sad.
>>12341499>I know the fandom will pick up the slack and make gold out of bronze
>>12341530It was a day after his birthdayYou should have seen her tweets near christmas time
>>12341490They did that for Rarity as well once, I can't imagine anybody's seriously swayed by what is pretty obviously a typo.When you hear hooves, it's probably not a zebra.>>12341504this is acceptable to me>>12341507That second individual is a silly person. They're probably right in saying they can't be convinced.
>>12341528I would both of them at the same time
>>12341518/tg/ night threads can be surprisingly awesome if you lurk and then wait. Some of the people who made /tg/ good migrated to other boards (the people who produced original content) but the people left are MORE than willing to induge fandom-wank level worldbuilding of lore.I'm not saying MLP isn't allowed to be "fluffy" ... I just think that like a Pixar movie, it should have some real grit to sink your teeth into like Party of One and the original Discord episodes and Speed Demon of PPG and Nano of the North.
>>12341499>>12341541pfff hahaha
>>12341544fucking really? I feel bad for her.
what if rainbow dash got so fat she couldn't move
>>12341489Spend more time on /co/ They bitch about TLA all the time. /co/ bitches about everything. Yes, they'll turn around and say how much they love B, if only while complaining about A, and saying how much better B was than A. Doesn't mean they don't bitch about B in the B threads.
>>12341453>evil to protect her friends>chaotic evilI dont think you understand what the fuck you're talking about.If you have friends. At all. You're not going to be chaotic evil.
>>12341563uh, is that a new one?
>>12341544Don't do this to me, Anon
>>12341574Yeah at worst that would bring her to CN
>>12341555needs an #OH THE IRONY hashtagpony is like an evil enchantress yada yada overused memealso kid's cartoon =/= nothing worth discussing
>>12341588Link to addon please
>BCS shitposting>no one calling out of his shit>"m-maybe he will go away if we ignore him"Tell me, why are you guys better than the piss?
>>12341551Bitch please I LOVE /tg/. Not one of those guys who goes on about best board, but I'd certainly say it's a nice place.Those that go on about it being /d/-lite as well are irritating. I'm all for it, of course, but trying to make it like that all the time in otherwise serious threads is a bad idea
>>12341598fuck off
>>12341585>turning evil to save friends>a selfless act >neutralI'd still keep her in chaotic good.
oh boy
>>12341598Only report her when she breaks the rules
>>12341598Because she won't go away, no matter if we ignore her or not.So we might as well not shit up the thread but just filter her.
>>12341574Lawful evil?
>>12341598Holy shit, we should totally fight shitposting with shitposting! No one has ever thought about that! What could go wrong?
>>12341609Oh no that's why I said at worst, like if she did some really terrible things to others in the process
>>12341566I spend loads of time on /co/. It seems to me a lot of it is of two minds about just about everything.Pony threads that crop up there run the gamut from "What a horrible fucking show, Carebear levels of awful" to show discussionmuch like here, but with more of the former
>>12341598>responding to tripfags
>>12341598I have her filtered.
>>12341563Don't worry, guys! I'll burn this off as soon as I get out of here! *nom nom nom*
>show my little sister the s4 animatics and tell her when s4 starts>she gets super excited and starts jumping aroundNothing warms my heart more than seeing little girls being excited for FIM
>>12341612The game is missing so much shit in it, it kind of let me down. I would say that I wish they had more funding, but after the "we can't code hard saves" comment I really dont think that's the case.
>>12341598You realize she's on sometimes when you're not on, right?She was here late last night and nobody gave a shit, nobody was starting problems like you.So yeah, fuck off to your sub or ponychan or tumblr and bitch about it there.
>>12341624BCS please, if you're going to /tg/ atleast understand the basic concept of alignments.
>>12341644>the "we can't code hard saves" commentwhat
1. AKR2. Corey3. Larson4. Cindy Marrow5.Faust6. Polsky7. Mcharthy8. Fullerton9. Savino10. WilliamsThough whatever your own opinion is is fine too.
