Old and busted: >>11428095This is the horse thread. We discuss horses.
>>11433292But my house wasn't broken!
>24hours after the first showing and no linkI am dissapoint
thats a pretty horse.
>>11433292What does Fluttershy know about fixing houses?
>>11433292Flying types, perhaps?
>>11433276I love horses.Especially this one.
first premise:horses are horses
>>11433276I like when horse has humanhair. Manes look like they're bald, particularly in Rarity and Fluttershy.
>>11433328I don't have the stomach to watch it but I would like to know the plot summary
>>11433338No, we fairy type naow.
>>11433337I give up. What does Fluttershy know about fixing houses?
>>11433328>you'll have to wait until august to see it
>>11433347okay okaynowWhat do you do with that information?
>>11433318>>11433337Hahahaha.... ha.... But really, there's no need to worry.Everything will be fine!>>11433338Not fairy types?
Sup, fellas?
So how good was Equestria Girls?THE BEST or the best?
>>11433383What did Fluttershy do to my house?
>>11433382Goat I jsut woke up. Did you finish the Rarity drawing?
>>11433390>Equestria Girls>Anything but mediocre
>>11433364>>11433383Fairy types are gross.
>>11433384>Texanon wants to fuck that pony>pony is about to be rapedWhat do you do, MLPG?
>>11433412On a scale of one to four, anon.
>>11433411This one? Because I think I'm going to leave it like this.
I'm thinking of designing a "cute nerd" version of Twilight that blatantly panders to you yokels. You know, apart from the ornery black one I have.Are you interested y/n
>>11433428Rescue the ponyKill TexanonBow to princess Twily Eat cupcakesEveryone laughs
>>11433428I wish I had more of him, really.
>>11433428Texanon is completely faithful and monogamous
>>11433390>>11433412I haven't seen it yet but I've already come to the conclusion hat it is 100% the greatest thing to happen to pony ever.
>>11433434Looks finished to me. Did you have other plans?
I see this thread all the time.What do you guys do here?Discuss the show?My curiosity begets me.
>tfw I'm going to be away tomorrow which is probably when MLPG is finally going to get the leak and watch it together
Would you steal from pony?
Do you have a penis, Anon?I bet it's little
>>11433435Why not Femsnips?
>>11433432It's straight to video tier. It's just Hasbro throwing MLP in there to promote their new High school show.
>>11433445That's not how vaginas work.
>>11433454Pretend to talk about ponies. Sometimes we actually do
>>11433465It is. ;_;Wanna cuckold me?
>>11433454Post about how horses give us boners and post TF2 server invitesAlso >greentext
>>11433434I don't understand what's going on with that dress.
>>11433373Something something animals.I also have no pictures of Fluttershy apparently.
>>11433454Discuss the show, comics, anything pony related. That and have fun.Now being hiatus we kinda go off topic a bit but hey that's why multiple discussions can take place at the same time
>>11433450I had originally planned on blending the colors together, but I think I like this more. A couple people apparently thought it was a r63 Rara.
>>11433448Texanon is a walking fuck machine. Any pony will do. All of them will bow down to his massive hunger cock.
>>11433454It's like /mlp/ condensed into one thread with less /b/tards and more bitching about contributors
>>11433454This is a thread for people who like pone and not acting like idiotsIf you like pone and you're not an idiot you're welcome to discuss practically anything
>>11433445Impregnation?That's hot.Know what's hotter, though?
>>11433454We discuss all of our favorite horses and horse accessories.
>>11433461If it leaks at night or something we should plan on a fixed time to start the stream so we all get to see it together
>>11433462What would I even steal from them anyway?
>>11433445I can't wait until the janitors decide to ban MLPG because fuckers like you can't bother to link.
>>11433512FoodMoneyPretty dresses and saddles.
>>11433513i don't know. They seem fine to me
>>11433382well...i can made a second premise:hoofs,tails,manes. all they belong to horses.so, if we think horses = H then:H=Hand ∀(hoofs,tails,manes) ∊H / H=H/ H∊R
>>11433498I see. I'll just say that they are blind faggots. Anyway that thing is gorgeous. I love you goat.Thanks for that.
>>11433512Their virginity
>>11433487>>11433480>>11433503>>11433508This sounds like fun.Where do I sign up?
Happy bastard day, MLPG!Quick sit rep, the Dwarf fortress game on the sub is going well, but has come to a stand still but mostly because I've been so busy. Unless anyone else would like to join, I'll be cycling over the player list again.Second, I'm going to drink myself sick and read some more equally sickening Fallout Equestria if anyone is interested in a bit. Also, how about a joke?How many Pinkie Pies does it take to be best pony?Two.One of them to be fat and ugly and dumb and annoyingAnd a second to go find anyone, ANYONE else better suited, like a vaguely pony shaped rock
>>11433546NOWwho is your favorite pony?
>>11433532Where do they even carry that shit around normally? I seem to recall several instances of ponies pulling money out of nowhere.
>>11433465Who do you think I am? Tex?
>>11433546Nowhere.Welcome aboard. Just don't act like a faggot and have fun while ponying. But first we have to judge your opinions and say that they are shit.Who is your favorite pony?
>>11433407N-nothing permanent!
>>11433546Ask at the front desk. They'll tell you where to go. Don't forget to bring all your documents and records
>>11433557I-I don't get itbut it doesn't sound very flattering to Pinkie
>>11433532I would steal some little food only, because food made by animals arouses me for some reason.
>>11433487Anon, how u do dis?Haven't been able to in a long time.Please tell me.
>>11433561>>11433575>Master RaceShe has blue eyes like God intended for all of God's children.
>>11433583>lost all my MLPG office screencapsDAMNIT
>>11433604You've passed the test, welcome aboard
What are some okay Rifftrax to watch?
>>11433604>RarityI like you boy. You gonna get far.NEXT FAVORITE EPISODES
>>11433604Is that a Kanako
>>11433637>that QR codeNot sure what I was expecting.
>>11433604>blue eyesWhat about blue on blue eyes?
>>11433490why do you hate fluttershy, tex?she's the best character on the show.
>>11433670I don't have a smartphone or a tablet so I don't even know what it is.
>>11433594>"I'm not going to have a filthy pony in my house!">"Oh yeah? Well this filthy pony just made the orange juice your drinking!"
>>11433276That picture is hotter than it has any right to be.
>>11433583Will this require a visa check or green card?>>11433628>>11433638Return of harmony was pretty good and so was look before you sleep.Other than that.I Like pretty much all of S1 and 2 and some of S3
SoDid she get into the movie?
>That fox news report about EqGOh god I can't stop laughing
>>11433604grey pony is best grey
>>11433686She's second worst pone only outdone by Twilight.
>>11433706>Derpy is missisng
>>11433686That's not cheese.
>>11433706Derpy? Yes
>>11433604You have absolutely awful taste anon, please go back to whatever hole you crawled out of.
