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/mlp/ - Pony

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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Rustled manes edition

Old horse: >>11483410
Fuck you
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>OP with shittiest pony
>"I love Rainbow Dash!" - xieril
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gibe link pls I report u
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What if pony asked your for a creme between
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I'm a homosexual male
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What a ugly pony
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>implying you can stop me
Let me check my privileges so you can be more comfortable :)
>feedback scores of 59 and 30
>Not 0
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do alternate mane styles count?
Namefags are getting obnoxious these days
That actually looks really cute
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Who could ever love Dash? What a weirdo.
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Seeing as this is a Rainbow Dash thread, anyone know any good clopfics with her?
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Really that's so edgy brosef! /)
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Would you still love your waifu even if she was a diamond dog?
would you let her bite you and turn you into a were-diamond dog?
There aren't any here
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pinkie's mane is always rustled, pinkie thread?
>it's never Nigel
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very yes
I started my dog on the stack today
That's why I never put my name on anymore.
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This pony doesn't like memes
I'd rather you just check my dick
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I know at the top it says being a dog sux

but all I see is dog sex
I don't want herpes
>posting this meta shit
You can always filter them, you know.
*grabs thoart*
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Not always.
I feel like bidding $2000 with no plans to pay
And my waifu would never do that. She'd do everything to revert back and I will be there to help her
>Warity pounces on you
>Proceeds to rape and bite you
>Instead of turning into a male diamond dog, you turn into a female one
You become herbitch
That's a paddlin'
Someone will bid more than you. With full intentions to pay.
You realize that, don't you?
please do this
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I'd give pony a creamy sandwich
Pass: bonbon

Team Fortress 2 with MLPG!
Speaking of cookies, Tim Tams are shit
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You become a slave to her scent
Every time you see her all you do is roll over and hope she uses her tongue to eat you out
or bring other diamond dogs to have fun with you
Nah. You guys are really terrible at that game.
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That's not how dogs work at all
>being good at hats

that's nothing to be proud of, anon
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Were you expecting mlg tier? Of course we're awful.
this isn't arousing
please stop
you are making me hate klondike inadvertently
Isn't it more easier to make a global announcement on the group instead of posting it here a lots of times?

You'd get a lot more players that way.
But I thought this was the Major League Pro Gamers General.
Then I must continue
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False flag inbound.
Brony to bomb Hollywood.
Martial Law confirmed for Brawl.
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>hating Klondike
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The first thing I would do is wrap those plush udders around my cock and fuck them.
Most people in the Steam group don't even play videogames. They just go there to circlejerk. That's why we had to start asking in here.
I don't understand this meme
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9 KB
I have actually never seen a worse opinion than this

I'm not even exaggerating
I hold holocaust deniers and David Icke in higher regard than you
what the fuck is that pepper from?
you're an asshole
is klodike on your bingo sheet?
what part of inadvertently do you not understand?
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often enough


They're teats you fucking clod
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I hate all artfags
the vertently part
Did you guys ever beat the piss at their own tourney?
take pictures
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there's nothing much to it
Hey Ocean sucks
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The GNU Image Manipulation Program
She IS dressed like a cow.
it means he is starting to hate klondike and its not his intention
Well it never hurts to try it, I mean, there are over 350 people on the group
They taste like any other shitty cookie
Hey, Ocean's Eleven was a great movie.
So if she was halfway through the portal would you stick your dick in her pony side or human side?
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My feel when I don't know what ITT means.
Muh 6 trillion
If Titans Track
International Tea Time
google it, duh.
I Think That
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1.12 MB GIF
>all them possibilities.
ITT is a technical institute that advertises on TV
Intercontinental Titty Trackers
In Those Tits
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It's Turbo Tastic!
holy shit
In This Thread
Interstitial Time Taggers
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People have completely bastardize the term
I Think That.

People have been constantly using in the wrong way, it's sickening.
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Incest Thread Time
Quick, name a pony that is not for sexual!
lies and deception
All of them, you freaks
trick question
Ms Harshwhinny
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why is Pinkie Pie the most turbo tastic pony?

Because she keeps wreking everything!
*reblogs your post*
None of them
It's Twily Twi
A new scientific study finds that ponies are more for sexual than originally thought.
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... I don't understand the question?
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>twf ponk knows where you live
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>sleep = 0pone
>mfw Sleepy Head is a tangible manifestation of the "0pone" concept
all of them below the age of consent
Sorry, all of these posts are incorrect.
This post is incorrect
Both of these posts are incorrect
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fillies and colts

pic related
Neither of these posts are correct
All of these are correctly incorrect
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walleye pone
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My Waifu Pinkie
she's just not for your sexual
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Have you bathed your pony recently?
This post is the least correct.
Well too bad I'm using her for sexual right now
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Pinkie Pie's hot,wet,musky donut right in your face
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Hum, Hom, Hum, Hom.
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are you here brae?
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Cutest pone
>Warning: Contains bukakke and ninjas.
This post is erect
derpy would be such a loving sexual
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They can bathe themselves just fine, anon.
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then why does that pony stink!
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Spoiler Image, 66 KB
>that filename
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I would non-creepily hug that filly.

