There is no topic. Just feels.Old: >>>/mlp/11342789
What do you guys think of this pony?
>>11349857that's not a pony anon
>>11349835I feel happyThis is a happy horse
The wind of changeBlows straight into the face of timeLike a stormwind that will ring the freedom bellFor peace of mind....
>>11349857Best pony.
>>11349835its a good pone
>>11349879I never get how Spike fuck up so much in making that pie. Fucking hell, we saw him bake stuff a ton of time in the past, WITH THE SAME WRITER!
mlp general weathers all shitstorms
>>11349931he also liked baked bads
>>11349931I guess he just doesn't learn very quickly
>>11349857Rainbow Dash is the worst pony.
>>11349948I am aware of that but his baking skill (and cleaning skill) is maid tier. If this Spike Service episode was one of the first episodes in the show, I would not mind, actually. That would mean he has come character growth.
Oh boy, only 3 days until the ride ends.
>>11349996It won't endIt will just get a little longer
>>11349919Gosh SB, I don't think the current regime approves of your personal blogging. That being said, post some ponies and pony accessories. And maybe EqG. Are you planning on watching it?
>>11349931His cooking skills have never been consistent. Probably gets lessons from Pinkie since he mostly cook s sweets.
>>11349996>The ride>Ever endingBut I like being on this carousel, anon.
>>11349950I am guessing that he will stop when people stop bitching about it. It looks like the mods are trying to drive away a certain element.
>>11349996You know what would have been nice? If they remade those previous ponies movies with gen 4 style.
>>11350015>tfw this was drawn seriouslyThis makes me sad.
>>11350019>Splitting poniesCruelAbsolutely cruel
>>11349875Anon... Please
>>11350022Really now?
>>11349857He's a pretty cool pony.
Post waifus
Would you take pony out to a nice dinner and never call her back?
Okay so new plan. Virgin sacrifices for Celestia to bring me to Equestria.I mean who could go wrong with virgin sacrifices. Bitches love virgin sacrifices. Hell if Celestia doesn't want them I'm sure Luna will.
>>11350027You have actually seen one of those dreadful things right? The style won't fix bad dialogue andboring story.
>>11350034We all have to start somewhere.
>>11350058Shut up bon bon you're always asking for my waifu
>>11350065No I would not, Tan the broken dreamsOf a restless mindIn a world spinning out of controlThis is the last goodbyeYou are the hero nowI am the music Im driving your soulReach out to the messenger tonightFeel the heartbeatSing out pass the message onCall out for the captain of the nightTake a back seatA new dawn, now that yesterday has goneIt´s in the future you belongKick away the doors find the way beyondStay close to the messenger tonight He is the back beatSing out pass the message onIt´s in the future you belongKick away the doors find the way beyond
>>11350058I want to hug her and totally snuggle her!
>>11350056my god, girl. put some pants on!
>>11350103Standy ponies?
>>11350089I'd have so much trouble deciding between these two. Luckily I probably wouldn't have to since they wouldn't like me anyways, so crisis averted.
Phyrexian pony just wants to make you compleat.
>>11350071Ok, fine.Also, I recall that there were 2 prototype of the Generation 4 that might have been use. Faust was one of it and won. I know there is another but I cannot seem to find it.
>>11350058My waifu is your waifu's waifu.What a small world we live in.
>>11350089That is a very cute pony. I ship her with this stallion even if it's not very canon.
>>11350056I'm so glad he changed Spike's face.That shit eating grin is perfect.
>>11350141in after in b4 was used improperly
>>11350134Really: that legit soundsinteresting. Wherddid you hear this?
>>11350123>not working hard to befriend themYou could get Fluttershy to befriend you and she would introduce you to Dash later.
>>11350126you know anyone can delete their own post at any time right
>>11350144It's a very cute pairing.
>>11350144b& for nsfw
>>11350161I remember its a Pinkie image and it looks more ponyish. Some faggot posted this last summer and claim its generation 5.
papers please
>>11350165Flutterbutter hates interacting with anyone she does not already know.Kinda locked out.
Well, sarcasm is off limits now, I guess.
>>11350134Wasn't Lauren's friend Brianne Whatshername also approached or something. I recall seeing some MLP stuff on her twitter or DA, though I might be wrong.
>>11350182Being blue
>>11350169>implying the janitors aren't this delete happyOpen almost any other thread for a while and you'll see the [deleted] messages pop up everywhere constantly.
>>11350182He doesn't have a very memorable face.
>>11350182Is this pony a ghost?
>tfw Scratch update soon
>>11350173Tfw straight shipping is still shunned
>>11350195What if people deleted their own posts?
>>11350182oopsDoes anyone remember this pony?What do you think his occupation would be if he only worked inside?
>>11350192>injure yourself in an area where you know here she would visit>she helps you outAnd it goes from there. Get creative!
>>11350144I prefer her with this stalion
>>11350174Freaking cloppers, get out of MLPG!
Reminder that in the 80s at least 20 princess ponies existed.You really think Hasbro isn't going to step over the line again?
>>11350221he has no real occupationno cutie markno destiny
>>11350216Whoa is LK drawing?
>>11350195>drawfags are forced to buy cars even if they want tp take the subway.jpg
>>11350221Actually no, I don't remember him.>elderly blank flanksHow sad.
>>11350219My favorite ship my not be straight but this is my second favorite ship
>>11350189>fatty.hey if you grew up with that rockin' cajun cuisine available at any time you'd be heavy too
>>11350184>>11350198Shit, I know what you guys are talking about but I can't find it...
>>11350219Who gives a fuck what a few radical homos think?
>>11350198Can you post that person's stuff? It might be her.
