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Old thread: >>11203797

Topic: Let's discuss the great mailpony that is Derpy Hooves. What do you think of her?
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a sult
I don't
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I think she's inferior to Cinnabar
I would hug her all day long
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she is good pone

i'm glad she's back
>tfw anhedonia
No fooling? Where is Storytime Anon?
Even though she is a bit clumsy, she has a good heart. One of the top 3 ponies i;d snuggle with.

it's another preview hold your horses
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A damn cutie.
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What if she never woke up from King Sombra's nightmare?
I only see a preview for #8
Damn Anon raising my expectations.
Wait what
that's impossible
IDW said each of the 4 issues will be within one story ark

1-4 - chrysalis
5-8 - Nightmarity
9-10 - Big Mac and BG ponies
11-12 0 Cuntdance
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Time for Twily.
>pegasisters and dragon boyz
it is never time for worstpone
Only out of necessity. It's the hygienic thing to do. Nurse Redheart doesn't want you soiling her clean room so she never spills a drop, she gets it all in one big gulp.
They fucked up the headline.
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>It's a preview of the issue nº8
Aw, I was excited for a moment.
look at the issue number

it's actually issue 8 (it says very clearly on the front cover number)

it's not canon to the show

so she's not actually a mail pony

i've been lied to.
>some faggot saw someone uploaded issue #9 preview on Derpibootu and started shouting that it is out, hoping, in pathetic desperation, someone will do all the work for him and upload it

You sicken me, little pleb.
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>still on /mlp/
>Beautiful friday evening
>Not playing hatfortress.2
Stay pleb.
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Twilight is bestpone

You just can't appreciate her qualities because you're a faggot
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I guess the moon is pretty warm where the sun shines.
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Is that considered a form of stress reduction therapy?
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>still playing hats
but nobody's even on hats right now
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What if pony jrpg with dating Sim elements
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is it out yet
>tfw you wait desperately for new fanart of your favorite pony
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I don't know how well that gold goes with her fur
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Best ship.
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pls stop posting Twily. You do not deserve her.
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Derpy is a very ugly pony
What is that on her belly?
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Saddle bag/strap
Just throw out the RPG and focus on the sim elements.

I'd have finished P4 that way, which is funny since I like non-Persona SMT games.
The strap to her saddlebags.
fuck off brony faggot
Whatever happened to BDN?
Wasn't he supposed to be writing a fic or something?
Like a year ago
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she's a very kawaii pony
>tfw the other day a friend who is not into pone told me about this guy telling kevin to stop drawing Twilight Sparkle porn
>had to sit there and pretend I'd never heard about it before
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It's pretty funny that this guy thinks he could have Twilight Sparkle when she married me.
They'll cry when she gets a BF in S4.

I knew I had that certain picture somewhere...
Can someone help me out?
did you look in your pony folder
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Not really.
Not that picture, but a different picture.
It was a different picture that spawned that DoctorXDerpy picture.
>that feel but with things you saw on the internet 3 years ago
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that doesn't answer my question anon

Is your computer plugged in?
Rarity tends to be a bit gaudy
Never mind. I know where it is. Just can't access it right now.
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derpy is a cute horse, but I like this ship more
That's always a tough one.
It's really hard sometimes not to laugh when you're pretending not to know what they're talking about.
Especially for things you know the origin of it is less than above board and they have no clue.
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insufficiently lewd
Is her name Black Betty?
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>watch a little girls show with its main message to go out and make friends and to go on adventures besides just staying home and studying
>haven't made a friend in my entire year of college
>ronbow desh will never call you dingus repeatedly from her cell in your wall

Life just isnt worth living.
>with how hot I look, I should be on fire

>current mood: misunderstood genius
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I have strong opinions about this little blonde.
>Rainbow dash will never wing hug you
>Rarity will never style your mane
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Just saw the new trailer for EqG.

Did Tara Strong fall asleep in the recording studio again? She couldn't sound more non-comittal to anything in the trailer if she tried.
I love those leggy lamb threads. Fuck those janitors at /co/ for being nazi fucks.
what kind of tripcode is that, isaac?
her best friend just died
RD's hovves look like shiny shades
She on auto-pilot... Like she was in most of season 3.

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She's been like that since Games Ponies Play.
Well, yeah, a couple episodes were like that, but it wasn't universal.
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She's too cool for the moon.
what a weenie
I think it's whatever his tripcode is when he forgets the second #

He's done it before
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This pony is happy to see you
>Reu is only nineteen
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Why aren't you drawing?
Man, I just can't stop thinking about how sad singing to someone while their heart finally gives is

I'm gonna be sad for the rest of the day
Well. I'm pretty happy to see that pony.
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happy pony is best pony
She's going to be disappointed if she thinks I'm going to be able to free her wing.
>Rose is 37
>Jailbait is a girl
>Tex 19
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The previous bit made me feel really bad for her
>her dream would've been shattered if she had messed up her wing permanently
>tfw one of my biggest fears is going blind, because I wouldn't be able to draw ever again.
That or losing any of my hands.
>Glitter Glue is 4,361
>I am 20
because I have hands like a man with late stage parkinson's and can't hold anything small even remotely steady.
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>Tan is 43
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>so am I
>xieril's 18
>mewball's 18
>dooks is 18
>tex is 19
>GG is 13
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I goofed.

How happy is she?
>SB is 17
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Hi Anon!

Can we play with your penis?
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Lamb and Pony should be together forever, together forever, together forever

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derpy is now the sidecar for my main bike AJ
>Jalm is a time traveller from the future
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Is this pony your favourite one, isaac?
pretty happy if you promise to free her
Normally, I'd say yes, but when it's you three things tend to get dangerous
Knowing you, it would be manged beyond recognition and covered in tree sap. That's a no.

How about a nice game of chess?
get your own
I still don't like how she was barely pinned under the rock. I understand that they still had to have her move around and stuff, but I can't help but imagine it would have been more interesting and dramatic to have it be much closer to the base, unable to get onto her legs. Force them to focus more on acting subtleties, have a wider variety of shots and stuff.

