Sleepy Horse>>12239705For you late ponies:, can't you wait to hear the music sung by Applejack and Pinkie Pie?
>every 30 moonswhat does it mean?30 days?
>>12245441Stop being stupid, 1 moon is roughly 30 days.
>>1224544130 moon cyclesso about 30 MONthsalso STAY IN ONE THREAD HORSEFUCKERS
Where is SB? Haven't heard from him in a year.
>>12245423The city is way too modern to not be an imagination of some kind.
>>12245441Their time seem to be different than ours.
>>12245461There isn't really anything that suggests this. They do age more slowly though.
>>12245418The storyboard was too fucking cute for me to handle.
>>12245459Didn't the Turnip Cousin of AJ became a CEO in one of those cities? But yeah, I really hope it is an imagination of a dragon boy. Even the villain seen to be too NMM like.
I liked the new apple song
>>12245502>dat saturation
>>12245490I don't think that's necessarily canon
I missed getting access to the animatics
>>12245521>tfw scrolls of penis enlargement don't exist
>>12245490man i fucking love braidjackwhy is rarity not wearing any shoes
>>12245538Shoes are so last season
Am I in the right thread?
I want Luna to shout at my dick
>>12245587if you're looking for the ded one, yes.
in dreams
>>12245612Discord seem too happy that Luna barge in.
>>12245594I was looking for the living oneBut did it die?
pony is naked how lewd
>>12245612>hate GG's attenwhoring lolsexjokelol faggotry>but love Celesticordwhat dohow react
>>12245612>wanna join us for a threesome
>>12245629I would say enjoy it, because it's not attentionwhoring, lolsexjoke, or faggotry.
>>12245612Wait, is that dream Discord just a figment of her imagination, a product of her dreams? Or did he find a way into her sleeping mind too?
>>12245521>storyboard artists no longer visit us
>>12245650Do they still visit /co/ or is it change for the worse there?
>>12245619>Discord seem too happy that Luna barge in.No, he's just happy to see hernothing wrong with being friendly
>>12245612HUE HUE
Hey Pony Pal Pinkie, can you guess what time it is?
>>12245665Well Celestia sure isn't.
>>12245665Bull shit. He wants the moon.Though its Celestias dream right?Doesn't that mean she projected him to have some affection for Luna? Does she secretly want a 3 way?
So, which Apple family member did Pinkie marry?
>>12245688KILLING TIME
>>12245693ur dik lol
>>12245693Pinkie Pie
>>12245662they no longer post on 4chan at all, its to risky since bronies have to allert the whole fucking internet to thier presence and ever since ponios took off hasjew has been really strict.
>>12245693Big Mac
>>12245691That's certainly one explanationUnless that's the real Discord pulling some chaos shenanigans.
>>12245688>Derpy gets bonked after asking the questionShe should be addressing pony pal Derpy. Did you even watch the show?
So what are the chances that iTunes fuck up again and we get half the episodes earlier?
>>12245695No, it's boop time!*bonk*
>>12245704What a dang shame.>>12245707How are simple lines so cute in term of expression?
>>12245707GG. Why doesn't Luna play Super SpaceWars or whatever its called with Chrysallis?
>>12245718They fix that shit after winter hiatus. Also, don't jinx it! Those episode days were bad.
>>12245734Magic ventriloquism
>>12245731Eh I liked them. Got pony earlier. I wonder if they'll change the air time.
>>12245753do you even MTBPW
>>12245756Do you even AFR?
>>12245753I can marely believe you guys are still using horse puns in 2013
>>12245753shut up dash! dont you have a sky to clear!?
>>12245745I do understand that some eurofag end up staying up all night just for the new horse, though it also kind of ruin the extreme fast pace of the thread.
>>12245730>GG. Why doesn't Luna play Super SpaceWars or whatever its called with Chrysallis?maybe she does
>>12245764We off da railz fo reason
I watched the preview and skipped the song.I'll wait until I can watch it sans clapping, hollering idiots.
>>12245781>implying you wouldn't do the same thing
>>12245777Prove it
>>12245791I'm too reserved.
>>12245781yeah I could barely hear over the sound of sloshing cargopants
>>12245762>trusting Appleretard when it comes to foreign languages
>>12245806Heck is a swear in some places, Pinkie Pie
>>12245816yeah, kindergarten
>>12245829What the fuck anonymous, stop swearing you piece of shit.
>>12245815Because Miss Rainbow Reads Slow and Out Loud is such a better source right?
>>12245829how very crude anon
>>12245846At least she can count over 4
>>12245856why is he so bland and uninteresting?
>MLPFIM S4 Preview>Meh>Wander over Yonder preview>GET HYPE>wonder why I'm still here
>>12245882Link to it?
>>12245882What I saw of WoY looked pretty lame to me.
>>12245876Hey now thats rarity's sugardaddy you're talkin about.
Daily dose:
>>12245882It looks pretty damn uninteresting and boring. I mean fuck the failure song got me more hyped about something.
>>12245882You are a disgrace to your family.
>>12245876clothes wearing aristocrat ponethey are all sorta boringthe filthy lower class ponies of ponyville are far more interesting
>>12245888>>12245892IDK. It looks like a potential new PPG or FHFIF to me.The humor and animation is pretty much the same.
>>12245911Did they just reused the animation for the soldiers 3 times in under a minute?I mean two times they didn't even bother to change anything about it. They showed the same thing twice.>DisneyNevermind I got my answer.
>>12245911That's pretty funny
>>12245913How ironic!
i was watching the newsthey were having a section on comic conand once the my little pony logo popped up for a secondbut then later a person cosplaying rainbow dash was on screen for a second
What would you do if it turns out that in s4 Pinkie Pie becomes a member of the Apple family by marrying Big Macintosh?
>>12245970>Wrecking a canon and fanon shipGLORIOUS
>>12245970Eat some Apple Pie
>>12245977Apple Pie you say?
>>12245970>Implying she isn't going to marry AJRACIAL SHIPS ARE CANONMUDBLOODS ARE SHUNNED
>>12245984Just what kind of horse do you think Big Mac is?
