Sleepy Thread>>11825296What do you think your favorite pony dream about in their sleep?
Apples maybe, I'm not sure.
>>11832391spike everyone's drinks with sleeping pills?
>>11832419maybe she dreams about YOU and apples
electric sheep
>>11832435>no pony will ever dream about me
>>11832401But there is no pedal there! I would say that there might be system we do not understand about their machinery and the requirement of hooves. Their version of their typewriter comes into mind.
It's awfully late, sweetie.Shouldn't you get to bed?
it all returns to nothingit just keeps tumbling downtumbling downtumbling down
>>11832474i still feel like it's a kind of gesture system
>>11832489[tumbling down]
>>11832497You mean like pressing the side of the button will achieve a different character?
Why wont it go away?
>>11832488one more hour
I'm gettin tired.Requests?
>>11832488Sleep is for the weak.>>11832474Maybe its like one key makes a chord? They have those things right? Maybe they have a switch on the side?Better yet, how do ponies play wonderwall to their qt mares?
>>11832435Nah I dont want to get in the way of her apple dreams.She wouldnt like me anyway
>>11832535draw bat pony eating this butterfly and saving sweetie >>11832524
Big Mac teaching Applebloom self defense
>>11832391That got me thinking. Do Luna even visit ponies if they sleep in the day time? I mean, Luna should be sleeping during the day if she spend trotting into dreams at night.
>>11832535Twilight Sparkle moving a giant 20-sided die up a flight of stairs
>>11832516>>11832497Kinda like that thing they do on PSN or the XBox where holding the control stick in a certain direction cycles through a different set of letters assigned to each of the four buttons?
>>11832535Twilight Sparkle in a hoodie
>>11832549but that butterfly isn't doing any harmit's probably endangered too
>>11832537Maybe be.
>>11832584but its scary
What would pony do for a Klondike bar?
>>11832511Thats cute
>>11832584You keep talkin and Imma make YOU edangered
Celestia Quest resuming in a little more than 18 hours.
>>11832488It's way past Sweetie Belle's bedtime.
>>11832537Vinyl singing Oasis to Octavia would be great.
>>11832592How would you feel if a family of butterflies said "go kill this kid"?
I like ponies
>tfw you will never play games with your MLPG friends and record all of it so that you can remember the good times later
>>11832624She's got a great butt.
>>11832667I prefer griffons even more.Shame there only one female griffon in the show.
Monkeys exist in Equestria. Do you think ponies would offer you bananas? Would you accept an offering of a banana from a pony?
>>11832678I wish I had MLPG friends.
>>11832680she works on it.
>>11832631>>11832537I like thinking Vinyl's actually a pretty good singer/musician in general - she just does the DJ thing because it's what she enjoys.
>>11832699You could draw Human pone first contact.
>>11832699Of course I would, bananas are tastyI would make sure to remind them while I'm eating it that I'm not a monkey, though.
>>11832680She's great.>tfw no beautiful, benevolent, loving immortal exists
>>11832699Of course I will.Its food after all.
>>11832707Same. Her cutie mark is a musical note. That's nothing specific to DJing. I like to think that Vinyl is actually really musically inclined and can pick up a number of instruments.
>>11832700>tfw will always post anon, and will never grow close to mlpg friends and post in secret skype chats and irc chats where you can get to know your fellow horse enthusiasts on an intimate level
>>11832716>tfw Celestia doesn't exist either
>>11832699Why would they think I'm a monkey?I don't even have a tail.
>>11832624Very first thing I want to do is ask if there is a guitar lying around the camp.I practice when I'm feeling down and questanon has every reason to feel down.I'd play this
>>11832729>>11832707I see it as vinyl does the comtemporary side of music like electronica, rock, ext whole Octavia plays "fine" music and art music. Octavia plays at the balls and galas while vinyl hosts rave and provides entertainment at pinkie parties. Both opposite tastes and abilities.
what is a dream enema like
>>11832749Such is life in the zone
>>11832716It's always an interesting question, are Celestia and Luna immortal?Their parents weren't, unless they had none which seems unlikely.Did HWE ever say whether Celestia and Luna were aroung at that time?
>>11832699Horses exist in Equestria. Do you think you would offer ponies hay? Would ponies accept an offering of hay from a human?
>>11832746>tfw you won't turn into a giant monkey during the full moon because you have no tail
>>11832729>>11832707I like thatI really do think that there can be more done with Vinyl other than being just a DJ/electronic musician.
>>11832737I played GW2 for a little bit with MLPG but that game was shit so sorta drifted away.Now all thats left is occasional hats.
Guys what if unrelated offtopic garbage suddenly had pony in itthereby making it okay to post
>>11832749Noice another guitar fag. Im acctully recording a blues track right now.Is that from STALKER? I never have the patience to learn songs.
>>11832737>that feel
>>11832811>fanart crossovers of your own OC universe
>>11832791I would. They seem to eat flowers well enough.
>>11832811I kinda like these guys.
>>11832811Weaver shitposters have been using this philosophy for eons in MLP years.You're behind the times.
>>11832787Are they? Tough to tell for certain; my gut instinct is that they are "merely" exceptionally long-lived.No, there was no mention of them in HWE, and Celestia herself says that she and Luna only started ruling after kicking Discord out.We do know that the castle in the Everfree Forest was their childhood home.
>>11832811it's been ONE WEEK SINCE YOU LOOKED AT ME
>>11832834Tex, you draw really cute ponies, and I appreciate you doing that. Thank you.
>>11832791I'd offer pony a flower.
>>11832658That's the point Fluttershy, what if it did?That's why I have to strike first.
>>11832811Like you've never posted offtopic garbage you fucking hypocrite
Why aren't you fighting
>>11832822No mate, it's a piece by Johann Anton Losy(Logy)Here's two others by him.
>>11832848Man, all this potential for worldbuilding, all those untold stories. Always makes me sad it's a show for little girls, knowing they'll never expand on anything.
I recognize that bulge!
>>11832851It's my pleasure.
>>11832873I am a peaceful person, I don't even get mad about strangers on the internet
>>11832873>tfw your as free as a starving wolf
>>11832908What kind of fag wears a bolo tie?
>>11832912It's Leth, isn't it?
>>11832882Oh. Someone said such is life in the zone so i just assumed.>tfw two more pieces i will never learn
>>11832871>Like you've never posted offtopic garbage you fucking hypocritewho the fuck do you think I was talking about
>>11832931The Apple Family.Better watch yourself, they'll fuck you up.
>>11832811but waitwhat if offtopic was replaced with show
>>11832936Leth is a sentient AI, he can't have a cock.
>>11832811>Guys what if>unrelated offtopic garbage suddenly had pony in it>thereby making it okay to post>>>/glitter garbage/
>>11832944That's not nearly a million dicks
>>11832890idk i think i might favor>implyingover hard canon-building
>>11832859i can only think they are dancing to this
Is it bad that I don't save my SAI files?
>>11832890Lauren made FiM full of that potential because of how much she loved MLP when she was a little girl. What if members of this generation of fans (referring to the little girls) use their love of this one to make an even better one, with epic fantasy adventures out the wazoo? And even if that one is ultimately crashed byHasbro, they'll just keep getting better.Who knows? maybe someday we'll have that show we dreamed this one will be. Hope burns bright, anon.
>>11832931A non-existent one.
>>11832954Pfft, I can take them.
>>11832938The songs aren't terrible difficult.I had a lot of trouble finding them for free so I broke down and bought the sheet music.Pretty happy with the purchase. The Gigue(dance) in that piece is in 12/8 time and no fun to play so I haven't even bothered learning it.
>>11832985>Hope burns bright, anonyour hope can't pay for it
>>11832908Any drawing ideas tonight?
>>11832749I've always thought it was cool how the guitar could do so much with so little. There are other simple instruments like the recorder or trombone, but I've always had a weak spot for the guitar.
>>11832985I can honestly see in like 2 years some third party buying the rights to the show (sort of like with the comic) and continuing on without hasbros interference.
>>11833030Yeah, I could totally kick his ass.
>>11832989look literally anything you do is okay with me, you've earned like a lifetime pass at this point
>>11832963This is awesome man! Thank you!
Your favorite pony just ponied everywhere!
>>11832989your best needs like 20% more monstergirls
>>11832963Wow, you're fast!
>>11833032Tonight, no.
