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Family edition.

Which family do you want to learn more about most in season 4?

Old, homeless pony:
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The royal family.
am I a professional animator yet
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whoops, forgot my well made pony OC
ye nigga, drop the beat

im finn to fuck a whole gang of horses up in this mufucka real talk, an if i see any of u fake ass niggas claimin rarity in the street imma slap the fuck out u, fuck outta here
Just watched the last episode of Green Lnatern

I am very sad
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I want to learn about apples
not red and black enough
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For anon from last thread who wanted pank supporting flutter
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So has there been any new pony/AC stuff?
fluttershys. There has been no mention about her parents at all.
awesome mt, it's lovely
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I slept way too long and had a dream about a contributor.
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delicious families
super cute
Preetty much
anyone have any pictures of pinkie's face directly facing the viewer? I lost my old reference picture for that.
Talk about a pony gettign wood!
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>you will never play video games with your artbando
>you will never become friends
Do pony eye colors have typical genetic conventions?
Because family members seem to be all across the board here.
that firefly looks like a huge dyke
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She's such a qt.
I'm not sure whether a comic arc or two parter would be better for that.
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I sure do have a lot of "Fluttershy in a tree" pictures
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Poor Rarity.
Rules sticky that just got posted.

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quit jerking off in the house

corwin please
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would you accept pink and black instead?
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Rainbow Dash
she's so great
she can point out all the bait
I haven't jacked off to horses in almost a week.
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Fluttershy likes her trees.
>when people ask for references and they get gifs

does your artbando play the same games as you?
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Fluttershy is the only one with no known parents. Even Rainbow Dash was shown with what is implied to be her Father in a flashback.
I guess fluttershy can have a spare key. I mean, what's the worst that can happen?
He can reference it as it goes.

Sometimes it's good to take a break for a while, it's more satisfying when you go back
Well not really

She saw Dash doing it and she keeps trying but she's not very good at it.

Well, Applejack doesn't have any, either.

But she used to. That's different, though.
did you know that a gif is actually a collection of several images?
most modern computers are capable of running software that can break them down in to their component frames!
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will this work?
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>mods can delete this thread if it turns into fetish mode

testing tonight and reporting
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No way, she'd want to bring all her little animals over and leave the place smelling like a barn for a week.

That's so fucking hard to do if you just want a quick reference though.

Who would go through that work when you could just get a straight forward static image

you're being ridiculous
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welp, time to see most of the content drop off the board and turn /vp/-bland
AHAHAHA /mlp/ is mad as fuck that they actually have to follow basic rules.
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Isnt it fucking obvious?

Generic anime pose
Yeah, plus she has extended family that are pretty regular characters. Twilight now has a brother that has appeared in multiple episodes, as well as rarity having sweetie belle and multiple episodes with her parent(s) in them. Pinkie had a large part of an episode have her parents in them, and Rainbow Dash at least had her father shown briefly. Fluttershy has made no mention to any family member, and I think she has great potential for a unique family dynamic.
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Oh wait that was a gif.
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something tells me this sticky ain't gonna solve a damn thing.
MLPG never follows the rules to begin with.

Ehh, no.

If anything, I like the fact that she's flying solo.

Any mention of her family would probably be made way too over-dramatic/purposefully tearjerking.
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thanks anons.

Damn, does that mean I can't do my Pony Crossing Quest now?
Speaking of Rarity's parents.

Does anyone think it's a little weird how often sweetie is at Rarity's rather than her parents'?
Looks like it. Maybe you can make it so they are in AC style, but on all fours.
Is it NSFW?
>Satyrs are not allowed.
I really would like to taste that pony's donuts.
He seems like an accomplished confectioner.
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>great potential for a unique family dynamic

Because when I hear unique and dynamic, I think Fluttershy.
Which one?
Well, there's always the sub. Or FimChan.
Or you could try clearing it with a mod, though if you have to ask, they'll probably say no.
B-but anon, they're turning this place into ponychan and destroying mah culture.
I always imagined something like helgas family in Hey Arnold. She was also second stage compared to her sister, but her sister hated being in the spotlight. Not all that dramatic or tearjerky.

Well she is her big sister who still lives in town, and she does appear to try to help a lot.
learn how to use references you lord of shit
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I want a good batpone plush.

Oh yeah, where'd that Dino-fag go? Has he officially given up or is he just useless now?
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>WMG is gone for good
No, it's safe for work.

I'm not sure where AC characters fit on the scale, but that almost completely defeats the purpose.

It looks like Milky has finally gone

>wilky mare general
I bet they'll just move to MLPchan
How did I become dyslexic

Milky Way General
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Yeah, now it's BHMWYC General
>LelDreamworksface The Family

I still love it.

>tfw Firefly will never be approved to be in the show
>Rainbow's Dad has appeared in a flashback
>Either one or both parents are never going to be brought up
>tfw Rainbow Dash lost her parents and Scootaloo has another reason to look up to Rainbow Dash's confidence and ability.
You realize a good part of these threads are against the rules too, don't you?
Well it's odd to me. I can see her spending time with her, but I get the impression that mayhaps their parents are a tad disengaged.

Think about it, Rarity spent her childhood learning to speak with an accent and making clothes (based on Cutie Mark Chronicles) so she didn't notice.

But sweetie is not melancholic like her sister, so it's a problem that her parents aren't around.
Good, once everyone has moved to MLPchan, we can take over /mlp/ for ourselves.
I fear for its future
oh boy I wonder what this stands for
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I have to agree with the rules, but at the same time I'm going to miss being able to talk about more sexualized things on MLPG. Not full blown bizarre fetish scenarios or greentext, but just jokes and more tame sexual related themes.
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Is there a "Bronies React to MLPG Fetishes" video?

Just imagine all that obvious overreacting/overcompensating dialogue they'd spew out to try to make it clear that they "don't like it".

