Previous thread>>11304420
Daily reminder
>>11308993Minty challenger appears
I claim this thread for the Vaterland.
how bout them pegasihow bout them wings
How do non-Unicorns brush their teeth?
>>11309042Their toothbrush is trapped to the wall.
>>11309042With hoofgrip.Do you even watch the show?
>>11309042Hoofgrip for earthies, Wingers for Pegasuses.
Hey assholes, stop watching shows for little girls.
Just in time for new pones, super lucky
Could ponies defend Helm's Deep?
>>11309031Disgusting creatures, those things
>>11309042by sucking my dick
Day 1156/11/2013Estimated Total MLPG posts: 5,219 (Running Total: 683,537)Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 22,929 (Running Total: 3,014,656)5 MORE DAYS UNTIL THE GREATEST THING THAT'LL EVER HAPPEN TO PONIES AIRSThe ponies could make for an interesting party fighter.Too bad we won't even see a regular pony fighter. Ever.
>>11309014I want her to dominate me.
>>11309055YES NONE OF THAT
>>11309067they can't even hold canterlot. Those bugs got beaten senseless by 6 ponies that had no real fighting skills. The guards and military forces were overrun in moments.The ponies would be lucky to sound the call to retreat.
>>11309088MLPG daily post number is up, yay
has there been any brony rage. the last i heard a few days ago was meghan was getting tons of hate mail after the new trailer.has anything happened since
>>11309088>Too bad we won't even see a regular pony fighter. Ever.Pls stop, it hurts. I'm still hoping that they'll "get hacked" and what they had will leak
>>11309042Ponies always have immaculately clean teethI mean, look at Pinkie
>>11308960Don't make threads earlyDon't make threads without topicsDon't head it with an image that's off topic, even if there's a pony shopped into it
>>11309106As I said before>wings>magic and shitShe's gonna be the new metaknight, isn't she?
>>11309106Did all the characters from the previous Smash Bros make it into the new one, or did some get cut?
>>11309088hold me Leth
>leth is dead
>>11309097I want to lick that luster dust off of her, from head to hooves, then continue to lick her hooves until she's satisfied
>>11309139Unknown. We won't know them all until launch.
>>11309069I'll kill you.
>>11309097They look like pokemon titles in the thumbnail
>>11309153DASHquit playing with your food and finish your fucking hot dogthis is the last time I invite you over for a meal
>RCH died in a fire
>>11309139not all of them have been anounced.I think it's safe to conclude anyone that made it from melee to brawl will make it to the new game.
>>11309139As long as Captain Falcon is still in.
>>11309069That pon is cute
Previous Thread>>11304420[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.7 5/22/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: Current General Active: New generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names Please check locator before starting a new thread. Download links for episodes, comics, and books:All Seasons: Seasons: FiMchan: MLP: FIM Wiki: My Little Pony Flockdraw: mlp FiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.com Pony IRC: Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs): (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Lists of Scripts: Events: (MLPG Nexus) Stream: Drawfriend Stream Monitor: Drawings Requests doc: Art reference and tutorial: More links: Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>11309139Lucario will probably get cut.At least I hope so.
>>11309123How do she keep her teeth so clean when she's constantly eating sugar?
>>11309160>implying you could satisfy herLet's be real here, anon.
>>11309210Or at least be an alternate reskin for mewtwo
>>11309088How are you feeling about EqG and are you going to see it when it gets uploaded?
>>11309213>this comic will never be finished
>>11309139Here's hoping they trim down the roster significantly
Thread music vidya related
>>11309212Ponka is a mare of many mysteries.I bet she brushes and cleans every day while she exercises to warm up/cool down.
>>11309237fuck you, I played every character and wouldn't want any of them gone.
>>11309248That's not all she brushes and cleans every dayIf you catch my drift
>>11309213You probably could but she'd never tell you...directly.
>>11309232This, probablyNothing works better than two franchises joining arms and skipping along to the hype train together
>>11309088Soooooo.....No Fighting is magic?
>>11309194did you ever get around to colouring that picture? the one with glitter?
>>11309268She brushes her mane too probably.And her tail.
>>11309293Well that's not really pony anymore.
>>11309237>Trim downNo, I want lots of characters to play.But I want them to all have unique movesets.
>>11309295Which one? Post it if you have it.
>>11309268Well duh aononononononemouse, I need to wash my mane and comb it to keep this perfectly preppy and poofy pink pile of happiness!
>>11309316I bet she even brushes her coat, the slut
So Blazang let me color this picture he did.
>>11309266>>11309324At least if they get rid of some of the dupesEven though they are different, I'm rather sick of StarFox charactersAnd given the rate they've been included, we're bound to see Slippy and Peppy and Rob at this point
>>11309363I want a hammock.
>>11309323Wow, this is Fighting in Magic now?Damn, I miss the alpacas already. It might be time for me to pull some strings to get the Skullgirls engine in 2014 and set what went wrong right again.
>>11309347>you've backed Pinkie into a corner>she realize she's nowhere to go and is on the verge of tears>"W-what are you going to-to do to me?">you hand her a brush as she covers her face with her hooves>"brush it, brush it you filthy slut"
>>11309363it turned out AWESOME
>>11309333 Flitter. sorry and no I don't have it on this pc
>>11309378I want an Applejack. So I guess it works out.
>>11309364We need Krystal
>>11309363This was really really good compared to his usual stuff. Give him the ol thumbs up for me.colors good too
>>11309363coloring's good I think. Applejack looks a little cramped but I know that's not your fault
>>11309363>pony beach picture>no ponekinis anywhere in sitestill pretty good
>>11309363shit nigga that's great.
>>11309283>she still insults you while her mare pussy is dripping with your cum
>>11309418>tfw anytime someone says mare pussy you pop a bonerfuck. it just sounds so dirty.
>>11309392>raping a Pinkie PieI would rape that smile right off her face
>>11309414Could you tell if she was wearing one?
>>11309335>CelestiaxDiamond Tiara>or Celestia molesting/tricking colts and fillies into sex
>>11309417>>11309400>>11309419I think I'm getting the hang of separating values so different shades actually look different. It's kind of exciting for me!
>>11309407Oh god, the memories.>friend completely OBSESSED with Brawl's development>everyone speculating for new characters>he's a huge furry>"If they don't include Krystal I'm swearing off of SSB forever">announcement comes, no Krystal>he becomes a depressive recluse>"I don't know how they could have betrayed me so...">eventually falls out of contact with everyone>no-one ever hears from him again
>>11309445I have an asstute eye for this kind of thing
>>11309432"mare"s a satisfying word
>>11309405I don't think I remember it.Do you remember the artist's name?
>>11309464>that bulge in her throat
>>11309464unf yeah take it all you slut
>>11309446The way most of the colts are, gettin tricked into fucking one is cruel.
>>11309486she seems a little surprised but her body language says that she's done this beforeI guess Dash is used to having things crammed inside of her
I'm so glad nezumi started drawing ponies.Fuck, 3 of my favorite Japs are drawing ponies, everything is perfect.