>>12245984I'd still eat some Apple Pie
>>12245991He's a fruit
>>12245982nice singles, borin
>>12245991It'd leave the rest of the 6 main in turmoil
would you max out pony's social link?
>>12245984It is kinda weird that we haven't seen any cross-race couples in the show yet.TWILIGHT AND THAT PEGASUS FAGGOT DOES NOT COUNT, PERSONMOVIE ISN'T CANON, KILL YOURSELF
>>12246016Caramel and his Pegasus girlfriendWell exgirlfriend
>>12246016Well there's Caramel and >>12246022FUCKWell there's also Mrs Cake's family tree. She was directly related to a Pegasus.
>>12246016How is that shelter holding up anon?
>>12246016>Mrs. Cake/All the stallions in Equestria
>>12246037Kill yourself.
>>12246011depends. How many days do I get? I'm trying to get Rover's SL up first so I can get the chariot [persona].
>>12246045Klondork plspls
>>12246042keep eating that hasbroshit, brony
I want to play with Derpy's butt.
>>12246037>At the end of S4 Twilight finds out its all a dream and the princesses were just testing her to see how she would handle being a princess
>>12246050you know..other people can like Rover too. but ok
>>12246051>the show>not canonA river in Egypt.
>>12246037>wanting to not make SiP canonWell fuck you buddy.
>>12246077Don't even respond
So what if the Ponka/Big Mac wedding is a shotgun wedding forced by Ponka's rock farming father?
geez louise, what do you do if you just can't sleep for days on end? ponoe isn't working like you told me it would
>>12246085Why so blank flank, AJ?
>>12246065It ends with the point in Secret of my excess with her waking up and telling spike about a crazy dream.
Did the writers answer whether Fluttershy would be killed off in season 4?
>>12246101le xd epic post
let us discuss _____ded________________________________
>>12246123>discussing anything that's not fetishes>in MLPGhon hon hon
>>12246133Speaking of fetishes, is there more content like this?
>>12246129That is a nice advice, Celestia.
>>12246140I wonder, has anyone crazy enough to redraw and color all those clips from the video?
>>12246152yesI hear they even have a team of voice actors to do the linesit's gonna be a while before they're done though
>>12246140why is SS so much cuter than DT?
>>12246156But the voice is there.
>>12246158>cuter than DT>implying anything is cuter than DTLook, Silver Spoon is a cutie, but no one can compete with Diamond Tiarashe's the cutest there is
>>12246169SS == DT
>>12246176>ponies>doing cute thingsimpossible
>>12246185Ponies just existing is ponies doing cute things.
>>12246176Sister love is the purest love.
News flash: they're both cute.
>>12246195if you say so
News flash: pony should pony pony
>>12246189>>12246209She said cute things not sexy things!
>>12246224>policing pronouns
>>12246220Kissing isn't exclusively sexy though.
>>12246176Is this cute?
>>12246224rev up those privileges
>>12246215This is a misconception, pony should never pony pony.For pony to do so would spell doom.
>>12246241>you are not a starving African child, how dare you feel annoyed about anything ever!
>>12246265pone would never starve
>>12246277I don't ever want to see pone starve
>>12246241>thin privilege>CIS gendered privilegeThose African babies are privileged as fuck
I think S4 is going to be good
>>12246282>filthy pegasusShe's probably an orphan and is likely living off the scraps from a greasy spoon's dumpster.
>>12246290me too!
>>12246289TrueThey may be dead from hunger in a few days, but at least they've got privilege.
>want to post image>error duplicate image exists>it's an image dump thread
>>12246309>crying about it>instead of resaving the image and posting it anyway
>>12246306"Die Cis Scum"-Lucius Aemilius Papus
>>12246306i don't get it
>>12246306>>12246325Look at all that privilege
>>12246327not him, but this is a cis-trans isomer if i recall correctly
>>12246327Chemistry jokeCis means samethe carbons are bonded on the same side of the double bond.
Trans-isomerism kills the thread
Gilda just touched your butt
Porn when?
Your favorite pon is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
>>12246195this is correct
>>12246426I don't remember.
>>12246426>Pinkie>The AmericanWell that just ruins the whole flow of the movie.
>>12246426>Pinkie>In The LoopWhat the heck Malcolm don't swear!
>>12246426>Pinkie>ParanormanTime to giggle at the ghosties. Honestly, she'd probably do a pretty good job.
>>12246426>Twilight>Pacific RimShit yeah, time to punch everything
>>12246459You look different, Pinkie.
That song was pretty damn shit
>>12246426>Pinkie Pie>Apollo 13houston, are you crazy?
>>12246426>Rarity is now the Flash in Flashpoint Paradox>AJ never saw the Sonic Rainboom and she remained in Manehatten>Twilight's magic made the University explode and Celestia gave up on looking for the Element of Magic>because of that she just banished Luna in the moon for 1000 years again>Fluttershy isn't saved by the butterflies and diesI'm to lazy to think about the others
>>12246426>AJ>Pacific Rimuhapples? of pure madness.Seriously, she needs to seek help. Like, real help from qualified professional.
>>12246539Yeah she has some serious mental issues.
>another day>I am still not a pretty mare
>>12246513Needs more Themyscira/Atlantis war analogue.
>>12246539Whatfuck is this
>>12246587Someone's mind breaking off bit by bit
>>12246577>There will never be a full length comic about Princess Bitch exploring a dungeon and succumbing to the various sexual traps and perverted monsters that inhabit it
dance of the ded
>>12246631>There will never be a quest where you try to steer her towards safety and keep her away from dangerous, well-hung monsters
will the CMC get their cutie mark in S4?>>12246282more wallflower pls
>>12246571Uh...Gryphons vs Sea Ponies? I don't know .Sea ponies are kinda with Celestia. Gryphons vs Minotaurs? Yeah let's go with that. Iron Will and Gilda are both the leaders of those races and fucked and Iron Will's wife or girlfriend whatever got killed by Gilda.
