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Bombed Romantic Comedy: >>11242535
The Same Damn Movie Anyway:

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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
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goodbye cruel world
thanks op
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I like hope. Hope is nice
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Why does it look like they have baggy pants on
Also reminds me of this
Well done
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Katie Cook is really good at drawing Wonder Woman

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Where is the rest of the cast?
why does this?
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Which do you like more:

Pone with pony genitalia.
Pone with human genitalia.
Your favorite pony is a little pony
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I guess IDW isn't so innocent of the fandom after all.
But Flutters, I already love you
The fucked up linkboard with all the extra spacing is an old version that someone keeps posting
I can't figure out why
Teh first one is just there. The second one is the shitposter from streamchat by the name of Broke who posted porn here everyday.
AJ is probably in a corner complaining that she doesn't want to be at the party, that she'd like to be home bucking trees and working and Rarity is planing to get Dash and FS alone
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pony with smooth, featureless crotch
Pone with pony genitalia.
Human with pony genitalia.
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>this autist again
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here is that request from yesterday. pls critic , anything wrong is not to small to point out.

personally , it feels really flat to me, i tried to add a background to help it. i don't know if its the colors or no shading or what
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This is my favorite picture by Lauren Faust

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I don't have autism, anon
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>Hey Ponychan folks--- I have a little time to chat, so I thought I'd pop by around now-ish. This is me: !cdljAQmhl

Did I miss the shitstorm over this?
>my hooves hurt
>the apples here taste bad
>I wish I was in the orchard harvesting apples
looks way better than before
your lines are still kind of sloppy and there are a ton of overlaps
pony should pony
Nice to see you clean up the line a bit. It looks nice and I am sure the requester would like that.
...so, what.. futa?
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Katie Cook's art is so cute

why are you so buzzword, MLPG?
Nothing interesting
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I don't think there was one, just a couple anons making caps of what she said.
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Flutters is becoming my favorite pone for the worst reasons
No I like pony if she had human genitalia. I would also like pony if pony had pony genitalia
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here is the caps
huh, that's a pretty cute fox
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judge for yourself
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and there's million of the same model on secondlife
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>The mods are all named after ponies
Pony with pony
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It better not be anything lewd or sadistic
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It's Second Life

I got it from Lulz.net /furi/
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>Obese 20somethings pretending to be little ponies
There are no worst reasons to start linking the best pony
mmmhmmm i still have orange blaze's original admin email when they went and made it and it was a big secret. good times
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Anon pls
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She just seems like a pone who I could best relate to.
And just to be chill with. I dont know.

Once you get past the obvious barriers of course
>Lulz.net /furi/

man, I haven't been there in years. eventually the content just wasn't good enough to make up for the constant gore spam.

actually, was it ever good enough
I love these collection. Except one, the one that is uncute. I forgot which one is this.
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You didn't know that?

They aren't original either. Whenever one steps down, which used to happen quite a bit, another would take up the mantle of [pony name].
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Sorry I disappeared suddenly. Ended up doing something arguably foolish.

Someone came up to my car covered in scratches and bleeding and I let them charge their phone and gave them a ride home. I was suspicious and nervous as fuck but everything turned out okay and I was a Good Samaritan.

Sorry for blogging.
yea the lines are sloppy but when you go for the exact show quality look, they tend to stand out. i guess if i was try hard mode, i could vector it, which would allow more precision with line weight and tapers and shit. but, really i just want to practice, not fine detail.

tl;dr going for quanity over quality for now
Yeah, they arent even clever or made up, i could excuse it then. Just [Main 6 Pony] ##Mod##
That kind of explains ponychan in a nutshell
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>browsing an old /co/ thread
>so much namefag camaraderie
>looking at all the funny pictures I missed because I wasn't into ponies at the time
>one 404s
>look at the thumbnail
>it's a Ross pciture
>with no replies
Always nice to do a good deed, but the thought that they are crazy and can fuck you up always sticks to the back of your brain.
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ross pls
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we love you SB

don't let anything happen to you
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"We'll ban you for whatever we feel like so suck it"
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The new plan is eat a sandwich, maybe pony a little, then go to bed. I'll movie in the evening or something.
Hey! I reported that post!
You totally deserve it for encouraging ban evasion
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>typical /b/tard
So 4chan isn't blocked in China?
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talk to the butt
Take it easy. Just out of curiosity, how are the commissions and BronyCon prints coming along?
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I tried to make Clara from Doctor Who into a pony

Apparently some people have never seen Heavy Metal nor Interstella 5555. I should stream those for you nignogs.
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Why do you keep saving the images like that? doesn't it take more effort?
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Not fast enough. I've got free time now though.

But will I make use of it properly?
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>That titan anime
Shit is intense
but at least you tried.

keep practising!
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Battery dying. See yas.
I can stream Heavy Metal if you do Interstella.
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I doubt comicartfans would
>heavy metal

Lots of tits. And violence.
More like shit is __shit__
Excuse me?
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yeah artblock is the worst feeling in the world

"i want to draw"

"but i have no idea what or how today"
Why not ask us for some requests?
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probably not
What if pony was a globetrotter?
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you did a good thing, and you should feel good about it.

china is a big country, lots of ISP. Most are range banned anyways. and most are honey pots, that watch the traffic to skim info, damn chinese gov't stealing my ponies. and they only work once, after they see you are just some autist posting ponies on a shit site.
>i guess ill just draw the next request
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name a pony

Then pony would shoot hoops?
do something abstract totally out of this world,

aww those are cute requests

you should totally do them
Not that kind
It probably won't be today (9th) since part of the reason I'm going to do it is for the steam group but you can do whatever you want. I'm sure I'll catch some people that haven't seen it too since traffic here is so chaotic.
Yea, it is pretty juvenile, but the animation is great and the soundtrack is well used.

sooo fractals?
indeed, i was pleasently surprised at the quality, thats why i saved them.
Celestia. With Anon too if you want. I know different artists take their requests different ways. How do you want us to give them?
Princess Fleur
Hey one of my requests is there
no something weird like Inky's abstract stuff, like the one with celestia puking spaghetti or something. It looks good because it outta this world and different.
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Someone call me?
I think you're very pretty
Celestia, what do you do on your off time?
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which one, ill skip to it
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God, I love this art style.
Draw f(x)=x
I can't handle this
I think I need to take a break
what strange is no one noticed or commented how they are shipped together. they are holding wing hands and blushing
I lied. None of my requests are there. Nope. Certainly not. It was my imagination
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Can you handle this lewd?
>wing hands
just say wings
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EA stop that.
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lol ok anon, no problems man

is it time for tickles ?

