Suddenly your favorite pony has never spoken beforeWhat kind of accent would you like to give her?Old Pony: >>11590926
>tfw very slow leakage
>>11594132>inb4 stereotypical mexican AJ
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All ponies communicate through a series of repeated honk patterns like Wheely Bopper.
>>11594132I would let Fluttershy keep her gentle accent.
>you will never be forced to swallow 2 loads of zebra spunk simultaneously
What's this "cafeteria song" everyone's talking about?
>>11594174YouWith that name I must ask, what is your favorite lobster dish?
>>11594132I like an English accent, the kind Sophie Ellis Bextor uses to sing, but somehow, I don't see Fluttershy speaking like that, she's perfect the way she is.
>>11594188Live.I enjoy earning my food.
A German one
>>11594185It's from EG
>>11594182Yes, this is good.
>>11594144and cum smells like spoiled milk. It's best we just lose our sense of smell.
>>11594185from the EqG leak
>>11594213Live? That doesn't make sense. No, this is more simple than that.I'll give you an example. I like my lobster boiled. The shells are easy to crack and I dip them in butter.
>>11594193Just let it be posted around as much as possible before implementing the patch. EqD at least.I don't see that it matters if it gets posted in other places as well. It'll just mean even more brony butthurt.
Rarity would have an Essex accent.
>>11594244I dip mines in butter too, they're just still kicking on the way in.
Guys, I have a 100/25, let me download it first and it'll be better for everyone.
>>11594229Indeed. Who would even want to change the voice of their favorite pony? The only pony that has this kind of issue is Bonbon.
>>11594193>>11594245just what exactly is the /mlp/ patch? a thousand dildos?
>>11594265You can't do thatI would strike you from Lobster Church less you give good reason
>>11594244Serious note though, I enjoy them steam cooked with garlic and butter with a thing of garlic butter dip on the side.
>>11594229If she had to have a foreign accent, though, what would you like? I'm thinking of either a slight English accent, or whatever the accent Shae from GoT has, but still with Fluttershys gentle tone.
Where did this come from?
>>11594214>wanting your favourite pony to have a german accentWhy do you hate pony so much?
>>11594243Don't have it
i'd give Dash a Boston accent.
>>11594285I usually use just some basic seasoning too. Nothing fancy, just Old Bay and the goodies.
>>11594288Obviously Svedish.
>>11594295Damn. Well thanks anyways
>>11594271>Bonbon used to be a child actress who could adapt her voice according to the role she needed to play>The reason she's so bitter and "hates fun" is because now that she's grown up, her acting career died>she still does different voices to annoy and confuse other ponies
>>11594305>Swede>not Icelandic>not Belgian
>>11594303>Old Bay on lobsterLIVE UP TO YOUR NAME
Nice signature.
>>11594325>not Finnish
>>11594289not gg.
Ima just leave this here>>11594091
>>11594313Poor Bonbon.
>>11594332>adding a dick to lunaheresy
>>11594325Flemish accent is hot as fuck.
>>11594332oh brae. you faggot.
>>11594332(un?)fortunately I could recognize Braeburned foreverThat's bretty good for him
>>11594351She's also getting fucked by Celestia
What if pony cum was, in every way that mattered, what we'd recognize as cream cheese frosting?
>>11594351punishable by death
>>11594332doesn't need one. i can tell from the shitty anatomy, rubber skeleton, and awkward face angles that it was braeburned "art."
>>11594346That's not autistic in any way imaginable. Slightly stupid, but that's it.
>>11594332I wish I could hate you to death.
>>11594370It wouldn't be able to travel through the urethra.
>>11594367>adding a dick not only to luna but also to my waifuOver the line.
>>11594346I just...what?What does that have to do with derpy?
>>11594332This reminds me of pokehidden more than anything
>>11594350that dress makes it look like she has a boner under there.
>>11594370This is not a new concept.
>>11594394she knows anon's into futas.
>>11594392I've been away for a while. Did he ever finish the game?
>>11594370Drink from the tap.
Do you think ponies would have a problem with you loving a pony?
>>11594350But I DO love you. Even when you get all grumpy at me. C'mon... let's get you cleaned up.
>>11594350I'd calmly put the fruit in a bowl, the curtain back on the curtain rod, and bring her to the bathroom to wash off the whore makeup. Then I'd peel those panties off with my teeth and see how many times I could get her off with just my tongue.
>>11594397cosmicunicorn always gets 2deep4u but her art's so goddamn good.
>>11594394I'm going to remove whatever sexual organ you were born with so you stop bringing dicks into every fucking conversation that is conceived.
>>11594382proof or gtfo.
>>11594375>>11594332what is wrong with luna's face?it looks like her mouth and jaw have been rotated 90 degrees clockwise, like he drew her expression first and thought she'd be standing with her body going to the right, then decided halfway through to make her body go toward the bottom of the image and didn't bother to rotate her mouth.
>>11594406GG has a coycat now?
>>11594332>you will never be surrounded, penetrated, violated, and slowly subsumed by an immense amorphous blob of flesh>you will never know you're going to die and know you should be fighting but be too lost in orgasmic bliss as every last nerve ending is caressed by fleshy carnal hellfire
>>11594406What st he expression in the bottom pic for?
>>11594416The art is very good, but that's an awful ship.
>>11594412>>11594413Literally the best husbandos.THE BEST
>>11594350There's something about this expression that makes it adorable and heartbreaking at the same time.Who drew this?
>>11594405no. the lazy bastard let his fame go to his head and did other semi-pony-related things until it faded into obscurity.
>>11594420>implying removing the penis/vagina will make you stop thinking about them
>>11594405No he rage quit when Mane6 got C&D'dNow he just makes commissions from bronsThis is what I know of like a couple of months ago, the guy is full autism irl
>>11594416To be honest, I think she fucks her ponies up a lot of times. It's painfully obvious that she uses a cuboid to construct the muzzle and the heads are often too bigHer landscapes are pretty amazing though
>>11594411It all depends on the action. I bet they would love a petting or belly rub if asked.
>>11594439>removing testes>removing ovaries>not forcing ones sex drive into a nosedive
would you touch this butt?
>>11594433I know. She also supports Gildashy, talk about bad ships.
>>11594436>>11594413 here. I'm actually quite gay.
