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shit tier off-topic circlejerk
fuck the mods for not deleting you
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would you floss a minuette
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Luna is best princess.

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Kids are really into teenagers that were horses

If you thought the furries were bad, wait til the fandom gets a load of otherkin and therians.
only if she gives me diplomatic immunity

Anon in that other thread finished uploading the guidebook.

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Day 113
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 4,944 (Running Total: 673,552)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 22,320 (Running Total: 2,969,407)


Just a week before that thing happens, huh?

Time flies when you're dreading something I guess.
if you're caught you end up in Celestia's basement for a week
god why is that face giving me a boner
Your favorite ponoe is a slut
But...but I don't want propane

Not with all these naked flames in my house
woops, wrong post
I mean >>11265654
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And to think that 2 years ago Equestria Girls meant a fun, cute jingle parody of California Girls.
its dem canines man
This is a very well established fact.
>not Supreme
Octavia confirmed for gigantic fuccboi.
So Pionkie Pie was walking along

I fprget te rest but the puncline is she's a slut
>not redivxrediv

anon pls

selfcest is best best.
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ingest the nearest container of cleaning chemicals
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If you have some dread, why not burn it?

Great! I'm sure there won't be any serious repercussions.
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>stuck in Celestia's basement
>it's not so bad, you have your own cot, cable TV, vidya and internet
>she brings you fresh baked cookies and stuff and asks only that you try not to make a mess, also to bring out your own dishes
>occasionally ventures a question or feigned interest in your activities, or asks how her new apron/dress looks on her

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Not exactly what I had in mind, but I guess that works
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>AJ blinks
no fucking shit you stupid faggot
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We are currently watching Scrubbling Bubbles literally drink himself to death.

There's going to be a news story in about a week of a guy found dead in his 1 room apartment with terrible puns scrawled all over the walls and a 4 foot tall sculpture of Pinkie Pie made out of human hair in the exact centre

i think
I'm making a prediction
The joke here is you think I could afford an apartementnet
Think you could link me to your livestream thing?
>7/10 Would yank out one of her tail hairs and floss with it
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Death comes swiftly. But not for you. We need you still, to fulfill the prophecy. The Ouroboros must be completed, Bubbles. You don't get to die yet. Now get back into the fight, soldier.
Why is there a comic with an old man and another picture with an old woman?

I find these search results dubious at best.
I'm gagging from how much I'm laughing
Google knows it's shit
Do you guys like decently written pony smut?
I do, why?
Can't hide from me Rumble
Yes and that's a silly question. You're silly.
>inb4 we ded
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he's taken

that depends hugely on who's definition of "decently written" we're going by.
But not by Scootaloo.

>you will never see Rumble and Scootaloo go through their hipster phase together
Do you like Rarity getting sexed in a spa?
I'm talking decent but could be better with a good editor
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More requests since I finished the last sketches?
i can edit it for you.
Just fucking post it already you schmuck
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This pony doing fast stuff
Octavia cum inflation
I like a lot of things if they're well-written. Don't fret over it and post it.
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Filly Dash and Fluttershy playing a board game
Rarity and Zecora battle rapping
Celestia hugging Luna.

Fancypants and Applejack hanging out while Rarity and Tex watch jealously.
stallion x femTexanon
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Is 'Questria Girls gonna be on the TV?
No loser
I am sure at one point, it will.
Gilda browsing through vinyl albums

>So, thanks for coming with me to the school dance, I guess."
>"Yeah... if my mom and aunts hadn't made this dress just for tonight, I probably wouldn't have bothered going."
>"Well... if Flitter and Cloudchaser hadn't wanted pictures of me in a suit, I probably wouldn't have either..."
>"Well, I guess tonight could have gone a lot worse for both of us."
>"Yeah... at least we didn't have to dance more than once..."
do movie screens count as TVs?
in a few months
>>"Well... if Flitter and Cloudchaser hadn't wanted pictures of me in a suit, I probably wouldn't have either..."
>"What's the deal with them anyways? They aren't related to you right?"
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technically they were yelling at Rumble
I'll take you up on the proposal then.

>"It's... kinda tough to explain. I just tell everyone they're my sisters to save time."
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>Pinkie has said a bunch of spanish stuff on the show
>Scoots only says "compadres" and now she's mexican
They're probably related
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>For a Lady's Needs
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I like these. Probably get to it tomorrow.
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I finally manage to sleep for five hours and you're telling me I missed a /tg/ AND a TF2G thread about me?

How am I supposed to go that long without people talking about me
I wouldn't mind hispanic Panka

No RD this is my icecream
You already ate yours
Sweet, thanks Tex.
Yeah but Pinkie grew up on an Amish rock farm

Scootaloo's homeless

There's a much better case for Scoots being Mexican


Here we go again
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they'll never talk about you again

it's ogre
make them Faust, John Weise, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Skrillex
>"Well... if Flitter and Cloudchaser hadn't wanted pictures of me in a suit, I probably wouldn't have either..."
I need pictures of an embarrassed Rumble in a suit, with Flitter and Cloudchaser giggling at him.
just because we haven't met her parents doesn't mean she doesn't have any
>not Elliot Smith, The Fall of Troy, Brand New or The Mars Volta
>it's carnation pink
>they'll never talk about you again
>it's ogre
does anyone have the archive links at least
PLEASE tell me this wasn't the real GG
well, there's that one miLes picture of Rumble in a suit being kissed on the cheeks by the twins
anon pls

pls anon

they died in a taco fire.
Your mom is a NIGGER lmao
Oh, good, it wasn't
This is Gilda we're talking about. She worries about looking cool, but she's not actually cool, she's really out of touch.

They need to be pretty mainstream.
this is very unarousing
Make shift title for the time being
Hot-Topic-core then
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I'm afraid so!

>implying they're not The Sonics, Little Richard, and Motorhead

you're thinking of Rainbow Dash's music.
has anyone seen Trek-It Kirk yet?

Is it any good?
like Pg.99
You mean Twerk-It Tina?
>not ACDC, Guns n roses and Metallica

holy shit, DYEG?
Which pony do you think has the worst taste in music?
Even though I didn't like that they got Cucumberpatch as Khan, he did a really good job.
It was pretty enjoyable, at least for me

okay, so... Beatles, Stones, Who, Zeppelin, all the bands kids wear shirts for without listening to. because none of the cool kids nowadays bother with vinyl, daddy-o!
Elements of Harmony book scans
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Post-Pinkerton Weezer
Fluttershy >>11264858
I prefer lightsaber-it Luke.
I thought you were ded
Pinka, probably all Pop and Kids Bop nonsense

Fluttershy. she probably likes Enya.
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Well if anyone even knows what the /tg/ thread was or has an archive I'd really like to read it especially because apparently my monstergirls were in it

please and thank you, MLPG

I'll be out of the hospital and probably home in about three days
>tfw can't go to any other board without seeing at least one pony
really /sci/
woops, meant >>11264980
We already know that Rarity canon likes pop.
Do you have it? Or should I look for it myself?
It's pretty late at night and I'm finishing an assignment
I'll go back to being ded then
He just got back from the hospital
Post pics of the baby you jerk
Ponk probably listens to literally everything so i wouldn't call it bad per se
good luck in your dedness, you're always welcome around but GET GOOD GRADES NIGGA
What's wrong with Enya?
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sadly I don't have it since I'm using a friend's computer
He's not due for months I thought
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Thanks, friend.
haha, went and got some MLP girl panties that are supposed to be able to fit up to 67 lbs, and I fit them.

now back to some drawing

the /tg/ thread was days ago gg.
Does anyone have a screencap of that old "pepperbronies" post?
>wearing them
>not jerking off into them
>not getting them used
Wahte did a pinei pie asayt to rainbowjsh sparkle rairitu when they wlkujed into a bar?

merryi holidayrs !
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I searched foolz for "monstergirl" and "weaver" and didn't find any threads heavily featuring you within the last couple days aside from this

Which probably isn't what you're talking about
I like it when Sweetie Belle poops on my chest :)

>pretending to be drunk on the internet

The saddest form of humour.
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Post Haste & Fancypants
This one took just under an hour, I'm getting faster!
Pony outfits sure are weird
Best joke you've made in ages
Scrubbles! You are out of line!
This thread still exists.