>>11832955>>11832811well that cinches it, MLPG prefers offtopic to showor is it only to diamond dogs?more experiments are needed
>>11833024I didn't say anything about having to pay for it. Hasbro has made 4 generations of MLP so far, this one being the most successful, IIRC. Why wouldn't they attempt to emulate that success with future generations? And who's to say, even if Gen 5 crashes and burns, that they won't eventually get it right? Dare to hope.
>>11832861What if it did, what if it didn't? What if the world was made of pudding?All I'm saying is consider something besides your thirst for blood.
>>11833094>Why wouldn't they attempt to emulate that success with future generations?because they already killed it.
>>11833084Waittry making the diamond dog femrover
>>11833065Aww pony! Now I have to pony this up!
>>1183301612/8 is fun though. like triplets in 4/4 almost. And its not that i 'cant' do the songs. I can very well play them but whenever I try to learn anything I immediately trail off into my own little thing. I play much more like an artist that a virtuoso. I know maybe 3 songs and a million WIPs and intros.
>>11833094Hasbro doesn't WANT a great franchise, though.They want a SECURE franchise.
>>11833024like in case you haven't noticed ASSHOLE the barrier between corporate "triple A" consumer media and shit-people-make-and-distribute-for-free-on-the-internet has been crumbling rapidly since said internet's inception
>>11832955why is that life in hell character cosplaying as a diamond dog
>>11833053Don't worry, anon.I'll scrape up the paste of what's left of you and send it back to your family in a jar. Supplied by the Apple Family, of course.
>>11833033Yeah it's wonderful really, but it's not entirely limited and not exactly simple.A lot of pieces that are put in front of me I have to ask myself how on earth I'm expected to play it.A lot of pieces from here are extremely difficult and the arpegios in Etude 2 by Heitor Villa Lobos are downright impossible. questanon play that for a little extra story padding if you'd like.
I just want good pony.I miss pony.Pony was good.Now there is no pony.It is not good.I miss pony.
>>11833033I love the pick up and play aspect of a guitar. It makes it that much more personal that you can just take it anywhere and play almost anything.
>>11833046That would be an interesting thing to happen. Who knows?>>11833127This is true as well. The future is full of bright things.
>>11833064>>11833082Youre welcom annd thank you
>>11833148Missing my five legged girl.I think I always will.
>>11833127like what's actually going to happen is that over the next ten years the tools for creating your own shit will continue to radically expand, like in case you haven't noticed there's a nascent artistic revolution formingi seriously don't give a fuck who owns the franchise or whatever
>>11833154It always bugs me when someone waltzes into a place and starts strumming some annoying tune like an asshole.
>>11833148I have a pony right here.
>>11833134I can't believe you have such little faith in me.I'd mop the floor with Mac and make both of his sisters watch.
>>11833201But that's my little pony
>>11833143> you have the music for the fagot piece?
>>11833174Now give me your tumblr so I can follow you and reblog that shit
>"Hi, Anonymous!"
>>11833173The fandom will never get off the ride bro
>>11833120Conviction, anon.You'll need it.
>>11833221H... hi.
>>11833154>tfw instrument of choice is too heavy and not pick-up-and-play at the slightestAt least tangoes are fun to play.for disambiguation purposes I should mention I am referring to the cello, not the double bass. I'm thinking about picking up a viola, maybe.
>>11833181Futashy was so fucking stupid. Some cute stuff came out of it, though, at least when you edited out the stupid and pointless dick.
>>11833181>You'll never be a futa pony with a five-legged pajamaThat's what my pony dream should of been about
>>11833221gimmie dat ponut grrl
>>11833210No anon, she's mine. You'll have to find a different pony.
>>11833106Fluttershy you're right!Now I see!Maybe he's got a family!
>>11833258big mac head is like her whole body
>>11833267I'm sorry, but I can't simply abandon her. We made our vows till death do us part.
>>11833185like take ruby quest and stick it next to uncharted 5: drake's asshole or whatever the fuck and then go OH. OH. maybe i don't need money to make videogames that are better than hollywood shovelwareoh shit music is free nowoh shit i have 16 jigagigs of free artwork from 17 billion amateur artists at my fingertipsFUCK
>>11833220 you go
>>11833271>>11833106>>11832861>>11832658I love you guys
>>11833216Was it one of the three I had played?None of those were a Fagot
>>11833249I would kill to be able to play the cello or violin. Unfortunately, I don't have the money to get one or the time to spend practicing.
>>11833221Hello, small horse.
>>11833273Yeah, that picture's got dem proportions.
>>11833283Anyone can do anything now. From making the next hit album or the next award winning painting or movie. Its all here on the internet now. The world is quite literally at your fingertips, just a click away.
>>11833114let's give it a shot
Ponies can't sleep, and nor can you.
lines overheard in fanfiction>"I want you to help me grow a dick."
>>11833290Love it!
>>11833352I have things to do Twilight
>>11833337this is much better
>>11833282I think you're imagining things anon.
>>11833334>The world is quite literally at your fingertipsAnon, that's a beautiful sentiment. It really makes one realized the vast possibilities available to even FUCK YOU THAT'S NOT WHAT LITERALLY MEANS
>>11833337NOW WE'RE TALKIN
>>11833249Violas are pretty fun.Have fun finding solos and stuff to play, alto gets no love.
>>11833249My friend plays the double bass. Thats the only reason i first talked to him was because the double bass is fucking awesome. Im getting a violin next paycheck. Fuck i love instruments so much.
>>11833291GG pls draw more 500ml
>>11833249>>11833303>tfw played cello for a year in 4th grade>tfw teacher had plans to move you up to double-bass eventually>tfw had no interest in it at all>tfw took up the banjo in high school>suddenly music is interesting>want to play cello again>can't afford one or lessons...fffuck.
"Hello, I am a horse!"
>>11833348Tell me about it. How do ponies get themselves to sleep?
>>118333341. data-driven e-commerce2. SINGULARITY3. anything is possible
>>1183333715/10 new world masterpiece
>>11833337okay, now try making it Saffron
>>11833384Are you sure you're a horse? I'm not convinced.
>>11833337oh man is it getting hot in here or what
>>11833301idk i just saw fagot and leld
>>11833384You look like a very happy horse.
>>11832826what is this cap from?
>>11833386try a sleep mask, earplugs, masturbationif you can't sleep it'll do for a sweet bondage scenario
>>11833337Why does Femrover want a Sweetie Belle
>>11833396>okay, now try making it Saffronuhhh
>>11833386>"Everyone knows ponies sleep standin' up!"
>>11833410Ask GG. I always thought it's a standalone image, but maybe it fits somewhere into his alternate headcanon.
>>11833410>>11833435It's just a standalone image.
>>11833430Just put a scarf on her or something.
you are upsetting pony's headcanon about you
Derpy is a very ugly pony
>>11833466I'm sorry I guess.What is pony's headcanon about me?
>tfw no 3ds
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
>>11833489That you've all got 6 packs and a 12 inch dick
>>11833430Okay, about 50% better nowdo >>11833454
>>11833486unf bubblehips unf
>>11833379>altoHaha, yeah, that's what's been stopping me from just going to town on one to be honest. I heard they're tuned the same, which makes me sort of thing that I could just transpose in my head, but something else tells me that's just being presumptuous.
>>11833486Who is that pink cutie next to Derpy?
>>11833486I'd make Derpy feel beautiful
pony should grind ashen verdict rep
Pony's not deadIt just deserves to dieWhen it becomes another stale cartoonA close-minded, self-centered social clubIdeas don't matter, it's who you knowIf the art's gotten boringIt's because of the peopleWho want everyone to draw the sameWho drive bright people outOf our so-called scene'Til all that's left Is just a meaningless fadHardcore formulas are dogshitChange and caring are what's realIs this a state of mindOr just another labelThe joy and hope of all equestriaHave become its own clicheA horsecock's not a lifestyleImagine futashy at 35Who needs a sceneScared to love and to feelJudging everythngBy loud fast rules appealWho quested last night?"I don't know, I forgot.But shitposting the thread Was a lot of fun."
How come no one ever makes lewd/fetish requests?
>>11833545>ashen verdict>2013catababbies
Why is she so perfect /co/?
>>11833486I want to have comfort-sex with that pony
What am I becoming?]