>>11350260BNE. Fluttershy mistook his whistling for a bird of some description. Metalark?
look at thsi disgusting furry shit
>>11350261how about dis
>> that a shrimp cutie-mark?
>>11350287He also pulled the cart In FPK when Twilight got muddy.
>>11350219I wrote a straight shipfic in bygone days with Dash and Caramel. I like F/M and M/M shipping. F/F doesn't really do much for me, but I don't spoil anyone's fun.
>>11350261>Fancitymy NTR!
>>11350220I posted some of these.goddamnit, second despair pic I want to upload is taken already...
>>11350296I'd rather ship him with Sweetie than with AB
>>11350296I'm glad someone else feels the same way
>>11350321Sweetie does make more sense because she would probably be jealous of his crush on her older sister but since when did ships make sense anyways.
>>11350321>he has an unrequited crush on her big sister>she has an unrequited crush on himwhat a depressing ship
Why are you sitting on that chair doing nothing, anon?Don't you see you could be part of the drawfags from the future?We need drawfags for the next 100 years, the next generation, since this is going to be an eternal ride, it doesn't matter if you suck, I believe in you. Do it for you, do it for me, do it for my industry.
>>11350297> that a shrimp cutie-mark?It's a prepped crawdad
>>11350333but our fun :(
>>11350271>>11350351I think Gillou and Tabasco pone would get along rather well
>>11350329Puppy love is just all around adorable.
>>11350347But then they slowly get closer anon. One day Rarity will break his heart. And Sweetie will be there for him
>>11350351is she a chef?
>>11350342Oh what fun is there in making sense?
>>11350364>I think Gillou and Tabasco pone would get along rather wellFunny you should mention that
>>11350350>saying the ride is eternal when it's almost over
>>11350329It's so cute.
>>11350347>depressing shipI like those. I loved Dostoevsky's "White Nights".
>>11350382Fuck that is adorable.
>>11350366True, but how does Scootaloo and Rumble relate to that at all?
>>11350390>thinking the ride is overYou're cute.
>>11350394Mah pedobro
>>11350391Looking back at this comic it would have made a whole lot more sense if Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were swapped and Dash was AJ.I mean why would Dash that much?
>>11350406I'm not your bro, bro.
>>11350424I'm not your buddy, guy!
>>11350416Well, look at the facts. They're not interested in each other in the slightest, so there's no puppy love involved.
>>11350440That's the same with just about every damn ship you dingus.
>>11350424But I only like the things you're into.
>>11350439I'm not your guy, friend.
>>11350257Washe was streaming
>>11350389What a fucking asshole. I wonder how much sentenal paid him to censor that picture.
What is the best Discord shipall of them
>>11350457Goodnight, crystal dude.
>>11350466I'm not your friend, buddy.
>>11350481That is not an answer gg.
>>11350382Would you mind posting that up on the Sub, GG? (Or if it's already there and I'm missing it somehow, linking me?).I'd like to see it, but the image seems to have 404'd before I saw it.
>>11350491So what.
>>11350457Man I wish I looked cool in a cape. Maybe Rarity could make me look cool in a cape.
>>11350481it's obviousdiscordxalterante reality discord>implying discord has any alternate reality selvesoh who am I kidding he'll probably turn up as himself and nobody would bat a eye
>>11350510>being this newwow
>>11350481discord with pinklestia because it also invites the potential of pic related
>>11350512Why would we? It's fine here.
>>11350512Because that's cowardly, anon.
>>11350440oh yeah. silly me.she's obviously not his girlfriend.she doesn't even like boys.boys are gross.and he definitely doesn't like her either. girls have cooties, you know?
>>11350467Man... I wish he'd get around to posting that update I've drawn for him. It's been months. If you see LK tell him Cosmo weeps. I gotta go now. Don't know when I'll be back
>>11350522She never had pink hair.
>>11350512You go.
Are you guys ready?
Plushies on the horizonYes indeed
>>11350528Nah, it's not like that, that's just the cliche denial. It's far simpler; they barely acknowledge each other's existence, because they simply aren't on one another's radar. It's like how you don't really think about the night janitors because you rarely see them.
I haven't seen EqG trailer yet.
>>11350539S1E1 manShe showed up in the story with a pink mane
>>11350542I can talk about ponies! I will sleep on it!>>11350549You mean the movie? No one is ready!
>>11350560can you fuck it?
>>11350549I'd watch it, but there are no theatres within an hour's drive playing it and I am not boarding a train to the city just to see it.
>>11350579That is in the storyWe see Celestia back then and she had the Aurora mane
>>11350581You could cut a hole open and make due with that if you absolutely had to.
>>11350560Fuck man, if I can live alone, I would get one, no, two to cuddle in my sleep!
>>11350580>>11350595We could wait for the BD rip and stream it, I bet the guy that was leaking the images has a rip already, but he's probably waiting to upload it after the premiere.
This shitstorm is very entertaining.Everyone just calm down and pony on.
>>11350604Only other depiction of her in the past is a flashback in "family appreciation day" and that was relatively close to the current time of the show.
>>11350579Crystal EmpireShe had the multicolored hair.It was never Pink
Are pillows considered hats?
>>11350504>That is not an answer gg.Sure it isdiscord ships with everyone
>>11350627I just hope I was not asleep by then. I want to see this train wreak!
>>11350612Just do it anon. You can stash her away when need be.
>>11350627>BD ripHahaha what? Are they going to sell this shit in Blu-ray?
>>11350587Why should we have to put up with this when there are other solutions?Can you imagine if we were already somewhere else, and someone said "Guys, we should move to /mlp/ where janitors will delete every other post!" Would you go along with it?
>>11350646I am still vaguely disgusted by the lack of Discord selfcest
>>11350646We need more Discord shenanigans.