Bravespark was underage for like the first two years of MLPG

How those that even WORK?

Also keep it up; this is great for my lacking Derpy folder
>Jalm is Jailbait from the future
anon pls
Don't be jealous AJ. Rarity's obviously drunk.







>Pinkie Pie is 15
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You're not playing with it right now, are you?
Wait is the new comic out?
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Sorry friend but I didn't know exactly what you wanted when you explained the size so I hope this suffices
I program all day, in UI programming.

If I went blind, or lost functionality in one or both of my hands, I don't know what I'd do in my life.
>Rarity is 12
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derpy is pony's favorite pony
>smile is mexican
>Jalm came from the future to kill Kraut who is going to become the next Hitler
>Fluttershy is one year older
An innocent game of chess turns into a succulent blowjob

>typical nerd fantasies
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yes I am
now go find someone else to play with
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Derpy is my favorite Derpy.
[citation needed]
>it's only been 5 years since the vandals sacked carthage
Let's compromise. You all start kissing one another, and I'll be the one who plays with it.
Griffon Brush off, when FS walks into PP's party for gilda
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I need more happy Derpy in my life
>it's been 30 years since the show ended
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derpy is my derpy derpy
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Insufficiently unf

Derpy's simplistic and idealistic outlook on life and always chipper atitude keeps Rarity's melodramatic nature in line and calms her down.

also that bubble butt

>tfw you are too young to remember the first astronauts on mars
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>shipping Derpy/Carrot Top
>It's only been 3 years since Rome fell
jeez man I was just funposting
I do watch the show
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derpy derp derp derpy derpy
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I've been gone for 3 days, is the new comic leaked?
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Derpy Derpy Derpy Derpy Derpy
how was he supposed to know?
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Go to bed you assholes
>Luna's lower teeth have escaped from her maw and onto Derpy's chest
>Derpy's face
Sure, 30 minute challenge but jesus christ atryl
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please tell me i'm not the only one who cried at this /co/
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S-she's very blue!

Are you saying she can't fly with a little rope around the waist? How's she ever going to be a Wonderbolt with that kind of attitude?

I just cropped that from the preview link here. It goes on further than the first preview but it's not the whole comic.
GG is like 45
pinkie pls
make me a cupcake
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You're just lucky that lens flare is my fetish
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Any specific reason why I see so much positive Derpy content? Is it because the bronys abandoned her, thus making her less cancer?

I never strayed away from my "special" gray pone.
>tfw this actually happened to the show
It's always so hard to stop reading the thread, but I guess you're right.
Who needs astronauts when you can send robots?

>Let's do Moon colonies first
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also derpy is great with all the ponies
what the heck pinkie, don't swear
>Rifftrax is going to do this live

that's going to be weird, the movie's already a perfect comedy
mmm...yeah, I could see that.
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Everyone likes the silly happy grey pegasus, people are just less anal retentive about her.\

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Fickle tickle pockle ruckle pickle rickle tickle
Which movie?
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when she was gone from s3, some of us realized how much we missed her
Pinkie Pie VS Derpy

Who wins?
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You are taking your probe to Venus and this lens cap smacks your probe's soil sampler's ass.
What do you do?
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>that ass
when i was a boy i never imagined i'd spend so much time rubbing my penis while watching girls pee and lick each others' anuses

i guess time makes fools of us all
is that Venus

Venus is depressing
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I don't know if he's around, but an anon asked for this last thread. Sorry for the wait.

Sorry about the shitposting last thread. Sorry.
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One day I will perfectly mimic Joey's style, but digitally.

One day...
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Derpy has a greater capacity for wanton destruction due to that bubble butt that can wreck houses, but pinkie is such a wild card that there is no clear cut winner.

Starship Troopers.
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what the heck applejack, don't swear
fuck off cosmo
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venus is a gold mind for those who can harvest it
>all o the very ugly pony
You know what, I'm alright.
I liked Derpy's name being said, and both of her voices.
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wow, that is gonna be hard.

I love that movie though, so I got to see that riff

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no human derpy?
>you'll never hear the outtake of the "What My Cutie Mark Is Telling Me" where Pinkie sings

>I don't care much for pickin' fruit and plowin' fields ain't such a hoot
>No matter what I try, I cannot FIX THIS FUCKIN' WATER CHUTE!
>apologizing for shitposting
>apologizing for shitposting as a namefag

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Bubble hips
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Agreed wholeheartedly.


The fuck

Are you actually dumping images here

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jesus christ how horrifying
The atmosphere has a pressure of about 90 atmospheres and a surface temperature of 900°F and the atmosphere is 90% CO2 and the rest almost all sulfur oxide.
It isn't depressing, it's infernal.
And the yellow tint actually comes from the sulfur, the planet itself is actually grey.
>you will never see the first version of smile x 3 animated with twist's mom and derpy
The second voice was shit.
Fucking hate those kinds of poses. Why the hell are you drawing ponies WHEN YOU'RE JUST DRAWING PEOPLE that don't have hands or feet?
*90 earth atmospheres
Rarity finds Derpy amusing

She says things like, "Oh Derpy! You're such a cahrd! Ahaha!"

She thinks she does it on purpose though and that Derpy is flirting with her. Rarity likes the attention.
I think Dery Hooves is one of the few this that i would un-ironically defend about this fandom. in public. to anyone!
A disabled character in a children's TV show, Was a huge step forwards, growing up with a disability can be hard.
Doubly so because you only see disabled people cast as the villain.
TL;DR I love Dery
sorry for spaghetti
Not too shabby, mewball. Shoulders look a little off.
no I don't want that

it's ok
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Whoa shit
Why are these two fighting again
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because fuck you
It's about time, I felt like the last Derpyfag on here for months now
because that is what the show is like
For some reason, Derpy never aroused me. I love her, she's one of my favourite ponies, but... I don't know. I just can't think about her in that way.
Because hands and feet are too hard.
>that thread
Jesus fuck, I mean, I knew they were bad but for fuck's sake.
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Oh okay so you're just spamming. That's good to know.
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Seemed like the thing to do at the time. List the reasons pls.
I was about to critique you, but you already invaldiated your own effort with that comment.
Oh well.
YOU'RE too hard
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I don't have much

