Previous Thread>>12269204
Hello?Is this pone?
I need that map that was made of the horsefuckers all over the worldAny of you gents have it?
>vote for my waifu>10 extra votesTIME FOR APPLES
>>12273936glad to see I'm not the only one who can't get that song out their heads after seeing the animatic ONCE
>>12273958Thats neat, but what kind of other magic trick can you do?
>>12273914Why is she so fat?
>>12273962Hello? Yes this is pone.
>>12273985How does being too retarded to hold down ctrl while spamming V feel?
>>12273998How does being a shitposter feel?
>>12273978>tfw Pinkie is an Apple forever
>>12273959Why is this link board deleted?
>>12274016we're all apples forever
>>12273958>work that ponut>with that technique that can instantly fill a cup fulleven female zebras have access to 500ml
This can't possibly end well, at least not for AJ and Rarity
>>12274033That is a pink apple. What does she do with apples when she grows up?
>>12273986>not watching the showshe's a good herbalist, probably a decent alchemist if the Luna Eclipsed Powder is anything to go by>HUR DUR PLANTS ARN'T MAGICcounter: Earth Pony Magic revolves around plantlife, mostly
>>12274050>tfw voting for my waifu 11 times
>>12274050but they are best ponies
>>12273985>People with children were often pulled out of line and let in – cool. Kids deserve toys. Then pretty girls were the next to make it in. Obviously. One father asked what was going on, then laughed at everyone in line participating in the lunacy that had stretched at least 30 minutes by this point. He laughed, then joined the train and within minutes was ushered into the queue.
>A message from the Magical Students of Princess Celestia Council. (Also supported by the Committee for More Baby Dragons in Ponyville.)>This message is brought to you by your local Chapter of the Party On Confetti Cannon Coalition. Say "yes" to ha! and "nay" to hay!>This message is presented by The Generosity Party and The Diamond Dogs Coalition For Better Living Through Bling.>This message is kindly presented to you by Angel Bunny, who asks nicely that you vote for Fluttershy. If not, he'll bite you. Hard.>This message brought to you by The Cloud Kickers of Equestria. Working to keep Equestria's skies 20% cooler so everyMOOOOOTpony has the opportunity to soar!>A message brought to you by the Applejackets Coalition. When you're cold and hungry, we've got you covered.
>George Zimmerman helps rescue family from car wreckThe tearsThe liberal tearsOhh, I can't wait.
>>12273985>So that, on one hand, is bothersome. You’ve been waiting a long time, you’re shuffling along, playing by the rules, only to watch some random guy show up and be ushered in. But to put a bit of a Guantanamo spin on things, the security guard mastermind keeps taunting the line “Keep the train moving! Choo-Choo! Let me here you!” Literally.> He made people in line make “Choo-Choo” noises as they Bataan marched around and aroundAAAAAAAAAAAhahahhaahhahah oh god
I feel sorry for the people that weren't here when season 1 was airing.
>>12274059>Ra ra tea>Best pony
Someone wanted a model sheet of my Sweetie Belle design yesterday. The reference sheet was kind of weak since it featured work from months ago. This morning I woke up and made an updated version that's much more concise. It shows the figure (nothing lewd).She now stands a little over five heads high. She actually has an upper body, the torso tapers out as it goes up. The arms are no longer broadening tubes, but widen near the elbows and taper down again.
>>12274078That is amazing
>>12274055>Earth Pony Magic
>>12274071>>A message brought to you by the Applejackets Coalition. When you're cold and hungry, we've got you covered.confirmed for best horse
>>12273985>After about 45 minutes of “choo chooing” had expired, me and the guy next to me finally got ushered into the line. This is not a victory though, since you still have another 20 minutes of waiting and people buying up exclusives. The guy in front of me literally got the last Star Wars Angry Birds set. Good for him, that’s not what I wanted.>Backing up a minute again, to the choo choo line, I couldn’t help but feel a bit demoralized and demeaned. It was entertaining to the security guy to watch all these grown men walk in circles and try to impress him with their “Choo Choos!” hoping their enthusiasm would inspire his kindness and get them to the prize sooner. It was like trying to befriend the guard at a prison so you’d get a little extra bread or to keep the electrodes off your nipples just a little longer. I’m sure if I was stuck in line any longer I’d have had a dog collar around my neck and been forced to bark for my supper. All of this for a toy? For the record, I refused to make “choo choo” noises.COMEDY GOLD
>>12274097I failed with quill
>>12274109>’m sure if I was stuck in line any longer I’d have had a dog collar around my neck and been forced to bark for my supperunf
>>12274081That really was a magical time. Watching the Japanese dub makes me think back to seeing it the first time back in 2011.
>>12274071>Rarity is a Diamond Dogs fan
>>12274097I only watched it once and I can tell you that he rescued her scroll from blowing out the window.
>>12274113I almost beefed itbut then i remembered the drama around the quill was spike trying to find one.
>>12274081>tfw got on the ride as soon as The Best Night Ever premiered
>>12274131Is she okay?
7/10 /mlp/ browsers get this wrong and pick Alicorn. Do you have the wits and knowledge to choose the right answer like myself?
>>12274099Yep. Grow food really well. Big hearty fruits and trees and food stuff. That's basically Earth Pony Magic>FOOD ISN'T MAGICNo, but it keeps you from starving to death, so if they can magically produce bigger crops just by being around the crops, are YOU going to complain? Especially when they probably serve this food to you later?didn't think so.
>>12274095Is this the third time you said you were never coming back and then still did?
>>12274119>That really was a magical time.yes because we had better threads back then
>>12274136>Starting with a hiatusOuch.
>>12274153No, but the show wasn't obviously going downhill
>>12274147I didn't get that question
>>12274119Who's ruckiest pony today?
>>12274140She died on the way back to her hut.
>>12274150Late to the party?
>Back to the line. I stepped up. I, a grown man, nearly 30 years old, handed over my credit card. In exchange, I was given an awesomely huge G.I. Joe/Transformers set and a “DJ Pon-3″ Comic Con Exclusive My Little Pony in a collectible Light Up Display with “Swarovski Crystal Elements.” I stepped out of line and onto the Comic-Con floor. My adventure, my experience, was over, and I hated it.
>>12274136You too, huh?
>>12274162yes, we had better threads back then
>>12274167RIP ebony princess
>Split my 11 votes between Twilight, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.This was the only correct choice to create asshurt in /mlpg/
God damnit 4chan
>>12274179Yep. Watched all of the episodes, TBNE came out, and then I said "THAT'S IT!?!?"
>>12274185Thats fine, I was generous enough to give my 11 to Rarity.
>>12274185>giving this much of a fuck about a pollNo anon, you are the autism.
>>12274185If I cared, I would've voted for Twilight, Dash and Rarity, maybe one vote for ponk. YOU NEED TO WATCH THIS SHIT
>>12274205But muh waifu has to win
>>12274180We talked about porn more back then. It's a shame we've slid so far down these days.
Boy I can't fucking wait for RD to win again! that Joseco ahaha
>>12274209>"I think clopping can be classy
>>12274199mah nigga
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>12274226she was losing the last time.