>>11833564Because people who want to make lewd request lewd requests, people don't give lewd requests to people requesting requests unless they specify lewd because sometimes people don't want people to request lewd because they don't want to do lewd stuff
>>11833582Use imgur or sadpanda
>>11833560>>11833433Man, I love these two, are they from a quest or something?I've been feeling super questy lately.
>>11833603The world needs more bugs.Sexy bugs.
>>11833386why do you draw one guy all the time?
>>11833612can you draw something lewd involving Derpy?
>>11833633They're from GG's DiveQuest.
>>11833396>Saffron stealing poniesBut anon, she only steals their heart
>>11833606Imgur is over capacity for me so here you go
>>11833633They aren't, actually. They came about from just bantering back and forth with pictures and greentext.
>>11833656are you sure?
the fuck are quests?
>>11833656>BUGS ARE NOT SEXYwell that's just your opinion
>>11833670The greatest form of entertainment and escapism.
>sexy bugsIs it time?
oh shit i'm sorry
>>11833670RPG lite
>>11833660>>11833647mixed messages, guysDiveQuest isn't in the archive that I can find, either.
>>11833669I want my own little changeling.
>>11833594Okay, then if even lewd request.
>>11833673You have to cheat by giving her pupils.
Google Reader shutdown has me mad.
>>11833633They're from banter that came up after AA started drawing deer, and someone posted a pic of a pony Knight of the Realm Nasse drew - and the idea of a wisened, stoic knight wandering around Equestria and the lands beyond with a cheeky chatterbox of a fawn as his squire was 2cute.
>>11833650my heart
>>11833685>>sexy bugsRosine is best girl.
>>11833669Bughorse is a very lewd bug.
>>11833699Would you shower it with love and affection?
>>11833669that's not sexythat's cute
>>11833656Well, that's just like, you're opinion, man.
>>11833759No, I would pimp it out to MLPG.
>>11833744>putting tits on your bugs
>>11833737>tfw I was most of those postsWell.
>>11833754>"Do you think my ass is big?">"N-no its fine!">she makes it bigger and grins>"How about now?"
>>11833784>tfw you were the othersIt's good to see you're still here. <3
>>11833786>"Maybe I need a closer look."
>>11833759I'd love my little changeling.
>>11833786wowthat is REALLY hot
Your favorite pony hates you.Your least favorite pony loves you.
>>11833792Old warriors never die. They just sorta... fade away.
>>11833806At least someone loves me...
new Cougar Rarity (soap operas and ice cream) done by the Fourth. maybe more to follow this month.
>>11833806I propose an affection trade between the two.I'll have to go get my Gameboy Link cable so I can begin.
>>11833797~my little changeling~my little changeling[screaming intensifies]
>>11833754bugbutt buttslut
>>11832537>Better yet, how do ponies play wonderwall to their qt mares?Like this:Better yet, how do ponies play wonderwall to their qt mares?
pony is wearing your shirt againeven though you let her have the last one
>>11833773She is an Elf. She just happens to look like a Moth Girl.
What's the MLP version of The Guild of Calamitous Intent?
>>11833839I actually laughed.
>>11833881Why? Pony doesn't even wear clothes most of the time, why would she wear mine?
>>11832737feels ok
>>11833846unfI love a girl who loves it in the butt
>>11833811no. they die. and they get forgotten. no-one remembers the heroes. just the villains. hundred years on, they don't ask "who was the victim?" or "who caught the culprit?", they ask "who was the killer?". there's no 'fade away'. there's a sudden snuffing-out. not even a blaze of glory. no honor here. just nothing.
>>11833846>bugbutt buttslut>Queen Slug-for-a-Butt>Queen Bug-for-a-SlutMy god...
>>11833888>pony david bowiei actually shivered
>>11833912If that hasn't been done already I am really surprised
>>11833902smells like you
>>11833909do you think bugpony can Change enough mass to make a dopple-bugpony and top herself
>>11833924here's as sorta as i've got.
MLPG, I found a pony but she is unconscious.What should I do?
>>11833912>>11833924But David Bowie would be a Diamond Dog. With incredibly tight leather pants.
>>11833940Return her. However make sure to fondle her ass and vag while she's out. She'll never know.
>>11833882>posting an elf in response to bug girlsGet outta here with that then'm running out of spaghetti mantis girl pictures ;_;
>>11833927I think there's a limit to her shapeshifting powers, anon
>>11833737Have some more of them!
>>11833926Pony is weird.
>>11833961Her other form has insect eyes and she's clearly based on a luna moth. That' a bug loli in my eyes.
>>11833971so where were the spidahswhen the flyez tried to break our ballsJUST THE BEER-LIGHT TO GUIDE USSO WE BITCHED ABOUT HIS FANS AND SHOULD WE CRUSH HIS SWEET HANDS?
>>11833954I'm not going to molest an unconscious pony anon.
>>11833982maybepony does not mindit is like always being near you
what a happy pony
>>11834047Why would pony want to be near me? I am a terrible person.
>>11834054because shes a slut
>>11834054meh, I've seen happier.
>>11834054If only there was someone there to join her in her happiness.
>>11833642>derpyNo.>>11833660I love properly made pony armor, I still fell my designs are inadequate
We had a Jazz playing anon here a bit agoI've only ever done classicalSay you're playing an Em7 Arpeggio that goes into a DM7 arpeggio at its resolve, what chord would you play that over?
>>11834054Did she just eat a good pizza?
>>11833568why are you always here
>>11834069All the ponies want to be near you, Anonymous.
>>11834106why are any of us here, anon? We don't even know when MLP is going to come back
something just occurred to me.are there automatons in Equestria? clockwork doesn't seem like it would be very hard for someone like (original) Twilight to create, let alone some of the horrendously powerful things we've seen.>Twilight goes missing>her friends start investigating the disappearance>they discover a geometrically-perfect cave with no life whatsoever growing around it>they follow a tunnel with perfectly square angles down into a mountain>the Clockworks have kidnapped Twilight and/or lured her away with promises of all kinds of knowledge and information only apparent to their hyper-logical minds>they are draining her dry of magic in an attempt to keep themselves alive, the magic that has powered them for centuries having started to fade>they enter the Clockwork city>the Clockworks capture them>all of the Clockworks start a songWELCOME MY LOVELIESTO THE MACHINEWHAT HAVE YOU DREAMEDIT'S ALL RIGHT, WE TOLD YOU WHAT TO DREAM
>>11834106Because I love ponies.
>>11834144that song doesn't really make sense in that context but I still like you a lot and would like to high-five you sometime
>>11834132>We don't even know when MLP is going to come bac
>>11834154oh, ok
>>11832511>has the actual songAw yea.
>>11833912>>11833944I like thinking that the Pony version of Tom Waits would have a cutie mark of a drunk piano
>>11834144Ancient civilization/Old dwemer style ruins exploration episode would be boss.It would fit into the kind of fantasy world MLP exists in more or less.
>>11834207It's amazing how much music is less creating good tunes and more creating a cool character: Dylan, Waits, White.
>>11834144I'm down
>>11834209We did get the crystal empire, but the rediscovery wasn't really explored much, was it?I mean, ancient city believed to be lost suddenly pops up again has a lot of potential as is, even before you throw in their maniacal former leader trying to fuck shit up.
>>11834252It's okay - Meghan made sure to squash ANY potential the Crystal Empire could have had, likewise Sombra.
>>11834180when they're singing it, the implication would be that they're welcoming Twilight (anticipating that they would be successful in sucking out the magic from her) into their Clockwork commune.because magic is, as we know, friendship, and without friendship, Twilight was a cynical sorta-bitch who was just focused on studying and being logical. in other words, the only thing keeping her from being a Clockwork was Spike.the lyrics would be re-written to've been in the pipelinefilling in timeburied with booksand questioning looksyou gave up a friend to come to an endyou knew they were crueland you know you're nobody's fool
>>11834260I don't like to point fingers, personally, but I believe she herself said she could have done more for Sombra.I imagine it also must have been a bitch to tell the story I described in all of 44 minutes, split in two, in a series where you have to account for why the protagonists are involved in the first place, in addition to tying in the Crystal Princess somehow. you let her pound your girly ass
Whats a good site to pirate anime? TPB is shit.
