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Equestria is a beautiful place
post scenery
or ponies or whatever

Previous horse: >>11978163
From the moment you saw them, you knew.
The way they filled up book after book, even in a single day.
The way the lines were placed so precisely and effortlessly
The way the markings differed to show weight.
This was someone who loved art, who loved to draw.
You felt the envy creeping up your throat.
That person would never feel this.
Everything they would see, would just be inspiration for them.
That's how much they loved art, nothing would cause them to abandon it.
They would draw when they were sad, when they were happy, when they should have other things to do.
Maybe that's when you realized.
Talent, Drive, Inspiration. Call it whatever you want.
But no matter how hard you tried at it.
It would be work to you.
It would be life to them.

And that's when you felt yourself go cold inside.
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>those statues
>"I don't turn ponies into stone!"

Truely, the launcher of a million fics
Is that a cupid pony statue?
>Hot Beef

>tfw I always miss everything Jailbait draws there days
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*these days
By the way was the applejack comic posted today?
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Use the good version.
Celestia just turns them into stone, because she knows she'll need them one day
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>that pause on the last frame
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but those stone pones are like ten times the size of a real pone, they are huge
>the arrow looks like a dick and balls

it's perfect.
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this makes me remember why i love this cartoon
i wish it would air again
even though it will probably never be as good as it used to be
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I can post pony
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This is not accurate at all, fetishes and meta need at least two tabs each
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what are you three doing out your tower
He's just so grumpy.
Now the interesting part of this idea, did they volunteer or were the voluntold?
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Hot Beef

In the middle of a heat wave

And I don't mean estrus season
There was a comic on this where celestia like it or not turns the mane 6 into stone, because they become to powerful or something like that
I just drew this
Would you rip and tear pone?
I'm glad you're not really ded
No, I would gently hold them and keep them close to me and maybe smell them a bit if they didn't mind
I know, but I'm not in the thread 24/7.
And this the first time in weeks I actually hear you say something.
Maybe I'll actually do some this time...
Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy having a tea party.
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I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.
Twilight playing with trains.
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Or whatever, you say?

>don't hurt me scruffy
Applejack's winking wet pussy
CMC playing with a cardboard box
/mlp/ pls go
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Here you are sir, that will be $3.50
Pinkie blowing a balloon for fluttershy
But Applejack doesn't own a cat.
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>you will never hug pone
Why do I dislike that style?
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Don't look at me infidels or i will get my husband to throw acid at you!
Tries too hard to make marshmallow pone realistic.
Woah, I didn't know Twilight drove a taxi
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Close as it gets
Is that old spanish lady trying to draw pone now?
>Sadlearabian episode
>Twilight has to try and blend in to be a better diplomat

I'd watch it.
You're thinking INDIA, they aren't muslim, they are hindu....
You are dressed much too flashy for anything besides your wedding day, Mrs Sparkle.
Also why are you showing your hair and face?
Your insults to Ponallah are inexcusable
But Twilight, I am your husband!
>twilight adventures in saddle arabia
Could you just tell us why you are stonewalling recently? Be as brief as you like.
What old Spanish lady?
Twilight Sparkle's fat throbbing penis penetrating a orange ass and cumming inside it.
I think you're a bit confused anon. Twilight is a mare, she does not have a penis.
>s4 ep12: Saddle Sore

>Taking on more royal duties, Twilight Sparkle is sent to Saddle Arabia along with her pony friends for an important negotiation over their relationship with Equestria.
The one who "restored" the old picture of the J-Man.
And that's how Pinkie got her cutie mark!
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Every time.
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From the moment you saw them, you knew.
You knew because of the way they filled up book after book, even in a single day...
The way the lines were placed so precisely and effortlessly...
The way the markings differed to show weight...
This was someone who practiced art their whole life!

You felt the drive creeping into your heart.
That person would be you.
Everything you see would just be inspiration.
That's how much you wanted it, and nothing would cause you to abandon it!
You would study when you were sad, you would draw when you were happy, you would dream about it when you should have other things to do.
Maybe that's when you realized.
Talent, Drive, Inspiration. Call it whatever you want.
One day it would be yours.
It would be work to you.
And it would be life to you.

And that's when you felt the fire.
Oh yes, that would be you.
What's so bad about cumming on a plushie?
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It's hard to clean off usually.
Harder to clean than a toy.
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Are you laughing at me?
They dont moan in pleasure when you do. So just use Rarity like everyone else.
>tfw it would be easier to clean cum off an actual pony
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>world building
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I don't think being cummed on is very pleasurable.
I just lick most of it off while it's still warm
S3 had worldbuilding
Man Princess Skinnybutt is always drawn with a big ass.
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My little movie: tweens are magic.

Where's the joke?
So why did MT draw Lemonpuffs foalcon?

that personhorse is pretty cute i must admit



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S3 wasn't canon though
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Why hello...I have an order of pones

this isn't MT, foalcon, nor Lemonpuffs, anon

I don't particularly want to, sorry. I spoke to a few people, or rather they spoke to me already.
that's not my picture...
why must you shitpost anon?
>tfw people use your OC
lol image swap
Scratching a pony behind the ears sounds nice.
Okay then. Hope you feel better soon.
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>pointy little fingers
>not posting some kicky little legs instead
Scratching a pony anywhere sounds nice anon.
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Yeah, and I bet they love it too.
I'm not linking the actual image you sick fucks.
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>not posting the queen of kicky legs
You mean this?
This isn't foalcon.
that's mega stuf....he's a cookie.
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im sorry that pony has nothing on these kicky little legs
How stuffed is he going to be after that blowjob?
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that pone has indeed perfect the art

she must have a black belt in kicky legs
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>This isn't foalcon.

