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Old: >>11313088

Nightmare Cute edition
>tfw depresse
comic where
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wts 1x[Blue Pony] 500 bits pst
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Right here. Just waiting for people to move in.

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>dragon boyz
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how do i make a cumshot in flash

this is important
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Download link please
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>not savign the images fro mthe thread

it's what I'm doing
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It's in the first post, but here it is again.
I need original EPUB/PDF
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well, yayponies will probaby have that
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I picked this up from the Win-O'-Thread on /co/, so I don't have the file.
wait what
It is usually ~30Mb
thanks but... no
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Think that's because it's usually PNG instead of jpg, but I didn't notice a drop in quality.
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Last page. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Download link one more time:
Is this the one where Pinkie mentions Rarity tooting?

Thanks. I'll start reading now.

Why does Shepard's Luna have such have such a led body?
I give the comic a 6.
thansk for the storytime
because he's a porn artist.
>Please get the fuck out
Stay classy, Celestia.
>tfw want to kill yourself but afraid of what happens after death

maybe I should just draw a pone
I liked the friendship bit at the end, and the town getting involved in the fighting for once.
>all those references.
Luna having a lewd body? More like Celestia.
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>maybe I should just draw a pone
Draw Teacher Pone
same but is the only thing I liked about the comic, the rest was boring and predictable.
Nothing happens after death. Draw a pone and get help.
comic artists and writers are pretty great people
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>cake twins reveling in the destruction


>cheerilee leading her students to battle

>Luna had her S1 hair because she was powered down

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Look at those naughty boobs smooshed together though
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Its nice. Thanks for sharing the story here!
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1-3:watch a moofie
7-9:go for a stroll in M36 tricot uniform

Best trio.
oshit that armor's pretty fabulous
they're just tits and sometimes they're big, and just smooshed from how her arms are
Holy shit Pinkie's a fucking slut.
and sometimes they're lewd
tits should always be big
sometimes they're just not, them's the breaks

The fact that she already had the key was kinda dumb.

Rest of the comic was ok thoguh.

Feel like they missed an opportunity for Pinkie to do something hilarious.
"Big" should be the lower bound IMO.
>Fluttershy didn't save them like I predicted she would
>Pinkie/Spike did
Wow, Fluttershy IS completely useless.
I thought that she was going to dance and the guard suddenly start dancing too or Fluttershy's new friend would get them out.

>dat Zecora

Also holy hell in one of the other panels I saw that old cemetary pony.

These guys really like they're background pones.
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>that bottom left panel
>Rarity tending to sick Twilight
>"we love you~"
>That twilight face

Jesus christ
Pone version when?
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>this pose
>from the outside
Not everything needs to have a pony version
It'd be the last thing you'd ever see.
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>ponyville finishes in a night what Celestia tried to do in a thousand years

yeah. this ain't going to my canon folder.
>this ain't going to my canon folder.
>but my head canon about Celestia is
I am sure Celestia was alone. This time around, all the villagers help.
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Maybe the nightmare forces were more powerful under Luna.

Think about it, they were obsessed with getting her back. They probably needed her.

Rarity is just a fabulous unicorn, not on the same level.
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>how do i make a cumshot in flash

well come over here silly boy and we'll figure it out together~
Oh boy, we're gonna be seeing this a lot.
Elements of Harmony were rendered useless when the connection between the two of them was broken, Luna was an alicorn and had much deeper fears and troubles that consumed her while she was on the moon, and no one was willing to help her because she was seen as a monster by the people. All things that were different this time around.
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learn how to animate, first.
Flash works with what you give it, it doesn't do everything for you.
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why is pinkie so fun and flirty and the perfect waifu
No. Learn to draw first, then learn to animate.
The cleansed nightmare things were cute.

Can't wait for the art.

And the porn.

And GG's and Klondike's OCs.
I dream of a world where no woman is forced to live with small breasts.
Man, that was a much better conclusion than issue 4.
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>not liking delicious flat chests
>get a load of this bozo
It's nice to not have Twilight magic everything better for once.
You can demonstrate ideas and motion without drawing extremely well. In animation, the important part isn't the drawing (it can help for the final idea), but getting the motion down.
some girls like having small breasts. would you really take away their happiness like that?
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how gruesome
Who's illustrating the next arc? Because the art in this one wasn't very great

Battle scene was hilarious, though
That's a pretty neat trick. Can she teach me how to do that?
Whoah shit, is that bottom right pony bleeding from the mouth?
Looks like that's where the red ends and orange beings
reminds me of tabasco pony a bit
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>some girls like having small breasts.

Say what?
my friend is very proud of her a-cups
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big breast are heavy and they get in the way, some girls like small boobs.
all i want in life is to be transformed into a bra for a pair of a-cup breasts

>Zecora making off with nightmare beasts
>in the next few pages they're returned to normal

This worries me.
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what if the cake isn't a lie
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>2 Doctor Who characters

Gotta checkmark those boxes!
I didn't say I'd force them to live with big breasts, either.
>what if the cake isn't a lie
you ok?
Wonder what Babs is doing there.
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Time to go catch up on the comic...
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She just had a nice heart-to-heart talk with them, that's all.
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Alright, yeah, that's a bad meme

I still remember when troll sub groups on /a/ would put that meme in everything

You know what we need? Someone should take the entire MLP comic and start replacing all the dialogue here on MLPG as if it was a fan scanlation
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>brown pony
>hourglass cutie mark
>curly, poofy hair
>long scarf

Tom Baker pony is pretty cute
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thanks anon
do you plan on doing this forever
somehow I knew this was going to happen

What the hell is with the ugly bald grey pone in top right?