>Some faggot doxxed scoobs and now he closes his youtube channel
Been away a couple of days and just now getting back in touch with all the SDCC news (not just pon).Mind posting a link to the first thread of ours reacting to S4? Those are always fun.>tfw I couldn't be there ;_;>mlpg.avi
>>12246798Ded powered thread!Never runs out of ded!
Rediv doesn't know what the average penis size is?Why am I not surprised?
>>12246815>not wanting a 40 inch long horsecock
>>12246798>>12246808Which pony would you spend a billion minutes watching shave her pits?
mlpg you have 10 seconds to not be ded before I delete this thread
>>12246859this pon is mazi waifu
>>12246859Orange filly is best filly
>>12246799Thanks a lot!>4chanX faggotryEh, thanks anyway, better than nothing
not good enoughdeleting in 5...
>>12246859How many super villains do you guys hope to see in the episode? Any specific powers or characteristics?
>>12246815Well she kind of is a virgin you know.
>>12246880get wrekt then
>>12245418I am under full acknowledgement of that feeling, OP.I ship it like no other.
would you a your own characters and setting?
>>12246885A virgin that uses a medium seadragon, which is 10" x 8"
>>12246887>chickun/b/read pls fuck off
>>12246884I want to see an average pony who was mistaken for a super villain by other villains and is real tired of all the crap he gets thrown at.
>>12246859>GloomyI thought her name was HiatusponeDoes this mean Markerpone has a different name, too?
>>12246859>cutie mark is a poorly drawn ded twilightheh
>>12246915She's a very active pone.Boops are sleep prevention.
>>12245693granny smith.
>>12246859>not Pricness of the beb
>>12246859>implying you made this threadHave these two ponies.
>>12246859This thread can't go below 50 posts per hour or we'll all explode!
>>12246980>>12246970>>12246966>>12246962>>12246961>making this much fuss over itMan, we really are ded
>>12246631>>12246672Why do I even bother with this life
>>12246989I'm just bored man
>It's time for your royal ponut inspection, my subject. Follow me to the royal dungeon. We'll send a royal caretaker to look after your animal friends while you're gone - I'll try to only keep your for a month or so this time...if you're good the whole time...
So, does heinessen archive work for anyone else?
>>12246980What is that pony seeing?
>>12247004Nope, been dead a few days. No idea why.Annoying, since I wanted to try an MD5 search for something.
>>12246989leave and come back at night, thread is alive at that hour
>being excited over bad music
>>12246837Why aren't pit tufts a thing? GG! GOT A JOB FOR YA!
>>12247018We're apples foreverApples together
>>12247020first they tell me to postthen they tell me not to posti dont even know what is going on
>>12247045What, are you some kind of homosexual?
>>12246997or maybe you're just not good enough
>>12246997>>12247051why do you guys want to fuck this rediv person again?
>>12247087I don't
>>12247087I don't, I like girls that will actually appreciate what I can give.
>>12247100which isn't a lot
>>12247110I-It's the thought that counts!
>>122471106.5" x 5" is above average, believe it or not.
>>12247100>I like girls that will actually appreciate what I can give.>what i can give
>implying red isn't into servitude>implying she wouldn't get off to you telling her to worship your dickThese fuckin guys.
>>12247087Because she's a horny grill
>AJ is nice and all, but her character really needs to be written apart from her family at least a bitComic is HAHA FAMILY IS LOVE FAMILY IS LIFE>Eh, maybe S4 will make a solo episode or somethingPreview is GREAT FAMILY IS EVERYTHING BOW TO THE GRORIOUS APPLE FAMILYOkay.png
I feel kinda bad for DHN. Nobody comments in the posts anymore.
AJ should have been loyalty.RD should have been honesty.
What do you call a missing Santa?A lost claus!
>>12247210ponk what the hell is wrong with your hair
>>12247210Fuck off SB
>walk through the dorms corridor>hear something suspiciously sounding like "hahaha boop" through one of the doorsC-could it be?
>>12247234>they said "hahaha bob" referencing some dude called bob that was making something funny>out of desperation you reveal your power level and ruin the rest of your career, as everyone now thinks you're a pedophile or something for liking ponieshide power level at all costs
>>12247234You're going insane and need to get off MLPG?Yes
>>12246898Who the hell falls in love with their own characters? that's impossible, dude.
Pinkie looks worried
>>12247253>You're going insane and need to get off MLPG?That's a given.
What if pony bit you
>>12247289Is it really such a stretch when unironic waifu/husbandofags are a thing?Maybe they based the character on a real life crush.
>>12247351>that gif of the horse biting the dudes armi'd slap it
>>12247351is it radioactive?
>>12247351GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF
>>12247351Would pone try to turn me in to a vampire, or is this pone's weird thing during sex?
>>12247363 Boyfriends
>>12247363Scootaloo being crippled and never being able to fly
>>12247363Too much Twilight focus. As much as she's my favorite pony I really don't want the show to be the Twilight and friends show. It would really kill it's charm for me.
>>12247355>unironicWho the hell does it ironically? Bunch of hipster fucks.
>>12247363That it will be as as Season 3.Or worse
>>12247351i wish to be consumed alive by pony, in many small bites, while she apologizes the entire time
>>12247351unless they have marshmellow teeth that would hurtand if they had marshmellow teeth then their teeth would get horribly bent out of shape
>>12247363The songs are short like Oink Oink Oink or Hop Skip and Jump
>>12247351What if a girl was jerking you off then stopped right before you finished?
>>12247418I love weaver's bedroom eyes
>>12247363No Celestia episode
>>12247351GG! >>12247030Pit tufts! NAO!
>>12247451You're going to fail, son.
>>12247363Little Spike and Rarity time
>>12247451What are you gonna do anon?
>>12247451Don't fuck the spell up
>>12247363Don't know if biggest fear, but the one currently at the forefront of my mind.That with the sheer number of songs going into the episodes this season, that the quality of them might be lowered, or that they won't really fit into the episode and will detract more than they contribute.
Would you buy a cast aluminium blind bag pony for like $5?