Well I'm convinced!
It isn't, it's micro.
Absolutely adorable little kicks.
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I prefer jumpy ponies.
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You people disgust me.
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>124 replies

>125 replies

whichever one is real, it was 2fast.
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I like that qt.
Would you kiss a pony on the cheek?
And afterwards I would kiss her on the lips.
>"remember me MLPG?"
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Twilight is so fucking cute god damn
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It all makes sense.
Every time I see her
Yes. And then I'd kiss her on her 3 other cheeks.
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Comic of the year
What would it be like to get drunk with ponies?

What kind of drunks are they?
I still think the whole "derpy likes muffins" thing is fucking stupid.
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Oh no the secret is out.
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Ponies aren't drinks silly anon, they're animals.
She should be using her wrecking-ball ass to pin Bon-bon down.
Of course I would
I would tell them it's traditional where I'm from
If they call my bluff I'll just say I came from Europe and bullshit some French, none of them can speak any of it anyway except maybe Rarity
So unfortunately if Rarity actually knows French I'll be super boned because I would want to kiss Rarity on the cheek a lot
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Yes, yes I would. And on the lips.
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stram continues at /moronsonofboron

A look at Major Miners' Fluttershy in 2012, compared to the draft of Fujiko I just pushed out now. It's like I really am Ross v2.0
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ponies seem to get singularly attached to certain items or concepts so in that regard it doesn't bother me so much, its no worse than twilight and BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS as a concept
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It would be great.
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Here we usually greet girls we know with a kiss on the cheek all the time, just say that you're hispanic or something

>Rarity knows you're bullshitting an excuse
>she still lets you do it
>she uses it as leverage to have you dance silly, embarrassing dances at parties because 'that's how they do things there right anon?'
She still lets you smooch her.
And she entrusts you to be her designated 'carry me home I can't remember where I live' buddy
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ohgod oh god it was colored i love you wallflower altough i know physical contact scares you
What happened to her feet? What a tragic accident.
god that smile... it's so fucking unrestrained, like she just realized everything's right in the world.
>everything's going to be fine
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knowing you'll never make pone smile is the worst feel
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that is a rather lewd image anon
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>Being happy
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I can do it, I'm good at all the technologies
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Would a Ponyville heat wave even bother a zebra?
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Oh gosh
But with Rarity treating me like that, it'll be weird for me to smooch other ponies. How will I explain only doing it to Rarity? What if Dash or somebody calls me out?
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It's not always easy being happy, but with some help, some time, and (maybe more than a little) effort, it's possible.

Can't let that hope get away from you. That's where it starts.
That's pretty cute.
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Only if you want it to be.
oh boy here we go again!
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Who wants to have another live dramatic inebriated reading tonight? Well too bad I'm doing it anyway in maybe half an hour.

But in the mean time, how about a joke?

Eversince Twilight became a pretty alicorn princess the show may not have been ruined but it certainly seems to be slipping.

I guess you could say it's the show's Twilight years!
dudebro pls

Rarity will tell you to smooch the other ponies.

But only when she can watch.
And she holds your heads together with her magic until she's satisfied.
I'm talking about an "everyone stay in doors" kind of heat wave.

A "Celestia wants to kill everything" heat wave

But yours is good for a "Celestia wants him all to herself" scenario
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Do you eat 8000 calories of cheesy potatoes a day?
Rarity doesn't sound like a very good pony.
what, is it somehow impossible to be happy in certain situations?
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She just wants to indulge in a matchmaking fetish.
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no because im not american

feels healthy man

yes stop this, dont shit the thread again like yesterday, just stop replying.
oh, I didn't realize this turned into a thing yesterday. I wasn't here.
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I don't think we're talking about smooching on the cheeks anymore, here.
Wouldn't her friends mind?
You have to admit though, it was sort of appropriate.
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>But yours is good for a "Celestia wants him all to herself" scenario
Anon pls why would you do this to him

He's not ready for Sunbutt.
>Says the Mexican pony, now that Mexico has a higher obesity rate than the US
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will you still be talking about ponies in your senile old age

telling the young whippersnappers how much better season 1 was than season 53

Her friends are used to Rarity's ways.

And they all kinda like you anyway...
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>that ass
But she's ready for him.

She's been watching him.
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but im not mexican, i can prove it! my head is still connected to my body
We would be at G31 at that point.
I don't think I can draw Celestia molesting him.
For some reason that seems played out.
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Spike didnt stand a chance
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Draw Celestia watching a rather generic romantic scene in a sappy film and getting hot under the big gold collar.

Bonus points if the rest of the main girls are there. It's a slumber party. They're all in pyjamas, eating popcorn, and giving Celestia odd looks.
Double bonus points if Rarity's is acting the same.
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Wouldn't Rarity get jealous? I mean, I don't think I'm a very good kisser anyway. I wouldn't know, really.
And just her close friends, right? Just the other main 6? What's her boundary? I don't know how far I'd go to keep a weird secret like that from coming out, especially one that had been going on for so long.
>you will never be stuck inside marshmellow pony ass
instead of talking about how to cum gallons we'll be talking about how to get an erection at all

>wouldn't Rarity get jealous?

Why would she? She knows she's the one in control.
And she's sure to even up the smooches with you in private.
Or you just can't draw Celestia
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I don't blame him.
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Here ya go!
>that thread when Twilight finally divorced Flash Sentry in the opening of Season 14
That was great. Anyway back to my time, that robot pony won't fuck itself.
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Wait, so draw all of the main ponies eating popcorn and watching sappy romance movies?

