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Old Thread: >>11781820

If you had to invite 2 ponies over for a sleepover, which two would you invite, what would you do, and how well would it go over?
wow like keep in in one thread horsefuckers
Mark this thread
Mark this thread

1 2 3 4
Can I have sex with them?

Late but moi.
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I dunno man, would they both be down with that? Wouldn't one be jealous?
I would invite Junebug and Blossomforth.

We would watch movies and pillow fight and make cookies and talk.

I think it'd go okay.
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Fluttershy and Dash, mostly because I bet wing hug cuddles are the best and they get along just fine.

I think it would go pretty well, we could play boardgames. Dash likes board games.
Can I have sex with one of them while the other one films it?
Not if you do it right.
why is shaking pone so funny?
You're pretty funny when you shake.
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flutters and dash

dash is actually my 3rd fav but i don't want ponka at a slumber party. other parties fine but too hyper for sleepover.

also i want them to cuddle
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Shaking pone
you get fluttershy and dash
no cuddles are had
the next morning they leave right after breakfast
they are going to make out when you sleep
>Laptop pony.
Ah memory...
good, good
I mean I guess that's okay.
Maybe next time I'll rent some movies and but a big bed in the living room so it's easier to lie down together and watch.
>Leaving your windows open to let your ponies escape.
Dumb ass.
Put some screens in at least.
Pinkie Pie and...........
I guess Twilight.

Eat pizza, Some gaming, party games. you know, have a real smashing time while truing to be entertaining. Then when it gets late, ask Pinkie if I could cuddle wih her and dig my head into her poofy mane.
Reminds me of that tablet pony.

And the subsequent almost porn that was written of it.

....I remember far too much weird shit.
You want them to cuddle each other?
Dem plugs man...
Remember to recycle!
that works

Rainbow dash is so goddamn cute here.
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We made quite a few object ponies...
I guess you could say we were a little, materialistic!
that's not even worth a 'carlos!'
reminder that writing anything other than fapfiction is a waste of time and effort

That and the one time it was mused that she could affect what you were drawing, and after drawing porn for a while she draws herself into one of your pictures, getting railed by what appears to be you.

It kinda got weird from there since she had no holes or anything.
>she's finally comfortable enough with you to admit that she likes to play nerdy board games from time to time
>she asks you to play them with her at least once daily now
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It's only a waste of time if you didn't have fun doing it.
I only have fun doing things when people praise me for my efforts.
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I would invite Pink Pony and NIETZSCHE BESTPONY!
Why aren't you depressed?
>Rarity got so turned on her eye dilated.
Reminder that no one cares what you think.
i'm eating icecream
Because I do meaningful things with my life.
Because I have been huffing super glue!
But I am.
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Why is she so perfect?
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why aren't you waving back?

Princess Celestia and Sigmund Freud
I get to take a train on Thursday.
I think you posted the wrong image anon. That's not a pony.
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Because cute.
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I hope it takes you to ponytown
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It's taking me to Everfree Northwest.
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she looks like a complete retard

like, actual mental problems or something
That's like the exact opposite of ponytown

My god, everything I wish the opposite comes true
does anyone have that mlpg video some guy made with this train commercial?
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i dunno
you passed!

>"What the-! How did you beat me again?" Dash whines as you place your piece at the finish square in your rousing game of Chutes and Ladders.
>You decide to mess with her a bit, telling her you know a technique to get the spinner to land how you want.
>She calls you on your crap and tackles you across the board, sending pieces everywhere as she laughs and begins to wrestle you as "punishment for cheating."

>She never goes that hard at it, just enough to be challenging, slipping through your arms and giving you noogies before, worn of breath and energy, the two of you collapse in a heap on the couch.

>"I'll get you one of these times," you coarsely whisper, smiling.
>"Yeah, and maybe you'll grow wings," she replies haughtily, before putting a hoof around your shoulders.
>"Thanks for playing with me. Twilight's not nearly as fun as you are. Plus, she can't even wrestle!"
Does Jailbait have an OC?
I like how like the very first few tags in that picture are things i have filtered
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>dat filename
this artist is so awful
>She never goes that hard at it, just enough to be challenging, slipping through your arms and giving you noogies before, worn of breath and energy, the two of you collapse in a heap on the couch

my heart
I've just come to the realization, not that my life sucks, but that I'm generally a morally neutral person, when I'm not flat out a bad person.

My life doesn't suck, I do. Not for lack of talent, or anything so simple, but rather moral pathetic-ness.

Wut do?

pls halp.
Ahaha the anatomy on this!
Who knows?
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>I got the bulge.
>Fuck the rest, I know where your eyes are going.
Stop being a neutral or bad person.
Become a pony.
>Those knees
>this artist is so awesome
Yep. The big mac x aj he does is the best.
Quit shitposting every time there isn't a marker, Marker Pony.
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I aim to please!

I'm out for the night though.

G'night MLPG, have a good one.
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This butterball comes up to you first day of school and asks if you want to be friends

wat do
>No more Applebloom story.

You know, there's definately problems with it but "lol what is anatomy xD" is such a stale meme at this point
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sleep fast
But how, anon?


>Hurf I better post my trip so everyone knows it was me!
"Sure, what do you like?"


I figured I'd do the polite thing and keep it in the old horse.
I never liked this guy, his proportions are unpleasant and most of the compositions are messy as hell.
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>"well, everyone except for those dirty Mexicans really!"
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but trolomanchu is cool
>Treating it like a fetish story.
...wait, are feels a fetish?
Oh god, i'm more fucked up then I knew!
Hey night thread, has anyone posted this yet?

yeah because people will care enough to bother
Tex pls.
My ultimate fetish is consensual hugging with the lights on
This is correct.
Fingering ponies while pinching their bottoms and kissing their little gulping throats.
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hey dooks
you want to color this thing jessy made earlier?
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I have made a huge mistake admitting I was a feelsmith...
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But why? There's a load of eRP in the live threads, but something tame like this gets shoved in the old horse?
I always hated the word feelsmith
Sure, give me one hour since I have relatives in my room right now.
I always hated the term feels
I thought I was the only one.
Does Celestia have a sort of secret service that gathers intelligence for her or does she just rely on her guards and couriers?
People complain about the ERP, people complain about the feels. People just like to complain.
Well, what you chose?
...Heart boner maker?