>>11594448I'd touch whatever Purple is looking at
>>11594447it doesn't work that way,anon. Less, of course but still exists.
>>11594446What I was meaning was do you think other ponies would find it weird/disgusting/wrong that you are with a pony?
>>11594415Budding? Like a spirochaete?!Gasp! She's a clicker!
>>11594462Then I'll gladly lobotomize you.
The last hope to die must be the one that tomorrow will be brighter.
>>11594471Yes, and?
>>11594464Like a what Shes a what
>>11594463It foreign to them. I think they will find it super strange a pony choose me as mate.
>things from the fandom you can't believeMolestia is still going on. How much can you hammer one joke into the ground?
>>11594476actually it's been shown that lobotomized individuals still retair their sex drive.
>>11594481This hurts to look at
>>11594481>pewdiepiePlease shoot me
Anyone downloading that torrent?
>>11594481Where the fuck is her nose?
>>11594480She's a whore yes a whore a lass of myth and lorea pontifex of oral sex she'll ride you 'till you're sore
>>11594500What torrent?
>>11594481That looks like shit.
>>11594494>check>Ask Princess Molestia #337337 of these things? Really? God damn.
>>11594463of course they would. anyone would be disgusted at the thought of an innocent pony being ravaged by an abomination against nature like yourself.
>>11594370I'd rather that pone cum was a tasty and 100% nutritionally complete meal replacement
>>11594481what the fuck is that
>>11594501I miss my freedom
>>11594495That's fantastic, it still served it's purpose considering you can no longer speak nor move your fingers to type.
>>11594500ETA:11 hours
>>11594505I still dont understand
>>11594509and that's not counting the other comics in which molestia is still present. That's about 600 in total.
>>11594515On second thought, I like your plan. You get a promotion.
>>11594481>pewdiepie commentorsI'm afraid to askBut elaborate on this
Have any of the awful porn artists from the fandom met Lauren Faust?
>>11594489In all honesty, it'd probably wind up ending with lots of cuddling and feels and maybe a little mutual masturbation. I just figured that sudden escalation would get a better reaction from the thread.
>>11594522well, I stole your face.
>>11594494When you do it so much, I suppose you eventually become the only perveyor of that joke which means that he must have a place to some people.
>>11594514But don't ponies promote love and tolerance?
>>11594514>abomination against natureI'm a human, not a cyborg. I'm no more an abomination than she is.
>>11594554>>11594556>rarityisawhore mind
>>11594332Braeburned has reached a new level of awfulI'm stunned that he keeps getting worse
>>11594555Looks accurate
>>11594578last good thing he made
>>11594555That pony voice got me off.Twice.
reminder that all the ponies would gladly swallow your semen. They love salty things.
>>11594576>cyborgs>abominationsnigga I will cut you.
is this normal
>>11594576>you will never be a cyborg
>>11594534>>11594515so i guess the two of you have never read soashamedpony
>>11594555EhIt just draws more attention to himIt's pretty accurate though
>>11594609Maybe someday, anon.Maybe someday we can be the cyborgs.
>>11594610No. It should be closer to 500GB
>>11594610Use your brain champ
>> where?
>>11594564She'd probably appreciate it anyway.She just needs someone so badly... A friend, a swing, a husbando, it doesn't matter. Just, s-stay with her anon...
>>11594598man you've got shit taste.
>>11594613Fuck. Out of all the ">You will never X" this one hits me the most.I'm fine living without a pony but holy shit
>>11594609But where does the penis go
>>11594613reality is so cruel
>>11594609>implying I dont want as many arguments as i can fit on my bodyI think ponies might find animal-machine mixes abominations
>>11594598me too. can i get a 10 hour remix?
>>11594555>Slightly scroll through the commentsAugh god why do I torture myself like this
>>11594619I love his stories,actually.
>>11594636Is 'friends with benefits' good enough?
>>11594639You need a penis to USB converter
>>11594619I've read and masturbated to his work many many timesI'd just much rather get all my sustenance from my horsebando>You'll never cook all day for him>You'll never watch him eat your meal>You'll never take him to bed to have yours
>>11594654More than enough.
>>11594662sounds painful.
>>11594638I know exactly how you feel, anon.
>>11594662How much is it and where can I purchase this
>>11594664anon, you need to man the fuck up.
>>11594619>>11594651>>11594664night mlpg: when all the sick fucks come out to talk about foodscat
why have roboponies when you can have robowomen?
>>11594645If they looked like this? Probably.
>>11594691Because bitches
>>11594691Because pony > human
>>11594691Pone are superior
>>11594598sounds like mila kunis
>>11594691Because holy shit man poniesPONIES
>>11594691Because I want to be robotic, you fucker. Fuck robotic ponies and fuck robotic women. I want the pieces.
>>11594691Shorter and more cuddlier.
Is the thing leaking? Will there be a stream?Can I go to sleep? ;_;
>>11594698not these ones. flesh, that's what betrays you. not steel, not silicon.
>>11594691robowomen look too much like real women and real women scare me
>>11594690which reminds me of Ea's celestiaxanon foodscat fic.
>>11594691because if i can build a robo to take any form and still give it sentience/sapience, when why would i artificially constrain myself to the human form?
>>11594713SOMETHING is leaking.
>>11594714Still not ponyAlso, that bitch is like 5 stories high, how am I supposed to fuck it
>suddenly machinesI am okay with this.
>>11594693is that fanfiction STILL going?
Would you sacrifice your nuts and dick to be a cyborg? No, you don't get robo balls and robodick
>>11594738No, but the fanfiction's fanfiction is.
is there anything steamfags wont ruin?
>>11594731And then the can of worms was opened.I still don't believe it's possible to transfer ones 'consciousness."Once our biological brain is removed in favor of robotics, we die. Congrats, you now have an exact copy of you running around. Not you, a copy of you.
>>11594720I'll be honest with you here, I would be tempted if robo Luna showed up on my doorstep
>>11594726whatwhere is thisplease post itor at least a link
Would Rarity augment herself or is she a firm believer in purity first?
>>11594744do I get robopussy?
>>11594744Yes. I wouldn't even hesitate if it nets me an upgraded body.Fuck this squishy sack of organs and water.
>>11594744It's not like I use them much anyway...
So MLPGWhy aren't you playing New Vegas?
