Last time on MLPG>>11752377What if the show pulled a rule 63 episode?
>>11756051what should her facial expression be?Sexy, cartoonish etc.>Pic-related muh expression
>>11756588What if your waifu pulled my dick?!
What would femFeatherweight even be??
>>11756594How about we watch some Crocodile Hunter?
>>11756611None of it is real, the ponies are all in your head.
>cosplay coordinatorthat's a thing? NOW
would you join the equestrian military
Cosplay contest starting, some fat internet guy is hosting.
>>11756631I miss Monsters Inside Me
>>11756623Morbidly obese
>>11756623she would be anorexic
>>11756623Stacy Keibler
>>11756634>best 2 ponies front and centreas it should be
What the fuck is the appeal of snips and snails?They're ugly, stupid, Neanderthalish colts.What the fuck.
>>11756644No, I'm a pacifist
>>11756654>tfw no qt image
>>11756656But anon that IS the appeal.
>>11756631It would be pretty heart warming to see Fluttershy's reaction to the Animal Planet channel.
>>11756644Yes.I would guard Sunhorse with my life using my natural magic resistances
Why is EG Rarara so perfect?
>>11756656Hey man I'm completely with you. Just not usual vocal about it.
>>11756588I would be curious if they Hasbro would use the typical fannames for the R63 mane 6 (Dusk Shine/Elusive/Applejack/Butterscotch/Rainbow Blitz/Bubble Berry)I certainly wouldn't mind it.
>>11756656I would adopt them in a heartbeat
>>11756641fuck everything about Fiesta Equestria and its shitty dubstep
>>11756623Still an ugly pony.
So majestic!
>>11756678Isn't that like not how 4 legged creatures walk?
>>11756617Anyone, I'm stuck on an expression.
>>11756685She's the only white one.
>>11756694why is Fluttershy fallen over on a golf course in the winter?
>still waifuing horsesman mlpg you're so behind the times
>>11756656unf unf I want to fuck a dumb little boy unf
>loli cosplaying
>>11756702>precocious little whore
Should I buy a horse mask?
>>11756641How does one work this shit, I never go into streams.A direct link would really be appreciated.
>>11756741>precocious little whores
>>11756685She's not, since she's not pone.Only pone is perfect.
>>11756741pankpone stop
>>11756728>waifuing animals>waifuing animals' wives
Does twilight sparkle
Anyone who doesn't think Snips and Snails are cute needs to look up the definition of cute.
>>11756784About as much as Rainbow Dash
>>11756741Fuck off
>>11756784Does twilight sparkle what?
>>11756799And then what should I do?
>>11756685There are plenty of reasons.
>>11756728>waifuing farm animals
>>117567991. Attractive in a pretty or endearing way.2. Sexually attractive.I like Snips and Snails but hahah no
You are now Gilda's personal bitch. Wut do?
>>11756815>fat chicks
>>11756806does she?
>>11756728She's too good for her deadbeat husband
>>11756799does anyone actually like their voices?
>>11756845Become impersonal
>>11756728>waifuing another man's wife
>>11756830>waifuing a half-breed
>>11756874>blagalagalaga blublublu blagala blu blu
So who's up for some awful streaming later tonight
>>11756868>Break-it Bob's friend expresses incredulity.gif
>4 yr old
>>11756885>waifuing a one-shot who will never be seen again
>>11756898So you're going to draw?
>>11756885>waifuing one-shot characters
>>11756900I call mines "Saying melons to Trip"
>le doctor hooves :8)
>>11756845Hold her under the water until the bubbles stop.
>>11756898what are you gonna draw?
>>11756858do you have the comic with the sharks
>>11756898We're having some awful streaming right now
>>11756912>>11756920>crusin' this hard for a bruisin'
>>11756898We already awful stream
>>11756924tell me when it's over pleaseI couldn't deal with the accentsalso any pics of r63 Luna because unf
>>11756728>Not wanting the threesome
>>11756728I would deck Cyrus and then rape him while his wife watches to display dominance
>>11756936>crusin' for a bruisin'>not "cruisin' for a rusein'"
>Rarity has the biggest buttThere was ever any doubt?
>>11756936>waifuin a one shot and keeping another one shot on the side to fantasize about as a futa
>>11756924>actual canon character
>>11756952stop posting non pony, faggot
>Americans doing British accents
>>11756931this one?
>>11756963Don't forget an OC too.
>>11756968>Peanus doing an American accent
>>11756969yeah but that's the cropped version
Daily reminder that Twilight only likes guys that play the guitar and have a car
>>11756913Yeah, in a couple of hours. I'm just finishing this drafting thing and then I'll try to draw some requests or work on the pinup thing>>11756933I'll wait until it's over then
>>11756968 REVERSE
>>11756961but does she enjoy analthat is the question
>>11756967if it has hooves it's good enough for me
>>11756965It's only canon because of you autistic chucklefucks pushing your retarded fanon.I wish anything canonically referencing that God awful show or character to be redacted like Derpy.
>>11756989I'm down
>>11756969>MT plays Animal Crossing
>>11756980He's waifuing an OC now?Wait, did he like milky?
>>11756963>keeping another one shot on the side to fantasize about as a futawait a minute I forget who this one is
>>11756730Easier to take advantage of?
>>11756989>Hi.>I'm not very big.>But I was hoping we could be friends anyways...
>>11756999That's low, faggot. Derpy was in the show from the beginning and isn't a reference to fucking anything. She's just a victim of the tumblr social justice brigade.
>>11756693Hope you're financially stable.
>>11756999"We" didn't push jack shit.
>>11756968>british people doing Amrican accents.
