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How does your favorite pony celebrate the birth of her nation?

Veteran Horse: >>11863623
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What's that about pone with human qualities?
Jaffa is calling you. Do you accept?
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honk honk
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If there's anyone I would trust with Fireworks it would be Twilight.

I think fem/Snails is the only pony that gets cuter the farther you exaggerate his features
are you trying to seduce me ms sparkle
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OC requests I guess
she's just a pony anon get your mind out of the gutter
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sunny trying to drag wallflower out into the sunlight

What would a rule 63'd Spice look like?
I would so hard.
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draw her getting hugged and screaming at the top of her lungs
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Nah I'm cool, thanks though.
Being raped
This is how we celebrate all ''special days''
he's just a human anon get your mind out of the gutter
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Oh dear, no, of course not.

What gave you that idea?
Draw Lamar's pone just to piss off general.

Bonus points if you draw him a one of those sliced in half Damien Hirst sculptures and send it to him
I want to see Pinkie Pie taking an XL Chance with her belly bulging.
Maybe not screaming...how about hyperventilating?
I would Guylight Sparkle.

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exaggerated ponies are cutest ponies
Who is this Wallflower I just heard about? Post a full picture of her please.
She's a shitty OC who is the daughter of 2 other shitty OCs
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well earlier today spike gave me this letter addressed from you that told me to meet you here naked

i was kind of curious
his ponies are pretty bad
I wonder what those guys would have done if they had actually picked up one of the calls.
>drawing just to make people angry
Anon that's a terrible thing
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na, she's just a pony with anxiety over being hugged/picked up
>who is the daughter of 2 other shitty OCs
you guys really decided to go with the sad sack and sleepyhead thing?
Lamar is a terrible person.
Fuck off
I think it's GR's OC. The green one with the white mane?
*grabs you by the throat*
Would you celebrate with pony even considering they are illegal Equestrian immigrants?


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Why would Jaffar be calling me?
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u wot m8

It's just a cute new oc.
I like SB's ponies
I also just like SB
well they are. not my fault you have terrible taste.
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But Mt. Libertymore wasn't invented until France discovered copper.
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Fuck yeah im illegal too
Shut the fuck up SB.
what diet?
When did you start? 10 minutes ago?
You're not sunny, you're just a pony that raises the sun.
Eh, you've never ridden a broom before?
I know. I enjoy seeing the world burn sometimes.
I'm starting to question whether or not this guy is a pedophile.
your favorite pony can ride 3 brooms at once
if you know what I mean
The "stop eating shitty foods and start eating fruits, vegetables, and lean meats/chicken/fish" diet.

4 days ago.
How can anything be weaker than that fucking Twilight micro issue?
>not feeling hungry every day
What? How do you know when to eat if you never get hungry?
Since when does Twilight Sparkle ever fail?
Time of day
pizza is a vegetable so you can have that too
>not exercising and dieting.

What do you also watch tv anon?
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How would you gently tell pont that she needs to go on a diet?
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we should hang out
oh gosh

I wouldn't be gentle, because that's why kids stay fat.
what anon?

Are you from the past?
I rode my bike for 2 every day since I started, and I do sit ups/push ups every few hours
This pony doesn't need to go on a diet. If anything she needs to eat more since she's eating for two.
who would be sick enough to impregnate Scootaloo
um thats pone is pregnant
You are a fat bietch
change now
for 2 hours*
Rainbow and Fluttershy were both worse
her very special somepony
>said no-on who wore braces ever
yeah ok. something tells me you lie
>tfw basically can't gain weight even when trying
>tfw NBS is ded
Someone who loves her and wants to have babby with her?
Don't believe me if you want. I'm not doing it to impress you.
rediv stop.
Don't encourage him.
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You're right I never needed them, but they look so cute on pones
No you're too young.
lel no
not even close
Rumble, you can't impregnate butts, no matter what Featherweight has been telling you afterwards.
Not him, but we totally should. Want to go draw stuff or something? Or just talk and stuff.
are you sure? don't tell me you are trying to impress yourself. You'll just end up dropping the routine after a month.
Tonight isn't the night for sexual.
And Scootaloo is just fat. Not pregnant.
Fucking hell, anon.

You desperate shit.
How could you cheat on Dinky, you jerk?
Maybe RD but Fluttershit?
RumbleWeight is kind of unf

I'd love to, but I don't think I'd have anything interesting to talk about.

I'm not really doing it to impress anyone. I'm doing it because I'm overweight and want to lose weight.
You are all desperate shits. Look at you both, putting a trip on a pedestal.
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I've seen some shit.
>not wanting artfriends
Dude what.
Oh so you just want to be like everyone else. Ok. How boring.
But Pip-chan likes him more! Even grows his hair out long just for him.
It's that time of day again mlpg

Was this drawn as a Joke or was the artist Serious?
>wanting friends
Why? They're just a burden.
The only issue with it was the horrible coloring job. The story might've been meh, but it wasn't bad by any means.
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I don't think he wants to be friends, rather just be acknowledged by a "talented" person.

It's a desperate cry for attention.
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Do one with Dash
Maybe those who try to be different than the others, are being just like the others
I'd like to think it was just a rendering test
Circlejerkers are a burden. Genuinly being friends with someone is not.
what should she say?
>MT's playground
I wouldn't know. I'd settle for any friends at all right now. Just thought artfriends would be good because then we'd have common ground.
Well, that IS part of it, I guess. I am kind of fed up with being looked down upon for my weight. Yeah, I'd like to be able to "fit in" figuratively, but I feel like I can't if I can't "fit in" literally.
put on your skype handle then loser. Sheesh. Grow some hair on your balls.
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>Finally done :) This is my biggest project so far. I wanted to draw as realistically as possible, yet trying to be true to ponies as we know them.
Took me about four months and extremely big amount of time. Studying of every aspect I drew, starting from ladscape and clouds to fur and hair texture, eyes, shadows, reflection ... still could be better I guess.

