Last Thread>>11545388Would you like an episodes with nothing but stallions running the episode?
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>>11548857Anon, pls. AJ would just get reincarnated.
>>11548869Why not? I'd like them to get more screentime.
>>11548869Shit would be gay yo
>>11548869The question is, WHO would lead that episode?
>>11548914It would be a surfing competition episode
>>11548914Well, at least SA gotten better in Season 3, unlike Candyass.
>season 4>main cast pone revealed to have another previously unmentioned siblingHow would you feel?
>>11548921That would be a nice excuse for a beach episode, don't you think?
>>11548876empty autio
>>11548942It was bullshit once, it would be bullshit again.
>>11548876BCS and Ross
>>11548942It depends on the pony and the sibling, though I rather they expand the siblings we have now.
>>11548943With ONLY stallions...>tfw no M6 swimsuits...
>>11548958>holding herself up on her wingsThat's adorable.
WowGG got really lewd last night
>>11548976Looks kind of uncomfortable to me.
I love ponies.This is Twilight Sparkle, and she is my favorite pony.
>>11548992But why? They screw Twilight every chance Hasbro has on her. She was condemned for the sake of entertainment and profit.
>>11549000Mane 6 is what that anon was saying.
>>11549005She was good before, and I still have hope that she will be good again.
>>11549012I never did like these vectors. The proportions are off.
stallion dongs
>>11548977I know, right?wasn't it great?
>>11549049I hope it's permanent.
>>11549058no, but I'd like to try
>>11549029I wonder if viewers were expecting those design directly. Can you imagine if the show runs with just those vector style?
>>11548977What happened?
>>11549059>>11549058>>11549047>>11549044Why is MLPG so gay?
>>11549058No, but I guy sucked my dick once. Wasn't my thing.
>>11549074I FOUND TWO
>>11549076He drew pictures of Femsnails sucking two zebra dicks that are tied together.
>>11548977And he's going to do more tonight.I can't wait
>>11549086I wish brae would draw a boy marker
>>11549068Cheeseleg, please. We know about your nerdy past.
>>11549058Does my own count?
>>11549058jokes on you, i'm fucking good at giving head. I'll make you spurt like fountain~
>>11549086Their pelvic bones shattered moments after this picture was made
>>11549090Link pls
>>11548869I want a "day in the life of the Ponyville Post Office" episode.
are real little girls this cute
>>11549129Sad pony
>>11549125I bet their HQ is on the land.Also, that stallion has quite a hairstyle to boot.
>>11549119 made the initial request for it to be femANON but her read it as femSNAILS
>>11549103>>11549083It's no where near as fun sucking your own dick as it is to suck someone elses
>>11549129What about non-pony creatures? Do they have to follow pony law?
>>11549151>tfw no more giraffes
>>11549150Yeah, okay buddy
>>11549151I can't really see those birdies as happy as they appear to be.
>>11549151>tfw giraffe hats us
Please stop talking about sucking dicks.You make me want to try it~
>>11549150Quit talking out your assZING
>GG will never make that Mrs.cake NTR comicsigh
>>11549165They've mostly interbreeded with the pony population.
>>11549179Because he knows how shitty of a fetish NTR is.
>>11549139That he does. He looks so cuteThen again, I think all the mail ponies look cute.
>>11549190He draws it sometimes.
>MLPG in a nutshell
>>11549127No. They're annoing little brats.
>>11549204Well he and Derpy does. I cannot say the same for the rest.
>summer solstice>not praising the sun
>>11549242WhatNo this general is about mlp
>>11549242>capitalizing "earth"
>all this talk of dickssigh, i guess no one wants to plunge their penis into pinkie pie's perfectly plump posterior anymore
>>11549151I miss the llama ponies...
>>11549257nope, sorry
>>11549250shut up alredy
>>11549086marker pone always looks better with a different mane style
>>11549257WAIT! I DO!
>>11549250Again>Celebrating that the moon is starting to slowly murder the sunWhy do you hate Celestia so much?
I just want to lean back and have a pony rut my mouth.Is that so much to ask?
>>11549282i like that pankher hair is nice and straight and manageable
>>11549298nope, you can get work on a farm doing such a thing
>>11549247Post Haste is cute in his own way.
>>11549310FUCK YOU TOO
Alrighty, let's see how this looks. Should the contrast between foreground and background be greater, or does this look aight?
How are the pony levels?
would you swim with pone
>>11549310Pinkie Pie: VERBOTEN
>>11549298that seems dangerous
>>11549327Acceptable.kinda gay in here though. We need more pone to balance it out.
>>11549300>>11549282She's the cutest and sexiest when she's like that.
>>11549329Pone would piss in the water every chance she got
>>11549327Pinkhow is tom and rarity going?
>>11549356Gonna stream it in a bit, I'll get something to breakfast.
>>11549342It's only dangerous if you try to resist.Just lie back, relax your throat, and let the stallion do the rest.