>>12247500I would but shipping costs would kill me
>>12247500It's not the real deal.Why even bother?
>>12247500cast aluminium, what?
>>12247500No. I don't really buy merch for the most part.
>>12247522ponies doesn't real
>>12247527>/mlp/>Ross art>mimesEverything about this post is wrong
>>12247527Make a dakimakura of her.
>>12247555yes, this
>>12247555Okay, what the fuck is a darkymark?
Tell me a story about cute ponies
>>12247573Once upon a time...
>>12247572Body pillow cover
>>12247583in a small village in equestria
>>12247507I'm AustralianSo it'd probably kill everyone but you>>12247522Because It's metalWhat If I had one of those neat 3D models printed and then cast
>>12247591But that's a shitty genre.
>>12247572How can you come to MLPG and not know what it is? They are mentioned pretty much daily.
>>12247587Oh, those stupid things. Yeah how about no. Sweetie Belle's cute, not a whore printed on a pillow.
>>12247603But they don't need to be for sexual.
>>12247603fine, I'll do it for you. Someone get me a model sheet, stat.
>>12247588Sex happened.The punchline is sex.The end.
which pony is the spinniest pony?
>>12247613Are you implying my waifu is a whore?Because you better not be talking shit about my waifu, son.
we ded.
Can't find an ass shot of this whore
>>12247660All of them
>tfw you finally invite a girl over to your house>finally, after all these years>you made extra sure to put away all your Chances and your horse cum lube and your pony toys>girl comes in, you serve her a great home made meal, the two of you are talking over wine, everything is going so well...>she starts to lead you back to the bedroom....>flick on the bedroom light>damnit, you forgot to put away your signed Ross Irving Sweetie Belle Mime daki!!>the girl is staring slack-jawed at your body pillow sprawled on your bedwhat happens next
>>12247719She revealed to you that she ALSO has a mime fetish.
>>12247719she has a mime fetish and after you both put on black and white stripped shirts and white facepaint you have silent sex for the next 3 hoursshe never figures out you like pony cartoon
>>12247719Something involving a gun for sure.
>>12247351Is pony radioactive?I'd get pony superpowers.
>>12247688she wants the D
>>12247761pony superpowers are lameI'd rather have changeling superpowersthe power to have holes in my legs and arms at all times
When is the 4chan summer cup going to be/did i miss it?
>>12247698Holy shit that gif
>>12247199Had their original team kept together better and left the social justice articles to other sites, I might feel sorry for them.
>>12247792Ask over here >>12246256
>>12247792>Watching virtual football played by an AI
>>12247808Ahh lotus pods, horrifying people on the internet since god knows when.
>>12247808bigger holes than that, you're not even worthy of being my sidekickthey don't even go all the way to the other side!
>>12247810oh, thanks
>>12247824They are scary to look at even normally.
>>12247808Funny how changeling make that cute.
>>12247688>>12247788>>12247788That... thing... it's fucking terrifying. Make it go away.
>>12247824>>12247836I am sure something like this cute pony can help cure that fear.
>>12247845>Expecting any kind of design made by Ross to be cute
>>12247850>GG will never update icepack again
>>12247841Their holes don't have seeds or whatever in them.
>>12247859It was updated less than a week ago.
>>12247863They can put seeds in there and that might help a bit.
>>12247858I don't know who Ross is, I just know I'm going to see that hideous mime abortion in my nightmares.
>>12247882>That hentaioh god please no
>>12247850>fear>cureFear is not something to cure.
>>12247874>last update>july 10th>less than a week agoHow the fuck do you lose track of time this badly.
>>12247887what nothat was awesome and you have bad taste, you prude
>>12247850Why is she so cute?
>>12247859fuck icepack i want GG to update Love Starved
>>12247363I'm late butMcCunty
>>12247845>>12247858>>12247788I wonder what Ross' Sweetie looks like when drawn by someone who doesn't make bug eyed abominations. I've seen other artists' renditions of his Pinkie and hey looked somewhat goodOf course they would have to get rid of the stupid mime make-up too
>>12247899Fuck Love Starved, I want more zebra/cakesHOLY FUCK, I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE THAT PUN
>>12247898goddamn shes too fucking cute i need insulin shots now
>>12247363Fart jokesEG referencebeing shit
>>12247882Ah, that ancient picture that made me stop watching the show. How I've missed you.
>>12247924Would you a R63 Discord?
>>12247931>fart jokesThis is a big possibility since Pinkie made Rarity fart in the comics
>>12247943Not like I'd have any choice.
>>12247943>femanon x erisYES PLEASE
>>12247936it's not even that good
>>12247946>Pinkie made Rarity fartUNF
>>12247898Naive and how she seem to be so young.
>>12247899this>>12247917GG draws too many zebras. Changeling was always cuter
>>12247965>GG draws too many zebras.I think you mean "GG doesn't draw enough zebras"
>>12247954it made me realize that, yes, true
>>12247946in season 4 the farts are therebut they're not jokes
>>12246426I have two, do they both take a ead role?If so, Celestia and Applebloom are teaming up to pilot a jeager. That ought to be interesting.
>>12247962>>12247965bugpone is so pretty
>>12247965I am still amazed Prevail drew that cute bug.
>>12247985What would a horse jaeger even look like?
>>12247980Absolutely disgusting.
>>12247987...Pinkie seems way too into it...
>>12247987>Twilight can't think of anything
>>12247987why isn't applejack thinking about raritys huge futamare cock?
>>12247987>think of anything you love about Rarity>Applejack remembers looking up at her ass
>>12248012it's a nice ass
>>12247980CMC farting contest.
>>12248023Who cares?
>>12248023Jessy has a new boyfriend?
>>12248023someone who has hooked up with SB?
>>12248051We've been over this.He's 5.5"
>>12248001We have pony titans, so a pony jeager does not seem that far stretched
>RespondingCome the fuck on guys
>>12248049Well there's already burping in the show, is farting significantly worse?