>>11594738IT NEVER ENDS
>>11594688Are you implying there's something wrong with making a meal for your partner?Are you implying there's something wrong with fucking them?Are you saying you shouldn't swallow
>>11594757but she has nogenitals
>>11594744>No, you don't get robo balls and robodickGood, slather me some of those stem cellsI want my ponycock
>>11594762the only PFs would be Fluttershy and Applejack.
>>11594744Honestly, sure. I could get more pleasure from making OTHER people orgasm.
>>11594774I'm playing Torchlight 2
>>11594774because that game is garbage
>>11594758I'm trying to post it, but I can't find it. Anyway it's in /unf/,above the petpony one.
>>11594784I'm sure they will come with a later DLC
>>11594788You wouldn't pass the mental tests. You get nothing.
>>11594736You and me both.>>11594738see >>11594747>>11594744Gladly.>>11594762I like to think she'd come around to the idea eventually.
>>11594774Played itFinished itOld World Blues and Dead Money were OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>11594774Is this sentenal? I saw him playing today.
>>11594772who in hell spent time drawing that
>>11594802>You wouldn't pass the mental tests[citation needed]
>>11594779I'm saying that you're a goddamn queer.
>>11594815You wanting a horse dong is enough of a citation.
>>11594774That is fucking horrifying and no, I already beat it to deathIt was fun but I rushed through the last dlc
>>11594713better go to sleep anon. i have the feeling that is not gonna leak today
>>11594808I...suppose that's good?
>>11594762>Rarity>Not going full augmentAnon please. Rarity is one of the ponies I can easily see liking augmentsNot the first generation but after that when they don't look like something AJ would like she'd be all over them
>TranshumanistSpace Luddite best future
>>11594797so did EA take over writing SAP's stories?is he gone or something?
>>11594827perfectly normal people can want horsedicks.
>>11594808WhyThey're ponies anon.Don't you like ponies?
>>11594833I was talking about the pictureThose two DLC were the best
So who's hopping on the augments train? I know I am. Sign me up for some artificial muscle and extra processing.
>>11594774I finished it and did absolutely everything I could possibly do.I did the same thing in F3.
She's not my favorite pony, but if she was Flutterguy all the time she would be.
>>11594774This just reminded me Bethesda will be making FO4, and it will be just as shit as FO3.
>>11594839Sap's still alive, just google soashamedpony and you'll find his tumblr. He did a... weird fic, pinkie vomiting everything in anon's mouth. I can't say I liked it very much.
>>11594797i'm not seeing it. was it an image or actual text on that board? its hard to search with all that spoilertext (on a nsfw board, no less)
>>11594827in that case everyone is fucked up for wanting any augment
>>11594756Your self is as much as the activity of the neurons in your brain, I'd think that if two brains were linked, one being your current and the other a mostly exact copy, your consciousness could be slowly pushed from one into the other one. The issue with this is that there isn't really any way to prove that you haven't died in the process and brought a copy alive instead. But in that case you might start worrying about a whole lot of things that could end with killing you and bringing a copy alive. Either way we probably won't have to deal with this for a few more decades.
>>11594852I've been told so. when i upgrade my computer, I'm going to download it.
>>11594854Augments will have a lot of problems bro. They won't be like in games and movies where you can punch trough solid concrete without problems and lift 10 times your weight with a single hand.The mechanical part ends and it's followed by squishy organic matter. That can't survive the same forces.
>>11594867Actual text. I have the RAW cap, but it's 2500x5000. Gimme a minute and I'll splice it in two.
>>11594860Why do you like horse dicks so much?
>>11594876SpoilerHouse is the only good choice
>>11594873Now they're all sad.Do you see what you've done anon?
>>11594883>implying the hardcore augs wouldn't just get their brain and upper spinal column installed in a full prosthetic body
>>11594823You're in MLPGAre you surprised?
>>11594906That's the only way to use 80% of all the powerTrue men would just upload their conscience in a robotic body.
>>11594901>foodscat is good but vomit is grossI'm not disagreeing, but it's kind of weird, don't you think?
>>11594883I know that. I know the enhanced muscles aren't feasible without a load of extra shit to go with it.I'd be more of an implant guy, anyways. I would really like to up my processing speed and memory.
>>11594854The only thing I'd actually want is augmented eyes. Imagine zooming in on something at will.Some kind of HUD in my vision would be pretty cool too.
>>11594919no, I just feel sad for you.
>>11594919And I feel his pain.
>>11594922Uploading is further off than full-body prosthetics, anon.
>cyborg ponies
>>11594929>thermal vision and nightvision built-inI'd like this
>>11594939Wasn't there a whole fanfic for this pic
>>11594929Cybernetic eyes would be great. I'd like having enhanced vision and constant data streaming very much. Maybe someday it could even include thermal imaging.
>>11594923well, i don't think anyone else has done something like that before. not that i can recall, anyway. i kinda sorta got a boner from it, but it didn't really have any sex in it. didn't he say he'd rewrite it?
>>11594953no idea. Haven't checked his tumblr in ages.
>>11594947boy do i hope so.please post it.
>>11594938Well yeah but really if we get to the point where we get full body prosthetics we'd be almost immortal. The only problem is the aging of the brain but by ten I think we'd have ways to slow it down, stop it, or even "reverse" it somehow.Full conscience upload would be only a waiting game at that point.
>>11594951>you also get ads and popups inside your eyes>you can't download adblock
>>11594929>>11594951Read some sweet shit about nanites replacing our blood and antibodies, along with being able to repair and replace DNA, effectively allowing us to live for much much longer.
>>11594979>using google's servicesNo thanks
>>11594951Jumping on the bandwagon for cybernetic eyes. Beyond-perfect vision plus low-light capability and flare compensation is all I want, though I wouldn't mind having a HUD either. That way I could read MLPG all the time.
>>11594984>they will be implemented only long after you will be dead
Why do you assholes always have to have the interesting topics and conversations at 4 in the fucking morning.
>>11594995>implying google wouldn't be the only company starting thisthey be swimmin' in mad dosh and they don't know how to spend it
>Full conscience upload>implying that wouldn't just make a copy of your conscience>and kill off the original
>>11594999Some of it could be around by 2029. Don't be so sure. But then again, WWIII could happen in that time frame as well.Welp.
>tfw they touch your neck
>>11595003because that's when shitposters go away. Besides, it's noon here.
