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Sleepy Thread

Luna is out playing in the dreams of ponies! How many dreams you think she visit?
You do realize Scruffy will come for you people next, right?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
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Now that Leth is dead, who is the new heir to the throne?

We must consult Salic Law. Go forth and bring me Leth's three first children.
ty op

thats what the juice said
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>implying scruffy doesn't lurk mlpg

He crops up and polices us even when we're on page 11

You obviously never seen what happened when they tried to do this on /co/.
>Horses able to stand on clouds

Leth isn't dead though.
Yes I can
my dad works at Leth and he told me I was gonna be the new king
He took the Black?
The panties ruined this
Not him, but I'm guessing the front page was swarmed with MLPGs, right? Would that be much of a problem now?
All of them
What do you mean, you people
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there is no bagina anon
She never visits mine...
That because you aren't a pony!
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I prefer it that way and that looks cute.
I was saying they stood out too much
It was trying to imply sexual when the rest of it was not
I didnt know Luna was such a racist
I'd like to think Luna keeps a pretty good watch over most ponies dreams. I don't think she needs to be in every dream ever, she was away for 1000 years too, and the ponies got by okay.
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how about now
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I sincerely hope that's not true. Because if it is, and people find out, MLPG is going to get raided harder than an ant hill in an SC Johnson employee's backyard.
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Is this appealing enough?
But she's not.
She just isn't capable of entering the dreams of non-ponies.
and if that happened the janitor would show up & go on a killing spree

it happens
Like you guys could be any worse than the bread tards we already have to put up with
>she was away for 1000 years

Wouldn't she still be able to enter dreams? From, uh, the moon? I don't think close proximity being a requirement makes sense because she is literally travelling to some other dimension anyway
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
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I would smack that ass
Maybe the nightmare moon thing prevented her from entering people's dreams?
Maybe they should turn me into a pony then... Twilight turned her parents into plants, how hard could it possibly be to turn humans into ponies
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>have a toothache
>have a headache
>have insomnia due to the amount of pain
>didn't sleep wink
>physically dead

This is what happens when I don't listen to colgate, heed my warning brush your fucking teeth.
She was imprisoned and not conscious. She was probably in stasis and couldn't do anything
[bonnering intensifies]
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you think she would like that?
I dont understand what this is other than cleftbutt
Good point, she could may well have been terrorizing ponies in their sleep. I'm thinking something was stopping her though, like the EoH were keeping her sealed magically.

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It's 1 PM
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I don't get it
Not in Americaland
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I dont know, but it would be worth the risk
I wonder how it feels to be masturbated by magic while fucking a pony
Nah, I was sick and slept all day. I'll be able to pony for another 8 hours or so
Luna is bored
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She might haunt your dream for it.
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okay whatever I'm gonna post .gifs
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Probably feels god-tier.
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Be nice, pony is very sensitive.
Someone painted an AntroJack in the style of cosmicautogenesis.



>pony is very sensitive

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>She might haunt your dream for it.
Is that supposed to be a punishment?
Sounds more like a reward
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That pic is from Xieril but I think its a bit older
Do you have the gif without the caption?
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It's time for MLPG confessions! Post your favorite pony and confess something pony related that you have guilt over!
I mean she's emotionally sensitive you pervert.
I know. That guy has an impossible handle. I appreciate most MLPG contributors for taking up relatively easy names.

/sub/ time.
Who's Scruffy?
Cool, more stuff to save
Thanks /mlp/, it saves me the trouble of sifting through the /b/
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I've got a massive dick
>implying anyone cares
Piss nickname for Janitor.
>Rarity's Magic
>And her complete control over her muscles
It would probably get you into a coma because the sex was too great for your mind
Why is this still a thing? Why does this exist? Why do you want /mlp/ to be gone?
boy did they ever pick a bad time to try to rustle our jimmies. technically there's no night threads on Friday, but we're too fucking chill for this
his dA is trolomanchu, could call him that?
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Warning: is not favorite pone

Ponies cause me depression
We don't want you gone, we just want you to leave us alone
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>this pic
>where we are
He drew it 6 hours ago
oh. huh, they don't actually know who the janitor is? what purge are they talking about?
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I posted 'love & tolerate' shit on /b/
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my colgate tulpa won't let me kiss her, if i havent resently brushed -.-
I just want all of /b/ on every board gone
including /b/
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>piss nickname
>being this new.
I'd be Lunas prince
>implying you'll even notice when it happens
how unwelcoming can you be, the clash only happens when you call someone /b/read or start being really shitty to them. /mlp/ doesn't want to destroy this place.
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I have no favorite pony
Why aren't we Mr bones?

We just wish this board never really had to exist in the first place.

It's all we really have now.. /co/ has gone to shit anyway.

Why don't you just chill?
Janitors are anonymous anon.
Nigga are you seriously trying to distance yourself from /mlp/? That's fucking sad.
Any fetish thread you think of, and the tupla, are deleted.

>implying the name did not came from there
It was a forced nickname and some of them bought that here.
Why is /mu/ and /lit/ even on there
>Why don't you just chill?
As long as someone isn't a faggot, chill and want to discuss the show anyone is welcomed here
>Janitors are anonymous anon.

oh, yeah, right. i'm honestly a little surprised that someone doesn't know or didn't claim it somewhere and it totally got around
artist pls

Your new is showing.

Scruffy is general 4chan slang for janitors and has been for ages.

It's a futurama joke.

Oh, guess I was wrong then.
Does he have a nsfw tumblr then?
>Any fetish thread you think of, and the tupla, are deleted

weird! pretty understandable that they would crack the whip on pron, but why the tulpa thread? i'm guessing no explanation was given
Because it's the boards next to /mlp/.

I fucking wish anon


fuck, that should have been obvious. I actually thought scruffy was the name of an oc
He posted as anon and asked for a pony for lewd and took the first pony that got dubs
Rarity won
Excuse me for being retarded
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And you are guilty about this because?
ok so finished my trixie, enough that i want to do something else

give me something else to draw
earlier I couldn't figure out what WWU meant after we talked about about the song. I'm having a good night
Maybe the someone in the sekrit skype chat knows?

