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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Best pony edition

Old mule: >>11554490
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>we didn't get a diamond dog cameo in equestria girls
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C'mon man
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Oh no, the ponies are all naked!
I would have sex with that creature.
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Anybody want their OC drawn

might as well draw an earth pony rd
I actually have some of sentenals personal information
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This isn't my OC, but I would love it if someone drew more of her.
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Sweetie Belle
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have you ever drawn sleepyhead?
Don't be silly Tex, she's clearly got a hat on.
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aw yeah
well, not entirely
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We should clothe them! Quick!
Oh man

Oh man

Right in the fetish

You should draw a bigger gal (Pinkie, perhaps) trying to do that while standing upright
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That's because she's a good pony. Her family all wears clothing.
Yes and it turned out horrible and I'm never doing it again
wait a minute, what the hell
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Oh god

look what I found
check filesizes
file size, file type
That pony looks ridiculous
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What do her parents wear?
Why are people passive aggressive about things they don't like? Why can't they just either be direct about it or ignore it?
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That OC

I need a plushie of it
aww why not
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ponies in clothes > ponies not in clothes

Part of me really wishes RQ was more popular to see more of those reactions

The other part is really afraid of what could happen if RQ got famous at all
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How do I ink nice smooth ovals?
You should draw my OC! Her name is Prism Sprint and she's the best Wonderbolt and all her friends love her because she's cool and awesome and goes really fast!
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Anyone else think that the Diamond Dog looks a bit like the Cloverfield Monster?
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Fine I guess maybe what do you want her doing

would you let twilight use you as a couch while she studies
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Ridiculously cute.
nooo i dont want to pressure you i just thought it was sad

pls dont be sad
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Pinkie is a qt.
You already checked LK off you dumbass
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which element of harmony will be the best princess
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>tfw no leek

What about Big Mac?
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who is the least appreciated canon character
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Too late, I'm crying like a big baby. What do you want her doing?
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Looks like Five Guys.
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reemember this?
Would you?
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>sentenal replaced by Nobody

my sides
is there anything that DOESN'T piss you off?
and a grill
The one you just posted. whatshername. Twist.
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Have you finished those projects?
When has LK been mad? I didn't think he was capable
no now i ruined everything
sleepyhead is sad now too because her bed is ruined
naw, i dont really like twilight
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I think by this point it's just someone randomly editing and crossing shit out on a mspaint bingo for a reaction
Can you imagine how excited she'll be?
I can just imagine how Tabitha would voice that scene.
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He was shitposting about Kloudmutt a couple weeks ago.
what are you gaining from this BCS?
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But she's such a cuddly pony.
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human should human human
LK doesn't shitpost
How can you guys tolerate hours of this inane chatter day in day out?
Fuck humans, I don't like them.
>Sweetie Belle is a Tanuki.png
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>human humaning
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She looks like Rainbow dash in a wig.
This is possibly the most passive aggressive thing I've seen on MLPG.
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>human bean
can someone do something about this?
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>this was Cherilee's only scene since S2

I hate human things being used by ponies. Like guitars.
why is cheerilee a librarian
why is rarity a student at the same time as sweetie belle
report and ignore
they are already giving you the tools to filter
That cheerilee doesn't look too bad. Those more rounded faces work better. Now if the heads were smaller and the bodies had more substance it could at least look okay.
when are you going to get tired of this
I told you to mark be again earlier, but you didn't. Some bad job shitting things up there champ.
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But ponies using things is canon.
Just report it as spam

it is spam at this point so it'll eventually get delt with
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hey, cool cat. Thanks for drawing this yesterday. I love it.

Do you think you'll have time to color? It's okay if you don't~

Man, puberty was awesome
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>Hates feminism
>Likes MLP:FiM, a show by a feminist instilling positive feminist values for little girls

Bronies are so clueless.
What's the best show discussion you think MLPG's ever had?
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You like Cheerilee?
How many feminist does it take to change a lightbulb?
None because feminist can't change anything!

Draw anon showing some emotion. And make him not a fillyphile.
You seem to be under the impression that the modern defenition of feminism most people hate is the one thats written in the dictionary.
Like a sore thumb
>legs spread

Elizabeth is so fucking hot. Those glasses make me hard.
Which pony would make the best ASMR clips?
because they sing about getting their cutie marks even if the concept of cutie marks doesn't exists in EG (at least I hope it doesn't)

This scene from the leak made my blood boil so much
It is.

People hate feminism because they hate women having equal rights.
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Imagine her teaching you how to magic.
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>it's Friday

Aw yeah, time4dogs
it's almost like you ENJOY your anger!

Tex plz.
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I like the wiggling tentacle.

It's both cute and unf
>Imagine her teaching you how to magic.