The ponies trust her so implicitly that they tell her everything.

thanks! I can post her colors in case you missed her other art earlier
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I just figured it would apply to ANYTHING started in an old horse.

If you wanna keep it going here - then by all means.
good, since it's a waste of time

at least with fetish shit one can jack off to it
Even when they cuddle?
fuck off
Where's the cutie mark?
Well that's better than anything i could come up with, sure.

I guess feelsmith does have that implication on it so it serves a purpose, I dunno.
>Celestia has Shining Armor set up the shield around Canterlot after getting information that the wedding was threatened.
>After Chrysalis got into Canterlot.
>Kidnapped Cadence.
>Locked her away in an apparently restricted area under Canterlot.
>And took her place.

She is the Princess Bubblegum of this world...

Every lewd detail.
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Holy shit Fluttershy could you come on any stronger.
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Day 134
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 4,468 (Running Total: 802,050)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 19,191 (Running Total: 3,491,628)

Another OC today? We need to like, start taking OC inventory or something.

Also do we need to kill off an old one to make room? Or did we expand our storage shed enough?
Boops for stuff
If you're that one guy from a month ago, sorry I couldn't make it.
Please do.

"uh UH Wow look at the time, I have Biology right now, see you later!"
Could you imagine trying to explain sex to Fluttershy?
Just ignore this asshole.

I was enjoying the reading.
That, by the way, hateanon, doesn't affect the general at all as no images are posted...
Does green harm you?
>Is it your Kryptonite?

>OC inventory
>anon has a large bag in the corner of his room full of OC ponies that he lets out to romp around.
>Another OC today
Do I want to know?
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In order to MLPG, one must understand and study the beast that is MLPG
How many Pinkie Pies have you murdered today?
This one.
Nope, not him.
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it's not like anyone actually cares about them
you don't like thing, we get it.
Is complaining about it really necessary though?
>anon has a large bag in the corner of his room full of OC ponies that he lets out to romp around.

>Anon opens the bag.
>A tiny voice calls out inside.
>After the flurry of activity is over the bag is empty.
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>While naked.
Pinkie Pie and Twilight.

I'm pretty sure that with those two I can eventually have it lead to sexy shenanigans.
i liked this guys chub but he is going way over the line recently
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I am both repulsed at the drooling/snotty image and turned on by Fluttershy and braces


>anon just smiles and pulls out his ponynip.
>he places it in the middle of the floor under a propped up washing basket
>after a few minutes he tugs the bit out from under it and traps them all again
just trying to help people realize that all this >feels nonsense is forced, idiotic and annoying to go through
It is green.
It could be killing him.
Too bad.
remember when ponies were not for sexual
>They all escape through the holes in washing basket
>Anon is not a smart person
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>"what am i a cat?"
>stop enjoying things
>We are forcing this poor Anon to read every feels post.
>The UN blocked this shit long ago.
Clearly we are terrorists.
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for a whole week. It was a good week.

Yes you are Pinkie.

Now come on... lemme scratch your tummy.
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Remember when cartoon network had toonami?
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Yes, basically.
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Hey MLPG, I was thinking of doing a marathon of Hiroyuki Imaishi directed/Trigger anime somewhere next month. To celebrate their new series, Kill la kill, supposed to air somewhere in October.
Before I do that though I need to know if there is even interest - and if there is, what would be a good day and time to stream.

The shows/movies I've lined up are: Dead Leaves, Gurren Lagann (including both movies), Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, Inferno Cop and Little Witch Academia. As you can see it's quite expansive and I would pace it over several days.

If there is interest I will make an overview with times and dates and what not.
Suck it up.
Not cool.
if you're going to enjoy thing then can it at least be a good thing?
Tom is best pony ;_;
I don't like anime.
I'd watch it, I need to finish Gurren Lagann and watching Panty and Stocking is always fun!
I also remember accidentally thinking about pony while masturbating for the first time.
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Oh gosh that sunbutt.

I wonder if her sunbutt mark is warmer than the rest of her.
She looks so flustered there
I'd love to hear a sapient pony describe how it feels to be scratched behind a furry ear
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>Wants to enjoy good things.
fuck off
>try to anal masturbate
You'll never know.
Even if it was possible or you had the chance to know.
I'd watch it! GL is always fun to watch. Sub or dub?
Everything sub. I can post the translators if you want.
It's all subjective and you don't have to read.
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Time to get nostalgic and depressing, has tom been ponified?

>tfw you just want Tom to give you hug and tell you everything will be alright.
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why don't you see for yourself?
>that feel when you will never spend a day peacefully shopping with Fluttershy
>you will never walk back home with her along a brick road on a sunny day
>you will never casually glance at the transparent plastic bag she's holding and notice it has a huge studded strapon inside it
>you will never question Fluttershy what that is that she bought
>that feel when you will never hear her squeak with embarrassment and then awkwardly mumble that she is planning to wreck your ass with her new toy as soon as you two walk through the door once you get home
Hasn't Toonami been a decent hit in AS?
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I'd love to hear sapient pony do incoherent babbling when you rub them.
Not him but
>jacking off to regular porn
>all of a sudden think about a mediumly-lewd image some one posted in mlpg earlier
>gets me going

I don't even remember what it was
Dammit I wish I was a pony and got ear scartches
>that feel
>you will nver

Anything that has this is automatically shit.
I remember hearing come back for saturdays on Adult Swim, but that was about a year ago I think.

He still there?

>Sitting at the table, you fidget with your coffee while Applejack watches you, evenly.