That person in her eyes' reflection is of course me =)

His ponies remind me of that guy who we always make fun of for charging those $ 5/10/20 omissions
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yeah, if you guys want you can ask me for my skype one tumblr or something

in the meantime, pony pony
anyone got some good crystal designs?
So peer pressure is what's driving you?
"Everyone pay attention to me at all times I am the most important character on the show"

>you will never be this alpha
Nah. If I wanted attention, I'd get a name and tripcode and start posting every shitty thing I drew here.


wait what

>I'm a huge cunt!
He needs to try harder. Relay that critique to him
but thats true

Probably has a metal frame or something.
For whom?
That quotation turned out weird
Everything except the last sentence is what he wrote about the picture
Good news! I don't want to know your skype!
Crotchboobs are disgusting
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Sort of reminds me of coke pony.
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I know, isn't it great?
but anon, you used to do that.
want to buy fat pony general thread

just like your face
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Only screencaps from the show. That's a very pretty Roseluck though.
that pony looks like she needs some sleep.
MLPG is really out for blood today
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optimal chub is just a little bit of chub
people like to go overboard with it too often
your mom has blood
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only question: does it has realistic horsecock?
Kraut can't get into chub
But I've never had a name or trip.
so does yours.
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That pony lokks like she needs the d
Well your momma is so fat that if she were a pony her cutie mark would be a love handle. What do you have to say to that
Hey why RD have all those wounds and a wing broken? let me remember... ow yes, it was for being a stupid cunt
Ponies is serious business.

Just a sheath~
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They celebrate it like this

Hearth Warming Eve looks like Christmas but is really the 4th of July for ponies.
Kraut is dead. I'm happy he is in a better place and resting.

Popularfags killed him
What about Summer Sun Celebration?
Overboard pls. :3

I partially agree, because mostly Anon perpetuated the drama around him.

The very first drawing he ever posted was Rainbow Dash fucking a toaster and the last one he ever posted was Rainbow Dash with a huge futa cock, so he has come full circle at least.
I dunno I kind of like it
It just looks like Dash ate too much
I'm going to cuddle a pone and you can't stop me.
in that case i need to one horsecock dildo and some glue and lot of lube
>tfw you can't into ctrl+s
He helped kill himself.

Someone mentioned he feel betrayed over his porn blog and concluded there was a conspiracy to bring him down.
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he drew hot things
I remember that feel... If he keeps up that pressure he'll improve plenty and see awful amount of mistakes in this piece soon enough. Yet it still will be the one that could be considered a milestone.

He did good. Tried hes best. Did a shitload of things and experimenting and kept trying. It's a good feel to have. It's a great thing to do. Try and makes mistakes rather than sitting in safe zone all the time.

I envy him a bit.
Fuck my english today.
He shouldn't have picked up that bad habit of circlejerk mentality that mewball, lamar, and sb had.
How do I stop from picking up this habit. I catch myself doing it sometimes and I don't even have a name yet. Is it too late for me?
Probably the human equivalent is a summer solace celebration (which is what the Summer Sun Celebration is) but I don't know any culture that celebrate it off hand.
what mentality? what does that even mean?
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Solace means something slightly different.
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would your favorite pony pretend to be pregnant for you?
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>Someone mentioned
And this was another big issue. People have said so many things about him, if all that was true he'd be the one that's responsible for the 2nd world war and did 9/11. Not to say that he never did stupid shit, but a whole lot of it was vastly overexaggerated.
No. Why would I want pony to pretend to be pregnant?
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It's time to go on an adventure. Which pony is your traveling companion?
Man, after getting Celestia pregnant, can you imagine how extra emotional she'd be? She'd want to cuddle for hours.
The mentality which was outlawed after the move to /mlp/
There's no such thing. Just don't bring your circlejerk things to the mlpg and everything should be swell. If you gone have fucktard anon getting that stuff from your private blogs (tumblr for example) back in here then it's not your fault at all.
Twilight Sparkle, of course.

...What adventure?
which is?
But mewball isn't friends with anyone anymore. What are you saying?
None of them. They'd just slow me down.

What kind of half arsed shitty armour is Texanon wearing?
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>Pregnant Celestia will never ask for you a little help walking to raise the sun in the morning

So, I'm a newfag. I have no idea what is being discussed, but it seems to be related to fat ponies. Did I really just get my wish? *ω*
Twilight Sparkle.
What kind of adventure?
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Rarara, we'd fill our jew chests with gold.
the popularfag syndrome
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But earth ponies double your carrying capacity and I'm sure the other ones are good for things too.
Whenever I see his posts in the archives I notice that most of the claims seem to be based close to on nothing. Nobody seems to know what actually happened anymore.

>animu bandages
As a reminder, Kraut and Lamar did the very opposite of ths
What sort of accident would have caused her to only get wounded in those three spots?

>she'll never give you the power to raise it yourself
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>Rainbow Dash
>slowing you down
Applejack is the only option then. Pinkie would probably just lose everything and get distracted way too much.
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About 3 years too late, but cool
Just a reminder popular fags ruined mlpg.
>tfw lolip is ded
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"Anon? Can you just come here for awhile? Please? Oh god I'm so fat and ugly, you're going to leave me."
just a reminder jealousy ruined MLPG

>earth ponies double carry capacity
>not unicorns which just levitate everything
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Just a reminder that so called popularfags were what kept the general going the first place until some assdamaged Anons showed up and kept ruining it for everyone.
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Pinkie Pie is fastest pone
She'd just fly there really fast and leave me to wander through the wilds all alone. It would be like I didn't even bring a horse at all.
if anything ruined mlpg it's the people who won't shut the hell up about popularfags.
they're gone now. so can we please just go back to the ponies?
Only Twilight Sparkle has the ability to levitate that much.
but who sparked it? the popularfags.
Is there an uncensored version of this?

