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Happy Horse Edition

Angry horse >>12092846
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Harshwhinny a shit edition.

well, can SOMEONE finish this, please?
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This horse seems pretty happy.
Hey you didn't say this was a waifu edition, dan
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>you will never make a horse that happy with your ~~~
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>Making a girl character
I would be too if I had 500ml sloshing around inside me.
Sucking off a tree
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B-because it isnt
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This is a very horsey general.
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Which pony should be crowned Ms.New Booty?
I generally agree with horses doing horse things.
Had any sexy thoughts lately MLPG?
sorry, quoted the wrong post

>waifuing a background pony
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Happy horses are dorks
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but you posted your waifu didn't you? Look, you posted her again
I'd lay on my back under a tree in the shade with Celestia.
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That horse is best princess
She lost her tail.
That's no good.
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Look i'm doing it again
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does that make dash an ultra dork
Any good horseboners lately?
I came to the thought of Fluttershy preforming fellatio for the first time
drawing foalcon right at this very moment
fic idea involving luna/rarity but it was crap
>you will never fuck Mr. Cake while Mrs. Cake pretends not to notice
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The dorkiest pony.
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She seems equally happy and annoyed at any given moment
I thought of becoming the female living sex toy for humanized Sunset Shimmer and Trixie whoa re both futas.
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Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Every night... I can feel season 1. And Season 2. Even my ponies.

The quality we've lost. The contributors we've lost. Won't stop hurting. It's like they're still all there.

You feel it too don't you?
I don't.
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That's my pony.
no, but someone cytube please
>some cry
Who is this guy I keep seeing around?
He's the guy from the applebutt gif.
I don't care about shit contributors.
Some fag from texas.
>got a big fat cucumber growing out in my garden
>tempted to go out and pick it and eat that fucker
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>Who is this guy I keep seeing around?
>He's the guy from the applebutt gif.
What kind of reaction is that Rainbow Cunt?
Put it in your butt

Too soon. Don't even joke about it.
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The pain has ingrained itself into me. I am my pain. The waves of suffering beating through me are now my heart. I am a tormented ghost, a spectre chained by anguish. I can't let my agony go, it's all I have now
crap then
weird but kinda hot
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Since we're being so meta right now anyway.
Why don't we all draw DragonxDiamond Dog for Klondorks birthday in two days?
>An error occurred, please try again later

dammit BCS
who drew the first marker pony?
They know your reputation.
They'd NEVER hire you.
obsidian solitaire
So, in other words, they aren't hiring you.
i'm so fucking drunk right now
let me touch your butt
You remind me of MBG

maybe finger me a little
Acting professional when meeting any potential employer is a must.
Why are you still doing this again?
>capable of acting professional
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Look at this happy pony
no, lots of people are still surprised by rule 34

lots of bronies, for example

and anti-bronies

>Reminds me of Tex

I'm not sure if Id be more upset if you got hired or if mando got a recurring role.
But it's you that harasses us, then offers to draw.
The art in that Spike/SpikeDog comic was so on model. That bugs me. It's better than the official comics. And it's wasted on some shitty forgetable porn?
whoah, I wasn't expecting a screenful of horse
i know this is a foreing concep to you but we don0t want you here
Because I don't think you deserve such an opportunity.

I mean, I'm sure you'd WASTE the opportunity, but you shouldn't have it in the first place.
but bronies are entitled

now post your tits, because you're required to
The artist usually draws pokemon porn.
That answers that.
>on model
Sometimes being off model allows for greater character expression.
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>arf arf
if there's one thing in this fandom I can't stand, it's the porn.
>I'm not gonna post my goddamn tits

And, yeah, you haven't really showed any potential for anything but smut.
Tricksta? He's fucking amazing.
>caring about Mando

lol, go back to the piss
>I try to be nice
By posting unrelated shit with your tripcode on and constantly stirring up unneccesary drama?
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What does Steven Magnet taste like
But it's true.

All you've done is drawn porn for, what, 12 years or something?
Oh yeah, that's the name. I thought it was Trickster something or another.
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aw yeah
I missed this
and you think that's a bad thing.... why?
haha that's great

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You peeking again, anon?
What picture?
sailor semen
I have tried it a bit and filtering BCS with recursive filtering turned off works well for now, you should all try it.

Weaver is one of the biggest off topic attention whroing namefags in the general. I shit on him consantly. Why can't he be the one to leave?
this one

There's more to being an artist then drawing porn.

She should do her first safe image.
Well I definitely didn't pony you for your personality
I'd prefer if I was poking
>I shit on him consantly.

And you think that's better?
But all he does is on topic images and discussion.
>on topic images

You have to be trolling.
Because you're not good at that.

Maybe try practicing some more.
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>But all he does is on topic images and discussion
>on topic images and discussion.
Not all the time, but at least he's sensible about it. I like GG, despite his occasional shortcomings
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All you gotta do is ask.
you ever going to post a pic of your mutilated penis.
Because he thrives off attention.

The only way to get him to leave is to have everyone here ignore him completely which is never going to happen.

I'm pretty indifferent to him
Rainbow Dash might I have the pleasure of cumming inside you?
Replying only makes it worst.
Don't let it go in dry.
Leth, please save us
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>Zone Version 2.0


Get better at flash before comparing yourself to a professional.
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>engagement to Rarity

Who does this nerd think he is trying to marry my waifu?
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>That sudden realization that MLPG must be really important to Tex.
>He takes this way more importantly and seriously than anyone should
>This might be one of his only social outlets
I wish you would just die.
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>pegasus lesbian pedophilia
But you could barely finish Double the Fun and that was basic shit compared to Zone.
My theory is that Tex is a very sickly young man that can't leave the house because he's so sick and fragile, so he uses the internet, and by extension us, and ponies to take the pain away

Not sure where his gun lust comes from.
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This is just too much work.
I tried buddies, but I'm going to jump ship until this big crazy shit gets cleaned up.

>a sick weak man trapped in his home
>Not sure where his gun lust comes from

I-I think we both know anon.
>Not sure where his gun lust comes from.