Why not just ask her?
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>not helping your pony bath
Well actually I'm sure you'd like that but seeing how you choose a horrible pony as Dash who doesn't let you do that I guess you're the fox and pony bathing is the grapes
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superior soaked horse
Maybe your pony can't.
Are you guys are really going to discuss ponies all day
Sex with Big Mac
You're incapable of doing so.
I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash SO HARD!!!!!
Pony is too stinky
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my nigga
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Michael pls
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Nyan I can lick myself clean silly!
Why is Krabb in the bathroom
Maybe in a few years but not him not right now.
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Because I already married Rainbow Dash.
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What is done is done
>They see me rollin.
That is the laziest Derpy cosplay ever.
Is that horse sleeping or dead?

Because it looks really tired!
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How shy is your pony?
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Sports reaction images are the best.
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I hope she never completes those goals except bunnies
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I didn't know this.
Is that horse okay?
>His hat starts to jiggle.

I lost my shit.
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Pretty much
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She's got a big bubble butt too
Careful it sometimes throws her off balance
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>indulge in weird gadgets that twilight sparkle brought back with her.
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Oh god, I hadn't seen that one before
>watching Naruto
Truly the worst
my sides
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1.93 MB GIF
we spee now?
But how? she's in my lap right now anon.
How would she use the keyboard?
Looks like that Jets player had an early departure!
prehensile wings
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Pass: bonbon

Hats and shit
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I wonder what he's thinking
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The possibilities are endless.
By the port im guessing TF2?
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I was talking about hugs.
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Could be worse
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Grill pony
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Good evening, general! I've been asked to pass along a message to you folks.

"Weclome to the MLPG Collage!

Started by PS, this project is like the collabs of long ago, but with a twist. Instead of panels of a picture, puzzle pieces will be given instead! Each puzzle piece is from a screen shot of the show. Additionally, to add mystery, the whole of the picture will not be revealed until all the pieces are completed.

If you are interested in joining the project, go to http://mlpgcollagehq.tumblr.com and follow the instructions on the page. Note you can drop out at any time if you so choose. If you want an attentional puzzle piece, you may request one at any time."
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But PS is ded
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Bronies always over think jokes.
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90 KB
>recognizes port
>not hats
On the off chance that you're a time traveler from the days when the game was actually good, be warned about the hats
How is her turning the tv on in any way funny?

Has there been a disgusted Sweetie in EG style yet?
I don't know, I'm just the messenger. You could always go ask him what's going on.
And you fedora wearing fatass thinks your little shitty edits are better than the original idea.
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>How is her turning the tv on in any way funny?

Because she's using her mouth. I thought it was cute.
>bronies in charge of using the right logo
because she went to school naked and is biting things and acting too much like a horse
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>No googly eyes.

I don't believe you.
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25 KB
>tfw hating artist because they're better at something than you but liking them because they draw
What does Celestia's mother look like?
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96 KB
>she's hovering in front of you, talking
>smiling happily
>she starts to lean to one side as you talk
>gently tilt her back into place
>"Thanks, anon!"
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>you will never cosplay as a sexy professor layton
So the ded contributors aren't actually ded?
DeafDefiler must be slacking
She's drinking my cum juice.
even if they died, you couldn't kill them
There's always hope.
I wish she had another name.
I remember when it was all about the weponry and the cool stranges... The good ol' days.
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124 KB PNG
It's fucking beautiful.
*clop clop clop*
>tfw Kraut left us for AC general
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50 KB
Assassin's Creed?
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It's shit.
The owner of the store must be really regretting it.
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262 KB PNG
One day I'll be able to paint that good.
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63 KB
>that everything

>side mouth
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86 KB


But why is Goku fighting a dalek?
*fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
I was tabbing between MLPG and an autism thread. I saw the picture you posted and thought I had accidentally closed MLPG.
don't finish too quickly you still gotta clop
Because any nerdy reference possible?
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Derpy is so adorable
holy fucking shit are you me?
>Lego movie
>get excited as fuck for it
It's still stupid but it looks awesome
Animal Crossing. I don't have it saved, but I think another Anon called him out here.
It's kind of funny because of how bad it i-
>back legs are fucked up

Oh come on, even I know better than that.

Also if they had just added more (proper) detail to the eye and mouth it would look bad but excusable. Also if they fixed the leg.

I guess RD is supposed to be the Phantom Menace? Why? Did someone like that movie?
I love all the little details
>Movie is CGI but animated like it is stop motion Lego
>1980 Something Spaceman has a crack in his helmets chin guard
If you like seeing boards explode head on over to /sp/
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I want to hug her.
>I guess RD is supposed to be the Phantom Menace? Why? Did someone like that movie?

Darth Maul.

I hate you.
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Even equestrian girls looks better than this.
clop clop till u drop :*)
This anon did not have a childhood.
>Caring enough to get that right.
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She's probably extra soft from all those muffins

>that fucking music

Other than that it looks good.

