Last Horse>>12245418How many episodes do you think your favorite pony would have in Season 4? How about how many time that pony would steal the spotlight?
>shitposting general
>>12249952All of them
rarity has 0 episodes
>>12249952One is enough for Fluttershy.
>>12249952I think Luna is going to have a 2 part episode so because S4 is going to be 100% pandering
>>12249952Pinkie is going to have a lot of episodes
>>12249952I'm guessing 3-5.
>>12249952Honestly, I would not care if Rarity did not get any episode for herself in S4, because she already steals every scene she's in
>>12249981There is still the comic, Klon.
>>12249982Some ded mau
>>12249952She'll be apart of one/two for certain.It's hard to say beyon that.
>>12249992What a coincidenceI've heard that one quite a few times today.
>>12249982birds chirping and cars passing by outsidemyself typing this post
>>12249982megaman music like, from the games, none of that protoman shit
>>12249984Agreed. I wonder if they'll continue with her and Discord's 'friendship'.
>>12249952I have 2 favorite ponies, I expect about 3 epsiodes where one or the other is in the leading role.
>>12250000Twilight, please. Stop being humble.
>>12250004I still haven't read the newest one or the one before that.How many are out now? I stopped at Nightmarerity 2 and didnt even read 1
>>12250021Better question. Would Discord even appear at all? And if so, what would Discord be doing in the show?
apples to the core dubstep mix when
>>12250033There the Pinkie one, an AJ one, and there is Big Mac one real soon.
>>12250044Battles Pinkie Pie for a chance to make the silliest party thus "pinkie pie meets her match"
>>12249952When are they going to have an episode celebrating the great people from the fandom? I know Mandopony's already been in a comic but what about everyone else?
>>12250033READ IT
>>12250016>Protoman shitYou mean Protomen. Protoman music would be
>>12250044De Lancie is pretty bad at secrets.Let's say it's unlikely he'll show up in S4
>>12250049Hopefully never
>>12250061I can think about a few reason how this can totally screw up Pinkie Pie.
>>12250044I think i was confirmed that John de Lancie had recorded lines a few months ago.As for what it would contain, no idea. Celestia stated his power could be put to good use, so maybe something based around that.
>>12250044I hope he shows up being mischevious, but not malicousAt the least i want him to still be grumpy at everyone but fluttershy
>>12250076Is that John Mayer? I know that's Kanye but.
>>12250063That would be too exclusive.Derpy already pushed it
>>12250083it*Fucking keyboard buttons.
I don't even know why I went into that bat pony thread
>>12250086I would agree, seeing that Discord is more of a chaotic neutral. He just want to have a little fun.
>>12250044Actually, if we look at the trajectory Q followed in Star Trek, the next thing that should happen is that Discord gets somehow depowered and brought down to normal
>>12250096But they confirmed background pony episodes for s4
>>12250104the better question is how many times did the fukd
>>12250111E-e-even the fillies?Even rumble?
Writer Tier List:God TierCorey, Larson, AmyPromising TierJosh for being new writer in S4Meh Tierthe restTrash TierPolsky, Meghan and Merryweather
>>12250104In headcanons? Yes.In the actual show? I would assume they'd be just really good friends.Stay away from my waifu, Discord
>>12250111They probably have some nasty infections by now then.
>>12250083That is nice to hear though I want to see it for myself when the episode shows.
>>12250116He was a walking definition of chaotic evil before fluttershy."I do what I want when I want and nobody can stop me!"
>>12250104Fluttercord is second best ship
>>12250113Sounds good to me.
>>12250116I liked that poster
>>12250124>Meghan>Shit tierYou seem to have been asleep for two entire seasonsPolsky is in no way trash tier either
>>12250129Rumblexfilly porn when?
>>12250157>liking both of themLOL
>>12250149Is that fucking ketchup
>>12250141>He was a walking definition of chaotic evil before fluttershy.I would actually disagree with that. Even in the primer of Season 2. He never really harm anyone. Well, except the 6mane, of course, but that is because they can turn Discord into a stone. Hell, he even invited Twilight for some fun after he won Ponyville.
>>12250173Do you even wine?
>>12250116>>12250141Pre-KCaFO Discord is Chaotic (0) Evil (30)Post-KCaFO Discord is Chaotic (0) Neutral (45)
>>12250141He was more chaotic neutral than evil
why horse is drinking the ketchip
>>12250185It looks kinda sludgy for wine.
>>12250200you're conan o brian?
>>12250197better question: why aren't you?
>new horse news
>>12250208>Doesn't know about JBmod
>>12250183Pretty much agreed.Discord was Chaotic Neutral.He had no cares for anyone else, but didn't specifically go out of his way to harm people.if he was "evil" i don't think he'd be anywhere near as popular as he is.
>>12250216Always a good feeling.I wish there was more now.
>>12250216I know rightIt feels so good
>>12250183Chaotic evil does not mean baby killing murdermachine
>>12250216>Being one day late>Missing the hype train
>>12250271Pinkie being cute.
>>12250242i'd even call Crysalis neutral.Look at it this way.Pony view:Crysalis is invading to take over CanterlotChangling view:Our queen is getting us food which we'll die without
I don't even like Palette
>Corey Dragonunf
>>12250271Put your name on.
>>12250271Lyra heartstrings learning to knit
>>12250242People like her for different reasons.
>>12250274what is the anthem?i can't watch the stream, my internet is too retarded.
>>12250299>amazing plotDT have a bigger ass
>>12250271Fluttershy and Discord.
>>12250299She has a smaller rump than luna/fleur de lis
>>12250283Sorry, got my threads crossed, meant to post in the 4chan cup thread.>>12250301The theme from that H.R. Pufnstuf show.If you want to watch/post about it, the thread's over here. There's an /mlp/ match in about half an hour, I hear.>>12246256
>>12250226It's the D&D definition of "evil," which is selfish before considering others. Neutral is a bit selfish, too, but tends more to a live and let live. Discord was not averse to harming others for his own amusement. He was on the lighter scale of "evil," more of a cruel prankster, but he could still fit in the alignment. Now he's more firmly in the neutral category; he has seen some value in others besides himself and is willing to cooperate with them for more than his own desires, but he hasn't become some benevolent force for justice.
