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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Pone hips edition

Waisted horse: >>11610492
>a branch

what are they selling?
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nobody would buy those
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evening, /co/
It's a pretty risky business plan, I guess they're going out on a limb with this.
to the anon that was asking about RenneQuest, remember that if you keep a journal of your reactions LK will draw you something RenneQuest-ish
Why are zebras so much unfier then ponies?
they are all shit
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Gotta say EqG wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
bugger butts
There's something about that Rarity....
Kind of want to draw a villain. Who should it be?

No NMM or NR
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That looks like Dora the Explorer in the background.
Nightmare Braeburn
NMM practicing her speech in front of a mirror
I like the face, but her cheek seems really flat in comparison to the EqG version.
that comes after the 4K bluray rip
They need those thick lips to tease out all that hot zebra cum.
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Draw this guy he was cool.
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Behind the bleachers.
5 minutes.

She's a real gem!
Favorite episode. Or at least silly episode.

Jack Frost or whatever that one is called where he confronts the killer of his parents was great too.
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>using a ouija board
>light a zippo lighter
>ask the board to give us a sign if Equestria is real
>light does out, lighter becomes freezing cold
>ask it again
>picture falls off the wall
But my dog isn't here
>Dash in tight shorts
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I like the round pony faces.
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i am going to be without internet for 3 days. what is the best way to prepare so i dont go through pone withdrawal.
>ouija board
>EQG futashy

I would drench that plushie in cum
>Asking to a ghost if a place of a girls show is real
Holy shit, some people are beta even with the supernatural.
have all the episodes downloaded. Have plentiful games/alcohol to distract you.

>using a quija board

Good luck when your house becomes haunted and your possessed sister starts cramming crucifixes up her twat.
make your left hand into a fist
now, draw two eyes on the right side of your index finger and a mouth on the back of your thumb

fill in the details with your favorite pony
>possessed sister starts cramming crucifixes up her twat.
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Hey Nobody.

Draw Sombra all battered up wearing rags and hiding out in an alley somewhere, plotting revenge.
You mean the one with Joe Chill?
And three generations of Batmen were the voices of the Phantom Stranger, Batman, and Thomas Wayne?
What if EqG turns out to be good?
These things actually work? I never figured it out myself.
it isnt.
It was good. Probably the best movie of our generation.

Buy more toys!
I mean the show.
>EQG futashy

I swear to god if you make me see this abomination I'm going to post my Lyra Hearstrings alicorn fanfic with Flash Sentry shipping.
its goin to be shit like the movie
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Watch the old MLP movie, then watch the G4 episodes in order and then the movie. Then the Bronycon Documentary. Then masturbate at the end of it all to ponies to reward yourself.

You'll be giving yourself a refresher course.
Fuck off Hasbro shill.
There is a tube of superglue on my desk and I have a semi.

What do?

Of course it does, it's produced by the evilist corporation of all, Hasbro.
pls write fluttershy x SA
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Why are you all not giving your reigning, defending Pony Hips Champion more respect?! She's been your Champion for 184 consecutive days!
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>dating pony
Are you sure it's a good idea to date outside of your specie.
There may be some people who might not...approve.
In other words they might lynch you.
how do I enter my pony in the competition?
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Oh no, Rainbow Dash has been captured.

Jokes on them I'll be in Equestria.
No shit sherlock.

That'd make it more interesting and exciting anyway.
YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO read this post.
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I'm so sorry Pinkie, it'll never happen again.
She spends all that time trying to catch her
I bet she never even thought about what to do once she finally did
A show would be incredibly redundant
Fluttershy and SA? But... that goes way outside of FS' character.

Cuckoldry isn't kind at all!
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the tables are turned
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Dash and AJ's tails make a heart
you're in a club and your favorite pony starts grinding you.
what do you do?
Streaming some Felix the Cat.
Get on in here.
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I'd date pony.
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Now the pone is dead.
>Cuckoldry isn't kind at all!
is not cuckholdry
Cum in my pants, try to slink away, fail miserably, excuse self, cry in the bathroom.
>inb4 banned
I can take them
Wait what is it when a girl fucks a married guy then?
>4thbest and 5thbest

nah i want different pones pls
>I don't get it.

What kind of club is that anyway?
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I'll take the apple pony.
real love anon
candyass doesn't know

>pony follows you into the bathroom and corners you in a stall
>begins climbing on top of you with bedroom eyes
>locks the door behind her

Now what do?
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>arf arf
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She must participate in a 30-Mare, over-the-top-rope battle royal! Last pony in the ring will become the No. 1 contender for Applejack's Pony Hips Championship!
I need a good concept in which to draw porn of pony flash sentry.

I'd use those hips as handles
>Bloated zebra balls just waiting to be drained
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loudly blurt out that I already came in my pants
What would you do if apple pony took you?
royal guard gang bang
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But what of pony. What if they get her instead of you?
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eating from her bowl
royal guard barracks
Well if there's any pony who can woo someone away from the living embodiment of love... it would be FS, wouldn't it?
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Oh my.
Mumble and try to recover a little dignity, awkwardly return her advances, hoverhand contantly.
Rinse your mouth out.
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Scrunchiest pony.

Tex, why do you get so many dubs?

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Let us assist you.
I would be sad for several months and then I'll just carry on with my life.
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Sweetie, we've been over this. You are not a dog. You're a cat. See?
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They should get their own pony.
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So did Tex draw luna?
You have the rest, right..?

