Cute dancing lolis edition!old, ugly dancing girl>>12317090
>twilight is a nerd pony who studies all the time indoors and gets no exercise>gets turned into human and has perfect inshape athletic bodymakes sense
The problem with watching the show out of order is that the characters change over time. As each writer became accustomed to the characters and setting, the characters "grew". Applebuck Season Applejack is different from Apple Family Reunion Applejack.
gonna continue capping
>>12319565Not really.
>>12319562imagine if the EQG universe was set in america where 70% of the students were obese.and twilight was ported into an obese human body that smelled bad and farts all the time.
>>12319562All of the ponies have the same body shape.Why would their human versions suddenly have different ones?
>>12319526My Little Elitist General
>>12319526>that choppy paper doll animationPonies are just so much better at being flash animated cartoon characters.
>>12319576>and twilight was ported into an obese human body that smelled bad and farts all the time.___unf___
Superior dancing lolis
>>12319565too many times a character learned a huge life changing lesson but in the next episode it is completely ignored and forgotten like it never happened.same thing with twilight learning all of these new powerful spells she seems to forget
>>12319576Some part of MLPG would unf to it anyways
Daily reminder.
actually this raises a plothole:Wouldn't the mirror universe twiligth have seen this video?
>>12319604Well, it wouldn't be any worse than unfing to mutant alien skeleton chicks
>>12319609Not if she was a hardcore student with no time for internets.
>>12319593They probably fucked like animals when the dance was done.
>>12319635>you will never rape two lesbian lolis:(
Reposting for new horseI liked it. It's far from perfect but it's nowhere NEAR as bad as people have been expecting. I had fun.It was surprisingly good right up until about the point Sunset Shimmer lobbed that fireball at the main 6 and we got a genuine deus ex machina ending.And there were a few plot threads that went nowhere.All in all, it was a good enough pilot to make me interested in an actual spin off series. And the designs actually grew on me. Color me impressed and surprised.Seriously though that deus ex machina was bullshit. The thing that this movie would have benefited from THE MOST is another 20 minutes to set up a proper ending or at least better set up the one we got.
>>12319635DT and SS were so fucking lesbian in this movie.
>>12319639Oh sweet the new cmc song is out.
>>12319645I would be much happier if they use ponies rather than human models.
>>12319599This is probably the most common beef people have with Fluttershy's character, even though most were not bad episodes
>>12319579 >Seriously though that deus ex machina was bullshit. The thing that this movie would have benefited from THE MOST is another 20 minutes to set up a proper ending or at least better set up the one we got.Oh I agree compared to the other times the EOH were used this was the most unorganic uses of them. Sunset Shimmers Defeat and redemption was not as satisfying as Luna's back in season one. The movie could have used some more time
>>12319644No raping the lolis.
>>12319593>not actually bumping rumps
>>12319667that's not youi-it can't be
>>12319593>>12319526Why do the CMC and Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon get actually good looking prom EG designs yet the main 6 get absolutely hideous dresses (Fluttershy's dress was nice at least)?
>>12319674He's been here for days
>>12319670>could have used some more timeWhy does this always seem to be the problem with pony?
>>12319609This should be an episode premise early on in S1 of EqG.Mirror Verse Twilight transfers to Canterlot High and has NO IDEA HOW EVERYBODY KNOWS HER AND WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS VIDEO?
>>12319682Hasbro execs got final word on the designs based on how cheaply they could be made for toys. Actual artists made the rest of the designs.
>>12319645The entire middle of the movie was filler, it didn't need more time, it needed better writing. And you're wrong saying that it's not bad, but I'm not going to type another 5k characters to tell you why you're wrong, especially since it's all in the previous thread.
>>12319688There was a time where pacing was one of the strengths of the show.
>>12319667>MASTERLINKXYou know you are OUTDATED and DEPRECATED, right? We have a lot more sources right now and they are faster. You are relict of the past. Nobody cares.
>>12319696Don't be a hero! Your penis can't handle it!
>>12319688They don't need more time. They just need to learn how to fucking pace shit and come up with a decent goddamn end.
>>12319696You're only about half a year late
>>12319703Aren't they hiring a pacing director?
>>12319682Girls hate quality
>>12319696POST RESULTS
>>12319693>fillerI don't think that word means what you think it means.
>>12319713Timing director and that's animation related.
>>12319710I blame the songs, they seem to use them as a "fuck it we need 3 songs stick one here" type thing. Don't get me wrong the songs are fantastic, but they fuck up the pacing by taking that time slot away.
>>12319728What kind of a file name is that?
>>12319696Don't do ityou'll immediately regret it.
>>12319720Absolutely nothing happened for a large stretch of time. The only time something did happen was once Rarity showed up.
>>12319720There were elements in the movie that were there only for the sake of making it long enough, when absolutely nothing happened that was necessary for the plot. If that's not called "filler", then I am indeed wrong.
>>12319743>What is establishing the setting and how the character fits into it.
>>12319728>VLCtop lyl
>>12319754>Twilight playing football
>>12319729The songs are fantastic? Did you even listen to them in Equestria Girls?
Season 1 is objectively better than Season 2I honestly do not believe anyone actually thinks season 2 is better than oneYou've got to be retarded or you have no idea what makes a good show
>>12319765He was talking about the show, I think.
I want to cum inside Creepy Curse
>>12319764>Manual photoshopped images of Twilight from that making her look like she trashed the place.
>>12319772this is bait
>>12319764"Oh shit, we have to do something with Rainbow Dash, don't we? Fuck... um... well she's awesome so let's show her being awesome at soccer."
>>12319765The show, the cafeteria song was good the rest were filler, but I don't want to rag on the songs because over the top lyrics aside it's probably the best part.
>>12319779That didn't go anywhere. The entire plotline could've been left out and the movie would've been unaffected.
>Q: Why wasn't Twist in EQG at all?>Meghan: Twist is an ugly jew and would have been too ugly as a human it would have ruined my entire movie.nooooooooooooooo
>>12319581True that.
>>12319780this is truthProve to me that season 2 is superioir you cant
>>12319792she's not wrong.
>>12319792Fuck, now I like McCarthyI'm gonna kill myself
>>12319779Which ultimately lead to nothingThe entire thing was filler
>>12319792What? She was in the movie, in which she was an ugly jew that ruined the entire movie.
>>12319791Or, that could've been a nice moment where the main 6 would start to work together and interact more with each other.
>>12319778What are you going on about?
>>12319792I'd say that was a good call on Megan "franchise destroyer" McCarthy's part.
>you will never see the video the CMCs made.
>>12319823I am sure its horrible and it would take place in Sweetie Belle's room.
>>12319812That too, but that didn't happen either and instead we got what I'd describe as filler.
>>12319801I kind of doubt she actually said that
>>12319823It's the Show Stopper song
>>12319823You wouldn't like it anon, it's all something called "twerking."
>>12319791But it did go somewhere.It ended up both furthering the relationship between Twilight and Flash Sentry and letting us know Luna's role in the school administration.AND it brought the entire school even closer together around Twilight through the act of cleaning up that shit, ensuring her win for the crown.