You forgot the lewd face Twilight was making surrounded by lovehearts.

probably an inside joke, maybe somebody from the studio or a friend. lots of comics and cartoons do that
*reblogs your post*
Is there a way to have an image on the front of your Tumblr page?
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That fucking heart on Twilight's horn
You're all a bunch of butts.

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his glasses are wrong
ur mom is a butt.
>constellations on her bedspread

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
and have it stay there? You can either use a theme that uses a header image option, or you can edit the coding to put it there.
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how dare you
How do I do either of those?
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>it's probably at Rarity's house
>Rarity probably sowed it up on the spot so Twilight would be comfortable.
>She sits near Twilight and listens to her name them all.
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but we are a bunch of glorious butts
What the hell is Babs doing on ponyville

And what the hell is with the hummingbird?

Why is it there?
>I want to cum inside Pinkie Pie

What the hell aren't YOU doing in Ponyville?
>maybe Spike will finally tell her how he feels
Does Rainbow Dash even watch the show?
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"We're going to be the best of friends, you and I!"
she snuck out and caught the train because she's fucking Snips and Snails.
rainbow dash is probably the only pony who isn't aware they are on a show
What a slut

>"What is this thing on my neck?"
>"It's slippery... and its bony~"
Rainbow lives on a hazy mist of colors and shapes as everything rushes around her
No, she's a grade A shitposer who doesnt even watch the show
i haven't been hugged in years

how do i get a girl to hug me

i'm not even looking for sex
I'm pleased to announce the new SMS2DS Tumblr


Now you don't have to see his posts anymore.

At least not by me.

Be attractive and interesting.
i'm doomed

you can put hugless kissless virgin on my tombstone
>"Rubbing upon my slender purple cheek and withers bare~"
I still don't understand why people link to him or why should I care.
So it's pretty much canon now that Twilight and Rarity are fucking offscreen right?

Does she feel guilty about Spike? Or is it thrilling for them both?
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I spent my morning drawing guard ponies. It's going to be a good day.
I'm going to said twirity is the new appledash, forced brony shit.
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Go find someone with a "free hugs" sign.
>Now you don't have to see his posts anymore.
Sweet. Now I need to draw mine with the armorling.
Yes that's a guard.

Draw them sitting on a stool next to a gateway leaning back and trying to snooze.
The earth pony has HUGE LEGS

I like to imagine there's a friendly spirit of competition between the various chapters of the guard.
i thought you said smooze
Luna looks adorable in that last panel
All the better to stomp intruders with.

Gimme a bit.
So Squigglekicker Mk II, then.
>friendly spirit of competition
a friendly, near-homoerotic spirit, just like any branch of the military

Where was AJ's hat this comic?
I don't see people spamming parts of the comic saying "lel rarijack canon"
In my butt, care to hat in there?
>not completely over-the-top homoerotic

Except you do.

There was that one panel where Rarity literally kept a framed portrait of Applejack in her room or something.

People post it all the time.
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can we lewd
She also keeps a framed portrait of Spike in her room but everyone keeps cropping it out.
>Except you do.
No, I don't.
Please not yet.
We have a comic.
I thought that was cute.

>Spike and AJ

oh boy
So you weren't here when TCE aired. Or whe Magic Duel aired. Or when the Rarity micro was released.
Or hell when Timecop aired that gif of those scenes were they are repairing the town.

Nigga Rarijack is the most posted ship and things from it were posted the most.
But that's different, it's actually canon. This is just forced brony shit.
>finds out when one of her friends casually mentions it in conversation a couple years after the show ends
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Someone probably has a better version but I just made this up.
I had a framed portrait of a friend of mine in my room. She sent me the frame for Christmas one year. I totally would have if I could, but there wasn't anything between us, so that argument is does not completely hold up.
Pirates of the Caribbean in KH was the best thing ever of all time.
i want most of you to die
I don't see hints of shipping in the comic.
Maybe because I don't have shipping glasses.
>she keeps Spike closest to her
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>that mane
What does that have to do with pone?
I want you to die so you don't have to deal with us

I love you too anon.
That's pretty mean thing to say.

>tfw even if you died, no one on mlpg would notice, because you're just an anon
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Notto desu shitto agen.
If you go by that logic than in the show Rarity is more close to Twilight than any other pony
you can't spell unfriend without unf
i don't because i have no friends to unfriend in the first place
These things have nothing in common, tho.
you can't spell "i want to fuck that horse" without unf
It's just the way it goes, Anon. Just the way it goes.
>unf means no friend
>unf is the antithesis of friendship
>unfing ponies makes them your greatest enemy
Or "rend"
or "nerd"
or "diner"
or "refund".
But ponies unf all the time.
I wat to ck hat horse
Oh god.
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>I "what?" to cock-hat horse
>Anon is puzzled by Rarity
>the lighting on Cheerilee's head
You can't spell unfriend without fun, either.

Does this mean that ponies are forbidden to have fun?
Anon pls
That's cop pony
U wot m8
I'm getting real sick of your shit, Anon.
Or maybe just that breaking up with friends is fun?
>we had a chance to escape when Cerberus left
>Fluttershy is the one that tamed him so that Twilight could return him back

That fucking bitch. She's the reason I'm not with my waifu right now.
I'm sorry! I was looking more at the color scheme than the cutie mark and badge
Pony doesn't like you anymore
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I'm going to cry
maybe Pony will give sympathy
Pony shows no mercy
It's now against the law for pony not to hate you
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It's just a theory, man. Calm down.
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It's a hypothesis not a theory.
There's a difference
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>RD can punch a pony so quickly they burst on fire
You shut your purple mouth
Looking for an office job. Is there anything else to Excel other than what's present? I can change color, font, and basically organize data into a spread sheet, but is there more to it?
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Join the Royal Guard! A life of thrills and danger awaits you as you put your life on the line for your country!