>>11433637i'm afraid to open it
>>11433700No, we take people from everywhere.Are you an artist? A lot of positions are available as of now.
>>11433756do it whelp
>>11433756Its big macs ass
>>11433668Is that who I think it is
>>11433716She must be crushed, holding that position for so long.
>>11433771>tfw Kraut is ded and has shit taste
>>11433770Yes :3
>>11433637>scanned the code>was not disappoint
>>11433756It's just a stallion's ass.
I want to see EqG but I know it is going to be shit....What's wrong with me
>>11433792>>11433798Irrelevant, this is a much better picture
>nobody will ever have worse opinions than you
>>11433637>everyone checking the code instead of answering the question>pic wasn't even relatedthat'll show me I guess
>>11433821Terse plspls
>>11433816After seeing some of the stuff from earlier today, I'm more excited than ever to see it. It's going to be so bad, I can't wait!
>>11433821Oh Terse, fear not.Someone somewhere does, just not here.
>>11433816Would you consider yourself masochistic?
>>11433821Really?What's the worst opinion you have in your hands?
>>11433557I'd kind of like to try the DF thing, but I'm worried I'll accidentally wipe the fortress.
>>11433741Anon I'm serious. Have you seen that report? They aren't even insulting thee bronies.
Can pony catch a cold for stainding on the rain for too long?
>>11433791>>tfw Kraut is ded
>>11433736I'll wrek u m8.>>11433764I dabble in some photoshop art.Can't say i'm an artist.>pic related
>>11433489I think it's supposed to be symbolism of...something...
>>11433858ur just jelly
>>11433852You're not even trying.2/10 for effort.
>>11433817I thought you settled down. Instead I see you wanting to smack that delectably aged mare ass. Do you want her to scold you for holding out on her and not just sticking it in too, you damn flip flopper?She's not fond of sharing you know.
>>11433848>>11433844>>11433832I didn't say nobody will ever have worse opinions than MEI said nobody will ever have worse opinions than YOUYOU, PERSONALLY.YOU.
>>11433862Of Ass? Of Ass goddesses?
david debergerac?
>>11433856>you will never take care of a sick dash that insists she is not sick
>>11433862It's just so odd-looking. It's a normal dress in the front but becomes a weird twisted pink blob near the back. Why?
>>11433276kudos for the MiB reference.
>>11433856Unicorns already magiced out all harmful bacteria and viruses
>>11433849It will happen inevitably anyway and being the one responsible isnt necessarily a bad thing. It might even be the most fun
>>11433883Oh, so you're insulting me?Get rekt.
>>11433856Not that one. Making it rain is in her job description - she'd have to be able to stand it for a while!
>>11433897Ask Rarity. She designed it
>>11433856If true, then Dash has tried to give children pnemonia.
>>11433637>>11433826I would help if I could but I have no idea what that is.
>>11433919Fucking cunt
>>11433896Are you man enough to keep her warm with your body?And then make her worry about you getting sick while at the same time being appreciative of the lengths you'll go to try and make her feel better?
>>11433867Of what?
>>11433896>Ano-ah-AH--AAAHHH-CHOO! I'm not sick>Get that ther-snif-mometer away, only sick ponies use those!>I am not eating that gross soup and I am NOT getting any AH-CHOO!... Bedrest...
>>11433881I did settle downWith Ms. Harsh's delectably aged mare ass
>>11433936>pony cleavage
>>11433936I really was wanting to see rarity get stoned in that comic.
>>11433908Are there any tilesets that make sense without weeks of practice?
Are there Asian ponies,anon?
>>11433897It's kinda like she cut a big slit in where the skirt would attach to the rest of the dress (at about the waist) and pulled it down to where the train of the skirt is. I think it's pretty neat.
>>11433926it's a rebranded mystery science theater 3000
>>11433604are those sugar cookies?
>>11433896Fuck that I want for Rarity to take care of a sick meLucky Twilight. It just ain't fair
>>11433938Don't know, that's what people normally say when someone hates on Kraut.
>>11433817>tail dockoh jesus they're so weird looking, still want here to be my cruel mistress, though
>>11433954....I thought you picked someone else. I know it wasn't chubby nurse or nurse redheart....Well I forget. My mistake.Decent choice anyway. Carry on.
>>11433957Ironhand is pretty straight forward, but I could not imagine any comparability issues that might or might not occur
>>11433454Basically?We are pretty much the immigrants from the /co/ mlpg threads. Many of us in here were in /co/ mlpg before being sent away
>>11434005where da joke at
>>11433982I heard that Rarity is great in the comics, are they worth buying?
>>11433896>>11433949Jesus fucking christThat's too adorable, mand-don't stop
>>11434032if you can find them, yes, absolutely.
>>11433956>drugs is more offensive and controversial than a kitten being murdered
>>11433990No arguments. Thought so.
>>11433954You can have here, I want the other one.
>>11434055Of course I don't have one, I was just shitposting.
>>11434032Oh yesDefinitely.And the Rarity micro too. Avoid the rest. Twilight's one is decent but meh. Dash and Fluttershy have horrible ones.You can download them from here if you wanthttp://yp1.pony.pp.ua/book.phpDownload the CBZ and open it with 7z.
>>11434053I don't have a comic store near me, where should I buy them from online?>>11434076I actually might, can't decide if I want a physical copy.
>>11434063>chickenbutt will never again
>>11434079The people who went to watch itWanted to watch itThink on this
>>11434105I hope she again.
So, I've been away for a whileEquestria girls, news or anything?
>>11434008Have they made the interface not suck yet?
>>11434079>http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/my_little_pony_equestria_girls/>audiencewhat did you expect
>>11434102>buying at allAHAHAHAHA AHA AH.http://yp1.pony.pp.ua/book.phpEnjoy your ponies, kid.
you know what fuck this i give upi tried
>>11434102Well you know you could read them before deciding if you want to buy them.As for buying them online I really don't know so I can't help you about that. Sorry
>>11434114the movie leaked and we all watched itit was better than anything in season 3
>>11434102In my experience the physical copies are a lot better.
Why do people hate MCcarthy?Are rare fags just still butthurt
>>11434125Rarity, what the hell?
>>11434150I dont know about rare fags, but common fags are mad as shit
>>11434150i don't hate her, i just merely dislike the vast majority of MLP episodes since s2e25
>>11434124>>11434076>>11434148Decisions, decisions.Also, What's the deal with nightmare Rarity.Is she in the micro series or the just the normal ones?
>>11434144>coat and armor have almost the same color
>>11434186Normal ones, it's the second arc.
>>11434051>>11433973fine>She tries to thrash, but she's too tired for it, all shee manages to do is spill a drink>Anon, I am not some little ki-AHCOO-kid!>She propmtly crashes into a window in one last desperate bid at escaping>Poor little dear knocked herself out.>You take her in your arms and place her gently in bed.>A little tucking in and she is ready to start a long recovery that would have been a lot shorter had she just played along>Next time you see her, her friends are happy someone managed to calm her down, but she is visibly upset.>"ANON YOU DOOFUS!">"I am not sick, Rainbow Dash is too awe-ACHOO-some to get sick!">you present her another bowl of warm soup, delightfully warm, but not scalding>"okay, maybe this *sniff* isn't so bad, but you're still a big goof for trying to treat someone who cle-ACHOO-clearly isn't sick!"
