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Over 400 new rotating banners added! Keep an eye out. Thanks to everyone who submitted!

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previous: >>12084814
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
http://derpy.me/WhosWho (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)

Lists of Scripts:

http://derpy.me/mlpgn (MLPG Nexus)


Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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Yellow pony is cute pony!
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Who doesn't love that pony?
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other colours?
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Been a while since we had a best pone thread
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We post ponies in this thread.
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I wouldn't say funny, but very nice indeed.
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First non-picture post get.
That's some really shitty anatomy on the legs.
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Best hose for OK thread.
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I agree. Its been awhile since best pony have her own thread.
I would pinkie's hose
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That nice, actually. I love how that skirt is not covering her flank all the way.


She would look really good in one of those formal Japanese school outfits where the skirt comes down past the knees

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>tfw you will never ____________________ sunbutt
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53 KB
this thread is a good thread, yup
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Not funny, but its fucking adorable.

Why is Fluttershy such an invalid?
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your point is invalid

you're about as sharp as a bowling ball
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She in a state of shock?
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source is Nano to Kaoru if you must know
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Flutterluna is a good ship
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mint pony

When isn't she?
She's an invalid.
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it's cute

I'm gonna fap anyway
Japanese school uniforms look supremely stupid.



You're an invalid
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Its a nice one. I bet Luna could convince Fluttershy to be her cuddle doll.

Do Japanese people know what jeans feel like
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How is that pony standing up?
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Not minty enough.
I would love to hide under Lunas wings while she tells me scary stories.
Not that I would be afraid, but I bet its really cozy under there.

No, they are forbidden by shinto law

do they know what a hamburger tastes like
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As much as they know the taste of cooked fish.
All of those are true
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oh autofill...
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it's good to have you back
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that's just, like, your opinion man
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thanks for making me feel welcome asshole

>she will never pull the trigger.
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i hate 4chan

the piss is suddenly looking pretty good right about now

>Pulls the trigger
>A blast of confetti and streamers hits her
>She collapses, crying and laughing
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Do you think Fluttershy gives good head?
then what are you still doing here?
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64 KB

ask yourself that
That's what people get for hitting "show".
When even the yt community thinks its bad enough to downvote it till its hidden, you know you don't wanna see it.
You could take the message of your image to heart.
>BCS will never inflict herself upon the piss

I am cry
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743 KB PNG

>some cry
Reported for shitposting again.
Of course you're not welcome when you keep posting random shit all the time.
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Why don't you draw something new?
Like this guy.
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have fun hittin that report button
If you wear a tripcode or use the same IP, do penalties stack up until you get a permaban?
I'm not reporting your posts, it doesn't make you go away any faster, even then if I cared all that much I could just filter you.
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post cute pon being cute
>tfw PS is ded

she got banned last time because someone reported her posts
They might not stack up as such but if a mod sees that you've been banned already for shitposting you'll probably eventually get permabanned.
I find it hard to believe that reports were actually the reason, she must get dozens per day.
There's always someone reporting her posts though, also >>12088594

it helps
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everybody's a critic
When you treat the world like an audience...
oh yeah, we're so sorry for having issues with you because you fling your shit around here 24/7
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i could post the most innocent inoffensive things ever and someone would STILL get randomly pissed off
Either way, I don't want her gone, she draws well and she can make good posts, I want her to post less offtopic bullshit and behave somewhat more decently.

I tried going to sub, you fuckers still didn't shut up with the gossip

way to go
the best part of all of this is how you genuinely don't seem to realize what you're doing

and expect not to get any shit thrown at you for it

well when she starts doing that instead of mentioning summerfags and how much we suck every other post, I'll stop wanting her gone too
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check this shit out
Yes, those people are called shitposters. You're pissing off other people too though.
Because that is the equivalent of speaking gibberish for hours

It's not offensive
But it sure is annoying

>calling me annoying

you're one to talk
These are nice, how much do they go for?
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would MLPG play minecraft with sweetie belle
So fucking what? How does that excuse YOU?

Anon might be annoying, but guess what: Anon outnumbers you, so you are the problem here
we used to like you around here. you have pulled to much shit and unless you drastically tone it down you're no longer welcome here.
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i dunno but i wish i had one
>Jalm never delivered

How am I supposed to build giant golden dongs and shrines to my pony waifu with Sweetie Belle watching?
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Ask Notch.
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Fuck this shit
i'd play sex with sweetie belle

sex is a game where you try to give and receive orgasms
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jesus christ how horrifying
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I like yellow and yellow-ish pones
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pictured: best ponimouto
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>play demo

Fuck you Notch.
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2.5 MB GIF

the music of the unmodded Minecraft makes me want to scream

>tfw bought Minecraft before it was cool
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Hi anon!

Lick my dirty asshole, you filthy disgusting pedophile!

scattered protests

one in Florida where a guy had a "fuck the police" sign, but riot police showed up and they left
I got a cracked old one but I wanted horses.

how about no



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how do I filter with mootchan/how do I get 4chanx working again
Have you re-enabled Greasemonkey yet?

your 4chan X is broken?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.8 7/13/13 UPD
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
http://derpy.me/WhosWho (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)

Lists of Scripts:

http://derpy.me/mlpgn (MLPG Nexus)


Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):
- http://derpy.me/qzTBg

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
There are 130 posts in this thread an 33 are yours. You get why we think you're annoying?
I need to dick around more in Particle Illusion and Zbrush


Attack on Exposition/Pacific Camp
Install Debian

just stop talking to her, anon.
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109 KB PNG
I'm gonna find you when you're asleep and shit right into your mouth, you disgusting pervert!
Delivered what?
My computer was shut down when the power went out. I think my computer and/or OS is damaged, because it takes significantly more time to start BIOS and Windows. How can I know for certain there is a problem?

