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Old Horse

In your honest opinion, who would win in a foot race? Rainbow Dash or Applejack?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
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Remmeber, japone fall weather friends is on in 15 minutes
which pony would you be best friends with nonsexually?

All of them
not an option

Shining Armor. He could help me with my dating attempts.
but if you had to choose just one
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>putting your pigs outside
>where the pterodactyls can get them
Banana and ice cubes. How do I use these
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But twily did not win first place!
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Eat banana, put ice cubes into your drink to cool it down.
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2012 hiatus pls
we stack now
Ten minutes now
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it's adorable, even if it's trixie
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I bet that pony is really lonely right now. I would hug her to make her feel less lonely.
From which picture? Sometimes I use different brushes for each picture.
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>Terrible pony

Yes, I would. And I'd take her out to a nice dinner and call her the next day
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


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Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

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All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

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Room: mlp
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at this point i would hug any pony
doesnt matter, beat rd and aj
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I ship these two
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You ask for it!
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I don't see a terrible pony though.
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japhorse soon, fellow horsefuckers
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nigga i'd love to hug twist
What do you think of this guy's tattoo his sister just did for him?


And none would hug you
rarely is 2dark4me actually appropriate. I'll let it slide in this case.
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Fuck you nigga, Twist is cute as fuck. I'd hug the hell out of her.
>cool main
>love interest
>xbox hueg friend

gee did i fall in JRPGestia?
implying not already shipped in "A Slice of Life"
speaking of soon, jappone VERY soon - just gone past 10 min marks (counting in ad time)


current thing will probably end in 5 mins, thewn ads, then HI HI HI
That's quite nicely done, but that's the only good thing about that.
getting a tattoo of pony is ridiculous
but that is a very nicely done pony tattoo
too bad tootsie flute
she loves fat grey pony
It's pretty well done.
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i think he just ruined his social opportunities for the rest of his life
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why is pank so cute with her various outfits
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That was fucked up
I get different opinions every time I ask, i want a definitive answer.

Is marker pone a pure maiden or a gigantic slut?
Don't worry, Tootsie Flute.
You can MAKE Twist love you!
colors are wrong on the cutie mark

think it's too late to change?

Maiden and I am her knight-protector.
she's a gigantic maiden
She is a My Little Pony FC.
It depends on the time of day.
She's a pure slut.
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A changeling.
You were coloring your OC a few times yesterday, so that one? I don't know.

HIHIHI will begin literally any minute now

get in here fo jappone
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pure maiden

she is too busy watching us postpone for the D
Have you seen that picture of her sucking a dick. That ain't no amateur blowjob. That's a porn star blowjob
Draw her something and find out
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You think if there was an episode about reforming a lone changeling Rarity would try to teach him/her how to dress
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>scootanon is in the stream too
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marker pony is a huge slut
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That more of the changeling industry. Think about it. They get paid to be any character they want and they get paid in love.
Marker pony is a boop, she's a butt, she's a maiden, she's a slut
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Alright gang that weid japanese kids show is finishing

pony will start literally any second

a. marker pony and hiatus pony are for sexual
b. marker pony and hiatus pony are not for sexual

a and b are true

in the not to distant future

HIHIHI was begining
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>stream isn't working for me
>try on different browsers
>still doesn't work
>on a RD/AJ episode

We need a Quantum Pony
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Anyone has that one she booping Faust?
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I pick Twilight Sparkle!
can we have marker pone as a choice?
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Maybe turn off the adblock
spoilers: Rainbow Dash and Applejack are good friends.
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Slight movement
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Box or Twilight!

She your!

But she grown some wings.
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There are these pones
I will only take Twilight under the condition I can paint her white and slap a picture of some poorly drawn diamonds onto her ass.
try incognito mode
time for lainbo and appurujakku epsiode
>Rainbow Dash doesn't get to talk about clams
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It's already disabled and it still won't work
Wh-whatever, I'll j-just download it from yayponies later!
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Bopu bopu bopu bopu bopu bopu!
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>She your!
>But she grown some wings.
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>watching nippon horse for the first time
>that intro
Never again.
I'm too American for this shit.
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Give her great care, but she too concern about her new wings. Help her get use to it!
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It still won't work
And it's my favourite from S1 ;_;
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But what if she grows up like this?
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True that
what the hell did you do to your computer?

Pony isn't your destiny
she turns human?
but it's infinite times better than the original, you can actually listen to it, while the original is usually skipped like hell.
would someone be willing to stram that horse movie called spirit or something?
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I bet you say that for all of your animes
Aw hell no, both are equally cringe worthy.
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then i wouldn't be able to hug her anymore, my arms arent THAT long
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Ponied too hard.
>you will never go to Tex and AJ's wedding
most anime openings are decent, some are even godly
Your only suppose to pony in moderation
At least his ponying has led to a positive relationship with Rainbow Dash.
I guess if you like characters spinning and making faces to Japanese pop music
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That changeling will have to disguise itself as a pony though. I mean, they invaded ponyville.

What if that AJ was a changeling, but is willing to act like AJ 100% of her whole life?
Damn, I love RD's japanese laugh
Have you tried just waiting with no refresh for a while? Sometimes it takes over a minute to load.
And unfortunately that didn't include drawing
You'd just have to get under or between them.
But I've been drawing
It's just that it's stuff that MLPG doesn't care about
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Just got a small package of these and was rimming one while pretending it was her.
Not to mention learn to talk.
I got the impression that only chrysalis spoke pony
Pony's asshole is stinky and taste like shit
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but then my face would be mashed against them, what if she goes full feminist, /pol/ warned me about it and they're always right!
RIP in peace, hostess
They talk in the end of the cheeseleg comic if I recall correctly.
Real ponies. Not cartoon candy ponies.
hey, they are comeing back in a few weeks

twinkies and all
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>rainbow dash plays runescape EoC
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Come on Scoots, I be she's nice, warm, and caring.

It's not like she'll smother you to death in there cleavage or anything, and even if she did it would be a nice way to go out
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Nigger Twist be okay with her tatas, like Babs...
for real? I didn't hear about that. That's actually something to get excited about.
Ah, I haven't read it.
I guess it would make sense, they wouldn't be very good at tricking ponies into loving them if they were mute
the fuck is going on in this pic?

Also has that artist drawn any or Mrs Cake?
Remember too that changelings are just another type of pony. They all speak English just fine.
Pony on fire.
Twist is shoveling large handfuls of the worst candy on the planet into her cleavage while holding a giant gummy worm in her teeth.