I saw Phantom Menace once on TV. Even I know who Darth Maul is.
Her face looks like a monkey there.
>He doesn't like Dubstep Take On Me
>did not have a childhood
worse than hitler
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Even that guy did a better job on something Starwars then Lucas!
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mite b gud
Haven't drawn pony in almost a month. Time to break the streak.
Taking requests but probably won't deliver.
It got raped and left bleeding with the smurfs movie. This one looks like it's coming back to jam it in and finish the job.
But anon, they shoot orange transparent rods as lasers.

This better fucking show up.
Y-you're amazing, anon.
you kissing your favorite pony on the lips
>brae's list of fetish favorites
>inexperienced partners

unf, reminds me of that shining/big mac comic he did.
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my nigga
I was about to say "looks bad" then I saw that apparently Liam Neeson's sexy voice is apparently getting featured and I came
Flutterbutt getting attention from a stallion and freaking out.
I was half considering "cosplaying" at a convention. As a super brony.

20% cooler shirt,
grow out the hair beneath my jawline for a while,
fanny pack with (cooked) spaghetti,
a shit load of buttons,
a fedora,
a cape,
some stupid looking shorts,
sandles with socks, etc.

Even lay on the bronyism a bit thick. Talk about fanfics, ask people about their waifus.

But I'm not sure people would "get" that I was acting.
>tfw shemale femdom fetish
He's playing an evil cop or something.

And Morgan Freeman we heard in the trailer.
I want to see this movie so bad, regardless of if it is good or not.

On a side note, I am so fucking surprised how well Lego has managed to market itself. It has TV shows, Video Games, and now Movies that all star toy blocks.
Brony stuff is like that Ed Hardy shit. You CAN'T wear it ironically.
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>not a trench coat
You wouldn't stand out among the sea of autism.
So... kind of like Transformers.

Except there's only been one good Transformers movie and it had Spock as the villain.
You'd need to wear a fatsuit and a mask or something to make people really understand you're not serious.
and it had Spock as *a* villain.
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best possible pony
I dunno. If they got the spaghetti thing he'd be good.
>a mask
Like a horsemask?
>Wear a mask.
Wear a Nathan mask.
How about you wear a shit ton of fedoras, like literally a shit ton, put them on your neck, put the on your arms, on your back, on your crotch, put them everywhere so you can't even walk.

That'd be great.
You forgot flight goggles

Just dress up as a giant fedora.
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And don't forget your Mountain Dew and Doritos.
Oooh. Yeah, that's good. And fingerless gloves.

And I'd need to talk about my OC.
>Wear a suit of fedoras.
>Find a giant hipster.
>Let him prop you on his head.
>"Oh, hey, which member of the TF2 team are you cosplaying as?"
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>Hogwarts scarf
>giving away RQ stuff
I'm laughing and jelly at the same time
Now I want to go to Bronycon
I'll keep a bag of Cheetos on standby for the times I need my fingers to be dangerously cheesy.

Yeah, that definitely had an influence there.
Better idea: instead of fingerless gloves, wear just the fingers.
Also, get a friend to sharpie a cutie mark onto your upper thigh. Possibly try to get a count of how many people you can show it to before getting thrown out
>Sharing a table with Jessy.
I am so jelly.
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For sure
have a full body pillow with a saucy Twilicorn on it. Also don't forget to have a wallet with a chain, fingerless gloves, and wear two slighty different color of white socks.
I'd rather not get kicked out.
As much as I want to be ridiculous I still want to go there and have fun.
Goddammit... where is Bronycon being held, anyway? are any of the comic staff going to be there?
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What if pony ponied too hard?
>saucy Twilicorn
from the spaghetti?
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Whatever you do, just make sure you get your picture taken with as many people as you can.
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She'd get a nosebleed.
I'm going to wear my Slytherin scarf.
Pony would be all ponied out.
Anon, that guy already attends the cons...
And he is dead serious.

Pony might need a ponyectomy.
The pillow should have spaghetti stains on it, yes. You should also have a bottle of Bad Dragon lube in a hand sanitizer bottle.
>pinkamina double penetration
well, there should definetly be stains on there. Maybe not stains from tomato sauce, but stains from another source...
That will definitely be a goal. I'll try to go for the record number of hoverhands.
but if you remove pony from pony what do you have left?

What a second

are you that "Luna" tripfag

because you can NOT be like that piece of shit
>he touched braeburned
I'm upset at how jelly I am right now.
...and that sweater DOES look pretty soft.
>using pinkie's full name to describe her depressed state

this makes me irrationally angry
Who? No.
Oh wait, was that the guy who was going as Dan from Dan Vs?
Nope That's not me
It feels awkward going in his streams being straight.
With all that horse wang and butthole all over.
He had Dan's jerk shirt but I don't think he was really going as Dan.

Sorta. He just wore a shirt that said "Jerk" and thought he was the fucking greatest for whimpering "g-gamer luna is retarded" at JJ's booth and running away
Neckbeards due to laziness and not wanting to shave are bad, but nothing is worse than the people who shave everything BUT their neck on purpose.

>you will never touch the braeburned


That's the point if pony ponys too hard then the pony is corrupt and must be removed.
He had to make a Jerk shirt with duct tape because he realized he didn't have one.
That guy seemed like a faget. He didn't even get a proper "Jerk" shirt.