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245 KB GIF
Do you think this is a fucking game?
>all those artists coming back
m-maybe I should pick the pen up again, too

we /a/ now?

Do it, Anon.
Do it right now
The requests.

Jalm is not a mail pony
I thought they all left
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I like pretty much anything with this song

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You'd like me to suck your dick, wouldn't you? How about I bite your dick right off?

the idea of sweetie belle talking dirty and being a little dominatrix turns me on severely

especially if she doesn't really know what she's saying and is just repeating what she heard from rarity
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Explain anon.
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A man can dream Anon.
A man can dream.
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76 KB

... I'll be in my bunk
Anon you want to be dominated by a one year old cartoon unicorn

Stop and think about that
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Nightmarity is a superior domme
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ever since the last time it broke, yes

I've also reinstalled greasemonkey, 4chanx and firefox a few times over the months, it just does nothing even if I disable the inline extension
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592 KB GIF
I have the same problem. For some weird reason, greasemonkey just wont work.
I "fixed" it by switching back to scriptish and using v2.
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You weak little pussy, you're about to cum already!

If you fucking cum, I'm going to call the police and tell them you raped me.

Now, I have to take a piss. Open your mouth, toilet. And you'd better not spill a drop.
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oh dear
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Not feeling it.

Maybe if it was Diamond Tiara
i don't know which is more messed up: that this is coming out of sweetie bell's mough or that I swear i've read it somewhere else before.
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68 KB
that book bed was too cute for words
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59 KB

i want that bed
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Anyone have a short request?
Filly Rarity dominating Anon
spikedog/humantwi fucking in the library on the book bed at night
This but with a grown Rarity
Hello boner, my old friend,
Ive come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was reading,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of unfing.

Getting fast food with Fluttershy after a party
I could write this actually but I wouldn't be able to post it until tonight. More input please?
ponies having a hugging contest and asking anon to be the judge

did i say hugging? i meant fucking
Would you volunteer as a judge in an iron penis competition?
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35 KB
>Decide to check out /d/.
>Slob thread
>Fart thread
>Diaper thread
daily dose

... what the hell is going on in that pic?
i don't know what that is but if it involves penis then i'm there
*squelch squelch squelch squelch squelch*

*drip drip*
Winner, on account of the only one that's easily humanized.
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521 KB PNG
Am I doing it right?
*squirt squirt*
*splash splash splash*


preferably buzzed and walking to a fast food joint
toot toot toot tooooot
*gulp* *ulp* *ulp*
unff unf unf
fart fart fart faaaaaaaart
What a great day
*chain rattle*
>checking out /d/
>expecting quality
Flutterpinkie looks like shit but Pinkieshy looks okay.
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12 KB

>fetish elitists
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wake up

we all want to make love to you
If you want the request fulfilled some parameters or a general idea of what you'd want would be helpful

fuck off Pinkie I just fell asleep

She stumbles and nearly rips the sleeve off your jacket as she hangs on to you. As you grab her tender hands, you recall how you told her that she shouldn't have drank that second Smirnoff Ice. It's paying off now as she stumbles on her pink heels. What's gotten into her tonight? She's obviously in a wild mood, given that she urged the two of you to go to Wendy's on your way home. Her pink hair spills over your chest, head leaning on your shoulder. She mumbles something that sounds like an apology. You whisper that there's nothing to worry about while your arm wraps around her waist. She's always self-conscious about how wide her hips are, but as drunk as she is, she's not making any protests tonight. With a hiccup and a deep blush on her cheeks, she looks up at you, turquoise in her eyes glittering, and asks with a sheepish grin. Do they serve anything vegetarian at Wendy's? You can't help but laugh as you scoop her up into your arms. If they don't, you'll make them do it for her.
I'm in a romantic mood, somebody toss me another request.
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Still making adjusts to the style but i kinda like how its coming out.
can you post the second paneal?
that's panel1/2 in the image?
feeding a very hungry trixie who is secretly eternally grateful but won't show it
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12 KB
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181 KB PNG
I think so.

thanks a ton, dude
Im not sure i understand the question. Are you asking for the 2nd image in those two panels alone or?
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172 KB GIF
Hope you enjoyed it, man.

always do
You have 10 minutes to explain why you aren't a pink fluffy unicorn dancing on a rainbow
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43 KB
>>That feel when after talking to him on MLPG for 3 years I know next to nothing about him, and now he's going to leave as mysteriously as he came


But I will go on record that Tex's behavior is rather weird lately, including this.
I have hands.
Because apparently I committed some awful sin like world wide genocide or something on the same level in an earlier life - otherwise I have no idea how I deserve this punishment.

I'm not gay
She's always grouchy after a show. She tosses her hat aside and turns her nose up in her trademark fashion. The Great and Powerful Trixie isn't hungry tonight. Considering she only had a cup of yogurt for lunch, you know it's bullshit. Sometimes you wonder if she's testing you, but it's just your wife being your wife. Her hand slams down on the cutting board, interrupting your ritual of chopping up the carrots. At this point, this should be part of the process too. Some blather starts to spring out of her mouth, but an idea springs up. With quick reflexes, you spear a bit of carrot and shove it into her mouth. The way she glares at you tells everything. She's absolutely furious, but more because you calmed her indignation than anything else. As the fork withdraws from her mouth, she chews gently, brows still furrowed in anger, but the curl on her lips resembles a smile. The next thing you know, her hands are around your wrist, trying to control you like a marionette. Do it again, she says. She commands it, and you know you have no other choice.
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Would you?
I'll take one more request today. Clop accepted this time. The nastier, the better.
i came
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Would I my better catlike fighter waifu?