Why not worry about the MWG in the fucking MWG?
>your imgur scripts
haw wah
remember that time on /co/ when mods tried to clean up the general.

fetish greentxts were removed but that only lasted a few days.

its just not possible to clean up that much shit
I'm already there, I just hope it's artists find it too
You mean we'll have to be clever and hide our porn behind innuendo and entendre? Oh boy.
Scootaloo! Who hit you! You can tell me! I promise I won't get mad.
Sweetie seems to elect to go out, and she isn't on her own as much as being with her friends. I think part of the reason it feels so weird is how they didn't show her parents until half way through season 2, and most of the episodes involving sweetie have to deal with her sister or her friends, but not her parents.
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Ok, ok, what if there was a game where a villian (the player) controlled a swarm of parasprites that orbited your cursor? And you had to get them to eat buildings and stuff but keep them away from unicorn casters, nets, and music soundwaves?
It worked for /vp/
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So, what can you bring to MLPG?
do we hat fimcham or is that just the piss?
whoa they really make it clear no anthro is tolerated at all.

what does that mean for EQG when it is pure anthro?
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So does this get rid of shitty, wannabe /d/ crap? Thank god
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All I remember were the February and August bans.
more like in-your-end-o
We'll still have it, I'm sure.
joowz used to play thread simulators and other stuff like that to get the full bronies to fuck off
I dreamt I was in a class with Rose.
Absolutely nothing.
Please kill me.


make your own decision, fuck
>Do not post 3. 4 is pushing it.


She's actually a trap, and RD was adopted by her new parents who went to Celestia to have her mane magically and permanently dyed rainbow colored like her father's, so she would never suspect her lineage.
I'm gonna work for video games!
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I post cute ponies and talk about the show, usually not talking about myself except where it's relevant such as this case.
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was is it a computer class?
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>So does this get rid of shitty, wannabe /d/ crap?

Well I think there is an episode with their parents since the father's VA was cited as doing stuff, the mother is voiced by Tabitha.

And Claire and Tabitha have been seen recording lines together.

I would like that a lot.
Maybe Rarity goes back and sees that all is not well at the homestead, and her parents try to hide it from her so she doesn't worry (and embarrassment on their part for being helped by their daughter)

Crappy games.
Shitty art.
Meh greentext.
talk about ponies
Reminder that if you oppose the mods, then you're a shitposter.

>fluffy pony is NSFW

D-does this mean they'll be gone now?
>If you would not be risking your job or reptuation by letting a particular image of Barney in this hypothetical office setting be seen on your computer by your hypothetical coworkers, then the image is not safe for work.
>If you would not be risking your job... the image is not safe for work.
Hahahah he fucked up.
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>not the bobs asking "so what is you'd say you DO here?"

Well, I don't hat mlpchan. We do have the sub to make our own little cesspit.
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>Which family do you want to learn more about most in season 4?
The /mlp/ mod and when did he turn into such a fagget
that seems a little to dark for a kids show of this caliber. As much as I want to see some episodes deal with themes like that, I cannot see them actually happen, especially with the current state of the franchise and the direction it is headed.

Nice tits, Applejack.
The man tryin to bring down my love of applehips
>Smile's Boss asking about that Octavia picture
Oh man, that was hilarious.
>remaking a deleted tread is against the rules
Shitposter, pls
The general made it, so I'd figure we'd use it or the sub if we were ever kicked. People have just been projecting mlpchan all over the board as of late.
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I do greentexts sometimes, as well as short little stupid feels blurbs. I'd like to be one of those guys with a big old pastebin, but I've never finished anything really worth publishing like that.
So, I'm, uh, you know, working on it. Working on it, yeah.
ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵏᶦᶜᵏ ᵐᵉ ᵒᵘᵗ, ᴵ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ ᵖᵒᶰᶦᵉˢ ᵗᵒᵒ
you can still love applehips, just not here.
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It's so fucking obnoxiously written. It makes me want to spam porn just to shit off that fuckhead mod, not follow the rules.
applehips unf
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Irrelevant stuff.
Right-wing Nationalism.
yeah fuck da rules fuck the mods we are legion we cant be stopped
Not dark. Maybe the house is filthy (filthy like the Aegean stables if you catch my drift).

Or, something fairly minor that can be trumped up through fairy tale motifs.

Nothing like the dad is dying of cancer or is a deadbeat
I hate how he compared MLP to Barney.
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I've got a pastebin full of greentext and it's the dumbest thing ever
don't strive for that
Pfft, nice try.
I was thinking of something like they are about to divorce or something. I guess if its just something minor or can be solved with magic.
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I want little pony.

>monroe and madonna

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No you dingdong it was a drawing class.
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Mai nigga
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>Rarity's mom is a hoarder
>the dad is too whipped to actually get rid of anything
>Sweetie's room is actually a closet, because all the other rooms are used for storage
>it's up to Rarity, and Applejack, to clear the fuck out of the place before Sweetie catches lice or is eaten by giant bed bugs
Fucking hope so in any case. If it's not a deprived fetish it gets ignored.
>don't post ponies with fingers

so ambiguous
how little?
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Hello friends, I'm glad too see you again. How are your projects coming along?

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Celestia and Twilight's parents looking out for their special unicorn.
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Hi Scruffy.
>Not patriotism
I've been playing animal crossing all week

My nigger.
reported for posting buttcracks of ponies
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I think it's more along the lines of the ears and feet being not human while everything else is, an obvious mixture of both human and animal.
It's 2 am. I'm going to try and draw one request before bed
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This is perfect little pony.
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You cant even comprehend the levels I run at
I will wreck you.
I swear to fucking god
I will fucking wreck you
>tfw my "project" is just my backlog of vidya

I've lost control of my life.

I love Pinkie but that face creeps me out.
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I was talking about how he said "4 was pushing it". Thats another way of saying "i'll leave it up to the janitors to decide"
Possibly dead at this point. The only rule I don't like is the one on the anthro chart if only because I'm confused as to what Animal Crossing styled ponies would fall under.
So I guesss that means no one loves you hene!
As stupid as that attitude is, I kinda know where >>11332380 is coming from.
It feels very patronizing, and it IS getting rid of a lot of stuff that's been around for a long time.
My Lawful instincts are coming into conflict.
I'm trying to make a pastebin full of stuff that's NOT greentext, actually. Not like I have one that is.
I thought he was going to just remove the board and tell everyone to gtfo to mlpchan.