>"So, what's goin' on between the two 'a you? This' probably the first time I've seen you not makin' googoo eyes at each other from across the table."
I was masturbating, started thinking about twilight, it felt weird so I stopped pretty quickly.
Not much more to it than that.
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>just ear scratches
anon, if I were a pony I'd let anon furiously rub my belly until i passed out
but greentext isn't even real writing

it's shit jut because of that
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>not wanting to give pony ear scratches
>tfw stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather in which a mirror and a razor lay crossed
That's nice.
piss off retard horse
Anon there is no reason to bring this to the new thread. Finish it in the old horse, then cap it.
Ponies don't care about belly rubs much. They're just part of an extended greeting which includes noogies.
I realized that one of my friends moved to Missouri and forgot to tell me.
But I'm also going to another friend's welcome home party so mixed bag.
I started watching the show after discovering the porn of it
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I believe it is on AS

Well I have this completely useless graph that has nothing to reference off of so we don't really know how good Toonami is doing but...

I don't even know if this has anything to do with AS
>Adding > makes it shit
>Just like adding nipples makes it not real art
Get off the internet
>tail dock

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This looks like pure enjoyment to me
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so who is this new filly oc
No I slept in late because I felt like shit and now it's 1 in the morning and I wish I was in Equestria because in Equestria there's always a magical adventure but there's no magical adventure in a small town in michigan next to a coal plant
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>tfw no friends
>tfw sat inside doing nothing all day
Missouri you say?
I hope he likes the everchanging weather. It's ridiculous, we were near freezing in early May.
the > encourages lazier writing
Preferred weekday and start time?
Interest. I've never watched GL, but I've meant to get around to it, and streams are always more fun.
They're dead, Pinkie.
She's a shut-in pony who has anxiety from the outdoors and other ponies. She makes little crafts out of flowers and has a fear of being picked up by other ponies.
Is FLCL Worth watching?
Basically Fluttershy but nofrens
They're like ponies but human and real
Do it, I need to finish GL anyways.
>Newfags trying to act hard.
>"MLPG hates feels!"
>"I've been here all summer, I know this shit!"
How shitty will season 4 be? How can they actually make this worse?
FS only has friends because the rest of the main 6 pity her.
Well in theory season 4 will only look better compared to EQG.
>using newfags unironically
everyone becomes a princess!
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At least it will have ponies.
Animation on FLCL is amazing.
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I don't understand.
You're not helping our case.
Never say that again.
>directing to /b/
no frens
no animals
final destination
It's fantastic.
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Isn't My Little Pony a girls show?
Tex speaks the truth
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Uh, no. It's easier to cap it if you do it all in the old thread and it doesn't clutter up the new thread for people who don't want to read it.

Also your instant ad hominem leads me to believe it is you who is the "newfag"

>using newfag unironically
>m-muh incredibly lazy and poorly written fanfiction!

piss the fuck off
Yeah, I guess so.
That's pretty much been my exact sentiment ever since I kind of lost faith in the writers' abilities.
They can still find nuts occasionally but I'm here for the cute ponies now.
It can only get worse once a show jumps the shark.
S3 finale was the jump.
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Tex gets it.
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I have looked /mlp/ it does not exist, we have no Tom/Pony art.

This needs to change.

Infact, Twilight Sparkle x Tom ship is perfect.

>pic related needs to happen
Lazier doesn't always mean worse, though.
every time you post this shit, I get worried about how much easier greentext is, and how it's harder for me to work on "real" stuff I've actually started than to just pop in here, see what the current's like, and say some stuff that actually goes for quite a while but just winds up gone forever
pretend your left hand doesn't belong to you
now put it over your right shoulder and embrace
that's what a friend feels like anon
Same to you two:
What if Applejack becomes an alicorn and a princess?

Man, I'd kill for an old Toonami made PMV and previews. Those were incredible.
Fuck off.
>"Well, you know how awesome she is with mechanics."
>"I may have struck a nerve and mentioned college to her."
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Those ponies sure do like chocolate!
I will firebomb Hasbro headquarters.

This is a written threat, NSA.
Thursday nights sound good.
I'm up for anytime, preferably 4 PM or 5 PM
pony should pony pony
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What if the world was made of pudding?
Just trying to speak it's language...
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I hope it's chocolate and not chocolate flavored tofu
Pony should pony you
No time, sorry. What would be a good weekday?
It's not polite to answer a question with another question
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Yep. Going right over my head.
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It's a good ground to get a lot of ideas in one space.
It's not entirely useless and in conjunction with some continuity and proper grammar could be the base of an actual story.
I don't ever read any of the sexual ones though.
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>mfw designing my first webpage on codeacademy

why did nobody tell me this stuff is so cool

can't wait until I get into the good shit
that's your queue to not even bother with it

fanfiction is stupid anyways, especially if it's not a fapfic
I give up, you're more hopeless than Pilot episode Twilight.

pretty sure Tom got wrecked by some slime monster
What if your hands were made of Hot Pockets?
Hasn't Tom died like 4 times now?
I would eat them.
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Then they also enjoy noogies, then.
Design a pony.
I think I had nightmares of "The Intruder"
It's actually a jelly donut
go fuck yourself.
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Those are my favorite.
>I know how MLPG operates.
>Because most of the OC's (That MLPG hates) that MLPG made were not made using greentext.
>Or fleshed out using it, that's dumb.
>Dumb and wrong.
>There is no dropbox filled with such stories that do not count as actual fanficiton which by law is dumb for being fanfiction.
>So such a site that does not exist is doubledumb.
Fucking Brock.

Why was he so best character.
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rarity is thhe sexiest pony in the series.
Prove me wrong.
Well if you look closely, the noogied pony is kind of wincing a bit. She's still enjoying the greeting but maybe not the act itself.
The belly rubbed pony looks like she's in a state of momentary bliss when she's getting that belly rubbed.