>>11595007No they won't
>>11594996>may get glaucoma later in lifeI welcome our cybernetic eye ad overlords so long as I get to keep my vision.
>>11595012Wouldnt that be teleportation
>>11594976Yeah, the real sticking point with transhumanism is that you have to live long enough for the real game-changers like full body prosthetics and uploading to hit, and since nobody knows how far off those are...
>>11595012I argued the same thing further up the thread.
>>11595003night threads>day threads
>>11595027They have an injection that can repair certain diseases of the eye. It's a gene therapy.
>>11594979>Implying I would install tivoised hardware
>>11595027I would bear glaucoma for as long as I could. Google isn't gonna put ads for boner pills and cat toys directly into my eyes.
>>11595009Go be obsolete somewhere else, fleshfag.
>>11595012We have no way to know if that's the thing that happens
>>11595029Well, if you go by Mr. Kurzweil's estimates we could have some of it by the 50's. Then again, I think he's a little too optimistic.
>>11595029We're getting small things till then. Those should help but yeah that's the problem. Will we live long enough to get those game-changers
>>11595028No, Star Trek's teleportation specifically does do that though.
>>11595031It's a scary thought and goes beyond what we can understand.The original is most certainly destroyed in the process and what comes out on the other side is the exact same matter, with the same thoughts, emotions, memories, but the original will still be dead.
Big fat round pony butts
>>11595053So strong yet so fragile,so vibrant yet so dim -- transponyism in a nutshell.
>>11595019Horse lips against your neck would feel amazing, human lips could never compare.
>>11595055>disgusting human butts
>>11595068I simply won't go for the mind upload. I'll just upgrade my biological body.
>>11595068Our understanding of conscience is extremely limited. And not only that you're just saying things you think would happen based on our current knowledge.It's like asking a man 100 years ago how to get on the moon.
>>11595058yeah, and scientists back in the 50's said in the year 2000 we'd be colonizing the moon and drive flying cars. I'll let you know a scecret buddy, scientists are all talk.
>>11595084>how to get on the moon.Apples.
>>11595068If committing suicide is what I have to do to ensure a part of myself gets to see the future I've dreamed of my whole life, then I'll do it.
Why is she so perfect /co/?
>>11595077you've read arddun lleuad?
>>11595070Little toned pony cheeks
>>11595058Hell we went from being able to hold small bits of data to holding the world of information in the palm of our hand in a century. Who knows it might just happen.
>>11595095You wouldn't though, the clone would.
>>11595097It's the wings. They add a certain je ne sais quoi that you just don't get with other ponies.
>>11595097Hasbro made her that way, completely killing her personality.
>>11595112>implying I don't see a copy of my consciousness as a part of myself
>>11595103No, would you recomend I do?
>>11595097every fucking night
Goodnight horsefuckers.
>>11595076>AyreonPretty much why I adopted a luddite perspective on the matter, best way to sell something is to make the customer completely dependent on it.don't pretend it wouldn't happen in some way or some form
>>11595105yeah but that's only internet technology and computer technology that are running like crazy. we're talking augmentations and implants, something that has been going on for a long while and hasn't got so far.
>>11595134Good night, best pony.
No matter what medical / technical / anything advances anyone or anything makes, at the end of the day, you're going to die. It is inevitable
>>11595134night sparklebutt
>>11595134Good night, we'll try to keep it in one thread.
>>11595138>hasn't gone so farWe have mechanical limbs that can simulate feeling and are connected to nerve endings and mechanical hearts. I think we're making progress.
>>11595134Are there any real horsefuckers here?
>>11595128I would, but many people get scared by the fact it's HIE. besides, the first chapter is cringe-inducing. If you can endure that, the rest of the story goes smoothly and it's a good read.
>>11595138There are prosthetics that respond to nerve impulses picked up by electrodes on the skin. The next steps are to make the jump to implanted electrodes and to make bone-anchored prosthetics mainstream.
>>11595134night twiley.
The screaming and people getting eaten is really getting to me. I can't watch this show
>>11595134Goodnight Twilight. I love you.
>>11595176excuse me
>>11595172>>11595162which are extremely bulky to carry around and have tons of wires. I'm not saying we're not making progress,but it's still kinda slow.
What about the energy needs to keep all these digitised consciousnesses running? Lest we find a sustainable source of power there's no way that those still living will sacrifice the planet to keep the machines powered so those who should have died long ago can keep living.
>>11595176you what now
>>11595138If we can get computer technology small enough, it might open up the possibility for augmentation. But I believe you're right. We likely won't see it in our life time. But we will see some cool shit get pumped out in our later years of life.
>>11595176My Little Pony isn't for everyone.
>>11595176Excuse you
>>11595138It's very heavily dependent on computer technology, it simply couldn't develop without sufficiently efficient and powerful components. Even now it's limited because of the shitty nanotechnology we have, nanotechnology is what's going to make augmentations go places.
>you will never be police pones partner>you will never sit on a bench with her eating donuts all day because nothing fuckin happens
>>11595190Oh, definitely. There's a long way to go in terms of making prosthetics an upgrade instead of a stand-in.
>>11595165the farthest i ever got with a horse is 2nd base
>>11595176You probably shouldn't watch a show for little girls
>>11595213You managed to feel a tit?
>>11594964I walked into that one
>>11595203you got it, man. Carbon nanotubes and nanomachines are the future.
>>11595227no, 2nd horse base is elbow-deep fisting.
>>11595176Yea the VA's are pretty good at screaming. But I'm enjoying the fuck out of the OST.
>>11595240but what are you two talking about?
>>11595194There are sustainable power sources all around us, it's quite simply that the free market makes it beneficial to utilize the not sustainable ones for now.
>>11595208Thanks for reminding.
>>11595230Shit nigga, we gonna be doing things that look like magic.
>>11595246My Little Pony of course.
>>11595227it was at a fair. i touched vagina, anus and balls.
>>11595208>police pone will never handcuff you to the bed and blush profusely while telling you you're a very dangerous criminal that needs to be restrained and punished
>>11595239What's 1st base?
How do I stop being so obsessed with pony?
>>11595247*the free market makes it easy to profit from the non-sustainable ones
>>11595257there's people screaming in my little pony?