I'm glad this is not the case.
If satyrs are anthro doesn't that make /d/ monstergirls anthro?
That pony is too little.
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just the right size of little
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Nationalism is basically extreme Patriotism, do you not care about your people, Anon?
>and applejack
No. No reason for her to be there, so no.

Nothing against AJ but she can have her own episodes.

Maybe a cameo where Rarity has to borrow farm tools in order to get through everything.
And some awkward humor about what the farm tools are for
It makes every board anthro.
Why not make a thread asking?

I've been getting the urge to vidya again so I'm trying to get it all out of my system in large exhaustive sessions so I can art again.
what is a satyr?
you could always do what weaver did with ruby and migrate if the original board does not adequately serve your purposes
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Just the right size...
Ostrich pone.
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Mod plz ban 4 lewds
dis is SFW board
pls mod ban pls
human face, horse everything else
I think.
I havent sletp in over 48 hours I pray for death

And also a pony
It won't affect us because we have that imgur thingy
do you think tex had just had sex with twilight there?
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i'll finish it soon maybe..
I care about all people, anon. We are all one sentient species on one planet. Dividing ourselves by skin tone or facial structure is idiotic.
Goat legs.

>even a smaller to average sized human penis feels like the biggest of stallion cocks inside her tight little mare pussy
Did you paint that? That's some really great gradienting.
Looks like all her fur was shaved off and she got a sunburn.
inb4 deleted
What does pony say to themselves to get pumped up for lifting heavy weights?
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But why.

This is not what I meant by just the right size.
Suit yourself, cultural-Marxist.
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But it's true.
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Nothing at all
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Do people even do this?
what kind of requests?

rarity with boner
>this dress will look even more fabulous once I'm ripped

Like in the last episode?
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>"You are a god"
or we could all stay separate nationalist societies and everyone will be happier?

Latest 4chanX has imgur embedding built in.
why does pony lie to herself
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I feel I'm going to be come like PK when it comes to art
Master at colors and painting, but shit at sketching and inking, maybe
I don't know, I still got a lot of time ahead of me
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tomorrow, anon.

i need to sleep
>Nothing at all
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He is already toned, no need to go to the gym anymore.
which fork?
Feeling motivated (the buzz helps),
documenting my plan of attack for tomorrow.

Can't start tonight because have to take dog to vet in 8 hours.
I know what I say. Every press. Every rep.
"No girlfriend"
Ain't nothing but a peanut anon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMy3uuZResw
is the boner attached to rarity, anon?
Wait, was that drawn? Looks like computer generated.
>clop clop
>dragon dildos
>full blown herpes

>Stopping lifting
Well there go your gains.
thanks anon
i probably won't color like that a lot though, since i always seem to change my color style everytime

>shit at sketching

I have no idea, but I was studying it to make that sphere I made
Ideal pony size is where their head is about the size of a human head.

Search your feelings and you know this is true. And you have to accept this makes ponies small.
>Not having a mexican tulpa who stands next to you, watches your form and says "you hungry for gains, hombre"
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No, I disagree.
hey you do the thinking work pal, your the artist not me.
Search your feelings harder.
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Best pony height
She's really not that good.

Especially after ten years of drawing.
I can't sex a pony that small.
So dick height?
I will not boop you!
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Well I also meant your overall style of drawing too when it comes to shapes, poses, line weight, etc.
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nah fuck that
I want to hug big ponies
Actually you can and it'd feel amazing for both of you.
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Yes this is acceptable.

Small, cute ponies.
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Fine then I will just boop myself!
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Would watch/10
woah, this is a Christian imageboard
>line weight
this is the hardest thing for me to grasp
I don't full understand line weight at all
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>be fatty
>i would take any gf possible
>start losing a bunch of weight
>all of a sudden i start to get standards
>maybe too high
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4chan fucked up again.
huh I just noticed this one's an image error
Even within nations with similar ethnic groups people will always fight amongst themselves. The best form of government is a limited, benevolent world government that provides defense and infrastructure and nothing more.
>tfw no standards but also no desire
Oh! well thanks a bunch then!
im sorry, im terrible at understanding what people mean
im really glad you like my art though
Lauren was Markerita all along?
it's the thumbnail bug that happens when two images are uploaded at the same time
look at the 4chan filenames
Thick dark lines draw the eye.

Small thin lines or faint lines either disappear or merge.
Boop? BOOP? You're not looking at the big picture!
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Same here.
I think I just need to spend some more time sketching and getting a rough idea of how thick the lines should be before moving on to inking. Most of the things I draw at the moment don't have much of a sketch phase at all so I never get to give it much thought.
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So, how do I remove that line?
could I have an example?
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See how the details of the garlic are drawn with subdued lines? That's line weight.
>Anon comes home early, Twily has to leave the door cracked so Anon can get in without straining with the door handle.
>There is a lot of huffing and moaning coming from the bedroom
>Twily is being mounted
>Anon sees his first horsecock
>The girth is bigger than his head
I'd rather not though. Pony should be a bit bigger.

evening it out
i am going to pretend this was done ironically, it is the only way i can continue this existence
>no ironically funny tabs
what happened, mlpg
you used to be cool
anon pls
read the rules
A general rule of thumb is that something to be more solid or weighty will have a thicker line than something otherwise. Also, thicker lines tend to be on the bottom of things to imply weight going downwards.
except it has been proven they will fight less if they have some unifying identity. Race is the best. Or perhaps, what I should say, "what you wont call race" is the best
I thought this was fetish porn from the thumbnail.

Maybe if you have a garlic fetish.
Jokes on you, I have a garlic fetish.
That joke's played out.
uh huh
looks like I got some work to do
I'm sorry anon, I can't read.
What kind of man builds a machine to boop a pone?

