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Previous thread: >>11530134
is the sun on the show real?
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Teachpone thread
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my thoughts on BCS
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What do you think Cheerilee did before her teaching gig?
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Confess your love to pony, MLPG.
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On a scale of 1 to 10 rate your depression
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look at her go
>hitting on BCS
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Hey BCS, I've got something for you
He asked about the sun, not about you Celestia.

What, are you going to levitate him off of Earth and through the vacuum of space until her burns to death in the burning gasses of the sun?
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Just wanted to contribute...
I just don't care anymore/10.
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or just don't hit people
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is your body ready
But pony isn't real.
What if Celestia really thinks she is the sun

wouldn't that be adorable
[citation needed]
Today's been too good to get down about stuff.
Fake those cutiemarks are taken from a wallpaper
the guy who made those said that was a fake
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>the first time she speaks is in the movie as a human

It's hard being a teacher pone fan
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>you will never throw anon into the sun and watch as his bodily gloriously burns into nothing

>Celestia constantly terrified everyone will be blinded by her
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This makes me deeply sad.
>since S2

What the fuck is wrong with me
>First time she speaks
u wot m8
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>>the first time she speaks is in the movie as a human
[DYEWTSing intensifies]
Was there another EQG leak?
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shuts herself in at night so she doesn't accidentally wake everyone up with her glow.
fake but cute
can't we just hug
and talk
and get to know each other
Sometimes a woman needs a good backhand to get put back in line.

Remember: Mrs. is a possessive term meaning "property of the mr". I will hit my property if I see it fit.
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I cooked some massive #beef

I have no job, no will to get a job, I'm still living shamefully off my parents two years after high school and I don't want to do the one thing I'm even remotely somewhat good at and planned my whole future around anymore
You taught me the magic of pony on pony friendship, thank you!
Her throat isn't even moving, I'm not convinced.
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You can't go around hitting on another man's wife, anon.
Is that BCS?
Is he serious?
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>you will never cuddle with Celestia and talk about nothing
Would pony like it if you scratched them under the chin?

Would they be able to resist or even speak while you do it?
and that's why you'll never have one
Are you married to Twilight Sparkle, Tex?

Well that's ok because my wife is Applejack.
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you know what? Fuck it. I know it's not a cat.
Don't you think there's enough Twilight to go around? If it came down to it she could always use that pool.
No, anonymous, anonymous is.

Anonymous, please.
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I already do.

She knows her place, so I don't hit her.

she's off her meds, anon. leave it.
I swear I'll start the pank waifu collage tonight

DeafDefiler pls
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why is he so dreamy, /co/?
I get it!
No, it was confirmed a night or two ago that she was on her meds.

who is this person?
You sure about that? Looks like something my cat would do
nevermind that then
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She looks like she could use a cuddle or two.
Dude, SO abuse is extremely uncool.
>wanting a stereotype of your waifu
Its fucking Keanu Reeves you idiot, do you even watch the show?
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Good thing I'm married to Fluttershy, then.
I want those meds...

Thanks for saying that

I mean, like just between you and me rape fantasy is fun but not when it crosses the line...

lol a stereotype

Cymbalta, Tramadol, Depakote and Resteril?
Actually it's not, Mrs. is an abbrevation of Mistress or Missus.
Absolutely, the only times it's okay to hit somebody are when they want it, or are attempting to commit violence upon you.
Some people use positive reinforcement to train pets.

I just correct them when they do something wrong, like refusing to give me a blowjob.
I punch my friends all the time.
Are you some kind of pussy?
What about SO rape?
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Select your princess or queen
I choose Queen Celestia
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how strong is pony?
would you be able to ride pony?
Worse than stranger rape.
Bug butt

I want to give you a hug.
Are you implying the real Pinkie didn't get banished into the pond that episode, and that's why her character was so terribly written that season? Because that's what happened, how else can you explain such a dramatic, and bad, character development?
>like refusing to give me a blowjob.
I... you actually let your pets blow you?
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Select a pistol, and then, select your princess.

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play rape

Ugh, who is abuse anon?
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penguin Dash is great

Tex I can't remember if you've ever drawn Chrysalis.

playing is okay

make sure it stays playful ok anon. remember no means no, yellow means "i'm not sure" and safeword means "back the fuck off"
It's an analogy.

Replace "pets" with "women"
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We Misogyny Little Pony General today?
No means "Yes"
Yellow means "More"
Safeword means "Harder motherfucker"
Guys help

I'm waifuing EG Dash so hard

She's just too fucking cute
Gotta make women useful somehow, or they turn out failures, YOU KNOW?
>Having loira as your pet
>Not treating her as an equal
celestia is first pick

Candyass second, just for a better shot at that prime hunk of stallion she has.
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guess who
That's pretty violent, Tex. What would applepone think of that?
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Daily reminder that Celestia is tired of your bad fanfiction.
breast inflation?
I'm sure us men are all shining stars, sitting in our rooms on 4chan

It's a good thing I'm not actually a woman then.
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Though if she wanted to pretend I don't think I could turn her down...
I can't wait until it all burns and this whole gender bullshit burns with it.
she really is super cute
>you will never get to see Equestria Girls

You are a star, anon... you are a star...