I mean... he didn't try hard enough.
Eh, mostly drunk, but yeah I don't remember 1/2 of the shit I was doing
Shit dude, I was thinking something similar.
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Thankfully, he's probably all greasy.

I'll probably be streaming a clean piece tonight, so you can pop in then if you like!

But thanks for stoppin' in regardless.
Twilight's friends will grow old and pass, yet she will linger.
Such is her curse that Celestia put upon her. She didn't even know.
The only solution is for her friends to become Alicorns.
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Gross, you don't know where that braeburned has been
>Anon and LK have a Wizard's Fight in the middle of the con
>conjuring up countless horses
that still cracks me up

It's like he was a babby version of that guy who asked Nicole Oliver about Princess Molestia.
I wasn't going to pay 30 bucks for a Jerk shirt
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I've never shaved in my life but I can't grow a neckbeard. All I have is a spic stache and a soul patch.
That lady doesn't look like she likes coltcock all that much.
>Shave everything but glorious mustache.
>It's way against dress code at this point.
>Have yet to get told to trim it.
>It's going below the chin now.
>Handlebar can poke eye.
Oh. What a jerk.
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Nah, with all his talk about enemas he must be pretty hygienic.

Oh I have a good idea.
>implying we won't have it in the hotel room
But you paid for admission to get into the con and flop your epeen all over the thread with your pictures
I was thinking of doing it at Nightmare Night in Houston.

>Didn't even try

It's even better that he plays the "i-i was drunk you can't make fun of me!" card.


If he wants.
Oh no don't get me wrong, I love watching you draw and listening to your 'taste' in music.
The subject itself just doesn't do anything to me.
>dressing up ironically to go to bronycon

I was thinking Everfree in WA.

I'd have to find a fatsuit though.
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Anyone else heregoing to Everfree?
lol, yeah, he was too drunk to know what he was doing.

Even though he was doing a play by play thing of all the retarded shit he was doing, live while he was still doing it.
Because they think they're better than the bronies that way
>tfw whenever you shave you get bad acne/razor burn that lasts for weeks no matter what you do (believe me I've tried everything to alleviate it)
>tfw riding the thin line between looking unshaven and accumulating acne
thanks for posting your opinion, everyone here cares.
Would you pretend to be inexperienced for him?
Because the people who hate the fandom are even more retarded than the fandom itself.
>I better put in my two cents.

I wasn't attacking him you faggot.
I attend them for the same reason.
I find them awkward for the opposite reason you do
Big fat horse butts

...Isn't experienced on there, too?
I wish I was like you. I have to shave every goddamned day.
>Not using a depilating cream
Jeez you stupid nigger
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Night is coming

that means more silly draws

Any early requests?
>tfw you will never roleplay with LK nonsexually
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Just nair your face. Problem solved.
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I'm already inexperienced.
When did I ever complain people making fun of me? I just said I was drunk and acted retarded
doesn't matter. you still posted your shitty opinion on shit that isnt even pony related.
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Nightmare moon being creepy.

Interpret that however.
I dare you to get any madder about something this trivial.

I only saw inexperienced, at least under the Favorites list.
A fatsuit sounds expensive though. I'm going to try to keep it under $50.

I think the stereotype has permeated throughout the fandom enough now that people can spot stuff like this.
I consider myself in the same fandom as them, they just partake in different parts.

If others aren't laughing with me then there'd be no point to doing it. This wouldn't be out of spite.
>pony streams
>not pony related
Pass: bonbon

holy shit, man, grow some balls
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>Studying Animal Anatomy

>Not playing hat fortress 2 with milkmare spray spam.

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Little toned pony posteriors
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>Want to Hats.
>Brae is going to stream soon.
What if you nair'd a pony?
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you got me
Nathan pls

I'll assume you actually have tried intelligent solutions and not just pressing down, shaving raw with water and splashing after shave on your face.

Twilot's got the idea. If your face is really that difficult you should consider a more permanent solution.
>tfw netflix decides to wreck my internet so I can't have a fun hat night

Oh well, time to bust out the tablet I suppose
what if Brae streamed hats?
Nightmare Derpy
It's actually a patchwork costume or something silly like that
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starting back in on this
any last second help/suggestions before I start drawing the hair?
>All of his hats are horse wangs,
i've never hatted before, much less do anything with mlpg
i'm scared

Brae doesn't play vidya
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>tfw even stubble
>tfw lean, angular jaw
>tfw only shave every few days if I'm only going to the shops or seeing close friends
Feels great being superior

i dont hats im sorry
Just restart your modem and router you butt
>Shave raw with water.
>With a disposable.
>No razor burn.

I don't know how you kids manage to fuck up your face doing this.
>toned pony posteriors
I like this a lot.
Just needs more lanky legs.

bruce campell or moot pls
Can I have a Leak pony hiding? Or maybe a missing poster? "Have you seen this pony?" or some such?
Oh man is this a facial hair general!?
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why is μt such a qt
no, it's pubescent brony general
Do you have tiny pony beards?
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So wait who else is going to bronycon here
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Rumble pls
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Hope this helps
I don't know how I used to fuck it up so badly. I guess I just pressed too damn hard and didn't clean off the blade enough. I can usually do it fine now in just a few minutes.