>>11309388It isn't, just fanart from quite a while back (before Hasbro said 'HEY. NO.').
>>11309497Shut the fuck up, my waifu is pure ;_;
>>11309491But it's so cute.
>>11309475Think it was Cosmos actually. I'd go ask him for it but he fed.
>>11309363>tfw you will never get to help Applejack try to relax on her vacation>she's been working so hard, her family figures she needs a break. Big Mac is going to take up most of her work, and Applebloom is old enough to help as well>You'll never stand by as she argues with her family about how she doesn't need a vacation>Granny Smith will never order you to go along and make sure she relaxes and has a good time on the beach she'd saved up enough money to send her>You'll never be forced to talk Applejack out of the hotel room to enjoy the beachdo you think it hurts when you die? I think I might write this
>>11309530all mares are whores, didn't you know?
>>11309530Maybe it's just nonsexualMaybe she just likes ponies digging around in there
I miss Kraut
>>11309497Like food?
>>11309530all pone are pure anon
>>11309548Go for it. I wrote some fanfics of my rape fantasies. You deserve to do this.
>>11309572Yeah, that's why she's so fat.
>>11309572Like pie
>>11309519>stallions are in short supply>rumble gets bullied by two older mares and forced into satisfying their needs.
>>11309572Like ___you
>>11309572And dicks.
>>11309548That would be an amazing episode.Sort of a Picard visits Risa with Applejack instead.
>>11309592But anon, tex isn't real. How could he possibly be shoved inside rainbow dash?
>>11309555To what? Nezumi's AJ pic or the doujins?
>>11309601how crass
>>11309388No you fool. That's really old fanart according to Lauren they should have something soon
>>11309612I wonder if unicorn x non magic pony rape is prevalent in Equestria
>>11309612Unicorns are OP
>>11309088>party/fighterThis doesn'tmake any sense. Why not call Smash a platform/fighter? That's what it is.
>>11309548You should definitely write it.
>>11309632Pony would never rape.
>>11309640Smash is a party fighter
>>11309649would they pony nonconsensually?
WelpTime to go to workEnjoy your nighthorse
>>11309649Don't tell me what is and what isn't in my head canon.
>>11309640It could be classified both waysBecause it can be a rather casual party game among friends
>>11309665they would pony consexually
>>11309632If Equestria were real the unicorns would enslave the earth pones and the pegasi would fly as far away from both as possible.
>>11309665No, of course not.They would never even pony without first filling out the necessary paperwork.
>>11309581Thanks, I think I might.I've been kicking around some text about Rarity convincing an Anon to crossdress, but it's going nowhere. I don't know, it was just an idea.>>11309604Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight all have kind of workaholic tendencies sometimes. I don't know why I like it so much when ponies work too hard, but I do.>>11309644I won't let you down senpai!
>>11309679Melee isn't casual
>>11309708>senpaiO-oh, gosh!
>>11309363Its some nice coloring. I wish I was there, relaxing with apple pony.
Would you rescue them from the diaper-dungeon?what if they don't want rescuing?
You can only have 1
>>11309747Why are their ipod headphones in their diapers?
>>11309708Good work ethics are nice.
>>11309751I pick this one.
>>11309751WOOP WOOP
>>11309751I am not a filophile
>>11309751SWEETIE BUTT
>>11309722They were always casual games/v/ has sullied the term beyond repair, but that's what they always wereJust because it's a game that you can pick up and play with friends for anywhere from 5 minutes to hours doesn't mean you can't play at a professional level
>>11309751I choose to take the average mass of the three of them and then take the butts from all three of them and form one mass until it is equal.
>>11309751I pick song gilly
>>11309751Give me the singing marshmallow. I like her a lot.
>>11309801HA HAGross
>>11309828I wish this would loop better like the swiff.
>>11309809Melee's the only one that actually has enough depth to be played at a higher level.
>>11309837She will never sing for you so
>>11309768They are, aren't they?I have a sort of half-baked theory that the reason that so many drawfags pick Applejack as a favorite is because they admire her work ethic, and use that to power through the obstacles of learning to art.Does anybody have that list of MLPG drawfags and their favorite ponies?
>>11309826Yes, that too"Casual" is just the tendency for a game to be played without having to invest lots of time in itHop in, play, hop out. Casual
Alright, practically done with this pic finally. I made her butt and other things a bit shiny, not sure how that turned out.Background wise I think somethings' missing, maybe some mountains?
>>11309857I think the term "casual" means not going tryhard on it.
>>11309856Which pony's essence should I summon to help me finish this lab report?
>>11309885Twilight's of course.Do you really have to ask?
>>11309885Ansem the Wise's
>>11309512He whored himself out? Fucking faggot...
>>11309867My inner fa/tg/uy is most pleased
>>11309867Looks pretty sweetNot sure if I'm a hug fan of the bright oj background but I wasn't looking at it anyways.
>>11309693I wish this mod was completed or at least in a playable state to have fun simulating murder of inferior races and species.
>>11309574pure sex
>>11309849That doesn't mean that Melee isn't a casual game
>>11309896But twilight doesn't know anything about real science.Twilight just uses the word science to describe magic that she can understand.
>>11309747feel the glory of necrosis and rejoiceam i not magnonimous
are many among the MLPG able to enjoy and get off to a girl dry-humping and placing a dildo a top an mlp plushie to masturbate in a videocause i would so do that for some money
I wish there was more Diamond DogxPony smutWith oral knotting.
>>11309882That's partially the /v/ definition of itIn terms of defining a game from the designer side of things, "casual" means that pick-up-and-play ability
>>11309948try /mlp/
>>11309948someone already did that
>>11309885well, this pony likes science and books, I'd think about her.>>11309936>implying magic can't be described by sciencesorcerers pls go
>>11309948ask rediv
>>11309042They have a bendy-grip think attached to the wall. They also attach their dildos and vibrators to this.
>>11309908Oh 2011 please comeback
>>11309909Is there more? All I could find was this:
>>11309867I GET ITher snout/beak/thing looks a tiny bit strange to me with that tooth that touches the lower jaw but I dunno
>>11309926"Casual" in this case meaning that it's easy to play and get into. but it definitely is more skill based than Brawl.
>>11309986> fuck I forgot about that videoIt's not liked I kept it on repeat for days or anything...
>>11309956That picture is terrible, but I like the idea.>in the part of the world dedicated to cartoonish adventury stuff a diamond dog adventurer hires to tavern winch to tend him under the table>she winds up stuck there for the next half hour because she didn't know what diamond dogs could do
>>11309948Why would I pay to see that when I can just find stuff like that on the internet for free?
>>11309867Maybe on the background. The rest looks great.
Thick, musky, sticky
>>11309909>you will never a kobold
>>11309909hehthat always makes me giggle
>>11309936Twilight knows plenty about science.
>>11310007>"Casual" in this case meaning that it's easy to play and get intoThat is the complete definition of a casual game, yesThe skill ceiling does not matter, it's the ease of play and the ability to play for a short time without much investment
>>11309998>fucking colossal resolution>Fluttershy as iron manbut that doesn't even make sense, Twilight or Rainbow Dash would make much more sensestill a great picture, though
>>11309139the og 12 wont be cut ever
>>11309998What is wrong with her face?