>>12273985>People with children were often pulled out of line and let in – cool. Kids deserve toys. NOThat's fucking retarded
>>12274227Looks like him
>>12274198Mine was a tad later; I came into a thread on /co/ to say I'd give the show a shot, only to have them tell me Faust had announced that day she was leaving the show for personal reasons.
Zecora is a very pretty zebra.
>>12274209>>12274227I don't want to watch videos anon, stop it
>>12274247hasbro doesnt have to worry about the bronies, they'll eat up any shitbut they need kids to be interested in the toys to keep the demographics so they need the kids to get the toysits pretty simple
>>12274255Indeed. But at that moment.That pose was just horrid
>voting for Applejack>trying to force it>little do they know that either Luna or Fluttershit (if there is no Luna) will win due to bronie legionslel
>>12274209what the heck man?
>>12274209I can't
>>12274269SDCC is not a kids event, if kids were actually forbidden to buy any toys there, Hasbro's toy sales would remain 100% unaffected.
>>12274227No, apparently that's Hommer Rarara.
>>12274279But anon, Luna is no longer the brony princess.
>>12274289don't forget the kids have parentsthe parents will buy more if they can get the toys
>>12274255Can you do the Can-Can?
>>12273985>people get up at 4am and stand in line for 4 and a half hours just for a chance at a ticket to stand in another line for a chance to buy a shitty pony toyWOW FUCK
for MLPG's info, Season 1 was most certainly not a magical time and just as bad as it was now. I came on the same day Bridle Gossip premiered and got caught up on the show entirely the same day they had a marathon before the new Winter Wrap-Up episode.
>>12274320that happens with every last collectible of note really
>>12274327go fuck yourself
>>12274327AgreedThose who claim "we were better" have rose tinted glasses
>>12274304No. Fuck parents. Fuck kids. They are unneeded and unwanted. If I'm standing in line for a toy, I deserve that toy more than they do. They can get in the back of the fucking line.
>>12274327Can you do Twilight and Pony Joe?
>>12274327Ross I thought you fucked off
Is that a healthy position for horse legs?
>>12274327I have an opinion too.
>get a reblog by someone popular>why can't i hold all these nootes
>>12274320And what's worse is that it's not even a fucking toyYou can't even fucking do anything with it
>>12274348It's a good thing we have the archive then that shows that threads were much alike
>>12274351>implying notes mean anything
>>12274354That kind of sums up all the pony toys though, they're all firm, you can't do anything with them. Blind bag ones don't even have brushable mane/tail.
>>12274368you have an archive that shows that?Because the archive I know about shows something completely different.
>>12274351Fuck off tex... i mean attention whore
>>12274246>voting for apples
>>12274374What the fuck
>>12274351cap your activity page and post it
>>12274327Pretty sure she has wings now RossI understand you're a bit slow
>>12274380>brushable mane/taili thought this was important to have at first but i havnt brushed my pinkie in almost 2 years
>>12274387now you're trying too hard
>>12274368So we unanimously agree this guy is full of shit right? For starters, the archive hasn't even been around for the majority of the first fucking season.
>there will never be an official Zecora plushie
>>12274341Like, big fat Twilight eating donuts and sitting on Pony Joe until he blows a wad or somethin? I don't know
>>12274399And I'm pretty sure I drew that image over a year ago. Keep up.
>>12274435Or just Pony Joe stuffing her full of them
>>12274419its just ross looking for attention, please ignore.
>>12274419I'll agree he's full of shit. The archive was around the bulk of the first season though. It missed, what, the first nine or ten episodes?It didn't really miss anything interesting.
Who the fuck is Creepy Curse
>>12274435what, no. Like you know that classic scene of someone drowning their sorrows in booze, and the bartender's told them they've had enough?That, but with twilight binging on doughnuts.some fat twilight ass is fine, too.
>>12274442>not keeping your pictures up to date2slow
>>12274431She's such a silly pony
>>12274381Yes, I went with something from exactly two years ago>>12274419You're saying that I'm full of shit when not only you don't know when the archive started, but you can't even be bothered to check?
>wasting your votes on Applejack?Why would you do that?She is going to end in last place no matter what
>>12274466She really need some shut eyes.
>>12274491Like this?
>>12274503I want that Rarity cutout.
>>12274458a nerd who posts in mlpg
>fucking Udyr comic splash is finally goneabout fucking tmie
>>12274503He looks like he wants to die quickly
>>12274489>last placeNigga my horse is gunning for that spot
>>12274471Then there's this one roughly from the time when I started visiting MLPG since someone will inevitably argue that that thread is too late in the year and it's fair and square to compare a hiatus thread to a non-hiatus thread, as opposed to the previous one this at least has some show discussion along with the meta and the beginnings of the porn discussion
>>12274529>implyingI'll use proxies if I have to.
>>12274051Dances with other apples
>>12274518seeing those incorrectly drawn back muscles every time made me angry
>>12274458What>>12274512said. He arts as well.
>>12274527fucking Udyr comic splash is finally gone's pony related believe it or not.
>>12274530you're doing a pretty good job of disproving your own point.
>>12274529not if i give 11 votes for rarara every day
>>12274549Why does anyone care?
>>12274565Mah nigga
>>12274549I haven't listened to This Day Aria recently.Still an awesome song.
>>12274501No, anon, that would hurt AJ. I rather cradle her in my arms as I place her in her bed.
>>12274549I really hate the cult around royaltyNot like they still have any kind of power you go to pinkies diaper rave?
>>12274545>has to draw his own birthday picturespfft how sad
>>12274573Like it or not this kid is going to be king of half a billion people someday.
>applefags tears when their waifu ends in last place
>>12274604That is so fucking awesome.
>>12274562I dug up threads, I'm not doing anything beyond that to convince you that your nostalgia goggles are on, I have slightly better things to do than to point out every single discussion in those two threads that is shit.
I love blue pony!
>>12274549>>This operatic aria about a royal pony wedding between Princess Celestia and her hubbie-to-be Shining Armor is about stuff like that. >Princess Celestia>hubbie-to-be Shining Armorbahahahah
>>12274592>Tfw you will never cradle Applehat to sleep
>>12274627blue pony loves you too anon
>>12274622I'm not an applefag but i'll be mad if she ends up in lastbecause Twilight is canon worstpone
>>12274658Twilight is going to be very high up either way
>>12274668because it's rigged.
>>12274622As long as any of Purple, Pink or Orange win, i will cheer.
what if your waifu initiated a smear campaign against another pony?
>>12274604I'm liking this.
>>12274685I'd tell her that's redundant, Ra ra tea autosmears herself.
>>12274668a saw a /mlp/ raid thread where they are voting twilycorn to the top because they think it will anger people
I want to practice mad-as-hell expressionPost references
>>12274682Pretty much me.
>>12274703Well I didn't want to sleep ever again anyway
>being an atist in mlpg
>>12274711God I hate /b3.0/
>>12274703I want those.
>>12274711Bronies in general like her a lot more than people here so that's rather moronic.
>>12274714ponies have pretty varying degrees of mad
>yfw S4 is good
>>12274604wasn't someone in mlpg in here brainstorming ideas for this?was it this person, or did this guy just beat him to the punch?