I dunno man. Rarara levitated pretty much everything in her workshop.
If every single person in the thread was anonymous, lacked all character and did absolutely nothing, these people would still find some shit to complain about. That's why they're called shitposters.
>the chews did it
Great. Now "popularfags" are for this thread what jews are for /pol/
no, retards who can't handle people having friends sparked it
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Also just to mention. Mighty amount of so called popularfags or just contributors because I can't tell one apart from other are usually sitting anon when they are not contributing.
those are some weird proportions
Yes, but it has bandages, although I've seen a full uncensor around too. Check paheal, it should have it somewhere amongst the oldest stuff, last 2-3 pages.

>that anon you circlejerked with just the other day might be a contributor you admired
Mane six are all overpowered companions obviously.
About 14-16 years old + head a bit too big and rather anorexic figure.
weirdest tits NA
well why does this place seem to be populated only by shitposters and no-one else these days?!
>this is the fourth time she's started this routine
>this week
>it's getting to where you just keep sponges in the freezer so you can give her wings a cold, damp rub-down at a moment's notice
It looks rather realistic to me, aside from the eyes.

I like to imagine that I've discussed fetishes with several contributors

and they were probably disappointed
I want to fuck Twilight
Don't be fooled. Known contributors like mewball, rose, jessy, and everyone else go hiding as anon to vent and trash talk each other to death.
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I can't defeat Air Pank.
What if S4 had a Dan Vs. Cameo?
What the fuck, man.
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shut up Dr. Sinclair
looks like corwin drew it.
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Well thanks a lot MLPG. someone let bat pony out of her cage and she bit all of /mlp/ and now there's a whole new general for bat ponies.

I hope you're proud of yourselves.
Too bad, she's my wife.

it fits into many of my fetishes. i'm not gonna pretend my fetishes are normal.

>captcha:rcefere debauchery
It doesn't. We have, at the absolute most, 3 shitposters, out of which at most 2 are online at any time; not including BCS since she's only occassionally shitposting and is actually filterable for the most. Those few that we do have try their hardest to shit up the threads.
Most people here probably shitpost once in a while but that doesn't affect threads too horribly.
Popularfags made them feel insecure
I don't believe you

Something as fun as that could never happen.

We'd probably get an LPS crossover.
>M-muh sekrit club
anons that feel insecure because people have friends on the internet are shitposters
Well I found the bandages one. No full uncensored though, darn.
Why are you blaming us, you are the one who started the thread faggot. Nice advertsing
...wait, really?

it was dumb anyway
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Check the artist tags on derpibooru and paheal, might find it there.
>in denial

the autism hit you hard.
how can these people have the free time to just sit around and shitpost in every thread, every day, for months/years?
Anon, stop having delusions about my wife. We've talked about this.
/mlp/ has a way of ruining things
see fluffy pony
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i don't think the question of bear ponies was ever seriously addressed
/mlp/ always picks up shit that we like/-d for some time, it's nothing new. Next step is ruining it.

Why can't /mlp/ come up with its own stuff?
He dropped his spaghetti so hard that he broke off contact with everyone. He couldn't be reached by anyone in a month and that includes his friends.
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they're shit
Nice try, but no. I'm mostly being sarcastic. I've accidentally started generals before. You make a thread, people like it, suddenly general.

But goddamn, I swear I had nothing to do with this. Someone else let the bat ponies out of the belfry.
believe me I deeply regret all the time I have wasted here over the years

Some decent Ideas in the thread not all are hits though personally
take off your tinfoil hat
not everyone is as vindictive as you
I remember when fluffy pony was good.
Can some one draw Rainbow Dash riding in a HERC from the 1995 PC game Earthsiege 2?
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Here you go.
how can you poeple have the free time to just sit around and talk about ponies in every thread, every day, for months/years?

answer that and you have answered your previous question
I've no idea whatsoever but you only have to look at the anon posting sa.jpg to see for yourself that these people really have been around for years and do nothing but shitpost all day.
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>tfw I managed to stop a general before it got off the ground
I believe it's spelled "mai waifu."

Is it easy to get dates with such... girls? And I thought I was counter-culture for liking fatties.

Oh god did Fluttershy break that bear's hips?
>general about a type of pony who is on the show
I don't see the big deal.
Though it's kind of funny that they think Cosmo's ponies are some weird OC again
please see you terrible horse
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You know who I hate? That pretentious, self-righteous douchenozzle Phil Fish. Fuck him and fuck his shitty "indie" game. If he wasn't such a cuntosaurus rex I might actually consider buying Fez.
No anon, you're the delusional one. You really need to just accept that she's my wife.
Anyway we're going out to dinner now, so I'll have to continue this conversation with you another time.
Was this guy actively trying to become a meme
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>still in denial

pls popularfag. Put your trip on.