>>11434186Main onesIt's the second story arc from issue #5 to #8
>>11434189>filenameOh god I can't stop laughing.
>>11434076>>11434102>download the .cbz and open it with 7zNigga whatOpen it with CBR Reader.As for where to buy them from online, I don't know, I went to a local comic shop. Search around, I'm sure you can find a source.As for incentive for a physical copy, I gotta say it really feels more authentic and good to hold the comic in your hands. You'll read the same comic and get the same enjoyment regardless, but there's a certain feeling that a digital copy just can't replicate.
>>11434160oh oh, I got oneHey, remember that time Lee found Clementine's hat and gave it back to her?I guess you could say he really gave her the D!
>>11434079The hardcore Bronies, man.
>>11434142You are joking
>>11434144...Well, at least we know movie events won't affect show canon.
>>11434150She doesn't have the conviction Faust had to at least challenge the conventions that create poor cartoons designed for little girls.
>>11434219there are plenty of good cat pictures, so naturally there are a lot of cheshire pictures
>>11434209I don't think I have a proper reaction image to portray how much this melts my heartImagine her all tucked in with a grumpy face and a thermometer on her mouth, looking pissed off. hnng
>>11434249Who said that?
>>11434263Yeah, but that one fits so well.
>>11434249How many shitfits do you think we'll see if he shows up as a lineless background gaurd
>>11434278>>11434286Wasn't it Megan?
>>11434228I don't think everyone has a CBR Reader so I just said the simplest thing he could do
>>11434276With one of those old packs that cartoons always have sick characters wear on their heads
>>11434263We meta filenames now?
>>11434246Aside from the so_generic_it_hurts.mp3songs it isn't bad. Brad surprisingly isn't around as much as you would think, and most everyone acts in character.
>>11434263Why Japan
>>11434286I'd be disappointed.
>>11434302>not "scrubbing_bubbles"
>>11434305It's called an ice pack
>>11434295Yeah, meaning he wasnt Written into season 4.But if he has an asset he might show up as a royal guard with no name, no voice, etcetera, just to flesh out the guards
Anyone here go to /k/?I can't be the only one, can I?
>>11434295Not that I remember. No one ever said anything about how the movie will affect the canon.You're probably thinking about that time when she said that Sunset Shimmer isn't related to S4
>>11434189>>11434263we cats now
>>11434336Let me show you how to do it:Who /k/ here
>>11434332oh, those were filled with ice?
Anyone here go to /3/?I can't be the only one, can I?
>>11434336You're never the only one.
>>11434307How is that physically possible anyway
>>11434228Double nigga, just change the file extention from .cbz to .rar and unpack it with any uncompressor you have installed.>>11434186It's a good arc and it should have been made into a movie instead of-ah, you know what, fuck that shit. The comic is very good though..
>>11434336ani/mlp/huc/k/ers are pretty neat
>>11434305>>11434332>>11434356You're thinking of a hot water bottle, actually.
>>11434347Is he okay?
>>11434355I haven't been there in a while but /k/ is a pretty bro board.
>>11434336I've bee by there, but not a regular.
http://i.imgur.com/UfMOJaH.jpgYou know you would
>>11434276You know what you should do with that idea?
>>11434381No.They look similar but hot water bottles are usually flat, and aren't usually given to people sick with fever.
>>11434383Why is she crying.
>>11434394Sorry anon, he's dead.
>>11434381the plaid ones with the cap on them, right?
>>11434401you and I are no longer niggasyou sick pedophile
>>11433716but that's wrong>>11433725can you prove that?
>>11434416thingken of prom :[
>>11434416Thingken about corndog
>>11434325Why couldn't the ponies do hip shakes?>>11434336Yes.
>>11434407I don't think those legs can support that ass
>>11434205THAT'S MY CAT!
So wait did the latest issue of the Nightmarity saga come out?
>>11434412I like buff but I don't go in for the shrinkwrap skin look.
>>11434367>>11434380>>11434355Whatchu got?
>>11434447Plan on drawing/streaming tonight?
>>11434412SB PLS
>>11434416Thingken of crown
>>11434412I dislike that level of anthro.Needs to be closer to 5.I would ride a buff 5 big-mac like the stallion he is.
>>11434430just reminded me
>>11434429I don't need a nigga who can't stop being lewd for 5 minutes
>>11434383No Shit, Twilight Demonizes a girl, and destroys a highschool. Then proceeds to fucking leave her for the aftermath.I gotta say, that was probably one of the more questionable things about the end of the movie.
>>11434336Nope, the only other board I browse occasionally is /o/.I usually just check to see if there's a race day thread usually isn't, for some reason motorsports are the domain of /sp/
>>11434412No, no I would not.
>>11434464nogunz because of new york
>>11434336nuggetnuggetsniper nuggetauto nuggetk98
>>11434466Drawing, yes.Streaming, no.Just need to actually practice for once.
>>11434430The cheese is the best character on the show anyways
>>11434464A link to /k/>>>/k/
>>11434418Oh god.
>>11434276cute as dicks
>>11434498Needs some stuff in the background.
>>11434394yes, but he's not coming back
How many ponies are in this picture?
>>11434414But I don't have my tablet around...
>>11434525I need to practice too but I'm terminally tired.
Any more new EG videos come up after those first 4 or 5 earlier?
>>11434430Oops. I was suppose to censor that. Too lewd.>>11434528You might just be right.
>>114345496The visible 2 and the 4 they ate
>no leak yetThis is some bullshit.
>>11434498I guess you could sAY Twiligth destroyes everything she touchesjust like the show!and your penis!
>>11434518>sniper nugget>auto nuggetWhat are those? And why so many nuggets?
>>11434516That's no way to live.>>11434518>That feel when no auto nugget.How much did it cost you?>>11434532Your welcome to go there anon.Don't make me hold your hand.
>>11434564I spy a donut.
>>11434562Wait there videos?I just got here. Link?
>>11434506>sign up for a free account or has to use offline storagewhy can't people just throw shit on imgur gdi
>>11434540You may or may not have killed me with that image, anon. Hope you're happy.
>>11434587>Moist nugget.It's the Mosin Nagant, Nugget is just a pet name.
>>11434587auto nugget = SKS
>>11434587mosin nagant with a scope is a sniper nuggetsvt-40 is an auto nugget
>>11434498Wait Sunset Shimmer doesn't come back to Equestria?Is there any reason for that?
>>11434607What.Nigga you can just download them easily.