>>11350639They are meant for sleeping!>>11350646But that is impossible. He would be ship with the entire planet.
but what about horses guys
>>11350671why are you looking at me like that fluttershy?
Pink horse
>>11350662>>11350673>EQ gets a blu-ray before FiM
>>11350662The press release of EqG was a Blu Ray
>>11350670isn't, even.
>>11350560>>11350612The only reason I'm not buying a plushie is that I have nothing to do with it.The blindbags are small and perfect to be a silly person and play with. The plushies are too big for that and I don't really care for the idea of cuddling them.
>>11350692FiM already has a Blu-ray in Germany
>>11350689Much more Discord shenanigans.
Grumpy ponies?
>>11350667all I have is this
>>11350688Fluttershy is interested in you. Aren't you going to go and hang out with her?Just look at her!
>>11350652>So I can talk to you guys only about ponies?Are you seriousYes, that's what the fucking thread is for. It's for ponies.
>>11350696That pony looks disappointed.
>>11350667...You've got a good point. I may try to remedy this.
Hoy.What's the site place thing where you can read the comic series online.
>>11350729>that outfitu-unf
Fuck this man, I hope you guys are emailing moot over this shit.
>>11350732Blue isn't your color
>>11350733MOSTLY ponies, in general.
>>11350721It's beautiful.
Ponies, hehehehehe
>>11350732What do we get to do when we hang out? Is the interest more than just friendship?
>>11350747Where was this scene fromI must make a gif
>>11350651I am not that brave, anon. >>11350698That is a nice idea too but again, if only I lived alone.
>>11350746I don't have that much autism.
>>11350744yayponies gets you the dls for the ponycomic
Ponies that aren't ponies?What's the best combination?
>>11350746What are you 12? Fuck off back to ponychan.
>>11350746>implying that didn't just make moot hate us more
>>11350765Ending of Swarm of the Century.
>>11350765Dunno. Sorry bro.
>>11350767Meh, just enjoy things you enjoy and don't be annoying to others about it.
>>11350769>>11350766Danke comrades
>>11350789>baww muh pornI repeat.Fuck off.
>>11350762She would see you as a good friend. She might even introduce you to her other friends, animals and the 6manes!
>>11350770Wolf ponies are pretty cute
>>11350724You're such a cute pone.
>>11350813hoofbeat 2, now everyone use it.
>>11350813I dunno.I think it started with the Hoof Beat Cadance though.
What if pony had a very unbecoming hobby
>>11350813It's because of the Hoof Beat 2 porn comics. That's what popularized sweater cadence.
>>11350805Wow, that is pretty fucking cuteDogs in general are cute
>>11350798I'm enjoying the forced break from constant fetishes.It's refreshing.
>>11350829>Dash is really into harmonicas
>>11350833We can test these waters come nighttime.
>>11350829I enjoyed Twilight more when her hobby was being a whore together with Rarity in toilets
>>11350826>>11350831I'm surprised porn affects the rest of the fandom so much.
I seriously hope this disgusting diamond dog and gryphon shit will be deleted on sight now
>>11350829What if you never existed.
>>11350829I like to pretend that Dash enjoys being exceedingly girly when nobody is around. Not even tank.>>11350832Canines as a whole are lovely
>>11350845Erm, yes... but stop smiling at me like that... it's creepy.
>>11350857Applebloom or all of the CMC rolling around on a giant D20
>>11350857Sweetie and Twilight booping eachother
>>11350857Derpy toppling over a pile of books
>>11350864I wish I had more dogponeSadly, I only have pigs
>>11350867Derpy, postage is not for consumption
>>11350857The CMC having a great time on some slings
>>11350893once was not enough for you?
I wish I remember where this came from
>>11350900meh, I'll share more wolf pony because I like you.
>>11350904Why for?
>>11350900>tfw Rose hats us
>>11350924>That gameI have so much bits, but no clue what to do with them
>>11350915You're lucky that you somehow managed to get tenure. how that even works, I have no damn clue.>>11350928wolf for the wolf
>>11350928HnnggI want a colorful husky with a bouncy personality
>>11350853>I enjoyed Twilight more when her hobby was being a whore together with Rarity in toiletsthat's not really a hobbyit's a life calling
>>11350969She'd be that dog that runs everywhere all the time and gets her nose in places it should not be.>>11350968
>>11350900>My Little PiggyWhich would you eat first?
>>11350900>tfw I will never have Pinkie and Rarity as my pets
>>11350996the pinkest one, all those pastries means more bacon for me>>11350993
>>11350829I would mock her endlessly.I ridicule her in order to mask my own insecurities.The Hulk is awesome.
I like when ponies are drawn as things that aren't ponies.
>>11351024rarity should be a poodle.>>11351029
>we have thsi shitstorm>3 days beofre equestria girlswe just don't get a break do we
>>11350972So then what happened?
>>11351005That pool toy's not elusive at all, she's got it right there!
>>11351051indeed, not pony ponies are nice>>11351056
Why are the wolves drawn with manes? Wolves/Dogs don't have manes.
>>11351067>So then what happened?They both felt very silly and left.
>>11351051I don't like when they're dogs and cats, though.
>>11351051What if we drew things that aren't ponies as ponies?
>>11351072BIRD TITS!
>No My Little Cowgirlsadness
>>11351072because the manes for the ponies are an important part of keeping them recognizable and distinct.
>>11351093I've waited so longwhy can't I have it
>>11351087Good idea.
>>11351087Ponified EqG characters?
>>11351101Because your glue isn't glittery enough
>>11351131YesShe looks exactly like Rainbow Dash except she wears a bandana
>>11351101If the bird tits wont come to you, you have to make them yourself.
>>11351087you mean like this
>>11351131I want to know if you finish thegoblin pone.