No he hasn't
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Phew, that was a close one.
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i think shes trying to carry as much candy as possible using her gigantic melons as a plate
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I need to stop watching nippones because it keeps reminding me how dead the magic of friendship is.
celestia japanese va is great

rucky pony is twirightu
which episode was tonight
10/10 would hug
And/or grope vigorously
Don't even remind me, I keep thinking about how nice and simple things were back then
then why don't they live in Equestria?
the book called them ponies because they have the same shape, they're not even like crystal ponies
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Folgore would have a field day with those
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This week's best pony
Ponies in japanese is weird
fall weather friends
It's MSoB.
Fall Weather Friends.

Suited for successes is next week. Get ready for more english
>then why don't they live in Equestria?

Who says they don't?
There is no hope for this show. The staff has gazed into the abyss for too long and the abyss gazed back into them. The show has turned into the monster Lauren Fasut wanted to fight.
Rose pls

wake up
I think she's self conscious about them... you might make her flustered.
It'll never be as much a surprise as Winter Wrap Up anymore
ah, so they sold the brand. I figured this would happen. Theres a fortune to be made in Twinkies. They'll be big too, just like Coca Cola Classic, people will buy it for the instant nostalgia.
what is that, exactly?
Google doesn't give me anything related
they aren't shown living there, ever
wheras crystal ponies are shown to even be in Ponyville in MMC
which pony is ruckiest pony
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she created this monster and it grew far out of her control.

shes gonna carry that weight
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best pony
>tfw there will be no Twilight classic
>being new
He's a drawfag here, he has a thread on the sub
Which is mlpg.co
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she's asleep forever anon

I wish Google Translator worked better.
Or that I could understand Japanese.
Rose isn't asleep forever.
Only her pony is.
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She was really cute in some parts of EqG
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That would be the intention
Perhaps if she's flustered enough she might start lisping a bit
I would apologize and stop though if she felt too uncomfortable
You can rewatch season one and it's almost as good. Almost.
Hostess sucks. Little Debbie kicked their ass in the snack cake market for a reason.

AKA Garnet Red

Dude likes his chesty girls.
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too big.
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Are dehumidifiers worth it?
Are air purifiers/ionizers worth it either?

The answer lies within you
The parts where she was a pony.
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>she might start lisping

that would be the worst, theres no way i could stop hugging her when she does something that cute
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I don't understand.
On one hand, she's sort of accepted them, but on the other, she thinks they make her ugly or turn her into an object.
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Hi-ho. Writefag from last night's MLPG with the unfinished FS/SA fic. Sorry I couldn't finish it at work today but it was busy as hell.

So what's say we just pick up where we left off? You know, if anyone wants it. Otherwise just call me a faget.

But first! A recap.

> She'd always been nervous. Rainbow Dash wasn't exaggerating when she accused her of being afraid of her own shadow; but this was the first time she couldn't identify exactly what she was afraid of.
> She'd spent time Shining Armor dozens of times, but after seeing his bravery the last time she was in the Crystal Empire, it now felt like every time she saw him the butterflies of her cutie mark migrated from her flank to her belly.

> She'd spoken to Rarity about this feeling before, though declined to divulge who incited it. "Fluttershy, darling", she said, "You have a CRUSH on somepony! OH TELL ME WHO!" was the response… but that couldn't be the case. He was MARRIED! To a PRINCESS no less! A plain old pegasus like her would never have had a chance with a stallion like Shining Armor even if he were single and in a much more mundane line of work…

>But no matter how much she told herself he was out of her league and unavailable besides, she wasn't in control of it.
>She found herself staying, just watching him drill recruits through the streets of the Empire every day.
>She hoped he would notice her... but the more he didn't, the more she noticed him.
If you played the whole thing on mute, maybe
It's all gas station and vending food.
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If you have asthma or bad allergies., they can upset them, too.
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I think not
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I like Trixie but cannot find a way to post about her without coming off as an obnoxious brony.
>Twilight's summit with the other princesses was coming to a close. Tomorrow they would be heading back to Ponyville.
>Who knew when they would be back next? If there's one thing Fluttershy had learned from Rainbow Dash, it was to never miss an opportunity... even if it meant getting hurt.

>The butterflies in her stomach started fluttering wildly as she gathered the courage for what she was about to do....

>As he dismissed the recruits, she put on the bravest face she could.
>This was it. For the first time in her life she was going to throw caution to the wind and follow her heart... or some other part of herself.

>As Shining Armor removed his helmet the first thing he saw was Twiley's friend marching toward him. He'd seen her a lot, though she very rarely spoke. Even more unusual, she was by herself.

>"Hey! Fluttershy! How's it going? I thought you would've been in the castle with the others!"

>"Oh, um... hey... hi.. i mean... hello Shining Armor. I was just watching you training the recruits and.. um... it looked like a lot of work and I just wanted to say hi and..."

>He cut her off

>"Oh heck yeah. It might look easy just walking around barking orders, but I've actually got to do everything they do and more!"

>She saw her chance
I like to think she would lisp when her emotions run high, like very happy, sad, angry, scared, excited, tired, horny.
>"Oh wow... that must be exhausting! You want to... um... maybe... get a bite to eat? That is... if you're not busy... or going to see Cadence...."

> "Pthpppppbt!... are you kidding me? I haven't seen Cadence in 3 days... and before that it's just nothing but royal duties 8 days a week!

>Fluttershy averted her gaze, shamefully kicking at the dirt. Shining Armor had vented a little too much, a little too quickly...

>"Oh wow... guess I kinda lost my head for a second there... FOOD! Hey yeah! Let's get something to eat. I know the best place to get a Crystal Berry Pie in the entire Empire! It's pretty far though... Come on, let's hoof it before they close!"

> What Shining Armor had neglected to tell Fluttershy was that this place was at the very Southern entrance of the Crystal Empire... and he had been driling the recruits in front of the Castle at the North end....

>Shining Armor's endurance was unreal. Fluttershy felt like she was going to keel over and pass out, and he hadn't lost an ounce of speed.

>"Shining Armor", she panted, "Isn't there anywhere closer? I don't train like you do and I can't run across an entire city in an hour..."

>Shining Armor frowned.

>"I kinda had my heart set on a berry pie. If your legs are tired, can't you fly?"
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>that feeling
It's the same for me and Luna/NMM
Too stiff and uncanny. That stare is off putting.
Busty Sugar > Busty Twist
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I guess it's not for everyone

Well the lisp can be cute and I would tell her so
And I would tell her she is the exact opposite of ugly
She's beautiful as she is
then don't worry about it.