You're asking the wrong drawfag I ain't that good.
Also this. I don't think I've ever even draw her but the once.
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If the show ended with spike marrying rarity I would forgive all the sins and disasters up to that point.
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This all feels like a lot of pressure on me, I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with it all. What if I threatened to leave for... somewhere else, and stop smooching ponies at all?
Applejack looks a but off her gourd!
Twilight's warm semen in that mare's fertile womb

All ponies everywhere would cry.
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>not twily
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>Wouldn't Rarity get jealous?
That's cute, sweetheart. But you're nothing to me


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Twilight is like his sister.
Would just be wierd not that SpikexPony wouldn't anyway.
did you get the sweetie belle model
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newpone when

i seriously can't take it anymore
Moderately sized pony penis.
>he didn't put himself in cryo and have a clone post and draw for him during hiatus
max pleb
Why did she have to think about it
Never, the show is over and no one told you.
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It would be perfect.
Your clone would be better at art than you then.
I really dislike this artists non-pony art.
Well I wouldn't be able to do that to them, that's horrible.
I guess I'll have to deal with being blackmailed by Rarity forever. As long as I still get to smooch her I'll be fine
I hate it when ponies call my bluff
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only 8 more months
Nope, not after S3
because she is canon dumbest pony
Well, I got the standard mare and stallion model and was saving up for an alicorn, but a filly model is cheaper. I'll think about it. Good thing they have programmable personalities.
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I want to see this, but with either Celestia or Chrysalis
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That's why you sync the memories back into your body when you wake up.

Jeez anon, it's like this is your first time or something.
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Where did longbon come from?
Her mother's gaping horse vagina
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Now it makes even more sense, since Twilight is the only one Spike won't outlive.
Any other requests?
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If that was possible I would keep clones of myself as slaves in a drawing sweatshop until I was really good at art.
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Fuck you.
Just... fuck you.
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Gives me something to look forward to in life.
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was ntr fun?
A foalcon artist named Lamia
How would it be viewed if a princess pony married a dragon?

It would be in the same tier as Nero making his horse a senator, satire or not.
There is Call of Duty Fanfiction
NTR is worst fetish.
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Didn't one of the writers of the show say that Twilight won't outlive her friends?
>gon' get laid tonite
Pootan is better
Longbon Silvers
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Also heat.
Hilarious, aint it? Who wants to hear some?

>this will never happen to me

it hurts

it physically hurts
>the writers
>knowing anything about how the show will go down
>having control over what happens in S4 and beyond
>following previously-established canon


>there is still no good porn of this.
Meghan, but it's bullshit and contradicted in the show.
What she said is not canon.
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Have you finished those projects?
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Show me the episode where it says that Twilight will outlive her friends then.
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Which of the ponies will be the first to die?
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Cute ship, 100% supported.
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>contradicted in the show.
Wait, he wasn't talking about thunderlane?
What a fag.
i still can't decide whether TCP was a good episode or not
This stupid thing
Why did my penis have to choose this to get infatuated with?
Funfact: Rarity has fallen from Great distance in all three Seasons
Sonic Rainboom
Secret of My Excess
Wonderbolts Academy
The fact alicorns have lived for thousands of years while Granny Smith is at the most 400 years old.
Twilight will outlive her friends and dragons could probably sleep longer than a regular pony could live if they tried.
Applebloom will never throw her hole over you.

Wonderbolt trainee uniform is top unf.
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even this guy's gotta get recognition from time to time
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Am I doing this right?
I liked his reactions in MMDW. He actually seems kind of level headed sometimes.
>guy blush

Why is that cute?

I want to lick that icing off.
But Twilight will not outlive her friends.
Is there any conceivable post in MLPG that is more than one or two replies away from being sexualized?
Extremely disturbing.
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I don't usually say this.

Especially for kids. CMC or not, I hate kids.

But holy shit her reaction to her catching it is so fucking adorable
It's sort of like a Pinky and the brain dynamic. Snails is the sumb one.
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But she wasn't born as an alicorn, anon.

>"But we don't know if Celestia wasn't born an alicorn either so I'm gonna assume that all alicorns have the same lifespan"
>ad hominems
If it's your headcanon that's cool I guess
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But do we know for a fact that all Alicorns live that long or is that just a special feature of sunbutt and moonbutt

Things have gotten weird since the setting veered into the land of a thousand princesses

The fact Celestia seemed to be the one to actually throw the alicorn switch on twily makes me think she is something still above your run of the mill variety
No, you REALLY need to draw her.

No dynamic pose or anything. You obviously need to practice her.
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pinkie is already dead
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>Smash stream back for Evo

Thank god.
That goes against canon evidence.

GG pls draw Cadance attending to her duties in the crystal kingdom.
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Always manages to make me hhnnnggg.
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>the show instantly becomes better
That is a surprisingly arousing pose
There's still plausible deniability, we know next to nothing about how alicorn lifespans work.
Who's to say Celestia and Luna were born alicorns?
Cadance wasn't either, but since the only alicorns on the show are ancient I can't imagine you can point to any canon evidence that suggests Twilight won't also be ancient.
>Spike's reaction
>Fighting is Magic could have been there this year
what is each pony's masturbation style

and what do they masturbate to
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There's a lot of things I need to practice if you haven't noticed.
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so thats what the look like after they cocoon
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but how can you know that both Celestia or Luna were born as alicorns
Hell we don't even know how old Cadence is, or if she was born as an alicorn as well
Twilight was born as an ordinary unicorn and then got wings, there's no reason why she would automatically inherit their lifespans.
This is very silly and I'm gonna stop posting about it
What canon evidence?
>we don't even know how old Cadence is, or if she was born as an alicorn as well

She was born after Nightmare Moon was banished, and was a pegasus before becoming an alicorn.
rainbow dash makes cloud dildos and does it while thinking of fluttershy
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>He saved her life
>That means they are going to fuck

I live in reality
How does MLPG feel about them?
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2nd best ship
>we don't know if Cadance was born an alicorn
She wasn't born an alicorn.
You should.
Why does Rainbow Dash think of Fluttershy while she makes cloud dildos?