I used to look like a stab victim in high school.

I'm vending, and LK/Jessy/SB are going too i believe, but I dunno who else.
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Scrawny butts are worst butts.
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Sorry I quit on this one.

Still maybe taking requests. Prefer not trite or vague.
i usually get mad at human bones in ponies but goddamn that is nice
Twilight signed away her life when she tested for Celestia's school.
I like a variety, but I like my Pegasus ponies lean and agile. Leave the hips and ass for the unicorn and earth ponies.
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You do know that Mu isn't pronounced Mew?

My mistake, Nightmare Nights is in Dallas.
I'm going to Nightmare Nights in November. Because it's about five hours closer than Canterlot Gardens was.
LK do you even have a wand because if I bring one and you don't it'll be weird.

Oh hey! Haven't seen you around much. Cute.
Zecora pole dancing?
I have sparse facial hair. It just makes my face look dirty. I hate it.
Twilight Sparkle will not outlive her friends.
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But where did the horn go?
Hah, awesome. You got the expression perfectly.
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>Tiny pony beards.
Don't be silly, Anon.
Not interested.
are you any good at drawing horse dicks and panties?
yeah, it's pronounced moo
Being an Alicorn, of course she will.
Granny Smith is the oldest pony and she's not near 1000 years.
Oi, mustaches are like parentheses for your lips.
I've been told yes of the first one.

>The world will end and they will all die at the same time!
I have pencils. I could get a wand, maybe.
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how long do you like your horse legs?
Solution: Draw a horse dick made of panties.

hops pls
>Twifuta will never hold you down with her magic
Parentheses come in sets of two. You'd need a beard as well for it to be parentheses.

Pssh, dovne hates that post because of how the notes completely fuck up his tumblr dash
Or they all get killed off in "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic: The Movie" to makeway for G5 ponies.
Maybe trite was the wrong word I was looking for.
Damn you and your complex math!
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pic very related
This is an acceptable amount of legs.
I would hug this pony.

Oh, you mean something that hasn't been done before?
Hoofed animals are born with long legs and their bodies grow into them.

And yet he points it out every week or so.
Maybe he's trying to be coy.
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Please finish snakity
So you're saying I should a filly then?
Brae, why were you keeping your head low at Unicon of all places? You know Vegas dont care about shit.
>all die at the same time
Stupidest theory I've ever heard and conflicts with the show's portrayal of Alicorns.
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Kinda hidden behind her, but admittedly rushed because it was a quick sketch.

I dunno who colored it though.

...Head low?
Referencing what, porn?
I want pony to love me.
Hehe... blowjobs...
And human wants you to love them
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It's like it's wearing stockings!
Wasn't there an ongoing joke that Braeburn was raising money for Unicon in a back alley? And that was why he wasn't getting on after we found out about the money?
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is this one too small for you? should i throw it away in the garbage?
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They do, only they wish you were real.
>shitting out the tail
Its legs are beautiful. And the curves are almost enough to make me find them sexual. Almost.
Okay, if it's face was less horse I would.

It's not ideal, but I would keep it. I bet that thing is really aggressive and shits on everything. I would not put my penis in it.

>Tiny horse

>TFW I come from horse-loving family

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Does mlpg ever get people watching the show for the first time in here now that /mlp/ exists to absorb those threads?
>It's like it's wearing stockings!

>In reality the coloration of a horses legs are referred to as "socks"


Ooooh that deal, haha.

Unicon was over-reacted about overall, I think. But personally, I had an awesome time. The room parties were fantastic, and I really go to cons for friends more than sales or VA's.
But the only trouble I went through was the con ending a bit early. I had plenty of time to pack up my stuff and still chill with friends for the rest of the day.

I wasn't getting on MLPG then because I was at a room party that Mic hosted, and MA Larson/andrew francis/meghan mccarthy/stephan andrews showed up to it. I played Cards against humanity with larson/stephen, and Andrew and meghan got wasted as fuck and did shots to "Racist barn"

But yeah no prostitution was needed: I still broke fairly even on the trip profit-wise
it's happened a couple times
No. We have Dan
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horse rarity sitting in a beanbag chair wearing horse panties with full boner showing.

she is also smoking a joint and eating cool ranch doritos taco.

i guarantee i will masturbate to it
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>tfw no kiss with favorite pony
Would you a pony while another pony rails you in the ass?
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That's the only way I would pony
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Well after a harrowing night of trying out DoTA2 for the first time I got back around to this pic. Not sure how to do the leaves a bit better, maybe make them pointed. Also not shown, rocks piled up infront of Pinkie Pie. Any criticism is nice.
there was this one weird fucker who pretended he had never seen the show before, and went on these huge spiels going through each episode one at a time and posting his impressions live. He was pretty obviously faking it though, I have no idea why.
That'd be a yes
im not sure its even possible if a stallion is railing my ass at full force
Only if I was also a pony and I was putting my pony peepee in its pony poopoo.