Draw Libman pony and her partner screwing up their air maneuvers.
>give me something else to draw

Celestia and Luna as fillies, levitating a sun and a moon plushie
Because he cut it off of some guy and mounted it above his fireplace
Lyra drinking tea.
Prier to Feb 2013, it was just simply just Janitor.
Filly Rarity in a school uniform
Is it bad to piss after cumming?
I'm in that secret skype call and I dont think he linked anything there
scruffy as a pone pretty pretty please
>but why the tulpa thread
At this point, its just /b/ in disguise.
Sometimes I play with my soft dick idly and I think that some guys dicks are that small when hard
Then I feel smug
Then guilty about my smugness

too soon and shit can hurt bro.
no, that's not how your pipes work
only if you want to procreate eventually
Dunno, for me it hurts for some reason
>its just /b/ in disguise.

what's wrong with bread? too much avataring?
inb4 a lengthy discussion about the 'yaoi hole'
/b/read doesn't want to talk about ponies, they want to talk about random shit while posting pictures of ponies.
I assumed it was people bitching at each other about how to make themselves see shit
The short answer is drugs
Why would that be bad?

>we will no longer provide complementary porno magazines in the longue
Well, that explains a lot
Oh this is amazing
Because it burns sometimes
Was just curious
No, not at all.
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You think you can watch the movies with her all night and morning long? She would be alone.
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I've never experienced it burning, except a little bit after sounding.
I can't imagine why simply cumming should cause burning when you pee.
I always do that a few minutes after I'm done. Cleans the pipes.
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Is there any artwork of her and Morpheus?
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I use pony and MLPG as escapism so I don't have to deal with hating myself.
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Don't scare me like that!

Surprise boop!
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Secondary shit? Ok with that.
Tertiary shit? Fuck you faggots, but with a whole board dedicated to a single show it'll be inevitable as long as it doesn't violate the rules, hell even a *legit* Tulpa thread could fall under that.
Nonchalantly chatting about how your day was and roleplaying is not even tertiary, it's pure /b/ if not /soc/.
You mean as pone or in general? Sandman and its spinoffs have a huge fandom, it's just quite silent.
I meant artwork specifically of Luna and Dream
>not doing both at the same time
>Being a pussy
You're not a man till you've stuck a 10 inches of metal down your cock
Warning, bait ahead.
hmm, if it's against the forum rules to post pony anywhere outside of mlp, then wouldn't a thread of random discussion, but with ponies, have to be on this board? there's no where else it can be
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My subconscious is creating a scenario where Luna is one of Dream's lovers, and then she asks Dream to enter his Pony form...and...oh my
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Two of my favorite types of characters are the straight guy and the "always there but doesn't do anything" guy.
Neither you are, anymore. How's that pierced urethra holding up, what nice infections you have down there?
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can twily make her own spell scrolls? are unicorns the only ponies capable of using magic scrolls?
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I definitely would
they don't want it anywhere, 4chan as a collective abhors /b/read. btw, we are still there.
>that wing
Let me touch it please
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Who would be pone Despair?
How would a ponified Despair even look like?
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>the "always there but doesn't do anything" guy.

Do you watch anime, anon? This girl is probably one of my favourite characters in anything
I always hated that nickname. it hurts my ears as much as celestia being called tia
All she has to do is write the instructions of the spell and be done with it. Any unicorn could probably do it.
You take away the ponies part and people would tell you to go to /soc/
>"always there but doesn't do anything" guy.
We would be good friends.

oh my god fuck you...
I can see it in my head as a white earth pony with gray bags under her eyes, scraggly black hair, a viscious frown, and a distended paunch, but I am no drawfag
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I would bet she would watch any type of movies, but it would be pony version of it with pony puns all over the place. You think you can handle it?
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We are horrible nickname now?
Working!! is one of the few slice of life animu whom I find delicious even if there is no real overarching plot. It's one of the shows that make you believe that character interaction really is everything.
Hell, I even like Toradora for the same reason.
but they want to post ponies! that's the crux

if they're avataring though they should just get their own forum. but then, a forum wouldn't allow a person to avatar-reaction image or whatever
I used to watch it when I was younger, but it grew stale on me. There's a few that I still like, and every once in awhile I'll feel like giving a series a chance, but no, I don't know who that is.
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No, we're radical mutants now
>are unicorns the only ponies capable of using magic scrolls?
Good question, Equestria seems to be filled with all sorts of plants and wildlife that can do things similar to magic. Just look at Zecora and the potions she can make. I don't think it's possible for non-unicorns to use magic the way unicorns can, but they can do things that similar.
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This is the closest I have come to Sandman Ponies
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Urgh... I guess I would be able to tolerate it for her
There's this neat place called ponychan you know
>Hell, I even like Toradora for the same reason.

Because the palmtop tiger is an eleven of fucking adorable
But...who is Destruction?
dat luna ass
But it wouldn't be okay for me to go post a bunch of video game reaction images and talk about what I had for lunch in /v/
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I think we consider the fact that ponies being on all fours is sort of lewd since if a human did that pose, it implies something. Do you think maybe they think the same about a human standing on two feet all the time?
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>Tex smiling

If anything, Derpy should be Destruction to her disappearing all the time
>not even posting the whole pic
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well yeah, alchemy seems to be a thing that exists in Equestria
I loved these! I can't get into mecha or action tpe animes, and a lot of slice of life is shit, but these were always great.
Yes, human are ready to mount anything at any given notice, they seem more aggressive.
Why aren't you streaming?
Why should I though
>I don't know who that is.

So the plot of Working!! is basically a bunch of interesting people working in a restaurant, and interacting with each other. It's a slice of life romantic comedy kind of thing. I mention that everyone working at the restaurant interacts with one another because exactly one of them does not. That girl I posted. Literally everyone is a character, and exists, and interacts, except for her. She's always just in the background. There's never any explanation of it, or reference to her. She's jus always there. In the background. Sometimes
>Ponies think of humans riding cowgirl all the time
>Every stallion thinks male humans are all gay

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How badly do you want to come in the room and find this?
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To be honest, as stupid as it sounds, filly Luna calling her sister Tia was S1 fanon, before she came back as CAPS LOCK.
I still regard that as the big turning point of the initial feeling the fandom had.

Ehhh, not bad but can't really "feel" it.