Oh you
Did you draw that?
>Anon flees to the bar to drown the image in alcohol
>the only other pony there is Big Macintosh
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woop woop
get a load of this red neck, thinks he's too good for the juggalonies
you know the dark carnival was cannon in one of the episodes right?

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i remember when i first posted this pic, tabs like this were considered horrifying.
>Explain the situation to Big Mac
>He seems to be getting 'stirred up' from this story
holy shit fiddlepony is there
I thought her first appearance was in the apple reunion
I would that egyptian pone
I've been shitting so much today my rectum has started to bleed.
That has not stopped the most brutal genocides in history. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and many others did not kill on race, but killed classes and political enemies, but not race. Race doesn't even have to exist. It's a hand-me down social construct from the days before we understood modern biology. At the end of the day similar races is only necessary for ignorant populations.
>that big head armor pony
>with mace tail

i need to draw more of her
Nope, I just found it on the internet because it's a very good example of the idea of line weight.
which drawfag is the best at sketching?
So why is it that /mlp/ is more strictly moderated and the rules more strictly enforced than pretty much ANY other board on 4chan?
/mlp/ is no better than ponychan now
>her cutie mark is dolphins 69ing
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Rose is berry good
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Are there any images of Gilda angrily typing on a computer?
>She will never lure you back to her rape cave
>her talent is rape caves
That's an improvement.
Just because porn isn't allowed?
huh, good eye. I guess just no one thought they were apple-related
Which is a little weird that all hicks in ponyville are related to the Apple family it seems
Probably because Lauren Faust came in and said that she likes coming here because we are honest, but is creeped out by some of the stuff here.
>tfw brae hardly posts here anymore
>This is what shitposters ACTUALLY believe
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Because /mlp/ were making a ruckus and Faust's visit made them take a closer look at us.
Maybe it'll relax a bit in a few weeks, but for now I think it's going to be a lot tighter then normal.
He's busy, he can't always be here
>social construct
That must be why racial differences occur in nature right?
Do dog breeds not exist?

>inb4 dog breeds are man made
there are natural breeds of dogs and cats

>modern biology
lel. Dawkins believes in race, the number of scientists who dont is relatively small compared to the ones who do.
The social construct bullshit was started by Lewontin, who was infamous for bringing his political views into science.

Remember, we are 98% mouse so just because we differ by only a little bit those small increments make a big difference

You're obviously a pseudo-intellectual. So I'm done with you
Seriously though, how do I remove that line that shows up between new an old posts?
Here, mods will eventually get bored.
There mods feed on the attention, moderating ponychan is their whole life.

I think we can wait this out.
one of these is a horrible, ugly smleely, dumbp, stupid and dumb

the other is Laurne Faust
ponychan is shit and /mlp/ was always shit and will continue to be shit

whats your point
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>her cutie mark is dolphin(s)
>dolphins exist in equestria
>dolphins live in saltwater oceans
>∴equestria has oceans
it's not THAT surprising when two people say something similar

scroll through the settings like someone who doesn't need their hand held, fuck
He's probably just busy. Also, does mew still come here?
Because we're disliked,easy as that
Let Scruffy purge the piss. MLPG endures, now and forever.
I'm not really annoyed at that. Buts its been a year or so since /mlp/ opened and the status quo has always been porn and other stuff in the rules is deleted occasionally, not outright strictly prohibited. Suddenly changing your stance is unnerving and really wasn't needed
Unread Line: Show a line to distinguish read posts from unread ones.
My headcanon is that Octavia is Fiddlepony.
She dyed her coat and mane and changed her name.
All so she would 'fit the image' and be allowed prove herself to be one of the very best for the Canterlot Orchestra.

The first time she tried her accent, colors, instrument of choice and breed made her a laughing stock.

But jokes on them, this little pony is a musical prodigy who would give up everything to spread her music that springs from her soul.

But she returns to Ponyville for holidays and reunions, having to wash our the hair dye and redye her mane.

She's beginning to learn that it's not about sharing your emotions as much as it is making others' memories.

tfw you overthink a story idea
Ah, got it.

Now, how do I fix the thread not auto-scrolling
look for the 'unread line' option in your settings and uncheck it
If I could just copy Rose's sketching ability I would.
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omg I can't wait!
Mewball was here a few threads ago.
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> Laurne
>Anon gets fucking wasted because he can't handle horse alcohol
>Mac puts anon on his back and gives him a ride back to the library
>Anon vomits at the idea of going back to watch Twilight get railed
rose blows at sketching. she is way too slow.
Got it, everyone carry on.
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speed != quality
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fine, here you go then
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shtut you you blue balles stupid jumped up whore a a jew cow htta rides ten thousand dick on a pogo stciik fown a slide becayse you are such a whore, brb your wafu is calling my dick but its a party line also your mom penis
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Geez, old horse died fast. Guess we should watch the page number for a while after this hits bump limit.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with ponies. Please take this to /pol/.
I disagree. Her sketches are quick and clean.
Woah, who is this? Kinda reminds me of mumbles
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ha rarity sure does love dicks
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>tfw can't sleep
Which pony do you think gets the least sleep?
Is nsfw imgur still allowed?
How autistic do you have to be
Cheesy but it just might work
Feels too much like Rarity though, growing up in ponyville but ascribing to be part of the canterlot elite.
She is so pretty when she smiles.
He confirmed Kraut's status as MIA two threads ago.
I think SB's sketches are some of the best around.Red's cleaned-up sketches are admirable as well.
go ahead and report anything you feel violates the rules
5 minutes in photoshop level
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Because we pone now
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Say what it is when you link it and I doubt they'd have a problem.
This was about the content of rule 34 on the board, and anthro
MLPG isn't really anything.

According to moot, yes.
According to the janitor, no.
I don't think SB's sketches are that great, his line work is pretty good, but they don't have a lot of energy.
i have a locked box under my desk with horse dildo and cum lube, womens panties and other horrifying shit in it.

also there is a note explaining i am not gay if for some reason i die and someone opens it.


