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What would you like to see more on S4?

What would you like to see less?

Old thread: >>12119939
>What would you like to see more on S4?
>What would you like to see less?
Rainbow Dash
Post a screenshot that if you went back in time 2 years would create the biggest stir.

Better episodes.
Less marketing.
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>What would you like to see more on S4?
Better writing

>What would you like to see less?
Shitty writing
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GG, can you do more of your OCs as kids, and sleeping?

I really like your cute stuffs.
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More rainbow dash, pegasus ponies and their families, adventure episodes with monsters again. Songs.
Less Fluttershy episodes they're really boring.
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Still hats if you want to join.
it would basically just be that, though
I'd rather move on to other ideas
rarity should rarity rarity
I don't.
Hands up now!
We're sending a message to the crowd!
Pass: bonbon
That's a hypnotic gif.
How bout ponies in armor?
>gg in charge of tastes

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More episodes centered around characters that hardly interact would be great.

I'd really dig a Rarity/Pinkie episode since the few times they've interacted with each other have been golden. I also wouldn't mind a Fluttershy/AJ episode either, but I have no idea what it would even be about. AJ inviting Flutters to a family gathering or something?

Less Cadence and more Celestia.
Seriously, Cadence shows up more than Celestia and Celestia still has more personality, and I say this as someone that likes Taffy Mane.
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>He wants to see more Applejack

I like how he thinks.
They don't have to be asleep, maybe Caimon and her brothers cooling off together, in a pool or swamp.
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you're welcome
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>Newer version of the game.
What is even happening in this picture?
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Some SoarinDash would be nice
I'm Bored. What is YOUR favorite pony?
From the Mane 6.
Is there a dubstep mix yet?
Rarity because she's the most cuddleable pony ever.
what's this about an eg fapfic? i saw someone mention it in the lat thread but didnt post a link (fuck everyone who does this)
I don't think we're going to be going a whole 26 episodes without seeing Cadance again, especially now that Twilight's a princess, but hopefully THIS time she gets a chance to have a personality.
Chubbiest Applejack I've ever seen
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That would be a wonderful shitstorm.
Probably not as heated as it would have been had it happenef during S1 since a lot of the social justice has moved on to other show vehicles.
I like SoarinJack
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>Rarity/Pinkie episode

Yes, the Iron Will episode had a really good dynamic with them.
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Rainbow Dash

This needs to be done
More Flash Sentry, but I know I won't get that.

So instead I'd like to see more just hanging out and conversations about nothing. Pony is at its best when it goes full slice of life.

I think we could do with a few less adventure episodes. The shorter season back in 3 having a two-parter adventure start, then MMC, then Equestria Girls made it feel almost too adventury. The longer season 4 should give us plenty of of slice of life goodness.

I'd also like to see more with Dash and her Wonderbolts team, more of the CMC interacting with the other kids in Ponyville, and I'm sure I could think of a few more things.
I would be OK with this....and Fluttermac
It hasn't happened yet and it won't happen in S4 either.
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>Chubbiest Applejack I've ever seen
then it's time to top it
That sounds alcoholic.
She's workin' off her winter weight by planting the spring crops.
The locals love it.
>More Flash Sentry
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Which will clash with whatever the comics decides to doand the unfortunately canon Crystal Heart book.
I mean, it just looks right.
I hate you already, but your wish is still very much in the realm of possibility.
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I'm sure, but I can still live in hope until then.
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Best voice
Best hair
Best colors
Best family
Best song

Need I go on?
More male characters would ge nice overall.
Shes so naked the EARTH VANISHED!
>Not canon Cheerimac
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Pinkie Pie is my favorite pony.
During the first season, she was a very good, very well thought out comic relief.
While she appeared very aloof and joked around a lot, she could easily be one of the more serious of the mane6, as evident in Swarm of the Century.
I use Swarm of the Century as a primary example, because while the other five saw her as "just being Pinkie Pie," she was actually working very hard to alleviate the problem that Fluttershy unknowingly caused. And then caused a second time by keeping parasprites in her house. gg no re fluttershy
I Require at least 71 adjectives describing WHY she's the BEST.
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She can suck your dick in 72 different ways.
i know that flash can be made into an interesting character

i just dont know how
She's obviously both hardworking and skilled at her chosen craft, and tempers her obsession with fashion with actual underlying substance(in that she makes a business of it). She is fastidious without being OCD, and while she has moments of pettiness and drama, when the shit hits the fan she drops any pretense of being just a pretty pampered girl and is immediately prepared for action. She has agency.

And I really like her mane.

No, she is too yellow.
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Flash sentry making out with Twilight Sparkle
I Know.
My paragraph of why Pinkie Pie is best pony

By: Anonymous

Once upon a time, there was a best pony. Her name was pinkie pie. She was loved by all her friends because she was the bestest pinkest pony ever. She throws parties and dances all the time and always helps a friend in need. She's pretty much Jesus if he was a colorful pony and snorted cocaine like my daddy before he hit mommy and then left the house for a long time. But anyways Pinkie pie is the best pony ever.

The end
I'll give you that, but she is not the best.

Also, fuck Pinkie Pie in Seasons 2 and 3.
I'm not even going to try to explain my reasoning with her character destruction throughout those two seasons.
So what you're saying is
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>Flash sentry making out with Twilight Sparkle
s4 finale
He could be retconned.
That would make him interesting because that's not a common occurrence.
s4 intro, content, and finale
More of whatever you want to draw, you never disappoint.
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You don't have the balls...
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Oh hey were'd you get an early copy of the comic con promo?
I NEED more Lauren Faust.
I absolutely NEED it.
Go use google.
That's a stupid idea rainbow dash shouldn't be dating anyone one the show or have a relationship you are just so stupid.
You are how my favorite anon.
No, no, the finale consists of the two of them fucking, showing full penetration with the E/I logo making a guest appearance during the sex scenes.
It's not like I see myself as Big mac and Fluttershy is my favourite or anything.
So can every other pony. There's no real need to focus on Flash, specifically.
But I'm not an anon
Do you think ponies would like smelling my natural body odor after a hard day's exercise?

I want to feel their muzzles rub up against my sweaty sticky body
He looks and sounds pretty desperate.
That's a disgusting amount of Saliva
Does this mean the spot is still open?
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Let me show you how it's done, son.

Rarity is my favorite pony.
Rarity is my favorite because they could have easily made her a generic rich girl that follows the latest trends, y'know, the kind of girl you see in almost every show.
They made her a self sufficient woman that works her hardest to get her name out their and make her way into high society. I love that. She has my favorite mane in the entire show, it's just really beautiful to me, the color, the style, just gorgeous. Tabitha is also a very talented voice actor, not just for her Rarity and various pony voices, but all of the other shows she's worked on as well. That woman has amazing range.
While her singing VA doesn't sound quite like Tabitha, she is still very, very good. Not to mention Art of the Dress is the best song in the show (in my opinion)
She also has the cutest sister, her mom and dad are pretty cool as well.
I guess that's the cold opening, and the shortest one yet.