Someone should do this.
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We have crossed the line. Remember when last hiatus got really bad a few weeks before the start of the season?
We are at this point where the quality of MLPG has gone into freefall. I'll wait for the EqG stram and we'll see each other once season 4 starts after that.
post 1
I don't believe someone is this dense
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This is really the only bad shitposting that has happened late.
BCS blowing a gasket is something else entirely though, I feel.
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pone version when
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What do you have against Sweetie Belle
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>walking in the garden with sunbutt
what I wouldn't give
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I wouldn't say that's entirely true, this hiatus has had its ups and downs and I was sure that the quality had reached its nadir a couple months ago but it managed to get better for a while

Not everything needs a pony version. sometimes you should do original things...
who's that supposed to be, anyways?
What do you get when you foreverial delitize a horse?

pony bologna!
Mane was here a few hours ago. I think if he came he it would make the thread better.
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It's an OC from a story of mine,
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You mean sausage
>you will never feel the warmth of pony's balls
BCS left hours ago. This is one of the hateanons.

So it's pretty much confirmed that this is BCS right?
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she's hot
I would
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I kind of want to finish this picture...

bad feel
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This retard doesn't even know how a free space works.
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a little ded would hit the spot right about now
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Yeah probably later tonight
>smaller than average pony just after draining.png
I like Hitler's art I don't have to be a nazi to do that.
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me too

do it
I disagree
>two hooves

but she has 4 hooves

I'm not a fag, so I don't like colts. But futa ponies are cute. if they have small feminine dicks. Horse cocks are just too alien.
>rolling them around in your hands
>giving them a sloppy kiss
>holding them as they clench and flood you with their load
>feminine dicks
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They are vastly different to human dicks.
Vastly superior.
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>feminine dicks
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>Comparing Lauren Faust to Hitler

Elizabeth is one of the sexiest characters ever. She's Rarity tier in my eyes.
>dat denial
Twilight you don't have to lift your tail
I can see that massive butt just fine
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Are we hats tonight?
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Faust is LITERALLY Hitler
>go a few days without milking
>he doubles in size

Masculinity is a huge turn off.
I never compared her to Hitler.

I just used an extreme example to prove my point.
Then why do you like dicks?
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We're kind of awful tonight.

Anyone want to recommend some >fanfiction?
But futa ponies are feminine, except for the fact that they pack a huge fat horserod.

What's MS's best futa pic?
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I love this little yellow horse.
I bet she could do some awesome things with those tentacles of hers
It depends, what do you like?

Which pony likes horsecocks the ost?
dicks are just tubes that come out of your crotch and you stick into holes. It's neither masculine nor feminine.
They are the best.

>pounding her velvety soft cockmilking marecunt
>making her spray hot cum all over her face and neck as you pump her full
>teasing her cock as you rub her g spot
pony or human?
>[muffled hentai moans].png
__Sad Sack__
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Is that a pony?
>It's neither masculine nor feminine.
That's not true. Damn, that post was so tumblr that I'll have to reblog your post.

*reblogs your post*

Dicks are masculine. Period.
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Past Sins
If you weant to beat your meat, I don't have much.

If you want laughs I might have a few things for you. If you want world building then I definitely have things for you.
romance and comedy

something short though.
Post them.
Oh then, I don't know.
>a pussy is a hole in your crotch
>all holes in your crotch are feminine
>therefore anybody with an anus is a woman

Sounds legit.
Can't you just live with the fact that a cute femimine little pony might be more masculine in one single respect?

just read the first chapter of this, the rest is okay but forgetable.

Though anything's fine really.

That looks creepy. They just lack the snout. That tiny snout.
Holy shit, dude, do you even anatomy?
>you will never lay your massive cock overtop him and watch him squirm
human: applebloom
pony: nurse redheart

opinions may very

I'm not gonna dump link after link after link because I don't want to completely throw the thread off.
face is fucked
but cute
>asks the guy who thinks dicks are always masculine
some of your favorites then
>implying his cock isn't like the one draws on snails
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>arguing about whether futa dicks are masculine or feminine

this is beyond stupid
But they are, don't push your transgender agenda on me.
I meant a genre
>MegaTokyo visual novel on kickstarter

what in the everliving fuck
I didn't even know it still existed
>not grinding your oversized horsecocks together while snuggling and making out
>AIDS is god's cure for fags

Holy shit, get outside more often, Fred.

All semantics, and differences of opinion.
Well THAT was a bust!
this fucking .gif
why am I laughing so hard
We are this bored and starved for content. At least we may get a good EG rip tomorrow.
>you will never tie sad sack to your bed
>you will never whip out your huge horsemember
>you will never tease him hold it one inch in front of his face
>you will never make him beg for it
Oh. Comedy I guess? Sappy romance would be nice too
I never said that.
How to fix it?
because faces https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIWzjUD6erw

Have you drawn proper Equestria grils?
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show me a sexy mare
An actual rip, or someone that records the entire movie with his cellphone?

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No, I don't really want to.
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>you will never hear him whimper about how badly he wants it
>you will never roughly push it against his mouth once you think he's said enough
>you will never grind against his body as you thrust into his lips
Potentially one with a camera, and another with an iPhone. They both saw the horrible job that was the 30 minute rip, so hopefully they took notes from his mistakes.
Theyre still dicks
Add a proper pony snout
no, no, that's not a sexy mare
first gonna link back to >>11558557 to fuffill both needs

as for others:
Whom the Princesses Would Destroy...: Brittish style humor with ponies in beraucracy, silly and fun.