>>11434498She should have done the same to Trixie in Magic Duel.Would have been better than "please forgive me for enslaving everyone and banishing you"
>>11434347dammit that's really cute
>>11434635SKS isn't auto nugget.The SVT-40 is
Sorry, I'm not feeling it tonight.
>>11434708Where's Rarity's dad horn?
>>11434498Was she huge? Did she have huge guts?
>>11434720Some people think he's an earthie because he didn't use magic and was wearing a hat that hid whether he had a horn or not.
>>11434720His mustache consumed it for power.
>>11434720I didn't think he had one. That hat he wore kinda didn't allow for one.
>>11434596I have no idea what you're talking about.silly anon~
>>11434602Starts here. Just follow the thread for all the video links.http://archive.heinessen.com/mlp/thread/11422528#p11423865
>>11434745>>11434753But he has
Here is Derpy.Now calm your tits.
>>11434793[audience explodes]
>>11434793Are her eyes derped?>>11434800I don't want to imagine that reaction. All those horrified kids...
>>11434793[interest intensifies]
>>11434810>Are her eyes derped?They appear to be.
>>11434800well that was a bust
>>11434793>This is how Derpy see's the world at all times
>>11434784what>>11434788Oh, imagine that!
>>11434810She shows up derp eyed in an earlier scene in the film
>>11434800I almost threw up there anon.I may still if I keep rereading that post.
>>11434793I wish I was stupid enough to care
>>11434800Autism and spaghetti everywhere.
>>11434564>>11434756>"wah I hate MLPG because all they think about is porn"at least you still like being an attention whore
Stupid adorable ponies
>>11434788Rarity;s mom special talent is eating cookies?Well that explains a lot
>>11434877Isn't that why we're here?
>>11434864What does that have to do with me?
>>11434830>tfw Rarity's parents pawn Sweetie off on Rarity so often because they're tired of her breaking their things
>>11434877I wish that chair wasn't in the background, because her face is perfect for asking "Are we on air?"With the chair there it looks like she's the boss of something.
>>11434833No idea of where to find The Doctor though.(Yes, he was there as well. He looks like a mix of 10 and 11)
>>11434904Anon plsThey are one of those parent's that don't care. They still love their little princess no matter what. Really they only do that when they go in vacation.
>>11434914>>11434877That's a very pretty horse with excellent fashion sense.
>>11434929In all honesty, they are all pretty stupid.Half the plotlines require them to be
>>11434788.......is Rarity's dad wearing a fucking tweed jacket?
>>11434830>whatWhen Sweetie is wearing her helmet as Scootaloo drags her and Apple Bloom around, it covers her horn and doesn't leave room for it.
>>11434952they must go on vacation a lot then.
>>11434959There are not stupid characters.Only stupid writers.
>>11434957Women and ponies in business suits get my dick as hard as diamonds
>>11434788So that's why she's so fat
>>11434964Oh, huh. That's .... rather odd. But given how flexible we've seen unicorn horns to be, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.
>>11433506> the Pinkie Abortions songWe'll not see its like again.
>>11434877>>11434914I still dont know who this OC is
>>11434998Magic hats
>>11434998I like to think they're like those springy door stops.Twa-nananananaa-ah
>>11435008German gala con maskot
>>11435008That's funny, because someone says who she is every time it's posted
>>11434302>GGbut it's not a sex joke
>>11434984that was what I was implying.It's a kids show though so I honestly dont care. I dont watch this show for deep and engaging stories
>>11435030what a qt
>those videosOh god that looks even worse that I thought.
>>11435030Most freckled ponies are extra kawaii
>you will never hold pony in your arms and tell them how much you love them
> that horrible feeling when watching Derpy's fanbase turn from /co/'s little injoke to the obsession of thousands of autists.
>>11435065Pretty much in line with the thread's reaction.Only way I'll be able to survive it is in a stream with you guys.
>>11435126Derpy was always terrible.
>>11435100Why even live man. Just fuck this reality
>>11435030So she's speaking German here?
>>11435096I hope you aren't implying what I think you're implying, son, because we may have to have words.
>>11435130It' just...You know I expected it to be mediocre. Boring. Not good but not bad.I just can't watch those things without feeling bad.
>>11435141that pic just stopped my heart
>>11435144Nope, they want to appeal to all of europe i guess so she's speaking english with an accent.
>>11435126That's pretty much what being a fan of this show has been like
>>11435126It wasn't bad.Rather happy with how it turned out with the exception of the ableism shitstorm.
>>11435181I'm just wondering how long it'll be before this is put behind us and we move on.
>>11435158Don't worry, I'm talking about this one.Applepone a qt
>>11435188Oh goshI want to hug her and drink beersteins with her
>>11435038How about now?
>>11435188BahGerman is a nice language
>>11434998>flaccid horns
>>11435233>Snails>not kawaii
>>11435188wear shirt while having naked legs and genitals was always one of my favorite fetishes
>>11435246much better
>>11435251where do you put your penis?
>>11435233But she can be kinda cute, too.
>>11435251I WANT IT
>>11435306Why is her smile dangerous?
>>11435268That's what I just said, man.
>>11435306That color scheme looks familiar...Is she Nanaki's german cousin?
>>11435300>sheI'LL SLAP YOU
>>11435306That's a cute pone alright.
>just finished reading the latest comic issueSo. Wait. Nightmare itself wasn't an actual entity like the others?I'm confuse.
>>11435306I CAN'T STANDS IT NO MOREI gotta draw this pony. But tomorrow.
>>11435283i aim to please
I want to see this EqG but I can't get this terrible animation out of my head
>>11435334yo whassup
>>11435306but where are the freckles
>>11435321Yes and what you say is wrong.
>>11435339you had to have known this was coming
>>11435306remember when people liked ponies?it feels like that is gone these days.
>>11435355Oh god, look at their arms. You can tell where the breaks in the puppets are. So many tweens.
>>11435381>Implying that's even a spoilernigga what.
>>11435319because you might faint from the cuteness if you look at it.
>>11435271I'm more fond of shirtless with pants and a collar/choker.
>>11435334He lives!
>>11435373What does that have to do with that post?
>>11435309It looks custom.
>>11435371I suppose it was inevitable.>red hair>freckles>business suit>happy and excitedyup
>>11435418Well, duh...
>>11435396I have yet to see a cuter con mascot
>>11435396It's cute because it's simple. No excessive accessories. Nothing trying to make it a super special snowflake. Just simple pone.
>>11435371Why would the guy put off a phone call until tomorrow anyway
>>11435423I think he means the sears joke
>>11435336The comics ain't canon yoBut ye it's just some myst creature or some shit, it just takes control of pone and uses their powers
Leak yet?
Is this pone cute?
>>11435432It took me a bit to figure it out, and for a moment I had hope. It sadly is not to be.
>>11435417i miss ponies.the porn, the show, the discussion has been overrun by anthrofagsim sick of the comic and the fanfiction. i want the real show back.
>>11435455Oh I'm gonna take a leak alright.
>>11435423So you'll do it now?Good.