>>12341642yeah, well let's see if she is still excited in 4 monthsshe is young, she could lose interest in that time
Guys you are smart and everything, so do you know about some pone-related cons in Europe?
>>12341598I like BCS.Yeah she occasionally posts weird and silly shit, or just plain non-sequitors.Still, that's less shitposting than your average anon, and way the hell better than hateanons.
I found this alignment chartThis will devolve into my headcanon vs your headcanon but that's okay I guess, at least it gets some ideas and theories aired during booooring hiatus threads.What do you think Flash Sentry's alignment is?
>>12341563simplei wouldn't love her anymore
>>12341658considering /tg/ is constantly fucking it up themselves, I don't see how that's an issue.
>>12341642who is her favorite pony
>>12341667>Still, that's less shitposting than your average anonIt seems like you were gone the last few weeks.
>>12341642Draw ponies with her to past the time!
>>12341666What do you want to know?
>>12341667>that's less shitposting than your average anonhaha wow
>>12341646>>12341667BCS cocksuckers, please.You can talk about each other on the /b/read where you belong. We don't need shitposting tripfags who don't even contribute other than more retarded shitposting.>>12341607>>12341617>>12341619>>12341625>>12341626>>12341631>>12341640I am glad that there are others who hate the shit out of that fucktard.
>>12341668Trying to categorize a complex personality is stupid.Okay, mlp characters aren't that complex, but in general, boiling down a complex personality to a 2 word phrase is stupid.
>>12341659During a Q&A, people asked why the game relies entirely on checkpoints. One of the devs responded with "we can't put hard saves in the game because they're too hard to code."
>>12341667This is bait
>>12341613That is rather boring. As soon as the level starts it has nothing to do with ponies anymore.
MLPG do you have an "oh exploitable" type template for alignment charting? It's fluff discussion but at least it will give me something to do.Also, MLPG is "I disagree therefore it is spam/shitposting" but once again, you cannot derail a general as long as it is even tangentially related to the topic of MLP, however meta or dumb or stultifying you may find the walls of text.
>>12341694thanks for proving my point, anon
>>12341691Mainly everything
>>12341667It's really not, she posts as fast as the timer will allow her regardless of whether it's related to the discussion.I really wish she'd just be banned permanently so she wouldn't be able to come back.We are far and away better without her.
>>12341642Which one is her favourite pony?
>>12341701Yeah, I kind of quit after the boxes. It's a nice tech demo. Does it get any better?
>>12341695Frankly, the D&D alignment system is stupid.One of the shitty mechanics that only survived because the rest of the franchise survived.
>>12341696Did they hire a middleschooler to code it?
>>12341674/tg/ devolves into "grey area" shitflinging. I'm speaking specifically about the general idea of them.>lawful good: upholds the law and religious values>neutral good: a normal person that does good when necessary>chaotic good: doing good no matter the cost
>>12341716The purple one
>>12341694>BCS cocksuckers, please.It's BCS herself.
>>12341694>trying too hard to fit
>>12341710Not really. She's still contributing more to discussion than the average anon. Look at you, all you're good for is meta and shitposts.
Not matter how much you shitpost/hateanon trying to prove an empty point, I'm just going to post a picture of a pony because my real life is way more annoying than anything the Internet has yet to offer up this week.
>>12341710Oh god, just imagine how this thread would look if you didnt have to wait between posts
>>12341733>muh tinfoil
>>12341716Well, there's galacon in Stuttgart, Germany on the 3rd and 4th august and Libman, Peter New and the swedish Spitfire VA are attending along with some other VAs I can't remember and some brony guests
>>12341735>sucking so hard tripfag cockIf you want to talk about tripfags shitposting, why aren't you drowning in the piss?I fucking hate GG, but BCS is another level of bullshit.