How did you like my little backstory I made for you hyper futa princess?
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mfw when I have seen the original picture
The cap in my /unf/ thread? Or did something else happen while I was away?
Someone from here recommended it a while ago, so I decided to watch it
That cap that someone else made and posted, but I wrote it.
Pony behinds
I capped it because I thought it was neat
why are you guys whispering
Ah, I was there for that one then.

Like I said before, I like it. Though someone else mentioned the idea of her having a low tolerance for spin/politics, which I also liked mostly because I loathe politics and drama.
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EA pls write
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Goodnight. Good morning.
I wish there was some cute greentext
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pony rumps
Goodnight sweet prince
But I should really be going to bed.
>cuddling fluttershy
Are you satisfied?
and I want to be overpowered and molested by stallions

we can't always get what we want
i would like some fries with that shake
I want to be the little mare.
I want us all to be little ponies
but I don't want to be a little pony
What if some people don't want to be little ponies?
too bad
That's so nice of you. I want to cuddle with you now
I'll cuddle with you to make you change your mind
or have twilight change your mind

We can all be cute together!
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I want to go with Sweetie and Rarity at an amusement park.
Then at the end of the day take a bath to Sweetie put her to sleep and then go and hug with Rarity on her coach till she falls asleep in my lap and the I pet her.
whoa there partner!
>tfw no qt 2t gf
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>mfw mfw_fetishfags_1.jpg

the official sign its day thread_exe
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>you finally made it
>you're the pretty mare and you've got a nice sugar-daddy human bf
>he brushes your mane and dresses you up in pretty outfits and everything
>but the food he feeds you always gives you the worst gas
>and you're pretty sure he's doing it on purpose
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I like you. Come over to my house and fuck my sister!
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oh bby, i got to lvl two today

now spank me and tell me ive been a bad poner
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>you will never fuck Pinkie from behind and have her bounce on her full belly
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Those sheep man
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So why are the Pony sheep sentient but the crystal Pony sheep not sentient?
I don't get the filename.
Which one?
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Maybe the crystal pony sheep are just shy

Or they are super betas like the crystal ponies themselves and too spaghetti to say anything
>Can you handle this lewd?
If they did that in front of me, no distance would be far enough to stop me from violating their horse vaginas
I sure do hope they said that in uniso
Why are the sheep sentient and Iron Will's goats not sentient.
Or are they retarded?
Iron Will talked to one of the goats

I think they just don't speak pony
So does she have a name or what?
Common consensus seems to be Princess Audio.
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Its pretty clear the goats are sentient, and speak. Just not pony language. They wear earbuds and mics and take commands from Will


In that scene anon they put a crystal pony in a sheep pen, lock him in, and sic a bunch of sheep on him to forcibly cheer him up
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Would you prefer incest where Big Mac shoots a huge load all over AJ's gut and himself?
no to that and no to the image, but I'm not the >mfw fetishfags guy
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pone will never exist
Does she like music or what? You can get creative and have her name be some sort of similar sounding phrase, like Odeo or something.
You can't prove that.
Which one would you want?
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Can I praise the sun?
you can't prove your existence either, don't get me started on solipsism
Only retards bother with that shit
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How bouta gangbang on Fluttershy?
If you can't find a hole, fuck a roll!
I think therefore I am pony
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can I touch your ponybutt
reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0sSN9Y3vRs
She seems to be in a hurry
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What if you couldn't sleep without holding pony in your arms and vice versa?
>quoting Descartes

Imagine Fluttershy waddling out of the dining area in Canterlot Castle, walking past all of those lustful guards scraping their hooves along the ground and snorting. Fluttershy wants to get out as soon as possible, but she just can't help but notice someone dropped a whole cupcake on the ground. As soon as she takes a bite, the dam bursts and all the guards rush her, tackling her to the floor and giving her what she deserves for being a glutton. Celestia watches the whole ordeal with Fluttershy, stuffing her with more cake while she's being penetrated and groped 38 ways to sunday
>vice versa
I'd like to be in the arms of human Fluttershy as a pony.
She cuddles me every night
and cutely nibbles my ear
Pony freckles
exactly this but Big Macintosh
Applejack's butt freckles
I'll have to give it some thought. I sort of like the idea that she's not so much my own personal character as she is a creation of the general to represent me. If that makes any sense.
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is cute
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quiet down beta princess

you may watch

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That was cool
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Yeah, basically that but without the cocksock/pajama thing at the end
fugg DDD:
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>beta princess
I think the correct term is "persona".
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>twin ruler
>demoted to vice-director
an avatar, then
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>similar sounding
Sounds about right.
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Poor Luna
>Princess that can move the sun and rules over Eqeustria and the Crystal Kingdom
>principal of a random high school

Nigga ignore everything but Twilight is and dose in EqG. They are not the ponies. Whatever they do cannot be linked to what the pony version would do.
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Why is it called sounding anyway?
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>you will never spend your youth nonsexually cuddling your filly waifu
oh god, that's horrible
>sound (v.2) Look up sound at Dictionary.com
"fathom, probe," mid-14c. (implied in sounding), from Old French sonder, from sonde "sounding line," perhaps from a Germanic source (cf. Old English sund "water, sea;" see sound (n.2)).
>pitying bronyprincess
The thing with mirrors is they reflect on the reality. The EQG doesn't affect the show in any way (since it's filler and whatever), but provides an insight.
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I'm not seeing the connection, but whatever

But Twily is the brony princess.

What's unclear about "fathom, probe"

Its an alternate meaning of the word "sound" that comes from back before depth-finders when ships had to use sounding lines to measure how far down the ground was
No it doesn't. The characters there lived in a different society, different rules, with a different body and so on.
It's like saying that the Superman from Absolute Power provides insight on the normal Superman.
no, twily is the cancerprincess
UNF plus unsexy tumblr image anon pls go
inb4 someone asks if Jailbait drew this.
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she can't help that she is loved by a bunch of autists. doesn't mean i can't feel compassion for a fictional fanon version of a cartoon princess pony.
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Very. Smelly. Pony.
She looks pretty good in that cape
It's a cape made of bat. It's a great cape.
I see where you are getting. This however requires everything including M6 counterparts being in the same school being just a coincidence. Let's stop this discussion before it's blown out of proportion, though.
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is that a bad thing?
Who is Rainbow Dash?
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All these lunafags, time for the dawn to rise!
It kinda looks like a hoodie
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You know if any princess was a brony princess it would be Cadance. She broke pretty much every established rule of pone when she showed up. Suddenly a princess, an alicorn no less, gradient wings and married to a sibling of a main character that did not exist until she was inserted.