Smelly Gilda facesitting
with bush
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Cheesecake Pony
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Why not both?
Anon you can't just take any old thing you can think of and make it a pony
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Not pony, try again.
I am confuse.
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It's a food pony, man

but pony isn't sexually attractive
>naughty misdoings
I only do humanized. Sorry, bro.
How about farting Rarity
Alright, anon raping Sweetie Belles tight asshole with big mac.
get a load of this griffon
I wish I could ink like that.
aight then, no worries
person horse nightmarity femdom
I'm ancient.
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>Naughty Misdoings
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>choosing inferior nightmare pony
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>tfw Kerbal is only 40% off

s-so why not Gilda?
Gilda's not a pony.
But he didn't say Nightmare Moon
Real reason: I'm lazy.

Fake reason: She's a lesbian.
radiant or dire
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>only 40% off
Well, maybe if it gets voted on the Community Sales it might go lower later.
Looks like Spike is getting the next micro after the CMC and Celestia.

>I started out as a cute little purple and green egg and that's the story of my whole entire life.
They never discount lower if a game is on a short sale twice
Might be cheaper on the next sale
What a cute Dash
I would ruffle her hair all day long to see that annoyed look on her face

well uh

still want requests?
>spike comic

It won't go lower than the daily sale price. I bought mine at full price in April, but that's because if you bought it by the end of april all future updates and expansions were included in the price.
How long before we see a George Zman pony walking free
There is nothing more romantic than rape.
Yeah, I'll still take one. Coppy or not, your choice.
>reading through GG's /art/ thread
Why is BCS such a sack of shit?
Spike getting a comic, accordingto IDW
Then Rarity lookin all embarrassed about ripping some flatulence
Chrysalis did nothing wrong.
when does luna get a micro
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okay, so there's adult Babs and she's got big tits and you're casually appreciating them and also she just got back from a jog
>brony princess
>getting a comic
What for, she already has all the brownies.
epic win
That feel when BSC doesn't visit your art thread.

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I'm sure she would secretly like it.
Because I like her and would like to see more character development, preferably in combination with her sister.
To show how much of a gamer she is!
Done, because adult Babs is hot as fuck.
BCS visits everyone's art thread apparently.
I'd like Dash to ruffle my hair
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Not mine hahaha.
How about you fuck back off to the piss?
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Not my preferred ship, but it's cute enough to earn a d'aww from me
Why does she do that?
nomonies for her drugs
But I don't like it there.. please don't exile me Mr. Angry Anon
that's not shipping
You are the problem.
Holy fuck the new killer instinct looks fun.
Pulled it from a tumblr who did ship it. So even if it was made without the intent of shipping, I see it as such.
Didn't she get her meds?
I don't really know what's up with her. Aside from all the shit she's doing, her art's gotten a lot worse.
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Why does pony look cute in a bunny suit
I mean they're already cute animals
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Her art didn't get any worse, she just draws everything in less than a minute now. I think she might've been just like this always, but we never noticed it because she had other places to shitpost, but maybe I'm wrong, it's not like I know her.
I am not.

No, her art did get a whole lot worse

honestly I think it's because of decreased brain function, because that bitch is nuts
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Canon ships are the only good ships
How? I've never seen a sketch from her that was done as quickly as she does sketches now. If you have anything like that, go ahead and post it.
Sweat glistens off her skin as she barges in through the front door. She must have done an extra lap or two around the block today, because you've never seen her sports bra this damp. The fabric is soaked. It looks like she's ready to burst out of her top, but your focus is broken as she slugs you one in the arm. Where's my watah, she asks in that ridiculous accent you thought only existed in cartoons. She doesn't wait for an answer as she pours herself a glass. She must be thirsty, as the water runs off the sides of her lips, down her neck, and onto her... Well, it's not like her tits could be any more exposed to the public right now, what with the way the underside of her bra is slightly rolled up and her nipples are poking through. This time, her punch is straight to your chest. A devilish grin creeps across her face as her body pushes against yours. You can see her every freckle dance as she smirks at you. You think I don't get stares like this every day, she asks. You try to stammer out an answer, but she's already got a hand between your legs. You gasp in pain as she squeezes and drags you to the bathroom. Showering today is going to be fun, if she has any say in it.
Regardless, she's putting less time into her art, and it comes off worse.
Does anyone have a "Do it for her" template?

aw yiss

also what happened with that facesitting thing you posted an excerpt from?
>That episode
Very sweet. Homer has his moments.
>take the time to do this

more autistic than sentenal
Still not done because I'm a lazy fuck.

I'll take one more request. Cloppy this time. The nastier, the better. I believe in you, anon.
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And remember to have this image on top!
hugging twilight sparkle
Anon going to Celestia's birthday party and having a tea party with her. All the other guests were too intimidated to show up.
Sweryiw belkw


Celestia's huge uncut cock that is much too heavy to get hard needs attention

and also she just got back from a jog
Holding Hands with Applejack and enjoying each others' company while you watch your daughter play fetch with Winona's puppies.
What's the image limit for art threads on the sub?
You fucked up
Somebody has a jog/sweating fetish, huh
>a jog fetish

Sweat fetish

a huge, huge one
Is it Rainbow Dash?
This is so sweet, I'm doing it before the futa Celestia jogging (but I'll do that too)
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>The nastier, the better
We need more Fluttersmell
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>tfw cosplayer waifu
But Fluttershy smells like a beautiful princess
Too thin for my tastes.
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I'd have requested more along the lines of that, but I dunno if PWA can deal
He only does humanized.