>>11757007>having so many waifus you forget some
>>11757031All British people can do spot on American accents though
>>11757003He used to waifu Milky and/or Red
>>11757038Why was that worth screen capping?
>>11757031>Diamond dog people doing zebra accents
>>11757043He does bothAnytime rediv posts in the thread he replies to at least one of her posts
>gamer Tia
>>11757038I literally have one actual waifu and I've been committed ever since she first appeared
>>11757031I know somebody who does a pretty good one, actually.Laurie's is top notch though, seriously.
>>11757035Kids these days.
>>11756993enjoy?she has a permanent gape
>>11757049To bring up whenever he's here.
>>11757061I never got into any of the dragon quest games besides Joker.Which one was the best one?
>>11757074But most of the posters here seem to want to suck a dick, it's not really a secret.
>>11757038I didn't know my problem was this severe>>11757059Is uh... is that a bad thing?
>>11757075That's worth screencapping
>>11757085DQ 3 and 8
>>11757070kids these daysthey don't know
>>11757072I wonder if that makes poops easier
>>11757041You're thinking of Australians.
>>11757092Everything about you is bad, Appledan
>>11757065Mah fucking nigga. Loyal Rarifag since season 1 and that's not about to change.
>>11757092It makes you look like a fucking stalker
>>11757065Rarifag hereSame.
>>11757109What if she started to make raunchy puns and wink at the camera?
>>11756669my godi'd lick those legs like they were lollipops
>>11757092>"he needs 350 CCs of candy pony semen STAT!"
>>11757101her farts are completely silent, i'll tell you that much
>>11757128>pony>producing zebra levels of semen
>>11757100This generation.They don't know.
>>11757111>talking to an artist you admire whenever she's here makes you look like a stalkerI watch her streams and talk to her there sometimes too, hoo boy I must have one hell of an obsession
>>11757122Rarity would NEVER conduct herself in such a way.
>>11756858Whoa nowWhere is this from?
>>11757118>>11757109but rarity is likely to be the least loyal waifu
I want Cheerilee to rape me anally daily after class.
>>11757162spending copious amounts of time here discussing pony smut with your name on doesn't help your case
Your'e in a bar with your waifu and sudenly these guys show up and slap her ass. What do?
>>11757164Oh, there's lots of things Rarity would do under the right set of circumstances.
>>11757182AppleDan is kind of a faggot but it could be worse. There's more terrible people to rag on.
>>11757183Double Dash is best Mario KartProve me wrong.
>>11757182Alright jeeze, sometimes I just don't take it off because i'm too lazy.
>>11757155What do you think pony sperm banks are for?
>>11757183blue shell
>>11757209I guess...Speaking of which, you're a huge fucking faggot and a waste of space, anon.
>>11757179she won'tyou fatty
>>11757205>>11757206she's the slutiest pony in the cast
>>11757175the inflatechan animal crossing thread
>>11757217racing transformed
>>11757222For artificial insemination, of course.
>>11757205>>11757206Waifu Loyalty OrderAJ>Fluttershy>Dash>Twilight>Rarity>Pinkie
>>11757183join in the fun
>>11757195All ponies have a price.Rarity's is just the lowest.
>>11757234We've never seen her in an actual relationship.
>>11757240That's just what they WANT you to think.
>>11757224well not a complete-ok
>>11757234>>11757241you can't get citations on any of the pony's loyalty, though, except Dash, who's canonically loyal, because we've never seen any of them in a relationship
>>11756691no, dusk shine is a terrible name and no one should use it.
>>11757254>>11757267she's the one who's lusted the most for dicks
>>11757279what would you call him anon?
>>11757250I will pay Rarararara.... With my semen.
>>11757279Is there a better name?
>>11757072That's just disgusting.
>>11757124i want to slather them with honey barbecue sauce and lick them clean
>>11757232I'm actually not, somehow.I'm weak and pathetic, but not fat.
anyone know a good horse related joke
>>11757287Twilight Sparkle
>>11757284She's never lusted after a dick, though.Even Blue Blood's
>>11757303Fluttershy, but don't tell anyone, she's ashamed of that part of the family tree.
>>11757238>LKGod damn it I should have guessedThat last picture of Reese...
>>11757303Fluttershy is a decent pony 89% of the time
>>11757314she kinda didshe said she would accept his marriage proposal and those ponies aint just cuddling on that honeymoon
>>11757346That's a really undetailed scene, even for this show's standards.
>>11757346GOOD RIP WHERE?
>>11757295>>117573092/10 would not put on a trading card and sell with a tiny pony figurine
>>11757347Is that a helicopter in the background?
>>11757386How aboutMidday Shimmer?
Beach episode when?
>>11757382That was from a preview trailer.
>>11757320If only he'd do one that size for Isabelle
The storm continued to escalate, the winds blowing the rain sideways and tearing at Calamity hard enough that we were stopping every hour to give him rest. Even flying, our progress had become achingly slow as Calamity continuously fought to correct our course as the wind blew us off our path. I hated seeing him work so hard for us.
>>11757346i want to molest twilight's unconscious body
>>11757409What kind of a name is that?
>>11757409Okay, that one sounds pretty good. You got another one?
>download the 3 "best" looking camrips from YT>all turn out to be the same damn rips with different names
>>11757419>SidenThere's about 3 people wanting to be Atryl now, at least
What's George Lopez doing at a pony con?
does sex even feel goodor does nothing compare to your own hand and a collection of your favorite porn
>>11757421>>11757449>tfw want to draw stallions more but afraid of people calling me a braeburned wannabe
>>11757459Stupidest Comment of 2013
>>11757419the fuck is wrong with that kid's face?
