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Zebra and magic and horses and whatnot

old pony: >>12327948
I like to think that Zebra magic works differently from any other kind of pony magic.

They cast spells by speaking in rhyme, using different schemes and meters in combination to produce different effects.
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You guys aren't going nearly fast enough
She reminds me of the man
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I would rather give the D to an Equestria Girls than a pony.
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Is friendship still magic?
The man with the power
She's a miserable pile of lies and secrets
>For fun they practice with their pony dolls, giving them different voices and personalities
>Lyra walks in on them
>"Are you playing with DOLLS??"
>Lyra walks off and they continue playing
>A few minutes later, she comes back with human action figures
>Best Day Ever
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I would rather give the D to a pony than an Equestria Girl
I would rather be a human and be with the human version of my favourite pony than be a pony with a pony
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Captain's Log, Hour 11:

At this point I am giving up hope for the comic. The crew have attempted to satiate me with low res scans, but deep down I think they knew I would only read clear, crisp high res pdfs. I don't blame them, they were only trying to help. I may go to bed alone and comic-less tonight. The thought chills me.
Zebra thread? Zebra thread.

Also Zebra magic is totally a roll for Potion crafting and Witchcraft.
It's gonna explode

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I would rather not give the D to anyone
Is it dildos
I mean oh boy a package
Open it....carefully.
I would rather be a human and be with the pony version of my favourite pony than be a pony with a human version of my favourite pony
What if dog and griffon magic?

What's the deal with saddle arabians?
Pinkie Pie sure does love to over stuff her box
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I'd like to never think about Equestria Girls again, but you can't poop on other people's fun.

Keep chugging along human horse people.
Hmm. I wonder if the mail came today.
Is she surprised that he said oh no and that she hurt him or that there was no reaction?
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>not wanting to fill human pony with marshmallow semen
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Marker, you need to go on a diet. You're going to get heart diseases if you keep horsing without exercise.

I know how this goes.

It's Pinkie Pie? Oh, yeah, it's candy and dildos.

Level 1 fireball


Don't need no magic

>Saddle arabians

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You called?
She thinks that she hurt him
Do we really have to explain the joke to you?

That's a cute little colt.
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Is booping good exercise?
Who the fuck are you?
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dogSpike x Sunset Shimmer hatefuck where?
But why would she be surprised that he actually hurt him? Isn't that what she was aiming for in the first place?
Apparently so.
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Nope. No boops allowed.
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Do you really want this or are you joking?
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That sounds really cozy.
She may have been play poking him
I want it.
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I wouldn't mind seeing more tiny little baby train pulling ponies.
Chocolate cake?
>053 []
>box2.png (35 KB, 300x300) google iqdb
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Mental illness isn't funny Pinkie.
Pinkie Pie, I'm already in Equestria. You don't need to keep sending me these aids.
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thats not very pony

She knew her hairtail wouldn't hurt him but she was being playful and expected some kind of reaction.

She didn't get one immediately so Anon pretended to be in pain. She freaked out and thought she actually hurt him.

Do you not into children?
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I wish there was more scorpio art
She's pretty hot
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I know just who to forward this to!!

Ponies with braces get my dick hard
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You know what time it is
>Paint on Derpy's wings

Derpy would have been the kid in preschool who tried eating the glue.
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Emma > Jean
It's a fact.
>well drawn scroptio sketch
>28 upboats on derpibooru
>a crappier anatomy image with a single line for vag/butt
>90 upboats
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De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine:
Domine, exaudi vocem meam:
Fiant aures tuae intendentes,
in vocem deprecationis meae.
Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine:
Domine, quis sustinebit?
Did brae ever finish that really damn cute panka quest where she kept sending us boxes? I recall him being torn between a non-sexual and a sexual ending
okay no more mail that was bad
That's cute. I hope when Derpy grows up she won't be defined as a character by a food item.

Would you go to Equestria?

What if you broke your leg and were brought to the hospital, only for the doctor to take out his gun and put you out of misery?
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Would you sexually a Derpy?
Not yet, maybe when these cons end
which butt?
how hard?
No, he's too busy preparing for bronycon.

He's gotta be nice and loose.
He's going to finish it, but he's tied up with con stuff for now.
only a pony Derpy
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Did you save either or are you just playin
Now thats a serious party poper!

Derpy is for cute and loving, never for sexual.
is bdf on a skype contact-deleting spree again or is it just me since we've never talked save that one time when we added one another months ago

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Well, what'd you expect?
Nah, he's still in France. Then he's going directly to BronyCon when he gets back.
yes, but not that one
Holy fuck that looks like it was drawn by that person who had not improved on Deviant Art over like 10 years that people love to link.
Okay, cool.

I was afraid I missed it

scrubbles pls

you're drunk
>that face
>those proportions

No not at all

on the right.

sfw one has 28 upvotes, the one thast nsfw has 81
I'd a sexually-forward Derpy
just go talk to him
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How ever hard she demands.
I probably would have liked this if it wasn't for that head, face, and arms.
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Why not both?
If I met Derpy in public I would cuddle her so much mares would cover their foals' eyes.
Do you like alicorns with broken horns, MLPG?

Would you help them heal it up?
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Where the fuck did Hesh even go?
I miss him ;_;
at once?
we really don't have anything to discuss, but i'm just surprised it took him that long to realize this.
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Which pony is the most aesthetic?
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I couldn't look further than this
I just can't
So do you guys think we'll see less original humanized pony fanart now that EG is out?
See now this is a Derpy I would with all my heart.
I would love and care for that derpy in a non-sexual way.

