Last Horse>>12259473Luna is a sleepy pony. Look how sleepy she is.
Forceful TF
I hate you MLPGI hate you but you're literally all I've got
What are you listening to MLPG?
>>12263896It's night, she can't be sleepy
Sorry I'm so terrible at everything, MLPGI guess I'm just up a livestream with a paddle
>>12263937shut up fluttershy
>>12263943new emancipator album
>>12263945Without a paddle?
>>12263883>>12263890>>12263900Thanks a lot guys! I think I'm gonna keep drawing these vertical portrait ponies more, I might do Panka next.>>12263943Tinie Tempah - Trampoline (MONSTA Remix)
>>12263943that song from daftys new pony loop thing
luna for best dream invading princess
>>12263971You could make them into cards or bookmarks or game portraits
>>12263943>the mp3 player slips through the cloud, yanking the headphones from her ears and tumbling down to the ground>clunk>"OW!">an unfortunate pony is carted away with a concussion>Dash peeks over the side of her cloud>"DAMMIT! Not again!"
>>12263982yeah but you know what she's not the best princess for?
>>12263943nothingI find browsing in silence to be far more enjoyablegoodnight mlpg
>>12263963A fuckI cant even joke write
>>12263987>Everyone can hear her embarrassing music
>>12263930I think she likes to randomly turn stallions into mares from time to timeShowing the "alpha males" a little humility by making them wear french maid outfits
>>12263982i get it!sex!!!!!!!!!
>>12263995>yeah but you know what she's not the best princess for?fornot invading dreams?
>>12264004Not necessarily sex. Just good old fashion worship.
>>12263981Oh yeah.. Now I remember. It's from Season 1 where Gilda came for the first time... Good times.. Good times...
>>12264004>>12264020K-Kissing isn't the same as sex
>>12263943I know I have taste
>>12263982Hey GG, if you ever get a chance, can you maybe do something with Black Diamond?>>12263187
>>12263982I have a request: Discord wearing AJ's hindlegs instead of his own, while she's on the ground propped up only by her forelegs glaring at him. He might be making a snarky remark about Bucky and Kicks' names or something?
>>12264031Wow good eye.Reminds me of the times I used to have contests in these threads to see if people recognized off-beat stills from the show.
Goodnight, MLPG.
>>12264079goodnight best princess
>>12264079Goodnight best princess.
>>12264079>sleeping instead of pone
>>12264079why are you such a bitch?
>>12264079Good night best princess.
Sorry for the repost, forgot Celestia's wing.
>>12264079Nighty night Princess of the night.
>>12264113k-kawaiipost on tumblr
>>12264113luna has a very pointy horn
>>12264113Hey that's some pretty good stuff there RustyDooks!
>>12263943The Refreshments
can both princesses be your favorite
>>12264128>implying she isn't a queenhasbro can go fuck themselves
>>12264146But there's four princesses.
>>12264146No, it's best just to not even admit to yourself which is your favourite.That way only your sub-conscience will know.
>>12264146But there are 4 princesses.
>>12264146>can both princesses be your favorite"Both"??Don't you mean "all four"?
>>12264155i just heard someone say [hasbro]
OK MLPG, you can go to EquestriaBut now all of the ponies all that in exaggerated, over the top, bad silly accents. All kinds.Do you accept?
>>12264128Sorry, but we have a replacement for the white princess, Hasbro's orders.Pump in that pink!
>>12264168>safeOH COME ON GG
>>12264146I like all of them except for lovebutt
>>12264129done!>>12264138She sharpened it in case you did a wrong move.I'll fix it later!
>>12264167no.not cannon
>>12264172Sure thing eh
>>12264079See you in my dreams.You know, i-if it's alright w-with you...
>>12264168>mark of zorroIn another world, another time, Snail Man protects the city of Canterlot.
>>12264158>>12264167What's Twilight even a princess of?Being a dork?
>>12264185anon pls lovebutt is best princess
>>12264168>GG will never draw more of this series>or dream Luna>or stallions x monstergirls.
>>12264185Does anyone actually like Cadence?I don't just mean her design but her character / history too.
>>12264176Sure, me!
>>12264184oh suck it up. Twilight has wings now and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to change that.
>>12264174Gloomy needs a nap.I'd sleep a few feet away with her.
>>12264209I do
>>12264210It's been a while since I've seen you respond to you, wonder where you've been.
>>12264168>four princesses>twilight being made a princess for no reason other than to sell toys>cadence being made a princess to sell toysanyone who supports that nonsense is allowing the jews to win.
>>12264209It's growing on me.
>>12264174Oh my god my heartis princess gloomy even bigger than she was at the beginning of the s3 hiatus?
>>12264204She's second worst only beaten by Twilight, who is princess of nothing in particular.
>>12264210Oh hello ME it's ME again!
>>12264174I'd pump in her pink
>>12264206>GG will never draw more of this seriesthat's not even a series!it is a single picture!>or stallions x monstergirls.all right finegimme a colt/stallion and a monstergirl
>>12264216twilight will never be a princess to mecantdance maybe, but twily will always be a normal horse to me
>>12264225Anon likes to have a giggle sometimes.>>12264236You could subdue, but NEVER tame me!
>>12264230>Not just giving him six grand.>So he can buy nigger accessories.
>>12264232Gloomy is slowly growing the more time accumulates in this hiatus. Centimeter a day.
>>12264248I bet I could tame you with the right amount of tacos.
>>12264209I do.
>>12264235you're not a are a plot device to get the main characters involved in the jewdening
>>12264244Everyone bowed to her, even Celestia.I'm sorry mew, she's contracted the princess.
>>12264248Dooks, he is like the wild bull
>>12264241Soarin' X Googirl.
>>12264209her only redeemable moment was holding up the shield for the crystal empire and saving it at the end.She's... okay.
>>12264209Red likes her, I'd like her if she would have some character to make her comparable to the other characters. She's a sweetheart though
>>12264232She's about five feet tall now. The horse among pons.
>>12264241Give me one of each too, if someone's handing them out.
>>12264241Thunderlane x Cloudchaser centuar
>>12264241thunderlane and spiderpony
>>12264241Shining Armor vs. Dewbon
>>12264277You can have Snips and PB.No tradebacks
>>12264264i will never bow#EdgesMayBeSharp
>>12264273Celestia is taller than that.
>>12264273She is simply an older, matured marker.
>>12264269Man we've come a long ass way from "Once upon a time in the magical land of Equestria"
>>12264244I also will always love her time as Element of Magic unicorn, but sometimes the best times of our lives only last three years. (CF us since 2010, he he)
>>12264282>>12264284not exactly what I meantsorry, should have been more clear
Do... Do you really like me anon?
>>12264230>His teeththis is a funny comic
>>12264241Pipsqueak and a gelatinous cube made out of spotted dick.
>>12264252But that's one of the first pictures of Gloomy from towards the beginning of Hamburger Time 3, goat said she was so big because it was a big hiatus.meanwhile, in this picture she is depicted as very tiny during a very small hiatus, from this I have drawn the notion that she shrinks based on time from ponyNot that it matters much my waifu is perfect no matter what
>>12264295>Gloomy has her hair down, not in braidsNever noticed that.