It's time for your bath Luna.

Get naked.
But I'm a Celestiafag
I just like Luna, too
>not Applejack
Then you aren't really a Celestiafag, you baiting shitposter brony from steamchat <3.
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Why aren't you posting celestia traitor.
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I choose both

at once
he's just a bumbblasted rarifag
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Vem aqui com tua mão
Que eu quero acarinhar.
does anyone know where i can download friendship is witchcraft?

i cant find alot of eps on youtube
That has nothing to do with it tough. I'm just saying that you cannot say that a girl that lived in a world almost as ours can compare to a girl that is a pony, probably has magic or flight or the power to make plants grow instantly, living in a world of magic, a world where your neighbor may be able to control the weather, where your leader makes the sun rise, a world where there are other sentient races and so on.

They may have the same traits, the same personality but how they act cannot be the same since they lived in completely different environments. Have completely different anatomy.

Whatever the rest of the characters do have no impact or tell us nothing about how the pony counterparts would act. Only Twilight is there. Only Twilight's actions would tell us how the pony version would act since she is the pony version.

In the end everyone but Twilight are different characters then the pony counterparts. They aren't a evil counterpart that show us how that character would have been if some important event didn't happen or things like that.

You made the spark now deal with the fire
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Daily dose:


Additional weekend dose:

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I will fuck you up mate
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see this is the shit im talking about, perfectly normal thread. people talking having fun, and some asshole posts this shit. #LUNARREPULIC
daily dose

i like his style of art
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forgot my pic
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Fucking celestia traitors in my fucking thread.
Tell me a story
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>fucking Celestia traitors
>making traitors fell pleasure
You have become what you have hated anon. A traitor
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Me too anon
>tfw you will never chat all night with Luna

I would change my whole life to stay up at nights with her and sleep during the day
¿Qué vamos a hacer con mi mano, pony menta?
>just chatting with her
>not having her come over and hang out
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Traitors of the sun must be purged.
once upon a time, you died

your favorite pony came to the funeral and pissed on your grave and was all like "hahahahah that guy was such a faggot"

the end
>pissed on your grave

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You attempt to claim diferent backgrounds and characters and stuff being a decisive point. The only thing that matters so far without seeing the movie itself is the overall view, everything else is just conjecture.
Pinkie-like character is in Pinkie-like role. (baloons and party and stuff)
RD-like character is in RD-like role. (athlete and sports girl)
Celestia-like character is in Celestia-like role(the ruler).
You attempt to exclude the Luna case from a clear connection without offering any proof. Other than saying "they're humans so they're totally different".
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Luna+Celestia 4life.
You can't even spell her name, Anon.
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K brony princess, why don't you go play some vidya while listening to some brony dubstep about your imprisonment.
Espanhol, pofavo.
>implying sex must be pleasureable
We don't have Luna hate threads enough.
I enjoy both sisters.
>implying you arent a shitposting celestia hater who tries to make celestiafags look bad
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me too
That's something new, a shitposter trying to make people think that other, good posters are the shitposters. Celestia lovers at that. Shame on you.
I really don't like traditional crystal empire queen hair....
also....why isn't Cadance a princess of Crystal Empire all the way near the frozen north?
Take it down then
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oh there it is, you are just jealous that she has more fans and art dedicated to her. now it makes sense, your unreasonable attitude. you are just butt hurt

>sekrit club
>sekrit skype
ad infinitum, ad absurdum
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I prefer Flitter in that case. Mostly for the bow.
Isn't that old? If they were going to see any sort of influx it would have happened already
AJ and AB
Celestia and Luna
Cloudchaser and Flitter
Pinkie and Blinkie
Inkie and Blinkie
Pinkie and Inkie
Rarity and Sweetie Belle
Aloe and Lotus
I said nothing about Luna.
All that I am saying is this. While the characters in this alternate universe may be the same character, or at least be made from the same mold however they act do not tells us nothing about how the pony versions would act.

So if the EqG Rainbow Dash would do something or say something in a situation it does not mean that the pony Rainbow Dash would do it because besides living and being raised in fundamental different worlds, they are completely different species and the pony Dash would think in a very very different way than EqG Dash.

What I'm saying is that the EqG versions offers us no extra information, no additional insight of their character because they are completely different and had a completely different life.
I want to filter out the word luna, how might someone do this?
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Well she is the princess of the crystal empire. Her cutie mark even features the crystal heart.

Which confuses me as she is not a crystal pony. If I was a crystal pone I would be upset by the foreign devil seizing the throne
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add the word "luna" to the filter
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just click the little x at the top right of your window.
All of them!
This guide good for learning to art?
About to try it
Well even if Cadence is their leader Celestia still rules over them. In the trailer their banners have Celestia's symbol.

And hey Cadence's cutie mark is their most sacred artifact and she helped saving them from Sombra so I guess it counts
i would incredibly hard
There's nothing.
I would be aswell. Unless the old ruler or the crytal empire breed with a filthy non crystal pony...and Cadence is a decendant to the thrown. Which would explain why she had the crystal heart on her rump, and why she has such loving magic.
So I guess I wouldn't be so upset if I was a crystal pony...cause hey...better then Sombra
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The crystal empire has its own flag, its a purpble banner with a snowflake thing on it.

They probably had Celestia's banners because she was a visiting dignitary. Then again EG canon is dubious as its preview refers to Twilight as the "second crystal princess"

The crystal banner can be seen held by the filly on the left, its the same banner that flies in the first crystal empire episode
Have there been any good Celestia or Luna fics lately?
Still I think Celestia still rules over them. It would make the most sense. I mean they were the ones that originally tried to save them from Sombra.