YOU'RE a theory! ooooooooo
She can punch you so fast that you will feel the pain yesterday
Is Celestia Quest happening tonight?
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>A life of thrills and danger
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are you a theory?
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So, what was her dark secret?
I didn't sign up for this shit
Why does Warcraft look so ugly?
A penis.

She has a penis.
My sides.
That's the secret, Anon.

Of course not. You were drafted!
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>all those opened sites
No, that's pretty much it

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Anon that was so bad that not only did it have the Big Bang Theory laugh track to it it also made pony sad
After all this time she still didn't feel like she belonged and thought of herself as a monster?
Meh. Not as pathetic as people who believe in magic sky fairies.
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Only people who are full of shit and smug about the shit they believe in.
That door swings both ways.
>respondign to a manual spammer
Forgive me.
Don't be sad, pony. Let's go out for a hayshake.
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This show sure has a lot of qts
Chickenbutt was adorable, I hope she isn't just a one-shot character

My new computer came with windows 7.
>you will never rip open your favorite filly's stomach to get to the bomb that will kill you all
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There is only one way to regain your honor
I hope she is
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I hope you're both wrong.
You speak madness!
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why is twily such a fatass?
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But that's not scientifically possible
So she's the Top Mare?
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i love her
Because you can never have enough of her
I made her that way.
she is a smelly unwashed nerd

>you will never an unkempt bachelorette
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Your opinions a shit
Lauren pls
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Chicken butt is 2qt
>tfw xieril is ded
>"Do I have to suck..."
>"ALL the dicks?"
Was Chickenbutt the best new character to some out of S3?
Can't remember us getting many other new ponies.

Why, Lauren?

Duplicate file >>11313566
>she is a smelly unwashed nerd
Are you saying.. that Twilight's unwashed?
twilight unwashed
Time to abandon thread
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muh fetish
What can I say, ponies are hot.
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this horse has a tongue stud because she likes sucking dicks
You are so fucking shit I hate you so much.
She's a lot better than Harshwhinney
I wonder if there are any good fapfics with her
I really liked her, she was cute in a silly sort of way. Babs was pretty good too though, I liked her song.

But that pony in the picture's eyes are red, so it's a different pony.
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Male bonding activities tend to be very homoerotic
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would you lauren
That's kind of hot.
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I want to be that slutty mare
>Chicken butt
I want to be friends with her
"Hey Twilight! Your dick is like a kidney stone!"
"Whaddaya mean it's like a-"
"It's penetrating my colon!"
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why is she so cancelled, /co/?
Lauren is pure maiden and is not for sexual
Gross, hell no
They're kind of not for sexual.
>you will never playfully masturbate your friends, jokingly aiming their spewing cocks at your face, making mock-arousal faces at their sticky warm semen splashing on your mouth

>you will never spread your lubed ass wide for your buddy to thrust up to the hilt as a silly prank
How about fillies?
>Would you a jew?
I wouldn't do a human anymore.
Applejack = Xbox One
Twilight = PS4
Rarity = PC
Fluttershy = Linux
Pinkie = WiiU
RD = Xbox 360
Derpy = Nvidia Shield
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that's not a very flattering angle, but yes I would, even if she does have a nose like an ancient Egyptian stone carving
Pinkie is like the Ouya.
Because all the good ones go before their time...with the exception of Fluttershy
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why are freckles so beautiful
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>Not Spitfire
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>spoiler failure
Must i Soduko, or will Subaru do?
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I want to play The Division, Battlefront, and KH3

But I don't want to buy another shitty console that will be replaced with an even more expensive one in 2-3 years.

New ponies with speaking parts... well, any of the crystal ponies, though I can only really remember Wheaties, the librarian, and the messenger getting much.

Babs Seed, of course.
Lightning Dust had her time in the sun.
Granny Smith's close relatives (Apple Rose and Applesauce (who is confirmation that pony names can change apparently)) and those mother ponies, and other apple ponies.
That curiosity shopkeeper pony that had the alicorn amulet
Harshwhinny and Chickenbutt, of course

I'm probably forgetting a few.
The most homoerotic thing I did was masturbate in my sleeping bag next to my friend, he didn't know, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with all you guys who fucked their friend's assholes or something
>Freckles on Pegasus

>2-3 years
But it's been like 7 or 8 years
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What's the topic of the day, MLPG?
She looks like a dragon in this which is my fetish
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Haven't you heard? This next generation is going to be twice as long as the last generation because of diminishing technological returns.
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freckles are sexy

they are a symbol of youth like blonde hair and blue eyes
How old is she supposed to be, in her 40s? She was ready to suck Shiny's cock in a heartbeat
Twilight Unwashed
It was supposed to be the comic, but no one talks about it.
Really ugly ponies
How do we make a fictional character love us?
few too many on that lady
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They add a lot of cuteness, yeah
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Derpy unwashed
ugh, she's disgusting
Would you fuck a hot pony with an enormous backside and Down syndrome
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There aren't that many people here right now either, so that kind of kills the discussion.
that poor woman is going to die of her skin cancer
Capture the writers and tie them to a chair so we can manipulate the show and thus the characters feelings.
if something that big came out of my butt I'd be scared too
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>mfw contributors don't post art but just talk about cute ponies for 10 posts
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If Lauren is such a feminist, why was she ok with Derpy?
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their sexual status is ambiguous
>you will never try to give Derpy a hot bath
>turns out she's like a cat
>he doesn't shit a big fat log every day
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I could get down with this
Everything is going to be daijoubu, Shaggy, stop worrying.
they're people
why do you want to deny them the gift of pony
That's why I take of my name when I'm not contributing. I think of people like you who actually like to see contributors contributing.