>lel big benis :DDD
are you okay scrubbles?
The rules sticky have much of an affect on MLPG other then the smut greentext being disallowed?
Isn't that an edit?

I realll got to hand to it to em there
I don't think they're any good at all.
no talk on fetishes or sex in general is not allowed. wether or not it will be enforced is entirely different.
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There are now.
my anus feels like a hot lava cake
>everyone butthurt by mlpg

Ah I remember when the board was first created back about a year ago. MLPG was the raft and closed gated community that transitioned from /co/ to /mlp/ after being kicked out of /co/ Even back then they complained on why have a General in a board about the topic. Feels great some how yet it feels different in here for some reason
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>caring about who thinks what when you're dead
Not really. That's the perks of being a general general, if one thing fails you can fallback on others.
Bubbles go to be you are drunk
>implying that's not my fetish
thanks draw guy. even though its not fappable my eyeballs enjoyed the second of time it took for me to look at this picture.
Man, even that's going to pop back up. Just stop poking the hornet's nest.
Finally, I can talk about pony lewdness-free
Rumble is for sexual.
its also safety if i go away for a while and someone opens it
I want to fondle all of the stallions
If you ask me I think there's been less of it these past couple of months. Still there but not as much as there used to be.
I'll still call ponies doing completely innocent things lewd and there is nothing you can do to stop me
Like, ponies cuddling? Wham, unf out of nowhere.
No he asked for Gilda
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You're not ready for my true form
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but i like lewd pony as long as pictures or greentext aren't involved
>4chanx's imgur embed is garbage

Link to the old one?
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sometimes I wish we were as fetishy as the rest of the board seems to think we are

hahaha, nice! I like your humans a lot.
I've also been watching some of the tutorial videos you've posted before, like the one about foreshortening, they've been a great help.
im not going there
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ronno is so hot
[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

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Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
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MLP: FIM Wiki:

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Room: mlp

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Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
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Lists of Scripts:

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Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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Dream with pones, everyone.
why are her eyes purple
nice cropping shitnoblemen
based rediv
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there is nothing lewd about pony
You should do traditional more Sano, or at least explore that style a little more, it's really cute.

Thanks a lot.

Glad I could be of help!
because WIP
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of course
Yeah, I read that. How he's convinced everyone hates him here.That's not strictly true. I just told him once I didn't really like him and then he said: "I'm sorry. I thought your art was nice."

I have no idea if he really knows it was me or not, since I was anon.

I'm legitimately curious
ponies sitting like cat is kinda sexy
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i will take the death portal please
That's the spirit. We'll just have to clop to SFW poses till this whole thing blows over.
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No, bad anon.
I hate you for thinking up the idea to make your prints tie together as a big image.
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It's too adorable to be sexy.
Thanks. I'll try to hang onto it when doing requests in here sometimes.
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I came prepared
It is very similar. I'd think Rarity is the one who gave Octavia the make over; helping her find the professional look and figure out an appropriate accent.

I'd also think a freakishly good musical prodigy could work; her special talent being able to bring music out of any instrument, her struggles and self included.

Playing for some snooty restaurant practically for free (almost begged for the job but never broke character 'No I insist, I'm not a pony who needs money, I want to play.' ), stealthily getting scraps from the kitchen, then comes the big audition...

and they say she's perfect and just what they were looking for... except can you play a cello?
"Oh- of course- it was my first love." having never touched one. They have her come back later.
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>saved a picture
>turns out its from an artist you hate

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glad i wasn't the only one who couldn't help be turned on by that part.

I wanted to be sad but my body said no.
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Apparently he has been here for a very long time before getting a name. He maybe managed to spot your posting style out of habit.
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it was an accident, I swear
It can be both anon.
do a draw
what is dcp
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but what draw should I do?
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I like you
Kev, go to bed.
Also is there a special Derpy print, since you're going the mail route with your prints?
Dead cat pussy
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double cutie perspective
when you can see both buttstamps at once

Is it a bad thing that my initial reaction was that is a condom she's holding?
Why would he be jealous at that if he can pull bottom shelf shit out of his ass that people will pay $400 for?
doesnt matter just do one
mfw no reaction images
y-you too
I'm trying to get an armorling/guard picture done. I'm doing horrible.
alright, but it's not going to be ponies
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wait, this is actually a thing?
I post some of those as a joke unf but I might actually look in to that.
my anus feels like it just took a telephone pole
I don't like how many horny bronies it's attracted. All they care about is what big titted horse you give them next. That's all it is, and circlejerking. Now that it's on MLP that'll multiply.
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Best CMC
I hope we'll see more of her in Season 4
I'm not exactly old guard in any sense. And I certainly don't hate him. There's a big difference between not liking or caring very much for someone and hatred. These days I actually find myself defending him, because he does not deserve all the shitposting about him.
Babs no, you're not even cutiemarked yet; our love can never be.

What will your parents think? Oh god, your father is probably going to send a bunch of mobsters on my fillyfooling ass.
did you really expect anything more out of it
I might do something with her, but not sure yet
Ohh, I like it.
Man, I'd try to make money off of this if I could.
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Man fuck anti-depressants. I wish I could take a pill that made me better at marketing.
It would be great if Apple Bloom visited Babs in Manehatten and we got to see that branch of the CMC.
Well aren't we full of horny people?
>Implying her father even knows she exists
I've got a couple more but they're not properly tagged or sorted so I can't find them
If you've got some to post I'd probably save them
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>All they care about is what big titted horse you give them next.

you might be right, all MWG is right now is an image dump. Theyre gonna die slowly.
Babs is just a late bloomer, plenty of younger fillies already have their cutiemakrs.
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did you finish those projects?