>I love Dery
Also shut up.

oh shit! good, unique human design!
And you know what, that's fine. Other people can and do, and you can just smile and nod and support her as a friend.
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Not even as a human?
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One time I played hats with /mlp/

Almost everyone there sounded like they were 14

Well I guess that guy who asked for the drawing isn't here.
Its easier than drawing g people with hands and feet
Doubly so.
>grey surface
>yellow atmosphere
>totally repulsive
It's like Derpy's a planet
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so wait
is nanaki ded
>playing hats
well there is your problem
well i am notoriously shitty at drawing humans here

if you have something to say i would like to hear it
Well I saved it too and think it's fine so nyeah
>guy who asked for the drawing isn't here.
I know that feel all too well

some offical cadance backstory
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You know you wouldn't be able to resist her.
AJ caught Rainbow with Big Mac?
I still don't understand why.

I don't think any of the people who request art from me actually ever get to see it finished.
Oh yeah that was one of the pages I was gonna scan
Someone else is doing it I guess
So once again the world is confirmed for revolving around Celestia
We already knew that, though.
This is mildly interesting!!
No we didn't.
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crap, now we have our first real instance of conflicting canon

That clashes with that silly childrens book that claims that she was a pegasus pony that became a princess after making love magic

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yeah it was already official
Technically that crystal heart book mentioned it

but it's nice to get basically in-show confermation all the same
Does anyone have any of those super depressing "I don't want to go" Derpy pic from around the time we thought se was being killed of forever?
Some of them were really good but i never saved any and now i can only find the shit ones
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>Entertainment Weekly trailer for Equestria Girls

Why am I not hating this? Why am I laughing at parts?
We kind of did from the Crystal Heart book. It doesn't mention that she was a former pegasus though.
I played hats recently on the mlpg server.

It's fucking stupid, compared to BF3.
well fuck, I dun goofed

I should pay more attention
It doesn't clash with it at all.

Celestia adopts Cadance as a niece and puts her through her school of magic.
Which parts? I didn't even detect a joke except for the
>of all the weird stuff that just happened, a talking dog surprises you?
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because you are not a completely bitter individual.
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>compared to BF3

Fuck you, I laughed
sex with derpy
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Sweet paint bucket skills
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have a non terrible version
You guys have fun in your 2-tunnel arenas. Imma go play a game with jets and helicopters and tanks and multi-kilometer maps.
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i was about to post that
Epic. Simply epic.
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Well shit, there goes my headcanon that the palace of the royal sisters was destroyed durring the nightmare moon fiasco.
>this sunday
>episode 10
>equestria girls

Why is there a letter floating in front of a window?
Have fun playing alone
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>childhood home

luna and celestia confirmed for mortal princesses
but...but hats...

and considerably less racist 10 year olds...
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>That body
I don't even know
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i have the previous pic to this, but no i can't find it.
A lot of the "Human Twi acting like a pony" shit.

Cliche prom plot aside, this actually looks kind of fun
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I -kind- of laughed at Twilight running like a horse.

Have fun!
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I think this might be it
Ponies eating meat are sexy
Watching the trailer again, yeah, I'll give you that. I might've been distracted by the immediate switch into "oh god high school and prom"
>tfw Human Twilight will never experiment with her fingers and discover some of their more... intimate uses.
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Derpy is Mr F

Rarity: She's sweet. She's smart. She's beautiful. She's special.
Narrator: She was special.
Derpy: Are dresses hard to make?
Rarity: Actually, the hardest part is finding the gems.
Narrator: But she wasn't smart...
Derpy: Instead of making dresses, maybe you should make gems.
Narrator: ...for Derpy had only mentally progressed...
Derpy: From smaller rocks.
Narrator: ...to the level of a first grader.
Derpy: So it's easier to find them.
Narrator: Rarity might have noticed her disability if it had not been masked by her adorable voice.
Rarity: [pause] You are brilliant.
Narrator: Yeah. She wasn't.
Hur i was expecting a bigger reaction i once saw some on a forum get mobbed because he IWTCI Derpy.
clame was she's retarded so that's rape.
major shitstrom
I do, thanks for the well wishes!

I'm still optimistic about the xbone, but they better announce something worth the 24 hour drm and charges bullshit
That's the one


And why is the whole Derpy/Dinky thing so cute? They've never been in the same same scene.
EQG would've been better if it was a horse other than Twilight that got sent there
top lel.

You have community by a slight landslide and graphics but everything else is laughable when compared to pretty much every other game in every other aspect.
After seeing the designs actually in motion via that trailer, I don't hate them as much.

The skin colors are still pants on head but aside from that they don't look all that bad.
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>I'm still optimistic about the xbone
How do you even?
what will you do when they have a canon mother/daughter scene in s4
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it would of been better if it never existed
Polygon is shitting on the Xbone


it's done for at this point. And sites like Wall Street and Forbes are also reporting on it. This shit's done before it even started.
You should see some of the shit MLPG comes up with. Makes normal rape seem like a fairy tale romance.
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i hope you love being a worthless tool
well yeah

do you have the rest of that picture
All of my friends are on live and I'm just hoping against hope that they fix it.
I'm still waiting for someone to do a fic on that or something.

if it includes Sunset Shimmer then all the better.
Yeah, some of these assholes even want to cuddle ponies.
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For Trottingham Eyes Only
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i do not
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you should "write" it yourself
The xbone is fucked

Naughty Dog just proved that they can still shit out good games
Sony has exclusives
Microsoft has the rotting corpse of Halo and maybe, just maybe Epic to save them
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I want generation 200x to leave
>not always horrible
They have 15 exclusives at launch, 8 of which are new franchises.
nina 2 >>>>>>>>> all other ninas
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I think you mean aunt/niece bro.

The second any scene with Carrot Top and Dinky gets focus the anal anguish will be incredible.
>Not convincing everyone to switch to the Sony boat

Everyone can see that the PS3 was the better console in the end
It's going to be the same
Pretty sure I've come up with at least one scenario that is worse than ANYTHING MLPG has cooked up.