Who's your coltouto?
>>12250350well when you put it that way...Though it does mean neutral is a little hard to catagorise.especially chaotic neutral.
>>12250374Fuck you
>>12250374My what now?Probably none because I'm not gay.
>>12250385Your little colt-bro.Nothing sexual.
>>12250124...Meghan wrote one of my favorite episodes ever, "Lesson Zero". You know, the one that de-Sued Twilight and was arguably better than "Party of One", the definitive breakdown episode. Also written by her, oddly enough.DYEWTS?
>>12250378It's especially hard to define chaotic neutral since the only really solid example of chaotic neutral done right is captain jack sparrow
What the fuck is with the Rarity vs Giant Crab stuff?
>>12250398Spike then.I don't care if he's not a pony.
>>12250410It's a Forced meme.
>>12250374futa filly rarity
>>12250286best writersona
>>12250401>arguably better than "Party of One"Do you really want me to slap you?
>>12250410Meme out in the /mlp/ long ago.
>>12250401It's cool to hate on her now.A shame really, I can't talk excitement without a million >believing her lies responses
>>12250401>liking the worst fucking episode>LOL TWILIGHT ACTS CRAZY, SHE ISN'T A SUE ANYMORE XDDDDYou can't be that much of a retarded brony, right?
>>12250397There's a bunch of birds in the skyyyy, And some deers just went running byyyy!
>>12250410One guy commisioned a bunch of artists at once with that prompt.Other artists saw artists they liked doing it and wanted in on the action
>>12250404The Christmas one.
>>12250450Is the fandom really that easily swayed? It reminds me of all the shit with Luna having an abacus.
>>12250317That's hardly fairDT has a bigger ass than most grown up mares
>>12250456>Pinkie, Rarity and Dash act like cunts>i-it's just roleplayingnice try
>>12250430This shit's getting ridiculous.
>>12250471Are you such a fucking retard that you can't grasp the concept of a play?
>>12250471>>i-it's just roleplayingBut that's the fucking point you retard.
>>12250467It's an entertaining and sufficiently vague prompt to work with.
>>12250479not if that's another merriwether fetish for making certain characters act like cunts :^)
we ded.
>>12250430Going by this listI have a8:4 ratio
>>12250286>tfw no coreydragon/toothless porn
>>12250467It was something like 50 big artists at once
>>12250404Band Geeks
>>12250524AJ is such a great singerI'm glad they finally gave her a good song
>>12250440It also marked the moment Twi was not effectively the series narrator, by letting the rest of the mane six write friendship reports. The episode made Twi much less of a central character.DYEWTS?
>>12250529>tfw no Corey/anydragon pornI would be fine with any dragon. On the show or off.Lets get some CoreycCrackle
>>12250545>Apples:The Song>good
>>12250539#rekt #sickburnNo, seriously, why doesn't she go back to write for spongebob?
>>12250548Dude, he's using the ''translate the other's argument in allcaps greentext''Stop replying
>>12250545It is absolutely criminal that the characters who's VA is a professional singer don't have more songs.
>>12250556Because that show is shit now.Not even Merriweather can save it
>>12250556>Writing for current spongebobI wouldn't wish that fate upon my worst enemy.
>>12250550turbo unf
>>12250573>>12250575>Implying Merriweather wouldn't save the showYou guys just don't have that much faith, don't cha?
I want S4
>>12250587A single good writer wouldn't save the show
>>12250590>wanting more hasbrodiarrhea
>season 4 ending>skyla
>>12250611Skyla has Cadence's hair.
>>12250611Why is he pregnant too?
>>12250602But it can improve it a little.
>>12250611>you mean Lynx, Skyla is for Candyass
>>12250626Pinkie plays this trick on stallions where she runs up to their back sides, sticks her lips in their donut hole and inflates them.
>>12250632The majority of episodes would still be shit though.
Is it time
how long until jessy is abducted by a brony and kept in a sex dungeon
>>12250658At least we'd have to look forward the merriweather episodes.Goddamn anon, you sure are pessimistic.I just miss old spongebob ;_;
>>12250672I didn't know Bronycon is in Austria
>>12250671flights have been delayed due to severe weather
>>12250653>picfucking inflation fetishfagsand why is pony joe's stomach all translucent like that
>>12250691I do too anon, but it is beyond saving now
I know a lot of people don't care much for the songs but that Apple song has me so fucking pumped. Like I want to go run a marathon or something.
>>12250672Whoah, is that Jessy?She's pretty damn qt
>>12250710Shh, just let me believe, anon.
>>12250714Then go do it!
>>12250719she has no lower jaw
>>12250719All of the girls that have posted in MLPG are cute. Fact.
>>12250736But what about boys
>>12250752Actually Nathan is the only ugly guy I've seen posted
>>12250730God, how did I fall in love with a pink cartoon horse? It makes no sense, but she makes my chest hurt.
>>12250775She is very pinkrub her belly
>>12250762and terse
>>12250775Look at it this way, at least you aren't gay.
>>12250789Terse had tits bacon and nutella. He aint ugly
>>12250775''Aww, Anon, don't be all sad. I love you too!''I need more Pank images
>>12250789I'd fuck Terse.
>>12250805would you spank the pank
>>12250805i have severalthis one is mandatory for everyone's horse folder
Why was Over a Barrel so racist?
>>12250814No, don't hurt pon.Pon is for happy not sad
>>12250815I'm not going to save that just cause you want me to
>>12250828It wasn't.
>>12250828It wasn'tFaust wanted something different from the usual story that follows this.Worked out pretty well.
Why can't GG be 100% lewd?
>>12249952Zero. It's just the way it proabably will be. With my luck.
>>12250871He is 99% lewd, isn't that enough for you?
>>12250871That'd be boring.