Go, Sweetie, go! Eat that invisible pony food.
I wish I had a pet pony to cuddle and play with
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No. Never.
Did you check the last 5 times you asked?


Follow his tumblr you fuckin' tard.
If they return her, that will be the end of it. They'll never hear from me again.

If they don't, I will look for them.

I will find them.

And I will kill them.
Oh my god.
Do you think zebras could rinse your mouth thoroughly, the same way they rinse wombs?
I don't have a tumblr
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Much better.
Now, come over and lay on my lap...
and let me pet you.
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Not if you don't get to work.
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Then bookmark it.

This is not hard anonymous.
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pone hips?
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>Enjoying Adult Swim premiere of Bob's Burgers
>Look it up
>It's in its fourth season on Fox

Jesus fuck
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>who's a good widdle pony? You are! Yes you are! choochie woochie woo!

anon I don't think you should do that, that pony looks ticked off
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No, that's all there is.
This is not pony.

But you should marathon the show, it's pretty damn good.
It's pretty funny. I like Louise, the girl with the bunny ears.
god I wish I could draw expressions like that
Pony WAS ticked off. Headrubs are known to improve pony mood drastically.
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Taking a request. Feeling pretty down tonight so no guarantees but I'll see what I can do.
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What if I did
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oh, look at that
pony feeling pretty
Pinkie cheering fluttershy up feel better anon
Draw a doodle of Celestia being happy
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This is misinformation.

goat train is not a licensed doctor.

This is what happens when you rub a pony's head.
Draw Chickenbutt enjoying the great outdoors.
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Surprise bursting out of this box.

Rainbow Dash bragging about her new Jordans
Dash and Fluttershy wrapped in a blanket on the couch. maybe some popcorn too.
why would a wonderbolt be in a box

What are you waiting for?
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Perhaps tonight, maybe, pony can sleep in the bed?
Season 4 actually hasn't started yet.
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Pinkie making her Poniacchi doll do a little dance
Does she promise to be good?
I'm waiting for him to show me his massive, cumswollen balls.
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did pony shower

or at least clean its hooves?
Yes, pony can sleep in the bed...
With me.

Well, I'm not gay anon, or a furry.
strip the flesh
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Good thing you said something, anon, I might have missed today's Venture Bros.
>long range forecast says 35 degrees for Everfree

Rev up that con stink.
Zecora when?
is that belly or vulva?
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Excuse the hell out of you.
I have a license to prove my doctorate.

>35 degrees

jesus that's almost freezing
>he will never stretch your throat and bulge your belly
let me see that
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that ass is 2flat4me
waaaay too flat
> She'd always been nervous. Rainbow Dash wasn't exaggerating when she accused her of being afraid of her own shadow; but this was the first time she couldn't identify exactly what she was afraid of.
> She'd spent time Shining Armor dozens of times, but after seeing his bravery the last time she was in the Crystal Empire, it now felt like every time she saw him the butterflies of her cutie mark migrated from her flank to her belly.

> She'd spoken to Rarity about this feeling before, though declined to divulge who incited it. "Fluttershy, darling", she said, "You have a CRUSH on somepony! OH TELL ME WHO!" was the response… but that couldn't be the case. He was MARRIED! To a PRINCESS no less! A plain old pegasus like her would never have had a chance with a stallion like Shining Armor even if he were single and in a much more mundane line of work…

How am I doin so far, anon?
Take it Anon, I've got plenty mo--
I mean, I need that back.
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>all that unused space
Belly, silly.
good. really good
We dirty ziggers now?


Is the nightmare finally over? It's been about a week now.
Was Zecora in EQG?
Nope,she's just asleep.
I think so, just don't talk about it
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Yeah, Rarity is back to normal.
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I didn't make the card, Anon.
nosir not me

Why would I want to steal pony hair? It's not like it's pretty or anything....
Yeah she was one of the black and white cookies in the Cakes' shop.
I didn't see the movie.
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What would you do with all the pony hair?
I'd make a wig and wear it.
That's pretty cute, the big forehead bothers me though
Sometimes I forget that I'm one of the few Canadians here.
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Pony just confessed their love for you.
Goat please draw pretty princess Celest
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Look at Pinkie Pie's hooves. I'd feel terrified being gripped by pony hooves.
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Pony is too young to know what love is
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where's the rest of her?
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Want some pie?

Oh boy, the texas con this weekend is gonna be fun.

especially when i try on that vinyl fursuit
I'm not sure AJ would approve of this, you should be with colts your own age Bloom.
You are the same age as pony.
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There's only one zebra stallion for me.
What kind of pretty Celest? Doing what?

What kind?

why wait?

do it now

and post pics
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Oh come on it's not that bad. You've seen what's on the underside of octopus arms before.
R.I.P. ;-;7
But don't you want to learn more about hoofgrip?
tex applejack grabbing anon now


thanks though
They're vacuums, you can hear the suction when you get close to them
Why is this picture so funny
>But no matter how much she told herself he was out of her league and unavailable besides, she wasn't in control of it.
>She found herself staying, just watching him drill recruits through the streets of the Empire every day.
>She hoped he would notice her... but the more he didn't, the more she noticed him.

>Twilight's summit with the other princesses was coming to a close. Tomorrow they would be heading back to Ponyville.
>Who knew when they would be back next? If there's one thing Fluttershy had learned from Rainbow Dash, it was to never miss an opportunity... even if it meant getting hurt.