Is she making them look like Fluttershy's dick or something?
Thunderlane doesn't.
Equestria isn't real, is it?
Of course Equestria is real. I'm in Equestria right now.
In my headcanon Celestia and Luna are a different, ancient breed of Alicorn of whom they are the sole specimen/survivors and Twilight and Cadence resemble them somewhat while lacking their superpowers.
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The only alicorns on the show are fucking ancient.
Good luck getting around that one McCarthy-enabler.
>he still isn't in Equestria

dude what the fuck have you been doing all hiatus

get your interdimensional portal working and hurry up
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But Cadance and Twilight aren't ancient.
>The only alicorns on the show are fucking ancient.
Cadence and Twilycancer aren't.
>only alicorns
cadance and twilight are young
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There hasn't even been any compelling evidence to date that Celestia and Luna haven't extended their lives through age spells. There's nothing in canon saying that they naturally live over 1000 years.
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I was going to wait until I became a wizard and in the meantime see if I could grab some books on planeswalking. Have the techheads worked something out already while I wasn't looking? I thought they'd never manage it.
Where do I order the kit?
For all we know Cadance is hundreds of years old.
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There is also the missing Alicorn, the victim of the love poison from Twilight's book

Whoever she was shes no longer around
What if it's all just illusion magic

there is no kit

google the instructions and go to radio shack
Their historiography is pretty bad. Everything happened either in the present or very recent past or 1000 years ago. Nothing happened in any other time in their history apparently.
What if it's actually just bad writingand meddling from on high
Canon is very blunt.
You have to take it at face value, if you believe a certain action implies something then that spins off into headcanon which is down to the individual.
But there's no canon suggesting they have extended their life

They're deities
Immortality is a common trait of deities
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>they're deities

No, they aren't. That has never even been suggested on the show.
fanon says it's chrysalis or something
>victim of a love potion
Very real chance she didn't die of natural causes.
>That has never even been suggested

please don't use words if you don't know what they mean

it's been suggested heavily since s1e1

It's headcanon that they're deities

It's headcanon that they aren't

deal with it
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>show discussion when about to sleep
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1st best ship
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What kinds of things does Celestia like to do on her off time?
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I have no points in google-fu, though.
Last time I tried I failed the roll and I broke all the bones in my right hand.
It's been suggested heavily that they are princesses.
>Show has a bent on Greco-Roman mythos
>They manipulate the sun and moon
>They've been around since chaos ruled

>Not a deity
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They are comparable to the concept of the god king, but with actual divine powers
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lauren wrote the show
she says they're not gods, so they're not gods
plans on who to send to the moon
Live forever,
Visit old friends before they die.
>Not making the flute longer
This fucking line opacity makes everything look like it's moving
Age spells have been established as a canon magic, limited to very skilled practitioners.

There's nothing saying they have to have used them, but they would definitely be on the level to be able to do so.
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Would Shiny surf this wave?
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Rarity gets a makeover

Streaming "Applejack" next /moronsonofboron
Celestia got her ass kicked by chrysalis. Or was that all just for show?
In a past life, he surfed lava.
>with actual magic*
probably to dodge all the "LAUREN FAUST HATS JEEZUS" bullshit. she's just taking precautions.
Check out the Rarity tits. I didn't try at all.
I was just hoping no one would call me on it. Damn, that's awful.
I want to squeeze Chrysalis butt and bury my face in it.
>May 2013
Way too new to be relevant.
precautions against people thinking they are gods
>That guy wiping out
How do these guys not die?
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>not suggested

>Oh Celestia!
>Thank Celestia!
No one on the show has ever performed one.
I like to think that was because Chrysalis was totally buffed up on the Power of Love at the moment, myself, and that the buff combined with her original strength was enough to beat Celestia.
all of this is headcanon, though
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Makes sense to me.
>Dresden Codak once again took four months to update
yes I read those fanfictions too
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I don't know if you should touch her, anon.
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I need to go to the store, can you guys stop discussing the show until I get back?
Braeburned ruins gay images like Skrillex ruined dubstep.
>refusing to watch the show
but they say those lines in the actual show m8

What would her coat feel like under my hands?

Applejack and Twilight both say it in dialogue anon
She was extremely strong at the time and her Achilles heel was whatever the fuck cadence did.
>less tits

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I like that slight cameltoe on her puffy vagina lips.
There are no brakes on the friendship express.
They just really like thanking Celestia for things.
Her mane would feel like moss.

Her chitinous body would feel smooth and streamlined.
>not directly citing the episodes and timecodes

Do you bronies even watch this show or do you just shitpost about it?
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Lauren Faust said they weren't gods, and that's good enough for me.

Also ponies have canon tiny brains. Teeny tiny brains. They ain't smart.
Anon pls

If he draws HB I'm dropping him like rotten meat
They're just thanking their Lord and Saviour.
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>watching the show
Wonder when she'll start being able to use magic.
That's a pretty bad example, it's a paraphrased quote and she's in Canterlot where, you know, Celestia can actually be her witness.
They also have heart shaped stomachs.
Buffed by the Power of Love.
However, it was love that had been obtained via trickery, or most of it had been drained attacking Celestia, so straight up pure Love Magic coming from SA and Cadence was more powerful.
This is still headcanon.
This is advanced darkness
>spike is about to take free candy
>worstpone won't let him

ugh she's such a piece of shit


But. what about her transparent belly?
Gotta make room for those giant eyes
Their eyes must take up 90% of their heads, what did you expect?
She said that in May 2013.
She wasn't relevant by that point.
Should I draw Celestia, or Chrysalis?

If you say both, it's neither.
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try harder
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>She's in carousel boutique

>tfw Rose is now posting NSFW explicit art
She was stopping him from taking the candy because he had been taking other pony's stuff all day.