That guy made me really happy. No matter how fake he might have been
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which pony would you be best friends with nonsexually?
It doesn't have to be a stallion if it's too big for you.
it could be a colt instead
Jesus how long has it been since you worked on this? I only feel like the apples could use some detail
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what kind of person comes to mlpg and lies for attention??

absolutely disgusting
Horse Anon pls,
I'm considering actually saving that picture. Stop tempting me.
I don't even know where to begin. First off, you need to stop shading in black. Second, the anatomy is all fucked up. It's anime-samemouth. And clearly you're being lazy by hiding the hands.
Yeah, it was kind of sad watching it

like an old man recalling memories and calling you his niece
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I have never wanted something more than this.
It was just really pathetic.

How backwards and obsessed and sad do you have to be to want to fake that shit?
too much sameface
thats a fursuit ain't it?
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can it be Pip-chan
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thanks for getting everyones hopes up for futa corey and never delivering. i saved my fap all night waiting but it never came.
Nice angle and lights. Her head looks a bit deflated.
I stopped working on it for some months, then decided to get back to it the other day. Hmmm, Apples. They do look flat, and they could use a bit more color, maybe mottled light green/yellow and pores for texture.
Hands have always been my weak point, one of the reasons I've switched to ponies.
Maybe if I was a mare~
EA pls post
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odds: draw
evens: bed
dubs:mlpg decides
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Spikelight is best ship.
pony should human pony
i guess
poni liek apple
How drunk do you have to be to do something like that

Did it pierce his skull
Draw a pony drawing
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Draw some nighthorse with me nigga
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that is too vulgar for this board. please vacate this board and find one more suited to such vulgarity.
You have to be that American.
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Write slutty TF

so sorry care to point me in the right direction
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Hi, pank
I had a basic sketch done but didn't like how it turned out. When I do it I want it to be quality futa dick. What would a Corey cock even be, dragon, horse, weird hybrid, I don't even know, and I don't know if I want to google image search all of those
Male anon human to slutty mare?

Gradual is harder for me, as is writing alone
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Why is pony pony so lewd?

How can I trust ponies with children if I open the door to check on them and see this?
There's some video with a drunk english/scottish/irish/whatever-ish getting a dart in his ass and then in his temple. Stupidity transcends all nations and creeds.
>those proper horse muscles

wow that guy knows his shit.

it bugs me when people give the ponies human muscles, especially in the neck. I'M LOOKIN AT YOU SB.
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I would vary the contrast between the close up objects and the far away ones. Typically, objects closer to the camera tend to be darker and more saturated, while further away objects are less saturated.

A little like this?
Oh fudge. We just had a wasted Andy Price at our parties and dealt with Larson a little. We have Andy doing something with a Trixie Pillow but that's going too far with posting that picture.

Forgot if it was Friday or Sat, but heard Mic passed out before one of his parties even started?
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Male anon to slutty mare
I can help if you want
No, it's a dog.
She should have a little pile of pebbles/tiny rocks by her extended hoof
just do a basic human cock shape or horse. going crazy with a realistic reptile hemipenis with barbs always ruins dragon porn for me.
Little girls love little ponies
Little ponies love little girls
they both wanted it
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what if Pank licked Renbow

I think that happened yeah. And Andy was a great dude, I actually gotta go a group dinner with him and learn about the Rarity micro before info on it got around.
human should pony pony
What is this magic. Does look a bit better, I know next to nothing about saturation and that sort of thing, thanks fer the tip.
But they seem so young?

I guess it'd be one hell of a first sexual experience.
I am a little fuzzy on the actual transformation from human to pony. Bones cracking as they shift and readjust? Simply waking up one morning as a mare in perpetual heat? Something in between?
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rip the skin
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>that proper, if extra-fuzzy, horse body
Ya, I know. I was with you.

The diner next to the Riviera.
Thaaat's exactly what's supposed to be there, just haven't added them yet. Was also supposed to be an overturned basket of apples, but the leaves covered most of that up so I just scrapped it.

but the show is their proper bodies
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Odds: Sleep
Evens: Draw
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Bone cracking
Mind changing
Perpetual heat
Is there a Pank extra-fuzzy, horse body?
you sleep now
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I'M the fuzziest!

Oh shit, it's you!

...Calcos, was it? Started with a C.
I think you ordered the same thing as me, even.
draw faggot
>double sleep

Not sure if want. I've just never fallen in love with horse faces. That does look cute, but how bizarre would that be to see a horse talking? I can't imagine their mouths working the same way and producing the sounds the same.
this pic is so bad
Has anyone ever told him how eyelashes work?
I bet you could get used to it pretty quickly.
at least she's not with a colt
god knows what would happen

Night Tex

Draw. You have six weeks.
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I wish more artists drew wings with actual feathers.
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Which pony has the best orgasm?
How would you have felt if SAYS hadn't been changed and it was Rarity in Applejack's place there?
Sounds to me like you want it to hurt.
Anon you have no fucking idea how tedious it is
the pony you're having sex with
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I could.
Especially if they'd sleep next to me on my first night in Equestria.

Particularly if they'd let me be the big spoon and let me bury my face into their mane.
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Close enough?

Tan pls stram.
But it's so hard
squeaky orgasms
The Orgasm pony.
A pony that is an orgasm!
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Pinkie is the loudest

Yup, that's where you were sitting. I'm literally right to the left of that guy in the gray plaid

Seriously what was your name though i'm terrible with names
i wanna say calcos or something
Has the Equestria Girls movie been leaked in full yet?