You can say that again.
probably not since spike walks upright all the time.
Why not?
Because I'm pretty slow and my drawing process is awful, people would just laugh at me
blue board

S2 Luna is one of the highpoints of this whole show.
Well, shit.
How would I explain that to my waifu?
Yes, but Spike isn't 6 foot tall. He has to walk upright to be closer to face-to-face.
What would I even stream anon?
it's not like the janitor will come and d-delete your post, a-anon-kun...
The only thing worthwhile I could stream is me masturbating

And I don't want to
I can't stream art but I could stream a movie or something

what do you want to see?
cartoons, duh
To me something like that is a very meta joke. Someone actually took the time to make the character and animate it, but doesn't contribute to the story at all.
That wasn't me
And I just don't post porn, so whatever
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I find a little bit of that feeling in Haganai currently. Yep, it's vastly different and the sheer surreal and wacky atmosphere may not be everyone's cup of tea, but character interaction is great there too.

Obligatory, since we /a/ now
>but doesn't contribute to the story at all.

You should watch Working!! It's pretty good. Season 1 at least. If you're into a kind of silly light slice of life show anyway.

It's kind of like MLP in a way
>another thing to be asspained that doesnt mean anything at all
You guys really dont wanna watch me draw, not yet.
I can't download live tv
Why do people have to be aggresive about every little thing these days?
Wrong streaming, retard

>what do you want to see

What have you got/can get?
holy fuck shut up with your whining faggot
diamond dogs walk upright aswell, dont remember any of the ponies fantasizing about that.
angry little men,
Another show I enjoyed which to me was nothing but pure weirdness was Arakawa under the bridge.

I'll check out Haganai though, after I'm done with school. Haven't watched a nice slice of life anime in forever.
fuck you
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He pinpointed you with unnerving accuracy.
Have you hugged a horse today mlpg?
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I didn't say it isn't, just that it was unexpected, especially with months of conflicting fanon.
Remember Woonastuck?

I thought it was clear that I only posted it because we were talking about anime and streaming, so "here's a pic to make 2+2".
... also, it kind of has a point, but not really the place to discuss this.
Have a Haganai gif to apologise.

I like how this chart completely missing the main point of streams.
Since you brought up that animu with a gif, I didn't like Yozora. Not because of who she was, but of how one dimensional she was compared to Meat (her name escapes me) who had a lot more sides to her.
The 1980s and subsequent years have mass produced socially inept artificial autists.
They spent most of their times watching TV and playing videogames instead of having hobbies and friends.
>tfw no gf
That's because it's a one sided argument that is biased.
I would if I could stream anonymously so people can't laugh at me
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I bet you use VLC too, faggot this is just what /a/ will reply

>I didn't like Yozora.
Nigger, please. Talk about bad taste.


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>trying to get tex to make a different facial expression
What do you mean by artificial autists?
it takes like a minute to register a new livestream account
bam, suddenly you're a whole new person
>Trying to kill Tex on Hats
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i'm feeling like butts today
I like VLC. I have a soft spot for weird glitches.
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Sometimes, you gotta be hard on your pon
But there's always that one Anon who can tell from my style who I am
>trying to get AppleDan to contribute
All my contributors are here in the hat thread! And AppleDan too!
>not going rage pyro or demoman
Do you even know how to casual on hats
Yup, that's a butt alright
That actually hurt a bit
You going to do more of those silly quick quest like things? I love those, wish I had the quality and speed to do so too...

I have never played hats at all.

But am considering doing so tomorrow if mlpg will have me.

w-what class should I start out with?
Then stop being yourself.
You are here for a reason, individuality is the poison that plagues all of us, though some simply have the antidote.
who cares
fuck that guy
stream anyway
I played once.

I didn't like sucking so I never did it again.
>I have never played hats at all
Boy you have no idea what you are getting yourself into

Soldier or heavy
Play with times with computer first, so you have a basic idea of what's going on
>Dat rainbow booty

we tasting all da colores
*play few times
Soldier, aim at feets = points
There's a tutorial thing that teaches the basics, but you kind of have to learn all the meta about the game and situationals on your own. Especially since MLPG has some decent players and a few who played in tournaments, you will get your shit wrecked like I did.

Also ignore Krabb, dude is a tyrant faggot who is vocal about hating things.
Yeah, probably soon
but now i gotta sleep

I'm getting mixed signals here.
play a good game instead
like not Space Station 13
Each class plays so much differently that you'd have to choose by you're own accord.
If anyone has the url handy in their history or something, would you mind linking me to the thread Faust was posting in on Ponychan? If not, I'll go look myself.
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What do you actually do here?
The same way you had to choose which pony is best.
There's no worstclass or in hats, though.
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That's why I hate multiplayer.
Oh yeah, one more thing

Is a mic such a big deal in hats?
Why did you hit her with a newspaper?
What breakfast?
shitposting and attention whoring
isn't it obvious? look at his posts
Sometimes, I make people critique my drawings.
caps of all lauren's posts were posted last thread.
Its her fetish
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I keep meaning to learn that
But I hate sucking at stuff
And lag
>There's no worst class
People who play spy are generally worst class though

Depends if you are going to be a try hard
It matters very much.
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Communication is important in any multiplayer game, but for MLPG we just kind of have the game as a backdrop and just hang out and bullshit.
Don't play it.
It's not good anymore.

Believe me, I wasted four years of my life on it.
Which foal has two gay parents?
how would that work? were the parents forced to do eachother?