Texas. It's genetic.
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>This might be one of his only social outlets
mine, too
You know that dude isn't even bad looking.

6.5/10 maybe.

He has a job numbnuts. I wonder if he has no friends though, to take the rejection (from his mindset) of MLPG so hard though.
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I'm very glad BCS-chan and Weaver-chan are both here with us.
And of course, you too, Anonymous!
You're all very special to me!
So if you can't program flash without his help, don't call yourself "the next zone".
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Sorry, no more pony images allowed
BCS do you literally have no self-awareness whatsoever?
It took you this long to come to this conclusion.

It really must hurt Tex a lot to see entire threads fall into tantrum spirals on a semi regular basis, especially since this place is really good most of the time when we dont have spammers or drama.
of cource not

hurry up and report her

hopefully they'll send her on a longer vaction
>He has a job numbnuts

Maybe he works at home.
Or maybe the job is a lie to throw us away from the truth.
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I couldn't get why he'd be so hurt from some posts on MLPG. But that's because I don't take MLPG that seriously. I think he does. He probably has social problems.
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I think I missed it because I have no idea what point you were trying to make by posting a semi-attractive (kind of a stretch) and his harem of ponies.

That nigga is living the dream.
Mr. Cake's face is really hard to get right, especially when his mouth is wide open
that lower jaw is killer

He works and lives alone in some small place (he mentioned his place was small). And spends his free time in MLPG as his social outlet, with some video games.

I want to heal his soul, but he won't let me ;_;
Go watch some Crimson Chin shorts for reference
You dont have to have social problems to care a lot about your daily hangout. I'm here every day and I really dont like seeing you guys at each others throats all the time.
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mr.cake is a very square pony
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I wish I could work alone and/or from home ;_;
You should make your primary hangout a Martial Arts gym/dojo, that way people being at each other's throats is friendly sport!
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what about background butts
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Zecora's snout is pretty squareed, too.

Mr. Cake part zebra? Probably not.
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That made me smile
>You dont have to have social problems to care a lot about your daily hangout. I'm here every day and I really dont like seeing you guys at each others throats all the time.

It is if it's some stupid circlejerk for MLP.

Plus, everyone says Tex doesn't talk much even in skype or steam. I have not seen a single person come forward and say "I was online friends with that guy". If he keeps people at a distance on the interwebs, imagine how he's like in real life.
It's probably not all it's cracked up to be.
How would you even explain to your boss why your work isn't done?

>sorry I didn't get any work done, I was too busy talking about ponies
Who is BCS?
Who is Rarity?
Rainbow Dash.
You'd be surprised at how little work people in an office can get away with doing.
I would like to be a mare
for than just sexual
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also a very expressable pony
It can be hurtful when Anon talks shit about you and you are insecure enough that you start assuming it's your friends with their names off.
maybe if you stop shtitposting off topic shit.
Maybe he was just mildly depressed for a long while and seeing us like this (along with other more important crap) put him over the edge
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>Maybe he was just mildly depressed for a long while and seeing us like this (along with other more important crap) put him over the edge

This is my current theory.
That's not how Jeopardy works, it should be "This episode is your very favorite"
Hearts and Hooves day

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okay that was a bad idea
I used to work at home just making websites for random people. It was really fun. Unfortunately I never made as much money as I could have due to constantly being on 4chan

This is also true though. Every 20 minutes some dingaling calls to bother or there is a meeting. It's actually very frustrating and annoying
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>I'll make pony discussion by spamming and shitposting
>this will be helpfull and contrabutive and won't backfire at all
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Hey, if that's what he likes, you have no right to criticize.

Especially since you want to suck off a horse
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I love the cakes. I can't think of a single scene with the two that wasn't enjoyable.
I hope they get more screen time in S4. I also don't think we've seen Pinkie interact with them that much outside of a few episodes which I think is pretty weird.

I'd love to have an episode that is nothing but the daily life of Pinkie living with the Cakes. That'd be cool.
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I wonder what this is all about.
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Hey I'm not doing it, blame Mrs. Cake
People know to stick with emails for me unless it's urgent/immediate, that way I'll remember what they say to me and I'll have a record of what shit I've still got to follow up on.
BCs this is your cue to draw contra ponies

why arn't you making the obvious joke sketch I set out litteraly to give you something ELSE to do
MLPG, quick. Should I buy the Doom 3 BFG edition or save my five dollars for something better?
Jennifer Lopez
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I'd lick the icing off that Carrot Cake.
>no pancake tag
save it for when Orcs Must Die 2 goes on sale
>forced gay
>being coaxed by girlfriend/wife

Best fetish.
Pretty much this. I regularly did the paper work for the secretary in the company where my dad works during summer holidays.
Her normal workday consisted of coming to work half an hour late and then putting the phone on busy so no one interrupted her breakfast, which lasted till it was time for lunch.
Imagine this

Mti on his back
Mrs. Cake riding Mti
Mr. Cake in Mrs. Cake's ass
Mua right at the top
Who the fuck are you talking to?
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But i'm not sure he's liking it, it looks like he's being forced

and that's none of your concern
how do I remove stubs
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I can't picture this, you're not explaining it well.
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>MLPG, quick. Should I buy the Doom 3 BFG edition or save my five dollars for something better?

Doom 3 was never good, and the update is not worth it.

I'm willing to bet money he's talking about BCS
It's not forced, he could easily pull off.

At least, before Mti flares.
How do you figure, sport?

okay then, enojoy basically ebing mane3.0 and another eventual ban then
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Opinions noted. I shall hold onto my five shekels until something I absolutely cannot pass up hits the sales floor.
Who is Christopher Nolan
Breathe Pinkie, I can't understand you

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But you do get banned for spamming
Well alright...
I wish I were a maid mare.
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Someone should make a thread on the sub where people can give their opinion on the daily sales
>another ded artist
Who is Tabitha St. Germaine?

Would you mind me uploading this?
Or are you going to finish it?
Totalhalibut already does that
I don't care for the ponies she voices, but tabitha is consistently aluring
but i don't want to walk among mad people
We're all mad here.