Just fuck off already.

I'm putting it on the fridge.
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Wh-what if he had a miscarriage?
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GG weren't you gonna have a shot at more of these?
What's the context for this?
dude you don't wanna see
i don't think none of ya wanna
Thank you anon.
Try following the link.

>Beg pardon gentlemen, /co/lts, and pony enthusiasts alike, but I have a question.

>I've been away from the fandom for some time, and it's come to my attention that the term "brony" is now a term considered.. unsavory, at best.

>Might I ask when and how this came to be? I was becoming quite enamored with the moniker.

Fuck you now all I can think about is that thread with Anon comforting Gilda after she miscarries.
Man, I just want to be BFFs with her.
That scenario sounds like she resents me.
>you will never visit Gnaw'leans
>you will never hang out with gators and herons and cottonmouths
>you will never have to deal with the uneasy feeling that everyone in town is sizing you up for their next meal and if you were to somehow tragically die there wouldn't exactly be a funeral
>you will never be protected only by the fact that a gator girl took a shine to you and makes her daddy and brothers keep you safe
>Try following the link
didnt even see it, sorry anon.
>this happened two years ago
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I still can't believe Cookie is really Ross

>you will never get sucked off by a gator girl while her brothers take her from behind
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>that entire thread

Pfft, thanks anon!
Is she a qt?
is she sweet and lovable?
pffft what
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That's a blue pony.
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>GG weren't you gonna have a shot at more of these?
Sorry, I can't right now. Progress is slow here
Hopefully I'll be home and back to normal by wednesday night though (though I imagine I'll probably go on an eating frenzy and sleep for days)
Once things stabilize I'll try to get back to drawing regularly

I really really miss being able to draw a lot
I didn't know how much I relied on it to get me through the day

Probably not but thank you anyway anon
What an inane post.
I'm only familiar with one pony-related Cookie.
Who's that one?
So I've been invited to a Lovecraft-themed Burlesque show.

I'm honestly not sure what to expect.
I wouldn't expect ponies
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Of course. On both counts.
Oh god
How was that
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Actually, you know, I just realized that I basically invented Caimon for incest stuff and then never actually did anything with that

Every monstergirl has a role but Caimon sort of broke out of hers
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My sister drew a thing.

She was mostly frustrated with the eyes. I think her problem was she drew the eyes last, after the mane and head shape.

She just kind of eyeballed the body too, no construction lines. I kind of like the way the body is shaped but it doesn't look as fluid.
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That sums up every 4chan post ever.
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So how many of the drawfags in here actually use the stabilizer in SAI?
say Double G, were there more of these random pairing comics? like this? >>11262689
Shit, was it even his kid?
I don't know much about Lovecraft stuff; never been my thing, but a concert I went to did a Burlesque act with the vocalist in a wheelchair and I could barely take it,
damn it was hot.
Better than me/10
Oh, jeez, I recognize my posts in that thread. And only one under my trip; I couldn't remember if I already had it at that time!
I do, but I'm also not very good

How unfortunate.
aw yiss
8.3/10 would romance and marry
Now here comes every 4chan post exclaiming about those numbers
Motha fuckin geeeeet.
I set my stabilizer to 15.
Is that maybe a bit too much?
Currently at 5 for most things. A high stabilizer is good for certain brush settings and effects, however.
Delete that post before the getfags come here

was on a 3.
>dat self-fulfilling prophecy
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she's on the road to good things. how old is your sister?
she's better off
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>you're served a big bowl of gumbo by a grinning gator gourmand while zydeco music blasts away in the background
>you quietly ask your gator friend if the gumbo has meat in it
>they burst out laughing
>"You crazy, peekon? Who be givin' la viande to a pony? Na get you some tabasco an' tuck on in!"
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I kind of freaked out when I saw how smooth she was drawing the lines.

Compared to my two-handed mouse lines.
I love that picture
But I only use 3-6 at any given time
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You get that tablet yet? Or paper and pencil?
Yeah probably
The initial plan was a very playful sort of sexual sibling rivalry where she's aware of her brothers' advances but doesn't think too much of it, treating it on the same level as brother-sister pranking
That would have been interesting though

I've also been drawing her without her sunglasses, and the whole point of those was that she wears them constantly in a very unfashionable way, even inside or at night

Nope it was just that one, sorry
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oh my goodnes
who drew dis?
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Does she speak in spoiler tags?

He probably meant to post a censored version, or forgot that picture had gator bits in it in his no doubt drug-addled state.
c-could you do more? p-please?

Tomato, tomato

I'm strongly considering getting a monoprice now though. Especially if drawing ponies with my sister can become a thing. We got the house to ourselves this weekend. So much pony.
1 for sketching, 12 for Inking, S-2 if I'm having too much trouble.
>gator bits
Naw, there's no bits there, just a big blonde fluff.
Occasionally in greentext as well.

Though you're never really sure how she can pronounce <3
She's fluent in blacktext, >greentext and of course normal speech
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y'all gettin' hitched? well, da's good'a hea-uh, mon frer. caus', ya go 'bout breakin' huh haat, an' dey ain't gonna find no body, comprendre?
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You should if it's not going to break the bank. Drawing is pretty enjoyable.

you people and your fancy tool assisted drawing
photoshop is the way 2 go
Applejack X Chrysalis
No sense whatsoever
I think it's lame how no one ever does stuff in photoshop around here
you should stram some time
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>We got the house to ourselves this weekend.
the fact that she wears them so often just makes the times when she doesn't all the cuter
lol like my computer can handle photoshop and livestream at the same time

ur a fony one
i would if i could, trust me
I'd like to imagine it's a little squeaky coo.
Like she's just so excited that it eeks out and she wiggles her hooves.
And don't forget the importance of body language!
3 skethcing, 6-10 on inking.
I prefer practicing on paper, so if I practiced on a tablet, it would probably be a bit lower by now. I really don't care.