>>11310035period blood
>>11309986This video has been age-restricted based on our Community Guidelineswat
>>11310057those are clearly frittersYou don't want the farm to get sued for false advertising do you?
>>11309909Why is the knight complaining? I would so take that cutie with me!>>11309988God I wish there is more of this comic.
>>11310057>Fritters fritter FRITTERS fritters Fritters fritter FRITTERS fritters Fritters fritter FRITTERS fritters
>>11310091Could be worse.
>>11309998>those stubby-as-fuck forelegs>over-rendering to the point of being grotesque
we LAM now.
>>11310071The Weed pony
>>11310110What is it with that artist and giant apple crazed moths?
>>11310091It wasn't what he was expecting.She grows on him.
This pony is very bald.Critiques welcome.And yes I know, I can't draw nice long lines. I always have to do them in parts and it looks weird.
>>11310091It's a combination of the patting skeletons and not expecting the princess to be a shortstack qt kobold
>>11310146I'm okay with giant moths. I find it cute and amusing.
>>11310157That pony looks like a stallion.
>>11310111you speak like it's something bad
>>11310157the point where forlegs meet body looks offback of ears/head is too pointy
>>11310177Yeah really. It was unrestricted for quite sometime
Alrighty, fixed her mouth a little bit and went for some mountainy background.
>>11310180It's so far in the uncanny valley it's starting to drill a hole to uncanny ChinaIt's bad
>>11310209I like everything except spikes face. It's so bland and boring. If it was some kind of shit eating grin on his face it would be 10/10
>>11310123Lord almighty
>>11310157Looks nice. You don't have to have perfect lines, this looks like a very neat, cleaned up sketch that you could colour. I like the way you handle anatomy, though I'm not 100% convinced by the snout.Will you give him hair and finish it more? The forelegs look fine to me.
>>11310227exaclyits pleasureablewhy od you hate fun
>>11310209I don't know if the original had eyebrows, but I think that's what is throwing it off for me.
>>11310157Looks good for a bald pony. The front should might be off some.
>>11310209Now make it so Coreysaurus is farting fire and has googly eyes
>>11310230What's wrong, Shep? I thought you liked foreign tail
How do you break the news to your favorite pony hat there are millions who beat their meat to her?
>>11310230Thats nothing. Here.
>>11310209those clouds are shit
>>11310228What, like the dreamworks face?
>>11310261Why would I tell her that? It seems unnecessary.
>>11310157It looks nice at the moment. Get some mane and tail on that pony.>>11310209See? A background like that helps.>>11310151>>11310168Why can't I go on an adventure and find a cute female kobold to rescue?
>>11310265If you furrow both brows it instantly differs from Dreamworks Face
>>11310209too much ass
>>11310265Doesn't have to be. I was thinking more like this.
>>11310279because she is going to find out on her own and her panic will be even worse because she thought you were holding back
>>11310209Didn't the dragon in the original have more of a surprised look?
>>11310296How would she find out?
>>11310291Nobody, please.You other brothers can't deny.
>>11310306"Zonk"Why did Lamar change his name anyway?
>>11310262>reptiles with hairNaw nigga, nawYou can have qt reptile girls without hair>>11309909>>11310123
>>11310245Nope. My lineart never reacts well to me coloring it. Its done. Besides I was just testing stuff to see how people liked it. Keep the lines, lose the angles, jawline makes it too masculine, figure out how to properly attach legs, etc.
>>11310293Hah, that works nicely. Alright, I'll make the changes tomorrow when I wake up: Spike Face, Corey face, and Background clouds.Stay pony.
>>11310291>too much assThose words, Is it even possible to use them in A sentence like that?!
>>11310332New name, new identity, new venturesHe was Lamar to us, but then changed his name and leftIt's some stupid artist shit about being someone different, like how RailGunner changed his name umpteen times already
>>11310123>>11310322>LAM>tfw LK will never crash Prequel threads again>tfw no more Prequel threads
>>11310261Rarity would probably be surprised at first then flatter.She'd then begin to post pictures of herself in lewd clothing on pony image boards and forums.She'd eventually get more daring and show off her naughty bits
>all these scaly women>no Quill WeaveYou all sicken me.
>>11310332New name to circlejerk
>>11310357I will never understand artist. Everything they do or say just makes me confused and sometimes upset.
>>11310357>tfw you can't even settle on a name long enough to post it with your drawings hereI wish I was more creative. Or less picky.
>>11310361I will never understand this fetish.
>>11310357Makes sense I guess. I just thought he changed his names while still here, but that really doesn't matter. Thanks for answering.
>>11310364There's a Prequel thread on /co/ right now.
>all those old ytpmvs you loved are gone
>>11310361Have fun using it a total of once?Actually I don't really want to know the logistics of diaper fetishists
>>11310365That's a terrible answer, but fine.I would explain that she is the star of a popular tv series and that a lot of artwork has been made of her, some of it sexual. I'm sure she'd get the idea without me needing to explicitly state that people masturbate to her.
>>11310394Whats not to like about shitting yourself?
>>11310330TVTropes pls
>>11310394If there's one fetish that I don't understand, it's foot fetish
>>11310410>not downloading them all
>>11310415machine washable
>>11310415>using it a total of onceOh boy are you in for a surprise.
>>11310415What did you think they did before they invented disposable diapers?
>>11310410They are?
>>11310427it's fucking messyi deal with it enough changing my son's diapers.
>>11310426great, now you have to explain that her life has been recorded without her wanting so, and that millions have seen her in her worst moments.
>>11310410You only need 2
>>11310405we can't go to /co/. it's the Promised Land. to go to /co/ before moot tells us we can would be an internet sin.
>>11310453It's at a library.
>>11310394i am a diaperfag but i dont like scat. the humiliation is what gives boner
>>11310460If she was going to find out that people masturbate to her I'm sure she'd find out she's in a tv show.I'm not really sure how I'd explain it though, I'm probably as confused about it as she is.
>>11310435I don't get it either.Feet aren't sexy, they're just gross.
>>11310468But I'm in an X-men thread right now.
>>11310427Beats me.>>11310453Neat.>>11310485Is it hard to go out in public with a stimulus-response like that? Slip on the pavement, "Oh! Hey boner.."I know it probably doesn't work like that, shut up.
>>11310479Are you fucking seriousI just got here
>>11310435I'd think vore is more confusing.
>>11310435>>11310496Are you telling me you understand balloon fetishists but not feet?
>>11310463>that "my boy" in the second oneI laughed, time to go to bed
>>11310453>Rarityi know exactly what kind of wedding she would have. a fuckin' huge one. she'd be on Bridezillas, but for the fact that she'd (probably) refuse to play it up for the TV folks.especially Cougararity.>"those flowers aren't white, they're SPLASHED WHITE! those are different things!"
>attempting to understand fetishesyou guys are idiots
Holy fuck is rediv okay
>>11310479Where's an A-10 Gif when I need it
>>11310558who's that oc?