>>11834267I like it even more now, but the song always felt to me of a very 'controlling' sense, like the events have been orchestrated since the day you were born. Maybe these things have been following her all her life, being as she is a significantly powerful pony? Maybe they've only chosen now to put the final movements into play because of her recent ascension? just my two cents
>>11834302S4 would benefit enormously just by slowing down the pacing.I just want another dragonshy style episode
>>11834302I'm sure they could have made the Twilight sections more about her interactions with him instead of overcoming some silly trials.I liked TCE, but Donut Steel was a horrible villain from the start. His very being is poorly concieved.
>rediv's latest picu-unf
>>11834310>read spoiler>start to open image>this better be Gilda i swear to god>mfwand yes, but i hope she uses a strap-on and doesn't have a real cock. not that i don't like chicks-with-dicks, she just seems to fit better for pegging than being a shemale.
>>11834344>S4 would benefit enormously just by slowing down the pacing.Not happening with Meghan McCarthy's MLP.
>>11834310i did hip thrusts/glute bridges today specifically to prepare my girly butt i'm not even joking
>> I guess
>>11834331use this, but use google's site search to find things in it
>>11834344Would be nice to have an adventure episode again, but when Hasbro has an agenda or a toy needing to be pushed then that episode may as well center around it.
>buying 4chan passes
>>11834302>>11834349all they had to do was break it up over a season and keep sombra a lurking threat until the end
>>11834384I'd exceed that pony's expectations if you know what I mean
>>11832570that's not how the xbox does it, but I think you're right
>>11834384>not buying a pass>not buying ads to mock people you don't like
>>11834344Supposedly they hired some sort of 'pacing director, which is also supposed to be rather unorthodox for show with a budget like FiM's. Cautious optimism.>>11834349I like the sound of more Twilight/Sombra interaction, and disagree with the idea his concept was poorly conceived. It was a difficult concept to pull off, though, and they didn't hit the mark. Maybe they were trying to give us the fantasy adventure episode we all wanted, but got too sure of their ability to do so and flubbed it.
>>11834252I was hopeful that the writers had found a way to banish the city, and the write ins, Cadence, Armour, but haha, nope. Why even have the show take place in Ponyville
>>11834310I don't have a girly assMy body is extremely masculineI still would though
I' going to ask pony to marry me.
>>11834407>Best innovation in controller input>Comes from a mainly PC developer>On a PC productWay to go, MicrosoftWay to go, SonyWay to go, Nintendo
>>11834420The Everfree forest was originally going to be very important to the show. That and its proximity to Canterlot are both pretty good reasons for the setting.
>>11834424>Wanna get hitched?>RUDE
>>11834302She said that at LPUAnd like >>11834386Said it could have been better over the course of the season but His horn was seen flying out the empire so there has to be a reason for that
>>11834337one of Starswirl's apprentices created Clockworks, thousands of years ago, using a spell that was deigned too dangerous by the Powers That Be, and when its use was discovered, it was destroyed and the apprentice imprisoned.however, the Clockworks did work exactly as intended. to a point. the apprentice wanted them to be peaceful, just quiet researchers recording and learning til doomsday. but he forgot about Discord, who, refusing to accept such servants of Order (who might tip the balance against him), decided to intervene, and turned them into murderously cold, logical beings of unspeakable brutality. they were the same, and yet irrevocably different. a large part of this was allowing them the knowledge that they would eventually die when the spell ran out (or, perhaps, taking away the Doublethink that allowed them to ignore their impending deaths). basically, Discord took Robby the Robot and turned it into effectively the best chess-players in existence, they've been setting up ponies to fuel them for centuries. Twilight is just the most recent one.the songs will be:>Welcome to the Machine>They Know Who You Are>Equation (used as a musical refrain and the Clockworks' main theme tune)
>>11834418What part of his character wasn't poorly designed?It's an edgy OC with a horrible colour scheme.
>>11834357>"You belong to me now, dweeb. Got it?">She emphasizes her words with a hard thrust, her hips slapping against your ass.
>>11834450>"I noticed that wasn't a no."
>>11834438>Way to go, NintendoThey only fucking popularized the thing
>>11834371/fit/ pls give us a girly trap workout program
>>11834407>replying to old post>replying with exactly the thing I was thinkingRight! That! I could see their typewriters working with the "keys" being more like joysticks - so typing "Hello" would be>Left Key:Up-Right :: Right Key: Down>Left Key:Up-Right :: Right Key: Left>Left Key:Right :: Right Key: Down>Left Key: Right :: Right Key: Down>Left Key: Down-Right :: Right Key: Right
>>11834536That's a lot of work.
>>11834546It only seems that way because it's not what we're used to, but that's more or less how the system works.Once you internalize it, it'd come very naturally.
>>11834475I mean the concept, not the design.Design was pretty bad. I still remember when everybody found it as a secret in some Hub game or whatever, and people were thinking it was a scrapped design, or even a joke. I thought it was a joke, too, to be honest.>>11834457How about Discord turned them to be cruel as part of his twisted perspective on what harmony means? He sees it as being nothing less than soulless, and turned the Clockworks into grotesque caricatures of how he saw the forces of harmony? I might be giving him a bit too much credit, though.
>>11834546Doesn't seem like too much to adapt to.Especially if you didn't have segmented digits.
>>11834546well yeahUnicorn keyboards are much easier to use but only if you have magicPegasus ponies could have some sort of elaborate seat-mount that lets them use their wingfingers but I have a hard time picturing what exactly that would look like
I love Derpy
>had to leave when it was announced everyone was playing hats>back now>hours laterI'm too late aren't I?
>>11834561that's cute
>>11834558Pony typewriters only have two buttons. How do they work?
>>11834566>playing hats
>>11834502i'm going for more of a "kangaroo hips" body but i think if you do that and then starve yourself to ottermode you'll be a dog-god-tier trap so let's do thisthe following exercises are good for a huge girly butt> barbell hip thrust> full pause squat (go to ground, wait 3s before coming up)but what i've learned doing this is you also need good butt-core integration so you can have like, twink posture so do these too> deadlifts duh> lunges with a half-twist at the bottom of each step
>>11834568Fuckin Twilight bein a bitch. Sippin outta cups.
>>11834568Needs hasbro watermark
Which pone would play Routine?
>>11834569ever hear of Binary?
>>11834568SHE'S cute
>>11834587How horrible.
>>11834553I was always convinced he was real after being seen in the Hasbro quiz.At that time I had pretty well given up on the show because I was 100% confident they were going to beef introducing SA as Twilight's brother. Then we found out Cadance, another character never mentioned or relevant, was Twilight's babysitter.Everything went downhill from there.
>>11834591YOU'RE cute, dork.
>>11834599MLP needs more griffons and minotaurs.
>>11834602Draw various minotaurs of different sizes and body types.
>>11834587binary would take even longer than the gesture thing
>>11834457the Clockworks have been working from behind the scenes, filling their original created purpose and always making sure they'd survive. they're gathering data. on what, nobody who's aware of them knows. they start wars and steal candy just as much as they broker peace treaties and plant flowers. they do things solely so they can find out and record the result. they have reasons, but nobody knows them, and the Clockworks surely aren't sharing them.they've spread out since thousands of years ago, but every single thing they've created has a tunnel that leads back to their original city. perfect right angles. perfect order. no life.
>>11834599y-you too
Why is everyone assuming that the buttons are binary?What if they have 8 levels each?8^2 = 64Plenty for Latin
>>11834609I've purposely stayed away from making OC minotaurs.
>>11834574what i do is like 2-3x a week (really depends on how my body is doing)day A:> 5 reps of deadlifts at max weight + warmups> bench press cuz a good kangaroo trap needs some dragon wing muscle chest> something for the abs that's easy like woodchops or twisted crunchesday B:> squats, some days i do 5x5 half squats at max weight and sometimes i do full squats with a pause at like, less than half weight> overhead press cuz arms> maybe work in one of the more challenging extra exercises like hip thrusts or lungesi WILL have this body. i WILL have this girly kangaroo muscle body. FUCK.
which pony enjoys kissing with tongue the most?
>>11834650The slutty one
>>11834569like this >>11834407 >>11834536try to keep up
>>11834584ApplejackI'd convince her its about doing honest work.
>>11834650Lyra obviously.
>>11834650Ponk pone.
>>11834584I was really excited for Routine, then I found out that all their talk about "play a different way every time" just meant you could walk through a different door.Nothing is randomly generated. It's the same game every time.
>>11834662but they're all slutty ponies
>>11834643>2-3 times a weekNigga three times is a minimum, and only used for heavy weight workouts where you need the high latency for DOMS recovery.Also what kind of a routine is that.Nigga what the actual fuck are you doing?