I always hear this when I read it.
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Oh my fucking god
that would be adorable if I didn't know who you were talking about
Till death, mon frere.
Of course
and she can say so much with a single tilde~
Nah, it's still cute.
for you maybe.
I can't find that...thing, cute.
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>Applejack X Chrysalis
Sorry I already paired Chrysalis with Fancy Pants

I confess
I actually had to look up a reference picture of a real alligator when I drew Caimon from the front
So... tildes would be her smirking and wiggling her hips?
Or maybe a breathy inflection?
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wah t is wwrong wiht DJ pon3?

ohg god my eyes feeel like acdid oh god why please ow ow
wait a minute
>pony prints

It fucking starts
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What have you done?!?!
>DJ pon3
>eyes feel like acid
oh boy
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SB, you should probably lay down
too much MLPG isn't healthy
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there's another species of gator besides the American.

>you will never have a qt3.14 Chinese alligator waifu
>too much MLPG isn't healthy
Thne why cant I die?
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Caimon is 2cute
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What about a fatty acid
Yes, why can't you
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Delicious life-sustaining pone.

Because it works as a poison to reduce your HP down to 1, but it doesn't kill you.
>make the veiller
is...is she hitting on me?
>as long as you are in love with pony and have regular contact with pony, you can't die
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Because you are the chosen one, SB.
Destined to lead MLPG to a new age of pony.
dem omega threes
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I've yet to figure out how to kiss her.
It's like pony, but with far far worse consequences.
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Worst status effect EVER!
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now she's hitting on you
but is she cuter than Gillou?
Rarity would eat three meats
not bad actually, and i don't have a fat fetish
definitely not what i was expecting
Nah, Gillou is still the cutest GG monstergirl
>Chrysalis with Fancy Pants
>tfw she wants the sausage lovers but you want pineapple and bacon
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How does it feel like to have a family, mlpg?

Like having a huge responsibility, jobs, taking care of kids and wife and all that

I dont see the appeal, Im kind of selfish

two swamp-dwellers making the hot-and-steamy in ninety-percent humidity. yes.
monster girl fags are the worst thing to happen to MLPG
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We pizza toppings now?
The family that bucks together, fucks together.
But muh fandom

Anonymous is the worst thing to happen to MLPG
bags of sand
I don't know about "the worst" but I would like them to leave for somewhere more appropriate
It has its ups and downs.
the person you had the child with can really drive you mad, as can your child,
but it's worth it once you've had it.
i've got an interview monday, so then i'll know what the job thing is about.
only job i had i was fired from in a months time.
>post story
>no comments
I-Is it that bad?
I understadnsd

please kille me
fart fart faaart
Would you introduce your kid to MLP?
y-yes ma'am
I don't get it either.

Thinking about it, the prospect of being in a serious committed relationship where I couldn't just be like "no fuck off I want to jerk off to disgusting shit" whenever I wanted is pretty scary.

I guess that's childish but I don't particularly care.
>Nah, Gillou is still the cutest GG monstergirl
That's not how you spell Dewbon.
Better question:
Would you introduce your kid to MLPG?
I know I would, I hate kids
fluttershy pls
but what does "make the veiller" mean?
I don't speak gnawlese
_____________________I disagree______

YOU FUCKING johnny-come-lately
lol you mean Veronica, right
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I'm okay with them as long as it is at least pony monster girls
hell no
but if i saw him browsing, we'd sit down and talk about how to not be a fucking faggot online.
and that pinkie is best pone
and I'd like the EAfags to leave for somewhere more appropriate
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I can't wrap my head around why a sane person would want a fucking tropical fruit on their pizza.

>"swamp's a dangerous place, sug'. better stay inside. somethin's liable to come eat you on up~"

i think i will write a Manes-go-to-Gnawlins story.
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no, he spelled gillou right
It's sweet and has a nice texture.
>but what does "make the veiller" mean?
it just means to stay in talking
it's a Fancy way of basically saying you're just going to hang out and shoot the shit
but pony related fetish discussion is appropriate for a pony discussion thread

these monsters aren't ponies in the slightest

Because it tastes good and it complements the flavors of some other common toppings, such as both Canadian and regular bacon.
i want to be a centaur
Because it's sweet and contrasts with other, saltier toppings well.
It's only REALLY good when hot and fresh though.
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>these monsters aren't ponies in the slightest
sometimes they are
Caimon is best monster girl.
I hope rediv is okay

I want to cum inside a happy and healthy rediv
i gotta say, gummy bears and m&ms are fucking amazing on pizza.
though i usually just have extra cheese, chicken and hot sauce on mine.
okay, so if you draw your monster with a pony I guess that's alright
but then you get fags like >>11267220
who aren't even trying

it's like the babs seed song in the style of what babs would listen to in her rebellious stage
Who would be Ignacius J Reilly's favorite pony?
and yet it's still preferable to people cybering in the General.
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have mercy
I know for a fact that some of these monster girl loving anons hate shitposting on MLPG

For some reason I always imagine Gillou would sound like Sister Mary Patrick. If not the exact same voice, then at least the same kind of bubbly sweetness and giggly-ness.
If I was at home I'd post that one of Shining Armor and Princess Bitch

motherfuckin princesses everywhere
Luna. Monarchy and all that. And Celestia's a bit too modern for his tastes.
if they hate it so much then why are they doing it?
Yeah, being a centaur would be acceptable.
Basically, everything from being an arachne would be fine with me
I long madly for your minimalist ability.
I feel like a moron for not knowing who that is
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I can't stand it, it just doesn't fit my taste. I like pineapple on it's own though.

Pineapple on pizza is still the act of a madman.
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How would you woo your pony waifu?

pick up lines?
My linkify version cuts every link after 35 characters, anyone got an idea how to fix that? Or a better script?

but why does it taste so good with chocolate
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GG monstergirl thread?
>veronica leaves her turn signal on.gif
That's because it's usually watered-down shit.

Get yourself some fresh, sugary Hawaiian pineapple and feel an orgasm in your taste buds.
maybe ask her out on a date for starters?
no, this is the My Little Pony thread
you're looking for this: http://mlpg.co/art/res/2757.html
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This one?
Anon writing the Twilight taking Sweetie Belle for a fly story here.

I'm going to bed now but I should have it finished tomorrow evening.
>veronica gets turned on.gif
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give her lots of sweets and throw parties for her
go to all of her parties, then get her alone and throw the fuckin romance on

What if

Monster Boys on ponies

Or, MORE monster boys on ponies, maybe with less mind control/break/rape
She'd probably get it after her guards arrested me a dozen times for trying to sneak into the castle to talk to her
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Don't have one.

Will do.
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If you guys would like to move all this monstergirl talk to the sub at the below link I would be happy to talk monstergirls with you all night (or at least until I need to sleep)
I'm going to try to go down and get some food first since I haven't eaten all day but then we can shoot the shit and you can ask me whatever you want about monstergirls and keep it out of this pony thread

sorry for the derail, everyone

sub thread here:

> a human arrives in equestria
> isn't immediately greeted by the princess and available to discuss things for hours with her

It's like you don't even know what she's like
>less mind control/break
b-but that's one of my biggest fetishes
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>ay bby u wan sum synergy?

i think Veronica would sound like Anna Faris.
>listening to the one guy complaining

You can always tell when someone's watched Braeburned's drawing walk-through thing.