Christ that hair is cute
bcs pls draw
Does he have a boner?
no because they look like shit
Probably a semi.

never, the MLP fandom is a train with broken brakes

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Maybe, maybe not.
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Is this even a question?

not unless you want Weaver-level shitty metacomics

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>not having human lyra sit on bench like a pony
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He's planning on doing both types of endings, if I recall. I don't regret asking Pinkie over, the chain is adorable.
But the general brony opinion seems to be that Equestria Girls is pretty good.
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what the hell am i doin
I don't mind if it's pony.
away from my heart
Can you heal broken horns? I bet breaking it would be like cracking your skull open. I don't think those would grow back naturally.
This is probably the cutest human Derpy ever.
Do I at least get head from one of the pretty nurse ponies before he shoots me?
I only really care about the nonsexual one personally
I'm going to marry Fluttershy!
Hatefucking is consensual.
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I bet there's a spell to fix it somewhere.
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She's not that great in the morning
I would that Derpy in the missionary position while kissing
She looks fine to me.
Who is?!
We're going to get married in the park!
Well I'm not a unicorn that can cast it and the unicorn with the broken horn is probably SOL. So I can't see myself helping very much.
But what if she wants you to kiss her?
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She still looks adorable.
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Coloring a Scoots?

That's fair enough, just going with what I recall. It's gonna be cute.
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Then I'll kiss her.
No. No sexual.
No Scoots is too late for a stream.
>tfw marrying a dolphin
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Stop speaking ancient italian
Welcome to June 16th
On the mouth?
So is she trapped in perpetual morning in the show then?
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I have not seen a single porn picture of a dolphin with an MLP
dash why are you guarding you're the princess of loyalty, you have your own guards
Maybe on the cheek
>Dash will never be your overprotective mom
On the mouth.
With tongue too, if she wants.

>get redirected to the front page

Would Fluttershy take care of my morning wood for me
>>Dash will never be your terrible mom
She's guarding your virginity.
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I'll cut you. I swear I'll do it.
>Implying that needs guarding
she did a lousy job then
It's not like it needs guarding
So is the honeymoon them dragging you into their rape caves?

Like the other guys said: When these upcoming cons are done with, i'll probably finish it! And i do plan on both a nonsexual and sexual ending.
Just got back from France a couple days ago.
>implying that is under threat
She's really liking that
Maybe you should try something else.
Like grabbing her butt
Dash could be an overprotective parent. I don't think she would be that anal about it though.

And I don't understand that last frame completely. I guess she's realizing she's lame? But the face looks sad and remorseful instead of shocked.
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she likes to suck the head
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Great, glad I wasn't spreading misinformation. Hope you had a good time in France.
You misunderstand. She's keeping everyone else safe from you.
That's what it is implying, but it is left to interpretation a bit.
It's a good comic because it doesn't explain it exactly, you just read it in her face.
>implying that needs guarding
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dat anatomy
Sports gifs are the best.
Crickety crack
That's right interesting. Thanks fopr keeping me up to date.
But I'm the last guy anyone would expect trouble from.
Did you know that male sea horses are the ones who become impregnated?
There sure is a lot to grab.
And so soft too.
Maybe she'll like it if I slip my hand under her shirt to touch her bare back.
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I'd love to see a matured fluttershy 10+ from current show time.

By the time she's all mellowed out and grown up, she would make the best wife.
Sombra it's okay, we all know you're not treatening.
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/sp/ is goat board
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I've always hoped they'd show more snippits of her work-a-day life since Feeling Pinkie Keen.
Does that mean the females lay their eggs in the males? Do they hold their squirming men down and inject their eggs into them with their ovipositor?
what villain was defeated in the most bullshit ending? sombro or sunset shimmer?
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So guys? What's The Hub's big announcement about anyway that we all are going to get hyped up about?
I'd just love to see more of what she actually does day to day. Something that doesn't involve muffin jokes.

Imagine 82+ episode threads a year
Imagine waifu wars where winners get IRL trophies and fame
Imagine no fear of it ever ending
Reminder to report and filter all noncontributing tripfags
they're cancelling pony
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Form best to worst
That human has a receding chin

Neanderthals are gross
Equestria Girls: the Series.
Oh, come on, Pinkie's not that bad.
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>not unless you want Weaver-level shitty metacomics
I can't disagree with that
She'd love to just be a good housewife. I mean she already cleans up after all those animals happily, she'd love to do it for some one she married.

>"I don't want to bother you when you're on the computer but I made some cookies and they're in the kitchen"
>"If you want me to give you a ponyjob under your desk just let me know"
I bet it's official soundtrack.
is ponying hard
protip: Don't respond to BCS
How about a running theme in Season 4 where every time we see Derpy she's doing some completely different job?

>"Is that pony... counting flowers? ...with a clipboard?"
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It's that bad anon.
>A ponyjob

Why does that word combo sound so appealing?
hardest road you've ever known
don't respond to shitposters, GG
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>not at the bottom

it's going to be some bogus inconsequential shit like august is rarity month or they have new coloring pages
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GG pls
I have no idea what a metacomic even is
Pinkie, you don't have autism. You've been examined by four different doctors now.
Whoa, why are you calling GG shit?
Don't you run an ask blog for his characters on tumblr?
pinkie pie is bad

bad to the pone
I'd want her mouth on my dick 24/7
Oh she's definitely love that
She'd reward you with a bit of tongue sucking while grabs your hand on her ass and makes you squeeze harder.
>we all are going to get hyped up

dont fall into hype ever
because it's everything you want from a pony
it's ponying and all the cuddling you want
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The fifth doctor didn't recommend the toothpaste anon

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ponies do many jobs
from bucking apples to baking cakes
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I have an entire POOL for this. There is no limit to depression, it's a bottomless pit of despair.

>liking Doctor Who
Fucking disgusting
i would like a pony wife who lives with me in human society

is this wrong
>reading in flutter's voice
>as if she's orgasming

Oh god
Wait. Wait wait. Wait.. Are you telling me, that you liked EqG? Cause it's shit. Like really shit.
I would give Big Mac any kind of job he'd want

what a good husbando
From best to worst
I've never watched doctor who
Have you never seen a toothpaste commercial


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He's got enough...
>EqG: The Series is premiering in October
>It's why pony is being pushed back to December.
Wednesday Anon.
>last thread died

Holy shit that was fast.

That Derpy/Trixie thing was really, really cute. Someone should draw/write more of it, even if it''s EG.

From the thumbnail: I thought it was a guy's head split open and a red creature was emerging.
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what jobs would pony be suited for in human world

wasn't there a pic of rainbow dash working at mcdonalds
>bon bon isn't grump

I hate all the ponies

I wouldn't mind Derpy/Trixie pony, either.
I just had a dream that Twilight Sparkle was sucking my dick.