>>12248059 when I saw this I instantly thought 40k
>>12248073That's because it IS 40k
>>12248056Nah he should be 4"So someone with an 8" dick can size shame him with twice as much cock
>>12248023>anything above 7"They're so hard to blow properly and it makes anal a choreor are you a piggu disgustingu female?
No wonder applebloom speaks funny, she's got the baby shake syndrome caused by her sister.
>>12248077yeah but it made me THINK about 40k
>>12248068Hell yeah, fart fetishists are the worst.
does pony thin their paints
>>12248100So you're fine with burp fetishists?
>>12248088>Implying anyone on MLPG is actually a girlHe'll be taking the thing up his butt like a champ by weeks end
Fart jokes were already in the show
>>12247363more Merryweather and Polsky episodes
>>12248095It's an Apple Family tradition.Big Mac is so ashamed of it he doesn't open his mouth often.
>>12248104Reminds me of those chicken people from Twilight Princess.
>>12248095I never noticed applebloom fighting backthat's a nice touch
>>12248109Hell no, fart fetishists are just worse. How many burp fetishists have YOU heard of?
>>12248111DAMN sent what the fuck are you doing?
>>12248135can you post the "tip: i have no son" one? gets me everytime
>>12248135>Aurthur spends weekends drinking alone in his roomI came to MLPG to forget
>>12248150nigga, that's kawaii as fuck
>>12248179It's shit
>>12248135He's a retard, why are you surprised?
pony hasn't seen sunlight in 8 dayspony would like to be let out
>>12248135>tip: arthur spends weekends drinking alone in his roommy sides, orbit, etc
>>12248180hah hah hah
>>12248191Then pony better get sucking
>>12248131I can be your burp fetishist if you want...
>someone gives someone a gift bought with own money>worse than hitler
>>12248191I'd like pony to be realI'd also like to have a ponyI'd also like friends while we're at itShe can be let out then
>>12248206>rarity acting like anything but a proper ladypls
>>12248206>that rarara scrunch in the third panel
I am hype for S4, looks much more promising than S3 was.Best of all No babs seed
>>12248214I think the point is that is an 800 dollar 'gif' for someone no one has even met
>>12248214>Gives gift to stranger>Stranger acceptsThey're both badTex is much worse thoughSent should have hired a hooker with that money
>>12248225And no rarara, thank god.
>>12248237>implying she wouldn't be repulsed by him
QUICKI need a 50cc dose of scrunch ON THE DOUBLE
>>12248237>sent with a hooker>Put this wig on>Oh weirdo but it will cost you extra>She puts on some badly made blue with with those glowy stars you use to put on your wall when you were 10>spends the whole time looking at the wig jerking it to stars in her hair
>>12248225And a disabled scootaloo
>>12248225S4 looks awesome except for the lack of Babs Seed.
>>12248237>implying tex would ever touch 3DPD
>>12248261I'm pretty sure scrunch isn't a fluid
>>12248264>people still play yu-gi-oh
>>12248273>Implying the hooker is for TexSend him an apple pie or something
>>12248264HAThose guys look like total bros
>you will never be so autistic that another autist will take up an autistic crusade against you that lasts years
celestia and luna send twilight to see the nightmare moon transformation so she will see the old castlebecause they need twilight to restore the castlebecause it is twilight's castle now
>>12248301Fuck off sentenal.
>>12248261What about 500cc?
>>12248301>You'll never be so autistic you feel normal
>>12248261>tfw Reu is ded, hats us, won't hnnng at your small penis and took the guard ants with her
>>12248308and twilight's castle will have lots of sex in it
>>12248308>Send Twilight to die alone in the Everfree forestI'd watch it
>>12248308>song about rebuilding castle>all of ponyville helps out
>>12248318jesus christ thats awful
>>12248264>fluttershy guy is sleeping should I commission when he opens up again?I was thinking DT and SS butt bump earthquake
>>12248312Too much, you'll give the patient scrunch toxicity!
>>12248331>Applejack is moving away because Twilight's new realm takes over Sweet Apple Acres
>>12248264I miss being able to go to Comic-Con...
>>12248349What happened to Peanus?
>>12248361He became a eunuch.
>>12248346Sweet Apple Acres is not even close to the castle.
>>12248339Sounds fun, do it!
>>12248339That, go with that idea you just said
>>12248308What if Canterlot is Twilight's castle.Celestia and Luna will rebuild their old one and leave Twilight to rule.
>>12248264At first I thought maybe they just bought those hats as a lark at some booth, but then I noticed that they coordinated their shirts and they're actually cosplaying.
Make a wish
>>12248382I WISH PONY
>>12248378>moving back to the spooky as shit forest and all the bad mojo ruinsNah they'll just send twislave off there to fix shit.
>>12248382WISH ON THIS*grabs dick*
>>12248382I want Celestia to cool the sunlight a bit
>>12248378Nah, Twilight gets to rule Ponyville.
>>12248382I want to cum inside batpony
>>12248361Someone stole his name
>>12248407Truly a most traumatic experience.
>>12248405>next time you jerk off the cum gets sent directly inside bat pony>she just feels a weird sticky feeling and some dripage>assumes shes sick and carries on.
>>12248382I wish the Flash movie would be made
>>12248412All ponies are that fat when they sit, it's just how their belly sticks out.
>>12248430because the eagles are busy
>>12248382I wish for friendsPony or human, doesn't matter
>>12248288>not playing yugioh for maximum nostalgia effectbruh
>>12248430because that would be rewd
>>12248461Why does she have that costume on if she's not on duty?
>>12248308>twilight gets the old shitty castle
>>12248443the game in it's current state has only a superficial resemblance to the game you probably played when it was still hip.
>>12248471It's all one-turn kills and shit now.Power creep sucks.
>>12248485My point exactly. That guard is on duty as Luna's personal guard, that's why he has the costume on.
>>12248390You're granted 1 Shetland ponyHe shits 16 times a day and eats half his body weight daily>>12248397An anon is teleported to the region above your dick for the duration of his wishmakingHe's grossly obese>>12248399Celestia cools the sun over EquestriaThis throws out the delicate ecosystem and results in a worldwide famine lasting 7 years40% of the population dies of starvation>>12248405>>>12248420>>12248422It's shit>>12248433You get the best friend you've ever hadOne that will kill you for your own sake
>>12248468>costumeIt's not a costume, it's how they are. The new comic confirms it with the nightguard bat ponies still looking like that past nightmaremoon night.