I submit that ponies enjoy belly rubs more than noogies.
I wish I was a kid again so I could enjoy pokemon
Pretty much any day, as long as it's around, say, 5 or 6 EST. Best days would be Wednesday or Thursday nights, I guess.
I've never written anything particularly lewd, except that one time I actually did. It was really more of a concept than anything I suppose... There were probably others too, though, that I just forgot.
Maybe I'll try outlining my story ideas, possibly in greentext. Not in here, though.
when you say stuff like this, it actually makes it easier to ignore you, because you're missing that one niggly weak spot I've got
My favourite.
All OCs are dumb.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
Nah, Tom and Ruby escaped Metal Glen and they now hug all the notes.
Fluttershy is the one who became a model
She will, they all will.
From that point on it's nothing but tea parties for them.
AJ will never work the farm again.
Pinkie will never properly party or bake again.
Dash will never go fast or do weather again.
Fluttershy will never take care of animals again.
Rarity will never make a dress again.
Twilicorn will never read a book or live in the library again.
Just tea.
Because he wasn't. Croagunk was his best pokemon though.
What did they think kids would do if they said they were rice balls?

A coffee colored stallion with shaggy white hair

His name is Rufus and his cutie mark is a pair of sunglasses because his special talent is wearing sunglasses

he works at his dad's failing sunglasses stand at the Canterlot mall

Get out.
It's the same kind of smile as when they hugged, I think it's just general happiness/laughter.
Join the Communist party and marry same-sexes
>Canterlot has no mall.
>It's a series of cardboard boxes.
if you want to piss away your time and what little skill you have with shit that can't even be considered writing

that's your problem
You are literally this mad at getting called out.
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>"Wait a sec - college?"

>"Well... yeah."

>You give Applejack the abbreviated version; finding the notebook in Applebloom's room; learning just how good she is with machines and construction, and just how much good it would do both her and the farm if she were to do something with this--
>Applejack holds up a hand, cutting you off.

>"Whoa now - hold yer horses a second, sugarcube - I think you might be gettin' ahead of yerself here."
No, I'm pretty sure it's a unicorn.
Fluttershy blew her career because she's ugly and smells like animals.
>tfw you spent years searching for those magical donuts that you later discovered were weaboocakes
They'd thank them for not misinforming their young minds
Is that a protozoa?
does any of that make greentext fanfiction actually good?

Noted. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll post the overview I mentioned ahead of time.
Omigosh omigosh It's so hard to decide.I mean jack is so sensitive, but dash is SO hot. Cant we just catch em all?
maybe it just feels pleasurable to be touched in general as a pony
maybe they have as many sensory receptors all as a human male does in his penis but proportionately all over their body
>no wings
lazy edit 0/10
Purple is the color of royalty

But of course your fullplebian mind could never understand that
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but it looks so much like a cat...
No. You get out.
It's enjoyable, and writing it is enjoyable. It's a bit of fun, like doodling stuff on napkins is fun, you know? Not necessarily serious, or even "real writing" if you want to go that far.
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At least in future episodes they edited them into cheeseburgers.
No you smell
Not mad at all. Just irritated that we told him to stop and he's still going. But I guess if he's going to keep doing it I can just filter the posts with recursive.

>called out
What? Did you think I was wrong or something? You post your greentext in the old horse if it started there, always. It's just common courtesy.

I enjoy reading it. Stop whining. People don't have to cater to your every whim.

You have a stinky butt Rainbow Dash.

Get in that water and lift that butt up.

It's time for scrubbin'
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I'd shampoo her hair and clean her wings.
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but anon, my face is all dirty!

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Cats don't have horns or manes.
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cum bath?
God fucking damnit Dash is so goddamn cute

If only she wasn't such a huge cunt.
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Why is she so perfect?
imagine thoroughly cleaning every dirt little crack and crevice on that pony
I am certain that that's part of their secret for making them so cute. When in doubt, animate like a cat.
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>it's got a little terminal thing to enter username and email account that's also kind of a lesson in itself
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why is she acting so much a cat, then?
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She hasn't been a cunt in ages
I share >>11787250 sentiments

I have no fucking clue how to process that information
You can bathe yourself dash.
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might as well offer before I go to put my stram setup away.

anyone want a vidya stram? I was gonna' stram something for a friend but then it turned out the game's online was down and will be down for a while. figured i might as well ask before I put all t his stuff away and whatnot.
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I haven't seen EG and probably never will.

It's not ponies, why would I watch it
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I don't know anon.
because she's Fluttershy
I'm pretty sure I remembered seeing somewhere that in one episode they actually drew over a rice ball to make it into a cheeseburger. I could be wrong.
She's still a kidnapping, child abusing pony.
That's a human anon.
Humans are the opposite of perfect.
Exhentai, please.
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Yes pls
What will you play?
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But she's not.

She's just brutally honest and not very tactful.
Wait, my mistake.

It was a sub sandwich.

What vidya?
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someone should tell her to act like a unicorn instead of a cat or people will make the same mistake I made.
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But there are apples in that water.
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No, she's a self-centered bitch.

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because, believe it or not, it can be as cute as ponies sometimes.
please don't bring back the memories
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Would you rather go to equestria as your human self, or a pony? You cannot change your gender

She's a horsecatunicornalicorn.
How is a Unicorn even supposed to act?
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I'd scrub that back and tummy until they shine
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what kind of apples?
human self

I ain't walking on all fours and eatin' grass.
I'm drunk so I'm everyone's friend tonight.
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I dunno, but it'd have to be on twitch. I'd probably have to revoke the offer now that I remember that.
How will ponies react to me being human?
If I become a pony will I get a cutie mark?
And she got better after.

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Can we choose what kind of pony?
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The sweet kind.
>implying I'd want to be friends with you
I'd rather be alone

With my tears
Fluttershy is cheating.