You have no name and have no reason to fear being judged
If you want to recap, you should just pastebin that. We don't need the whole thing.
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I wonder if they can get bigger.
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Okay thanks, and would a dehumidifier be worth it? I have an AC in my room so it's pretty cool at night but it still feels a little humid at times. I think that might be why I've been having trouble getting to bed.
But would she believe it? Or will she think you are lying just use her?
What a spoil-sport you are.

new Purpledom when?
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that's not a challenge is it

Does anyone have that comic where the gay guy tries to figure out how not to come off as a deviant creep and ends up gluing dicks all over his body and parading around in public?

We need a Trixie version.
go away, hateanon.

You might be better off posting a pastebin, so the people that don't want to read it aren't annoyed by the chunks of screen it'll take up.
I've got no idea about a dehumidifier, I've never used one, but, if you think it will help you sleep its worth a try
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This isn't going to end well for anyone
I'm fine with it.
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>only one person in MLPG hates fanfiction

Yeah I just did.

Wondering if I should continue in the thread or update the bin.

I rather enjoyed including the reaction shots I was posting last night.
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I have no reason to lie to her
I'm not going to say I'm perfect and sure I've told my fair share of fibs and white lies
But I would never lie to her about something like this
>They aren't shown living there, ever

Are you sure?
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You can't force trust.
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Alright, thanks anyways!
I found a nice mini one that should work well in my room for about $45 on Amazon. I think I'll just get that and see how it works.
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let's discuss worstpone
>dreamworks face
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>the lisp can be cute
she is cute

>cute glasses
>talent is making candy
>not american-level fat
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Purpledom is done and over with. It's the closest I can come to actually being ashamed of something I wrote. Don't get me wrong, I had a lot of fun being creative with the smut, and I think it's pretty good for some boners, but it turned into an absolute trainwreck when I thought I could put a coherent plot to a story that was created for smut's sake.

If you want something with Twilight, read Pleasure. I'm still writing that.
I, frankly, don't understand the Twist love...

Let's be honest... you can make her tits as ridiculously big as you want, but you can't drawfag away that lateral lisp that makes her so insufferable to listen to.
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>people actually like Twist
I'm a pony?
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Genuine trust is hard to come by
I'd do what I could to earn it from her though
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speaking of moronssonofboron

did he see, or rather hear, the japanese twist voice
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>he doesn't like Twist
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Twist is, personality-wise, /v/s ideal qt3.14 gf
i want to sniff and lick their armpits
"My glasses, I can't see without my glasses!"
"My glasses, I can't be seen without my glasses!"

You know what I'm talking about...
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I know, I'm fine with it, too, but it's best not to risk angering more people than necessary.

Does she have some sort of boob-inflating condition?
I'm not really getting into Pleasure, myself.
Thanks man, the stuff you write is really goddamn hawt.
I love crossovers, I wish more cartoons did them.
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>that scene where Johnny and Velma switch glasses

that has to be the best episode of johnny bravo ever, it was a perfect crossover
Yes, the condition is called projected fetish.
Her pussy gets super wet, anon.
Are you that creepy faggot that everytime a humanized/cosplayer's picture gets posted goes on about saying how you want to lick their feet and smell their dirty socks?
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Time to make MLPG uncomfortable and squirmy
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Is that it.
That Johnny Bravo episode was great.
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is that some scootabelle?
Damn nigga talk about nostalgia
Oh hey!
Did you ever finish those requests? Where are you haunting these days, anyways?

>he will never draw japone twist and her kawaii voice

Someone should stram some Johnny Bravo.

They'd be totally cool and hip if they did so.

Which requests?
why what?
No, I haven't.
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I haven't been here for like 2 weeks

What did i miss?

Are there any contributors left or they all finally died?
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im going to watch EqG, wish me luck.
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No. I'm doing this on the fly so it takes me a bit.

And I'm gonna do it in the thread because I enjoy putting the images with the snippets.

Anyone who hates it can suck a fat futa dick.
sorry, guess I can't please everyone. Maybe if you tell me the kinks you liked about purpledom I can try to fit them in the later chapters of Pleasure.

I also occasionally do ERPs in the ded horse if you're around later on.

One was sweetie in bloomers and a corset, the other was applejack, I think.
Equestria Girls is available now, it's a pile of shit with a very small amount of good things. Pinkie mini comic is out, it's great.

BCS has been coming around a lot and going stir crazy.

We watched EQG and it predictably sucked.
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equestria girls was leaked
Oh and, again, here's the pastebin if you didn't catch it yet.

If this is the color corrected version then whoever did this is blind.
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> it's a pile of shit with a very small amount of good things.

Equestria Daily, tumblr and reddit keep saying that is good
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Did both, yes. Sweetie pulling up shorts, Sweetie in a corset. Fire #1
>Equestria Daily, tumblr and reddit
Found your problem.
Thank ya kindly.
i doubt it
>Equestria Daily, tumblr and reddit
so believe the inverse
is dat dvd qality cause people were sayigng theres a good quality rip goign around

>EQD, tumblr and reddit say it's good

Which should tell you that it's fucking horrible.
Don't believe their lies
BCS went completely batshit and flooded the general with shitposts for days.
The artists seem to get more and more inactive.
Why was Twilight Sparkle not confused at the fact that humans eat meat when she received a burger with her lunch?
Also, why was she attracted to a human male?
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Fire #2
We lost no contributors, in fact, Hesh came back yesterday!

BCS has been on a shitposting craze for days

Pretty much this:

And the pinkie macro
it's just a slightly better camera recording.
Well of course the hugboxes are going to say it was good.
They're fucking hugboxes.
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Flash Sentry came inside your waifu
Why are you attracted to a female pony?
Ponies eat meat.
Ponies are attracted to human males.
do you think we will ever get a good pony movie where they are ponies? how long until the inevitable second human pon movie?
And MLPG isn't?
I worry that the thousands of bizzare, off-model fetish porn and ugly OC pictures that people have posted on the internet will be the most visible and remembered legacy of MLP's fanbase.
Glorious. I've always wondered: why so much sweetie belle? Not that I'm complaining, not at all, but I'm still wondering.
2 and a half years.
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Just watch it for yourself. I'm not listening to anyone's opinion (including MLPG's) until I see it myself, just waiting for a good quality upload.
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So.. what?
See >>11638183
EqD will always say everything is brilliant, Seth wants to protect his good name amongst the staff.
Tumblr and reddit are simply filled to the brim with idiots. That said, most people on EqD that aren't staff still seem to dislike it according to polls.
What the fuck does someone who watches MLP and isn't a hugbox look like?
We're more of a >rape box
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>BCS has been coming around a lot and going stir crazy.

Last week i went to her tumblr, jesus, she went fucking nuts.

All she does now is complain and rant about bronies and the fandom.