>>12248485>responding to the shitposterhe's going to be autistic wether anyone likes it or notit's the worse case of delusion I've seen, to be honest... well, next to NBS, perhaps
>>12248308>Celestia tells the mane 6 to help repair luna's castle>Each room has some fracture of time which puts the mane 6 in flashbacks of Celestia/Luna over 1000 years agoFuck all my money take it now
>>12248498that's a big denial.
>>12248498He doesn't have a costume. All ponies are bat ponies and the ones that don't look like bat ponies are just wearing costumes.
>>12248507rused hard
>>12248499>Celestia cools the sun over Equestria>This throws out the delicate ecosystem and results in a worldwide famine lasting 7 years>40% of the population dies of starvationWOOOOOOOO-wait that's bad isn't it
>>12248485I see neither wings nor fangs.They had no fangs on the showMagical, appearance altering armor isn't a stretch for the show.
>>12248482see: MMO expansions, pokemon, anything with RPG elements that doesn't have a total reset periodically
>>12248527your denial is a big stretch.
>>12248525Very bad2 of the 6main will be dead by your hands
odds: comic ends with night guard batpony getting pregnantevens: doesnt get pregnant
>>12248544>dubswhat now?
>>12248542I hope it's Fluttershy and Rarity
>>12248544dubs - batpone gets pregnant and you are not the father
>>12248535Pokemon is less power creep and more creativity creep, unless you're talking about the card game.
>>12248546Dubbs: they get caught and demoted and forced to wear chastity belts.
>>12248544uh oh
>>12248547It's your favourite pony and 3rd favourite
>>12248539Nice counter argument.I never said they were a costume.Celestia's guards have appearance altering armor.
>>12248557that's stupid.
>>12248557also shes pregnant and luna is anti abortion.
>>12248558>>12248566>being this madlel
>>12248562>Dash and Rarity1/2 is pretty good
Does luna say yes in her royal speaking voice?All I can think of is the NAY, but nothing for the positive.
>>12248556no, pokemon (the videogames) has a lot of power creep in it
>>12248558That took me a second.Have a furry freak with an antelope
Just when I thought the ride was running down for good, picks right back up...When will the ride end?
When it comes to any TCG you need to get on board when it first comes out. That way you can enjoy it for the couple years that it's good before the creep sets in
>>12248575>>12248589i was just looking for an excuse to finally use that picture, i don't care about this discussion at all
>>12248591When we kill ourselves
>>12248589oh god that antelopethat tonguedo want
>>12248566well, if your trying to make a headcanon that the suits of armoru are enchanted to make the guards look the same, I guess technically you could argue that
>This discussion
Its nightpone time.
>>12248591The crystal ponies were actually really lazy. Sombra wanted to whip them into shape but he didn't have the support or the power. So he turned to an ancient power to get them to build the empire like the kingdoms around him. While he had this power, he had to give up his voice, the thing he needed most to lead. Unable to explain himself to Princess Celestia, he was cast into exile but sealed the other crystal ponies with them. Afraid that they might return to their lazy habits and eventually die out.I work for Hasbro. This is true.
>>12248626Too bad she was only going with him to get back at the lobster. They could have had a nice relationship. She'd be the yang to Johnny's yin and Johnny could finally get some tail
>>12248641>implying his brain wasn't blown out when he got annihilated by the princesses
>>12248619I remember a scene where one of Celestia's guards took off his helmet and his mane colour changed.Although the helmet could have a crest.
>>12248632those wings are way too big
Did someone say assquake?
>>12248653so she was the typical cheating whore, i didnt remember that part of the episode.poor johnny
>>12248661That doesn't explain why he couldn't even go NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo when he was exiled
>more panda's in S4
>>12248681because his brain was blown out
>>12248683>When is the last time you washed this thing?>Do you mean my bac- GYAH!! >No I mean this thing!
>>12248693Come on, at least post the non-shit version
>>12248693what do you mean more? There were pandas before?
>>12248683or not lewd enough
>>12248671It'd be cute if they went in to rump bump then missed.
>>12248681I think Sombra is more of a curse now. In order to actually have a voice, have a body, have a form, something needs to remember what he used to be, and he could eventually become it again.
>>12248671Why does Diamond's torso look so thick?
>>12248693>fuck merryBut they are right.That Merry is a terrible person.
>>12248726Because she's a thick girl.The best kind of girl.
>>12248726Because Diamond has a thick behind
>>12246901She's never actually used it.
>>12248693>Ponychan is now dieingAnd I have no idea how to feel about this.
>>12248703is she washing her wings or dick?
>>12248744I replied to "lewd"take a guess
>>12248719aww, I'd hang out with luna
>>12248748She's cute when she's sleeping.
>>12248751Chrysallis where the fuck did you get Chies jacket from?
>>12248748what is batpone doing?
pinkie pie's sticky, sticky vagina
>>12248751No! Stop! You can't just play off my attracting to panties and girls in sweaters like this! M-my boner can't handle it!
>>12248762I don't think i'd have a choice
>>12248739Why would you drop $150+ on a piece of molded silicone designed to resemble the dick of a mythological creature and not use it to pleasure yourself?
>>12248761touching wings is lewd
>>12248787unf what a slut
Are you an apple to the core, MLPG?
>>12248762>>12248719That's Celestia
>>12248693..Fuck Merri? They mean Merriwhether? Because that's not who's responsible for Twilycorn or S3 being worse.
>>12248784Pinkie pie's troubling yeast infection.
>>12248798Maybe to you. Get off of the internet, pony.
>>12248787 fucking love 2 best sisters
>>12248794Because she's really not that smart.
>>12248806MeghanPolskyMerrythe triad of cancer
>>12248738Whoa what, why did the artist draw her haunches bigger?