It's not pony related though.
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Besides the question? I don't think there's more to it.
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I'm sorry Twilight
And that shit won't matter if my internet drops.

So fuck off shill.
the box one the console that ended the console wars.
sony won them obviously
and 13 of them are going to be kinect games
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Nah, she is unf in every bof. I fapped to her and her SUPERSHORT skirt every time I played one of the games
winning by default
>implying it's not Nintendomination over again
>le social media controller
>air console
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>it has been 7 years since season 3 ended
How? Unless Sony pulls something as retarded and also implement payed online like MS does, the Xbone is completely dead. There is no point whatsoever in getting a Xbone.
Artist name, please? I like it a lot
Yep, like Fantasia Music Evolved, and Lococycle.
MLPG is honestly not that dark, most of the time
Weird as hell and depraved and all that fun stuff, but most of the time its rather light-hearted depravity
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Oh yeah and its got some fuckin awesome gilda concept art on it too
There was a shpeal somewhere about not redeeming all villains, and Gilda's name came up specifically.
That's good on one hand but on the other hand I think it means Gilda's gone for good
I need a drink
I'm certain that's xieril.
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how do you feel about ursula
>has nothing to do with actual disney fantasia

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lets not talk about microshit.
lets talk about good movie
Nintendo's going to win second place if they can pull it off. Price cut by September with Ambassador/3D Mario by October/ MK U by November/ WWHD by December plus Smash next year.
I once posted this scenario on /b/

Even they balked at how fucked up it was.
EqGG pls go
I've pretty much resigned myself to the notion I'll get a 3DS.
And another Animal Crossing.
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Hey anon, I couldn't help but notice that you don't have your cutie mark.

I don't have my cutie mark either. Me and my girls...we got this special club we belong to. Maybe you should drop by sometime...
Technically speaking, "Fantasia" isn't counted in the 15 games. Those games are first party and all Xbone exclusive.
Giant Bomb had a decent discussion of it. Apparently it does fit in with Fantasia. I wouldn't know, though, given that I haven't seen either of the movies in so long.

Also, that's just Harmonix and Disney. Not Microsoft. Harmonix is just making it XB 360/1-exclusive because Kinect dancing.
>Implying Nintendo can win
This is a 2 horse race even with the maimed thing that xbox put up
Oh shit, you made me remember having adult Nina bend all the way over to zap her wand.
gilda was hardly a villain; she was an unpleasant bitch and a petty thief at worst

and trixie was even less of a villain in her first appearance, it wasn't until her second episode that she actually became a villain
oh please, even the XB1 will sell better than the Wii U.

>thinks back to the wording of the 15 exclusives
Mmm...I dunno, they didn't say specifically that they were all internally developed...
Yeah, I think the term 'Villain' is used loosely
your mom is used loosely
Man, this book actually seems kind of neat.

Someday I should plunk down a bunch of cash for all of the core merch for the sake of support...still haven't spent a proper cent on anything MLP related.
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Don't make me get your sister
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Nope. All internally developed.

And the Wii U does have a chance to make a comeback this holiday if they can pull it off right. All the bad press MS is getting, plus word of mouth will hit the XBO pretty badly.
Nintendo is currently the most consumer friendly offering.
Where is this video.
I need to watch it now

IIRC someone even made an small explicit animation of this in hi-res and without panties ofc

can't find it tho
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>Orange Box

Not my type, tbh.
i used that exact picture to respond to a typo months back, but i can't remember what it was
That don't mean shit without games.

Which is why this E3 is going to be amazing. They've got something to prove and everything to lose. It all hinges on this one E3 to show that Nintendo is still in the game.
Have you ever let the magic of friendship bring you together and make anything possible?
I remember. That's when I saved it.
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>Kiki died

>Too expensive for casuals
>You can only use 1 controller
>It looks like arse
>No gaems

It's got no market apart from nintendroids
Ah, okay.

Also, compared to the games lineup that we're seeing this fall, the Wii U had better drop some nukes. Even in the best of circumstances, I can't see Super Mario, Mario Kart, Bayo 2, W101 being able to compete against the lineup of games that the PS4 and XB1 are going to have at launch (including PS4 versions of cross-gen titles having way better graphics)
Nintendo doesn't have a conference at E3

They've got nothing
Four of the games they announce in their E3 Nintendo Direct will have demos at Best Buy soon after the event.
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They have more presence at this E3 than Microsoft.
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are you slow?

meanwhile microsoft has paid off third party publishers to not show that their game is for the PS4.
>twilights voice
>Too expensive for casuals
It's positioned to be the least expensive of the three
>You can only use 1 controller
Untrue. It supports Wiimote + functionality and many games make use of that.
>It looks like arse
Now you just talking shit. There is no noticeable difference in graphics between the Wii U , the PS3 and 360. Hell, there isn't even a noticeable difference between the current gen and the next gen in graphics as far as the casual eye is concerned.
>No Games
Winter is coming.
They're going to position themselves as the second console, providing unique experiences not found at PS4 and a cheaper (depending on the Xbone's price) alternative for media content compared to the XBO.
Stockholm Syndrome.
Tara's god daughter or something.
This nigga got it right
Btw, what are the pre-E3 PS4/XB1 launch games that we're looking at so far? AC4, Watch Dogs, CoD Ghosts, BF4, NFS Rivals, FIFA, NBA (2K and Live), UFC, Madden, Knack, Killzone, inFamous (maybe), Wolfenstein, The Witness, Driveclub, Forza 5? And that's just our list before E3?
>There is no noticeable difference in graphics between the Wii U , the PS3 and 360
is this guy serious
And it's still too expensive for casuals
So it's no different to the Wii
This is supposed to be a next gen console
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just because you keep posting it doesn't make it true
It's not just a gamecube with duct tape any more, anon.
Basically, Microsoft wants companies to show off games as XB1 exclusives, when they're also being made for PS4.
Rumor going around that MS is bribing third parties to not show or mention the PS4 version of their multiplatform games, to make the PS4 seem like it has no support.