While wearing that costume she likely farted 4-6 times.


love ya, anon
oh fuck you
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My cosplay-fu>yours
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Looks like it needs some cleaning
How's those cut wrists holding for ya?
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yeast infection
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Gotta make sure it's clean anon. You don't want it to get dirty and start smelling fishy. It's not like the pony can reach back there on her own.

yeast unfection
Is she single? Tell me she's single.
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What is "yeast"?
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Either I'm confusing her with someone else, or she's a lesbian
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woah nelly
she is dating two girls
she is bi, but leans in more into girls
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>you will never go to Equestria only to be attacked by a group of changelings disguised as your waifu
>you will never go to Equestria only to be attacked by a group of changelings disguised as your futa waifu
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every time
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Everything is dicks with you anon
The two of you bite into the same apple. It's hand picked, fresh from the tree. Honestly, it could be rotten, and it would taste sweeter than heaven, knowing that she was the one who plucked it for you. Apple juice runs down both or your lips as you gaze into her hazel eyes. A squeal breaks your stare, and your head turns. Your daughter inherited every bit of her mother's beauty, but it's hard to tell when there's three dogs piling on top of her. The puppies are barking and yelping in glee while your daughter is giggling in a mess of blonde hair. Your fingers tangle with your wife's. Leaning forward, your forehead presses against hers as she lets out a soft laugh. How lucky the two of you are, that Winona birthed a litter at just the right age for your child to grow up with them. Grabbing both of her hands together, you set the apple down and meet her lips with yours. It's a gentle, innocent peck, not wanting to show any indecency in front of your child. That's okay, because you're okay with hugging her around the waist while the two of you lounge on a lazy Sunday afternoon. Even though you didn't expect it, four words ring in your ears. "I love you, sugarcube."

sweaty futa celestia next
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That's the most merchant looking merchant I've seen i na while

can it be smelly sweaty futa celestia
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I was wondering. What if you get a free changeling and she is willing to change to Dash for you 80% of her time? Would you accept?
>amused Steve Buscemi

>was about to unf to this
>notice cheerilees hooves

what the fuck
You should make love to Lauren, at bronycon.
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>you will never a sweaty unwashed futa Lauren
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Real Dash or nothing.
...Her hooves are testicles.

thats a nice cock but now i always imagine the awful pic of skipsy from the furry convention whenever i see porn by him
I want to go to Bronycon and hug LK and then back stab him saying "Chronicle sends his regards"
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i would rather have sex with a futa nanaki
Using the show as a reference,
Which of the main 6 would have crippling psychotic issues in the real world?
What would theirs be and are they mild enough to go undiagnosed?
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''You're creeping me out, Anon. Stop it.''
I should make sure to go find LK and high-five him while I'm at bronecon.

Plus like, a billion other artists. Hopefully they will also let me party with them.
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is lauren even going to bronycon? i notice less VAs and staff are at conventions now.
Can you show me that picture, Anon?
>implying LK isn't prepared
>implying RQ isn't based on a true story
She looks pretty cute in that one.
I really want to know what was said to make her make that face
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>Any anthro but Sheppard's
Someone told her ''>you will never a sweaty unwashed futa Lauren''
>that fucking nose
is 0r0 mexican or jewish?
Now all I can think of is the super-stereotypical nerdvoice that Adam Savage puts on sometimes in Mythbusters
That's a hideous dick. As the the picture in general.
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so are we gonna have a s3 poster after comic con is over?

>tfw twilycancercorn will be front and center
TF > Hypnosis > Motherly > Feet > Smell > Sweat

Yeah? Well fuck your fetishes too.
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I hope so
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Are you sure about that? The Changeling will ALWAYS be loyal to you and she would never harm you in anyway (like draining your love).
not adam savage, but this is the best i could find now
But thats an awful cock.
You triggered my impreg fetish, anon.
>no transgender

kill yourself
>TF highest preference?
my nigga. Though I'm sad that more stories/art don't focus on the slow and inevitable corruption from such a sudden change in form. and I don't mean bimbofication or similar.
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i should be doing my loomis. but im drawing sun horse.
That is an excellent example, regardless.
zi zhi zo zum i smell the blood of cis scum

crookedtrees is in trouble right now. too bad he gave up his brony fame when he was popular, he could have made so much bronymoney
I hope lactation comes under motherly.
How many names does that fucker need?
Sorry. I should put up the trigger warning for the next time.
You have some good priorities, Anon.
its happening
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PWA pls post Celestia so I can sleep
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Yeah, I'm sure. If it's not the real RD then I politely decline.
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Best pony that ever existed
Are all artists incapable of handling money? They constantly seem to be broke.
i dunno, i consider myself to have high standards in horsecocks and i think it is pretty decent compared to the usual style of cock most people do.
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How is it going in upside-down spider land?
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But that's not false
>being that loyal to your waifu
I'm jelly.
yesterday I fapped to the idea of Acid getting restrained and having her fat balls and ass lightly slapped while getting her breasts and inverted nipples groped all over
I would really enjoy the CMC if they were a bunch of punks like this.

No anon, I'm just an American with a horrible sleep schedule
what the fuck thats the 1st one isnt it?

when is the new one coming out. even if all the previews of doxys $70,000 porn book have been terrible i still want to see it.
I like the idea of my mind being slowly corroded by simply being in horse form, heat and estrous making more and more into a regular mare
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Yeah, this is completely unrelated at the moment, but I've finished one of the requests from yesterday. If all goes according to plan, the next one should be finished tomorrow.
Do you fight for the rights of every pone?


seems like a waste of an imagined scene when it comes to Acid
So, what, the Rowdyruffmark Crusaders?
>11am best coast standard time

Of course

except for the black ones
Muh justice?
She rips off her track pants the moment she stumbles in through the door. The fabric is stained with her musk as it falls onto the floor. Many times, you've told her that it would be easier if she just left the tiara behind, but she insists on wearing it any time she goes out. With only a pair of white cotton panties covering her groin, you can see her secret bared. A gigantic bulge is pressing against the sweaty cloth, trying to break free. The tip peeks out over the hem of her underwear, inviting you. She flops down onto the couch, and for the first time you realize the moisture on her clothes is giving you a full view of her arousal. She adjusts her top, letting her enormous, curvy breasts jiggle in their confines while her shaft does the same. You sit down next to her, picking up her voluptuous body in your arms, leaning her against your chest. Sweaty as she is, her smell is overwhelming, almost making you gag. She shivers as your fingers dance on her hips, teasing away at the surprise between her legs. She whispers into your ear, demanding royal treatment tonight. You already do it every night, and you're happy to serve as always.