You're welcome
Because she has common sense and knows Derpy isn't really offensive?
She's a feminist, not a femnazi
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Their sexual status is CUTE
Derpy's already Down with it
I knew it was going to be a link to this awful art.
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Considering the fact that I 'experimented' with a girl when we were both 10 years old, and I think she was as ditzy as derpy...
I probably would without a second thought
I love that guy's art
ya i guess but mostly just because she is famous and to say i did it.
Thanks for attention whoring
I think that pretty well covers it, other than Sombra, but he didn't speak he just sorta laughed.
I'd say talking about ponies is contributing at this point
knowing that I got my dick sucked by a children's cartoon creator would be prize enough
i'm not gonna thank you for being beta
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1.31 MB GIF
Oh god
what the fuck was she drinking
I hate both of you.
>implying you're a contributor
>implying you have a name
>implying you aren't just here to steal my protein
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I love freckles but that is too much.
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I'm Derpy! And I like dancing! And my family! And hugs! And I have Down Syndrome!

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Everyone in this thread except me is a pedophile
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Not really, no.

And when I say "Talking about ponies" I was being generous considering he was just posting pictures of a pony and saying "wow cute"
Too bad you'll be forgotten
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>People liking moon over june style freckles on women
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Highly accurate
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>down syndrom
oh you mean fluttershy?

she has the same eye droop
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I'll never forget you, you have a game to finish.
This, the contributors who talk even without actively contributing are much more likely to be remembered. Otherwise, people just think you only drop by when dropping off a drawing.
I know, I was just being facetious saying we're offtopic most of the time
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How do you think human Applejack and Pinkie Pie feel now that their friends can cast magic or fly but all they get is tails and horse ears?
Who's more sexual here?

Scootaloo with her wide-eyed innocence or Sweetie Belle and her smirk?
>Otherwise, people just think you only drop by when dropping off a drawing.

Is that bad, though?
But, Anon, I'm not a pedo either.
I prefer somewhat older women
Oh, okay, so it's just straight up attention whoring
The same as regular Applejack and Pinkie Pie.
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>you only drop by when dropping off a drawing.


Unless someone specifically brings up your name then it's okay

Those are obviously blowjob motions they're making with their straws
You are forgetting that contributors aren't allowed to have fun in here ever and have to follow additional rules just because they have a name
Not necessarily, but you won't be as "famous" in MLPG
Essentially, yes. As long as it's not bothering anyone, it's OK, I guess.
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Sweetie Belle's fucking face is just so god damned adorable, I would willingly shrink my penis to the size of a small straw and let her suck on it
They're not /soc/ing, though, they're talking about ponies.

At least you don't have your name on for all the meta you like to do, though.
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>tfw actually a pedophile
am...am i home?
Tex, Dooks, mewball, Inky, Scapegoat, Dotkwa I want to talk to you right now.

those dresses actually look decent. shame about the contents
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Lauren Faust I'm so sorry please don't read this post!
professional artist talks about why fanart is terrible and anyone who draws it is not a real artist

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>All of those dead drawfags

>Ross is still alive and well
It'd be a shame if something were to happen to dicks.
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We don't judge for things you can't control. Actively hurt children, and you'll be an instant outcast.
>>tfw Moe is ded

most of classical art is fanart of myths and historical figures though
>ANON claimed this post was a joke.
Kraut is ded, so it can't be all that bad.
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He looks like a beaver.
Art is fanart for real life. Fucking plebs.
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>tfw braeburned is still alive
Since Babs Seed and Trixie were helping out the town, doesn't that mean that this arc took place in the middle of S3?
*reblogs your filename*
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It's always been sweetie belle.
That was actually cool.

It's a good thing to encourage artists

He's just lying anon. He is actually saying that fanart is good.
I was looking forward to an artist being self-important and bashing fanart, maybe even enraged bronies in the comments.

Why you mislead me so.
>tfw no one will watch the video to listen to what he actually says
it really is the same shit everyday with you guys.

how long do you talk about people who have left months ago?
Yes anon. It's after Magic Duel and Apple Family Reunion but before MMC
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Please don't look at me with that face Sweetie Belle

Stop it!
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It's true though.
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Why would you ever need to hurt a child to have sex with one?

It's a very serious matter.
I don't think Scootaloo could pull off bedroom eyes

>subtle post requesting Scootaloo with bedroom eyes
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Why is MLPG the only good place left on /mlp/?
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Oh boy look at these ponies I sure hope we see them together in the show.