That's was like the entire deal with that episode.
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Would you let Snips practice on your hair?
The later disguised as the former
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but the candy is being freely given

it's not like he's taking it from someone it belongs to
That's not what his cutie mark means.
He's going to become a Rabbi.
This is a pretty weak line to try and justify. Celestia has met them several times in the flesh, why wouldn't she be able to witness them?
Hell no
That colt has a shit mane.
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I hate you people
Ponies have said "Jeez"

Jesus is canon lord and saviour of Equestria
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Faust will always be more relevant than anyone else to me.
Definitely more than McCarty.
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I laughed more than I should have.

It's just water
Rose drew it

I've never seen so much denial
thanks CC
Fuck no. The only one who can touch my hair is this Korean qt my brother knows.
Twilight has said "by Jove" in MMMMystery.
That's not a very nice thing to say.
I'm going to marry Twilight Sparkle!
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>tfw that dick looks just like mine
J-jeez Rose, how did you know?
I heard apples were canon.
She's not working on the show anymore, anything she says now could have easily been made to retcon something that didn't sit well before with her.
Not to mention the show will take a different direction regardless of what she says.
"Oh for pete's sake!"

St. Peter confirmed for candy colored cartoon horse
Yeah, the one who lives across the country and only comes here during summer, but oh, we probably wouldn't know her anyways but she's really real and like totally hot?
>Water that picks you up 30 feet, then slams you back down 30 feet, then sucking you under, leaving you beat to shit, disoriented, desperate for breath struggling to find the surface when the water is so foamy you cant tell up from down, and you better do it before the next wave comes
You're trying too hard. Of course it's a reference to that line, but in a completely different kind of context. I mean, you might as well take
as gospel as well with that attitude.
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Me too!
>Implying you have that girth
Nooo problem.
Doesn't mean I'm going to like it.
Plus I'd take her headcannon over McCarty's or any other writers.
My grandpa's name was Peter, named for the saint
I am canon in Equestria

Actually you just fall into the wave and it passes over you

have you like, never been to a beach ever?
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how are the pony levels today, my faithful students?
Very high, your mortalness.
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Also greek mythology and architecture.
Equestria confirmed for greco-roman.
Not that guy, but I have that kind of girth.
yo Celestia, Anon's bein a big jerk today
Dangerously low. We need a transfusion of pony immediately.

Extremely high,
We show right now.
Beach episode when?
every human reference and artifact can be explained by the fact that ponies are our distant descendants after millions of years of evolution and genetic engineering

what they call "magic" is simply super-advanced technology
Applejack micro coming out tonight?
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That was not an ass kicking that was more of an equivalent of a well placed knock out punch. Horns on the show have been proven to be sensitive
Those are some cute giraffes.
Sorry, but you only get your japanese methadone on mondays.
she lives like a half hour from me
she's alright, though i only see her once in a blue moon
i would fuck her, only she's asexual and she knows about my spaghetti dropping abilities
G6 when mlpg is in collectively in charge of the show, after we purchased all rights from Hasbro.
Never, McCarthy is Bon Bon.
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>tfw you dont know if your penis is too thin or your hands too big
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Doing pretty well today, Princess!
sex with scootaloo
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Damn you and your psycho experiments.
>sweetie will never slap your dick
>Celestia and Luna posses supernatural powers
>They seized power from Discord, personification of chaos
>They control the sun and moon

>They have completely unique bodies and manes
>They've shown no signs of aging as they haven't changed since their insurrection

They're clearly Titans

>English idioms
>Some how equivalent to modifying a quote to suit the setting
>He's never gone over the falls before
>>11986733 is pretty accurate. The wave of that size doesnt pass over you unless you wipe out at the bottom of the wave without wearing a leash.

Generally you go "oh shit I'm wiping out", take a deep breath, wait, hope, pray, and climb your leash up to the surface and get the fuck out of the impact zone.
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Not sure if fired...
eww gross
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sex with Kitty Pryde
Asexual does not mean you do not want sex.
It just means you don't really get attracted to people. You can appreciate beauty but it is not a deciding factor at all.
ebin may may XD
Well, just measure it.

Easiest way is with a strip of paper and a ruler.

I'm 6.2"
Oh jeez, my lack of recent practice inking really shows.

Hey, so, names: I'm debating between a few for this s'morse, but I'm also taking suggestions if you've got 'em. Current contenders are Sweet Sammy and Cocoa Flufs.
I kinda know what you mean.
I've got this korean girl that lives like 5 minutes away, and we're chill as fuck. We hang out like 4-5 times a week though. Not dtf because I like the dick, but she's a cool friend.
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I'm bad at things.
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sex with pinkie pie
>tfw it doesnt matter since nobody would even get near you in the first place

clever reply indicating that you don't have an image
but unicorns controlled the sun and moon already and the only extra special power celestia and luna ever had was the elements of harmony
her hooves look like they have a rough, sandy texutr
inb4 sie sund das essen etc.
That's actually a pretty neat idea, especially considering that the age of the Titans was supposed to be called the Golden Age.
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>tfw don't know that feel
same as >>11986907 but worded differently so I look creative
I don't want to have sex with pinkie pie.
Graham cracker. So basically, yes.
I do!
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oh right, got so caught up in the penis discussion i forgot about that
And a much longer-infinite life
So the 6mane are the olympians?
And if Discord is chaos, shouldn't that mean that Celestia and Luna are giants?
Why is Zach such a homo?
You mean titans, right?
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Celestia Quest resumes in 21 hours and 30 minutes.
Nobody would definitely get near you.


yeah if unicorns are like normal unicorns then they're like the captain america of unicorns
Perspective makes a huge difference to how big your cock looks

Get a banana you think is the same size as your dick and measure it. It's probably a lot smaller

I bought a dildo the same size as mine
I haven't been able to use it yet
Everyone here CAN find someone that will have sex with them, even of the opposite gender.