And really Cadence wouldn't question Celestia's orders seeing how Celestia was also her mentor
Does someone remember what Meghan said about the S3 finale, the movie and the first episode of S4? Weren't they all a big part of a single story?
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Them behaving differently doesn't in any way relate to the original subject of "Luna" being a vice-principal as opposed to Cello's equal. Now that this seems to be over, have some owls!
I don't like any of this at all
Movie no, S3 finale supposedly connects closely to the S4 openers, a 2-parter.
Tell the artists to draw proper princess porn and I wont need fics anymore
I was sure she included the movie but I can't find that tweet.
She said nothing about the movie
As for the S3 finale she said that she sees it as the first par and the S4 premier will be the second and third part
w..were trying as hard as we can.
Aight, thanks.
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I don't. The empre (and it wouldn't be an empire if it was subservient to another state) has its own flag, its own princess, and now finally it has its own guards.

I think its more like a US/Canada relationship. The two states are very close, share the same culture and language, a border and even some infrastructure but are still independent, sovereign states.

I guess we will find out though for sure with EG. We will see how bad it mangles the setting
shh we are arguing

looks like a nice beginners guide
They call Celestia, Luna and Cadence a princess when they're all queens. They name things based on what sounds better, not based on what words mean.
I haven't actually seen any good nsfw celestia&luna art lately.
Maybe I just missed them
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Can someone stram a movie or something, I'm bored as fuck and want to watch a movie with my friends.
why is fluttershy a cyclops
>want to watch a movie with my friends.

You mean us, or is there someone else with you?
Eh I guess we have to wait and see.

Really I think that Equestria is actually an empire and Luna with Celestia rules it.
I mean you have the ponies, the main race and then you have cows and donkeys.
The Crystal Empire, which is actually just a single city, is part of Equestria and Cadence is the equivalent of a lord. She controls the land and the people but she still has to answer directly to Celestia and Luna
>refers to Twilight as the "second crystal princess"

w-what? Don't tell me Twilight is actually going to be connected to that cancerous place.

If she is, I'm definitely going to think about changing waifus. The less we hear about the CE the better.
just you guys, you're always my best friends

Don't ever leave me ;_;
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She said that we'll have to wait for Part 2 and Part 3.

This can mean that the movie is part 2
Whatever, fiction is still terrible.
>waiter, there's a fly in my soup, i am going to gorge on shit now
>This can mean that the movie is part 2

>abandoning your waifu
You don't deserve her. Just leave her now.
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All I have are Wizard People Dear Reader and The Dictator.
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Don't you know you're all my very best frens

MT pls draw Crystal Candy and shiny.
can someone stram hitchhiker guide's to the galaxy or food fight
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download more movies.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
So what you're saying is that part 2 is 1 hour long, and part 3, which is the opener of s4, is going to be a single part episode, since otherwise it doesn't make sense and she'd call it a 4-parter; making that the first ever season to not start with a 2-parter. Note that in the past multiple parts have always referred to episodes, 1 part being 1 episode. On top of that, the movie doesn't have anything to do with MMC aside from Twilight already being a princess.
I waifu died in season 2

I was just too much of an idiot to notice it until now.
mmmm, delicious art
We won't. Even after the end of mlpg, ponies and the ride itself, we will still be out there.
Wish I was a Lyrafag or something, most that can happen to her is that she shows up in the background with a different bag.
Do some Pincest fics and then we'll talk.
For gen 5 right guys...promise me you'll all come back for gen 5.
I'll just draw it myself then
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I'll slap you. I'll goddamn slap you. Your waifu never died because you never had a waifu. You don't fucking know what a waifu is.

Go find yourself another "waifu" you insensitive bastard. I'll take care of Twilight on my own. She may not be my waifu but I love her enough to help her despite what happened till now
But what if gen 5 is shit? I'm not gonna waste me time in generals for a cartoon I don't like.
Gen 5 is gonna be G4: Ultra Moneygrab Edition
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Look at the twifags
let's laugh at them
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b..but I love you.
What if the porn is great?
it isn't even "hard times", she's irrevocably changed
It won't be THAT great
Oh so a character must remain frozen in time for you?

Funny how you are posting Pinkie seeing how many Pinkiefags abandoned her for Chrysalis.
You gotta let go sometimes, dear Anon.

Okay maybe.

G3.5 was made because G3 was sucking so much they basically did a reboot.

They won't want to lose G4 so they'll probably try to make a G4.5
if she loses most of the aspects that I like, yes.
Twifag here strong and proud of my pretty little...princess ;_;

WHY WHY WHY! I still love here with all my heart she's ma waifu
>Make them even smaller while making their eyes even bigger
But G3.5 sucked even worse than G3.
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I see no reason to think that. The crystal ponies are not normal ponies. They are not earth, pegasi or unicorn ponies, they are different. They are outsiders, and from what we are told in the Crystal Empire episode, they once had a full on Queen.

Celestia did not even know about the crystal heart. When speaking of the crystal ponies power, she flat out said "Even my knowledge of the empire is limited."

I find it hard to believe Celestia would be the ruler of a land that she has no clue about aside from some intervention in the distant past. I mean the defining item of crystal pony existence was completely unknown to her.

But, like you said I guess we will find out finally one way or another come EG
I'd expect the character to not lose all of it at least. The only thing remaining of her character is that she still fucks up magic sometimes.
The cute, snarky and slightly socially awkward wizard has been replaced with an arrogant, prone to lose it at the slightest moment maniac who lost even that last part, making her an uninteresting character.
I miss Kraut
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It took me until Season 2 to try and pick a waifu and even then I was still stuck between Twilight or Rarity. Then Season 3 rolled around and now I waifu BonBon
I'm pretty much with you with everything but arrogant, I don't get that. How is she arrogant now?
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Don't worry, there are many of us left who will love her no matter what.
She's my queen, always was and always will be, even though I was never worthy.
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>background characters
>How is she arrogant now?
He doesnt watch the show
>implying the rest of the main characters aren't going to be turned to shit in the future
Then they're gonna laugh at us because their waifus can't be ruined
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A wise choice anon.
And what makes Cadence even more knowledgeable? I mean she was tutored by Celestia. At most she has equal knowledge with Celestia when it comes to the Crystal Empire and even then I doubt that.

Nevermind that Celestia has actual experience on leading and being a princess, a leader.

I just think that Celestia making Cadence a vasal would be the most logical thing
SA&Cadence are now married so that's out, EoH is more of a weapon than the Crystal Heart so I'd guess the EoH is better.
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but they're the ones who get ruined first, anon
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You'd say it was a wise choice if I pulled any random background pony out of my ass and said she was mai waifu.
I still say that if Hasbro were to do a "Gen4.5" it would be a sequel series to Gen 4 using new characters but keeping around the old ones to rope in the older fans.