>>12341749how did I even respond to that post>>12341707
>>12341736Today and maybe yesterday she has, but she has shitposted for weeks and weeks and got banned twice and that is pretty rare.
>>12341728... acceptable.
why is this freaky mime making me wear furry ears and tail
>>12341742Horrible, she's be half the posts while the other half would be than anon that just spams shit because he feels it's justified.
>>12341755>so jelly
i wish to be loved by pinkie
Oh, here's the template if you want to make some. I know thred is a bit ded right now so maybe a little TG in MLPG would liven things up out of the bitterness of full-on hiatus boredom.
>>12341758She is only so-so today>>12340477>>12340620>>12340654>>12341047
>>12341695>>12341668>>12341674>>12341721Actually, I've always had this idea that alignments actually apply in Equestria. Harmony replaces Lawful, but the spectrum is narrowed so Chaotic Good and Lawful Evil are very rare, if not absent entirely. This is mostly because we haven't really had any on the show if this system is true, the show is kind of straightforward, morality wise: good guys vs. bad guys.The EoH are Lawful artifacts that can only function if their wielders are deemed fit, judged based on their Lawfullness. When the Main 6 were Discorded, it was sort of like a spell to change alignment: it brought out those most Chaotic parts of them, rendering the EoH useless.This was all before Discord's reform, so maybe he could count as a Chaotic Good character. Just an idea I bounce around to myself sometimes. Any thoughts?
>>12341776BCS pls draw more dog spike/rarara porn
>>12341776Your alignment board is all sorts of fucked up. It's supposed to read left to right, not up and down.
>>12341784How does that fit in with my favorite magic canon?
>>12341792She's going to do it in mspaint using a mouse.
>>12341779ew it smells like salty milk and coins
>>12341774But, AnonPinkie DOES love you
>>12341809what's going on under her skirt
You ever notice how MLPG never REALLY shitposts anymore about Slugbox or Megasweet or JJ or CrookedTrees or PurpleKecleon and only about artists who are currently thread active?Convenient, that. Mighty convenient.
>>12341799That's pretty much what I was thinking too, actually, yeah! That's brilliant!Too bad they'll probably never actually go into detail with this in the show. and it's a damn shame EQG's noncontinuity with FIM makes this impossible to apply thereI don't know about the Pinkie Sense stuff, but it's damn fascinating and sounds like it'd work
>>12341831GEE I WONDER WHY
>>12341803this was drawn using a mouse
>>12341831>PurpleKecleonNo one bitches about her.
>>12341831Why would we complain about people that don't come here who are doing nothing to bring down the thread's quality?
>>12341828is that an inflatable anthroshy...?
>>12341831Yeah I know what you mean. Just look at how much shitposting Goat Train gets when he is around!
>>12341831I don't know what reality you live in, but half of those people never came here to begin with.
>>12341845because trolls...who wonder do that? go on the internet and post mean things about someone?
Am I the only one who reports every post from BCS?
>>12340276lame the huge news turned out to be nothing just like that anon predicted
>>12341831People sitll bitch about them, except purplekecleon, who the fuck shitposts about her?Just few days ago people were shitposting about crookedtrees
>>12341871I hope you're not.
>>12341871nope, it's basically what I do the moment she goes full retard
>>12341809how could someone like pinkie love someone like methat physically hurt to type even if she isn't real
>>12341876I like that half human horse.She looks cute with a bath robe
>>12341831I've seen all of those bitched about in the last week with the exception of PK.But yeah, it's probably just Ross, and while he's still here he's also spending time elsewhere.Like drawing inflation porn in the Shezow threads on /co/
>>12341871I would if I didn't have her filtered
>>12341871No, I think there are a couple of you ponychanners.