>>12274767>Apples forever>Scootaloo is a cripple episodeI think it's going to be good.
>>12274767I will be happy to have another consecutive season of quality pony
>>12274767It's probably going to be, just not better than previous seasons.
>>12274778>That captionFuck
>>12274613when you gotta circlejerk you gotta circlejerk apparently
>AJ tries to resist as you carry her to bed>"P-put me down. I need to harvest more apples.....">The more AJ struggles, the more tires she becomes>Eventually, AJ was snoozing as you got to her room>You place her gently on her bed, tuck her in, and pat her on her head>You place her hat beside her, and AJ snag it and held it like a teddy bear>As you walk out of her room, you swore you her AJ spoke in her sleep>"ᴬᵖᵖᶫᵉˢ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅"
>>12274774Probably just 2 minds thinking alike
>>12274793oops meant>>12274612
>>12274767I'm been pretty optimistic so far, and what was shown at Comic Con seemed pretty promising too.
>>12274796Bah, meant to quote this. >>12274642
>>12274796>the more tires she becomesI don't know if I can roll with this concept...
>>12274825I think you also need to work a little on your english
>>12274095That is a fucking horrifying alien. I never realized how fucking freaky she would look like without hair. I wonder what kind of mental illness you have to find that design appealing.
>>12274774Huh, apparently so; it'd be a crazy coincidence if they both had the exact same idea. Glad it came out so well, that's a really nice pic.
>>12274793>Drawing your own birthday pictures
>>12274849Dash has already been there done thatIt was tiresome and overrated
>>12274095She was better when her limbs were in proportion to her bodytone back those thighs
>>12274874Felt a bit flat, did it? Ah well, that's the risk you take when treading new ground.
>>12274872Sad, isn't it?
>>12274604>>12274864That's really fucking awesome but it could use some pitter patter where the rain is hitting them or just water drips>Duplicate file in the pissEverytime>>12216066
>>12274914fuck, i wish there was a way i could take my view back from a video
>>12274914I have no memory of this event yet I am in that game...Don't drink and pyro kids.
>>12274914>mfw I was in this game and had to mute the sound because I couldn't hear my own music I fucking hate steam chat
Pony pooped out a baby
>>12274915super sad
>>12275015toss it in the pile with the others
>>12274984>tfw everyone from mlpg is terrible at tf2
>>12274623>>12274695>>12274774>>12274948I just pitched some detail of the idea to the guy, everything else is his.Btw, here is the original sketch for Celestia - cuteness factor was sacrificed in order to resemble genuine scene a bit more.but holyshit she is cute
>>12275040>RCH playing tf2.gif
>>12275040>everyone in steamchat thinks its funny to yell memes at each other ironically nonstop
>>12274948Drat it, now that you mention it, I can't stop noticing it. I'll take the excuse to post this picture I love, though.
>tfw you try harder with non-pony stuff but the pony stuff gets more notice>tfw you realize this is because your art is shit>tfw they only say its good to get you to draw more pony shit
>>12275040>everyone has to be mlgpro at vidyaWhat ever happened to playing games for fun?
>>12275105/v/ happened
>>12275104You should do porn
>>12275066It's like a trainwreck really.
>>12275105You can still have fun but be decent at the game
>>12275123That would be the same as the >tfw post, just replace the word pony with porn.
>>12275136Yeah but come on.It's tf2.TF2And you guys fucking suck at it the worlds most causal shooter. Honestly we just let you guys in to set a handicap on one side or the other.
>>12275136What if I'm not?Will the video game stasi come and force me to get better?
>>12275104if you started off doing pony stuff and thats why people originally followed you of course that makes sense they want to see should probably start hanging out in some nonpony art places.
>>12275150He'd get more attention if he did pony porn instead of just pony.He would get more attention if he also did non-pony porn instead of just non-pony porn.
>>12275172Why is it always one or the other. One can draw ponyporn and nonponyporn
>>12275157At least we're not try hard anger snipers.
if i was an artist i wouldnt even want the attention of the pony porn bronies, even if it was huge.
>>12275166Like where?>>12275172Looking to improve my art in general, not get attention for something specific.
>>12275157>worlds most causal shooter>Not playing non-causal shooters
>>12274984>listening to your own music>not enjoying the company of others
>>12275215Operate under a new identity
>>12275204I'd milk it for money then ditch them without a second thought. That is, if I didn't like the series as much as I do.
>>12275196At least we know how to rocket jump rch
>>12275157>mfw I'm shit at TF2 because I can't muster up enough fucks to care about my performance
>>12275220I keep the music low enough so that I can listen to it and still hear people talk.But it becomes an issue when six of you autistic retards want to speak at once or you want to micspam JustinRPG for the millionth time as loud as you can
>>12275157The world's most casual shooter is CoD.
>>12275104Weird. I've found the opposite is true.There's so much amazing talent in the pony fandom that average art goes unnoticed. I'm much more respected in other fandoms.
>>12275232>Implying I'm rch
>>12275244>micspam JustinRPG for the millionth timethis, I would not mind micspam really but it's always the same fucking stuffwould a little variety kill you guys?
>>12275273It's shit.
>>12275238Tr_Walkwayeasiest way to get better with no real effort
>>12275274But muh culture
>>12275157>>12275157>And you guys fucking suck at it the worlds most causal shooter. Honestly we just let you guys in to set a handicap on one side or the other.
>>12275266good cept for the cock>>12275273not very good
Who's our best players at tf2 anyways? I want a roster we can use against /mlp/ or ponychan if we play them ever again
>>12275274>He asks the steamkiddies unironically.Please, that's like asking bronies in the piss to be less autistic.
>>12275274They used to have a variety. Now it's just JustinRPG 24/7.
>>12275290It's okay from time to timebut once every <10 minutes is nausiating
>>12275244>>12275274I'm with you, but as far as the micspam goes you can just mute the individuals micspamming.
>>12275304I don't think Ponychan even has 9 active members
Japone is in 2 hoursStare Master is the episode
>>12275304Tex and Highwind
>>12275266This got some good discussion last night.
Why is everything related to MLPG so awful?
>>12275315yeah, but I do like spam. And everyone always chitchats about what's spammed so muting it wont stop all the JustinRPG nonsense
>>12275315>Just mute them.>Meanwhile, in MLPG.>Huhu, just filter them!
>>12275328>Japone is after my bedtimeno wonder i've never been in on it;..;
>>12275328I'm uploading a new chat, it's still in development but I want to do some basic stress testing. I will switch back to the livestream one before the episode, just in case.
>>12275304>or ponychan if we play them ever againI can't see that happening; I'm under the impression that Ponychan's pretty dead.
>>12275348it's just a game, pick whichever gets you the most fun anon.
>>12275344Because trying to shake things up rarely ends wellthings stagnate as a result
>>12275334So Highwind then...
>>12275362We should play against mlpchanthen i can pick either side
>>12275362Naw man, we should totally play against FimFiction now that they have a dedicated TF2 server
>>12275386Just so long as MLPG is all on one side.It will be like beating up the fat kids in dodgeball but with guns!
