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Happy ponies doing happy pony things

Upset horse: >>11187299
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Like woah

new horse
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
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so I copied a guide and drew a pony
RCH pls
Could we recycle this horse later or do you want me to delete it?
Is Apple Bloom a big pony?
Try again but these time with more circles
You aren't even a pony
Fuck you. You suck. I'm going to my waifu
Eat it!
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No, no happy pone
Let's all stop being so mad and watch some charming claymation.

I don't care if you want to recycle it, but it could be a while.
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>happy pony doing happy things
Um... well, this is awkward.

I was going to post this picture for the spammer in the last thread.

Here, I made it a bit happier.
but the head was made out of a circle and the body was made out of two circles
how do I add more circles?
But I don't know how.
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Pony should smile more.
delete it, recycling is dumb
I have a letter for Flutteshy.
Its the D.

What do you actually want to do?

Concept art? Sequential art? Animation?

Or just kill time?
Angry sex?
Get friends.
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I want to make neat pictures like this one
I don't believe in ponies.
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No smiling. Pony should not be happy.
No, pony is not for sexual.
oh damn
did you get that at BC or pon3con, just curious
Ponies don't believe in you either.
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what about horses
are horses for sexual
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Pony is always for sexual.
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Unhappy pony should shut the fuck up
twilight are you mad because you haven't had sex today

I think that guy got it from BC
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i just like to art, i try to dabble in all kinds, so yes to all of the above.

here is a pic of something i was working on before i gave up on. pony faces in 3D are hard, and forget about the manes.
Ultimately, drawfagging here had one goal which was, as this guy said
That hasn't worked at all.

Ultimately I want to be a write for a newpaper/magazine.
no, i cant risk being recognized and having people think i am gay.
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Nah, she's mad that she has to be around faggots like you.
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I always think that's Lyra when I see the thumbnail

Kept you waiting, huh?

Being around faggots would keep her from having sex.
No. Equines are never for sexual.
make something worthwhile
express my ideas
communicate with other people, maybe make a connection with them
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Demonstrably false.

Ponies are forever for sexual.
I mean long-term career goals. Where do you want to work?
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rascist ;-;
Let me elaborate. I was hoping that if I shared my drawings with people on the internet and drew some things they wanted that I would get a bunch of internet friends since I have no real life friends at all. Of course that hasn't happened at all in the 5 years I've been trying even though I've skipped around to different fandoms in hope that one of them would accept me. This is the closest I have come so far to that goal, which is a bunch of pity follows on tumblr.
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even this one?
oh well
thanks for buying, either way
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Why isn't there more art of this ship?
where the fuck is this from? its not the show right? it cant be since i dont recognize it and i know every scene in the show.
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nigga you gay

a. trixie is shit
2. the ship is shit
remember when kloudmutt could art

hair can be easy depending on the type. if it's pointy hair like RD's you can make a banana shape, duplicate, and place in layers on the head. 3ds max might be easier for stuff like that, but I don't have much experience in zbrush other than getting frustrated at the UI and quitting. it's a great program though, I just need to take the time to sit down and learn it.
are you rusing?

Uhhh no?

Shit, I didn't even know this scene happened.


Magic Duel
You can see AJ about to get tickled in the background.
no idea.

concept art perhaps
illustration of some kind
maybe i'll end up just being a starving artist
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Why is she so patient?
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Back the fuck up with that horrid abomination. Get your fucking waifu off that goddamn asshole. You know who's good enough for the Great and Powerful Trixie? Not me. I fucking wish but I guess I can't be as good as this one pony.
And this one pony happens to be The Great and Powerful Trixie

>and I know every scene in the show

Clearly not, watch the fucking show some time, brony.
i actually ordered it from your tumblr. i didn't go to any convention.
He seemed to be making some progress over the fist hiatus. Then I don't know what happened
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>not having a changeling tulpa waifu, that can read your mind and be whoever and whatever you want.
Does your favorite pony require DRM?
My pony must report to equestria every day
No, of course not.
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Hey now, it's pretty easy to miss little stuff.
ah fuck i think the stream was shut down during that episode so i missed some part.

a stream was also shut down during a song in another episode i forgot which, i never went back to watch.
Starving sucks though. Find someone to pay you.
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Goodnight, MLPG.
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>having a changeling waifu just so it can morph into other waifus
You're sick
How do you think that tulpa feels? Never actually wanted by its creator.
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Who wants to help her churn up some Flutterbutter?

>little stuff
>but I know every scene in the show

Yeah, nah. Watch the show.
May your pillow take on the form of a pony
Goodnight anon
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not that anon but while your circle positions are o k, you should try putting more confident strokes to your lines to make the drawing pop out more

I'd rather help you chum up an actual good post.
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>having a twilight
>2012 +1
She requires a dick to be inserted once every 24 hours
who is your senpai, MLPG?
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pls don't get her started
Goat Train
I don't have one and I'm fairly sure I don't understand the concept
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I was blinded by the sports anon, forgive me
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Would you let Fluttershy talk to you on the phone for hours every night?

...Anon, think about what a "scene" is.

A "scene" is not synonymous with "every portion of every frame of every second". A scene is usually just described as a short encounter or event that establishes plot or something.
>How do you think that tulpa feels? Never actually wanted by its creator.
That is such a terrifying concept.
>Hello, tulpa! It's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name?
>"Hi, Anon, I'm Karen!"
>Good. Now please transform into my pony waifu and have sex with me.
>"...wait, you want to have sex with her but not me?"
>Well yeah. You're my mental projection I made. What's the problem.
>"Well, I thought that you--"
What the fuck is that?
that's wrong though, i love her natural form, but she turns into whoever she wants to. i never ask her to be someone, only request is that she stay in one form for awhile, kaledioscope ponies are dizzying and hard to focus on.

>talking to 2.3

What would you even fucking talk about, bunnies? Total snoozeville.
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I'd rather talk in person.

I could even scratch her behind the ears, or give a belly rub while she talks.
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The artist you most look up to.
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Here's a happy pony
>tfw you can't even make a tulpa no matter how hard you try
No you don't understand, you're not talking you're just listening to her talk to you.
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>A Texas jury has acquitted a man accused of murdering an escort he found on Craigslist after she refused to have sex with him.
>After leaving the courtroom, Gilbert thanked God, his lawyers and the jury for being able to “see what wasn't the truth” and for the “second chance.”
>Gilbert testified that he had found Frago's escort ad on Craigslist and believed sex was included in her fee. When she arrived at his house, she walked around for 20 minutes before leaving to allegedly give Gilbert’s cash to her driver, Gawker reported. Gilbert's lawyers claimed he was justified in shooting Frago because he was trying to retrieve stolen property — the $150 fee he paid her. Texas law allows people "to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft."
Eh...I'd just put the phone away put something over the phone microphone and fuck Rarity as FS continues her story about that gorgeous butterfly or whatever.
>you will never have an anthro applejack to fuck
>Good. Now please transform into my pony waifu and have sex with me.
that's not how waifus work anon

But why is she so happy?