Fits well with their "1 Billion invested in games" statement.
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>knock on clubhouse door
>Sweetie Belle answers it
"Oh, hey! You made it!"
"Yeah, I had to stop by a convenience store first."
"Listen, just put those things down and I'll be right back. I'm gonna go change my shirt first. Help yourself to a cookie!"
"Y-you're not wearing a shirt."
>Sweetie Belle walks out of room
>Anon sets down Mike's Hard Lemonade and a box of Magnum Condoms
>Anon chews on cookies
>They taste horrible
"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing here?"
>A well dressed pony trots out with some papers in his hand
"Oh...I'm here to see Sweetie Belle."
"You're HERE to see Sweetie Belle. Tell me, don't you see anything wrong with that?"
"N-no. She's my friend."
"Tell me, how old do you think Sweetie Belle is?"
"Uh...she said she was 18...in pony years."
"She's 12...in pony years."
"I-I was not aware of that. I'll just lea-"
"It's odd that you'd say 18, because I have the transcripts from your conversations here with me..."
Oh wait, I misread something there
>WiiU, PS3 & 360
>barely noticeable difference in graphics
Nigga u wat
>server run by senetnal
>hats is somehow shit

I wonder why it is
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You're right. Her friend is also pretty cute.
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But I always talk about and post cute ponies when I post.
all i know is that i like the infamous, uncharted, god of war, killzone, resistance and ratchet and clank series' more than halo and mario.

Shit ports don't count. The Wii U port of Most Wanted looks better than the PS360 version. The thing is that most devs don't want to bother making an effort for it.
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just like they did with ghosts making it seem like a Xbone exclusive when it is actually PS3+PS4+360+pile of shit
>inFamous Second Son and KIllzone Shadowfall were running, or pre-recorded in real-time on PS4 hardware
>they look like Wii U games
>Too expensive for buzzword
Consoles have always been an investment. Nintendo plays it smart by waiting for tech to become cheaper before incorporating it.
>No different to the Wii
Higher processing capability, improved user interface, off screen play, HD graphics, better online support...
>This is supposed to be a next gen console.
And it is one. In a world where Nintendo was really the only company that needed to come out with a new console.
>Pikmin 3
>New Retro Studios game
>Potential new Zelda/Metroid reveal
>Likely has an ace up its sleeve
nm I'm dumb, thought you said Wii U, PS4, and XB1 were the same graphically.
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The only next gen game I'm excited for is multiplat.
But they've always done that with COD. And Sony is doing the same thing with Destiny.
i think bungie did that on it's own.
they don't exactly like MS
>tfw no more "To Catch a Predator"
Who knew arresting pedophiles could be so entertaining.
A little girl Tara used to babysit.
Then she got cancer.
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DT was cute in her bunny suit I'll give her that
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>those pictures

every time
>daddy needs to get his rocks off
Any game that's multi-platform will be demo'ed on PCs, not XB1 or PS4. The versions of the games on high-end PCs will still look and show better.
The improvements in graphics between this generation and the PS4/XB1 are negligible. Unless you are a hard core graphics buff you aren't really going to register that much of a difference.
it's technically "next gen", but it's more of an inbetween compared to PS360 and PS4One.
It's your fault you died.
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Holy shit they resort to jewish tactics like that? Nothing new really since they love to bribe publishers to make games timed exclusives.
>not sidegrade

I'm slightly worried by the fact I'm really not excited for any new games. And haven't been for a while. The recent generations of games simply haven't had anything of much interest.
well of course.

PC is mustard race, the consoles are still playing ketchup
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>over at friends house sleeping over
>have dream of petting and cuddling with celestia
>Feels so real
>Friend tells me "yeah my dog crawled up on you last night, couldn't get her to move, were you awake because you kept petting her"
It's better than the previous HD consoles, but not comparable to the new consoles.
Agreed, but I still think that the improvements in graphics and processing are unnecessary at this point. There was no real reason for Sony and Microsoft to shove out another console and the graphics really don't look THAT much different from the current gen to my eyes.
more like DLC exclusives now.

that is how the modern gaming is done anyway.
>The improvements in graphics between this generation and the PS4/XB1 are negligible


Nah man
Maybe if you're legally blind with a 20" TV 10 metres away
Not when they've been designed to run on consoles and the PC version is a terrible last minute port.
If half of the dorky/geeky girls on my class had that kind of ass/tits I would bang the shit out of all of them
Early next gen always looks rough compared to the end of the generation.

Plus what >>11209139 said is true.
Fuck consoles. I'm done with them, especially after the reveal of that piece of shit Xbox one.
Yeah but it has all the exact same games as last gen so it doesn't really count as next gen
It's barely an inbetween

As it stands it's had none of the effort that the ps3 and 360 had put into it
So its hardware is underutilized
It's a 7th generation console

Like I said, only shit that hardcore graphics buffs and PC gamers care about. And PC gamers already have PCs.
>next gen doesn't look much better


handhelds > consoles

every time
>Gilda is insecure

Finally proof that shes not just a huge raging cunt.
Exepct the PS4 has something similar to a 7850 and a 1.6Ghz 8 core CPU. While the Xbone has a 7750 and 1.4Ghz 8Core CPU
>implying you'd have a chance
Good thing the dream didnt lead to sex.
No, the Wii is a seventh generation console. Consoles are defined by release, not tech.
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Kind of hilarious that it was the big announcement at the Xbox One event that some Call of Duty DLC became a timed exclusive on Xbox One.