>my sister is my wife!
It's fine, Anon
Is it the messed up perspective?
he's right though, it isn't pony and I shouldn't be hypocritical about it just because I get attention

anyway back soon, we can monstergirl on the sub without hassle

yeah he needs to work on his grammar
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She's too young for that.
Why don't you redirect the fetish fags to /unf/ too?

Nah, the luminosity layer effects and hair-brush texturing.
Wait, which princess are you talking about?
>not lavishing attention on your himedere
Because pony related fetish discussion is still pony related discussion
We literally just went over this
Because I hate you anon.
I hate you personally.

Either would work, really.

Though you'd probably be greeted by Celestia, just tell her that your more of a night person and would like to also talk with luna. Easy enough.

we haven't been pony-related for the last six months. we'd be dead by now, if we could die.
Braeburned is a mediocre artist and shouldn't be giving tutorials
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Why are they so ugly, mlpg?

>"Anon, peel me a grape~"
>"...what does that even mean?"
>"...I dunno. I just always wanted to say it."
What if I want to talk to both of them?

I didn't say tutorial.
>pick up lines?

Duidd you fall form heaven?

Or did you just an ungly pony?
Horses are naturally ugly. You cannot fix this.
You're never too young to learn about your masochistic streak.
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I've seen some pretty good tries, anon.
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walks through the forest, and just being someone she isn't afraid to talk to about anything.
Heads are too big and your lines are too wiggily. Make more confident strokes and have a sketch layer to lay stuff out.
Is Ted ded?
Haven't seen him in a while

ooh-oh, bitter dregs...


and now, to eden
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>tfw those are my confident lines
>tfw I spent several minutes straightening the lines on the linework layer

He is literally in this very thread.
>"Anon, my legs are simply DYING. Won't you be a dear and give them a good rubdown for me~?"

>"Okay. All you have to say is 'not tonight, darling - I'm not in the mood.'"
>"It's simple!"
>"Come on Pip... you can say no to her... YOU have some say in this too!"
>"Okay, here she comes..."
>"Pip, darling... I just got this new set of manacles today - let's try them out tonight~"
>"A-all right."
>"Thanks, Pip! You're the sweetest!"
>she gives him a peck on the cheek and carries on her way
>"...Oh, bollocks."
what the fuck is wrong with you? that is fucking disgusting and vulgar.
Are you joking

Use stabilizers
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Yes, I am dead, but now I can pony in the afterlife.
Are you drawing with your mouse?
I laughed way too hard at this, signs of sleep deprivation are showing.
Tex, I told you not to apple so hard!

Your heart couldn't take it!

Try making your lines with the pen tool in Gimp/photoshop if you don't have a tablet.
I forgot what it was, but there's this new program that has stabilizers for mouse I think. It's supposed to be a cross between SAI and PS.
>recommending photoshop for the pen tool
>recommending gimp ever

Anon pls, he should be using Illustrator for the pen tool (or inkscape if he wants to use freeware)

If I ever catch you suggesting someone use gimp I'm going to email moot and have you banned
>some say he appled too hard
>some say he didnt apple hard enough
that sonofabitch doesn't know how good he's got it

Oh, FireAlpaca?

It can do that?


Crookedtrees still draws exclusively in Gimp. It's not impossible.
Every WIP screenshot I've seen, he's been using SAI.
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Stabilizers don't work with mouse.
Okay, I'm beginning to get the idea.
It's not impossible, it's just really dumb

I can hit my hand with a hammer and still write a book, but there are better ways to do it

Not those guys, but I use GiMP v2.2. It colors well, and the key bindings for the linetool, zoom, and stuff are really convenient. That could just be because I'm used to it, though. Tried Photoshop, but it was too new and different. And the linetool wasn't bound to the shift key.
My only friend told me Art Rage is a good program.
Can anyone confirm this?


i want this problem. but if i had this problem i might think differently. might.
>"But your lap makes such a COMFORTABLE pillow, Anon! Can't you indulge a lady just this once?"
Feels good to be SAI master race
it's on piratebay, give it a shot and report back

He's all for making her happy - it's part of a good relationship to compromise for your partner, but some nights, he'd rather cuddle with her under a blanket and watch a movie, or hold her hand and kiss her on the cheek.
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>"My hooves are cold, dear. Here, just... let me put them against your back. Mm. You're warm."
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There's nothing wrong with the paint tools in the GIMP. They're not as good as MyPaint, obviously, but they're not bad either. Apparently they're considering porting some MyPaint code to future versions of the GIMP, so that could be cool.

>using proprietary shitware
>"Hadoken! Hadoken! Hadoken!"
Warmest points on your body are your armpits and groin.
Stallman please go
you can't half-ass whips and chains, Pip. if you wanted all that huggy-huggy-kissy, should've gone with Luna.
>"Ohhh, Anon's not gonna like this...he's not gonna like this at all..."
alright i'll do that tomorrow when i sober up
No, that's not what she is saying, take a closer look, Anon.
she went and got knocked up by some horse. shameless harlot.
Free or not, SAI isn't very good, it just has a weird cult following on the internet.
>Derpy, I'm home!
>"Hmm. I seem to have misplaced my eyeglass cleaning cloth. You don't mind if I use your shirt, do you...?"
I'm pretty sure the only reasons SAI so popular are because it's freely available and the stabilizer
Then what else should I use? SAI's great for drawing and I'm used to it.
I might...get wet.

Down there.... I'd get soaking wet...

You...you don't mind?


I've never done it before...

So I don't think I'll be able to last very long, and then it'll be...over...
Do you have any reasons why SAI isn't good or are you just one of those "PS master race" guys?
I liked how immediately obvious the layers, tools and color picker were. GIMP seems a bit more obtuse.

This is just the beginning of the learning curve though and not a good indication of the best application.
Just hurry up and get in the pool
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Thoughts on this guys?
>you find her attempting to hide behind the sofa
>her big butt, even plumper than usual from her added pounds, is poking out from the side
>Derpy peeks out from behind the couch, looking over at you nervously
>"H-Hi Anon!"

>"Thanks for letting me ride on your back, Anon. I'm simply exhausted after all this walking around..."
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Does it have more scenes like that?
I'm one of those free software master race guys. I will use proprietary software if it's significantly better, but I'll always try the free alternatives first. I tried to pick up SAI once and hated the brush engine compared to MyPaint.
which pony would HAVE ALL THE HORSES?
64 users pls
>I think you've got some explaining to do, not-so-little lady.
>"I-I just don't know what went wrong!"
>"Ahaha, I feel like a damsel with her brave knight, being carried around like this~"
>she leans in and kisses your cheek
>"Thank you ever so much."
June pls
She looks even better now.
>you will never walk in on Twilight chanting bling blong as she studies
It's weird, isn't it?
Nicole Oliver is like a fine wine, improving with age
>you will never hear Twilight mindlessly beatboxing as she gets into a particularly arcane book
>she'll never turn out to be pretty good
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>I want my haircut back!
Most people look better than they did in the 90s
I guess that means wthata tshe would have a good bit of [spouklerle[ vheese!