>>12275362/mlp/ is playing Ponychan again in a week I think.>>12275386We should play fimfiction.
>>12275327HighwindKrabb ShackrmanzkierzJrScootanonKortzJailbaitPQThose are usually the ones I see on the top of the scoreboards anyways
>>12275400>All of their sprays are exerps from their fanfics.
>>12275402On a slightly related note, I'm a fat kid and yet nobody could hit me. I miss playing dodgeball.
>>12275402I should probably pick mlpchan just to even it even just slightly.I semi-suck, and i'm better than everyone i've played with from there
I remember the first time we played Ponychan, that was funwe should do it again
>>12275447We should play against ponychan for the first time again
>>12275436Well, Duke already has sa.jpg as his spray
>>12275447We should organize a MLPG/mlp/Ponychan/mlpchan Bronycon orgy
>>12275424>mostly steamchatYeah, no, let's not pick teams that way.Besides, it's not just one team that plays. We have multiple teams as long as Fimfiction and us can supply players. Each team plays a game as a "round" and we count the wins and loses and see which one of us is better.
Applejack is the cutest pony.
Pony just ponied pony in the ponut.
>>12275472Just as long as RCH isn't on my team.
>>12275424>People still think that Scootaloo is Scootanon.
>>12275472>Besides, it's not just one team that plays. We have multiple teams as long as Fimfiction and us can supply players. Each team plays a game as a "round" and we count the wins and loses and see which one of us is better.So everyone gets to play even if we suck?I like thisDuplicate file >>12271937
>>12275482it's a lie, i was watching and pony didn't even pony
>Playing TF2 against Fimfiction/Ponychan/Whatever>Not Dota 2
>>12275476>Implying this isn't common knowledge
>>12275538>MOBAsHaah ha ha hano
>>12275472That's like sending your Nation's mentally handicapped to play for their stead at the Olympics
>>12275538dota a shit
>>12275554>MOBA>Not ASSFAGGOTS
>>12275517>So everyone gets to play even if we suck?Yeah, basically. That's how it usually goes. We just need to contact the admins of the server, get the go ahead, set a date, have sign ups, pick teams and make sure they're even and don't stack all the good players on one team Then we play a few rounds. Maybe on our server so we have the "home field advantage"
>>12275538>MOBAsThat's a whole different shitfest than hats.
Hats a shit.
>>12275566If this happens it better not happen until at least 3 weeks so i can be back to my not so retarded internet in time.
Sup. I was in a thread on /co/ and they mentioned that season 4 was going to be good again. Is it true? I mean I've never really been too interested, more so after hearing faust left, but if even /co/ is saying the new season is going to be good I figure I'd check it out.
>Hats is the reason Tex left us.>Someone broke his sentry too many times.>On purpose!Somebody went and put a sapper on his heart...
>>12275612It's half a year away and we got a few tiny tiny droplets of information. That information is good, but they're still tiny tiny droplets.
>>12275612We've only seen a few animatics of some... intriguing concepts, so people have been optimistic.Also 20+ songs, including characters that haven't sung before.
>>12275626Caaaall on meeeeeeeCall on me!
>>12275620And a red tape recorder on his cock.
>>12275612We saw an animatic of a few episodes and it looks REALLY good. Also we're getting a flash back episode pre-NMM which we've been asking for for 3 years now. It's looks GOOD.
>>12275566>Not stacking the good players on one team and having the fuckoffs from MLPG to throw at the wolves.But that's part of the fun! Watching a googly eyed pyro charge a group of heavies is funny as shit.
>>12275643That song is so everlasting bad.
>>12275637>>12275645>>12275638got a link?
>>12275443gloating about beating retards isn't nice
>>12275304Im a pretty pro spy, not as good as like stabby, but im up there.
>>12275638>including characters that haven't sung beforeI wonder which of those will be the least expected
>>12275678I didn't mean it like that.Most of them don't really play it much so, eh.
>>12275697>not as good as like stabbywhat does that even mean?
>>12275703It's just a thing about the britbong baby princeno worries
>>12275709>what does that even mean?Sometimes he hits people with the blunt part of the knife...But only sometimes.
>>12275703There was a thread in this piss saying that MLP was suspiciously following british events.>Royal wedding>Equestrian GamesNow we get a prince.
>>12275703>>12275717You know that refers to the britfag prince, rightyou are not that retarded, right
>>12275703>>12275717Wwhat have i missed
What if pone made you cum so hard that you swore off people for life
>>12273998Isn't that Korean for laughing?
>>12275658>Watching a googly eyed pyro charge a group of heavies is funny as shit.Tell me he doesn't do this...
>>12275703well donewell done... They at least could have made it shinning armor and cadence sending the letter
>>12275730They were waiting for the birth to OK Skyla
>>12275730Of course I know it's about the britprince. It's just fun to watch the reactions.
>>12275730Why would you expect people to pay attention to the latest bodily movement of the british royal family?
Hey guys, can I get a reference of batpony and the day guard?
>>12275743no anon stopI only just got that out of my head
>>12275749>Not waiting for the next episode of Honey BoBo.
>>12275738What do you mean, "What if"
>>12275709It means im not as good as Stabbyvid, but im up there.
>>12275783>>12275784IT KEEPS HAPPENING
>>12275765another for good measure
>>12275675>>12275681>Powerpuff(?) episode>What looks like a pony seducaSold. I'll take nien.
>>12275765I thought you left for Bronycon
>>12275701Well, everybody knows Luna will get a song.And Vinyl Scratch/D.J. PON3 and Sapphire Shores wouldn't be unexpected, either.Maybe Lily and Rose have a duet announcing their love for each other?
>>12275738It's kind of inevitable, I wouldn't last more than a minute if I had a pony sucking on my cockend.
>>12275783>>12275784>Took me 2 minutes to realize it wasn't an image derp
/co/ hereWe kinda miss youI think you guys left with something that made our board a little more bearable
>>12275765HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF GOOGLE?have you ever heard of taking your fucking name off?
>>12275834Sweetie Belle finally finds her special talent in singing when Sapphire Shores invites her to sing with her.
>>12275850Someone everyone hates and can blame everything on?
>>12275850Did you come from the TMNT 63 thread, too?
>>12275856>More Singy BelleYES YES YES YES PLEASE
>>12275767You're more fun than the color pink!Or balloons flying over your favorite drink
>>12275850Sorry you fuckers still have to deal with Homestuck.Not really.
>>12275814Jesus christ,
>>12275834If any of the flower ponies ever sing, it had better be as the the trio of background singers in a little shop of horrors parody
>>12275900Oh yesthat would do nicely
Of course, we'll never actually play fimfiction if the mods of the steam group *not steam chat don't get your panties in a twist don't get in contact with them
>>12275850Why don't you fucking petition moot to let us back in, then, you jacknut
>>12275896I don't understand
>>12275738I want a unicorn to torment me sexually with magic and keep me on the verge of orgasm for extended periods of time, including while in public.
What's the MLP Comic issue #13 premise?
>>12275935Ponies doing stuff.
>>12275912>the mods of the steam group>not steam chat don't get your panties in a twistwhat group?