She's adopted and is actually the offspring of TIA
All the threads about do seem to be 70% bitching about servers, 20% bitching about bans
Still, 10% really cool stories
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Breeding is mandatory
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Sometimes PQ records us playing.
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They could adopt
applehorse thats why they are dead pony aids
If it were three years ago, it would be 70% cool stories, 20% pubbies and 10% drama.
Robusting ain't what it used to.
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part uno
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What a horrible father, just look at his daughter's mane. I bet she grows up to be a huge cunt.
>lib and partner
but there's only one horse there
It's a pretty casual game which turned shit
You shouldn't play it
they wouldn't be the parents, though
biologically, at least
I mean, even artificially impregnating if both of them are women still would cause the other not to be related
um, damn lol
just because they're not biologically related doesn't mean they can't be a family, anon
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Reminder that Lauren already moved on while you are still clinging to a show that is past its prime
Is this civilization V game fun?
I'm downloading the demo right now
reminder that if you are not having fun then you are free to leave
play better RTS

If Faust has moved on why does she keep hanging around bronies?
but she hasn't moved on
not completely
I give no shits about gay couples, but it still feels weird to call them their parents. They're not actually related or passing on their genes

because she loves the attention
civ iv is good.
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but they're still passing on their culture and traditions
Plus, saying that people who adopt aren't real parents is kind of a dick move
they're still raising the kid
It's okay for >fun but if you want a challenge/game that makes a bit more sense you're better off with something else.
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Are you a Wizard?
One of them still can be if they donate egg/sperm. The other "parent" is more of an adoptive kind of parent biologically speaking.
reminder that faust left three years ago and are a faggot for being influenced by the opinion of someone no longer on the show.
Depends. I find them quite boring
>listening to the Iron Giant commentary
>they mention Faust by name as animating the second to last scene that takes place in the park
I know there's no easy way to phrase it, like the backlash against rephrasing gay marriage to something else. But if their offspring carries on their last name but is 0% related to them it's a really weird feeling for the next generation of them.
And yes, I know family houses is a rather antiquated idea.
That... that looks actually pretty good. First thought was "oh god, chicken scratches" but the anatomy and proportions are pretty great

I feel like people are overblowing Faust's role in that film

How long until it's released as 'Lauren Faust's Iron giant'?
This is a modern sensibility though.

Hell in antiquity it wasn't uncommon to adopt full-grown men.
It was the only mention of her in the entire commentary, I just thought it was neat.
That is quite a structure. Where is Lib?
In Japan it's still being done in order to "preserve" the idea of a "family" busisness. Hell, Mitsubishi has been in a family like this for 5 generations, none of which are actually blood related.
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she ded ;_;

jk she will be here soon(tm)
ReDeads were never as scary as Dead Hands.
5 minutes in
I'd just been figuring it was supposed to be a humorous mispelling of "popular".
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Equestria Girl Rarara is hot as fuck
>that glowing outline on sunguard
what the fuck, cosmo
No, not at all
Poplar is also a name of a tree.
>Sunguards in charge of not glowing on the job

Pinkie looks like she's trying to escape the cursed fate she's trapped by.
happens with the bucket fill and lineart, its annoying, having to draw it away. and time consuming
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Is night horse gone yet? I got sunnyD to chug
and day horse to praise.
Tweak your magic wand settings.


Selection > Increment
I don't think that white pony is really a wonderbolt
I bet he would get in trouble if he were caught impersonating them
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yes she is, you are just jealous
You will be transported to Equestria where your lifespan will be as long as pony's and you will live with your waifu but before that you have to live with SB and his puns for an entire year.

Do you accept?
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Still best princess on best coast
I don't get it
That striped mane section is genius though
Yes, but I would rather the SB that's into horsedicks instead
Why would I go to equestria if my waifu can come here through humanportal
hmm, i didnt color it, but i will use this info

and check if it helps

totes wonderbolt owo, who else would have that outift?

Their hands seriously creep me out.
Forever Shinkansen.
Yeah, I knew that, but "Am I a tree yet?" didn't really make sense without having seen the show.
Also odd, I thought I saw it in a banner image, but I went through them all and couldnt' find it.
Did discover that image 9 was Cirno, though

Can I just kill SB and live with his corpse?
If that happened, I'd probably wouldn't even want to go to Equestria.
Is it wrong to think this is cute?

I mean, I know it's terrible art, but I'm so used to the style now that it doesn't bother me.
>either end up murdering SB in a few weeks and loose or survive and go to Equestria but be dead inside.

It's not even a choice. You loose regardless
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just some oc raping annother oc, nothing special. it was a /b/read thing. thought i would post it to spark up some convo
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I want to hug that pony and never let her go
>living with Sad Sack

I'm not even sure what that would be like.
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Where's the downside?
That doesnt really sound like a challenge

Just because she's a slutress doesn't make her hot.
It's been growing on me too. Still can't say I like it that much but I don't hate it

Just hiding razors and making sure he takes his meds. And moving to a ground floor apartment.
She's using a dildo on Twilight isn't she?
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she is hot and beautiful and she is not a slut

i can bet you that Rarara isn't even going to flirt with guys in the Equestria Girls movie, unlike Twilight

No she's using her magically created horsecock to fire hot sticky threads of semen deep into Twilight and impregnate her with fabulous futa unicorn babies.
Where did this one come from? That's not from the trailer. Was there some more footage released that I've missed?
Those fingers are like spiders!
Nighty night.
As if that's even plausible, come on.
I want to touch Dusk Shine's penis
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Anon I love Rarity and I agree with her not being a slut but what you say at the end? That's impossible
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wanna bet?
Okay, but what if I have no waifu?
I just love how that stallion looks as he just spaced out.
How sweaty does pone get?
Done and done. I love me some puns.
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>Twilight flirting with guys
This is not the horse I used to know
I forgot to congratulate my dad for his birthday
It's been a week
Do I call him?
If she doesn't flirt with at least one guy I will probably leave MLPG forever.
The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon The movie is not canon
Why not visit him? Then it seems like you were just waiting for the weekend to do it.

She wants the F.
Just buy a present for him, give it to him ASAP and go "Tah-daaah! I bet you thought I forgot!"
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if she appears flirting, then i'll fuck my Rarara plushie like the slut she is
The finger?
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Anon the guy will probably make the first move. Twilight, since she's knew at this, will probably try to and just fuck up everything.

Look at the bright side. She isn't getting a boyfriend. Everything is going to be okay. She may not be my waifu but I love her a lot and I'm here for you man

Look have a cute Magichorn with a book
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>believing Meghan

Equestria Girls is going to tie in with S4

Brad will be her love interest and S4 finale will be their wedding
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Pick a Pony

No, wait, pick your Favorite Pony

Did you do it you slick-dicked motherfucker?
You are now creepily looking through their trash. What are you hoping to find?
Some of her feathers
Old clothes with her smell still on them. Her white cotton panties with the pink butterfly on the front would be too much to ask for.
I don't know

he beat me to it
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I wish I could believe you, that everything isn't awful.
If the writers are the same, how Twilight acts in EQG will be very enlightening to how she will be in S4
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What's up with Meghan and her super edgy designs for her villains?