>>12341871I do it. Only when it's not show or pony related. So a lot
shitposts everywhereQuick tier of thread comments:Alicorn tier: over 1,000 thoughtful argument, rational, does not take an overally strong stanceUnicorn tier: Thoughtful feedback and breakdownsPegasus tier: Gently worded dismissals or encouragementMud pony tier: Snide irony and sarcasm, civilized discussion dissolvesShitlord tier: Just take a look at the Catalog right now without recoiling
>>12341876>>12341891chubby anthroshy is my new fetish
>>12341889Pinkie Pie loves everyone who isn't a 'meanie'.
>>12341903>you ponychannersBCS, pls.
>>12341860I sure do hate that fagget!Just kidding goat, I love you ;_;
>>12341913>over 1,000 wordsbasically a quality post is anything that isn't "no U"
>>12341891She probably wouldn't like you, though.
>>12341922>oh no, a parasprite said that Derpy is an ugly pont>I better hit report and hope they get banned!That's you, bro.
>>12341897I don't want to filter her because she might post some art that I like, and I'm too lazy to report all of her post.
>>12341928W-why not?What did I do?
>>12341871No, when she breaks the rules, I report her.Too bad that the mods don't seem to care.
>>12341913>>12341926what if instead of contributing to shitposting, you go draw something?oh wait, right, you prefer to pay attention to shitposting
>>12341913>shitposts everywhere> BCS !!mJMjWKIN6GV>and then replying to herself
>>12341926You forgot to take off your name there. Happy to help.
>>12341941Have a look at her art thread.You're not missing much, especially as of late since it's just a bunch of fucking scribbles.
>>12341928i love how mangneto almost always includes a pantsless version when he draws something.girls wearing no pants always gets me
>>12341920but i am a bitter and jaded self-hating assholejust like crankywhy would she want to be my friend
>>12341937>parasprite>DerpySo, you came from /mlp/?Seems like so, piss brony. :^)
>>12341944You know what you did.
Why aren't you being untalented, uncreative, and worthless?
MLPG has a very strange symbiotic parasitic relationship with its drawfags and writefags.Without them, they would be nothing.
>>12341966She just wants you to be happy, Anon.Stop acting like a fool and give her a chance.
>>12341986Because i am_________
>>12341969I'm not the one spamming the report button because of uncontrollable autism, anon.
Have you given you daily 11 votes for Rarity today?
>New season starts november 2013>the same month that iGoogle goes away 5everconspiracy.avi
>>12341991Thing is, you aren't a contributor. And even if you were, nothing could make up for the amount of inane shit you dump in this thread.
>>12341986because I can draw
>>12342023wait you can do that daily?
>I don't understand what burnout is or why constantly insulting my drawfag doesn't produce the quality art I desire>maybe I should shitpost more instead of donating money since this artist is known to produce better art when cheerful!
>>12342023Why is she so perfect?
>>12342019So, you would rather turn MLPG into another piss thread where tripfags shitpost without contributing?Let me help you drown in piss already, fucktard.
>>12342023>votingwhy bother, Hasbro is going to rig the vote and force us to accept Worstprincess as the #1 pony on the show
>>12342023I've been voting for best horse every day since the polls open.>The diamond dogs coalition of better living through blingHow could you not vote for her?
>>12342032>I get to decide who is and isn't a contributor!TOPKEK
>>12341991writefagging's been dead here for a year or twoand it's never been that dependent on drawfagging either.Even in the earliest months, a lot of the stuff posted here was just taken from deviantart.That's why it's survived long after it's driven all the best contributors off.
>>12342025>I have never heard about igoogles before>visit it>looks pretty usefulI-is it really going away? I don't wanna set it up if it disappears in a few months anyway
>>12342039That's a laugh.Even with money you'd be a broken record and you know it.
>>12342039I think people would be weary to donate money to someone that's constantly trying to antagonize them then play victim when people antagonize her.That's just my onion, though.
>>12342064I truly cannot remember what my homepage was before iGoogle came around. I have no idea what the fuck I'll do when it's gone.
>>12341986I've been trying for a long time actually but it's hard to keep working on it because I worryso fuck you
>>12342059No, actually common sense and the ability to read this thread dictates that.