>>12275620Tex won't return until we've shut up about him for a few months.
>>12275870we already know that claire gets to sing for sweetie belle for the first time>>12275935pirates
>>12275793It's nice to see a boss that can take a good joke.I guess he really was fit to party!
>>12275915Alright, What are you not understanding?
>>12275935Sky Pirates, I believe
>>12274604I am too much of a pleb to know what this is referencing.
>>12275962I don't understand why you're talking about nonpony in mlpg with a name on
>S4>All the CMC get their cutie mark>Applebloom's special talent is apple family>Scootaloo's special talent is being a cripple>Sweetie Belle's special talent is singing>Letter from Babs, her special talent is eating bacon
>>12275950He's not going to come back until we stop giving him attention. He gets way more attention now than ever.
>>12275970well the pic you posted is a reference to the end of Portal 2
>>12275970My Neighbor Totoro.It's not referencing it very well, though.
>>12275912The mods of the steam group are part of steamchat.
>>12275867Nah, we got HS general for that>>12275913Let's be honest here. You guys kinda brought this upon yourselves
>>12275980I know it's probably going to happen, but I hope the CMC don't get their cutie marks. I like them the way they are.
>>12275990Oh we did? With what, our "keep it to one thread" rule maybe?
>>12275970>not knowing My Neighbor Death God of evil god my sidesi can't>Do our feelings not matter?POOR PISSBOORUHURT FEELINGS
>>12275990>You guysIt was more /v/ and /b/ than us to be honest, they liked to post ponies only to "troll" people
>>12275952>claire gets to sing for sweetie belleAre you serious? Don't fuckin lie to me about that are you serious? Because if so that is amazing.
>>12275990>You guys kinda brought this upon yourselvesNono...That was /b/ We were caught up in it...You know we tried to keep a low profile in /co/
>>12275962the original question>Who's our best players at tf2 anyways?are you part of MLPG, because I never heard of your name before
>>12275970the artist page gives no indication that it's a refference. happens to be a common type of shot, so you might interpret it as a reference that isn't there
>>12275976There were discussions of tf2, so i just joined in.
>>12275990>You guys kinda brought this upon yourselvesHE'S NOT FROM /co/! THAT MAN IS A SPY
>>12276022Just check the archive. He image dumps in the piss. The lowest of scum.
>>12276035TF2 isn't pony related, and you're not contributing to the thread.
>>12275980>appleblom beign familybut that's Applejack's cutiemark
>>12276035>There were discussions of tf2, so i just joined why not go to /v/ or /vg/ then?
>>12276035Drop the name is kinda what they are hinting at...Don't provoke them, the general gets really testy at namefags who they don't recognize as artists or something.
>>12276022Oh, my apologies, i just assumed we were talking of some of the better players from /mlp/, sorry for my excessive faggotry.
>>12276048Someone has to continue traveling the road of generations when Applejack is gone.
>>12275703royal baby, britbongs, etc
>>12275980>>12276003They'll get their marks and future episodes will include them wondering if they should disband the CMC (they won't, they'll expand it to help new markless fillies), doing silly things because it's what their marks are telling them (they learn that they can still do lots of fun things even if they aren't their special talents), and graduating from Cheerilee's school to go on to higher education.
>>12275952Since when can Claire actually sing?There was a reason lil apple voice did all the singing.
>>12276046You should've started using sage when you were linking everyone to /b/ and /v/ and whatnot, makes you a lot easier to filter.
>>12276012>>12276015I keep hearing that you guys got shafted by this freak conspiration of shitposters but I find that kinda hard to swallowI think the main problem you guys had is that your thread was ALWAYS THERE, always on the main page, constantly, nonstopThen again, so is the HS general, but at least you guys were more bearable and had better artistsIs weaver still around?
>>12276067well hey, your welcome to be herejust don't wear a nameor post about gamesonly talk about poniesthat is why you are on this site, right?
>>12276070he point is, Applebloom has been show to be a expert carpenter. She might centre around her family, but it would never be to the extent Applejack does (whos basically a slave to her family due to them defining her very exxistence)
>>12276070>when Applejack is goneBut Applebloom can't outlive an alicorn
I hope we see bug in 04.
>>12276077I don't want to hear your shitty headcanon, anon.
>>12276091It's still not pony related.>shitposters in charge of reading posts
>>12276095>Is weaver still around?>He asks on 4chan.
>>12276095>Not filtering threads that bother youthat's kind of the point of having "MLP General" as the subjectalso weaver is still here
>>12276095>here, let me insult you chucklefucks and spout untruths>by the way I really only want to have one of your star contributorsGet wrecked
>>12276014>>12276079it was announced months ago
>>12276067MLPG isn't a place to discuss what little e-fame you have from a 6 year old game with terrible hit detection.
>>12276095Weaver operates under the alias of "Glitter Glue"
>>12276114Your posts aren't any more pony related than his posts are.
>>12276095Yup. Glitter Glue's the moniker he goes by here when he's around here.
>>12276101Is namefagging really the frowned upon, and the reason why im here is, and lets be honest i dont have many friends.
>>12276107>fluttershy pimping her pets to rainbow dash.She's kinda like a slave owner now that I think about it...
>>12276103Applejack is a slave to her farm and by extension her family.
>>12276114Neither are guns or music or the other shit we talk about in here.
>>12276095Weaver is still here. We have a very small number of unbelievably dedicated and horrible shitposters who have been rather passive for the last two days or so. One of them paid $500 for a 4chan advert that is supposed to get us mad in various ways.
>>12276104Just what do you think a special talent in apple family means?
>>12276129Still doesn't mean Claire can sing worth a shit.Also citation, please?
>>12276129Didn't she do a bit of singing in Show Stoppers?
>>12276145yes, namefagging is frowned uponfear not, every once in a blue moon MLPG will start posting their skype handles, so you can have tons of friendsNOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TALK ABOUT PONIES
>>12276145People are wary here of new names that pop up for no real reason.Unless they turn out to be an artist or some other contributor, but it's generally frowned on to just post with a name.We're weird like that.
>>12276170I wouldn't call what they did singing so yeah, probably.
>MLPG not tearing the hapless namefag in half.Oh I get it, this is a coma dream...Huh, figures, I would dream about being on MLPG as i slowly die...
I wanna do a shitty sketch. Any ideas?
>>12276145In reality you can get away namefagging but you have to be a really calm person with no strong opinions and have nothing that stands out about you. If you contribute you can have a name. You are eventually going to be shit on a lot, regardless of all this, assuming you can be identified in any way. If you decide to browse MLPG for some reason, I very strongly recommend lurking for at least a week or so so you don't make a complete idiot of yourself right away.
>>12276152Seriously, what is it with you guys attracting the weirdest fuckers? Even on /co/ I kept hearing about the crazy shenanigans you all got intoAlso I took a peek on the rest of /mlp/ and holy crap I'm so sorry, it's like old /vp/
>>12275970As the others said, the picture you linked to is a reference to My Neighbor Totoro.I've never got around to watching it, but I've seen variations on the picture a few times before.