>>12248802Its funny. Even though its just a parody, I could totally imagine Luna actually doing that
>>12248806And I misspelt her name but point still stands
>>12248806>Still butthurt over Twily alicorn/mlp/ please go
>>12248822which pony would wear a sombrero
>>12248831I'm gonna be butthurt over that long, long after /mlp/ gets over it.
>>12248822I like the original. I wanna see who 2snacks picks to be Woolie. It might be Cadence but personally I could see Iron Will or even Chrysallis doing it. Cadence could be Liam
>>12248826Polsky is more or less okay, he is trying at last.But these two... Did they find two worst writers on purpose? Was there a contest?
>>12248856Meghan is a good writer
>>12248856Merriwether tries but fails horribly. Meghan could write well but doesn't try at all.
What? Why the fuck is Tex gone? I-is he coming back?
>>12248867They always come back. Except when they don't. But they usually do.
>>12248864>Cutie mark is moneywhy do i unf
>>12248867He thought we weren't giving him enough attention.Good riddance.
>>12248856>less okayHe needs to team-up with someone.He is fucking shit at writing stories, even a simple birthday party is too hard for him.He is good at gags, though. And that's what he should do. Make gags and let the others write.
>tfw no Cindy Morrow episodes ever againand you guys have high hopes for S4? lel.
>>12248883>implying KCaFO wasn't the most epic episode of MLPFiMGet out.
>>12248880But Tex was the best artist and contributor in the thread, why the hell would you want him gone?
>>12248896>But Tex was the best artist and contributor in the threadOH, HI TEX.
>>12248888AKR is back on the team, Larson is still present, we will get at least a few good episodes.
>>12248888We got AKR for season 4, though.>>12248895Its a great episode, but not that awesome.
>>12248890I seem to have missed the memo that said that Party of One, Sweet and Elite, Lesson Zero, GIYC, Call of the Cutie and Dragonshy are bad now
>>12248888>CindyShe had a few good ones in S2 and nothing going for her in S3. I think we'll be fine.
>>12248904That's not Tex, >>12248880is Tex
>>12248794Bit off more than she could chew.
>>12248888Most her episodes were meh
>>12248888le Corey Powell, MA Larson and Amy Keating Rogers face
>>12248914Dragonshy is bad because Dash is a cunt to my waifu for no reason
>>12248914>Well, two of those are good, anyway.
>>12248895>most epic>mediocre as shitI don't know you have shit taste, Anon. :^)
>>12248914S&E and LZ have been considered total shit forever, even though I like both episodes, almost everyone hates them. CotC, I agree with those that consider it shit.
>>12248914>Sweet and Elite>Call of the Cutie>good
Great, the Meghan shitposters are back.
>>12248930Don't worry, there will be a new writer like that Josh guy.And I hope he writes good.
>>12248914S&E, LEZ, GIYC are pretty overrated medioctiry.Call of the Cutie is below average.
>>12248888We still have Corey Dragon, right?
>>12248947There's like one person who shitposts about Meghan, everyone else, which is at least 3 people including me, actually dislikes her.
>>12248953I wonder if Applejack's parents used to sing that with them?
>>12248957>GIYC>overratedmy niga
I feel that when Meghan mentioned they'll be taking "a whole new direction with pony while trying to keep it the same" they'll be having episodes for characters who were previously only seen in the background. Like Pound Puppies and Littlest Pet shop. There certainly wouldn't be a shortage of ideas for new episodes since they can bring new ponies in like this. How would you feel if the Mane 6 lost the full focus of the show they currently have?
>>12248981>"a whole new direction with pony while trying to keep it the same"That literally says nothing.
>>12248953but I don't want to be apple
>>12248942How about no.S&E, even LZ to a degree, are well liked around here.CotC was simply hated because >S1 CMC
why aren't you apples togethering
>>12248990Much like 90% of the "answers" from the Q&A panel.
>>12248964>"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah stop hating on meghan ;_;">no shitposting about Corey, Larson or AmyAnd I wonder why.
>>12248990They also said they'll be bringing background characters like Derpy and Vinyl to the forefront and they'll be having big parts.
>>12248996opinions have been divided on them for a long time
>>12248981they should do new things. this show has a very limited scope of things to explore without rehashing episodes we had before. mixing things up a little could help the show a lot.unless they fuck it up.
>>12249004.... because corey, larson and amy have produced reasonably satisfactory pony episodes?Alos Amy doesn't write Pinky completely retarded so there's that
>>12248981They will not lose focus, that much is for sure.Also this, VERY much: >>12248990This is bullshit, it means they won't do anything but they have to say something. The whole "trying something that's never been done before in FiM" that they keep going on about, same deal, it won't be anything groundbreaking, at most it means there will be a villain that lasts for 3 or 4 episodes instead of the usual 2, but most likely it will be a lot more insignificant than that.
>>12249004Because people are retarded and think Meghan is like some kind of totalitarian dictator who decides everything bad in the show and nothing good?
>>12249014background ponies are sexier anyway
>>12248888Cindy MorrowFiM writing credits: >Griffon the Brush Off,Meh episode>Winter Wrap Up,Only good part was the song>The Show Stoppers,decent for what it was, but I'm not a fan of CMC>Owl's Well That Ends Well, Worst episode of S1>Sisterhooves SocialGood episode>Family Appreciation Day, Fogettable>Read It and WeepDash episode>Hurricane FluttershyNot bad>One Bad AppleMeh>Apple Family Reunion.Meh
>>12248953i still don't understand why pank is there but it is very cute
>>12248996S&E gets shit on just about every time I see it mentioned, many hated the song, it's generally disliked. LZ is closer to well liked but it isn't there. >S1 CMC is a valid complaint.
>>12248942>S&E and LZ have been considered total shit foreversays fucking whonot everyone in this thread is terse, you know
>>12249036it is the episode where panks sister comes and outdoes her so she is feeling down and applejack invites her along to cheer her up
>>12249026Oh, then you are right. Those are fucktards.She is still shit at writing, though.