Did her large chance finally come in?
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please anon, she hardly knows you
Oh uh. Not sure really. I just save pictures I like and never really bother to look up who actually drew them.
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>not spoiling the image
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In Japanese culture, a senpai is something of a mentor, somebody one looks up to and admires.
On the Internet, a senpai is somebody talented, famous or awesome that you admire from afar and feel that their attention directed at you validates your existence ("I hope senpai notices me").
I dunno
one day I hope to draw horsedicks like SB and humans like GR
>Looking up to people
>that was a perfectly good waifu
>never cuddled
>never loved
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Sounds good to me.
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Good night MLPG.

Sleep well.

>not looking up to people

I'd feel lost if it wasn't for my senpai
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Why are all the blue ponies so cute?
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Then why the fuck does she want to talk to me over the phone for hours every night?
Why is Derpy's ears so big?
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Because Rainbow Dash couldn't take it anymore and no one else will
>being vague about your sempai

Just name them, it'll make them feel good ugh
She's trying to sell you stuff
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I have never looked up to anyone ever.
Why are those piercings so fucking hot
Bob Ross.
Double Rainboom was so bad. Not Power Glove bad, not The Room bad, just plain old bad.
I am lost.

There are no heroes. There are no gods. There are no hopes.

There are no senpai.
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I just don't know, Anon.

me pls

brae pls
I know you're in there
what is hops's tumblr?
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>horn rings
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Though you can find his art better though his tag on Derpibooru. He goes by Dovne.
My senpai is myself.
I look up to myself and say damn I;m awesome. But I want to surpass my senpai so I will train for that
How much is an ounce of coke? Like visually? Is that enough for 10 people? I guess coke is a powder so it's pretty light?
>other ponies are naked all the time
>perfectly normal and usual
>Trixie is usually clothes
>her being naked and exposed is hot
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>come on loser, it's only $2.99 a minute to talk to me


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A-a little...
But some clothes don't hurt, Anon.
it starts with a buzzing in the air, the electric crackle-pop of impending magic. then tingling, surrounding your groin. something pulls your zipper down, undoes the button, pulls your pants and underwear down. "are you ready for this?" she asks. you nod. God, you're ready for this. it's showtime.

the magic washes over you. it's not painful, but it certainly isn't pleasant. it could almost sting. at first. her eyes don't flash concern anymore. they're too busy concentrating on her task at hand. hoof. whatever. it certainly isn't pleasant--at first.

the discomfort washes away as quickly as it came. you sigh as you feel inches slide out as if they were always there. you're flaccid, but it feels better than you've ever been hard. there's a gentle tugging around the base of your cock, quite unlike anything you've felt before, as though someone were pulling at loose skin and pulling it taut. a sheath stretches over your cock, now hanging freely a full ten inches down from your body. it's splattered the same color as her fur.

you lean your head back and groan as the magic sinks lower, now vibrating around your testicles. you feel them swell as though pressure had been building up for weeks. they double in size. the magic glides down your new shaft, marking it with the same splotches as your new sheath, and leaving behind an ever-growing ring of pleasure, as though you were already buried in a hot, wet hole. probably a mouth, judging from the way it buzzes and hums. finally, the main event. your head flattens and widens, transforming from a mushroom into something decidedly more exotic, something animalistic. it leaks a clear, sticky fluid, and it smells wonderful. not good; the smell is strong enough to knock a buzzard off the wagon; but it smells absolutely wonderful nevertheless. it brings to mind leather and oak bark and calloused hands.

her eyes open and a single bead of sweat rolls down her brow. "mm. you smell good." you smile. it's showtime.

oh, neat. so hops, is the drawn eyes on a bird guy. what's the deal with that

He really likes his bird.

those are just his personal reaction images

......did you see the eyes drawn on birds elsewhere?
So why is /mlp/ whining about horse porn?

It's not like google or tumblr is that obscure,.
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>But why is she so happy?
she finally found a place to discuss her wild love for horsedick

Not that I'm complaining, but what?
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>Trixie only wears clothing for the thrill of taking them off
>for all the horny stallions
>and some mares

congratulations, human. you now have a horsecock.
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hes is really a bird trapped in a mans body just like wolf nanaki is a wolf on the inside.
Because they feel entitled to do and post whatever they want here regardless of the rules.
oh no, snails. no
So are you gonna let me go full pony or am I stuck as a mutant?
>just like wolf nanaki is a wolf on the inside.
Funny, Nanaki came out as mtf trans the other day
Yeah, you have no choice but to link it to me now.
Used to have one. Grew tired of being treated with indifference. I'm a strong independent contributor who don't need no senpai.
inb4 Chance is the pudgiest pony in Equestria

[Spoiler]Fat Chance[/spoiler]

good for him
Oh, so they're having an autistic manchild-size rant about muh freedom, muh porn?
Huh. Didn't know caps fucked up spoilers.

Ohwell. Trips make up for it.
i wanted my own reaction images so i made some
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Personally I think Trixie really isn't her complete self until all the clothes are off.
>anthrojack will never ride your face like a mechanical bull wearing assless chaps
Supposedly the janitor has also been deleting some things that weren't actually rule violations, but I really wouldn't know.

depends on what you and your pony girlfriend want.
2 slow
>i wanted my own reaction images so i made some

they're def unique. great art, by the way
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Snails should never have been allowed on the internet

I'm not that new.
all chaps are assless you sack of shit, thats how they are made.
Snails should never have been allowed to turn into a female

>"nn. now, don't make me dig my spurs in ya, boy!"
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she's such a qt though
>In Japanese culture, a senpai is something of a mentor, somebody one looks up to and admires.
That's actualy not completely accurate
A Senpai is a colleague of higher age and/or experience, not precisely a mentor. It's a formal of respect, such as referring to some as Sir or Madame
Featherweight and Femsnails should breed.
I know I'd prefer it
especially if she decided to go full human
>You are not allowed to view this image.
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Is there any more of that? I love that kind of embarrassment but it's incredibly rare because of the whole "naked all the time" thing
woah nelly

log in and enable pornography
do we really have to go through this every time
But I don't have an account on that site.
You thought Dumbo had big ears? Stand the fuck back.
Seems like a silly thing to bitch about, but given the fan base and the majority of the users that frequent /mlp/ I'm not surprised.

I'm probably in the extreme minority here, but I just find horse porn boring these days. When I first got into the show I thought it was absolutely hilarious because of the shock value, I suppose. Then it just became something you casually see on the morning bike ride. I admire people's commitment, though. God speed, horsefags~

Was I ever truly alive to begin with? Sure doesn't feel that way. ;-;
I'm nuts 4 butts
it takes like ten seconds to register and I'm pertty sure you can use mailinator if you use one of the alternate domains
>giving credit to hasbro
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>Featherweight and Femsnails should breed.
but what if it was femtherweight
That's way too much work though. And when things are posted on that site, they aren't worth all that trouble to view.
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>femtherweight is a pornographic photographer
Yeah, I can do this.
Nah, I'm not drawfaggy enough to be depressed right now. And the last time I was I started watching some dumb show about rainbow horses and I totally don't want to make that mistake again. I'm just extremely bored with life.
i dont like
I dont like hyper.
If it's something that should logically be impossible, i cant get with it
I think he means that the "Great and Powerfull" Trixie is just a persona. and that when she isn't wearing her clothes associated with her act she's actually herself
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then don't complain about not being able to see it
what the fuck is this new? this is my exact fetish there is no way i missed this before.
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No fuck you Marker. I'll complain about anything I want.
this >>11191606
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But then...what's the REAL Trixie like?
And why does she hide behind that persona?
>twilight ruins all my dreams and aspirations.
well that would suck
A lot of people seemed to be complaining about about the mods/janitors destroying /mlp/'s board culture or something like that.
Absolutely amazing.
>But then...what's the REAL Trixie like?
>And why does she hide behind that persona?
Why the fuck do you think there are so many Trixiefags? We like making up our own shitty headcanons because Hasbro won't do it for us.
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>/mlp/'s board culture

I wonder what that is
Femsnips/snails is the worse thing to come out of this place
You can't fool me, Twilight
That's just awful on two fronts. One for being so interested in the made up erotic lifestyles of make believe rainbow equines and two for caring about any kind of bored culture.