>>12276095>I think the main problem you guys had is that your thread was ALWAYS THERE, always on the main page, constantly, nonstopThat's not why /a/ and /v/ and /b/ were getting mad at ponies. That's not why moot created /mlp/.
>>12276176k there
>>12276149Exactly. She has no defenition of herself outside of her family, which mostly stems from the crushing out-of-place feeling she had when she was young in manehatten - she just felt incredibly alienated away from the family and couldn't focus on things she, herself, could do on her own. Her family is too much a part of who she is (because it's the reason why she gets a special talent - not because of APLES APPLES APPLES, but because she's a family mare through and through), she wouldn't BE anyone if she was forced into a situation where she didn't have them, which is sort of why she's the straight mare for everyone else's episodes.
>>12276188what are you talking about?I just did, I eased my way in all nice and caring, then I J-J-JAMMED IT IN
>>12276176>Needing Skype to have friends.I have all the friends I need right here!
>>12276197>>12276179Ah i see, well once again sincerest apologies.
>>12276215I like ponies
>>12276215One of them seems unhappy. Why is that?
>>12276199Old /vp/ was alright though, for like one or two weeks after its creation
>>12275984>He's not going to come back until we stop giving him attention. He gets way more attention now than ever.Agreed. From now on, no mention of Tex shall be done by me or anyone else. I hope we can all sign this pact.
>>12276194Ponies with braces
>>12276199We are but a boat in the vast sea that is this board.A tiny dingy in the massive swells of shit that we navigate.We didn't ask for this...
I need this comic.
>>12276246Wow, what this? Mad Max did a decent comic for once?
>>12276194Pony peeking out from under a blanket.
>>12276199> it's like old /vp/As a visiting nor/mlp/erson, that's what we kinda strive for. During mid-2012 the board was at its best with low to nonexistent moderation. Fun content thrived. But now the mods seem to have suddenly remembered that /mlp/ exists and now they're cracking down quite hard. If you think the board is wild now, you shoulda seen it back then.
>>12276252Makes you wonder how much foals this one can bear.
>>12276212>Applejack>straight mareDYEWTS?
>>12276269The joke is cake sex.
>you must talk about pony all the time fags
>>12276199We're the biggest general around, that's something I guess. We also have relatively many contributors. But we have the most mentally sick shitposters, that's for sure.
>>12276248I like the way sweetie belle can sing.
>>12276289Wel, she's usually the one with the most sense, so she occasionally plays the straight mare to someone else's crazy antics.It's mostly becase she herself is empty without soemthing to support her.
>tfw Tex is ded and hats himself
>>12276284You are the worst kind of person.
>>12276307>mentally sick>not the tulpafags
>>12276318He's talking about lesbians.
>>12276289Yes, she is very heterosexual.
>>12276324I am a tulpafag and you don't see me posting sa.jpg literally a thousand plus times, or paying $500 just to try and get a bunch of people mad and then fail even at that.
>>12276339That banner was supposed to make us mad?
>>12276310Goldie always gave me wood as a kid.
>>12276254>>12276307And still full of yourselves, I seeWell, you guys kinda kickstarted an entire fucking fandom, so I guess you have earned the right to act like thatWell, it has been fun. I hope this whole pony thing dies down enough for Moot to allow you guys to come back to /co/But leave everyone else at the door, please
>>12276346Yes, the guy was pretending that people were mad throughout a thread after it went up.
>>12276339This. It's quite easy to shitpost in a single, ongoing thread over and over again than to shitpost throughout an entire board.
>>12276339I see no sa.jpg general or $500 sub redirection general
>>12276284it was terribleno one should "strive" for thatat allever
>>12276351>And still full of yourselves, I seePretty much.
>>12276348>tfw furfag since childhood
>>12276351>biggest general>relatively many contributors>full of ourselvesNo, last time some guy on /g/ compared generals it turned out that we're the biggest one on 4chan.And we have like 20-30 active or semi-active drawfags, that's quite a lot.
>>12276351Most of the fuckwads have jerked off to ponychan, tumblr, and mlpchan, so the only thing you have to worry about are any residual /b/owel mo/v/ements.
>>12276351Hey, the biggest general thing's substantiated! The little stat counter I've got installed says the thread's been 1/4 of /mlp/'s posts in the last 10 minutes.
>>12276351It's kind of a fact that we're the biggest general
>>12276351>And still full of yourselves, I seeWould you have us any other way?And we intend on setting the ocean on fire when it's all over so nothing survives.We made this thing, we have all the rights to take that life away.
>>12276361If there was a general for both of those, everyone could easily filter them. That said, I don't visit the tulpa generals or care about them.
>>12276397Why is this
>>12276380Tracy, stop pretending you are part of this thread.
>>12276288> Her cutie mark is about her family> Her destiny is basically about having family> Her destiny is being a broodmother for the Apple family
>>12276321Open your eyes fool.
>>12276368Well, we do. I wouldn't expect /co/ types to understand. There's a considerable difference between what MLPG considers fun, and what /mlp/ considers fun. Different strokes for different folks, you know. I don't judge.
>>12276410He seemed chill enough...A little grimdark for me, but chill.
>>12276380>MarkeritaHer name is Marka.
>>12276409Because we're so fantastic.
>>12276406>Don't visit>Present tenseDidn't the tulpa generals all pack up after that mod nonsense a while back and leave for their own forum?
>>12276441Why would Markerita want to sound like a guy?
>>12276440Oh, good, you're back.Lets see for how long.
>>12276383>we're the biggest one on 4chan.Bullshit...
>>12276440Don't develop a victim complex, MLPG could hate you a whole fucking lot more than it does now considering how much hate other contributors get that never actually spam us with random crap.
>>12276432Yeah, but we do and we think you're giant shitstains.
>>12276432But /vp/ was a complete shitfest of piss fetishism and memespewingHow could that be fun for anyone?
>>12276441>markathat's somehow even worse than markerita
>>12276467Its not and some of those faggots brought and force that shit here.>>12276455This general is more active than /an/ as a whole.
>>12276484I want to get railed by himnon-sexually of course
>>12276447Sometimes they try to come back, at least they tried once recently. But yeah I haven't seen a tulpa general in well over a year.
Thanks for the references!
>>12276441>>12276468Agreed, Marka sounds awful.Markerita sounds cute to me. But I suggest to do not mention this name due to the fact we can summon that supermad shitposter who will start to shit thread again about how he dislike this name and we all piss.
Which pone would be the MILFiest pony if she ever had kids. Current mothers and princess don't count for this
>>12276497>That scrunchHNNNNG
>>12276497very cute
>>12276490If MLPG was a board, it'd be like the 12th fastest board on 4chan.
Why is there such a lack of Sunset Shimmer porn?
>>12276484Markerita and Marka? That makes sense.
>>12276497Y-you too!
>>12276497Thanks for actually contributing, but you still need to learn how to use a name ONLY when contributing.
>>12276497I loving the Day Guard's expression.>>12276505I prefer Marker.
>>12276432I'm not denying you had fun, but acting like /b/ just because you can doesnt mean you shouldit ruins everyone else fun, like a nerd kicking a football players sandcastle
>>12276451Not very long, I've been distancing myself from fandoms in general to focus on my real-life pursuits like exercising, gardening, and fishing.I just pop in every now and again to see what's up.