S&E was a good third of an episode dragged down by two boring parts
>>12249004Meghan wrote a few good episodes.GIYC is still my favorite
>>12249014>brony meymeys>meghan wrote EqG who had fucking tons of themUgh.
>>12249035HF was shit and the usual FS overcomes shyness bullshit.RaW was solid all around.Your pony taste is horrible.
>>12249035>Winter Wrap Up,>Sisterhooves Social>Hurricane FluttershyI liked these episodes>Family Appreciation Day, I don't even remember this one
>you will never be a royal guard for your princess
>>12249035>Read It and WeepAs a Dash fan, this episode was also mediocre and only provided reaction images.
>>12249084Zap apples.Granny Smith.
>>12249081Dash episodes are shit
>>12249048i like pank family
>>12249100who was holding the spoon?
>>12249110I wonder which sister it will be?
>>12249122Granny Smith.
>>12249125the hot one
>>12249125I hope it's the one on the right
>>12249110what happened to the fanon that octavia is pank's sister with dyed hair?
>>12249026>>12249055No one thinks that she's a totalitarian dictator. It's a fact that she is responsible for the show's writing. It's a fact that she thinks EG was brilliant and amazing. It's also a fact that recently the things that were written by her are very flawed. And finally it's very close to being a fact that the majority of the people here consider S3 to be worse than previous seasons. She's also the one to blame for Twilycorn if you happened to dislike that. This and a couple more things give me plenty of reason to put her on the total bottom and consider her a bad writer that, as of now, has a bad influence on the show. I'm not saying that she never did anything good, because she certainly did, but everything recent that has her name attached to it is shit.
>>12249132>you will never passionately rut your sister up against a barn wall
So what is the canon name for bat pony.We have unicorns, pegasi, alicorns, earth pony. Just bat pony?
Maybe in the episode Big Mac fucks the shit out of Pinkie, so she's part of the Apple family now. Same way they recruited Applebloom.
>>12249145>She's also the one to blame for Twilycorn if you happened to dislike that.> It's a fact that she thinks EG was brilliant and amazing.Citation fucking needed
>>12249086why is that filly being so lewd with the caramel apples ponywhy is granny derpingwhy is hayseed turniptruck dancing with a dudewhy can't that fatass stop eating
>>12249155Cosmetic spell ponies.
I think it's quite obvious that the NMM scene is a flashback. However I believe that this flashback is part of Celestia teaching Twilight what it really means to be a princess. The flashback is probably something like "This is what you can never let yourself become."
>>12249145i personally don't think that season3 was bad as a whole, it was jsut all over the place. it was very inconsisten in terms of quality, which is understandable since rob renzetti is gone
What if Clestia/Luna sing in S4?
>>12249159I hope it's written by Merryweather, so Big Mac will act like a cunt to Pinkie
this thread is now haunted
>>12249086the war of celestian aggression destroyed our culture.
>>12249181Luna has a song in S4
>>12249189Go away we don't want fluffy pone
>>12249189flfufyponies are bannable offence.
>>12249155they don't havea namethat's why we call them bat ponies except for the denialfags >>12249169
>>12249183It's written by AKR
>>12249181hopefully it won't be as awful as the time Celestia sang in MMCthe melody was cookie-cutter feely garbage and the lyrics could've been written by a ten year old, you fucking brony
>>12249155They're just a pegasus pony mutant.
>>12249210That episode is going to be top fucking tier. AKR writes the best songs.
>>12249212>hopefully it won't be as awful as the time Celestia sang in MMC10/10 YES I MAD
>>12249122well fuck, thats spooky
>>12249235Just because bestprincess sang a song does not mean the song was good.
>>12249247>best princessThat's incorrect.
>>12249231>AKR writes the best songswhich ones did she write? remind me.
>>12249160She said that she came up with Twilycorn when people were blaming Hasbro, no idea if that was on Twitter or at a con, probably the latter. When EG came out, she tweeted that her kids loved it and that it's amazing, that should definitely be on her twitter.
>>12249247>best princessNope, but the song was good
>>12249264Basically every Pinkie song in existence. Most notably Smile Smile Smile.
>>12249172Season 3 wasn't bad as a whole, I don't think anyone seriously believes that. It was good, but less good than the previous seasons.
>>12249285>gotta share gotta careis shit
>>12249272she didn't say she came up with Twilycorn
>>12248997This scene is going to be unbearably cute when its fully produced and aired. I can feel it.
>>12249285>Smile Smile Smile.ok but that song is painful to sit throughwhat else?
>>12249289I blame the season length coupled with the fact that the 2-parter was pretty mediocre.
>>12249247The song was fucking great man I had some liquid pride in my eyes when it was going on.
>>12249300That was Polsky.
>>12249300It was supposed to be shit
will there be any explicit sex scenes in season 4
>>12249303She did. I can only repeat myself, people constantly bugged her about giving in to Hasbro and letting them force their shitty princess crap into the show, and in response to that she said somewhere that Twilycorn was her initiative, that they decided early on that in S3 she would become a princess.
>>12249289As a whole it was worse than the previous two seasons.That's not just because of being shorter.
>>12249327And she lied, too!
We're apples foreverApples together
>>12249311As >>12249329 said, it's not just the length. Too many episodes were rather forgettable.
>>12249347>no hat
>>12249329I honestly think it has a lot to do with the rushed production schedule they were on to make the season. It's very nice to see that they're taking their time this round.
>>12249261>>12249273>>12249314Twas but a trick
>>12249344Well that's a different thing, but yes, or didn't tell the whole truth, there's no way Hasbro had nothing to do with it. Maybe it was her idea, but it was definitely Hasbro that pushed her to come up with something they can make shitty pink toys of.
>>12249347>You will never be an Apple together with ApplejackKill me, it hurts to live
>>12249360Well we didn't see the result of that, aside from the season being late as fuck. One would think that after cutting a season in half they could at least deliver the next one somewhat earlier, but no. liking it
>>12249347i want to hug that cute blonde country pone
>>12249372Let's end it together
Have you ever dreamed about dying, MLPG?Did you wake up just as your body was finally shutting down?