Makes the most sense if you ask me.
>EoH defeat NMM and a god of chaos
>Shining and Cadence's love don't do anything other than push things away
>Crystal Hert only defeated Sombra, something Celestia and Luna did without the Elements

EoH are the most powerful
That's not true at all. She's still socially awkward, she's still dorky, she just isn't a snarky bitch anymore.
G3.5 wasn't a sequel. And Hasbro doesn't care about the story, only toys.

What makes more sense, make new characters to continue the story and new toys for characters or use the same characters so they can use the same toys?
RoH. The first part. When she does that magic spell that's supposed to fix everything.
It takes someone like Rob Renzetti to keep the bull that is Hasbro from wrecking the china shop that is the animation business.
You are stupid. You are goddamn stupid
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For one, Shining, Cadence and the Elements actually went to the Empire and researched the thing. The whole library sequence, then the Crystal Fair, etc.

Secondly the whole cutie mark thing throws everything involving experience out the window. Cadence is a princess, whose special talent is symbolized by the Crystal Heart. She was going to rule the empire as the "crystal princess" regardless. Her ass of fate dictates this. Same with Celestia and Luna with the sun and moon.

The crystal ponies bent knee to Cadance literally the moment she fell out of the sky. It was her "destiny". Just ask Twilight, Hasbro is big on destiny.
And Rob isn't there so go findd a new china shop or wait for this one to restock while still keeping the bull inside.
>socially awkward
>she's still dorky
She was anxious in TCE, but lost even that in GPP.
The only time she was dorky in S3 was in SayS.
He's dead, Jim.
No Cadence knows only that the Crystal fair exists. That's all. The whole library sequence and song part only happened between the mane six. And Twilight probably gave Celestia a very detailed report

Two cutie mark means almost nothing in this context. Twilight's cutie mark is goddamn magic, but she still needs to study it, there still unicorns that are greater wizards than her and so on. Cadence has no experience, whatsoever in being a leader since she didn't lead anything before.

And her Celestia's vasal doesn't mean that the Crystal ponies won't bow to her.
I know that G3.5 wasn't a sequel. G3 was completely shit, and Hasbro tried to "reboot" it which didn't do anything.

But now, FIM is one of their big money makers, you bet your ass Hasbro won't want to give up on it that easily. Making a sequel series to FIM makes the most sense, both with toys and show. Keep the familiar setting, but mix it up with new faces.
>is there a book on how to be a princess?
She is still dorky. She is still Twilight. The same Twilight from S1 just without being a snarky bitch.
Bowing is evil and ruining the show
That's not how toys work tough, That would mean a complete change in the toys and if they did that they'd rather make a G5.

If they do G4.5 it won't be a sequel. It wouldn't make sense from Hasbro's point of view.
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Uh, are you forgetting the part right before the song where twilight took the book to Shining and Cadence and told them everything?
>Staying indoors
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>Having a waifu that isn't Ben Ben or Larry
Same VA as japdash, the preview of the anime came out a couple of days ago.
Shut up, Bon Bon
She just told them about the existence of the Crystal fair and a very short history. Something that Celestia also probalby knows now since you know Twilight would explain in detail to her after this. That or Cadence.
They wouldn't just tell Celestia yep Sombra is dead and the powerful artifact that gives the Empire those powers you described to Twilight at the start of the episode exists. Tootles
Right now Twilight has the most knowledge of the Crystal Empire.
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>Ben Ben and Larry

Sounds like some kind of pony ice cream brand
The main 6 are the faces of MLP right now. As idiotic as Hasbro is, dropping them for new characters would be idiotic, unless Gen 5 is a total reboot of Gen 4 but with the same characters.

Look at Transformers. When someone thinks Transformers, they think Optimus Prime and Megatron. It's been that way since the 80s. Last I checked, MLP never had something like that until now with the main 6.

My money is still on a sequel series, but a Gen 5 is also very possible.
ony ould ony ony
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That book is where they learned about the crystal heart, its function, and how it relates to the fair and why it needs to be present.

Essentially everything.
Have you heard the term The Core 7? That therm refers to the main 7 character of G3 and G3.5

That term is about how when they made G3.5 toys only the main 7 character existed.
everything about that stallion is wavey
including the manner through which light goes through him
And all Twilight told Cadence was that it was created by a past Princess of the crystal empire to defend it against evil and it's the main power source.

Meanwhile Celestia told Twilight what that power source did, what great powers the Crystal Empire has over all of Equestria.

And again Twilight would probably tell Celestia those things, so Celestia would learn about the Crystal Heart and it's history, so what Cadence knows now plus all the things she told Twilight which means more than Cadence knows.
G3 and 3.5 were horribly unsuccessful though, that's why not a single person gives a shit about the core 7, or whoever was in it.
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It sure is. Could you imagine if crystal pones were real? People could spend hours just staring at them
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here is my tulpa waifu

>changling colgate .
>not a single person
has it ever occured to you that the law of "you are never the only one" directly implies "there is always someone?"
They kinda do since for two years those were the only pony toys that existed. Only them.

Right now it will either be G4.5 as a reboot with the same main characters or G5 as a completely new pony world.
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That's not Ben Ben

Except Cadence learned all that first, because she was briefed in person by Twilight as they learned it, was witness to it, and then personally made it happen. As was predestined by having said object on her ass for her entire life. The entire time Celestia had no clue what it was.

It was all over by the time Celestia would have learned anything at all, with Cadence already having ascended to the Crystal throne. She mastered the heart literally hours after learning of its existence. That's destiny for you
alt 3 doesnt work?! how about ❤.❤
I'm sure the pre-g4 fans of the series do give a shit, but there's a significant difference between 100 people caring and 1 million people caring, which is closer to being the case with g4. Yes I did say not a single person, it's what's called "exaggeration".
What if a chrystal stallion volenteered to be a live model but nobody knew how to draw him because every time he twitches the light that falls on him changes exponentially so they all must kind of sit there uncomfortably for an hour or two watching him glisten in the sun and trying to sketch something vaguely pony shaped.
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Then they would have to make him sad, so that he would drop down to a lower, non transparent state

>quick, say mean things to the pony so we can take his picture
She didn't master anything. She just saw the Crystal Heart do her thing. All she did was throw the Heart in a direction. She mastered nothing. The Heart did almost everything on it's own. And it was empowered by the Crystal ponies, not Cadence. And again all she knows about the Empire is what Twilight told her. Something they probably told Celestia too. And Celestia knew about the powers of the Heart. knew what the effects of the Heart were, so again more then what Cadence knew.
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Wip is done for the first 3, gonna do the others connected by the "tears" once I got the first set done. I thinkin about having only colour in the "tears" so fluttershy would have green and flowers and all that coloured while the rest of her is pencil and shaded.
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she can be whatever she wants
How chubby is pon
The other three will be under those or alongside those three?

under, gonna make it one big stream. I'll have to connect it using photoshop, so I'll have to swap computers or something while I work on it.
My Little Jews
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Did you even watch the same episode as me?