>>12264290Who's PB? I'm not up on the latest trends. Also, how will they be delivered?
>>12264241Doughnut Joe and CaimonGood luck.
>>12264011Anon do you even mp3
>>12264241Snips and CaimonRumble and Gillou
>>12264301When you get older, then yes.
>>12264301I love you platonically, best filly
>>12264314peanut butter
>>12264318she was playing it very loud
>>12264301I don't remember saying that, but we can be friends.If I could get ahead one month I could take your family to Equestria's premiere theme park.
>>12264294Oh. Would you prefer her to be six and a half feet of lanky, tired pony, her soft smile and bright horn towering above you?
Do... D'ya really like me, anon?
are you all ready for bughorse 2.0: the buggening?
>>12264314Pollock Biloughbythe acclaimed British sculptor
>>12264346the original you was kinda neat
>>12264350I thought it was just NMM again
>>12264346>>12264301now... I'm confused.
>>12264296We have. We really have.
>>12264350I'm looking forward to itbut I doubt she'll be as fun as Chrysalis
>>12262454I tried
>>12264350Always.Should be a good episode provided Spike isn't incompetent.If we see flashes of him like in TCE then it should be okay.
>>12264364Why is Applejack making that face?
>>12264350I just want to see the Power Ponies getting violated by her tentacle mane.Is that so much to ask?!
>>12264350bughorse is sexier
What should I draw?Preferably something simple
>>12264350She's going to rape EVERYTHING
>>12264364I wonder how long she's been there.
>>12264386Ponyville train station.
>>12264346I thought that back left leg was something else. But I was mistaken.
>>12264315>"What'chu mean, y'all ain't ever heard 'a beignets???"
>>12264340I really don't care.Sorry.
>>12264386Fluttershy with a lip ring
>>12264386a book falling from a bookshelf and booping Twilight
>>12264375I think I see a butt in that last panel
>>12264386Pony sleeping where pony should never sleep.
>>12264375if the highwayman already has a bag of money why is he robbing travelers
;pony poojy poooouyyyytk
>>12264386Buster Seeds meets Apple Bloom>>12264301>>>12264346
>>12264399It's fine. Just messing around.
Welcome to a new Golden Age of pony.
>>12264375Whoah, shadingIt looks good
>>12264411It was supposed to be the money he's already robbed
>>12264350is it bad I'm more excited for the porn than the episode?
>>12264340Oh godI'd never say it to her when she was tiny, but having a big Gloomy to cuddle would be so incrediblewinghugs are of course also in the question there, aren't they? Hnnng.
>>12264405>>12264375deer lord
>>12264429No, that's really fucking hot.
>>12264433unf orcbutt unf unf
>>12264433>She took the bagHaha, I didn't notice that
>>12264429Yes.As long as you watch the episode you'll be fine though.
>>12264429>is it bad I'm more excited for the porn than the episode?_______yes__________________
>>12264430Her wings are extra fluffy. Like down blankets for you two to share for a long while.
>>12264468nobby saw that coming
>>12264468I liked it a lot on principle.
>>12264446>>12264449>>12264451o-oh...I remember when I watched the show without even considering the porn. I hope s4 brings that back. It looks like it will.
>>12264449I wish there was a rule against using underscores in spoilers
>>12264463So basically like in Celestia quest.
>>12264350No one can compare to Chrysalis
>>12264489I feel like we need a pony drawn making that face
>>12264209>>12264269I don't enjoy Cadence as a character, because really she isn't one.She's a caricature - the put-upon princess around whom the plot revolves, and always ends up in the middle of shit going on and just happens to be the key to saving the day, after the main characters do all the legwork.She doesn't make the story happen - it happens TO her.
>>12264468aw come on. don't be such a butt.
Sombra was a really poor villain.NMM was the second worst after him.Discord was solid, it's his nature to do what he does.Chrysalis had the most compelling motive of any of them by needing to feed her people, it's the way they are.
>>12264486>Celestia putting her wings over Anon like a blanketMaximum hnnnnngI want to see more of these two. Or Rose
>>12264463>for a long timeI would never leave her side except to care for her, and when hiatus ended, I would watch the show with her still by my side and talk about it after
>>12264508I was really sitting here trying to figure out why I didn't like her and that could be it. I mean she had a few scenes at least in the S2 finale where it seemed like her character was developing, but for the most part those little bit scenes just paled in comparison to us being told how she was such a great babysitter and a princess and married to Shiny.
>>12264541Especially Rose. Too bad she's practically made of ice.
>>12264539NMM was a solid first villain in the context of the show. Pure evil inhabiting the body of a princess was a good target dummy for the main cast to unite around and show us their personalities for the first time.
>>12264468You know who your Orc pony reminds me of?Think I'm going to give drawing her a second try
>>12264584she looks like she needs a hug
>>12264584I can't decide if MT does it on purpose to be eccentric or if she really is that dyslexic
>>12264551Even as she shrinked back down into a tiny little filly with each episode, buzzing about full of honest and highly productive show discussion?
>>12264578I think the thing she's hiding is going to make her seem a lot less cold. She's hiding it so fiercely because she likes being seen as an ice queen.
>>12264585It served a purpose, but the motives are pretty pitiful.Not as good as Discord or Chrysalis.
>>12264618nogo away
>>12264602I'd let filly Gloomy sit in my lap while we watch episodes.
>>12264604H-hi Marker Pony.Care for some discussion?
>>12264241SA and Raepette
>>12264589Does that mean she keeps all of her stuff in her glutes or abs?
>>12264618Is it Bruno again? 'Cause I done paid my dues.
>>12264644Kind of. She keeps everything between here buttcheeks
>>12264601It's not dyslexia, It's dysgraphiaDyslexia affects readingDysgraphia affects writing
>>12264578Eh, she should have been grateful we came for her.She'd have never found the camp back if we hadn't searched for her. That said, she could have just stayed there, the intention wasn't to ask her to come back rather to make sure she was alright.
>>12264654Those are the glutes, more or less. Or in the general area.
>>12264589Oh man I completely forgot about himThanks!>>12264644>>12264654You guys orc pone God I need a name for her isn't for sexual.
>>12264611I don't think that's it. It's probably just something that could potentially be used against Withers.
>>12264677Smackfist.I mean Smackhoof.
>>12264677>God I need a name for herHow about Vidalia
>>12264692wait nevermind, that would be an ogre not an orc
>>12264602Yesyesoh god it hurts to think about
>>12264691Eh, too BROOT>>12264692This one seems too regal. I like the 'V' though
>>12264718Well, I guess there's always "ZugZug"
>>12264398>>"What'chu mean, y'all ain't ever heard 'a beignets???">tfw I only know what beignets are because of Gabriel Knight
>>12264718well Ver- is a root word in a lot of languages for green like Verde or Vert, you could build off thatjust spitballing
>>12264739>not Somethingneeddoing
How does 'Viska' sound?
>>12264677Orc pony can be for whatever she wants.>>12264718How about Val, and her half-orc sister Lee, who was born at the same time and in the same valley.