Trigger warning : Featureless rectangles
he looks very sad
Aw well that's not nearly deep enough
My only complaint is his face looks a bit short.
Looks good to me.

VERY good...
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>you will never be Fluttershy in a steady relationship with Dash
If there's any pony I could see being able to suck both at once, it's him.

Well, after some training.
that's my fetish
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study buddies

BCS, are your really using his as a defense argument?

Golly that's pretty cute
I think it's just a combination of the hot water, his nervousness of his performance, and his confusion as to why it's turning him on so much.
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Not being a pony in a lesbian relationship with another pony is your fetsih?
your crossing into some serious fetish material for me GG
keep it up, i-if you want to...
being a pony (specifically fluttershy) in a relationship with Dash is my fetish.
Please, just stop talking to her.

Why do anyone of you even acknowledge her post when there's no new artwork attached?
yeah...me too
BCS, if your response to that is literally a reddit responce, then there is nothign more anyone here has to say to you.

Except for maybe "Goodbye"
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I'm going to draw porn right now.
i think that's everyone's fetish, thus making it not even a fetish
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filter who? I don't see any shitposting but the only trip I have filtered is BCS
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I like when you draw pones
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That's weird.
You guys are weird.
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No I'm not.
I read that response and saw that gif and felt like I was fluttershy
It gave my stomach Butterflies
I think I need to leave for a while...
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>tfw GG is the best drawfag of all time
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it's not a proper ship if both enjoy it equally
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maybe, but it feels good
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He arguably is considering all the shit he's done in 4chan history. If I had to bet I'd say there are people on every board who know him, or at least his works. Truly, an example to us all.

But not on imgur
>reverse cuckoldry

i do not enjoy this.
What are you, a sissy that wouldn't help your wife live out her fantasy?
>last thread has 231 images now

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Do you guys ever go to 2chan during the new Japan episodes on Monday?
Shit's hilarious with auto translate
Is that you, GG, or just someone editing it?
I would not marry someone who had this fantasy.

Or anyone.

I am ideologically opposed to marriage.

>things said on /mlp/
I don't like him taking it so deep.
It's much cuter (hotter) in the original since it looks like he's struggling to fit it all in.
Well he does have a very long snout. He could still be having trouble with it.
Oh come on, Mr. Cake's snout is so long he could probably get most of it in without it touching his throat.
They're almost exactly like us even their reactions to S1 eps match up to most of ours.

It's like looking into a mirror except your reflection is some Asian guy.
Judging by the lines, it's someone else editing it.
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But would he want to?

He's being forced into such a strange situation by his wife, do you think he'd just deepthroat a cock on her request?
No. He'd probably pussyfoot his way around it, maybe play with the tip a little bit until he builds up the courage to put it in his mouth.
because dicks

Brae that faglord, off having fun in baguetteland while we get to sit here.
no one should ever follow Brae.
unless you want quality like this
You're assuming that he's never done it before.

Or that he isn't liking it
I remember saying that I was going to write a short bit of bi clop, but fuck me if I can remember what the premise was.
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Mr.Cake isn't square enough
Yeah, but he knows how to play his part well. Every time is the "first" time.
I don't see whats wrong with that, aside from the content if it isn't your thing
I can give you a hin- Ms. Harshwhinny
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give me some pictures to do this to
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Pan over to Mrs. Cake getting railed.
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The art is shit.
Judging by his expression and Mrs.Cake's remark I'd say it is.

And maybe he doesn't like it at first, but he could easily grow to love it and have wild swinger parties with other couples in ponyville
all that tells me is your opinion

Tried to make his snout longer without changing the mouth-to-black-rectangle ratio
What artist?

The Cakes and the Belles
looks less scrunchy
The art is objectively bad. Why do you always ride Brae's poorly drawn dick?
>0r0 in charge of human faces
I humbly request more twins art, GG, lewd or not.
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Do you guys hate shipping? I hate it do death. I hate all the ships, dash x flutter, lyra x bon-bon, derpy x doctor, dash x that wonderbolt. I think they're stupid. And from what I've seen the people who support them are either autistic or it makes their pee pee tingle.

Again you are actually proving nothing, just stating things without saying why that is the case. I dont defend Brae like ever, i just don't see what you are saying and hoped you would explain it.
Best not be hatin on AJxHat
Am I 10 foot fourty and killing for fun?
First thing I'd do is kicking Pipsqueak in the nuts and then I would fuck my waifu.
Find the nearest bear and fuck the shit out of it
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The only ship I support.
>tfw I can pleasure mares with my 30 dicks
you're coming
you're coming
you're coming
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He'll bang the ponies
but not the filly ponies
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I'd buzz her tower
But that's fucking retarded
You're fucking retarded
I heard that fucker had, like, 30 goddamn dicks.
dem fuzzy cheeks
I just looks bad. Like for instance in the last panel the grey horse becomes completely flat. He has no midsection. Just a head and some tiny front legs and hips Where the hell is the white horse standing that lets him have his dick at such an angle? And is the grey horses anus angled in such a way it needs to be that way?
In a row?
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Is there such a thing as GOOD oc?
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Of course. But usually the people with good OCs don't spam them alot.
One that isn't super dark and edgy
One that isn't just for fetishes
One that isn't derived from a character on the show or made as an all powerful mary sue to replace the characters on the show
maybe his back is just arched? but i do see what you are saying about the other zebra. I will admit thats one of his lower quality pictures, but its hardly his standard.
One that isn't straight
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Being a qt is also a requirement
some one stop that horse
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This is the only one I can think of that isnt ours.
I feel you could make one that's not super cute as long as it had another trait to make it endearing that didn't revolve around it being ugly.
No, that's not how you draw things like that.
No perspective at all. It's like they all live in a floaty world with no gravity or rules.
Horse pls calm down
didn't ross make that one, though?
also where does he post his stuff? I want to see what he's been up to
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you can't stop horse, horse must stop on its own
One that isn't a self insert
>didn't ro-
NOPE, and I dont know I asked him once and he gave me his no pone tumblr.