One more. I want clop, you jackasses.
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The Changeling understands. She wish you luck in getting Dash while trying to find someone that would care for her.
exactly! That struggle to keep your thoughts, but that all consuming instinct attempting (and succeeding) at snuffing out the remnants of your older self.
what do you have in mind
Applejack fingering her asshole in public

dick = hard

time to sleep
immersion ruined
I thought this was going to be babs
So long as she promises, in writing, not to bleed me dry, I can give her platonic love in exchange for her paying half the rent.

that but also with stench
but you asked me if I wanted a changeling that could shapeshift into my waifu
I never said that I wouldn't take care of a lonely changeling, did I?
someone do me a favor and cap PWA's future stuff, huh?
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No, that was earlier

that one's Celestia
Oh dang, she's really pretty!
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>QC drawing dragons in MLPG
Twilight growing a dick
Think about your favorite pony.
How wonderful pony is, and all the things that make pony special.
Now, realize that
you won't see pony again until winter 2014
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>dat super cum production and bloated abdomen pasta in the globalized male fetish thread
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ooh got it, I didn't even see those
carry on
whos queen cold?
no idea but so far he seems like a nice dude
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Wow, another Rarity dragon! So you are the one that drew this?
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What if pone were to pone robot?
>tfw S4 in February
Draws female dragons rather well.
Well no doubt she'd be sweating all over, trickling down her curvy figure and all over the base of her enormous cock, all the while with her fat, bloated balls underneath giving off an incredibly thick, fetid stench resulting from not being bathed in anything but her own seed for months, if not years.
Try harder, anons.
What's amusing to me is that we appear to have Raridragon, Aloedragon, Gummydragon, and Thunderlanedragon.

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One who drew
And other QTdragons
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Jade is best fem dragon.
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I personally would love Spike having a dragon clique in S4
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Why do you do this to me, Anon?
That's so fucking overused
What about a sweat, musky Applejack discovering she has an exhibition fetish
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>fetish greentexting in the middle of a live horse
Did night come early or something?
>tfw trying to drawn an angle for like 2 hours straight but i just cant get it to look right even thought i have an idea in my head
gonna need source on that raricube plushie
Anon making sweet, passionate love to Luna, just after she returned from the moon.
Again. It happens all day. Its just the rest of the day, there are people who talk against it. At night everyones asleep and less people care
Twilight growing a dogdick?
That's one of the thinks which makes me feel like I should stop drawing ponies in favor of learning how construction and perspective works properly.
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>look up Jade on Google
>See this

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She might like that. Nothing naughty.

No, but the changeling assume you might not have a chance with Dash and hopes that by being Dash for you, she would felt the strong aura of love you gave off for Dash.
I have no idea what you're talking about, anon.
<Okay, see that red lever? Pull it when I tell you and it'll slow down the rotor long enough for me to get out.>
*translated from horse
learn how to draw a box in perspective you shitbag
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I hate to ask but what brought you here?
There is
literally no reason
you can't do both at once.
Hey Xieril did you ever draw pony accidentally ponying yesterday?
>cute dragons that are not for sexual

Depends. How robot-like are we talking?
Are they basically the same, but mechanical or are they stylized. If stylized, I'd like to see zecora as a walking alchemical apparatus. Clear midsection filled with bubbling potions and stripes that are complex formulae arranged in a style like stripes.
thats him? Nice
I don't really have enough time okay, that was a lie. not enough motivation to do proper studies and complete pictures at the same time.

Never knew she'd be popular. I mean, she's an OC. She's not even supposed to be pretty. (at least, not until she grows up anyway)
Our charismatic and positive attitudes of course!

I'll put a spin on this one. Hopefully you'll like it.
At that point it's mostly for cute points.
She's adorable.
she kinda is
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this makes me want to make a dragon OC now. i have always been a dragon on the inside, a pony never felt right.
But she was the first, nice looking OC dragon (like really early), right? That might be the reason for her popularity.
I didn't say "do both, in sequence", I said "at the same time".
What I mean is: set up your pony drawings in a way that demands you exercise one of the skills you're deficient in. Bad at perspective? Do a weird view angle. Bad at construction? Pick a weird pose and try to put it together properly.
Of course!

>tfw MLPG steals all the contributors
What do you think was the biggest fetish fuel the writers/animators added into the canon show?

Changelings for me.
I'm a man in a horse mask on the inside.