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Take that to /v/, Rainbow Dash.
We don't. That doesn't answer the question either, since those fags clearly do. I have MLPG open most of the time, but I'm not glued to it, I do other things, play vidya, go outside sometimes.
And even then it's one thing discussing something you like and another just trying your hardest to ruin the discussion of others and doing nothing else than that.
Oh god thats adorable

Also, I would a flutterbear
At least he still draws, right?
Remember the old days when circlejerking was rampant? Yeah glad that's over.
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>gets hugged by stranger
I already did.
Pinkie Pie is so fast she is there before you even ask. Eat your heart out Doctor Hooves.
It never ends. But Twilight has told me to just let it lie since you'll never accept the truth, so I'll just have to hope you find solace on your own.
>tfw you can't post batponies in MLPG anymore because they're already posted in that new general.

I probably wouldn't date a girl that was like that openly, because she'd probably be a crazy tumblr activist.

But most girls I've had are open to the idea of not shaving if you tell them that you like it that way.
I know you're just shitposting but man, seriously fuck you.
better than ralph and norman
You just aswered your own question.
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>not Brother bear

Take your shitty 3D shit way from my glorious 2D animation.
>wakes up
>still a shitty gimmick OC
Wait, just because /mlp/ likes something now means the general can no longer like it?
gr8 b8 m8 wood r8 8
no, it's dupefiles
mewball the dramaqueen. that should be his new trip
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you sound a little bitter anon i should know
No, it means it's going to be ruined in less than a month, probably less than a week.
You realize that bat ponies were a thing on the show first, they weren't fan created.
no it just means that I'm getting duplicate posting errors.
Are you saying that she ISN'T a cheap "dawww" gimmick oc?
What a shame. Guess you'll have to just...I dunno.

Draw more?
I love getting duplicate file errors on pictures that I've already edited once because of a duplicate file error
you have but yourselves and the popularfags to blame.
Bullshit. Have you confused him with Kraut or what?
I know that but they got popular here recently and now they're popular in /mlp/ so we're getting duplicate file errors. That's the joke.
Why don't you just resize the files?
Wasn't that Kraut?
Well EFNW is off to a smashing start. Badge pick-up was supposed to start 4 hours ago and they're still printing badges right now.
No. Not confused. He is the queen of drama
How? Do you seriously think they're going to have the same fate as fluffy ponies?


Get your head out of your ass, 3 > 2 so therefore 3D animation is OBJECTIVELY superior to 2D animation.
Fair enough. mlpg isn't exactly isolated from anything there's plenty of people who post here and in /mlp/ these days for better or for worse.
you're mum
Start spreading a rumor that they don't have enough funds to cover expenses yet.
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im saying that all ponies, even canon ones, are gimmick ponies and for some reason you dislike this one
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This thread
what a fine day to be posting in the general
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Happy Birthday, America!
I'm actually not upset. I'm thinking this means we'll be getting some more batpone art and likely porn too so no complaints. I just found it silly enough to mention.
or the beginnings of a proper discussion

I only post here and in butts general sometimes
Last of hes post was about 4 days ago. Sure he'll keep drawing. He worked hard to get where he is currently with hes skill. He's also pretty damn popular thanks to that and above that all he do more than just pones.

He's pretty impressing guy I must say but I'm guessing he don't really know how to react to all that attention he's getting.
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Thank fucking god. Now I can unfollow his retarded main blog.
They will turn them into grimderp, bloodsucking, "black like my soul" shit.
They will no supplement the alicorn in terrible OC faggotry.
I'll fucking cut you.

How in all of hell could you think 3D animation is better than 2D, you're not right in the head.

3D is the lazy mans way of shows and movies these days, they only do 3D because it's more cost effective than 2D.
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8, sure to gener8 lots of h8
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Yes, yes he was
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No stop this can't be real those are young adults they've had at least 18 years to realize that America is not 2013 years old
That's so stupid I think they're being ironic but then that's Twitter
>Americans think the "A" in 2013 AD stands for America
he hardly worked, just cried.
It is not a joke, this is serious, so it is not funny.
>that color
Yeah, I'm mad.
I need to sit down for a while

I miss the guy that had the huge neon green one

posted like one pic
popularfag syndrome I am telling you.
Oh ok. Sure. Thanks. See ya tomorrow the same time hate anon.
he was working hes ass off drawing. Not everything landed on hes tumblr and he was keen to hear criticism. I have no idea what more can you possibly demand from someone while not giving anything back.
what's jealous syndrome? rampant shitposting?
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why trying so hard to suck his cock anon?
He wants attention though. He used to advertise his things on plebbit.
I cant.
>These people exist
Wait what? So mewball is dead now?
look in the mirror jellyfag
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>not ordering "firm"
I hope so!

One day I hope to own that many BD dildos

and yes, that. I think he also posted another with it on his crotch
I guess.
I'm going to miss his daily Lyra drawings so much.
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what's wrong pink?
I'm looking, but all I see is a handsome guy

you know that mirrors are different for everyone, right? just because you see a jealousfag when you look, doesn't mean everyone does
>assortment of dildos


fuck that guy
All artist here want attention for their art, how else will they get anywhere.

How do companies grow?

Oh yeah they advertise, now fuck off you whiny little shit and die.
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Unless something happened in skype, no.
Because I like to be honest. I admire and appreciate him.

Yeah I know. He also advised me I believe it was him under anon to do the same and it was pretty good idea if you are aspiring artist and want to get more experience including working with people for money.

Firm is too hard for larger ones
>human teeth
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Yep. Mewball is ded, Kraut is ded and SB is on his way out.
It all worked out until Terse's christmas project introduced them to Lamar.
In fact the majority of current artist drama are still fallout of Terse's project.
I can't wait to get super drunk at bronycon, who else is going
Get the fuck out.

>americans are bad at soccer

gee, I guess we'll have to choose another sport to be famous for
I want one so bad.
Wait what is Terse's project
What is the purpose to baking your horsecock?
I hope SB leaves.
>tfw pony gets you addicted to hay fries
everything is terses fault

to make a horsecake
Fuck off and leave.