Are the rest of them any cute?
Is AJ still AJ or is she just a hick human bitch?
>He's hugging me...!
>Anon is hugging me!
That depends
How loose are you feeling tonight?
then why does she act like a dog so much
>"Uh, getting ahead of myself?"
>You motion a hand towards the general area of Appleblooms bedroom.
>"I think I beat myself to the finish line..."
>Breathing in the coffee smell in the room you sigh.
>"She has more potential in that tool box than most pros..."
>You take a sip and chuckle.
>"I guess I made a real mess for myself because of this."
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Aj is kinda cute

>on twitch
Worst possible thing.
How big are ponies compared to humans? This is important.

She's preparing for her cameo in LPS.
This picture is kind of making me want to watch it after all.
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Twilight was legitimately adorkable.

AJ was there.
Yes, but you cannot be an alicorn

Seeing how they come to accept every other sentient species, I assume they might be frightened at first, but once they figure out you're not a monster, they won't care.
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like this
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yeah, it's the worst thing in the world. worse than hitler.
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How big do you like them?

That fucking face.
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this big
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baw, i would hug her
tried looking for a reference..does she have a cutiemark?
yes anon
penis goes into vagina
twily happy
>That gif.
Okay, I chuckled.
Oh fuck yeah
I'm being a birdpony
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Hey, maybe we could get a stream happening!
no, she's a little filly
the CMC are her worst nightmare

The worst that happens is you not liking it.

as a whole, it feels like a slightly above average episode of the show. barring a rather dumb end.
About that size probably.

That's too big. I'd prefer to be a pony in that case.
Hopefully just small enough that my dick pushes aside their internal organs
I don't think she has a cutie mark (yet?), maybe not at all
people were playing around with it just being a simple flower or like 2 shutters closed
's being way too generous to EG.
Honest answer is, if we are assuming ft in show=ft on earth, 3'8~ roughly stomach height on some people who are in the 5 ft range.

needs a dick
Pinkie micro>Rarity micro>>>>Rainbow micro>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fluttershy micro>Twilight micro

Ranked by which ones actually felt like they could have been episodes.

I prefer my ponies twice this size. That way they can give the perfect hugs when they stand on their hind legs.
I believe they're actually about the same size, ponies being a couple inches longer.
>Updating blog.gif
Wait. Spike At Your Service was episode 10 of S3? I could have sworn it was one of the last 3 of the season.
No, I mean the awesomeface.
Twilight micro felt like a rejected episode more than the fluttershy one.
GPP/JFS was basically a two-parter and MMC was the end.

episode 9
No, I think Just for Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play came after it.
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Seems like they stop being 'little' at that point.
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You're not exactly far off
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I'm okay with this
I know she's not a pony, but I'd do anything to run my fingers in her hair and just fell it.
Actual ponies are still much larger than twice your pony size
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I think I'd be kinda weirded out by their giant heads at that point.
What about her pubic hair
It's probably full of candy and very sticky.
Fuck, I meant to say Just For SideKicks was episode 8, and I thought it was one of the last 3 of the season.

Wasn't it, though? Is Wikipedia lying to me?
Are you talking about these?
No they're not.
He's actually very close.
Perfect pony size is when their heads reach your waist line. Not because of sexual but because their proportions seem the best relative to humans at that size. Otherwise their head would be really big.
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Now look I'm all for ponies
but it's very late. Do you think maybe we should sleep instead?
/r/ rarity dance pls
This is actually what I look out for when I draw humans and ponies. I just don't want their heads to be too big.
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sleep, much like sanity, is for the weak
>Off-grey ponies.gif
Thanks, anon.
Just imagine, Great Pyrenees sized ponies
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Simply perfect.
Oh lordy, the nostalgia
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Pink and grey Anon, pink and grey.
>pink and grey
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What does Sombra taste like?

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But what of...smaller pones.
CinemaSnob needs to do more horror films and less pornos.
That's nice m8
When you were designing your not so careful plan, did you consider creating a grimderp personality for yourself to go along with your shit colour scheme ot did you simply forget that part?
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Crystal Geyser
Chips and Salsa.
That's a really small couch
Is twilight okay?
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>you will never have a little pony that would be happy to be called yours
>not wanting to be the pony
Hey, Pinkie, come on. Come back, please.

If you give my frenulum a tongue-handshake, I'll be your best friend forever.
Twilight Sparkle Equipment

>Weapon - Spell Books, Scrolls
>Head - Ribbons, Hair Bands, Tiaras
>Body - Dresses, Robes
>Accessory - Bracelets, Rings, Pendants
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don't feel bad, ponk

It's just that I wasn't born to be happy or have friends
Andrea Libman's birthday is on the 19th

We should make a card or something.
>>you will never
I will never read this
that guy is just huge, look at the couch
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That's for faggots and weak willed losers.
s-stop it anon
Only if we can put porn and a 9/11 joke on it.
>one anon ruins my Pinkie hugs

>Lyra is the neckbeardiest and crustiest of all the ponies and is looked down upon like 4chan looks down upon ribbit

Do you still want to take her in?
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>you will never realize what you missed out on

>"You kinda did, there..."
>She sighs heavily, before looking looking at you with an expression you're not quite sure how to read.
>"As much as I'd love to see my baby sister go to college, I don't think it's an option for us. Them schools are expensive..."
>She lowers her voice, leaning toward you.
>"...and between us, it's hard enough payin' back loans when they're for the farm."
>"Yer heart's in the right place, sugarcube... but there's other things you gotta think about too."
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Can female ponies grow neckbeards?
Lyra's reminds me of no more heros

I want to cuddle those two at once.
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Goodnight MLPG.
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Late night Sunday night.

Where is your pone at?
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She looks and seems alright to me. Sure, why not.

Besides, she's a real fun pone.
>quadruple lightsaber
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She's in my bed.