SB, stop talking gibberish
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I wish I could do that.
>"How come you were hiding?"
>"I-I was afraid you were gonna say I look ugly..."
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Your waifu kissed some brony
>her belly squishes as you pull her into a tender hug
>you'll always be my beautiful little pony
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So.. What's up with the overwhelming amount of Grump animations?
Their videos aren't even entertaining most of the time.
Any of you looking through that guidebook find anything interesting yet?
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Obviously they have a lot of aspiring animators as fans because of Ego.
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But, Anon, that's not mai waifu
hey back off bozo, Libman is MY waifu
Anon, that's not my waifu.
That's not even a pony.
Wanna fight about it, faglord?
i'll fukin deck u m8
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I don't need to draw, I'm already depressed.
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Anyone there?
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Batman is always there.
It finally got scanned and uploaded over here.

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Anything for you, my lady.
ur moms ded
Well now im sad.

>"Hey Anon! I made a sandwich for you! Tofuloaf and cheese--"

Na, the last face looks more embarrassed than sad

>make delicious sandwich
>pile it with all kinds of veg and meat and whatever.
>move it
>collapses in a heap.

>"That was the last of the tofulogna..."
>"...how about a cheese and pickle sandwich instead???"
Don't put a whole bunch of fatty sauces on it and it probably won't.

Or use a toothpick/skewer to hold it together.
This makes me thing of you guys.

>Spring Break
Just what are you trying to say anon?
I'm not sure how you can associate MLPG with that song
I'm equally confused.

>Pony asses!
>fat pony dick

I don't put fatty sauces on it.

Usually I just put avocado on.
>sitting with her head resting in your lap, feeding her grapes
>"You know Anon, if you aren't careful you may start to spoil me~"
Probably because we're 90% fetish talk and then suddenly 'hey guys let's talk about massive stallion dongs'.
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Speaking of massive stallion dongs
That and it's catchy and I can't stop listening to it, just like the general
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That was painful to listen to.
Hey Deaf, go be a faggot elsewhere.
Do you think ponies cremate their dead?
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>You will never marry James Franco

I think it's more because we see all this fetish-talk and posturing, and a few honest >feels slip through.

And yet the >feels seem to be actively stigmatized lately.

No, no - it's more like

>I like the show. It's cute and fun.
>record scratch
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Probably not, but they should
Skyfall was pretty good.

Anything fun happen while I was away?
So this one time at a friend's house I went poop but the poop landed sideways in the toilet and wouldn't flush so I had to poke it so it would flush but it just mashed together and clogged it even worse so I just washed my hands and got out but he went in right after me.

I haven't seen him since.

Wait when did Skyfall appear in cinema?

You've been gone that long?
I tried to draw and went for a run
What kind of dog is DogSpike supposed to be?
Nah I DL'd it a few hours ago then left to watch.
Stigmatized feelsmiths have been a thing for at least a couple months now.

I'm honestly not sure how it started.
a purple one

I made a corn beef hash omelet with cheese and watched White Chicks.

>"Anon, let me borrow your shoulder for a while? It's at JUST the right height so I don't strain my neck..."
>she leans her head on it, her eyes drifting closed as a little smile creeps across her lips
>a few minutes later, she's fast asleep, leaning up against you.
Ghost Protocol was better.
>Green Hornet was pretty good.

>Anything fun happen while I was away?
So I just downloaded that Handbook thingy.

Before I start reading it what's MLPG's verdict?

Man that was rude of the CMC, I can't believe they put that in there.
wh y did hte thingy cross teh road?

[spdioietrl]becaus the thing was it!
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"who cares" - MLPG
I honestly can't tell if this is really scrubs or if someone is just "ironically shitposting" with his name
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>Green hornet

I swear it's just some guy pretending to be SB at this point.

but it has le seth rogen and drug references! :DDD
Someone who is having the time of their lives right now.
Weeks from now the novelty will wear off on them.
>Kane, the "pro wrestler" from WWE is running for Congress
>Supported by Ron Paul
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Well I think MLPG would care since it seems pretty interesting
>Spike was found orphaned as an egg
This is pretty cools stuff.
I guess Ron is going to put the Smackdown on congress.
Kane is a Libertarian.
Libertarians are the best
>MLPG caring about the show
Nah, we've gone full brony.

>Kane in government




protip: Kane is going to win. even being a Libertarian isn't enough to keep him from winning.
Earth Pony Attacks:
Lv 1: Hoof Kick - 25% Power
Lv 2: Debris Launch - 15% Power + Stun
Lv 3: High Drop Kick - 50% Power + Armor Break
Lv 4: 100x Kicks - 75% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Earth Splitter - 100% Power + Stun + Armor Break + Attacks all Enemies

Pegasus Attacks:
Lv 1: Feather Shot - 15% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 2: Wing Blade - 50% Power
Lv 3: Tornado Spin - 30% Power + Attacks all Enemies + Speed Down
Lv 4: Lightning Crash - 50% Power + Attacks all Enemies + Armor Break
Lv 5: King of Storm - 75% Power + Attacks all Enemies + Speed Down

Unicorn Attacks:
Lv 1: Horn Jab - 20% Power + Armor Break
Lv 2: Magic Sword - 25% Power + Stun
Lv 3: Mana Beam - 50% Power + Armor Break
Lv 4: Mana Bomb - 75% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Purify - Destroys all corrupt enemies
Anything else on Spike's origins?
Like where he grew up?
I really liked Faust's idea of Celestia raising Spike, which would explain why he can gauge Celestia's tempermants better than Twilight.
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What about Princesses?
Do they get to pick from all three trees or what?
Well then I guess I'll just have to discuss it with myself.

>Rarity confirmed for most beautiful Unicorn in Equestria

Nah that's all. The book says that everything else about his origins are a mistery and doesn't say anything about how he grew up. They're probably keeping this open so they could use it in an episode or something


Sea Pony Attacks(unlocked after clearing every stage on easy mode):
Lv 1: Aqua Shot - 10% Power + Stun
Lv 2: Dolphin Jump - 20% Power + Stun
Lv 3: Whirlpool - 30% Power + Attacks all Enemies + Stun
Lv 4: Tidal Wave - 45% Power + Attacks all Enemies + Stun
Lv 5: Wrath of the Sea - 75% Power + Attacks all Enemies

Pony Bot Attacks(unlocked after clearing every stage on medium mode):
Lv 1: Electric Discharge - 15% Power + Armor Break
Lv 2: Minigun - 30% Power + Armor Break + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 3: Cybernetic Lazer - 45% Power + Armor Break
Lv 4: Missile Volley - 60% Power + Armor Break + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Hyper Pony Z - 100% Power + Armor Break + Attacks all Enemies

Shadow Pony Attacks(unlocked after clearing every stage on hard mode):
Lv 1: Wing Sickle - 20% Power + Life Drain
Lv 2: Song of Ruin - 15% Power + Life Drain + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 3: Miasma Bomb - 35% Power + Life Drain
Lv 4: Song of Void - 50% Power + Life Drain + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Nightmare Moon Oracle - 75% Power + Life Drain + Attacks all Enemies

Alicorn Attacks(unlocked after clearing every stage without losing any ponies):
Lv 1: Harmony Howl - 25% Power
Lv 2: Star Volley - 50% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 3: Comet Bomb - 100% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 4: Judgement - 200% Power + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Sins Confessed - Unknown Effect (Use on the final stage to unlock the true ending)
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Needs a telekinetic slam.
I want to cuddle inside Fluttershy's bed.
The US keeps showing how it's just a waste of space and resources. Even joking about this is plain idiocy.