You can be the President of my fanclub.
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For sexual or just for cuddles?
I just got home from work, I find 4chan a good way to wind down.
LK pls
draw some later
SA is one of those sites against foalcon eh?

Fuck that.

Fuck all the sites against that.

Yeah, I'm sick of men's rights activists, tumblrpon Social Justice Brigade, feminists and whatever else bullshit people spout for their own gain.
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Cutest EqG
sexual cuddles.
>muh child porn

fuck off

draw one naked filly and you're worse than Hitler now
Not sure if stupid femnazi or just plain stupid
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Why are these ponies so distinct in my mind even if they all have the same exact body?
>m-muh CP
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Oh my god, is she okay?
How did your face get scratched?
I wish it wasn't so hot.
Color scheme.
celestia for chit-chat and fun stuff

candyass for unfing her husband

anon, you don't want to be the little filly?

I like grown mares using spells to make themselves look younger. I like the thought of older Sweetie Belle magicking herself young to seduce Spike and same with Twilight Sparkle and Nightmarity.

"I'm your size now! Now you don't have to struggle to kiss me, darling."
>equating children to ink on paper/pixels on a screen

I think it's obvious who the one with the problem is.
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you'd have to be perverted to NOT want to
2 weeks ago
>Man, these Equestria Girls designs are pretty lame, they could have at least put some effort into it.
After seing this screenshot the other day.
>Holy shit, EqG Rainbow Dash is a fucking cutie pie.
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Think of the fictional children, anon!

Man, I molest my inner child all the time...
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she likes it rough.
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Would you help Dash bulk up and lace her stack with magic breast growth supplements?
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Yeah, it's you
Can we just talk about pone or something?

Here, someone give me a draw request.
What kind of logic is that.
do you live tiny dicks
A big bowl of ponies
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I have no idea what EQG Dash is the cutest, sup with that?
But your the one putting the mind of a living child on the same level as ink/pixels
Or a bucket. Like a pail full of them and Anon is carrying them around.
Applebloom rolling around on a giant D20
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Calm down I'm not even try-
wait what
I'm so proud of these drawings, now I'm part of the MLPG maymay culture.
I'm sorry but I have a grown mare waifu

That works too
Sure, why not.
Not that I need them because I am normal, but still.
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Cunny cunni.
My nigga.

Would you waifu fully-grown Sweetie Belle who has a lovely singing voice?
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How is that pony related?

holy crap
no that would be cheating on my current waifu
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I'm talking about the gender divide, you retard.

This man vs woman horseshit is getting really old.
You're bumping elbows with the big guys now Anon
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Why not food pones?
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>tfw you will never go camping with the main 6 in one of these tents
this applies to underage ponies
that's like a tent mansion
But ponies don't have vaginas, Anon.
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>party hats with your cutie mark on them

Customizing everything you own must be popular with ponies.
Holy shit now I'm sad.
And I'd love to get a hug, but unfortunately we're treading into disgusting faggotry here and we live too far apart anyway ;_;.

Is fine, as long as you have a safeword prepared (or action, if you're using a gag) and respect it.
Don't make me open my real folder
redo your PANK made out of panks on your tablet please. Your paper version, while good, doesn't do it justice
>having to fight a hoard of ponies trying to route you form your throne of the center tent
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Fancy as fuck.

...could I share a spot with Dash?
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Rainbow Dash cannot be un-cute apparently.
I believe the homonyms 'horde' and 'rout' are better here, though a dragon's hoard worth of ponies trying to make a map for you would be insanely adorable.
They use a pantsu of the same color as their coat, so when the show the is over they just get rid of them.
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Except for the ones they use to pee and birth babies.
>it's like a CTF game, but with pillow throwing and junk
>if the tent falls apart Twilight can set it up again in an instant

Sorry anon, I already asked her
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I require my freedom to not be persecuted.
Looks like it would take a really fucking long time to set up. Probably pretty useless unless you're spending a long time camping. What does /out/ think of it?
>You all end up sharing the middle anyway
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Oh, boy, the pedos are here!
i wonder if /out/'s like other boreds

If they are they'd think it's casual because it's not a single-man super small light tent for backpacking
>Pip-chan's ochinchin
unf desu
Man, I love how pedophiles exist.

That way no one cares about zoophiles and the pedos get all the shit.