Her cutie mark began to glow when she activated the heart. She then gave the crystal ponies very specific commands on how to use it. She is magically linked with the damn thing.

"The Crystal Heart has returned. Use the light and love within you to insure that King Sombra does not."
Post "smile smile smile" in this thread if you're an autistic shitstain.
If only Mami was here
>tfw Smile hats us
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If only.
Sell it to the highest bidder. Live a comfortable life of luxury.
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Quick, be as brony as possible
Season 3 was not shit at all
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wwould you?
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I own a website dedicated to my alicorn OC.
"smile smile smile" in this thread if you're an autistic shitstain.
>that fucking video of that guy drinking a 20 year old Crystal Pepsi
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I read fanfiction
You have different opinions than I do, but, lets still be friends.
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What's this ponychan shit goin' on?

also taking requests
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>intense discussion about cadence and the CE, mixed with talk about the future of MLP
>degrades into inane posting about nothing

kevin the DICK
>What's this ponychan shit goin' on?
what are you talking about?

also draw discord warped in foil
Rarity fighting a crab with an umbrella.
Guyzz- please! What happend to love and tolerance?
And mom shut the fuck up if you don't like the show or like me liking the show we can't see eachother anymore, fuck you saying I can't fap to horses, it's called clopping and everyone does it
oh hey look its the 11am EST shit poster
>arrive late 2010
>leave late 2011
>check back 2013
>wait did i click on HSG
>no the marker is there
>i don't know anyone
>what the hell is going on
>feels like hiatus
I don't, I just have him book marked.
It would have been cooler to be alongside it but eh.
>What's this ponychan shit goin' on?
What do you mean?
Just report him, hopefully Leth is not playing video games and will delete it.
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too chubby
I guess I could just do two versions, seems simple enough.
that post pretty much shows that your absence wasn't muhc of a loss.
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>that pone

Whoever you are, I like you
I really like chubby pones
but why?

she looks totes adorbs!
If he thinks there's nothing wrong with this stuff, there's nothing wrong about me posting what he does here.
>who is everyone
Silly guy, it's me, Anonymous!
I got ten times shitter by spending time outside of 4chan. It happens.

But I could have gotten ten times shitter in a way that you liked so I dunno. I hope you all still like celestia.

If you left in late 2011 you should recognize a couple of names at least
>I hope you all still like celestia.
The celestiafags are running rampant
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Me too

They're so squishy and cuddly

Kinda heavy, but they're clingy, so they won't fall off if you pick them up
ah yes, I remember you quite well
Merry May is my favorite background pony.
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>totes adorbs
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pls stay

We could use some more posters with such refined tastes
He was a faggot
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Not as faggot as YOU
>implying I don't have a massive fat pone folder myself
Thanks anyway, maybe somebody else can enjoy it
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What's with the shitty outline?
At least I'm not as faggot as YOUR FACE
I shall indeed be staying. Been here for some time now, just never drew much, but now that I don't suck TOTAL ass anyway, I figured I'd drawfag around.
Have fun
But quick question why return during the hiatus?
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You still haven't explained that ponychan shit.
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>I hope you all still like celestia.
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Glad to hear it then, more pone is good pone
cosmo pls

work on your art
What's up J-man

how've you been
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Shit J-man sorry. I just lost it. I didn't mean it.

Look how about we post some ponies and leave all of this behind eh?
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Why is someone dumping cosmo's stuff?

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Last one.
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Yo, I heard something about canon anthropomorphic ponies and came back to see what was all that fuss about. I think I'll better go back with my dad and postpone my second coming for another 2000 years.
Obviously we all need to bear witness to Cosmo's natural art abilities.

What about Season 4? Or the comics?
I think he's made some good progress, I'm hoping he keeps at it.
To be fair, I find his progress extremely underwhelming.
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No offence but this place is becoming cancer.

Maybe we should just close MLPG down during hiatus
Good thing he dropped "writing" fanfiction to do it.
>SB will never update Featherweight again
you could always leave ... right?
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That is quitter talk anon

and also a convenient excuse for me to post cancer pone
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You fools! This is exactly what I wanted to happen by dumping Cosmo's pictures! For you all to be questioning his abilities and progress in terms of art! I'm afraid you all have been deviously rused! Are you cross at my postmodern avant-garde trickery?
i missed you guys 'cause i'm a faggot.
i didn't really ever 'return' though. i just have small periods of time where i don't get on during hiatus.
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but its not that simple anon
i cant just get off the ride
we alive
and go where anon?
if that's the case, just enjoy the ride.
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I think I like her tiny friend more.
I think I figured it out. If we reverse some parts of the chanting during the ritual and replace some of the magic components with ones that better reflect the elements I think we can open a portal to Equestria.
Well, Cosmo still wrote off and on as well drew for som time, so of course he won't be able to improve as much as someone who has hours upon hours dedicated to drawing.

Also, he just seems to draw for fun, not because he sees it as something he'd want to get into professionally (at least as far as i know), so his slower improvement is irrelevant.
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Femanon x stallion is best
ew /b/

I said less cancer not more cancer
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you are cute anon

you try so hard

You are like the Little Engine that Could of shitposters
And that pony you posted is the Little Engine that Could of ugly ponies
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having talked to someone that TRULY believes this, i have concluded that it's not worth it. I like being on Earth. I want ponies to come here.
PiE > AiE
>>tfw ReiDuran hats us
he's been missing for a while
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>not loli femanon x colt
Cash money is a good thing if you're poor.

Get that cash money, then get some more.

Imma help poor people learn how to get a job.

Imma imma help poor people learn how to get THAT MONEY




Get that money!