>>11757459sex with ponies is incredible
I don't get Dragons
>>11757414I will. Just haven't arrived there, yet.
>>11757428Not really.And I 'stole' that name from an old fic Snarky did a long time agoSpeaking of him, the hell has he been?
>>11757467Because you are.
>>11757467As long as you don't draw them with a melting face you'll be okay
I'm going to marry Spike!
>>11757467do it
>>11757467follow your dreams anon, your horsedicks will be the horsedicks that pierce the heavens
>>11757467>want to draw stallionsWell by all means go f->afraid to be called braeburnWell then don't copy his tutorial to the fucking T you mongoloid.
>>11756694>Fluttershy slips on the ice>Can't get back to her hooves>just kinda lays there for a while>"I guess I didn't really have anything important to do today..."
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
>>11757472They want to get you, though.
>>11757459Depends on how long you've been fucking her.After ten years it's better to just masturbate.
>>11757483No idea
>>11757510go away moot
>>11757513I'm not gay, but there's something about Spike's cum.
>>11757481no that's some other guy
>>11757597You could always use imgur BCS
dead show, dead fandom.time to go get new pastimes everyone
>>11757505This fits Fluttershy well.
Post underrated ships that you like.
>>11757510But then what could I do to bring a smile to my face if I can't have little ponies.
>>11757609Then why am I still here?
>>11757627>broniest ship>underratedlel 2011 called anonthey want it back
>>11757609I said go away moot
>>11757615steam boats are pretty cool
>>11757638>lel 2011 called anonCan you tell me not to spend 2 years in mlpg
>>11757609Is the piss trying to kill us again?
>>11757615>tfw Ships that sail in the night
>>11757111he doesn't seem like one to me
>>11757638AnonI have no idea what popular brony ships are anymore. I only go here and watch episodes. And as you've demonstrated it is an underrated mlpg ship.
>>11757668HI! When did you get here? How are you?
>>11757653I am okay with this.
>>11757685Whoa there sugarcube
>>11757668>>11757685Not even a minute.
>>11757672Flutterdash seems to be the top ship these days.Man, I remember when it was Twidash and Pinkiedash..
>>11757701even I know thats not the real AppleDan
>>11757627>appledash>underrated HAHAHAHAHHAHA
>>11757705>Flutterdash seems to be the top ship these days.Truly this is a golden age
>tfw accidentally squeeze your balls too hard
>>11757615>short hair Twilight
>>11757719But can you see why anon likes the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
So apparently I cracked my head doing pushups when my dog pushes my arm out from under me on the floor and now I can't think straight and it hurts to look this what a concussion is
>>11757732it's over rated if anything
>>11757733>tfw your balls itch so you scratch them>it feels fucking good but at the same time it makes them itch more>dont know if you want to stop or keep scratching
Is there any good art of big mac with pubic hair?
>>11757754What's your current mood?What are you listening to?
>>11757754>cant think straightbut anon you were already gay before
>>11757653>>11757689>>11757692>McInDasheh, could be worse
>>11757761>tfw you itch them raw and they sting until they finally scab over>tfw you keep accidentally picking the scab because they won't stop itchingI should shower more often.
what am i doing in this thread
Fluttershy is worst pony for shipping and she is the most likely pony to die alone.
>>11757692And then Rainbow jumped off and Mac was crushed to death under heavy machinery
>>11757754Simple testFind a mirror, look into it, then shift from one foot to the other while staring into your own eyes.
>>11757771i don'tasmr to help make the pain go away
>>11757776>Mac In Dashunf
>>11757776Well the pic I posted had Twilight imagining it as R63...
>>11757786Lone druid Flutter is best Flutter
>>11757672my dA followers voted for DerpyHoovesXDoctorHooves as top ship
>>11757798that's my favorite
>no rarijack
>>11757805now put googly eyes on it
>>11757802that's a cute shipIt doesn't make a lot of sense but I could see a chain of events leading Apple Bloom introducing Zecora to Big Mac so kinda
>>11757811>listening to DA users
>>11757811>DerpyHoovesXDoctorHooves as top shiphow does that even fucking work
>>11757653I-Is that a new Tess picture?
>>11757811jesus, what horrible people
>>11757821Because that's gay as fuck.
>>11757821he said underrated that's like the 2nd most popular
>tfw everyone is ded
>>11757821That's not really underrated and has been popular since S1 I think.
>>11757821he said underrated
>>11757821>underratedRarijack is understandably well rated
>>11757811BCS, you draw that zebra twins/spike image, right?
>>11757834it's from the last friend off
>>11757821>not overrated as fuck>implying Rarity would be seen with a filthy mudhorse.
>>11757843You made me this way.You could have stopped it.
>>11757821Rarijack has fallen behind the times like Twidash
>>11757832I dunno, my canon ships are Twinkle and Discolight and MAYBE RoseXHooves.
>>11757821This isn't a competition for worst taste, that's why nobody brought up Rarijack before you.
whoa jesusI didn't notice the "underrated" thing
>>11757856yuh, I'll put it up on the sub>mid-2013>still not recognizing my style immediately
>>11757868not really
>>11757869>RoseXHooves.>background shipping>canonhuh?
>>11757868Nope. rarijack is still reasonably popular compared to Twidash.
Four hours and thirty minutes till deadlineIf you need anymore time, please tell me
>>11757882it's ok xierilyou gave us an excuse to post a great ship
>>11757882you can always depend on mlpg to respond to you overwhelmingly when you fuck up
>>11757884I just wanted to make sure.Spike could frot both of them at the same time, couldn't he? God, I need to stop having a dirty mind.