Thanks pedos.
I think it's pretty stupid.
If you're going innawoods, do it right. Tarp and stick makes a great tent.
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I don't know, they even got cars linked to it. Probably for music or whatever.
It would still be cool as hell.
>implying you wouldn't be in a sleeping bag outside the tent
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Damn that's cute.
I know, right? People are all 'Oh gross, pedos', and everyone thinks zoophiles are just a joke or something, and don't even bring them up.
jessy pls draw
Why can't she be real?
You know

EG could've been worse

Like, way, way worse
jontron pls make another video
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I want to be a filly
Jessy why do you have such unbridled lust for Tyranitar
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Jessy pls wear your swimsuit.
That doesn't stop the movie from being shit.
jaques pls sqwuak
Two Best Friends > Game Grumps
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John is busy and cant reply right now, please leave a message at the sound of the GEH.
How much better will the real MLP movie be? What do you hope will happen?
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You know, that other guy who made the gifs really beefed it

Here's a proper one with transition frames if you like

Man, Drake and Josh was too good to be a nickelodeon live action series
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Oh um, sure! I can do some simple doodles.

He is, I swear, he made that video saying he was. He wouldn't lie to us...right?

But Tyranitar isn't for sexual, he's just my favorite pokemon.
without magic its just reams and reams of tissues down her shirt

open your gates
draw a filly goat in the pony ville school
Blue tissues?
>He is, I swear, he made that video saying he was. He wouldn't lie to us...right?
Well, he told us Game Grumps was a good show, so...
Jessy please draw me qt goat
Dash tickling fluttershy if you are willing.
where does applejack get the leather for her hat
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Mei is a qt
Yes this.
Her parents
It's actually made of cardboard, Anon.

That's a great question
Stole it from rch

She also owns cows.
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hey MLPG

Not sure why but had some technical difficulties last night trying to do a reading of Fallout Equestria. Hopefully things are fixed now. I could do a reading tonight in a little bit if you guys wants, though.....it's starting to make me kinda sick. But practice is always good, and if I can entertain MLPG to help get through this hiatus then so be it.

And hey, how about a joke?

Why was princess Luna in such a fowl mood?

Because she's on her monthly cycle!
why are all you faggots jacking off to goats now

when did that become a thing
Why do you think they cultivate cattle?
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Why must every single japanese movie with cute characters got to be so goddamn sad
It's not even funny
>Why was princess Luna in such a fowl mood?
More like Because she's a Night Owl
>Have some cardboard laying around.
...I want to make a cardboard applehat now.
That's bad even for your standards.
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>not watching homogay goat animes
The Cat Returns
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I wish braeburned would write fapfiction.
You know, there's also the fact that your dick just isn't going to fit into a kid's vagoo without causing damage, you fuck

At least they didn't die.
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the time is upon us

the time

of sad
Oh please, I'm like Fluttershy

I have no standards
But it doesn't curl in the rain, xieril.

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I think he got kicked one too many times.

What, that movie wasn't sad. At least, I don't remember it being sad.
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Which pony is GOAT
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>Not foul
>No bird joke
>No joke at all
This is beyond bad
This has transcended terrible
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You get to Equestria, but you must live on the Shetland Islands and never leave for 5 years first. Can you do it?
None of them; they are ponies.
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The joke is moons and monthliness
Ponies are not goats, goats are goats.
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Pony can't be goat, Tex.
Every non-boring pony is GOAT
>that .gif

What I love most about that video is the other goats that get knocked over just don't give a shit. They don't try to get back at the little spaz. They just get up and keep being all cute and stupid.
Jerry Rice Pony
Who says I would ever leave at all?
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Cunnilingus. That's why I love facial expressions.
I recently re-watched TMMDW and I found myself laughing at parts that I had previously forgotten about, ,it's really not a bad episode.
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Welcome to no more ratrace.
To order and calm instead.
to being
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Oh yeah, I used to raise goats.

They can play rather rough, but you have to realize these are animals who show dominance by banging the front of their heads into each other really hard. Most of the time they are incapable of giving a fuck. Despite being a hoofed animal they will climb a tree if they can
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I saw a goat mommy give birth to 4 babby goats yesterday. One of them almost ded, but we nursed it overnight and its doing okay today.

It was born covered in blood and came after the placenta.

Also that day I got to help groom the Burros.
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Post the RMS one.
We got the joke. It's terrible and barely even a joke
It's not even a witty observation
It could have been delivered better by a 2 year old

>"Onni-chan, hurry! We're going to be late to farm school!"
Hail Satan.
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Link to EqG pls
Well, guess I will be drinking tonight after all ;_;

nah its fine. Fanfic reading in like an half our or so
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Human vaginas are wonderfully adaptive organs at any age anon.