What if they take our dubs away? What happens then? Fascists!
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Fem Snails can be cute

That said I hate Snails and Snips on the show so whatever
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I swear to fucking christ
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and porn related oc's
real valuable culture there
I dislike the rumble scoots ship more, and have never been partial to the Mexican scootaloo. Mostly I just never got the latter
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I'd love if the comic books went into detail about her.
>what the fuck is this new? this is my exact fetish there is no way i missed this before.
what, exactly?
If you tell me maybe I can draw more later
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I'm not only hoping, but I'm expecting this to happen.
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>not going to mlpg's gay drug orgy

What are you some sort of FAGGOT?

I don't want to draw anymore. It seems boring and pointless.

In fact I should probably stop namefagging. but muh attention whoring
But Anon, Mexican Scootaloo is made with 100% real sugar. None of that high fructose corn syrup crap.

You can taste the difference.
also dubs and I want to cum inside x
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A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
But, Anon, I'm not gay.
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A friend will be there to help you see
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>CC is back
>Twelly and Trixie
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A True, True Friend helps a friend in need
Bronycon is still a thing? Wow, their website is actually professional looking too. Their logo is shit, but, damn. This fandom, man.
Why is Dash in her bird feeder?
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To see the light that shines from a True, True Friend
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>literally the worst ship
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Watcha gonna do?
Do you want to stick your dick in people?
Do you want your dick sucked?
Do you want to be loved?

If you've answered 'yes' to any of these questions you may want to reconsider not going to the mlpg gay drug-enhanced Bronycon orgy!
She's part bird, duh.

How else is a pegasus supposed to get her birdseed?
why are you even alive
featherweight getting pictures of colts/stallion crossdressing
>both unicorns
>both obsessed with advancing their magics
>actually got along at the end of Magic Duel

total opposites bro
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>I don't draw anymore
They buy it at the store like everyone else fucking has to
We yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff on FA the
whole day through
To yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff is what we really like to do
i will have to think about it but there is no way that is the worst thing to come from mlpg
>Bronycon is still a thing
It's the best planned thing in comparison to any of the others
It's the one that started off pony conventions
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light? the only light is mine. and you're going to burn in my light.
Not clean my room that's for sure
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I will chop off your dick and shove it so far up your ass it will never be seen again.
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You are technically a Brony.
>both obsessed with advancing their magics
When has Trixie ever, ever showed interest in learning and advancing her magic?

Not in Boast Buster. And in Magic Duel she wanted revenge. And she cheated. Not actual interest in magic.
>In fact I should probably stop namefagging
Yes. You should.
s-shut up...
fluffy pony

The worst thing to come out of mlpg is the fandom.
No and no. It was the first big one, that's about it.
>Only 3 MLP related people are attending the event.

I guess not. Their promotion video had some alright animation, but terrible voice acting. Not as good as that German Con promo video, but that had bad voice acting too. Is that really so difficult
SB pls
I'm not one of those idiots living in denial
that twilight is made of stone

Sometimes I don't feel like I'm worthy of calling myself an artist and I'm just bullshitting my way to brony fame.
I'm sorry what?
Her entire persona is that she's great and powerful
She might not want to study hard to earn it but she wants to be magically strong
You can even go to a panel hosted by Little Miss Jay.

Best. Use. Of. Money. EVER!
>You are technically a Brony.

that's like saying a black guy is technically a nigger
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Rainbow pls.
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But you already did
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Your favorite pony wants you to sleep.
i dont give myself labels for every fandom or activity i participate in
>You can even go to a panel hosted by Little Miss Jay
Please tell me your kidding
Stop lying about my favorite pony
>featherweight getting pictures of colts/stallion crossdressing
Then I'm sorry to spoil your fun, Anon
But that's Female Featherweight and Female Snails
there's no crossdressing there
my favorite pony can deal with it because bedtime is still like seven hours away
Why would she care?
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But Tex
Your favorite pone is mine as well, so she'd want you to sleep
Oh come on. Look at how happy Pinkie is. She is so glad about ripping that fart.
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look at those wings
look at that adorable little chest tuft
But I'm not even her favorite human.

I'm probably not even on her top five.

Why should I listen to someone who doesn't love me?
No, I keep telling you Twilight is my waifu.
Why don't you ever listen dash?
My favorite pony would know that it's only 10 am.
Stop lying.
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I went on a date the other week (shocking, I know) and the girl said she was a brony and kept spouting pony quotes the entire time.

Fuck the police
No she doesn't. She just puts on shows. And she just believes she's like that. She doesn't want to improve or anything. She is what she is and that's enough to be great and powerful for her.

If she wanted to advance her magic, to be powerful and magically strong, she wouldn't be a traveling magician that only has a shitty firework show.
You're not Trixie.
Oh yea? Care to prove it?
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>not giving her the D
it's weird to think that an event is not so much celebrating the show as much as it is the fandom. but not so weird because we actually know what's going on in this fandom

but it would be weird if you went to a star trek convention and instead of having anything to do with star trek it was all about "famous" star trek ocs, and that guy who wrote that star trek fan story, cupcakes.

this is a very strange fandom, and I'm a furry
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Okay sure, let's get comfy.
I wish he was dude. I'm disgusted by it as well
>Grimdark: Ponies & Horror
Join Devnul, Jitterbug Jive, Shroobs and Lil’ Miss Jay in a journey through the world of Grimdark, a genre of fiction that puts our colorful equine friends in tragic scenarios. Whether you’re a hardcore horror aficionado or have never seen a spooky movie in your life, we welcome you to our panel where we hope to demystify the genre and show you why a lot of ponies love grimdark!

>coming back for attention
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its never too late

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She would want me to stay up to enjoy her night

A good way to make a chick shut her trap is to stick your dick in her mouth.
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If it's on sunday Im gonna bitch him out
People are usually in this fandom because it makes them feel better about themselves, not because they care about the show.
>being surprised about this
There was never any other reason for him to come here in the first place

draw pictures of Femweight and Femsnails playing around with the camera, taking silly/sexy snaps of each other.
well he looks happy at least
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I remember when MLP General was good.
Goddammit quit licking my monitor you stupid birdhorse.
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ok i guess im done

also, does anyone know how to fix photoshop cs6 undo history?