>>11757907but you're posting rarijack
>>11757882That's what ya get. now post a real underrated, like Twinkie
>>11757851>>11757857>tfw no friend off this year>tfw no pony or die 2
>>11757886Well, maybe not canon until some more seasons go by, on second thought.Twinkie and Sparity/Spylight and Discolight still have plenty of comic and show support though. Call them overrated, but I think they're cute.
If Doctor Hooves is really supposed to be a Dr. Who ponified, I don't see him getting involved in a romantic relationship. Especially not with the village retard.
>>11757907Pones in underwear is so cute
underratedall but forgotten
>>11757933It's your own fault, anon.
>not shipping Gilded Lily
>>11757938I see Doctor Hooves with someone like Luna or Twilight or Celestia.>opinions>shipping
>>11757938Stop being so ableist, Anon.
>>11757938I think the idea is that she is actually one of his companions who showed up with him but beats me. I don't like the whole Dr. Whooves thing myself.
>>11757943If I got to Equestria I'd ask Rarity to make a bunch of pairs and not tell her what for and just strap them on a bunch of ponies
>>11757978But it's canon now that the pitch bible was published on Amazon. It hit /r/gallopfrey/
>>11757927I don't know, that seems like it's on the up and up.
>>11757943Not as cute as ponies becoming underwear
who here appletwi
>"If Rainbow Dash is a cunt does that makes me a cunny?!"
His name really is Doctor Hooves not Time Turner now.>mfw my fanon is now canon
>>11758010>cunnyRetarded word for retarded people.
>>11757998>But it's canon nowDoesnt mean I have to like it.
>>11757938it was heavily implied that he had sex with a human before he went to the last time were AND he did end up falling in love with the town retard
>>11757705Appledash is best ship
It's happening
>>11758017There better be fireworks this next weekend you apple horse.Or else.
>>11758045why is she crying
You guys and your ships.
>>11758008Applespark is pretty neat.
>>11758029>emailtrue that, Rose was a shit companion.Donna, now there's a real companion
>>11758019Fuck that shit.Until the show makes an explicit reference to that name he'll be Time Turner to me.Fuck ANYTHING and ANYONE related to that absolutely retarded fanon.
>>11758008Alright ship.If a little ancient.
There is only one true eternal ship
>>11758052>tfw heading up to Boom City to get some near-illegal explosives
>>11758086guhBon's mouth is just wide open. Lyra is just sticking her tongue in an open hole.
>>11758061 that to the DHX staff, mangDo I look like I work for IDW or DHX to you!?
>>11758099>Lyra is just sticking her tongue in an open hole.unf
>>11758074Pony is not for domestic violence.
>>11758074>filesizeGo away, Satan. wishes the adult fans would die in a fire mostly
>>11758060I like you
>>11758100And Cloudchaser is now Stormwalker right? Or Bon Bon Sweetie Drops?
>>11758053don't know
>>11758123but its 757kb
>>11758099Bon Bon be deepthroating that minty tongue alright.
>>11758140>oh my god do i try
Lyra/Octavia best shipProve me wrong.
time to hit up e621
>>11758054Best ship.
>>11758153I can prove you right...
>Luna states that the EoH are useless without the crown>we see twilight ACTIVATE the EoH without the crown in a world without magicSo the crown is useless?
>>11758154i don't like thislet's post happy, unharmed ponies instead
>>11758187terrible writing
>>11758061>>11758019>tfw you headcanon that he just builds watches, lives in a blue house that seems to be a little bigger on the inside than you'd expect, and sounds a bit like David Tennant
Would you
this is cute
>>11758206work out with her?SURE
>>11758196but sad pony is cute pony
>>11758196But look, Pinkie is happy...
>>11758170that's the old dooks ship
>>11758206I would but I'd prefer Mrs. Cake
>>11758200I'm pretty sure I got that fanon from you, so you're pretty alright with me.
>>11758225But does she look unharmed to you, anon?
>>11757442the idiot in this situation is you
best ship
>>11758260is that twilight a stallion?
>>11758260Nope best Discord ship is Pinkamena / Discord
>>11758245Not all pain is apparent.
>tfw Spike dog > Spike dragon
>mfw seeing Wolf Nanaki's TF2 mlp reskins
>You will never ponder why your chest and groin feel more tender than usual after some insert-generic-TF-triggering-event here, a strange sensitivity to the skin>You will never find that your cock seems to have the pleasure through it amplified to an insane degree, causing you to spend days just masturbating frantically with the new giddy heights. >You will never then notice patches of furs, pointed ears and other little touches. Hands less responsive, sense of smell and touch boosted. >You'll never panic at discovering the fact every time you cum the transformation progresses further and further. >You'll never eventually break, unable to keep your hands off of yourself; bringing yourself to orgasm after orgasm and fueling your change until you're pounding at your newly formed mare cunt, dripping and winking with need as your cock formed the fat bulging clit. >You'll never have to sneak onto a farm and get fucked into complete marehood by a big, virile stallion because you can't please your cunt with hooves, and you NEED it filled.
>>11758301I'm glad such a terrible fate would never occur. I will rest easy tonight.
>>11758294Well, at least I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that as well
>>11758314>terrible fatebest end>>11758341yes
>>11758341Someone hasn't been hitting the gym...
everyone please, put some thought into it and make higher quality posts.
>>11758341>tfw Onta is only capable of drawing trannies
>>11758341I'd hit that.
i liek ponuts
>>11758357Anon, you shouldn't hit the gym. You should really just read them.
>>11758366lets have a cutealoo thread
>>11758368>tfw anon is only capable of being jelly
>>11758389fuck off ashley
>>11758366Remember this scene? This was a great scene in an otherwise mediocre episode. Such comforting BGM and cool animation.Also you can see all their butts.