1. Applejack
6. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Rarity
When will Cherilee realize that she can have the most sought after guy in town anytime she wants? When will she settle down with Mac?
>that picture
I'm still not enjoying my anger
That wasn't a dream.
No. It's 2:41 AM 07/25/2013 (Thu)
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>Every single thing about that image
Then maybe I could relieve him of some jobs~
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I think you're thinking of this

I think earth ponies might be best suited for manual labor

I guess pegasi could have delivery jobs and Unicorns would be herded up and imprisoned because magic is scary
>Big Mac is oblivious to all the mares fawning over him and his fertile, swaying manhood.
How did Pinkie even take out his eye?
I wouldn't mind it like that, but the whole point was that Trixie's only real friend in school was really just Derpy
About right.

>not living on Best Coast
i guess you could say that they'd be a real work horse
Don't worry Anon I'm as frustrated as you. I made the hour long round trip to the comic shop only to find out its next Wednesday.
She came right into it
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Oh no, I dislike everything that has to do with EqG.
But I do like the suffering of others.
>kind of want to talk about big acid, but don't want to use the sub or the live horse

oh well
>applefags in charge of numbers
he isn't but he's waiting for the perfect one.
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I work for dominos
I dont like this
>not put in stasis tanks and used as power batteries

You're in the matrix, twilight.
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>implying they didn't go to fuck like rabbits after the episode ended

Went like this
>We sure showed those CMC
>So... doing anything tonight
>Wanna go roll in the hay?
Since when has this not been canon?
Oh, I know. I just think it could also be fun extrapolated to pony.

But I'd love more EG Derpy/Trixie, too.
And when that hand on her back slips around to her front to cup her modestly-sized breast?
Or when a finger or two sneak their way from her butt to the space between her thighs, teasing her over the fabric of her shorts?
Would you be able to take Big Macintosh's apocalyptic tube steak?
Sounds like something for Hasbro to do.
Hold FiM hostage so people have to watch EG instead.
>Otherpony fag in charge of humor
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No, she did
Dominos gave me food poisoning the other night.
Like literal food poisoning as in it didn't hit me for 6 or so hours and then I was ejecting fluids from all orifices for 2 days. Never again.
Hey, wait, is Braeburned actually here?
why does Sweetie Belle looks like she is masturbating?
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They're reviving Ruby Gloom.
I got that from Papa John's before.
How do you know?
Rarity x Spike is now canon.
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Well it's good I don't make them.
Pizzas are usually far past their expiration date

I usually am, yeah. Just usually anon.
I got that from Subway once. That was the first time I was ever afraid I was going to die.
Reread it, anon.
Because he said so himself

Realistically, it's probably

1. They're going to start airing a classic 90s cartoon like they did with animaniacs.
2. Stupid bullshit nobody fucking cares about

or both.

It's on Comixology right now.

I'm just a cheap fuck who's waiting for the yayponies rip
I'd certainly try.
Besides, if I can't fit it in just yet, there's other ways to please him
I get sick literally everytime I go there, so I stopped going.
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It's really terrible, I really wish I had that day off but it was awful.
thingken of smarts
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Financial question, not of jealousy: Do you actually turn a profit on the cons you go to?
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Price pls

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I did the same thing

Those lines look familiar!
I love the way the guy's stuff pops but I'm kind of burned out on the myriad references
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Can you imagine showering with a pony?
She'd just be standing there, enjoying the hot water lifting her snout up towards it. You could grab a scrubbing deal and put some soap on it and just scrub her down as she smiles with her eyes closed.

In short, usually yes.
>plasmids and vigors

This explains so much.
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Don't fucking get my hopes up.
I'm goin' (yes I'm) goin', I'm a-goin' to the
Goin' to the (hard) ware I'm goin', really goin' to the
Goin' (hard) I'm goin' to the (hard) oh yes, I'm goin' to the
Hardware store
>that response time

Anon did you do the thing
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Why not both?
She'd break from the kiss, panting hard, and try to open her shirt for you. It's kind of difficult for her to concentrate with you massaging her slightly damp spot between her legs, but she'd manage to do it. Then comes th tricky part of removing her bra. Unless you're willing to help?
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see pone working behind the counter

what do
I figured even if this weren't the path to being a financially prosperous artist, it'd still be really cool to get to fly all over the united states visiting all the different cons
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I can't come to terms with what I like more.

RainbowJack or FlutterDash
>RainbowJack or
confirmed for pissfag
I would have loved that 10 years ago.
Pinkie needs to cut back on the sweets.
Stop. Singing that. Song. I am going to get it stuck in my head again
>what do

Order food
wouldn't you masturbate if you were the little filly?
You profit unless you're a dumbass (such as toxic mario whos managed to loose money every single con hes gone to)
Ask for sex
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Couldn't she get anyone else to work the register?

Well, at least she doesn't have to flip the burgers.
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>plasmids and vigors
I no longer like you, Price.
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I honestly don't like either of their designs, but the whole thing is really cute and full of potential.

We seriously need more writefags.
Not the thing you're implying
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Oh man
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You and me anon

I like FlutterDash a bit more these days but they're both fun
why is pone working mundane service job so cute

You do have to be smart about what you bring, what you sell, what characters you have, the variety of items you have, how your stuff is different enough from others so that they'll buy your stuff and not others, etc.
Guise. I think I am going to fap for no reason now.
Is there a good scan of the comic yet?
well I mean "long term" unless your long term plan is to always do pony art at cons. and I can see it paying for the trip down there and maybe a little bit extra, but enough to support you for the rest of the month? the rest of the year?
Just finished EQG, welp that's going on the top 10 most shameful things I've ever done...

that move was way to fucking cliche
that's a lot of leg
what to?
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>there are people who enjoy these references and think are clever and funny
Wow, that is pretty annoying.

How does some one in his position not understand the difference between subtle references and shoving something down your throat? Well at least he can draw well.
Would you want to do the thing with me anon
It's fucking sad that we need a cute pony to be real to find a shred of meaning in our lives
You can also sell smut and offer handjobs after hours for extra cash.
>there are people who hate fun
>tfw PS hats us and is ded
is there a dvd rip now? I know it was being sold at sdcc so ... yes?
i guess yyou could say

the price is not right
Bronies have more spare cash than people with taste.