>>12319833I'm just kiddingI can hate her forever
>>12319816"Hey Twilight, Sunset Shimmer's a bitch!" Later on..."Applejack, maybe Sunset Shimmer's a bitch!" "WHOA THAT WOULD EXPLAIN EVERYTHING"
>>12319831Just describing a missed opportunity.
>>12319841This >>12319812 could've happen instead and improved the movie. Instead we get a cop out.
>Pinkie will never say you are more fun than the color pink
>>12319847Those aren't footballs those are soccar balls even in canada where the cartoon is made they're called soccer balls.
>>12319860So let me get this straight, you are judging a movie based on what it COULD HAVE DONE instead of what it actually DID.They could have used the space better, sure but the way they used it was not filler.
>>12319844>Twilight gets credit for uniting them by just using common sense
Hey, where are the ponies because all I see are shitty humans.I thought this was My Little Pony General, not fucking Equestria Girls General.
>>12319883Common sense isn't as common as you might think.
>>12319885But anon Equestria Girls IS My Little Pony
Tail docks are "in" it seems.
>>12319578This guy gets it
who thought rainbowdash wearign a skirt was a good idea
>>12319885Well Equestria Girls is a spin off of My Little Pony, so it's allowed.
>>12319897Tail cocks? Well if you insist.
>>12319889So rare that it's a super power.
>>12319899Because all girls wear skirts!
>>12319889At least not in that world where being good friends with someone means you don't fucking CALL them if they don't show up to something you had planned. Because, you know, you wouldn't be worried if they were okay or not.Fuck this movie.
>>12319895Not it isn't. It's a creative abortion spewed out of McCarty and Hasbro's collective asshole.Who wants to see stupid shitty clips from it?Just go watch the fucking thing if you're interested.
>>12319841None of those are important for the plot.>TS/FSTheir relationship didn't go anywhere at all>LunaDoesn't matter, she never does anything important>brought the school closer togetherIt still didn't make any sort of very noticeable impact. If this part never happened and the movie was that much shorter, I don't think a single person would have complained that the school wasn't shown liking Twilight even more to justify her victory, there were already plenty of other scenes dealing with that.
>>12319897They're 2cute.
>>12319907To be fair if she wasn't wearing a skirt there would be alot more comments about wanting to sniff her sweaty thighs as her shorts cling to them. Mostly from me.
>>12319847What if pone kicked balls?
>>12319914All of it is bullshit and I wish we could just ignore it, but you faggots are going to bitch and rant and jack off to it for the next six months.
>>12319899I don't know, but the bike shorts make it worth it.
>>12319897I hate those things.And "Realistic" hooves as well.
>>12319883They are mentally retarded. Everyone in that universe is.>Rarity offers to help Pinkie with decorations>gets email from Pinkie that says she found help and doesn't need Rarity>next day Rarity finds out Pinkie did everything alone>this happens multiple times>doesn't even bother to ask her Hey Pinkie why did you tell me that you had volunteers to help you when you didn't?And don't even get me started on the others
>>12319914Not that anon, but that just demonstrates how bad the movie is. The scenes are poorly paced and put together, but you can't really remove one of them without everything making even LESS sense. The whole thing just needs a huge rewrite.
>>12319922Xieril pls
>>12319914Do you not understand the purpose of a pilot? At all?Spike having a crush on Rarity went nowhere in the pilot of MLP FiM. But it pops up in later episodes.
OK seriously. When does Issue #9 come out?
>>12319951Ha ha ha Stupid mudponies
>>12319955What day of the weeks do comics normally come out? There's your answer.
>>12319955i think it's already out.
>>12319939I don't even know how to respond to that
>>12319951Purple Smart is racist in canon.
>>12319940Stop posting
>>12319939I'm pretty god damn sure this wasn't advertised as a pilot. And even if it was, Twilight LEFT EG, so any "development" would be meaningless in the long run.
>>12319930I'm trying, but when every single thread someone barges in with >EG was actually really great and I loved it and you're all faggots for not liking it I fail at ignoring things I don't like. Eventually this will become shitposter material, assuming that it isn't now.
>>12319974HA I WIN
>>12319951Why are pinkie and applejack so boring.
was this really neccessary
>>12319954>>12319937Nobody will ever animate and ponify this scene:
>>12319939>>12319974 is not me, but I can't add anything to his post.
>>12319987Mirror Verse Twilight.Pinkie Confirmed
>>12319951But pinkie has her helicopter. The only one who cant fly is applejack.
>>12319993>dash acting like a bitchno but she always act like that
>>12319951>implaying pank can't flying contraption in the airDYEWTS?
>>12319993Rainbow Dash just became 20% cooler in 10 seconds flat!
>>12319988Well fuck this. I'm getting out of here if all you guys are ever going to do is jack off about Equestria Girls.Enjoy your stupid shit.
>>12320016No anon, come back...I just kidding noone cares faggot.
>>12320003EG Twilight doesn't know EG Sentry, so their relationship would be restarted and the movie made pointless (again)
>>12320003Sure, except, you know, that's a completely different person who has to meet FS again and fall in love with him again and FS has to bring out the Douchemobile again to impress her, and THEN they will be at the point where the real Twilight left the universe.
good afternoon eqg general
>>12320016make a S4 hype threadI'd post in it.
>>12320027Yo Twilight.Y'alright?
so did the dvd leak?Is the yayponies link dvd quality?
>>12320016Come back after the spam is over and we're back to pony butts.Bye Rei.
>>12320012I thought she was 20% flat?
>>12320028What if she just retains everything the old twilight did, because magic? There, plot hole covered and they start a spin off show.
>>12320023Who gives a fuck about what a bunch of faggots who like pleb-tier shit like EG thinks.
>>12320037It's 1080, bluray
>>12320036>>12320042 lol
>>12320037It's 1080p
>>12320046We don't like it.We're just talking and arguing about it because we don't know what to do with ourselves during the hiatus.
>>12320045But that's just creates a brand new plot hole
>>12320034Draw EG LyraI need more art of her.
>>12319667>Time Turner Looks like a combination between the 5th and 7th doctors.
>>12320033>Hands are hard to draw
>>12320035This. Or hell, try and get us talking about S4 stuff here. You could at least give it a shot.
>>12320020>comic>not canon
Crackpot ships.
>>12320045But EG Twilight doesn't have magic.
someone please gif this
>>12320033At least you should stop posting that shit, we already have some total idiot here who's been dumping for two threads and isn't planning to stop despite multiple people telling him to do so.
>>12320058Talking about anything would be better than discussing EG. EG is worst than even the shittiest of MLPG discussion topics. I'd rather start reading fluffy pony shit again instead of this.
>>12320064It's Doctor Hooves now you pleb.It's confirmed canon from that production book.
>>12320075God snips and snails are pretty much the worst and should have been executed.
>>12320064His name is Dr.Hooves now, asshole.
>>12320077Here you go.
>>12320055>>12320049ugh, I guess it's finally time
>>12320073I'm not sure what is going on here.