>The butterflies in her stomach started fluttering wildly as she gathered the courage for what she was about to do....
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I dunno, nothing special, just being pretty and cute. May be some simple summer theme.
But I'm trying to draw human dancing with Applejack. Or some other pony, but I'm leaning towards Applejack.

It's not my suit, I'll be trying it out when I go down there.
Yes, that one.
oh okay that's fine too
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>at party
>drinking hard cider
>try not to pretend i'm applejack

Oh. Hope it doesn't smell too funky, then.

>Apple Bloom calls Sweetie Belle into the room who is wearing an ominous looks red amulet
>Before you have the chance to ask her about it she points her horn at you and a large magic bolt shoots right at you
>coming to, you find that you're a lot smaller. And also a pony. Uh oh.
>"There, now we can be special someponies"
Can do, Coach.

I'd lean towards Applejack.
But Applejack only drinks apple cider.
Are you really at a party?
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>"Hey anon, think you could scrub my back for me?"

We'll be fine. The convention center is cooled and the owners are very caring.

I will try and get some pics in it though.
Let the apples take you Anon
>scrub her back
>massage her wings
>Is that a piss stain, and...and what is THAT!?!
do you think she would mind if I accidentally brushed up against her mare bits?
I mean that has to happen from time to time.


suits always seem fun

>tfw I drink Jack daniels I can't help but think of applejack, so I raise my glass to the sky.

Get it yourself, cunt.
Was. I would never pony in public.
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>reading a book
>try not to pretend I'm Twilight in the library
Sorry I just fingered you, totally didn't mean it
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This is going to wear off at the most embarrassing moment possible.
Which pony really has to piss like a horse?
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584 KB GIF
>going fast
>try not to pretend I'm Rainbow Dash
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91 KB
>tfw scrubbing bubbles is dead
>drinking 250ml of milk
>don't pretend at all
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47 KB
>speeding on the highway
>try not to pretend I'm Rainbow Dash
this would be a neat twist for Cheerilee quest
Who the fuck is writing this, me or you?

> preparing for ANAL SEX
>Walking down a street
>try not to pretend to be background pony #57
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136 KB PNG
>Doing magic
>trying not to pretend I'm Twilight
Did that anon fill my flaming pony request?
Everyone becomes an alicorn.
Spike comes out as transgendered.

Rarity getting an episode.
>being a huge cunt
>try not to pretend I'm Rainbow Dash

Why is everything going to shit lately?

>not letting a little dribble down your chin on purpose
>not apologizing and pouring another glass so you can try again
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325 KB PNG
>At computer
>trying not to pretend im a human
Everyone doesn't become an alicorn.
>Drinking cider

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So what was MLPG' general consensus on EG movie?
Equestria Girls gets canonized
Thank you based anon.
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>Read book
>Trying to pretend i'm Twilight

Shit and unfunny.
>act retarded
>try not to pretend I'm Derpy
>Spike comes out as transgendered.
>implying that wouldn't result in wacky gender hijinks
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115 KB JPG
>send in job application
>try to pretend its not already in the trash
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>getting double penetrated while sucking a dick
>try not to pretend I'm Rararara
I appear to have burst into flames
Better than I expected.

Forgetable. Not as bad as it could be. Nothing special. Kinda shitty.
It's mediocre. Cafeteria song is the high point. Nothing changes as a result of the movie.
I would say he consensus is not as bad as once thought but still mediocre
>Equestria Girls gets canonized

Too late.
>playing video games
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>writing down appointments on my calendar and signing my name in cursive
>trying not to pretend i'm Ms. Harshwhinny
About as good as Sweet and Elite, but not as good as Baby Cakes.
Direct download of EqG available yet?
>pretending to be your own waifu
dont mind if I do. see you nerds
Substantially worse than expected

I hoped for mediocre and I got Disney telemovie tier

w-would you casually ride my dick
Wait... if you're pretending to be Rainbow Dash, and you love Applejack...
EqG becomes the pope?
But how?
but seriously you guys, tiered canon is a thing that is very helpful with this sort of thing.
Severe pandering with no character development as the main characters all become flanderized.
that's real masturbatory
>tfw pinkieanon is dead
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"Focus is a way to essentially gamify Garrett’s nature as a master thief; a shortcut to making players ‘feel’ like a master, rather than by having them master the systems and environment on their own. Why does Thief need this?
The answer:

“With the next-gen, with the smartphone, with the tablet, with the indie developer, it’s really, really cool because now we have a lot of different types of players. There is a type of people that like to have that kind of indicator, because… they don’t want to fight with all these mechanics. They enjoy the story, they want to progress, they want to feel that they are good, but at the same time they like to, you know, ‘let me help you a little bit’."
Tex confirmed for actually being RD in secret
If you're still there, post the rest
Nevermind, should have checked frontpage yet
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>next up, double time
What if pone got up, made a sound, stomped her hooves and turned around?
they are
they're a looot of hassle though
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79 KB
Best thing I've ever watched. Would watch a thousand times again. They should just drop MLP and stick with EqG. My life is now complete. It was ehh
I'd like to be Fluttershy in a relationship with my favorite pony, Dash.

it's a melancholy feel
No, but I'll make you lick my hooves and berate you for getting aroused.
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>ms harshwhinny
>doing anything "casually"
You guys are going to go fucking nuts if a Zebra stallion appears in the show.
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2 MB
I maen

Your point
>you will never be able to handle the gallon challenge

I would probably need to take a break for a while

no man is capable of handling that much homogay besides Braeburned

Fucking owls.
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The purpose of the movie confuses me. It doesn't add or change anything with pony world canon, and in the human world, they've set all the major characters in a high school IN THEIR SENIOR YEAR