What big announcement?
>there are people who make low quality pictures

I don't get it, and wouldn't have noticed it or payed much attention do it if you hadn't pointed it out. I call that subtle.
Toxic mario actually whined that porn peddlers were stealing his customers under the table.

No he didn't mean it as a sex joke even though it totally is.
>being this jelly
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how to read a price comic

1. read dialogue boxes
2. ignore all background references because they are just gratuitous sight gags
All in good time. But first, the shorts.
A quick unzipping and they'd be loosely hanging from her hips, easily tugged down and out of the way. All while continuing to squeeze and fondle her chest.
Let's see what kind of undergarments she's wearing.
They're about 2/3rds legs and 1/3rds torso and head.
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Someone requested pony making surprised face in the last thread.
Ask the Transformer comic guys. IDW let them add an super edgy gritty space samurai as a main character.
He was the lone wolverine on Optimus Prime's autobot team.
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It's hardly subtle if it's a fucking huge signs that literally says "Plasmids and Vigors", without even trying to make it pony related.

Might as well read fanfiction.
I think if you just right something out in text like that then it loses any fun reference meaning and just becomes a forced shout out so I guess "subtle" was the wrong choice of words.
It's more like cheap.
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careful now

that's how rumors get started

How DID she?
i bet he is...
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I actually love the idea of trixies new act as being going around towns and doing puppet shows.
Well, we know what happened to Toxic Mario's profits now.
No anon, sorry
I hope Trixie shows up more now that she's redeemed.
at least he's drawing
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Why be jelly of how other people make a living?
I'd rather stay with my nice stable job instead of jet-setting to one con after another. Plus you don't have to meet smelly con people.
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Is she not used to being turned down?
I'll just go bowling with myself then
hey dotty can you draw Rainbow Dash sticking her tongue out?
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Goodnight, MLPG.
It's so tiny
well you can watch it here

or you can download it and save it for later
That's why she has that expensive.
Goodnight best princess
Goodnight second best princess.
Where are the high quality bits of the new comic coming from?
I was waiting for a good scan before I read it, but there's nothing on yayponies.
Nothing too fancy. Cotton, white and a small blue ribbon in the from. Completely plain.
of course, without counting that wet, and sticky, spot in the middle.
Shut up bitch
>Plus you don't have to meet smelly con people

Someone is going to continue to troll you, but I can def see there being disadvantages to this. You're in another town, sure, but do you really get time to see it?'

You have to sit behind a desk for eight hours, and deal with con people. I can't imagine the panels being very interesting after the first, repeat questions, repeat answers.

But I'm sure the good out weighs the negative. Probably barely
>pony walks into your room to see what you're doing
>you can smell the cider on her breath as she leans over your shoulder "Hey what-r you doing?"
>she spills some of her drink on your keyboard and leans hard into you
>"hey lemme show you thisREALLYfunny youtube video
Goodnight fourth best princess
hey did you guys hear Rariyt os going to marry a diamond dog?

yeah, she finally tied the knot

It was on comixology for a while before getting pulled down and delayed until next week for some raisin.
Night night. Princess of the night.
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What kind of training did Celestia go through before she became as powerful as she is?
Shit I forgot my meds
I'm gonna go with the butt load of money you could make at a con
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If you hallucinated ponies while off them, why would you take them?
Scrubbles, we should hang out, get drunk and make terrible jokes together

I think I'm one of very few people who actually would be interested in seeing the inner workings of the Equestrian Postal Service.
Pony was always fluttershy.

The good is the money you make, the experience you get of traveling and visiting new places, meeting up with friends and fans who you've talked to and gotten to know online and hanging out irl with them, and of course, people watching. Cons are an experience.
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Scootaloo would probably kill for a Dash toy with a mane to brush. Assuming she didn't make her own.
>implying Scrubbles knows how to get drunk
>implying Scrubbles has ever been drunk before in his life
her parents raised celestia and luna on old starswirl books to become the best alicorns they could be
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what a cute pony

I think there exists as many jobs as there are because so few people are interested in taking that gamble, and it would be pretty brutal to lose like a grand on that toss of the dice.

>Am I paying rent this month?

But if I had a job on the side, and could go, and get the trip paid for, I think I'd be pretty happy with that.

You've also got to be social, because it just wouldn't be fun at all to sit at a desk all day, not talk to anyone, then go back to a hotel room to do nothing. I'm not, but other people probably are
>wet, and sticky, spot in the middle

god dammit I hovered over this one spoiler and now I have to sift through your massive comment chain to figure out what the fuck you people are talking about
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I'd definitely be OK with that, if only for more mail stallions.
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She looked so innocent.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I see it. Of course I'm a hobbyist when it comes to aet so I've never worried about trying to turn a profit or make it into a career.
Except nothing is ever guaranteed, even when you're super cautious. You could still end uip in the hole financially or stranded in some place with weird people.
It just seems like a lot of hassle and stress.
that was fast
it's perfect, thanks
>That image
But BCS, it's too late in the day now. I have to put it off to tomorrow.
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Do they have an express pony?
Do you actually have or make enough time to see places, or is it just hanging out in the hotel, or going to the nearest drive-through?
>Watch Kill Bill Vol. 2
>FF to temple flashback
>Replace Beatrix with young Celly, and Pai Mei with Star Swirl
>Replace all physical action with magical action, and add some sun-controlling.
Sexually a human derpy
I thought that they cost extra
The thing is that you've really gotta whore out
Depending on what con though
Did you shop out the dick?

Being social is huge. I hate seeing the guys who yell "WHO'S YOU FAVORITE PONY" to everyone who walks by make more money than the guy with better merch who just sits at his table in silence, but hey, that's how it works. Don't be annoying like those guys, but you've gotta be social.