>>11758368>tfw sb would never draw a chubby dash because she isn't an ugly little boy
>>11758387Yeah, lets/
>>11758389>tfw anon is only capable of jumping to conclusions
>>11758387Oh boy, Cutealoo. My favorite.
>>11758407Too anime.
>>11758430Great now I gotta fap.That image shouldn't have so much control over my dick
>>11758368im not seeing the problems here. he draws what he likes and people like it.thats why he makes $70,000 in funding every calender he does.dont you think there is a point when you should stop trying everything and focus on what your good at?
>>11758402>tfw SB will never draw lewd chubby sugar
>rape I'm falling downWill you pick me up again?When I'm too far goneDead in the eyes of my friendsWill you take me out of here when I'm staring down the barrelWhen I'm blinded by the lights, when I cannot see your face?
What do you want to do tonight, MLPG?
>>11758441Great now you saying you have to fap has made me want to fap.Text shouldn't have so much control over my dick
>>11758490forget the real world ever existed's streaming the bronies documentary
>>11758498Speaking of text having control over dicks, is my partner in /unf/ lurking the general?
>>11758442This is still just the "you're just jealous" argument.I don't like what he draws there's nothing else to it.
>>11758498It's a night thread, don't feel bad anonwe all have needs
>>11758435I that's the perfect skirt for a human Marker. Not top, but the skirt's perfect.
the ass was fat
>>11758490let us race chariots anonchariots pulled by poniesmany, many ponies
Man, Twilight was way too adorable in this. And I usually don't care about her at all.
>>11758514a guy likes ontas style but does not like that he draws mostly is that jealousy?
>>11758513Are you one of the people in that gay thread greentexting about a drunk stallion fucking you like a mare?
>>11758567No, I'm the one talking about a lewd princess getting pounded hard in front of her subjects.
>>11758490I want to get drunk on apple related beverages and do what >>11758508 said. But I can't because I'm out of money.
>>11758490something engaging and fun, something that makes me feel alivebut what i will do instead is space out in front of my computer and shitpost in mlpg until 3 am
>>11758490Eat taffy and draw horses.
>>11758566>>11758575why is human Twilight's vagina constantly spurting fluids and making loud, gross, wet noises?
>>11758606Flash pls, you knew what you were getting in to
>>11758510>bcs thereit's like sprinkling shit onto garbage
>>11758490Erp and draw.
>>11758615Abomination, what ever.
>>11758490I want to stream but hiro is ded
>>11758637He probably just meant that it's not out of the ordinary for Twilight in general.
>>11758490Se cute horses doing cute things.
>>11758528I only have this. Looks similar.
>>11758666Why is she wearing diapers?
>>11758662seems a bit high
>>11758680those are pantaloons anon. like panties, but loonier.
>tfw no pony pillow
>>11758702>tfw your pillow will never hug you back
>>11758634hi hatanonwanna play hats on Steam later? maybe we can work out these issues, yes?
>>11758699What's her damage
>>11758699I've never seen someone so entitled from doing absolutely nothing with their life.
>>11758711Unless you're finn in adventure time.
>>11758716IT'S OVER 9000*is shot*
>>11758722>meanwhile the guy who started/organized double failboom got hired at the studio that produces Archer.
>>11758694oh ;_;
>>11758733at least he's doing something with his life not like bcs
>>11758722>mfw I have no trouble pitching to Frederator or The Hub officiallyProblem, anon?
>>11758711Keep trying.
>>11758699I thought that said pretends to betray banks
>>11758733i need proof of this before i rage
>>11758680>>11758694bloomers, or panty covers
daily reminder
>>11758759 another note, the success of the film also got me noticed by Floyd County - the studio behind the hit TV series Archer. After animating a quick test for them and touring their studio, it turns out that I got hired! Looks like I'll be moving to Atlanta and entering the animation industry starting next Monday.
>>11758733Good to know the people who are talented and produce content are moving up in the world while people wallowing in their own entitlement stagnate and go nowhere like BCS.Sometimes the world is very, very fair.
>>11758747>officiallyYou mean you send them stuff and you get a form rejection letter telling you to stop sending them stuff.
Daily dose
>>11758733It's stuff like this that gives me hopes that maybe someday I'll be able to work with an animation studio even if I'm a mediocre animator
>>11758776how's your life turning out, anon?
>>11758747That wasnt fucking official. It was a standard letter of "you submitted it wrong".
>>11758747Anyone can make a pitch to them. A homeless man off the street can. Why do you think you're a special snowflake?
eat me
>>11758772Well that's good for him
>>11758800That's just a forum post asking for people to work for you. How is that related to what was just said?
Does rewatching old episodes still give you guys the same feeling as it used to, or is it wearing off for you after ponying for so long?
>>11758795nope, try again can do this all nighthard times =/= unsuccessful
do the bat ponies in luna eclipsed have fangs? Does it make sense to assume they'd eat meat?
>>11758820Just makes me feel sad.
>>11758820Still the same because I don't watch the episodes all the time
>>11758820I like watching episodes.But I've never watched them frequently, I like to intersperse me viewing with other media.
>>11758820I still smile like a tard without noticing it
>>11758800>just a forum post with mediocre reference sheetsWhy don't you just link them your Twilight x Spike flash? Or your collab with TW? I bet they'll hire you right away
>>11758820It makes me feel happy.
>>11758837They're fake Dracula teeth. Y'know, for Halloween.
>>11758820I don't feel.
>>11758796Because I've had a dA for 9 years and I get commission requests every day, in fact, more work than I can reasonably handle in a year at my skill level.
>>11758834>'s just a random youtube chanel with no views. What the hell?