>>11351131Last time I posted my OC and you never deliverdFuck you
I was going to do a request for you guys tonight but already feeling depressed has made me feel even worse watching what these mods are doing.Maybe tomorrow when we return to our normal state I really hope these mods get fucked over by moot, or at least he stops them from doing this shit
>>11350894Hows this?
>>11351082What. Come on. That's boring.You're telling me that in their shame they didn't have a tearful hug, declare it girls night out cuz they don't needs no man, then get drunk and spend the night prank calling pizzas to be delivered to Pinkie Pie before passing out watching Murder She Wrote.I mean where is the story arc here.Glitter Glue.C'mon.
>>11351152I did.>>11351154Did I do a different one instead or did I just not deliver at all? What was it?
>>11351082Well that's perfectly alright. I hope they had a good laugh over their unexpected happenstance.
>>11351142that bottom right one is adrabl
well thsi thread could have been better
>>11351087Eh, I prefer pones drawn as things other than pones. Sometimes crossovers can get weird.
Rarity's pet cat
>>11351157Agreed.I'd like to come back and contribute to these threads again.But then I see the state of these threads and I don't. It'd be like contributing to ponychan.
Even with all the restrictions this place is still better than ponychan.
>>11351180thank you and draw bat pone
>>11351159Haha, yes! I forgot to mention the inclusion of Twilight, but you did it anywaysGood job
>>11351180I'm not sureI never saw a post of you after that for a good amount of timeSeveral hoursThis was my shitty oc
>>11351180Goblin ponies, you say?
>>11351210That's Pinkie Pie.
Who's up all night to get lucky?
>>11351200That's not saying much, though.
What about ponies drawn as conceptsLove pone, hate pone, fear pone, cuddles pone
Have a gander at this little beauty.
>>11351159That is a lot of books.
>>11351233cuddles is not a concept
>>11350058Did someone say waifu?
Glitter draw Big Tarrasqueintosh.
>>11351095My Little CowgirlI used to wonder what riding could beUntil you all topped the shit out of meStraddled waistlinesBucking hipsBounce up and downUse thighs for gripControlling pacingIt's an easy featAnd handcuffs make it all complete!Yeah, My Little Cowgirl~Do you know you broke the legs on my bed?
>>11351233>Love poneCadence.
>>11351203>Bat poneCome on Anon I've done her two times now>>11351210Oh, sorry. I had assumed it was a joke because it looks like a Pinkamena recolor done in MS paint with a Meth cutiemark.Is it a joke?
>>11351245"Got any more?" I post, obviously NOT samefagging to draw attention to my post.They suspect nothing.
>>11351253You just don't UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND
>>11351251They said a pile, i drew a pile!Sloppily and rushed pile, but a pile
>>11351159I feel as if this could be part of a seriesDerpy toppling over a pile of applesDerpy toppling over a pile of gemsDerpy toppling over a pile of critters
>>11351267YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH BATPONE. And we still don't have a pic of her sleeping upside down and hanging by her tail.
>>11351296Derpy toppling over a pile of Derpys
>>11351245That's kinda neat. Who's the artist?
>>11351245I giggled.
>>11351296Derpy toppling a pile of princesses
Quick requests?
>>11351317bow and arrow pone
>>11351245> Welp, Scruffy's evil now.I fucking laughed. Just the matter of fact way he says it.
>>11351317draw jettdl shooting a horsie with dynite
>>11351245>Welp. Scruffy's evil now.Pfffthahaha
>>11351313P. Chronos from the Milky Way general.Here's part 2.
>>11351258I think somebody just said waifu.
>>11351226Yesthis is acceptable
>>11351317human cuddling pone?
>>11351346It would be funny if I couldn't tell if he was being ironic when he made the evil shitposters villains and then brought around Milky Way to "Stay and fight" as though recreating the thread every time it was deleted and posting porn wasn't shitposting.
>>11351346>tulpa general casting illusion spellslaughed
>>11351354I think we got FiMchan for that. It's the superior MLPchan.
>>11351346Are these the only parts or is there more?I'm making an imgur album, that's why
>fluffy pony drowns
>>11351354Are you drunk?Porn is allowed on mlpchan's /anon/ board.
>>11351385Yeah but it's deadnot as dead an, but dead none-the-less
>>11351346>Fluffy pony drowned>Grand delusionDear god, I'm losing it here!
>>11351408>>11351411>avatarfagging is still thereNo, thanks.
>>11351386That's all so far, but Chronos is drawing part 3 as we speak.I assume.
>>11351346I *thought* the style looked familiar, but couldn't think of any artists around here that it fitted. Forgot about him completely.That tulpa stuff's perfect!
>>11351425Now you have to do this with the rest of the 6mane. That is, if you want too.
>>11351346Oh god, that's hilarious
>>11351267do you have a tumblr?
>>11351353Alright, good, just checkin'
>>11351354just alow mature content in the settings.
>>11351445Aah, maybe when i'm done with my other projects
>>11351245>>11351346Oh god, my sides.Say what you will about /mlp/, this is gold.
>>11351478who's fucking him?
Would you pay for this if pone did it?>>>/jp/11034861
>>11351435me too.
>>11351478More of that ask blog thing?Neat
>>11351490That's not even pony related
>>11351488Wonderbolts locker room
>>11351423Avatarfagging is allowed HERE, nignog.
>>11351419What if and FiMChan merged? Then thn it would be almost alive!
>>11351490Ew, that's just a vanilla way of prostitution.No.
>>11351245>>11351346I'm kind of sad those threads are all leaving, but the anti scruffy art were getting from it is nice.
>>11351490As nice as that sounds, I don't think I would pay money to rest my head on a pony's ass.
>>11351502Mac x A roomDamn, yo
>>11351509No it is not.Read the rules.