You know, because sentient horses have the same stamina as horses that only have sex to breed.
I do like to think that Meghan just doesn't want to spoil the surprise when it comes to how Flash Sentry will appear in season 4 (maybe he appears in disguise at some point? Or he only communicates by letter?), but more likely we just don't have a chance to see him again until season 5.
Well I'm curious now.

How can you give a canon love interest to a main character yet not make it feel out of place?
Hydrate well and your sweat won't stink superbad.
twaifufags pls
Pass: bonbon

It's only two spit trails, anon.
And it ends with the birth of Skyla.
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>All of S4 centers around Twilight getting her knight in shining armor

Is she your pone waifu?
A long build-up with characters that have been around from the beginning.
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Oh well my eyes were playing tricks with me
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That's unrealistic
there should only be one at most, to get two they'd have to actively try for it and it would be really awkward to do
that's not the sort of thing that usually arises from normal making out
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Like this?
Sorry Nanaki
oh shit
season 4 is where Skyla is introduced

and you all forgot about that little bomb didn't you?
Obviously they're snowballing
Shut up and draw. That's your only value here
I said she's cadance kid
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26 Episodes is enough to turn the rest of Twilight friends Into alicorn

(pic related)

>What would you like to see more on S4?
Simple,meaning,funny about friendship

What would you like to see less?
Meaningless episode
Oh ouch dude that stung

I am not Worf.
trying too hard
With that hair it's Cadence's kid. When is the English royal baby due?
no, they become alicorns in s5
It's Cadence and Twilight's kid
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Are unicorns using their horns for magic a thing outside MLP? I can't remember any specific examples
And at the end of S5, the currently existing alicorns (including Skyla) become super alicorns.

No, that's when they all get boyfriends.
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GG pls draw Caimon's brothers flirting with her in public as she tries to play it off as innocent
He and Twilight could have an interesting courtship. It's clear from Equestria Girls he has a lot of confidence, but once he's with someone he has feelings for he gets fumbling. That's a good starting point for plenty of plots along the "three's company misunderstanding" lines.

A good way to develop someone is to pick one of their flaws and hammer it into a story, which is pretty common with the mane six. Maybe Flash doesn't take Twilight seriously and thinks she can't protect herself because she's a dainty princess? Maybe he's doubtful of how useful books are in solving real problems? He could have class-related hangups about interacting with a princess, or maybe think it's unprofessional.

They could always just take one of his interests and run with it. He loves music, maybe he wants to go to concerts?

Oh hey, you know what might make an interesting episode? Twilight knows Flash would enjoy playing the guitar if he could, but being a pegasus he's not really got the equipment. She rigs up a guitar that can be played by wings and works with him to help him discover his love of music. They have something to share, Twilight gets to take the lead and solve a problem with her book knowledge, the character of Flash gains a new facet... could work!
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You have value in my heart
Obviously the alicornification season is 6, >>12123764
5 is when they get boyfriends.

4 is when the CMC get their marks.
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Doctored it a bit
Weaver what would I have to do to get you to draw the CMC giving both Zebra twins a makeover?
None of those sound particularly compelling; they sound more like OC self-insert stories.
Can you make Twilight not have a wasting illness
Season 4 won't have Flash Sentry except maybe as a surprise appearance near the end/in the finale, so there's no point getting bent out of shape about him yet
>wasting illness

Is this picture honestly worth saving
Look at her torso. Something is clearly consuming her viscera.
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Hey MLG I"m bee ndrinking all day!
Time for some fallout Eqiestiora!

But first how about a joke?

Why does Twilight like Sentry so much?

Its no su[prise. Afterall, she IS animated [spoilerp] in Flash!
she looks anorectic
We already know he's not a character in the season, at most he'll be a background appearance with no dialogue or presence.
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>More Big Macintosh
>Less Rainbow Cunt
>bent out of shape

Nah, I think it will be adorable giving Twilight a love interest like that. They look cute together

and the only thing that irks me really is the lack of r34
no anon

you are not supposed to answer seriously

and now i want to see this actually happen and i know it wont so i'm going to have to hope some makes a fic of this to rad it.
I'll see wot I can do
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This. All my support.
Scrubbing bubbles where did you go, I missed your jokes.
Less AJ
More Fluttershy
that wasn't a joke that was a travesty
all of those sound pretty bad
Texas server, 200 ping, nty

good joke.
Needs Skyla
Well yeah buts that's not why I don't want her dating any one it's just because that should stay out of the show.
Less ponies
More long, panning shots of empty background scenary

Fluttershy is best pone because underneath the shy and afraid shell, there is an underlying longing for change. She wants to change the world for the better, and increase the overall quality of every living being on the planet, but her efforts are tampered not by anything external like an enemy or an environmental factor, but rather, by a limit/weakness completely internal and only existent mentally to herself; her timidness, her shyness, her fear. Every day is a struggle for her to to win the battle inside of her and to correct the dichotomy between what she wants to do and what she feels she can do. Every single moment in the show that features her is full of a wondrous, live tension of her desires and this giant mental block that stops her from achieving it. She is the only character that is in a battle 24/7, and, in my opinion, the only character strong enough to not lose that battle, and, in some cases, even gain small victories. I would compare her to HCE from Finnegans Wake; she is full of an overpowering ray of sunshine, strength, and beauty, but everyone fails to see these things from an outside perspective, and just assumes she is weak and flawed. But, I have seen the truth, and I am overwhelmingly energetic and enlightened by it. I know these people; not even speaking of the show anymore, I know these people in real life. The cast asides, the thrown aways, the nobodies, the outsiders, the misfits. The people who could make incredibly leaps into the future and who could achieve amazing feats of strength and intelligence if people could just accept them for who they really are, and not who they appear to be.

I have seen these people. I have heard them. I have felt them in my tender breast, and deep down, I know that these people pulsate energy on a daily basis; energy that shocks and shakes the earth, and, once in a blue moon, for a split second, everyone will know this energy. But, then it will fade.

And that is why Fluttershy is best pone.
Well, inevitably they're going to sound like OC since I'm just making them up, if one of the actual writers had such an idea it'd be massaged to better fit the show. The self-insert critique probably just stems from people rejecting Flash Sentry as an idea.

The ideas in that post cover the spread from general ("He's awkward around his love interest, use that") to the specific ("Twilight convinces Flash to pursue his dream of becoming a musician") to somewhere inbetween ("Find a character flaw his personality could support and build a traditional lesson-learning FiM episode around it."). I don't think any blanket criticism could dismiss all of it.
Your jokes just make me sad.
That took a while
I'm getting mixed signals

[psoiler]like rainbow dash on a runway!
Stop making me angry anon, Fluttershy may still be my waifu but that doesn't stop her from being my favorite pony.
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Also does anyone have a pic of marker pony from various angles? I need to get these braids right.
No, we know Meghan said he wouldn't be in season 4. Which could mean he IS in season 4 and she just doesn't want to spoil it, as she's done before (like when Equestria Girls was in the works and she claimed it wasn't, specifically because she didn't want to spoil the surprise).
stop making me laugh you funny bastard.
>actually giving seriousthought to FlashLigh

I wish I could hate you people to deah
I don't like surprises.
she never said that
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>tfw ruined orgasm
just give her renne's hair

looks much etter
Someone post the majestic pegasus
Why? Most people seem to hate it because it's poorly developed or hackneyed, so why not try to think of ways to better develop it and make it a more well-rounded, fleshed-out relationship?