>>12250871because he doesn't have to, you mongoloid
>>12250833what if she wants you to spank the pank
>>12250730You know what. My bike's been in the shed for too long. I'm going for a ride. Right now.
Got bored, decided to make this.
>>12250871fetishfag pls
>>12250902John K. what are you doing storyboarding for horse show
>>12250902I like.
>>12250871I wish he'd bump up cute to at least 10%
>>12250828Tumblr please go
>>12250871Because that would make it less good. I've said it before, what i like about his stuff is the situations not the presentation.
>>12250913if it was john k, it would be wackier than this, this is merely very expressive
>>12250935Why do you have to shitpost?
Do any of our contributors drawfag for other boards?
>>12250902The faces in the storyboards are great.I sincerely hope they ramp up expression now that the budget is high.
>>12250935Are you feeling allright, anon?
>>12250929That's how everyone feels. If he'd get an actual artist behind his work, it'd make everything perfect.
>>12250925Blogs can't post on imageboards, anonymous.
>>12250935What the heck, Anon? Don't shitpost!
>>12250952nah mangone love mlpgone love
After sleeping on it, i'm still ridiculously excited for the Crippleloo episode. Several times, when asked what epsiode I want to see, it's always been the "Scootaloo can't fly" episode and lo and behold, it's fuckin happening. My body is ready for the feels
>>12250956This looks like the RDP guy made it.
>>12250952i try but since im not so great yet, i hardly make a splash
>>12251003oh boy here we go
>>12250999"make a splash" is one of my least favorite overused figures of speech.
>>12251017your mom is my least favorite overused thing
>>12250989It's been so long!
>>12250956Eh, as much as I like the quick storyboard drawings, I doubt we'll see much of an improvement as far as the actual animation goes.>>12250952I drew a couple of sketches in gravity falls general forever ago, nothing else.
>>12251051But that's not Rainbow Dash
>>12250952i was a drawfag for the lps threads on /co/ before coming here
Which pony has the Charles Atlas seal of approval?
>>12251076At least you're purified now.
>>12250952GG used to be hot stuff over at /tg/
>>12251090>used to be
>>12251106try again
>>12251106sure took you a bunch of attempts to get it right
nothis will not be another stupid fucking derpibooru-tier meme
>>12251111>>12251106>>12251051>>12251003Could this be the start of an epic new meme?
>>12251126its too late anonshhh, just let it happenit'll pass like the milkshake thing
>>12251126>>12251130now is the time to enjoy this. abandon it once it becomes a meme to the bronies, thats how everything should work.
>>12251162keep trying
>>12251162better. well done
>>12251126ShhhJust let it happen
>>12251195row row fight le powah
>>12251162By the way by complaining about it, you've garenteed we're going to keep seeing thanks for that you stipd asshole
>>12251220meant to reply to>>12251126
>>12251206Hahahahahahahaha holy shit that white knight completely took me off guard
>>12250993That and apples foreveri can't wait
>>12251206> love Jalltoid
>>12251221das some cool shit girl explains why its wrong to marry fillies and use them for sexual.
>>12251221gon get that Virtual BoyThat futuristic toy
>>12251206I like that guy
>>12251221Is this game for really? I want one!
>>12251206>ask tumblr blogs in a nutshell
>>12251206>literal white knoghtHaha
>>12251251>no fun allowedwhat a stuck up cunt.
>>12251206What does the guy have the booty?
>>12251206these people have nice pleasing voices
>>12251251>its wrong to marry fillies and use them for sexualBut what if she wants to marry you?
>>12250837That's....really gay
i bet i won't color this
>>12251365you know who else is really gay and has pink?
>>12251393SB pls go.
>>12251206> guys are great
>>12251430>pls dont be fat pls dont be fatyesssssssssssUNF
>>12251406hah, fucking subscribed
>>12251098Well, when people post his cutebolds now, someone keeps derailing everything by mentioning ponies
>people just now finding JaltoidSeriously?
>>12251481Not enough blush.
>>12251491>people have different lives and opinions on the interent>how dare they not know about my obsucure youtube animaotr among the thousands of others
I would.
>>12251491I know right? I've been subscribed to them since last November when they were just starting out
>>12251506Praise apples
>>12251491They aren't THAT well known.
>>12251206Why are you guys jerking off to this that much?It isn't that great.
>>12251290>>12251317It costs 300$ for that headset.
>>12251481>>12251497>>12251506>>12251528TO THE CORE
>>12251546They deserve to be.Also, did you ever get that stram last night?
>>12251562>mfw I meet somebody who isn't an apple to the core
>>12251557no one is calling it the greatest thing ever. its only getting a 10/10 which means average.
>>12251561Sweet, I'm affluent enough to afford that
>>12251530she has no fucking nose
>>12251584I met someone who was allergic to applesHow horrifying
>>12251600POOR THING
>>12251600I hope you eradicated them
>>12251590>its only getting a 10/10 which means average.IGN pls go.
>>12251528>Applesasd!>asdI cannot remember adding this part
>>12251584>not walking the path of generations>not linked by a common bond>not being family>not being so much morethanks again Ingram, your capacity to force me to remember song lyrics knows no bounds of reason or sanitynow make one about international politics or quantum field theory
>>12251600>>12251612My mom is allergic to apples
>>12251557>How dare anyone like something I don't? My opinions are obviously the standard by which everything must be judged
>>12251511>that pony>that voice
>>12251600that would be like being an earth pone leperhow tragic
>>12250952I know MT draws her sharklass stuff for /co/, and I'm pretty sure I've seen LK here and there
>>12250952/vp/, /co/,
>>12251612They didn't like applesNow they're in the ground feeding apples.
>>12251641>Hover humping
>>12251571human pony
> should be part of basic mlpg curriculum
>>12251673they look like toys
>>12251671One level above hoverhand, hoversex.
>>12251673human should human pony.
>Pinkie's part in Apples to the core songYESSSS
>>12251673Why are they so tall
>>12251710Apple nutrients
>>12251669Endii, you should draw more ____.___
>>12251709it's like an orgasm but without the mess
>>12251728I like the mess, though.