>>11435396>she's nakedLEWD
>>11435454>The comics ain't canon yowhy do people keep saying this again?I mean, I get regarding it as inferior to the show canonbut is there any rationale for it not being canon at all?
New Venture Bros tonight. Who's streaming it?Will our Pony streams cover it?
>>11435457All apple pone is cute. No exceptions.
>>11435454>the comics ain't canonuh
>>11435393>>11435355>bronies everywhere say the good quality animation was one of the best parts of the movie
Would you read this book to Pone?
remember when you ponied because you wanted tonot because you had to
>>11435498these are probably the same people who claim s3 isn't canonthey only accept canon when it's convenient for them and aligns with their headcanon
>>11435457I don't like her hair though
>>11435391Yeah, the whole self exile thing is kinda boring. Thought I'd drop in and see how things were. Looks about the same, cute ponies and all. >>11435359Hey Goat. Things are well, how about yourself?>>11435450Hi! How's it goin?
>>11435498Really the only logical reason for completely disregarding them is MUH HEADCANON
>>11435528what's that?
>>11435454Except they are.They're events between Seasons 1 and 2 and Seasons 2 and 3.
>>11435498Not at all.The comics being canon is very grey because some of the staff said yes while others said no.I think they are since they work in conjunction with the shows timeline.They are canon, there's no reason they're not.
>>11435538I can quit any time I want!
>>11435522OH MY GOD IT'S SO TINY.
>>11435538I still want to pony.I like the time I spend here with you guys and still enjoy the series. I'll silently leave when that changes, but I'm still okay here.>>11435560Have you been keeping up with the comics or EG drama?
>>11435563A book.
>>11435522>$20 and a baby goatI will give you TWENTY ONE DOLLARS for the set.
>>11435570The Nightmareity comic is during S3It's between Apple Family Reunion/Magic Duel and MMC
this joke doesn't work so well online. but i'll say it anways.Don't fuck with unicorns because there's a reason why they're called Eunuch Horns.
>>11435528I would want Twilight to read it to me full of humorous asides and arguments
>>11435498as more comics come out the more real canon is ruined
>>11435570>>11435570>>11435570The rarity micro takes place during season 3 though. Pinkie makes reference to the events of Wonderbolts academy.
>>11435595yeah, but what's the book about?
>>11435595WHAT ARE BOOKS
>>11435580Who said no?
>>11435602I don't get it.
>>11435538I only pony when i want, if i don't want to, i take a break for a couple months and soon enough my pony burn out finishes and i'm capable of ponying again.
>>11435616Tennis players, drug addicts, and movie so funny it kills people.
>>11435589>>11435594I haven't kept up on the comics and I'm kicking myself for it.I've seen bits of EQG here and there and can honestly say I'm not excited about it. Might bear through it once, but only on the internet. Not gonna pay money or show my face in a theater for that train wreck, no thank you.
>>11435625It'll stab you in the balls.
>>11435486Yeah, man. That's what I said. Tomorrow.>>11435560I'm ready for Equestria Girls. It looks to be a choice example of terrible film.
>>11435596rose pls, you already have too many goats stuffed in your room
>>11435560I miss you senpai~
>>11435538But anon I only pony because I want toAnd in almost three years my lust for ponying hasn't decreased at all
>>11435355>Part of Lunas hair is spiky, to make it look like she's wearing a crown.Why are all the characters so fucking horribly over-designed? Did the assholes who made this movie hire everyone from Deviantart?What a fucking mess
>>11435639Here are the comics if you want toohttp://yp1.pony.pp.ua/book.phpAs for EqG it'll be interesting. If we're lucky it will be so bad we can laugh about it for months.
>>11435639The Rarity micro, I think, is the best of the lot. It's pretty much a really good Rarity episode in print without voice acting.
>>11435560That gif is so cute.
>>11435694>crystal colt cock
>>11435355sunset shimmer is actually cute there
>Rainbow Dash can imitate the roar of a TimberwolfWhat other sounds do you think she can imitate?What if she's a Lyrebird?
>>11434399> screaming boner suppressionPretty sure my sides have left home 'forever'
>>11435580For me, I want a canon split. Since S3 was such shit, and the comics are really good, I just want the comics to go their own way. Maybe even get Lauren to overview them.
>>11435457not as cute as this pony I'm afraid
>>11435636is it humorous?
>>11435622Well, near the beginning when they were announced during some Q&A's the question of canon came up. At that time some of them said they weren't sure.A lot has happened since then and I'm not even sure I can find where he said it.Either way they're canon.
>>11435355Am I the only one who sees Luna as princess Clara from Drawn together?>inb4 bad paint jobYes I suck at ms paint
>>11435688They didn't get Lauren. They just got some idiots fools to translate Lauren's designs, instead of a competent animator.
>>11435657Stop thatHiro, you know how to get a hold of me.Besides, it was a prime opportunity for all the other talented folk to come out and shine in the limelight.>>11435696Thank you kindly! I'll have to catch up this week.>>11435708I do enjoy me some well written Rarity. I'll make sure to read that one.
Isn't MLP a show for little girls?
>>11435719She can imitate fluttershy's moans. She does it to get Fluttershy flustered
>>11435498>>11435570Hasbro and the writers don't potray them as canon so no they ain't. I would love them to be but they ain't.I do like the "how luna's mane changed"
>>11435769You make is seem like I would do something INAPPROPRIATE to pony
>>11435739The wrieters of the comic said from the start that this is as close to canon as you can get without it being animated. Also they talked with the show writers and they receive episode scripts so they don't fuck up.Fuck they knew about EqG for months. They were even at a Hasbro conference about it.
>>11435750>Trixie looking back with that smug look>"Go ahead, stud. Knock me up."
Been a while, MLPG. Have I missed any interesting tripfag drama this summer?
>>11435746You could've just post the original picture of Clara, m8.
>>11435749actually this time it wasn't me
I can pony no longer.Good night, gentlemen. It's been a pleasure.
>>11435749b-but I'm not Hiro, I'm SmutAnon. You know, the CelestiaQuest guy?senpai doesn't notice me...
>>11435769Most definitely.I just want to be the little girl.
>>11435790Seeing how the show writers said that shity book that contradicts the show is canon the comics are more certainly canon
>>11435802Sorry I needed to Draw it together
Pony wouldn't fall in love with you even if she was real.
>>11435808justa bitlonger
>>11435790>don't portray them as canonwhat does that even mean
>>11435769>make ponies sexy>sexy pony show for little girlsHow positively absurd
>>11435826But I'm a nice guy
funny storyturns out unity3d has tons of plugins for really easy pathfinding and dialog tree structuring and lots of other bits that make ponycrossing significantly easierturns out shiva3d was way more of a hindrance than i expected, due to the lack of documentation and community support.except i'm working on a different game right now in AGDG. guess which one for a prize i'd kill for a rigged, animated pony to work off of though. so how was humanized fanfiction the movie?