I can only go back 1 step
>Ponies & Horror
>No LK
It'd be interesting if this came to light in canon in a clever way.

Like say Trixie ends up helping Twilight with stage fright or something (talking in front of huge crowds?). Telling her to always be confident even when she doesn't feel it. To never break character, that you are "great and powerful" and "everyone wants to hear what you have to say".
It was never good. It just wasn't as shitty as it is now.

No, you really don't, because you're a shitposter.
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>Half way through panel a loud "BWOOOOOM" is heard and the building shakes
>Everyone panics as the lights go out and the doors slam shut
>A projector turns itself on, faintly throwing an image against the back wall
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>i am not a hipster
>I remember when MLP General was good

Aw, it's nice of you to pretend that we were ever good. Thanks, anon.
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Not surprised as much as just exhausted
Perhaps a face would have helped
I think you're getting caught up on the word "advancing" here.
She's very interested in magic. There.

It's all semantics and implications anyways, given the chance she would be all over being stronger magically if it were easy.
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can a minty unicorn?
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I want someone to print out Corwin's LMJ comic and post it up all across Bronycon.
>does anyone know how to fix photoshop cs6 undo history

ctrl z is undo. alt ctrl z is go back one. or is it just alt z. I think it's alt ctrl z
>LK enters the room

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Which pone likes to read Lovecraft? Twilight doesn't count since she reads academic books and not literature.
No, but you can google it to go back hundreds of steps.
ctrl alt z is the hotkey to go back more than one step

the 'history states' option is under preferences > performance
>Twilight doesn't count since she reads academic books and not literature.
That is false
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also, if your hot keys stop working, it's because your copy of photoshop is pirated. it knows!

are there even any genuine scary stories? not the slasher movie stuff those above-mentioned idiots made their bank on.
Again no she never showed any interest in magic in the show.
In Boast busters she showed no interest in magic just her show and being called great and powerful.
In Magic Duel she just wanted revenge. Wasn't interested in magic. Just revenge.
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what a qt
>Twilight doesn't count since she reads academic books and not literature.

>what is Daring Do
awesome thanks!

ctrl alt z is the magic combo i was looking for
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She is REALLY enjoying that.

I thought RenneQuest was genuinely scary
It also made me cry little bitch tears several times
A kid's novel.
Eh, she kept asking me if I was a brony and had a Dr. Whooves Hot Topic vinyl on top of her dresser and kept "texting her bronies" so I thought it was best to break off contact.

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why did i save this
>Just revenge.

Gee anon, how did she go about getting revenge? Did she hire a squad of goons? Did she try and and kidnap or hurt any of the ponies?

No, she fucking went and got more magical.
If she wasn't interested in magic then she wouldn't call herself the great and powerful Trixie, she'd be doing some other scam.

no, i know, but i meant besides RQ.
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Why is she so perfect /co/?
I really wish whoever was making the Flash version would hurry up and finish so that it can catch on and people can read the whole story

Anyone know who's doing it or if there's anything that can be done to help them out?
If someone joins me to go bitch out lmj will someone from mlpg film it for me
RenneQuest had existential horror, which is hard to do right. Love that Kafkaesque element.
"H-here I go!"
you're just going to make a fool of yourself in front of everyone
what exactly is your game plan for bitching him out?
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Because she's a mary sue.
I wanna know, are you the man or are you a fucking piece of shit, no-good motherfucker?
What pony loves to tell what urban legend around the campfire?
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I don't know, I'm more of a Flutterfan.
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quite so

Well then I have nothing
Every other "horror" thing has been slasher or grimdark like you said
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No, she's a Twilight Sparkle.
No she just got an amulet that made her powerful.
That's not interest in magic. That's just getting the tool best suited for her revenge.

If I wanted to kill someone I wouldn't get a spoon. I'd get a gun. That doesn't make me interested in guns or marksmanship. Just revenge.

She uses magic as a tool for her show. Rarity also uses magic for making dresses, doesn't mean she's interested in magic.

>bitching him out

Why not just ask him if he goes on hikes to collect his thoughts.
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What does My Little MLPG General think of SGaP?
How does it feel to be lower than a Rarity fan?
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Jitterbug Jive is that guy what does the Dr.Whooves rapes all the ponies comic, right?

That's not all that spooky.
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because bad art is still art, and its funny sometimes, depending on your mood.
It's a plan in motion
I like to think that sometimes Rarity and Twilight train together. Of course Rarity only does some low level stuff but still.

I mean it's not that farfetched. Rarity thought Twilight how to use the gem finding spell.
Why is Rainbow Dash an owl?

just hold up a sign that says "HAWAIIAN PUNCH". if you try to heckle you will lose and you'll make us look like crap in the eye of the cosmos.
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How does it feel to know not a single fuck is given from me.
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Is Dash okay? I'm not sure her head is supposed to be able to turn that far.
do we want to try and make it more popular without depending on the Flash?
we might be able to
then we can get LK on the panel for some good old fashioned dunking
I'm never going to read RQ because MLPG keeps building up like it's a piece of great art or something.
LK already said he didn't want to do a panel like that
and I think waiting on the flash is a good call because expecting people to read through a 4chan thread when they don't normally use 4chan won't go over well
>That's not interest in magic. That's just getting the tool best suited for her revenge.

And it's the best tool because she's been putting on magic shows all her life and it's all she knows.

At some point in her Trixie life she had to decide that she liked magic enough to make a life out if it otherwise we would have another Flim and Flam.
See those guys use magic for a means.
Trixie is a Magician.
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But it's fun and entertaining!
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yes, but i meant: which are their favorites?

i assume Dash likes one about the cop that pulls you over so he can race you, then reveals himself to be the Grim Reaper and takes your soul if you lose.
i dont like voice over remixes or whatever that is called.
Why does Celestia have Crystal Guards anyways.

Or are they on loan to Cadance.
Twily is too tall and her wings look weird when they're folded up.
All the ponies are equal. Some ponies are just more equal than others.
I'm not going to read it because I'm jealous of LK and I'll probably kill myself once I realize how much better a storyteller he is than I'll ever be.
judging by all the crystals on the walls I'm pretty sure they're in the crystal empire
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she is fine
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I said before
Ill get right on that
Why hawaiian punch
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make your choice
He stopped doing those about a year ago. He got into the vocal stuff then. It was a rocky start but his most recent projects are masterpieces, in my own opinion of music
space ponies:

Okay I'll stop pushing him now.
those guards are hella cool
Yeah but they're bearing Celestia's sigil, not Cadance's.