>>12320062kinda qtare there any other better gifs
>>12320074To be fair, neither do any of the characters shown in the movie on the EG side, they still got magic-y somehow
>>12320077Last thread
oh god no
>>12320082Don't even joke about that.>>12320077Now just wait for her to lick her thigh.
>>12320105inb4 you come back next thread and we start this all over again
They should have just done a complete knock off of Mean Girls.
What's up with all the Equestria girls all the sudden? Did I miss something?
>>12320078All that guy is doing is dumping screenshots, just like in a regular post episode thread.
>>12320077Damn you and damn EQG. I was never the kind of Pinkiefag who wanted to fuck her..
>>12320107I knew you had shitty taste, but I didn't know it was that shit.
>>12320123The blu-ray rip is out, so now a lot of people that haven't watched it initially have watched it and two of them decided that it was actually not bad.
>>12320123Fuck off. Go out into /mlp/ if you want to talk about Equestria Girls.
>>12320107This is the only art I have of them.
>>12320134Why does the brazzers logo make everything better?
>>12320123The blu-ray was being sold early at SDCC so now there are some high quality screencaps floating around.
>>12320131her design isnt even that terribleits my wife what do you expect>>12320148oh so its not a canon design?
>>12320139Ah I see.
>>12320077Where is this happens?
>all these newfriends discovering EQGI hope you fags hate it as much as I did.
>>12320126Yes, but we don't want it. Not only that, he's posting 1 picture for every 5 seconds in the movie, that's way more than what's necessary or wanted or welcome.
>>12320161Nope. Only Vinyl and Derpy have "canon" eg designs.
>>12320161I wish you'd fuck off with Tex. You self insert fuckers are the worst.
>>12320154omg brad ur such a hot t ^o^
>>12320176Its been four goddamn threads of this shit. Go read the old horse if you want more of it.
oh god mr cake what did they do to you
>>12320199>that AJFucking slut.
>>12320199Can you stop already?
>>12319899Imagine how different it would be if it started in Japan.
>>12320189It's not about wanting more of something. No, not at all. It's about MLPG faggots complaining about the direction their precious thread is taking instead of trying to steer it in the direction they want.
>>12320199Fuck off.
>>12320209If he cared in the slightest about what people want, he would've stopped hours ago.
>>12320189>>12320209It's been four goddamn threads because nobody else is bringing up topics for discussion! You can't just say, STOP TALKING ABOUT THIS, you need to come up with SOMETHING ELSE TO TALK ABOUTI'LL DO IT FOR YOU: WHAT SORT OF POWERS DO YOU THINK THE VILLAIN SHOWN IN THE POWER PONIES SNEAK PEAK HAS? IS IT JUST SPIKE'S DREAM, OR A FULL EPISODE? IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE ENCOUNTERING LUNA TURNING INTO NMM A SIGN OF FUTURE TIME-TRAVEL OR TIME-SCRYING SHENANIGANS?>>12320199I'm not seeing everybody's problem with Mrs. Cake, to be honest
This is the worst hiatus ever.
>>12320168Except I didn't , I don't get why people are getting so upset at the prospect of people discussing it. Not all of us wanted to watch crappy camrips.It gets a 6/10 from me and others not really the spawn of the devil we all feared but nothing really to run and tell your friends about.Humor and characterization was good. Plot structure is where it falls apart
>>12320134cum on step it up
>>12320226Looks like all you guys have done is talk about it nonstop.I guess this is what you want.
>>12320224I love how they can never settle on one level of anthro.
rarity, what did they do to your character in this movie
>>12320233Because it's boring as fuck and ugly as shit.
>>12320231bby dont cry
>>12320231I think you mean best WHERE'S MY FUCKING HIGH RES BIG MAC COMIC?
>>12320230oh wow, that came off a lot angrier than I thought it would be. Sorry, you guys. I just wish you'd help out a little more instead of just complaining and things
>>12320224I just won't update itProblem solved
seriously poor mr.cake looks deformed
>>12320252I don't know but i don't like it. She's supposed to be the best character of the show, but here she was crap.
>>12320230I think it's Spike's dream or imagination, it's just a bit too out of place for the show. They do crazy stuff sometimes, but nothing to this extent. The villain looks like she's a medusa copy, and if it's Spike's imagination, she might very well be partially based on NMM, although there isn't really anything that would suggest this as far as I know.
>>12320252Rarity doesn't sound like a high schooler and it's really obvious with her since she's doing that transatlantic accent. She sounds like she's at least in her 30s.
I don't know why, but I loved this part.
>>12320231nah, last was worse.
>>12320275He looks like a chimpanzee.
>>12320255Expecting people to not post and talk about it when a HQ rip is released is a pipe dream. Give this a few days and it will settle down.It's almost like expecting people to not talk about Comic Con when we got news.
>>12320281Because it was pony.
>>12319980> Applejack walking outside in the late night> Two pegasus fly by her> They get near her one from the back and another from the front> Applejack being the tough girl, she looks at them with a mean glare> Both the pegasus attack at the same time> The one at the back hold her hind legs still, so she cant buck> The other lock forelegs and keeps her head down to the grass> After some struggling Applejack slowly begins to resist less and less> The stallion at the back tells his friend to keep her still> He then lifts her tail and leans on top of her> Rape> Later she is beaten with bruises and hanged on a treeAll because they saw her with Rainbow Dash.
>>12320270Don't apologize, they're MLPGfags. They're always angry. Delete your apology at once!
>>12320279SS actually is in her late 20s and no one seems to care
>>12320262Fuck off mewball. If you're not going to make this shitty thread any better then just fuck off.
>>12320275They all look deformed you shithead.
>>12320230Looked like an earth pony with stretchy hairFull episode about Spike's dreamTime travel shenanigans like with Discord.Everything is discussed.
>>12320300Woah hateanon calm down
>>12320036>>12320042>>12320048Yes. Everything's gonna be just fine.
>>12320284No it wasn't. At least we didn't have to talk about Equestria Girls the entire time.
>>12320299what>>12320300alright, alright.
>>12320294>[greater than] [space] [words]Smells like poor copypasta
>>12320300You might be upset
>>12320297Actually what ARE their ages? If Sunset Shimmer was around Twilight's age whenever she went into the portal, and that was when Twilight was a little flly, then wouldn't she be almost double that age, now? How fucking long has she been in High School?
>>12320292Except Comic Con was about the actual show. Not this fucking shitstain.
>>12320281Needs a loop where Pinkie keeps touching the mirror.
>>12320230I hope the superheroes thing is a whole episode. It might not be imaginary, too - the ponies do have MAGIC. I really hope the villain is like a really hammy NMM ripoff. That'd be great.
>>12320322Well that isn't true for this hiatus either, we only talk about it now because a lot of people are watching it.
>>12320297No one cares about anything in that school, do they? The new girl goes to talk to the principal and she isn't told to register for classes. She doesn't attend one class the whole time and nobody seems to care about that either.
>>12320318But Photo Finish is obviously older than the mane 6I don't understand
>>12320318Is that human Soarin?
>>12320333Yes, that's called a plot hole, they obviously haven't given it 10 minutes of thought.
>>12320342The main 6 are also obviously older than senior high schoolers. Logic does not exist in the world of EG.