Did that not come across well the first time? That's okay, I'll post it another 10 times
>bringing skype to MLPG
>it really is the same shit everyday with you guys.
>it really is the same shit
>everyday with you guys
>same shit
>you guys
I thought you gave up on us, spitfire
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sweetie knows what she's doing

the naughty little temptress

she was the one trying to get her teacher laid after all
It's not, not even from a biological point of view.
I had a dream where I was getting fucked by big mac.
First pony dream in a week.
Just skimming that made me angry
>"believe whatever you want, its up to the fans to decide what is canon!"

official response from writers on if the comics are canon.

it basically means they can make up what ever shit they want and if it fits in show canon good, but if not they dont really give a fuck.

the longer the comic goes its only natural it will break more and more.
homosexuality IS an illness
And she masturbates everyday in class.
There were occasionally good threads out on /mlp/ too, but all this moderation change and user rebellion is drowning them out now. MLPG is left unaffected because we were always kind of a separate entity.
i want to a filly who is extremely sexually experienced and dominant

an adorable little girl in the street, a dominatrix in the bedroom
>that gif
Yes, that is adorable and you should feel adorable.
if a stallion has his penis ripped off is he legally classified as a mare now?
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Horses Inside™
my nigga
Still had one.
No one responds to me on POF

Should I tell everyone I'm a Pinkiefag instead of a Flutterfag, or is it good to stick to my foundations?
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>tfw this will legitimately NEVER HAPPEN
This is the worst feel
Well, there's nothing in it so far to suggest that it can't be set in S3's time frame.
>It's as close to canon as it gets without being animated.
Official response from one of the wirters

You can ignore it if you like it but it's considered canon. They even talked with the show writers.

It's canon nigga.
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you disgusting pervert

you like little fillies, don't you

well my friends and i will have to teach you a lesson

strip naked, slave
I think you should deal with your first problem of being a flutterfag
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Because no matter how delicious that lemonade looks it's still piss!

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Maybe this will help.

Try reading the whole thing.
I wish this artist would make original gifs instead of tracing from existing animations
not you piece of shit
i want Scootaloo
Source on that?
Obviously the problem is that such a filly doesn't exist.

But you have the ability to make one.
Yeah, MLPG is like Sweden during WW2.
>tfw you won't be ever considered dead because you never leave nor have left

>show writers
They also said the Cadence book is canon
So you guys just chose to hide in here, huh.
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>an adorable little girl in the street, a dominatrix in the bedroom
Who is Diamond Tiara?
Least the books are considered canon. Which means Cadence started off as a pegasus.
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What the--...

Are you implying a tulpa? MLPG, I didn't think you were this autistic...
And after eliminating what contradicts the show we get her background.

Nothing in the comic contradicts the show nigga
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>Why would you ever need to hurt a child to have sex with one?
Because psychological damage is a thing, rape is rape, and if a person still qualifies as a child they aren't fully developed and can be severely injured by sex.
Yeah, I know that feel. Normally this subject doesn't concern me, but on the day I picked to die I couldn't think about much besides that.
Make a scene. or post about leaving on your blog.
>tfw still no bingo
I think even the Tulpas started here very early on

Am I wrong in this?
You should try reading the rest of it
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Did you seriously just reply honestly to that?

It used greentext, man. You should know that entire picture was bait.
I'm not the guy arguing about the comics being noncanon, it's just that what the writers say is often retarded. More specifically, what Meghan says is often retarded.
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Not really.

I'm not who you think I am.

Have some more anyway.

This one is golden. Especially for the pedo bashers.

Read it carefully.
Andy Price and Katie used Andy's dA for comic news

> IS IT CANON? The comic is set within show continuity, and is done in cooperation with the show staff. This is as close to the show as it gets without having it animated. I personally say yes, but it is really up to the individual to decide.

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Why don't people in Tulpa generals get an actual pony? They're highly trainable and only breed/type of horse that can actually be housebroken.
But Amy Keating Rogers said it was canon, too.
You mean for individual MLPG threads?
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>in charge of not living in their imaginary world
what else is new
I didn't read the picture, actually. The serious reply was because some people actually think like that.
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Does anyone want their OC drawn?

And stop talking about sex with children some cry
Yes, but that's the only retarded thing AKR has said I can think of.
Will you ever draw something interesting for once?
>two hours later
draw aplblewm's oc
My OC is Rarity and Sweetie hugging
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draw gobbo pone
What is a man? What has he got?
Actual ponies don't appear sentient and they smell bad. Also you can't just make them go away if and when inconvenient.
Did any of the show writers or other staff say it was though? I've seen that before, but the "up to the individual" part is kind of off putting.
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she teases you with her wings until you can't stand it anymore

but she'll never let you cum
Well...I'm not a schizophrenic 'tulpamancer'...
But if it were up to me, I'd choose a horse over a pony any day.

Ponies just look a LOT less appealing than a beautiful, full grown horse
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It's just an opinion. Not really bait.

Read the picture I posted.

Read the picture I posted. Maybe you'll start to understand why some people "actually think like that".
>inb4 "I'm scared"
draw buttdog or scarfhorse
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Goblin pone.
>reading a conversation on a nonpony related forum
>out of nowhere one guy uses "brony" as an insult
>everyone agrees bronies are awful
>then they go back to the discussion

it just happened so casually. this is what the normal view on bronies are. wow.
>tfw getting shit just for liking a specific pone even though you dont do the stuff people always claim celestiafags do
Seeing how they said the books are canon...
I don't remember if they said if the comics are canon or not but at Unicon they said that they talked with the comic writers about continuity.

Also all comic writers are involved when it comes to the show's future. For example they were at a Hasbro conference when EqG was discussed. They knew for months. They were given access to both script and movie.
Thank god I'm not a brony
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>some cry
mah winona
Draw hobopony
>romantic love with children
That is, until they get old and you move on to another child.
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Okay, time to get horse educated.

This here is a Tennessee Walking Horse.

Originally bred in the 1800's, the purpose was to have a breed of horse that made for easy riding for plantation owners checking out their land on horse back.

The result was a horse that paced, which is the opposite of a trot. Unfortunately, this made the horse horrible at cantering, but it wasn't like the riders wanted them to do that anyways.
Not even incest fantasies?
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Ponies can't cognitively understand the decision of having sex with humans

They have no say in it

All they can do is give in or try to run away

Don't have sex with your Ponies

Sex with Ponies is rape
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I was going to say I'm finally back home but apparently I died and this is the afterlife because I only just found out
Close enough. Be nice if they could just flat out say it is though.
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GG! Welcome home!
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The person who made that picture probably never even touch a child and made an big ass fallacy "Well since they masturbate they're obviously opened to getting fucked by grown men".