>Absolutely fantastic. The staff did an amazing job of taking something a LOT of people were unhappy about and turning it into something amazing. Great job on their part. For anyone who's a fan of the show, you won't want to miss this movie! >Absolute amazing film. At first glance it is painfully obvious that Hasbro is merely attempting to birth another toy line, but looking deeper into the film it is clear that the magic of friendship can span many worlds, and touch many hearts in the process. The amazing fan turn-out was incredible to see, an absolutely crammed theatre made the whole experience even better (brohoof to everyone who attended). Hasbro definitely knows what they are doing and continues to create amazing works for everyone of any age and gender.
>>11435800>impregnationMY FETISH
Also what's with all the namefags
>>11435808for a second I thought you were leaving for good. I got scared
>>11435601Then why is Luna's mane that of her S1 design and not that of her S2 Nightmare Night design?
>>11435769Why is Applejack scared?She is strong pony
>>11434896Well no, it's making and baking delicious treats. I assume that Rarity was meant to be some ultra-haute pastry chef and "sweetie belle" nearly writes itself.This is why children should have child names and after the Age of Ascension gain another.
>>11435845*reblogs your post*
>>11435837por·tray : Depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.They don't acknowledge it as canon, however close it may be.
>taking meghan's word for that Flash Sentry won't be is S4
>>11435722>get Lauren to overview them.Then we wouldn't be getting cute ponies doing cute things.We'd get the female ponies be taken advantage of by male ponies and how much that men are scum and shouldn't be trusted.While in the back ground spike and big mac are in chains.
>>11435845Pony can find plenty of nice guys, ones that have more to offer.
>>11435861Not that strong
>>11435818>>11435807I totally glazed over the name field. Sorry. Usually Hiro is the only one who calls me that.And stop saying that, you're all better than I am anyway.
>>11435822the days of official solid canon are over. its clear even the writers dont keep track of their own shit, and why should they? its just a childrens show, you are not entitled to nonshit canon.
>>11435859no sorry you're stuck with menow goodnight for real
>>11435860Maybe Luna's hair works like Panka's and it changes depending on her mood.
>>11435839>"Take your pants off.">"Right now.">"NOW."
>>11435845>But I'm a nice guy
>>11435867Why don't we trust meghan? Again? Is this rare fags being mad again?
>>11435860She was distressed and worried the entire comic. Also the Nightmares were returning.
>>11435867Read between the lines anon. She is talking about /mlp/'s meltdown
>>11435876I'm sorryAll I can over is nice meals, a comfy snuggly couch and free use of netflixBut pony wouldnt like that
>>11435749Aha, well, we've got you there then.Rarity is Andy's favorite pony of the Mane 6, IIRC, and she's written well in pretty much all of the arc comics, so they're worth a read as well.Just be sure to pick up Fashion Pony goes to Hippie Land: the comic, it's pretty much the best of the bunch.
>>11435030I would bang that freckled horse with no remorse.
>>11435867>It's just a toyThat's how SA became Twilight's brother and Cadance her babysitter which completely changed her background history.
>>11435750>Rarity covering her chestYou don't even have anything up there you silly fashionhorse!
>>11435928Are there any horses you wouldn't bang, anon?
>>11435921Pony can get that and more from better males
>>11435922It looks like Rarity peed the bed!
>>11435928wait your turn
>>11435936>which completely changed her background historyThat would imply that there was something to change. We knew nothing about Twilight's childhood other than how she got into the school
>>11435848ok maybe now is not the time
>>11435947this onethey are not for sexual
Don't respond
>>11435945It's a very bad drawing anon. It makes no sense.
>>11435800>You will never be coaxed back to Trixie's trailer to assist her with a private magic trick>"Now watch in awe, as the Lusty and Sensuous Trixie puts a bun in her oven!"
pony may not love me but she will stay in my apartment because i'm always mad stocked with bananaspony cannot live without them
>>11435355I'm interested
>>11435982Oh, sure, no prob—GODDAMNIT
>>11435998anon, "great and powerful" is tacky enough
>>11436007not until you're older
>>11435355Banana human looks kind cute there
Which EG pony do you think looks the most normal?
>>11435849when did the word amazing lose all meaning?
>>11435976It changed how people view her.She only had the opportunity to take Celestia's test because her parents were wealthy while her brother was on the way to becoming Captain of the Royal Guard.She was being babysit by Cadance evem before takig the test.
>>11435981That colt right there is totally for sexual.
>>11436019>"Shut up and mount me already, dammit. Don't you know better than to keep a mare in heat waiting?"
As much as I hate to say it, Luna or Big Mac.
I almost forgot to ask: How's the Celest Quest going?Secondly: Would there be interest for Puff Mystery Quest?And finally: When I release all the backed up requests I've been working on, would you prefer them all at once, or released periodically? I need to know. For science.
Hey MLPG, something came up. I can't do a reading tonight. Maybe later this weekAlso how about a joke?What do you get when you cross a water buffalo with Applejack?A very boring water bufalo!
My mind's dead weightI'm trying to get my head straightBut I can't figure out which equestrian girl i wanna impregnate
>>11436040BIG MAC
>>11434877>>11435306>>11434914>>11435396>>11435030>>11435681>>11435087>>11435839>>11435188>>11435884thank you anons, I now have enough cute mascot pone for her own folder.
>>11436047I don't know about the first questionI'm neutral towards the second one since it will probably be at a time I can't joinAs for third one periodically maybe?
>>11436037holy shit that pony head on a human body is creepy as fuck
>>11436029Around the same time as incredible, epic, awesome, and just about every other similar word
>>11436002Pony needs their potassium
>>11436047Good. You should drop by again, they're pretty fun. Last session the anons almost got stumped but still figured the puzzle out. Shit's going down next session.
>>11436079Then what word I'm going to use when something truly good happens?
>>11436035...y-yes ma'am.
>>11436049I will make an end to your face
MLPGHas had a hard life
>>11436047I've been meaning to take a look at that quest, but haven't has the time.That sounds neat. I'd be down for it.All at once. I'm ready for it.
>>11436086As much as I want Aspirant's whole load at once I don't think i could handle it
>>11436110It is hard living life this ballin.
>>11436047celest quest is going goodI'd play puff mystery questand ALL AT ONCEBLOW YOUR ENTIRE WRITE-LOAD ALL OVER US
>>11436107"Good boy. Now give mama her liquid sugar~"
thingken of drawing
>>11436037you ain't got no legs, lieutenant Applejack
>>11436133that's just the devil inside you
>>11436047Spread it over a few weeks man.It's hiatus. You give it to us all at once we're gonna finish everything in a day.This way we'll have something to do for a longer time
>>11436135...It's funnier with Dash but I still smiled.
>>11436133>thinkin of fart
>>11436037>that massive ass...I think I need to lay down for a bit
>>11436133Dont even joke about doing thatMy marker died that way, man.
>>11436133Draw a pony feeling miserably sickThat's how I feel right now.
>>11436047Will you be taking requests soon?