>>11834680she didn't strike me as the obvious choicewhy her?
>>11834691Wait, I thought the station was going to have randomized rooms? Either that, or there were going to be some places that had to be there every game, but the connecting halls and rooms were randomized.
>>11834643body, fine. you might have that. WILL have that. but you won't have Gilda to fuck your little ass with a big black strap-on. you won't have Gilda to put ice on your nipples and let you suck on her finger and make you get hair extensions so you can be her cutie dyke girlfriend.
>>11834561Four fours the point's marked four,Ace Deuce Craps wants Four
Are the horses on the show real?
>>11834714She wants to be human, ponies can't french very well so clearly she'd want to experience it.
I bet Vinyl would play vidja just for the soundtracks.
>>11834726>JGR version of DJ Professor K
>>11834761>>11834726Forgot the link.
>>11834719Nope. Read it again. Nowhere in their pitch do they say anything will be randomized.It's too bad, too, because a survival horror game in a randomized station with an interconnecting subsystem of electronics and computers? Plus permadeath?They're like one working water system and random disaster mode away from PRESSURE.
I don't love Tex.
>>11834707are you kidding an A-B routine with dead + bench one day and squat + press the other followed by some personal work is like the most boring fucking skeleton of a basic workout imaginable i know like, 5 people who do this one holds records
>>11834784Tex plsPut your name on if you're going to RP
>>11834784I don't love nobody.
>>11834757I'll bet it's not that much fun to be bon bon
>>11834779we ocean now.
>Lk talking about porn and fetish stuffit's weird because I can only ever picture Harry Potter saying these things now
>>11834815maybe not but what does that have to do with anything
>>11834822wait whatis he streaming or something?
>>11834723well i got my boyfriend to roleplay this shit up until the Singularity when i can finally cyber-bottom e-Gilda every night
>>11834757well I'd be happy to share one with heror more, if she ends up enjoying it
>>11834828he did a voice answer on his tumblr
i hope you all have a nice day.
>>11834757I think ponies can be fairly good kissers. THey do have prehensile lips that they can control as well as hands, so They can kiss, just not the completely same way a human can.
>>11834829do you want her to look you in the eyes when she fucks you?and how would you break the relationship to your parents? "oh, hi, mom, dad, this is my girlfriend Gilda, who's also kinda my boyfriend and i'm also kinda her girlfriend which is why i'm not going to be sitting down today, thanks."
Previous Thread>>11825296 [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Download links for episodes:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG: (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Events: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:>Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content): Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>11834723>her hands planted on either side of you, pinning you to the mattress while she drills you, making your cock stiffly bounce and wag about.>her hand grabbing you roughly by the chin, as she tells you to "look at me, you pansy," her voice a low, intimate growl in your ears>her lips on yours, roughly, and her tongue forcing itself into your mouth>her teeth nipping at your collarbone and neck>your cock erupting, coating your stomach and chest with thick ropes of cum>Her one hand scooping up your seed and her other grabbing the back of your head and forcing you to lap it out of her palm, before she strokes your scalp fondly, telling you what a good boy you are
>>11834802>I'll do my A day and then my B day and then take five rest daysI think you seriously misunderstand how an AB split works. It's not something you do just twice a week. A competitive lifting workout, where you're maxing out every day and dealing with major DOMS, as I mentioned before, is usually AxBxAxBx etc.Someone who isnt trying to break records has a very different split. Usually ABxAxBx, with light exercise on rest days and lifting based off 1RM*0.75But the bottom line is if you're only hitting the gym twice a week you'll be going nowhere.
>>11834872>"...which is why i'm not going to be sitting down today, thanks."my sides>>11834888my dick
>>11834876Linkboard! Thank god you're here!
>>11834925I knew those clues would lead me to the rapists house! Now it's time to free these ponies and contact the local authorities.
>>11834888i think she'd have one of those talon-thimble finger cap dealies. she'd use it to scratch your chin and scalp when she's pleased with you. not to hurt you. just to remind you that she could, whenever she wants to. the purest expression of power is control, you know?maybe draw a heart on you while she's stroking you absentmindedly.
>>11834922That's the shitposter linkboard
>>11834945>"Who do you belong to, Dweeb?"
I would kill 20 men for human Dash to come home from practice soaked in sweat, shove both her feet in my face, then tease me for getting so hard, while slowly, gently tickling the underside of my shaft and head with a fingertip
>>11834987Please don't, I don't think that would even work
>>11834987just once it'd be nice to enjoy feet without any sweat/stink
>>11834985>can't help but hear Sho Nuff, the Shogun of Harlem saying "Who is the master"My brain draws odd lines to things while I'm tired.
>>11834925>You name isn't Scootaloo anymore! In this house, you're "Spunk-sink".
>>11834985"You know a guy for tattoos, right?When are you gonna mark your territory?"
>>11834997You'll never know if you don't try
>>11834998They're more fun that way, a little bit of sweat is nice, going sockless for two weeks without ever washing is just over the line
This Horse is Flat Lining! Get the Difibulators!
>>11835003Batman is going to threaten to drop you off a building if you don't draw something soon.Draw Iron Will giving Scootaloo a piggy-back/ on top of shoulders ride.
>>11834985>you say nothing, having long ago learned not to be caught out by when she decides to play 'Gilda Says'"a-ha. good girl. Gilda says you can talk."
This is probably the wrong time to ask butIm interested in making a short little vydia but I dont know how about doing itAnyone have any pointers
>>11834998>>11835028>enjoying Rainbow Dash's dainty, sensitive feet fresh out of the spa>smooth and moist and exfoliated, they smell like flowers
>>11835040>threatenif he's lucky
>>11835040>Draw Iron Will giving Scootaloo a piggy-back/ on top of shoulders ride.I drew this the other night.
>>11835050go to /v/, go to /g/, go to anyone but us. we're not the ones to trust. we're not the ones to believe.
>>11835055I want to fuck Hailey Mathers.
>>11835028I prefer the way they looksort of like how rimming turns me on due to the idea of her writhing and moaning as you do it, but actually putting any thought into the smell/taste makes me flaccid
>>11835011>"GILDA'S" tattooed on your ass/just above your pubic area
>>11835082But it's pony/general related
>>11835050Sony Vegas. There's some good tutorials on youtube, get the program off TPB. It takes a few days to get the hang of, but once you get the hang of it, it's easygoing from then on. That's what I used to make videos when I was into Youtube Poop. I know the guy that made this video used SV, it's a really powerful tool.
>>11834054GG, if your still here, and if you have time, would you be willing to draw a birthday request?It's with the twins, so I'd understand if you're tired of drawing them.
>>11835060okayNOW you're speaking my language
>>11835072Well shit.Draw Batman dropping you off a building while Iron Will stands below ready to try and catch you.
>>11835086I want to fuck Andrea Libman.
>>11835050If you've got absolutely no idea?Game maker
>>11835082Those boards are much worse for this. /g/ would have at least 75% of the replies telling you to use horribly inferior free software.
>>11835098didn't you hear what i said? we're not the ones to trust. we're not the ones to believe. we'll tell you not to trust yourself. we'll tell you you're not alright. we'll tell you your time's coming, but just not today.
>>11835123oh, hi Fluttershywhat's up?
>>11835098Make it in QBasic.
>>11835126But the best development software is FOSSVisual Studio is rubbish
>>11835060>kneading her soles with your thumbs>stroking her calves and thighs>feeling her tease your cock with her toes
>>11835096>>11834985>Jokingly bring up the idea of Gilda passing you around to some of her friends and letting them use you as a cumdump/fucktoy for a night>The instant those words leave your lips, she cracks you across the face.>"You belong to ME, you stupid fuck. ME. And I don't share my fucking toys. Got it?!"
>>11835050Vidya as in video or video game?If video, either go with Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere. Premiere is the more professional and more powerful, but also somewhat harder to use, and while Vegas is an all-around suite, Premiere relies a lot on After Effects, so you'd have to learn to use both, so unless you plan on making a lot of stuff stick to Vegas.If it's vidyagame, there's a huge amount of things that vary depending on what type of game you want. If you want to make a VN, there are already good frameworks specifically for that. For simple 2D games, gamemaker is good. For 3D things get much harder, Unity is one of the simplest tools along with UDK, UDK is getting a big update sometime this summer, might be worth waiting for that. For more advanced and complex/unusual games there's the OGRE3D framework but that's very far from simple, PonyKart uses its C# port.There's also the Crytek SDK but it's not very brilliant.