I mean obviously you can also hope that it just stays in Equestria Girls and never gets referenced in the main show or the comics, and that might work, but that's very reactive. In a more proactive context like a discussion of what we'd like to see in the future, it makes sense to talk about how we'd "fix" him.
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done, shoddy job though
>What are NDAs
If a woodchuck could chuck wood, what would a pony chuck?

I had to thoroughly consider it for a moment, and then I had to write my outline, and then I had to actually condense it into a readable post, and then I had to type the post up.
Eh. Not great, but better
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Do you mean that she never said he wouldn't be in season 4?
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But I don't have one of those either...
She just said that to avoid the spammers filling her inbox with the same damn question over and over

Besides, the way she called him, "Dreamy Cutebottom" is obviously a signal that she has some plans for him
Meghan says a lot of funny things that turn out to be untrue.
No, see, the self-insert thing isn't rejecting him outright as an idea, it's the fact that you're jumping straight into how to have him courting Twilight, acting as if he is an established main character moving further along an arc. They might work in some capacity further, but none of them explore him as an interest to even begin with. You're pitching a lot of act 2-3 stuff when he's not even a known quantity.
why is it a bad thing if he becomes a main character?
Because we all knowthat FIM wont do ajything with him sonitnwold be better for everyone to just ignore anything eg related
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meghan is a famous liar
we'll have to see in season 5 if he does or not
What's she lying about there?

Rarity was the best pony in Games Ponies Play.
They can't ignore the brand they've just created. There obviously need to be references in order to keep the toyline alive
Ok lets rip this turd like a third season

Read this please, what cause you think its fake?
I was in a thread earlier not a general where someone said one of the things FIM has going for it is the lack of romance in the show. And they would rather keep it that way.

Though remember how touchy people would get if people ever thought of the Main characters getting bfs?
Fans wanted a rarity-CENTERED episode

They ended watching an Applejack Ep instead
She said that intentionally to mess with you faggot Rarifags

She's my favorite pony too...
they already did the whole boyfriend introduction thing first better in sweet and elite
We are talking about pony Flash and he's essentially a non character. So he can, ahd should, be ignored
RariXSpike will never happen so it doesn't matter.
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4 days 12 hours 34 minutes 47 seconds until you die!
Seriously, consider this: The whole Flash-related scene in Equestria lasts a little more than 30 seconds. If Hasbro really only cared about his human version, they would have eliminated this scene.

But no, they still did it. This really says something about his future role in the show
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only managed to color the 4th panel of the comic. too tired today, going to draw/color the other 6 panels tomorrow ..

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that's all for now
thank ya kindly anon i love you
why are there 3 lines in the vag?
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Fancy never really struck me as a love interest at all.

But if anyone would ever be paired up with my waifu I would hope it's him.
It's a show about warmongers and glory hounds.

[vomiting intensifies]
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>trash fire 2 blocks away from me
It's over MLPG. It's been a great ride
Because the show has shown us that it can develop new and important characters like Cadence and SA

Face, whatever the sow decides to do with FS it's going to be shit and mostly hated
Huh. Was that MLPG orgy at Everfree or is it at BronyCon?
They did it to bookend the story a little, giving Pinkie Pie an opportunity to "make a guess" like the human one did.
They've already gave little hints
look at the way they meet
they bump into each other and he helps her up
and he gets a little awkward in asking her to join him
it is subtler because they do not go to prom together but it is the same thing really
Fancy Pants is classy as fuck.
He's had less time on screen than Cadance and SA, but has more personality.
At some point people need to realize that you there are some characters that will never get them no matter how long they're on screen.
>Though remember how touchy people would get if people ever thought of the Main characters getting bfs?
What 3 lines? The pussy lips and the entrance or?
>thinking there wasn't an orgy at everfree
>being this delusional
I'm sure there was, but was it cocaine-fueled and full of MLPG frequenters?
Cadance and SA haven't been developed.
No and yes.
How big do you think Fancy Pants is? Can Rarity take his full length?
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I've watched the first 5 episodes of season 1. The show is cute, but a bit boring. I don't see the appeal, what episodes should I be watching to "get it"?
It throws a wrench in the balance of the show, drama would be the only way to go from that point on.
And they've been in how many episodes?
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Do you mean Fancy Pants? I don't think Rarity showed any interest in him beyond as a prominent social player. That is odd now that I think about it. If Rarity still had any of that gold digger's sense after The Best Night Ever, Fancy Pants would be quite the catch, and he seemed genuinely broish rather than being a douche like Prince Blueblood.
That's good enough I guess. Was it any fun? How gay was it?
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Goodnight, mlpg.
Dragonshy, A Friend Indeed, The Last Roundup (preferably the original version), Sleepless in Ponyville, Ponyville Confidential.
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Fancy Pants is a larger unicorn breed, closer to a horse than a typical little pony. The same as Fleur De Lis is more horse-like.

Fancy Pants is very big, he can't even wear his namesake. Fleur De Lis actually uses him as a trophy husband.
You missed the S2 finale pictures?
They were actually released before The final.
Really fun.

There was sex of all types going on.
If you haven't got it by now, then don't bother.
Fleur confirms that pony beauty standards are based off the princesses.
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I agree. He's one of my favorite side characters in both design and personality.

I kind of hope to see more of him and I also kind of hope we don't.
>original version
What do you mean, something get retconed?
Is Daring Do an actual book series yet?
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We can't say, just get the original.
Alright, fair enough. Guess I'm out of here.
Watch Lesson Zero, Feeling Pinkie Keen, The Last Roundup(original).
And Soarin is totally a love interest for Dash despite them speaking only once.
Endii, I swear if that's you.
Derpy was
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Pass: bonbon

and hats and hats and hats
But he's married.
why is shenso cute?
Maybe you'll even get a copy of vegas because I don't know how to manage money!
Better bet than any other.

Excuse the site but it gets the general story across.
How can one pony be so handsome and STILL have a crooked mustache?
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Then why she hasn't appeared again?
Soarin is a Wonderbolt. Wonderbolts is Dash's biggest fetish. At the very least, Rainbow would agree to do quite a few things with Soarin.
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I thought Dash's biggest fetish was pregnancy
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i thought it might have been slavery
or maybe thats just fannon
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oh baby
Why did Fancy Pants come to Ponyville and why was Rarity wearing a fancy dress in the same episode?
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No its both: getting impregnated by a Wonderbolt. Or was it the other way around?
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Because he requested she have on a nice dress while he rutted her.
Pregnancy in slavery to a Wonderbolt?