I'm not saying "YEAH RAM HER RAM HER"

I'm saying,

Human vaginas are wonderfully adaptive organs at any age.


>implying you know my sex
It's still a fun episode, but it's really the overall course of action the mane5 took that makes it questionable.
Can Mable and Rarity ever be friends?
How do Titans reproduce?
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Would you get a gummi bear that was stuck to a pony's behind?
It's a mystery, though signs are pointing to the idea that they don't.
what are you? The target audience?
Would Mabel like EqG?
Of course she would.
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Probably, they're both wonderful dressmakers.
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It currently unknown, even in the Manga.

I dunno man, she drove Rarity to the depths of nightmare.
She fucking BEDAZZLED something!

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Hey fuckers let's play hats yeah?
But Rarity already said her sweaters were bad

And Mable will just end up bedazzling Rarity's horn or something
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No, fuck you. Let's talk about horses.
they become humans and have sex and give birth to baby titans
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What is it with Belgium and huge animals?

They're like the Texas of Europe.
Sorry, Twilight! Geez, lay off for a minute. It doesn't have to be clean 24/7.
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I tried to figure out why I like this face so much.
Screw it, time for vidya.
It's the cheek man. It's always the cheek.
they also like guns too

>implying rarity wouldn't be more interested in labelle
My room D is not dirty you fucking cunt, lay off,

While you were inspecting room D I took the time to adjust all the screws in your light switches so they no longer lay vertically.
They are now all sitting horizontally and dust is going to collect in the slot!
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Who wants to play hats tonight?

here's the server stuff if you're down
PASSWORD: bonbon
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Gotta go, I'll try and be home tonight to finish that request and maybe take some more.
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suck its dick
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Most draft horses descend from forest/drafts horses located in Belgium. The Belgian is the purest of them.

As for other animal breeds, I have no idea.
I guess you could say Dash can be really cheeky!
I kind of actually wanted that link you guys
I'm real happy you have your tablet back
Glad I'm not the only one who saw it that way
That's a good way to put it. It isn't a strong episode, but it has a few moments that get it by. I guess in the end it was just fun to re-watch an old episode I haven't seen in a while. Kind of like how watching the Japanese dubs of old episodes in a stream is fun too.
BTW, anyone know when the next episode will be out in Japan?
Read the manga.
Titans are artificial lifeform, each is liek a mech unit controlled by human, just made not from steel but flesh.

Infuse a child with a formula and voila - new titan born.
Things would be different around here if Rainbow Dash was my mom
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It's practically a pony face.

I love you Rarity. You are my dream gal. Aubrey Hepburn in pony form.

Twilight however... I'm sorry. It's just not working out. You were great back in 2010. You were smart, you were sarcastic, you were cute as a button. something happened along the way though. It's like... your soul was removed and you were replaced with some kind of clone.
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That source doesn't even support that statement.
It is really close.

I should fix that cheek.
So you're saying that secretly it's the fact that it's pony is alluring? Are you suggesting that pony is attractive?
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Goodness, that's adorable.
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>While you were inspecting room D I took the time to adjust all the screws in your light switches so they no longer lay vertically.
>They are now all sitting horizontally and dust is going to collect in the slot!

What the fuck is wrong with you?!
pony is very attractive
Aw yeah, thank you!
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Maybe. I certainly wouldn't object.
Why is that goat walking alone to school? What if he's goatnapped?
Is there a way with 4chanx to make every new post not read as [Dead] for its first few seconds?
Okay, that's understandable. Pony does work hard at it, after all. It's very flattering of you to notice!
was that an anti-play on words?
Install gentoo

Inline script master race.
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Same here. Dash being cute is the rule apparently.

Drawing anything tonight?
>Twilight, the messiest pony
>angry at someone for not cleaning up

Don't even gimme dat shit.
pony is trying to attract you
>epic fail

Yeah, nah, fuck off bitch.

Dash is the only cute one though.
>no voice cracks

No deal
pony is successful
That doesn't look good though
She is OCD pony.
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Are you saying pony works out?


Were there any colts other than Snips and Snails in EG?

Draw Anon as Dubs guy.
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Sable > Mable

Sable was my first vidya waifu
Are you the mod of the paint tail horse tumblr? Or, alternatively, thesassyjessy?
Only the first 30 minutes.
It's less cute and more unf

>super short skirt
>arm gloves
The episodes air every monday at 6:30PM EST, if I know my timezones right. Since it's 1:30AM (GMT+2) for me personally.
Jessy is my waifu
>>super short skirt

No, her legs are fucking long.
>MLP will never do epic storylines well again
>All villains will either be generic evil dudes, and will not be interesting in any way
>There will never be a misguided fanatic villain

Action adventure storylines weren't always the best, but they were at least good in S1-2. After Meghan took over they've been awful.
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you're not
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This fucking nigga
Same one yeah.
These are the assholes she hangs around with.
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they're called arm warmers
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I'm the mod for ask Palette Swap, yes.
Twilight's catching a peek.
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Too lazy to color this tonight. Will get to it tomorrow. Is it Rei's OC? I know he drew it but it looks familiar.
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I can't.