You can usually guess pretty accurately if you know the guests, other vendors, and most importantly, the confirmed number of attendees.
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Which one?
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knowing about the other drawings in this series is almost a curse

I've asked for advice on alcoholic drinks before. He's proven knowledgeable about mixing drinks.
Celestia punching her way out of a buried coffin would be pretty sweet. Discord could be Bill's brother

but then who would Bill be
Let's slip our hand inside, and feel just how wet she really is.
The other hand can slip under the cup of her bra to tease her nipple. A deep kiss will muffle her if she starts moaning.
Now entering the PONE ZONE

I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a feeling I don't want to
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ponying in the pone zone
Man, that's no way to live. Not to mean anyways.
I'd rather not be at the whims of other people or their opinions about me or my hypothetical work.

Now if you could do it on the side to supplement your other income I'd understand.
Does anyone do caricatures at cons?
That could actually be kinda neat
Like one of those depressing failed artists that sit at carnivals and draw you with a big head, but you'd draw them as a pony

It depends on the con and the location.
Though you usually ARE just limited to the con/hotel/surrounding area, it's not hard to venture out and explore as long as you're okay with leaving the con.

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They held her locked in a tiny room on top of a tower as high as the sky until she learned to control the Sun and stars to her aid.
By which I mean, she burned everyone alive after a thousand years.
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>an experience

That's one way to put it. Not the word I would have chose.

That's essentially what Andy Price does.
you beefed it
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>every few thousand years she gets nostalgic and incinerates everything
No wait I didn't get to be in the pone zone I WANT TO BE IN THE PONE ZONE LET ME IN FUCK
If the con is nearby and you aint got shit to do, it would be fine. But going across the country on a huge risk? Nah
>Derpy isn't a clumsy mailmare, she's just always assigned the "same day delivery" letters and is always in a hurry.
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I think a lot of us are in the same place. It's unfortunate to see people around where we are, but also totally consumed with jealousy. If only I were a jet setting contributor having lunch with artists indeed!
Anyone have a picture of the flag of the crystal empire?
Fund it
Somewhere below omega negative as objectively inferior to the vast majority of the human race in nearly every way, to the point that chris chan looks like a weird but semi-competent citizen.

Notice the association of looks with status. It's true, things like a small, sloping foreheadhead and having no protruding chin point to something going seriously wrong with childhood nutrition or your genetics and mark you as subhuman.
That episode might be one of my S1 favorites.

I miss the S1 times
>just remember, who demonic mistress here, darling
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the song that named my ponysona, her character theme
dooks you whine about s1 every day
fucking nostalgiafag
I wish I never
the white man is telling you to not be a jew bro but you're a jewbro and there's nothing wrong with that

embrace your jew
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I kinda get carried away with the backgrounds sometimes.
its time to stop posting now
it's nice
I wish more people did better backgrounds
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Is it time for fun?
She's soaking wet, to no one's surprise.
And the combination of hands teasing her warm entrance and her hardened nipples would have her moaning loudly if her mouth wasn't already preoccupied.
but you'd probably want Derpy to scream your name, right?
No, being a jew sucks.
I would totally fly out to Baltimore, and even have the money for it, but it would be a complete waste since I wouldn't have anyone to hang out with and I can watch the con in a stream with you guys.
>I miss the S1 times

I figured it must just be nostalgia, or that a certain charm had worn itself out, or whatever, but I just rewatched a Dog and Pony Show, and it's great. All of the characters act right. Rarity is awesome. It's got some laugh out loud jokes and features a lot of great character development.
Vernita: Sombra
O-ren: Pre-corruption Nightmare Moon
Bud: Discord
Elle: Pre-changeling Chrysalis
Bill: Fausticorn
Kiddo's daughter: Luna
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why does applejack keep beefing it?

cause shes a cow pony
wait a second
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no, it's time for official Sonic/MLP crossover art.
Right, exactly. It's just a huge risk to sink money into something in the hopes that you'll make it back plus a profit.
Not to mention with the actual hassle of flying these days plus having to set everything up afterwards and taking it down before you run off to the airport. Just so many possibilities for screw ups for me.

I really have no idea what you're getting at, but I like to assume people just don't like the idea of something rather than being jealous of someone else's life.
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Anon pls, don't tell me you don't miss the CELERY

I know right? Most if not all the jokes are still as cute as ever, and Twilight still delivers a moral to Celestia!
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They're kind of fun to do when you want to relax. I was getting stressed at getting the expressions right so after I got done I just kinda had fun.

It's nice.
HFY can get really annoying, but I'll always love things like "slammed his brain case into a guard"
>even the GREAN eyes
Goddamn, he really is a reference. Why didn't I catch that before...?
I got that feel the other day rewatching The Cutie Pox, of all things. It's better than I remembered.
>about to save
>see the stupid text

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I think I like S1 and S2 just about the same.
If we pretend that the Wedding wasn't the S2 finale that is.
Because that's how you do a good reference. Make it subtle enough that most will look over it, unless they know what they're looking at.
The best part about humans is that we do everything we're physically and mentally capable of


Even the stupid things.
I can never decide if I like this or it disgusts me
hfy is really tired shit
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i like it and it disgusts me
It's the face that kills it
I mean it's everything

Pinkie Pie

I am never letting you in a Spencer Gifts ever again.
itty bitty little titties
But it can be a good motivator if did done right
I like Killryde's ponies but dislike his infatuation with crotchtits
It's beautiful.

>Fag Sentry confirmed for fraud Sonic pone.
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>Even the stupid things
>Introducing HFN
>Humans will roll on their backs and stroke their reproductive organs in order to fill their own mouths with haploid cells
>If you give a human a cookie, he'll shove it up his ass.
>And then he'll shit it into your ass.
>Then he'll build a machine the facilitate this assexchange of cookies.
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Now what the hell are you waiting for? After me, there shall be no more So for one last time, nigga, make some noise Get 'em, Jay
Is luna upset because she broke her finger
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I'd absolutely love badgerben if he just made some slight adjustments to his style
I think he's probably capable of it, he's definitely made a lot of improvements inside it. I don't want him to end up like those deviantart examples.