>Twilight sleeps next to her giant horse dildo.png
Jesus Twi, pretty lazy going to bed at like 8:00 PM.
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she damn well tries
I have dibs on the blue one, actually, but you're welcome to share
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You don't say?
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I always hated the way Reaver titans looked.
She's working right now.
When I must go to work she'll go to bed.
We don't speak much, I need to find a third shift job somewhere.
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The pony equivalent of a neckbeard is fuzz
That's kinda cute.
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I'm looking at some of his videos, all those memories

I saw Big O. Has anybody ponified Dorothy, yet? Can't seem to find anything.
I'm pretty okay with fuzzier ponies.
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She just gets more and more adorable.
Lyra gets really caught up in emotions. While others are upset when their cakes get eaten, she flat out cries.
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I don't see a shotgun or sniper rifle anywhere in this image.
I named my Linux box Dorothy after her.

I bet Lyra is a total army bandwagoner who switched to chaos the moment the heldrake faq hit.
Good job saving the wrong version of that image anon
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I like me some fuzzy, sassy ponies.
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Goodnight, MLPG.

I'm off to dream of other worlds. Maybe ponies will be a part of them.

Of course, I'll always have to wake up eventually.
Literally disgusting
I'ma gonna rub that belly
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oh gosh I'm so sorry anon
>MLPG gets turned into pretty mares
>they all keep their aspie neckbeard voices
This is my nightmare now
It has a tail dock. It gets a pass.
Don't diss the master of butts
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She runs an army with tyberos the red wake and marneus calgar for maximum hand based rape
No, fuck those, the ponies on the show don't have them.
>master of
so what coding language(s) should I dedicate time to learning?
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Happy now?
please princess, please let her be happy tonight
Oh shit

Can I run

Twi pls don't be mad
They actually do you just don't usually see them
Remember when Snips and Snails had their tails shaved off?
>you'll never rimjob dash
machine code

What's the fucking point of running Tyberos and Calgar together? Calgar's rule only affects units with combat tactics and Tyberos replaces that with chapter tactics.

Oh you were making a handjoke.
what he said
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Last night I really wanted to dream of ponies
instead I had a nightmare that was not even pony in the slightest. So, I'm going to stay up late and pony and learn to code so I can live in my wizard tower all day and not have to leave it to work
I'm just learning them in the order codeacademy's doing, man. HTML currently, whatever next. Might skip Java, because I think /g/ says it forms bad habits or something
I'll be a real hacker someday I bet
What if David Hayter voiced a pony?
I hear he's looking for work.
He's not, it's a conspiracy.
Would he be a hero or a villain?
He has played both as Solid and Big Boss.

>he has played as both solid and big boss

No fucking shit? Anyone who knows who David Hayter is knows he voiced that.

That's like enlightening someone that Sean Connery played James Bond if the only thing Connery was notable for was James Bond.
>If I just learn the basics of a variety of programming languages I'll be a hacker
Just skip a step and download some skiddie scripts now
I would want to see mark hamil do a voice first

Partially because he is an excellent voice actor and partially to balance out john de lancie
I like ECmajor for his technical skills but not for his subject matter.
just like Celestia!
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I want Weird Al to do a voice.
>implying I'd want to be friends with that one, either
I'm a bitter, bitter man.
Eh, I'd put it differently.

I think he's very technically skilled but his artistic style is quite off-putting.
He has mad skills at molesting real horses.
Ponies on the show don't have vaginas either so why don't you throw a hissy fit on every pornographic pony image ever?
Twilights Dad
If you are taking calgar, you have clearly given up all hope of winning anyways. Might as well commit to glorious failure.

Pones this size are perfect for sexually.
Poor, sad little Pank. Surely Princess Twily hugs can cheer her up.

If they don't have vaginas then how do you explain Mrs Cake giving birth?
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She's not there for you
I hope Princess Twily throws her in the dungeon just because she can.
The stork.

Calgar isn't that bad. For the obligatory land raider priced character in every book he brings a lot to the table.

He's more useful in general than Abaddon for instance.
The hell would she get sad about anyways. Why would she give a fuck about some sad random?
what does it feel like ti be a pony and also to hug a pony?

>he didn't see the special extended version where we see footage of the birth.
>Not magic mirrors
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So that's what having friends looks like

L-looks dumb.
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All a dock is the pony's fleshy tail, and they have them.
Jokes on you, my lovely baritone will sound hilarious coming out of a pretty mare's mouth will be fucking hilarious
I'll be a VA, just like Bon Bon
The hacker thing was a joke, but I always hear this, and I never understand it. Is it a joke? Wouldn't learning the actual bits of at least some language be better than ripping off actual scripts people have already made? Or am I supposed to be a script kiddie for a while, then edit them once I've somehow osmosisize the computer know-how?
Abbadon can kill many times his weight though, it's crazy just how killy he is, even if his utility is lacking.
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something something show
That looks like that's a comforting hug.
Nopo please shut up.
I was taking a jab at Big Boss being a villain, not stating his roles.
Thank you

you warmed a bitter heart today
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>a cute mare will never play with your hair
Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows
Thanks Twilight, Pinkie didn't deserve that FROM SUCH A RUDE ANON
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that is a very round horse
Of course its' good to know the languages yourself, but it won't automatically enable to you do amazing stuff with it. I mean, it's like thinking that taking English courses will make you into Shakespeare. You have to have the right mindset and talents.
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R-Rarity? What are those strange noises coming from your room? Are you hurt?
We have been posting for 3 years together. WE know next to nothing about each other. Well, let's start.

Hi, my name is Anonymous. I like My Little Pony.
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So can Calgar. Sure Marneus loses to abby in a straight up fight but he's no slouch with powerfists and a powersword in tandem, combined with decent shooting capability AND the buffs he provides.

Plus Calgar benefits from being in a book that can actually deliver him into close combat, as well as the presence of hammernaters.
But to follow that analogy, that's like saying ripping off Shakespeare for long enough would make you a good writer as well... which some might think of as true, I guess. Am I getting this right?
Hi, my name is Anonymous. I like My Little Pony.

Holy shit I thought I was the only one!

I to enjoy cartoon ponies.
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I don't believe her.

She has some kind of alternative motive.
Calgar can only hold his own against one or 2 tough guys. Abby can take on crowds with all the attacks he can put out.