>wings are hard

Then draw a Gargoyle FIM style.
How does one ponyfy an orgasm?
Yes. This is getting saved. I want this face. It's angular and long but still beautiful and not two feet long.
>and lies for attention??

Either that dog is huge, or the chick and bed are tiny.
Even: sleep
Odd: alcohol
dubs: the sweet release of death
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stram what
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Pony should be able to hurt
It means they know how to feel
And feel a lot~
But I'm doing creepy NMM right now
>"I'm supposed to be the one shouting, Pinkie."

Arts you dummy.
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But it looks SO GOOD.
Sometimes I forget that you guys are actually real people who live their own lives and not just anonymous entities that post on this board for my amusement
A normal pony who is constantly orgasming.

Then just think about how much creepier she'd be with leering Gargoyle's decorating her surroundings.
Rarity. Screaming, shouting, shuddering, crying. The works.
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Did we happen to do something involving a slutty filly sometime in the past?
Anon, you know you want the alcohol.

Just a little something to help you sleep.

No one here is going to judge you.
>you will never
>"How did you even do that during deepthroat."
>"God Pinkie you are so weird."
>They are talking to you.
>Flirting a little.
>They start doing this.
>For no reason.
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wings are cool. But I do enjoy the less-detailed, stylized ones, too.
How would pony cheer you up when you're depressed
>oh boy, Smutanon will like this pi-
>Smut posted it
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Used my real name there so don't want to mention it around here.

I did bother you a bit earlier on/con set p about MLPG and such early on and you looked like you were trying to avoid the subject at the time.

whoa, damn

>Andy doing something with a Trixie Pillow

Oh God, I need to get myself over to one of these cons some day.

How do you even get into these "room parties" anyways?

Do you need to verify that you have at least 5,000 tumblr followers first or something?
>She makes you jizz confetti.
>"Pinkie you are so random!"

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Yeah, those are fine.
But wings in all their feathery glory are the best.
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______no, you pedo
I will never not have a good Celestia pic. Except when I don't
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I'm really tired but I suppose I can just do it. I did roll, after all.


I'll try to make a cute doodle or something.
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is 4chan going to end forever
i'll miss you all ;_;
Entourage, popularity, bringing something to the table, etc.

Also its fucking Vegas, you guys saw the writers and such drinking during the first panels live at Unicon.

Me too.
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>Your pony garufriendo Fluttershy wants to give you a blowjob
>Sits down in front of you with a grin on her face
>Starts doing that
"Wtf are you doing?"
>"Getting warmed up"
"Um, maybe we should just cuddle. "
>"No, I'm doing this."
>She keeps flopping her lips some more as she tries to get your pants off
"Hey, I got a better idea! How about a wingjob! That sounds sensual!"
but I wouldn't mind to be turned into a slutty filly
I don't have any projects.
I'm lazy and useless
and I hate everything I actually work on
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>Going to get a project done.
>Ran out of slime.
>Bought the last container of it.
>Cannot make my tentacle tar pit idea at the moment.
>So I can update my blog.
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How dare you disgrace the guard with this.
What kind?
Omega 6?
This is my fetish, too bad the TF general thread is often pretty lame.
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All of them have their own version of the best orgasm.
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Ah, sorry dude! I was probably pretty busy with getting my booth set up and everything, so sorry if I was a bit distracted! Was cool to meet you later though.
Okay, I need this body

With this head

Then I could a live pony.
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Becoming great at art doesn't seem like a solid bet for becoming close enough friends with my favorite contributors here to warrant meeting up with them in Vegas, although it can't hurt.

What else could I do to become close enough friends?
Dick sucking?

>slutty team fortress
am I allowed to lick the icing off of Pinkie when she's done?
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Rediv pls draw.
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that's my job
Pinkie pls
Everything I do feels horrible
Even my art
only if you eat the cake with her.

the catch is you have to defend it from a hungry Celestia.
I am
but anon, its my turn!
I guess hold regular conversations with them online?

I don't know, I don't know anybody but I figured that's how you'd do it.

Then you meet them and bring up who you are and their eyes light up and they welcome you like a friend even though you barely know each other.
slutty transformation.

I don't know why but sometimes the mental aspect of being turned into a slutty mare is a bit more hotter than the physical aspect.
are you stramming?
That's a weird thing to call me out on.
>Pinkie cum inflation
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>you will never explain object algebras to pone
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Day 122
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 4,837 (Running Total: 730,468)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 23,267 (Running Total: 3,193,646)

I don't even know what to do now that the dread is gone. Now it's just back to the tedium.

Ho hum.
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Not gonna answer the friends part, but for foot in the door for parties, just pay attention and little things to bribe or such.

Bringing snacks, party supplies, party favors (Cards Against Humanity is a popular dealio), equipment i.e. stereo and stuff is a instant win for alot of party entrances. Gotta remember alot of these people are hugely irrisponsible in day to day life. Even bringing booze is a huge plus.
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Have you seen it yet, Leth?
my nigga!
Basically, yes. But I mean if she was real.