Not while Twily's looking.
>Decide to make all the new villains human.
yeah whatever
still unf to me

thanks anon
Well, let me take this time to say that you are great and vastly underrated.
What a scrunchy little pone
I had an idea for a holiday special:

>Rudolph gets blown off course while scouting this years sleigh route, and ends up in Ponyville. While asking around for directions, he comes across Rainbow Dash. RD's excited to see a flying reindeer and challenges him to a race. Rudolph ends up injuring himself while trying to beat RD, and can no longer lead Santa's sleigh. RD is devastated, and tries to make it up to Rudolph, but only manages to make the situation worse. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie suddenly realizes that Xmas is approaching quickly, and she hasn't yet completed her list of good deeds to get on the 'Nice' list. Frantic, she goes on a 'good deed' rampage all over Ponyville. Also, Applejack finds out that Big McIntosh has gotten her what he claims to be 'The Best Present Ever', which causes her to claim that she can get him something EVEN BETTER. Applejack enlists Rarity's expertise in generosity to help her do this. As for Fluttershy, she's helping RD take care of Rudolph, while every single woodland creature seems to be dropping in with yet another present for her, and she's running out of room to store it all. Can Twilight Sparkle make sense of all this chaos and help all the ponies solve their Xmas problems? Can she do it without having to resort to a two-part
episode? Stay tuned to find out!

>Wiggly tentacle pon.
I mustn't...
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What does she hope to see?
fanboy pls go
>Holiday special
They're always always shit

stopped reading there
>Holiday spe
Rudolph is copyrighted.
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Apples, anon, apples.
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1.3 MB GIF
Oh, well thank you!
Those half-scrunches look weird
>there is already a good russian TS of Mand of Steel
>all EG camrips are 1/4 of the movie, half of the screen and turned sideways

top lel
>dat jelly
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Excellent job, anon, hope Sentenal doesn't get mad this time.
We were sucking her feme-dick first, asshole!

Some people...
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She's a pegasus though, Anon.

You could reenact that scene from My Super Ex-Girlfriend where they have sex while they free fall.

That would be awesome.
I already called him and forwarded the message to him.
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Would she compliment the apples?
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Not as weird as the straight on scrunch that's only happened once on the show (and I don't even have the cap on me)
Hows that art practice coming along anons?
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Me too. I want more ghost pone.
>that scene from My Super Ex-Girlfriend where they have sex while they free fall

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Who wouldn't?
But you must expand dong.
>Good/bad ratio for songs in the series is like 50/50
>Danial Ingram gets tons of praise
>William Anderson's great score is ignored
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So none of you guys have gotten a cameo in the comic yet? Just me and Mr Bones? Sorry to hear that...


You say a lot, but end up not saying much.
My Little Brony Anthem

My Little Brony, My Little Brony
My Little Brony
I used to wonder what 4chan could be
(My Little Brony)
Until you all shared your macros with me!
Silly faces,
Rainbow manes!
Gettin' shitfaced
On drinking games!
Dykey ponies,
Fun to ship!
And an intro you should never skip!
Yeah, My Little Bronies
You know we have the very best threads!
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You like scrunches, don't you?
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>Pedo sweet changed the name of his series because of a cease and desist

top lel
that fashion pony doesn't seem to like that apple pony very much
this is bait.
Didn't he get showered with love during a past con?
If AJ were suddenly forced to harvest a different kind of crop, what do you think would happen? Would she not be able to handle it, or would she just keep on going on, after all they do raise cattle so apples aren't their only source of income. Her cutie-mark would never change right? What if apples became unprofitable for the Apple family?
If I wasn't typing via iPhone in class, I would post a hoof fist just for you. We someone to form a band just to sing that song!

Should ahve just called it K-On girls and be done with it.

No matter, it hardly gets any updates and no one cares.
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Anything new today?
le epic chalres manson pony xdxd
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That's the one!
And yes. It's the best pony emotion in the show.
>it hardly gets any updates and no one cares.

Until now when he can crank it into maximum overpedo and the fans will go nuts and suck his dick again.
#define YOU Faggot
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>it hardly gets any updates
so like most of his tumblrs?
Movie came out.
MLPG loved it.
That doesn't even look like Charles Manson.
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Let's see, milk from cows, fleece from sheep, whatever it is they do with pigs...

Apples, carrots, corn and celery...

I think Applejack can handle a variety of crops.
>EqG showed up on my iTunes download list.
>so like most of his tumblrs?