She is such a fucking tryhard
Did it work?
I'm the only person I think who's bothered by this, but I gotta get it off my chest

Those gradients on King Sombra look fucking horrible, and it demeans us all as a whole.
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For reference
>hub logo

i lyl'd
you're not the only one
that fucking horn looks dumb as hell
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I'm pretty sure that's what most of were saying when they leaked his picture
I'm the only person I think who's bothered by this, but I gotta get it off my chest

Those everythings on Season 3 are fucking horrible, and it demeans us all as a whole.
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I'd say he was the most disappointing villain in recent years, but my hopes weren't that high to begin with
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Is the show really picking up in Japan?

I swear since it started airing in Japan the fan art has been increasing
I enjoyed some things in S3.
>I swear since it started airing in Japan the fan art has been increasing
now we just need to get those japs to start drawing more personhorses
>her cutie mark looks like fish peeing
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the foal

She wants to get pregnant.

Would you help pone with her throbbing biological urges?
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Oh God.
No anon, they're blue and yellow tampons
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One time when I was 12 or something I scanned a drawing and coloured it with the magic wand and gradient tool because I thought it would look good. My method was actually quite similar to the one Tom Preston uses today, except apparently even he knows not to use gradients.
I always thought it looked like it was dancing.
I've told you anon, it depends which pone you're talking about.
LttP > WW > OoT
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the purple one you idiot
How are you today
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I hate you
>hating people who are right
tired and bored
Thinking about going to bed but I really need to go grocery shopping
TP > All
>LttP > OoT > dog shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>> WW
Why does she want to get pregnant? I'm not sure she's ready to be a mother.
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say goodbye to your waifu
>The horse is very durable and is not directly attached to the video game controllers so my daughter is able to "ride" it through the house.
Fucking sold.
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I'm a pony today
>implying worstpone is my waifu
No, you can't make me.
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I'm disappointed that Blueblood/Twily will never happen
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>s4 cameo
Twilight's face looks like a fish.
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>Hasbro promoting the stereotype that men are taller than women in ideal romantic relationships

I think it's cute that Twilight is gonna hook up with a guard, but his coat and mane aren't regulation colors
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Okay instead of whining and bitching all the time
Say a good thing about equestrian girls
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it'll be entertaining to drink to
But it's shit.
Megasweet sucks at comics and stories.
Pinkie will be in it.
The designs actually look slightly less awful than they could have looked.
Sunset Satan is hot
I actually can't wait until Monday.
What have you done to promote the white race lately, MLPG?
Nope sorry
Penelope Pinkerton or whatever is in it, not Pinkie Pie.
It ends
It probably won't be entirely terrible. The art, while bad, is still occasionally cute and it's quite possible they won't completely botch up the story.
the first few minutes take place in Equestria, so Pinkie Pie will show up briefly
>June 10th

but why

nothing happens that day
Fuck of SRS, it's clearly feminists who perpetuate the delusion that all men are subservient bodybuilders.
I impreganted black, asian and hispanic women to make their race a little whiter.
It has ponies in it.
I haven't had sex with any non-white girl, I guess or any girl for that matter
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>This is what MRA's actually believe.
In the beginning when they're in Equestria.
Probably at the end too.
Having a kid is not a biological urge, it's a byproduct.
My Little Ponies: Friendship is MANLY spinoff

New Mane 6
Snowflake = Rainbow Dash
Construction Worker Pony = Applejack
Prince Blueblood = Rarity
Caramel = Twilight Sparkle
Pony Joe = Fluttershy
Jelly Pony = Pinkie Pie
Well I finished something I was working on and that's the day that I finally hand it over. It's not a big deal or anything, I'm just impatient by nature.
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yeah.. about that
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pegasus are weird and hard to draw, i think these are like my first serious attempts

can i just put a cloud over her lol
but their races don't match
Someone please draw sunset satan R34
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I want to fuck that Rarara
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They made Luna's skin significantly lighter than both the first and second version of luna.
has tumblr called that racist yet?
You say that about everything anon.
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>those fingers
>First time seeing human luna
Oh shit..
what's your point
she may be human/anthro but she's still my wife.
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>all wearing dresses
>all wearing knee-high boots
>all dresses are sleeveless
>all the same body type and height
>three dresses are strapless
>pony ears

You know it's called "being hot" and "in style" and shit
surely you mean >furry
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Why is incest the hottest fetish?
he renamed it to Canter Girls
it isn't though
it's just your favorite kink because you're weird
actual incest is gross
>not TG/TV/63

step up sempone
No TF is.

and selfcest
NO, [insert your favorite fetish] IS MORE GROSS

because you're literally fucked in the head.
It's going to empty out /mlp/ so we can return to our home planet of /co/
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fuck the law
>you will never be forcibly turned into a pretty mare
>you will never hook up with your favorite stallion
>Incest is gross
It maybe isn't the hottest fetish but it has something
Quit being so close minded
>MLPG died back on the way back to its home planet
Oh anon.
I don't want to fuck my sister
I don't want to fuck my mother
I don't understand the appeal of incest at all

>quit being so closeminded to fucking your relatives

Anon, this isn't alabama.
>hook up
>Not just offering yourself by bending down and winking
It's not about you wanting to fuck your sister, it's about other people wanting to fuck their sister
Neither do I
But I fucking love to read hentai doujins about that stuff
Nothing is hotter than brother fucking his sister sometimes
Do we have any reports yet on how many bronies have been arrested so far while trying to pirate EG?
>for pirating
No, but that brony friend of yours who you're too embarrassed to be seen with anymore? He got jailed for whacking off in a theater last night.
What law? It looks good. Plan on finishing it?
Sister fucking her brother is hotter
that makes even less sense
how is that attractive at all
yea whats lib's partner's name

i want to get the colors right this time
>not M/s
>What is a fetish
Anon come on now
it was showing EG right?
Dear Penthouse Forum,

I never believed this could happen to me...
it was a theater built specifically to show EG
>wanting to explain fetishes
It just makes my boner happy. Especially so when it's well drawn/written.
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I have no idea what his name is
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>Maybe I could just talk about the show a bit to get other people to deviate from fetish talk
every tim
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what a pretty pony
>super tall Aspiehorn

this pisses me off more than the wings and the shoes
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God damn how do you lose weight?