>>12342051people like you have turned mlpg into another ponychanand it's not just the retarded moderation, its your own hypocritical shitposting as wellanon, you are the piss
>>12342063throw me the link
posting best purple hellspawn
>>12342023>being sucked into habsros shitty marketingno thanx
>>12342039Oh so you just want money.You know, you could have said that from the beginning and saved us from all this idiocy.You are in the wrong place, you are definitely not going to get money from MLPG, specially after the impression you have left in here
>>12342080>into another ponychanWhy are you talking about ponychan so much?Do you belong there? Maybe I should help you guide to it with a shovel?
>>12342078what have you ever contributed, anon?
>>12342080Can we go back to arguing D&D alignments?Celestia—Good, neutral or tyrant?
>>12342080So, you like shitposting.
>>12342097>anybody who has ever watched or discussed EqG
would you
>>12342107Fuck you
>>12342023what votes?this is the first i've heard of whatever you're talking about
>>12342088http://www.hubworld.com/hubworld/specials/mlpfim-fan-favorite/?adFree=truegive all your votes to rarara
>>12342100I don't think shitposting hateanons spend a lot of time commissioning anyway, anon.At least they don't admit to it.
>>12342077>because I worryabout what? being a terrible writer?hate to break it to you but fanfiction writers are talentless by default
>>12342113No. I stay faithful to my waifu.
>>12342113I would anything that even somewhat looks like a mare from FiM and isn't creepy.
>>12342109No, it's why I'm rejecting the bullshit you're posting.
>>12342140I don't know why I posted that image, I don't recall selecting it.
>>12342102Because people are acting like they're on ponychan.They want the moderators to step in and ban anything they don't like. They're too immature to handle people with different opinions.
I don't give a shit about money except insofar as it helps my direct health and impulse buys.Hasbro is proof that money is the root of all evil.
Guys I love marker and would greatly appreciate drawings of her dressed as a clown
>>12342125Eh, MLPG is full of cheap bastards anyway.BCS should have known that since the beginning
>>12342163>clown fetishtrying to decide if this is even worse than diaperfaggotry
>>12342155reportingwhy would you even post that, parasprite?
>>12342155Including but not limited to, yes
>>12342172Because I want to know if Anon would her, too.
>>12342169Top 3 worst fetishesDiapersFeetClowns
>>12342107>tyrant CelestiaThis has always been a terrible idea. Lawful Good sun deity I don't think it's very unreasonable to call her a god in D&D terms, is it?
>>12342169Clowns are worse even though clownfags don't have someone like Pamperchu or diaperfurs to ruin their image.
>>12342164this is true, mlpg is entitled to art, and if artists don't suck our cocks and take our requests then they should be banned.Then again, I'm pretty sure that most of the hateanons are really big furfag dramawhores and spend thousands of their parents dollars on commissions.
>>12342192>not scat
>>12342153>too immature to handle a fucktard throwing shit and yelling loudly>j-just ignore him, the shit doesn't smell that badI would rather have a mod ban BCS than suffering for more fucking months, because some fucktard anon tells me to ignore a bigger fucktard or he will cast the curse of ponychan upon us.
>>12342193>a godHer CR isn't even epic level, have you seen how weak she is in the show?
>>12342199Scat is on the same level as diapers so I put them in the same category.Should have probably put vomit fetishes in there somewhere, too.
>>12342124I gave all my votes to Orange Applehat
>>12342195>mlpg is entitled>mlpg should enjoy shitposting and become the new /b/read>mlpg should drop the elitism and become another /mlp/ piss haven
>>12342193She seems to be almost immortal and -through her magic- is extremely powerful.She would probably considered a god by everyone but the monotheistic religions.
>>12342192Feet are Low tier, not bottom tier.Scat and or watersports would be a better contender for that spot
>>12342216...are there five more in this series of pictures?
Dog!Spike is a tad hard to adjust to drawing.