This pony owns a chocolate shop or something.
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Am I going to have to dump all of my favorite OCs?
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Yes. All you need to do is make her cute and make people care about her by having her go on a silly adventure.
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that was fun
>tfw all of your porn is of OCs
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I agreement.
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Of course.
But that's just a floofy unicorn Snails with buck teeth and big ears
that hornjob always gets me
Sunset shimmer is an OC now?

You could make an OC representing you, as long as it had your own flaws and perceived pluses.

That's the part everyone forgets. That they have flaws, and that if they make a pony version of themselves they shouldn't gloss over the things that make them who they are.

Though it's hard to see these things visually, and everyone is loathe to write.
dat ass
>tfw Marker Pone is the only OC you like
>sparkling hair
>special snowflake extra long horn
Does pony come with a manual
How can I tell if I'm ponying
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Double agreement.
Just make your pony as fat/unnaturally skinny and ugly as you are, and you're set.
and the original few food ponies
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Anon, I will wreck you.
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Please rate this pony.
Is she a good waifu?
*grabs you by the throat*
Seriously, that's still better than standard issue pone body and what you mentioned is enough to set him apart.
>Amber Rose
>A brown compass rose as the cutie mark

I'm curious what the special talent is, but I applaud them using the term rose for something other than the flower.
>"North is that way"
That one is okay, but we need more manly man OCs
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No, she's a slut and jailbait.
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Depends on if you like watching Macgyver
I don't get it.
only if you like supersayans
who is this? I'm pretty fond of that poofy, cotton mane and the green is a good color for it.
Isn't this bitch based off some sort of pokemon?

>those leg things

nevermind, it's based off some fat homestuck fan and her fanny pack collection.
What kind of new abilites does an SSJ pony have
Nah the other one is better, she likes to swallow.

you waifu a shit
So I should take her on adventures and road trips.

Got it.

>She benefits from the relationship by having you take her places
>You benefit by never getting lost
>Travel buddies turns into something else after a time

Tune in next time on: Writing romance for OCs I know nothing about!
An expert navigator, I would assume
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>mfw it looks like the 8th ranked assassin, Shinobu

That anatomy
she's has the ability to be a horrible waifu.
>slowly falling in love while travelling
I love it, are you gonna write it?
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That's a mean thing to say.
Did BCS get banned and start drawing again?
I could.

Let me pastebin the other two things I owe this weekend first though.

Yes to the first question, no to the second.
Oh sorry. I got confused.
You know, because it was shit.
she'd look better with fewer items of clothing
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>file name
How dare you insult them like that
I forget, do you get a chance to play as Sir Henry Motherfucker during NMH2?

At least this ones overdesigned appearance fits.
Yeah Patty and Selma deserve better than that.

Yeah, for one ranked fight and that's it.

And the assassin was fucking retarded.
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only once, against Mimmi
Has BSC been banned again for shitposting, I've notice all it's posts are gone.

AW YEAH if so.
You wanna go son? Right here right now.
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Don't make me use the Wu Shu
Yeah, let's go. You gonna bring your barely conceptualized characters with you?
>not boop
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I really disagree.

Normally something like this would come across as over designed, but here it fits with the rockstar motif the artist was going for.
that was pretty good
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I wish they had taildocks on the show
I'm glad they don't. If they did my penis would explode every time they turned around.
That would make their butts look overly sexualized.
It's like when I try to decide which is best filly scout, Samoa or Berry Munch
Hopefully a week this time.
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>penis would explode
You should really see a doctor
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Praise the heavens, did you notice creepycurse's update "vent" I was feeling the exact same way.
I know right. All her shit posting really puts me in a bad mood
Its obviously Berry Munch
That's not Samoa or Berry Munch, though.
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Who sees a bit of flesh covered spine extension and thinks "sexual" besides you

and me

and that guy
I agree.
Which one can suck a dick the best?
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I really enjoy this horse.
Me too man.

Well enough about that thing, let's just enjoy ponies.
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Silly anon, filly scouts aren't for sexual.

Now when they grow up...Probably still a tie

You'd get about the same results asking a flower which drop of rain it likes best.


Also in the running were *squish*, *moosh*, and *prod*
I don't think that trying to make sure they aren't too sexual is a major concern of the animators, but I could be wrong.

>love docks
>only time they are in the show is on 2 of my least favorite ponies
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She's pretty great
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Oh is she, huh?
Not as cute as her sister, but pretty great
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I said cutest not most ethnic or fattest.

you mean? >>12097934
how's that related to BCS? just looks like his usual boring bullshit.
pretty sure they just work with flat tails because it's easier, not because it would be too spicy
I don't think it's a concern either

>winter wrap up
Flitter just reminds me of a recolored Fluttershy. CC has much better hair.
Look at the tags

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I think I used the wrong word. I mean, they use a very simplified design for the ponies, right?

If they just gave their butts extra attention it would just really really stand out. Cartoons usually don't even do taildocks.
Oh yeah I agree.
Sometimes the way their tails attach gets kind of sloppy unfortunately. Like it will look like it's sticking out of one of their butt cheeks.
Holy fuck how didn't I even see that before.
That doesn't answer my question
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but the bow
Oh my.

There was a news report about a mom saying that the MLP horses were too sexy, so who knows. I think it's better without them.
well not butt naked, but the shirt felt like enough
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>fluffybooru still exists
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Well fine then. I guess you didn't want to go on that date with me after all.

>that spunk

Brae is that you
I thought that article was about how the EQG models were "too sexy."
Zounds! He likes fruit!
unf unf applehips unf
I'll go out with Rainbow Dash
We can go see Superman, I haven't seen it yet.

That's cute.
I think it's Kev
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What would you do if pone had bad taste in comics?
Don't compare Jailbait with this piece of shit Braeburned.
not care
comics are lame
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w-wait what/spoiler]
I'd show pony some judge dredd
I was wondering why it looked like shit.