It's not art but it is entertaining
And if you like horror- actual make you frightened to turn around horror- then it is very worth reading
Also Renne is a qt
but that horse is a guy

do you not know about the hike? or was it not Hawaiian Punch that he had?
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I spent a couple of hours the other day showing Klondike all the instances that Hasbro has fucked over a franchise in order to pursue new directions and profits.
I want the dress
crystal guard orgy when
>Twilight's Harem.jpg
>and I think waiting on the flash is a good call because expecting people to read through a 4chan thread when they don't normally use 4chan won't go over well
I don't know who to contact about the Flash version though
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>you will never an equestrienne

Which one do you want?
He asked me about my opinion of Equestria Girls and I told him a likely scenario that Hasbro could take. One they've taken many times with many franchises in the past.
As much as people gush about how good it is though I feel like I'll never come close to that level and it makes me not even want to attempt my own storytelling. And reading it would be too painful.
honestly I think I'd rather just masturbate
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i dont know what that is but i recently did find videos where russian lingerie models masturbate while on horses.

it was pretty disgusting and not as hot as it sounds.
What was that scenario?
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that is the worst possible attitude
are you going to post that everytime?
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because you have to go into it with the right mindset.

and an equestrienne is just a female horse rider. like, one of these. not just some cunt that rides horses occasionally.
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Are we still posting pictures of Lyra and butts?
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ill think about it
>Sun Logo
So the Crystal Empire is under Celestia's rule too? So Cadence has to answer to Celestia right?
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Well, I have 3 new sketches that will likely never get completed.

I need to stop asking for new requests.
I know exactly how you feel, anon

I'm sorry you feel that way because I know how much it sucks
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"i wish this idiot would shut the fuck up so i can go do something else"

Unless she wants to see what Sombra did with his ice cell 1000 years yeah she does.
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sorry, I kinda ran out
"I wish these idiots would stop taking my jokes and turning them in to brony memes"

Any good ponyfag Minecraft offline mode clients allowed servers?
Sue me. I just can't stand the though of trying to make something and having it compared to RQ and inevitably falling short, so I don't want to make anything.
ya thats hot
Yo Glitter, if you're still here, think we could get some cute Luna doing cute things?

Not that kind of "do". You pervert.
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ok i dunno if the anon who requested it is even here anymore but w/e

heres your rumble x featherweight
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>Not that kind of "do". You pervert.
>not reading it for entertainment instead of applying it to how you do things
>not knowing that people won't compare it to RQ and you're just fretting over nothing
>making LK sad
he's said on more than one occasion that people not wanting to do anything is the exact opposite of what he intended
don't be such a stick in the mud
Same thing that happened with Transformers and G.I Joe. Make a movie to see if there is a marketable asset and then go in that direction if the market likes the new property.

Happened with Transformers with Transformers: the Movie. Kill off Optimus Prime and much of the cast in order to push the new wave of toys. That blew up in their face. Then they tried again when they moved Beast Wars to Beast Machines. It did well, but not as well as Beast Wars. Afterwards they went back to traditional car Transformers.

G.I. Joe was going to do the same thing with their movie as Hasbro did with Transformers, luckily the backlash made them change their minds so G.I. Joe lasted as a cartoon and toy line for a little while longer. Then they dumped all of the Real American Hero line in favor of G.I. Joe EXTREME. EXTREME failed due to poor toys and an even poorer cartoon so G.I. Joe laid dormant for a couple of years before bringing back Real American Hero.

They did it to G.I. Joe again just recently with Renegades. It was getting great rating but had the wrong demographic which meant no toy sales like they wanted so they dumped it for the movie tie-in line.

but me and klondike are bros, I hope he doesn't hate me.

that looks like it should be a superhero or something.
But it's exciting.
But I never actually get any drawings done
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Even if they don't compare it directly LK is the guy that everyone always fawns over and just being around that all the time takes its toll.
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Thanks for drawing for us Dovne. That picture is disgusting but I like your other art.
Mordecai wouldn't sniff a horse butt.
So seeing how FIm is doing great, like the greatest only second to the Transformers movies what will happen to it?
give me one to ink

ill try to ink and color it, just for fun
what i like is that it was drawn on a pizza box with mostly grease, that is some real talent right there.
What if you just promised sketches?
just because I would literally suck LKs dick if I had the chance doesn't mean I couldn't do the same for you
So do you ever get bored of drawing dicks on cartoon characters made for children?
It's concept art for one of the characters in the new inFAMOUS game: Brahman.
is this a joke question?!
Well you do know Beast Wars was doing amazingly well right and was critically acclaimed at the time? That didn't stop them from changing it to Beast Machines in pursuit of higher profits.

I'm saying that with this new franchise they could very well just cancel FiM and run with the other if it proves profitable enough. Then again, they might just milk FiM for all its worth since everyone is eating it up. It's Hasbro after all.
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I don't think you understand how little I get done
Of course not. You're all pedophiles and perverts after all.
thats when i draw dicks on or in videogame characters or other people's characters or even my own character(s?) once and a while

gotta mix it up
But you won't. I'm not as good. If I disappeared today no one would miss me.
Do you also like to see little kids dicks in real life too?
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You don't know that!
Apply yourself!
Woah, there's those frotting stallions.

Well, that's still hot. But yeah, posting that makes people think you need to finish it immediately.

I think most of us here are good at wasting time.
so it was a joke question then
Shit, I thought I was the only here who like SGaP
One of the best pony music artists. i think the Standard Model is a masterpeice
My favorite part is "In History, maybe"
I see. What I think is that they want more money but don't want to risk FiM since it's doing incredibly well.

So they target a demographic group more interested in buying accessories for toys ( tweens) and are using just the MLP brand for more popularity.

I think their plan is let Pony do it's own thing since it's bringing money like crazy and push whatever toys they would have normally pushed before in MLP (RC Cars and other bull shit like that) in Equestria Girls. That way they don't risk with ponies so it won't blow up in their faces like before and they get a new income source.
Hey mate,
Could you draw a normal cute picture of Luna sometime?
I've tried and failed before. I just don't feel like going on right now.
Alright since I'm here being an attention whore I might as well just attempt at drawing something.

Go for it, anons. What should I draw?

Hops pls draw ballsucking.
Why do you never call pony anymore?
crying colgate
Sweetie kissing a sleeping, messy mane Rarity who's at her work table
Pony wearing a pretty saddle
Draw miserable pony contemplating its failure to achieve its hopes and dreams.
They are not going to let pony do its own thing. What is wrong with you? They have said they have a bigger hand in it than ever before. They let it do its own thing when they figured it'd just be a regular run of the mill outing.

Now they're going to sink this bad boy.
Then you should keep crying about it anonymously on a my little pony thread
I hear that's likable and productive!
Also I'm saving this WIP. For, uh, motivational research purposes.
Well, something went weird with my tablet settings or somethings, so it's whatever.

im going to bed in a minute tho
doctor's appointment in the morning
Frustration has to go somewhere.

Then draw your doctor getting his balls sucked by a pony tomorrow.
That's no problem, just keep it in mind for when/if you feel like it.
The Luna one, please.