>>11758850you're no fun.and it's nightmare night.
>>11758820Makes me feel sad and happy because it happened.
>>11758850prove it
>>11758820I put on all the songs from the show in a loop sometimes and it makes me happy.
>>11758844I don't think you tried at all.
>>11758800why don't you stop bragging on 4chan about your achievements, none of which are anything to brag about and actually work? Your designs are incredibly bland and your sketches are very amateur looking.
>>11758844I find it kinda funny how TW has managed to become 100x more famous than BCS yet shes still here whining about shit instead of trying to make something.
>>11758820i have never rewatched an episode
>>11758881Look, it's a ponynot that that matters to you because you'll just keep on shitposting meta bullshit nobody fucking cares aboutI miss when we were show discussion and not hiatus summerfags
>>11758879OH MY GOODNESS
All of you are just terrible.Terrible indeedy.
>>11758875>posts a completely unrelated picture from an actual animator who has been involved in fully animated features and tv shows>"I don't think you tried at all"Maybe instead of shitting up the threads and complaining about everyfuckingthing you should get off your ass and do all those commissions you allegedly get, and pitch more shit so you leave the threads forever
>>11758898Are you conscious of 98% of the posts you make yourself?
here's a hint:I DON'T REALLY CAREwhether you troll or not, I still get on a plane in roughly 3 days to the largest furry convention in America to sell pony-related stuff. If this bothers you, you need to get a fucking life.
>>11758914fuck off Not Ben Stiller
>>11758918are you conscious she's not posting with a trip on
>>11758871Lookit that grin. No fangs anywhere in sight.
>>11758898Please don't use my planes for your spamming. They have higher standards than that.
>>11758918do you actually believe that's BCS?lolbronies r dumb
>>11758939they just haven't been drawn in yet
Do we have a preview for issue #9 yet?
>>11758922What bothers us it that you will not stop babbling about that as if anyone here gave a flying fuck about you
>>11758936that's not even BCS, it's just some random shitposter
>add "BCS" to the filter>most of the thread is hiddenFuck this
>>11758962that's what I'm saying
>>11758960so you really believe anyone that types in a word in the name field is that person?my word you guys are stupidhey guys I can save images and screenshots on the Internet too!!
>>11758922>largest furry conventionplease tell me this is someone pretending to be bcs and shitposting. this is what i guess since there is no tripcode.i have been trying my hardest to ignore but this shit got furry convention
>>11758953Strangely, I think all we have a preview for so far is the Applejack micro.
>>11759002>furriessays it all right there
>>11759002It's just Anthrocon, stop having a bitchfit over small things
>>117589902furry for me
Sorry for being /g/ here, but what is a good bittorrent client for windows? I know Utorrent isn't.
>>11759002no he isn't.anthrocon is this week i think
>>11758948No they don't.
>>11759030an old version of utorrent before it became bloatware
>>11759005applejacks comic had no chance. the preview was boring apple related shit that everyone quickly forgot about because the celestia micro looks like its gonna be good.
>>11759005That's odd. Isn't #9 coming out before the micro?
why is renbo such an asshole?
I have heard that there were ponies here.
>>11759030>using utorrent>ever>being tracked by the jews 24/7Deluge you dumb nigga
>>11758557>vlcsnapGet with the times old man. VLC was never designed for playback, but instead for streaming. There's way better alternatives. while we're at it, don't use utorrent. Use Deluge
fuck yeah we bugpone now
>>11759052AJ seems very fixated on that tie of his as of late.
>>11758988The point still stands even if that concrete post was not BCS
>>11759052only if you look hard enough you'll find the ponies
>>11759057good goyim
>>11759057>not using utorrent 1.8>not realizing your IP is visible to everyone that connects to you anyway.
>>11759057>>11759030I went from utorrent 2.2.1 I think to Deluge. Deluge is much faster, but I don't think I've got it all worked out, function-wise.
>>11759052I don't see any, sorry.
>>11759083I wish AJ would grab that tie and french kiss Tex so I could live vicariously through his adventures and Tex blogged all his IRL sexual exploits.
>>11759092>lesbian bed death
>>11759033I think the joke might've gone over your head.
I'm Jessy
what do you guys think of this dude
Are you... having fun on MLPG?I think it's fun. Being able to fool around with you guys ever day.This short moment in time, posting in the MLPG... I can't have enough of it.I wouldn't do it if I weren't having fun, after all....But lately I've been thinking.What am I going to do when FiM is over...?I'm not like the contributors... I'm not very smart...I can't possibly get good at a craft...I feel... as if my possibilities ended up very limited...A feeling of meaningless? I can't express it very well...That's why... when I think about what my life will be when MLPG is gone...
>>11759112No, it's just stupid.
>>11759135Browse other boards, find new interests, stop being such a shitmuncher.
>>11759135Don't worry, MLPG will always be here for you through the good times and the bad, SB
>>11759133I like him, he had a tendency to be something of a audience surrogate and say what I was thinking in Seasons 1 and 2, I'm glad that was brought back for the movie.
>>11759066>KCP-Kawaii-Codec-Packthat's all looking very... kawaii.What exactly does this do better than VLC? I've never really had trouble with VLC before, despite claims of pic related
>>11759105Neither do I.
>>11759140Come now, anon. No need to fly off the handle.
>>11759135>...what is this, deviantart?
>>117591522/10 had me for a second
>>11759112Not scrubbles pls
>>11759174You're not funny.
>>11759158I, too, admit a guilty pleasure in Dog!Spike through the Equestria Girls movie.I wish there was more porn with him and those supple little Equestria Girls bodies.
>>11759174Scrubbles please
BCS stop changing names god damn
>>11759180What's with the stink cloud?