>>12264768does it mean anything?it's not bad
>>12264685Like some contract they have with the stampede? Or maybe the town has some sort of strategic importance we don't realize? Could be. It might have something to do with those two new pegasai.
>>12264541can I get a link to the archive? missed the last few sessions and not on my regular PC
Is there a phobia for being afraid of being "uninformed"?Because I think I have that.
>>12264768>Swedish for whisperI hope that wasn't what you based that off.
>>12264775>valley>not chasm
>>12264781I just liked the sound of it. Looked it up and apparently it's Icelandic for wisdom. Neat.Guess when she's not crushing bones or smashing faces, she enjoys a good book
>>12264808why don't you look it up?
>>12264786They're from Withers, so they're probably just two random dudes who happen to know about it.
>>12264816That sounds fun, it has my official seal of approval. Well I'm out of those but I have this.
>>12264808No, but it would be called inconsciophobia."The fear of not being aware."
>>12264829thanks m8
>>12264820hmmm. Maybe it has something to do with the dragons. They've been oddly absent from the whole thing, especially considering Rose said they likely knew there were fewer defenses.
Today is Creepy Curse's birthday.
>>12264850Who cares
>>12264865I'm sure some people do.
>>12264850we should send him a letter bomb
>>12264850Who's that?
>>12264820Except Rose seemed to hold them up as more then a few random dudes. They just have that honor code to not spill any shit. And not get the hell beaten out of them for spilling the beans o the alien.
>>12264850He hasn't showed up lately since one particular anon began shitposting about him and trying to lump him in with horrible people.
>>12263854I actually try not to post at all when you guys are talking about it. It just feels weird to do so.
just two ponies having fun
>>12264901Man that sounds like a pattern we have been seeing...Who hasn't the shitposter chased off yet?
>>12264209my wife
>>12264924yeah wellCadence doesn't like you
>>12264914Just two pones who are having a good timehaving a good timehaving a good time
>Playing TF2 with MLPG yesterday Im surprised, most of ya are better than most pubsit was fun
Would you peel off your favorite pony's sundurnt skin for them?Would you eat it if that was their fetish?
>>12264899I should make a bigger deal about myself that way you guys will be nice to me on my birthday next year.
>>12264902GET BACK TO WORK
>>12264947I draw the line at dental tools.
>>12264895It's hard to tell whether or not Rose thinks of them as more than a couple ordinary citizens. Her appraisal of them was lukewarm at best, but from Rose that might mean a lot.
>>12264942where are the ponies in that postwhere are they
>>12264957You can just put down N/A since you can't have a favorite pony.
>>12264848Well, we know dragons are migratory, so attacks on the towns may come and go with the seasons.I kinda doubt the dragons really care about a few pony villages to be fair...They are dragons, after all, the most elitist of races, what are a few pony settlements to them?
>>12264850>Today is Creepy Curse's birthday.oh thanks for reminding me anonnow I can give him this
>>12264942Yeah that's what happens when you play in a private server.
>>12264985Is Pinkie Pie fucking illiterate?
>>12264966uhMLPG as My Little Pony General?I mean with people here?
So did anything ever happen on the sub as a result of that faggot's banner ad?
>>12264995I didn't know you were a pony
>>12264981Dragons don't aquire wealth by staying idle in a cave asleep for a century.SoME is probably pretty close to how dragons attack towns.
>>12264985You give that picture to everyone though.
Is this going to be any good? Is anyone else from here going? I missed EFNW but I want to go to a horsecon.
>>12264985Good to see some artist comradery.>>12264993DYEWTS?
I think I'll draw something for that batpony generalall they have is recolored vectors
>>12265018well see I gave her the benefit of the doubt that time but she keep doing it
>>12264965It may mean a ton, Rose isn't exactly the warmest pony in the world. The fact that she noted them as fighters means they know their shit, hell, they were floored when she actually praised them. She is the celebrity of that town, a town of ponies that apparently fight dragons. And she acknowledged them. Think about that.They must have been shitting their nonexistent pants that she gave them a compliment.
>>12265041You really DON'T watch it, do you.She didn't make that cake
>>12265033I'm 95% going.It's got a decent lineup so far>Andrea>Tabitha>Lee>Andrew
>>12264981>>12265019True. I guess it depends on how Smut is interpreting dragon culture. Maybe they don't like ponies in general and just enjoy attacking them. Maybe the ponies are on land that the dragons used to own. Or it could just be some bored dragons who want to make some ponies' lives miserable.
>>12265062She didn't?
>>12265072NoThat was her own birthday cakeFor her surprise party
>>12265033I got excited when I saw it was a con in Canada. Then I realized its on the complete other side of the damn country. I'm never going to a con at this rate.
>>12265083Then I guess it doesn't make sense for her to be giving out cakes that have similar spelling to that one huh.
>>12265033>british columbiayeah no>tfw you missed your chance to go to bronycon and hang out with lk jessy and sang
sex with Twilight
okay guys im going to do itgive me something to draw that is happy
>>12265108mother fucker not another one
>>12265040I was thinking the same thing actually. You have a name though so you're automatically better.
>>12265090Unless that's a kind of script that ponies use.
>>12265112Applejack wearing her first hat
>>12265112my butt
>>12265109What's wrong with BC?
>>12265033Well shitA con I actually live close enough to get toI probably wont though
>>12265121I want to say that it's not as they write in weird block symbols like that normally but maybe they have a bastardized form of cursive too.
>>12265108That's a pleb tier choice for someone that hasn't watched the series.The ponies change over time, and picking a favorite based on 2 episodes isn't a good idea.
>>12265040>>12265118Draw them drinking blood oranges
>>12265109There is always next year. I live close to you so maybe we can go together?~
anyone got a pastebin for gravity falls? i'm missing eps 16, 18 and 20.
>>12265116>>12265139All of the other ones are annoying
>>12265047I'm wondering exactly what her reputation is based on. Is she high-ranking? Or just very good at killing things? If it's the former, she's probably more trustworthy though her appraisal might be more of a respect to the system that raised her. If it's the latter, it's probably a much more blunt review., but I'd be worried about that secret she's hiding.
guysguysgo look at the moonits really cool tonightjust do it
>>12265152Like I said, they change over the series.You don't know what Applejack is like yet.
>>12265152>5/6 of the ponies are annoying what.
>>12265047I just want to see if a couple youlkles can compete against some trained guard.Granted, the guard are going to get a hard lesson in cheap tactics out of this...
>>12265139>Initially picked Dash as my favorite since she seemed the least girly>started to like her more because of how cute she was and so hot headed at the same time>liked her even more after she started to be friends with Fluttershy showing some actually depth to her character>fucking loved her in season 3 especially bonding with Scootaloofeels good being right from the start
>>12265133Might as well go, what to you have to lose besides $100 and a weekend?
>>12265152How many episodes have you watched so far?
>>12265152They're just jealous you picked the superior horse from the get-go.
>>12265170>implying I'm not>implying I don't have a skylight so I can fall asleep looking at the moon
>>12265171>>12265173weH I JUST WANNA FIT IN
>>12265170IsIs that a butt?