>piece of shit

whoa now anon, we dont need to go flying off the handle
There was one for both. Parents are very uptight when it comes to shit like that sometimes.
Stay at home moms are very bored women.
But she doesn't like your comics. She wants you to read Sword Mare.

What are you trying to suggest, that both kev and brae are shite?
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>crookedtrees in financial troubles won't resort to ponies

lel, that's now 3 counting sweatshrit and slugbox
Make her read my wiener with her mouth.
Exactly that.

But who's dick is it!? This is make or break.
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What kind of comics is pony into?

I'd let her borrow this and hopes she likes it. If she doesn't we can't be friends anymore.

Oh my god who the hell cares about them
>tfw you don't own even one comic
It's OBVIOUSLY Futa Pinkie
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Would you let your ponimouto join the filly scouts?
Why do porn artists always have money troubles?
They need to get a better job or stop spending so much, fuck.
I think she's a bit too old for that.
I would read that comic.
Or like, crazy or abusive parents

uh? sweatshrit and crookedtrees are not porn artists
Capes probably

Because you can not survive solely on porn commissions despite what they will tell you.

What a cute little troupe of harlots, of course I'll buy a box of your evil fucking cookies

slugbox seems to be doing fine
Why do all the artists that come back from the ded draw dicks all the time?
Did they go to gay camp when they were ded?
Maybe they should get a real job instead of bitching on tumblr then.
I bet the cookies are just a front to cover up their underage prostitution ring.
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So you've never seen crookedtrees porn?
Because I remember art of Applebloom being gang raped and abused.
I can personally attest to the fact that horse dicks are actually just really fun to draw, regardless of any personal sexual gratification.
Yeah, why do they never do that?
Get a real job to financially support yourself, do your porn on the side for extra dosh and internet dick sucking.

BRB, MS paint
Someone quick. Photoshop SB's gigadong on there.
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If pony is into capes I would let her borrow my copies of Invincible and Quantum and Woody.

If she likes those I would show her some other capes not from DC and Marvel and hope she likes them so she can expand her taste, but I would still let her read some of the good books that Marvel and DC have published. I would also show her some non-capes so she isn't stuck reading one genre

And that's how I would introduce Dash to good comics.
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So apparently Fluffy is the person in this fandom that managed to make his OC profitable


What does MLPG think about that?
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"But sir, our organization allows young fillies to build up college funds while simultaneously allowing them to explore their sexuality in a safe environment."
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You're not worthy.

I know deep down he's still miserable. I've chatted with him and all he really wants out of the fandom was somebody to talk to and play videogames with sometimes

What do I think? Absolutely fucking nothing.

Fluffy can do whatever he wants with his brony fans.
Fluffy is living proof that all it takes to be popular in this fandom is to pander to the lowest common denominator as hard as you possibly can.

I ain't jealous, I'm proud of him kind of.
Proud in the same way a father is when he learns his son isn't gay.
that bling crystal zebra flank
I'm sure your dad is proud of other things you do
hooker pony spit
My sides, well said.
Pfft I think alot of people in the fandom could be profitable with their ocs if done right.
Like filly scouts. Think how could it would be.
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I got this.
What am I even doing

I can't ink, in fact I've never inked before, my mouse is incredibly ill-suited for art (or anything) and it's like late at night

lets do this

trigger warning: explicit, shitty inks
I think that's also Tex's problem
But we don't have pics of his 5"

Yes I like this. I bet they sell "Happy Ending Delights."

PROTIP: Use a stabilizer or a curve-making tool. Also, it would be nice if you inked not porn on your first attempt.

You make it sound like if it's the fandom's fault that he failed at that, when several occassions Fluffy has shown that he is a very fickle and whiny person, so is no surprise that he is so lonely.
If I had access to an image editing program, I'd do the obligatory "ur a faget"
My dad is proud that we're into the same exact things.
It's weird.
your dad likes MLP?
or do you keep that a secret?
My dad is proud that I graduated college and got a stable in-field job with solid pay.
Do it more like:>>12099799
With only the giant horse cock.
But Anonymous, what if I like dark, edgy and fetishes?
>feeling proud of fluffy

I don't feel a fucking thing, not even sympathy. He brought this upon himself. He has all the attention he desires but has no real friends. How can anyone live like that.
There's a hard cap?
Counting money.

Yep. Probably at 1300 because there's 1227 replies, and it just stops.
I'm sure he has friends outside of the internet. Even ugly people find company in some form.
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If it's so easy, then how come they haven't done it?

How would you tell your pony that it's terminal?
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>having a life outside the internet

Where the Hell do you think you are?
>tfw Dafty is fucking dead
My mother always used to say that exact kind of thing to me.

>I would hate being rich or being a celebrity. You'd never have any real friends. How can anyone live like that.

I just agreed with her but silently thought in my head "What are you fucking talking about mom being rich would be dope as hell and I'm pretty sure I could make real friends"
In song format.
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I'd take a cattle prod to her head while she was sleeping. Ain't no sense in keeping her around if she's just going to be sick. Carts don't pull themselves you know.
>no pupils
Is that a giraffe?
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Would MLPG like drunken fanfiction reading? Or drunken vidya streaming?

Also how about a joke?

Why are the mane 6 such good friends?

Because they're always horsing around!
Reminds me of Pinkie's song about Abortion
But they're there.
Oh haven't they?
Look at some of those tumblr ocs. Like discorded doctor hooves. Little miss rarity. Molestia.
Aren't those ocs
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Maybe. They would certainly be more popular if art anon drew them a little better and put some love into it. I mean come the fuck on what's going on with Berry's hoof and the other scout's chin
>has no real friends

i doubt you know his situation well enough to say that. fluffy is a strange one though his ex gf went on rants about how crazy he can be but she sounded insane also.

it also means fluffy has had sex.
No it's a cat, stupid
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I for one am happy that Kraut is back.
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are they making money from them?
Now that's just rude.
Art-anon has a good foundation of style. Most of our artist do.
You can't say it's poorly drawn...because there are much worst artists who could draw them.
Pretty sure most people here have had sex
>spin-off imminent
C-can you do a *boop* version?
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He likes the comics.