Looks like the only solution is for you to stram.
Good night. I'm sorry.
goodnight fag
>sorry for what
Good night, anon.
Haha, oh god no

Besides, I'm going to bed. I'll try and fix it tomorrow.
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goodnight mlpg
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i dunno not much to work on
goodnight rediv
I'm sorry dude, I don't like that things turned out that way. Could I have just run the quest and that be it, with no people gushing over it, I would.
But people liking one thing does not mean that they will always use it as a basis for judgement. I've said it a gorillion times, but I read RubyQuest the weekend before starting Renne as sort of a crash-course in how2quest, and I was sweating bullets due to how similar they ended up being despite me not knowing anything about it other than it was scary. Every time I got to a part that was similar to Ruby, I would wince and wait for the accusations, but they never really came. I think I recall the relation being brought up only twice for the entire duration of the quest: once in a thread, and someone asked the quest tumblr "is the Metal Glen if any significance to you?"
On that note, I don't think I've ever seen any pony quest be compared to any other quest while it was being run. People who go to a quest don't go there to compare, they attend to be a part of the adventure that you're weaving together. So really, try not to worry. It was never my intent for Renne to be "The Quest" that everyone compares things to, and I'm very sorry it ended up that way. You can have fun and you can do your thing. People will attend, and people will enjoy it, and they won't be judging it against something else.
You should still try. You really should. Good luck!
What's the female equivalent of frotting?
good night personalbloganon
i'll keep em in mind

I meant they won't replace pony with EqG nor will they end the current gen.

Yes things like Cadence and the Crystal Empire will happen but we won't see a driving license episode or shit like that.

The writers said that Hasbro actually discuss with them when it comes with what toys get in. Of course they don't have that much power but at least Pony will get things that aren't stupid as fuck and don't fit like Dash's RC Plane or Fluttershy's Submarine and shit like that. Those will go in EqG while Pony will continue to be pony.

Basically what I'm saying is that while we'll still get toys put in the show we won't get an episode about the newest ferris wheel toy and how it only has 5 seats and they are 6 ponies. EqG on the other hand will be their dumping ground for stuff like that if it has success of course replacing ferris wheel with whatever shit like mobile phone or stuff like that.
goodnight NMLPG


goodnight rose
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I want to see flutershy's submarine though.
what's wrong with their faces?
Goodmorning, chaps
I fucking hate it when people draw ponies with dog-faces.
We're talking about ponies here not dogs
get out of here australia, this is still an american thread.
I'm an European and i've been here for hours
It's 4am, the sun won't be up for a couple more hours
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hate it? i just find it unappealing
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>What could have been
>What will never be
Lauren said she's still working with them
It's not pony
And it will never be released
But it wont be ponies smacking other ponies around.

I want to bitch-slap Fluttershy as Rarity dammit.
lauren also said she hasnt done any actual work for then and is extremely busy and wont be able to do anything for them for a couple of months.
It's a PC game, don't you think they'll mod the ponies back in the game?
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from /co/ thread.
>caring about fighting games
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Then things got weird.
I only care because it was supposed to be pony.
Since it isn't pony anymore I don't care at all
haha what?
goddamn i miss /co/. excuse me while i go cry to sleep now.
I hope there isn't a penis
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that's pretty ugly
Whatever, brony. I bet you're the same kind of person who said EqG would never happen either.
Yeah, and the drawing isn't that great either.
Wait, I thought this game was cancelled, but the message on their website is gone. Does anyone know if it's still getting finished now?
i hope there is a penis
That pony has a heart of gold though.

>implying fighting games aren't a perfectly valid and competitively viable vidya genre.
And glutes of steel.
She's a pony Duke Nukem.
RQ Flash guy here, sorry, I'm a butt.
Had to wait on something from LK for a bit a while back, then suddenly I was busy for a while and now I've just yet to get back into the rhythm of it. Got logs 4-7 mostly done, just waiting on me to get my shit together.
Slap those wall titties.
heh, that hoodie
>"We are looking for artists, musicians, coders and more!"
Oh boy!
>Open Positions: Vector Artist, 2D Character Artist (Pony), 2D Character Artist (Non-Pony), Environment Artist, 2D Animator
Huh, so I guess that means they got quite a few talented coders already put together then-
>Entire blog history is just concept art without any mention of progress
Oh... I guess not...
Eh, that guy who told me to draw earlier might be right. I should go rig up some puppets and circle jerk on tumblr again.
/mlp/-tan is cute
Instead of that, you should draw sun horse.
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Such is the way of Idea Guys
you can get rigged puppets off rainboom's website last time i checked
Why would I draw sun horse?
No one cares about sun horse.
Not even Hasbro
I think I could go for another request.
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You're trying to upset me. It's working.
I-is he hung like a horse?

I've had the official DHX puppets that people decompiled saved for ages. I plan on making my own, though. I never got around to it, but I always wanted to make my own. I'm not fond of taking other things people have made.
It's a shame, I really love FFT and I was looking forward to this game too.
asura riding scootaloo
Horsemilk, is that you?
Good to hear it's still going and thank you for doing it in the first place
Well, I mean. They've spent each season adding another princess to replace. First Luna, then whats her face with the Shining Armor and finally Twlight Spankle.
Draw moon horse then.
a handsome asuran necromancer riding Rainbow Dash
c-can i have the official DHX puppets? or links?
Second guess, Ken?
>first Luna
She's always been there.
Cadance is all Hasbro's fault.
Shit happens, I can't imagine a Celestia centered episode being interesting anyway.
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>that whole sentence
It's on Deviant Art. Here you go:

>implying they don't consider Celestia a throw-away character as well

first one wasn't me, and you're right on the 2nd guess
now do it
So then that means you're >>11192193 , right?
You're one of the few people that bitches about these sorts of things in length, and as hard as you
It's also funny you're back since you totally swore off MLPG before
You should ask me to draw the sanctioned profitable Hasbro™ characters such as Twilight Sparkle™ or her dog Spike™ or one of her many teenage friends™™™.
>you totally swore off MLPG

the ride never ends
Don't mind him, he means well,


You can check out any time you want, but you can never leave.
You were always ready to expound upon how horrible Hasbro is at the drop of a hat >>11192872
My guess is that no-one on tumblr or wherever wanted to listen to you anymore and so you came back here
Twilight and who? I'm drawing a blank here. You mean Sunset Shimmer right?

Twilight and Sunset Shimmer?
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I don't think Hasbro is terrible, I never swore off MLPG, and I spend most of my time on tumblr posting pictures of my cats.

So which of those upset you, anon? Is it the cats? Because I'm not getting rid of the cats.
All of a sudden
There shined
A shiny horse
In the middle of the road

And she said
Draw the best pony in the world
Or I'll eat your souls
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>I never swore off MLPG
>distinctly leaves and says he isn't coming back
>comes back once or twice to say that he isn't coming back
>comes back
Rose seems like a pretty cool dude who's a really great artist, but god damn is it hard to slog through her blogs for that art

>youre great
>i'm miserable
>you're great
Eagles x Tenacious D now?