She sounds like an insufferable bitch, which surprises me considering that she was really nice during her streams last year
tell him twilght isn't a tent to live in
The next MLP movie is definately going to be about horses
No, it's more like the opposite of a hugbox, with people throwing shit at others for no apparent reason, or more appropriately just because they're bored.
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Hoo boy
I want TwiDashfags to leave

I think it's really hard for a team who is used to the 24-minute format to create a solid feature-length film. I wouldn't expect anything more than average. It's also tough for a writing team to take risks with a film for kids, so it's difficult to create a compelling, powerful story. Not impossible, but I don't think we're gonna see that out of the current MLP team.
I imagine twilight knows that there are creatures that eat meat. She's seen dogs, hydras, griffons, dragons, and all sorts of things.
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I wish MSoB would expand on Twist more, personality wise. Considering there isn't a lot to go off of on the show, it's pretty much whatever he says to fill in the gaps, but he won't say anything. Wants it to be shown through his work, but there's not much of it, and it trickles too slowly...

what's that got to do with the pic you replied to?
best ship
>it trickles
Don't give him ideas

>dogs, hydras, griffons, dragons

So which one is your waifu today Roogna?
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>that "into the trash etc." post

there were 2 other posts saying it was shit but they got deleted as it is usual from that shit hugbox
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MLPG is more of a hate box most of the time
Thats not FlutterDash
I found it to have some amusing stuff but just generally be not very good

also as someone who usually likes the songs the songs were awful
She's off her meds because of glorious American Healthcare. This is what she's like without them to stabilize her brain matter.
Why the fuck are you such an autist that you have to question the realism of a cartoon that involves talking ponies, magic and portals to other worlds?
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Any requests?

How about something non-mane6?
>muh opposites attract
Fuck you Flying Saucer
I love you
I was just saying things that eat meat
Its the griffon. always the griffon
Never the dragon. fuck dragons
Caramel and Octavia cuddling.
It was confirmed she was on her meds.
Draw Lickety Split enjoying a lick a color
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Chickenbutt and Harshwhinny wrestling~
nothing I guess, but it's still bizarrely off-model and looks like a mutant pink Barney
How about Zecora with her hair styled like a horn, maybe making fun of unicorns
>not based CaraMac
>not VinylTavia

Heterofags are the worst fags.
I don't think he would be into piss...
Because they decided to include the human world as part of the Equestrian multiverse.
Sparkler crime fighting with Batman.
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Pony looks adorable with their ears like that

Flash Sentry coming to Equestria and immediately meeting his universal counterpart.

While Twilight licks her lips excitedly
That's racist!

No, Equestria is part of the Human multiverse
twilight likes to watch stallion on male sex?
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this pony playing the sax
basically you're a fag that likes to make fun of new and struggling artists.

She's a cute character, so it was a chance to draw a cute girl. Cute really isn't my thing as you can see from my drawings, but somehow, as I was adapting the design, and after some tweaks to it a year after, BAM. I just hit this combination of proportions and features that really agreed with me. It's more like a horizontal split actually - compare what's emphasized on the top of her body and then look at the lower half. It's that combo between goofy and... other, that keeps me coming back and exploring the design, I guess. Like Betty Boop.

Getting conflicting signals here

I love you too anon
kevinsano drew his ponies like Yoshi for over a year and we all made fun of him
You know, now that you mention it, I could totally see Twilight being a fujoshi deep down.
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Hey I attached an image, no fair


That is an excellent pone
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why is she so perfect
>download Tales of Maj'Eyal
>can't stop playing
>0 pony all day
pls give me a pony before I fall asleep
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The horror

I haven't watched it, but it sounds like you guys exaggerating in /mlp/ style.

I doubt is as bad you guys make it sound
It's like your living in an alternate universe where you think everything you say and do makes sense when it's not. Especially concerning your usage of the word cute.
No, that was just one or two hateanons, probably Ross.
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I enjoyed it, it felt like a movie length above average episode
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I know the feeling man
Have this pony
Nooo, pretty much everyone here referred to him as yoshi face. Or posted yoshi in response to his pics. Plus kevinsano is actually a pretty good artist. Eventually he did get his shit together.
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Thank you, I like him as well
sadly he doesn't have as much art as I'd like
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See guys, Equestria Daily are not Hasbro shills
its a very shitty movie with a few cute moments in it.

/pol/ pls
just pls
I don't mean to insult them, I just feel like years from now, all the piles of safe, decent pony art now on the web will be forgotten, while some kid's beginner scribbles or some wierd vore art will be championed as what it meant to be a 'brony artist'
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He has a surprising amount of porn however for some strange reason
I'll take this pony
her crass snoring will surely help me sleep
I know most guys here, self included, obsess over her legs but holy hell I will fucking sock you in the nuts if you claim she isn't a perfect 10 from the waist up as well.

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I love the horsies so much, can I play with their plump horsie rumps?
I think you do.

I think you're like those retards that run the anti-brony blogs.
Honestly? I couldn't even watch it all. I hate using the word "cringeworthy" since it's been over saturated lately, but that's exactly it. Felt like watching the s1 premier again, played at low volume and closing the video multiple times.
I watched bits and pieces enough to know it doesn't get better.
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don't I know it
good thing it's not gay if it's a marshmellow stallion
only if they let you, which is unlikely
ask them

1. Personmovie

2. Your least favorite episode of Horsecartoon
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Nightmare Moon, that was for Celestia. Now you've gone and ruined it.

Keep doing it. She needs to lose weight anyways.

3. Scootanon
eh, even sweet and elite isn't as bad as equestria girls
1 hands down
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>the mayor will never teach you how to please a mare to the very last detail
Its closer than you would think, but still personmovie
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How come Equestia Daily didn't get invitied to the Equestria Girls premiere?

This first time that they don't get invited for these sort of event

Probably Hasbro wants to start cutting ties with the fandom
oh man
imagine her cuddling up to you with her chilled coat and fresh mane
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There are last details?

Subjective. I think that compared to my other adapted designs, Sweetie Belle's the cutest by a mile. Obviously the fact that her eyes are twice as big as the next biggest pair helps with that. Along with her limp, ragdoll arms and neat buttoned up blouse and gloves and her stubby paw like hands.
S&E is your least favorite?
post full goddammit
because they knew it was shit, worse than anything they've ever produced so far
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Oh ho, then I shall play.

>Implying the Mayor can't still do that tonight as you dream
when you dream anon, ponies come to life
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> As they walked through the great gates of the Castle, Fluttershy began to panic.

>"UWAH! My friends! Cadence! They're all here! They'll see us together!"

>Shining Armor rolled his eyes.