>Need the linkboard>It's not posted
>>11436165Don't take too longhttp://i.imgur.com/ZxXqtqe.png
>>11436165And use her ass for a pillow?
>>11436070Well if I did do another quest while respectfully waiting for SmutAnon's to run it's course, it'd only be once a week on Saturday's since that's the only time I have available consistently.>>11436098Good to hear! I hope participation has increased since those first few sessions. I'm sorry I haven't made it to more but, well, I've had my own things to struggle with.>>11436086I'm considering it, but I'm not even sure the interest in what I've caught up on is there anymore. Also it could be quite a bit to go through.I mean there's Loving Celestia, Loving Rarity, Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy role reversal and a separate wing related one, Exhibitionism Rarity, that one transformation thing with Twilight Cosmo gave me an idea on, plus belly dancing Rarity with Fluttershy (both involving anon and one where it's just the two of them)....The list goes on a bit more but I don't want to bore you or give everything away.>>11436142That's what I was wondering. I'll ponder it some more. After all the whole point of me doing anything is to entertain and hopefully make the hiatus go by a little faster.>>11436182Yes. Once I let all the stories I've got pent up loose, I'll consider taking requests again. At a more reasonable speed than I did before due to time constraints.Thanks for the feedback MLPG, it's much appreciated.
>>11436141>>11436177>>11436180now thingken of sad
>>11436131let's not make this freudian
>>11436213>Needing the linkboard.What's the matter? Need to see if you are on the who's who? Need to be the shining star you know you are in the inner mlpg fandom?
>Venture Bros now airing>No working streams>Other stream diedI HAAAAAAATE you.
>vh1 sponsored tumblr post ads for tv shows>bullshit sponsored movie post ads>no way to adblock or filterfuck i cant wait until everyone moves to the next thing
>>11436259But that shit isn't funny anymore, it lost it's charm and is riding off the nostalgia element
Have you ever considered that the ass is TOO phat?
>>11436233At the pace mine is going, it's going to take some time... I'm hoping I can keep doing 2 sessions a week, but even then it'll take another month or so (estimated).
>>11436279>No changes were going to happen to Tumblr they said.I know!Lets all use Facebook!
>>11436218oh my godohhhh my godhow did you know I love chubby raritythough that's bordering on TOO chubby
>>11436106nothing, anonthere are no words left
>>11436279I actually haven't seen any of that for about a week or two.
>>11436297No no, take your time. I don't want you to rush or anything at all. I'm just saying that the next waifu quest thing is supposed to be Celestia based, and I refuse to run one with the same subject as a quest currently going on by another writefriend.I want you to take your time, have as much fun as possible with it, and come to a satisfying conclusion before I muck up that same subject.
>>11436315That's depressing....Everything's depressing now.
>>11436309>TOO chubbyIs that possible?http://i.imgur.com/WLmMIRf.jpg
>>11436318dat splurt
>>11436295the best butt is the one that's proportional to the rest of the bodyslap a huge butt on an otherwise average-build person and it just looks weirdsame for breasts
>>11436279>Arg I see ads!>Better kill this program and move on!Do you shoot your television when a commercial comes on too ?
>>11436328>I refuse to run one with the same subject as a quest currently going on by another writefriend.Do Twiquest!
>>11436345>watching television
>>11436337anon meet rossross, anon
>>11436337Carnifex is so awful
>>11436318>>11436340>splurtI see this shit all the time, do porn artists think women store water balloons full of baby oil in their vaginas or what.Every fucking vag has to have something splurting out of it. What the fuck do you think vaginas are.
>>11436295I prefer skinny toned butts
>>11436358I could. Depends on demand. If people don't want to do puff quest thing, then I'd consider a purple horse quest.Probably pre princess ascension since that'll simplify a lot of things.
>>11436368The only thing I don't like about ross' art is nothing.
>>11436337that one would be so much better without the flabby neckdo you have the one where she's unsuccessfully trying to put on a pair of pants?
>>11436345>still watching television with ads>2013lol
>>11436384Put it to another vote maybe?
>>11436364What the fuck happened, man.I remember when everyone was obsessed with television back then. And now you pretentious fucks feel so proud for not watching televesion these days.What the fuck, man.
>>11436399>still watching television>2013Pony is the only show I've watched in years.
>>11436355>you'll never feel those haunches slapping against your hips
>>11436405I don't watch anything on television anymore.I download or Netflix everything.
>>11436355>fluttershy will never sit on your lap while watching tv
>>11436403I'll take a vote this upcoming weekend. I need something other than video games and catching up to do and either those "quest" ideas would do nicely I think.It's been so long since I've made people feel or anything now though I fear I've lost my touch. We'll see I suppose.
>>11436328so then run another quest first, then do celestiaquest once SA is done with hisnobody said you have to use that poll as gospel
would you save the crystal ponies with their historyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?
>>11436424Careful man.Your fedora may catch fire if you get any more hipster.
>>11436444>are you okay anon?>I'm not too heavy am I?>Hey can we watch animal planet next?
http://i.imgur.com/1JNk5eJ.jpgI want to marry chubby Rarity
>>11436450Maybe. What do I get out of this?
>>11436384what would puff quest be about?
>>11435850>>11435800> impregnation> fetish... But is it interspecies? Yes OR no is fine by me.
>>11436444>she wiggles around when something exciting happens
>>11436450I would save MLPG with it's history
>>11436445I have faith in you~I want to participate in one of your quests as well.
I need to go push a mess, don't do anything pony without me.
So how many of you masturbated in front of the kids in the theaters? I need a head count.
>>11436448Yes....that's what I was suggesting I thought.Sorry if I'm confusing anyone. I meant I planned to run another quest before running a Celest Quest because SmutAnon's is ongoing.
>>11436473A Crystal Pone sex slave.
>>11436468Chubby chicks are neat an all, but I don't see Rarity as being chubby.
>>11436453You don't need to project. Just saying that lots of people don't sit in front of the idiot box like they used to.
>>11436504I'm not going to see it.
>>11436412ah yes, that's the oneI especially like the bottom one where she's all laid outI would make Thickity feel like a beautiful sexy woman
>>11436509>enslaving poniesThat's mean
>>11436511She doesn't exercise
>>11436380If your girl isn't squirting, you're doing it wrong.
>>11436478I would love one where pony figures it can never happen but it does.She is so smug about you filling her, knowing it wont take root, but in the end, you ended up actually knocking her up and she freaks.
>>11436509Oh, well I don't want that. Pony should be free.
>>11436468>that dreadful colored underweareugh.
>still no leakThis is ridiculous.
>>11436504Is that really you?
>>11436405there's no reason to watch it anymoreif by some miracle there's some show that I'm actually interested in I can watch it through netflix or whatever
>>11436552I cannot tell you how okay I am with siring centaurs.
>>11436573It's for the best, you don't want to watch it anyway.