As a person who actually had to deal with Children who had sex with adults from ages as young as 5-10, they've grown up to live pretty much shitty lives unless they go through a volley of therapist and psychiatrist.

That pic and this pic >>11318341 are more one-sided than a marine unit fighting african children militia.
I don't think they were ever directly asked about this. They were asked about the book and they said it's canon so I guess just email one of the or something
Was funny that I saw some of your comics and mentions of you on /v/ during that day.
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In modern times, the Tennessee Walking Horse is a high end breed/hobby for wealthy people, especially in show. They are popular for the exaggerated movements with the proper training.

Unfortunately, this is where the bad stuff starts happening.
What if your waifu moved on to anther human?
Not even incest fantasies.
How's it feel to predict the future?
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1.36 MB GIF
MLPG is hate
>having sex with animals
>not having sex with sapient marshmallow cartoon Ponies

Well, duh, that's wrong.
I saw it too
It was basically >tfw Player 1 will never make new Animal Crossing comics or something like that
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One way to cope with your unrequited love of a child is to write children's stories with them as the main character and have veiled references to mathematical concepts
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>How's it feel to predict the future?
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Like these horses?
Anon, that is clearly a moo-cow
I don't think there's going to be a single coelacanth involved with Villager, though.
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TWHs go through alot to win those blue ribbons the owner covet.

One example is the horse shoes they have to wear during the show. Its extreme hard on the horse/their hoof to wear it but it helps with the exaggerated movement/lift.
That's racist, man
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Or you can marry them.
Do you only like one pony and can't stand any of the others?
One flavor of ice cream?

>As a person who actually had to deal with Children who had sex with adults from ages as young as 5-10, they've grown up to live pretty much shitty lives unless they go through a volley of therapist and psychiatrist.
Those are the ones that had problems. Due to society and other factors explained here >>11318133
Also that's a case by case basis and I'm pretty sure 100% of all those cases were not loving consensual non coercive relationships.

That doesn't make the point any less there.
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You wish they were moo cows.
could you stop?
I'm trying to pony
Gypsy Vanners are to Cows
Wiggers are to Black People
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Poor Nightmare Moon. It just wants to be a pony, but Celestia won't let her.
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pony harder
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How does one reach the next level of pone?
Check ur cow-privilege
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becoming the pony
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Many other things are done as well to the deterioration of the TWH's health.

They break their tails so the tails have lift. In turn the horses often try to rub their tails/butts to get rid of the itch/pain. The owners have specially designed stalls for this so its impossible for a horse to rub their behinds.

They also do things where they put something that hurts on the sole of the hoof so the horse learns to do a tippy-toe motion. A burning substance in the behind to get more lift out of a tail, so on and so forth.
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Here's your pony.
I compromised.

Are you glad you asked?
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Nah, I'm gonna pony softer.
That's not the point. The whole idea about pedophiles being rapists is that they are usually so selective about their preferences, like "oh I like 8 year olds" or "I like 12 year olds" that it's impossible to perform a romantic interest without them getting older and losing interest within a couple years. Or, if you still have interest, you are no longer a pedophile.
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But...but I wanted to become the pony
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she's a princess now anon
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>You'll never know the glory of unshorn fetlocks.
You can't become the pony.
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And this...is to go...even FURTHER BEYOND!

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That is fucking disturbing.

I would never do that too Sweetie Belle
that's not pony at all
it just has pony picture on it
it's not discussing pony at all
I'm trying to talk about cows in pony world
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She's my princess and I love her. She may not be my waifu but I still am her friend and will always be there to help her.
I want to believe that she really got drunk after the coronation and did stuff like that.
If only it happened on the show, Twilicorn would be redeemed.
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And to add, I wouldn't be surprised if this image was made by someone who thinks "well because they did it hundreds of years ago it must be okay".

Being able to "carry on the message" wasn't the only reason why the Church made sure to teach children how to read and write.
My job is DIRECTLY HANDLE situations like that where the child is under the scrutiny of others for having sex with another adult.

Let my try to get this through your thick fucking skull, most of the children I have worked with where in a "loving and affectionate" relationship with older men, usually a family member or a close friend of the family.

Your point isn't there you basically saying "well the child didn't get hurt (physically) so that means it's okay" the only fucking reason why they had sex with them IS BECAUSE they're fucking trusted.

For the sake of this thread, I'm not going to keep on with this argument, you're going to keep posting those pictures that basically said "men had sex with children" without even explaining or going into any other details.
Nope, she just flew around for a while before forgetting how to fly.
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That being said, there's alot of money involved in Tennessee Walking Horses and people will do alot to get them to win blue ribbons, despite even when the horses are and obvious pain from doing so.

If you know anyone who shows Tennessee Walking Horses in this manner (usually in the South), please tell them to stop.
They were drunk in Sweet and Elite
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she's a good pony
No, they weren't.
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My nig nog. When I pony too fast I get sick.

Why would there not be a coelacanth
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No! Stop it! Stop it now, Applejack!
bon bon is so cute
i'm glad she's my waifu
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>Talking casually with mates
>Someone starts singing a parody of the song Barbie Girl by Aqua
>I start singing the original version
>"Dude, that's gay"
>I say "But that's a good well known song, just because a girl sings it doesn't mean it's gay, besides the lyrics are suggestive as fuck"
>"Nah, that's fucking gay, bro. Just like the ones who watch My Little Pony"
>Suddenly everyone joins him saying they're gay and stuff.
>I do my best to feel indifferent about it.
Yes they were. They were drunk as fuck. They knew that was a important party for Rarity, they knew all of those pony were fancy rich ponies, they knew how to act at important parties like that. None of them acted that retarded at the Gala.