As it is I can only fap to it, not actually like it.
Linkin Park a shit
>tfw you like your favorite artfag's ponies and his top fetish
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>The first hyper drive was built to move cookies between asses at frequencies sufficient for achieving human orgasm


pony is just gonna crash on your couch okay
"The humans have a saying, 'Laziness is the mother of all invention'. When we look at their huge warships filled to the brim with multi-ton explosive, even more so than in an actual nuclear explosive, and when we see their lust for vengeance and destruction, we cannot but wonder what they do when they're 'lazy'."
does pony need a blanket
what couch
If Flash acted like comic Sonic he'd be a much better character. Well meaning good guy that cares about his friends and protects the things he loves, but is arrogant, sarcastic and just a plain old jerk.
no animals are allowed on the couch at my house
fine with me, can i cuddle with her?
Collision Course and Meteora were good though
Of course.
But first let's get her more comfortable. Lay her down on the side of the bed, so that her legs are dangling off the side. Then we can do away with those soaked panties, by tugging them down her thighs with our teeth.
Goodness, she sure is excited. I bet she'll love it when we hold up her legs and give her pussy a little kiss.
Lyra, honey, please, this is impressing no one.
I swear to god if they shed
>I really have no idea what you're getting at

It may just be projection, but I think all the hate comes from the some place: Stop enjoying things I don't like. Stop doing things I can't do. Don't have fun that I can't have.
The real Flash comes off as someone who'd be a really subtle version of just that.
How so?
"In the news today, the species that inspired human artists to create My Little Pony would like to give a word on the sanctioning of the new human colony Equestria IV in the beta aspergus star system, inhabited entirely by human genetic modification enthusiasts that identify as `The Brony`."
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B-But... I thought you liked humans, too...
She's laying on her back, just to clarify
so get this

there's some humans

and they're greedy violent jerks that want to rape your women

humans suck!
I like ponies
Well there's these humans

And they're greedy violent jerks that want to rape your women

IMO, through a mix of his nice-guy attitude and 'something' in his "yeah I'm a coll guy" voice... of course, since he has barely an ounce more character than Sombra, and has to remain "perfect" to entice the little girls buying the toys, we don't get to see it all.
*cool guy
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>tfw no bonbon gf
"This curious new sub-race of the Human species takes rather pacifistic routes of 'diplomacy', unlike their ordinary counterparts. Their motto reads 'Love and Tolerate' and they have an uncanny obsession with horses. Their new government is dubbed "HasBrony", and due to this separation from the human imperium, they are being hunted and murdered by the masses by their fellow humans."
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That movie was probably one of the most painful ways to pass an hour yet created.
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Do you like me, Anon?
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That sudden, but soft, sensation of your lips on her would cause her to gasp at first, but then giggle in the adorable voice of her and you continue to plant light kisses all over her thighs and pussy.
A strong but quick lick of her clit would make her moan and shiver, telling her that the time for teasing is over, and the real fun begins.
What if they both got a boner in their sleep and ended up sucking each other's cock?
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Sounds like business as usual

Hahaha but it was an experience we all shared together
That's more of regular game Sonic than Archie Sonic. comic Sonic is kind of a douchbag sometimes, but he knows he can get away with some of it since he's a hero.
>Equestria IV
>implying I, II, III
Don't remind me. Part of my soul deep down inside is still asking "why".
Fuck off
Why are the mods so slow today
Yes, actually

I like you the most

I'd rather sit in on a three-day Vogon Poetry Festival than go through that again.
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At least we suffered through it together right?
But loira I don't know anything about you
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Would you be pone's slave?
Hahaha ,what's Vogon poetry?
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>that feel
I'm no gonna lie, if i turned into a pretty mare right now i would do nothing but record myself masturbating for a few days.
>implying all pone isn't slave to Celestia
that's crazy talk you stupid horse!
who drew this
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What if you tied them up 69ing so they had their dicks in each other's mouths, then taped a vibrator to each of them so their pleasure would slowly build up, and that no matter how much they tried to fight it they would get more and more turned on, struggling to avoid cumming, and hoping the other is doing the same?
The third worst poets in the universe
The third worst in the universe.
man I thought Lyra was pretty lame before

But now she's clearly just hit rock bottom!
Third best in the solar system.
>not stream
And those gentle kisses wouldn't be so gentle anymore. The feel of a thousand licks stroking all over her labia and clit would make her squeal and writhe and curl her toes in delight.
I can only imagine how she would react when your tongue pushes its way past her lips to tantalize the tender pink flesh hidden inside, your hands stroking her thighs while you work your magic.
I watched it three times.
It didn't cease to be fucking terrible.
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Would you free pone, unite them under the flag of democracy, and make them members of the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, with liberty and justice for all?

The third-worst poetry in the universe.

>I watched it three times.
why would you do that
Well i'd do both. It would probably take me a day just to figure out how to operate the keyboard with hooves. Maybe I could use my tongue to hit the letters or something.
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And then enslave them once again, as the cycle may not be broken?
>obama authorizing drone strikes on your favourite ponies
Hitchhiker's reference I getcha I should read those
They would try to tell the other "you better not cum in my mouth", but the words would be comically jumbled because talking around a dick is hard.
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That's not very nice. What if she heard you?

I have something to tell you

there's only two people in this thread
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Don't call it slavery, call it freedom with reasonable limits

Limits that protect freedom
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I saw it twice in theaters, once from camrip and twice from the BluRay rip.

I'm sure I have a good reason, but I don't know what it is.
well I wouldnt be suprised with her big fat dumb ugly fat stupid weird butt looking fart smelling dorky ugly butt ears
Limits that are enforced more and more, until they become slavery once again.
At which point, a revolution happens and the whole, glorious cycle begins once again.
You hate yourself?
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Wow that's even more of a rude thing to say. You're lucky she knows you're just joking.
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>twice in theaters
Watch it all you want, but at least don't give Hasbro money
No, stop talking terrorist sayings. They just become freedomer.
Close, it's just spontaneous sadomasochism.
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In total ecstasy.
With one hand kneading her breasts and the other on top of your head, brushing your hair while pushing you deeper inside of her, she would call out your name in between loud gasps and moans.
You feel her thighs trying to pull you in even deeper, signifying that she's starting to get close.
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Spontaneous sadomasochism is what got me into this show in the first place.
Mind if someone posts a cap of filly-Cheerilee from that CMChronicles episode? I suddenly need to see her cuteness.
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A+ 10/10 it was okay - IGN
How long has that autism ad been there?
You sound like an ugly pony
First time I see it is today
Damnit, downloading episodes 1 by 1 is so tedious doesn't anyone have a full torrent?!
Impossible. You must be some miserable sonofabitch then, because Pone is made of cuteness and happiness. Sado only works on the peer-pressurized hellpits of High School, and EqG coupled it with mutant Barbies.
Spontaneous sadomasochism is what keeps me going here
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>How long has that autism ad been there?