I'm a man in a horse mask on the outside, too.
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Ponies actually don't do any of that wild sex stuff that we always imagine them doing.
Their days are filled mostly with lounging around, grazing, smiling, and making idle chatter with their friends about boring things like the weather.
The streets of Equestria are not overflowing with lesbian orgies, there's no rape and almost no molestation. Ponies don't ambush eachother and force-facesit one another.
Practically never happens.
I believe in you.
You should probably just kill yourself for wanting to be such a terrible thing
Of course not. They save that for the appropriate week long holiday that always happens during hiatus.
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Hard to say, but when Twilight was doing mare/colt and age spells on the ponies (even though fake) that was pretty fetish fuely to me.
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Well shit, I forgot about that.
I'll draw it when I'm done with my homework

Oh. I feel bad now.
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aww yiss we dragons now
Rainbow Dash being tied up with ropes in Fall Weather Friends
Fluttershy tooting

A few days ago I saw a pic with my Rarity dragon on Derpibooru. The artist tag said it was Klondike's work. I left a comment and Klondike replied. Apparently Creepy Curse had drawn the pic, while Klondike had colored it. I got a note from CC that evening and he invited me here.
So I came here and took two requests.
kev please
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>tfw pear pony
Don't leave ;_;
rarity being a whore also she has a dick
>Applebloom is the muscle
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all those dicks are so beastly and gross
I want my twily to have a qt cylindrical purple prod

This is exactly the perception that they put on because it is a kid friendly show, it's just a cartoon. It's not like sex doesn't exist in Equestria. Babies come from somewhere and there are plenty of canon marriages and boyfriend/girlfriends on the show.
Ah. CC has quite a contact. I hope you enjoy your stay.
Any chance of a pic of Jade somehow trying to get Rarity out of the picture so that she has Spike all to herself? I can see her as being a bit green with envy, so to speak.
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>i have always been a dragon on the inside
Okay cool no rush, I was just making sure I didn't miss it.
please leave. i dont want you to be ruined by this place.

it ruins everything.
>not pear shaped
The power and diversity of 4chan.
>not wanting a bulging veiny stallionrod
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I hope it was consensual
I never understood that. People are always raving about how awesome dragons are. Then they had an excuse to make one and they just didn't.
Libman pone is a qt
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That episode had a lot of cute pegasi
I want to dip her in milk
If I met you I would beat the life out of your body.
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>New titan intro and outro
I'm not too sure how to feel about that
No chance. That's OOC. Jade and Rarity actually get along.
If I can stomach Derpibooru without filtering any tags, I'm sure I can handle this place.
Oh, I wasn't aware of that.
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who are you?
>Then they had an excuse to make one
I assume their art skill at that is was as good as an MSpaint drawing or they just don't have a tablet in hand.

I don't like that song at all
Hey Pinkie let's have sex!
I guess
At least you weren't raped
where are these pictures of full grown busty jade you keep mentioning
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No, Anon.
Fuck off.

Funny that you should mention MS paint. That's what I use for the lineart. No joke.
You can only slip your fingers past her pants when the security guards are looking away. It's a hassle to have to work around them, but at the same time, that's part of the thrill. You only get to do this once a month, so you have to make it count. The jail cells hardly have any grooming materials, so her untamed bush tangles with your fingers. She can hardly contain herself as she fumbles with your zipper, diving straight for your manhood. As you pop out of your pants, you go straight for it, diving inside of her juicy, underserved pussy. The sound of moisture squelching resonates, and you hope the guards don't hear a thing. She bites her lip as her grip around your shaft tightens. You know better than to tease, only wanting to fulfill her needs while you have the time. A gasp escapes her lips as you slide in a third finger, rubbing your palm against her engorged clit. Her dark hair, still illustrious, spills over your shoulder as she leans against you while you hammer your hand against her slit. She mewls as she's pressed against you, all pretense now disposed. The guards don't seem to notice, but they must be pretending with how she's not even trying to stifle her moans anymore. Her juices trickle down your palm as you thrust deeper, trying to give her what she needs before time runs out. One of the guards clears her throat. Visiting time's up. There's no hassle as you withdraw your hand, but your fiancee is clearly displeased with being left hanging. Next week, you promise. You'll make sure her time is as pleasurable as possible.

HIt me with another. The writing bug's bitten me today.
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No way you big silly-billy!
You're fugly as HECK!
And poor too! Tee-hee!
Twilight and Rarity treating Anon as a pet
Did you finish that Trixie fix yesterday?
Anon/DJ Acid
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i need a story to go with this picture so badly
why are you so loud
calm down and talk about it, I mean how could a 50lb pony even manage to rape a full grown man
This is all I managed to write before hitting bed: http://pastebin.com/aGA1DktY
But I'm 6'5", 186lbs, and I make 6 figures a year.
Try 150-200
I can still see them.
this but with stench
I need a followup with the loser getting a facial.
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They might weigh more than 50 but 150-200?
If they are this size then no way.

>censoring the pic
>with less than 100% opacity
well at least some one was having fun
fuck i think my monitor is fucked up.

i see 100% black here
That's racist anon
I went with a lighter weight than they'd actually be at 3'8
I only noticed it faintly. Then I looked at my monitor from the side.
And you can always use an image editor to fool around with the brightness and contrast
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The sweaty,musky and pheromone filled air while a sex starved stallion fills you with his seed and you find it harder and harder to keep yourself together while more primal and feminine thoughts start to creep into your mind is probably the hottest aspect of becoming a mare.
Then you laid down right next to him after the sordid affair, unable to cling to regular male and human side of your brain
Don't ask, just ignore that request.
Don't be a fagmuncher
I don't want to use the "but they are magical fictional horses" argument but I feel like they are thinner than real mini ponies.
No way
it's not pony related just ignore it.
nice replying to yourself
I don't know...
They're less bony and ugly but they still seem pretty fat.
Twilight could easily pick up Rarity without any effort
Pinkie only left a tiny hoofprint in a cake after climbing on it
Ponies are light as fuck
Waffles. How is that even a question.
Well, I'm still itching to write something cloppy. Somebody throw me an idea.
Crepe master race
Equestria's gravity must be different then or pony STRONK
chubby Mrs. Cake/anon

If you would be so kind
Your favorite pony dominating your least favorite pony.

Twilight getting fucked by a tentacle beast in public

And no fucking stank this time.
Pony neighed at me!

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She is hitting on you, anon.
this please
i always thought of equestria as having gravity like mars 40% gravity of earth.
part of my "equestria was mars until the planet got fucked for some reason" headcanon
If the masses demand it.