You just need to look.
He just corrected somebody for saying Titans, I don't think he meant to correct them by saying Titans.
fuck off
It's easier to find a lover than a friend
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>its probably a lot smaller
the dick or the banana? im guessing its the dick HAHAHA JUST KIDDING GUYS, ITS OBVIOUSLY THE BANANA...right?
Fuck you
Yea but I dont to plow a smelly manatee that hasnt bathed in ages and has daddy issues. (at least im honest with who i can land)

if you're autistic
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But that would require looking

We've got too much anxiety and not enough confidence to do that
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what the fuck is going on here
But can I find a magical talking pony that will be my wife?
The banana should be smaller

Unless you're deluded
>tfw best friends for ages
>tfw he gets a gf
>tfw spending less time with him
>tfw start to feel like third wheel
>tfw we stop walking for weeks at times
>tfw he completely dissappears from my life
I miss my friend.
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Celestia and Luna are not gods
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends
Sombra will never not be a wasted villain
Limestone and Marble Pie

Kitty Pryde's mutant ability is that she can turn things intanginble
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>wanting to have sex
>wanting somebody to steal your precious mana before you achieve your final form
>have two childhood friends
>they are now successful at life and both have gfs
Well, Scott Summers is buttfucking Kitty Pryde and Ororo Munroe at the same time
Nope. Giants followed chaos, they were overthrown by the titans and they were overthrown by the olympians.
That's how it was with me.
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that feel, anon
So does that mean they're Eotenas?
>all those people who told you theres something wrong with you
>all that denial thinking its everyone else fault
>that realization that you were born broken
I never asked for this feel.
>everything in the post quoted
"You're STILL playing video games? What's wrong with you?? I'm glad i stopped talking to you loser".
I can't help, ...cut my life into pieces... Would it be wrong or right to cut my life tonight.. Someone to tell me its alright..
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truthful bullshit
Hey I aint sad, I already accept the fact I'll be alone til death.

More time for vidya
>You just need to look.

In a boojk?
>there’s a cutoff between chubby and a cutoff between obese and fat thats it

Thanks rediv, that helped...
Think about it thoroughly, no need to rush something you can't undo.
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Oh no, he stills plays vidya. He plays them alone because he stopped talking to all of his friends, though.

I still hang with everyone else.

he was just my favorite
I had pizza today and am feeling good.
It's so nice outside.
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Why aren't you fiddling?
Who the fuck bitches about vidya?
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What? Heracles slapped the giants shit alongside the forces of the Olympians and the Sisters of Fate.

Gaia gave birth to both the giants and the titans after being fertilized by the blood of Uranus.
>the day I left /v/

I just got back from running and I also practiced drawing before that

it was really hot out, but I got to watch the sun set over a lake and I talked with a fellow jogger. It was nice.
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but anon cry with my waifu makes me happy
so it all comes back to buttsex
>blood of Uranus
I don't think you can have sex with a book scrubbles.
>tfw he kind of sounds like me
>Just I didn't get a gf

Almost thought someone cared about me there
Isn't life grand?
That's... That's every friend I've ever had. They move on and I remain largely the same, not through stunted emotional or social growth. They just all moved on to other things or have had worse troubles than I where I had to let them go.
Show your draws.
I still don't get this

I still think it's hot
>you will never find a well kept chubby girl with a great personality that loves you for who you are
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>old friends who go on in life and get gfs and jobs and lead ordinary lives
>talk to them
>they're fucking miserable and hate their jobs and everything
>one of them keeps cheating on his gfs and jumping relationships
>play vidya with online bros and have fun
>old friends whine at me to get a life in between bemoaning theirs.
no they're shitty

one day I will though

that day will probably be after MLPG's time
Robert Strong = Undead Mountain
The Faith's Champion = The newly repentant Hound
Valonquar = The "little brother" who will kill Cersei
The Hound = Valonquar

did you draw it
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What if your waifu was also your childhood friend?
All of you.
Draw what? Life?
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I wish Celestia made ASMR recordings
It's >>>/r9k/, you faggot.
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You'd just fap to them
>tfw found one
>tfw had the time of my life
HAD ;_;
>it didnt even greentext
no one man should have all this beef
I'd still be too beta to ask her out
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I wish pank would do it, she would whisper at a breakneck pace
Sorta, Gaia was fertilized by Uranus' blood after his son Cronus castrated him.

Uranus/Ouranos or was personification of the sky as well as the son and husband of Gaia, Mother Earth.

So basically a dude blood fucked his mom after his son chopped of his dick,
She probably would've been a good influence on me.
fart fart fart faaaaaart
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your point? those are the best faps ever
A Dream of Summer is going to the most hyped, action packed, tense as fuck book ever written in the past 30 years.

And it being released at the same time as HL3 to boot.
>you get teleported to equestria
>you become a pony
>your waifu is auddenly your sister
wat do
>tfw you impregnate Celestia while she makes ASMR
What if she confessed her love for you?
>you will never travel a ruined Equestria finding letters to Celestia detailing what happened
>Pinkie Pie binaural inaudible whispering recordings

Oh yes. It would be incredible.
We ditched THAT in favor of the jesus beullshit? Damn.
I honestly don't know what I would do with myself on a date, even if I got past the asking-out phase, I've always been bad at dealing with 1-to-1 social interaction. The idea kinda spooks me.
hug my sister and tell her I love her every day
>you become a pony
Stopped reading there.
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>you become a pony

Kill myself.
I'm still going to fuck her, anon.
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>And it being released at the same time as HL3 to boot.
So never?
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Rejoice as I now have a ponimouto/waifu.
Well she just did 90% percent of the work so I'd jump on it
>Waifu is in my life for the rest of my life

Pretty good ending
I still get a chance at boning Twilight too
>yfw the books have gone to shit and the reason they're taking so long is because GRRM keeps writing himself into corners and getting out of them by escaping to new corners
>GRRM will also die before the series is finished
Oh man, It's hard to say.
Were we really good friends?
>Pinkie will never give you a haircut

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There's no Way my Ponimouto Can be This Cute
incest end
So I become shinning armor?
I know right? Norse mythology is also lovably fucked up and manly as shit.