I've been trying for MONTHS. I've been cutting calories like a motherfucker, but still, FUCKING NOTHING CHANGES. I think that maybe I've lost weight, but the next day I've gained it ALL back somehow, even though I'm cutting like 700 below my BMR per day. I wouldn't mind, but I'm a guy and all the weight went straight to my thighs. I look fucking ridiculous unless I wear a long-ass coat everywhere I go. I can't do cardio either because I fucked up my knee really badly a few years ago, and can't go any faster than a light walk without extreme pain.

Pic is me. THIS is why I can't get women. Because I literally have THE most disgusting body shape out there.

I'm tempted at this point to take a knife to my thighs and carve the fat out myself. How the FUCK do I lose weight?
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If both sexes desire relationships and sex just as much as the other, and there's roughly the same number of men and women, then how come there's so fucking many lonely, desperate guys out there and yet it seems like every single woman has or at the very least has had someone at some point in her life

And it might be just me, but I've gotten the impression that women see men as disposable and easily replaceable, while most men would be happy to just have an average woman that'd remain faithful to them

Explain this bullshit, I don't follow
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I see 4chan is as lively as ever
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post your fetishes and expalin them
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She's a princess now, of course she's going to be tall
>How do you lose weight
Tell me how the fuck I gain weight
I just can't do it
4 meals a day and I lose weight
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I'm in love with a 10yo girl.

She's perfect in every way. She's girly. She's naturally intelligent and very charming. She plays the piano and looks up to me like a father figure.

I could die happy knowing that she was in my arms each night to care for and to cherish.

I know it's wrong but being around her melts my body. I don't really feel relaxed around anyone else.
Dear Penthouse Forum,

I never believed it could happen to me. I'm a freshman at a small Midwestern university. I was studying in my dorm room one night when I was instantly transported to the magical land of Equestria.

I turned into a pegasus with a 33 inch long penis. I was thrilled. A beautiful unicorn with an amazing ass came up to me and asked if I'd model some clothes she was making. She said she was a dressmaker who wanted to break into male fashion, so I went along with it.

I thought everything was innocent until she started taking my measurements...
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Well, I know I certainly don't feel that way. Do some men feel that way? That's sad.
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33 KB
>I don't like thing
>maybe I should spam the thread!

why does this happen
nabokov pls
please don't respond to the people that are spamming us with r9k
Clearly I must consume you to gain your ability to eat anything but still lose weight.

At the very least I can balance out my metabolism.
you gotta remember there are a lot of ugly/reclusive/undesireable single women out there who have never experienced the D
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34 KB
I don't really have any fetishes
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583 KB PNG
cum inflation > incest
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2.13 MB JPG
I bring you Nightmarity before her skin is darkened, so it's a very Starfire-looking Rarity with pointy clothes and NMM eyes at this stage of the WIP.

how is that spam? that's the average MLPG post
hahaha his name is milky way

Someone should seriously just take a short pony fapfic, humanise it and send it to Penthouse to see if they publish it
Does pony count as a fetish?
That much is obvious.

Are you that one girl I met at a convention? Because I bet you're a liar.
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72 KB
Have you thought or planned anything?
Don't you want to wander around while still having some money and once it runs out kill yourself?

Wouldn't it be awesome?
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137 KB PNG
>before her skin is darkened
>before her skin
She looks more like what would happen if Rarity became an alicorn. Its nice, granted.
she's pretty.
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Spoiler Image, 65 KB

This seems like an appropriate reaction image.
damn that's good, you may want to post it later we ded now.
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61 KB


post your least favorite fetish
Sorry, I'm not a girl and I've never been to a convention.
>"I softly stroke her flan- ass.. with my hoov- hands.."
>"She let out a quiet neigh, no a sigh."
True, but incest is more of a spice to add on top of other fetishes anyway
You could have cum inflation with incest for some added flavor
wheres the marker at
I know you do this every time you're offended that people are posting not-pony, but it's on par with ironic shitposting.
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What is it where you live and what do you feel it should by?

18 here, I'd say 15-16. Girls come into their unblemished beauty and we are hardwired to be attraced, I feel society wrongfully represses that. Sure, they don't know much about life at 15 or 16, but neither does a typical 18 year old (my ex was 18 and my 8 year old nieces are more thoughtful).

Pic related. Went on 18+ part of omegle, encountered this girl (showed no nudity but have fapped to her twerking for me 3 times daily). I didn't ask, but it WAS 18+ and I found her attractive. She called me out for being a 27 year olf perv (she was right most say I look 19) and then just... slutted out. She was drinking so I popped open some brewsky and enjoyed.

Was this wrong of me? What would you do? And of course, I want to know your take on AoC
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Spoiler Image, 158 KB
158 KB JPG

Thank you. I have a big folder of Nightmarity at this point in time...

She's pretty awesome. It's hard to decide if Alicorn Rarity is prettier uncorrupted or if Nightmarity is superior.
Marker movers are asleep
I don't think you grasp what it feels like to be suicidally depressed

you can leave if you don't like it
>typical onta comic.jpg
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50 KB



It's right about the time all the kids get up and it's the weekend. /mlp/ tanks in quality, no offense
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356 KB JPG
How accurate is this table?
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anything involving poop
None taken, but from the looks of it, they are already here.
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92 KB

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Is this legitimate or fake?
I can't tell anymore.
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336 KB PNG
What excellent advice

See you in like ten hours

>tanks in quality

Except the quality has been shit since the move. There is no day and night, it's between shifts for the shitposters.
They are both equally good.
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42 KB
Family Secrets. Let's hear them.

My mother had two miscarriages in her life (both after I was born), and she has four kids.

Kind of dull, but yeah.
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288 KB PNG
this is very relevant
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245 KB PNG
Are we being raided or something?

I leave you retards for an hour and this shit happens
The quality has been consistently bad for a while.
I think that neither do you.
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25 KB
I don't think I can carry on
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I like this blue one.

I also like fatties, stuffing, eating, some types of inflation, etc. I'm not entirely sure why. It's probably because I was a malnourished child or something. In any case, I don't really like Rainbow Dash as a subject because it doesn't seem plausible that she would enjoy being fat.
/r9k/ spammer. He gets butthurt when anyone posts offtopic and thinks he's making a point.
No, it's just one anon who spams the thread with /r9k/ shit when the thread gets off topic.
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537 KB PNG

I miss /co/...