>>11310479That's a big goddamn shirt. Not surprising, but that's a big goddamn shirt.
>>11310562No idea what is going on
>>11310533Yeah I do. I don't like it, but I do.
>>11310584this is the worst humanization
>>11310602No this is
>>11310562>"Breaking news: Skinny American girl found dead: impaled on horse dildo">"Last words: "What're ya gonna do stab me?"
>>11310613The sad thing is that it probably isn't the worst.
>>11310613no, the worst would be if the Moon Over June guy decided to start doing ponies.
I like purple horse.
>>11310652I like that horse too
>>11310643MoJ stops being shocking when you realize it's just a parody.
>>11310652>>11310661But would she like you?
>>11310652Do you really?
>>11310670I just imagine everything is a parody and ironic.
>>11310673Purple horse hates everything
>>11310652>>11310661I like that horse as wellWe should fuck
>>11310673I could make her like me.
>>11310670it's not shocking, but it's still bad. watching Kitchen Nightmares for years and seeing disgusting restaurants, they stop being shocking, but they're still bad.
>>11310652I like her too. Do you like her with wings?
>>11310684Purple horse became terrible right after It's About Time.She can continue disliking everything.
>>11310681Of course.She is my favorite horse.
>>11310684Purple horse doesn't hate me more than I hate myself.
>>11310722Purple horse hates you more
>>11310702Her wings are very pretty.
>>11310717What do you like about that horse?
>>11310722>pone will never like you because she can't be with someone who doesn't love themselves
>>11310742What if she could teach you to like yourself?
>>11310754THE BEST
>>11310624That's a long tongue
Why do you get out of bed each day?
Why aren't you guys fishing for sharks for later today~
>>11310755Then someone should make a story about it.
>>11310732I never had a Linkin Park phase growing up because I always had decent to good taste in music, but I still feel like I missed out on an important part of my life.
>>11310774Because suck it
>>11310768Because I walk outside to my car and smile because I own it.
>>11310696Nothing will Ever Top Amy's Baking Company
>>11310774Because I don't have a 3DS and want to buy it just for one game... even though I want to hang with you faggots.
>>11310768because I can only lie in bed masturbating for so longalso I have to go to work some daysalso ponies
>>11310768Why wouldn't I? I have a job to do.
>>11310768either because i need to piss or i can't get decent sleep to save my lifethat's really it
>>11310779Someday people on the internet will figure out the difference between real depression and a Linkin Park phase.
>>11310692i think i saw a Twily today. she was this harassed-looking secretary coming out of some finance firm, probably on her lunch break, bitching about having to do all of her boss' work for him. she was wearing this godawful frumpy skirt, a poorly color-coordinated jacket, and flats, and looked like she'd had to use two bottles of conditioner to get her hair to behave. oh, and she had birth-control glasses. they were ridiculous.she was perfect, 10/10 would fall asleep on couch while helping with work with.
>>11310768School and workMostly work though, I love making money off of fat people
>>11310809Are you a rentboy too?
>>11310774I've been doing nothing but fish for the whole day because I need money.I even cancelled building the reset center because none of my friends would come and donate.
>>11310741She's pretty smart, even if she does make mistakes sometimes, and she seems to legitimately enjoy learning new things. She also seems very nice and cares a lot about her friends.And she is very pretty.
>>11310700My room is so bare and depressing. If I was a grill, I would fill my life with colorful, flowery imagery like butterflies and hearts.
>>11310824how do you get started in that industry anyway?
>>11310824A what addictive is xanax?I was prescribed it but ..I'm apprenhensive about taking it.. Sort of freaking out
Has Science Gone Too Far?REAL/FAKE
>>11310768Because I will never get to be with pony by laying in bed all day.
>>11310829I'll donate to you anon, I'm swimming in sharks
>>11310860Did she like absorb bluefast like Kirby
>>11310866Of course you are you sharkslut.
>>11310768Usually hunger.
>>11310866Can we exchange friend codes?
I wish you guys would play more TF2.Or some other fun game.
>>11310832Those are indeed good reasons to like a horse.
>>11310866So, how is the game? I might buy a 3DS for it...
>>11310850just use zoloft
>>11310910I haven't been in a TF2 mood for the past few weeks, I would love it if you guys would play KF or Saints Row 3 or even Torchlight 2.
>>11310925apples>>11310907We can, sure.
Haha, fire aint got shit on me.
>>11310910Besides hats, steam chat plays a lot of DOTA and Ausmnuts. L4D2 every once in awhile, but just pop in there and see what's going on. Offer a game and someone may jump in, that's what it's there for.
>>11310850dont get addicted so hard and i cant stop.its euphoric but you take too much and dont get the same effect and yadda yaddaif you can control yourself, by all means but i'm beyond salvation
new pic
>>11310942>KFThat would be great
>>11310967The neck on the last panel, holy shit
>>11310957Damn straight. the house smells awesome now.
Are any of you guys going to watch this? Most of FiM's voice cast is in this
>>11310942>KF or Saints Row 3sounds funwe should start a steam group that actually plays videogames
>>11310947I don't think they are in the mood for videogames right now.
>>11310942>>11310978>our KF server is dead
>>11311007iirc, Lynchy said it was 2expensive to mantain and nobody even played it anyways.
>>11310992man, I want a yard like that
>>11310447Microwaved used ones.
>>11310978I've brought it up before but no one ever seemed interested.>>11310996Or we could just add each other on steam and play vidya. Y'know, if you want to.
>>11310996So let me get this straight, you are going to make a steam group because you don't like this one since they "don't play games" and circlejerk instead. That happens with any sort of hangout. Eventually people stick around enough to have a presence and others just jump in to hang. That group will eventually become what you are trying to avoid, it's inevitable.
>>11311007i know you guys have a tf2 server i drop in sometimes what other servers do you have?
>>11310978Ehh. I don't even own KF.
>>11311018O-okay ;_;I kid, it was probably for the best.
>>11310996Our steam group does play video games.
>>11311031Well I might have missed it, but I'm game.>>11311054Wait for the summer sale, it always goes on sale for 3 bucks or a bit more.
So, Build a Bear ponies. They look decent and my little sister wants one. She's even going to spend her own money for one. Anyone got any experience with them? She's seen them in person and thinks they're great.Unfortunately her favorite pony is Fluttershy and they only have Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. What's up with that? No love for even Twilight? I thought little girls likedprincesses.
>>11311051 and Minecraft. Used to have KF, but that dropped. Besides that we usually just host for each other or pick invite only games.
bang bang skeet skeet i will never leave
>>11310768because my mom doesn't let me to ;_;
>>11311090tekkit minecraft server fuck yea
>>11310996>SR3>videogamesTwilight i thought you were smart
>>11311050Pretty much
>>11311085>my little sister wants one.Bro you don't have to use that story here.
>>11311085>they only have Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.Really? That sucks.
>>11311085I think Fluttershy is next.
jeezus i dont like rediv on these new meds, she is being super crazy. im talkin BCS levels of crazy.
>>11311145I don't do stuffed animals. >>11311174Twilight and Fluttershy being next are the rumor.