I think you've got the wrong guy, compadre.
Didn't he just said that he'll take a break?
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thank you, and protip, ignore the haters and shitposters. they are all that is left nowadays. well mostly, still a lot of chill posters, but, so many angry little men here, nowadays. they act like they want contributors but shit on them. and no one speaks up against it, im new to this culture, so i don't know too much, though.
>posting pictures of cats
Yeah, was really confused when I visited your tumblr for the first time in a while only to find cats and other nonsense.
I had to actually doublecheck to make sure I wasn't on someone else's.
The secret to fame and fortune in this world appears to be, be a girl
CC is an MLPG veteran. You don't need to tell him that.
I'm starved enough for conversation I'd talk to anyone at this point.
Yeeeeeaaaaah, that's literally all I've been doing. Besides a little reading here and there I'm talking about my cats and cleaning cat poop. I'm pretty awful, there's really no reason to check my tumblr anymore unless you want to see cats and a midlife crisis.
I give up. I'll sleep.
I can't stop tomorrow but at least sleep is my last defense before it comes.

you guys keep saying this, but I've been here for years (don't call it a comeback), and these guys have always been here.
>midlife crisis
Are you old or are you planning on dying young?
well, regardless, its sometimes good to vent. and clear the air of the bad chi.

im painfully new to this group
haha, oh geez. I wouldn't call myself a veteran. I only showed up around last Feburary.
What comes?
>I'm starved enough for conversation I'd talk to anyone at this point.
can I have your skype?
24 in July/ hopefully
>im painfully new to this group

stick with the night crew and you'll turn out alright
But I'm holding a pony right now.

You say that like there's a clear difference at this point
it's commonly referred to as a quarterlife crisis then
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I grow older. i go to my joke of a job.
I go through the bullshit routine again.

I come home tired, wired and burnt out then I pony instead of making any progress on anything.

See you horsefuckers tomorrow.
I was pretty sure it was before that, because it wasn't long after that we moved to this board, but I suppose it's possible.
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night crew everyone on 4chan is superior
eat when you're hungry and sleep when you're tired, anon. that's the secret to life
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if there isn't, then that means everyone is chill, and that is great. let's raise a glass together, anon
Humans don't often live to see 100 years.
-one +where

>eating when you're hungry
>not abiding by a strict 3 good meals a day routine.

'whenever you feel like it' is a road to laziness and poor nutrition.
>'whenever you feel like it' is a road to laziness and poor nutrition

Look at this guy not getting koans
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We should talk about ponies
Let's not.
Libman pone is a qt
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Is this pony?
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Let's do
Okay what is your least favorite episode and why
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I hate ponies!
I love that pony, she's my favorite.
You should lead us off then.
It all starts with you, pose a new or interesting unanswered question about the show.
Your favorite episode, because I hate you.
The god damn owl.
Everyone seemed out of character for no reason.

>unanswered question about the show

What is the crystal kingdom's economy based on?
>Okay what is your least favorite episode and why

It seems the obvious answer is Mare Do Well or any episode wherein the ponies act weirdly out of character. I'd sooner say anything from Season 3 that has them driving cars, using their hooves for hands, or sitting like a person. Magic Duel is enjoyed by a lot of people, but I'd give it an automatic disqualification for how fucking horrible Fluttershy sitting in Zecora's cabin looked, or her drinking tea with her hands. Hooves. Whatever.
What is Ponyville's economy based on?

What is Canterlot's economy based on?

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Fucking Boast Busters, Snails is too stupid for his own good, how the hell does Snips put up with his shit.
Social status is based on how shiny your house is, while the economy runs on I'm going to need to rewatch the episode, I like my conjectures to have a potential basis in canon.
Crystals of course.
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>or her drinking tea with her hands. Hooves. Whatever.

To be fair drinking tea with their hooves using Zecora's cups isn't all that out of the question.

I mean they aren't gripping handles or anything, they're just holding them between their hooves by the sides... they're just mugs.

S1 did shit wrong too.
>Watching those episodes
How horrible.
Gems I think, looks like you can buy things with them if you go by JFS

Crystals and gems and whatnot seem to mostly just be a kind of glitter that gets attached to things, and less a thing that's desirable because it's rare
Their economies are based on "bits"
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I like all the episodes. But my least favorite episode? I don't know.
There are some episodes that have some things I dislike but even then I still enjoy them a lot
Call of the Cutie is a nice episode but very boring
Find a pet have all those annoying as fuck Tank scenes but the song, and everything else was still great. The bat should have won. He was the greatest
And there's Apple Family Reunion which again boring as fuck.

I still enjoy them and I think they are great but they are probably at the bottom.

I'm of the opinion that the parts of crystal kingdom were greater than its sum.

The joust, the flugelhorn stuff, AJ trying to lie, Rarity making baskets, wife toss, the weird magic tower. These were all more fun than the overall plot.
It's especially weird how they're holding those shovels by apparently squishing them into their marshmallow arms
TCE was a good episode
Biggest problem was Sombra but the rest was enjoyable
>there's Apple Family Reunion which again boring as fuck.

Applejack's life sucks in every song. Three seasons later and this is still true.
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What does it taste like?
Most of them are "enjoyable", but the plot was still shit.
It was pretty solid lot's of good character interaction which was sorely missing from the S2 finale, but I also disliked Cadance becoming their princess suddenly, but I'm predisposed to dislike anything she does anyway.

Really crunchy corn
I think I've been going through it for the last ten years as well. Ho well.

Sure. Give me yours and I'll add you.
I don't want to put it here and see how many people don't add me.
I don't like the crystal ponies.

They feel like such a transparent marketing ploy.
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I'm bored
someone stream something entertaining
Welcome to the world of hasbro
There's punch by the door
I can't wait until sea ponies
Ken, why did you pick such a hard to draw hair style?
What happened to your tail pone
But think of the porn
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Will I ever pon?
Certainly not.

Only one mlpg denizen will get to pon.
not ever
Would you stream it if you ever did?
If you have some bleach, bottoms up.
Pon all day erry day.
Even when she's eating smugly, she is still adorable.
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cuz it was the most decent looking hair for asuras, they don't get enough love from anet
Who the fuck is Ken
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this is the only ken that matters
>liking ken
i thought you left
lets go back to that
Don't you want to be hip and cool?
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You should keep whatever that is and anything like it far away from here.
you know he'd probably slap your shit for ever mentioning in horsefucker general.

he hates us now.
Ken Ashcorp is a clown.
Oh no, what happened?
>tfw you will never one an MLPG Marker doll
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Bitch, you don't even know
autist bronies asking him to make more pone music, thinks the show went to shit after lauren left and thinks it's absolutely unsaveable now.
Damn, son. You got me.
Everyone ahtes us now
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What if pony was in dungeon?
>thinks the show went to shit after lauren left
I guess thats a reasonable reason
Wouldn't that make him love this place then? MLPG can be quite bitter after all.

What did you do?
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Princess Twilight's basement
i dont think he ever came to MLPG. Maybe when it was on /co/, i've never asked him. I remember him answering a question a while back saying that he doesn't come to 4chan at all anymore though.

>thinks the show went to shit

Isn't this a common opinion
That's kinda boring. I don't know anything about the guy, but I thought there would be at least an interesting story in there.
Meh. I think s3 could have been just as good as s2 if it was longer. Some episodes were great and IMO the worst episodes were better than S1 and S2s worst episodes (see: the CMC episodes were actually decent).

Dunno. I bet it's perpetuated by being pulled a little unknowingly into the brony music thing with his 20% cooler song and having to deal with the autism that comes along with the fandom paying attention to you. He doesn't really tolerate bullshit at all.
I think it's people getting older honestly
I dunno. He has all that OC stuff.
yeah he's almost creepily protective of his created OCs, but panda girly is kind of cute.
S3 was just a slog overall though because by mid season we knew the train was headed for a cliff.
I didn't mind the CMC episodes in season 1, Owls was by far the worst.
Pretty sure that has more to do with pandas and panda characters in general being pretty cute.