>>11541541Depends on how they use that year. Phineas and Ferb have had summer vacation for 6 or so years now? Recess ran for 3 or 4 years until the series finale. Hasbro can make it last as long as it wants to.
oh shit the pank micro is out
Quick, write fanfiction!
>>11549376I want to piss inside you BCS
>>11549380Wow you're slow
>>11549384ahahahahahahahahhahahahaaaaaaa i hate you anon
>>11549279Because she's terrible. abd i hope she dies
I want bcs to leave.
>>11549365nopewe straight now.
>>11549376I'm kinda okay with that fetish, I mean, real mares do watersports a lot in sex, right?
>>11549394You're one of those Lunar Empire faggots aren't you
>>11549401can we discuss something else...
>>11549403Yes. Away with the solar tyrrany!
>>11549406Doesn't that suffocate the dog or something? I'm pretty sure it's unpleasant. At least I remember my mother telling me to stop doing it with my dogs.
>>11549412whos youre favorite doteri like riki tiki bcuz he's badass and cool and i pick him erry time xD
>>11549412Okay.Name your favorite ponies.
>>11549416Fuck that writerI fucking hate it when puns are in news story titlesI want to punch them so badly
>>11549424dotkwa is that you
>>11549406for a second I thought the eyes are going to pop out
>>11549425Currently, it's the Brony Princess Luna aka also my little sister's favorite pony
>>11549438nope im over here
>>11549435You better keep your mitts off my mare son
>>11549416no wonder her legs are so toned and yummy
>>11549326it's shit
>>11549448I said favorites, so name 'em all.
>>11549454I prefer best mare anyway.
>>11549400>throwing away his comics and yokeTHISFUCKING BITCH
>>11549450dotkwaifuyes my foot is undead AND asleep
>>11549326Maybe blur foreground a bit to give impression of the focal point being pinkie?
>>11549393 i want to hug you BCS
>>11549467Sounds about right.
>>11549462Princess LunaSpikePinkamenaDJPon3Twilight SparkleLyraDoctor HoovesDiscordStrongheart
>>11549480wheres dj acid you nooob
no one ever draws her or requests her and I don't know whyDashXStrongheart is ADORABLY CANON
>>11549480This list is pretty fucking brony
>>11549480>Doctor HoovesI will hate you to death.
>>11549467I'm okay with that.
Holy shit. What happened to these threads this past week? I feel like I'm on ponychan
>>11549496I just requested some LSH from AppleDan
>>11549496yeah a lot of cool characters get neglected by fandomnobody ever draws that one hilarious griffin chef
>>11549501Doctor Who is turning into that kind of show I'm ashamed to like because of all the retards that like it as well.
>>11549480Oh, I see.Keep your eyes on Luna only, I don't want you to ruin the other ponies with your presence. Even if they're already ruined.
>>11549508Didnt you get it?
>>11549504>it feels like I'm on ponychanNo.No it doesn't. Why don't some of you faggots take the time to actually experience that shithole for once before you come down here and claim that everything you don't like is "ponychan".
>>11549510or Sapphire ShoresI want more art of her and Sweetie singing.
>>11549496Then draw her!
>>11549504Love and tolerate, fellow mare man! /)
>>11549519One of them is your Waifu isn't she
>>11549524I agree with that guy. It's like ponychan.Especially when the janitor's fucking up shit.
no, i watch this show for the little girls
>>11549512It's bad when a fandom ruins the object of their desires.
>>11549525Shit every S1 minor one-shot character gets sadly neglected except Trixie because GO TO BED SETH
>>11549512My nigga, Doctor Who is the MLP for teenagers or something.
>>11549519Silly, she, BCS, is not ruining ponies with his touch, HH is.
>>11549550dont do that
>>11549522I just checked the last thread.It came out pretty damn cute, thanks.
>>11549550Make lots of money, because that's all your bill collectors care about.
>>11549541It would be nice to see this pony again. She is quite colorful.
>>11549553Why notI don't like it
>>11549541Not Gilda for some odd reason. She's still kind of popular.Plus all the background characters who are considered as important as actual characters.
>>11549556You're welcome man, glad you like it.
>>11549550get a job that can pay your rent and other expenses
>>11549541>tfw no Blueblood appearance>not even in the EQG movie where he would make the perfect rich, popular, douche kidFucking hasbro
>>11549566For starter, Gilda is a griffin, which makes her unique. She also has a Dash of Dash in her.
>>11549538Reinforcing rules =/= the moderation on ponychan.My point still stands. Why don't you try posting on ponychan and see what the difference is. Go there right fucking now and post as an anon.
Are the lessons on the show real?
>>11549563If you're going to kill yourself I'm not giving you any fucking money
>>11549563upload your pony folder before you do italso, don't do it
>>11549541>tfw we'll never see Steven Magnet ever again
>>11549573No one cares about a shitty stallion.DJs is where its at.
>>11549573He was in the background of Sweet and Elite.
>>11549575I'm glad the janitor is here to help us...