>>11311150it's weird that they don't have a Rarity or a Twilycorn.
>>11311181it always takes some time to adjust to new medicationshe's still the dickhungry artist we know and love
>>11311189>I don't do stuffed animals.What if they had a hole just for that?
>>11311189>doesn't like pony plushes
>>11311181Are there any female porn artists that arent on some sort of meds?
>>11311078I'd be down to play sometime tomorrow if you're interested/not busy.You can add me on steam if you want.
Can pone teach how to make real friends in person?
>>11311216i will prob get a rarity if i can order online but there is a high chance they will fuck up the hair and it will look like ass. the hair for the two they have is awful.
>>11311237are you serious with this profile
>>11311234uh. there's that one girl on /co/. or was. i think she left. she wasn't on anything. but nobody here. is MT on something?
>>11311253Or you will spend a few hundred on a brony one.
>>11311255A little.
>>11311237>you have one friend in commonneat
>>11311282Yeah well she's illiterate so that doesn't count.
>>11311246No but you can bond over pony and become friends from pony.
hey MLPG,how tall are you?
>>11311303You take that back she is only black that's offensive what if you were black and couldn't read huh did you think about that check your privilege.
>>11311303I'm not illiterate. I'm dyslexic.
requesting this as horse rarity spanking sweetiebelle
>>11311303Actually, she should start on Adderall.
>>113113216 feet exactly.
>>11311334you're also horny 24/7
>>11311321tall enough
>>113113215'9 if i stretch out my hardest and wear high heels
>>11311342What is adderall?>>113113215'4"
>>11311340that's not hot, that's stupid.
>>11311340Human sweetie belle or normal sweetie belle?It's dumb either way.
>>11311364>and wear high heelsunf
>>11311364>high heelsFemale?
>>113113215'11".I can't go anywhere because I feel short.
>>11311377anon pls, not everything has to be obesity torture rape child porn vore
>>11311350Girls like sex and get horny just like dudes.
>>11311370the "smart drug". does nothing for dyslexia, but it improves short-term memory dramatically and have some wake-up effects. called "study drug" and used heavily by students cramming for finals.
>>11311321Does height count with shoes or without?
How tall is Celestia?I want the measurement those guys who pixel counted found.Not just guess work.
>>113113216'>>11311422didn't say that. but it's still not hot. those two women are not hot. they're so incredibly unspectacular. i see ten of them every time i enter anything into Google.
How tall is pone?
>>11311425that's true, but only when they're in estrus
>>11311438Is this what you're looking for?I'd like to see a comparison between Celestia and the Saddle Arabians (assuming they're full size horses)
>>11311430ugh...sounds gross...but then again I'm not very good with pills or medicine...tfw can't do bc pills because can't remember when or did you take themI'm sure twilight could use a study drug for all nighters.
>>11311441>hey there fellow po--err human, could you give me a quick plow? I've been feeling estrous all day and I could just use a quickie so I can get back to my bussiness.
nobody but me has posted any ponies in this thread for over 10 minutesI'm monoponizing the pony
>>11311438i think it was something like six feet at the withers.
>>11311203Rediv and dick always in the same sentence it seems
>>11311441>>11311425It's true but their libido goes all over the place, unlike most guysI know because I'm gay
>>11311422>obesity torture rape child pornExcuse me, but my fetish is futa and it must be included in all of your porn drawings. Thank you.
>>11311461pone is little, pone is therefore not very tall unless they are also quite thinnotable exceptions are the 2 princesses whom are much less little than other ponies
>>11311456not all of us here are chronic masturbating porn addicts anon.we can still appreciate a beautiful woman.
>>11311350Rose is too.
>>11311472That skirt is like sheet metal. It doesn't move or play at all.
>>11311470Oh my god we'd be giants to them
>>11311478I was busy.
>>11311470Yep>tfw Celestia is an inch tallerFuck
>>11311515Ken pls
>>113113215'10>MFW stopped getting taller at 15
>>11311472no, just stop. you fucked it up. the guy who originally made that post did it right. the way you put words together is not enjoyable to read.
>>11311141>trying to draw like JJ
>>11311470this picture kind of bugs me because the scale between filly and adult ponies differs between scenes and based on perspective. I'm not sure it's really possible to tell how tall ponies are
>>11311470I don't like that one since it assumes that candy cane is 8ft tall. The one with apples seems more viable.
>>11311470>max autismBut... but... the tangential line on top of the candycane is not perpendicular to the straight line representing the height of the candycane. Fuck.That would reduce the length of the candycane and, in turn, make the measurements for ponies a little taller.
>>11311521Yeah, Flash does now make for a good flowing image.They should have done it all in CGI!
>>11311503b-but that type of woman is exactly the kind of oversexualized porny type you condemnnot that guy but those ladies do nothing for my dick, I am 100% desensitized to brittle makeup plastic-hair ladies in lingerie
>>11311515i wish i could go to a convention with rose and share drugs with her. maybe then she would really open up.
>>11311560>since it assumes that candy cane is 8ft tallbut Twily said she saw an eight foot candy cane
>>11311522Approaching the same size as Iron Will.Perhaps a bit shorter.
>>11311560I argued that once before, but Twilight says "8 foot candycane" in the episodeAlso, the candycane scale and apple scale (as well as the cow scale) all put them within roughly the same height with not too much variation
>>11311572She could of estimated.
>>113113215'7I am among giants.
>>11311503but they're not hot! they're boring and plastic, and as far as that picture shows, have no curves whatsoever. they've got pretty faces, yeah, but whoopie-whoo.
>>11311569But Flash is CGI!
>>11311572Which begs the question of how a foot is an equestrian unit of measurement
>>11311572who the fuck sees a giant candy cane and knows exactly how tall it is. she was just guessing.
>>11311571I don't like it when people are on drugs. It feels like it's not really them, and hanging out with them is fake.
there's this one too
>>11311589oh fuck its rossfuck you
>>11311583We can only take canon at face value.
>>11311597she's got the 'berger's at worst, anon, she's not Rainmare
>>11311597yes.could've just thrown a random height out there. I do that all the time.
>>11311613>measuring to the top of the hairHow retarded can people be?
>>11311569You can make very nice animation in flash. It just happens that mlp is incredibly lazy in those regards and is mostly tweens with FBF only for some limb change movement.See here, this is how you really animate in flasH:
Twilight has probably organized Christmas-style events before since she's a total busybody and good at that sort of shit, and already ordered some of those canes and so knows how big they are.
>>113113215'7"Feels so painfully average
>>11311642pony measurement isn't an exact science, alright?best possible answer right here
>>11311600>In my headcanon, she was just guessigFTFYI'm sorry if you'd like to deny canon.
>>11311642I measure to the top of my hair so I can pretend I'm a few inches taller than I actually am.
>>11311613but that cello is tilted, she's leaning it against herself. It's not going to have the same apparent heighht as a cello standing on its endpin. Right?
>>11311623>>11311632But there's also this. >>11311581The apple scale and Candy Cane scale pictures put them at almost exactly the same height, assuming that the Candy Cane is 8 ft tall.