>lol sso drunk epic xD
SB's not on his way out. I hope he stays.
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My bad gotta clear my cache forgot it was still in there

As if we could get that lucky...
Christmas book.

To make it warm~
Time to see who you are.
boiling is to clean it
Doesn't seem like mewball is growing at all
Yeah, sure...
What exactly happened and why is everyone upset?
Never left MLPG been here since return of Harmony
Hey man could you deal with that shit at cons sober?
I think it's that faggot who amde an ass of himself at unicon.

wouldn't it fuck with the silicone?
About how many generals worth of posts have you made on your own?
And yet mlpg still goes over and over grand yet unfamous drawfags totally fucking forgetting about anyone else who contributed. So goddamn many names to bring up yet no. Fuck that. Let's whine.

Never change mlpg.
There's more artist drama than just Kraut/Mew/Lamar. This was a big one though, and the Christmas book definitely served as a catalyst
Another solution would be to just not fuckin go.

If you need to be drunk to enjoy something why do you waste your time on it at all?
Oh sorry I thought you were one of those idiots from ponychan, who was exploring /mlp/ and decided to visit this general.
Yeah we have a winner, I had fun though. It was really good after I got booze in me. Don't know why people are still butt mad about it.
Its how popularfags advertise and part of there overl business strategy to grow
I'm probably 3~% of posts during the afternoon, and like 30% during the night.

Just me, you and a guy with multiple ips
I've never made a new horse before.
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You're making pony sad.
Nah that wouldn't melt it, silicone can take super high temperatures.
That's why there are silicone spatulas and muffin trays, etc.
The skype chat that was necessary to facilitate the making of the book also formed some new frenships whose fallout we are still experiencing
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Cosplay girls man, cosplay girls...
Being drunk just enhances the fun
It was such a fun thing to do...
>Cosplay girls man

Ah, you're one of them types huh.
I didn't do anything!
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No, I mean cumulatively, like how many generals could you fill with just your posts?
>Implying the lifeboat isn't leaking piss these days

I'd have thought the silicone in baking trays and spatulas to be more tempered than the silicone in dildos

learn something new every day
Well, relatively fun. The chat was sickening sometimes
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Just one, and it'd be dead.
Why is this a problem? Just keep it to those chats and ignore the stuff when it's posted.
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>Implying America hasn't been on this Earth for more than 2013
including you anon. you should feel ashamed ruining my mlpg
Am I the only one who desperately wants to see Attack on Titan fanart with ponies now?

I'm not even a voraphile lol.
Pfft like thats Descartes.

Not even one mention of the D.

Just because it's a quote doesn't make it true.
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o-oh my
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Hey Dooks, are you going to BronyCon? I'll spot you a drink or two if you are!
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2013 YEARS*
I have no idea why that thing lead to such insane amounts of drama. Everyone involved appeared to act perfectly reasonable and any misbehavings were ceased, but thrown into the general over and over.
"But that's wrong you fucking retard" - Abraham Lincoln.
>Not wanting some cosplay ass
Why wouldn't you?
No-one's ever brought anything from that chat here.
So, what's the problem?
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look at that fearsome eotena
"fuck yeah America" - Adolf Hitler
>tfw your art waifu is ded
I wish!

I don't have a passport or a visa, and let's not even talk about the traveling prices.

Thanks for the offer tho!
I would go, but Maryland is kind of far from Boston. :/
It wasn't the thing itself, or the chat itself that made drama, but rather how certain people got to know each other there that went on to cause drama (with anon blowing it out of proportion as usuak, granted)
Should I watch Attack on Titan?
"How about I send a probe to Uranus?"
-Carl Sagan
Have something to listen to.
Still want my TF2 hats?
I find other people undesirable.
Pretty much kills any sex drive.
This is great, thanks

It's controversial. Anon keeps screaming either yeah it's great or fuck it it's shit. See for yourself I guess.
Yes, it's worth watching if you don't get turned off by blood, vore, and gore
Dooks pls, it's a 700 mile border with a 200 mile fence, you can do it!
Will we be hatting tonight?
Well shoot man work on that for next year
If you're really sure you're not using them anymore, I'll take them!

Thanks anon, but I appretiate my life enough.
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of course anon.

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where the ponies
Stop being a scrub, also that is another reason I drink at cons, who gives a fuck about what who you do.
we should hat every night

Not bait, I just don't follow anime and ignore most anime discussion automatically. Gonna check it though.
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You're making pony mad.
You should watch it IN A STRAM WITH US so we can get your thoughts.
>who gives a fuck

thats the thing. I dont give a fuck enough to even TRY
Yeah just send me a request I'll give you p much anything if you draw luna doing something funny

Strange weps if you put discord in the comic/drawing
I'm pretty sure Rene never actually said this. I tried googling it and couldn't find one legitimate-looking source, just tumblrs and random blogs.
don't watch it, read it.

at the beginning the manga's art is kinda weird but it gets much better.
the anime's visuals are great but the pacing is fucking terrible compared to the manga.
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read the manga you gigantic faggot
It's the kind of piece that makes me reevaluate whether I want to continue studying guitar.
I'll probably never be able play it.
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It was not my intent to offend.

I can't into manga. Guess I just won't experience it then.
I could never get sick of listening to classical
I liked it. If you are up for a bit of steampunkish setup in fantasy world with quite some action, blood and death and all that go for it. It takes about 4-5 episodes to get momentum but I very much enjoy it and it's best thing in terms of action in anime right now.

Oh and there's new Ghost in the Shell. It's under subtitle Arise I believe.
I hate both anime and manga, but I like ponies.
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What's your name on steam again?