What autism ad

>criticism ectleFl
>tfw your artbando will never draw your OC
Well, I mean I started out like that. I hated pony with a fucking passion before I watched it. When I put it on I was looking to make myself cringe and hate my very existence.

Ended up marathonning the whole thing and never looked back.
And deeper you would go, pressing your face into her groin and nestling your nose against her cute little mons.
Egged on by the sound of her crying out for you, you'd probe every last inch of her most sensitive spot, pushing your tongue as deep as it can go, occasionally slipping it out to flick against her clit before diving back in for more.
No stopping until she's cum nice and hard.
what am I looking at
I'm no artbando, but I'll draw it for you.
We seem alike.
Eh, I'd fuck it
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>sudden rush of SH3 nostalgia...

Guys... i-is it possible to combine the Pone with SH? I need... that kind of feeling inside me now.
Joke's on you, I don't have an OC yet
Jokes on you, that just means I can keep being lazy.
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That's not the one
In Silent Hill, we see what we want to see
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Hyenas = Diamond Dogs

Vultures = Griffons
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There are more?
Ah, that was my alternative (i.e. actual and serious) guess... same thing happened with me, and most likely the majority of fans.
That's the one.
There's also one on /v/ and /a/, though I don't have it.
I am afraid I must depart now, since i can barely keep my eyes open, but if you can keep going I would definitely not object
This has been quite the learning experience for me since I've never really done this at this scale.
It's been really fun, and thanks. Sorry I couldn't keep going.
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.....this isn't music
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who even wears scarves

I do in the winter.
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These ads are off the rails.
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No worries. Thanks for the fun.
as a fashion statement?

People with cold necks.
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>24/7 brony music
Oh, so that's how A Clockwork Orange worked.
So who does the medal belong to, mlpg?
Pinkie is the rightful owner.
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Who doesn't wear scarves in winter?
It looks like the rest of them disagree

Pinkies friends just cant accept that it's her meddle.
I live in Florida
I have no idea

I wear them because my neck gets cold and I walk alot.
Well they can go fuck themselves.

I've been spelling Meghan McCarty's name wrong for like two months now and no one ever bother to correct me.
Amazon Pandora
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Isn't it McCarthy?
You still do, it's McCarthy.
Because McCarthy is a bitch.
Cock teasing from Rainbow Dash fic when
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what do you and my dinner tonight have in common?

anyone except old people.

scarves are the fedoras of the neck.
hey guys
hey guys

Yeah. I've been spelling it McCarty for some dumb reason.
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Here's some Marker. She really needs a mane redesign or something.
Enjoy your cold neck
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We're full of shit and bad taste?
>you will never boop markerpone so hard she goes walleyed
But it's one of few unique manes in the fandom that actually looks like a pony mane
I like her silly chewed bubblegum lump hair
Did I fuck up the eyes? I can't tell.

i just wear a jacket. don't know why you need something else to keep your neck warm. at that, don't know how you can lose so much heat through your neck.
They look kinda fucked up.
Yes, her right eye is looking down and the left one up.
Why does her mane need to be redesigned? It's cute and unique.
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>"Ha, you're so easy"
>"All I have to do is rub my hoof against it and you're rock hard"
>"What would happen if I used my tongue?"
>"...Wow that's really good, it tastes just like a salt lick."
Anon confirmed for being into hot Busty Cops on Rainbow Dash and Angry Birds action.
And at last the dam would break, and her whole body would tremble as she grips a handful of your hair and shrieks in bliss, soaking your chin in her womanly secretions. Her back arching, her chest heaving, her crooked eyes gazing vacantly off into space, she would be utterly overcome by pleasure.
And as you pull your mouth away from her groin, she'd look down at you with flushed cheeks and a smile on her lips.
She'd want more. So much more.
Big pone eyes are so cute.

Anonymous slipped her a roofie made from Elixir of Enderpament
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Into the trash it goes.

It looks too lumpy. But my opinions are pretty shit so whatever I guess.
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And Dash has the best ones
It's still cute, no need to trash something just because the eyes are a bit derpy.
Would you take care of a little robot that acted like BMO?
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How so? She has both sides in braids. That's what braids look like.

Double yes if it's in the shape of an adorable filly
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>read through several FOE stories
>actually like them
>never played fallout before
On a scale of 0/10 how much should I hate myself right about now
You could just play the fallout games

You should consider playing through Fallout 1 and 2 if you're into either turn-based combat, exploration or 'hard sci-fi' post-apocalyptic scenarios.
Fallout 3 if you are into shooting stuff.

those things by themselves wouldn't be terrible, but together, 10/10 you should probably kill yourself right now.
Any gif requests from the show?
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And what of F:NV?
What if your favorite pony was your sister?
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Anything with a scrunch
no that's a princess
Not that guy but let me put it this way.
If you like the writing and the atmosphere of Fallout 1 and 2 you'll probably love Fallout NV.

Fallout 3 is a fun game but it's a pretty bad Fallout game. Really the best thing about it is The Pitt DLC.Others are kinda meh.

Also if you enjoyed the Turn Based combat of Fallout 1 and 2 you should give Tactics a try.
>that children of the night thing
Well the animation is nice but sometimes it's kinda wonky, especially the mouth animations.

Also some of the designs are horrible.
>Taking random children from their families
I mean some of them were orphans or homeless but still.

But it'd be a bit unfair for her to be in naught but a bra while you're still fully dressed, wouldn't it?
Easily remedied, of course. Rising up from your kneeling position, you'd unbutton your shirt and begin the process of undressing.