I really don't do fetish stuff unless it's requested, anyway. If you want a specific fetish, say it now.
Anything new today?
Food fetish would be too obvious.

Mr. Cake put her up to it and is watching.
Could it be in public?
Galo sengen.


I'm okay with that
I don't like chubby fetish.
You're a pleb.
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That's OK. Opinions are opinions
Is TF too specific?
I don't either
I find it gross and unhealthy
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Am I too late for yellow pony general
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daily dose

i don't like the having sex with children fetish
I also don't like tentacle fetish nor feet.
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The voting already took place, she won!
Already working on Mr Cake being cuckolded. Next time!

It's not actualy cuckolding, because damn does he like watching his wife getting railed, and he's just going to fuck her all the harder later.
>also she has a dick
Hwat... where did you get that?
Yes, that ship sailed the moment anon asked if the Yellow one was autistic long ago.
Chubby isn't fat, it's not particularly unhealthy. Often people will try to shove their fat into chubby to make themselves feel better about it and that results in the chubby threads you can see on /s/ for instance, with 10/250 chubby women and 240 fat.
I prefer morbidly obese
Size difference
She's a very big pony

even better if he's a very big pony too
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There seems to be a fairly significant typo on that banner
I love Twilight
not you again.
Yeah, people like >>12091898 have ruined it for me

lay off, fatfag
What are you talking about. Carrot Top worked for hours making that sign.
Sorry bro, I only do humanized. Horse sex is difficult.

I mean, if somebody PAID me to write horse sex, I would, but still.[/spoiler[
Yeah kinda ditto here. I just feel more... uh... dragon-y than... pony-y. Better fit for my personality and all.
>Horse sex is difficult
You should try writing horse sex
trying something new is a good thing right
I didn't know Adam from Workaholics was a brony
Why is Killryde so fucking annoying?
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Carrot Top flunked preschool english, Derpy would've done a much better job
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back to sender
I want to be big human Gilda's property.
I want to greet her at the door when she gets home from work (I don't ask questions about what she does, but I love hearing her stories) with a skimpy outfit and a huge erection.
I want her to pick me up by the crotch, toss me on the bed and wreck my asshole with an increasingly absurd set of toys before she mounts and rides me in to exhaustion.
I want to fall asleep as her little spoon and wake up either smothered in her chest or with her molesting my junk.
Gryphons mate for life, I want to feel like I am truly hers.
You might want to tape it up and make sure it has the correct postage on it
i have never seen anything annoying from him but i am not too deep in the fandom and i dont visit his streams or personal blog
At least poke holes in it so she can breathe
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I'm in the same boat as >>12091971, but I do find his signature to be absurd and silly
I just find his self insertion of his obnoxious OC everywhere to be really annoying.
Her long tail(she uses extensions) is causing a large enough gap that she can breath.
I don't like his head inflation fetish.
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isn't this his OC?
I haven't seen her anywhere outside her ask blog, but then again I haven't exactly gone looking
I find your self insertion of bitching about unrelated OCs in mlpg to be really annoying.
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it's okay, it's open
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I'd love to feel that tail
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Your favorite pony asks you to sing a song of your people. What do you sing?
Well tape it shut
where do you nerds download anime now. i have to see this titan bullshit now after seeing so many caps from it.
No, this is his OC
What's difficult about Twilight waking up from his deep slumber, groggily stifling out a yawn that’s cut short when she notices the massive, throbbing cock now situated between her legs, leaking onto the sheets beads of silky pre. Stammering and panicking, she slowly inches one hoof near the massive thing, lightly stroking the medial ring which makes her cry out in pleasure as her protruding erection slaps against her belly whilst surging at attention. As if this weren’t enough though, laying right beyond her enormous, meaty rod at the base of her cock, sits her swollen, fat ballsac, so large and filled with fresh seed that even shifting about in her bed makes them audibly churn on the inside, clear evidence she’s incredibly backed up-

And then using that lengthy member to plow into one of her friends juicy marecunts?
I Ejaculate Fire
how much do I have to pay you to make >>12091966 happen and what non-paypal forms of payment can you accept
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but the cat won't get off of flutterbox
vriska pls, substitution doesn't work like that

Can the cat fit in the box too?
Why do I feel anger over something stupid
I'm in love with weather patterns but the others have concerns
fluttershy pls smoke with me
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I think I left my pony outside too long
for i just gave them frostbite over top of their sunburns
just add water
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cat is asleep on the box
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I like the yellow horse. she is cute and nice and i would hug her.
That pony looks pretty baked
the situation seems to be handled
let's go make lunch
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>i can feel it purring
He's got a smug, satisfied grin as he watches. Being fully dressed, you can only guess that he's going to save this spectacle for later. You look down, and the sight of her body with only an apron draped over fills your eyes. The cleavage of her full breasts pops out from the cloth, and her wide hips spill out as she kneels. A dollop of frosting swirls onto your shaft. She takes you into her hands gingerly, completely unsure of how she should treat this situation. A few words of encouragement come from her husband's mouth, and you're not one to argue. When she opens her mouth, you grab two handfuls of her pink hair push her onto you. A protest of surprise barely comes from her lips before they swallow your tip. She's warm and wet as her tongue runs along the underside of your cock, sugary frosting smearing her nose. More words, now telling you to use her like a hired girl. The irony dwells for a moment before a swirl of her tongue brings you back to reality. You push forward, jabbing the back of her throat as she's forced to take you entirely in her mouth. Remembering that you were brought in to train her, you get more aggressive, thrusting until her face is buried between your legs. Like a good server, her hands cup your balls without your asking. You sigh with pleasure as slurps and gags echo in the room. She's eager to prove herself in front of her husband. As you look at him, he's smiling with a bulge in his pants. He points to a cupcake left sitting out on the coffee table, signaling where you should finish. He wants to watch her eat it, and you're all too happy to spectate too.