>>11311623>she's not RainmareFuck now I want that to be a fic...Not Twilight as Rainmare but some other pony as Rainmare.>"This is defiantly not my saddlebag..."
>>11311614not Ross. just don't like little boys' bodies. sticks do nothing for me.
pony fell asleep on youwat do
>>11311470>pony is 3'8"; perfect height for blowjobs>>11311668Err... right, or to give little girls pony rides.
>>11311664We can be 5'7 bros. We could even get pompadours.
>>11311695That would have to depend on the pony and what time it is.
>>11311461In my headcanon average pony is similar mass to average human, if not a little bit heavier. This would still put them at a pretty short stature since they're on all fours, maybe like waist height at the withers and a little shorter than a human if they're propped up on their hind legs.
>>11311664I went to the doctor thinking I was 5,9 Turns out I was 5'7. I was so disappointed
>>11311693That's disgusting
>>11311668That's probably my favorite size.I like sorta big but still kinda small ponies.
>>11311693Feels too fake to enjoy.
>>11311715what an excellent picturehave any more like it?
>>11311695Let pone sleep on me, she must be tired.And now I get an excuse to pet pone.
>>11311693this is photoshopped
>>11311702We can get barbershop quartet outfits and scam people while singing!
Odds: keep drawing for another hourevens: crawl into bed and read a good story foedoubles: quit art.
>>11311695Run hand over back gently
>>11311709Mass is important. I want for pony to lay on my lap while I brush its hair and not be crushed.
>>11311735draw big ponies
>>11311693i wish this was real so bad, it would be my dream rarity
>>11311673They used the Pythagorean theorem, bitch
>>11311747This is what I think of too.
>>11311692Apologies, didn't read the scribbled bits. Thought it was just calculationsHate to bring this up again, but it looks to me as though making it a cello at least puts her height pretty close to the "apple" and "candy came" heights. Also, the song they were playing has a cello in it, and no bass.Not to mention the obvious idea that it was some other inbetween string instrument. For all we know, shit was a viola da Gamba with some strings missing.
Since we are on measurements, anybody else think their eyes would be extremely uncanny in real life?
>See the new OZ movie came out of DVD.>"The Great and Powerful">First thing that came into my head was 'Trixie!'FUCK!
>>11311709Pony mass varies widely from pony to pony.
>>11311761Yeah they would be really freaky. That's why I imagine 3d ponies as being more horselike.
>>11311181new meds are literally the worst
>>11311700>pony ridesi was reading daily horse news and its always sad to see the adoption section for old ponys from pony ride farms. there are so many ponies who are too old to give rides so they are sent to slaughter.
>>11311695Wake pony and ask her to get off of me.Then proceed to question her about how she fell asleep on me and how I arrived here in Equestria as I don't recall drinking bleach.
>>113113215'4Guys aren't suppose to be this short,r-right?
>>11311735reported for underage b&
>>11311782You'll get out of your room, Red. Take back the world one inch at a time.
>>11311695Rub that chubby little belly and fall asleep, myself
>>11311724If you mean pictures where the ponies are a relate able size, no I don't have very much.People seem to either draw giant ponies, or ones the size of 4 yeard olds.
>>11311742Yeah, it would be hurt to have a pony sized pony lay on your lap.Then again it would be weird to have a dog sized pony, they'd be like a little toy.That's kind of why I like to think of them as being about equal to us, but on all fours. There's not actually a lot of real animals that fit that description are there?
I was looking at pictures of cellos and this popped up.
>>11311673c^2=a^2+b^2Is that you, Shiny?
>>11311768>fuck TrixieOkay, which flavor? The "secretly wants someone to love" kind or "seductively manipulative"?
>>11311794Ha ha, you little manlet.My mom's taller than you by two inches. And that's after having started to shrink from being old.
>>11311782How you holding up?
>>11311770Actually it doesn't since with very few exceptions they're based on the same body.
>>11311814I like "grossly overdeveloped and domineering" personally
>>11311794You're what I call a "pocket friend"I want to pick you up and carry you places
>>11311814That's not what I meant at a-The first one...
>>11311777That's why I think measuring ponies to their withers is important; the main thing disproportionate on them is their head, which is rule of cute and because of the amount of expression we want to emphasize the head; so it's just drawn bigger.Bioengineered ponies will be more horselike and feature smaller heads. Don't panic, their muzzles will be stout and their facial expressions just as cute.What this means is either we add the height back into the body or just settle with ponies shorter than show ponies.
>>11311181Who and what happened.
>>11311799i know, im pretty confident in myself its just these meds make me feel like a huge shit>>11311824im highly considering drinking some more
>>11311827what if they just did that to save money, and pony heights actually varied wildly?
>>11311827Same shape and size doesn't necessarily mean the same density or mass.Pinkie is light as fuck while applejack is made of dark matter.
>>11311831OH GOD ME TOO
>>11311789What use are old ponies? I heard ponies are dicks. If they were affectionate like a domestic cat or dog I could see the interest in adopting an older, and thus more docile, animal, but if it's going to bite me, shit on the floor and not want to sleep on the bed with me, what's the point?
>>11311846>im highly considering drinking some moreDon't do it manMeds and booze never mix well
>>11311794Don't worry. You'll be able to find someone your own size. Kylie Minogue is only 5'1".
>>11311846Don't drink too much. It can mix with your meds and do terrible shit to you.People worry, you know.
>>11311770Same goes for humans!I guess to be more specific I think of Mane 6 body style weighing around 180 lbs, with earth ponies being a little on the heavy side and pegasi on the lighter side. Anorexic canterlot ponies might weigh a lot less, and big work horses like Big Mac might weigh a lot more.
>>11311862>The Great and Powerful Tittsy
>>11311846>You'll never get wasted with Red;_;
>>11311861You'll have to show me the episode where it says that.
>>11311812see>>11311757>comparing me to shinyYou wound me, sir although he's not that bad, at least not the worst we've seen
>>11311799No she won't. She's going to go into a drugs-induced frenzy and fall spectacularly into the grips of addiction.
>>11311874>and big work horses like Big Mac might weigh a lot moremaximum unf
>>11311876Sometimes we get wasted in the steam group and play vidja or just chill.
>>11311846>drinking some moreCan you please try not to die? Seriously, dont drink and med.
>>11311890People need to stram while drunk more oftenIt's always fun
>>11311889>tfw no AJ and Big Mac to make a cuddle sandwich with.
late night poop posting
>>11311843The real issue will be keeping ponies out of uncanny valley; with such human like emotions and intelligence in an alien form, we need them to seem as friendly as possible. Too human we risk uncanny valley, too horsey we risk alienating the target buyers.
>>11311871>>11311873i know, and i appreciate itis just like, i feel so shit right now and drinks make me happy and even draw a lot betterplus im a lightweight and im only drinking wine coolers>>11311876come hang out with me at a con it happens>>11311892im on my 4th wine coolerif i havent died yet im sure i wont die from drinking
>>11311900I would, but I have problems being entertaining by myself. What would be good to stram?