>>12251491Well, now I know of it.And I have seen a few of their videos.And I enjoy them.So I subscribed.
>>12251728>without the messfor you maybe
how does it feel to walk the path of generationsit sounds fucking epic, like something a klingon warrior would do
>>12251724You missed the hype train, have fun getting hyped alone.
>>12251713MY DICK
>>12251710They need to set unrealistic beauty standards for women.
>>12251673human apple pon is best human pls
>>12251724I can't wait to see soots be a cripple.It's what she was born for.
>>12251743>tfw you were born too late to trailblaze the Earth
>>12251594So get a staple gun.
>>12251689Along with
>>12251725Yes you are absolutely correct.
>>12251746I AM
>>12251743It means you walk the same path as your family has done for generations before.
>>12251778You need a personal OC.With an ask blog.
>>12251754no please, that's enough restueram for one lifetime
>>12251777>Luna will never be your dream girl
>>12251762jesuswhy am i getting aroused
>>12251754Every time I play with you guys I have to disable the voice chat because a lot of your are really fucking annoying. Especially when you micspam.
>pony will never abduct you and take you home
>>12251777where is LQ rip
>>12251546>not well known>160k subs
>>12251777I know, right? I just want to see my pandaring in peace.
>>12251762Horse toe
>>12251754>those last 20 secondsI really should play hats with you guys more
>>12251795You can't escape that easily.
>>12251806>hating micspamBet you play to win too
>>12251777why is the comic so much better than the show
>>12251835Nah. It's just that you guys never even play anything new. It's alwaysREEEESSHHHIIIRRAAAAAAMMM and OH SHIT I MISSED MY PLANE
>>12251754>that shitty ui>that cheating damage display mod>that shitty micspam
>>12251754>DaftyOh fuck he's still alive?
>1 hit kill sniper rifles>lag>terrible hit detectionWhy would I play hats again?
>>12251846Because it's shit.
>>12251491>>12251811I had never heard about it before
>>12251846Pandering, and isn't meant for little girls
>>12251811Not everyone is as popular as you mew
>>12251807>pony will never summon you
>>12251849Well thats true. I like when they play music though, or have a conversation using sound bites
>>12251754>Thank you Mordecai
>>12251863>GG will never draw explicit selfcest
>>12251857 He still does stuff but he usually posts it on DA since he likes embedding sound.
>>12251863Is femsnails flat-crotched?
>>12251743i'd walk the path of generations with my dick outproudly erect
>>12251796Maybe. I could just use Butterfly but meh
>>12251853>that cheating damage display modYou do know that's an option in the game right>>12251873That never happens. The only music they play is from justinrpg.
>>12251846because meghan isnt writing it
>>12251899Are you a boxer from new york?No?Then you can't use her.
>>12251887 Other mammal don't work the same way as human tits. They expand when they are pregnant and deflate months after. So yes.
>>12251891Jeez anon, don't tell the joke, you might ruin it for some people.
Speaking of appleswhat is the deal with the red apple fillynot only does she faceplant in the race but she is also the only one to drop one of the spinning platesshe seems like a bit of a klutz
>>12251900I havent played with them in a whileI guess times have changed...
>>12251899Don't become an attention whore
tfw no luna gf
>>12251887Like this?
>>12251887possiblybut she got a big booty to make up for it
>>12251910>marshmallow pones>realistic biology
>>12251899>ask blog with ButterflyThat'd be real neat
>>12251922Her destiny is being sent to the glue factory to make apple-scented glue sticks.
>>12251922>filly failureshe just have bad cordinationshe's ok
>>12251849Seriosuly, i have had way too much of that same guy now. The novelty of his autism has worn off
>>12251943>marshmallow pones>Implying
>>12251935>You will never be her companion
>>12251900I like it better when only MLPG people are playing, but then the steam chat joins
>>12251950yes she survived to mess up again thankfully
>>12251911she can't have itbut tabitha can
>>12251943>marshmallow pones>having teats
>>12251935>tfw she's making her eat her cherry pie>cherry pie>has mac got his red wings yet?
>>12251935Did they really ship Luna with Big Mac?
>>12251922She seemed to do pretty well at running in circles
Any requests or anything?>>12251928I'm trying.
>>12251965What do you consider ''steamchat'' exactly
>>12251922what does it mean when you have a boner for cute things
>>12251977Draw that red pony from the pewdiepie commenters video
>>12251977Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy boxing
>>12251965The steam chat was basically made for TF2 and now it's almost its own seperate entity...
>>12251974She is just being a big sperg lord in this comic
>>12251943But they are based on real life ponies. I don't understand why you'd just jump to the conclusion that their tits would work like humans when they are more closely related to equine then humans.Just spouting "FANTASY CREATURE" isn't enough. It might work for the lizards with tits argument but come on man.
>>12251928>Don't become an attention whoreAlready, I can see people getting mad at him for no reason other than "I wish mlpg had drawn my OC"
>>12251983steam chat regulars, you can clearly pick them apart on the server because they're always the most annoying
>>12251935FUCK CHERRIESThis message brought to you by the Equestrian Apple Board
>>12251983Not him, but steamchat usually refers to people who only use the mlpg steam group chat and don't visit the threads, although technically it would include everyone who goes there.
>>12251977Pony in a hoodie
>>12251977Butterfly vs Hot Blooded Pinkie
>>12251977Yes, I want a pony, a real pony, send it with this direction:Avenue Dufillin 504You have 3 hours or I'll kill you.
>>12252015that pony doesn't look very good in a hoodieshe should take it off
>>12251977rarity in panties
Face it mlpg my waifu is way better than yours
>>12251975Question.Why would this make you dizzy? I mean while you're running in a circle, the route is so wide that it almost seems like you'd be running in a straight line. Try it. Run around a tree. There's no way it would make you dizzy as opposed to just spinning in one spot.
>>12252001That looks fairly retarded, I mean Luna would be out of touch, but someone who's over a thousand years old wouldn't act like a total idiot.