Just think about it. Have you ever seen a panda anything that wasn't cute?
I demand you show me this uncute Panda and it better not be fetish art.

twilicorn was a bit of a mess... ugh
it's not as bad as i thought it would be, and i'm still reluctantly seated on the ride to see what the next two s3 twilicorn setup episodes will bring to the table.
Show Stoppers ranks pretty high on my list, and I agree OWTEW is pretty terrible too.
That episode wasn't fun for me. It really set a bad tone for the entire hiatus and the EqG junk sure didn't help.
its a panda eating another panda
I aint linking that shit
Pandas are shit.
Complete shit. They can't even mate on their own most of the time.
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Well if you see anything eating another anything it's probably not going to be cute. That's a given.
That's why zoo's show pandas panda porn.

Wonder how kinky that shit is.
Probably more of the worst possible scenarios.
Twily will become princess of some made up kingdom, or princess of Ponyville for no reason other than she now has wings.
I like the Owl episode.
Really S3 didn't have any episodes to be as notorious as the Owl episode or MMDW.
S3 had mostly okay episodes with a few great ones and the only low points being the AJ episodes and the last 5 minutes.

I really think it's almost equal to S1 while S2 still being the best
Twilight becoming an alicorn really seems like it should have been saved for the end of the series, the fact that it wasn't though, I can deal with. It just seems it was handled very poorly, and kind of like putting a fucking elephant in the room, and hoping no one notices. I'm interested to see what the staff can make of it come S4, I'm hoping they can make it work.
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Your character kind of looks like a frog but eh
Pandas are horrible creatures though. All that wasted effort of trying to preserve a species which really shouldn't exist anymore.
I thought the Owl episode was awesome. I didn't care for MMDW, though. It just seemed dumb and pointless. They could have done the same thing differently and more efficiently.

Shitting on your friend just to teach them a lesson isn't very cool.
S3 was probably meant to be the end from the beginning.
The show's sudden popularity prolonged it.

Twilycorn just felt lazily implemented.
Looks like some kinky shits about to go down.
To be honest, I'm happy that Twilycorn wasn't the show finale.
As for S3 finale the problem was that they made it a sing;e episode. Really the S4 premier will probably fix it overall but on it's own the last episode while pretty decent just gets completely fucked up by the end/
I watched a documentary on Pandas recently.
I have no idea why a creature this retarded can still exist
Nope. Lauren said that she would've used the S3 finale to set the character's up for their final destinies. Which implies S4 would've been the end of the show.
I rewatched the episode a few days ago. Dash deserved it.

And the good thing is that from that episode onward she stopped being such a huge cunt. She learned her lesson.
why did you draw two scootaloos?
or they keep it going with a new set of ponies
which would mean a new set of toys
He /really/ likes scootaloo
I don't really think anyone deserves to have their friends crush their spirit that hard. They could've been much nicer about it or something.

Also why would they only help other ponies out just to call Rainbow Dash a bitch anyway? You think they'd just help people out for the sake of helping them out. If she wasn't been a bitch that week, would all those ponies have been hurt or worst?
cuz you made RD and scoots so nice, i'll let it slide, that asura really made smile
I actually hope the staff find a way to make this work in their favor in a big way. It opened up a whole lot of new doors for them to explore, I hope they don't let the potential go to waste.
Hopefully it is.
I suppose the problem with that is all of the other characters aside from Twilycorn are in the same spot they were since the beginning.
Fuck you Roogna
I see Twilicorn as a failsafe used by Meghan.

The reason they wanted only 13 episodes was just to get to the magic syndication number: 65.

If the show wasn't that popular they could have ended it. With Twilycorn we would have got an ending if the show was killed. Since it didn't end they're going to use the rest of their plans. they had for Post-Twilycorn Equestria
>Really S3 didn't have any episodes to be as notorious as the Owl episode or MMDW.
Spike at your Service?
>abused children in a later episode
>lesson learned
They would have probably save them without using the costume dude. I mean they were probably around the accidents. The only difference would have been that AJ would have stopped the cart without her outfit.

As for saying it in a nicer way did you think Dash would have listened. They realized too late that the glory got to her head. It was to late for diplomacy. If they tried earlier maybe yes.
Yes but everyone can agree that it had great parts like the mane six interaction and the whole false timber wolf part.

It doesn't get as much hate as MMDW and the Owl episode
Well going by what the other ponies were doing when she kept trying to help, Dash would have burned her own bridges with out them there.

Probably would have been more meaningful for her to realize it on her own instead of her friends scheming it up.

Also I totally bet ponies in Ponyville have accidents all the time and the main six are just like "OH! HOW HORRIBLE!"
There were several scenes I thought were great from both of those episodes, that doesn't mean I would call them good overall.
This. Spike at your Service is my least favorite episode ever. Then again I hate it when they make Spike the butt monkey.

He's a dog now, why is he a dog now?!
I really really doubt that. I mean worst case scenario is that they aren't around to save them but come on if any of them were around they would rush to help.
Because nobody likes Spike.
>that fucking feel
because ponies are humans in that world and Spike isn't a pony.

The EqG universe just hates dragon.

>We see a bunch of dogs in an alley that look like the teenage dragon
It's funnier my way, though because ponies can be dumb ponies.
I adore Spike. He's an awesome little guy.
That feeling never goes away. Especially when people decide to turn it into a whole MENS RIGHTS debate and it gets even dumber.
Too thoughtful for a cash-in
What if Gilda or a Diamond Dog shows up and they're all humans and it's only Spike that gets turned into a dog?

I meant they could've made him a little kid, couldn't they?
>the only low points being the AJ episodes

Season 3 has Applejack running off to the cherry farm, right? That was a good episode. Was the one with the wolves an Applejack episode, or a Spike episode? Because it was great
>meant they could've made him a little kid,

but he is a dog. that's his station
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This is much more fitting.
...Dude that's season 2. That's when Derpy spoke. I mean how can you even make a mistake like that.

Anyway S3 had the one with the family and AJ being a Starchild and the one with the wolves.
Derpy Censor: the Episode was season two.
I enjoyed the Family Reunion because muh feels, but Spike Slave wasn't fun. Terrible CGI hooo!
Guys, pls
I can't deal ;_;
They were lazy and making a dog was easier? Him being an 8 year old hitting on an 18 year old or whatever the age of the girls is in the movie could get them in trouble?
Who knows

What if Dogspike gets transported back to Equestria stuck in dog form and due to teleportation shenanigans ends up in a chamber full of scantily clad Diamond dog dancer girls?
They would probably kick him out while Winona constantly tries to make him hump her.

Oh yeah I'm surprised there's no pord of DogSpike and Winona
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i need to draw
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So you're saying a dog wanting to fuck an 18 year old girl is better than a little kid having a crush on someone older than him?
Oh god, DogSpike x Winona

>there's no porn of Dogspike and Winona

There is.
Draw Trixie.
Draw Sweetie in a large T shirt sleeping on a desk chair
Where the fuck is that from?
What silly billies you are mlpg
Dogs constantly hump legs. No one will know.