>>11549575>the janitor is only enforcing the rulesOh, hi, janitor.Go back to ponychan, faggot.
Wait, there are people who DON'T like swallowing 3 days worth of pent up cum?
>>11549590is that a babby blueblood
>>11549575ponychan doesn't have bcs so it might actually be better
>>11549573I would take Blueblood over Shining Armor any dayHe is fun because he is shallow, Shining Armor is just a shallow character.
>>11549573Sadly, Blueblood is unpopular so I guess Rocks Fell On Him And He Died or he was Put Under A Bus
>>11549599Hey, straight people still exist, you know.
>>11549582noyesim going to shift+delete it
>>11549584LSH's eyes are a little smaller and more ovoid that a typical pony's, also the neck is much thicker. Also the snout is a little thinner and a bit lower set.
>>11549584There you go.>>11549589Better question. Who actually cares about Blueblood anyways?
>>11549603>what is filtering
>>11549602It seems to be the child of Blueblood and Rainbow Dash design-wise
>>11549611Oh boy, I can already see you regretting it.
>>11549599>implying cum pents up12 year old pls go
>>11549610It's not gay if you're in a threesome
>>11549610>straightpfffftyeah right
>>11549623Wow, you actually let people filter you, that's so kind of you.
>>11549627whatdeleting my ponyshit folderbecause i sure am sure that i wont regrt that9 gigs of free space
what is with ponies and the bowing anyway
>>11549629No, it's still gay.
>>11549628>implying it doesn'tI know for a fact that I cum a lot more after 24 hours then I do after my usual 7
>>11549559>>11549570What job
>>11549496lsh is a cutiei would hug herif only there was a plushie of her
>>11549637thanks anonI wake up everyday and thank my lucky stars I'm not Ross/Dicks22
>>11549617I care :<
>>11549649deergod that is a qt
>>11549617I do. He's my favorite pony.
Little Strongheart is totes qt
>>11549666>THAT picture againevery day is repost day
>>11549640>Not appreciating your pony folder like some kind of time capsuleWow, you might as well actually kill yourself.
>>11549683Look who is talking
>>11549679no>manatee wasHe sure was, captcha
>>11549644Why not?
guys i loved the pank microthe art was fun and the last page gave me feelsand of course every page was bursting with pank
>>11549688i know rightbesides why would i reminescence my errors of the past
>>11549688with a nerf gun
>>11549679Yes.It'll be worth it.
>>11549617Not liking the best pony?
>>11549648they say you're supposed to find a job you enjoy doing and not worry about the money, but that's a bunch of bullshitind the thing you hate doing the most and get someone to pay you to do it
>>11549644le cim unside mememe
>>11549680What are you doing so early?
>>11549679Accept and beat the shit out of him. If the guy works up a sweat lifting soda packages I can definitely wreck him.
>>11549692the goddamn batman?
>>11549696PANK YOU SAY?
>>11549696For me the current micro rating is thisRarity>Twilight>Pinkie>>>>Dash=FluttershyI enjoyed Twilight's micro more than Pinkie but yeah Pinkie's micro was very cute and made me laugh a few times
>>11549644they aren't bowingthey're presenting
>>11549679I'd do that in a heartbeat. Spending time with CWC would be interesting in the same way as studying infectious bacteria is. And can you imagine the thread I could write when I came back? Hoy boy. +100 points if I can take my camera.
>>11549711What?Do I know you?
>>11549711this could have been done with just that one panelalso>filename
>>11549706>mfw Brae ships Blueblood with characterless guards and not a stallion that actually matters
>season 4>shocking truth behind rainbow dashes actual curly hair
>>11549496there's like no good porn of her.
>>11549696comic pinkie is more pinklike than show pinkiethey really captured her girlish charm and enthusiasm
>>11549733>not calling it tiarawhy.GIF
>>11549730I don't know what you are talking about.
>>11549741>Rainbow with curly hairi need this>anal victoriesCaptha's just spot-on today.
>>11549742She's too cute for sexual...
>>11549741PffHonestly I like the idea of her hair color not being natural
>>11549737>My face when people give a shit about ships.
I want to DP BCS
>>11549754Does this count?
>>11549737>implying guards x Blueblood isn't way better than any other gay Blueblood ship
>>11549769By yourself?
>>11549774Too many wings
>>11549784Yes.With a trap on horse dildo
the celestia micro will be godly
Speaking of guards, isn't brae like really close to finishing that flash.
>>11549755>too cute for sexualdoes not compute
>>11549774Eh, not really. That's just rarity's hair
>>11549800i agreee
Oh boy buttershit is spamming the thread with images again.
>>11549744The micro is a god send for Pinkfags after S3.
>>11549800>godlytop lel
>>11549783I like Blueblood x TrixieTrixie is pretty manly that counts as gay right
>>11549791What is this shit oc?
>>11549711there will never be another pingas
>>11549791I like that pony.
>>11549798forget BCS i want a trap on a horse dildo
I... I kind of want to watch the show again.