>>12265193He watched the first twoHe doesn't even know about Apple Bloom yet
>>12265143>blood orangesYou and me, Anonwe niggas foreverBut I was just going to draw a simple one, then maybe do some more later.
>>12265207>watched 2 episodes>posting in mlpgwhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
>>12265193Shit like 2?>>12265207Bitch I know who TinyAppl is
>Scooby was a shining ray of hope for /fit/>Some edgy /b/tard who fame to /fit/ during the summer to "tone up" thought he would get "epic lulz" for doxing Scooby, showing up naked to his house and harassing his family>Scooby is now taking down his youtube videos that he has worked on for over ten years and moving to a new place, which means leaving a high paying job he enjoyed and moving out of the house he built with his own handsWhy. He just wanted to help people.
>>12265199Then go watch the show you dork.
>>12265220He's relatively new to the whole thing but he really should watch a few more>>12265223HINT HINTWINK WINK
>>12265152I agree with you, but I dislike all the ponies for different reasons
>>12265170I already did, I spent about 5 minutes just staring at it.Pretty full tonight.~
>>12265131it's just far from every other part of Canada, that's all. >>12265148i was trying to bus to bronycon with a few other guys from MLPG but everyone got lazy. Ten hours bussing is terrible.
>>12265266why do you dislike this pony anon?be gentle, she doesn't handle criticism well
>>12265170I did okay? It's big, whatever. It's not like that's helping me get a real cartoon pony.
>>12265160Either way we are going to have to get that secret out of her.But she seems to be the town hero as far as ranking. Not one to lets say, form a mob and go confront a group of explorers... But the kind that doesn't need that support to get the job done. One who goes out to resolve something, and comes back with a story on how many asses she kicked in the hour.As the doctor drags her into the house.
>>12265223The first 2 episodes are COMPLETELY different from the rest of the series. That includes some characterization.
>>12265308They are also better than most of the rest of the series
>>12264936FIGHT ME
>>12265170I can't, it's too cloudy. What's going on?
>>12265334She's married.To a stallion.
>>12265308I've heard.Either way, I like appl pone SO FAR
>>12265334you wanna go mate?
>>12265288maybe dislike is too harsh, I just don't particularly like any of them. Dash seems very set in her group of ideals which isn't necessarily a bad thing but she comes across as abrasive and condescending voicing them (see: read it and weep, dragonshy)
>>12265349The US declared war on the moon.They're nuking it as we speak.
>>12265374>punching with bare hooveswhat the fuck is wrong with you
>>12265283If its only 10 hours, I'd just drive there.
>>12265379I guess that's a big part of why I like herYou could say she's very loyal to those ideals...although both of the ones you're talking about were destroyed by the end of their episodes. hmm
>>12265389>hoofwrapsAnon I hope you're talking about minituffs
>>12265381Sounds like the kind of idiot thing my government would do. Whatever, not like the mass will change any, so tides won't be affected.
>>12265363I'll marry them both>>12265374ya
Lok'tar ogar
>>12265416it's Ohh kayy
>>12265411Equestrian law mandate monogamy.
even dry erase my pone still look off.faces too mt
>>12265396sure, but the moral was more of her actions rather than her motives for doing so. She's still the same and will act that way in other scenarios
>>12265408i am no boxing expert but i am pretty sure you dont fight people with just the wraps.
>>12265416I lub it
>>12265412Well done.
>>12265433For a second I thought you were drawing ponies on a pizza box
>>12265416Your warchief is shit
>>12265436For the most part. She's done some growing up since those episodes, she really showed some strong moral fiber in S3, so she's not quite as bullheadedly predictable as she used to be.I feel like I could trust her to have my back.
>>12265433>drawing horse pornography in a place where normals have a chance to see itare you crazy
Why do I want to snuggle with MT?I also wouldn't mind snuggling with minituffs.
>>12265445would you have liked that?
>>12265433Applejack kind of looks like she has that face that was spammed everywhere a little while back, heh
>>12265441Well they're not actually fighting.From what it looks like Butterfly was just trying to teach mt how to box, so neither of them would need full gloves. Not full sparring either, because no headgear. Don't know why she's wearing a mouthguard if that's the case though.
>>12265454>warchiefAn empty title only fools look up to.
>>12265469its in my room.
>>12265504Well, It's not like you're bringing anyone home, so that's fine.
>>12265444I did it woo>>12265466APPL PONE IS HONESTYRAINBW PONE IS is generosity, nerdpone is magic, quiet pony is kindness, and pank is laughter.
>>12265441>>12265487I guess they don't use gloves in Equestria
>>12265491Says the bitch who can't even get a population normalized.
>>12265495It was more like this 🐴
>>12265283>>12265392Bronycan is 10 hours from where I live. Driving that in a day is no problem.
>>12265543Not if it's 10 hours by bullet train.
>>12265487>knocking someones teeth out when teaching a full beginner
>>12265462I do and don't agree. Lightning Dust showed a perfect example of what Dash could have been, an egomaniac that would push everyone else into the dirt to further her goals (some of MMDM support this too) but they're still fairly similar characters, and while Dash may not betray her friends it doesn't seem like she fully respects them
>>12265561If you can dodge a hoof, then you can dodge a punch
>>12265529Makes sense in a way. Hooves would be sturdier than our hands, and with less little bones to break. Calls into question the need of hoofwraps, then.
>>12265561She should have blocked...
>>12265575Eh, it's cute. Good enough.
>>12265561She should ha- >>12265580fuck
by requestYou have to know when to say whenIt can get ugly seeing when people don't know their limits
>>12265556There are no bullet trains anywhere close to that area.
>>12265573that movie was fucking terrible
>>12265575>the wraps actually add to a punch due to marshmallow hooves
>>12265592>AgainHow many times does this have happened before
>>12265539That's only because Garrosh was being a huge faggot and wouldn't let Sylvanas use the Valkyries. Sure, she would've turned into basically the second Lich King, but that's a Lich King under Garrosh's control.And frankly considering how he's fucking up the Horde right now I'm surprised he wasn't power hungry enough to actually let her resurrect new forsaken.
>>12265543You should come. It's gonna be fun.
>>12265598Even worse!It would take even longer!
>>12265592Oh god thats good.Now, if she can't cover her tab...
>>12265592Hey GGWhen you're writing her dialog do you have to go looking for the words?Or do you have a pretty good idea of that dialectBecause I have never heard any of those before
>>12265528There's so much to the mlp universe for you to experience. So many background ponies to find. So much headcanon to build. So many waifus to choose from.
>>12265614Didn't he get killed in the panda expansion? I haven't played WoW since Wrath
>>12265592You know, being face to face to a pissed aligator must be really fucking terrifying
>>12265568Which characters do you think she doesn't respect?I guess Fluttershy would be the obvious first choice but really none of them have shown her much of it.
>>12265614>Let someone be a threat to him.>Even if they are 'on his side'Please. He is more paranoid then North Korea.Besides, if she did go full bore on it, you would think a little flame up north would off her.
by the waythese are beignets, for anyone who's never had onetell me you wouldn't
>>12265665Most things down south can do voodoo Anon...It's common fact.
>>12264954But I'm on break.