>"I've barely seen Cadence in days, and you can be certain Twilight is with her.

>"W-w-w-w-well what about the others?"

>"Well, we've been receiving complaints regarding a white unicorn with purple hair harassing the citizens demanding to know how they get their coats to sparkle like they do."
>"Pinkie Pie has been practicing her flugelhorn near the barracks to the chagrin of the off-duty soldiers... we've confiscated at least 4 from her so far but we have no idea where she keeps getting more."

>"What about Rainbow Dash and Applejack?"

>"I'd bet anything they're still trying to get the royal guard in the throne room to laugh. They've been at it for days... some kind of bet I think."

> Suddenly she remembered it was Shining Armor's entire job to know what was going on in and around the castle at all times. Realizing the risk of being caught was so low eased her fears... but there was still a slight risk... and for some reason, its mere (if small) presence made the situation even better
>you will never casually bring a mare to climax as you snuggle on the couch

Oh my God, what a horse
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I think somehow, they'd stay warm. She is the sun.
>doesn't spoiler the pic
holy hashtags and beef, batman
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So apprently some threaters were actually full with bronies and almost not little girls
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Calm down red

You don't say
See you keep using words like cute, and phrases like 'I think that' when talking about your flawed design for her.
Has anyone submitted anything to the Banner contest?

Anything subtle MLP related?
>who knew
im sure it got next to no mainstream advertising
2 by a country mile

the movie felt like an extended length above average episode
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How did MLPG react to Twilight having a cruch on Flash?
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fucking #beef

I just wanted some art of spoilers seriously why has no-one drawn snips and snails devil trigger hatever modes

but apparently I can't spoiler for shit

I like how every last damn character in this movie ran like they were doing 110M hurdles. Flash jumps up a flight of stairs in two steps. Snips and Snails constantly took eight foot strides. Even Fluttershy went down a hallway and turned out of view in just three steps.
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Haha oh mlpg, never change
>im sure it got next to no mainstream advertising

I'm in Canada. None of the 5 years I know heard of it. I was the one to tell them.

Ask SB to do that. I'm sure that chump would love nothing more to draw their dicks hanging out.
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horribly forced
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have you seen the length of their legs?!
Unbridled rage
So which horse do you want to hang out with the most then?
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please someone draw luna in a wheelchair

>it's flawed

Great counterargument. Now give some reasons.
>horribly forced

Welcome to Meghan McCarthy and Hasbro's MLP:FiM! Hope you enjoy your stay.
we all died a little inside

she isn't even mai waifu

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I thought Twilight looked cute when she was denying it to Rarity and Pank
Not enough googly eyes.
People are trying to milk it to squeeze out Twaifufag tears but it was more effective last week.
There has been nothing here. Not even a poster at the theatre it was playing at.
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just a quickie
da fuck is happening in this pic?
Has Meghan McCarthy ever written anything good? Ever?
Zebra twins.
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I know right?

They might have well as walked like pic related
Spongebob episodes
>da fuck is happening in this pic?

Villains activated their devil triggers.
what if snails as donte and snips as vergil
>so jelly
That depends. Has she written a suicide note?
7/10 would buy for little cousin
Ross why don't you draw Femsnips? She's practically everything you usually like to draw.
Sunset Shimmer turned her loyal lackies Snips and Snails into demon henchmen and hypnotized the rest of the school.
What were some good things about EqG you can think of?

>Trixie and Dash were QT's
>Twilight was a dork like old times
>That cafeteria song
>Snips and Snails
>Twilight having trouble with her wings.

Though the movie isn't proven canon yet, and it wouldn't make a whole lot of sense with the ending of S3 without an explanation in the beginning of S4 but that last part made me the most happy
>that mod will never have custom music
Guys look like dweebs in pony shirt and merch. It's okay to like the show, but advertising it like that shows the world you're a manchild.
She writes for children's television shows.

That's not important.
if she didn't have an overbite, or just smiled without showing teeth, she still looks rather cute.
actually, you're responsible for this.
remember this? >11634596
you and the rest of MLPG did this to me
I hope you're proud
>you are now aware that an entire generation of girls will have their sexual preferences influenced by brad

i don't know about you, but i'm going to the chevy dealer to buy a camaro and taking electric guitar lessons
I have AJ sitting on my LCD. does that count?

tfw friends give you toys to try and embarrass you
I think Snips is already ugly enough, anon.
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wel, lets see:

meghan mcarthy ignores the established canon that the Elements of Harmony are sentinet enough to reckognise twilight and co as their destined users, and sunset shimmer uses twilights crown to turn into a demon for some reason, then she enthralls the entire school and also turns her henchmen snips and snails into fellow demons

lall this is at the prom so inset donte jokes here, also -wubbeth intensifies- a lot in the movie

Not funny.

overused buzzword
>I have AJ sitting on my LCD. does that count?

Yes. but it's not as bad as a pony shirt.
The only things it adds to canon is that they have a poorly guarded mirror portal to an alternate universe that opens on a known schedule.

That's really it.
I'm not going to waste my time, again, trying and failing to correct your mistakes when you're going to disregard them, again. By all means continue, and consider my apathy a victory like you usually do. One day you'll get a reality check. Okay probably not.
The only part that really bothered me was how SS got beaten, that and most of the non-cafeteria songs. Are the other elements even useful, does magic just make them redundant?

Other than that, everything else ranged from acceptable to actually enjoyable.
I guess I'm ok with that
Party of One and Lesson Zero
why are snips and snails her henchmen in the first place?

Does she do legerdemain?
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More punktavia.
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>tfw no friends to pony with irl
>or any friends, really
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Actually in season 1 I thnk the other elements were implied to have their own magic uses

personally I'd have hoped to have seen more magic lore than we got
Because they are dumb and make for incompetent henchmen, like for Trixie.
Snips and Snails are easily intimidated and are drawn to those with the appearance of power.
Actually it's a legitimate word to describe adult people who find little underage boys and girls attractive. i.e. pedophile.
This isn't pony
Because apparently she mooched them off Trixie (whos alone and a cameo in the movie) with her ALPHA BEETCH powaz or soem shit
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where have i seen those equestria girls boots before...

I don't care for drawn tits. So there. Done.
They liked Trixie because they are excited by stage magic.
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>Evil bitch character, rival of protagonist
>has the entire school/town at their back

Beyond the first 2 episodes, the elements are not even referenced. i 'm very interested in what drew you to that conclusion
>Trixie will never look at you in that way
Perhaps you've forgotten where you are.

/mlp/ or not, this is still 4chan, horsefucker.
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>not megaman
It's annoying having to write dumb handwavy explanations but I guess you have to assume that the magic "rules" work differently in the Equestria Girls world and so the Element of Magic was able to be used differently.