>wanting an already insecure pony to also be a hormonal trainwreck.
That means she now hates sex.
Rarity lives life in the moment when it comes to wearing dresses.
Never sure when she'll wear one, it just happened to land on that day.
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Why ya'll ain't breeding?

Because she's the queen of sluts.
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you first
Cause you're not fat.
How would Dash impregnate a Wonderbolt?
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Because I am an unsavory creature. No one would ever want an unsavory creature.
'cause this is a garden party
With her futa dick.
That's not right, she's just one huge cunt; there's no room for that.

Silly Applejack, dragons can't get ponies pregnant.
Because I've got a boyfriend at the moment
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The moment would be glorious the other way around

Because I'd rather masturbate using my tears as lube.
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Pinkie and Applejack are my favs, but god dammit I want a bit of Rarity, S3 was bullshit without her.
Because Magical Mystery Cure did not even bother to try to make sense.
Hey, could someone post the comic where Mti and Mua are introducing themselves? I seem to have lost mine.
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I thought he came to Ponyville during too many ponks.
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Does anyone want some ponies drawn for steam games?

My card is getting rejected and I'd feel bad to just ask for free vidya.

I only want Terraria and Deus Ex, both of them being 5.50 dollars.
Thanks. I know I saved it, it just sorta disappeared somewhere.
She has best voice

and does the best faints.
Gotta fill those ranks somehow
>What is Trixie
>What is Diamond Tiara
>What is Sunset Shimmer
MLP still does the bitch antagonist cliche.

Have they fucked all the mane 6?
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Mule foals are pretty cute.
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Good episodes
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>Not breeding a girl on the side
How'll you pass on your genes?
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Do remember that Spike's Service episode with Aj was suppose to be about Spike and Rarity, but it was "changed" because Rarity was too mean.
>tfw can't take advantage of the sale

I'm still waiting for my bank account to deposit its thick, sticky load inside my moist, quivering paypal account

I'm still not sure which games I even want to buy
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What if Rainbow Dash was split into six different ponies, one for each hair colour, representing different personality traits?
but it didn't happen, did it anon?
She's not mean! She's just sophisticated!
>the piss is making a visual novel
>MLPG is making... oh that's right
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SoarinDash in EqG would also be good. Soarin' being the co-captain of the soccer team...
>The piss is making an episode
>MLPG is making a game
what the fuck that's not the image i posted
That's a cute as fuck noodle-dash
I totally would, but i'm short on cash this week, sorry
Deus Ex Human Rev or Deus Ex GOTY which is also on sale atm?
>making anything
lol, good joke
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It was the Rarity Episode that was promise. Why Meghan didn't mention it change is beyond me.

Being mean to Spike is subjective. We do not know how mean Rarity was in the suppose. Maybe she was as mean as she was to Sweetie Belle in the Scootaloo's Dreamland Episode.
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The fandom.
>conversations about nothing
My little seinfeld
pls draw foreverial tiedup delitized pinkie pie
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If you can get the GOTY, that would be amazing.

What do you want drawn in exchange for the vidya?

It's okay, glad you guys considered it anyhow!

Fez, Fallout New Vegas and CS:GO are fun!
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>It was the Rarity Episode that was promise
pfffft so?
canonically, she was never mean to spike in the episode because it never happened
I would love it if they just straight up ponified Seinfeld episodes.

The first one. It's a million times better. HR isn't bad though.
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>New Vegas

That would take a shit ton of work though and make people angry.
Please, you don't change the character, you simply fix the episode to fit it.
A generous character getting someone to do things for her would teach her that sometimes it is more generous to deny the offer. It had so much potential for her, and they surrendered because she was mean? Fluttershy was a monster to her and Pinkie yet they didn't change it.
the GOTY edition that is on sale is the original game, not HRev. want to clarify which one it is you're looking for. If possible, could you draw a Ponk and Gummy tied to balloons?

your email or steam name?
Imagine The Contest as an episode of MLP:FiM
>new vegas
got it
It's better than FO 3.
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You do not like the idea that Rarity might have been a meanie?
I liked FO3 but then I didn't play the first two
it never happened
man I loved that little game.
Is it better than FOE?
Oh dude, someone just gifted me Deus Ex, so you can take that off!

id is http://steamcommunity.com/id/mayonesanuclear
Pass: bonbon

Massive quantities of spaghetti and hats
it has minor gameplay improvments, like the way armor works

all in all FO3 was a superior game
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oh yeah, because running around an empty desert is better then running around a nuclear devastated washington dc
get fucked
Oh, you mean the retarded episode that shouldn't exist at all? Merriweather became extremely cautious when people rip her apart for making too many out-of-character episodes where they are too mean for the sake of it just to cover up her horrible writing. After that, I am sure Merriweather does not want to make the same mistake again. Of course, this does not stop her from making terrible episodes.

And if it did, people will hate Merriweather for it like people hate her for making Dash a cunt and Fluttershy into that.
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Now you're just being silly, anon.
Fallout 4 when
He is just rusing you.
>Have they fucked all the mane 6?
No they just fucked yur mum ;)

I think NV has a better story, better variety of armor and weapons, a more interesting setting, and generally more stuff to do. To me, the only thing FO3 has over NV is better music.
yes it is
>And if it did, people will hate Merriweather for it
I actually would have liked it
rarity is too perfect, she needs a very big flaw, and being a bitch would have been nice
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>Want to play Hotline Miami
>Linux version doesn't have steamworks integration
>Can't continue on my laptop

Suck my dick, choke on it.
xieril go to bed, your not thinking straight.

Fallout 3 was way better, I spent a lot of time playing both and got way more enjoyment out of fallout 3 compared to NV
>high class, fashion obsessed materialistic beauty queen is a bitch
gee what an interesting and original take
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>rarity is too perfect
Perfect is the LAST word to describe her. She is not perfect, not truly.
Why the hell does Hotline Miamia needs Steamworks anyway? What does it do again?
/v/ pls go.

I guess it does respect your freedom

to not play games
Go Wine about it
Fallout 3 had the better overworld.
New Vegas had too many shacks with nothing in them.
eat shit
>have multiple monitors
>can unfocus hotline miami by moving mouse to other screen
This. NV was artificially way to linear.

I did enjoy the various expansions though.
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>Saturday Morning
>S4 preview begins
>Cheers and ovations
>Suddendly, Flash Sentry cameo
>Whole audience explode in rage

>Meanwhile, On Twitter:
>"Hasbro's petition. Sorry!"

>/mlp/ flooded with rage, denial and feels thread.
>Enough tears to fill a whole olympic-sized pool

>I swim in it.
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>go to bed
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>Offsite save files

But Wine on Debian is old and shitty
I shouldn't have to use Wine on something with a native port
>Panther mask
now you are going to said fo4 have good writers
Bronycon just hit 6,000 preregs.
I prefer and like her cleaning OCD as a flaw.
Not until you're older, sweetie.