If they decide to do a follow-up series, that means they can only have less than a year's worth of Principal Celestia before the main cast fucking graduates.
some one touched her butt
Oh mah dick
Anon looked at her butt
>It doesn't add or change anything with pony world canon
twily has a boyfriend now
IGN pls
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Love Applejack? I just really, really like her is all.
Everyone assumes she and her best friends are fags?
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>The purpose of the movie confuses me
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>go nuts
Only Celestia could handle that.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't try
>playing video games
>not applying gamification to your life and using it to propel you to make real accomplishments in the real world
me too man, she would treat me right
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Do you really really like like her?
who is it? she's not dating flash sentry, was there another pony?
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You're making that up. Right?

apple nuked his tumblr again
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>As he dismissed the recruits, she put on the bravest face she could.
>This was it. For the first time in her life she was going to throw caution to the wind and follow her heart... or some other part of herself.

>As Shining Armor removed his helmet the first thing he saw was Twiley's friend marching toward him. He'd seen her a lot, though she very rarely spoke. Even more unusual, she was by herself.

>"Hey! Fluttershy! How's it going? I thought you would've been in the castle with the others!"

>"Oh, um... hey... hi.. i mean... hello Shining Armor. I was just watching you training the recruits and.. um... it looked like a lot of work and I just wanted to say hi and..."

>He cut her off

>"Oh heck yeah. It might look easy just walking around barking orders, but I've actually got to do everything they do and more!"

>She saw her chance

>"Oh wow... that must be exhausting! You want to... um... maybe... get a bite to eat? That is... if you're not busy... or going to see Cadence...."
One uninterrupted hour of ponies, one by one, telling bronies to go fuck themselves, starting with the CMC, who get their cutie marks in FUCK YOU. When they're done, they become alicorns, with the exception of the already existing alicorns. Bon Bon appears several times due to her many voices. Derpy is brutally murdered onscreen by a guy wearing a rooster mask. Ponies are seen fucking, showing full penetration, with the E/I logo slapped in the corner to justify airing pony sex. Twilight grows a second horn and pair of wings. All of the credits would be replaced with FUCK YOU, except for one:
>"FUCK YOU," written by William "Donte the Demon Killer" Shakespeare and Tameem Antoniades
But do you like like her?
They're only going to alicornize the main 6, Anon. Calm your tits.
We just think it's really pretty, is all.
how would you know that anon?
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You bet your sweet bippy.
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bon bon where did you steal that horn
go on
I touched your pony
But if everyone's an alicorn...

No one will be.
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>that harshwhinny
Is that yours?

I want it.
Well, I mean, DUH to sell toys and shit, but I'm talking about the long-term as a series investment.
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The 4 alicorns are somehow stripped of their alicorn status and the magic finds its way into the 4 CMC and turns them into alicorns.
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>Fingers your anus
>you will never down an elasticity potion
>you will never be able to drain two zebras in a single sitting
9 ponies is hardly everyone.
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>they're still blank flanks
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Tex is latino. Fact.
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On her pony bits
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>applebloom, Princess of apples
>sweetie belle, princess of retards
>scootaloo, princess of FAST & best pony

>an alicorn

what is she? the princess of being a cunt?
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>"Come now, darling. I promise it won't hurt at all, a lady never lies~"
>tfw Rarity will never peg you
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I figured they'd take the cutie marks of the alicorns too.
and height.
All hail your new sun princess!
pony pony pony?
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did she like it?
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Swing and a miss.
Everyone in America is Latino
As long as you didn't take any I guess that's fine
>that jet pouring into the glass
I'm glad I don't know that feel.
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is this real life
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Babs would be the new princess of love
Except for the Jews, of course
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my queen
Old native american tribal leader?
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This world is unjust
She said it was okay and squirted
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O-oh my.

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Sure, why not?
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That's creepy

well that's okay then

good job, anon
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>Sweetie sings the sunrise up every morning
How many brony bucks did you get for being in the documentary?
No it isn't.
I thought he was Texican.
Sex is magic?
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Apples is why not
Have you praised the sun today?
Friendship is sex is magic is pony is human is happiness
Thank you, I tried my hardest
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best pony of all ages

what the actual fuck
Bunny thrust
> "Pthpppppbt!... are you kidding me? I haven't seen Cadence in 3 days... and before that it's just nothing but royal duties 8 days a week!

>Fluttershy averted her gaze, shamefully kicking at the dirt. Shining Armor had vented a little too much, a little too quickly...

>"Oh wow... guess I kinda lost my head for a second there... FOOD! Hey yeah! Let's get something to eat. I know the best place to get a Crystal Berry Pie in the entire Empire! It's pretty far though... Come on, let's hoof it before they close!"

> What Shining Armor had neglected to tell Fluttershy was that this place was at the very Southern entrance of the Crystal Empire... and he had been driling the recruits in front of the Castle at the North end....
I am you as you are he
Did they ever contact you about putting Palette Swap in the documentary?
Oh, yeah, I told her I liked her hair today. She smiled at me and then our baby kicked and she smiled more warmly.
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Sears tower is a sexy building
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Will he be drilling Fluttershy in the south end?
>Shining Armor hasn't gotten off in 11 days
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But you say she's just a friend
But you say she's just a friend
Merely a continuation of the giant futa ponies fucking landmark skyscraper series.