A cartoon pony is one thing, but a real life horse just doesn't do it for me.
I just was
Sometimes it depends for me.
I don't like it when personality death, just seems like a person got removed and repleaced, seems like suicide/murder sometimes.

I do like the screaming though, physical TF is my favorite.
>tfw want to learn to draw so I can make delightfully gross human to pony TF
that's pretty cute
Not yet, nope.
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SA please
that personhorse does things to me
Six weeks.
This. Brought some USB speakers for a marathon party in a lobby after hours. Somebody bought me and my friend a Vinyl Scratch drink. Made a Facebook friend from the ordeal.
do you like acid?
There is still Bronycon.
It doesn't have to be a totally new personality
they're still the same person, they just have some new urges they can't control
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>That feel when your favorite pony will never find that copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy she's been looking all over for
what does a pony feel like?
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>fluttershy squealing, extremely embarrassed that you're seeing her climax
Bags of salty milk and sour pennies.
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You're missing out, Leth!
That's doing it right. Sometimes there is personality death, some people even prefer it.
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Extremely soft, my good anon.
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ponies of weak disposition might want to turn away now
soft is such a blanket term. I need specifics. Something that I could relate to in terms of feel.
At least it's better than Sparity

But I wouldn't call that an accomplishment
If I was on that ass 24/7 that'd be my expression too.
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I'd just want to be a horse.

I think I'd just like to naturally change how I'd act with a new body rather than hypnosis etc. also, going into heat unf
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Like kneading warm fuzzy dough.
i too enjoy subverting westermarck
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They hug and their happiness will melt your heart.
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I have no idea what's going on
Like a real horse, but their body fat means they have more give when you press in on them.

I'd say soft exactly like a fuzzy blanket. Something you'd wrap a child in.
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>tfw hats always dies two matches after you join
Does MLPG hat me
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dammit, guess I won't be able to draw any more of that rarity tonight.
my sister and I are temporarily sharing a room until july and it's already awkward enough without drawing pony ass around her.

I also need to finally get around to finishing that 3d coke pony thing. I'm pretty close to finishing the actual modeling, then I can get into the rigging and animating. I just need to find a way to make the eyes that I'm happy with.
I'm sad MLPG didn't do more with bimboification
Had some trouble with this one, too. I guess I have a comfort zone.
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I only like DJ acid when it comes to slight hypno stuff/transformation
>Fighting new urges
mega unf
I don't like personality death at all, I just like the part where the person has to fight the urge to be fucked by stallions despite being dripping wet.
rediv likes balls
appledan tried to make rediv unf
Where do you keep your stuff?
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Why don't you draw pony butts in front of your family?

If rediv likes balls why isn't she drawing them being suckled and massaged?
i love that ass, i wish someone would edit out the impossible gut
I posted a thing earlier
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>fighting the urge
>I only like DJ acid when it comes to slight hypno stuff/transformation
unf yes
>I don't like personality death at all, I just like the part where the person has to fight the urge to be fucked by stallions despite being dripping wet.
This, the idea of struggling to control themselves despite their urges is too hot.
>implying she isn't doubled over in a pool of her own lady juices right now
Ladies man right here
Good morning, Applejack!
Twilight, no!
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I've held a miniature Shetland Pony before while the owner was doing an I.V. on it because it was having breathing trouble. The way I held it kept it from making any movement.

They feel how they look, like really warm, fuzzy stuffed animals.

>yfw you'll never hold babby pony.
its a tumblr inside joke
but your voice is too high pitched to have big balls
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wait we stopped hatting? I was just about to join.
>Mom comes home to visit.
>Have to hide all the pony stuff.
>Mainly because I am lazy and left the horse cock tentacles on my figurines.
>Don't need that conversation.
Generally try to start around prime time then dies into late night. Different on weekends. Just pay attention to steam chat or messages here.
Tex, you only slept half an hour?
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okay sorry
>bimbofication TG
That takes me back to highschool

damn you
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No, I'm asleep right now.
Ms. Harsh keep them in her purse as punishment.
I have a DA too but it's mostly the same thing plus a bunch of vectors from before I started trying to draw.

because they can't appreciate pony butts the same way I can
When did you figure out who your favorite pony was?
Tex, I have bad news. You're posting in the general in your sleep.
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Would you read books with this pony nonsexually?
...But what if we're actually just posting in his dream?
>stay up 26 hours
>awww yeah I can finally get the 8 hours I need
>sleep for 1 hour
>can't get back to sleep

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The first time I saw her
and every time after that
Anon, I have bad news...
You are part of Tex's dream right now, you are not real.
The first episode when I thought Twilight would be the funny, sarcastic, smart character.
how on earth do you read books sexually
Reading books with other people sucks, though.
Unless I'm reading TO them, I guess. I might enjoy that.
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When I first saw here in Feb 2011. Her cuteness got my heart melting. Its a shame that those that like her switch to a different pony.
>twi bimbofication
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What is it about someone being in heat that is so incredibly hot?
You turn the page with your dick.
on second thought this entire idea was awful.

but i am a man of my word so i will fap, i will just need to be super high to do it.
Thank God.

That takes a lot of pressure off of me amounting to anything.
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exactly, anon. How would you?