>>12265687I wouldn't GG.I'm sorry, but those just look like those disgusting fried dough things you can get at festivals.
>>12265687GG pls draw pastry pone taking on various pastry shapes.
>>12265665Caimon confirmed for Exuma
>>12265652He's supposed to be the final boss of the expansion, yeah. Don't worry I stopped playing mid way through leveling my main in MoP. Boring as hell and I've been playing since 2006 Friend wants me to get back into it though.Kind of bullshit since the Alliance leader is as flat as a card board compared to almost everyone of the Horde's leaders.>>12265680I think a Forsaken Scourge would easily over power the normal Scourge. Most of them retain their intelligence and since Sylvanas gives them a choice to join the forsaken I feel as though they'd be more willing to serve her and thus have a certain dedication to whatever cause Sylvanas has. Also most badass race.
>>12265687They are deep friend so they must be amazing.
>>12265713>bongs are literally betting hundreds of dollars on this nonsense.
>>12265665I like to think she'd be real superstitious, and afraid of anything voodoo related
>>12265687Beignets are fucking delicious, GG.
>>12265724Yeah, they aren't too different then funnel cake really.
>>12265687I'd rather a zeppole
>>12265739I'm going to re sub for the final expansion. One last hurrah I supposed.
>>12265687Try eating them with slices of fresh peaches or strawberries. It tastes just like a piece of pie.
>>12265739Yeah, but the new Scourge is ran by a dude made of fucking FIRE!Also one of the only alliance members worth a shit.
>>12265776Did they confirm a next expansion and that it's going to be the last one? Or are you just saying when it happens?
Is the missionary position a fetish?
>>12265722Oh, then continue lurking then!Report us if you see any brony there
>>12265795I was under the impression that the next one would be the last but I'm far from informed.
>>12265796I can be. Anything can be if it's that specific thing that gets you going.
>>12265759I'd rather a malasada
>>12265796No, Patrick.
>>12265807What is it going to be about? Emerald Dream? or another pandass pull?
>>12265807I could see it happen since the Alliance and Horde team up to take down Garrosh in the final patch. Maybe it does end it peace.
>>12265795Lat one should be Sagaras focusing on the planet.
What if Caimon ordered ponuts?
GGCaimon is "Sister Marecage" on derpibooru.Those ARE the same thing, yes?
>>12265819B-but if I bow I can't help but have a prime view of her unmentionables.
>>12265819I feel like everything is happy about her except her smileIt needs more detail
>>12265819Anything for the best princess
>>12265819bow to THIS*whips out dick*
>>12265835I agree. its too 'happy'. Make it more subtle.
>>12265823like I said no idea>>12265824I didn't even know that was happening, but it's for the best. Garrosh is a dick and so was his dad.
>>12265819I bow for none, least of all you.
>>12265819I'll be bowing now for fear she'll start yelling.She's good at that.
Then is there anything that is not a fetish?
>>12265819FUCK YOU!
>>12265712>Tabaco's dialog.Wrong on all levels. GG confirmed for shit taste.
>>12265817I'd rather a Sfogliatelle
>>12265839You're going to be punished for that anon. In ways that are humiliating and will make sure that will never happen again
>>12265819Whatever you say Princess Cadence.
>>12265853HuhI was honestly expecting a penis
>>12265853There better not be a gigantocock version
>>12265873That is clearly Luna
>>12265853Who knew three extra lines could get you in trouble.
>>12265835yfw the reason why i dont draw happy ponies is because i cant draw smiles
>>12265879Dammit let me see the vagina!
>>12265894Kinda sounds like MSOB's problemAll his smiles look so forced
What butt should I draw today? In great detail.
>>12265879why must you do this to me celestia
>>12265894Then draw kissy face ponies instead.
>>12265899I think its hotter without onewhats wrong with me
>>12265894It all makes sense now.
>>12265894I didn't mean to be upsettingjust you know, take your time and make her happy
>>12265908You must be gay.
>>12265842>>12265835Step the fuck back niggasI got this
>>12265905Steven Magnet
>>12265908You have taste.
>>12265904>>12265907>>12265912>>12265918im sort of jokingtruth is drawing happy stuff makes me sadis this any better? if not i should probably reference and actually learn
>>12265905Draw a guard pony having his tail bound by his superior.
>not wanting a cannoliYou haven't lived until you've had a good cannoli
>>12265930> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>>12265930Love it
>>12265930Luna confirmed for Sweet Bro
>>12265944Then draw Pinkie being sad in an effort to make you happy.Which in turn makes her happyWhich makes you sad..
>>12265944yeah that works for me
>>12265948>cannoli>not an apple strudel with cream
>>12265944>truth is drawing happy stuff makes me sadThat's wierd
>>12265974Hans Landa pls
>>12265976Mew is pretty weird.He has this odd obsession with my wife, Lyra.
>>12265976Naw that normal artfag talk. The fabrication of happiness on canvas reminds the artist of how little he has in his life and it makes them sad they cannot experience what their creations have
>>12265974>not god tier rainbow cookies
>>12265948Dude, you get a cannoli made right, and they are beyond delicious.
>>12265967why do you think i draw so many pinkamenasshe's my favorite pony to draw probably>>12265976i cant really watch really happy things either. s1 ponies was the only thing i could watch that was happy while actually feeling happy
>>12265866>Tabaco's dialog.>Wrong on all levels.>GG confirmed for shit taste.Just because one of my characters believes it doesn't mean I do, anon.I don't really care for tabasco. I'm more a sriracha man myself.
>>12265992>This shit.You are the Ross of Hyper.Please stop posting any time.
>>12266029my friendjust don't go to /ck/ about that
>>12266002I find that I'm happier when I'm drawing than when I'm not.If I can't draw, I start getting moody.
>>12265759>>12265817>>12265869>>12265948>>12265974>>12266012>These plebs.Pączki or nothing.
>>12266029GGCaimon=Sister Marcage?
>>12266042I dunno. They could be really fat, wearing mime make up, and be humans without feet or hands.Maybe if he drew more blueblood
>>12266046Arm proportions seem weird.
>>12266048>not rugelach>or even baklava
>>12266055yesname change / nicknames
>>12266029We may not agree on vinegar type sauces, but you are a brother nonetheless.
>>12266074Yeah. They do. Probably a bit too short, and the forearms are kind of thin.I'll get it next time.
>SHIPPING>YOUR OC>WITH A MARRIED CANON CHARACTERHoly fuck, I'm not sure, but that might be worse then the people who ship their oc with mane 6 characters
Whenever I draw, my expression matches the characters the entire time I'm drawing them. I feel like I'd be fun to watch in a stream. Just me scowling at a picture of a cute pony.Also, I would definitely stream naked but with my naughty bits out of shot if I had a cam.
>>12266110that's not fluttershy
>>12265679Fluttershy's the obvious choice, but it she just seems to exuberate this smug sense of superiority to the rest of the cast. "Reading's for eggheads like you Twilight, I'm a world class athlete", and just her insistence on winning throughout multiple episodes looks like she's always trying to prove she's better than everyone else
>>12266110Holy shit that baby is beaking her spine
>>12266121>decent OC design>huge dickI'm okay with this. lost her/him/xim
>>12266107what are you drawing
>>12266121>OC pony>With a beard
>>12266142>Decent design>beardNo sir try again
>>12266121That may be but the naughty bits and mouth action are quite well drawn.