Fuckin' Loki turns into a mare to distract some stallion for the other gods, gets mounted, and gives birth to Odin's six legged steed.

Think about that for a second. Loki could have changed back into a dude at any point after getting plowed by some horse. He decided he'd rather stay a chick and plop out a horse baby instead.
Well, you know, Greek mythology was a huge clusterfuck of a lot of seperate religious mythos stories and fanfics being combined into one weird-ass slurry that most people stopped taking very seriously. It's not that surprising that people moved on.
She loves you.
Having horse babies is manly?

Wow, xieril must have the most testosterone of any of us
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>become pone
commit sudoku

Unless I'm a pegasus. Then I fly all day every day.
Didn't the same thing happened to that guy who wrote the Bourne Identity books? He died, and the guy who picked it up later did a bad job wrapping up the series?
You must be pretty strong and manly to take those 42 inches.
I guess dor a trickrster god, he was kinda [spoiler[FUCKED up
No the manly part had nothing to do with letting a horse impregnate you. That's just a bonus.
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pony is sleeping

>you will never be impregnated by a virile stallion
Go to bed SB

*tickles sleeping pone*
Then it's entirely possible, depending on how long it was before she was banished, that my inevitable death was a factor in her downfall to coincide with her jealousy and unappreciated feelings.
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Looks to me like you fucked up
But the greeks still had more homosex and bestiality.
>a huge clusterfuck of a lot of seperate religious mythos stories and fanfics being combined into one weird-ass slurry
the same could be said of the christian bible
its bizarre how people downplay that aspect of it so much
Why is pony covered in bruises?
>tfw PS hats us
>you will never give birth to a magnificent colt and present it to your father as a gift.
I dont really know how the Bourne thing went down. The original author wrote the three books, and they were a complete unit. Everything was finished in 1990.
Then somehow that other author got the rights to write Bourne shit in like 2004 and pumped out six more books that are generally crap.

you should see the other guy
Hey someone from MLPG asks someone else to bed

I guess there really is a first time for everytihng!
Because daddy doesn't want his son to become a weakling.
well the christians were a lot more successful at clamping down their canon
Hell yeah they did. Spartans were all about the homo love. You weren't a real Spartan man unless you knew how to love your fellow Spartan men.

That's why they let women have so much more freedom than they normally had in Greek culture.
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Go to bed, SB.
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>six legged steed.
Come on now, CC. Sleipnir had eight legs.
sex with celestia
Does this mean straight men are just horrible people?
have you actually read it?
What if Scrubbing Bubbles is the SB with 8"?
And you were required to homosex before you could marry and for the first weeks after your marriage your wife had to crossdress just so you can get used to it.
The spartans were a huge bunch of badass fags.
You'd love that wouldn't you
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That would be a waste. SB is the 8" SB.
Why do you say that
Don't make me storytime the comic.

sex with amazon celestia
>not wanting SB to fuck you with his 8" cock while telling terrible jokes
What if pony was a pedophile for you?

More like [spoilerfrog!
No it just means that straight dudes don't know the joy of reveling in the loins of your fellow soldiers after a hot sweaty day of soldiering.
What a bunch of wusses.
I'd roll a Spartan.
They never talk about this sort of stuff in popular media, though. I'm still waiting for that God of War sequel where Kratos get's his a QTE with his Spartans.
>she will never give you a musclehug, pressing you into her big tits
CC, are you trying to cover up your homophobia?
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Nintendo is the only gaming company that cares about it's fans, right?
Just the tip.
>tfw Superman will never put his hand on your shoulder and tell you that you're strong
>tfw you'll never hug him
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How easy is it to get a GP to prescribe sleeping pills?
Fuck off /v/. Melee stream is allowed again.
no one cares about your gay little kart fighter.

That's Valve
Why not just commit sudoku?
It's back on the livestream schedule. Just looked it up.
>you'll never jump anyway
>he'll never be too shocked to save you before you hit the ground
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>He doesn't know
guys, I think Marcie might be my AC waifu
I'd give so much to snuggle up with Celestia's guns.
How can something be so incredibly unfunny?http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=WCA3STgVa64

>not saving you

lost me
It's actually really easy. Just tell them you've been suffering from insomnia and having a hard time sleeping through the night.
>tfw griffin hats u

>Jump into Celestia's bed
>land on a bunch of hard shit
>pull back the covers
>it's filled with guns
>Celestia blushes
>everything else

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>mfw even my family believes that shit that isn't my fault is my fault

No, I didn't bring up the fiasco(you should know which one), it was other, irrelevant bullshit.

God, and they tell ME to accept responsibility
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>>>/shit nobody cares about/
maybe you should just kill yourself?

that'd show 'em.
Why did you show your GF 34 to a 9(11?) year old?
Who the fuck are you and why should I care and why didn't you at least post a pony?
But he is already here.

>I was think "Ok its not BAD, not good, but not BAD"

Then we took a walk down Homestuck lane
Find me a genuinely sad story with no shipping or sex.
Is it even possible?
There was a smudge on my screen that was in the perfect position to make it look like Fluttershy's asshole.
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Not Ben Stiller. Picked a fight with Jessy, then picked a fight with Dooks, then picked a fight with sentenal who leaked embarrassing logs between the two of them.
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This reminds me of the whole Slipshine ordeal.

My little Dashie

cry erytiem ;_;7
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Hahaha holy shit, that guy.
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Man, if I never told off Jessy, you'd all be sucking my dick right now, I'll bet.

No, they probably want me dead, just like you guys.

You fucking wot, m8.