>>12251983The most annoying people or the people who use the mic the most. You can easily pick them all out.
>>12251977personhorse apple pony
>>12252002My only argument is "why assume they automatically work the same way as real horses"?It'll never be acknowledged in canon, so it'll always be up to our imagination anyway.
>>12251974Yup.Also Zecora
>>12252008>>12252012What I'm saying is that most people on the steamchat still check the threads
>>12252029I agree, my waifu is shit.But she is my shit.
>>12251965They pretty much own the server. Krabb is the one who even has to go in and perform updates on it whenever a new patch is released.
>>12252034How's Up?It was a good Pixar movie. Why do you ask?
>>12252031Okay, glad I'm not the only one thinking that
>>12252034Tan is not from the steamchat and he's equally annoying
>>12252031Inner ear equilibrium distortion?
>>12252044they usually come here to shitpost
>>12252031Because Applejack isn't a very smart pony.
so are we actually gonna play hats or just talk about the stream chat
>>12252056Tan isn't annoying when he's here though.
>>12252070Hats a shit
>>12252070I wouldn't mind some hats
>>12252040But that's like saying that because a peanut butter sandwich is in a cartoon, we shouldn't assume that its made up of bread, peanut butter and jelly. Just because the sandwich in question is fiction.Why is it wrong to assume that a horse like creature would work like a horse?
>>12251754>that cacophony>random shit flying around everywhereis this what living in hell is like
>>12252001Actually, headcanon time:Luna acts extremely eccentric in public so people arn't scared of her. It's hard to be scared of a fool, after all, even if the fool Is one of the Princess's of Equestria - ponies will just chalk it up to the differences between modern day upbringing and Luna's 1000 year out of date perception of modern day upbringing.They'll have no idea she infinetly prefers them to find her humously eccentric than to find her some sort of monster that might kill them at any time.
>>12252051>They pretty much own the serverHAHA NOSentenal owns the server, steam chat kissed his ass long enough to keep the server
>>12252070>stream chatAs for me, I only ever play on french and italian pubs with custom maps, because those have the most incompetent and completely horrible players ever and I can have fun being one of the best players there with absolutely no effort.
>>12252070Both, have you tried stramming hats?
>>12252070Sure, I could hat right now!IP: Pass: bonbon
>>12252082There are plenty of ways in which they don't work like horses; they talk and fly and use magic, so who's to say they don't have sexy boobs?
>>12252044Steamchat is just fundamentally a bad thing. Whenever there is a group and within that group another group forms or just splits off, there is absolutely inevitably going to be a mindset of "us vs them." This breeds ignorance and prejudice since they isolate themselves, which lets to hatred which causes even if just a few people to shitpost. It's science.
>>12252097that post just shows how little you reall know
More ponies in costumes.Bat pony costume not required.
>>12252096That makes sense, but why pull something like that at all? It doesn't make sense to make her behave like that and then have her behave royal and completely normal in the show.
>>12252070Maybe laterI've got some work to do, then I was hoping to draw
>>12252097Isn't Sent permanently banned from using the server and they have some sort of shared fund thing going on?
>>12251985I think that is the mysterious poner I have heard about
>>12252102woops>>12252106no but i guess I could? I'm really bad though.>>12252117be in in about 15 gotta take care of a few things but im down
>>12252106>stream hatsWhy? You could just as easily go in and play. The server is almost never full.Also streaming and playing TF2 is a bad idea unless you have a monster PC. I usually run TF2 at 90 fps but when I start streaming I have to flick all my settings down to the lowest possible and I still run at 10 fps.
>>12252117What we need is an actually good vanilla Minecraft server with active and productive people.:(
>>12252117I don't understand why people like hats so much. The game really isn't all that fun.
>>12252141Give it a shot, really don't care how bad you are.
>you will never have a cute pone sister who lets you fuck her any time you want in any hole because family means we help each other out with our sexual needs
>>12252144You don't need a monster PC to stram hats, but you need good internet to stram without the stramming causing lag.
i can enjoy both realistic and human boobs on a horse
>>12252134She acts like a fool in public so all the normal pones don't think she's NMM. She acts normal when with Celestia at the castle, which is where we mainly see her.
>>12252148>:(I haven't played minecraft in so long.I guess I'd be down for a little mlpg autism blocks
>>12252148whatwhythere's already a map
>look up to see if the Big Mac LQ is on Yayponies>Realize there's an entire microseries I missed.I read the Rarity one but dear god... I didn't notice.
Appledan is still banned?
>>12252129>us vs themliterally no one in the steam chat thinks that>since they isolate themselvesbut, we don't, 80% of us still come here regularly>which causes even if just a few people to, you
>>12252148We have two MC servers, one vanilla and one seikamod, that's assuming nothing happened to them since I last checked about a month ago. People just don't feel much like playing autism blocks, I know I don't, I've achieved everything on Seikamod and vanilla just seems too.. vanilla in comparison to that.
>>12252204Why not get a new one?Maybe include a couple mods in, just some base ones.mite b fun
>>12252176If she ever appears in ponyville again, she won't behave like that though.
>>12252201Is he?If so, that's a long ass ban for a pic.
>>12252203hey anon, quit posting about that and talk about a pony
>>12252187Read Pinkie's and Applejack's. The rest of the micro series is utter shite.
the celestia micro series hinted that we are going to see her past. this will be the point where it is clear the canon is broken if it doesnt match with the premier of s4.
>>12252133>calling batponies costumes
>>12252234The standard ban for posting a NSFW pic on a blue board is 3 days, 7 days if it was spoilered.
>>12252203is faceless still in steamchat?
I am a steamchat regular and I like talking about ponies here in the thread without a trip or any identifying signature. What does that make me?
>>12252239Thank you but I will read them all and make my own opinion. MLPG is the same group of people to skip episodes
>>12252246It is, and stop adding those teeth. They're herbivores just like every other pony.
>>12252260A huge faggot for browsing steamchat
>>12252244>canon is brokenIt won't mean anything in the long run, comics can only be judged individually. If the Celestia one turns out to go against canon, the most that means is that the Celestia comic is noncanon, but in reality it will only mean that it's lower tier canon.