>>12266122>Whenever I draw, my expression matches the characters the entire time I'm drawing them.This is why I hate drawing in public. I can't stop doing this.
>>12266121I'm going to ship Red with Cadance
>>12266121that's pretty hotwe need more cuckhold art for Mrs.Cake
>>12266121 Maybe I'm out of touch with he meaning but I think that's a little more than just shipping.
>>12265798Worst I've had was the group of furries that came in with tails on and everything to buy Yugioh cards, aside from the one dude I saw that was wearing a shirt with my marshmallow Rarity on it.
>>12266061Right, but he has to fatten them up with 'muscle' instead, it's not all that different.>>12266070And yet that is all you do.All you do is post the same bullshit fetish drawings again and again like it's normal. You are like the fuck that keep insisting on making his humanized drawings have triple z cups.You are nothing but a fetish artist, the lowest of the low.I put you below greentext writers and I don't even call them artists!
>>12266157Lesbian sex doesn't count
>>12266143I don't even know what to think anymore.
>>12266158That isn't even cuckolding
>>12266157But what will Shindig Armour think of this?
>>12266157That's fine because Cadance is a worthless slut
>>12266139Because she's horribly insecure. Besides, that particular comment got her ridicule from all of them, so its not like Dash doesn't get backlash from her verbal diarrhea
>>12266182he can join in
>>12264241GG you gotta do something with Dewbon. I don't care what pony you pair with her. Maybe one of the bigger ponies I guess.
>>12266144it's 3:30 in the morning I will draw tomorrow.>>12266121if your oc is not terribly ugly and isn't blatant wish fulfillment, is that really any worse than shipping anon with your waifu
>>12266182Shinning Armour approves.
>>12266197You're going to draw that right?
>>12266199What if she tried frotted zebra twins?
>>12266143>Dumbest thing she ever made.I need to cut this bitch for insulting my franchise...
>>12266204The whole SHE'S MARRIED thing kind of makes it a different thing.
>>12266182It would give him an excuse to run back to Chrysalis for a weekend
>>12266139>like she's always trying to prove she's better than everyone elseI guess that was my point with how far she's come as a character, because I don't think she thinks that way anymore. Don't get me wrong she's still competitive at heart because that's who she is. But like in Wonderbolts Academy she had the option of looking good or not endangering others and she chose the latter, at great expense too.Also I think she respects Twilight now that she's found out reading is fun. I think she has a lot more depth than people like to give her credit for.
>>12265905raritys giant horse ass in panties with anus showing through pls
>>12266143Isis she okay
>>12266232Careful dude, I thought she liked you.
>>12266275Who cares who BCS likes? She's fucking insane and has the social skills of a potato.
>>12266254I kind of agree with him, all you do is HYPER BUFF and HYPER COCKS.
>>12266254And you should learn to draw properly.
>>12266236but anoni have some bad news for you
>>12266223>>12266219I did once. it was too bad though so I never posted itI'll try again though
>>12266297technically incorrect- wait this is you trying to goad him into drawing more of moronsonofboron's twist isn't it
>>12266286just like my chinese cartoon wife-oo
>>12266143>all these videosShe really needs some professional help.
>>12266325watamote pls
>>12266306Draw futaCadance and Shining Armor balls-deep double vag creampie in RR
>>12266254SBSB please don't listen to the hate anons They just want you to draw something else. Something that gets their boners excited.
>>12266244really? I thought Wonderbolts Academy also supported that. She got really indignant about being wingpony after all of her boasting showing how she was confident she was the best.
>>12266304I'm not a twaifufag, but I'd STILL be irked if they were married and either of them cheated.I guess I just have a thing against dishonest scumbags.
>>12266306Are you going to stream?All the streams on derpibooru have meh artists playing heavy metal or some bullshit
>Doyou think Angel is kind of an asshole?>I mean I do all the work>ALL THJE WORK>and all he does is boss me around youknow what I'm gonna do?>I'm gonna tell him
>>12266342>double vag>not vag/anal
Which pony converted to rastafarianism?
>>12266366>not double anal>not double deepthroat
>>12266254To be fair, you do have some Ross-ish qualities.Not that I'm agreeing with him completely, but why do you keep your name off when you post/draw? You're fairly recognizable enough. I personally don't mind, but this would be solved simply if he just filtered you. And it'd be easier for people who do like your stuff to find and talk to you. Your drawings are nice, but you have to admit you've been catering more towards this super-sized style, so even without a name (or rather, especially without), you're going to get some negative reactions from the people who don't like it.I don't know it it's some kind of shyness, or you don't wan no trabble, but it would just be easier for you if you kept your name on. I like to see you draw, and while buff pones aren't my thing, I'd hate for you to get this volatile reaction every time you post.
>>12266364Fluttershy, it's Sunday night! Why are you drinking?!
>>12266364>Fluttershy drinking alone in a room full of hayWhat the fuck is that pony doing?
>>12266362Shit taste in musicShit taste in pones
>>12266354I guess it could go either way.I'd argue that her competitive nature caused her to be angry that she didn't get head pony but her character growth allowed her to accept it.
>>12266364I would love to see how all the ponies act while drunk
>>12266362I require moreI must have more of her
>>12266379putting two in any hole just stretches them out way too muchthat's not sexy
>>12266386Practicing in Applejack's barn.
>>12266370Shining Surfer
>>12266393i know its shitty but its so catchy
>>12266362is that a pierced tongue I see?
>>12266379>double oralOH GOD ONE OF MY BIGGEST UNFS
good goy
>>12266306>wanting Shining Armour>not the entire guard barracks
>>12266428headcanon is she's kinda punk and kinda kinky
>>12266364I don't like that song
>>12266275That kinda makes it a little scary now...
>>12266447I like that headcanonespecially the kinky part
>>12266447You missed a few days ago when we were Goth PinkieI feel like you would have a field day with that
>>12266447Solid headcanon
>>12266442The Crystal guards are nice>>12266358I get awful stream anxiety. if I can rough a sketch first I will
>>12266447I agree with this headcanonI agree with you mewballIs good feel
>>12266447>>12266474Maybe he was hereMaybe watching Pinkie be sad only made him more sad
>>12266396that's fine, I was just saying why I don't necessarily like her. She's an alright pony.
>>12266494Sounds cool.I don't want to force you into it or anything
>>12266469>>12266480>>12266496>yfw in my pic she could be taking it doggy style while DJing>>12266474aww that would have been funspeaking of me being gone, i'll be gone at for tomorrow and part of tuesday so i'll catch you later mlpg
>>12266494Play something like this during your stram
>>12266504unf Dashhips unf unf
>>12266494God, what a slut.Red Ribbon, obviously, not you.
>>12266517Giant ponies are just dumb and they look stupid.