>>11595208>Get a cutie mark that is a police siren>There is no crime>There is no need for police>The position is created anyway
>>11595271if you listen closelyyou can hear the screams
>>11595264Wrist deep fisting
>>11595265Something something you can't
>>11595265Become obsessed with something else!Like origami
>>11595267I think that counts as a benefit. Surely not to mankind, but to the person trying to make money.
>>11595246Boku no Walmart
>>11595265Why would you want to stop? Doesn't it feel good?
>that feel when we could right now have so many advances in science if scientists could get funding for their weird ideas
>>11595263>she gets a call>IM ON MY WAY>gets assigned to an all night sting operation>you're still cuffed.
>>11595250Any sufficiently advanced technology, as the saying goes.Isn't there a cap floating around of a theory where Equestria was really just humanity after several hundred/thousand years of technological advancement?
>>11595261All on the same horse?
>>11595264Stick your head in
>>11594132>all those dead AJs parents ;_;
>>11595278something something she won't
>>11595212Brother will they make me an alicornBrother do you think they'll give me a songBrother will they try to silence my callsOhhh Brother should I build the WallBrother should I tell them what the problem isBrother should I trust the executivesBrother will they send me a new manOr was it all part of the plan
>>11595265spend less time on the internet
>>11595291They offend my religion/sex issues, too badMURRRRICAAAA
>>11595278those gorgeous green eyes...
>>11595292>when she gets back, she makes it up to you all night long
>>11595293Or maybe...maybe humanity is watching them from the stars, ensuring their safety.Watching over our little ponies.
>>11595304She has a cute butt too. No one has drawn butt showing off, huh?
>>11595250isn't this magic? isn't what we're doing right this fucking second magic?
>>11595301wait wait. that's not kansas.
>>11595318I don't know what you're talking about, anon.I mean, all I'm doing is talking to someone probably on the other side of the planet.No big deal man.
Pony squirts
>>11595318Is friendship magic?
>>11595293Humans decided that human was a shitty design so they genetically engineered themselves into ponies.
>>11595305>at least she said she would>she was up all night for the sting>falls asleep with you in her mouth>you are STILL cuffed
>>11595314you need to read "I wish I might".
What that fuck is this shit, reallyi dont worship satanbut cthulhu
>>11595284NO! Don't do it! I've been doing the origami for 5 years now, I've woken my self up doing it as I sleep. This shit gets in your head man
>>11595314Our little ponies.
this is a test post to see if i have been banned. I apologize for mucking up this thread.Also, my favorite pony already has an accent, so it's covered.
>>11595315shouldn't have asked twilight to help you fit in that dress, huh?
>>11595335>forget the link
>you will never see the pony circus
>>11595333Can I have a link?
>>11595345she couldn't fit it all in.
>>11595355sure thing boyo
>>11595340Ffffffffff. God damn it now I have headcanon.Alicorns are the only ones who remember what it was like before the rise of Equestria. Any pony that becomes an alicorn has those memories unlocked. This is why Celestia and Luna love their subjects so much; they're such an improvement over what they used to be.
>>11595350>lgbt flag is satanismThis is great
>>11595371Thanks man.
>>11595208>You just end up dropping in to sugar cube corner all the time>Pinkie pulls up a chair half the time if it isn't busy>You still can't believe you're getting paid for this
>you will never
>>11595405>'ll never link?
>>11595405I'll never have a shitty OC?
>>11595405>Those piercingsYea, I won't
What job would the ponies of Ponyville elect you to do? (You're human)You're considered ineligible for a political position so it must be something else.You'll get paid in bits whatever they see fit to pay you.
MY little pony
>>11595405Was going to unf but what the hell that OC
>>11595405What in the fuck is that thing
>>11595426I'd be her personal goop supplier.
>>11595405>you will never be one ugly ass horse with dick piercingsSome people have it much worse off
What if they turn the comics into actual episodes?
>>11595428That guy that can scratch you
>>11595453you're hired.
>>11595458You should go ask /co/
>>11595458Number Five with a Bullet
>>11595458vidya remixes
Why wont Rainbow Dash let me touch her hooves?
>>11595458Rob Zombie
>Having to wait a week after one episode of a showAlways the sameI hate this concept
>>11595458vidya music because im a faggot
>>11595474Big Mac is not that small
>>11595458Streetlight Manifesto
>>11595474>femanon x poneunf
>>11595479because she'd rather you yank her tail
>>11595458A Pandora station that I started off with Lindsey Stirling.
>>11595479You're dirty
>>11595487I just came across the follow up to sexylosersapparently he did a pony one shot
>>11595474I like femanonxpone. It's a nice change.
>>11595479cats hate it when you touch their feet
>>11595458 metal because i'm a faggot
>>11595504>cant tell if baitOh god it hurts
>>11595530there's only one kind of french metal that's acceptable
>spot brown recluse on wall>try to kill it but miss>it falls behind my desk where I cant reach itIf I die in my sleep I want you guys to have my dragon dildo collection
>>11595458 done
>>11595428I'll sell body to science.
>>11595559What about the rest of the drawfag kit?
>>11595559that's awfully kind of you.
>>11595458Neo Luddite presentation in the small hope that 99% of luddites aren't just tree hugging hippies or crazies.
>>11595548What's wrong with using Pandora?
>>11595559I've fought bigger, but since you will die a cowards death I guess I'll take them
>>11595561you are killing your braincells taht way, you know?
>>11595559Do we have to raffle for all of them or are there enough for everyone?
>>11595458Queen - Fat Bottom Girls. Appropriate, given MLPG's historical fascination with butts.
>>11595576Your music tastes are so predictable that it give you music using a simple algorithmOr something, I totally didnt steal that from a video
>>11595559Just don't fall asleep, problem solved. If you had a pet pony this wouldn't even be a problem, she would just stand guard and step on it when it made its attack.
I remember when I wasn't addicted to pony.
>>11595589and chubby girls. Does anyone have that pic of jessy in a swimsuit?
>>11595598I remember when you didn't have to use a captcha for posting.
>>11595458>not listening to album of the
>>11595598To think of where else you would be today if you never got into pony.
>>11595604I remember when I was a tripfag.
>>11595612I remember when I first came to 4chan
>>11595559SonHow can you even go to sleepMove your fucking desk
>>11595554Too exaggerated for my tastes
>>11595620I don't...
>>11595604I dont have to use a captcha
>>11595608No, I don't want to think about it. It hurts too much.