>>12320342So is the Mayor, right?Appearances can be deceiving.
>>12320362[citation needed]
>>123203334 years according to the prom pics.But in reality it doesn't matter because this movie is shit. Recall the comic also had the mirror in Canterlot, rather than being lost somewhere in the Crystal Kingdom.
Without focus all you fucking people do is complain about each other. I hope one day someone realizes we don't need a general on the same topic as the fucking board.
>>12320362We don't actually know about that last one, neither do we know about how well or not well it actually did. There's still hope. Some, anyway.
>>12320347Replace the cups with cocks.
>>12320339Save yourself the mental strain and just don't care about what it's uncreative writing and plot.
>>12320335EQG is related to MLP whether you like it or not. No sense in crying over people discussing the movie for the first time after they had just seen it
>>12320278Yeah, the whole waking up thing seems to pretty strongly suggest it being a dream. Which is sad, but expectable: they can't exactly just stick them all in an entirely new setting and make them superheroes on a whim, as awesome as it would be.>a medusa copyBut the ponies look right at her and don't turn to stone, that's more the cockatrice's deal anyway. But if she was based on NMM, that could be something like the Gorgon's backstory.>>12320337Even though it seems unlikely, the whole "waking up" deal might in fact be a red herring.And I will be so hyped if it is real, oh my god you don't even know.>ham & cheese villainyeessssss. >>12320295/co/ is love
>>12320362To sell toys..
>>12320377There's a trademark for it and there have been sold out showings of the movie.
>>12320386/CO/ IS LIFE
>>12320376MLPG is a community.
>>12320077Sorry I found a better scene and couldn't resist
>>12320386I meant the medusa of PPG
>>12320376It's not the difference in topics between here and the rest of the board that's the problem, it's the difference in posters
>>12320405Sedusa, bro, Sedusa
>>12320368I feel like he should be a body builder body type
>>12320380That was my point, really...
>>12320395>sold out showings of the movieWhich means nothing without numbers
>>12320395Yes, neither of those automatically imply that it did well. It's rather safe to conclude that the showings of the movie didn't earn back even quarter of the cost of the movie.
>prancing aroud like retards for the popular vote
>>12320362Why be creative? Sounds like work to me. Just copy some high school movie and throw in a joke or two from some FimFiction human story.
>>12320411Oh. I haven't seen the show in ages, and even then it was in a different language.
>>12320375It wasn't lost in the Crystal Kingdom, Celestia had it moved there simply so they could use the Crystal Kingdom as a backdrop because that's what Hasbro wants you to think is popular even though it fucks with everything.
>>12320407is this comic outluna is a cute pony
>>12320401It's a lousy community.>we hate the board we hold our precious thread on>we're so cool>STAY THE FUCK OUT
>>12320441Then why are you here if you don't like it
>>12320407What's that from?
>>12320448Come on, don't respond
>>12320396BROTHER>>12320405Pfft, whoops. My bad. That would also strengthen the idea that "power ponies" is supposed to be more of a PPG reference than a Power Rangers one. Sweeet.
>>12320407HUUUUGE motherfucking wings.
>>12320441This is why you come here when we're chill. Right now everyone's on edge from the dump.
>>12320427You know, I'm really tempted to look for a humanized High School AU fic to see if it's any better than EG.No I'm not actually going to do that. I've dealt with enough of those in my KH days.
>tfw no comic on yayponies
>>12320412>people who draw and imagine Bic Mac as a body builder for any reason besides pornThe highest of retards. You don't get a body like that by lifting and carrying buckets of apples all day.
>>12320454Okay fine
>>12320375The 4 years figure simply cannot be correct. It's either 5 years or more, and it's definitely more than 5 years, because we already know that the CMC barely changed in size in 3 years, so for Twilight to grow up completely from a filly that doesn't even have her cutie mark and is smaller than the CMC in 5 years is impossible. 10 years, probably more. A likely figure would be 15 years, assuming Twilight was about 5 and is roughly 20 in the show.
>>12320462I've been here before. Everyone's always on edge.
>>12320412If anything he should have a strongman body type.
>>12319526Well at least scoots is embracing her inner chickun
>>12320487>mad pissfaglol
>>12320407Luna is a very pretty pony.
>>12320439prom EG Rarity is the unfest of them allI seriously need some lewd art of her
>>12320487Stop coming during the day. That's when the dedicated shitposters come out. There's only one at night and he only attacks contributors.
>>12320487Not true. There are times when we're chill, even if they're drowned out by BEING REALLY ANGRY AT THING.The namefagging isn't helping, y'know.
>>12320492>MLPGfag calling anyone mad
>>12320487Yes, it's because you barge in with a name and make it really obvious that you're from /mlp/ and you behave the same way. I don't have any problems with you doing whatever it is you do on /mlp/, but MLPG has slightly different standards. Not even implying that they are better, but they are different, and you stand out.
>>12320483That's the time she was in high school though, unless she laid low and didn't do anything of recognition except in the last 4 years because she would be kicked out if anyone found out she was still attending even after the standard 4 years.
>>12320487Then don't come here.
>>12320523The portal only opens every 2.5 years, that's why the 4 year figure can't be right. But as I said, because of the comic, now we're looking at 10+ years.
>>12320484TOUCH READ
>>12320528Best princess on the left..
>>12320531>no handswow kill yourself anytime
>>12320531Woh dude she's only 17, that's illegal in most states.
>>12320509>>12320518I was sitting in here as anon until I wanted to make a point about how chill it really isn't.
>>12320483Has anyone considered time passes differently in the EQG universe in comparison to Equestria
I don't get why Sunny Shim had snips and snails break the dance decorations? afterwards she yells at them because they did too good of job.
>>12320431 >>12320440 >>12320451 >>12320460 >>12320495 >>12320540it is from preview retards
>>12320563To frame twilight.
>>12320531YESI LOVE ITthank you goat train, you're the best!
>>12320550But the best one is all of them.
>>12320554step up:>>12320403
>>12320568Why is that spork wearing a dress?
How long until we're done talking about EG?
>>12320560Yes, but I'm pretty sure they say something about the portal's opening/closing in the EG universe too. Also there's the fact that the portal was open for the same amount of time on both sides supposedly.
>>12320553B-but I've been drawing! I'm workin' on it, man!>>12320552maybe tomorrow - too busy today>>12320573<3
>>12320588As soon as you stop being a sassy black woman
>>12320574Princess Twilight cummeth
>>123205882 days tops, but by tomorrow late night there will be much less talk about it already. It will come up occassionally for a very long time though.
>>12320588Give it a couple of more days. Rip just happened last night
oh baby
>>12320589Another thing: how could Sunset destroy the portal with a hammer? Shouldn't the hammer have just passed through?
>>12320590You failed to reach the agrred amount goat. And the subject.It's to late for AJ. But not for Apple Bloom. You better straighten up unless you want her to get it.You have two weeks goat.
>>12320569but when she yells at them she says twilight and her friends barely got the dance fixed in time. sooo, if she was framing twilight why would she want her to fix it?
>>12320583Can we all agree that spaghetti spilling twilight was the best thing of the movie?