>>12252260>I am a steamchat regularA faggot
>>12252258it's "for here am I" idiot
>>12252260Good person.Best kind
>>12252257He's there all the time. He gets mad easily.
>>12252271I don't think there's anyone here that would recommend you to skip episodes unless you specify that you can only watch X amount at this time for whatever reason.
>>12252184>>12252204Oh, I didn't know. IPs?
Let's make a list of all the annoying people in the TF2 server. I'll start>anyone who micspams
>>12252271I don't think you understand how bad some of them are. Twilight's looks like it was drawn by a 5-year-old
>>12252134I suppose Luna learns from Nightmare Night that there's a time and a place for royal duties and being super serious mode all the time doesn't benefit her image?also remeber that Nightmare Moon is probably still more infamous than Luna herself is right now, so Luna probably has to exagerate her out of touchness a little to ease ponies into a sense of security, safe in the knowledge that no, Luna's just eccentric, and not out to secretly kill them in their sleep or anything like that
>>12252308It's on's vidya board somewhere.
>shipping your OC with Mane 6
>>12252314Y..yeah i'm getting that now
>>12252302I would too if I had to deal with the shit he does.
>>12252313Crystalevo. He is a huge doublefaggot.
>>12252338Holy shit Mr.White, you okay?
>>12252332>not shipping yourself with your waifu
God, Andy Price's ponies are literally the best.
In the Micro, Luna mentions troubling times.Pretty confident she meant the problems in the Nightmarity arc.Not that it was going on at the time, it may have been just before it.
>>12252313Anyone who can't fucking play.I can stand still sometimes in front of a heavy and they lack basic hand eye coordination to move the mouse so that it's on me before I kill them. I mean holy fuck.
>>12252332>shipping yourself with an OC.
IP: Pass: bonbon Hats going on!
>>12252330I found a minecraft thread, but there are no vanilla servers.:(
Porn when?
>>12252418>not BEING the OC
>>12252405I would give Price 50 bucks to draw Marker Pony
>>12251996lazy colours
>>12252332That's the best kind of shipping, waifufaggotry.Everything else is shit because I'm not in it.
>>12252448I think he'd go for it.
>>12252448He'd never do it, you'd open the flood gates and every brony would want their OC drawn.
>>12252203You don't need to get defensive. It's just sociology 101. If we still had an enemy worth blaming besides each other it wouldn't be the truth.
>>12252467heh I like it thanks
>>12252444>Shipping yourself as an OC with another self-insert OC that is part of a huge circlejerk that is a side part of a thread about a girl's cartoon.
>>12252498>tfw Kortz got off the rideI liked his stuff.
>>12252498yes, that's my fetish
>>12252405ya they are good. im not so sure i would go around calling him the absolute best in the world though.
>>12252523I just liked it when he'd stram.That was how I caught the first season of Korra.
>>12252523He came back actually.
>>12252467Oh man RD's head is wide open lay into her fluttershy throw dem hooks
>>12252498That's something indeed
>>12252448how much does he charge for sketches at bronycons?
>>12252523>>12252548how do i not know who this guy is when i spend all day in mlpg
>>12252548Speaking of Korra, when is the next season coming? Soon right?
>>12252578October/September I think so yeah
>>12252548Wasn't that Toss?
>>12252578I had a seat and waited.Last year this time I assumed it would have come early-mid 2013.Expect it in the fall or winter.
I just want to be a mare in a pretty dress and walk around town being pretty.
>>12252586It was on his livestream channel.Toss might have also, but I watched them a while after they aired.
>>12252605Can I touch your butt or are you a prissy pony
>>12252573How long have you been here? He got off around Twilycorn and that was, what, 5 months ago?
>>12252405I guess his art is priceless
>>12252618In his defense he didn't posted here with a name
>>12252617Pinkie are you okayPinkie you look frazzledhello
>>12252634What kind of asshole posts with a name?
>>12252637pinkie are you okayare you okayare you okay pinkie
>>12252614Look, dont touch.
>>12252643I know right? What a faggot.
>>12252644>tfw your childhood hero musican is a pedo
>>12252643Jerks with broken butts I bet.
>>12252585>>12252597Neat, can't wait.
>>12252643only faggots and assholes post with names
Awww yisss grow my precious, soon i'll be able to send my daughter to Princess Celestias school for unicorns.
>>12252673how do you break a butt?
>>12252688With a sledgehammer.
>>12252682>New S4 poster comes out: Villains>Carrot Top is centerfold, no explanation
>Watching Jaltold>Pewdiepieis it bad that i do not know who the blazers Pewdiepie is?
>>12252662but he wasn't
>>12252688I dont know but it seems to happen a lot. Every time I see one theres a crack in it.
>>12252687Fix my internet
>>12252688With a good spanking.
>>12252695Link me this, please.
>>12252699Be thankful.
>>12252721>being this madlel
>>12252714I was joking
>>12252688birth defects
>>12252721I always wonder what's the deal with this argument. Joking about rape is like joking about killing people. People that all the time and people don't bat an eye.
>>12252721>Sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimesin other words, the other 61% didn't take it so hard.
>>12252688Lose a bet to Nanaki
>>12252428Read the last bunch of posts, there is. The old tekkit server was converted to vanilla.
>>12252750Well, the people who get killed aren't around anymore to get insulted by those jokes.
>>12252750It isn't an argument. All it's there to do is bash you over the head while screaming FEEL BAD FOR SHIT YOU CAN'T PERSONALLY CONTROL DO IT
>>12252721FUCK i think i used to like this artist. sure i hate rape and rape jokes and never use them but complaining like that is autistic as hell.
>>12252750Well murder victims aren't too likely to come across a murder joke.
>>12252767Oh, huh, ok. I'll check it out, thanks.
>>12252721>>12252730This guy draws shit, or rather, adds text to his drawings that is supposed to make people mad, I doubt he'd hold any of these opinions.
>>12252723I get the feeling i should yes, guess i am.