Nosflutteratu: Fluttershy is a vampire, twilight only just got the memo, years after everyone else. Delightful characterization and interactions between the mane 6. Funny and charming ending.

Heart to heart: A warm and fuzzy feeling story with a smattering of inuendo.

Life Scoots and then you die: absurd and rapidfire comedy.

The Eulogy of Mr. Acorn, by the Coward Twilight Sparkle: A character study of sorts, with a healthy portion of grey comedy.
Thanks for the link, man.
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You know you want to.

But it's the hot new thing. Especially since Equestria Girls is going to be S4.
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[riotous laughter intensifies]
draw texanon as a pony interacting with the equestria girls
>you will never grab him by them mane and just push and pull his face over your cock
>you will never jam it in as far as it will go once you're about to cum
>you will never make hm almost choke on your seed and flare
>you will never maintain eye contact with him while he slowly pulls out your still throbbing member
>he will never give you taht graeful and satisfied smile, only interrupted by him coughing up some of your and sending droplets of your cum and his saliva through the room
>you will never switch with him to return the favor
>Infections with the human papillomavirus tied to cervical cancer fell by more than half in U.S. teen girls after the HPV vaccine was introduced in 2006, despite high-profile controversy — and low rates of uptake, a new study shows…

>Even now, only about a third of U.S. teen girls ages 13 to 17 have had the full series of shots that prevent HPV infection, despite repeated studies that show the vaccine is safe and effective, said Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Other countries, including places such as Rwanda, have higher HPV vaccination rates than the U.S., he added.

>“The report should be a wake-up call to our nation to protect the next generation by increasing HPV vaccination rates,” said Frieden. “These are striking results because we can protect the next generation of adolescents and girls against cancer.”

>Rates of HPV infection targeted by the vaccine fell from 11.5 percent in 2003 to 2006 to 5.1 percent from 2007 to 2010 in girls and women ages 14 to 19, a decline of 56 percent, according to new data published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. The effectiveness of getting at least 1 shot in the three-dose series was 82 percent, the study concluded.

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Thanks for these links.

Maybe I'll get some inspiration for my fics if I read these.
>Nosflutteratu: Fluttershy is a vampire, twilight only just got the memo, years after everyone else

Hehehe, this one sounds pretty funny
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unf applehips unf
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some more:
Pipsqueak's Day Off: Crass teens and crass humor.

Twilight Sparkle Gets A Free Salad: ridiculous absurd nonsense.

Princess Celestia hates tea: and all the horrors that follow this revelation.

And now for something a little funny, and a little sappy with love too:





Hoep the camrip is good - if it's actually decent let's stream the movie again
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I don't particularly like drawing snouts in the middle of the face like that.
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more please.
>you will never cuddle afterwards, letting him snuggle up with your fat dick
>you will never plan on picking up some potions the next day
Woah there, slow down, you cowboy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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>you will never be Pinkie Pie's nigga
This isn't pony
Wow I've been away for a while, sorry about that. Let me answer a few questions real quick, I don't have much time as I have a family obligation in a little bit.

>So, as anyone else noticed that Eurobeat's audio has been sucking more and more lately?
Not tha I should care, but he has been trying to win remix contests...
Much of this has to do with the fact that I'm trying to learn how to mix basically all over again, as I never learned how to properly do it in the first place. I did have a "sound" before, but much of it was because of my poor mixing standards. It's kind of been a rough process, and I know "Fly" turned out a little rough on some ears (particularly in terms of higher frequencies if I recall right). Please do forgive the roughness as I try to get things working just-right.

>Odyssey Eurobeat as long as you stay away from his recent vocal tracks because they're complete anus
Ah, how so? The mixing, the vocals themselves? What would I need to fix to prevent them from being shit next time around? (Is it the mixing, such as the previous comment?)

>What the fuck. Where's my Max Coveri? Where's my Dee Dee Wonder? Why do so many fucking people like this shit?
They are with Delta (publishing) or Sinclairestyle (vocalist) and Hi-NRG Attack, respectively. And, as much as I'd love to be able to produce at that level, I've still got a ways to go before I'm quite there. By the way, I'd like to commend your good taste in Eurobeat artists.

Sorry I haven't been around as much lately, it's been a busy few weeks so far!
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I don't like digital coloring typically. So I actually prefer black and white images.

Am I alone?
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Anon, she only wants to kiss you.
I'm sorry, that's the only sexy mare I've got in my business.

I have to spare my money and this image posting is very expensive for my industry. Have a nice day~~~~~~~.
Black and white looks better on more sketchy drawings. Tex is in that mid ground between sketchy and not at times so it's a case by case basis really.
somneone have that gif where dash and rarara sneak up on that nerd

Tex, draw in that korean comic style.
It depends on many, many things for me
I do tend to like sketches better than finished products, though
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Horse fucking?
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251 KB PNG
>I don't like digital coloring typically
But why?