I wish /mlp/ wasn't a containment board.
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[/spoiler] post your fetishes and explain them [/spoiler]
Feminists hating their own children for being born male?
I've seen worse. It could very well be real.
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46 KB

the answer would be yes

they're not even helpful pictures
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48 KB
It's so depressing that women want you for your money and not because of who you are.
>since the move
Since the halfway through S2-S3 hiatus.
I hope it's not. It's a horrible thought.
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This is my favorite pony

My fetishes include bodyswap, corruption, enslavement, possession, bondage, domination and micro insertion
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26 KB
Would you ever be in an open relationship with a girl who was also with another guy?

Let's add some setting:
>You love this girl.
>The girl loves you.
>The girl also loves the other guy.
>She's known the other guy longer, but loves you and him equally.
>The other guy has a ton in common with you and is a total bro.
>The other guy is bisexual.
>She engages in sexual acts with the other guy.
>The other guy has had no former sexual partners and is highly hygienic.
>She has no problem with engaging in sexual acts with you as well.
>Threesomes are a possibility.

It just kind of hit me that something like this wouldn't bother me. As long as she really loved me, I don't think I would care if she loved someone else.
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15 KB
beefed it myself ;_;
have you ever made a prank on someone? have you ever gone through a horrible prank?

answer one, both, or do whatever you want.

>have you ever made a prank on someone
not really

have you ever gone through a horrible prank?
i went to prom and kids threw eggs and flour all over my suit before i even got inside the party so i would leave
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208 KB PNG
do they ever get bored shitposting?
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>since halfway through the S2-S3 hiatus

Sooo...during S3 then?
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11 KB
>tfw your mother had a hot steamy load of dad cum on her face and in her tight pussy
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10 KB
wow what a fucking shocker
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This is my favourite pony

I like futa
Because I like dicks

I am also bisexual An actual bisexual that's fucked guys. Not a hipster bisexual
they are post /rnk/ and /soc/ spam

they are already boring people

Great, thanks for informing us
Holy shit, is there anything more autistic in the world? People like you should be hanged.
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44 KB
>at the computer
>can't not wear headphones
>even when I'm masturbating to porn on mute and it would be to my advantage to have my ears uncovered so I can listen to the rest of the house, I still can't bear to not have them on
>always get my hands covered in semen and have to remove the headphones with a weird shoulder shuffle

Does anybody else know this feel?
........take your headphones off
>i dont have a favourite pony
>i dont have fetishes either
i am the most boring person
Not into futa myself, but the rest applies along with favorite pony.
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>"Just because someone has rape fantasies, that doesn't tell you anything about them as a person."
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the phrase "hipster bisexual" made me laugh out loud
I think it's funny that people collect these posts.

Or does /soc/ and /r9k/ generate so much of them that you only have to browse for a day or so to get a decent collection?
I know, right? What a retard.
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65 KB

You're very welcome!
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238 KB GIF
Apple bloom
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1.9 MB GIF
>after a long time of not seeing your ex you go stalk her facebook
>she's gotten fat and ugly

welp... i got over that quickly

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I don't know, I don't go there

some of these are comedy gold
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299 KB JPG
So seems that were ded mlpg, are you going to see Man of Steel and how hyped are you?

IMAX for me in newcastle, fuck ton of crap to eat and maybe pizzahut afterwards.
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79 KB

that is not an apple bloom
Apple bottoms
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His posts are usually just taken from the OP's of whatever is currently on /r9k/
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why is Marijuana illegal?

what is the reasoning behind its prohibition
I just wanted to share this

I meant it's a horrible though someone could be serious about that.
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If a man is considered guilty for what goes on in his mind, give me the electric chair for all my future crimes.
Going to watch it with some friends in a while
Will be fun
I have high expectations for the movie, shouldn't let me down
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Spoiler Image, 548 KB
548 KB GIF
To all those virgins out there why don't you fuck hookers?
They always use condoms unlike bar sluts
>They worn out
The crack whore servicing 50 guys a day is an exaggeration. Some are hot college students doing it for a while until bills are paid or foreigners new in the country trying to make a living until they move onto something better or even just hot girls doing it for a while just for fun and a quick buck
>I don't want to exploit vulnerable women
That is myth number 1 about prostitutes. All the ones that I've ever met were either greedy, sex mad or both. If guys don't need to turn to prostitution to survive then why do women?
>I want to lose it with someone who loves me
ah hahaha faggot you're a 23 year old kissless virgin, If it didn't happen 4 years ago it will never happen especially when you're just as much of a loser as you were then. Infact things are worse now because everyone else has done it by your age and you stick out badly
>Paying for sex is sad
And being a wizard isn't? You're already as sad as you can get so may as well go all the way. Besides paying for sex isn't actually sad if you think about it. You always have to pay one way or the other and pussy is pussy.
>It's illegal in my country
Holiday/move country/vote out the conservative faggots who think everybody can find a willing partner.
If so, then what? Live and let live.
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okay that's hilarious
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> most women would rather be with an abusive alpha than a beta male

beta males, how does this make you feel
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I mean, I can't do anything about it. Doesn't mean I can't be appalled.
Because i don't give a fuck
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post your fetishes and explain them
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176 KB PNG

posting best beta male

I'd love a Spike forever
wow that was a late boop
I will boop you
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If all women are whores and fuck alphas then settle for betas, is it the same for my parents?

Is my mother a whore and my father a beta?

I feel upset.

Women, think of your future children. Don't put them through this.

Those pony masks were so creepy.
Just imagine an empty street with thousands of animals with those masks standing on every available surface.
>being a wizard
But anon, if I don't get my wizard powers however will I get to Equestria and be with my pony waifu?
I realize I'm replying to spam, but whatever
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What the fuck happened to this nigga? He looked all rad and shit and now he looks ugly and shit.

You can't blame age, that nigga Pharrell and Nas still look 25
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yeah same here

have a pony
You gotta post the superior version

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432 KB JPG
Who else likes it when a girl takes charge?