Not Ben Stiller. Reasons. Here's your damn pony.
Anything where Spike outlives the Mane 6
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your life
Where does it direct you?
Brave New World

>recoloring second best horse to look like second worst horse
I didnt know who it was either but now Im mad that you asked.

Great job faget
>he never even gets to fuck Rarity


The Lessons

it's a tf2 fanfic
You're 1000x worse then BCS

Please just leave, or put a name on that I can filter.
Yours Tru-

>no shipping

Even shipping that doesn't take priority? Damn.

Background Pony, then.

>implying I'm redfaced
What kinda of Pony would Ponkie Pie be if she were full flannel pajamas?

a very snuggly one
Kinda wish they still had ads on here. Even if it was only that one.
I've only ever read two pony fanfics. Both of them were by RaginSemi

I can't remember the name of it now, but the first one was about Spike returning to Ponyville years later and the only friends he has left alive are Applejack and Princess Twilight. It made me feels I didn't like feeling.

Then I read the sequel and it was Spike and Twilight fucking until the end of time. It killed my soul. How can you make a guy feel feels and then turn it into shitty smut like that?

I'd scrub your bubbles~
You can just go pick up some melatonin. 10mg works great.
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That one old fic (actually an old fic-in-a-pic) where the ponies overthrow Celestia and then can't figure out how to work the sun. That one really gets me.
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Some-one fill me in pls
>you'd all be sucking my dick right now, I'll bet.
for what? you're not even a real contributor you just run a shitty quest(and you never run it anyway).
I'm staying until I'm the last living fan, plus a year for insurance.

Also, while it IS the way to go, you don't get to be a coward tonight.
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All the discussion about it was pretty funny, in retrospect.
Why do you fucking faggots want shit heads to take their trips and names off

>waaa, attention whores


as far as i am concerned you all deserve this
I can't, I'm off the stack.
>Anything where Spike outlives the Mane 6
the worst kind
Then post more, so you can get banned for spamming.
I'd probably be more motivated if I weren't hated. 50/50 chance, good gambling odds.
I don't think that'll work for what I want
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Oh yeah, here's a WIP of Celestia.
Decided to do human because I'm awful at them and need the practice.
>implying I'd sink that low
fuck off to another thread/chan/forum if you don't want to be hated.
wait they kicked your sorry ass
I'd let you hold me if I was a pony

bigger hips
You're already low enough to be Tex's bottom.
Zach, where's the giant futa horse dong?
I want to make my own lactation fetish pony OC named Honeysuckle.

bigger tits

Would she be really happy and goofy?
You're thinking of AppleDan
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I came here of my own accord you dingus.

Well played.
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I'm not a slut!

I'd just want anon to hold me, comb my mane, scratch my ears and call me a good pony.

Then I would sleep on his tummy after playing with him
what kind of ass is Twilight?

a smart ass!
Jessy, I get you say this because you're ashamed of being a slut, but come on, you're only making yourself more suspicious.

Do you think that niggers go to the KKK to pretend they're not black?
learn to read retard
I wish
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Didn't increases the breasts much, those are already some big gazongas.
What was that in response to?
that's actually pretty funny
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I'm not puking so I can't be thinking of AppleDan.
Those are as small as Tex's penis. BIGGERT

Bigger hips!
In the back next to the fridge, where it always is.
And for god's sake, clean it off next time.
Jessy doesn't get what friendzone is. It's fine to be friends with a girl, but if shes dropping sexual hints but then denying you any advances then that's some bullshit ie friendzone. Just tell a guy straight that it wont happen and move on, dont jerk him around so he "doesnt feel bad", it makes it worse.
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I've still got no idea what's going on

One minute we're talking about pone
The next some guy makes a post that everyone understands but me and we're derailed
I like them.
You'll let ANY anon hold you?
I bet you'd sleep with them holding you too, you cuddleslut
More horsey
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Would you do a sassy dance in front of Granny Smith?
Honestly I knew about the whole thing and I still didnt get who it was.

Some of you motherfuckers are wizards.
You've never had a sexual hint dropped towards you, ever.
I hope Sassy can only say MWUH
Please let me fornicate with you. I don't care about your gender, I love you that much.

Basically my family sucks as usual.

Don't project.
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I'd let any anon hold me, I wouldn't want anon to be lonely unless they try something sexual

I'd sleep in their arms, yes.
I can't wait for autonomous sex robots to hit the free market. Then these fuckers will finally have something to wet their willies and fuck off for good.
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*reblogs your post*

I don't understand it besides the fact that the dude is a GIANT shitposter and I have lots of images that I want to post
>Derpy's name is a muffin

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It's easy, guys. You just ignore his posts. Report them for the off-topic spam they are, and then dismiss them entirely from your consciousness. It's that easy.
Twist and Snails
Apple Bloom and Snips
??? and Featherweight
??? and Rumble
??? and Pip
??? and Shady Daze
??? and Truffle Shuffle

Am I missing any colts?

That's good.
He's banned pretty quick if everyone remembers to do their duty, which gives us a reprieve from his relentless shitposting.
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I dont care enough to report. Which pone is a pone and a half?
That's really not what the friendzone is. The friendzone is more like a person treating another person who is clearly infatuated in them as nothing more than a friend. Like when you see dudes/girls letting other dude/girls buy them things and then go "WOW, YOU SURE ARE A NICE FRIEND!"

I don't care how good a friend I am with somebody I'd never expect them to show up at 7am with chocolate and flowers just because we're buds. Of course Jessy does have a point too, not everyone is always purposely doing this to the other person..
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>implying it works
I reported bcs shitposting every time she did it and she never got banned.
>implying we're ever on topic
>implying spam
>admitting to being a coward who can't stand being shown the truth

You can still post.

That's wrong though.

Creeps is on my side. I don't think I'm in reality.
What, you don't like sloppy seconds?
I never bitch you out when you stay up until all night playing with it.
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