>>12276436That picture is so autistic. It makes my skin crawl.The worst part is knowing people out in the piss thinks its amazing.
>>12276497Could you draw Nightmarity surrounded by batpones that are "in love" with her? I mean, it is liek a comic/cartoon parody when new cool guy/girl appears and everyone like her and such. Same here, but instead Luna and her batpones all for Nightmarity
>>12276524And you need to go away and never come back.A lot of things need to happen to improve MLPG for everyone.
>>12276532What about an actual job?
>>12276410You caught me. I drift in whenever things get meta. It helps me to stay on type of changing attitudes in board culture, and in the history of things.>>12276466Yeah, I know.>>12276467>Sometimes it's just FUN being a complete shitfest of various fetishes and memespewing!
>>12276534You are not the only one that thought that.
>>12276497Hee hee, I love Dayguard's expression.
>>12276506Pinkie Pie
>>12276549I kinda like what you doMeta should stay out of MLPG, though
>>12276548I'm applying around here and there but no luck yet. Someday... I'll find something quiet that suits me. Art is a hobby for me, not a career.
>>12276549I know it somehow gets some people up in arms but I don't mind you coming around. It's a free thread.
Im loving these new offical plushies
>>12276586Any more pictures? Looks good from what I can see.
>>12276524Needed the reference for a request I agreed to take 2 days ago. Also using names while not contributing isn't against the rules.>>12276535I've gotta get some buttons done but maybe once I finish 3 or 4 I can give you a doodle of that.
>>12276534I only s-saved it for scientific purposes!That and as a traditional artist, Tracy is damn good. The shit he can pull off with a pen, god damn! If only he used his powers for good!
pony wants you
>>12276586I really should get one, before they upgrade Twilight to Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle, Destroyer of Shows
>>12276555She wouldn't even be aware of how much of a tease she is
>>12276525>tfw could summon Dooks on Skype.This power...
>>12276608Thats very huggable.
>>12276625Pinkie one
>>12276584>>12276574I'll do a pone request for you guys. What would you like me to draw?
>>12276636Rainbow Dash
>>12276624i got chu covered home skilit.
>>12276635How much cute dolls that guy owns?
>>12276524Where are you when Dooks, Nobby, Deaddefiler, MT, Endii, Jalm, or anyone else posting with a name and not contributing in that same post comes here?NBS, we know it's you. Stop.
>>12276596It's not against the rules, but every time you DO post with a name, you get about 10 useless replies. And that's not even considering the circlejerking that belongs on tumblr or skype.
>>12276576You mean art is a failed career for you.You know, since no one wants to buy your art or hire you to work in the medium.
>>12276586>>12276608>>12276635yellowquiet where
>>12276586>>12276608>Official Hasbro My Little Pony plush.>Looks good.I refuse to accept this as real.This has to be a photoshop.Where are the pixels!?HASBROOOOOOOOOOOO
>>12276636Babs being unceremoniously kicked out of the Hasbro studios
>>12276636Funky roller derby main six
>>12276669have this one to calm your nerve.
>>12276608>>12276586>>12276635There's no Zecora one, is there?
>>12276636pinkie pie asking rarity why she can't walk on all fours anymore
>>12276669It's not Hasbro, it's a different company making it that has Hasbro's permission.
>>12276636Goth Pinkie
>>12276635>>12276608Wow, these are pretty neat-looking, actually. Would collect/gift to little cousins.
>>12276635>Official Hasbro merch.Bullshit.
>>12276550I'm glad to hear that.>>12276598Excuse you? There is nothing "damn good" about that at all. It's like a 12 year old girls notebook drawings of anime characters. You really need to get some taste.
>>12276692hasbro hats zecora, which is why she wasn't at the GGG, the wedding, or the coronation
Guys, I feel like doing some simple, easy, cute pixel art (cause it requires no effort and I'm lazy). Gimme some ponies to do in this style.
>>12276598Fuck off, Tracy. We have real artists here. We won't suck your ass like the piss does.
>>12276656I can't control what other people do, anonymous. I asked for references and got 'em.
>>12276688What an awful mane, Dash what have they done to you?!
>>12276732No need to act like a cunt
>>12276729Spike in 50 minutes
>>12276729>no Zecorathat-is-racist.gif
>>12276732>We have real artists hereWE DO
>>12276732>meanwhile, everyone is dogpiling on the new boxing waifu drawn by an artfag who hasn't even watched the show
>>12276696Must...resist.>Only 24.95!YOU MONSTERS!
>>12276736Jessy pleasepleasedon't respond
>>12276732>We have real artists here
>>12276636I'd like to request you fuck off back to /mlp/
>>12276596>I've gotta get some buttons done but maybe once I finish 3 or 4 I can give you a doodle of that.Thanks.Would be nice if it was a good doodle so I can poke Dooks to color it :3
>>12276772I don't care as long as he draws things that make my penis erect.
>>12276742That lady from the s4 teaser? I thought there weren't any colors for her yet.>>12276749>SpikeOkay...>>12276763Okay.
>>12276736References that you could have easily gotten by google searching, or going on derpibooru, or going to the actual batpony thread.I'm not blaming you for what anon does, but they wouldn't do it if you don't have the name on.
>>12276786The state of MLPG, ladies and gents
>>12276688Yes...Let me self medicate...Ahhhhh, self delusion...
>>12276659Qoy qeylIs puqloDQoy puqbe'pu'yoHbogh malthbogh je' SuvwI'Sey'moHchu' may' 'IwmaSuv manong 'ej maHoHchu'nI'be'yInmaj 'ach wovqu'!batlh maH ghbej'jyoqIjDaqvavpu'ma' DImuvpa'reH maSuvtaHQu' DamevQo' maSuvtaH, ma'ov
Are we cancelling the apocalypse?
>>12276809Is that a black and red ponkWhy would anyone do this
>>12276793's color scheme.
>>12276818No, we're jumping on the fucking bandwagon
>>12276651If it was NBS he would be after me too, so I doubt it's him.
>>12276784Alright! I'll try to make the lines as clean as possible when I get around to it.
hi, the guy spamming JustinRPG here, s-sorry!i'll cut back on the LUBBY CHUDDER and find some more material. also from now on i'll only spam if enough people ask me or if there's shitty drama going on in the chat/voicechat.
>>12276794>going to the actual batpony thread.That is literally the worst possible thing she could do.Like, she could link her livestream and strip in front of a camera and it would be better then going there.
>>12276828Because Voltaire is a dick.
>>12275424I think it would be boring if we went against Ponychan again, especially if we just pick a bunch of people from the Steam chat. We know that's almost a guaranteed victory after we destroyed them last time. Also why did you put my name on there, I'm fucking terrible. Just look at how many times I miss in >>12274914.I think if anything, I think we should have the MLPG vs. /mlp/. That would be fun to watch.
>>12276794Why are you so butthurt about such an inconsequential thing. Jessy has been posting since /co/I think she knows anything you tell her
>>12276856that post doesn't have a flying talking cartoon horse in it
>>12276846Or she could stream her and Sang doin' it
>>12276636Can you draw anything... decently?
is there japone today
>>12276856What about walking talking cartoon horses?