>>11351502Yes, this is good.
>>11351529Well if you wanna be specific, just a group of sorta-off screen male wonderbolts; Either team members, rookies or whatever you wanna believe really
>>11351490Not unless it was by arbitrary hypothetical situation the only way to see a cartoon pony in the real world; that'd be neat to see for that reason alone.
>/mlp/ meta comics>anything but shit
this took longer than it should have
>>11351564Come on, anon.These are well done.
>>11351629Scruffy's coat is a bit more on the green side than blue, but gj nonetheless.
>>11351720Scootaloo scooting a loo.
>>11351629>uses the alicorn amulet>get's Sombra's colors
>>11351720Rumble Scootadiving
>>11351737Maybe that's the eventual outcome of using one?
>>11351748>he's actually wearing a snorkel and fins - /mlp/ versionRequesting assistance from animators, storyboarders and the like.Everyone: GET ON BOARD!
>>11351534Global rule 13 doesn't apply here, as said in the rules of /mlp/. As odd as it sounds.>>>/mlp/rules/8
>>11351766That's not gonna end well.
>>11351759Scootaloo has a fetish for stallions in wetsuits
>>11351737>consider the following>Loira is not looking at me with a smug face0/10 doesn't deserve filename.
>>11351737that's because the depiciton of the eyes is more sombra-like than the red glow the alicorn amulet gave in the episode
>>11351809Why the fuck would I save that?
I only wanted to watch ponies
>>11351788Lyra can make whatever expression she wants at you.
>>11351835>filenameWow, rude.
>>11351822So, what you're saying is, that, you, in fact, have never asked for this?
>>11351842it's the sound you make while you're masturbating.
where can I read the mlp comic?
>>11351847Oh, sorry.
>>11351842UniversalNoise (of)Fucking
I think I found Scruffy's tumblr
>>11351911It's too late now.My feelings are hurt.
>>11351842Ultrasonic Nervous Fantasy
Hey guys, I'm doing a Vinyl Scratch commission, and all I've been asked for is Vinyl, no other specifics. So, gimme a good pose or whatever to draw our favorite DJ in.
>>11351916>i-bathe-in-brony-tearsI can already smell the feminism.*reblogs these posts*
>>11351842Ugly Nuns Frotting
>>11351842U is for u and me
>>11351963belly up
>>11351963Something to do with Octavia, bronies will eat it up
>>11351935You'll get over it.
>>11351963Congratulations.I'm crap at making up poses though. Sorry. And do post it here if you can once you finish.
>>11351935Oh my, however can Lyra make it up to you?
>>11351999No, it's ogre.And why are you showing me your butt you lewd pony? That's not allowed here.
>>11351982Hmmm, might do. Thanks>>11351986Heh, the same guy commissioned me an Octavia drawing two days ago. Definitely not my best work, but I guess he liked it enough to commission me another.>>11352001Hey thanks! And yeah, will do.
>>11351963Vinyl fine tuning a subwoofermake her look like a grease monkey.
>>11351982which pony likes to fuck belly up?
>>11352017Stop you lewd pony.Stop.
>>11352037the kinkiest ones
>>11352037Pinkie, so she can see you smile.
>>11351245Disregarding the purpose of this comic and my position in this shitstorm, this is neat.
>>11352037the pony you love
>>11352037Seaponies.They say it's to die for!
What if best pony was shy?
>>11352058that's...actually kind of touching
>>11351963Twerk It.
>>11352068Good thing that can't happen
>>11352064o-oh gosh...
>>11352075FUCKING 12/10 please continue.
>>11352026That could be cool, I can definitely see it in my head.>>11352028I doubt the guy wants that.>>11352068>inb4 but she isShe already is>I totally inb4'd
>double beefAlright, how's this?
>>1135207510/10 avant-garde postmodern masterpiece
>>11352078Geez, do you even have standards?
>>11352102That's cute.Who's the girl, she's cute too.
>>11352068She is.
>>11352127huh.How is she even balancing
>>11352119>Sasha and Derpy shade WIP2.pngPotato Girl from Boku no Titan
>>11352078I'd fuck that eager pony
>>11352112Draw Vinyl twerkin' it.Y'know. Shakin' dat booty all around.
>>11352141the name sasha means nothing to me.So where is she from?
>>11352142AnonYou would end up fucking her even if you didn't want to.
>>11352160attack on titan, best show right now
>>11352160>Potato Girl from Boku no Titan
>>11352169but I DO want to.
>>11352085>>11352156>>11352127fuck off ghetto trash
>>11352142That's not a good idea, anon.Rule number 1: You never let the yandere win. ever. No matter what.
>>11352192That's hardly yandere.
>>11352102>tab out of SAI>open picture>tab back to SAI>"do you want to save?">no
>>11351259What a qt 3.15Got anymore pics of her?
>>11352172>>11352174Neat, thanks.Added to my "watch it eventually" list
>>11352192just because she wants to fuck doesn't make her yonderbesides, I bet she winks like crazy
>>11352212>>11352251Uh, really? What do you need to be yandere then?
>>11352266murderous intent, usually
>>11352266Crazy for love.
>>11352251Does she have something in her eye?
>>11352266Murdering people who get in the way of your love.
If we can create pastel colored ponies today, is it possible that a similar creature existed long ago? And I say, yes.
Is there a third page for the scruffy comic?
>>11352303History Channel pls.
>>11352298no.but she'd have something in her vag.
>>11352284>>11352301Huh, then I'm glad she ain't yandere, she would never kill her people, she a good pone, she a good pone.
>>11352343She is very deredere.Dere.
>>11352343she's just a nymphomaniac with a human fetish.