>>12252721I fixed it!
>>12252750it's different because there aren't murder survivors.
>>12252721>>12252790It reminds me of cuteosphereis it him/her?
>>12252781Their families are, each member of which would have more right to be offended than a rape victim.
>>12252798>Applehat>no hatECH
>>12252798>No hat
>>12252798She looks like she's fascinated at something
>>12252805who's cuteosphere?
>>12252797>>12252769>>12252781What about attempted and failed murder. That's sorta the same as attempted and failed rape.It's still stupid, though.
>>12252750It's different because rape is sexual. And people are prudes when it comes to sex.
>>12252808>>12252811How does hat.
>>12252807>>12252819well that's true for sure. people are just fucking prudes.
Why does everything make me fucking madmy heart can't take it anymore
>>12252844It's like a circle with another circle on top of it
>>12252797I was raped by my Father when I was young and I don't take offense. It's terrible, but if you can't laugh at tragedy it'll eat at you your whole life
>>12252731I think it would be nice. One of the ponies of ponyville that is well liked and has been there for a while is revealed to be a changeling who decided to stay. The episode if about second chances and acceptance.
>>12252819Attempted of either of those shouldn't completely ruin a person's life. Then again neither would rape in most cases.
>>12252798I would pet that naked head.
>>12252750Also, people don't tend to be discouraged or humiliated about reported murder, and aren't blamed for being victims (unless they're black teens, apparently).
>>12252885Jesus christ anon this is a blue board
>>12252878Rape is scary because of how vulnerable you feel. The realization that if someone can force you to have sex, they can just as easily kill you right after to make sure you won't talk.
IP: Pass: bonbon The hat train don't stop
im ded
>>12252847Damn. is he being serious?still good art
>>12252847>>12252861Didn't they use to be not so tumblry?
>>12252910Is her right leg falling off
And you all called me an asshole when I told Cuteosphere I wish she were ded.
>>12252878i have seen too many stories where false rape accusations have ruined the mans life.
>>12252906It's stopped for me
>>12252905Many rape cases are "I had sex while I was drunk and regretted it later", it's not exactly of the same magnitude as being robbed, beaten and then fucked in a dark alley.
>>12252847Why would he care about his art being uploaded to derpibooru. If anything, he should be happy, cause it's getting more exposure. What.
>>12252910Thank god she has a hat on
>>12252847>Apparently someone or several people keep uploading my pony drawings to a site called Derpibooru! And while I appreciate that you like my work, I’d ask that you please don’t do that. Thank you.Man, what a bitch.
>>12252921or she, whichever.
>>12252938That's different. We disagree with her, but that doesn't justify wanting her dead. Not in my opinion anyway.
>>12252955Wow, what if they learned that their art is often uploaded to 4chan?
>>12252938you are still an asshole.
>>12252978And darn proud of it!
>>12252910Please don't be dead.Stop hating us pls.
>>12252955I don't mind if they do that. Except for when they go searching through my tumblr and uploading everything. Like stuff from when I first started drawing and wasn't any good. Then when it gets posted on tumblr it's completely divorced from any context, and people think I'm bad and/or completely regressed.
>>12252847You must share your drawings with the people
>>12252967even better Applejack is the only pony I have two folders forAJ with hatAJ without hat
>>12252945Whats even funnier is she thinks something like this was not bound to happenIf not derpibooru, or here, or another chanFor good or ill once you post something on the internet, the mob will have its way with it
>>12252966It does justify telling her that though. Morons like that at least take notice of it, as opposed to just telling them that they are retarded.
>>12252967Hey Endii, how old are you?
>>12252992>>12252945She doesn't like the comments they get.
>>12253003>Saving hatless apple
>>12253004The only time I've ever seen an artist successfully request that no one upload is or her stuff elsewhere is with Gary Larson and Farside. His stuff is really hard to find on the internet.
>>12253011Don't answer this question endii. Don't give out info about you personally. It's sentenal asking.
>>12253016There are several things she could do to avoid getting those comments.For one, she could try not putting retarded text into mouths of ponies.For two, she could, like, not go there to read the comments.
>>12253016Well it's derpibooru. The comments are as retarded as they are on youtube.
>>12253047It's not like some one who thinking they need to post a picture of Fluttershy talking about rape on tumblr non ironically is going to be a logical person.
>>122530473. People could stop stealing her art and uploading it without permission.
>>12253042Really?My dad has a huge collection, i should like scan it.
>>12253059My powerlevel is not high enough to handle the h a t
>>12253044If I was sentenal, then why doesn't Endii have a computer he can stram with yet?Checkmate atheists>>12253049was just curious. You make nice art.
>>12253047I don't like people using cartoon characters for personal soapboxes
>>12253043We need more art of her
>>12253043What's this from?
>>12253043where's this from
>>12253076I'm a 7 jillion years old you probably havent heard of me im pretty underground
>>12253043>pony will never ask you to ear her creampie
>>12253033That is pink, but she seems sad.Why?
>>12253083But using them for wank material, that's A-OK, right?
>>12253066Well obviously she isn't. This is the sort of thing that gets posted here to rile people up. In fact that's the main reason it's posted on derpibooru, even.
>>12252860Would you screw Screwball
>>12253033It looks like you put a wig on your index finger and drew eyes on it
>>12252984im sorry
>>12253107Obviously, everyone can fap to the porn, most people won't give a shit about or agree with your shitty opinions. You got this reply easy, don't think I'll reply to another one like this.
>>12253112She seems pretty screwed already anon
>>12253097Makes sense.Anon was probably asking so he could see how long it would take him to be as good as you.
>>12253107That has got absolutely nothing to what I was saying
>>12253110>"Hey shug', c'mere a minute"~>squishsquishsquishsquish>"It's lemon meringue!"
>>12253099>you will never phase in and out of existence while being offered pie
>>'re joking....right?