You're making pony rad.
Your least favorite pony wants to have sex with you.
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Stop being a lazy asshole then.

Shit I somewhat remember this photo, I love the dude who was plasterface forward the whole time during the firealarm.

But nothing beats the death glare of Tara strong after walking out behind her telling her I had 8(or something) shots of 151
Dilbert as FUCK
I'll get what I can take.
The pacing is almost 1:1.
Mein nigger.
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I like pon
you're reading just as much with a subbed anime

might as well get the story how it's meant to be told
>Stop being a lazy asshole then

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You're making pony glad.
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watch it then, you are going to end reading the manga anyway
What other boards do you frequent MLPG?

Yaaaay!!! Thaaaank youuuuuu drawfags! ~ <3 /)
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you're making pony Vlad.

Eastern art has always been really unappealing to me, with the exception being a few animes.
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Do you like pretty pon too?
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You're making pony a fad.
/v/ and /vg/

I dont like them much anymore though.
Are you me?
Yes. Unless the idea of giants killing and eating people in horrible ways bothers you too much.

/fit/, /co/, /vg/, and I try to frequent /k/ like I did a long time ago but it's totally shit now
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What kind of metal/emotional state do you do your best drawing in? Tired? Awake? Depressed? Happy? Do you do your best work when it's spur of the moment kind of stuff, or do you perform better when you have a clear vision beforehand?
/co/ and /tv/.

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you're making pony flat.
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all of them since drawing is communication your emotions, some pictures just come out better than others

no, metal states are better
Many, I'm really all over the place. I'd say I've been lurking /ck/ more than usual lately though.
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Awake while feeling happy or neutral. I can't draw if I'm down or whatever and if I'm tired my drawings end up like this.

If I know what I'm drawing before hand, just the idea, I draw it as I go. I can do spur of the moment no problem and some of my favorite things have been spur of the moment in the past. I never have to rely strictly on what the idea I use is though. I never fully visualize something before I start doing it anyway.
/tg/ and /h/
yeah one anime episode per chapter

fuck that shit it should NOT take half an hour to get through one chapter
the anime spends so much time building up "dramatic tension" that it fucks with any sense of urgency in a scene. the anime gives no sense of a desperate struggle.

but hey it's got a catchy theme song right
Remember how people said pony was gonna be nothing but a passing "fad" at the end of season one?
Well, Derpy is still a pony, I'm not picky.
>flat coke
that's just redundant anon
I do my best drawings when I'm forcing myself to stay awake. For some reason.
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You're making pony superbad.
>4chan sucks
>turn on pandora on phone
>sit down at drawing desk
I don't think I've ever done a drawing where I wasn't feeling like shit or at least very tired.

fuck you pepsifag

stop existing so Taco Bell can stock coke products
>catchy theme song
Actually, all the music is amazing, which is why the anime is better than the manga despite the pacing. You can just manually skip through all the recaps from the last episode.
Yamino porfa.
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none because i cant draw.
That feeling when you haven't slept in two days and get a sudden burst of adrenalin.

Also mornings I guess.
>not being a jonesfag
Going to play some CS:GO Steam me if you want not watching the thread atm
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daily reminder that they bowed to her because she's now officially better than the rest of them through no effort of her own
you're making pony fat pls
drawing is all about genes

I don't have a "oh wait, you're serious" reaction image, but if I did you'd be seeing it
bowing is a sign of respect, or respect of an accomplishment anon.

Do you even go outside?
/tg/, /vg/, here are really the only places I spend much time
I'll visit /an/, /co/, /diy/, /out/ etc occasionally
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/a/, /co/, /v/ and /sp/

I can't draw without my drawing jeans, that is for sure

>bowing is a sign of respect, or respect of an accomplishment anon.

Yeah, in Japan maybe.
In the civilized world, bowing is a sign of submission.
>did nothing
>Banded 5 unknowns together
>Lead the way through tough times
>Studdied and shit under celestia
>Fixes problems
Well, the effort was there.
It's just that what she did wasn't very important.

>5 unknowns

You should watch the show sometime. Twilight causes more problems than she fixes.
Pone's bowing is basically their saluting
One time many years ago, my mom was telling me over lunch how important it was going to be not to miss the bus in the morning the next day because she had a doctor's appointment or something (she usually gave me a ride so missing the bus wouldn't matter), which is a complication that only arose once a year or so. As she finished saying this, halfway through my Jones soda, I take off the cap and read the message under it. It read, and I shit you not, "Miss the bus on purpose."
except we've seen their salute already
>derpibooru in charge of knowing how to run a site

Banning human nudity WITH pony in it?
...so what did you end up doign?
i've seen your mother swallow an entire penis
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Taking requests.

Was it the bus that crashed into the World Trade Center?
tan draw fluttershy doing stunts or i'll rek you
where's my flutterpubes dotkwa
where are my pubes dotkwa?
Gloomy being Gloomy.

As my waifu you must do this.
cloudchaser taking a shower
Mayo Pony and Ketchup Pony chilling

sorry anon, I took them
If you actually watched the Show, you'd know I'd be referigng to Dragonshy and Rainbow Dash's often-vectored salute

occasionally a hoof salute appears in season 2 or 3
I took the bus. :'( I didn't want to miss school and have to make up homework and stuff. Unfortunately it was high school so colleges actually cared about my grades. To be honest though I regret it to this day.
what else did you do in my pants anon?
I drew this yesterday i believe, but here you go
>Ketchup pony
Has that one been made yet?
More Attack on Titan ponies.
>banning human x pone

How high do you even have to be
Canterlot Wedding
loomis dotkwa, why won't you read it?