>>11352349>history channel>learnahuehuahuehueh
>>11352303In a few years we will discover a pastel pony preserved in amber, at which point we will reverse engineer them and put them in an amusement park.
>>11352406>amusement park.I don't think 'amusement' quite cuts it...
>>11352406and then they will cause a rukus
>>11352406Only if they managed to escape and roam the park, viciously hugging anyone they see.>go ahead, call the cops, they cant unhug you
>>11352414>Colors of the Main Six peltsEw.Their bits would be a darker hue. Like AJ'd be a dark burnt orange and Rarity would be a gray. And Dash'd be a navy blue.
Woah, I'm getting dangerously productive today.I'll try and be back tonight.
does anyone have that one Lyra pic that braeburned did?you know the one
>>11352406>turns out, the pony was actually an angry goddess>time for humanity to end
>>11352453that's a nice butt Derpy has
>>11352440>"Don't make any sudden movements..."
>>11352457>rub lamp>pone genie comes out>gives you 3 wishes>rules: no extra wishes, no necromancy, and no love, this includes physical love
>>11352441So, Celestias would be pink?
>>11352406>in ancient times ponies were 10 times the size they are today
>>11352518>Attack on pony
>>11352454If it is futa then I'm not interested.
>>11352544Well actually it isn't.
>>11352544no no, the one of her sucking a human off
>mod deletes link to bad-dragon>as if there isn't a squirrel searching "dragon dildo" in the advert at the top
>>11352544What's the matter, Anon? Afraid of big juicy cocks?
>>11352513Make me an alicornDo whatever you want with those other wishes, I can now grant myself almost every wish I want anyway
>>11352568it's madness, it really is
>>11352513I wish the rules for no extra wishes and no love didn't apply then I wish for infinite wishes
>>11352406>Some old horsefucker made an entire park out of ancient pastel ponies.>What could possibly go wrong.>He hired Newman to oversee everything.>That's what.>Welcome, to Horsefucker Park.>Do da do daaaa da da da da da da daaaaaa~
>>11352467I like the angleartists should draw more interesting butts
>>11352623>thousand year old god being treated by a 15 year old librarian with psychopathic tendenciesgenius
>>11352605>Ponies are pack huggers.
>>11352623the ass was fat
>>11352641>pack huggersha
>>11352623>those Twilight's shoesU-unf... I want to lick them clean for her
So will twilicorn wear her crown at all times or still go buff? In the movie trailer intro she wasn't wearing her crown...
>>11352666Remember the scene where the raptor slammed it's head into the reflective metal shelf?Derpy.
>>11352694Naked, hopefully.
>>11352694>she isn't wearing her crownIt was stolen from her, you dingus
>>11352681Anon...they just wipe clean with some water....
>>11352694I think she'll wear her crown on most occassions. It's kinda forced to make toys sell I think. All other princesses always wear their crowns.
>>11352697Who's the T. rex? Celestia?
>>11352739No before that when she went to visit she still wasnt wearing it but had it in her bag.
>>11352694>>11352750I can't wait to see the other Elements of Harmony in their own regalia.
>>11352694>always wearing an apparently very powerful magical artifactDoubtful
>>11352780>Not carrying around your weapon at all times.You are clearly not American enough to understand.
>>11352516Twilight: Dark VioletRarity: GrayDash: Navy BlueAJ: Burnt OrangePinkie: Dark Pink/MauveFluttershy: Dark YellowCelestia: PinkLuna: Midnight Blue/Black
>>11352793That's fucking dangerous. We can't allow such a thing to happen.Every single pony in ponyville needs a magic artifact to defend themselves! This will solve all our problems!
>>11352837Someone go contact Bad Dragon and tell them to fix this gave error they have made!
>>11352858>hello bad dragon i am a horse vagina expert and have a few complaints to make
I'd love this as "TOM and RARITY" with the faces of Tom the rock and Raritywouldn't you love it too?
>>11352844>tfw not allowed to walk the streets with a zweihänder on my backwhy do I even live
>>11352867>all these NIPON TRAITORS not buying an xbox oneDeport them all to jew camps those nips.
>>11352887Anon from the drawfag thread, pls.
>>11352748Yeah, I guess I went a little too far, didn't I? Ha-ha... I'll go now.
>>11352640Sometimes just talking about it helpsShe also just wants in Twilights pants
>>11352887Fuck you
Would you eat frozen delicacies on the beach with this pon?
>>11352932I'd rather eat frozen delicacies with cheesecake pone
>>11352897>there will never be an after picture of this with Lyra full of xboxes
>>11352950But my shit is always real every time I take a dump, I don't need CNN for that.
>>11352950It's confirmed finally that jews did 9/11?!
>>11352950>Another public shooting>This time in a business>Apparent murder-suicideDisgruntled ex, calling it now.
>>11352950Again? Shit's been getting real for weeks now.
>>11352623I would love to see a time skip episode where ph.d twilicorn helps spike/rarity with their marriage problems.
>>11352962Being such a popular image, it's weird to not see more fanart referencing this.
>>11353043>Read that name as Octavia BourdainI think I've been ponying too mu-->Scroll downwhy
>>11353043more like anthony broundain!
>>11353043I wonder if /ck/ sperged out over this
>>11353043Dude that's old as fuck, I almost forgot about it
>>11353073more like anthony brownstain!because he's shit!
>>11353085/ck/'s chillthey're not like /v/
>>11353116unless you even imply the possibility of liking any food you don't prepare for yourself by hand. IE fast food.
>>11353129>a board dedicated to food generally hates the worst food known to the first worldgo figure
>>11353129How could anyone actually like fast food?