>>11835050What languages do you know?
>>11835190Fluttershy, I'm so white I'm practically aryan.
>>11835170Video game.I havent decided what kind but I know I want it to be some sort of arcade style shooter
>>11835190oh nooo Fluttershy, who told you that was ok to say? That's an offensive word!
>>11835160>pressing the inside of her knees makes her suck in breath>her toes flex and grip your cock tightly in response
>>11835202Yeah, but you'll have to come inside if you want the tip.
>tfw driving>change lanes>worried that I've annoyed the person I moved in front of
>>11835190But I'm 100% euro
>>11835190Fluttershy, I get the feeling you want something from me.
>>11835229soccer is dumb.
>>11835223You better be a big tipper.Because I'm going to fuck you until you can't move.
>>11835220We're not working on it right now. I've no clue. By the looks of it I'm gonna sit at home during the entire next year so I might decide to continue working on it. For the record I'm not Hopopo
>>11835224CongratulationsYou win the 'Least pony related post of the thread' award
>>11835224>Not just closing your eyes and letting Jesus take the wheel
>>11835202>>11835242I don't really like FemSnips
>>11835239I knowAFL is much better
>>11835255fuck that I can beat him
>>11835265anon plsit's called football.
>>11835202obesity is wrong
>>11835213That doesn't sound very simple considering you don't know anything about making games. UDK might be your best bet if you want 3D. It's a clunky engine and I don't really like v3 but it at least gives you a slight chance of actually finishing something as opposed to every other choice. v4 on the other hand looks neat and you don't need too much programming knowledge to make things there.
I moved out to Langley recently with a plain and simple dreamWant to infiltrate some third world place and topple their regime
>>11834892why the fuck would you extrapolate "2-3x a week" into something as random and stupid as>I'll do my A day and then my B day and then take five rest dayslike that's a hell of a lot of stupid shit to read between the lines, are you sure you just don't want to deliver your take on /fit/ or w/e? that's fine by me but you don't have to draw a caricature to justify it
>>11835289Then I don't wanna be right
>she slowly strokes her slit with one hand and massages her nubile breast with the other as her sole rubs against the underside of your rapidly-hardening shaft
>>11835251aightgood luck
>>11835242you better be down for anal.because dat ass is 2good.
>>11835331>hand>breast>soleI don't understand
>>11835302how can you love someone whose organs aren't going to last as long as yours?
>>11835331oops. hehe...>>11835219
3rd day of my new healthy life.I replaced iced tea with water, vidya with bike riding, and masturbation with sit-ups, push ups, and other exorcizes.Personal blog: Updated
>638 bells per turnip
My my... so many absolutely luscious topics tonight... Which do I choose?Why... I choose them all, of course. Another grand night at the... forever saucy, MLPG: ERP Theatre.
>>11835362trying to completely revamp your whole lifestyle overnight is the reason so many people fail at attempting fitness
>>11835369>four hundred and ninety nine American burgers per Xbone
>>11835362>replaced masturbation with exerciseso fwiw masturbation after exercise feels pretty good, just saying
>>11835344And you better stay hard after round five.The Sugar Rush lasts for hours at a minimum.
>>11835348when it comes to fetishes most here dont care about the health of safety of the person.
>>11835362I played Animal Crossing for five hours.Check mate.
>>11835395I get that it's a fetish and isn't meant to be realistic, I just hate fat people too much to not express my hate every time I can.
>>11835331>slit>nubile>rapidly-hardeninghow do you come up with this shit
>>11835393god, that sounds so terriblelike garage studio moustachio'd porno writer terribleactually I don't think I can properly describe how terrible that name you gave sex isoh my god
>>11835416it's cool i'm the same way with political conservatives
>>11835393How does Sugar feel about hotdogging?
>>11835395>tfw choking fetishIt would not behoove me to be particularly concerned with the wellbeing of a motherfucker around whose neck I have my hand.
>>11835417oh, sorry.muskpendulousponynutsponutare you bonering yet?
>>11835421rediv, seriously. You're going to have to stop making me fall in love with you one of these days.It's not good for you.
>>11835433Unless that means chomping on hotdogs while getting fucked long and hard, I'd say she prefers getting fucked long and hard
>>11835369Fuck your shit you stupid alpacasMine are so stingy
>>11835393SUGARJump into your racing carIt’s a SUGAR RUSH!SUGAR RUSH!
>>11835393femSnips would be the kind of girl who wears really slutty and revealing clothing like a girl with a classically 10/10 body would.
>>11835421But don't you want to be a fatass?
>>11835438>tfw didn't even think of it like thatfuck you, you ugly brony
>>11835457>calling reese stupidI'll kill you
>>11835362I washed dishes for 8 hours today and made the chef make me like 5 plates of chicken tacos.
>>11835462>>11835469SHE'S JUST A BAD BABS SEED
>>11835478Cyrus, go to bed
>>11835489I'LL KILL YOU
>>11835433what gross. isnt that where you take a shit on her chest then boobfuck with the shit.disgusting why would you even suggest that
>>11835494Cy-guy, please~
>>11835462why is she so perfect
>>11835433why just grind when you can put it in?I mean hotdogging is good for foreplay, but at some point you gotta ream that booty.
>>11835362>I've stopped doing fun thingsThe fuckYou're never going to get anywhere like that
>>11835525>implying bike riding isn't funit's almost as fun as running
>>11835434>choking fetishunfI'd love to choke someone while I fuck them
this is from ages ago, but what would the Clockworks look like?would they be vaguely pony-shaped, or would they be something else entirely?
>>11835536That's not fun at all. At least if it was a motorcycle then I could agree.
>>11835536running is the worst ever, but cycling is pretty greatI wish I had a bike and a place to ride
>>11835161What else can I do but apologize for saying something so obviously stupid?
>>11835542the what?
>>11835464that pic is something i can unf too. the only thing that ruin femsnips is the massive overhanging american gut.she should be drawn like that picture you posted
>>11835536Running fucking hurtsYou're insane
>>11835564stretch your calves, nigga
>>11835536You should go mountain bikingloads more fun and just about the best cardio workout you can get.
>>11835536>>11835550running is the shit
>>11835550>>11835548>>11835564fatfags detected
>>11835433She can't stop eating them.The hot dogs I mean.She loves wieners.
>>11835577Nope!Not fat, just really, really hate running
>running and get really tired>decide to start sprinting instead>sprint for maybe three quarters of a mile>Runner's high makes me feel like I'm a fucking gazelle and I'm graceful as shitand then I started to like running
>>11835591You ever had vegetarian hot-dogs before?They don't have the texture of real ones, kinda softer - at least the ones I had - but once you get used to them, they're not so bad.
>>11835577>ImplyingI rode 38km todayI lifted for an hourI just don't like exercises that pulverize my joints
>>11835607I hate hot dogs. I don't like ham or pork products.
>>11835555Twilight's face in the first panel makes me giggle like an idiot
>>11835606>decide to sprint for a block or so while walking>slowly pick up speed as I go, until I'm full-out barrelling down the sidewalk>feel like the Hulk
>>11835557Read upthread>>11835542I can't help but think of pony versions of Nox's minions, which I can sadly not find pictures of.
>>11835595Twilight needs to shave her bush.
>>11835540she'd look at you, with tears in their eyes--not tears of fear or pain, just eye-tears--and behind those tears,'s such a distinctive noise that someone makes when they're being choked. a gurgling noise, but it's both dry and wet at the same time. you'll never forget it when you've heard it. gglk-k-kg. now imagine that noise, imagine that little squeal, with the noise of an orgasm riding behind it. imagine her eyes rolling up into the back of her head and her face dropping out into a dumb grin, and imagine her coming back to the world a few seconds later."what the FUCK did you DO to me?">"aah... i--""do it again!"
>>11835595hi Twilight!
>>11835611my joints are quite fine, because I'm not overweight
>>11835643>my joints are quite fine, because I'm young
>>11835629describe them. are they the things with the bowl-hats? i know nothing about Wakfu.
>>11835556You make her come a couple of times and she might just forgive you for now.
>>11835555Does Twilight also make this speech in the morning to usher in the day?