I hope you drown.
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Inb4 no fap contest between mane 6
I thought they were doing an FO MMO instead of FO 4
Anon, d-don't you think we're going a little fast?
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Nah, that's ES.
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Old enough to fly
Old enough for sexual

Even if it doesn't rhyme particularly well
Bethesda decided to curb-stomp Black Isle because the had they rights and Black Isle didn't
so Bethesda decided to spend 4 million dollars to shut it down

there can be only one choice; colt or stallion?
Gross I don't want to sexual old rumble
>Panther mask + knife
Motherfucking afro samurai up in this bitch
but Scootaloo is for sexual, and she can't fly at all
Interplay/Black Isle...
Someone was, but that was a huge legal battle and Bethesda basically killed their studio in a war of attrition.
It's very much dead.
If i have to choose, for the sole purpose of sexual?
>Fallout 5 with GTA-style openworld
but she can read
so she can breed
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Imagine Rarity making Spike do all kinds of unpleasant things just to get rid of him. Goddamn that would have been funny. Too bad the characters have to be so damn nice all the time, although I can't really blame the writers for that after the shitstorm over Mare-Do-Well.
>not katana
wow step it up
Nothing is too fast for Fish.
>FallOut 5
>with a multiplayer mode like Arma II, only much better
wow, imagine that

an open world sandbox style fallout game

I hope we get that some day
And Putting your Hoof Down.

But yeah, I cannot really see Merriweather making that kind episode.
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Have you finished those projects?
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>this will never happen
no, i'm only maybe a quarter of the way done

probably take another month
Pass: bonbon

That feel when you realize you are on the verge of fucking up several things that will seriously fuck up your life if they fuck up all because you're fucking lazy.
Merriweather only knows how to write characters as assholes.
It's probably due to her time on Spongebob where she wrote pretty great episodes.
I know that feeling.
It causes crippling anxiety so I try to avoid thinking about it which causes me to procrastinate.
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Daily reminder that you'll never work in a hospital with your best friendo
>7th time this has been posted
Just fuck off.
I prefer Fallout's style of open world

Something about GTA seems more arcade-like. Cheap deaths. Very little character building. Fallout's just more absorbing. GTA's style is OK, and can be very fun, it's just like it seems like it's missing some depth. Same goes for Red Dead Redemption. I wish that had been just a little more rpg-like.
I thought she did a pretty good Dash in WA
More like best friend/secret gay lover
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>rarity is too perfect, she needs a very big flaw, and being a bitch would have been nice

>Obsessive compulsive
>so obsessed with fitting in with high society that she's willing to work herself to death to keep up a lie

She sure is perfect
I'll improve on your methods!
Trogdor strikes again.


What do?
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I loved Putting Your Hoof Down. The nicest character in the episode was probably the antagonist. Angel's pimp slap was hilarious. Besides, it was about time that Fluttershy finally developed a personality.
Why in god's name would you want Fallout to have multiplayer?
Yeah. When Merriweather tries to make an episode in Season 3, it wasn't so great at all.

It was meh. People would not know about the cloud issue when the 6mane fell to it or how there was suppose to be a better ending to that episode. That episode is forgettable.
I have to agree with you this time, Iron Will.
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Day 145
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 6,340 (Running Total: TBA)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 26,849 (Running Total: TBA)

It looks like the ponies still flow. I am proud of you all. Will compile numbers and stuff missed tomorrow.
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Okay, hear me out, anon.
I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out
What if...
what if I wanted to have fun?
>Tfw when my name is Angel and Fluttrshy is my waifu
I don't know.
I'm probably already fucked, but I hope you'll overcome.
What I did at the start of my spring semester was do everything the moment it was assigned and that worked out well until March when everything outside of class fell apart.
So just get things done.
CC, please. Iron Will should be in that terrible episode at all and that Angel crap was way over done.

>Besides, it was about time that Fluttershy finally developed a personality.
Forcing crap where everyone is angry for no reason is not a good way to deal with this issue at all, nor it is a good lesson at all.
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That is such a fun panel.

You should have called all your ponies on marshmallow phonies.
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Are you implying you can't have fun playing a single player RPG?
145 days is crazy long to have nothing from the show come up.
Nice that we're getting new pony out of SDCC after so long.
Angel go back to HSG
I meant shouldn't
Super fuck late, sorry. I don't know about the scripts, as I'm not the one that modified them, but supposedly the archive works best in Firefox if you aren't using that. Alternatively, here's the most complete list with links to youtube versions of all the sounds used.
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Not at all, I have plenty of fun already with single player games
I just said that I wished I could have fun with an Arma II-like multiplayer FO game.
Overdone? It happened exactly once.
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Well I wish I could have Megaman Legends 3 in my hands right now.
leth how was that thing at the place
I imagine his friend programs were executed without any errors.
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That doesn't sound fun at all, and I'm an expert on fun.
Spring semester I just completely failed ot turn in a major project for one class because i just, couldn't, even be bothered to do it, even though I KNEW it would fuck me over, not doing it. This summer I have avoided actually doing my job and while my boss isn't the type to fire people I know he's probably seething by now. I have paperwork to do that if I don't could cost me the ability to graduate thsi year.
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Uh. That's great?
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I feel for you Mega Man Legends fans, I really do, but I could not stand the first two games at all. Outside of the characters and neat story the gameplay was pretty awful in my opinion.
That's harsh, mate. This place is part of my problem.
Why can't I quit here?
Does chocolate make pony happy?
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do you think the ponies use spike for sex
I wish there is more adorable things like this in pony show.
The second game polished the controls a lot.
The lock on function was a huge help and dual analogs were desperately needed.
The first has one of my favourite pieces ever which is a combination of Toccata and Fugue in Dm and Fuga(Little Fugue) in Gm.
quarterly reminder

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Twilight please go

Sleep tight y'all
I hope that the Steam sale ends soon
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Yes, because she a fatass.
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In Equestria everything tastes like chocolate.
Ponyville Confidential has that one screencap where everyone surrounds Spike.
How would you guys like a movie night?
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>limp dicked little boy
>not even pony master race
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Hey MLPg hope you liked the stream

What's that, you want a joke? well too bad!

We're questing! ini Questing!

Slectet yout pony!
gnite xierilman
Those faces are weirding me out

The subject is great though
Poor Fiesta Equestria getting picked on.
I like how the blue pony is biting on a random child's bow.
he's got that tail trick where he uses it like a drill

mares love that
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4 days till sneak peak for S4
Mrs. Cake

You are at your COTTAGE

You know its ANGLE's feeding time, but he doesnt seem to be around. This is very much unlike him. What do you do?
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Celebrate that that faggot isn't here anymore.
Time to go at Sugarcube Corner and order a cake
4 days? I thought there will be more!
What movies?
What this awseome anon said! >>12126089
Stay inside and ensure the other animals are fed.
It's dangerous to go alone.
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Would you describe Pinkie as girly?