he grew up in care of Equestria as part of a child-exchange program between the ponies and dragons. this exchange is part of the peace treaty that ended the centuries-long war between the two races. eventually we will be introduced to his naturally-born alicorn counterpart when we meet the last remnants of the dragon empires.
>no black and red OC nightmare mode

You disappoint me.
>AOE Armor break
gee, roboponies aren't overpowered or anything
>tough she may seemed entitled and prissy, Rarity has a heart as pure as gold
I don't get it. What are these for?
That's a cute headcanon, but I'm going to weight Faust's heavier than yours.
>she may seemed entitled
Shit Rarity, check that fucking privilege.
Unicorn scum.
>"Goodness it's cold today...may I hold your hand? My circulation is so dreadful..."
>implying seapony stunlocking isn't worse
Those motherfuckers make every battle into a war of attrition.
DemonPony Attacks(unlocked via button code on Create a Pony screen)
Lv 1: Shatter Will - 25% Power + Attack down
Lv 2: Heartbreaker - 15% chance to one hit KO
Lv 3: Overdrive - 100% Power + Attacks all Enemies + 15% recoil damage
Lv 4: Edgeblade - 35% chance to one hit KO + Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Chaosbreak - Enslaves target (Enslaved Foes get 125% attack power and decay after three rounds)


that goes with Faust's. he grew up in Celestia's palace. this is like Scott Free and Orion.

nanaki pls
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What about Deer attacks?
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10/10 would pay through the nose to play a game with these.
>Not forcing the word "edge" into every single move
At least they're glass cannons. Even a purely pegasi team can take them down if they don't get lucky or have the fucking Soul Edge.

If I had faith in my capacity to stream I would totally stram Saving Grace.
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>Soul Edge.

SC3 is my favourite of the series.

Lv 1: Unintelligible Shouting 1
Lv 2: Unintelligible Shouting 2
Lv 3: Unintelligible Shouting 3
Lv 4: Unintelligible Shouting 4
Lv 5: Unintelligible Shouting 5
>Enslave seapony, make it stunlock your enemy while you lazer it down
I prefer 2
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>Zecora is a zebra who uses her ancient magic to cast healing spells from her enclave deep withing the Everfree Forest
So she's a healer. Good to know
Only IF they have a seapony and IF they don't shoot off their level five first. Seriously, there's a reason Demon Ponies are a gimmick race.

>"I'm exhausted, Anonymous... could you be a sweetie and make the bed while I get changed?"
>"That looks pretty comfy~"
>"Oh, it IS comfy... it's like laying on a cloud...!"
>"You look a bit tired yourself, Anon - come lie down for a minute with me?"
>"It's a little chilly in here, isn't it? Come a little closer, won't you...?"
>"Perfect... you've always been so nice and warm... good night, love."
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>Deer are a mostly support class
>The shouts have different status boosting effects
No escape! This is the end!
Well, y'know, you can do interesting things with healing magic. Healing a pony in the same way as a pegasus, causing it to grow wings and lighter bones. Healing an already-healthy being and making it develop cancer. Magic is an imprecise and technicality-riddled thing.

>The instructions only make sense if you're roaring drunk
>as do the ideal strategies for using them
>they're all completely random
>level of shouting only changes strength of buffs/debuffs
>there's a constant 1% to OHKO
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>Iron Will is a muscle bound minotaur who travels throughout Equestria as an inspirational speaker. He loves using his positive mantras and high-octane energy to get ponies up and moving. Iron Will has an enormous ego and often refers to himself in the third person because he loves to hear his own name

I wonder if he choose ponies over minotaurs or if he was exiled from the Minotaur country..
>Deer are drunken mages
>3 hour old thread
>only half way to image limit


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>everything in this thread
If you played it on Gamecube, Link's voice was really high pitched.
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>The mos underestimated villain on the show would easily have to be King Sombra. I think, if given the chance, he could do some serious damage through Equestria

So how powerful is he? Do you think he's more magical than Twilight?

Slutty pony attacks(unlocked after purposely letting your guard get broken 100 times):
Lv 1: Juicy dischage - 10% Power + Slows + Attacks all enemies
Lv 2: Suckle - 15% Power + Life Drain + Stun
Lv 3: Clench - 35% power + Stun + Armor Break
Lv 4: Hyper BJ - 60% Power + Stun + Life Drain + Level Drain + Users stats are raised
Lv5: Face sitting slam - 500% power - Armor break + Stun + 90% chance target is crippled + 50% poison damage
It's not like Twilight tried to fight him, so probably?
Probably because he tries to help other people rather than just taking their shit and raping their women.
>10,000x better than any of Fluffy's animations
>poison damage
I think he knows how to use Dark Magic to it's fullest extent, and must be incredibly powerful to have taken over a kingdom against the forces of alicorns.
>pick your shout
>your party is all kinds of jacked up fighting the boss
>Deer uses a shout
>pray for healing buff or defense
>3+ Critical hit chance

Link was a pretty awful character combat wise in SC2. People just liked him because LINK and Nostalgia

Despite how stupid it was, the best guest character style of all time is Vader.

I'm liking this. I really am.
also unf
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>Discord is a draconequus, a rare beast with a pony head and a body compromised of many nasty creatures.

So wait there more like Discord?

>I don't think I'd want to reform all of our villains.I don't think that would be realistic. No matter how hard you try, some people (or eveil alicorns) just aren't going to change their ways. But for a character like Discord, "reforming" him allows us to tell new stories with his character. He gets to be the not-always-reliable ally instead of the known enemy." - Meghan McCarthy
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SHOCKING! Bolt out of the blue!
Well if twilight wasn't such a pussy and used her magic to kill, a lot of problems would be gone and there would be no wasted time stopping villains etc.
>or evil alicorns

But Luna is good now.

What other evil alicorns are there?
Link had a ridiculous grab attack that could ring out easily if you didn't guard cancel.
Playing against bots, no matter the difficulty, were easily susceptible.
Made clearing weapon mode a breeze.
He's so obsessed with crystals, to the exclusion of all else, and that's what makes him so dangerous. All his enemies hold something back, either on purpose or subconsciously. He's more powerful than most, but the reason he's so dangerous isn't that he's ten thousand times more powerful, it's the fact that he's on the higher level of power rankings and doesn't hold anything back, ever. Like, you know how humans only use 1/3 of their full strength? He uses all of it, all the time.
King Allant
The Regent of Tartarus.
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I think a cool way to redeem Sombra would be to have him revealed to be serving a dark master from another realm and return at his side seeking vengeance.

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Going to bed now, last try for tonight.

How's the hair? Any other problems?
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What are these for, I must know
whata happenswehen you give your favoite pony a big nonsedcsual snuggle?

You snuggle!
>begrudging 'enemy of my enemy' former villain ally
Oh god yes
I'd fill up her gas tank
I think Crystal Ponies are available with the "Sombra's Revenge" expansion pack, what do they do?
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>King Allant

wait what?
Except that wouldnt be redemption.
That and I kinda like Sombra as this mysterious tyrant with powers eldritch and unknown to the ken of ponies.
>ponykart project restarted.swf
I said it before and I'll say it again.