>tfw dominated by a girl
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I don't want to, I'd rather let Nightmarity have her way with me
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great scott!
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1.49 MB GIF
i haven't fapped in like a week. It hasn't really been a struggle and i'm planning on keeping it in as long as possible

is there any point or benefit to this?
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171 KB PNG
I'm standing in for ablbluemium

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You too. Have a... whatever this is.
That isn't a pony at all.
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136 KB JPG
>tfw live with parents
>tfw poor as fuck
>tfw no room to myself
>tfw havent fapped to porn in months becuase the only alone time you get is in the shower
Fap as quiclky as possible!!!! You might die from your testicles bursting.
Did they always have those masks?

Holy shit.
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145 KB JPG
Things people do that infuriate you
>chewing loudly, to the point where I can hear it across the room
>inconsideration towards others free time ie excessive use of internet bandwidth
>constant pointless criticism
What pisses you off /r9k/?
>mfw people chew loudly
You guys are reporting this shit right, I'm not the only one right?
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Describe this pony in one word or less
Why is it that men don't overwhelmingly prefer big tits while women overwhelmingly prefer big dicks and are even willing to cheat on a perfectly good man because dion had a 9 incher?
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289 KB PNG
Abb bass
Oh okay why not
Doesn't bother me but you are correct, it doesn't fit
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82 KB
I am, but there's a high change it's a ban evader too.
I just reported, thanks for reminding me
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What is the worst thing a female has done to you recently?
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Why, it's a Zebra! A very pretty Zebra.

Hmm ... male or female? Inquiring minds need to know.
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451 KB JPG
Have any of you gotten a "hard while flaccid" dick? This started happening to me since the beginning of the year, and it's awful. It's mostly always in this state, and feels inflamed, too. Plus I think its caused my dick to get smaller.
also it's not an std or anything like that, since I haven't had sex.
If you've had it, have you gotten your dick back to normal? Would fapping too much be the problem/cause any permanent damage?
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44 KB

am I the only one who really just doesnt care, all I want to do is be my own man and draw, cook, watch tv, enjoy vidya etc

I dont understand how its such a big deal for some people that they dont have a girlfriend

there must be somebody else here who just doesnt care about >no gf
I think it's just a regular Zecora that Hops drew.
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516 KB JPG
>Why is it that men don't overwhelmingly prefer big tits
I'm not sure I understand this one. /r9k/ is weird.
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132 KB JPG
Abs bean
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You're probably just depressed.
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9 KB
I got hungry and silently crept through the dark house to the leftover pizza on the kitchen table. I opened the box just in time to see a tiny cockroach jerkily darting under one of the slices. Appetite destroyed.
I don't prefer big tits.
I prefer pony.
You're weird.
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Zecora is the prettiest Zebra.

We should post more Zecora and other dark coated equines.
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Ara ara~
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10 KB
>tfw go to senior prom alone
>thinking it's gonna be really shit and I would just sit at a table with the stereotypical "the music is too loud, my feet hurt, ect."
>turns out that I was wrong
>have a hell of a good time dancing my ass off and grinding with other dude's dates
>even moreso hanging out with my friends doing that shit
>be satisfied as fuck on the way home
>just a bit butthurt that if i were to bring a girl i coulda have at least fucked her tonight.

whatever... I think things are looking up from what was a shitty week.
it's kind of sad he has nothigjng better to do than copypasta /r9k/ to spam a pony thread all day
>humans eat
>proteins, carbs, fat etc from animals/plants are used to form new cells
>EVERY girl has sucked a dick
>they probably swallow too
>the semen of another man was used to build some cells of your gf
>you have to wait 6 years until every atom is replaced

remember, every time you hug a girl, you hug another mans cum
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55 KB

I'm DFC so guess what I like
Is it mane?
Best metal
Reminds me of when i was on /b/ in 2011
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silly pony, this one goes "ara ara"
Daily dose:


Additional weekend dose:

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post your least favorite fetishes
File: 1370697742366.gif-(2 MB, 286x186, fuck this shit i'm o(...).gif)
2 MB
>/r9k/ spam
It is sad. He sees people having fun and he wants that, too. He wants to belong, but he can't, so he's doing the only thing he think he can - take the fun from others. Or at least try to do so.
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36 KB

/b/ is the worst

I like posting ponies. You might even call it my specialty.
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9 KB
I just ordered an what do I do? I am nervous as shit. I haven't had sex in over a year and I am starting to get incredibly scared. Help me
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I like the weekend dose
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Is this the same guy that's a 22 year old drug addict that feeds stray cats?
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1.23 MB PNG
no thats rar rar


That shit's gay.
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1 KB


shitposters will never belong, not really

we all have bad days but they will never know true love
Is the weed on the show real?
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Someone explain cuckolding to me, what's appealing about it? It's absolutely disgusting and it's everywhere on porn sites now, even if you're not actively seeking for it

And why does it always have racist undertones? 90% it's some trashy white bitch fucking a negro

Speaking of negros, what's the deal with the nigger porn nowadays? Can't even find anything good without getting bombarded by YO LOOK AT THIS WHITE HO GETTING DA BBC kind of videos
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I know
I probably wouldn't have gotten into ponies if i hadn't chance on the /b/ threads, but the board is really such rancid piss.

Exaggerated genitilia

Original requester here.

Lookin' gud.

the lines are kind of lose, what program are you using to vector it?
I can't understand what must go through that person's mind.
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but this is cuter
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Ever meet a girl with an unnatural kind of sweetness and simply accept the fact that she was out of your league?
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its not a vector, that SAI lineart tool
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"I wish I was a part of their club"

"Oh, right, I'm a socially disabled coward"
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>tfw paranoid/delusional schizophrenia and a chronic pain condition makes every single day a living hell

>have strong antipsychotics (supposed to suppress my illusions)

>wanting stronger painkiller prescription but doctor didn't give me refills, so I have to wait a few days

all I fantasize about is violence, fml

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You know what I love? A square or triangle tip brush with the blending turned up. Once you're done inking and coloring it, it's very relaxing!
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I prefer this face
Angel is tiny compared to a human. That means that pony's head is about knee high for a human.
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>tfw she has a stinky vagoo
I know that feel.
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>not picking girls up without even saying a word


inb4 a million excuses why you cant hold your phone infront of a girl
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