>>12320611That's a little less sugar lump and alot more rump.
>>12320588Give it, a week or two.Then we get info on the IDW comic.Then wait a while after that.Then the comic gets published.Then wait a while after that.Then we get info on the inevitable spin off…
>>12320619"It's a mirror" in other worlds it's bullshit she couldn't
>>12320629>Not Cheerileecome on man
>>12320624H-how much? And what subject?
>>12320627So she could lead her evil army back into equestria when she took over.
>>12320613I think Andrea Libman did a great job in the film
>>12320619She probably would've started smashing around the sides of it.
>>12320629It went on for too long and it was a really obvious thing to do, but then the other candidate, which is pone twilight dicking around with her wings also has the same qualities so I don't know.
>>12320588As soon as the Big Mac comic is uploaded on yayponies and you can actually fucking read the thing.
>>12320647Except for that shitty drawn out flutteryay
>>12320632Don't we already know that the IDW comic is just a retelling of the movie?>>12320647Yeah, FS was much better here.
>>12320632But we got info on itFirst 8 pages are the Sunset Shimmer thing and the rest of the 40 pages are how Sunset Shimmer destroyed the relationship s between the main character.
>>12320619Sunset was Bluffing she destroys the portal she can't exact revenge on Equestria
>>12320652But that's just solid stone, concrete or marble, a weak-ass teenage girl wouldn't have damaged it much.
>>12320518>slightly different standardsDon't pretend it's anything other than what it is: You lack focus, so you have nothing better to do than jump on stupid shit and complain about it. The guy at the top calling it 'My Little Elitist General' pretty much nailed it.Go to a thread dedicated to any given pony, the nightly drunk thread, pretty much any thread that actually has a fucking purpose and nobody notices if you filled the name field or not. You can pretend it's the "newfag invasion ruining everything" if that makes you feel better, but more likely it's a mixture of new and old who just plain don't give a fuck, and you should try that sometime.
>>12320645meh ill just chalk it up to me being a retard and mcarthy being even more retarded.
If Sunset Shimmer needed the Fall Formal to happen on the day that it did, why did she have Snips and Snails wreck the gym in the first place? Why would she do something that could easily set her back? There's only a three day window and then the portal closes for a long time. It seems like she would have been banking pretty hard on that last day, so why do something where it could fuck it up? So Twilight could have a soccer scene with Rainbow Dash? That was nice of her.
>>12320551yes please~
redeyefags status: destroyed
>>12320664What an ugly human.
>>12320684welcome to s3 finale
>>12320684At least it put the argument to rest
>>12320659I'll agree on that. I also don't get how people say Nicole Oliver "phoned it in" She sounded fine to me.>>12320661Fluttershy is a much more enjoyable character when she speaks and is engaging.
>>12320691Season 2 you mean.
>>12320652Hey Master! Thanks for all the uploads in the past!
>>12320707AND THE MAGIC GLASSES>>12320708YES
>>12320666I honestly was expecting Twilight to say something along the lines of "Go ahead. Equestria will be safe if the portal is destroyed. I'm willing to stay here for the rest of my life if that means stopping you."But I guess you can't expect selflessness from worst pony.
>>12320684She was a total qt.
Why can't I into smaller file size?
>>12320684Really it seems they did that just to say fuck you to redeyes fags
>>12320684much better as pone
>>12320720Except she did say something along the lines.
>>12320743>the ears just kinda pop outwat
>>12320671I'm fine with you thinking that entirely, but go and be yourself somewhere else. I don't go to your threads and whine how they don't occasionally start talking about porn or about what videogame people are playing when that doesn't have anything to do with the topic, all I expect from you is doing the same and vacating the thread if you dislike us so.
>>12320743Could use more apples.
>>12320755please don't respond
>>12320750ShhhLet me live in my fantasy
>>12320755It's a troll.
>>12320749Eh. i enjoyed her more as a human.She dancing what looked to be the Thriller dance was cute.
>>12320743Can't stop seeing this as sailor applejack, transforming to buck apples with super magical force.
Should rape porn be considered the same as child porn? Isn't all rape porn really just fantasy rape? Yees, there is actual rape videos online, but there are also snuff films and child sex.
>>12320780Nothing about that movie looked good
>>12320794Babs seed
>>12320794eqg rarityits the new hotness
>>12320794Applejacks from various universes all discussing apples, which have similar traits as their universe. Steampunk applejack has apples with gears, EQ girls applejack has apples that suddenly sprout pony ears for no reason. etc.
>>12320794Non ugly versions of the EqG main 6.Practice your human anatomy.
>>12320794__pony___ Derpy being happy about getting a mailBonus if it's by Care Package
>>12320806It's not new and it's not hot
>>12320743>>12320759You ever notice how we never explore Applejack's love for farming, obviously "southern" heritage, or her unwavering honesty? It's literally always APPLES APPLES APPLES ON EVERYTHING
Sexy Milk
>>12320818because I love apples anon
>>12320794A seapony eating a seaweed salad.
Why did Vice Principal Luna throw out and completely dismiss the wrecked gym when Flash Sentry showed her the edited photos. Sure, Twilight didn't fuck it up, but SOMEONE sure did.
>>12320794Draw MLPG exploding and Leth not giving a shit.
>>12320806>mewball in charge of good tastesAre you gonna draw her?
I have a choice before me:Watch it knowing it'll be painful and get it over withDon't watch it and let its power over me grow like a monster in the closet
two weeks ago i asked for some things i could color for you guyscommencing dump, beginning with the standard "color me pretty /co/" pink pony. feel free to say things
>>12320728Why is applejack so unf?Fuck it, why is everyone so unf in this song?
>>12320818Faust would have done that because she respects the audience. But now all we get is "little girls don't understand complex ideas, let them eat apples."
>>12320818Don't forget FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY tooI'm going to go watch Applsong againI've watched it over a dozen times. I can't stop. Please send help
>>12320818The same with Fluttershy always being shy and never exploring her nurturing talents?
>>12320818I blame Meghan McCarthy in a few minutes with Dead Leaves.
>>12320843i watched for 20 minutes but it was pretty boring so i stopped to do something else. i will eventually finish it one day i guess.
>>12320842That BG girl is really cute.
>>12320846Cute, but the shading color should be a much darker gray. It looks like she's a firepony right now.
>>12320711No problem!>>12320670I don't know then. She might as well have swung the hammer into the portal, and have it come out the other side just to smack Luna in the head.
>>12320857I cant stop listening to it eitherNew pone song is addicting.
>>12320867>tfw obsidian hats us
>deer vampires are realaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>12320882That probably would have been a funny gag. Then shit just keeps getting thrown in the portal until twilight comes out and she's constructed a barricade around it, with a helmet while she sits behind it shell shocked and afraid.
>>12320885Regular or prom dress?
>>12320857I wish there was a clean version without clapping and good quality
>>12320861Stop blaming Meghan for everything. She wrote some classic episodes. I know nobody likes her PR work, but PR isn't really her FUCKING JOB
>>12320882>implying Luna doesn't need a good smack in the head.