I've been thinking about this a lot for the past few days for some reason, and I can't stop.
>that animation error on rarara mouth
No, but definitely not in the Tomboy sense like Dash either.
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so yeah chubby ponies. I drew Scratch getting chubbier.
You guys decide. I've got The Usual Suspects, The Truman Show, Kung Pow, and [mystery box]
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Reminder: This was drawn by the same guy that did the Pinkie Pie micro.
Cosmo why yo lines so thick
That's goddamn morbidly obese

RIP Vinyl
I would love to rub her belly.
i havent been to mlpg for a while
did someone really pay 500 dollars for le epic mlpg raid
depends on what you mean by girly

there's more than one way to be a girl
Is the Mystery box vidya stram?
Either way that gets my vote.
You suppose that maybe that Angel is out maybe you can maybe have a little YOU time for a change. You know he's able to fend for himself anyway. At least for one day.

At least an afternoon. He'll be ok.

You double and triple check that your other animal friends are all set before heading out. Mrs. Parrot is still on her eggs and they're bound to hatch soon, but she seems all set.

SUGAR CUBE CORNER is abornomaly slow when you arive. Ussually at this time there;s a line out the door of customers, but its seems mostly dead today. In fact, when you enter the door no one seems to be around at all. Even behind hte counter at the soudn the the door jinggling at your arrivval
He's also doing the CMC micro.
And why does it matter?

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she's so cute when she's sleeping
Huh. Maybe we can check the kitchen and see if anybody's there. Maybe sneak a piece of pie.
Pinkie is girly, but she's also very extrovert and assertive, but not in an intimidating way, so some times people miss it
Yell for Pinkie
Ring that belle that's at shops to make your presence known
Anon I can barely handle a movie stram.
God help me if I even try to stream drawing or vidya
Dats cute yo

Some kid's parents are gonna be reallly mad.
How come you guys don't have a fuck ton of movies, my collection is well over 100, the only reason I haven't strammed is because my computer and connection are shit.
>Sonic and Mega Man

Is it safe to assume he's autistic (in a respectable way), and also likes Pokemon and HTF?
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What did the Doctor say, Applejack?
Holy shit that's a huge pony
I just don't watch movies too often. The only time I've really been seeing them is going out with friends, not at home.
You're becoming an Alicorn
>My hoof is grabbing my pudge~
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I dunno its just how they be. Is it bad to have thick lines?
Even if your hand dissapeared into her belly?
Good? So would more be something you'd want along these lines?
An extraordinarily helpful guide.
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He doesn't have any Pokeman and HTF stuff on his DA and he's never worked on a comic featuring them, so I'd say no.
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what if there was a tiny dash sleeping on the cloud on her cutie mark

You call out to se if any one is around and ring the bell, though you dont want to make too much of a fuss for your sake.

When no one answers you start to feel concerned and head to the back, into the kitchen. You find a numver of baked goods, everything from stickie buns to fresh bread to cookies, some half packed into boxes, some strewn on the floor.

You look around and sneak a cookie on a table, while still meekly calling out for some one. But before you can even snatch the thing, the cookie stats trotting across the table all on its onw!
Sure, just try different poses and stuff

Also the chin gets a bit too popeye-like at times
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why didnt celestia go into the mirror
it would have made a hundred percent more sense for her to go
no comprende

Spike is greatly amused by the pun?
Apologize to the cookie!
I was trying to make her face get slightly progressively fatter. I'll make it better in the next one I do.
what does that face mean
>you're just sitting there crying
>you're sad as fuck and it looks like nothing will cheer you up
>out of nowhere some fucking sun goddess comes up and boops your nose and flies off

What do you do?
No, no, I'm pretty sure GG said it was just because Spike got the joke and thought it was disproportionately funny.
try my best to catch her
Make a mental note of beating the crap out of Angel for drugging you
So Spike is greatly aroused by lesbian horses?

Can't blame the horny little bugger.
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More stickers, this horse isn't very important though.
Realize whatever I was sad about is stupid and pull myself together
Ask Celestia if she knows who that sun goddess flying away is.
there's lots of interpretations of what it means
that's actually really cute
for a second i thought those were cross-section diagrams of the female reproductive system.
You don't have wings
Well, alright, I just thought that's what you had said when you were asked about it before.
Cry even harder because I'm becoming delusional.

Aww, that's nice.
Oh dear!

You didn't mean any offense! You wre jsut peckish and thought maybe you could get a cookie or two, but if the cookie had other ideas that's perfectly ok with you.

The cookie seems to jump around a bit franticly.

"What's that? I'm sorry, I can't quiet hear you.

You lean down, with your ear almost complelty on top of teh chovolate chip cookie. Very vey vaugely, you can hear a small voice call out

"Behind you!"
That's a big butt
look behind you
use your taser on the approaching bear assassin

He wants to have sex with both those ponies doesn't he
pull out my party cannon and try to shoot her down
plus twilight
What else are ya gonna be doing?
Oh shit, what's behind you?

No, he's going to kidnap Rarity to keel her all to himself.
You cannot pull things from a pocket dimension. You also do not own a party cannon. If you are talking about your penis you cannot shoot that for nor do you have the accuracy to shoot her down with your spunk.

Celestia continues to fly away
I have a confession to make...

I'm a pony irl
bon bon pls
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Anon's cock inside a mare cunt
Anon's cunt outside a mare cock
>He has BioShock-like powers from entering FiM's dimension.
>He has no party cannon... but does have regular gun(s) of choice from home.
>He has thousands of clop sessions to back the power and accuracy behind his manhood.
>Celestia fainted.
She is too far away to hear you

This is true.
Pony is also the biggest shitposter.
How big is your dick?
You panic and leap into the the air. You flutter aroudn lick a skitish dragonshy, just as a series of bangs the breaing wood eurrupts behind whrer you wre. You are scared but take a look behind you in the air

Craming its massive form through the door is a hideous monster, easily four ponys tall and maybe more wide with a slvering tongue lapping around the floor. Its massive chair sized eyes decptively quickly dart around the room and zero in on you, quickly for such a simple looking creature. It's massiveve razor teeth lines maw opens wide the the site of you, toungue licking excitedly and a horrible gurgglign sound echoing down from its pitch black gullet..