They were drunk as fuck
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I will fucking kill you right now what is your name tell me I will end your shit right here right now
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Alright, here's the modified pic with the help of the night thread. Fixed Spike's face and changed the background a bit.
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Cute pon
>Rarity as Princess Platinum
i'm here what the fuck are you going to do about it
Why is contentration camp full of jews?
Too bad /mlp/ isn't going to get gassed, it would improve this planet significantly.
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I-it's impossible! How is she generating that much power?!
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Someone go tell Yamcha to save us!
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Whay if Corey Powell became a pony and Rarity became a dragon?
>Bonbon is your waifu
Lyra is now crying in a corner.
I hope you're happy.
That is a nice expression on Spike. The background looks better.
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That isn't power, Anon...

That's pure pony
that fog is shit
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Bullshit. Prove you're mewball. You're not allowed to abandon Lyra for her better!
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They weren't drunk at all, and it wasn't the Gala.
>Rarity became a dragon
>if you still have interest, you are no longer a pedophile
I'm talking about pedophilia.
Not "being a pedophile".

Point is,
I know,
and have known,
girls as young as 11
that regularly look up porn on the internet, masturbate to it, then they end up fucking a guy at their middle school not too long after.

And I don't care. And trolollololo >>11318133 makes a really good point about society needing to fuck off. Because it's causing a lot of unneeded stress and creating a problem that doesn't exist.

Rape and coercive, intimidating relationships happen at any age and are a separate issue.

No, I'm saying the human didn't get hurt physically or mentally or any other way by the person committing the act.
If you don't do that shit, then it's not about you. Simple.
>come back from a week-long vacation
>I'm informed my brother's friend is visiting from out of state before I arrive
>the kid's a shithead /b/tard who also happens to go to /co/ and talks about "things that happen on 4chan"
>get picked up in the car
>he's there
>first thing I hear
>"So I saw your My Little Pony figure, I'm disappointed."
>it's a McDonalds Pinkie given to me by my gf, the only pony thing I own
>hidden away on my computer desk
>that you can only see if you sit in my chair and look for it
>shrug it off as a gift from her and try not to throttle him
there was nothing at all to suggest they were drunk
They were drunk and they knew it was a fancy party important for Rarity..
MLPG is like _______
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Your attraction to pleases Princess Platinum.
>not throttling him anyways because it's a gift from her
Plastic Beach

beautiful and paradise from afar

a piece of trash when you get to it
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>the kid's a shithead /b/tard who also happens to go to /co/ and talks about "things that happen on 4chan"
Those people are the worst kinds of people
>kid browsing 4chan
Didn't you tell him that's against the rules?
They weren't drunk. And they actually destroyed the Gala; they only made things better for Rarity at her party.
>Society needs to fuck off
No, you need to fuck off.
Plastic Beach was eh
The Fall was just fucking depressing

Gorillaz has really lost the touch
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Someone say pone butt?
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Vegeta, what does the scouter say about her pony level?
>Twilight dancing in the middle of the crowd like shit
>AJ this is a garden party isn't it
Well then okay. AJ is a goddamn retard, none of them, not even Twilight who was raised in Canterlot know how to act civil at a party of high class ponies, and they all hate Rarity and want to destroy her career.
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We were on the way out. We broke up not long after the vacation.
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Jiggling and making barely audible slaps as her enormous buttocks lightly thump against each other quite obscenely
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Somebody please make it stop!
Your mates sound like tools
is a joke retard.
it was alright, took me a few listenings to it to like it

hopefully they'll do something better after coming out of hiatus
that shit is fucking hot

what i wouldnt do if it let me in the end do that to Luna
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Nah, they're pretty chill and normal.
She's gone so far beyond Pony that she's reverted to her most basic form!
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Is this better?
>Twilight dancing in the middle of the crowd like shit

That's definitely just regular Twilight. And Twilight's upbringing is pretty explicitly expressed that she spent most of her time with her sitter and studying. Heck, she was expecting to be able to spend time with Celestia at the Gala, and ending up shaking hooves all night doing nothing else. She'd have danced the same there if she could have danced with Celestia.
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You mean... You can pony so hard, you can pass the maximum level of pony?
They acted like complete retards at a fancy party even tough at previous fancy parties they acted far more civil, relatively speaking.
I am saying that this is because they were drunk which explains everything.
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no it doesn't, that was the episode "problem".
It explains nothing, especially since they weren't drunk.
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That's even worse.
This is what I mean when I want the 'good stuff'.
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She is so far beyond Pony now. She is all Pony and no Pony. She is Apple.
>not being drunk on 4chan and not ginving a shit
>giving a shit
giving a fucking shit
giving a fuckign shit
Without getting into crotchboob territory, what would the Dolly Parton equivalent of a pony look like? What's something that ponies value as much as human males value tits?
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happy birthday to ________me!
>i-i was pretending guise
fuckign newfags everywhere
godfuckign dammit

GG pls
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Like this?
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>Birthday is June 16
Kill me
Hey MLPG mind testing some new features for the sub?