I'm going to bed, I've got somewhere to be tomorrow
>"But Anon, ya don't have a cutiemark yet neither. You're justa kid too, aren't ya?
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Applebloom and Babs in: Lost in Manehatten
Would watch
Yes, but we also realize there is an artist on the other end of those pictures. Weird as it is, we're capable of caring.
I'm sure there's a book you can read. Or ask Brae or someone like that. They'd be willing to give you a few pointers.
Pretty much. Either that or trying to force every artist they can to draw Milky.
But yeah, now that it's on that chan, it's gonna die
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I only ever really posted 2-3 images. I thought it was an interesting idea but not all that popular.

don't blame him for DAfags blowing all their money on gay porn commissions of their OCs, or for him accepting. I don't think there's a single one of us who wouldn't take it.
>frontal dcp
2mgs of Tiarazene every day should do it.
It mostly surpresses your sense of shame and quality.
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Day 116
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 5,569 (Running Total: 689,106)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 22,713 (Running Total: 3,037,369)


Oh god it's almost here, brace for impact!

Also something again about /mlp/. Oh no the rules exist, time to freak out or something.
fucking this
I would sell out so fast it would blow your minds
it's a shame I'm not good at anything

>Babs brings a paper bag decorated with a heart drawn in marker with her when she comes to visit your new apartment.
>There's a big piece of her mom's lasagna inside, along with some steamed green beans, a caprese salad and even a little tiramisu.
>"A present from my ma. Happy housewarmin'."
Surely we can still post links? Can't see how that violates any rules.
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No I didnt finish those projects, I hope drawing becomes fun soon.
I hope something positive happens for them, and quick. I don't want milkhorse to die...
I've actually only seen someone defend him once or twice.
Are you pre or post /mlp/?
i basically sold out for 2 plushies

it was worth it
Oh alright. I wasn't sure what point she was getting at. It makes more sense now.

His usual response to questions asking about how he got popular was that he filled a pony pony art niche not many others were doing yet.

Dunno if there's much that hasn't already been done at this point though. I've noticed that artists who split what they draw between commissions and whatever they feel like drawing usually get lots of attention.
Posting NSFW links is normally bannable on /mlp/ now, but MLPG usually gets special treatment so you'll probably still get away with it
A Lyra plushie?
That's adorable
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Time to freak out? Are you sure?
>I hope drawing becomes fun soon.
hold on a second
you're not drawing because its not fun at the moment?
are you fucking kidding me?

That Twily almost looks cute.
I don't understand how that could possibly be bannable.
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It's always time to panic
>MLPG gets special treatment

this is what /mlp/ actually believes
>next is a box with a black lacy bra
>"And dis is from me."
thank you. deal with the child for me. I must slumber
a lyra and a fluttershy one

>tfw I have more fun practicing than I do applying what I've learned
>you will never help chubby apple put on her first crotchbra
My memory's a little hazy but I think I might have visited /co/ once or twice a few days before the move. I vaguely remember people thinking how preposterous the idea of /mlp/ was right up to the very end.

I started contributing once "we" were moved to /mlp/.
what the fuck am i gonna do with that you dumb quadruped.
Entire generals are ban on sight now because they used to post links to NSFW content, or "NSFW text".
brb, gotta go have diarrhea for the seventh time today
They're ban on sight now more because they're based on NSFW concepts then the linking happening.
Does that mean I can report that NSFW text about Babs and get the entire general deleted?

brb reporting
I bet Nathan's behind this
>implying I meant that drawing is supposed to be fun
it's supposed to be satisfying
and that satisfying feeling then turns into fun
this guy has the right idea
studying is never fun, but god damn it, test out what you learned is fun on a bun
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You're gonna put it on and you're gonna look cute

Behind what?
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>"Ya gotta eat the insalata first - cuz it's the antipasto."
>"And Ma says if ya touch the tiramisu before ya finish your dinner, she'll personally come up here an' make you regret bein' born."
>I won't drop the dinner Anonymous
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8 KB
Yeah. Also being responsive to people's question publicly and vocally helps. Streaming and such aso helps in outreach. And not putting yourself down.
And also within the niche, you should have a bit more variety. Brae does one thing, but he varies it up. It's not just one character all the time.
Sure thing kid
Ruffle her mane and tell her to head home since its getting dark
I love pony
Huh. Can't think of anyone who'd fit the profile.
Is this turning into a game? What can I win?

I love you guys
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Damn Fluttershy, don't show that here!
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Domestic violence isn't a thing in Equestria.
I'm rather fond of you too, Anon.
Probably not, MLPG gets special treatment.
now where'd I put that domestic violence Pinkie picture
I like this place too. Even if it gets a bit shit at times.
>The Sparkle Family is still embarrassed of Twilight for being a shut in, and tell her she should be more like her brother and find a partner.
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Well then it's up to anon to diversify.
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And anyone who would perpetrate such a thing on a pony should be shot to death before they can be allowed to.
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go draw
No it's not. I'm just don't want him to think there's someone in MLPG out to get him.
He also takes small requests or draws something inspired from a post and posts them here. Oh, also he's redlined a few things for me before which helped a lot. little things like that can usually help keep a positive attitude around here, as well as just trying to be as un-controversial or opinionated as possible. you lose the fun of being anonymous but if you want to have a name on the internet you need to tread lightly.
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>tfw Dr. White is dead
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would you a headless horse?
That means Anon can get away with it.
he was a cunt
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I'm already feelsy, I can't take this, anon.
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I'd help her find her head if that's what you mean
what did he do?
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It's okay.
>GG is ded

>You will never get a free dinner from Bab's Ma because she thinks you're looking a little thin
Well we all knew it was shitposters, but things like this can put your paranoia into overdrive. Kraut's story is a cautionary tale of taking an anonymous imageboard too serious.
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why not post pinkie being cute instead?
He finally got out of the hospital.
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No, humans can't go to Equestria. The ponies are safe from you.
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He just got home today.
I want to cum on catsuit pone.
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why aren't you painting?
b-but I don't even want to hurt pony.
Why can't I go to Equestria?
but every picture of pinkie is pinkie being cute
because painting is confusing and messy
I'd rather digitally paint instead
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i was but now its dark and i cant tablet
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What'chya waitin' for anon?
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God wills it.
well go to sleep
tomorrow is a new day
perfect for practicing
But it's not fair
But she can make me a pony right?
then I can migrate?
Cut me some slack
This is my first time
Just need to try and get in the zone

the others to show up~
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1.35 MB GIF
Sorry, but your mind is tainted from the human world.
>Anon getting in the zone
>He does breathing and stretching exercises
Ran out of oil for your lamp?