What do you do?
There are no boys on the ponynet, Anon

ceMestJᴀ J Move ʏou
Just girls? So you're a girl pony? So really big then?
>tfw you'll never be brony famous and get lotsa money

I wish I started drawing pony way earlier.
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well that turned out differently
no time to stare
get your ass upstairs, you can get out through pinkie's door
only if i can snuggle my face into that ass
As in stuff I'll be selling? Prints, buttons, stickers and in person commissions.
Only if you'll let me be the big spoon this time.
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Do you sometimes just marvel at how fast you can type
You don't even need to look and you can write a word a second easily
You don't even need to think about it, it's as natural as speaking

Imagine not having hands
Are unicorns even as dexterous as human hands?
You say that as if I'm not in bed on my iPad snuggling my plushie of you right now.
Not with you
Not ever with you
What do you plan to do with the leftovers, in case there are any?
dude pinkie look at what you just typed with your hooves

that's fucking amazing
>Fluttershy will never cling to you for some reason
>She'll never visit you every day and weasel her way into cuddling you even though she doesn't want to date you
Jessy, if you're still here which ones are you making into stickers?
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You're so scared you shoot stroigh trhough the roof like a shot! You end up in Pinkie Pie's room, thouch unfortunately there's no sigh of your firend any whre. You quickly gather yourself up and head toeard oneof thewindows whe nthe floor below you errupts in splinters and hte creature's tongue appears, slapping around wetyl's on the bed and the walls.

The darn window is locked! Why, if you were any one lese, you'd porpably say something cross. or even swear. But you're fluttershy, so ju just feel reall really bad.

The tongue slaps around, just out of reach, what do you do?
>You are the cuddleslut
>Fluttershy does a cuddlecall and you best be running
>Fluttershy is crazy without her cuddle; she needs her fix.
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ok i admit it

they're pretty cute

not as cute as pony versions

but pretty nice to look at
Someone post the EqG version.
Hasbro pls

You're the most obvious viral marketers ever.
Everything above the knees is fine
Welcome to "acceptance" Anon.
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This Photoshop practice was fun, how does it look?
it's shit
8/10 would hug
typical mlpg post
Her tail look weird with one whole side being lighted, though.
does anyone have pics of what their feet look like

i mean the boots are removable on the dolls
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I'm not entirely sure, I'll either just give them away or keep them for another con.

This is the next one to be made. I'll be using the Trixie and chibi Rarity you colored as well if that's alright!.
You don't want to get a hold of Dash's boot sneakers out of her gym locker and give them a strong sniff?
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Man...Equestria Girls would be way more tolerable if it were still ponies. The main characters in a legitimate high school setting could be fun. As well as the tertiary characters.
I believe they just have pegs. No feet.
Sign them
Rub them on your skin
Auction them away on MLPG
Jessy what your earliest pony picture, I want to know if getting your skill by the end of this year is achievable for myself.
Allright, I'll try to fix it in a jiffy.
Okay, neat. Totally fine with me.
>the main characters in a legitimate high school setting could be fun

But they were all out before they met
I hope not. The very last thing I'd want to see if their feet. Because I'm 99% sure they wouldn't look right in the slightest.
Ah. I was talking more about purchasing them online or something like that
>Wanting bacon grease on your stickers
But they'll never stick then
>Equestria Girls would be way more tolerable if it were still ponies.
Then it would be even more stupid
but there aren't any high schools in Equestria
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I know I was hypothesizing.
Are so!
Besides if there weren't where would all these kids go after 8th grade?
how do ponies open combination locks
I expected Shiny to be the popular guy in high school.
>SA is a dork

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Unicorns with magic
Pegasuses with their wing hands
Earth ponies can go fuck themselves
Makes me wish I knew how to color in photoshop
Where can I read this?
hey he's twilight's brother

they probably played super nerdy games together growing up
He roleplays as a surfer dude bro in his DnD games
You STARE very hard at the window, forcing it to open itself! Ecept....you can only see your own rflection! You STARE at YOURSELF! You slook deeply at your eyes lookinf deeply into your eyes and start to feel like a boat off axis, sparks in your head firing off left and right. Your mind forms a flat blant and afta while you just fall over.

You come to some time later. Looking around you in a panic your find you are now on Pinkie Pie's bed. The ctreature seems to have forces hits massive head up through the floor, though wiht much effort. It looks very exuashted trying to get you, its big head lapped to hte floor heavily and just a little blood speeping hwere the wood floor is stickie into it. Deptie this, its big fat tongue is still feebly trying to reach you. coiling aroudn the bed post and trying to draw you close.
Those kids would go nowhere.
They already have their story marks by then and simply will do that forever.
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Choose your flavor.

(More coming soon, maybe.)
Firstly it's a cover. Covers aren't canon. So unless it's shown in the comic he's a dork he isn't a dork

They'll show in the comic he's a dork
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This was the first pony picture I ever drew. You can do it, just practice and have fun while you do it. Enjoy the journey and you won't even notice you've gotten to your destination.

Thanks, dude!

Hmm, I might be able to do that. I'll look into it.
>Earth ponies have to literally fuck themselves to open their lockers
>#9 isn't even out yet


what the fuck
Mud ponies get all their stuff jacked by the master races
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Oh shit that Burnett Twi makes my hear flutter
With hoofgrip.

Because that'll prove I'm not racist.
none of them
>manipulate combination locks by winking
Oh gosh, did Shining Armor bring his little sister to a D&D game?

Did Twilight memorize the Rulebook and Monster Manual?
1 is shit
2 is shit
3 is that girl from LPS which also means shit
Nice! LK was thinking about doing the same, and I thought I might as well try and see if you were gonna do something similar
feed it with pinkie's bed
What about Earth Stallions
fuck earth stallions
wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

is his dice bag a Crown royal bag?
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Shining wouldn't bring his little sister to a D&D game, especially after she won three times in a row.
Anal winking
Earth stallions have a dick lock. They insert their dick and if it matches it opens
They get a mare. And get them winking.
What else would you use for a dice bag?

They have to beg for a unicorn or pegasus to open theirs, then... 'repay' the favor later
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shouldn't you be in bed mlpg i mean what if your pillow is trying to hug you back
Its definitely supposed to look like it
of course. isn't everyone's?
Wouldn't the school have to make casts of every stallion's dicks to make a matching lock?
Cosmo, darling

You can't ''win'' D&D
Well since you aren't in any immediate danger try to talk to it.
Also while talking to it find a pen and paper and write down the fact that you will beat the crap out of Angel when you're back from this drug trip
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let's be huge sluts!
It's a rough job but some one has to be mold girl
>you will never be a stallion's lock, perfectly molded to his dick
They are payed by the Earth Ponies. They want a locker they pay for a dick cast.
If not go fuck yourself
Twilight didn't know that
That White Twi makes me feel butterflies deep inside.
You qickly leap of th bed abd start pushing your weight tothe monster. Between your momentum and the creature's pulling, the bed shoves forward and lands into the creature's mouth. The eniter bed doesnt see mto fit and you can hear the monster coughing at the materess get caught halfway in its moutch and its starts thrashinging wildly

But...you also notice that the window you were tyin earlier is now open. Now could be your chance
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I don't know the first thing about that board game. How do you play something where everybody loses?
>his friends groan at seeing he brought his little sister
>give him a bunch of shit about how they'll just have her do everything since she obviously can't lose
>twilight proceeds to rules lawyer the shit out of the game and not let a single dice roll get fudged
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RD looks like a hooker. Rarity isn't fabulous enough. AJ looks like...