That cash!

whats PiE again?

i never followed
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>not adult femanon x colt
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Pony ate your lunch

What are you going to do about it?
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but what if I don't live near any modern civilization?
Pizza is Equality
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N-no, I'm sure they don't hate me..
she better buy another
fuck off
Surely in a global economy you can find a use for yourself.

Otherwise you'll be banished to Equestria if you can't beat Highwind in a 1v1 at TF2.
She ate the entire shepard's pie, there was enough for both of us!
>not shota anon x filly
Goddamn it Twilight...Spike go make another sandwich please
>mlpg's drug enhanced consensual rape organization at bronycon
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>banished to Equestria
suckle her for nutrients, oh and i just ate anyways
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Pony In Earth

which is confusing because shouldn't it be Pony On Earth?
Underground ponies, man.
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Another scorcher.
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sears pls
Okay so the magical ritual didn't work...
How about we try to make a portal with science? Yeah that would work.

Okay who here has Reversible polarized neutrons?
I'll go sit down now
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I prefer WoD

oooh, makes sense, i shouldve figured out from the context and convoersation, but like you pointed out, Pony In Earth sounds funny.
I might be able to get some mushrooms, will that be good enough?
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mein gott
What's WoD?
Once you arrive, you have to room with Tracey, Red Ribbon, and Milky Way.
Waifu on Dick
That's not so horrible.
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Pony In Earth is a playoff Anon IN Equestria, when from the ponies view, it should be Anon On Equestria.
Ha jokes on you. Last deal with a superpowered being made me roommates with Hobo Pony. And since Hobo Pony's room is Equestria since she doesn't have a room I win.
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Only semi?
What. Equestria is a country silly anon. Anon on Equestria makes no sense. The name of the planet where ponies live is also Earth. The comics say so.
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Well that is a bit trickier. Equestria is the country or continent, not the planet. Their planet is also named Earth strangely enough

Like I would say Pony On Earth, but I would not say Pony On the United States, I would say Pony In the United States. I figure its the same with Equestria.
No I want to post ponies on the internet, and giggle at the silly anons.

I am a pony using magic to use your earth internet.
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Celestia also calls the planet Earth in A Bird in the Hoof
ok time to praise the sun
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Okay. Got my brake. Why do i need one outside though?
in soviet russia
pony rides you
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How do you deal with keyboards?
Ponies in Europe
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But there are no ponies outside
durr magic.
>Going outside
and then?
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There's too much lensflare outside
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>The sun gives you the D
there is no sun, it's overcast right now
never thought of it that way

>Ponies in Eurasia
>Ponies in Ethiopia
>Ponies in Ecuador
>Ponies in Easter Island

They had better hope its Europe

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I'd prefer to give my d to a pony, if you know what I mean
does the sun give me the d until a get a good load of vitamin c?
Easter Island would be PiEI
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Give me the requests!

oh the horror
Rarity hugging Sweetie who is booping her
Derpy making clouds
Ponies in Ethiopia sounds fun. I'd watch it or read it, whatever.
I don't understand, anon
Isn't Eurasia Europe+Asia so technically sitl Ponies in Europ just with some extra land too?
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seconding this
Yes, but the communists get their hands on pony that way.
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>Arrive through portal in Ethiopia
>Introduce yourself to natives
>Get eaten by starving niggers
We've lost almost 10 ponies this year due to that.
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True, but a much higher chance of landing somewhere undesirable with all that extra territory included

What if pone landed in Mongolia?
Europe includes Eastern Europe which means a part of Russia so either way communists get ponies
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fucked by a mongol
>that guy wearing a weddding dress
I bet his tough.
Mongolia is a pretty decent place dude
Genghis Khan ain't roaming the countryside. Also those fuckers love horses.
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I want to insert my rod of virility into a cartoon pony's quivering love pudding
Ponies in Siberia
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Or killed by giant trained predatory birds and eaten by short men riding short horses and sporting incredibly fuzzy hats
Odd that we are having better PiE discussion than the PiE thread
>PiE thread

you mean /b/read 2.0
>killing horses
they are ony witht he horse
I think there is something wrong with my stomach
I feel some slight pain and yesterday I had issues eating as it burned or something
Is this something casual or should I consult a doctor about it
They could still land in China. Or North Korea.
And they wouldn't share ponies at all. Hell North Korea would probably put pony in one of those camps that makes them renounce Celestia and worship the current Great Leader
Chrysalis laid eggs in yor stomach and they are beginning to hatch

But ponies would not look like horses to them, but like little neon mutants

delicious neon mutants

Unless you assume the pones would look a little different than they do in the show, in which case I would be with you
Aj is in north Korea and Dash in China. All the other ponies landed in Europe. Except Fluttershy. She's in boat heading to Australia.
Did you eat a goo pony?
If so congratulations, you're being absorbed from the inside out. Enjoy being part of the constituents of a pony!
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Do nothing. Just ignore it. You'll be fine.
What if pony landed in history? At the Hittite empire?

>Including the criminalisation of bestiality (except with horses and mules)
Is Fluttershy building an army of dangerous animals?
>She's in boat heading to Australia.

where she will be turned away by immigration for being yellow and having no job
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I took your suggestion to heart, showered, put on some clothes, and went outside.

The weather was cold and the sky was clouded.

I never want to go outside again.
>being yellow
you sir owe me new sides
ok back, thanks for the break boss. i fed the turtles in the canal some stale fiber one ceral, and they didnt like it either. and pet and fed the neighbors cat. and got bit by a mosquito
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>filthy mudpony
>it's only talent is being poor and homeless

I wouldn't let that thing touch my front porch, me and twiley would never succumb to allowing it to stay with us.
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Stay inside forever
that's not hobo pone you blind retard
Didn't you get the memo, Anon?
She's with Flash Sentry now.
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I'll slap you
Twilight would never live with a human like that
Not if hasbro has anything to do with it.