>>11595620I remember when I listened to the soothing sounds of dial-up to get on the internet
>>11595599keyword acknowledged and accepted.
>>11595620I remember when MLPG was still in /co/.
>> that a cheesecake?god I wish I had tits like that.
>>11595639Shit nigga I used to listen to that everyday at my old jobI remember windows 95
>>11595598Yeah I did not waifu anyone before then. Now I cannot get enough of her.
>>11595584by this point i keep listening that shit inside my headhelp
>>11595608Jokes on you, ponies gave me motivation to become a better man and stop being depressed faggot.
>>11595620There were frames, a gore section, and a lot less boards. The first thing I really remember vividly was the V for Vendetta copypasta on /b/
>>11595636>spending money for stuff on the internet
>>11595640I would do everything to this person.I don't give a fuck if she's unhealthy, as long as she stays around this size I couldn't get enough.
>>11595620All of those old memes. Like duckroll and Japan time. I never payed any attention that shit, and now it's one.
>>11595620I remember it's been something around five years ago. I remember I was happy. I remember I was a little shitstain troll.I evolved.
>>11595668>2006 was 20 years ago
>>11595677I'm pretty sure I make around 100-200 posts per day on average. It was worth it.
>>11595640oh god.oh god.oh god.I want to fuck every inch of that body.
>>11595655You waifu Celestia.
>>11595666Funny, since ponies gave me a bit of depression.
>>11595598I remember when I fapped to regular porn.Actually, I don't. How could I ever get off to that disgusting shit?
Give me an idea for a short comic strip that is funny.I know you have loads of them.Share me one.
>>11595702>armpit fuckingget out.
>>11595693>2014 is 6 months from now
>>11595701There's like no boobage to that at allGross
>>11595696>spending that much time on 4chan
>>11595640Oh hell, it's Femsnips.
>>11595640i would send her to the butchery
>>11595716Staring contest
>>11595718even nose fucking.
>>11595662it's your braincells dying
>>11595712that's why we're here, daddy-o. to make you remember. dig it, yeah?
>>11595716Do I have to mention that I want pony ideas?
>>11595730Her name is SugarBecause she's fuckin' fat.
>>11595640This is... this is the most fucking perfect body I've ever seen. I'm jizzing all over my pants.More, please. Name, source, anything.
>>11595719>2012 was a movie
>>11595725>judging me for wasting time on 4chan>in a my little pony threadAnon...
>>11595739Would you gout out her eyeballs and skullfuck her?
>>11595751>Equestria Girls isn't a dream
>>11595668Imagine if ponies came out in 2006 and got started in /b/
>>11595745Twilight finds anon in Equestria. EVERYBODY PANICS.
>that guy samefagging like mad on the fat girl pic
>>11595761>they dont have face tattoos
>>11595769I only posted twice in response.
>>11595774JJ get the fuck out of hereDont you have a brownie to scam
>>11595761>there's still 6 months of hiatus, at least, to endure>s4 is going to be shitty anyway
>>11595774JJ pls
No fat chicks!Fat pony is acceptable though.
>>11595703Both these cuties, actually.
>>11595757>yfw what Scaruffi writes about the Roman empire in the year 300
>>11595696which board do you use to frequent?
Fuck, you guys used to be a lot better with comic strip ideas.
>>11595781wait what?it's not coming out until next year?
>>11595703>>11595794How did you guess that, Anon?Not him, but I have no fucking idea how you managed to guess it right when his waifu wasn't even in the attached pic
>>11595769she's hot,man.
>>11595789well, one more. last, though. if there's not four, the universe gets angry.
>>11595801I'm just gonna go ahead and pretend that's pregnancy, not fat.
>>11595789Anyone has that cute chubby human pinkie lying around? The one with the fake mustache is the best one.
>>11595800Nope. hiatus ends 6 months from now-ish.
>>11595801Rarity you fat fuckFat is not beautiful
>>11595798Twilight learning to fly.
>>11595797/co/, /ic/, /asp/, /mlpg/, /pol/
>>11595811goddamnit, I like it
>>11595816This is the best human Pinkie...
>>11595795Oh that's greatScaruffi confirmed for Illuminati
>>11595816I couldnt find her mustache, but this is still pretty cute.
>>11595798It's late night/early morning. Draw Fluttershy trying to examine a sleeping bat pony not knowing what it is.
>>11595844Alternative sports
>have to wait another weekFUCK
>>11595559Fuck /v/ for telling me that spiders are bros, asshole tried to bite me. Anyway hes dead now g'night MLPG
>>11595835But THIS is the fattest human Pinkie that I still like.
>>11595835That is perfect. I wish the artist didn't drew that mustache on her.
>>11595741im fucking seeing a dead start right now outside my window
>>11595849Wait, no new episode today?
d-did someone stop seeding the leek torrents?n-noo
>>11595848the fuck is that? like, underwater basket-weaving or some shit?
>>11595798WE used to come up with better ideas for requests in general.This is why artists have stopped asking for them in the first place.
>>11595849for what?
>>11595819The new mlpg hit single : "Hiatus never ends". Quite melancholy, and more than a little nostalgic.
>>11595806I'm actually a pony and I used my pony magic to read his mind.actually I just guessed and got lucky.
>>11595844i'd forgotten that there was an /asp/i love that so much
>>11595858I already watched it.
>>11595819Does, does that mean ponies through next summer?
>>11595860>underwater basket-weavingMoonstuck was good.
>>11595860Pretty much everything apart from soccer, ice hockey, basketball and football.
quicklook over there
>>11595859Why would you even want to watch it?
>>11595885No Dash, its not the wonderbolts.
I would this P0nk
>>11595882>Golf>Tennis>Baseball>Alternative sportsokay
>>11595873Oh dang, didnt realize it was out already.
>>11595850I'm telling you man, get a pet pony, your quality of life will improve significantly.
>>11595885There's nothing there dash.
>>11595865>hot wet mouth
>>11595902>For kissing
>>11595885A wall?
>>11595893But she isn't even a pony.Don't tell me you're one of those filthy humanfuckers.
>>11595865which pone is that supposed to be?
>>11595900>>11595903>>11595889>>11595911welcome to die
Sexy pank?
>fat fetishistswell...guess i'll go back to vidya for a while...
>>11595909>And other functions
>>11595915This one.
>>11595917Fuck you dash.