>>12253084No we don't
>>12253152is that a challenge
>>12253138He would be very sad
>>12253094>>12253093Pewdie Pie Commenters by jalltoid
>that realization i have an impregnation fetish
>>12253043I just realized somethingBlack and Red OCOMG SO UGLYBlack and White OCOMG SO CUTERACIST
>>12253152>>12253147I don't see a single thing horribly wrong with her aside from the strong red color. As far as I know it's just a random OC made for that one video.
>>12253186would you be okay with pony impregnating you?
>>12253138I just like to know my drawfagsAnd set goals for myself
>>12253138then he would also have to ask when he started drawing.
>>12253196very much so.
>>12253191The red still looks bad, it's the style and the animation that makes her cute, and even then she's more hot than cute.
>>12253186That's a shit fetish.Get something better, like NGO or donkey punching
>>12253186>like impregnation>hate kids
>>12253219>it's late out
>>12253217>hating on me enjoying loving couples embracing each other
>>12253186the pleasure of being cummed inside
>>12253225>Like impregnation>Like kids>Really, really like kids
>>12253233women cant actually feel the cum
>>12253231Enjoy only being able to indulge in your fetish once every nine months
>>12253200Artists enter this world drawing straight from the womb.He'd only need to know his birthday
>>12252721>This is probably the most appropriate pony to be giving this message, all things considered. Also, don’t steal art.
>>12253250DASH GET OUT
>>12253245there's a spell for that
>>12253260>tfw people like this actually exist
>>12253245Life's saddest truth.It's not like my japanese animes.
>>12253213>more hot than cuteperfect for my purposes
>>12253250I like how pony moves her legs to get to a certain point
>>12253245s-shut up!
>>12253262whoa there LyraWAY 2 lewd
>>12253249>not cumming in your mare every night.
>>12253292>tfw you'd have to educate the entire population of the village that it's not nice to barge into others' houses
men can't feel it either
>>12253260>Apparently someone or several people keep uploading my pony drawings to a site called Derpibooru! And while I appreciate that you like my work, I’d ask that you please don’t do that. Thank you.UPLOAD THAT SHIT
>>12253295DON'T JUDGE ME
I like mares.I like mares~I like the concept of a mareI like to take that concept and reduce it to an objectI like to take those objects and put 'em in my videosHave them shake they jiggly bits so they looks like whores
>>12253295They just fell asleep fsget your mind out of the gutter
>>12253295She should stop posting her self-insert images.
>>12253309Can Yamino feel it?
From the moment you saw them, you knew.The way they filled up book after book, even in a single day.The way the lines were placed so precisely and effortlesslyThe way the markings differed to show weight.This was someone who loved art, who loved to draw.You felt the envy creeping up your throat.That person would never feel this.Everything they would see, would just be inspiration for them.That's how much they loved art, nothing would cause them to abandon it.They would draw when they were sad, when they were happy, when they should have other things to do.Maybe that's when you realized.Talent, Drive, Inspiration. Call it whatever you want.But no matter how hard you tried at it.It would be work to you.It would be life to them.And that's when you felt yourself go cold inside.
>>12253307>not just letting them do it>not setting up elaborate pranks like in Home Alone 2 for every time a pony just barges in
IP: Pass: bonbon The hat ride never ends
S4 when?
>>12253354Yearsactually only half a year
>>12253339Can you feel it Mr. Krabs?
The next time anyone here sees Andrea Libman at a convention, if she's doing lines in-character, please ask her to use her Pinkie Pie voice to say the following: Why aren't you drawing?
>>12253345>Home Alone 2>2You could've just said Home Alone.>tfw Home Alone 5 exists
>>12253365The money is always right!
Do you guys think we will see some actual animation and Bronycon
>>12253374I don't know why I didn'tI guess I just liked 2 more when I was younger
>>12253374What. Surely not.
>>12253374How alone at home is he in number 5?
>>12253375AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!>toenail gets removed
>>12253374I had to look that one up.My god.
>>12253384When is bronycon?
>>12253337>>12253356Lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra lyra
>>12253380Why is that pony made out of curtain fabric?
>>12253395as much as Twilight after a speed dating event
>>12253373Desperately needs to be done.Get Kevin Conroy to do one too about procrastinating.
>>12253416The pony matches the drapes.
LYRA, there is a dead human in our house!
>>12253384they probably aren't even done with it at that point.
>>12253411Yes, we know you're a good pony.Don't need to spam it.
>>12253409august 2nd -4th
>>12253411I will never stop blaming Envy for this
>>12253417WAKA WAKA WAKA
>>12253420We need to get Jason Alexander to say "I seriously hope you guys don't do this"
I wish we had more augmented pone
>>12253373I wouldn't mind any of the VA's saying "Hahaha Boop" either to insert into that extension sound file.
>>12253432Hope nothing interesting happens, since I won't be around to check the livestreams and what not that weekend.
>>12253426Oh, hey, how did she get here?
>>12253425I like how i didn't know what that phrase meant until like 2 months ago
shh guyspony is in the toiletmaybe if we don't say anything she'll go away
>>12253443That sounds harder. Maybe you could pretend to be a big fan and send him a sound recorder and ask him to do it and send it back.
>>12253452LYRA, what did you do?
>>12253445>implying I wouldn't keep her in a sealed box away from her legs
>>12253411>Scat fetishI don't get i->Xbox 360OH YOU
>>12253462Me? Da- eh- I didn't do this.
>>12253457Pinkie get the fuck out of Celestia's private toilet
>>12253455I prefer non carpeted floors
>>12253469Explain what happened, Lyra
>>12253455That mouth just always looks a bit off
>>12253500Pony eated it
>>12253500Enough now
>>12253488You. Try to make a catface with your own face right nowIts ridiculous isn't it?
>>12253468Better than the Xbox None.
>>12253519Man, I've watched this episode so many times I can hear the background music and Fluttershy going "I'm a year older than you."
>>12253544what kind of filename is that?
>>12253544Why would I want to fuck a dog that doesn't talk?That's bestiality.
>canon pussy stretcher
pony is addicted to soda
>>12253577His name is ironic.
pony has diabetes
>>12253500>want to join>but never pl