Pony never wanted you. Happy Birthday!
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I don't get your point.
I was pointing out the 9fag epic meme filename, not the youtube video or the picture that's been plastered around here since 2012

Did you find this or did you make it? If you found it, why the hell was it made?
Cheesecake Pony.
It's 2013. Boys are wearing makeup. I say deal with it!
newfag pls newfag the 9fag epic meme filename is in the youtube video
What, the new fonts? Don't know what I'd use them for but okay
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You can't always weasel your way out of everything using /mlp/ epic maymays
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The horse and MLP world are incredibly far apart for some reason.
21 year old boys are wearing makeup and having sex with 13 year olds.

boys and girls

cheesecake pony?
half of those posts were people mocking for using the word
newfag PLS
*reblogs your post*
She spent most of her life with Celestia. I doubt she wouldn't be thought how to act.
She had a princess foalsiter. Again probably be exposed a lot to how to behave in high society.

Also all the other ponies saw that those were high society ponies. And they just said that Rarity was there to make a good impression to sell them dresses. And the first thing they do is go there and act like complete retards for no reason at all?
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Well, there go another pair of underwear
You can't always weasel your way out of everything using /mlp/ epic maymays
QUIT BUING so newfag
It's your birthday! You're in charge of the stars!
>>>11319083 (You)
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That image...it's really, fucking hot
What if you were a pony breeder?

They are mainly for the questers, adding atmosphere to text adventure.
spike is gonna tear that ass apart
stars are for newfags
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This is you

Happy Birthday
>>>/ponychan/ newfag
>tfw Tess is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw DD is ded
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Kraut is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Apple is ded
>tfw mewball is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Japanon is ded
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw Scherzo is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw SB is ded
>tfw Metals is ded
>tfw Tex is ded
>tfw Cheshire is ded
>tfw AB is ded
>tfw Noel is ded
>tfw NTSTS is ded
>tfw Disco is ded
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw ReiDuran is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw sentenal is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw xieril is ded
>tfw ciircuit is ded
>tfw Reu is ded
>tfw Smile is ded
>tfw Jr is ded
>tfw PS is ded
>tfw Braeburned is alive
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Butt why?
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Everyone in this thread except me is a newfag
>>>>>>>>>>>>>/eqd/ newfag
What if
>I doubt she wouldn't be thought how to act
And yet she doesn't know all sorts of things about high society or even normal society. Her studies were almost purely intellectual until she came to Ponyville.

And so? Pinkie Pie was given a chance to set up a party for a high society princess wedding and made it all goofy silly stuff. Applejack tries to impress the upper crust with down-home stuff. Rainbow Dash is loud and showy for attention.

They were actually normally, and without a hint of insobriety.
In another life, I'm her boyfriend and she is my girlfriend, and we love each other and listen to 90's grunge in the back of a pickup at night behind the pub.

In that life, I love you pony-girl I don't know.
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Join the club.
Ah, figured as much. Though the most I see typically is just italics/bold for thoughts or dramatic effect like typical novels.
>This thread
I-I think I want to see you talking about /v/idya again...
So, what do you guys think is going to happen in the Big Mac mini comic?
Appleblwm pls
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More like...Butt Twi...
Glorious and great pandering.
Fleetfoot is going to have a crush on him apparently.

He's committed to Cheerilee, though, so he'll have to find a way to let her down gently.
Seems like a "raid" though I use the word loosely.
It'll pass
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People in England take their ponies to the pub all the time.
40 inches man. More than a horse can even handle.
I should clarify, btw, that I'm talking about the girl and not the pony
With some plushes I've seen that could be considered cheap.
tbf is one of thebest plushies I have ever seen.
You are so fucking full of it.
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What if they shit all over the floor like horses always do?
are you stupid?
it's $305

I will eat it up, every last bit.
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Would you assist horse in masturbation?
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I know, they should be wearing diapers
is shit like every pic he draw
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I always imagined who the people are that bid and/or buy the suggestive plushies like this...
Like, what does the guy look like who bought the lyra plushie?
Where would you put a plushie that has giant crotchtits in a naughty outfit?
How do they assist the female horses?
So Twilight, who's nerdy as fuck, serious most of the time goes to a party full of high class ponies and starts to dance without giving a fuck in the middle of them all while sticking her tough out, Dash can't even hit a ball with a mallet and then spins like Topman till she lets go of it, Fluttershy, the shyest pony also goes there to form a conga line in the middle of them all and mingle, and then goes to spend time with the birds, and AJ is a retard?
A pig is fine too.
Didn't the guy who bought the funhole lyra post here?
is that LK?
I'd spend a lot more money on embarrassing tit related items if it wasn't shipped to my house where my dad can intercept it.
Sent to Corey
when you put it like that it doesnt sound like they are different from how they normally are at all
Hoppip, the maker, was a regular here.
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Don't need to.
I think your talking about the guy who made it

Kevin please, I'm not a pedo
They're there to help Rarity with her party, so they were being extra sociable. And it worked! Fancy Pants was very impressed.
I really doubt Twilight would go in the middle of a group of ponies and dance like whatever while sticking her tongue out at everyone
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>there will never be enough pedo-rimjobs
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I asked the MLPFMTORPG what they wold like to see and they suggested fonts and font sizes. I thought it would be nice little novelty to have.

Also derpy is a very pretty pony.
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I just realized that I'll never be the child lover of a powerful magical ruler of the night

This feeling is sadness
>bringing pedo discussion back
fucking WHY
Do you even watch the show
Thank goodness for that
Get off the table Twilight.
spoilers: it's a shitposter
Poor mushroom.
Compare that with the dance from the party.
In the Lauren days, those two ponies would be looking at her disapprovingly for dancing on her table
fuck off markerknight
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I'm gonna call it a day
Good night, MLPG
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Yeah, both seem like Twilight.
You know what. That makes a lot of sense