Odds: pdp-bjdEvens: twist-n-girlsDubs: sleep
>>12266524her rump would have to be sticking out a bit more for that
>>12266517Guten nacht sbuh
>>12266529I'm already following that tumblr but that fucker won't update it.>>12266545The stars have aligned tonight.
>>12266524DJ pon3 is a shitty background character with an even shittier fanon and I am disappointed in all of you.
>>12266344Autism washes over me like pones from a paper cupExciting and arousing me
>>12266561even me?
>>12266557I'm not a daily kind of guy.
>>12266517>I just want to slide in under the radar lately. I'm kind of in hiding.>I just want to force you to see it.He has gone full Ross.
>>12266542>I don't like thing.Okay.
>>12266575It's better that wayquality over quantity and so on and so forth
What's with all these artistswe have too many contributors
>>12266587>not contributing
>>12266517>slide under the radarbut that's what I'm talking aboutyou'd slide under the radar if you posted your art WITH your name on. You keep it up, and the people who don't like it can filter you, so they don't have to see it and throw a shitfit and you don't have to watch them do it.
>>12266585>I dont like you not liking thingWow gud job super shibe award wow wow #tumblr
>>12266574Especially you, because you encourage people to add to the pile.
>>12266587You can never have too many, especially in these dark times.
>>12266575Or a weekly.Or a monthly...
What was the lowest point in ponis life?
>>12266587The time is upon uswe are assembling
>>12263943>2 hours and 600 posts laterJunebovier by whirr
>>12266612When poni learned that ponis aren't real
>>12266575Answer when you have an answer, right?
My cock is also only five inches. Alright?So you guys can stop that already.
>>12266602His whole thing is being an attentionwhore without using a name like ross.He has seen how ross does it and wants to replicate it.
>>12266612being alive
>>12266624I bet you thought this was going to be a post about your music tasteHAHAHAHA
>>12266587Which artist of ours has improved the most during their stay in MLPG anyways?
Maybe I should just leave
when will you get tired of posting the same memes everyday?
Do you think Luna kills people in their sleep if they really wanted to die, MLHG?Do you think she'll visit me one night?
>>12266654Goat Train has made some nice stridesDooks has definitely improvedI want to say Nobody byt it's hard to tell with his tablet hiatus
>>12266661See you tomorrow anon
>>12266666I literally make new gifs every day
>>12266654currently jailbait is impressing me the most in improvement
When was the last time you felt a humans touch?
>watching an artist I really like stream>Suddenly he tabs out into /mlp/Why am I surprised
>>12266666Never, supersatan
>>12266587What's a contributor?Do they give away games on Steam?
>>12266666Never super satan
What is it that people see in GG's monstergirl OC characters?
>>12266689NO ESCAPE
>>12266612How can a point be the lowest when they're all rock bottom?
>>12266667dosh dont give up
>>12266666NEVER SATAN
>>12266708But they're not really that interesting at all.
>>12266717I see you don't follow them.
>>12266683I like him more when he's not drawing porn or dicks
>>12266728Why would I? Explain what makes them so interesting.
>>12266705Yeah wellI'm still going to make Nobody jokes
>>12266642I do believe I have indeed fallen for your elaborate ruse
>>12266698i was always a fan of monster girls
>>12266698Their dicks yiss.
>>12266732>himI wish she'd just make a post or something so this doesn't keep happening
>>12266739That's something you have to find out for yourself.
>>12266709Why is that picture so shitty?
>>12266732i like everything about him, porn and normal
>>12266752Those breasts are unappealing
>>12266748It's not a joke to me
>>12266654I want to say Kraut, there's an obvious large leap from where he was when he started to now.He's much more consistent too.
>>12266754le forced meme face
>>12266762They're not appealing enough for me to WANT to find out.
>>12266771>It's not a joke to meThat's because you're a joke, Zach.
>>12266752Those breasts are appealing
>>12266771Do you really not like it or are you just pulling by chain
>>12266691>RCH still thinks he is a contributor.>Tries to mingle with artists.Must suck being the single man out of the group again, doesn't it you freak.All the popular kids have their clicks and you just dance around the border, with nothing.
>>12266773It really is the truth, though. I'll drop it now though because I don't want to start shitting up the thread with this.
>>12266783Then you aren't into interesting characters.Is your favorite pony Applejack, by any chance?
>>12266787What do you call sunburnt breasts?A-peeling.
>>12266796No. What would that have to do with anything? GG's favorite pony is Applejack.
>>12266793Sure m8, I bet you're the same guy that forces that "PHN is a gurl xD" thing too
>>12266752>that buttUNF
>>12266654>you will never improve because you're stupidmy lyf is hard 2 liiiiiive
>>12265946What does that even mean?
>>12266789The only people who actually want to hang out with artists aren't artists.
>>12266788It was kinda fun, but then it just started happening way too much and people started complaining and ironically shitposting in response. That's kinda why I switched to nobby, now there's almost no 'nobody' jokes.
>>12266749That's probably a terrible feeling to think some one has responded to you only for it to be nothing so I'll listen.I liked it, reminded me of [mainstream warning] Everlong. The breakdown at around 2:25 was pretty awesome. I'll never understand why so many of these not popular bands have such soft vocals and strong guitar but I guess it could be the recording instruments.
>>12266789>Must suck being the single man out of the group again, doesn't it you freak.>All the popular kids have their clicks and you just dance around the border, with nothing.Even though I am not RCH, I feel like this describes me perfectlyCan you guess who I am?
>>12266811You never improve because you're a whiny cunt who ignores how much better he has become in favor or moaning and bitching instead.
>>12266804Thank you for proving my point.
>>12266789I don't know why are you so butthurt about him, he barely even talks in the art group, or here for that matter, and you keep shitposting about him
>>12266822Yeah they were getting a little too prevalent.okay okay
>>12266822Nobby, more like Knobby.Because of all the knobs you slob.
>>12266834How did that prove anything?
>>12266831SBmewballkrautcorwinsomebodyquit being depressed plz
>>12266814OhWell how do I do it myself then?I don't have a hornShould I just fly into the ground as fast as I can?
>>12266831I thought you were leaving Ross?
>>12266698I've always been fond of monstergirls, and GG is good at making them adorable and unique.
>>12266843The fact that he is even in an art group is insulting.
>>12266667if you wanted to die, you'd have done yourself in alreadystop acting like a little bitch
>>12266866What makes them unique?
>>12266831Everyone in any given internet group from their own perspective.
>you don't really think I like mares do you?
>>12266867Sentenal is in the art group too
>>12266806says the guy forcing the "no girls on the internet" thing
>>12266858>sad for social reasonsthat aint me
>>12266877I never did
>>12266854On the surface, Applejack seems to be an uninteresting character.On the surface, GG's monster girls seem to be uninteresting characters.You don't look under that surface.
>>12266807>big suckleable breasts>nice wide childbearing hips>thick ass and thighs>built like she was born to have a litter of kidsThe pose and situation makes me think "porn star," too.I'll be in my bunk.
>>12266877NoThere are plenty of ponies I would put down as more likely than you
>>12266877Everyone likes maresMares are prettyNothing to be ashamed of
>>12266843people will shitpost about anything here. i was once banned in BCS stream and people shitposted about me for a while i couldnt believe it.