>>11311904>no one to cuddle with anywayAt least I have my cat.
>>11311909what would you like to shitpost about anon
>>11311890Red in in the Steam group?I'm in the chat right now and drunk.I really wish someone would play videogames.
>>11311921My cats always run away from me.
why in the hell is everyone all over red so muchwhat the fuck guys
>>11311889You know muscle is more dense than fat, right? So even though Pinkie and AJ have the same general size, Pinkie could be a lot softer and AJ a lot firmer and heavier.
>>11311920Drunk drawing with a mic is funnyDrunk vidya can be hilarious depending on the vidya
>>11311928i was in there once but it was dumb and i left forever
>>11311862alright, let me give you the guide.things you're okay for: Trixie, Pinkie, Rarity (limited), Celestia, Chrysalis. Flitter, Cloudchaser, Gilda and Fluttershy still under consideration.things you're not okay for: Dash, Twilight, Twist, Luna, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applejack.
>>11311931Only a few unsusual times will my cat not come to me when I call.
>>11311831>>11311862>Not the Great and Enhanced TrixieIt suits her personality better that she's fake
>>11311936I just want to suck her dick a littleis that so terrible
>>11311936Because people are worried about her.
>>11311947i never like his pinkie
>>11311960and...why?nobody usually gives a fuck about anyone around hereis it because she's a she?
>>11311952They're not fake, just "modified"
>>11311945Yeah. The whole place is a sausage fest. I don't blame you.Rose did the same thing.>girls will never play TF2 with you;_;
>>11311936i like to think im fun to hang out with
>>11311945Ouch. I will admit that it comes and goes, and some guys are pretty scrubby, but it gets active pretty nice over the weekends.
>>11311959>>11311960Is Red a steam group chat person? This person doesn't sound familiar to me.
>>11311918Well alright
>>11311918>First person ever to die from wine coolers.>The world is shocked!>"Those things have alcohol in them!?"
>>11311971>usually no one gives a fuckDid you miss the thing with Weaver? Or most of the other artists when they had their own personal crises? With the exception of Ross, of course.
>>11311973i play tf2 all the time
>>11311969i don't either, but big tits work for Pinkie.
>>11311971They care for the first few weeks regardlessThen we get sick of everyone
>>11311952I hate fake people so much. Not only are they annoying, but a big turn off.
>>11311971New meds + booze + depression = worryWe can be dicks, but when someone is in a bad way we're generally helpful
>>11311984remember that girl who died from eating too many chicken nugger? that was me
>>11311989ah yes, weaverhe seems to be a special case with just about everything though
>>11311936They freaked because rch had to evacuate his house because of a fire or some shit. They do this all the time.
>>11311918>come hang out with me at a con it happens>tfw not American
>>11312007Did you become a pony?
>>11311978She's an artist, she's been around quite a while anon.
>>11311971you dont have to be a jerk all the time anon.
>>11312005I think several people here have already killed themselves.You guys are doing a terrible job.
>>11311992I disagree.
>>11311989I tried to get people to shut up about Kraut since he stopped stirring shit but people just screamed when he showed up with drawings. And now he's gone forever.
These ponies are naked. Find them suitable clothing immediately.
>>11312020Oh wait, is Red >>11312007rediv? I'm sorry, I caught the dumb. Everything makes sense now.
>>11311990Oh gosh. We should totally be frens.No wait that's a bad idea. I'd just add you and we'd never talk just like all the people here I have on Skype.I'm not alcohol enough for this yet.
>>11311889>>11311904I think of AJ as being a fairly lean and muscular, though not as toned as Dashie. Big Mac is really muscular but is a bit soft and definitely has some body fat, kind of your typical "guy you don't want to mess with" build, but really he's super nice.I generally think of Big Mac as being one of the few who could comfortably have a human or other pony ride on his back for an extended period of time, a la buff dude giving piggy back ride to GF.Cuddling Big Mac suddenly does sound rather appealing...
>>11312019yeah, I'm the white one here
>>11312030ASK THIS HORSE
>>11311990Why did you hate the steam group?
>>11312025Maybe those people really just wanted to get to Equestria.I sincerely hope no one has.
>>11312028we'll do this scientifically. if this post is evens, you're right. if odds, i'm right.
>>11312007Oh man I am sorry for your loss.Chicken nuggers are murder on my insides.
>>11312025Depression != suicidal thoughtsIf someone is serious about suicide there's not much that can be done online except try to help when you can and hope they don't do itWhat Red is fucking with is the sort of thing that put Heath Ledger away, it sneaks up on people
>>11312040probably got sick of the memes and ironic posting
>>11312047I don't think that's actually science.
>>11312038What? That horse doesn't have any clothes.
>>11312029Problem is people developed a distaste for him before he got it real bad. And I never understood the need to shitpost about him when he posted a request or a drawing except those ones he should have kept to tumblr
>>11312014>rch had to evacuate his house because of a fireWHAT?!
>>11312038>Rarity will never be snooty and imperious at you sexually
>>11312040Not her, but I went to the steam group chat a total of once and never returned. It was not very enjoyable and I don't plan on ever returning.
>>11312059She makes clothes out of friendship
>>11312080Certainly doesn't make money from that friendship.
>>11312040Could you link said steam group?This could be relevant to my interests.
>>11312040i dont like steam groups in generalthe chats, i mean
>>11312080What if she makes friends out of clothes?
>>11312089She makes money other ways.
>>11312098That...almost went grimdark.
Okay everyone should come to the Steam chat right now. Its pretty chill and you can help us figure out what sort of multiplayer game we should play that isn't TF2, Dota, Awesomenauts, Minecraft, or KillingFloor.
>>11312051>What Red is fucking with is the sort of thing that put Heath Ledger away, it sneaks up on peoplehomosexuality?
>>11312098They would be magic
>>11312106Oh right.She styles hair!
>>11312040>the steam chat is where the shitposters hang outgee I don't know
>>11312117No, I think it's forgetting that a shotgun isn't a toothbrush.
>>11312109I was sure to steer clear of that.The joke in this instance was that Rarity has no friends.
>>11312096 think the chat is still open to public. If not then it's join or invited. That's where everything happens, don't use the discussion board or announcements.
>>11312113>and you can help us figure out what sort of multiplayer game we should play that you dont have in your libraryNo thanks
>>11312113PQ please don't do this
>>11312113B-but if I go into the bad steam groups chat I will never get to come back here!
>>11312136Oh come on AppleDan.At least play TF2 with me.
>>11312136FOR FUCKS SAKE APPLEDANSTOP BEING POOR>>11312113Company of Heroes
>>11312131I think that's the reason she became NMM in the comic...
>>11312098Rarity once had a job as a hotel caretaker during the winter. she went out to the hotel, but it got snowed in, and she had to spend the entire winter, essentially, alone, except for fifty mannequins and all the fabric she could find. by the end of the winter, each mannequin had five complete dresses and unique personalities.
>>11312117girls are gross
>>11312113MLPG can't play games unless they're free or for sale.
>>11312137Nah it was me. Lilly.