He's a big comic book nerd (he's the one that got me into comics).
He saw the TPB on my shelf and asked me about it so I told him what I liked about it and it got him curious so he looked through it and ended up reading it because he liked the art.
He enjoyed it a lot, but not in a "X is best pony" or "This pony is my waifu" kind of way, he just thought it was cute and very well-written for a kid's comic about toys.

My mom knows I likes ponies too,but she's never given me shit for it. She even read through the Pinkie Pie Micro when I let my little sister borrow it

>I doubt you know his situation well enough

And I doubt you were here to see that cap of his DA of him explaining how much he loathes bronies and how they only try to get shit from him. The man has no friends.
there are a ton of people who genuinely dont want to be brony famous. it is made clear when you see videos of the most brony famous people in the fandom at conventions and the comments from the normal people are all disgusting. even though the people in the video have so much brony fame.
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>Pretty sure most people here have had sex
Only oral...
Everyone that says they're leaving the fandom always comes back.
That's pretty cool
even if he is an awful person he could still have friends. even ross, hilter, and BCS have friends.
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Would you still want to spend a non-sexual day with pony if they were all this big?
What, he's back? Since when?
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Because they're lazy entitled faggots trying to convince themselves that drawing horse porn is a marketable skill
>candy-colored pony butt at eye level
Oh boy howdy I sure would
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Oh my god. Leave, save yourself while you still can.
its true, get a load of crookedtrees who said he is giving up ponies forever


hes doing pony stuff again for money
Last week.
Hell yeah, I could actually ride her!
Maybe even more than if they were small

sure why not, it would be more fun to ride them if they are that size
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Yeah, maybe it's rude, but since when has Anonymous ever been nice? Besides, I have a point and honest opinion. I know AA is a good artist. I've seen the things he's drawn. But that update looked like it was drawn by Wolfx in some panels.
I guess you could really see eye to brown eye!
This pleases me. I missed that mopey fuck.
Hitler and BCS sure, but I really doubt Ross has any friends.
Yeah, but if you call them on it some faggots always show up and whiteknight them.
I'm so tired of braeburned and all his con bullshit faggotry.
I meant this week, last wednesday.
He has been here for four days and has drawn 12 requests in that time.
I would apply to be a professional ponut attendant

Ross is friends with himself
And only receiving.

I really want to give, tough.
I have not seen him. I have work during the day which might be why
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I don't see ponies in that post
I don't miss him

At all

fuck off
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even though i dont care for his art too much its pretty hard for me to hate braeburn since he is such a nice guy.

no matter how busy he is he always stops to help lucas move the couches.
fuck off
I miss him as much as the next guy, but damnit stop posting this.
He posted them on his sub thread.
tfw no tex rip in peace ;_; quality poster 24/7 i hope he comes back y u have to drive him away with shitpost hateanon tex did nothing wrong tfw no tex tfw contributors are leaving tfw he hats us
I would let an eager Filly have at my man member with her mouth
I honestly don't care about him
I think Tex is being a giant baby bitch.
Almost all of us loved his work and always replied to him even when he wasn't posting art. he got over 700 likes on a personal blog for art.

And he turns around and says we don't support him enough.
Hey, that faggot used to post on MLPG years ago.
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>Request something
>It's always ignored
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Ah, I don't go to the sub often.
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somebody draw this faggot a pony
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when did crookedtrees draw sadsack
I've been here all three years and honestly didn't even notice this guy until recently
>you could write mediocre adventure books and dash would fucking love you
I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but his art is so medicore and all he ever does is show it off and talk about which country he's visiting and who he rubbed shoulders with at some con.
It's always some jackoff I don't give a fuck about. Plus he does that whole "I know a secret about someone and I can't tell you" thing.
>not -glorp-
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Just be more aggressive with your requests.

I think he has contracted "appleitis"
Why does he think we don't appreciate him?

Tex was one of the few people here that seemed like he never got shit on or insulted by anyone.
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>oh, another one of your fanfictions
>...thanks anon
Let's see your desktops.

What did you request from which artist?
Let's teach him a lesson.
Neither do I. I feel indifferent towards him, if anything. He very, very rarely took requests, never really interacted with us in the thread beyond "Would you X with pone" and an accompanying picture of Applejack. He was loved by really, really annoying posters same people who won't stop posting about him But being one of the more talented artists in the thread, getting hundreds of notes on tumblr, having every one of your drawings replied to 6-10 times, and then leaving because you felt you weren't being appreciated was a slap in the face.

I've never spoken to him once. But this was a terrible first impression.
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>I've been here all three years
Does that mean his wienie has apple bumps now?
I'd describe it as more of a *squish*
I've asked numerous times for someone to draw Henry Killinger as a pony.

That's all.
Tex literally pulled his cock out of MLPG's mouth and slapped it in the face with it.
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havnt seen anyone in mlpg worse than this guy yet
If he decides to go back you sure as hell aren't gonna make it easier for him.
You fuckers who keep posting about him are just gonna get everyone tired of him.
I just pointed out what bugged me about him. It's nothing big enough to get mad or hate anyone about, but I really wish he would bring something more to the table than that.
>"Dashing Cloud and the Giant Snake"
>"Sonic Sunbeam and the Dripping Tunnels"
>"Rainbow Dash Please Have Sex With Me"
>"Speedy Marezales and the Musky Tower"
>Gee anon thanks for the books but I can't read your handwriting
that's the plan
>not 'boop'
I think he's doing it on purpose to foster that exact sentiment
Shitposters are evolving
Is this what madness feels like?
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What up?
That like
A work of art its so bad
I'm impressed
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But if you squish a berry pone, juice will come out!
>not *boopsquishsquelch*

sorry i just got here
Not much

GG did a pretty great Twins/Cakes series
BCS got banned again
Filly Scouts updated
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>nanaki porn

Best artist in the thread. MLPG is dead
vidya stream in a bit if anyone wants to watch drunk sugery

maybe i am just too nice to people. i will like any one here who doesnt massively shitpost or personal blog.
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don't feel bad, it took me a long while before I got this request