>>12266877but I thought you liked your friends
>>12266894Okay. I never said that Applejack was uninteresting. Why do you think I said that?
>>12266887Yeah. You're sad for attention.
i'm so sad
>>12266898You'll need two hands for this.
>>12266898If I ever saw her like that, I'd have to slip her hair out of the way and take her right then and there.
>>12266878He actually does things for the general beside go 'hurf, durf, imma stick silly eyes on stuff now!'And that is even saying somthing, sentinel is more useful!
>>12266873They each have very distinct personalities and quirks that set them apart, and some of them are pretty unique in their appearance.
>>12266752Whoa, I just checked out this artist's other works. Why didn't anyone tell me about this guy before?
>>12266877awww shiiiiiit its been so long since the days when it was pretty much canon dash was a lesbian i had almost forgotten.
>>12266824>I'll never understand why so many of these not popular bands have such soft vocals and strong guitar but I guess it could be the recording instruments.The genre of this music is Shoegaze which involves heavy distortion of vocals and guiters to create a "wave of sound effect". I'm glad you liked you liked it, I really want this bad to do well, they are one my favorite modern bands. I actually love foo fighters too
this thread got shitty pretty fast
>>12266916I'm sorry you couldn't keep up.
>>12266944Everyone is pony for Rainbow Dash
>>12266938You mean like Caimon? Cajun alligator has been done before. Remember Leatherhead from the old TMNT cartoon?
>>12266944Dash has never been canon lesbian.
>>12266951As soon as SB got here.
>>12266927SUCK IT UP FAGET
>>12266951What can I do to make it better?
>>12266944Fuck, I can't remember the last time I heard the term candyvag
>>12266962yeah because people started shitposting at him
>>12266955It has nothing to do with keeping up. Just because I said one thing was uninteresting doesn't mean that I think some other unrelated thing is uninteresting. Why are you putting words im my mouth and insulting me to try to make yourself sound superior instead of actually explaining what you mean?
>>12266951We need to slow capn'Speed causes frictionFriction kills chill.
>>12266978I'm going to start filtering dog posts
>>12266853I ain't no slob on the knob, I'd say I do a pretty good job
>>12266978can you draw?I had an idea but didn't want to unleash it yetIt's kind of stupid but you know
>>12266959Even when they aren't
Someone suggested Dr. SedusapusY/N?
>>12266752>>12266898>starts off as a run-of-the-mill, small time adult film actress>fairly vanilla, some lesbian scenes here and there, but nothing too interesting.>after she has her first child, her breasts swell larger than they were already, gravid with milk, and she thickens up considerably>her career takes off shortly after
>>12267002I still don't understand exactly what they were trying to show with body language in that scene
>>12266999Yeah kinda nothing really awesome though>>12266991Why would you do that
>>12267009oh it's not an OC
>>12267007I can't unf to this
>>12266858>>12266865>>12266876Nah (well maybe the third one technically peaking)Oh well...
>>12267016I don't draw just OCs man
>>12265109I was excited when I heard you might have been going to bronycon. I love your art.
>>12267008>Body language.That AJ wasn't comfortable with her first kiss at all?
>>12267007when does she start doing anal?
>>12267027And here come the asspats.
>>12267022*I* can.
>>12267027>2 hours laterI've seen a ton of contributors do thisDo you guys just ctrl + f your names when you load the thread
>>12267027>Jessy will never love your art
>>12267034>what is this? people getting along?! I HATE people getting along!
>>12266894>On the surface, Applejack seems to be an uninteresting character>but UNDER THE SURFACE! Boy is she interesting!Joking aside, what's interesting about AJ that's under the surface? I've never really seen her do anything on her own that isn't apples, farm or family, scarcely friends.
>>12267041Everyone with a name does it
>>12267041I just logged on so I was reading the thread. Should have paid attention to the time it was posted.
>>12267034>saging>unnecessary hate on contributorLADIES AND GENTLEMEN, YOU KNOW WHO IT IS!!!
>>12267038I just feel bad for the kidhaving a porn-star mom is bound to give you a fucked-up childhood
>>12267047No, I hate people not contributing in any way.
>>12266932Glad to see that argument got settled.RCH is below sent on shitposter tier, great.Who else is going to report his posts with me?
>>12267047Just ignore him, remember that if he gets so unbearable that what he's doing is against the rules.
>>12267025OhIt was Rainbow Dash thinking that shampoo tasted as good as it smelled and trying it
>>12267027Jessy/Jalm circlejerk hour.Heeeeeeere we go!Also Jessy admits to liking pony porn.
>>12267058And I hate you, NBS.
>>12267064Sorry, saging isn't against the rules.
>>12267027What other pony porn artists do you enjoy?
I forgot how addicting autism blocks is.I've been working on this for over 4 hours straight now without a break.
>>12267058So why don't you hate yourself?
>>12267073I meant his clean artwork. Nothing against porn! I'm just not really a fan.
>>12267029Was it supposed to be a kiss?
>>12267073>Also Jessy admits to liking pony porn.where do you think we are?
>>12267081Which server are you on? Or you're just playing SP?
>>12267081>CreativeThat's real gay, bro
>>12267048Here marecunt
Sometimes I like to pretend that pone loves meI usually fail and start crying afterwards
>>12267076Flaming, trolling, and generally shitposting is.We've just let it go for too long.
>>12267076Shitposting is against the rules.And saging doesn't do anything.
>>12267084That's all he's been doing for months. You need to keep up, perv.
Well this thread took a turn.I'm gonna finish up this drawing for the bat pony thread, then head to bed.
>>12267096I know that feeling, Corwin.
>>12267085Dash sure dud pull her face right up against hers.
>>12267057oh nohis mother has to be frank with him about sex and being comfortable with your own body and sexuality beyond "if you don't want to have kids you shouldn't be having sex at all, because you're a disgusting moral degenerate if you get an erection thinking about a pretty girl"whatever will he doIn all honesty though, I think she'd do her best to shield her kids from what she does until they were ready to know. It'd make PTA meetings a bit awkward though, I can imagine.
>>12267096pony can love anyone
Every other artfag we have has started doing porn. When is Jessy finally going to start posting her own?
>>12266991dont worry, this dog meme is the fastest growing meme on readdit right now. soon it will dead here.
unf unf applehips unf
>>12267102>for the bat pony threadbut why
>>12267097It's not shitposting,As soon as she posts, threads are suddenly about giving her attention. I'm doing that.
>>12267091SPLast time I played on a server I was making something similar when the map was lost. Is there a way to host a server with a level you already started?
>>12267116>This guy is for real
>>12267102Blog updated!
>>12267118Pretty sure you can use any map, I mean there are many servers with custom-made maps.
What's the hardest drug known to pony?
>>12267101Oh, I guess I haven't been paying attention to recent pictures. My bad.Though I'm sure regardless of content they were drawn well.
>>12267070That's, likeApplejack levels of stupidity
>>12267092I started on survival and lost the will to continue on that way. I just like building stuff...
>>12267117Started posting it at least. Rose is finally doing it. Now I'm ready to see Jessy's smut