It's a scorcher.

building fucking is hot when you ignore what would really happen

That doesn't actually work. Cartoons are inaccurate.
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Fucking horses is hot when you ignore what would really happen
Fire ze missiles!
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>She'll never spend weeks trying to convince you
>You'll never hold out for her sake even though you'd do it on the first date
>She'll never have a massive power trip when you relent. Fucking a larger, stronger male in the ass must be some kind of high
>She'll never slowly start to Dom you
That's pretty nice.
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>she accidentally raises other celestial bodies close to equestria, stars from far away galaxies and others, after 20 or 30 attempts she finally raises the sun in the opposite side of equestria

well yes, that is true too

I don't know why you said that though
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None, my friend asked if he could include Palette. I didn't make any money from the documentary.
*reblogs your pone sexually*
sounds like feminism
I think you got ripped off tbh,
Seriously, what happened to BCS? She/he was such a cool guy before, drew things, even requests, could participate in discussion like any normal human being. I mean, yeah, she/he had her weirdness, but who don't?

Now it seems she well full insane. What gives?
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I forgot if it was you guys who told me to stream Little Nemo, but I'll be doing that in just a moment if you want to watch
Just wondering, how do you feel about people drawing your OC for suggestive purposes?
Oh? How so?
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That'd be pretty cute actually.
I trust Sweetie with the power to control the nearby galaxy
jessy what is your fascination with tyranitar
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Would you give him the supplements?
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Jessy, you need to remember to turn off your vibrators.
Zone wouldn't fuck her.

Thats all she's upset about.

Let's not tempt fate anons, and just enjoy what we don't have.

oh fuck you
>you will never reboot robo pone
That's your idea being used by others. You should have at least gotten something.
... sure. I've got nothing better to do.
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It's over.
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i thought it would be a funny gag.
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Shit, I'm tired and forgot the url

livestreem /dinglehopper
It's just hateanons.

Happens to all the contributors eventually.
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>she can vibrate her butt
>needing supplements

Just tease him until he begs to cum, then say no.
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Pony is on her way to steal your protein. What do you do?
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good idea

Probably pairs him in a team with Sand Veil Gliscor holding a bright powder.
A) someone hacked / stole / guessed / was given their tripcode (most likely option)
B) they just started shitposting a lot because, hey, its fun (if you're a bored idiot), and why not?

even the elite mods of this website go on shitpost binges all the time



>this is what white knights actually believe
What's the problem? I did that
Tyranitar was the shit yo
Tell pone to fuck off.
How about writing an actual fic instead greentexting?
She was actually on her livestream account watching japone with us, and spamming up the chat their as well. It was really her
Where did all this bait come from?
venture brothers about to start
Shut the door tightly.
YOU'RE CHEAP. Like the birdy.
I had an Ambipom named FAKE OUT that knew both fake out and pursuit as my lead. Oh what fun we used to have
So did the guy with the bluray uploaded the movie?
Steal pone's innocence
>what the actual fuck

It's MS. Not done in seriousness.

>Pew pew pew

>mfw I have no face
>mfw when BCS is asleep

let it go /mlp/

Tex supports Obama.
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Bait shop
my favorite lead for gen 4 was either choice specs heatran or moltres
Why can't she just ask nicely for the protein?
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>fucking Jessy thread

>My Little BCS general
>derailing threads she's not even in anymore

she was right...
bcs normally takes medication and is normal

the trouble is that because of financial trouble, she can't afford taking medicaiton all the time anymore, or just thinks she doesn't need it. Either way, she's off her meds

and that's really all the explanation you need for her current behavior.
jessy, draw firey butts
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I don't have protein powder
I can't afford the carbs to utilise it so I just eat lean meats

She can come and have some chicken for lunch if she likes
Pls respond
I don't wanna feel bad for drawing your OC pulling off a suggestive pose
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Pony supports Tex
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When I was younger my older brother and I were obsessed with pokemon and when gold/silver came out we both got a copy and had a tradition. Every time we beat a gym we'd battle eachother with out link cable, my brother always won. Then later in the game I caught a Larvitar by chance, raised it to evolve into tyranitar and beat his entire team with him. That's why he's my favorite, and also because he looks like Godzilla.

I understand your reasoning but she's just an OC, she's not copywritten and I was consulted before she was added so I didn't expect anything back from it. I've gotten recognition from her being in it and I guess in a way that's my reward. I was just grateful to have something I made included in a project that big.
That's slander, anon.
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>Pony is on her way to steal your protein. What do you do?

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is the weed on the show real?
Tex, you must choose wisely:

Rainbow Dash and AppleJack are trapped under the rubble of a burning building and there is only time to save one! What do you do?
No man, it is not hateanons, it is actually her. I can tell because she turned off all her "friends" from livestream and now almost nobody comes to watch her streaming, It's been almost 2 month since she is acting really weird. It seems like she is trying to say something but the way she express herself turns everyone away from her and thus it is an infinite cycle.
So you don't like him for being a waddling chubby donosaur?
please stop talking to yourself

Roughly push her over, and clean and jerk her for reps
>the trouble is that because of financial trouble, she can't afford taking medicaiton all the time anymore, or just thinks she doesn't need it. Either way, she's off her meds

Thank you American Healthcare system.
I developed a great fondness for togekiss after I started using one as well
>thunder wave and air slash with double chance of causing a flinch
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No, but scrunching is
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MLPG when will you stop sucking

you let Grills in this board

this board is for boys only
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James. I know you're in here

Are you coming to work tomorrow? Brandy was a cunt today.