He is not coming back, he clearly is tired of this place
You forgot that JB drew a BJ
>MT drawfag
I hope we cry and shit ourselves when someone like MT leaves.
Sometimes I like this sort of thing
But that doesn't really do anything for me
Not sexual enough or something
>tfw people make jokes about the ride never ending but most people who visit here actually do legitimately move on eventually
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>The message always completely goes over her head

>"Anon that was great! But you chose such weird character names. I mean "Lets DoAnal?"
>"where do you get your inspiration?"
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MT will never leave I love her artread:PORN too much
Then why do you like Braeburned?
All he does is treat us as a personal blog for his con hopping globe trotting trend sitting gay sexing.
>Get depressed because people weren't clamoring to suck your art dick.
>Meanwhile Jessey comes in and the general loses their minds.
>Figure porn will solve it.
>Get even less responses to your shit.
>tfw Tess hats us
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Kraut is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Apple is ded
>tfw TAW is ded
>tfw mewball hats us
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Japanon is ded
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw Scherzo hats us
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw Metals is in jail
>tfw Cheshire hats us
>tfw AB is dead
>tfw Noel hats us
>tfw NTSTS hats us
>tfw Disco hats us
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw ReiDuran is ded
>tfw Jailbait hats us
>tfw LK hats us
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Jalm hats us
>tfw xieril hats us
>tfw ciircuit is ded
>tfw Reu hats us
>tfw Smile hats us
>tfw PS is ded
>tfw Don.ko is ded
>tfw Unity is ded
>tfw Gypsymagic is ded
>tfw lolip is ded
>tfw Hoppip hats us
>tfw Goggles hats us
>tfw PNGLN hats us
>tfw Shout hats us
>tfw Mangneto hats us
>tfw PHN hats us
>tfw Dalapony is ded
>tfw No-Ink hats us
>tfw Mocha hats us
>tfw Tex hats us
It's a shame we only give certain people all the attention though.
>Celestia Winger Color .psd
Wait what?
Is that what it sounds like?
I want it
In order to leave she has to find, and then spell 'exit'.

A flawless plan to keep her trapped forever.
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fukken masterpiece
You're kind of on the right track here, I think. It happens to everyone. You get good at art, get popular, and then you get really fucking mad or depressed when someone else is getting their dick sucked more. Some people are just better at dealing with it.
Well personally I didn't mind Tex doing porn.
I just didn't like him doing Texanon porn.
hey come on guys. remember when we just booped and had fun?
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Come to bed mlpg.
She'll just read xiet and do it anyway.
They still sound the same.
okay Derpy
i dont see him doing that. he posts about con stuff so rarely and maybe once or twice in a thread or when people ask.

i dont even remember the last post he made it was so long ago
Yeah, I think that kinda bit him in the ass.
When you do cute shit with something MLPG likes, you tend to tick off a few of them when you go "Okay, cute works, Now lets make that cute thing smutty!"
>drawfag weeboo who is into dicks
Should be easy enough to call.
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Just like most of the drawfags that leave, if tex comes back it will be to tumblr, they were sucking his dick in his last post.
He'll find a new home
>all he does is this thing he never does
I like Brae because he's a chill guy and does stuff like this,
which is more than most artists or those who left here can say they've done.
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I would appreciate MT more often if
1. She posted more often
2. I wouldn't be called a creepy little shit who only wants to give her the D by MLPG

I would suck a lot of people's art boners.
can i have sauce on the background pic?

hyper futa lolis are my fetish
>Implying MLPG wouldn't do the same thing.
If shitposters hadn't ruined the joke I would post Krautism.jpg now.
Braeburned go back to sipping wine.

Well yeah, you guys right now are shitting on him, but if he comes back you'll be sucking on him as usual
>Sipping wine.
Not him, but how did you turn on my webcam?!
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What if angry griffon wanted your D?
Yeah, exactly. I liked Texanon for being an emotional animu-esque stonewall of a man surround by super happy cute ponies.

I didn't like it when it turned out the only emotion he could show was ass fucking them. Just made everything else seem like he was putting up with ponies because they swallowed his cock with their south mouth.
>that picture
Lamar made one of the greatest of all shitposts in MLPG history, I'll give him that.
Will she yell insults at me as I plow her asshole?
Kraut is unded though.

Is that a male or a female?
Wait he was assfucking them?
I thought that was vaginal and oral.
So wait Braeburned did something poorly drawn and sexual? Yeah. He never does that.
Only vaginal if he married Applejack.
Get your shit together, everyone knows Applejack is saving herself for marriage.
I like to exaggerate circumstance to make them sound funnier.
I'd run because there are two problems there, those being
1. Angry Griffon
2. Griffon wants my D

Neither of those things are good on their own and certainly combined are not something I'm interested in.
The cycle just restarts. Just note how the reaction to him has been rather modest and silent.
I wonder if Brae did cute nonsexual shit with his porn OC if people would flip their shit at him too...
Well he had his two inch pecker in her horsegina in that one picture. I don't think she'd want to marry that, though.
it's gilda
Would your waifu be okay with you tiny dick?
Nah, if you start out with porn no one gives a fuck what you do. Unless you're just a cunt.
He would barely be notable and possibly have 200 followers on tumblr.
She certainly wouldn't.
Exactly. There are some things that just don't mesh with porn when you have established a fanbase for it being something else entirely.

It's like being this amazing sushi chef and inviting your best customers for a special meal.

And serving steak.
Overcooked steak.
which humanpone would you sex?
that doesn't answer the question.
>Still more then me.
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I'm sure noone would say you wanted to give me the D.
No one ever does~
Anyways I post more often then not...
I even drew a picture for mlp today.
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>S4 still half year away

they better give us something of worth ar comicon
do you mean a pone version of a human or a human version of a pone?

Tara and Pinkie.
MT is the one that wants the D.
Everyone's D.
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Exactly right. In the end it just sorta made people realize that maybe Texanon was actually Tex's self-insert all along.