The images feel more alive that way.
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783 KB GIF
>that filename
I want to see it.
She would look better with a different color pallete
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714 KB PNG
You don't want pony to kiss you?
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leak yet?
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>tfw we will never have the holidays of Equestria
Remember when MLPG was mad as fuck about this?
I don't follow. Did I do something wrong?
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133 KB PNG
Tex I've been away since I asked it.

Were you gonna do the crystal texanon one or not?
all the links you responded to look dead to me
once again, thanks for these
Which pony is most receptive to ball swelling and cock lengthening enhancements?
>you will never feel the potion taking effect next night
>you will never make out with him as he turns more and more aggresive
>you will never feel the years of pent-up and suppresed lust join forces with the effect of the potions
>you will never see his head poke up from between you, which, despite unflared, is already enormous
>you will never feel his quick and sharp breath just inches from your face as he turns your body around on the bed
>you will never feel him mount you and his trobbing cock, long enough to fling pre into your face, slapping against your belly
>he will never embrace your neck with his forelegs so he can slam his abdomen with full force into you to achieve maximum penetration
All the posts you replied to are several hours old and fell off the board
>tfw finally Friday night
>tfw cant remember why excited for weekend since never do anything on weekend
Ehh... wrapping up winter seems like work.
I hate how Dash is literally the same character as Gilda but gets a free pass because she's a pony.
Not really.
always happy to help!
Ah, right. Yeah, they're dead, I haven't had much time to respond to them while they were still in living threads. That's why I kept the original text underneath each number.
Sadly I must be going now, but I'll try to pop in more often to prevent future dead-link quoting.
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Can you postpone night threads for another few hours?
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Reminder that CelestiaQuest resumes in 16.5 hours.
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After you asked me, I gave up drawing and became dead, sorry anon.

But I will once I have a good pose in mind.
But it sounds fun.
Applejack is a very ugly pony
Why, are you going somewhere?
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442 KB JPG
Speaking of which


What are you: Eating/drinking/watching/playing?
okie dokie
I want to kiss pony.
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177 KB GIF
More for me.
>not having Tex pose like a bodybuilder as the sun refracts from his faceted physique in a dazzling display of American color
What a pretty pony
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101 KB JPG
Might I recommend some JoJo?
good luck! work hard!
I don't know where pony has been
What draw? ►
>blinding all the ponies that look upon his form.
nothing / water / the rest of my twenties slip away / mplg
Dash giving Scootaloo a worn out Wonderbolts doll
starving / coca cola / L&O: SVU / AC: NewLeaf
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398 KB PNG
Is Rainbow Dash getting a new Soarin realdoll?
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2.24 MB PNG
grapes/water/ hats when people get going

have some hats to inspire more hats players
Merchant pls
>you will never be his sextoy for the night
>you will never get stretched to your limits by his immense shaft
>you will never cum hard as he just keeps slamming into you
>you will never writhe as you feel his flare double in size inside you
I'm going to argue that Tex is the weirdest of us all.
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Spoiler Image, 397 KB
397 KB PNG
she has the real thing though
Brauts/beer/Attack on Titan/Skyrimjob
That would be hilarious actually.

And scoots would be none the wiser.
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25 KB
>I'm going to argue that Tex is the weirdest of us all.
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21 KB

Procrastinating drawing pony

I've been playing F.E.A.R. too but I keep feeling really guilty and bad about myself whenever I play games lately, especially games I've already played.
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72 KB
>AC: NewLeaf
wanna play with me
Nothing/Nothing/MLPG/>tfw no vidya
My router doesn't support NWC because Nintendo hates me.

im sorry
Don't be so shy dearie
Get IN there~
>you will never feel him pulling your body as far as it is possible over his rod
>you will never feel the throbbing and pulsating motions of his shaft as he pumps his thick seed into you
>you will never feel the pressure building up as he refuses to cease ejaculating, his gigantic flare keeping a perfect seal
>tfw you melt into a puddle of fuzzy yellow puppy fluff
Does solving a riddle website count as playing?
I hear little girls screaming outside.

I don't have a shirt on.

What do?
Hey it just occurred to me
Am I the most prolific pony artist
Did you try Fear3?
I have it but haven't gotten around to trying it.
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In terms of sheer number of drawings? Maybe.
Possibly, though I think JJ might still have you beat.
but that's already occurred to you at least once before

and yes probably
>tfw no AC Isabella melting pics
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33 KB
Get in where? The house?
>you will never shudder as your body fills with his cum
>you will never swell larger with each heavy throb
>you will never cum from the sensation of being his condom
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66 KB
I think if I got to go to Equestria I would have a hard time not treating them like little ponies.

Why are you just standing outside staring at the door?
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I-i'm sorry...

not sure

time for number crunchers

Yeah I played them all last summer for the first time. They were all back-to-back within a week or two so it's kind of hard to remember them individually, but I did like them all.