How many does pedo sweet have? He seems to draw a lot and "be popular", but i have no idea where he posts most of this stuff.
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Applejack is a good Earth pony farmer, she could probably handle most crops. I doubt that apples would become unprofitable to ponies and it's not as if she'd stop liking apples.
YOU HAVE TEN SECONDS TO ______________KILL YOURSELF_______________
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not really.
EG semi leak

first 30 minutes
kind of unwatchable since the guy didn't record it right
average as fuck so far

>Leak imminent

Oh yeah. Can't wait for the MLPG stream of it. If only we could add like, breaks here and there so we could discuss it.
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>whatever it is they do with pigs...
Get rid of the bodies...
Pigs will eat even the bones if you get them hungry enough.
What a talented pony.
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he had smarty belle
he stopped it, but at least he gave us one thing
>it wasn't quite as terrible as I thought
Brick Top pls get killed by pikeys
heh, remember when Fasut made Applejack int oa garden dork?
>Times up.

We need Equestria Sweetie with that face.
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that we do
awesome. Thanks, man.

It's sort of his OC. It's a character from a corruption story I wrote, but he came up with the colors.
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Do we reeaally?
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I like it when the ponies wink

I had some bad thoughts. Of doing all three CMC at once.
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Applejack is the loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies.
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Ok, guys.

On a serious note here, I've never watched stuff like this, or when I've sat down and it's been on, I never like it.

Why is it that I'm watching this secretly whenever I get the chance, and browsing all of these threads.

What is it about this show that makes me like it?

I really have no idea and I'd just like someone to elaborate for me as to why.

Also in b4 ONE OF US or some crackpot answer

You forgot also: boring.
holy shit they are so canon-gay for each other it's almost unbearable
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you watching your chinese cartoons again?
This is like the 3rd time today, just stop anon.
She's so very loyal, it complements her friend Rainbow Dash's honesty very well.
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>canon racist
>only pony established in canon to fart

Why is she not your favorite? What's not to like?
You just don't mind a show that's simple minded feel-good show.
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>What is it about this show that makes me like it?

Subliminal messages in the show are fucking with your brain.
Buy the toys.
Because it's a cartoon that's not afraid to be a cartoon, plain and simple. It's not some overly saccharine girly cliche, and its not some obnoxious melodrama that pretends to have more depth than it actually possesses. It's just good old fashioned fun, with a bunch of goofy characters doing silly things.
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waittt a minute
guilty pleasure
it makes you feel good, yet ashamed
I know, it's disgusting how close new and hub are.

Even the heterosexual friends Applejack and Rarity can't help but look away.
look at those sexual sexual butts

Holy shit...
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Look at those great ponies.
ok someone needs to draw Newpone and Hubpone
>Swayback Mountain
But why are you telling me this?
I just spent the past 3 hours playing CoC and edging
did I miss anything interesting
did nanaki kill himself yet
sounds fake and gay
best rarijack fic
Because it's a cartoon.
Like Tom and Jerry, plus horses.
Problem solved.
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your applejack is a little washed out
Just like your boyfriend.
Pass: bonbon

Come play TF2 with us!
Can someone draw a pony version of this with Dash as Batman and Robin and Scoots?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed ponies. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Pony, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, Pony. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of ponies across the USA and your Pony is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Pony, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little pony you call your pony. You’re fucking dead, pony. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare ponies. Not only am I extensively trained in pony pony, but I have access to the entire pony of the United Ponies Marine Pony and I will pony it to its full pony to pony your pony ass off the face of the pony, you little pony. If only pony could have ponied what unholy pony your little “pony” comment was about to pony down upon you, maybe you would have ponied your fucking pony. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the pony, you ponied pony. I will pony fury all pony you and pony pony pony pony pony. Pony pony pony, horse.
I remember back in S1 when we realized that was so ass-backwards we actually thought they might back-peddle and switch them around. Then in The Return of Harmony RD said she would always be loyal to the princess and all was corrected in cannon.
>like Tom and Jerry

But we're talking about why it's a likeable cartoon.
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And then Applejack lied in The Last Roundup.
Who cares, it's funny as fuck!
what's wrong with Tom and Jerry?
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She lied way back in Boast Busters with Rarity's hair.
It's too violent!
Applejack has lied in every episode ever.
It doesn't count if it's to save someones feelings.
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But pone isn't for sad...
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I think I fixed her.
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The man vs women horseshit is what gives a lot of women confidence to compete with men, you know being the first women to do X.
Rarity is best pony
She didn't lie, she was just...implying.
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sad pony is cuter than happy pony

prove me wrong
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>It doesn't count

Yes it does.
>Women lack confidence to do anything unless they're being prosecuted by men
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Hey man, any liar will tell you that a white lie and a black lie aren't the same thing. Just ask Applejack she'd tell you the truth.
My African American brother.
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We talked about little girls/fillies.
Ponies are basically bald with bad comb overs.
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best ship
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would you call
multiple times
What are the point of MLP threads? I mean everyone always posts the same exact pictures that everyone already has, and it seems entirely pointless.
rocko's modern life pls
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This is easy.
About lying? How can you trust her not to lie to you like she often does?
I've been making new gifs lately and people draw new ponies all the time.