Other than that looks good.
He's an illusion. He can be whatever he wants, Anon.

King Allant is a Changeling. the Old King Allant, however, is not.

and you forgot one: the great lich Starswirl the Unconquered
fuck off tiara

Fluffy is still better than you no matter how much dosh you are making. I remember bronies were praising Double Meme, saying to allvalid critique, like, "well, they put a lot of effort into it", like it justifies that piece of sht or automatically makes it better. Same with tiara's pathetic attempts at animation - the fact that bronies cherish it like flies cherish the shit orthe fact that tiara makes shitloadsm oney DOES not mean (or automatically makes better) his animation is any good. Only popular. Quality wise, Fluffy's and some others are much better.

So suck it Tiara. Forever a zone wannable. Almost 3 years passed lel.
Crystal Pony(Paid DLC):
Lv 1: Hoof Kick - 25% Power
Lv 2: Crystal Toss - 15% Power + Stun
Lv 3: Jouster's Charge - 50% Power + Armor Break
Lv 4: Crystal Shine - 75% Power - Attacks all Enemies
Lv 5: Heart's Glow - 100% Power + Stun + Armor Break + Attacks all Enemies
But which ass?
I don't like either of them.
oh god
oh god cum is everywhere
I want these games so bad oh gooooooood
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Chubby pony attacks (unlocked after raising your defence to it's highest point)
Lv1: Body Slam - 10% power + Stun + Chance to disarm other enemies with shockwave
Lv2: Charge - 20% power + Stagger + Armor Break + May knock enemies into other enemies
Lv3: Bulk Up - 30% power + 50+ defense gain + Resist Stun and Stagger + Lowers chance to get poisoned from poison attacks
Lv4: Solidarity - 50% power + Resist Corruption + Resistance varies with terrain
Lv5: Stampede - 70% power + Damage rises with every Chubby Pony in your party
I will cut you.


I like the idea that he'd be a cross between Ganon and Sauron - his forces are everywhere, willing to carry out his commands, but one-on-one, he's no slouch either.

I keep wanting to imagine a duel between him and Twilight that plays out kinda like the fight from Ocarina of Time. transformation into a final form optional
Both of them are pretty shitty
You sound mad Fluffy, you sure you don't want to just bitch on tumblr a bit longer then not come back.
Fuck it just make all ass fat.
The final form would just be him dissolving into a roiling fog, his attacks larger, stronger, and impossible to defend against
The only way to kill him that way would be to lose him in his own smokescreen and viciously shatter his head when he's lost or distracted.
>Sombra was just a shadow puppet
I might enjoy the show more.
Why is your fafovirte pony a assltu?

Becaue YOU like them!@
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>can't see a difference between native english speaker and not.
you are so pathetic at bait I feel shame
Aghh fuck you guys, now I really want to watch Lord of the Rings.
>The final form would just be him dissolving into a roiling fog, his attacks larger, stronger, and impossible to defend against

Sombra is Yawgmoth?
Listen to the BBC radio play instead. It's better.


>you will never play on the Crystal Kingdom level
>you will never work your way through half the map before discovering a dark magic lense
>you will never have to use the lens to find hidden passages and messages that will help you solve the puzzles
>you will never reach the circular room and have to face off against Shadow Sombra, using the crystals to create multiple illusions of himself
1900-1970 pls go

>a wave of eldritch shadow crashing into you like a tsunami of darkness, held together with powerful magic and Sombra's sheer hatred of any who would dare face him
>you will never make that ass bigger on derpy
I'll do it tomorrow, I'm about to sleep.





>A Green Eye
>Wreathed in shadow.

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where are the ponies
you said there would be ponies
Sleep = 0 ponies

Dream ponies don't count
You want a Saving Grace stream?
I don't typically like British "comedy" but I could give it a shot if you say it's good

Or would you guys rather watch Heavy Metal?
But if I sleep now I can have more, better quality pone tomorrow.
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but there are no ponies
you are lying
See, this is something that I want to see from Sombra. It's dark and unrelenting and makes him out to be one of the most dangerous villains in the whole show.
Something that would be fun to fight against in a vidya
Yes there are. I have a pony with me right now.
Heavy Metal
I stole the ponies.
All of them. And I hid them where you'll never find them.
You can tell they tried in the show
That scene with Wheaties when they first get to the empire was a good start, they just couldn't really do it in the time they had or keeping the show for children

They COULD have... but they didn't.
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I found one.
She's under the desk
>I said it before and I'll say it again.
I always think of this song whenever someone says that.
I think something that would have had an impact is Sombra wrecking some buildings or structures in his big comeback as ponies are fleeing his wrath. That would show that he's not only immensly powerful, but utterly uncaring for the consequences of his actions and the state of his subjects
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Fuck you guys I'm tired.

I'm going to bed.
That's not a pony. It was only a decoy.
The real ponies are in the closet.
is that really what you want anon?
I keep repeating this but every single two-part episode in the show SHOULD have been three parts instead.

It's always the second half of the story that feels the most rushed because it's essentially two acts crammed into one.

Three episodes would allow you to establish the threat, raise the stakes, and then bring everything to a climax.
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What about this one

his final final final form is, of course, just a pathetic blob of inky shadow. but instead of all the other games that do that, Sombra's actually actively attacks. he's so consumed with malice and hatred that all he knows how to do, even when he already has three hooves in the grave, is attack and attack until he literally cannot continue.

>get to the blob
>expect an easy fight
>it starts attacking you, not very fast but doing a lot of damage if it connects
>Sombra doesn't even know what these words mean, they're just echoes of conflicts in the past that he's picking up on
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Well the book says that the play from Heart's Warming had happen and it isn't a mith or anything.
Can't open it, but is it the 'an elephant's faithful 100%' that you're thinking of?
>what what
>what's going on what's going on
>what what
>I don't understand what's going on here
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But what if pone is waiting for me to come to bed?
What then?

I didn't say redemption.

I meant Sombra literally plots revenge and so summons his master from the nether and the two of them wage war on Equestria.
Which ponies always carry a vial of gypsy tears to protect them from aids?
>I didn't say redemption.
>way to redeem Sombra

I just got the image of this ball of BLACK sitting in the middle of the boss chamber, quivering a little as you approach it.
You're just about to turn away when the shape of Sombra's head bursts out of it, snapping wildly at you like a shark. You only barely manage to get out of its way, before it springs toward you again.
Pone is not real.
I would be fine with that.
Especially with all the references they could put in.
>On the outskirts of Ponyville lies the mysterious Everfree Forest, a wooded area filled with bizarre creatures, such as ursas, manticores, and timberwolves. It's been said that the forest has an unnatural quality that puzzles the ponies of Ponyville. Animals are known to take care of themselves, plants grow freely and the weather changes without the help of ponies. The forest once hosted the Elements of Harmony, which were kept in the ancient castle of the royal pony sisters. The mystical zebra Zecora lives deep within the green, where she practices her magic in secret

Episode where Zecora saves the mane six from the big bad with her magic when?
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Shows how much you know.
Nope, never actually read that Seuss book as a kid.
...we did have it as a record, actually, but I don't really remember far back enough to when we had a functional record player.