>>11549819You mean like every single day these past few days?
>>11549819ross plsthis is an image boardwhere people postimagesofponiesforyourpleasure
>>115498230/10, it's like you're not even trying
>>11549833Why aren't you?
Anyone want a gif made?
>>11549840I'm too lazy to download all the episodes.They're still available aren't they?
Can you imagine fucking Twilight and right before you cum she teleports away.
>>11549847do you even have to ask us
>>11549847Sure, make a gif of pinkie poking her nose in dashes nose
>>11548869as a heterosexual male this image turned me on more than it shouldI would cum in his anus whilst stroking his mane and telling him he's a good pony
>>11549856master troll twilight sparkle
>>11549859I always forget to specifyA gif of the show/a video
>>11549863:O :O :O
>>11549826well there's a new sonic cartoon coming outwho knows
>>11549855they're all on yayponies and youtube too
>>11549856>right as you cum she teleports your mother onto your dick as she warps out.
>>11549863The words "good boy" and "good girl" during sex is so fucking hot.
>>11549836It's ironic because just yesterday he was posting shitty drawings of Betty Boop and telling people not to draw ponies.
>>11549863but would you jerk him off?
>>11549711In his voice.He is truly the best robotnik.
>>11549878But I want to watch them in HD, are they available in HD?
>>11549887 iknoright
>>11549880>right as you cum she teleports HER mother onto your dick as she warps out.
>>11549887>you will never be a good little pony
>>11549891Ross is the worst BCS hateanon by far
>>11549863I get it, the joke is that you're straight but would do gay things
>>11549863I rather cuddle with that blue pony. I bet he belly is super soft.
>>11549911the joke is sexsexDRIVE ahahahahahah
>>11549919Aw, thank you.I can't wait to feel the magic again.
>>11549844No, I don't. It has gone to shit,
>>11549931you wontitsa ll too sour now
So, no gifs then?
>>11549923That's it. I fucking quit mlpg forever
>>11549863That picture got you too, eh? You're not the firstso back off
>>11549856This is why you need stuns.
Never forget the #BEEF
>>11549944Gif me a pony
>>11549909Ross is the worst everybody hateanon by far.He would be pretty much the only hateanon, but retarded newfags come here, see his retardation, and think they're in good company.
>>11549944I'm sorry anon but I don't really post show gifs that often.Have a pony
>>11549933Why are you still here then?
>>11549829>we will never see her again
>>11549974Why wouldn't I? I don't see a reason to not be here.
>>11549968I don't understand the point of hating things.
>>11549967Be more specific.>>11549969I mean I'll make gifs for people
>>11549943believe me, i tried
>skins for champs you actually use never go on sale>many of the champs you use only have 1 or 2 skins and they both suck
>>11549995you suck faggot
>>11549989No I meant I don't post gifs so I don't need any gifs
>>11549980It's just that... it's kinda weird to be on a general which talks about a show you hate nowadays... you know.
>>11549989Make a Rarara gif
>>11549987>or the song that saves your lifewutAll artists have shit in their heads, they're scum of the highest degree. Wonder why artists make all those pretentions crude pieces of crap they call high art? Because they're all fucked up gnomes.
>>11549995whos youre favorite doter
>>11549989Do you just take a clip from the show or actually draw things?
>>11549805cute is the new sexy
>>11550013look at this thread2011 is now
>>11550020From the show, or from anything you want.
>>11549821you upload that flash pack to mega?
>>11550006I'm among a peoples who hate the show as much as I do. I'm ing ood company
>>11550014So what do you determine worthy?
also hi MLPGi herd u like pwnies
>>11549880i'd cum super hard
>>11550023GO TO BED SETH
>>11550045Nope, only horses
>>11550038Oh... so you love to hate stuff?
>>11550036my internet crapped out and Mega showed 0% and i was so pissed I went to bedone of these days, my Internet won't suck...
>>11550057No, I dont
>>11550007I've got a Rarara gif for you
>>11550052no post more Trixie
>>11550065nothis is dumb
>>11550065whus youer fav doter
>>11550023pones look cute when they are scratched up
>>11550070So... you hate to hate stuff?Isn't that unhealthy?
>>11550071i want to sniff her hoof-gloves
>>11550071She really likes that color scheme for her dresses, doesn't she? Doesn't she have two others with those same colors?I won't complain, though. They're pretty.
>>11550081They don't look so cute when they are pushed into the mud and made to cry
>>11550081Happy Tuesday!
>>11550088that's a little weird
>>11550107oh my god that pony has no body
>>11550098Yes they do, especially when you laugh at them
>>11550007Here, have an old one I made while I make a new one
>>11550098that is fscking kawaii
>>11550100>not enjoying smelling a woman's garmentsmore for me to sniff i guess
>>11550135>not knowing that Rarity is M BisonHaAt least you know that Twilight is Akuma right?