>Go ahead and have a little more dear, you look like you need it
>Have you been eating all right since you moved into that new place?
>That big new supermarket is close to you, but they're so pricy, aren't they? I dunno how you could afford to eat if you did all your shopping there
>If you ever need a good meal though, just remember you can stop by any time, all right dear?

>So have you been seeing anyone lately?
>No? Handsome young man like you with no girlfriend?
>My Babs is the same way - I've tried telling her she could get a boyfriend like THAT if she wanted to but she never listens to me - I don't know where she gets it...
Head is pounding, hands are shaking.
Knees weak, arms are heavy?
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Any attempts to encroach on the borderworld will be met with an appropriate reaction.
There's vomit on your sweater already.
celestia's spaghetti
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is the reaction a party?
the reaction should be a welcome party
I either don't get it or don't care
what's leaving and why should I bother?
Great, now I'm going to think I'm playing as an autist in amnesia.
I don't get it
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Go back to bed Pinkie
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no no no
Who is that?
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>the gatherers are just trying to reach out to put a hand on his shoulder or shake his hand to calm him down and ask if he's alright
>he keeps spilling his spaghetti and vomiting uncontrollably
what even is this?
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I wanna kiss Rainbow Dash on the mouth

And then maybe I would curl up with her as we watch late night TV
Isn't that Tracy?

Also why is everyone making a big deal out of it?
Ponies still can be posted.
You've never played Amnesia?

Then I won't spoil it for you.
pony amnesia?
I think it's a continuation of >>11334488

Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>tfw they never announce the things you're looking forward to from E3
she's cute and all, but isn't she a raging dyke?

are you a girl?

because we need more woman/mare action
But Mirror's Edge 2.
>"what even is this?

You've all been rused
Nah it's DJ aka the artist for the Satyr thread. Tracy posted in the thread though. People are just upset because no more precious pony porn.
>Looking forward to Mirror's Edge 2
>First person platformers
>In the year of our lord 2013

But no Just Cause 3
Or Amnesia 2
Or Valve anything
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Drive is a pretty good movie.
This is significantly creepy unless Babs is late teens / 20s by pony standards
If so continue
Does it have ponies in it?
well im supposed to be sleeping like now
yep everyday damn day
But we already know Machine for Pigs is coming out.
Well that's one point, the Satyrs weren't even sexual as far as I know and it seemed cute, what a shame.
but the satyr threads had like close to no porn
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real human bean
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Anon you can't just assume these things just because someone's a tomboy
I just read the sticky. So is MLPG the only general allowed now?
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Rip Krabbs and Milky Way

United together in death.
Link to the thread that was posted in?

That's generally what I think when I write stuff like this. Also humanized.

But I still wanted more info or a new trailer or something.
who the fuk is krabb
>fluffy pony drowned
okay i chuckled
...Wait, so EVERY OTHER GENERAL was a fetish general?
any general that isn't NSFW themed should still be acceptable

Read it again.

>A2. Any general revolving around a sexual fetish involving horses cannot possibly be construed as SFW. There are places for discussing those things, and that place is not the work-safe /mlp/ board. Rather than deleting 90% of a thread and watching it throughout its lifetime, those threads are just going to be deleted.
haha yes someone saved it
Eeeeeeeeeh well can't get everything you want
Keep going though I'm enjoying this

[trigger alert: brohoofing] >>11334648
Nah, the FOE thread still lives

I try to write vague on details so you can imagine it either way. Hope that helps.
Yeah the satyrs were cute but for some reason they are deemed anthro by the mods it really is a shame
unless every other general was nsfw, no
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are you that guy who's doing that request
how's it co- er, how's progress?
man i wouldn't have even known about the sticky if it werent being talked about
i'm never just on /mlp/
it feels..unsettling
a cursory glance at the front page earlier i saw fo:e general and aie general
Probably because horse-legs.
Also tried to click the thing inside the brackets seeing if the embedded sound file thing works or not.
>no sounds found
Kinda sucks we lost so many general threads - on the other hand, Fluffy Pony General is officially not welcome here. It feels good.
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Oh my
Seriously though continue
Haven't read some good feels in a while
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I thought they got rid of that a while ago
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it does with a new one
>post the top half and bottom half of each image separately
>it's not against the rules anymore
rip mmp, awg, and chubby ponies
Good man, that's the best way to do it.
I'm just worried that now all the fetish generals are banned more fetish shit will pop up here.
>claw marks on her butt
>something touched her butt
>you will never be the pet pony ever again
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This again? What a one track mind.
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I don't know what request so probably not.
The dash I just posted is a good test to see if it works
Oh god I hated that part.

>Babs somehow manages to eat her dinner while covering her face in embarrassment.
>"Ma... please...!"
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You'd probably touch it too if you had the opportunity.
Don't lie.
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no no NO NO
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>R.I.P. chubby ponies
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taking bets on whether this horse dies a premature death or not

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we're only on page six, we'll be fine
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Applebloom, pls.
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I never knew you were that cool of a nigga red.
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>Being penile-ally stimulated by a cephalopod as it looks at you with it's big, intelligent eyes
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It's funny how almost no job application for a creative position requires an actual degree, just a portfolio and maybe some experience.

I love that.
Are you trying to tell me something?
Do you want to cuddle?
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That Applebloom game was also kind of creepy, also the fact that if you played it at a certain hour it gave you a bad ending.