Then it just made it sad and creepy.
I sent you an ask saying that I would bone you.
she's a female but for what she's got in mind for you you're the female
She just wants all the D so she can draw them adorably.
With little shark costumes on them.
maybe there will be an official air date~
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A stealth 0r0...
And we liked it.
renbo des

i dont have source but here is the pic
She wants to sit on all the D's at the same time while drawing all the D as adorably as possible.

Unless the D does a bad job. Then it doesn't get to go for round two.
I must have been the only one who realized it before all of that.
>drawing cute little shark costumes on all the boys' Ds
that is 2kawaii
Did the list get longer?
I've never seen you, so I don't know if I want to give you the D.
>you will never fight for dominance during sex with Gilda
>you'll never die of blood loss while slumped on top of her after she's passed out from you choking her
>a world with no condoms
It has to sit in the corner...
With a Dunce cap!
Well no, that's not completely true. The wind went out of people's sails right when they realized he was just a less douchie 0r0chi.
I hope that was just one of our artfags making a joke.
>not her passed out on top of you
Big black lady. She'd probably steal the D and pawn it off before you gave it to her.
You could have warned us!
he isn't ded
It has to wear the condom of shame. You know how much MT hates condoms, so you can imagine how bad the D would feel.
you guys have some weird kinks...

Yeah, I'd DEFINITELY give her the D.
Big is my kind of thing.
>MLPG keeps shitting on tex


Now let's see how many responses i get detailing why tex is a shit contributor and we don't need people like him or something like that
Yeah, it would've been niced if you had told us, bro.
I just figured he was called Texanon because Tex would never give him a name.
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This general got weird...So..let's turn the subject...
What are your reasonable requests.
And what do you think the future holds for MLP?
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>She'd probably steal the D and pawn it off before you gave it to her.

>"The D market is really slow this time of year, but you thankfully have one here that appears to be unused."
>"Ten dollars, it's the best I can do..."
Most people on that list aren't ded nor hat us
This is why if barriers are necessary penetration shouldn't be the centerpiece of an intimate encounter.
The way I see it Tex jumped ship when we ate his ass at every turn. If anyone has the right to be grumpy it's us. He just completely shat all in our mouth and blamed us for it.
MT, what are your thoughts on the newest "trouble" involving the twins?
I miss Tex. He had cute ponies.
draw best 6th gen starter pokemon with a pony
Draw Minituffs taking all the D's at once.
Then she's not your waifu
Our artists are not robots and have personalities and flaws. Don't forget that they are people too
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I request Rainbow Dash with a shaved belly + stitches and wearing one of these
i miss texanon's comic antics
Which trouble? The Cake drawings or BCS making a ask blog for them while accusing GG of shitposting in the general?
If you need condoms, be prepared for extended foreplay.
Or lots of oral.
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Pony wearing a hoodie

And maybe a hat, if the weather is suitable.
i dont see the mlp fandom ever turning good. even if s4 turns out to be the most well written best animated cartoon in history.
Well you can lust after someone, but that doesn't mean they'll lust after you in return.

Maybe she'll give us a pity fuck?
I used to like cute girls before I found out that they had sex.

tell that to people who just keep shitting on him like if he somehow ruined MLPG or is making it worse than what it already
>fighting for dominance with Gilda

>Not having a sordid,sweaty,musky,loud and rough late-night forest fucking with Zecora
It dies and LPS takes it place
then a new breed of brony is born -- pet owners.

They'll be everywhere.

And GG will be drawing fetish related art for them
EA will do TF ERP with them
Tex will join in on the crazy and feel under-appreciated years later
and anon?

He'll just keep on truckin'
Draw a 777 pony 'landing' in San Fra-

Oh wait, your not Jessy...

Uh, er..
...MT 'helping' Zecora make a potion?
The ones with or without his cock in a horse?
No one did while he was here, it may be sour grapes, but damn if the analysis going on now isn't spot on.
His apple speak was obnoxious, he reached an art plateau and didn't want to improve because he liked his art to have a blank canvas without much context.
I consider oral to be foreplay most of the time, when you don't have time to do EVERYTHING
I didn't say anything about needing condoms, you dope. I said MT hates condoms. As in she wants all that baby gravy in her slot machine.
MLPG doesn't deserve any contributors, you faggots are too spoiled
>The ones with or without his cock in a horse?

The porn was a bad idea in hindsight.

Tex did cute or mildly funny. Porn didn't fit into that.
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Any requests?
I feel like making a monster pony
I'll draw these in stream
Why don't you stop being a little bitch whiteknight.
If he didn't want us to talk about him he shouldn't have wrongly accused us of never supporting him.
But I can't be lewd in a stream
>nobody mentioned the bingo or took responsobility
So it was us all along.
I don't think it was a bad or good idea, or that Tex has to fit into any kind of mold.

It was just an idea that he briefly played with.
orc pony
I fear MLP holds mediocrity in its future.
I hope I'm wrong, but there wasn't a single episode in S3 that didn't have some kind of disappointment or letdown.
It's become really hard to hope after the S2 finale, most of S3, and the S3 finale.
all of them.

even the ones with Twilight in them.
Anglerfish pony
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Chucky pone
you missed out, they already claimed responsibility days ago
ya monster ponies are cool
He didn't even attempt at cut or mildly funny porn.
It was just lackluster cookie cutter sex.
stop posting non pony gifs you find on reddit
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Which is weird becuase we let him post all the time with a trip talking about general bullshit and nobody told him to take his trip off.
If anything we were nice with him. He was hitting Ponychan levels of tripfagging, just posting with one of his images to react to something.
fine geez
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Might I remind you that this is an utterly stupid endless circlejerk where we chit chat about nothing for 9 months until we get more MLP episodes. No one should take this too seriously. I can't see how you could possibly hate someone in here, or get emotional about anything.

>MLPG doesn't deserve any contributors, you faggots are too spoiled

That's part of it.

>playing SDT
>set name as Dweeb
>writing custom dialogue with more cursing and belittlement
>default mood is Angry
>shove it down her throat and hold her there until she passes out.

I think I'm in too deep.