>>12342132Not really about being a terrible writer, but I don't know if I could take the criticism I'm told I need to improve very well. I wouldn't want to wind up like a writing version of... was it Dobson who couldn't take constructive criticism as anything but insults? Not sure.I don't give a wet fart in a windstorm about talent. Supposedly, it doesn't even exist. Who gives a damn if it does, anyway? People can get better through practice: maybe somebody who practices can get even better than somebody with talent. You'll never know unless you try. As GG once told me, you regret things you didn't do more than things you did.
>>12342202>sufferingIf you really call this suffering, then you're a pretty big fag and take mlpg way too seriously.And if you hit report on BCS, you might as well have big sign around your neck reading "hi, I'm 12 years old and need an adult to wipe my ass for me."
>>12342169I'm sorry if I made it sound like clowns are my fetish
is derpybooru dead?
>>12341997i don't think i am capable of joysorry pinkie
>never liked Nanaki's dickgirl wolf>suddenly see art of her as human>get as hard as a brick wallShit, now what.
>>12342213>emetophilia as low tierokayguess someone doesn't like deepthroating and/or gagging and hardcore bdsm
>>12342223oh I'd put watersports way above feet.
>>12342210Love magic was buffing her big-time. She had massive bonuses, which, stacked with her already pretty intimidating base stats, combined to more than Celestia could take.
>>12342254it's okay, your mom is MY fetish
>>12342234I can see thatThe first time you drew him you actually got him right, this time the head looks weird
>>12342244Well, I can't fucking ban her by myself. Can you?
>>12342264fuck off nanaki
>>12342266if you vomit while deepthroating then you're doing it wrong.They're two completely unrelated fetishes.It's like comparing analsex and scat.
>>12342257''Don't worry, Anon. I can teach you!''
>>12342278I can ignore things I don't like.Why can't you?
>>12342273M-mine too...
>>12342300you're not a contributor
>>12342283But I *like* the fetish blender
opinions on this horse are required
>>12342302>I can ignore things I don't likeSo, you were really a big nerd getting bullied in high school all day?
>>12342300I'm not reporting any contributors, I'm jsut reporting you
>>12342312She just drew a request, anon.You're a flat out liar.
>>12342295i wish pinkie would teach me how to love
>>12342323High tier horse with low tier fans.
>>12342325you really are a tumblr social justice warrior?
>>12342323She's 50% of best ship so I suppose she's okay
>>12342323best horse
>>12342046You mean purrrrrfect?
>>12342353I asked first, shitlordanswer
>>12342354>50% of best shipTwirity?
>>12342340Of course she will!That's what friends are for, silly
>>12342340oh jesus I thought that was pinkie's tiny hoof
>>12342323squigglyhair is elegant lady non-slut-but-very-promiscuous-and-loving ponyshe will be redeemed in my eyes when one of 3 things happens:1) She gives Spike the time of day2) She becomes a good friend to Twilight3) She treats Sweetie Belle like the miniature little angel she is
>>12342311That must be weird as hell, Anon. I'm sorry to hear that.
I have something terrible to report.This exists.
>>12342323A nice horse with a fun character, a great VA, and a solid roster of good episodes. Probably my personal favorite of the main 6, if I had to choose.
>>12342369That's actually pretty cute
>>12341799>Cadance Agapeunf
>>12342365but i've never had a friend beforewhat do i do
>>12342377Because it's an autistic girl instead of an autistic dude?
I wish I could figure out DogSpike's design a little better.I want to draw deepthroat but he's too small... maybe if he was a Doberman or something...
>>12342373>panderingI fucking hate the fandom.I fucking hate every single one of you.
>>12342302>I can ignore things I don't like.No, you obviously can't. Because you have been arguing with Anon about his opinion for how long now? Twenty minutes?You are obviously completely unable to ignore shit you don't like.
>>12342377>>12342369>ywn feed a pony more than her fair share of snacks because you wouldn't have enjoyed them anyway because she looks at you like this
>>12342266I don't want someone to vomit on my dick when deepthroating and I'm sure no one else wants me to vomit on their dick when their balls deep in my throat.