Does anyone have the link for it?
also tentacle sex
Aw shit son, I remember when this first came out and MLPG was all over that shit. I need to learn how to combine pics and music though.
/mlp/ is taking this really hard. It'll probably be worse tomorrow.
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>also the fact that if you played it at a certain hour it gave you a bad ending.
what really?
That's banned here too
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>the sticky links to shepherd's applejack chart

you mean the blank something game?
shit i didn't know that about the time thing
it was kinda creepy but i'm easily spooked.
i had nightmares for a week from playing one of the luna games.
I don't remember if it was the Applebloom one, but there was indeed a "creepy" pony game where if you played it at a certain hour, it gave you a "screamer" bad ending.

I only remember it had to do with Luna as protagonist.

What if Cuttlepony?
I hate screamers

the only nightmares I have are typically centered around my own shortcomings and failures in life.
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what if pony saw you
I guess you hate your mom then.
I would wave to pony
she'd want the d

>le fish
that'd be one of the luna games. they all have bad ends with screamers from what i've seen.
the one i played had a catchy remix of 'at the gala' slowly fade out and it was all silent.
then suddenly you hear fluttershy shout 'COME OUT!' and it doesn't end until you make Luna jump off a pit.

the picture at the end was just a happy pinkie with black eyes but it scarred me like a girl.
i've recently had some pretty frequent nighjmares baout unfortunate things happen to me
Well I would hope she sees me.
I would wave to pony and say hello and ask how she is doing.
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Like what?
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Wait, really?!
i thought Dreamy Rainbow 2 was the bes tone

She'd laugh at my penis and ask "i-is that it?! hahaha!" I wish
>you will never drink a barrel of fresh horse cum
Man I know, I'm easily spooked too.

But the game was set with Luna or someone talking to her in the everfree forest.

I found a collection of "creepy" pony games if anyone else wants to play them:
i don't know what that is but i am not looking it up. it's late and i'm drunk as hell and i'd like to pass out peacefully.
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Yep, I still have all the old files around so it would just be the matter of re-embedding them to the new system. That is, if anyone is interested again.
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Happy heroic horses.
oy you wanna fookin go m8
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I love victory bitches.
like my brother isnt dead after all and he visits me we fight each other
I lose all of my money in somehow and I have to live with my family again
I get into a fight and I feel like im underwater and i have no strength
Ponies are not hurtful or insensitive. They would play off their laughter as a response to something so unexpected. And then laugh behind your back.

In fact, Rainbow Dash would fly right over to the other mane 5's places to tell them so they can laugh too.

let me tell you about New York Jew mothers. they will feed you until you cannot eat any more, especially if you're a friend of their children. they will feed you and feed you and if (when) you stop eating, it means you don't love them. and they take embarrassment to a whole new level. you cannot understand how easily a New York Jew mother can embarrass her child. and you think people in the Midwest can be passive-aggressive? it's a goddamn art form for them.

meeting Babs' mother would be like meeting George Costanza's mother.
It doosn't, what am I doing wrong?
>you will never bathe in it
>you will never drink it fresh from the tap
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Beautiful animals only
That's pretty gay, Anon.
Try the marker one >>11336174
If not, restart browser and all. Are you getting the sounds thing next to the google and iqdb tabs as well?
>tfw no special talent
>It's carbonated
>You end up burping for a while
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That one mulatto chick dead center looks like Asis from MetArt.
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>Scruffy's stance on fun
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Can party animals play too?
That's even worse.
what if I were a pretty mare
then it would be totally hetero, right?
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>The rest of the board about the shit getting cleaned.
My pizza, it was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago

I want to play her belly like a pair of bongos.
Rose pls
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Now here's what I don't get. You have to be over 18 to use 4chan to begin with, so why no NSFW?
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i never have any power in my nightmares.
my punches are slow and weak, and i run at a snails' pace.
the scariest nightmare i've had to date was when i was 16 i think. i was in my house, and occasionally i'd see hooded figures standing in corners.
(my sister did that to me minus the hood one day when i walked into my room and i have trust issues now)
then i climbed up into my loft bed, looked out the window, and another hooded figure was standing in the front yard.
as it got closer, right up against the glass, it took off its hood and i shit you not, it was whoopi goldberg.

i cant look at the bitch anymore.
Hops pls
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>Ponies are not hurtful or insensitive
>laugh behind your back

In case people REALLY feel like browsing the usually considered safe topics at work.

I always think of Babs as half-Italian and half whatever the Apple family would be - probably German/English/Dutch/Irish or something.

But then again, if you live in New York, you're either Catholic or Jewish. And even if you're Catholic, you're still Jewish.
No you don't. Only on the NSFW boards.
>not rub your cock on it and fuck her bellybutton
Foals all have crazy long legs and their bodies kind of grow into them.
I could stare into this Sunset for a long time

I want to draw this pony as a FiM stallion.
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You and your whining.

This is a SFW board, it's 'My Little Pony', not 'My Little Porny'.
Read the rules, anonymous.
but that's wrong
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Time to rain on this pride parade
Then you shouldn't be masturbating so often, Sweetie Belle.
>I always think of Babs as half-Italian and half whatever the Apple family would be - probably German/English/Dutch/Irish or something.
I find this is acceptable
>Wolfsclop is actually improving
Why's her cunt covered in syrup?
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stop, pls, I'm getting turned on
I want to cum inside pig
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>meanwhile, the /co/ part of the board that actually follows the rules
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>Most of the other generals get removed.
>Meanwhile, MLPG, the 'worst' general in the channel.
>The one the rest of /mlp/ kept bitching in /q/ to get removed.
the first day i ever posted on 4chan i accidentally my age on /ic/ and got banned for 3 years


This image accurately describes how I feel about people getting tattoos over every part of their body.
div class="postContainer replyContainer" id="pc11336497">

How long ago was that?
One ill never forget we i was in the car, my mother driving, and we were on the mountain road. She falls asleep at the wheel and we go careening off the cliff.
The scary part about that is it actually happened once. I just just managed to wake her up
>not wanting a delicious syrupy cunt to lick
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>probably German/English/Dutch/Irish or something
Apple family confirmed for german ancestry.
Mostly swabian probably.