I'd have a hard time not wanting to bend them over for some fucking.
>they all ignore you and continue on with their daily lives
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also this is a pony

notice that is a pony

and not a notpony
JJ or maybe MS has you beat
JJ for sure
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534 KB GIF
Well, I was waiting for the pony to tell me to come inside. I wouldn't want to do it without permission.
They're still screaming

but I am le tired...
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66 KB
whoa there sugarcube
I'm really not sure. I think JJ might have you beat. But in terms of the amount of interesting drawings, you're above and beyond the most prolific.
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>inb4 not 4 sexual may mayyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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I'd purposefully treat them like little ponies.
I want to fuck you in your vagina
Would ponies be offended?
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purple is for sexual
>you will never reach a cascading orgasm as he drains his grapefruit sized balls into you
>you will never feel his swelling throb roll over your prostate making your orgasm more intense with each pulse
>pretty much created EFG
>massive library of drawings

Maybe not the most prolific PONY artist, but the most prolific artist who takes part in pony stuff.
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80 KB
It's okay.

Maybe someday.
Oh, so you're now posting the purple one, okay, okay.

But don't post my waifu, you bitch.
I think JJ has a higher count on derpibooru but it also counts any pictures of his that have edits or have been turned into templates, like GAMER LUNA smiling about something and then the next panel is blank so you can stick in whatever game you like in there and it'll look like she likes it
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gosh is that what you say to all the ladies
No, normally I just knock them out and have my way with them.
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395 KB PNG

we art penis measuring now?
pick one

is she or is she not for sexual?

>not "they run around screaming like you're some kind of monster before hiding in their houses"
>twilight's the only one brave enough to talk to you
>being the first human in equestria, she invites you back to her keebler tree house basement so she can run experiments on you
>she then follows you around 24/7 studying you and taking notes so she can submit you to to the Equestrian Standard Encyclopedia committee for consideration for consideration in their next edition
>she completely forgets about you and stops caring once you're all documented
Those girls have some strong lungs.

I'm not hearing disapproval
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you tell me

i'm afraid to speak up anymore

MLPG has shown me the light at the end of the tunnel and it was ugly
this isn't like my japanese animes at all
I don't think so.
They've never really shown an aversion to acting/being treated like ponies. So it might seem like you're placating them but they wouldn't notice.
so baically despite JJ having derpibooru image quantity, the derpibooru quality is shit tier

meanwhile your image count is on pony alone
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all i hear is BATS
this is too much like my japanese animes


>at all


not even once
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1.53 MB GIF
Well of course not, that'd just be ridiculous.
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this is a pony

no one can deny

that is an equine who is lavender colored who enjoys books
>you will never howl with pleasure and beg him to keep flooding you
>you will never clutch your fat belly as it swells and you paint yourself white
>you will never feel your consciousness narrow to his cock throbbing and your body growing

eh, night thread started early
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That OP really made me laugh.

Thanks, Nobody.

everyone having a nice friday?
B-But where am I supposed to get muh poni images?
I like that picture you posted.

It's nice.

Yeah, mlpg is a shitty, terrible, horrible place.

They like to repetitively lie about or criticize others while doing the same or similar things they accuse others of.

All while maintaining this holier than thou attitude.
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my day is shit

why would you EVER expect otherwise?

the fandom is shit

the movie is shit

the comics are becoming fandering shit

the ride never ends...
Sleepyhead, how many of those have you had?
Would you a BCS anon
because mlpg is one person, right?

Stop letting a few hateanons get you buttmad
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I'm surprised she wasn't in the movie itself and only was in the credits.

I am mad now.
We're going to see bronies run like that at BronyCon aren't we

i really wouldn't put anything past them

because haha muffins lololol yay i've been pandered to

why don't i feel emotionally fulfilled hasbro?

oh right

because it's shit, shit all the way down
What's her day job that she needs an energy drink for?
>the comics are becoming fandering shit

it's still not enough to make me drop them.

Though #8 came kind of close to.


>trying the same old tired attempt of baiting by pretending to be from the piss

please don't even
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wow look at that anon

you found a photo

do you want a cookie?

>trying the same old tired attempt of baiting by pretending to be from mlpg

Also, samefag.

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Maybe they were still scared of ableism
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11 KB
>tfw you really and truly realize how empty everything in life is
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i like this nonpony and pony
dem hips
>you will never be close to passing out when you suddenly feel the intensity of both your orgasms fading off
>you will never get one last jolt from him pulling his still partially flared cock out of you
>you will never feel his viscuous batter-like spunk dripping out of your worn donut, flowing over your legs and dripping onto the sheets
>you will never turn around and see him sitting on his hindquarters displaying his large heaving balls and his cock still standing proud and still throbbing as if his balls weren't drained already and only slowly and reluctantly going soft

Is that Mega Pedo behind you?
ur ugly
i like this
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1.52 MB GIF
Pony levels are dropping. Post about ponies you like.
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You're uglier.
What kind of a job is that?
Remember to subscribe!