BCS, if you need money so much, why not go and become a youtube partner like tiara and make shitty animations and get loads of youtube money?In all the time you have been wasting and shitposting here, you could have animated something.
>>12342405Yesalso I assumed that she's a child
>>12342381You just sit back and follow the lead.Pinkie knows what to do.
>>12342380>>12342380>Agape>selfless sacrificial lovemai nigga +9000http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/sexualit1/a/LoveMagic.htm
>>12342411He is a puppy, you could draw a grown version of him
>>12342425I think it's less of a money thing and she just wants attention regardless of if it's negative or positive.
>>12342429You know, autistic dudes have the mentality of a child. Does that count too?
>>12342420Am I begging the janitor to stop the hateanon for me? No? Then your argument's a bit flawed, retard.
>>12342419It's not pandering if nobody likes or wants it.
>>12342373If they keep releasing Derpy stuff it's a good sign that they're keeping her in and all but THAT'S NOT A MUFFIN IT'S A CUPCAKE WTF
>>12342454Probably the case considering that she is still here instead of go and do animations
>>12342373W-what?Why is her head a cupcake?I didn't open the image last time I saw one like this, is there a whole line of ponies with cupcakes for heads?Why?
>>12342425>implying my 3D stuff isn't rendering as we speakI take a break every few months to powerlevel and revitalize myself as an artist. While I'm not moneybags like Zone and Tiarawhy, I still have a measure of pride in my own work that no amount of putdowns will take away because the best feeling in the world is going "Yeah...yeah that's totally what I was envisioning and feeling. Fucking NAILED IT."http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OUfR5fHiiw
>>12342481nobody wanted EqG, but a lot of bronies ended up liking it.Suckers born every minute, and all that.
>>12342465Are you ignoring him? No. Did you stop this conversation when it was obvious that neither of you would change his viewpoint? No.It doesn't matter if you cry for a janitor or mod, you are not able to ignore shit you don't like.
>>12342484lol pinkamena is crazy!
>>12342420>>12342465Another anon jumping in, but just because he's being hypocritical doesn't actual mean his point's invalid. You're spending effort on trying to talk these guys out of doing thing you dislike, rather than just ignoring and leaving them be.
>>12342485Yeah. I don't see the point in sticking around a place you keep saying you don't like when whatever is going on here is obviously bothering you a lot.Just seems really silly.
>>12342256It's been shitting the bed for the past few days. I assume it'll be back before too long.
>>12342513Does the fact that I'm choosing to respond to him mean I'm incapable of ignoring him? Of course not. Learn some logic, faggot.
Okay, now that the topic is on the table...What distinguishes a cupcake from a muffin?
>>12342509Wow, such subtle opinion forcing.>Stop liking things! You can't really like that thing!>You don't want to be like the brony scum do you?
>>12342529>I'm just responding to him because I WANT TO>I could totally stop anytime I want>I swear
>>12342532sweetness, sugar, frosting and sprinkles
>>12342522Ok, now this is just creepy
>>12342522Who is that?cute
>>12342501There is an entire line of toys featuring ponies with cupcakes for heads.
>>12342554>Who is that?brony leave
>>12342537If you liked EqG, you're brony scum.You're perfectly free to be brony scum if that's what you want to be, I ain't stopping you. But there's no getting over that fact.
>>12342507>I take a break every few months to powerlevel and revitalizeAnd is clearly working so well> I still have a measure of pride in my own work that no amount of putdowns will take awayYeah, and instead is taking away your financial and emotional stability
>>12342568>opinion forcing continues
>>12342559Whoever thought of these toys... ? I'll have what they're having.Plans for tonight:rendering more dragons and bugs, sounds like a plan
>>12342581>my arguments are flawless! fucking told!
>>12342577I would fuck Marker.