>>11436476Well I was considering having it be a mystery/adventure quest, but really we could make it whatever the players want again. I generally prefer healthy player involvement.I mean, Cute Quest was really just a super simple quest that I let the players direct 90% of the time. And I think it turned out fun.General gist would be Puff and crew are aged up a bit and try to solve mysteries that are happening around Ponyville. Could be dark, could be light, whichever players prefer.I had some more insidious ideas, but I'm not sure if players would want that or just another quick thing.>>11436499Thanks, I'll try to meet those expectations.
>>11436505come back to the skype chat
>>11436547Uh, I'm sure she does to maintain a good physique.
>>11436575As far as I know. Now answer the question.
>>11436573Maybe no one has the soul to leak it
>>11436593>more insidious ideasI like insidious ideas! do that!
>>11436547We don't know that for certain, but seeing as she's all about being dainty and fabulous, I don't think she would let herself get out of shape.Gotta be prim and proper for Canterlot orgies, right?
>>11436380>complaining about soaking wet, squirting vaginasu wot m8
>>11436611It's your birthday present.
>>11436611Or nobody wants to be charged with terrorism for leaking that shit.
>>11436593It's gonna turn out scooby doo I can already tell
>>11436608I want her to sit on my face
>>11436590But I am a delusinal brony with Stockholm Syndrome I'm pretty sure I'll like it no matter what.
>>11436551I think that's gross.
>>11436625Not everybody has your fetish, anon.
>>11436630Rainbow Dash's my birthday present?
>>11436547I think she does, but there's only so much she can doendomorphs have a harder time losing weight
>>11436607I've never masturbated in front of anyone.Well actually I think I might have masturbated in class in 7th grade, but I was in the back of the class so it technically wasn't in front of anyone.
>tfw when not smart enough to make a living off youtube money
>>11436594If you really want me to, I guess.>>11436639Again, depends on if players are okay with it going darker or not. I've honestly been planning it to start out kinda light like that but then, well, yknow, things happen.But if you guys want it to stay light like a Scooby Doo rerun with Puff and the CMC, that could happen too I guess.
>>11436653EqG Dash.
>>11436594Oh a skype chat? I want in! I promise I'll be the most annoying waste of space ever as well as a giant buzzkill!
what if prickly little pony
>>11436670I get enough to pay my rent and a beer monthly.
>>11436511this >>11436412 is the only chubby Rarity picture I really, really likeI don't mind chubby, but it's not usually my thing. I think it's because she seems to be in character or something.
>>11436688Can Agua take the D?
>>11436652that counts as a fetish?
>>11436688It appears we've come full circle on little Agua.
>>11436688Can I still kiss prickly pone?
>>11436688I prefer bats.
>>11436714>Can Agua take the D?If by D you mean Desert climate then yes, of course she canshe's a cactus>>11436719>It appears we've come full circle on little Agua.Right?I was just thinking that
>>11436676It's just weird. All this warm liquid suddenly hitting you. It's like someone peeing on you. No one has the time for cleaning up a mess like that.
>>11436688Her hips are huge!
>>11436729>those eye tuftsUMF
>>11436682I wouldn't mind if it got darker as it progressednothing fires players up like genuine peril
>>11436498Alright, let's do it!
>>11436709i dont believe it anymore tiarawhy. you rarely post any videos now there is no way you still make decent money
>>11436741oh anon
>>11436737No, by the D, I mean the human penisI mean, is it physically possible?
>>11436740He must be appealing to Tex.
>>11436775She's a cactus, anon. Built-in rapex.
>>11436743Yeah, that's kind of how I originally planned it. Innocuous things get dark, shit hits fan, etc etc.Unsure about keeping the Sweetie pairing from the get go. I like continuity but there was some dissonance with the decision.
>>11436741>eye tuftsI understood that reference.png
>>11436738>not taking days off for sex
>>11436682Sweetie is still his fillyfriend, right?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jzrAxcVU5QAll right folks, crapest leak I've ever seen but what can you do for some random from some thread somewhere.Last 13 and a bit of the movie.
>>11436786I don't think a living cactus would have internal thorns.
>>11436786What are you talking about? Cacti are all nice and wet on the insides.
>>11436768I'm not Tiara. Dunno how much he really earns.I'm at +200 euros a month, which combined with some other small sources of income is enough for me.
>>11436737Can I get high off of Agua.
>>11436821we've already seen that
>>11436788you can't un-ring a bell
>>11436829What exactly do you do on Youtube?
>>11436839Yes, she is. Shame about the ugly faggot next to her.
>>11436836Oh... well I got egg on my face. Nevermind.
>>11436827Instead she would be cool and wet, a strange sensation on your hot member as she coos as rocks against you.If you were to describe her internal lube you would have to think Aloe, as it makes the lewdest wet slapping sounds as she thrusts and gyrates.
>>11436857it's not his fault that Jalm dropped the ball on drawing him
>>11436856steal other peoples content and post it as my own
>>11436819>>11436837Yeah, pretty much.She still squishes up next to you and throws the scarf around the two of you, despite it now being a bit too small to fully reach around like it once did.You don't mind all that much.
>>11436827Why wouldn't it? Cats have barbed dicks.
Would you eat pony's still beating heart in order to gain their powers?
>>11436883Does her vaginal fluids contain mescaline?Could I get high off of eating her out?
>>11436899I mind. I was pining for scootsrouteI mind very much
>>11436911whatnothat's awful
>>11436821fuck just watching 20 seconds and i see how awful it isWHY DID SHE RELEASE SPIKE ONLY TO HAVE SPIKE STEAL THE CROWN FROM HERwhy do people say this shit is amazing
>>11436883you guyscan't she just be cute and innocentshe's a cactus
>>11436911Absolutely yes.Sorry pony.
>>11436901But those barbs, despite the common misconception, aren't hard and sturdy enough to do any damage.
>>11436891Wow, and to think I've been doing that for free all this time.
>>11436685Eh, I don't mind it.I like her not only because of her looks, but her personality as well. Plus she looks kinda cute with the hairstyle on the movie.
>>11436857Not enough love for Featherweight.
>>11436901Deaf...I think we need to half a talk.About how cats and cacti are different...I know how the whole 'don't love water' thing may fuck with you a little, but they are WAAAAY different...
>>11436930Room for change, depending on how it goes.
>>11436935But she's a cactus, weave.How can you ever hug a cactus? ;-;
>>11436935You gave her tits one timeshe's fair game
>>11436935This is important, GGWhat if we were stranded in a desert?Could I survive by eating her out?
>>11436930oh suck it upsweetie's a qtpi
>>11436911YesI would go as as far as just our right eating the whole pony.
>>11436821>wilhelm scream
>>11436821Ugh, I can't tell if alicorn twilight is taller than her friends from that
>>11436935cactus is not cute nor innocentcactus is merely plant
>>11436935I wasn't asking to be lewd, I'm just curious if my fic can actually work.
>>11436911It depends which powers
>>11436935Oh god what have I done?!I AM SO SORRY!