Link was Sneakman from Jet Grind Radio.
>he doesn't know
Oh man, did some people actually not get their pony shipped to them?


I think he meant "way to make Sombra a threat again, and make up for Meghan McCarthy's sucky handling of the character."
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Wow, you're terrible. I couldn't put my pone through the stress of shipping so I went and picked her up.
Shame, anon.
Different Anon here, but
I think
meant to redeem him as a good villain; whereas to me it looked like
was thinking he meant redeem him as a good person, which is completely different.
>Which would you say is the most underestimated villain on the show and why

>I'd say Trixie. Jealousy is what transformed Luna into Nightmare Moon. I think Trixie's jealousy could have festered in her and made her a larger threat than she was. I think she has a huge amount of potential for becoming a significat villain.
-Lauren Faust

Well they used an amulet instead of NMM style jealousy but still
Fucking Fed Ex
Also Lauren's favorite pets are Opal and Angel

>When the fight starts, Sombra calmly mocks you as he throws bolts of shadow at you, and occasionally throws you into an illusion of your greatest fear, laughing as you squirm and try to break free of it
>By the end, he is screaming and almost foaming at the mouth, literally insane with anger and hatred.
Oh come on, there wasn't a retailer by me. Besides, I got premium shipping. If it was bigger, I could probably live in that box they sent!
So how would a boss fight with the Lich Starswirl go down?

>Starswirl and the Old King working together to try and resurrect the kingdom they remember
>they take up residence in the great spires of Sol and Lune, carved out of the living rock of the Cliffs of the Skies, which stand as the barrier between the Everfree Forest and the vast deserts that lay to the south-west
>fighting through undead, slaves of the King and Starswirl, ghosts from the old kingom, and Starswirl's own twisted creations
>finally come face-to-face with Starswirl
well yeah, trixie wasn't even a villain in her first appearance
>Are the Elements finite, or is there room for expansion
>I consider them finite. Three used to be wielded by Celestia, and three by Luna. I don't know what the new writers have in store for them. Though I had toyed with the idea of opposing Elements of Discord...-Lauren Faust

Welp time for bets. The writers will probably use this.
S4 finale will be about this? Yes or No
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TIL elephants have boobs kinda like humans so the pony human breasted monstrosities aren't so far off.
Would've been a much more effective villain if she were male. Because then he would've been an actual villain from the get-go.
Shit looks weird, yo.
All this talk about a Sombra bossfight is making me think about some lame thing I used to imagine when listening to music.
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>The ruins in the Everfree Forest where the Elements of Harmony were found were once Luna and Celestia's childhood home. It used to be part of Equestria but the magical, uncontrollable forest encroached on it and they had to move their home to Canterlot. Perhaps the Everfree Forest is still creeping over the boarders of Eqeustria

I hope the writers will used this.
>breasted monstrosities
That is a lot of opinion anon

God no. S4 finale will be about nothing in particular beyond Twilight being Generic Magical Princess.
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because no one is really that retarded or mad.... right guys?
>futafags in charge of identifying mutants
>elements of discord are too powerful
>elements of harmony all become alicorns to overcome them
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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>the final boss of MLP:FiM is the magical heart of the Everfree Forest, corrupted by the Nightmares and turned into a perversion of its former self, that threatens to overrun all of the world with its dark growth and fell roots
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Goodnight, Anon.
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Sh, Gilda.
Go to sleep little kitty.
Twilight, do you want me to sleep on your butt? Is that it?
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Wow, Equestria's lore is actually pretty neat, it would be awesome if the writers explored it more. I've always been a fan of world building.

>"You would face me? Sombra, Lord of All? You will suffer greatly for your insolence!"
>"Know my wrath, you WORM."
>"I will break you. I will crush you. I will destroy you! I will make you BEG for the release of death - and then I will deny you!"


>tfw you will never have a tiger-sized catbird fall asleep half on your lap and grown threateningly if you try to move out from under her
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Well the book wasn't that special.A few cool things here and there and the interview with Lauren, but that also wasn't anything new.
Then it goes trough every episodes and gives it a short rundown and then how great it is that it's loved by so many people.

So yeah the first ha;f great, then meh.
I feel like you should fuck off back to whatever pit you crawled out of and stop bringing that shit here.
Fuck off
mlpg has been my pit for over 2 years
anon pls go
fuck off faggot.
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fine fuck you guys i deleted it
why would you kill a pony
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I hope you learned your lesson about being awful and dragging tumblr meta here
Only if pony tried to ded me first.
Otherwise there's no reason
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I'd love a pony.
pony illegally trespassed on my land

>"Did I say you could stop petting me, Dweeb?
>"That's what I thought~"
Because pony tried to kill me.
Scared of the truth, misogynist?

can catbutts purr

because if they could i bet it would be so deep it could start earthquakes
To be honest if she starting getting fresh with me I'd probably pinch one of her ears or give a tug on her tail.
I wouldn't kill a pony unless they tried to kill me or someone else.
Speaking of Eartquakes it's kinda scary that Ponies also control that. It's getting ridiculous.
Anon pls, that was a gag.
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Anon pls they schedule those things.

ponies don't control earthquakes. they perform rituals which sometimes cause the beings that live inside the earth to awaken and resume their pounding on the anvils of the earth, causing earthquakes. in time, the beings go to sleep again.
Why would they schedule earthquakes?
What possible positive consequences would an earthquakes even have?
"Enjoy the new scar, dork," and the door to the doctor's office slams shut.
Meanwhile she's fighting back tears in the hall.
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Reminding the other lesser races that ponies control everything and to not fuck with them

it's either cause minor ones that you can predict and limit to some extent, or wait for an unanticipated enormous one to roll about.
goodnight NMLPG
Gotta keep them continents movin' nigga
What about griffons? They probably have cloud cities? Wouldn't be affected by Earthquakes
>just cloud cities
>not cloud cities on top of mountains where they combine it with a cave system in the peak
ANon pls

Also they probably just throw a few tornadoes towards them, give them the ice flakes that didn't pass quality control and call it a day.
They get a hurricane or two every season

>ponies literally have to keep the continents moving
>at the core of the planet a contingent of ponies rubs their hooves against the planet's core in order to keep it warm
No, too heavy to live on clouds. And hurricane-force winds.
But Gild could stay on clouds

>letting cloud cities touch the ground

That's just asking for an invasion.
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it was private and i posted the link only once in a night thread

how are there so many views
Because you posted it
It's the goddamn peak.
The invading forces have to escalate the entire mountain. Pretty hard to do only if you are wearing armor. And then what. You reached the peak. Meanwhile all the griffons are standing on the cloud part of the city and shooting arrows at you while you can do shit against them
>That's just asking for an invasion
Who do you think would invade a Griffon city?
>some plants don't grow on their own
>ponies sing to them to encourage them to grow
I want ham.
>tfw all the clues were there from the beginning, even the secret twist
They live in the same country and they have been at war with the Griffons since fucking forever.

Ponies just supply both sides with weapons never actually taking a side.
at this hour, applejack?
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>secret twist
Wasn't one of the reasons they were afraid of the Everfree was that plants grow on their own?
It was something like "The clouds move, plants grow on their own and the animals look after themselves"