Meet flash sentry captain of ect.
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Me and my waifu would take that adorable pony and help her find a job and start a new life
>touching filth

>Rarity is a great pony and those who don't like her are just naysayers - Katie Cook
I love that woman
>Element of Generosity
She'd just take her with her magic and give her a bath anon. And I'd help
Why does the japanese anthem sound like something taken out of a lord of the rings movie
She helped out the filthy hippie ponies
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2.92 MB GIF
which pony is the best at farting and why
>even with magic

Never, thing is filthy and a disgusting mudpony.
>not neighsayers

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I have a beach backround I drew out, but thought I'd put this out first in case it ended up looking like ass, since I still suck with backgrounds most of the time.
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21 KB
is that some pony dock?
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dock? i'm afraid you lost me there, sir.
Why did you fall for /mlp/'s EPIC MEME

seriously it's liek taking FEMSOMBRAANDSHININGARMOURPLS seriously

oh well
dude, it just seemed like an interesting thing for me to draw.
i'll gladly take another request though.

draw rainbow dash smoking a bong!
bedwetting fluttershy pls
>Katie likes Twilight the most because her mother was a librarian and she was basically Spike
>Also her favorite non mane six ponies are Flax Seed and Wheat Grass

>Andy's favorite pony overall is Luna
>Of the main six is AJ
>Also he now loves Flax Seed and Wheat Grass

>Tony Fleecs, artist for the Dash Micro and the Fluttershy Micro
Wait what. What.
>Favorite pony is Pinkie Pie
>Celestia is favorite non mane six

>Thomas Zahler, the guy who did the Twilight Micro
>Favorite character is Spike
>Favorite mane cast is Dash
>He is an arrogant guy who's motto is what William Shatner and Dash is the closest to that so that's why she is his favorite pony
crying colgate pls!
Ponka's hair exploding in confetti and fire, screaming

>inb4 trixie eating a pinecone
you all just gave me a great idea,
thank you!
is there a convention right now or something
I'll have to do this as well,
Panka is best pony afterall.
>Dash Micro and Fluttershy Micro had the same artist
How. Dash's Micro as far as drawing goes is great. How is he also the artist for the Fluttershy one.
>and she was basically Spike
I feel bad for her.
This can only end well.

>not twiley
They had a panel at Denver Comic Con and a recording is up now.

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sweet more colgate, my waifu
Scapegoat what's your tumblr, I'm not sure I'm following your stuff.
There isn't much posted yet on it
and it's embarrassing, but if you really want it
>Tony loves to draw Celestia
>Thomas loves to draw Twilight
>Andy loves to draw AJ because she has the best expressions, but he loves to draw Chrysalis the most
>Katie loves to draw Turnip the most

I totally forgot what the Dash micro was about/was like.

I just remember the twilight one being terrible.

Someone refresh my memory.
Dash micro is 20% cooler and brony pandering
I'm not joking
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33 KB
>Dash's Micro as far as drawing goes is great. How is he also the artist for the Fluttershy one.
this guy
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67 KB
would you blossomforth
I think the Flutteshy micro had the same colorist as the Twilight one.

The Twilight one, art wise was great before being colored. The colorist just destroyed everything. I think the Fluttershy one had the same artist

Well yeah, I remember that I think. Wasn't it the one with Maybelle or whatever?

Seriously I don't remember anything about the story
>tfw no ciircuit
Pipsqueak micro when?
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Would I what?

Say that she is an adorable watermellon maned pone? Why yes I would
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blossomforth is my favorite r34 fanon version of all pony

Yeah, I remember that happening. The Twilight macro was so much better looking before the coloring got a hold of it.

What is the name of that colorist? And is he on the Fluttershy macro too, or just the original lineartist?
I didn't read it but maybelle is part of the NMM arc
I love this gif

Oh yeah.
That artist is pretty good, if I remember right. I mean, that nightmare rarity looked fantastic.

Someone just link a page of the dash micro
It was about those kobolds sitting in a cloud and harvesting bad emotions
Don't know the name of the colorist, but compare the Dash micro with the Fluttershy one. It's just a huge difference.

Also Andy got into the show two months before Katie contacted him to work on comics

And Katie is a total slut for the editor.
>Anon's face when loading the locator, clicking the thread link, loading the thread, and finally beginning to read the thread


I didn't even know the fluttershy micro came out.

That was recent, wasn't it
It was mediocre as hell. Bad art and writing.
Worst Micro
Where did Andy even learn to draw his ponies, it took a few of us a least a while to get to be able to draw them well. He just blasts our skill away with expression and colour.
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you are welcome anon
it was like a shitty verson of sweet and elite.

He's just a talented cartoonist/comic artist all around. Even his porn.
He's a goddamn professional artist that's been drawing for over 10 years, and worked for DC and other stuff.

He's experienced
One day I hope to be able to draw pony with his skill

Anyway it would be my dream job to work drawing comics.

What your dream job anons?
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He's a great dude. I got a sketch from him recently, actually.
I'd post that one page of the FS Micro as a reminder but I think deleted it out of disgust. It's just that bad
I want to tell a story, with pictures
He's a professional artist. He already knows how characters and constructions works and applied them to ponies, easy enough.
Give me something to shoot
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My dream job is no job at all
>a "silent comic" with absolutely no speech bubbles
That would be fucking incredible if it was pulled off.
Do you think there will be a 5th season?
>That would be fucking incredible if it was pulled off.
There's a few of those out
Wait till we reach the image cap
>wanting new horse 9 images early
Pls be patient. Pls.
>What your dream job anons?

I'm not really sure... but something were I create stuff others enjoy would be nice I guess
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We think that you're addicted to horses, anon. So we decided to cut off the supply of new horses from now on. I'm sorry, anon.
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>That would be fucking incredible if it was pulled off.
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its too late, i know im terminal
I'd like to be a journalist and a critic in the filed I studied.

Basically, I don't want to do things, but write about others doing things.
that's why I want to do it
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well i can fix that...
>What your dream job anons?

Mad scientist.
I'll probably just be unemployed instead
dont spam the thread, shiny
thats a dick move
Move when ready
Reichskanzler aus Germanien.
Nasse please
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i didnt...
Heil Hitler
You're wrong, but not far off.

Yeah, no; I'm not a Socialist.
A rich counselor with geraniums?
Kraut? Pls
>You're wrong, but not far off.
No, I'm a Norwegian.

Reichskanzler is a position of power, Germania is Scandinavia, Germany and Austria.
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>What your dream job anons?
Run a successful and easy business that can afford me a lavish lifestyle. Perhaps be an entrepreneur.

I ALMOST invented the snuggie maybe 10 years ago when I asked my mother if she could sew me a blanket with sleeves because I was getting cold when I used a blanket to watch TV. She told me it was a nice idea and dismissed it, so I asked her again but mentioned that we could even sell it to some of my friends, and again, and again, until so many years later when they started advertising the snuggie on television. Man, I was pissed.
Er det, ja.
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