>>12320887applesong was amazingso was the backgorund music for the nightmare moon transformation
>>12320914God I really can't wait to see the transformation in the show
>>12320895So if Batpony fucked Do Or Deer?
>>12320906MIDF plsI blame McCarthy for everything
>>12320880thanks, i'm still figuring things out and trying lots of different things.>>12320880here's another thing someone wanted to see colored. as i said, just trying out lost of different things atm.
>>12320933>The only image magazine for pandas...I'm on to you...
>>12320918I'd totally date a Fluttershy if she was more like the EG version.
So I've decided to collect all of the plot holes, inconsistencies and gripes I have with EQG. Because I don't have anything better to do.
>>12320859Fluttershy at least can be mixed up with different animals and her capacity for forgiveness.Applejack, every single fucking time, has a problem with the apples, wants more apples on her dress, needs to buck all the apples, needs to win money for the apple farm, needs to sell apples for money for the apple family, wants more apple fritters, needs to save her cousins apple farm from buffaloes, or bring applejuice to the school promEVERYTHING IS APPLES.
I think i hate this music segment already
>>12320936That's much better.
>>12320946But you'd be constantly poor because she expects you to spend all your time and money on fucking animal shelters.
>>12320951Weird, that's the only thing pretty much everybody else liked about the film.
>>12320950What about Apple Family Reunion?
>>12320949Well you started off badly, because right away the first one can be explained by SS coming back for a visit 2.5 years before the movie (since the portal isn't fucking guarded, ever). I'll go through the rest either way.
>>12320951good, it wasnt ment for you. they use every cheap trick in the book to make the songs catchy and addicting to young child brains.thats why the lyrics are repetitive and make no sense.
2/3 of the way through the movie soon
>>12320960I just watched it last night and can't even remember the songs. Out of everyone, I think Ingram put the least amount of effort in.
>>12320924Same here, if its anything like the animatic its going to be awesomeAlso it seems Luna is very bad at controlling her powers or something
>>12320968>womanOh Anonymous, I'm flattered~
>>12320969This is never brought up or mentioned at all, so it can't be used to explain it.
>>12320978Can you really blame him?
>>12320958well I wouldn't mind supporting her every once in a while.
Guys let's stop talking about the plot holes and focus on what's really important. Silver spoon and Diamond tiara's sweet asses.
oh dear
why is rarity so hot
>>12320992Yes, this is more important.
>>12321006Because apparently you love mutant mimes.
>>12321010That is fucking retarded
>>12321010nonymous plsstop being such a pleb
>>12320981Yeah. From the animatic she looks surprised when her transformation starts like she's thinking, "Oh shit, maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all."
>>12320661The comic is actually going to be a prequel to the movie. It's supposed to show the relationship of the mane six and how Sunset Shimmer breaks it up.I wonder how Twilight will be like since only Pinkie seems to have met her before.
>>12320960but thats wrong, stop spreading your bullshit around here.sure the dubstep brony music fans loved it because they love everything from mlp but not so much the people in here.
>>12321019>implying you wouldn't fuck that
and almost done. I think dooks asked to have one of his drawings colored even if he could do much better himself, but here it is anyway.i tried.
>>12320818Did someone say apples?
>>12320997i would have smacked aj in the cunt if she did that to me while i was eating
>>12321019Are you >implying Ross?
>>12321034Disregarding the fact that I like the D, I wouldn't fuck her even if I was straight simply because I'd be scared to break her torso in half
>>12321036You tried and it looks nice. I did not get what was the request, though.
>>12321027I guess she was expecting the nightmare energy to just boost her power so that she could beat her sister, not give her extra fangs and shit.
>>12321010>>12321006That's a disgrace to the real superior Rarity
>>12320949>>123209694th entry is the same deal8: She didn't have a single one, magic was somehow merged with SS iircPart 23: You can add "Why doesn't Twilight just tell her the whole story, seeing that she has plenty of proof and Celestia can be sort of assumed to be at least somewhat as smart as the real Celestia?Also you should've added that it would've made a lot more sense for Celestia to go, regardless of what they knew about the other world.
>>12321037No, Rarity, you aren't allowed to fuck Big Mac.
>>12320986I thought a plot hole is only a plot hole if it can't be explained logically.
>>12321057me neither, i was just asked to color it. dooks would probably know.
>>12321058The Nightmare powers are indeed corrupting.
>>12321031>sure the dubstep brony music fans loved it because they love everything from mlp but not so much the people in here.Quit talking out of your ass there have been plenty of people here that have said they liked the cafeteria song but never really cared for any of the other songs in the movie.
>>12321026I wouldn't call it a disgrace.I mean, sure, it's shit compared to the real thing, but compared to the other humans?
>>12321063i wish i still had the video where real highschool girls tried to break into song in the cafeteria and it was the worst shit you ever saw
>>12321065>no wingsShit/10
>>12321083Diamond in the rough.
>>12321085The CMC were better looking.That doesn't mean I wouldn't an EG Rarity.
>>12321093I love it
>>12321083Rarity, Applejack doesn't like you that way.
>>12321027Yeah her expression was definitely one of "oh shit" when it startedThough at least this settles the whole magic demon possession crap once and for all. We clearly see Luna did it to herself, by herself. She laid out her whole traitorous plan *before* transformingwhat a naughty pony
>>12321062>4th entry is the same deal>8: She didn't have a single one, magic was somehow merged with SS iircIt really wasn't explained or clarified at all. Leaving something as important as that to speculation can lead to a bunch of wild ideas, and makes the audience confused.>Also you should've added that it would've made a lot more sense for Celestia to go, regardless of what they knew about the other world.Honestly, I agreed with that at first. They say something but upsetting some kind of fucking balance or whatever, but it really doesn't make any sense. It was said though, so even though it's a shitty excuse, it's an excuse. I agree with you, however.
>>12321089She looks like a dog in this
>>12321117she does
>>12321129What if Tara dressed up in this outfit
>>12321134Too bad you're only using her to get to her cousin, Braeburn.
>>12321089>implying the only thing she would do with that wing is look niceTwilight has a potential of having a bunch of cute, clumsy moments with that wing.
>>12321138I'd play the shit out of an actual MLP game
Would you give twilight THE CROWN
>>12321104Need a better version of this gif.
>>12321141Then she'd be a slut.Oh, wait.
>>12321118I bet deep down, she's still jealous of her sister. The only thing that stops her is the knowledge that if she fails again, she probably can't come back and apologize. She's be banished 5ever.
and the last thing i colored before i have to disappear for a while. it's a neat reaction image.
>>12321144>trap braeburnunf
>>12321153If it wasn't generic 2d sidescrolling shooter, sure.
>>12321074Good point. It's still really weird and kind of an inconsistency, considering we don't really know the frame of time that Twilight gets the Elements to when the Crystal Empire reappears and Twilight becomes a princess. Is it less than 2.5 years? More?
>>12321127I SAID PURPLE
>>12321153I'd still like to see a Pony Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing.
>>12321117Thats not up to you to decide
>>12321176Dinofag is a lazy fucking cunt
>>12321182>>12321183Wait, is there an actual game like that being produced right now?