I'm having fun today. Another!
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you don't have to yell
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She is a very huggable pone.
pls >>12091966
I'm tempted to start a Vlog that is somehow related to MLPG but I have no idea what to center it around.

What if Mrs Cake had more milk than her babies needed? What if she needed to relieve the pressure?
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Dammit Killryde
Documentary on horsefucking
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You're on a roll today
I don't understand why you think anyone cares.
Horse anatomy.
That seems more suited to a special topic that occurs once a week.
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Rarity and Anon having sex.
No fetishes no nothing just sex because they love eachother
Thanks for your contribution.
👍 Liked
💙 Favorited
✓ Subscribed
pinkie stop trying to eat the baby she is not the edible kind of cake

That's my favorite fetish!
If you want a full on, 5k+ word fic, I'm willing to negotiate a deal.
Fuck you too, buddy.
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Well you should have said something earlier
Make one called Pone Grump
It can be like game grumps except you watch ponies
And instead of two friends talking and yelling at eachother it will be just you yelling at yourself
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Here's something I drew a couple of days ago, I didnt want to show you guys because it's shit.
she's eating it all
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Speaking of this did Aspirant release that loving Rarity fic?
The nose is too pointy
because you are jelly you dont have the artistic talent to draw your OC with your favorite ships and fetishes
I can either pay in bitcoin or a giftcard from any of the fine locations listed here: http://app.gyft.com/me/cards/purchase/
I'd recommend amazon, but that's your call

what's the going rate on written smut these days?
"i ship myself with a ship!"
Still haven't improved much, I see.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get it by the time the fandom dies.
goddammit someone take that megaphone away from pinkie
Imagine waking up the next day feeling full and satisfied, before realizing what you did. That guilt, the shame of losing yourself...but you sort of want it again. Each time it gets harder and harder to come back from that instinctual high. Eventually it's the norm, with your previous self just some dreams you have occasionally.
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I'm not sure if this is sarcasm or not
Unf. I'd like to be a pretty mare who needs to be bred well once in a while
Only the second part was sarcastic.
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get one of those cameras you strap to your chest and go around to conventions.

dont make it negative just show what the people are like. i hate how there is never a livestream of the dealer tables.
I can't tell if you're really trying to insult me or just being a little sarcastic shit
I've never understood the appeal of resisting your urges, but that's pretty neat
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That was her best episode
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You got a way for me to contact you?
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I don't like you two.
Banged any of your obese cousins, lately?
have a skype or tumblr or something?
be quiet pony, anons are talking.
Well maybe if you had something to contribute.
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I like you, Pinkie
I hope Pinkie is less annoying next season
W-what if I did, motherfucker! What then!
she has been annoying for 3 seasons.
season 1 Pinkie was my favorite
She was less generically random and more just spritely and unusual
then I would expect you to translate that experience into a short story about magical talking horses
Pony broke me and my dick
How do I break pony?
I'd call you a liar.
She probably thinks you're creepy.
She grabs your hair as a passionate moan escapes her lips. You want to return the favor, but you know how fussy she can get about mussing up her hair. It's silly, because no matter how many times you explained to her that sex is a messy act, she just won't comply. The way she's composed as you plunge into her is impressive, in a way. More impressive is how she clenches around you, squeezing your cock completely. The kegels are paying off, and it's all you can do to not blow your load inside her warm folds immediately. She giggles, knowing that she has you on edge, before she sits up and gives you a gentle peck on the lips. The softness of her carefully maintained skin tumbles onto you as she embraces you, wrapping around to grab your rear. She wants you to make love to her, and the way her fingers are pinching your flesh lets you know that she means it. You give her a single hard thrust, rocking her entire body, to which she can only respond with a throaty gasp. Her toes splay as you withdraw, only to push into her again. Her chin nestles on your shoulder as she tries to hold back her sounds of pleasure. A lady should never be crass or crude, as she's said, and you take it as a challenge every time. Again, you slam your hips against hers, and this time she yells a string of obscenities. Her manicured nails dig into your back, a sign that she loves every moment of it. You push her back down onto the bed, looking down at her gorgeous, immaculate face. Her eyes are wide, mouth circled in pleasure. You whisper the three magical words to her as you mount her again, bringing your wife to the height of passion.

Another? I dunno if I'm losing steam at this point, so some feedback would be nice.
I like it because it's not actually *my* urges, it's just mare instincts destroy part of me bit by bit until even looking at a stallion shaft would get me wet.
don't break the pony
just tell the pony how they have hurt you and what they can do to fix you
the season one ponies are all my favorites. Espeically the naive, snarky twilight. That loveable know-it-all who knew nothing.
Starring Babs and her cousin Creepo the Clown
>pony breaks your penis
>you scream and pony freaks out and points her horn at you to fix it
>ends up removing your genitals entirely
>you look at her horrified but the pain has gone away at least
I think I get it now
>spent the last 3 hours to sketch out one position because i just cant make up my mind on it
now i remember why i quit drawing.
Yeah pretty much.

Although you have to admit RD has improved a TON over the course of the series. The other five... not so much.
That's mostly true for me too but I really enjoyed S3 Rarity and Dash a lot. Rarity had some really great lines and Dash got a little more tender and less of an asshole.
post the results and let us tell you how much of a failure you are
>She probably thinks you're creepy
Because i'm totally sending her love letters and licking her hooves every day right.
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>twilight uses magic to remove your dick
>you are not allowed to have it back until you finish that project



That's whats holding me back from starting again.
As long as I don't pick the pen up I can pretend that it wouldn't take me countless hours to produce some super simple shit.
Send me an e-mail at ponywifeasshole at live.com