I think the only reason people don't like the steam chat is you can't not post anonymously.
i need to cut my nails
>>11312148Oh yes, because I need someone else to stomp me in that game.
>>11312030Honestly Tex, I think this just made things worse.
>>11312160Do you like boys, or men, red?
>>11312158>All the dresses are hessian sacks
>>11312160But what about mares?
>>11312161You shut your apples
>>11312170Whatever. I just like talking to people anywyays.
>>11312160Humans are gross, quit complaining.
>>11312136I'll buy you one game if you draw the best pony.
>>11312135Noted. Thanks.
What if ponies worked in an office?
>>11312148>>11312170I'll wrock both of you m8 i swer>>11312154BEING POOR BUILDS CHARACTER, KEEPS YOU STRONK
>>11312166Or it's full of idiotic fucks that remind us all too much of the piss?>Enter a game.>Nothing but mic spam.>It's actively encouraged.
>>11312166I don't like the steam chat because they're rather annoying and it's more enjoyable here overall. Names have nothing to do with it.
>>11312161Sad, but true. Got a few people who will play Payday, and that's fun. Can't wait until 2 is released. Unfortunately getting enough people together who are: on 4chan, MLPG, steam, and have the game all at the same time is slim.
>>11312187Alright anon, who is the best pony?
>>11312183How can you talk over the retarded /b/ level mic spam?
>>11312193They would first need to fill out the proper Applecations.
>>11312193Ponies should not be exposed to such soul crushing horrors.
>>11312201I like micspam. Every once in awhile the server will go full retard but usually reserves it for when nothing is going on.
>>11312106>"anything with a hole can be a common hussy. it takes a level of refinement the little people simply lack to meet my clientele's refined tastes."
>>11312215You can mute people you know. Tan and Vulapa are fucking annoying as shit with their micspam. At least the other people shutup when I tell them to.
>>11312161Must be nice being a glorious rich porn artist, eh?Looking down at the Anon peasants?Tell me, has Microsoft commissioned you to draw them an Xpone yet?Why do you even come here anymore? You are just a walking ad for the Steam kids these days.
>>11312241what the fuck are you talking about anon
>>11312228>I like micspam.Because you are a fucking 12 year old.
>>11312177and curtains, and bedsheets, and towels, and so forth. it was a nice hotel. high-class. five stars, bitch.
>>11312221Would you rather pony work at McWheaties? Make soy burgers and hay shakes? "Would you like hay fries with that?"Honestly, an office would be a sanctuary from the daily grind hell of food service.
>>11312256>RarityOf course
>>11312254I guess input should only be used to win the game then.
>>11312265I'm telling Harshwhinny you said Rarity is a better pony than her.
>>11312180>>11312175stallions > maresmen
Would you let Pinkie make you coffee? Even if you knew she was going to dump molasses in it because that's how she takes hers?
>>11312271Or talking in the mic like a normal human and not through mic spam.Bur who am I kidding, it's part of your 'LEL EPIC MEME!' bullshit.
>>11312282>red isn't biI'm surprised
>>11312282Even futamares?
>>11312294It's not what it is, it's how it's used.
>>11312296Finally, someone who isn't a faggot.And it's a woman, go figure.
>>11312283>Making coffee sweetBleeh. Because I don't get enough sugar in everything else I eat? Would molasses in coffee even 'work'?
>>11312296i judge based on personalities but im more attracted to the male body>>11312300now..theres a different thing...
>>11312280That was more of a "ugh, of course" than a " Of course!"You stay away from mai waifu anon
>>11312282not for the purposes of getting fucked and getting off, but just to titillate and delight, do you prefer stallion-on-femanon, stallion-on-mare, or stallion-on-stallion?
>>11312318They're best when paired with each other.
>>11312318Big and strong or thin and toned?Dominating personality or sheepish?
>>11312283Would you let Muslimshy make you Arab coffee?
>>11312294Why not just mute them?
>>11312306And it's used poorly.if you want to talk in the chat like it is intended, fine. I don't want to get my ears blasted off by being welcomed into the rice fields. It should kick the little fuck who hits that key more then twice.And you wonder why nobody wants to go over and play with you.
>>11312334Which one is it this week?
>>11312346I've never had it, so sure.But I'd let any pony make me thai iced tea
>>11312336both the former, not so much the latter>>11312342agreement>>11312344somewhere in the middle, dominate chubby dudes are cute
>>11312344>sheepishThis is not a manly trait. You have failed.
>>11312359Those are the saysounds, not the micspam. Personally, I don't like them either.
>>11312359I disabled the sounds if that helps, I don't like them a lot either.
MLPG, because of you I'm in love with a magical talking cartoon horse, and it has made me miserable.Tell me how to fix this.
>>11312348Because muting is like filtering, it's fucking retarded. I shouldn't have to mute someone, this isn't supposed to be Halo, I don't have a 12 year old screaming profanities at me.
>>11312364The one it's always been son
>>11312346>MuslimshyWhy would you associate a pony with some of the most putrid people on the planet?
>>11312371>tfw 9% body fatshoot
>>11312371>you will never be a pretty futahorse in a romantic relationship with another pretty futahorse
>>11312334Nope. You can't have it both ways. She's a literal-minded pony. She'll take the letter of the law. You've had it. But anyway, you were right, Rarity is best pony.
>>11312378marry magical talking cartoon horse, obviously
>>11312384One of these, right?
>>11312388I'm bony as fuck.I kind of like being so skinny.
>>11312386>fluttershy not being attracted to a religion that gives her an excuse to hide in public in a concealing cloth and not speak to people
>>11312400No Tex, not one of those>>11312393I'm warning you anon, don't make me come over there
>>11312375>It's not this.>It's that!Shit is still shit, Anon.>>11312377Thanks, but it may be a little late, my opinion on your little group is burned in me now, and it's not one I want to associate with.
>>11312381Not everyone is going to follow the same way of playing, that's what it's there for. If you don't like what it is, then shape it into what you want. Sounds like you want a more privately controlled server.
>>11312386because they are God-tier qt3.14
>>11312402>tfw not skinny>Just lift and ride but don't try to gain muscle
>>11312388its still okay>>11312389i want to die
>>11312386>judging an entire fandom based on the worst of the group
>>11312396I would have done this already if I could.Unfortunately I have no way to reach her.
>>11312424but you have posted no supporting evidence
>>11312427Hey Rediv. Want to make out?
>>11312427Would you rather be the top or the bottom horse most of the time?
>>11312425I'm a little too lazy for my own good and yet still skinny as fuck. Feels good, man.
>>11312422Sounds like you just want to grunt and spam voice emotes with your fellow grunts.
>>11312419>yourOh no no no, I don't go to the chat anymore, it's just a piece of advice, that's all.But this isn't ponies at all, what a shame!What pony do you think it would work better for her own spin-off?
>>11312444Sounds like you hate fun.
I love the oedipal feelings Ms. Harshwhinny provokes in the younger fans......let Mommy Harshwhinny kiss it and make it better, much experience making colts feel good...
>>11312371>Dominant chubby guysOnly DYELs can be dominant.
>>11312439No one wants to make out with you, anon.