>>11595919That looks like something I would draw as a joke.
>>11595919That is the least sexy pank in existence apart from Ross's
>>11595919You're a butthead, Dash, just like all ponies.
>>11595933That pone is too sexy.
>>11595940that's a funny way to spell most.
>>11595949That is really old, man.
>>11595917Magneto plz
>>11595933I'd hide under her turntables.
>>11595929Sorry anon
Good morning MLPG.
>>11595957No anon, that word is 'least', it means the opposite of 'most'.I believe that anon meant to say that and I agree.
>>11595949That's all he ever fucking drawsfat versions of everything
>>11595960impossiblehow could a drawing of such proportions escape my notice
>>11595971>you will never wake up to find twilight sparkle on your patio furniture
>>11595971Good morning again, the best pony there is.
>>11595982I don't know.It's my favorite thing he ever drew, but I never see it reposted.
>>11595474ok you got me
>>11595996why would you unf at that?
>>11595996I love this fucking guy.Even before ponies.
>>11595494my black friend!toh kay's technically non existent album is really great too
>>11595996and then there's this niggerthe guy who posts horrorcore r34 for some reason
so good full leak leak is not gonna happen rigth?
>>11595896Geez, sorry for forgetting to list some popular sports.It's mostly stuff like skating, oarsmanship, martial arts and so on.
>>11596019Not until the dvd is released.
good lord the #8 comic is unbareable.
>>11595996The head is pony but the rest is just awful
>>11596019It's all an elaborate ruse to get us so frustrated we go to the cinema to see it
>>11596006>>11596013>>11596018Come on guys, she OBVIOUSLY enjoys it. Think about someone else for once.
>>11596032It's not even playing anywhere near me, I couldn't go see it even if I wanted. I just want to watch it for the first time with all of you.
>>11596038HI CUTE PONY!
>>11596042That's all I need to take care of buisnessBut then I remember what the rest is
>>11596035I'm glad she's enjoying it, but it hurts my eyes.
>>11596038I spy multiples.
>>11596053Yeah... I could fap endlessly to that pic - if I didn't know what the rest looks like
>>11596078wave harder
>>11596060>And Applejack is here too
>>11596038>Pone will never like you>They'll never excitedly wave and run over to you every time they see you
Which pone would you most like to live with, MLPG?hard mode: no sex.
Oh Ponyacci, Ponyacci,What's got you so blue?
>>11596109I want to serve Mistress Rarity
>>11596109Either Flutters or TwilyMost chill and interesting
>>11596116She would never accept you.You are below her.
>>11596098>>11596091>>11596085>>11596060>>11596038>These fucking ponies>They just won't leave you alone>Walking down the street >HEY ANON WANT A DONUT?>HEY ANON WANT A HUG?>HEY ANON HOW'S FLUTTERSHY?>HEY ANON WANT A QUICKIE?>HEY ANON YOU HAD LUNCH YET?It'd be hell
>>11596109Either Fluttershy or Celestia. I would not mind helping Fluttershy with her animal nor help Celestia aide in her busy schedule.
>>11596141>HEY ANON WANT A DONUT?y...yes?~
>>11596109Fluttershy or TwilyDefinately Fluttershy if the pets aren't annoyingHaving a slave dragon bro would be neat though
>>11596135all are below her. she doesn't ask that you be perfect. she only asks that you try.
>>11596109I don't know. A lot of them would be neat, if I live with Fluttershy I can take care of critters all day long, if I live with Twilight I can maybe help her with some cool science stuff, if I live with Dash I can nap half of the day, if I live with Celestia I have a calm flat mate who can probably tell me millions of entertaining anecdotes.
>>11596141>HEY ANON WANT A QUICKIE?I laughed
>>11596141But being appreciated is my fetish
>>11596141>HEY ANON WANT A DONUT>HEY ANON WANT A QUICKIEI certainly hope those two questions are inextricably linked.
>>11596159Then why do you waifu Harshwhinny?
Somebody mark this thread.
>>11596141Your hell is my heaven. It would servery change my attitude if I ever live in that cute world.
>>11596159Your opinion doesn't really matter though
>>11596109Hardmode? Twily.Easymode? Rarara.
>>11596109Living with Pank would be pretty great, or maybe she'll turn out to be one of those ponies who are good in small doses. Maybe she would have a lot of anoying habits that would irritate me over time. I'm going to have to go with Rainbow Dash on this one, even with the snoring.
>>11596157Why would Dash try to lick a pole? A pole is not a vagina.
>>11596109I can hardly believe I'm stroking my beard to concentrate on this.Twilight would be too difficult to live with, and that's even with Spike doing most of the housework, and whatever. Rarity would be slightly below Twilight in that you'd never be allowed to touch anything, and I'll bet Sweetie Belle would be more annoying than not.Pinkie is crazy.Rainbow Dash seems like she'd be difficult to get along with. She at least wouldn't be passive aggressive, so thats a plus.Applejack lives on a fucking farm
>>11596183grow up anon
>>11596186>I can hardly believe I'm stroking my beard to concentrate on this.Dont worry, I did too
>>11596176H-hi Flutters
>>11596174Sure, just give me a sec.
>>11596186Fluttershy would leave notes
>>11596170If I was appreciated every minute of everyday I would just be drowning in a puddle of my own juices all day
>>11596186>>11596189>I can hardly believe I'm stroking my beard to concentrate on this.*tips fedora and twirls moustache*
do you want to:A) get high, order pizzas, and watch all the Jackass movies with Dash and GildaORB) get high, order pizzas, and watch MST3k with Twilight and Spikein either case, there will be no sex.
>>11596159Why always want the things we can't get the most, don't we?
>>11596201no, it's cool. it's a full beard
>>11596203B B B a million times BA billion times B
>>11596203>Me and Spike in the same room>No sexYou underestimate me
>>11596196Why mark a thread when you can mark a cat
>>11596208Daniel Bryan pls
>>11596193ᴴ-ʰᶦ, ᵃᶰᵒᶰ⋅
>>11596188If I had the money, I would commission an exquisite portrait of Zach Braff having sex with John C McGinley to illustrate my reaction to this post being made in MLPG.