>>11549794>blind retard
go see equestria girlsyour principal demands it
>>11550167this would be cuter if I didn't keep getting grossed out by the idea of eating a fish that still had its tail on and everything
>>11550186But I can't, I don't live in 'murrika.
>>11550189She doesn't know any better. Will you teach her?
>>11550186I'm not driving three hours to go see a movie, Celestia. Especially not by myself.
>>11550186quiet youI HATE THE SUN
>>11550208C-can I go with you? We can... pal around...
>>11550211>those grapes probably taste bad anyway
>>11550189dem shits are delishmore for me i guess
>>11549471Thank god for compatability between SAI and photoshop. This look any better? Or is the foreground too blurry. Maybe I could a top portion of the image out.
>>11550217Only if you pay for the gas. I'm afraid I'm flat broke.
>>11550167hoodie trixie where
>>11550229I keep trying sardines and every time I just don't understand why
>>11550229so, you eat the scales too or what?
>>11550228i want to call her tia
>>11550241right here geez
>>11550246Be careful, that's an mlpg trigger word
>>11550229I've never tried sardines but that liquid looks distrusting.
>>11550242That's like me and vienna sausagesI know it's just meat paste in chicken goop, but god damn it I just keep trying them once every few years and it never changes
>>11550245I mean it's totally different eating the muscle of a dead animal, right?
>>11550246Is that a sock?
>>11550245sardine scales aren't hardi guess they're really small or the oil softens them upthey have been gutted before packing, so don't worry that you're going to eat fish intestines and suchthey do still have their skeleton, but it is soft and delicious
I really like this pony!
>>11550246>aliheartthere is no stopping merriwether
>implying these aren't significant steps forwardKeep it up Corwin. You're doing great.
>>11550258TRIGGER WARNINGtia
>>11550280a cumsock nonetheless
>>11550270but sausages are a delicious enigma of an intertwined mystery combination of meats.sardines are shitty salty fish.
>>11550280He came in a sock and now is wiping it on her face
>>11550277that is adorablei guess little girls are good for something after all
>>11550275well yeah, I mean one's muscle and the other's freakin' scales>>11550284>skeleton soft and deliciousthat is mysterious, alarming, and intriguing. I guess I might try it sometime
>>11550288>seeing people start off having no skill and watching them get better over time>I'm still a lazy piece of shit that keeps telling myself to try learning it
>>11550307thats sexy
>tfw hateanon hats us
>>11550288I like how plainly obvious and apparent it is when an artist uses Loomis. You can see it in mewball, Tex and now Corwin.Loomis is severely overrated
>ANIMU~™ expression in my poniesFucking dropped.
>>11550307fuck off
>>11550297no, anchovies are shitty salty fish
>>11550320What are you, gay?
>>11550327good don't let the door hit you on the way out
>>11550334what's the difference?
>>11550327they make the upside down UU eyes all the timeit's kawaii
>>11550327Blame Fauxnime becoming popular because of shit like A:TLA
>>11550326But can you argue with the results? Eventually they'll stop following it step by step to do their own thing, but will improve since they studied that technique.
>>11550330fuck off
How do you guys feel about pony Monopoly?
>>11550336>implying you have to be gay to like horses
>>11550326>Loomis is overratedI sort of agree but Loomis definitely isn't bad. The reason it gets recommended so much is that all of his books are public domain, and you won't find any better ones without either paying or pirating.
>>11550357it will tear families apart.........
>>11550354>>11550330*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off?!
>>11550330>>11550354Fuck off what? Is there something to fuck off on?
>>11550345anchovies are extremely salty and should only be used as a seasoningsardines are usually packed with just oil or water and can be eaten right out of the can
>>11550327>expecting anything good out of Pink Horse or Pink Horse comic
>>11550357>every little girl wants to be an entrepreneur
>>11550370fuck OFF
>>11550357>mayor mareit warms my heart to see a /co/ name become canon
>>11550357It bothers me that in most theme Monopoly boards the four corner pieces never follow the theme.
>>11550366>no carFucking dropped.
>>11550357Talk to me when its online.Debs on Rarity.
>>11550383*stabs you in the dick* i said back the fuck off???!!!
>>11550357>go to jail>not moon
>>11550357Not bits... not impressed
>>11550391>nudge nudge wink wink
>>11550372ahI've definitely had bothAnchovies are the lesser of two evils, just tasted like salty eau de fishSardines were the one where I thought I was eating dogfood.
>>11550350>Fauxnimehow the fuck are you even supposed to pronounce that?
>>11550386At least they got the currency right, but yeah it's a bit annoying.
>>11550391Apple bearing hips time?
>>11550378Well, it was a shit ton better than the Dash and Fluttershy micro.I guess Pegasus aren't master race after all.
>>11550395I won 2nd prize in a beauty contest once.
>>11550357It still bothers me that the name of the game is not Monopony
>>11550396what dick
>>11550397What if pony was jailed?
>>11550406Faux and nimeEasy.
>>11550415How does it feel not being the prettiest?