I'll concede on the delivery argument.
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>I like My Little Pony
Isn't that a show for little girls, Anonymous? Are you little girls?
I don't think anyone claims that using other peoples' scripts will make you a great hacker. But using Shakespeare's writing is more efficient than learning to write poetry yourself if you're just trying to quickly put out some good poetry for a specific purpose.
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7/10 kinda cute
>tfw LK is making you like bug-women
You know, these don't really look like swords
I actually kind of like your proportions of horses better than the show's.
I doubt that they are moot
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You're not an artist, what would you know?
Sometimes, I wish I was.
I love you.
My name is Chris and I am plagued by various intense paraphilia that I have tried and failed to supress for a very long time

It's ruining me
I can't believe you.
>You're not an artist
that may be but they still don't look like swords
Back at you anon~
They are pretty good
I wish he would draw that dragon girl more though
She was adorable
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You don't draw swords, what would you know?
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right back at cha'!
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How about buster swords?
I've never gotten "keyblades".

They're not blades at all. They're just big keys with handles that you swing at people.
I've never gotten Kingdom Hearts at all. It's a weeaboo Disney adventure?
Keyclub didn't sound as cool

They were implemented because they were more kid friendly than straight up swords.

Kingdom Hearts is retarded. Just accept that and move on. Don't analyse it.
It's perfect when you think about it
Not even a Master Sword?
Why would Luna's sword look like that?
Really, why?

You know what her sword would look like? It'd look like a normal longsword with the hilt being in the shape of a crescent moon and the grip being purple and ribbed and the pommel being a dark sphere.

It does not take an artist to say "These don't really look like swords" because they fucking don't they look like themed dildos.

To be fair some of them get pretty vicious looking and sword like later on.
To be fair, you'd have to try pretty hard to make a keyblade actually, well, a blade.
welcome to Kingdom Hearts
It's a game where the various Disney IPs are unique worlds you can visit and you play as a generic Final Fantasy weeaboo tween, yes.

It seemed pretty fun but I never finished it.
>you'd have to try pretty hard
That's negative for any weapon, not a positive.
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Why don't they just call it a keymace or a keyhammer?
That's why you either use a damn mace, or just make a sword.
Daily reminder that Lightning will save the day in KH3.
Well anon, that's the key point of Kingdom Hearts.

>"They have scholarships, though-"

>She sighs, rubbing her eyes.

>"But how much would those even cover, if she could even get 'em?"
Who is that
Star Wars
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Would you stick you keyblade in the pony lock hole?
Maybe she could join the Reserve Officer Training Ponies and get everything paid for like I did.

Unless she quits early and ends up with massive debt like I did
depending on the scholarship...all of it.
Why would I want to fuck a whore?

That's like asking me if I'd really want to eat at a McDonalds on the highway.
But there are no STDs in Equestria
what's the harm? It'll only cost a few bits.
Well at least she doesn't smell?
She might
Because she's loose and floppy and doesn't give a damn about me.
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How badly? She had better take a bath.
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>loose and floppy
anon these ponies don't wear out
>doesn't give a damn about me.
well if that's your thing, but she seems caring too me
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That faint blush makes it.

And that little bit of fuzz.

And butt.
That's pretty neat.
very yes.
she smells like cheap perfume and crushed dreams
You're naive and possibly autistic. Good for you, but I'm still not putting my dingus in no whore. I'd rather jack off for the rest of my life.
She smells like fresh salsa and lime
pretty rank by pony standards
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here's the lewd colored version if you want
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that hurt
Aw, look, I have nothing against whores. I just think that people who resort to them are worse than people who buy dakimakuras.
>pony prostitute
>Cutie mark for whoring
>love your work honestly
>and your customers hard
I would never personally buy one.
I was entertaining the idea that maybe they aren't so bad in Equestria.
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are there any ponos here today
Imagine being her dad on the day she gets her mark
They are.

Everything seedy on Earth is just as seedy in Equestria.

Get over it.
>worse than people who buy dakimakuras
what if it's just a body pillow, as in a body pillow that's rectangular with a regular pillow cover? What then?
Happy Canada Day!
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The night does not recognize your pononos
we ate all the ponos
If you ever use it as if it's a person, then it's the same as if its' a dakimakura.

And I say that as someone who's used a bodypillow as if its a person. As if it's a pony, actually. It's a long and confusing story actually.
Then I bet those people are pretty comfy.

Remember, these stories are humanized.
What if they buy hooker dakimakuras?
>And I say that as someone who's used a bodypillow as if its a person. As if it's a pony, actually. It's a long and confusing story actually.
something tells me you're not talking about just hugging it while you sleep
>Fluttershy in the fashion industry
>Doesn't starve herself or fuck the agent to get in
>no drugs
>allowed to leave whenever, no contracts
Just Luna and she's busy.
All other pones are asleep.

I had rape fantasies with her.

Good little lieutanants obey their COs whims.
can i pet her
Oh. I wasn't paying attention.

Hope Applebloom is ready for some debt to her nation, then.
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I must take her to bed.
She's been acting up again.
Yes but you better keep your hands above the equator.
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it's fucking July
So it's Christmas?
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>tfw no purple pony to hug
How sad is it that the only reason I noticed was that the archive rolled over?
Who drew this
What is this "it" you speak of?
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It's the time of the year for LOVE.
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>Batman said the same thing before I put him to bed, he was much more difficult.
Someone who frequently draws shit like captured batpony guards being ravished by hulking diamond dogs

AKA a hero
I thought that was Spring
and I thought it was dead already

I know

but who
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I like his style a lot
I quoted the wrong person

I blame alcohol

Just for the record
Go away piss
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His style is pretty great.
We've survived 15 months since this board was created.

We'll survive.
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>Flash Sentry really adds more life to Twilights character. With the added love interest Twilight Sparkle will be even more relate-able than what she already is.