>>12321118Do you ever think she transforms into NMM and goes into the fungeon to terrify the prisoners, just to make herself feel like an evil queen from time to time?
>>12321159>Derpy, Trixie and Vinyl dancing in the same sceneM-M-M-MAXIMUM PANDERINGI like it.
>>12321153full 3D platformer please
>>12321192Define "being produced"
>>12321174Shhhhhh, only magenta now.
>>12321197>3D platformerI will rip out your retinas
>>12321108YOU LIE
>>12321169It has to be at least 2.5 years, presumably somewhat more, we had 2 separate winters.
>>12321211It's not a microseries issue, you triple nigger.
>>12321164I would not be surprisedI also think she is still a risk considering how easily she lost her shit on Nightmare night and had lightning flying everywhereand spiderswhat kind of good pretty princess sics SPIDERS on people?
>>123212053D platformers are a dying breed man. the world needs more of them (as long as they're good)
>>12321223I want her spiders.
>>12321202Ccan i get that without the dumbass text?
oh god what the fuck did they do to luna
>>12321218Snails STILL has no idea what's going on.
>>12321202Way too purple.
>>12321219It's not listed under the main series either.
>>12321118>at least this settles the whole magic demon possession crap once and for allyepshe uses the external nightmare energy for magic and it unexpectedly turns her into nightmare moonglad they resolved that issue
>>12321165Thanks, I like it
>>12321246Made her better.
>>12321223She just wanted to have fun manFun wasnt a word 1000 years ago.Maybe fun means "Legions of spiders"
>>12321234You will have to talk to Cherry pone I think she has all the spiders
>>12321179Applejack told me so herself.
>>12321223She had a breakdown because she thought everyone still hated her and all she did was gathering some clouds and get glowy eyesI wouldn't exactly call her a risk
>>12321255Wasn't that already hinted at in the comic? Didn't Nightmare Rarity threaten to reveal that it was Luna who made first contact with the Nightmare energy, not the other way around?
>>12321276She told me otherwise
>>12321195I could see the 3 of them being friends actually.
>>12321262Do you think "fun" 1k years ago was watching someone get attacked by a legion of magically animated spiders? Is that why Luna did it?If so, I kind of want to go to medieval Equestria.
>>12321165yes, many thanks
>>12321278I meant more in the sense that she has still shown herself to be prone to losing control of her abilities when she gets emotionalWhen Celestia got mad, with Discord she just glared, and with Chrysalis she just fired a giant laser beamWhen luna gets mad you have to start running
>>12321286But she's friends with Lyra and Sweetie Drops.
>>12321198being made
>>12321316>writing accentretard
>>12321252Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.
>>12321257>>12321292no problem.just a recap for anyone who missed these colored things. all credit goes to original artists>>12320846>>12320936>>12321036>>12321165
>>12321290Yes it was, along with pillaging and raping.
>>12321328Ah.Well, in that case no
>>12321349The hat was cute I guess.
>>12321333SEX TIME
>>12321349That little blue hat is just the cutest
>>12321315Well, yeahI don't think you should anger an almost all-powerful being anyways though, be it Celestia or Luna
>>12321333That Luna seemed not to care at all
>>12321290Maybe that is why Equestria never has any major issues with its neighborsIf magic ponies can call upon spiders in battle I would not want to mess with them either
>>12321214So the only way that Sunset Shimmer would have been able to become acclimated with the current goings on would be eitherA) Coming through the portal once before, after Twilight becomes a Princess and finding out EVERYTHING that's gone on in her absence, before going back into the portal, waiting another 2.5 years, and then coming through AGAIN to steal the crown. This doesn't make too much sense, since Twilight is uncomfortable with her wings, and everyone is still talking about her becoming an Alicorn like it's a new thing.or B) Coming through the portal at least TWO times before. One to see that Twilight was the Element of Magic and to become acclimated, and then one to see that she has become an Alicorn. Again, I don't think this works very well.Sunset Shimmer calls Twilight Princess. She knows she's a princess so that means she knows just a little bit about her. With the window of time between each time the portal opens, I just don't see this making sense.
So evil luna in s4? Are we going to be seeing more dominatrix fics?
you know, she kind of looks like she's from The Jetsons
>>12321360I don't think you should anger an almost all-powerful being, nor should you anger Celestia or Luna.
>>12321349Pinkie is fucking autistic
>>12321375But she's the exact opposite of an autistic.
>>12321388Git out
>>12321367What if Equestrian firearms shot spiders instead of bullets?
>>12321403I'm beginning to think nobody on this site actually knows what it means to be autistic.
>>12321369No she's not evil. She's just a bit more archaic.
>>12321331Crystal Twilight is pretty hot.Good girls willingly turning themselves in to the bad guy is such a great and fap worthy concept.
>>12321407I'm not convinced that equestria could ever lose a war if that were the case.
>>12321122Celestia says they might create too much attention for Twilight to get the crown back before the portal closes, that's why it's a solo mission.Not a particularly compelling reason for it to be Twilight, though.
>>12321368No no. Like this:>SS goes through the portal>a large amount of time passes>EoH happens>some time during S1, portal opens again, SS comes through, finds out about Twilight&co, everything there is to know about them AND the EoH>SS goes back, portal closes>mirror is moved>Twilight becomes an alicorn>EG happensThis is the only working timeline, nothing else is possible. The fact that she called Twilight a princess might have been due to the fact that she knew that all alicorns would be princesses I guess? Fuck if I know, but regardless of that the timeline can't change, if anything else shows up that doesn't fit with this timeline, then it's a plothole.
>>12321413You're right, no one does. That's irrelevant though, git out.
>>12321413Of course we do. When we call someone a faggot, we don't actually imply that they're homosexual. It's just an insult.
>>12321419Best shipI need a fic of them fucking just before Twilight had to go away.
>>12321422No it was "too much magical chaos" in other words replacing 6 living things in that world would fuck it up. x main character shippers are the worst people.
>>12321416Is she your Queen?
Alright, since you're my financial advisors I'd like to know if these prices seem reasonable. Going to start up commissions in order to fund my Bronycon adventure.Sketches: 10$USDInk/Color: 15$USDColor/Shade: 20$USDThings like characters beyond 2 and good backgrounds would be an extra 5$USD tacked onto it. Figured 20$USD is a good base for things I normally do since that's how much I charged back in the day.
>>12321427She is a very skittish poni.
>>12321416>you know Celestia, I found a new tutor. Thanks for teaching me so much already, but he's going to show me my true potential.>Plus he gave me this really sexy cape. Do you like it? I think it really brings out my eyes.
>tfw using a pic from EqG in the OP of a thread isn't a bannable offense
>>12321442I agree.
>>12321442>pure black oc
>>12321452>20$ for a shit color/shade job
>>12321422True. If it was Celestia, she would only have to go in and walk into the Principal's office. She'd see her double, be like "I'm you in another world, and hey that crown you got? It belongs in my world. Here's your crown back. Okay bye."
>>12321437No, there was no mention of magical chaos or replacing living things.Her EXACT WORDS:"Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something Princess Twilight must do alone."