>>11550406Phone eh may
>>11550428>be playing as Rarity>win second prize
>>11550372>tfw you enjoy the taste of sardines and potted meatWell at least the former are arguably somewhat good for you. Most oily fish are.Canned oysters are pretty nice too.
>>11550409Wanna grow some apples with me, anon?
>>11550473I'll get my farmers pants on!
>>11550405not all brands are the same thoughthis is my favoriteonly buy the kind that's packed in oilthe kinds with hot sauce and such are shit
>>11550379I don't know why, but I kinda like them more than the good vectors.
>>11550391god i want to squeeze a ponyi bet their soft, delicate flesh feels just like memory foam
>>11550482I think I've tried that exact brand since it looked fancy not being from merica
>>11550481You don't need clothes to work on a farm, ya ninny.Just look at me! Naked as the day I was born.Apart from the hat, of course. Heh.
>>11550415>I won 2nd prize in a beauty contest once.rarity plswe all saw the episode
What songs does your pony have written about her?
>>11550489I love my memory foam mattress. I can imagine I am sleeping on a nest of snuggly, pudgy ponies.
>>11550509we aren't covered with protective fur, ajhumans wear clothes because our bodies are fragile
>>11550419why is she so beautiful?
>>11550509Are you trying to say that you weren't born with your hat?
>>11550511And now I'll never be able to hear that song the same way ever again
>>11550529this may shock you
>>11550532>>11550511oh wowit's ...kind of sexual too
>>11550528she got all the good genes
>>11550537>tfw we will never see the bustling cities and towering skyscrapers of Equestria
>>11550524Sure ya do. What about the hair around your... you know. Your doodle.
>>11550537>there will never be a serious episode about how aj's parents died and how she got her hat from her late father>it will never end on a mournful note with the end credits playing in silence
>>11550551>tfw life goes on
>>11550563>implying i don't shave religiously because it makes me feel like a pornstar
>>11550566>episodes that end with silent creditsHoly fuck memories of Fresh Prince are flooding back.
I bet Tex is like this:
>>11550563It's trimmed
Who do you imagine to be the best looking MLPG contributor?
>>11550546>>11550419>no squeaky voice in EGGuys...It's happening...I don't want it to happen...
>>11550566>end credits playing in silenceOh gog, please no, I would cry.
>>11550598Rarity, she's contributes by being on the show
That took longer then expected.
>>11550598lauren faust
>>11550608superior voice squeaks anyways
>>11550623what the fuck I don't even have that fileMOOT
>>11550622Gotta go Faust
>>11550621Is that filly alright?
>>11550622>Frankie FosterMy dick is stirring.
>>11550623She hasn't voiced cracked in ages.
>>11550632She just slammed chest first into a jagged rock.She's dead.
>>11550643B-but magic
>>11550630I laughed so fucking hard.
>>11550622Isn't that tank girl?
>>11550634This is the only Frankie for me.
>>11550640 GR done any animation?he needs to get on this
>>11550644She didn't have friends at that point.
>>11550630I remember when it happened to Tex
>>11550631>red hair>creamy white skin>frecklesunffffffffff
>>11550621the pause on the final frame makes it really unnatural
>>11550643Noooo! How can I save her?
>>11550665By being the best you that you can be
>>11550652This is the only thing I've seen: I wouldn't doubt it. Seems like that guy keeps stuff to himself.
>>11550664I love you too, anon
>>11550678Rarity is a goner.
>>11550665You can't save that which has already died.
>>11550700Enjoy your headaches.
>>11550700>no doubles option>not ponyI fucking hate you
>>11550700aw shit
>>11550693You can't even be your fucking self to save pony? Why do you hate pony?
>>11550652>dem tits>that bit of chubAw yiss
which pony has the biggest labia
>>11550700Dubs: shit pants
>you will never have your own pinkie pit
>>11550728Pank and she's proud of it
>>11550728Twist.They drag on the ground if she doesn't wear the clips.
>>11550721PANKE PÆ
>>11550728Princess Audio
>>11550716But I don't hate pony and I don't hate Rarity at all.
>>11550713>>11550729why is it that the only time i roll dubs is when i forget to give myself a "dubs" optionson of a bitch
>>11550732>dive in dick first
I'm the biggest Rarifag there is, but even I know that theres no saving her.
Did you put your dick in it yet?
>>11550736i'd chew on pank's stretchy bubble gum labia
>>11550774Except I'm the biggest Rarifag
>>11550774No saving her from being best pone?I know, it's dreadfully true.
>>11550783I was too thick for penetration so we settled for frotting
>>11550741PДNKI Pl
>>11550774>not using a resurrection spell to revive her>or go down the gate of the afterlife to get her soul back
>>11550655I know right.I don't understand why would anyone call her ugly. Last time she visited /mlp/ she said she gets such kind of insults often. But she is such a cutie!
>>11550795why is hair covering one eye so sexy
>>11550812There is no resurrect spell, anonEven in Equestria, whats dead is dead.