Also do these people not realize that the script for S4 is already finalized?
If I'm not mistaken, Season 4 is already done. These things are produced long before they're aired
I'm not going there, but if it's what I think it is I want every one of them to be hit by a lorry on their way to work tomorrow.
>these people even work
>don't care about Twilight
>know what would happen if he comes back

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Are there any stories regarding anon keeping a pony as a pet? One that doesn't focus too much on sex, but has that same level of fearfulness in that picture without going overboard (i.e, beating for the sake of beating)?
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And now you just look silly
how can you look at that picture and not assume the pony got fucked
She said FS would do something awesome too.
It never happened.
Where's that image of Wallflower making the decoration?
Poor, poor July.
Thread soundtrack
How do I copy a drawfag's style without people noticing?
Oh, I'm pretty sure she got fucked, alright.

I'm just asking if there's a story where fucking isn't the main focus or is abundant throughout.
Darf knows the score.

Seriously, I'm pretty sure all pet-fantasites, "nonsexual" or not, are based in sexuality. Whether you realize it or not, "pet" fantasies are sexual in nature. Get used to it already.
Hnnng, i know
She's so fat and adorable
the second you involve another person/being in the word 'fantasy', something is sexual

there's a fluttershy pet story that has a few chapters without sex, but i don't think that counts

>She's quiet for a moment, pensively looking out the window as the sun goes down outside.

>"This... this' gettin' a bit much for me, sugarcube. If I'd-a known THIS is what you was fightin' about, I probably wouldn't've asked..." she says, quietly, before looking back to you.

>"All I can rightly say is...I got my thoughts and opinions... but when it comes down to it, it's Applebloom's decision... and it sounds like her mind's made up."
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What's that about batpony.
Sex is always about dominance, but dominance isn't always about sex.
>Sex is always about dominance
Well, naturally, "fantasy" itself is a subjective concept.

but I'm pretty sure that, when you involve another sentient being as a "pet" of yourself, it's pretty obviously a sexual thing.
Ugly but EP art inspires me to draw action oriented stuff.

Too bad you never post it when I'm in the mood.
>I'll make my partner cum first, then be on top
It's my fantasy to eat icecream and high-five Vin Diesel.
>dominance isn't always about sex
As someone with great interest in biology, them's fighting words.
and how hard would your dick be while doing so?
>the second you involve another person/being in the word 'fantasy', something is sexual
I don't know if I want to play D&D with you very much, darf
Her first customer!
half chub, I guess.
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Let's put it this way.

Not all sexual things need to involve the D.
You have some pretty literally autistic playing partners
interest doesn't mean you know anything about it

I have a great interest in sex, for instance.
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Wait who
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Oops. I meant is this how you draw a sword?
Nigga what are you even talking about.
Good style, horrible lines. Everything is uneven scratches
Everyone calm down and have sex with a pony.
Public prostituion and prisoner sex are my fetishes
>tfw you'll never have maximum autism and get people from the internet to pay all your bills
On Hit: Enemy hears Pinkie Pie talking for 5 turns.
I bet you'll cowards dont even smoke crack.
those are both kind of unf
i'm not sure i get the second one though
like, they're in prison and having sex with each other
or like, a guard forces an inmate to suck his dick?

>the one time using a big fluffy messy fabric would actually work
>they do this

Dennis pls
Does anyone have [lemon]'s batpony reporter?
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If I remember right, that's supposed to be what she'd look like either going to the gala or having her picture taken by Photo Finish.
I'm afraid she was captured and raped by diamond dogs, anon.
What, a nigga can't play some silly hack'n'slash campaign with his chums without bringing up how much we want to bang elves?
>literally autistic
Now see, that's just rude. If you hadn't said that, I'd have assumed you were joking.
Well can I get his tumblr?
I uh
need the evidence.

No but really I was just rusing you.
Like this
Honestly it would probably take me as long to google his name and give it to you as for you to just find it yourself.
>1% chance
Considering I'm finding five other pony artists by the name of Lemon, I'd think you, actually being familiar with his art, would know more.
>prisoner sex

liveleak videos of actual prison rape ruined the prison rape fetish for me
>sucking dick through bars
Triple unf extreme smackdown
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>You don't draw swords, what would you know?
sometimes I draw swords
How exactly does one get a prison rape fetish?
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>tfw no corey dragon maid to clean your place
>Prison Sex

That's fine
>Can only imagine two bikers going at it
Not fine
AAAaaaaaah, thought so. Ya got me.
Time to go to sleep I guess
how does one get any fetish?
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I went back to /v/ for the first time in months, and every thread on the front page had at most a thin thread connecting it to vidya. It was shit like reaction face threads, aliment threads, feel threads, a thread devoted to painting squares of an image, and a discussion about pacific rift. Is it just summer or have my perception about /v/ changed?
learning html stopped being fun because making a table with images and wrapping each image in a hyperlink is like building a FUCKING ROCKET SHIP

but I'm addicted to this shit

does it get better
>Get curious
>look it up
>"Prison rape is no laughing matter"
>video has laugh tracks in the background
>he didn't play cops and robbers as a kid
>winner gets a blowjob
The dominance and the forced sub does it for me
i think its mostly people dont know what actual prison rape is and they think its just fun sex for all

I hear you're born with a foot fetish
/v/ is /b/
/vg/ is /v/
How does one get the word 'fun' from the words 'prison' and 'rape' put together?
when there is no videogame news there is nothing to discuss so the board turns into a chat room, like how mlpg is.
that's what it is for most fetishes like that. It's the idea, not the actual act that's exciting.
Sounds like business as usual for /v/ - Random
I'm sure there are people who find acutal vore exciting
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>Pacific Rim vidya
aw shit
>what if 2-player co-op
oh baby
this had better wind up existing or I'll be cross with you for posting notpone
Yeah, but soft vore still exists for a reason.
There is plenty of vidya news. It has just gotten to the point that /v/ can't even enjoy schadenfreude and instead wants to be /b/ without admitting it. At least MLPG is one thread instead of an entire board.