>>11759174Oh hey Jessy!Thanks again for causing the domino effect of my art'bro' forgetting his place and ditching me! You're a big help, I'll tell you what!Sincerely,Even you should know
Tell me you wouldn't do her 12 ways till Sunday.
>>11759183ur mum isnt funy
>>11759184>supplethey're stick figures
this is not a good thread.its just shitposters shitposting to other shitposters while i sit here and watch.
>>11759166>that's all looking very... kawaii.>What exactly does this do better than VLC? I've never really had trouble with VLC before, despite claims of pic relatedMPC:HC is better.MPC:HC with special filters is a bit better, but it usually doesn't matter that much.All KCP is, is MPC:HC with the special filters already set up. It's a simple installation. Before the filters had to be installed manually. In VLC the images look much brighter and paler. Some kind of contrast problem. That's the most noticable.
>>11759221still fappable!
>>11759218I wouldn't do her 12 ways till Sunday.
>>11759180We need more ponies in costumes
wake up anonyou were in a coma for so long
>>11759227Fine, what do you think about this pony?
>>11759135Why... all... the... elipses?
>>11759227enjoying your first day in MLPG?
>>11759240well post ur waifu then
>>11759180Why are they both scared?
>>11759210Fluttershy doesn't believe in bathing.Her friends are just too polite to tell her she stinks.
>>11759212Dude, you have absolutely no one to blame for that but yourself
>>11759212>I'll tell you whathank pls
>>11759245Think they'll do another Halloween-ish episode?>>11759256Good pony.
>>11759245Hello there Luna Eclipsed
>>11759262its deafdefilers post.
>>11759265I don't have a waifu
Rate my choice in waifu
>>11759212I'm so sorry unless you're being sarcastic, then you're welcome?
>>11759280Doubt itBut they wear costumes a lot, they don't need a special occasion
>>11759284i dont understand
>>11759303its shit
>>11759227>not using MLPG's trouble times as an opportunity to catch up on cartoons and anime and what have you>>11759234I've never heard of MPC:HC, but I think I'll give it a shot. Thanks, MLP/g/!
>>11759281that reference to jaws makes me smile every time
>>11759166>that's all looking very... kawaii.Made by /a/nons. These guys have piracy and media playback down to a god damn science. They've been doing it for a decade, and they are mostly /g/entoomen, so they write all these programs and specifications. If you go to their sites, they have like .pdfs with charts and analyses over the differences between 8bit and 10bit encoding. It's rather impressive. Especially since it's all for silly girl cartoons.Do you think you'd ever go to such lengths for your pony viewing?
>>11759281O hey!Listen, next thread that comes around could you post some screencaps of the light blue photography coat? Preferably from as many angles possible. His hair is driving me nuts.
>>11759315Media Player Classic is considered the standard player for Windows. Have you been living under a rock?
>>11759308jessy draw horses
>>11759310Left side looks like the big bad wolf and three piglets, but right side isn't making much sense to me.
>>11759311You're fucking retarded and I pity you.
>>11759308Don't apologize just so you don't step on anyone's toesThe guy was an asshole all on his own
>>11759308>she doesn't realize I'm shitpostingJessy, never change.
>>11759309Costumes as in any different clothes or more elaborate getups?
>>11759323Farthest I've gone is converting .vlc files to .mp4
>>11759311Better get to all that erasure, then, boyo. You have a lot of work to do.
>>11759321IndeedShark butt is best costume>>11759326Certainly anon
>>11759308JESSYDraw cute ponies doing cute things.
>>11759311>If Jessy never started this friendzone bullshit or at least had her definition correct, this never would've happened. Ergo, it's HER fault.I am staring at this sentence with my mouth agape, honestly hoping that you are trying to ruse me and are not really this self-deluded
>>11759348I'm not sure it's Jessy since they're using 4chan filenames for the images that she would have drawn
>>11759354Do you like this pony mix, Tex?
>>11759354They're usually one in the same. I mean whenever they are wearing clothing it seems like some kind of getup.But I'd say less elaborate and more horses in more every day apparel.
>>11759336What can I say, it was mostly my unfamiliarity with the OS that I avoided getting a Mac. I'm not very /g/, but I like to think lurking there every once and a while will allow me to absorb information steadily.
>>11759373It's cute, Xieril has a nice style.
>>11759340Right side is Derpilocks and the Three Bears.She found the bed that's just right.
>Jessy in MLPG
>>11759133Fake MS, take off your trip of you're getting filtered.
>>11759366Think about it. It's true, is it not?>>11759370Ah, good point.
>>11759212>forgetting his placePffffahahahahaha
NEW GIRL WHERE???????????????????
Everyone hates bronies because they know you're all rapists that abuse real animals and little girls.
I am going to pretend this entire thread does not exist
>>11759311No, it's definitely your fault.
>>11759397>I already deleted all logs of you-know-who. It's only a matter of months.>But DAMN it will be worth it, knowing a life was extinguished by my hands.what?
>There will never be a big budget traditionally animated MLP film>Equestria Girls proved cheap flash shit can sell even in movies
Hi MLPG, been long time.I'm eating tacos and drinking chorizo, give me any comic requests you might have, ole
>>11759462>drinking sausagegirl how do you even
>>11759446can I come
>>11759462>implying madmax used a trip
>>11759483You got kicked ooouuut~
>>11759483Is this guy serious or whatI meanI'm so confused right now
>>11759483>tl;dr version: FORGET PEOPLE'S NAMES; ALL TRACE OF THEM LITERALLY GONEno, noI want the full versionare you saying that if you forget people, then you forget people? because that seems like a normal way about things
>>11759338I'm trying dag nabbit but this OC is a griffin! Wait, it's half eagle half pony, so that's a Hippogriff right? >>11759348Green isn't a creative color.