>>11550820Because she looks cute in pictures sometimes and hideous in others.
>>11550826because vision impairment is sexy
you will never her
>>11550858>he will never you
>>11550870I never close that tab
>>11550836>no resurrect spelldo you even quest
BCS, why did you remove me?
>>11550864Learn to google
>>11550858i willi will move to canada and become the kind of man that andrea cannot help but fall in love withso what does she like
>>11550878I really should just stop coming here, I enjoy the show and was not really bothered by MMC
>>11550888>>11550851>Because she looks cute in pictures sometimes and hideous in others.>posts two cute picturesI don't understand
Whats she got in that big ass purse?
>>11550893her interest include pathetic faggots and fedoras
>>11550878The princess thing will never annoy me more that that fucking chin.
Pinkie Pie isn't Pinkie Pie.
>>11550912papers and important documents
>>11550912Handcuffs for Appledanhe ain't getting away from this one
>>11550910You must have terrible standards thenEnjoy ol' witch face
>>11550882>mirror mirror, uh>upon the wall, uh>who's the baddest motherfucker of them all, uh?
>>11550979>tfw pinkie pie winks at you
>>11550971the lettering in all of the comics so far has been pretty greatjust look at those bubbly honky runes
>>11550946Oh boy!
>>11551002how does pone violin with hoofs
>>11551002If she keeps at it like that, she'll cut her fiddle in two.
>>11550746This guy is captivating.
>>11549803I've sent it off to edef for final tweaking; all the animation is done. It's pretty much completed, should only be a couple more days til release.
>>11551026requesting version without skirt and with genitals
>>11551041Sure, let me pull up the flash assets. FUN FACT:Any pony wearing a dress has genitals on the puppet.
>>11551036As a straight man, I am entirely too excited for this flash
>>11551026I hated that whole song and that back up pony gif so god damn much.
>>11551067Why is that stallion so cute and cuddly?
>>11551078>Hating Apple BottomThere are faggots, and then theres you.
>>11550809...what's that?
>>11550809with a futa pank?
>>11551107Frotting is where you rub dicks together.
i like pony
>>11551105>>11551078I liked the song, but the sight of pony ass hurtling directly towards me at the speed of sound startled me out of my seatno offense intended Mrs. Apple but your ass is intimidating
>>11551105he sounds like a faggot to me, anon
>>11551003You've never been fucked past the point of soreness, have you?Have you even fucked at all?
>>11551146what do you think that giant purse is for?You didn't think it was JUST handcuffs, did you? It looked too heavy for that.
you mean you LIKE the smell?wow, what a freak
>>11551190what the hell
>>11548869Yeah. I'm cool with the whole women actually have a role thing, but I think they should go a little more in depth about the male characters.
Ah'm gonna marry Tex!
>>11551186But anon, I don't like itI love it.
>>11551209I've never liked "trophy girls" because it's like they aren't really into the person.
i am nothing but a jokei'm a failureno one takes me seriously
>>11551222Applebloom, that's a really, really bad idea.
>>11551230Fleur ends up being one of Rarity's good friends and helps her get with Fancy Pants.
>>11551227Why is ponies forcing a kiss on fluttershy so cute?
>>11551244>Rarity is the type of girl to like a guy based on social statusWhat a jerk. For all she knows, that turnip pony could be her one true love.
>>11550179that's not very nice anon
>>11551258Twilight: "Shh, it's okay, just cum in me..."
>>11551236GRAUDISM :DDD
>>11551263dude she treats Spike like a bag of dog shit
>>11551278hey I've got itgodism
>>11551238But Applejack said she's gonna marry him, why can't ah do it, too?
>>11551279looks like something from Pixar's Up
>>11551262Because Fluttershy has a lot of bottled and pent up sexual frustration.
>>11551263Who said she only likes him because of his social status and not because of mutual interests and support?
>>11551288oh dearsomeone get Big Mac on the phone...
so how are you going to handle twilight always dressed in her regalia in s4
>>11551299All I did I did because I love you.
>>11551283>>11551291>>11551304Who the fuck are you?
>>11551288Do you know what happens to ponies who get married?
>>11551326can't you read it?it says right thereVector AnonVA
>>11551263Well he tried to impress her again. Fuck he became successful as fuck. But Spike fucked up his life like the dick he is.Poor Turnip Pony. Big shot CEO of a huffe company and just because Spike lies he will probably end up fired for being drunk nonstop
>>11551332They wear rings and call each other really goofy names!
>>11551299No need to be embarrassed about liking sex Twilight.
>>11551301He's also a right proper bloke.
>>11551340... yeah... :( :( :(
>>11551334That posting style reminds me an awful lot of BCS.
>tfw you suspect people are only following you out of pitty
>>11551357Anonymous, everything reminds me of BCSwhat the hell
>>11551364Pity only has one tee in it
you are all actually BCS aren't you?AREN'T YOU!?