Polished your buttons

thx bb
Not yet, maybe if you come up with a pretty design for her it'll stick
Do it
I swear if this doesnt end up as a picture about putting ketchup in the fridge im going to be sad.
rude tex
pony took all your cucumbers
I'm not tex I just think loomis helps everyone.
MLPG im tired, but sleep = 0pone, what do?
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>you will never be so brony famous you could literally produce shit and have bronies eat it up
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Dream of pony, obviously.
Don't draw becuase you aren't good enough and don't have the genetic trait
Kloudmutt does just that.
Why wouldn't you put ketchup in the fridge?

Write a program that utilizes text-to-speech software to read MLPG to you in your sleep. You may not be able to recall what you hear from memory right away, but it will at least be planted somewhere in your subconscious.
How did he even get famous in the first place?
Go watch fireworks after a 23 minute nap. I'm off to eat fried chicken and banana pudding.

Happy America day, everyone. (I feel sorry for any of y'all who aren't descended from Pilgrims; this is a pretty fucking special day for me.)
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I'm not your waifu anon

Is Cloud Chaser the stupid looking one, or the cute one?
What is pone doing with my cucumbers?

I-is she doing what I think she's doing?
First come, first serve. He was one of the early artits and kept producing his "art"
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That's okay, pone needs to eat a lot of veggies as a part of a balanced diet
He wore a name.

Topic for speculation: will there be more episodes with Twilight Sparkle or Princess Twilight?
later anon
eating them? yes she is.
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started at MLPG then escalated to FA, he just copypasted bodies and faces and changed colors over and over and over, many artists in FA do that and get paid from 50 to 100 dollars to draw the exact same thing with the same face and different colors, like Crystalforever
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wow rude

Is telling beginner artists on MLPG to read Loomis some kind of le epic maymay like telling someone to install Gentoo on /g/?
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B..but I thought...

ok ;_;
I want to feed pony cucumber slices off my hand.
Tex likes Applejack because she's a simpleton like him. He can relate to her slow ways.
short answer yes
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im not a beginner? but i am shit
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No stopping it now.
It started out serious but now it's a joke.

So yes.
Pretend what?

W-wait, don't tell me you were imagining they were rockets that you could fire off your hoof-mounted launchers!
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Why did the Pegasi need a strong military before the three tribes united? What do ponies even need a defense for?

sorry, just saying that because I am and I hear that a lot, I know you're not a beginner.
You're better than I was, after I read loomis it really helped me to become more understanding of shapes and shit.
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you don't actually believe that one anon trying to make everyone think I'm a girl, do you?

I'm the rudest dude.
They needed a strong military to defend themselves against low self-esteem.
They have never acutally fought anything.

also, you're not shit
Like America?

From the thumbnail it looks like she has freakishly long back legs.
I know your a dude, but your still my artfag waifu.

Please let me love you ;_:
Appledan pls
What? I thought they allowed explicit stuff.
No Appledan is my other artist waifu
I don't think they have ever bombed the pony equivalent of brown people in the third world.
Is AppleDan a meme now?

Whenever someone announces their waifu, they're appledan
fart fart fart faaaaaaaart
Fluttershy pls
Fucking liberal mudslimes supporters.
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I think a lot of artist look down on their own work because first of all, they had to push through the hours upon hours of not having any skill whatsoever. By that time, everything they make is from that same perspective since they are so used to it. They made thousands of bad drawings, and now that some are good, they still see it in the same light.

AppleDan pls
Pegasi need to defend against dragons, and gryphons were a fierce rival before they made a truce.
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Yeah, I always tend to stay away from art books or tutorials or anything because i feel like just drawing random stuff will help you better understand either way, I guess I might need to read some loomis or others to get help in understanding better
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I couldn't draw this if I tried
why do people still save this thing
Art feels make me uncomfortable, but I have huge respect for anyone who gets anywhere with art, even if it isn't too far, because it's a lot harder than it looks.
It's genetics
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pony is involved in a kerfuffle
I think the most important part is to just do it, unaided or with help. Did you go through the /art/ sticky? There's references and books, including Loomis.
You haven't drawn anything worth saving since then.
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So I'm a newfag to mlp and I was looking at the 4chan FAQ because I didn't know how to do spoiler tags, and the example they give is "SPIKE DIES!" and I was like "oh my god SPIKE DIES?!" and then I realized it was talking about Cowboy Bebop not MLP...
Some people can art, some people can't.
I swear to fucking God Bugs I will deck that smug accent right out of you.
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imagine how she would feel if someone saw her playing like that with vegetables.

>3 weeks under the bedsheets
You... you can't destroy me!

I gave you those cucumbers!

I am your superior!


He's improving. Slowly, but surely. It's fun to watch.
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It is true though. Look at the anon that says drawing is uncomfortable
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you wanna go fag? I sware on me mum m8
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Good, now you've killed her. Happy?
Except you haven't read it at all.
eat shit, Ross.
I never checked /art/, i'll look through it later though, thanks
Yeah I guess
Well, that's rather anticlimactic.
What the heck Tan, Don't swear!
Everybody can art because it's an expression of subjective matter. The reciprocation of it is also subjective.
I think you didn't read it at all.
I am not Ross.

Don't you mean /ic/
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Uh huh.
I don't know if they have tutorials or not, but I'm talking about the sub.
/ic/ will tell you to read and draw daily.
Wait..i think he means the sub and I have a thread there..
i actually have checked it, the sticky is good
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Gentlemen, what can we do about Fluttershy's chronic gastrointestinal distress?
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wat choo say? Im on fookin edge 2day m8. downt mess
I don't believe you.