While she watches.
Sitting at the side of the bed with her hands on her knees, she'd stare at you transfixed, biting her lower lip in anticipation, letting her good eye wander all over your bare skin as you gradually strip away the layers of clothing until you're standing before her completely bare and at full attention, so to speak.
The moment you take a step towards her, she'd eagerly clamber back onto the sheets, laying herself out before you, her blonde hair scattered messily against the sheets behind her, her legs spread wide, beckoning you.
And you'd hear her giggle as you climb up with her and nestle your lap against hers, brushing the underside of your length against her warm, dripping labia. Her legs locking around your waist, she'd rest her hands on your chest and gaze up at you with misty golden eyes.

Eyes which have so often wandered into two different directions, but now gaze longingly up at you.

2/10 post


put that tripname on or else your opinion is shit
Yeah, it was supposed to be one of the things that led to Nightmare Moon.
Most of the OCs are furry OCs turned pony
Also that bit where Faust's statue cries, fuck, why do they have to make things so retarded?
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Not sure if this is going to continue but either way I've capped what happened up to this point for both me and whoever else wants it, big thanks to anyone who was involved in writing that
The funny part is that since the comics now show the moon is nothing but evil shit luna is effectively sacrificing the children to the evil.
The moon creatures weren't evil to begin with
Oh yeah all that Fausticorn stuff was not needed. And the crying part is stupid as fuck.
>continuation appears when the page refreshes from posting this

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So /mlp/, after the triumph of ACW coinciding with Prince William/Princess Kate's wedding, how do you feel about the inevitability of tomorrow's Hub reveal showcasing Skyla to coincide their baby born the other day?

The Faust statue crying is right on level with Double Rainboom trollface in the smoke. Sigh. I hate fandering/pandering.
What? According to the comic they are and they prey on bad thoughts.

I didn't particularly enjoy the Nightmare Rarity arc. I feel like they didn't need to go into what's on the moon when they have all this stuff on earth that could be fleshed out. Is that bad?
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It has a time and a place.
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In the end of the comic they turn nice and shit and I remember Luna saying that they just turned bad
Most of the scrunch gifs we have are all we got.
They scrunch in still frames a lot but it's hard to find an extended one.

But while looking for that I overheard AJ say "wallop my withers" which is pretty great.
Nah, you're welcome to your opinion. I thought the moon was kinda cool, personally. Magic adventures and all that.
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They remind me of the things in Aliens somehow. Maybe someone else can clarify why that is because I'm pulling a blank.
Didn't NMM corrupt them before it got Luna?
I forgot.

Personally I enjoyed it. It was fun and the moon thing was pretty damn great.
>tomorrow's Hub reveal showcasing Skyla
I want to gouge out my eyes.
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Personally, the Nightmarity arc is right under the Chrysalis issues for me but I find the whole thing pure fetish fuel.
This is a reasonable expectation. I wonder if she's going to be shoehorned into S4. It's also a funny thing that she's an alicorn, becoming an alicorn is only supposed to happen once you enter that matrix thing.
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And pony marches on.

I just thought it would have worked better if they'd kept the moon mysterious. The idea of creatures/people living on it was a bit much for me.
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How would pony react to finding out that you've masturbated to them?
Maybe Cadence is a bitch and makes her an alicorn after she''s born
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she looks so pleased with herself

it's adorable
wow, thanks AJ!
doing shit is hard work as an earth pony
Ah closed that thar window.
While mysteries are fun and all of that I like it when they explore it and tell us what happens.

But that's probably me.
Her body would shiver beneath you as you reach down to position yourself, rubbing your tip against her warm folds.
And she'd let out a quiet gasp as you push forward, spreading her labia and enveloping yourself inch by inch in her warm, snug sex. Her concentration broken, her eyes would go askew, her hands gripping your shoulders and her fingertips digging into your bare skin. A long, drawn-out groan of delight would rise up from her throat as you work your way in until you've filled her down to the hilt.
And as you pause with your bodies joined at the hip, taking a moment to savor the sensation of her body inside and out, her hands would wander to your back, pulling you in close and forcing your lips against her own in a deep, passionate kiss.
And then you would begin to thrust.
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>mfw a week ago

I'm still trying to bleach my brain of that awkward conversation, thanks. Immense pasta collapse of the metasphere was imminent at some point after three Bronycons. Re: why I'm not going to this one.

>spaghetti everywhere

I feel like she wouldn't even understand what that was
Guess there's multiple ways afterall. Not to mention Faust said she'd like to have given Celestia/Luna parents who birthed them as Alicorns as well (she previously said they didn't, but probably just took it back).
Someone should post that racist Twilight from the comic.
You know when they argue and Twilight says the carrying it in the mouth thing
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>So that's where this came from
>Good boy~
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Daily reminder to Hasdrones and Faust worshippers and canonfags that your canon isn't canon because Hasbro loves money and DHX just wants to keep their goddamn jobs.
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Yeah, the lip synching was off a bit. I thought it was just me being dumb and not seeing it right.
>Fausticorn cries
>this is how Faust really feels about MLP
That is pretty meta.
I haven't heard about either of those, the parents thing yes, but nothing on how they were born.
They didn't add it because they feel bad about the future of the show
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Hey CC
can you draw Fluttershy casually sipping on a coconut drink
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What everyone hopes would happen: "wow you think I'm hot that makes me really horny let's fuck"

What would probably really happen: "OH FUCK THAT'S GROSS UUGGGHHH"
It's kinda stupid and unnecessary. Really people should just stop sucking her dick and just leave her alone with the ponies

>Make a new cartoon with her husband
>"Hey guys come see a sneak peek at Comic Con"
poor girl will never escape.
To be fair they haven't actually explored or explain anything to us. Not anything in depth. It's just like: "Hey check this out, okay we're leaving it now. Time for a story about highschool"
Dash has a fantastic ass
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I feel kinda bad for Faust...
howdy gang
what's the good word
Man I remember watching At the Gara with MLPG that night. There was so much "OOHHH SHITTT" going on when Fluttershy went crazy
If this was season 3 she would have just closed it with her hoof.
I've always been partial to "throb"
The good word is boysenberry.
There's been a lot of talk about blind pony love but I just don't see it