I mean, holy shit. it's just sad when a timed dlc exclusive becomes the main selling point for it.
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Anonymouse: You look so soft. I just want to squeeze you.
Decoy: *heehee* thankies ^-^
Anonymouse: I want to stick dick all the way up in that soft white marshmallowy butthole
Decoy: Ouch! I bet that would hurt! :(
Anonymouse: Only at first, but then you'd get used to it. Plus you're a pony, so I think it stretches easily.
Decoy: i wouldn't want it to hurt so...maybe you could try it out sometime :0
Anonymouse: I'd love to be your first. Are you 18 or older? In pony years?
Decoy: im 12
Decoy: in pony years
Anonymouse: Even better!
Decoy: ;)
Anonymouse: Stop...stop using emoticons.
>As it stands

Exactly. Right now it doesn't really impress. Which is why it's on Nintendo's hands to "wow" everyone. And with 3D mario/Retro's game/X/Smash, they have a pretty good chance.
>No lag
>Realistic effects
>Less jaggys
>Better detail

They're easily noticed
It's like saying Crysis looks the same as Half-Life 2
You have 10 seconds to make this vidya talk pony related.
If you watch the way she acted, not just what she said but the way she moved, her face, etcetera, it was pretty obvious she was insecure about being cool, but it is good to hear it officially.
>not having a medium chance
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Anon, whats a video game?
>there will never be a good pone game
the xbone also has a constant running poorly optimized DRM and kinect shit.

plus supposedly everything is going to be running on the background so that eats up the processing time like candy.

estimations also that one game will run 2x as better on the PS4 than it would the Xbone.
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B-but what about Armored Core, Metal Gear Solid, Yakuza and other console exclusives..
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Gamer Luna
I don't know where you heard that
That would imply that AMD made a processor that was efficient clock for clock

It's probably an 8 core 3.2Ghz+ Bulldozer

It's like watching footage of Half-Life 2 in 2003.
It's something that everyone can enjoy Pinkie, but only the most autistic of people would go on and on talking about it online
Especially in a place where it doesn't belong!
Dat human face

The xbone is lowered 200Mhz for heat issues.

The Jaguar is 8 Core's 4 FPU's
Is it wrong that I don't see the human part of it?
>wanting another armored core kinect game
do people learn?
it's like a board game, but you control it with these little buttons.

MLPG, what game would you play with what pone/other thing? You can assume they have a controller that works for them
Don't ponies belong on /co/ then? Why are we even here then?!
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>my little pony general can't be this stupid
I still remember being amazed at the SVGA graphics in Warcraft 2.
>Don't ponies belong on /co/ then?
Not anymore
>expecting people in the general to know anything about vidya
It's all aesthetic and nothing new fun wise. Lame.
Remember how great those Diablo 2 cinematics were? And Starcraft?
How do you not know what a video game is?
there are arcades in ponyville
>It's all aesthetic

Thats kind of the point of improving console technology.
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When new comic
Well, that and to increase the scale and functions
Well, tell me where is the human in that.
I miss those Halcyon days of wine and roses
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all care about

is new smash, retro's game and "x"

and dream team

that's it

everything else can fuck off
Hi, developer of high-end games on 360 and PS3 here.

There is a lot of stuff that we can do with 10 times the memory, and 10 times the CPU and 10 times the graphics. It's not just higher textures, cloth effects, and 1080p instead of 720p. One of the biggest (subtle) things will be way bigger levels, because of the larger memory footprint. Aside from player-funnelling, we won't have to make tight levels to the same degree, or for the same reasons, as we did before. However, even to that degree, the share button on the PS4 will be huge. Cliff Bleszinski has been saying for a bit that a game's quality is directly proportional to the number of youtube views a game garners. How many videos will people be making and sharing of a corridor shooter, compared to an open game like Skyrimor Minecraft? Those latter games will get 100s of millions or billions of views on youtube, amounting to the equivalent of billions of dollars of free marketing.

I think you'll find a lot of devs are prioritizing PC ports a bit more because the hardware is so similar. If the game, or a given feature, runs and functions on a Core i5 and a Radeon 7700, that basically works on the PS4 instantly.
The same reason people are talking about games consoles here, instead of on /v/.
Why aren't you discussing this shit on /v/? What's yer fucking excuse?
>Shelling out $500 for an extra layer of spit shine

It looks pretty. But then so do current gen games. We don't NEED these improvements when what we have works just as well. All this does is drive up the production costs of game making and make us pay more for the games in order to compensate.

The push for higher graphical fidelity and photo realism is killing the vidya industry.
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>It's not just higher textures, cloth effects, and 1080p instead of 720p.
But it will be anyway!
fuck off hoppip
Given the effects that they actually made (e.g. the reflections and shit) that demo is REALLY restrained.
So how are east caost horse fuckers holding up?
Doing just fine, why?
>Hi, developer of high-end games on 360 and PS3 here.

sounds legit

If what you say is true, I bet you work for Gearbox.
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go look up early 7th gen games

they looked like slightly prettier 6th gen games

once developers start knowing the hardware more, then you'll see the difference.
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Have you finished those projects?
It's been raining all day. But I'm comfy as fuck.
no, but i did finish my errands.
>starting projects
No. Butts are harder to draw then I thought.
>sweetie bot porn


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>sweetie bot
Fuck you, FiW is amazing
>tfw artists are leaving
Early on, probably, yeah. The games will be split-gen stuff, so they have to run on 360 and PS3 while still remaining intact. The games that are truly PS4/XB1 exclusive like inFamous will give you a proper taste of what's-what.
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Look out it's a demon!
Good. Then MLPG will pay more attention to me.

his ponies are usually pretty good

but this was probably a quick sketch so whatever
I didn't leave, I just stopped drawing.
more hips
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Anyone want to stream some pony?
>No fun allowed
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Yeah, I guess. But compared to other artists in this fandom he's probably in the lowest tier of skill.
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this could turn fappable given time and care
My favourite parts are Sweetie Bot, and "I will destroy you and steal your fiancee booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere"

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>mfw Equestria Girls is looking more and more like Panty & Stocking fanfiction for kids
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I support this ship
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Is she huge? Does she have huge guts?
Lowest of the top tier, sure
But he's definitely not worse than even most of the artists in this thread
Though they're still progressing, so if they keep going they'll be better than him eventually
Those are both excellent.

Although with an entire episode dedicated to Sweetie Bot I don't think we need it to pop up everywhere.