nope that would be JJCareksims

let's go dox some more artists haha and make their lives miserable

I found out my little sister was molested by a brony through the friend of the family. Thanks MLPG
What? You like thing? What are you doing in MLPG?
brush your fucking teeth
I would give her the DENTIST'S ADDRESS
who cares
derpy's still cute
eg form or not
Since when was Zach Galifinakis into ponies?

is that apple pony going to kiss that wheat pony
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It's too late
One that requires as much physical discipline as it does mental
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58 KB
Mmm.. no, actually no.
Can't say I'm pretty but not so ugly and unattarctive
she's trying, but the wheat pony is too fast
But I've met nice people here, don't let the hateanons ruin your fun.
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221 KB PNG

post more Derpy then
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Oh well, I tried.
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Applejack is such a great pony.
How old is your little sister?
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>I found out my little sister was molested by a brony through the friend of the family. Thanks MLPG

Do tell.
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no good deed goes unpunished

how dare you have family and friends
Define "molested"
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Post pony picture you want to post but never get the chance to.
#9 and #10 will sell the deal for you then.
Even though I'm looking forward to these.
hey BCS
Do you have Photoshop or anything like that open?

Can you draw me a clock? A simple clock only lines and don't forget minute and hours arrow. Choice of time is yours.
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And a real cute pony to boot. Not that I would boot a pony.
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94 KB

nope, that's it, that's all the details I know.

fine piece of work, that is. really grand. really restore my faith in humanity.

She wanted it bad.
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Only if you draw her.
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#This isn't pony related I just really wanted to post this for some reason
#fuck how do I make this pony related

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What if they were asking for it?
>really restore my faith in humanity.
That's a really dumb thing to say.
God fucking dammit I know that style anywhere
I'm more saying that his pictures aren't all unique, than that they aren't good
I wouldn't say mine are all good either

just that they're all different pictures
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76 KB
Nah, I don't mind it if they make sense in the story.

But most of the time they feel like they're there to check boxes for brony pandering

Like having 2 different DW ponies
Just because.

The credo fight was pretty easy but so much fun.
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That pony really loves apples, doesn't she?
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Pony is odd, but I guess I'd indulge them. Gently though.
So what's up with Apple?
how saturated can pony be
Apple pls
Can you please tag your posts correctly as #notpony ?
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Are you going to reset your Pokemon clock to it or something, like in Crystal?
Something something BCS Mandopony
But we never talk about Mandopony, that's /mlp/.
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I always feel like we should do more with this concept. Could be adorable.
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That is the shittiest cock I have ever seen

the clocks not that bad though.
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2.64 MB JPG
>that's all the details I know
Well then don't jump to conclusions.
>tfw changelingbro is ded
throbbing member
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1.59 MB GIF
Oh no! You made pony mad!
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164 KB GIF
What is she gonna do, cuddle me?
Taught testicles
>People actually believe this shit
>tfw ponies raped him to death
>it was the happiest he's ever been
>quote from man who was cuddled
what did they learn?
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60 KB

MP is okay

Nope, she's going to have sex with you and then withhold cuddles.
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By doing what? How can I make it up to pony?
Refute it or leave

cunny honey
Nah, not really, just was curious.
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it's hard not to feel like it's someone out to get me for some perceived slight
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More like there are people that don't.
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Sing the song of your people
Funny runny bunny cunny honey
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oh look it's best pony

prove me wrong
that's really rude

not rarity is best pony?
It isn't.

How old is your little sister
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76 KB
Help her buck some apples.
Pony's love apples.
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480 KB JPG
Come give her a bath
Where's Rarity?
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38 KB

1000 years old
You knew the risks.
I told you not to say this in public BCS
come on anon, finish the job.
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27 KB

Did watching Alien get you hard?
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294 KB JPG
don't mind me just being best pony you ignored and slandered
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Why not?

It's probably bullshit on someone's end anyway.

How can you ignore AND slander someone?
It's hard not to mind you. You don't shut up
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19 KB

rule 1

the doctor lies

a cookie if you know rule 2

I kind of want to fuck that thing now
Pony borrowed your shirt.
File: 1371863695866.gif-(2 MB, 304x150, 1371431012330.gif)
2 MB
She can keep it
I'd never get the smell out anyways.
But you aren't da doktah.
Or are you just ironic shitposting right now?
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Doctor Who, "Dragonfire": The Doctor welcomes a new companion:
The Doctor: Do you fancy a quick trip around the twelve galaxies and then back to Perivale in time for tea?
Ace: Ace!
The Doctor: But, there are three rules. One: I'm in charge.
Ace: Whatever you say, Professor.
The Doctor: Two, I'm not the Professor, I'm the Doctor.
Ace: Whatever you want.
The Doctor: And the third... Well, I'll think up the third by the time we get back to Perivale.

I never even saw her?

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She looks good in it.
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In the new series the following is said to companions, not that they ever listen:
The Doctor: Rule One: Don't wander off.
Pony borrowed yours because it smelled like you.
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71 KB
River Song's personal Rule One is, "The Doctor lies." And it turns out she was given that rule by the Doctor, along with Rule 7: "Never run when you're scared", Rule 27: "Never knowingly be serious" and Rule 408: "You should always waste time when you don't have any. Time is not the boss of you".
90% of molestation cases are because he never called the next day.
I keep telling her I just want to be friends. She's making this really awkward.
no fun above this line

ruined the whole episode for me

fourth wall shattered
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But you silly, you are friends with pony!