>>11353180The post is 4 hours old
>>11353180it takes you to the archive
>>11353188Хованский будет рад
>>11353188>instrumental This Day Aria
>>11353129Not even that, but just going out to a restaurant.I run 5 miles a day and eat more oatmeal, chicken, brown rice, spinach, and steamed broccoli than any sane person should. Sometimes it's nice to sit down once a month or so and have a big honkin' piece of lasagna and breadsticks.
>>11353225Fuck you, twily is not a whore.
>>11353242human in heat
>>11353249That's not a very lewd pony at all.
>>11353248Yea but you have no idea how horny she is and how much time she spends teleporting around finding pony couples to watch fuck.
>>11353268humans don't work that way, anon.
>>11353241Yes, it's part of the OST of the game.
>>11353289No, I don't think so.
>Anomaly Warzone Earth on the humble bundle weekly thingI-Is Anomaly a ___fun game?Here, have a fashion pone
>>11353351I don't want it take it back
>>11353324Yea huh.
So did any of you watch this >>11348132 ?
>>11353351Congrats on the EqD drawfriend feature thing
>>11353383>fast forward through it>guy in a fedora>closed
Filthy ponies
>>11353410>>guy in a fedoraGodfuckingdammit.
>>11353383I don't think I wanna watch any more documentaries on this fandom.
>>11353116No they aren't, they are tremendous assholes because their food service job sucks.
>>11353289I'm a little jealous of Pokeyit could be because he's the only one getting a full-on kiss rather than just tongue-tying
>>11353378Hnnnng, thanks NoHooves, it looks great!
>>11353449Yea but you know it's not gonna last. Pinkie just can't stay in relationship with one pony. She always needs new excitement.
Applejack, is the weed you grow real?
>>11353466It's not a big deal, they show a lot of art and source it and his Twilight was there
>>11353410That doesn't really until around 37 minute mark, but oh well.>>11353434What makes this one better than the rest is that it actually did its research on the history, starting from the inception of G1 of MLP.
>>11352214I totally missed this post, but have this!
I love Twilight Sparkle.
>>11353482>implying pank doesn't honor relationship pinkie promisesand don't tell me monogamy makes her sad cause keeping promises makes her happier then cheating
>>11353351Do you like tower defense?It's a "reverse" type, you are in charge of making sure your train gets through the towers safely.
>>11353383>Heck, without 4chan, the fandom wouldn't even exist, or be as large as it is todaySomeone send this to that lebbit admin who was getting analblasted and claiming that the fandom could've started anywhere and been just as successful>Forward a minute>Pale, fat neckbeard with a ponytail>"I just saw it on the 4chan and thought they were little cartoon ponies"This guy...
>>11353533Me too
>>11353535Pone are polly.
>>11353563we need more of this
>gameloft only extended the corridor chase scene from eqgeh
>>11353581Get your hooves of her
>>11353533You're in love with a cartoon?!With a pony no less?!BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
>>11353581RGP ruined Twilight/Caramel for me.
>>11353533I want to marry Princess Celestia
>>11353600The what now.
>>11353605Tell me more.
>>11353542That sounds like it might be fun. Thanks!
>>11353598you're NOT in love with a carton pony? Jesus Christ son wtf?
>>11353622no, you tell me
>>11353608Rarity's Generous Plan.
>>11353632>>11353581Should I feel guilty for having heterosexual preferences?
>>11353622I also want to sit next to her and lean against her when she raises the sunAnd maybe have her wrap one wing around me
>>11353535and now I'm sad because I know this will never happen to me...
So I've never met any fellow horsephuckersAnd I kinda want to go see eqgAre meetups being organized?
>>11353646Oh.>referring to >fanfiction with acronyms
>>11353655Uh, no?The fuck.
>>11353581that pone is taken Twilightyou filthy harlot/spoiler]
>>11353655Just be sure to check your privilege
>>11353655Never do
>>11353655Nah, as long as you don't spoil fun for the others, it's all good.
>>11353643>celestias neckShe looks like one of those primordial snakes
>>11353653do you think Celestia gets many love-letters?I imagine a lot of little colts would develop crushes on herlike getting a crush on your teacher
>>11353643>tfw LK is ded
>>11353646And what is Rarity's Generous Plan?
>>11353653Pls respond
>>11353671>MLPG goes to see EqG irl>popcorn handjobs everywhere
>>11353704Basically Rarity organizes individual rape occurrences for her friends.
>>11353598Fuck you. This is your fault.
>>11353704anonjustwalk away bro
>>11353704Literally the best-written pony fapfiction there is.
>>11353701But he just strammed this morning
>>11353705I LOVE YOU!
>>11353699Where Luna appears to them in their dreams, Celestia probably appears to the colts in the flesh sexually.
good morning mulpg
>>11353705>when all the ponies recognized Pinkie and yelled her nameI smiled like an idiot, that was such a good moment
>>11353779But it's 5:30pm
>>11353779Go back to bed redivIt's waiting
>>11353779draw rainbow dash and fluttershy totally making out
>>11353779I want to have sex with you.
>>11353770Celestia changes her appearance to that of her sister's when doing something nefarious.
>>11353779Not your personal blog.
>>11353748>the one time in the world he decides to stream>decide to go to the storeKill me now.
>>11353740Uh... how is it my fault, you weirdo?
>>11353824Aw poor anon missed his chance to suck LK's cock. Don't worry, you can always do it now.
For the day time crowd. Now in color.
>>11353840>LK has a hatanon nowAre you trying to get a bingo?
>>11353870What kind of "hey" is that?
Which pony would look the biggest when pregnant?
Fuck meI'm picking up radio signals from somewhere. These faint seconds of voices just popped up.Is this a normal thing?
>>11353879Not that guy but I don't think people hate LK, his fanboys are just obnoxious as hell.
>>11353810Remember that one time when she found out what her sister did?