I also like it when my face
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>people actually make these
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The hugest
It'll just be a dumb 30-second transformation where they use the power of friendship to beat her. It's not like she'll start destroying the entire world in some nuclear maelstrom, leaving a permanent scar on Earth-2.
What does Sunset Shimmer taste like?
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Is that a new clip?
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Aw yeah nuggah
It's Friday night and pones are feelin queefy
I've gotta say, teleporting and having the cloak just fly into Twilight's face is a neat thing.
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>The crown symbolizes the EoH

Kill me.... It's like it's like they didn't even acknowledge the first episode
>dog!Spike talks

Corn dog with ketchup and mustard. I don't think there's any debate over this.

The crown is a necessary catalyst.
But they are.

The other elements didn't do shit before Magic manifested and RoH showed us that you need all of them for them to be any good.
it's needed to activate the EoH.
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La commedia è finita...
It's true, though, rewatch S2E2, it takes the crown to activate them.
dubs ghey
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Here is a big scan of that gilda segment because fuck you I'll scan whatever I want
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>Lowest of the top tier
I think you're judging him by brony popularity.

His art is complete shit, and he drew maybe 700 hundred comics of anime porn that went completely unnoticed before he began ponies and the mindless masses started following him for the sweet pony ass and meme spouting.
what if her name was purdy hooves
because she was so pretty
nigga the elements of harmony have worked for 1000 years withut the element of magic even being discovered

"powerless" isn't the correct word for the rest of the elements
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Just kill me now, I was cautiously optimistic about this... now just kill me...
Indeed, Satan.

If the EoH were Infinity Gems, the Crown would be the Infinity Gauntlet
gg pls go home

you're drunk
>Gilda died on the way back to her planet
I laughed
Celestia had the crown.
That trailer actually convinced me to give it a shot, oddly enough.
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Worst ships?
To be fair, his ponies are actually pretty solid anatomy wise whenever he puts some real effort into a pic.
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>I can't quit MLPG
>I can't quit League

how do i discipline
Hey guys let's watch some MLP together
what the fuck is mlp
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Rarity x Braeburn
Scootaloo x Rumble
Sweetie Belle x Spike
Apple Bloom x Spike
Rarity x Spike
Applejack x Rarity
Big Max x Cheerilee
Twilight x Flim

Anything that is not on this list is worst ship
sounds legit.
Can bridle gossip be first?
Major League Ping-Pong
No she didn't, because guess what: They were HUGE FUCKING STONE SPHERES BEFORE SEASON 1 EPISODE 2, and suprise suprise! nobody knew where the sixth element was or if it actually existed in a physical sence.

Seriously please take notice of the continuity that the elements of harmony became wearable trinkets ONLY after twilight dealing with nightmare moon.
worth every second
give me your keys

i'll call you a cab
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squigglekicker is canon
Remember how people used to always say that the one thing above all else that would make them quit ponies forever was if humans were in the show
I like that one episode with the best pony in it
Rarity is canon straight.
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Are there any fics of this, by any chance?
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dubstep mix of twilight's crown song yet?
>Shows an interest in men
>Can't be bi

There should be, it's an obvious story.

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Jessy's better than him, Braeburned is better than him, Kevinsano is better than him, Apple is better, BDF, FacelessJr, Jailbait is WAAAAY better than him, Kraut Does magneto still visit here? Probably. Mewball, MSOB, Reu, SB.

I didn't even get half way through who's who.

You only think JJ is good because his art is everywhere and he appeals to the masses through borderline porn.
Celestia and Luna had control of the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord. They had to have Magic to make it work.
no, rarity is canon slut
why couldn't the rest of the episode have been as good as that montage and the part where Celestia shows up

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How do you think Equestria handles crimes? Even though the society is nice and isn't going to make as many criminals as Earth, it can't be perfect. Pretty sure there's petty stuff like theft and whatnot, but what about something more serious? What would they do with rape, murder, or something criminally insane like Hannibal? It's been shown that there are mental patients.
if she was bi it would definitely not be with applejack
But it's canon
All crimes carry a death penalty.
Statue prison, banishment, dungeons.
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would you
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Brarity makes more sense and is a superior ship anyways.
rarity is a canon gold digger

she'd probably marry a mare if the bitch was rich
Anywhere between being turned to stone, banished, dungeoned, or giving a stern talking too.
Yeah, it's canon that they are not in love with each other or having sex with each other.
I would cum on her, yes.
and AJ's family is always broke

so why does Squiggletail still love her
why are celestia's wings pink

but the elements of harmony were spheres, and the crown thingy was gone - as in, just vanished.

>Celestia uses all the elemtns of harmony on her sister
>suprise, one pony isn't supposed to wield all that power alone, magic of freindship is broken, celestia's mane becomes a wavy thingymajig and is less pink, and the other elements petrify themselves as magical self-protection. Still useable, just... less weildy.
>celestia puts them on the plinth the mane 6 finds them on.
Go read C.O.P.S. Equestria

Pretty decent. Shame there was never a sequel.
They have the Pony Crimes Unit
I guess. Could still think of a thousand people I would rather see get recognized for their hardwork and dedication

she doesn't
We don't know about the sex, but they clearly care for each other.
What about Ross?
Well we certainly know that she'll flirt with a pimpled nerd for carrots
As friends, just like they care about their other friends.
Go away Ross.
Because magic is friendshit
Now I ain't saying she a gold digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke niggas
dat super jelly
Friends who share forbidden love
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>Not acknowledging the glory of dislestia

Well obviously I'm jealous. That's a completely natural response to seeing someone be more successful than you, even worse when they don't deserve it.
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wel whatever happened, at least we know that the whole stone spheres thing is to be put in play somehow
>dat Rarity/Twilight scene in Romance reports
But not with each other.
oh hell yeah
My headcanon is that Luna subconsciously helped Celestia banish Nightmare Moon with her link to the Elements, but in being banished, the link was severed and the Elements went dark.
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>Rumble x Scootaloo
>not Rumble x everyone
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You guys up for hats tonight?
What if your favorite pony is a dork?
AJ shares forbidden love with her brother
Rarity shares forbidden love with...?
All ponies are dorks.
I want a version with all colts
I would be fine with that.
Who is the dorkiest?
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Now, I'm not saying there's any specific reason she loves big white stallions...
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if you were a filly would you try and experience forbidden love even if it were outlawed?
I love dorks
Especially dorks that get all flustered when you talk to them
Yeah, I remember that.