It's stupid as fuck but whatever.
>Hesh came back yesterday!
What? When?
He didn't say "too edgy"
he said "not funny"
which is true, it wasn't really that funny
I consider MLPG my friend, if that makes you feel better.
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>tfw everyone admits the Mario Bros. movie is stupid as hell but everyone still seems to like it
Oh don't get me wrong. I hope McCarthy kills herself.

It was just a poorly crafted joke.
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shes probably the most "experienced" cougar-mare in all of ponyville i'd love to have a long business meeting with her

unless he is literally sticking his dick in a child, you are misusing it, AS USUAL


Edgemaster 4000
Tight puckered Prude

Both of you are awful
>why are snips and snails her henchmen in the first place?

snips and snails are parodies of boys

"sugar, spice, and everything nice" are what girls are supposed to be made of
"snips, snails, and puppy dog tails" are what boys are supposed to be made of

yfw snips and snails are how girls see us

Still not funny.
I'd rather do something nice for her and see her get all flustered.
For a little bit. Posted two pics then left, but yeah he is around.
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So far the big events for the show we had so far are


>New location with The Crystal Empire

>New physical appearance with crystal ponies

>Princess Coronation

>Equestria Girls

Also they already defeated 5 villains

Where does the show can go now?

What could possibly be the next big event for the show that Hasbro has on the plans?

There doesn't seem to be that much to do at this point

What are you?
the way i could see it is that since SS is still a powerful unicorn, she can use Twilights element to an extent, but couldn't employ its full powers.
Ooooh ok.

Carry on, then!
I'm the meta shitposter.

The gang's all here.

nowhere but downhill...
No, it applies to people with a fetish for actual boys and girls.

Drawing/enjoying loli/shota doesn't make you a pedophile any more than pony porn makes you a zoophile.

Great, play the theme song.
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For how long do you think you could ruffle pony's mane until she finally kicked you in the groin/bit your hand?
What's funny though is for a show aimed at girls it's mostly the stallions and colts that have unique bodytypes, and almost all the fillies and mares are the same.
zebra land
everytime I watch that, i find something new to laugh at
Royal baby. You know it's gonna happen. Prepare for Skyla-fall.

>implying anything has changed

i hate when old fandoms die but part of me is glad i can finally bury my obsession and fucking move on

i just needed MLPG to show me the true way
Now why do you want Meghan to die?

I thought you people only hated Merriweather or whatever.

Explain this to me.

I don't want anyone to die
>you will never be a zebra in Ponyville
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Dash would probably let you do it indefinitely, until someone else came around. Then she'd have to hit your hand away to keep up appearances. But you both know she liked it.
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it hurts

if you are a "dreamy" guy like flash gordon or whatever, you are fawned-over and blushed-around

otherwise, girls hate you, especially if you are a loser who watches my little pony
>"old' fandom

Unless you are taking old gen you never was part of. But it is not dying it's been here for ages.

yeah, like, i know it's hard for you faggots to distinguish reality and fantasy but it's just a goddamn picture

not an actual person

got it?

i would NEVER do what i draw in my vent art that i make when stressed... BECAUSE IT'S ALL FAKEY PRETEND SHIT DUUUUUUUUHHH

Well why the fuck would you feel bothered to say anything at all if you're not going to engage? It sends mixed messages and you just sound like you don't know what to do with yourself. You want to take your angst out on something listen to Mumford & Sons. You wasted your time the moment you decided you didn't want to take this conversation anywhere other than to be flippant.

Wo-oh, I'm an alien, I'm a legal alien
I'm a zebra in Ponyville!
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>everyone loved Equestria Girls
Granny Smith is going to die in S4.

I've been around since Gen 1 so, yes, that makes me a major oldfag
>even Derpy is disgusted with you
surely a fate worse than death
Man if I had Derpy so mad at me that her eyes went straight I would feel so bad.
>tfw the Trixie prom greentext needs a rewrite to be canon

Or should we pretend that's how EqG should've been?
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you're doomed, i am doomed, we know, get used to it.

we're so fucked up we made derpys eyes go straight
Isn't that the same for grills?

Hot grills get all the sausage offers, cold ones get ignored?
It's Jack Thompson logic.

People who draw loli/shota are pedophiles.

And people who play violent video games are homicidal maniacs who are going to shoot up their school.

>odyssey eurobeat will never post here again.
1.5 Liters
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Derpy isn't angry, she's happy always
>liked G1
That makes you just a fag.
A very faggy fag.
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until 25~ when some beta settles for them.

and everyone who writes a book about murder is clearly a murderer
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>taking shit on 4chan seriously
it was great
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Zebra Twins.
They'll love season 4 too.
It's Stockholm Syndrome combined with I haven't seen anything pony related for months Syndrome.

Truly a dangerous combination.
Or a satan worshipper.

i'm a grill

how can i be a fag

grills are programed to love ponies
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I'm sure she has a broader range of emotions than that
She can feel pain, at the least
I want her to feel so badly over the shit she's written that she becomes deeply depressed.

Suicide is optional.

G1 is okay-ish

watching it feels like watching the old G1 transformers

What... the hell does Stockholm Syndrome has to do with anything?
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He is an adorable background pone anon do not feel bad

son I am proud
Then why does she look mad? Or is she just concentrating really hard to keep her eyes straight since she lost interest in what was going on?
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can she feel art?
>femsnips takes them up on their offer
>they wear out before she does

Nonsense, grills are programmed to grill hamburgers.
No, no, no, of course I know you don't want Meghan to actually die, it's a "keep the joke going" thing. I just want to know the dislike for her.
What's this then?
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I thought it was okay
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This pony wants to interview you for a job at her studio.
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another thing i don't understand about the female mind

flash was queen bitch's ex-boyfriend

so he actually dated the demon girl that everyone hates and fears

yet he's still a dreamy mccutebottom
>not jailbreaking your grill
>implying pones aren't a critical part of grilling hamburgers
Thats what happens when you decide to give femsnips a lift home

there's no helping it
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>stockholm syndrome
i think hes just trying to sound smart by using fancy talk, you know people do fancy talk when they want to look smart but they actually dont even know what the fuck they're saying.
I never applied
nor do I live in Germany
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Derpy is actually having her tail pulled like a slot machine handle, which causes her eyes to roll. That screen cap was perfectly timed to make her eyes appear straight, when they were actually more crooked than ever.
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stop that I'm actually blushing
think in terms of lower primates

he's the alpha male. Bitch Queen had him. Now it's Twilight's turn because she's become alpha female.
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yep, it's all downhill from here, Hasbro is just going to force it into the show somehow just after we get Princess Skyla
Having one romantic interest does not preclude him from having others
Does that sound familiar Twaifufags
how do you pronounce Mti?
does the job involve hugging and/or kissing her and telling her she's a pretty pony
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GG's newest characters that everyone wants to get DP'd by.
That's because he's a douche

did you even see his douchemobile near the end

if they bad mouthed him they wouldn't get his dolla dolla
Stockholm Syndrome is when a victim feels attracted to his/her offender right?