>>11353884Rainbow Dashbig belly vs small tight one would be noticeable
>>11353879>implying hateanons can get LK to leave
>>11353870Is this supposed to be a robot or something?
>>11353870At this rate by s20 it might actually start not looking awful.
>>11353879To be fair, that Anon didn't hate on LK but on Anon
>>11353907It's a bipedal dolphin with elephantitis
What's betterApplejack / Mac incest or Twilight / Shining Armor incest
>>11353907Yikes, deathbot mimes. The two worst nemeses of humanity combined into one.
>>11353929None. Incest is bad, mkay?
>>11353884Applejack strikes me as the most fertile of the main 6She'd get all big and bloated and would need Big Mac to carry her everyhwere
>>11353929Both at the same time
>>11353907>robotsClearly you do not know Ross
>>11353929Neither, Applejack guiding Fluttershy/Mac is best.
>>11353929hick incest is too normalUpper class unicorns is where it's at
>>11353929Shining Armor/Twilight Velvet
>>11353811u wanna fukin go m8 me about your muzer
>>11353880Her voice cracked. Even in text she can't control it.>>11353917We'll get there together, bud. Hollllld on.
>>11353996>Her voice cracked. Even in text she can't control it.Oh, clever.
>>11353988Where should I start?
>>11353965Is assisting a sibling really incest?That's a debate for the ages really
How many apples fit inside Applejack?
>>11353988my mauser?
>>11354014Not really, threesomes involving 2 relatives and 1 non-relative are perfectly legal
>>11353953But surely the father of her foals would carry her everywhere.
>>11353805im working on the pinkie and cake request first>>11353809whoa
>>11354014She can be the fluffer, I guess? Mac doesn't seem the type to be overly aroused by hesitation.
>>11354014GG PLEASETwilight Velvet x Shining Armor
>>11354014AJ would be assisting Fluttershy most likely
>>11353898I've seen LK himself act like a real douche on more than one occasion.
>>11354011That looks ridiculous with the magazine sticking out of the top like that.
>>11354056For some reason I LOVE guns like that.
>>11354047>Twilight Velvet x Shining Armorwho the fuck is twilight velvet
>>11354056>magazineYou beefed it, anon. This is the one time 'clip' would be appropriate.
>>11354054Sure you did.
>>11354054>inb4 a bunch of people asking for examples and you never responding
>>11354033What did I just say?
>>11354054yes but that was towards you
>tfw being fluttershy
>>11354054>LK actually has dramaSTORYTIME
>>11354063twi's mom
>>11353907It's a regular highschool freshman.
>>11354056>magazineI only know that it is called clip because /pol/ threw a shitfit when that one anti-gun woman labeled it wrong
>>11354065>caringGo shoot up a daycare, Adam Lanza
>>11354075Nah, it was toward other artists. I was anon the whole time and nobody had any idea who I was.
>implying the best incest isn't sunset shimmer and flash sentrySEARCH YOURSELFYOU KNOW IT WILL HAPPEN
>>11354063I don't get this comic
>>11354108>implying it's not Mabel and Dipper
>>11354109gg has a doll fetish
>>11354108They aren't even related.
>>11354109>I don't get this comicTwilight Sparkle is a living plush doll and Big Mac wants to stuff his beer can inside her to keep it cool.
>>11354109He wants her to put it in her vagina to keep it insulated
>>11354127Respond to my tumblr message
>>11354124>>11354124>he doesn't know
>>11354124>Implyingfool, they are obviously the alternate reality versions of twilight sparkle and shining armour
>>11354107which artists?
>>11354127Yeah, I kinda got that, but why would keeping beer inside her would keep it cool?
>>11354145Anon please I don't know which one is yours, I have so many messages I'm catching up on
>>11354127>>11354122>gg has a plush fetishmy motherfucking brother of African descent.
>>11354165>Yeah, I kinda got that, but why would keeping beer inside her would keep it cool?Because that's how it works, anon
GG pls
>>11354165The same way an icebox does
>>11354169Oh alright. It's about an extra 3DS that I have that is just collecting dust.
>implying anyone would believe this bullshit for even a second
mayor mare x both delegates from saddle arabia
>>11354171>Only just realizing this
>>11354163>>11354166>please enable more drama bullshitNah, not my thing
>>11354127I loved those little comics
>>11354202I believe itreal animals are disguesting
>>11354214Keep it that way.
>my feel when
>>11354198>>11354181But she's not an icebox.Okay, whatever. I guess I don't go outside enough to know this.
>>11354214>Nah, not my thing>he posts >>11354054Thought so.
>>11354214Sorry. I just like knowing. Link to thread?
>>11354241Yeah, cartoon ponies are cuter and okay to fuck.
>>11354241sup nanaki
>>11354252Why keep replying?
What if pony was confirmed for Smash?
>>11354202He loves dog dick though
>>11354248she's essentially the same as an iceboxdo you even know how iceboxes work?
>>11354248Basically the material it's made out of keeps the drink from getting warm. That's it.
>>11354214>that beefThis is going to be that "Rose is a bitch but I won't say why" thing isn't it?
So GG has a plush fetish and a teasing fetish.I wonder what else
>tfw we won't see evil trixies shenanigens anymore
>>11354259Agreed. I wouldn't touch a real horse, but I'd blow the fuck out of any stallion on the show.
>>11354290You don't think Rose is a bitch? Really? Don't know her that well, huh?
So, any Sweetie Belle requests?
>>11354295underage girls/underage traps
>>11354323Sweetie Belle making out with Mommy Belle
>>11354314She's just nice to keep up appearances, anon.
>tfw fluttershy finds out how good it is to touch herself
>>11354267That's actually a good question.Why aren't you drawing?
>>11354314Only bitch I see right now is you. S