>>12321442>LamarAt least he can capitalise on his skills
>>12321452Seems reasonable to me
>>12321452If they're going to be that size, I'd say cheaper. If they're full pictures, the price is about right.
>>12321452Do you accept payment in dragon dildos?
>>12321482I get the impression it's more "shit will tear apart the world yo" rather than "nah you guys will be too busy fucking up instead of gettin' dat crown."
>>12321437I'm not even gonna argue that what happened was like a worst case scenario, and preventing what happened should've been of much higher importance than some random junk they made up. Fuck, if she knew that sending too many people would cause issues, then that means they DO know a lot about that fucking world, which just makes sending Twilight with no knowledge whatsoever all that much dumber.And then there's Spike, who just goes through and it's apparently fine to send two people, so then why the fuck didn't they select Twilight and someone competent, Luna, Cadence, Celestia, or even any of the main 6?
>>12321464 Throw in some slight corruption and it's perfect.
>>12321472Yep! Hell, people paid that much for worse shit I drew 3-5 years ago.People pay even more than that for shitty fetish art which is my specialty.
>>12321431That still doesn't explain how Sunset would know the layout of the Crystal Palace or where to find Twilight, or even that Twilight would have the crown ON her. Until Celestia gives the Elements to Twilight in Keep Calm and Flutter On, they were kept in Canterlot. The only way she would know that Twilight would have the crown would be to know Twilight was a princess and it WAS her crown.
>>12321482>"Sending all of you could upset the balance of this alternate world, creating havoc that would make it impossible for Twilight to get the crown back from Sunset Shimmer. This is something Princess Twilight must do alone."tl;dr - Hasbro wants us to shove Twily down your throat and up your ass until you love and accept her as princessinb4 the twifags all type "unf"
>>12321482I just realized.How did Celestia know that Sunset Shimmer lost the crown? She could have immediately put it on the second she went through the portal. She could have sent Twily to be mauled by ARMY OF TEENAGERS.
>>12321497If it was "shit will tear the world apart," she'd make it a more explicit danger. From the gentle rebuke, I definitely get more of a "we need to not fuck this up and too much attention could do that" vibe.
>>12321507She did not know any of that. It's a plot hole, there's the retarded explanation that she only came through to scout things out and she got extremely lucky.She knew it was Twilight's crown at least, because of EoH's events, but that's all.
>>12321529#realtalkYou're not good enough for commissions, practice shit.
>>12321526please tell me there isn't a song going on while she's doing this
>>12321513But I already love and accept her as my princess.Just look at how majestic she is.
>>12321525They could have told her that it was knocked into the portal before her....But that doesn't mean they know that Fluttershy was right there to pick it up. Sunset could have just picked it up the moment she went through. Good point.
>>12321550Of course not
>>12321452sounds good to me
>>12321549>Rarity>wearing SHORTS
>>12321564are you stupidthat's a skirt
>>12321564They're comfy and easy to wear.
>>12321525>>12321554The more EG is discussed, the more plot holes we find
>>12321542Then she would know of the EoH's existence, but there's no way she could have known that Twilight would have it on her at all.
>>12321570Pointless, retarded and out of nowhere.The only thing I really disliked about the movie.
>>12321452Add a fourth option that's five more dollars and make the icing semen instead.
>>12321570holy shitthis is beyond retarded
>>12321570Pinkie stop trying to look sexy, it's working but just stop.
>>12321553You call that majestic?Please. Behold true majesty
>>12321570>Twilight takes up twice as much of the screenA sign of things to come.
>>12321580At first I thought it wasn't that bad, but the more I think about it, the more I realize it was really, really stupid
>>12321582THAT was the only thing you disliked about the movie? Nothing else?
>>12321581This is true. As I said, the only, really really shitty explanation that comes to mind is that she got extremely lucky.Nevertheless that's the only timeline that at least can work, anything else and you're looking at even more holes.
>>12321601pretty much how I feelit went form a 6/10 to a 4/10 on a rewatch.
>>12321442thats not how the horse vagina connects to the body at all
>>12321609Maybe celestia poked her head in for a few seconds and noticed shit wasn't all "apocalypsy" in there. Or assumed if it was that Twilight would just run back through the portal and warn them.
>>12321605Oh I could nitpick about tons of little shit, but that's the only part that stuck out like a massive sore thumb to me.
>>12321368>>12321431>>12321507>>12321542>It's a plot hole, there's the retarded explanation that she only came through to scout things out and she got extremely lucky.As head-banging "a scene showing this would have plugged the hole easily" as it is, I think given what we know that it's the most likely scenario. Sunset Shimmer knew that Twilight had the Element of Magic from an excursion 2.5 years ago, and was coming through this time to take it. She emerges in the Crystal Empire instead of Canterlot but keeps her wits about her and eavesdrops on some guards talking about the Princess Twilight Sparkle's visit, and perhaps even mentioning the guest bedrooms or some shit. It's annoyingly convenient, but it would fit her game plan and just cut the amount of time she planned for travelling to Ponyville and back to Canterlot out of the equation.
>>12321614This kills the thread.
>>12321491Full pictures with whatever they want. If the background is complicated (ie. cityscape, background pone) then it'll have an extra 5 bucks tacked onto it. Cityscapes are what killed me when I used to do commissions.>>12321495Only if they're used, they have more character.
>>12321570Flutter's dress is the only one I could see working in real life.
>>12321601That's exactly what happened with me as well. Initially I thought it was just very mediocre, some 5-6/10, but I was here for a whole lot of discussion on EG and it's just hole and hole and bad choices and now I would barely give it 4 and I really rather hate the thing for being so badly done.
>>12321582But that describes the whole movie
welp, can't post nay more capschoo choo, the equestria girls train is never overoh gods, why isn't it over, we still got like 20 minutes left
>>12321634I just dislike the frilly tit curtains they have going on in the rest of the dresses. It's not fashionable, it's hasbro's jab at making it not sexy so we don't fap to it. The fools.
>>12321649In yur butt
>>12321057The request was "Luna doing something silly" must be rolling in bronybux right now
>>12321625Sunset Shimmer was actually pretty smart to make a fake Element to buy her more time instead of leaving nothing. I mean, until they're actually used, what separates an element of harmony from a piece of normal jewelry?
>>12321625That'd be a really stupid scene, but it'd explain things, at least. We already know that the guards are dumb as bricks.
>>12321649RIGHT HERE>>12321666>>12321666>>12321666
>>12321659That is one ugly vajayjay.
>>12321661It wasn't a fake element, she just stole the real non magical one from the school.
>>12321570>fluttershys dress is the only one to grow longerwhat is even the point
>>12321661Nothing since Twilight managed to activate her EoH without using the crown.
>>12321669its a little better than the first one
>>12321625This is just bad writing, not much else. The amount of luck involved in this is just immense.Further plot holes introduced by this:The crown was made in advance and supposed to be used at this year's prom, which means that SS was at least 90% certain she would be able to steal the crown. Every year's prom had a different crown iirc. I'm not sure why that prom crown actually matters but apparently it does.
>>12321669I disagree, actually. It's a pretty nice, simplified compromise between human/horse.
>>12321719Oh my god