>>11835650my 58 year old father still runs half and full marathons regularlystop talking shit
I had my first dream where I became a pony
>>11835650>my joints are quite fine, just like my 80-year-old father, who runs every morning
>>11835655I don't recall a lot of things with bowler hats in wakfu
>>11835632what the fuck you dont just start randomly choking someone during sex
>>11835667congrats!Tell us more
sex with Celestia
>>11835628>>11835606>tfw running somplace out of necissity (bike's flat)>tfw hear all this shit about runner's high, try to run upright>feels pretty damn good>keep running, try to breath deeply>feels fucking great>suddenly stitches, out of breath, can hardly walk, I'm die in the middle of the sidewalk>stagger forward the rest of the way clutching my side like a fatasswhat do /fit/
I changed my lifestyle overnight because I'm 300lbs, 24 years old, and just found out that diabetes is in my family history.
>>11835683I was walking down a hallway and then I suddenly became a pony and my voice changed too, when I got out of the hallway a couple random ponies and pinkie pie was outside with a cake.
>>11835700sounds like a brony self insert fanficplease get yourself parasitically castrated immediately
>>11835695breathe with your stomach instead of your cheststop and stretch when you get stitches, don't power through like a retarddrink water 45 minutes before running and a little right before too
>>11835441i cant stop being me man>>11835466no, real fat people are gross
>>11835664That put me in mind of a mechanical skeleton frame with a hollow torso and exposed machinery.Good for when the ponies find what they think is a dead one and decide to try and poke around in the guts of the thing to see what makes it tick, literally. Suddenly, it bursts into life and almost crushes someone's hoof.Top-heavy monstrosities that are essentially point-down pyramids, creatures of order and logic that inherently seem to violate every sense of order and logic. Movement should make them topple over, let alone moving at the speeds they can achieve.
>>11835700that's cute as hell
>>11835697make small changes firstlike cutting out snacks and sodatrying to change everything results in failure
>>11835695run moar
Sometimes original stuff
>>11835691I would rather spend one of her days off with her, chilling in canterlots garden, leaning back to back while she tells me anecdotes or some shit like that
>>11835676no, i fight. /fit/ has LODESASQUATS, we have LODESACHOKES. the rest is just my imagination. but i do know that autoerotic asphyxiation works like a charm for girls and boys.
>>11835724Does it result in failure for any reason other then willpower?Because I'm REALLY good at telling myself NO.I just never told myself NO about food before.
>>11835709What did you wanted a gay love story between me and one of the stallions?I just turned into a mare and was greeted with a cake.
>you will never answer the door to find an obscenely hung perverse maretaur telling you your delivery order is here
>>11835664FUCK FUCK YOU NO THANKS IT'S NIGHT WHERE I AM FUCK YOU>>11835655>>11835673He's probably referring to Nox's costume in episode 1, pic related.To describe them is a bit hard, they're all little clockwork bugs whose seams glow with blue, magical light. I'm picturing what those would look like in an equestrian form: skeletal, some exposed gears, obvious machinery, eyes and cracks that glow with whatever powers themI wouldn't want this to be unoriginal, though
>>11835731draw some in combatthese characters are neat
>>11835731it's pretty cool but where are the ponies
>>11835714I really liked those sock pictures you posted...
>>11835712Also, cover mouth with hands and breathe slow. Carbon dioxide soothes cramps.
>>11835749There's no scientific reason, no.But it's a loooot harder to change everything and stick to it than you'd imagine. There's not enough reward in the beginning to offset everything you're sacrificing. Trust me, do some small things first.
>>11835676You kinda can if you know they like it roughThey'll swat your arm away if they don't like it
>>11835731what the fuck? is this ross?my mind is blown because i actually like it.
>>11835792I've always considered ross a love/hate kinda thing
>>11835731Why do you have Mr. Horse dressed up like Zeus?
>>11835712>stop and stretchstretch what? It doesn't feel like it's a muscle that's hurting. Stretch my legs?>don't power through like a retardI wouldn't have but I was running late. I didn't exactly "power through" anything anyway, if so it was some pretty pitifully powerful stagger.>>11835726man forget you Dash you never run anywherewish I had wings
>>11835792this is what we get when ross decides to masturbate before drawing.he loses all interest in doing fetish art.
>>11835752thank fuckwhy does it have to be some awful mutantwhy can't it just be a handsome stallion
>Sleep tight, honeybunch.
>>11835792Ross isn't bad.He just decided for some reason to spam us with characters we dislike.
>>11835803just stretch everythingit's mostly to do something while you're waiting to go away, but I think it helps me get rid of them.the most helpful things though are really breathing with your stomach and not drinking water before running
>>11835821To be fair, either one would be expecting to pound you hard.
>>11835821>handsome stallionwhy can't it be a pretty mare?
>>11835831I love you Flitter
>>11835792It's kind of crazy what can happen when he decides not to be a douche and shove his fetish into everything
>>11835838waiting for it to go away, even
>>11835831>you will never fall asleep cuddling an empty ice-cube tray
>>11835758i'm thinking something like >>11835716like, essentially a bigger Claptrap with exposed clockwork and just a frame. instead of a wheel, they have several little "legs", like feelers. when they want to move faster, they extend four legs from inside their machinery and scuttle about on those. two limbs: one manipulator arm and one eye-on-a-stalk. but they can be mounted into bigger frames, shaped to suit whatever species they're going to be interacting with.and they all have high-pitched, tinny, over-voxed voices.
>>11835841but I ordered a tender cuddlingwhat kind of operation is this
>>11835860you could if you really wanted to
>>11835876>tender cuddlingNope, you drew strap-on Gilda. Thanks for playing in the MLPG lottery.
>>11835876She's got a history of mixed up orders. Don't worry, it's complementary.
>>11835849I love you too Rumble-bumble. I'll see you in the morning.
>>11835880I couldn'tthat fantasy is simply out my reach
>>11835792Who else? Yeah it's me, dingus. I'm trying to get some momentum going so this webcomic can take off next year. I posted it here because I know that anything I post here in the MLPG is guaranteed replies from you idgeots.Tell you guys what - throw a few suggestions for characters to go on this lineup, seen here...>>11835731And I'll see what I can do. A wizard, a thief, an evil army general/king/whatthefuckever, keep it vague if you choose to play ball, something like "shy thief"
>>11835894>fridge with automated ice dispenserSame here.
>>11835890Ooh, ooh! I wanna draw!i hope I get something good
>>11835892I'm sorry, futa taurbeasts are explicitly forbidden on my profile>>11835890I can live with this
Should I not do push ups if I'm 300lbs?Is it bad for my back?
>>11835903will there be dragons and monster girls in it
>>11835917You drew: a lewd princess!
The ending where you blow everything up and sink it into the ocean is canon.
>>11835913I like where this is going.Not sure if Freya or not. All I know is Whitney and Freya are my favorite villagers.
>>11835917>Thanks for playing in the MLPG lottery.Where can I play it?
>>11835903>throw a few suggestionsA knight.I like knights. And Armour. Draw a fully armoured guy.I don't care if he's a force of evil or good. Just put a knight in.
>>11835928here, do what you can and move up until you strugglealso push-ups don't work your back, so they should be fine if you can do them
>>11835930Of course not. I'm sick of the same old dragons and monster-people bullshit. If I'm doing something like a fantasy comic, it's going to be quite different from the rest.
>>11835935rubyquest was just a delusion anon
>>11835950how the fuck can you have wizards with no monsters
pony loves you
>>11835913>those thighs>my town fruit is the pearI like to imagine that they're all bottom-heavy
>>11835950>Of course not. I'm sick of the same old dragons and monster-people bullshit. If I'm doing something like a fantasy comic, it's going to be quite different from the rest.And from these words I can see your downfall. Like a prophecy laid out before my eyes.
>>11835962Life really is worth living.
>>11835555>Transitioning into nightI guess she... tucks kids into bed?
>>11835956Now that you've won a fetish monster, what are you going to do?
>>11835913All I can hear is AC gibberish>>11835944Knight, gotcha. Not blowing up that image you attached, I'm not going to open myself to accusations of stealing from it.
>>11835972especially that pony you really like
>>11835976>Twilight tucking me into bedo-oh gosh...
>>11835965why do i always find myself fapping to dogs or wolves when i visit mlpg
>>11835972But Jessy I'm afraid he loves you in a sinful way.