Yeah, they all look like shit. especially Fluttershy. Couldn't they at least make the eyes better/different?
oh god why are their eyes so far apart?!

>My Little Human: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is Magic
Look out the window. Make sure you're not rushing out of the frying pan and into the fire.
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Why yes! And Principal Celestia can join with us!
Look who's at it this time

>Fuck a mare in the bathroom
>You can't get it up
>Can't get your books out
>Late for class

True hell
That's the thing, ya dingus

It's not really a ''game''

Would you say the actors ''win'' or ''lose'' at a play, or in a movie?
How do I end the pony?
That sound is Faust spinning
>Fish people playset
>board game



Fuck this, I'm out

No fuk this. Teh creature is Twilight. She fucked up a spell and turned into that . Everyone else is shrunk. Pinkie was under the cookie and warned you


Fuck this, its too late.

They do look a bit squamous, don't they?
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I like the black one
select your pistol
Dammit Scrubbles
That Twilight doll looks better. I like those eyes better.


That's supposed to be Luna, isn't it?
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It's like... a movie?
>Double teamed and spitroasted by the Captain of the Hoofball team and his buddy
>You can't get it up
>Can't get your books out
>Late for class

True Hell
well fuck now how are we supposed to double back to the ground floor and try and help her if youre just going to fucking quit you drunken bastard
Your hands upon a dead man's gun and you're looking down the sights.
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cash rules everything around me
C.R.E.A.M. get the money
dolla dolla bill y'all
>Woman computer programmer joins Linux kernel development
>Asks that the kernel development mailing list be more 'civilized' and 'polite'
>Gets fucking told by Linus
Fuck this

Fuck the pony

Fuck the thing

Fuck the other pony

Fuck RPGs

Fuck kfuck

fuck thsi cheap candaian whiskey


just....fudge it
What I mean is: On a roleplaying game, there are no set goals, as long as everyone is having fun

The characters might all die horribly, and still be considered a win, because what's important is the story being told
america does money wrong.

i had to open that thumbnail to know they were 100's.
It's more like those times you played "shoot out" with your friend with those toy guns and pretended to be other people and kept yelling "No, I got you first!" but some nerds decided "no, we're rolling dice to determine this".
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Dear fucking Christ...
Linus tells everyone to get fucked
shut up
just shut up
And then they got rid of the 'running' part.
I haven't spoken in about 48 hours
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Fluttershy looks like she has Jaundice and Applejack looks like she has a terrible spray tan. Their eyes are really far apart too and that unnerves me.
Well yeah, running is hard.
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Reminder that it's not too late to start drawing.
Reminder that you're never too busy to learn.
>tfw you suddenly realize it has been days until you spoke to someone whose voice didn't came from a computer
also they're dressed like sluts.

they're not even wearing panties.
Well I tried and I really suck at it.
As horribly unlike the characters these are, I'd prefer if the dresses were a little tamer like this. And their expressions seem friendlier and less like they're trying to impress someone or pose. At least Celestia does. Luna has a bit of a hurrr face going on.
Drawing is a like buying a one way ticket to depression. Friends don't let friends draw
I guess you coudld sya with the characters they wrecked it!
I'm busy learning my Carcassi method book front to back.
I am too busy to get back into something I haven't done since before high school.
Why aren't you talking to your friends? You do have friends, don't you human? Come on, go outside and make friends! Come, human!
No one here has friends. Especially not me.
is there a bigger fuller version?
want to not have friends together anon?
I do have friends, but most are away, away, scattered all over the world

I talk to them through Skype
>Employed from home
>No frens

It's too hard
I'll just work and vidya and pone and masturbate till I kill myself
That's Twilight.
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porn whem
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Yeah totally. And if we don't have friends together, we still don't have any friends because we are both Anon. So it all works out in the end.


i guess something inside Rarity didn't quite make the transition.
>watches a show about friendship
>doesn't have any friends
But Anon, you could make your own. Or if you're not much of a sewer you could paint them on.

You can give Dash boyshorts, Rarity that thong, Fluttershy the side-ties, AJ the low-rise briefs and Twilight the horribly plain but white ones.
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There's not.
His hands are so big, they can touch anything but themselves.

>you will never stuff singles into Rarity's thong
I thought watching a show about friendship would actually get me friends. After three years I still have none.
I signed up for the adventure and stayed for the friendship.
Fapping must be a real joy for him.

>they may be too big for his micro rod
>potentially horrible damage
That's the thing about watching a show for little girls.
I really like how Ralph is from an older game and he kinda has an older bit design and his big fat halds are so much flatter and stark compared to eveything else

I guess fr candy land it liknda [spoiler[WRECKS the ascetic
I have less friends now than when I started watching the show
he just finds something to wreck.
>tfw big hands
>tfw they make my dick looks small
And you were doing so well.
Well.. I thought I would make friends who also like the show. I was sadly mistaken though. Everyone either hates everyone else, or is someone I wouldn't want to be friends with.
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When will scrubbles stop pretending to be drunk for attention?
When you stop giving it to him.
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But anons... you did make some new friends.

Plus you have us.
See >>12127548
I'll be drunk either way'

also tlling jokes!

Why did Gummy become such a jerk aligar=tor when he became older?

Because he's cold blooded!
The sad truth about this place is that none of us are friends. Wrong doings are never ever forgotten or forgiven and when someone leaves it's really no big deal.
I'm sorry, anon, I wish things were different, but we're not friends.
trash rules everything around me
T.R.E.A.M. cause I'm hungry
gotta gotta eat y'all
Worst pony wants to fuck
but i hate twist
Leth please
Twist isn't THAT bad, though I hope you'll have the decency to let her down easy.
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Good thing Sunset accepted his forgiveness.
Who? The ponies? Nah, they aren't friends. They're just cartoon characters.
The general is strange. It would be nice to judge the whole thing as a single entity, but there are always assholes here who ruin the friendliness. I don't think were friends, we just like to talk about horse butts together.
not now, pony
just...not now
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Bubble Butt.
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I consider you guys friends...
more pony

less alicron
Dooks please.
It's time to be melancholy
I'd fuck the stuffing out of AJ
I would be your friend, anon.
This format, however; just isn't conducive to making it happen.
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Why? What happened?
You're playing Macbeth in the school play and that's final!
We're being all depressed about immersing ourselves in a show about friendship, but having no friends what-so-ever.
amazon acid is the only good acid
I don't care if your a filly, you must lift to become stronk!

Nice work dotkwa, colour more of your stuff.
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We could at least pretend right? RIGHT?
That's a fucking cute Scoot.
It happened.
How dare you have such awful taste
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Okay. Now I need to figure out how to use my new found perspective skills to draw amazing ponies.
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Well most of you guys are my friends, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be drawing right now.

Can we stop it?
What pony should I pretend my pillow is tonight?
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Goodnight, MLPG.