Replace the offender with the movie and you'll get the idea.
huh diddnt know the guy who voiced Flash also voiced Blueblood, Garble, and Doughnut joe
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You mean... you don't want the job?

Let's not go so fast, anon! She needs to get to know you first!
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regular U, not american U that sounds like YOU, just the U
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>People who draw loli/shota are pedophiles.
>And people who play violent video games are homicidal maniacs who are going to shoot up their school.

Both groups like to indulge in those fantasies though. Vidya are mostly power and hero fantasies. So yes, people want to be heroic and cool. Note how very few games have you play as a villain. And lolicon artists are sorta pedos. I consider them sorta harmless though.
>being this illiterate
Stockhom syndrome means when, in an abusive relationship, the victim loves the abuser
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I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure people here are exaggerating how bad it is. MLPG just has this annoying pessimistic attitude towards everything, they went in wanting to hate it, and it will unfortunately be this way with S4.
Not sure is "Mah-tee" oe "em-tee"
Speaking of Blueblood where the fuck was he this movie

he'd have been the perfect example of that jockjerk not even the other jocks like
From the outside is sure does seem like VAs are a very tight knit group. A smallish group of people that are the go to for any project.
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Sorry for the wait, here ya go!

Spoilered for lewd cuddling
>so he actually dated the demon girl that everyone hates and fears
>yet he's still a dreamy mccutebottom


Meghan McCarthy does not give a shit about the finer details.

This isn't a relationship of any kind, stop trying to sound smart.
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I'm watching Equestria Girls right now.

They start with so much emphasis on Twilight's princesshood

This is a good glance of what will come in S4

Is like watching the show dying

How clever.
Although, in most cases, it's used to refer to kidnapping victims.
We have all been kidnapped by pony
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You think she fukced him with his infernal thorny futacock?
You think he loved it?
>Is like watching the show dying

Show's been dying since Wedding episode. Dead since Princess Twilight.
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Yeah, forgot what she looked like so I had to google a ref real quick.
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but that has fucking nothing to do with pony cartoon, you guys are just turning yet another mental disorder into a buzzword.

you're just trying to sound smart

>This is a good glance of what will come in S4
well no shit, its not like they are just going to completely ignore it. Im pretty sure they already confirmed the opening is goint to be a two parter that goes with the finale of s3
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you're rusing me, aren't you?
there's no way anyone is this stupid
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Would you try?

The answer is yes, you would.
i actually think the movie makes a very good point about female psychology

like >>11639299 said, girls don't mind if a guy is an asshole or dated girls they hate in the past

in fact, being an asshole or dating lots of bitches makes them even more desirable

Is Weaver a furry?

Besides Stockholm Syndrome also applies to other things other than relationships or delinquents.
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>wikies it
>posts 5 minutes later

you still didn't explain how it relates to fucking ponies you dingus

Oh come on
Kepp in mind that they put a whole lot of effort into it and it was made by the same team who will do season 4.
You know what to expect
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at least we have the comics

>I am a nice guy, why won't women date me?
>you're just trying to sound smart
see >>11639437
Am I stretchy enough?
Probably, but if it matters enough for you you're probably autistic.
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when does derpy get to be the princess?
weaver is weaver.
I was liking these two, but then I saw

>at least we have the comics

Soon the comics will jump past Princess Twily though. Then the comics will be dead.

True. True.
Bah, anyone have a screencap or two of Cheerilees schoolhouse?
*reblogs your post*
Such an epin tumblr meme :´)
when the show stops being awful
i'd like to see more of these two

Yup, fantasies. Not my fault if some idgeot can't make the distinction, and that's because they're antisocial or retarded, not because of the interest itself. I like my Sweetie Belle design, but in all honesty I'd prefer to fuck someone rail-thin and at least 6'5" or taller in real life. Why? Because adults are more mature than kids, easy. I was looking towards adult women even when I was 13, not to say I was successful at that.
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Look a little closer.
so basically I should aspire to be a bland, cardboard-cutout asshole just to get laid?

No thinks, I'll stick with being close to a decent human being, thank you very much

You sure told him, /v/ would be proud.
Hey mlpg...what's the haps?
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your house is filled with tinypones

what do
do you guys remember that popular Yahoo Korean comic, the one with the teacher and the student asks him a question he doesn't knows and hes like

>what? you seriously dont understand this?

and he manages to fool the girl student but not the second student who asks him afterwards?

there is still nothing inherently wrong with princess twily, and it is still to be seen what lasting effects it will have on the pony show we know and love
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I can't

captcha: dedylu authority
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>i'd like to see more of these two
Be careful what you wish for
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>implying the show isn't already dead
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dawww to death.
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Watching Equestria Girls is hurting me, but i can't stop because a part to me just wants to finish it
you sound like a virgin

don't worry, we'll become wizards together
pipsqueak better watch his back

You're a bland, cardboard-cutout nice guy
But no scout sells alone! What about their denmother, Thin Mint?
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my wizzas
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please no
They'll be sampling her later.
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Not enough pank
furiously cuddle them all
what the hell does a handjob mean
It's not that bad, suck it up you pussy.
yes, if you reached the point where you think that, im afraid its 2 late 4 u.

looks like you didnt have enough luck
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>As they walked up the stairs, Fluttershy's heart began to race. She had never been so nervoucited in her life, but she wasn't about to back down from something she wanted so badly.

>Shining Armor opened the door for her. She blushed as she walked through, but the door hadn't even fully closed before he snapped her off the ground and carried her toward the bed.

>Earlier, her conscience had been a roar commanding her not to approach Shining Armor... a roar she acted in complete defiance of. It had not gotten quieter.. but it was a distant whisper compared to the raw lust that now compelled her to stay.

>She knew what she was doing was wrong to both Twilight and Cadence... but she couldn't have stopped herself even if she'd wanted to.

>As she hit the bed, Shining Armor climbed on top of her. As he kissed her, the fire in her belly erupted and sent waves of arousal to every part of her body, from feet to feathers.

Yeah. I used a word from the movie. Tell me the english language already had a word for "nervous and excited at the same time" and then you can call me a faget.
I think pony would make a great wizard's familiar.
why is one a colt?