And pony is friends with you.
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44 KB
look it's a yellow pony with wings

rule 5
Right. Good. magical

>a face hugger will never latch onto your waist and start sucking your cock

>you will never panic trying to get it off by banging it against a wall, only to slowly succumb to it's pleasures and start gently rubbing it up and down as your member slowly slides in and out

>it will never accept your seed, spit out an egg, roll over and die, and leave you to watch as the egg then hatches an abomination pleading for death
no fun in and around this ©
I've been thinking of drawing something like that.
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She's finally snapped.

Anyways, do we finally have a link for Nippone Call of the Cutie (I think that was it right?)
I want to have my jaw dislocated by a pony who's just too thick.
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these are two ponies
ah, fuck i couldn't clikc it fast enough.
imgur that shit
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Her ninja emblem is an abused vagina?
That'd be pretty cute. Pony in human clothing having fun is a good thing.

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She snapped a few days ago. She is getting worse today.
just filter and report
I want to learn to relax my body enough to take it down my throat
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Would it be Apple pony, or would it be Dash, since she is very one-sided about what can be borrowed (i.e. None of her stuff, but yours is fair game)?
It'd only be fair if you could borrow something of pony's to wear.
Yes, we have japony CotC

Twist has an ADORABLE voice
So you aren't allowed to post animals?

hue nation

Animal Planet is too much for blue board
I don't get it
>janitor cleans up porn
>but not the spam

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622 KB GIF
i'm still allergic to 4chan

That's crazy anon
None of the ponies even wear clothing. Especially not the main ones
You're crazy.
Link please
bitch i'm medium
don't leave me hanging man, i want to cap this.
Can someone stream it? I'd be down to watch it now with you peeps.
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that's naughty
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i wear a small
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medium would still be baggy on pony
>implying it's not a sleeping shirt that you wear instead of pajamas
>or just around the house when you don't want to really get dressed, but you don't feel like walking around naked
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yes applejack?
Hey guys, what's cracking?
What site can I use to stream it?
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Oh I thought you were saying Gashi Gashi snapped
who the fuck is BCS
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The funny thing is the only difference btween bcs and what usually goes on here is that bcs is posting random spur of the moment things instead of...all the *hilarious* and *special* repeated inside meemees
If you just have the file then livestream and procaster
If it's on youtube then there's that new synchtube
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FemSnails' jaw
tsun sex is glorious
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some blind changeling retard
>we finally have the jappone episode we missed

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Who the fuck wears PJs and doesn't like to walk around naked?

is itisyourfetish.png?
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Spoiler Image, 14 KB
>tsun sex
I'll STRAM it in a minute
Unfortunately, not everyone lives alone.
Though that doesn't stop me from sleeping in my underwear, I guess. But sometimes you just need a baggy shirt.
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there are Diamond Dogs

you cannot tell me

they are not dogs

wow look at that

standard mammalian reproduction

who drew that?
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I would that Dash.
Well, they kinda do not look like dogs.

But on the other hand, ponies also don't look like ponies.
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They have hands and can talk

therefore they are not dogs
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pony is sleeping
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I'll have what they're having
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I'm setting up a livestream account
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then why is it called a dog
>those fucking necks
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I don't know. Why are you called a tripfag when you don't trip online?

case closed
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hush now
quiet now
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consider this

Because it's a DIAMOND Dog. They're not dogs, they're something else.
What happened to bcs? Why is this happening?
The first ponies named them after what they recognized
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this notpony is hugging this pony with a horn
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mlpg karma
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>Drawfags attentionwhoring and chit chatting instead of drawing
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so they're made out of diamonds then?
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What if pony never had any friends?
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Lets just say evolution is true and men came from apes

they evolved into homosapiens from homo erectus.

WE wouldn't call humans apes anymore cause they are different.

Same thing with Diamond Dogs. Now that they are evolved, they aren't just part dog but something new
I bet that's the first thing Rarity thought of when she saw Rover. "Why are they called diamond do- oh my. I wonder."
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I'll allow it

What was that posting?
Talk about selfish
A horse's vagina winking.
land before time pls go
But vaginas don't wink, eyes do.
Then there would be no magic
I've seen the brown mare winking, was it that one?
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Newfag pls
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dropbox pls
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confused pony

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someone should stream the AC movie
where can I get a hold of that? UNF

mares in heat are fucking hot

Be honest. How far in the series did you get until you realized how stupid all of them were? Not counting the first one. I own up to 7
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Full Leak yet?
Assassin's Creed?
I only watched the first one. The others looked shitty.
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Twilight Sparkle finds your conversation offensive and inappropriate.

What do you do to make it up to the *canon* Twilight Princess?
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I saw a little of it. Wasn't that interesting.