As always.
Oh, I don't disagree she's got some serious psychological issues going on.

But the guy shitting up the threads constantly is BCShateanon.

But Obama is largely Bush 2.0 but without the desire for adventurism and foreign wars.

Wanna make a dartboard to find out who it is?
...Obviously it's me.

I was following up to what I said after looking at the thread more closely.

Jessy, I know you're not very good at understanding basic social things, but come on.
I could never love fluttershy if she does drugs

>Corporations can pay no taxes, and profit billions
>Corporations receive hundreds of millions of taxpayer subsities
>People who need medication and can't afford it are screwed

Land of the free.
What if adventurous pony wars?
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>foreign wars.
Girls are allowed.

Total twats, now...
No politics, only pony.
Well guess what
If she's not a little bit high she can't get over her social anxiety
So she'd never love you either

pls respond
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17 KB
wow it's true...

I'm glad I filtered "derail" the new tripcode "BC" "BSC" and "BCS" ...
Goddamit anon stop being pussy
Just draw yourself or your OC putting dick into her quite a butt
>What if adventurous pony wars?

Should the comics feature war between ponies and another country?
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Pony was the best president, prove me wrong
Without the mental retardation, without the gross incompetence, without the grave indifference for human life and decency, without the ridiculous conservative views...

so he's basically not like Bush at all.
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Hot lesbian sex filled with moans that they use later in the animation?
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But how does pony get elected?
>boy I sure hate when people talk about that thing I'm talking about right now

Thanks for proving my point.
I could help her overcome her social anxiety and she could stop being a degenerate


also I don't give 2 shits about Zone

I don't even know who that is
Good goy
Voting for pony is a vote against america
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>Quick anon look over there!
America is just a giant pony
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71 KB
>Gubment spends more money than anyone in the world on healthcare
>You nothing for it
>Rest of the west has free healthcare
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>No politics, only pony.

Pony politics then.

They vote for a mayor, but how high does it go? Is there a Prime Minister, and a cabinet? Or is Executive Power held by Celestia? What is her claim for authoritarian executive power? Does she claim the divine right of kings?

>i hate thing

I may have been proving your point ironically.

>inb4 "it's still shitposting even if you're doing it ironically"
But that's bad.
I'm going to vote for Europe
It's a water bottle, calm down.
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So which one has the superior rear?
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>tfw white and middle class
>tfw America is fucking great

Me and Fluttershy are patriots, why can't you be?

why is she pointing

also London is a shithole
It's a church pew
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Well I do love dinosaurs and chubby things, but he's my favorite for more reasons than that. I just think he's an awesome pokemon and I'm glad he's been showing up more in the newer games.

Well I did this a few days ago, is it fiery enough?
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Zebra needs you to milk him

What do?
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>it looks exciting
>what does it do?
They both suck
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>without the grave indifference for human life and decency,
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>Shining Armor's endurance was unreal. Fluttershy felt like she was going to keel over and pass out, and he hadn't lost an ounce of speed.

>"Shining Armor", she panted, "Isn't there anywhere closer? I don't train like you do and I can't run across an entire city in an hour..."

>Shining Armor frowned.

>"I kinda had my heart set on a berry pie. If your legs are tired, can't you fly?"

>"Well, I.... you see... I'm a very weak flyer..."

>A bold-faced lie. While true she was no Rainbow Dash, she was more than capable of flying across the city and keeping up with Shining Armor. The truth was her nervousness around him had practically paralyzed her wings... she wasn't about to tell HIM that, though...

>Shining Armor sat in contemplation for a moment...

>"Well that leaves just one solution..."

>With that statement he grabbed the pale-golden pony around her waist and slung her over his back in one smooth motion.

>She was completely paralyzed. She didn't know if she was going to burst with excitement, run away in terror or... she wasn't sure what else...

>The butterflies were gone from her belly as Shining Armor trotted through the city streets as if she weighed no more than her pet, Angel. In their place was a sensation not unlike burning... a fire. And it was growing.
I'd need to test them both out.

who one is the one with the bow?
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The non pony
That tree
>tfw anyone
>Australia is fucking great
How about them drones? I'm sure the children love them.
It contains water because I'm a clumsy retard.
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Cloudchaser or whatever her "official" new name is
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Jessy. Draw mecha-tyranitar being driven by Palette who is dressed as the Green Ranger. Daggerflute and everything.
>tfw not white middle class
>tfw free money
Suck it 2.3
>to moira
>jessy will never draw horse for you

We'd need to know Celestia's origin for that.

...something you'd think the show would have covered by now right?

go on...

you've got my attention...
Shut up Australian Wildlife
We know that's you and you're tricking more people to come there because you killed everyone else.
It holds water for me to drink.
I'll let you have some if you ask nicely.
So, is he drilling her NORTH end?
Too bad you're the one getting shafted the most
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That's the one I like then.
Flitter, you just know she eats granola does all kinds of yoga to keep it in shape.
Fluttershy pls

Couldn't care less, my life is great
Beside the fact the everything is expensive as fuck, yea it's pretty great.
wut about them?