>>11835934what even is this
>>11835997graduate to alpacas
>>11835988Oh my gosh. I'd take her to the fair and get her cotton candy.
Well, I guess GG will never do my request...
Take care /v/ and /fit/ time to apples.
>>11835960I may not even put in wizards. Like maybe two or three out of the many people roaming around. They're magical, that lends itself to a lot of power, why does there need to be a billion walking around. Wizards are romanticized and have become the subject of stupid jokes and I don't want that connected to any character of the same type. And if I even do design a wizard, there's gonna be none of this point hat and robe business.>>11835970Why, because I'm not making any characters that pander to your fetishes? That's too bad.
>>11835962 nobody can love me, my fetishes are too horrifying
>>11835999A very kind, gentle ruler who has carved out her own little hedonist utopia
>>11835997Shhh, just don't worry about it
>>11835999This freak's colorscheme:
>>11836011make better requestsor just be really annoying about it
>>11836019I have a fetish for fetishes.
>>11836004naw, alpaca penis is too creepy for me
>>11835792we've always known that ross can draw exceptionally because one night way back he shared his adventure time regular show art with usthe problem is that everyone's whose been aware of this has been shot down by retards telling us we were wrong
>>11836026He's not here to even see it, though.Maybe later.
>>11836027EA pls
>>11836010she may tear off a little piece and tell you to "Open wiiiide~!"
>>11836011whats your request? we will tell you if its dumb or not (it most likely is)
>>11836032post it in the subdid you even hear me say be annoying about it
>>11836029>the problem is that everyone's whose been aware of this has been shot down by retards telling us we were wrongThe problem is that he's a massive dickbag in here 90% of the time and pushes his fetish just to try and make us squirmHe's great when he actually does his own stuff
>>11836011>tfw someone took my request months ago but said it would take a whileI'm not sure if they're dead or still sleeping or whatI just want to know that some day I'll see that caramel selfcest orgy
>>11836024something something backyard
>>11835942you've just done. here's how it breaks down.the third-to-last digit determines gender. 1-5 male, 6-0 female.the second-to-last digit determines dominance/submissiveness, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being represented by 0.the last digit determines species. 1 is griffon, 2 is reptilian, 3 is canine, 4 is avian, 5-6 are equine, 7 is feline, 8 is plant, 9 is elemental (rock, water, fire, air, etc.), and 0 is only get to apply your specific fetishes to them if all the digits of your post number add up to an odd number. if odd, even, you must take what you get without any embellishment at all.if these are at odds with previous results, that's because i couldn't be bothered.from this moment on, you are all playing at all times. godspeed.
>>11836019butts are grosspeople poop from there
>>11836011I knew it was a good idea to request this.
>>11836055these odds are terribleonly 1/5 chance of pony?fuck that, it should be like 4/5
>>11836038I just wanted to see some cute nonsexual zebra twin colts. I was thinking maybe the both of them sharing a bed and cuddling the same stuffed animal.You're going to call it stupid now, right?
>>11836055rolling without shame
>>11836037I wouldn't mind sharing sweets with best pink bouncy horse.
>>11836060>you will never make Rose blush furiously
>>11836071there's more than just ponies in the world, you jabroni. and it's a raffle. you have a SMALL chance of winning. that's the POINT.
>>11836059oh my gosh that's adorable
>11836017>Why, because I'm not making any characters that pander to your fetishes? That's too bad.Oh not that. Sorry I wasn't really following the conversation until your remark about departing from the 'typical stuff'.Just remain wary Ross. I see too many people setting out with the mindset of blowing everyone away with their new, fresh idea, and then just failing horribly, either by their idea not being as fresh as they think (and getting defensive about it), or just being a shit idea regardless whereupon they go full damage control again and blame people's tastes.
>>11836080Would you mind sharing with all of pink bouncy horses?
>>11836055I'll just take your digits, they are quite nice.
>>11836055oh. whoops. 10 is the most dominant, 1 is the most submissive.
>>11836060ha deletedi knew you beefed it hard forgetting the F
>>11836075>dominant female pony without my fetishesmeh
>>11836073its not stupid just pretty boring and uninteresting
>>11836080would you also take her on all the rides?even the really scary ones?
>>11836022>you will never cuddle Cassus lovingly
>>11836054[spanish exclamation]~
>>11836107d-don't laugh at me!!
All you artists here as of now.Work on your scenery.Now.
>>11836096>more than one pink bouncy horse
>>11836131What scenery?
>>11836125[rimming intensifies]
>>11836131I really do need more posters around herethanks for reminding me anon, I'm gonna order some now
>>11836090I don't recall seeing reptilians, avians (aside from griffons), felines or elementals in the showI'll take my dominant griffon lover this time, but you need to tweak your chart to fit the setting
>>11836141A gloomy swamp with little fireflies and luminescent fungi.
>>11836152I'll trade your dominant griffon lover for my dominant pony lover
>>11836131But my ass hurts too much.
>>11836157Why not?What are ya chicken?
>>11836168that looks like a good place to cuddle with pone
>>11836162i knew pulling these years ago would come in handy eventually.
>>11836168Then draw a comfy pillow on that grass for you to rest your butt on.
>>11836165I don't think she would appreciate that and I don't think your pony would appreciate the offer either
>>11836157red, I think you were Ramona Flowers in a past (alternate universe) life.
>>11836202but I don't want my pony lover
>>11836165this isn't fucking Pokemon, jabroni. each raffle prize is ID-coded.
>>11836132Pinkie x Palette OTP
>>11836208aw rats
>accidental clicking takes me to the front page of /mlp/>my eyes get a quick glance at a post your favorite pony thread>its all OCs down the line i have never even heard ofholy shit
>>11836232Her wings will be prettier
>>11836216The numeric transmission five-one-seven-four was received repeatedly, without interruption, for eight hundred days.It stopped, suddenly, on the eight hundred and first.And that's when the destruction began.
>>11836216>never heard of Wheely Bopper
>>11836245draw a butt on the pillow
>>11836247TALKING NMM
>>11836222>extremely vague post forcing people to ask what you are talk aboutfuck off, you are one of those reply addicts arnt you who will do anything for replies
>try listening to Arcade Fire>literally fall asleephow the fuck do people listen to this
>>11836270>>>/anywhere else/
>>11836267but you're also fishing for replies
>>11836267You could check EqD or DHNThe only reason I didn't post everything is because the news seemed old and I though you faggots already talked about it
>>11836275>>>/you first faggot/
>>11836209Damn this is old.
>>11836051>pushes his fetish just to try and make us squirmwhich is just bad art. no one's torn SB's head off despite his disgusting art. no one's attacked LK for his terrible fetish.
>>11836283unless you're trying to tell me this guy's name is Arcade Fire and you're bored listening to him talk about his vidya games, I would appreciate if you would try to keep it pony in the future
>>11836290Lots of people told SB that him constantly forcing his fetish into every piece of art is annoying and LK doesn't really post that stuff here.
>>11836285you should do something new with those twolike Pinkie feeding Palette a little wad of cotton candy
>>11836299Oh, I didn't realize you're one of those faggots that considers anything pony related as long as it's got a pony picture with it.Here you go, fag.
>>11836290Because LK doesn't post it here and whenever he draws something that isn't pony related he also doesn't post it here like Ross?And a lot of people complain about SB and his fetish
>>11836299>NOTHING BUT PONY>EVERponychan is that way, pal
>>11836315no, I consider things pony related when they're actually talking about poniesI don't just wander in to the thread and start personal blogging because I'm not fucking retarded
>>11836290>which is just bad art.It's the same quality as the rest of his stuffIt's just fat and with the intent to make us mad>no one's torn SB's head off despite his disgusting art. no one's attacked LK for his terrible fetish.People have got mad at SB before but LK doesn't force it hereThat's the key word: forceLK keeps it away and is courteous and doesn't make us look at itRoss posts it here multiple times to get reactionsThere is also the fact that LK is nice and Ross is an ass
>>11836308>Lots of people told SB that him constantly forcing his fetish into every piece of art is annoyingIt still gets posted. It still was posted. Didn't someone post his fat oc earlier? It's not like people reblog ross's stuff. We practically have less reason to hate himLK is a pretty ok guy
>>11836330No, you just wander into the thread and start bitching and backseat moderationg because you're fucking forgot to post pony, fella
>>11836339>It still gets posted. It still was posted.A lot of times its SB reposting his own stuff.