>>12276603S-stay back!
>>12276846What's wrong with spreading some of her talent to those that would enjoy it?
>>12276888Japan cancelled due to kaiju
>>12276892>walkeverywherefagsenjoy being a lower-caste slave, mudhorse
>>12276883That pic is about my current level of skill.
>>12276888yep, it's japone today
>>12276778Compared to Tracy? Hell yeah we do.If you want medicore shit like Tracy you can always leave.
>>12276748>defending TracyTracy or /mlp/ trash pls go
>>12276856I agreeand hips
>>12276896>Implying they would enjoy it.They would if she made the batpony suck his blood or some retarded shit they seem to latch onto as canon.
>>12276917Aight, here I am mother fucker! Want to say it to my face!?
>>12276924Your current level of skill is shit then.Can you at least draw ponies? Or are you just going to keep failing at furries?
>>12276885books pon has a very cute and pretty face
>>12276955under there
So I had an idea:Chameleon ponyandan Anemone ponywhat do you guys think?
>>12276941there's a difference between not liking something and being a massive asshole
>>12276942any good hips-related stories?preferably ones without applejack?
>>12276941Why do they make you so mad? japanese kids show is onjaponies in 40 minsthe chat is weird for some reason
>>12276983Chameleon pony
>>12276941I don't even know who that guy is except for the fact that he draws and offered to do a request but you're just acting like a complete asshole right now
>>12276696Is this site legit?I may need to buy some things from it...For reasons...
>>12276688>cancer victim dashso close its almost good
>>12277000it is
>>12276729If it's not too >OC, I'd love to see a Marker done in that style, and how you'd work her cape.
>>12276941This is why Tex left.
>>12276990I explained it earlier, I want to test it a bit. Enter your name in the text field 2nd from bottom. I will switch it back to normal before the show starts.
>>12276991I put it on my "ideas" notebook for doodles. I think chameleon pony with swirly eyes that stick out and curly tail, body like a changeling and color-changyness has a lot of potential. Also, I used to own a Chameleon once named Karma and he was very cool.
>>12276809Somehow seeing it like this makes me hate it less than when I've seen it before. Maybe it's the bowtie?
>>12276967>Can you at least draw ponies?Here you go! I hope this is pony enough for you, friend!
>>12277015well so long as it's fixedwhos idea was it to have black text o na black backgroundhonestly
>>12277041Or the fact that one of your precious contributors owns it?Unironically?
>>12277045That is the most retarded thing I've heard all month.
Eh. Spike.>>12277012Who is Marker?
>>12277069It isn't black text on black background. The CSS is loading wrong for you if it is. Again, it will be improved a lot before I implement it
>>12277084marker is the mascot of this general
>>12277069Actually I hope it gets fixed nowI jsut noticed the chat is actually stretchign the site everytiem somones talks, so my stream lags like FUCKalso it nudges the stream otu the way
>>12277098Oh, okay. Sure, after Zecora. Gimme a good reference.
>>12277084This is marker.Also a pony holding it!
pony is a danger to himself and others
>>12277134Thanks! mins till japonechat is fixed, refresh if it's still borked
>>12277151He can't help it, its his special talent
Or just Twilight with a futa cock
>>12277162which pony would you PAPAYA with
>>12277176;dr it's impossible
>>12277204Cut open and eat the entrails..?Twist I guess?
>>12277176If your dick is 5" or shorter you're never going to make it without acrobatic levels of flexibility.
>Just pre-ordered those pony plushes.Fuck you Hasbro, you got me...>#16haha what
>>12277176 is the best place to learn how to suck your own dick
>>12277041It's actually kinda cute in a way...Well made too, they put beanie in the feet and everything.
> Listening to the new Apple family song> feel happyI miss this feel from MLP.
>>12277240Normally I like his ponies, but that was just insettling
>>12277240>MLPG still manages to get in.Hah!
>>12277247> fucking shit that dick is massive
>>12277257what is pank even doing there
>>12277284She's a farmer too, asshole.They are going to her folks farm.
>>12277282> it doesn't even look realthat's a fucking chode
>>12277284Well, she got Applejack's cutie mark during MMC. Perhaps this is part of a series of episodes following up on the psychological effects of being someone else for a day.
>>12277284Either she's there just for fun or one of her sisters married someone in the Apple family. minutes till japone stare masterget in here
>>12277282>actually going theremlpg is much gayer than i had originally thought
>>12277284They are traveling to the secret earth pony revolutionary meeting deep in the wilderness of equestria
>>12277354where do you
>>12277338Oh my fucking godThese people are going to reproduce
Zecora.>>12277156Aight, will work on now.
>>12277262but thats not a ponie at all that is 100% anthro
>>12277354I'm about as gay as Rainbow Dash wearing a rainbow flag and autofellatio is my fetish, of course I'm gonna go there
>>12277338why does no one care that porn is going to be blocked by default in the uk>>12277045
>>12277338THE BABY
>>12277368>Reproducing with mutilated genitalia
>>12277385Because no force on Earth can keep Man away from his porn.
>>12277385you're on a board that bans porn and is filled with retards.
>>12277368Wow man check your gender privilege. Just because I have a penis doesn't mean I'm not a woman you Nazi.
>>12277385Because he'll have to get it past parliment. Also, because people are already pointing out the orwellian nature of having a list of people which you can monitor everyythign they are doing
>>12277385Porn is already illegal in my country
>>12277338People actually care about that royal fuckwad?
>>12277378I couldn't really tell OGRE>mlpg in a nutshell
>>12277440I don't think you realize just how obsessed with celebrities our culture is. minutesPAPAPYA
>>12277382What about a Rainbow Dash with piercings?
>>12277459Pretty easy to tell by the shoulder anatomy
>>12277402other m was shitthe only good part was samus
>>12277382>gayfags using my favorite pony for their mascotthis is hell
>>12277525Why don't you use yourself fagetrekt
yeah i'd like to suck my own dick but i'm not going to snap my spine to do it
>>1227728056-58 are all /mlp/ drawn.
>>12277567I'd love to fuck my butt.
>>12277567Just stretch alot
i can't stop thinking about pinkie and how cute she iswhat do
>>12277550Eee, that came out even better than I was expecting. Thankyou! MINITESJAPONE SOON
>>12277608No problem :)
>>12277607Cum for pinkie, she understands and doesn't judge.
>>12277365I would totally fuck a earth pony though.
>>12277607spend your free time posting about the fetishes you would do to her with other nerds on the internet
I just realizedI love japanese tveven if I don't understand shit
No more pixel requests?
>>12277670How about Chrysalis?
>>12277607she's just so cute and has such great outfits
>>12277670Mr. and Mrs. Cake
>>12277681Good idea, gonna be difficult and fun. Already have a pixel portrait of her, from some time ago, have that while I make it.
>>12277684is she trying to suck it
>>12277699That's actually really nice
>>12277711she's grooming
>>12277631Can I cum in Pinkie?
>>12277695That picture is so insanely fucking cute oh man