Inhale it before it escapes
>tfw I made that thread and posted about 90% of that stuff
I made it to first of all keep all the helpful stuff in one place because I'm too scatterbrained, and hoped that it would help people. Also to "seed" it in the hopes of fishing for more. I still post things there, in fact I found a few more that needs to be added. BRB NIGGAS
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donte pls
hey how do you use the search engine to display them like that?
All I get is the links to the threads that they're in
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Then may I hear what your definition is and what qualifies as good art?
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Alright then. Fuck it. I'm out. Have fun, happy 4th.
That's cute.
I just searched for the text

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Would you go to a Karaoke bar with pone?
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sure, we'd sing dubstep together
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Objectively incorrect
Who is that even and why are you posting it
I would go to a gay bar with a pony and be that guy who sits at the bar drinking while listenining to the music while the gays get aids and orgy fuck with the loud music
>happy 4th
>Thinking everyone lives in America
Typical 'murrikans.
>implying we weren't wishing people a happy canada day, also

>Implying the whole world shouldn't celebrate the day that your ruler gained independence

typical foreigners
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Yes, i love Dash's singing voice
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Alright /co/ post your earliest pony drawing you can find, but do it anonymously and will try to guess who you are.

>Pic-related my first attempt
>playing with anyone else
immersion lost
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>thinning your paints
Nanaki and either as a joke or a passive aggressive move to say FUCK HIM.
>Implying multiplayer games aren't fun as shit
I'd love to duet with pony, they seem to be naturally good singers.
It would have to be in Japan though, the Japs really know how to karaoke.
I don't get it
Aw, shucks. I enjoyed it, too.
You can't just play with fillies for too long anon their mother will get suspicious
>"playing" with a stranger
Anon is not a stranger. He is a friend to all.
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You will never run your hands over those hips.
>You like cucumbers, right, Wallflower?
Any other namefags or drawfags want some TF2 shit?

Hats strange weps up for grabs
fuck I'm gonna guess....mmmmm

dotkwa, I mean he has that style of using only colour lines like GG.
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>artists posting new pone in thread
>no replies
>want to acknowledge them but it's too late now and it would be weird
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That kind of hurt, but honestly I'm just a nobody. I think I got a little better second time around.
correct, congrats you win 1 free request
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>hesitating to compliment an artist

For shame.
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I just want to wrap arms around pone in a hug.
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Do it. Everybody likes encouragement... as long as it isn't empty.
I'd rather do that with Dash's hips
or Derpy's
Fuck yeah!

Alright I request gloomy, she's my waifu.
it's funny because I posted that kevin here a while ago too
thanks for the reminder
JB I miss you!
Could be cosmo
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Here's mine
Anyone want to guess?

I think I really improved since then, so it's gonna be hard.
I guess Braeburned, but judging by the way it looks it could also be recent one.
After seeing all these first tries, I think I'll give arting a shot
everytime i see that picture i think twilight is wearing a hatgen oolockin
I got nothing.
Okay now THIS is dooks
Don't do it, it's a dangerous path.
I tried it and I'm not the same since then.
I'll give you a guess, I've gotten 3 papercuts while doing my art.
Encourage an artist, get nothing.
Discourage an artist, get nothing.

i'm really going more off posting style here

I want to disagree with you, but I spiraled into depression after beginning to learn to draw.

I want to say it's unrelated, but I'm not sure.
I don't know, but by not showing your art you've really upped the ante.
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"Sell drugs, run guns, nail sluts and fuck the law"

-Princess Cadence
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Was it the filename?
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It's the curse of the artists.
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Not my first but it's the earliest I had.

And you could probably find my name with reverse google image if you're a dirty cheater.
Encourage artist, might get nothing, might push them into making more.
Discourage artist, might get nothing, might make them stop trying.
MT because snacks everywhere
No you've posted it last time we did this.
Fuck arting.
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Well here's another one, really cringe worthy now.
I love you
wannabe artists.

Well now that I'm past all that depression nonsense, drawing is fun and I feel like I'm improving faster than before.
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Would you touch pony in inappropriate places and then play innocent?


no you aren't
Something Something Awesome
Art is art regardless of quality.
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Alright it seems that my style has changed so much it's impossible to tell who I am.

It's Inky, I wasn't lying about the papercuts they really hurt when I got them.
yeah, phonies like Van Gogh
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How would pony react to your erection?
lol. so wrong.
art is art regardless of anything
Why do people hate art and artists in a meta sense?
no. You haven't made clear which post was yours or haven't uploaded anything.
like that
with anger
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Prove me wrong then.
Why would they be angry?
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I love you too.

No kidding. Your stuff is amazingly fantastic. You should draw more often.
humans aren't allowed to pony

You have come a long way.

How long have you been drawing for?
mlpg cubeworld server when?
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here you go, i couldn't find a good ref, hope it's ok
nice quads

wasn't he depressed before he started painting?
his life was pretty shit all the way through
I hate it because I can't do it and despise everyone who tricked me into trying it.
Nope, I don't have a name.
Ross dropped. How's your print coming? It's best we get your pipeline sorted out as soon as possible since I don't know what complications might be involved in transitioning your work to digital and back to print.
Anon gets mad over his art dispensers doing something else than specifically catering to his interests.
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which pie sister is prettier

i like the purple eyed one
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>Pfft... is that the best you can have? HA!
>gloomy waifu

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well duh
The one that I came inside of
which pon looks cutest when asleep
The purple eyed one, obviously.
The yellow eyed one has a shitty hair style.
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Why is she so skeptical?
You could have been good if you tried harder.
marble pie is prettier than limestone pie
Lyra, your chair seems to be dripping.