Because they're remote control they're some sort of horrible evil? Like the black helicopters outside your window that hover in whisper mode?
Get a five gallon bucket.
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Is it time?
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Florida is the penis of the USA

oh god, it's all truuuuuue!
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>tfw jessy dicksuckers won't realize that, or genuinely lust for her which is beyond pathetic
>not a 55 gallon drum
sex with twilight sparkle
Killing children in foreign countries sounds pretty evil to me.
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>that pic

Every time.
>Minimum wage is twice as much
>If you're poor the gubment gives you everything
Not seeing a downside
When you calculate prices as a function of average wage and minimum wage we're actually pretty cheap
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i was just in a game and someone used the insult "you must be white"
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Would it be awkward or passionate?
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no we hypno
Drawfags, save us. Someone stream art.
yes, that was the exact pony I was looking for
The only downside is, you know, living in Australia.
Awkward at first, but she would grow to be the most passionate partner ever.
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Why does Pinkie remind me of this?
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land mass cant have a penis and mares cant have a penis
I'm watching the new Venture Bros

Oh god, that sounds awesome. I'm hiding in the basement because my room is a sauna right now, but maybe when it cools down up there I can do a doodle.

But I like drawing horses for you guys, this was just a request from one of the writers.
>tfw anon is jelly
How would you prove your love for your waifu
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I started shipping BCSxRoss.

I have no good reason for this except wanting to see the fireworks from MLPG and their tumblrs.

Am I evil?
can you draw me a birthday Sweetie belle?
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Why won't Leth check his privilege?
Enter her in a horse race
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>line beard

The facial hair of douchebags.
Defeat all of her other suitors in armed combat
>mares cant have a penis
check your privilege
Oh my. So he's been edging and taking his supplements then?
I'd eat Sweetie Belle's cooking for her.
Why does no one ever post the Rainbow Dash one?
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>mfw he doesn't realize I am not jealous at all

I'd rather be an untalented hack who understands social situations than a talented artist who is a complete cunt.
>I'm watching the new Venture Bros

Totally forgot about it. And I missed it. That sucks. Will have to wait an hour or two until it shows up on the pirate bay.
hahaha what
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>mlpg thinks treating someone like a decent human being is considered dicksucking

but anon i am nice to everyone
Well, when things cool down, here's something thematic to draw to. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCdIW4iLpGM
You should have shipped her with sentenal instead. Autism and autism hand in hand.
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I would do things.
you're a complete cunt and jelly
no thanks i don't like spinach
but Cloudchaser can do things with her ass that you wouldn't believe
Would you eat her delicious apple pie?
>doesn't understand social situations
The hell you on about, anon
man, green ranger was op as fuck
white ranger was such a pussy as bitch
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muh childhood!
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Isn't that TwilightxLuna?

That makes far too much sense.
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>friendzone-anon at it again
I want to kiss pony
Not to me, you didn't even come to my birthday party
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With gusto.
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>nice to everyone
Butter quiet would be proud
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What if your favorite pony insisted on wearing a fedora everywhere and called you m'sir?
where? which?
If she wants to learn more, you should, too.

Suprise her with some "experiments" of your own.
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Pony just had a nightmare and wants to sleep with you for the night.
Pony wants to kiss you, but pony is too nervous to make the first move.
I can try later, sure! Also happy birthday, if it actually is your birthday. If not then a very merry unbirthday.

Will she snuggle with me?
alright but I get to fall alseep while inside of her

All this zebra talk has got me flustered something fierce...
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What kind of things can she do with that firm, lilac booty she's got?
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I think he likes gummyberry more than apple.
thank you
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Why is America so bad at everything?
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But pony carries diseases

The Friendzone anon makes me laaaaaaugh

talk about assdestroyed
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>Before she knew it they were halfway across the city. She was lost in thought. What was she doing? What was she THINKING? This was a married stallion... and Cadence was a good...

>"Whoa! Hey!", Shining Armor exclaimed.

>Looking down she realized she had been so lost in thought she didn't even notice herself wrap her forelegs around his neck... but that wasn't as strange as the fact that she'd apparently been nuzzling his mane as well.

>"Fluttershy what the...."

>"Ohmigosh I'm so sorry! I have no idea what came over me! I... just.. oh... you see... WAAAAAHHHH!!!"

>With that last bit of eloquence, she turned tail and ran as fast and as far as she could...
but I was there, anon

I even wore the Pinkie fursuit
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Hell no, I'm not sleeping with no epileptics
>implying she is a decent human being

Again, I'm fine with being unaesthetic. And I can stop being a douche any time I want.


I'm remembered? O-oh gosh <3
Shit I'd say we're pretty good at it
Step it up rest of the world
What if you were a shitposting idiot with no life?
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unf, nothing better than drinking it straight from the source.
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>merry christmas mlpg I dew you a present

I like Butterquiet

>implying I'm not beyond anger at this point

Who are you?
Of course. You should keep her in your arms so she feels safe in case she has another one.
>that little bulge in his throat

On here cheek. My waifu

I don't care
Pony wants to kiss you but she's worlds away.
How does that make you feel?
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Can't beat the classics.
And of course, you've got to be able to call the Dragonzord.
Children died when we overthrew Hitler.

Drones sure are a lot more accurate than B-29s.

Are you saying the allied forces of WWII were evil?
America doesn't post on message boards for a little girl show
I never had a life to begin with.
Go back to Tumblr with the rest of the bronies, Fluttershy.
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>45:00 in
This movie isn't bad so far
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So we can shittalk America and he'd never know about it?
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>It turned out that wasn't actually very far at all. Shining Armor had managed to grab the tip of her tail between his teeth and decided he'd get a bit of a laugh out of seeing how long she'd run in place before she noticed.

>"Huh?" she exclaimed after running herself out of breath going absolutely nowhere. "Why are you stopping me?"

>"Because I still want a cherry pie, and you asked me if I wanted to get something to eat."