Besides, you're basically asking "what's the point of having fun?"
That's the point
They wouldn't stay in one thread, horsefuckers.
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for me
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sad crystal pony > happy crystal pony
Who is Fluttershy?
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>wanting pone to be sad rather than happy
ultra pleb

is there a hasbro pony yet
Who is Twist?
poor nigga didnt know
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>>Women lack confidence to do anything unless they're being prosecuted by men

After learning that Tex is an MRA, I'm going to blame every misogynist anon post on him.
With that scene, I guess you could say Fluttershy is a bit of a phony pony!
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Hey this has nothing to do with what I want
They just look cuter when sad

Probably because they are cartoons and so their emotions are exaggerated in facial expressions and so they look really really sad at even the smallest things.
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mafia when?
>Fluttershy finds out the hard way that Pinkie is into some fucked up role play.
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91 KB
All her friends pretend to like her
>Tex is an MRA
hahahaha that's 2funny
ALL of them?
Then it's perfect!
Pass: bonbon

There were suggestions for a pony board since october.
>Pinkie enjoys play rape
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56 KB
Not all their animals are huge. Have you seen the Belgian D'Uccle chickens? They're hilariously small and fluffy.

pic related
>Reinforcing her anxiety
Don't do that
Probably. They just use her for their own gain
Where did Pinkie get a life like exact replica suit of Fluttershy?
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From her shed

He had a twitter for a bit, and 1/3 of the posts were him posting MRA youtube vids.
Who is Anonymous
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71 KB
Well now I now you're full of it
Your mom
Pass: bonbon


Is the answer Ross?


Who is Rick
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Fluttershy is easily the most useless pony in the comics.
Like, the recent arc I thought she would get them out of the cells but nope.
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>tfw copy pasting old posts from the archive and people responding to them as if they were new

God I love this feel. And Derpy was hella loved back then. Pretty cute.
I kinda wanna shoop Mime Sweetie's face in there instead of that face
Who is that guy who jizzes on the pony dolls?
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It's people like you who can't just ignore Anon who are the real problem.
I still love her.
I filter Anonymous.
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Are you saying she's not loved?
do it
But the general seems to like RCH.
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Anon did nothing wrong
do it!
Do it!
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Remember when she was always being colored purple?
Red pls reinforce my self worth
10/10 picture rediv let's hang it on the fridge
>Always watching.
Yeah, it was cute actually.

It's a damn shame I never experience 2010 MLPG
what kind of request is that?
sorry mlpg something came up I cant do a reading tonight. try again a different time

but how about a joke

Why can Princess Celestia hardly do anything useful ever?

Because she lives in CAN'Terlot
>This is the first thing I see on /q/

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Finally a leek pony.

I still want a drawing of her playing hide and seek. Some anon pony and Marker looking for her distressed, getting worried something might have happened to her.
Who does Celestia have in her will?
Her one and only Sun!
No one cares
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Many ponies live in Canterlot

Also I don't even know where you're doing these anyway
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I just wanted her with some smooze.
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Penko Pe
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choose for me
But someone already did enter a name, then it was crudely edited out.
Because everyone needs a laugh
When is that nigga going to give up?
Dash letting herself go a bit
wait a second

what if pinkie pie is dressing up like fluttershy for rainbow dash
I've always been curious

Where do you live, exactly?
When the mods ban him for idiocy.
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obscure mlpg trivia time
No, I meant where you were doing these readings. I keep seeing you posting about them but I never find it
i don't know which one you mean
i thought the diaper twilight was later
twilight wearing a diaper, by muffins
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I'm still have trouble when it comes to linking from livestream correctly
Diaper Twilight.
I want Rainbow Dash to get painted up and look just like Scootaloo. And pretend she's a filly.

A filly that wants the D.
I think I successfully forgot about that.

Holy fuck it's been over two fucking years
Who is Issac Clarke with a caption, "Fuck you and fuck your marker!"?
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I think it might of been 2011-2012
Someone needs to make this for Pinkie involving Twilight.
>Why would you do this, /co/?