>>11759483>Omniwho?did a new contributor come by?
>>11759483Wait... you're trying to "erase" Dooks and Omni?I don't understand the situation. I hope you're not actually implying you're going to stop them from posting here somehow.
>>11759497he's just a shitposterreport and move on
>>11759483>I bet a copy of Don't Starve.can I just have it instead?
>>11759505that sound like a hipprogriff
>>11759506Omni runs the quest skype chat that this whiny little cunt was kicked out of.
>>11759506Omni "the D" Dragon
>>11759397All it takes is a little reminder that they're still, in fact, alive despite your deluded attempts to kill them via forgetting.
brony fandom drama is the worst
>>11759528quest skype?how the hell did this all happen in one month I leftjesus christ
what the fuck is even going on
>>11759538Christ, you're nuts. Bona fide batshit.
>>11759545>brony fandom drama is the worstEmulation drama is worse, trust me. These guys are all nerd programmers, and many are either autistic or unstable.
>>11759538Oh now you want to apologize?Go fuck yourself.
>>11759554you tell me
>>11759540Actually, I did this once and it worked. No one remembered the guy who defied me.>>11759554Just start a new thread, Klondike.>>11759555No, I just have too much power.
the real bcs hasn't posted in mlpg in at least 3 monthsalmost all drawfags abandoned this place long ago
>>11759554trapped in a dead horse, MLPG slowly goes insane
I kind of feel bad now...
New thread:>>11759571>>11759571>>11759571>>11759571
>>11759554Some dude got his panties in a bunch because he's a douche and doesn't realize it, and will now sit in his chair with his fingers to his temples willing those that have "done him wrong" to cease to exist
>>11759564>Implying I would apologize to a peon who forgot his placeNo, Anon. YOU are the psychos.
>>11759575>>11759575>almost all drawfags abandoned this place long ago>Tex>GG>Creepy Curse>Jessy>Ross>Corwin on occasionsetcI can go on. We have our regulars.
>>11759483Well let's test that theory.Go ahead and plead your case to the piss. See how it works out for you.
>>11759569You don't have power. You're just insane.
>>11759569If you had any real power, no one would have left.
>>11759234>In VLC the images look much brighter and I just gave MPC:HC a shot, and wound up with this. Seems to me like VLC has the right skin tone/colors while MPC:HC is a bit oversaturated. I think that's the word.Am I stupid, or is my screen just broken? sage on the principle of the thing
>>11759677Yes, it looks over saturated. I have no idea what you are doing.Install KCP and use the MPC-light built in there anyways.
>>11759538>Just by forgetting their names, no one will remember them. Count on it.Are you some kind of nutter?Dooks streams for us all the time, literally yesterday we were watching the Incredibles and having a good time. Omni ran that contest thing, he's cool too. You're some kind of regular nutter, it's like I'm encountering a Batman villain through the internet.
>>11759659No, I'm the only sane person here.>>11759675>grasping_at_straws.jpg
>>11759677VLC is too light. MPC is over saturatedHow you managed to screw this up is beyond me.Just use KCP.
>>11759712What's up Red?
>>11759724>Omni ran that contest thinghe's running a contest thing too?where did this guy come from?
>>11759754You're about as far from sane as one can get.You should be in a padded room.
>>11759723might as well give it another shot, I guess. Thanks for the advice.>>11759757I usually just kind of smash these little black buttons a bunch, but that doesn't usually workit's complete happenstance I haven't just broken this thing, honestly. VLC looks like the proper color to me, to be honest, but I'll give the KCP thing a shot anyway
>>11759803Cool, cool.Whatcha drawing?>>11759859Considering that I figured out that life is a simulation? I'm sure I'm the only smart one.
>>11759881butt sex
>>11759881>Considering that I figured out that life is a simulation? I'm sure I'm the only smart one.Solipsism-man pleasethat's an unprovable concept
>>11757666Two weeks? Why would you want me to three weeks?
>>11759881>he thinks CHIM is real>laughingDunmer.jpg
>>11759893Unf.>>11759900It's Señor, and tell me, how much of your life do you remember?
>>11759881>Considering that I figured out that life is a simulation? I'm sure I'm the only smart one.You go, Neo. Catch those dreams.
>>11759873>but I'll give the KCP thing a shot anywayRemember to uninstall regular MPC first. KCP installs MPC lite which it is designed to be used with.
>>11759923All of it?Way more of it than I'd like to?
>>11759923Percentage-wise? Not a lot, but that makes sense given my mind is not a DVR.
>>11759955You're bluffing. You only remember past age 4, correct?Yes, that's what I thought.>>11759958A human would remember their life.
>>11759976Actually, I remember splitting my head open on a bookcase when I was 2.I had to go to the hospital and get stitches. I still have the scar.
>>11760045Interesting.Ever notice how people who bother you seem to never return after a stage in life?
>>11759976>Señor Solipsism confirmed for having never studied psychNext you'll tell me about how I was educated stupid for not believing four-corners day of 16-sided earth, nature's harmonious simultaneous 4-day time cube
>>11760068>he doesn't believe in four-corners day
>>11759976>A human would remember their life.How would you know? If you were right and all of this is just a simulation then you've obviously never met one.
>>11760066The world's a big place. That tends to happen when you go separate ways with someone, even with people who don't bother you, or even people you sort of like.
>>11760107There has to be one human, considering that it isn't me.Before you say anything, that doesn't mean I can defy my fate.r>>>11760117No, they didn't move.
>>11760145You're a nut. You're crazy in the coconut!