OH YOU GUYS SEE WHAT IM DOIN HERE?! I'm a regular fuckin wordsmith up in this bitch!
sthap fluttersh
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I was crazy about power rangers when I was little. Thank you for bringing back awesome memories
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Goodnight MLPG
Time to go dream about Rainbow pony
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>white people
[Citation needed]


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what if i made it up to you?
God why can't that Sweetie be real. I just want to hug her
If it makes you feel better about your country
>you will never be a zebra

go on...
Dagger flute theme is my message tone on my phone
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Here ya go man
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Fuck you, I'm hugging her first.
it was revealed that BCS is the anon who keeps posting "you are just jelly" to everything

its her way of rusing and i wish people would stop falling for it
with a dick
Everybody worth their salt was crazy about Power Rangers back in the day.

Did it hurt when pony fell from heaven?
How could you possibly make up for assaulting my eyes with that horrid drawing
File deleted.
What about when she got older and wanted to try something new?
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you cant stop me
Futa zebra is the best of both worlds. You get your womb rinsed with spunk and you can bloat other zebras fat with seed.
with a nice belly?
Holy shit Not Ben Stiller, would you please cut it with the bullshit?
why does pony like your scent so much
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Why wait?
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i just wanted to do crazy jumps and moves with swords and shit defeating badies.
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Colorado still healthier than the rest of the country, fuck yea.
I'd probably be married to her sister by then.
>implying she is a decent human being

a young kid makes a mistake and you are not a fan of their art is not enough reason to hate someone.
But anon. I tell people they're jelly all the time.

It's not my fault, or BCS's fault, they're jealous of talented and popular people.
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I guess it would be up to her
Scoots, why are you such a whore for dicks?
someone post that picture with the caption fedorable
Aw, shame. I was found out.

So who is this anyway?

Actually, if she's not willing to learn from it, it is.
Go away BCS
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I'm going to pony this pony and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Same reason you are
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brony jelly?

people are dumb for falling for that then
words cannot do it justice
suffice to say, she would leave you fully satisfied
Oh okay, just checkin'
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She is now a cat.
Do you still want to pony her?
I'm from the steam chat, you are annoying as shit and do nothing but shitposting




I'm sorry non but she's being ponied by Flash right now.

Maybe if you had a car with your face on the hood Twilight would like you
I want a name.

Also, >implying I don't just reveal the trufax
Can I pony a cat? Is such a thing even possible?
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I'll sigh and wish it weren't so...
I'd take her as a dog too
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You're completely off your rocker.
How awkward do you think their first time was/will be?
>Maybe if you had a car with your face on the hood
what? Is that actually in the movie?
I love you human, hold me and never let go
File deleted.
how awful would it be to find out if you ever went mentally insane the way you spend your day is shitposting and meme spamming on a mylittleppony forum.
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You can pony that pony

I'm going to pony this pony
Not awkward at all because twilight is never going to see him again.
I love how you're whining about her while she's posting and she hasn't fallen for your PLS RESPOND technique. Obviously you hate her, she posts here a lot and we enjoy her presence. Not sure why you're even here.
Probably not
cat is not for sexual
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i've only touched 1 dick in my life mine
Not awkward in the least, since they will never have a first time.
We can change that, if you want.
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Well it's his logo
HUGE ASS LOGO on the hood
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>implying I want attention
>implying I'm not just revealing the truth and shooting dicksuckers' claims down
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>Can I have one more sugar cube?
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i have touched like 5 animal dicks in my life.
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But she's right here, anon. Flash isn't anywhere around.
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>He hasn't sucked a dick

What are you doing here
Get out you disgusting pervert

Come back when you've blown a guy
Oh, well that's not quite as bad.
how easy to break are pony necks

Flash seems like the guy of guy that gets tribal band tattoos
all you're doing is auto-fellating while everyone else either laughs at you or ignores you
>implying I'm using memes
Dooks leave that poor pony alone.

We can see you moving your lips.
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Pony wouldn't curse, you potato.
Why is she hiding her face with her wing?
You know I've seen it so many time but still it's wow. I mean seriously. Wow.
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>responding to him anyway
He's not going to stop, just let him have his tantrum by the corner and leave him be.
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>implying they aren't sinking away from the sheer amount of told I deiver
She doesn't want you to see that she got into the cookies
I don't know but I'm saving this image
Why does MLPG want everyone to be gay?
That means you're Flash

Maybe I should've skipped the brandy tonight.
Dicks22 has been fucking up these threads for long years now.

That boy ain't right.
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Anon the blue marshmellow pony talks! I swear.

Who are you calling a potato, potato?
You want to suck on pony dicks though, you have no right to complain
>"Anon" she pleads
>You ignore her
>Nope, not paying attention
>Well, missy, now you are talking my language.
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If somebody had leaked this, like the entire fucking movie, or the entire goddamn screenplay/script, or all the storyboards not too long ago, nobody would have fucking believed it.
It's like a cruel joke
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Your only argument seems to be "I'm right, I won". I'm no expert, but I don't think that's how you win an argument.
Why does MLPG want everyone to be ponysexual?
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You're watching a show for little girls

Being bi is a minimum requirement of posting here
But that's not true either, Flash just called us on facetime to tell us that he's crashing at Shining Armor's and Cadance's for his break.
I'm Not Ben Stiller, not Dicks22.

Well where's your counterargument shooting down all of my points?

It's nowhere.

Also, I don't understand why you posted that pic but it's amusing.
that's not unf, that's just creepy
That's not a pony at all.
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