I myself said I'd leave if the show turned to shit. But season 3 happened and I'm still here.
>forbidden love

You mean, like Rumblescoot?
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Her sister
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I don't consider Dougsians human.
Well it's a good thing they're in their own show then.
But they are not in the show.
They are in a spin off show.
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Y-yeah. But when I said that I meant like...IN the show. You know?

A m-movie doesn't count, right?
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you are way too optimistic

the supposed eg show is going to be worse than whatever this movie shits out
So you don't consider multicolor equines with wings and/or horns to be ponies either?
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pony sister love is all natural
They're Ponies, but they're not ponies.

Shame the main show is ending so EQG can get its run.
It's coming anon. You and I both know it's just a matter of time.
The ponies that weren't
Every good thing must come to an end, said some guy
>those scoot teats

oh god

i just

i just want to suck on them

why is this world so cruel?
gets me every time
I just want to touch her scrunchy snout
From vidya to shipping to sexy times.

So this is MLPG? Heh.
Heh yeah

No, this is friday night MLPG.
Oh, who am I kidding? MLPG has always been shit.
When in Rome
Why should I not be optimistic?
It's not like this is going to have serious repercussions on the main show. Sure maybe Brad/Flash/Jock will have screen time, but so what? It's just another pony for us to learn more about. We might even like him if he's written well.
It's not good to give up hope so soon.
Heh heh
>4chan is always shit


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yeah, we're like that
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we heh
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>We might even like him if he's written well.

We said the same thing about Cadence and Shinning.

How many episodes have they appeared in? 5. And they're still not interesting in any way. The comics are the last chance they have to make them seem actually interesting, and it's not like it's going to matter since it's not going to be reflected on the show in any way.
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At least Cadance is a sexy poni
Shining's still kind of inconsequential, but he's got a bit of a loveable doofus quality that helps.

Cadance has...

...Cadance doesn't have anything.
>tfw Tess is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Kraut is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Apple is ded
>tfw mewball is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Japanon is ded
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw Scherzo is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw SB is ded
>tfw Metals is ded
>tfw Tex is ded
>tfw Cheshire is ded
>tfw AB is ded
>tfw Noel is ded
>tfw NTSTS is ded
>tfw Disco is ded
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw ReiDuran is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw xieril is ded
>tfw ciircuit is ded
>tfw Reu is ded
>tfw Smile is ded
>tfw PS is ded
I love that fucking comic.
I read the lines in their voices and everything.
also Celestia in a red dress is mega-unf
The fire really adds a touch of romance
>he's got a bit of a loveable doofus quality that helps.

Fanon doesn't count.
>Nathan lives
>tfw I'm ded
Metals isn't dead. He's probably just in jail.
>tfw Noel is ded
>tfw Judge Claude Frollo is ded
>tfw HFPS is ded twice
>tfw most of these aren't even ded but are drawing less pone these days
I'm talking about the show, in Games Ponies Play and Magical Mystery Cure.
man, someone should give fugtrup some decent looking pony models

he'd do some real magic with them

that elizabeth gif he did with her topless was amazing, even if it only had tits
Why aren't you a changeling yet?
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>The ride is ending
The injections cost too much
Well of course they're not interesting because they're not written well.
I'm not saying Brad is going to be written well or if he is even going to show up again. But if he is we could actually enjoy him. You never know.
>tfw Tess hats us
>tfw MiLes hats us
>tfw Peanus hats us
>tfw Obsidian hats us
>tfw Moe hats us
>tfw Kraut hats us
>tfw Dafty hats us
>tfw Apple hats us
>tfw mewball hats us
>tfw Changelingbro hats us
>tfw Japanon hats us
>tfw NPA hats us
>tfw Scherzo hats us
>tfw Moophins hats us
>tfw Rubro hats us
>tfw SB hats us
>tfw Metals hats us
>tfw Tex hats us
>tfw Cheshire hats us
>tfw AB hats us
>tfw Noel hats us
>tfw NTSTS hats us
>tfw Disco hats us
>tfw Nithirian hats us
>tfw ReiDuran hats us
>tfw Jailbait hats us
>tfw LK hats us
>tfw BDF hats us
>tfw Jalm hats us
>tfw xieril hats us
>tfw ciircuit hats us
>tfw Reu hats us
>tfw Smile hats us
>tfw PS hats us
you guys say this every week
Cadance is alright. I've warmed up to her slightly.

Maybe she'll become the prim and proper princess eventually and Celestia will go back to the loveable, flawed, not-super-uptight-all-the-time fuddy-duddy she's become since s2e25

Well, Happy Tuesday!
>After the show ends everyone is going to jump into the next bandwagon
>You will still be there obsessing over ponies alone until you die
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They're quite active, they just don't come to this shithole anymore
>tfw mewball is ded
>tfw SB is ded
>tfw Tex is ded
>tfw Cheshire is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw BDF is ded
I have seen all of these people at least once this week
>tfw Nathan still olevs us, god knows why
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Which Skylander does pony like to fuck most?
What kind of reaction is that.
>he doesn't know
because he is the one shitposting most of the time
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feels terrible man
I'm using them as base.

They've had plenty of time to be made interesting characters. More than enough episodes to give them -something- that makes them good.

So far nothing. And what makes you think that this Flash Sentry guy is going to be different?
he's the ancient shitposter, or whatever it's called
1 million years old sitposter

he shitposted in the age of scholars and was always that guy who called plato shit
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>anon I think there's a rash or something on my butt
>can you look?
>Loira crying
I know being sad over pictures like this is autismal, but, ow.
everyone will jump on different bandwagons. the general will dissolve and then it will be forgotten and you will look through your meta filename folder in a few years and wonder who all these people were.
what happened to your genitals and anus, Dash?
plato is a fag
aristotle is where it's at