>>11596203I would get high, order pizzas and have sex with Pank
>>11596203a would be a dream, but b is almost better just for getting to see and interact with a stoned twilight
>>11596221You're really not helping yourself
>>11596201>moustacheNigga I have a full beard
>>11596203>Gilda>entry level drugs
>>11596224you can get high, order pizzas, and watch Kitchen Nightmares with Pinkie.
>>11596216>that outfitFuck anonH-how are you
>>11596224I would get high, order pizzas and eat them alone.
>>11596224>you will never lick tomato sauce off of Pinkie's crotchboobs
>>11596216>>11596216BURN THE WITCH
>>11596203I would get high, order pizza and watch MST3k with the princesses.
>>11596214>Scootaloo celebrates peeing
>>11596203Can I swap out Gilda with Pinko Pea?
Sweetie Gum
>>11596227>stoned twilight
>>11596236PlsPls kill Orton
>>11596254And they say he isn't for sexual
>>11596254>Rumbling with anyone other than the twinsYou fucked up more than usual
>>11596270>you will never have Pinkie suck warm mozzarella cheese off of your cock before you fuck her
>>11596237I'm fine. I hope you have a nice night.
Am I the only one who thinks the last comics realy fell flat? nightmarity could have been good.
>>11596286Does she realize her butt is showing?
>>11596268Boo hoo
Never in my life have I thought about putting mozzarella cheese on my dick. Chocolate either but if you tried to get me to imagine someone sucking chocolate off my dick I would at least think, ok, but mozzarella cheese? Did I fuck a pizza before hand?
>>11596286I hope you do as well Flutters, it's always nice to see you
>>11596292I bought apple scented bebreeze because I thought pony would appreciate it if they ever stopped by.
>>11596299Ponka is just really into foodplay.
>>11596299I don't like the idea of mixing food and sex.Too slobby and messy for me.
>>11596303stop that
>>11596281s-stop it ;__; >>11596299we're still high
>>11596307I'm scared of the infections
>>11596109>no sexohchicken butt
>>11596307[ ]my nigga[x]not my nigga
>>11596306>you will never rub your cock against her full squishy belly until you cum all over her face
plrease I want to talk about the comicsplease
>>11596322>Excluding someone as a nigger just because they don't share a single sexual proclivity.I DON'T WANT TO EVEN BE YOUR NIG THEN.
>>11596293>>11596303As to you. Imma nap now, anon.>>11596311Alright, I'll stop.
pony pony pony.
>>11596330which comic
>you will never get tied up by Applejack and be force to endure hours of torturous frenulum licking orgasm denial
>>11596330Sure thing anon. Rarity Macro is still the best one with Pinkie following behind.No matter what, Dash is the worst one for me.
>>11596344let's talk about Superior Spider-Man.
>>11596344my little pony comicsmainly number 7 and 8
>>11596362> bad.
>>11596348more like>you will never have sex with Applejack in the boughs of an apple tree and then spend the entire night there
>>11596362please stop.
>>11596313>you will never eat dessert off of Pinkie's stomach>you will never stop licking up the melting ice cream just long enough to tease at one of Pinkie's nipples with your teeth and tongue>you will never make slow, passionate love to Pinkie with your tongue after cleaning the last of your dessert off of her, only stopping when she can't muster the strength to wink around the intruder>you will never tell Pinkie that the dessert was fantastic, and the ice cream was good too
what if Big Mac x random mare
>>11596389Ccan i be the mare?
>>11596311AlrightBut next time Ill boop you until you submit
>>11596393In the grand tradition of arcades everywhere: I got next.
>>11596389Like every night?
>>11596398Then no
>>11596389>big mac>going straight for non-relatives
anyone got the link to imgur script? I reinstalled firefox and now it's gone
>>11596358My thoughts exactly.
>>11596410I'll do one better. Here a list
>>11596410It comes with 4chanX now
>>11596389>implying he would waste his stallionsplitter on a vagina
>>11596410It's in the linkboardnot that anyone ever notices
>>11596362its shit
>>11596389what if
The 8th mlp comic is shit. If you agree, don't reply to this post.
>>11596432>implying he'd deny any pony the pleasure, mare or stallion
>>11596442where's her horn?
>>11596420I bet many share you thought. I mean for fuck sake, the artist thought this was an official art.
>>11596446i haven't been reading the comics, but I wanted to at least get into them for the Nightmare Rarity arc
>>11596362>It's always scat or futa
>>11596446I havent read past the second one into the cheeselegs comic thing out of forgetting it existing so poo on you
>>11596450she's so angry it blew off
>>11596442Why is Sweetie Drops so angry?
>>11596455see >>11596362
>>11596446YOUR comic is shit.
>>11596450It got scared and went back inside her
>>11596467it's not morning yet, sunfag
>>11596468Yes anon, we all saw it
marker where
>>11596496WOW NOTHING
>>11596496still no unfs given
>>11596496I would. Right through the bodysuit.
>>11596496it's bad_
>>11596487i' pot it but my keybord isnt working so i thnk id fuck the password an itd be stuck
Tell me what to Draw (Or color) Mlpg.
Gaze, gaze unto the world of the impossible, the improbable, the magical. Let it shine into your heart. Become one with it and let it warm every essence of your soul. Undo all your past sins and LET THEE BE FREE!!!
>>11596512I did?Um. I guess I did?
Rumble is such a cutie
>>11596424and where can I get that? 4chanx broke a few weeks ago for me and I tried 3.5.5 from the github page just now and it doesn't work
>>11596496I'll give it an unf, but only because it would go to waste otherwise
>>11596512Shit nigga I am lost.
>>11596512Of course I wouldWhy wouldnt I
>>11596519>Undo all your past sinsShitty fic from a shitty author.
>>11596512I want to see the fun chamber
>>11596519Why are the colors originating slightly to our left of celestia's anus?
>>11596519>when you spread the cheeks, a chorus plays on cue
>>11596498>>11596501>>11596505>>11596506>>11596517>>11596529ONE OUTTA SEVENI CAN LIVE WITH THAT
>>11596536They should have hired this sixteen year old to make Equestria Girls
>>11596511Something cute with Featherweight
>>11596511This one? Can you color it?>>11596147
>>11596557where's her dick
>>11596559Fucking. This.
>one hour and a half till torrent is doneThe wait is killing me. I don't know why since I know it's horrible but I'm still excited.
>>11596511something cute with weaver's boxsona and a pony.
>>11596537Nigga that's religious shit, some shitty writer took that.