That shit is burned into my mind.
you're kawaii
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Pass: bonbon
hit by a bus
heart disease
what is cancer
United States, NC
What are hateanons?

or lack of funding
Does pony use scroll lock?
>"At no time are you to refer to Twilight Sparkle as 'Best Pony' and are to remove all pictures you have of her at the company pie eating contest from the bathroom stalls."
She made it herself.
What is depression.
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I'm scared
I've never hatted before
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God, that's adorable. ;w;
I think this might be it. If not too bad I have to go. Sorry

Hold my hand dearie~
Play soldier.
Remember you have a secondary weapon.
Hope you have good medics.
Don't go, you'll get slaughtered within seconds of leaving spawn and not have fun
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also acceptable

ok im out of ideas
Who is Twilight Sparkle
>At no time are you to glue objects to Twilight Sparkles desk.
>The googly eyes that are super glued the ceiling tiles above her desk and the letters "Big Princess is watching you" are to be removed.
Who is Twilight Sparkle
your favorite
it's the smash bros of shooters

its kind of hard to fuck up
Who is Twilight Sparkle
Play soldier.
Stay away from RCH.
Especially if he is on your team.
Who is Rarity
Honestly objectively, Twilight's won the largest and most popular polls.
In the comics, Rarity is best pony.
In the show, it's Celestia
Admit it, you would fuck EQG dash
That's not saying much.
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I'd rather a big ass EG Rarity
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who is Celestia
An ugly princess.
She needs to be chubbier.
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What is your least favorite pony?
Only if I was a pony
I would never an EqG anything. Ever.
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Who is ___all_of_them
>I frequently use the SysReq key
>Still have no idea how to use scroll lock
What about human Pinkie in a pony Pinkie fursuit?
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Fuck you.
What sort of tripfag matches the regular expression "!.*"?
but we're all faggots here
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2 MB
unf incarnated
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i wish this was a good picture
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there aren't enough good humanizations
Anal 2
Not quite as good as the original.
What is the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria
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Anal apple sex
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There are some good ones if you know where to look
I don't get it
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The fuck does this mean?
Really? Do you have some to show?
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>being this pleb
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Just Hasbro stating that Raindow Dash rocks.
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Rainbow Dash is getting a spinoff.
New line of My Little Pony geode blind bags?
A show about multi colored rocks in on the horizon!
If I ever make a band, I'm using that as my album name and cover
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You're worthless, Anon
No-one loves you
A Breaking Bad x MLP crossover is in the works!
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You used no-one so no one would make a nobody joke didn't you
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She sure does!
But I love anon
thank you, princess no-one
I've stopped using the word nobody for that very reason.
I love him.
He's a pretty cool guy.
A is for Apples, which are real fun to eat
B is for BonBon, who is a good pony
Hasbro is selling designer drugs to children
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>Bon Bon

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Poor RD, always gets her wings messed up one way or another.
>and it still didn't stop people
reminds me of the FUN song
Anyone remember how that goes?
C is for Cocks, which pony loves
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969 KB GIF
She got better
That pony sure can take a pounding
F is for Friends who do stuff together
U is for unf
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She's still toughening up. She'll have the most powerful alicorn wings of any of the ponies someday.
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you guys are terrible at meter
these look suspiciously like burkas....
>tfw equestria girls foreshadows more princesses

just kill me now
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P is for ponut
like what i wanna snack on for desert tonight
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That is most likely the point since they're "Layton"fied
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Her wings are gonna be so much prettier, man.
So I had this pony dream

So besides the normal show and the comics Hasbro hired Andy to also make an animated series.
And in the dream I was watching the fifth episode or something. So NMM returned and teleported the mane six somewhere in a strange forest and separated them.
Also she tricked some of them that Rarity was again Nightmare Rarity.
So Twilight finds Rarity and they take a bath together near a groto where there was this small river under the moon .Meanwhile AJ finds another Rarity. Don't know about the rest of the ponies. So NMM confronts AJ and Rarity. Then that Rarity transforms into Nightmare Rarity. So the Nightmare Rarity tries to give AJ a winghug, AJ loves her, romantic music starts and then in the last moment Twilight and the real Rarity blast that illusions saving AJ who snaps out of it.
Both Twilight and Rarity joke about this and Rarity tells her that she isn't that kind of mare.

Then we see Fluttershy talking with some fairies or something.

Then the dream ends
What does a pony doughnut taste like?
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dem bike shorts
Like sugar over sweet bread.
I would that sparkly horse
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How ded can one pone be?
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What are you doing tomorrow night, Anon?
Dont tell me that you don't have plans
Surely your friends have invited you somewhere
I'm gonna wreck it
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I can just imagine how much trouble she'll have adjusting to magic, though.
As dead as I am inside
It's at least more coherent than some of my pony dreams
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when did you decide to stop being a good person
or was it an unconcious decision
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How does this look?
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When I lost my job
Like you're still trying to convince yourself that you aren't a failure.
Pony told me
looks like not pony
>Implying tomorrow
Tonight i'll be relaxing after yet another long day at work.