An surgical operation involving your hands, silly
Working the muscles of your hands.

It's pretty healthy.

He cried like a little bitch every time she fucked him.
hand job
manual labor
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fluttershy is an okay pony

but she's a better centaur
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Let's try again

Any other Sweetie Belle requests? Or would you like a change of pace with Apple Bloom?
yeah, i failed my dice roll and rolled a 1 in the "didn't become a asshole" department

Which is fine, worlds full of many people who I'll never talk to because I accidently rolled a 20 on "you became a annoying autist instead" category
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nigga what the fuck is hands
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If the Simpsons and South Park can remain relevant for like half a century then I think a once-in-a-generation-leve-of-popular kid's show can pull it off for more than 3 seasons.
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A miserable little pile of fingers
Applebloom getting smushed between AJ and Mac's butts
>girls don't mind if a guy is an asshole or dated girls they hate in the past
Yes they do
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>You're a bland, cardboard-cutout nice guy

If a girl calls you a "nice guy" it means you're bland and she can't think of anything else to say about you.
Also, what the fuck is going on? She tries magic, and gets pie on her ass?
>you will never mount fluttertaur from behind

So are these guys pedos

they seem to prefer fillies from what we've seen

I'm gonna write fanfics for anyone who wants. This was requested last night.

I've only written two so far (It probably shows in the writing) but it's more fun than I thought it would be.
Wouldn't it just be something like restless?

Who knows, they might keep going with the vague "before S3" timeline. Hasbro gives them a lot of leeway with the comics, and the comics probably make money, but it's insignificant compared to the rest of the MLP brand. So maybe they'll let them forge their own continuity?
more sweetie thighs
are you

are you him
They're basically Ice Pack with little restraint and no cares for consequence when it comes to females, or males, they want to shower with their affection.
They're also Ice Pack's biggest competition, because they give Zebras a bad name and steal his business.
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Hey nerds,
Give me your requests

How about something with hips, or wings?
As retarded as the movie was, i think the ending was pretty well done. The climax diddnt feel as rushed as all the other two parters.
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depressing isn't it
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Keep at it.
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>That feel when you used to know that feel
Seconded! Hard and fast.
Maybe some cosplay? Sweetie dressed as Chun-li would be pretty apt.
They AREN'T pedos, I think they just like making racy rhymes around foals that they wouldn't understand.
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no, anon, you're the fucking asshole. You think acting like the victim makes people think you're a nice person
No, you're selfish dickhole who blames everyone but himself
that's why you're a virgin, that's why you think you have to be an asshole to get a girl
You're a pathetic lazy sack of shit with no spine and think the world owes you something for it
As long as you keep thinking like this, you will die this way and guess what, no one is going to give a fuck that you're gone
how about wing hugs?
>hips or wings
I'd really, REALLY like some gilda hips, if you would
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Tex rare and deleted pics. He deletes so many of his sketches, even my favorite ones. My two favorites are Anon and Scoots, and the series of sketches of Anon wearing winter clothing and skiiing, and doing the "wearing nothing at all" pose.

Relevant since I don't like current Steroid Hueg statue anon. I call him bland anon.
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>Celestia doesn't allow the main 6 to go through the portal



She always cames up with a bullshit excuse to push the other 5 to the background

Her favoritism is ridiculous and she has no fucking sight nor vision of the shows dynamic and core appeal

The show is doomed, this just confirms that Meghan only cares for Twilight
Gibbe derpy and aj comparing dem hips and

But anon, what about femsnails
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How much have you had today?
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Rarity's mom asking Rarity if her new pants make her butt look big.

Make that ass fat
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Why don't you have that feel any more?

Your creatures are horrifying, and it has no fucking relationship with MLP.

Someone ban this shithead once and for all.
that's a pretty neat concept, ice pack's foil

She has a mime outfit on just because I know how much people call her a mime. The gag was that it was set up for you to think she was trying to move a pie, but the pie hit her from behind, so it wasn't what she wanted to move.
actually it was a pretty good reason, did you even listen to celestia?
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They're more bark than bite, really
I support this request wholeheartedly!
We need more of her. Much more.
A metric fuckton more.
We don't know for sure if that was real. FemSnails daydreams a lot.
I like it.

If you have the time, I'd love to have something with multiple stallions on one mare, like with Rarity

it's a bullshit reason
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didnt you realize that there was no Twilight counterpart in the human universe?

thats probably why she was the only one allowed the go.

>She has a mime outfit on just because I know how much people call her a mime
that's not what I asked at all
Dash giving anon a winghug while being all tsun tsun about it
Don't forget the hips, man
I really hope so, the comics are the only thing I still like, the show is terrible now and even more now that it is going to be slowly transformed into EG

Nooooo, of course not.
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>No, you dumbass
They merge. Memories and bodies become one chaotic mixture.
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RIP Wekapipo
>something with multiple stallions on one mare

What if they were a pair of stallions?


Zebra twins
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I haven't written in a long time
It would have been way harder to invent a whole new group of people to teach them all to not be retarded human horses. Really it was a decision that solved a fuck lot of problems that could have arisen.
>and even more now that it is going to be slowly transformed into EG
What part of spin off show don't you understand?
honestly, being a bland niceguy isn't the worst thing in the world

i used to think being a foreveralone virgin was the worst stigma ever, but as i approach wizardry age, i'm pretty content

i don't have to worry about babies, STDs, divorce, alimony, or just plain old nagging

i'm free and independent, i'm a responsible person who takes care of business, i'm a model son who my parents trust and respect

maybe this is all a lame justification, but the less time i waste on trying to impress women, the more time i have to enjoy my life
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Notice how full of life his humans are here. Real personality. Now theyr'e statues.
>1 of your 5 a day

shit applejack is you serious

ain't nobody got time fo dat
>the show is terrible now
you are entitled to your opinions but i disagree with you.
>even more now that it is going to be slowly transformed into EG
its a spin-off anon, i doubt it can reach the popularity among children to overtake the main franchise

How old are you
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>No, you dumbass
I giggled like a retard
Writing isn't everyone's thing.

But if you still want to, don't let yourself stop you. Could always use another writer.
You sir, are my nigga.

I'd rather live alone and happy.
>What part of spin off show don't you understand?

What part of "canon with MLP:FiM" and "takes place before S3 finale" did you not understand?
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Goodnight MLPG, that cheesecake pony will be done tomorrow...maybe

Dude, it's two fucking sentences, the explanation's right there.


I don't like scenarios like that, to be honest. Too nerdy.
Nice projecting there, champ. Basically you might as well ahve gone
and reblogged on tumblr.
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