>>11551364>tfw you feel bad about people who follow you because you don't think your stuff is worth their attention
>>11551360>walking away leaving her covered in painthayseed i think you may have a bigger problem than being awkward
>>11551351Exactly, he's an outstanding fellow and I think he'd make her very happy.I only worry that he's too professional and Rarity's too traditional for either of them to initiate a relationship. But, that's a hurdle they'll have to overcome themselves
>>11551326It's BCS switching names again, ignore her
>>11551396>tfw you secretly suspect everyone hates you and is just telling you what you want to hear
>>11551360Post the next page nigga
>>11551345No, Applebloom, listen... it means they live together forever. They share responsibilities and their lives with one another, almost like two people living as one.
>>11551403Oh come on look at the wedding photos. Rarity was trying to do the first move.Hell she probably succeeded>Rarity walking with a new dress in town for no reason>Fancypants just happens to be in town that exact same day
>>11551427You mean, like me an' Applejack an' Big Macintosh an' Granny?
>>11551431Well yes, but she if she was doing anything she was merely flirting. I'm not certain she'd ask Fancypants on anything romantic herself, she might see that as being his job.
>>11551409It's not paranoia if it's right.
What ever you think, I am not this BCS guy just an anon with some opinionsI'm sorry if that's not worthy of having a name in this thread here or I'm not good enough for you..........
>>11551431>muh headcanon
>>11551452vector me a crystal stallion if you're so great
>>11551417Stop smoking so much weed, SB
>>11551449that sounds familiar, who said that?
>>11551452fuck off already BCS
>There will never be a pony vidya>You will never press X to Neigh>pony will never break trough the window and make 3 armed enemy soldiers break trough a huge wooden door is suffering
>>11551457Oh that's a nice draWOW IS THAT A DICK
>>11551462i don't MAKE vectors, i USE vectors couldn't draw a pony if my life depended on it
>>11551452You aren't fooling anyone
>>11551479then make me something with crystal stallion vectors?
>>11551474He looks like bruce wayne in that office.
>>11551452>mail to: krautismjesus you're pathetic
>>11551484>bcs is the krautism anonthis is getting interesting.
>>11551457I'm getting mixed feelings here.
>>11551474Damn, he became a successful business pony in a year?
>>11551479>i don't MAKE vectors, i USE vectorsbut... ANYBODY can do that, can't they?
i know it's not great but there you gothis is why i use vectors i have NO talent
>>11551447It's more than that, more than family... also, married ponies make babies!
GF soon
>>11551518He made crudely animated porn of humans.
>>11551522yeahi like photoshop
>>11551525>>11551525>11551525>>11551525BCS PLEASE LEAVE
>>11551525but what do you make with vectors
>>11551515>>11551515I just crop Bab out and call it a day.
>>11551541You want her to leave?Go to the 4chan IRC and tell the mods to ban her, use the archive for something useful and get the evidence
>>11551525You didn't even try.
>>11551536oh boy!
>>11551537took me few seconds
>>11551545posters for my friends in our RPG group on the campuswe meet every week in the music building in room 225 and the campaign is based on GURPs
>>11551536how soon?
>>11551554do you do this to every new person in the thread?holy shit wowi heard mlpg was bad but i din't realize it was this bad
>>11551583people tend to get pissy if you're using a name but not actually contributing anything
>>11551570Probably today, if ripanon has the episode available.But clips have been released two days ago.
>>11551583Lets assume you ARE new.Why is you email set to krautism?
>>11551599Ding ding ding we have a winner.
you're out of luck
>>11551532Well, what do they make them out of?
>>11551583We've been having some craziness the past couple days that is not indicative of MLPG most of the time.>>11551589is correct, though. It's somewhat exacerbated by the fact we've had rather a lot of nonsense going on right now. Although, if you're new, why is your email "krautism"?
>>11551572I wish I could be as happy as that guy.
>>11551599because /mlp/ said that was what i was acting like in the other thread i was posting as anon on
>>11551583don't let the door hit you on the way out!
>>11551584I heard that she's a bad Bab Seed
>>11551599Because it's the elder shitposter.And it was BCS all along.
>>11551457Why does Florecentmoo always draw slanty-faces?
>>11551608we meme nao?pasta
BCS put your name back on so I can filter you again
>>11551612no shit sherlocka cookie for captain obvious over here
Odds: get work doneEvens: continue to be lazy
>>11551612yeah, if BCS was the one that drove kraut out. I don't want him here anymore. kraut is cool, and BCS just seems to have a very toxic personality.
>>11551612Ross pls go
>>11551621dfsssssssssferwrwrwr wwee ry5r3f2eedwefewrrc3rwesdwetrv34rq23v
>GF season one started june 15 a year ago>we are still on season one
>>11551626Disks22 pls
>>11551626Driving Kraut off has upset the balance of the general.Now a fellowship of the best and mightiest MLPG contributors haveto go on an incredible journey and ressurect Kraut and then vanquish the great evil that is BCS.
>>11551643I don't even know who that is.