I wish MLP would touch a tiny bit more on parenting besides the Cake twins.
>>12342587Probably the same schmucks who mistook Scratch for a dude.Or maybe they mistook her for Acid.
>>12342619I'd rather not... the problem with Baby Cakes is you are now aware how much it sucks not to have hands.
trayvon deserved to die
>Speaking French out of the bleu>She's parlaying something crazy!Heh.With these little jokes and those political videos, this little advertising stunt has actually had a bit of effort put into it. I'm actually enjoying it.
>>12342677>Out of the bleuI actually chuckled
What did MLPG think of Children of the Night?
>>12342697I don't watch shitty fandom videos
>>12342678Then he started taking hormones and got titties and now this is what we have.
>>12342677Man, I should be doing more of those. More votes for the glory of Pinkie Pie, and well.. looks like they actually got some better questions in there after the first one I did
>>123426974The animation was pretty good, that's about it
>>12342677They're kind of simple, but I'm liking the pony trivia. Jokes can be pretty neat too.
>>12342697>>12342704This is an actual good fandom video. Even /mlp/ as a whole liked it. But I guess saying that ruins it for MLPG.
>>12342697I liked it. Had some flaws but it was still enjoyable.
>>12342697I watched the early animatics a couple years ago and thought the whole concept was shit.I don't care to watch it now. I've heard the quality of animation is nice, which is more disappointing than anything, because they could have spent the talent and effort of something original instead of a shitty fanwork.
>>12342677So how many votes have you given your waifu so far MLPG? I'm up to 55.
>>12342697I enjoyed it. OCs had pretty bad coloring, but the animation, voice, and scenes were nice.
>>12342731I don't watch them because I DON'T CARE about them.
>>12342700It is, most of the time.There's just a lot of retards who don't realize that.
>>12342731>Even /mlp/ as a whole liked it
>>12342697I'm not going to watch it.
>>12342745Think I'm at 54. Still not sure what compelled me to pick quill instead of scroll...
>>12342745>Rarifags cheating because they know she'd never stand a chance of winning otherwise
>>12342745I can't vote for my waifu.
>>12342731>even /mlp/ as a whole liked itYeah, they're worse than the piss, now. They're just bronies.
>>12342749You don't care about a 4 minute video, just wasting time in MLPG, that's cute>>12342759There's that MLPG attitude..>Threadly reminder your general is unnecessary
>>12342778>daily votes>cheating>tearsOur little votes aren't going to do too much in the grand scheme of the poll, so wipe those tears from your eyes.
>>12342801>How dare they like things>Brony scum
>>12342697the story was legit retarded but the animation and visuals were good
>>12342817the board is unnecessary, I don't think you have an argument there
>>12342817>Threadly reminder your general is unnecessaryAs is the entire board but no one's complaining.
>>12342817Being here doesn't mean I'm obligated to watch anything
>>12342835You need to watch the show.That's it really.
>>12342741>I don't care to watch it now. I've heard the quality of animation is nice, which is more disappointing than anything, because they could have spent the talent and effort of something original instead of a shitty fanwork.Well what's your damage bro?
Sparkle sparkle sparkle.
>>12342851I do watch the show. Luna's Children is not the show and thus I will not watch it.
>>12342817No one ever said Pokemon General was unnecessary. I should know. I used to be a /tr/ainer. I don't get why people don't think MLPG is fine. Even the mods think its fine.
>>12342833I think the board was necessary to bring order back to /co/ and /b/ since there was just enough people making a big deal of pony to ruin the fun for everyone.
>>12342828>>12342833Wrong. The board means Moot can keep ponies out of everyone else's faces without losing a shit ton of traffic. Maybe you mean all of 4chan is pointless, which is hard to argue against but what's the point? We're all wasting time.But having a general on the same topic as the board which it's hosted on, which you claim to hate, that is pointless. Why don't you move to your own fucking site?
>>12342870and yet there are still people trolling both of those boards with ponies