It had Apollo and Bianca and Alfonso and the mean duck that I can't remember the name of
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well at least we have this~
>try to sign up for livestream
>type in spam protection

"So has Princess Celestia assigned you a kingdom to rule, yet?"
livestream a shit

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Crystal Empire
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>posting luna with the word leak

>tfw you realize they all will die no matter what they do in the end. All of their species
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You mean this?
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do you think of me when you're stroking your big stiff rod, anon~

what do you like to imagine doing?

what do you think about right when you spurt?

nothing can satisfy my lust for mares except for mares. I LOVE THE WINKING AND THE GUSHING AND ALL THE MARE CUM.
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He's just giving Twily a back scratch.
>what do I think about?

cumming inside of sweetie belles winking vag
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pretty white pony
>need to convert video to STRAM

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Bullshit, plenty of them made it to the Ark
look just tell us where the dl link is for jappone call of th cutie

if a straer is around they can do it in your stead
Celestia... don't dirty talk me... it's not fair... I can't resist that.
for livestream?
I liked the thread where we talked about Celestia catching anon mastubaiting. He admitted he was thinking about her and she walks out embarrassed. I like that kind of celestia more then the OMGMESOHORNY Celestia
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JJ pls
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CMC are playing

wat do
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google Procaster download
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>He doesn't know how horse vaginas work
>scootaloo bending over like that.

She knows just how I like it
Call of the Cutie?
That one is up on yayponies
Celestia has a broad spectrum of emotions.
She's a complex woman.
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y u do dis to me
Sounds like you deserve it then.



Not that guy but... what?
She's a big girl?
what, the jappanese one is?
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holy crap they move

i wasn't expecting that
downloading it now so we'll find out
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hey mr. anon!

i heard you like to see ponies wink!

wanna see me wink?
>New Titan not online yet

Isn't sunbuns 2000 years old?

She's no girl, she is a lady of the highest nobility and rank and elegance.
you're not doing it right
>not knowing about mares and fillies in heat
>not knowing about winking pony vag

>tfw your favorite pony waifu will never be this excited to see you and lift her tail and wink her vag begging you to cum inside

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>tfw SB will never draw lewd Sad Sack
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not clicking that
YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO do something that takes exactly ten seconds
>Eren goes super saiyan Titan
>proceeds to RIP AND TEAR
>The end
>tfw Zone will never draw you ponies because you overponied him
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>Implying Luna and Celestia aren't kids at heart

Alright I'm tired of this horse. kill it already
I thought that was the ending
I took off my pants
Horses are so disgusting and somehow that makes them so arousing, oh my god, why am I such a freak?
Pretty sure he has, he's got three sketchbooks filled and five bucks says it consists of snails dick and his oc porn.
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>you will never be inside Crackle
bcs you really need to get help.
I can't think of anything which lasts 10 seconds!

Oh wait, I just did.
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pants anon pls
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dragon should ride pony
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Here you go
If BCS will post her vagina I will forgive her everything
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get dunked
Her actual age has never been stated, and most past events she was involved with are referred to as "1000 years ago." Obviously there's a little flexibility, since they probably didn't all occur simultaneously, and anything with Luna had to happen before Nightmare Moon, but other than that, she was an adult 1000 years ago, so the absolute youngest that I'd personally guess her at would be, maybe 1050 years.
It's Friday you dork.
>you will never see porn of that qt unicorn by SB himself
we need one more to start
get the fuck in here
for millennia of human history, men have travelled on horseback

conquering the world and what not

they must have noticed

they must have seen the marevag

they must have thought about it, about how nice it would be

they must have done it

yfw your ancestors were most likely horsefuckers

do you think it's hereditary
There's not enough of this type of bondage horse
I know that feel

I guess for me it's just that primal lust for a beast when she's winking at you with her delicious vag that she wants the cock, how can I deny?
thank god for that

Which pony likes to be bonded nonsexually?
You know where a saddle and bridle, maybe some reigns
Twilight wore a saddle when she was getting dressed to go outside on the WWU episode
they just have such nice firm bodies

i mean they're mammals, they must feel pleasure and desire too
but its a fetish
its always sexually
>tfw back then it was easier to get away with making sweet pony love compared to now
>japanese twist's voice
Not really. He's just going to move the big rock.

Go to bed Kraut
And suddenly Twist stopped being the worst filly.
I'm lusting so hard right now.

brb, time to look at some men and mare pr0n
new horse
That is the point dork

I hate you.
oh shit twist's voice is kawaii as fuck
Does this work for you?
>not banning BCS
7chan dot org/be/res/11048.html
which pony is more pony than pony
Pank pony

haha no thanks
Applejack is the most realistic pony.

believe it or not, yes.

>dat delicious winking vag
>>not banning BCS

She's a shitposter.
that was the implication yes
she's shitting up the livestream chat now and she could be banned but Nonymous doesn't want to be mean i guess.
I know right?
>tfw your ancestors were mongolians
>tfw I just noticed those crotchboobs

Muh dick

I love them crotchtits and winking vags. It's really time to fap now