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/mlp/ - Pony

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Old horse: >>11166250

Topic: Why are you not working on your craft right now?
I'm too pissed off about everything that's going on in /mlp/ to work on anything.
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but I am
I'm just really shitty at it
can we talk about ponies instead of that?
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Can I craft ponies?
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Because I like to think what I do is not a craft even if one of our dick professors insists it is.
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Why is she so perfect?
In many different ways. Yes.
What is it?
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I like thing.
but i am working on my craft
why are they so bouncy
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All pink horses are degenerate pieces of horseshit

Prove me wrong
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>so many artists improving
>don't even know how to draw

Should I even bother at this point? I want to draw pone, but I feel like I'm late to start, what with the show ending soon.
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Because baby goats are the happiest things on the planet.
(tell me about the hamburgers)
Im drawing rumble and pip right now
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I would stroke with pony
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Newfag here

I've been lurking for a while and i still dont understand. What does MLPG actually do?
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Now that I've actually seen the show, this image pisses me off.

I mean..actual Attack on Titan spoilers ahead:
Armin just watched his best friend risk his life to save his. He's absolutely a wreck because he hates himself for being too afraid and weak to help anyone.

So for you to put ponies in that scene.. it just kind of annoys me. I mean ponies don't make everything all better and happy. Why are they even there. Do they not understand the situation?
Hope MLPG doesn't get pruned again. Board's been a bit weird these past few days.

So, how many think we'll get an S5? Or will S4 be the final one?
>Why are you not working on your craft right now?
Because I lack the motivation to do anything.
Even filing my notes from todays lecture is too much
I bet I'm gonna finish my picture before you!
>show ending soon
Hahahaha you're a funny guy anon.
And start. It's never to late
Draw what the hell you want. You'll learn skills transferable to whatever your next interest is.
we pone the pone
is this rape
>I'm late to start

i had this feel since mid season 2
will we ever see a goat tower in mlp?
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we discuss ponies and pony accessories

sometimes people draw or write things but mostly we just pony
Good for you!
Prove it

It's never too late to bother. Just have fun with it. Also there's so much more to do than drawing.
not much actually
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We hiatus.
lawd baby jesus

i thought i was watching bestiality porn for a second
>the show ending soon
>implying implications
Prove it
i cant, what i do is considered government property
Anyone have the image where she tries to fuck up that one bison
We shall see
We're show focused thread. but it's hiatus and we have nothing to talk about so we go after fandom, drama shit or... whatever
I'll make sure to make a BIG HOOPLA about it.
But yeah, I'll let you know! It'd definitely be more fun than doing it by myself (again).
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ok fair enough

so you are like /mlp/ in miniature?
If you call a fanfic a craft.....
kind of forgot about it. And the fact that I'm at a writer's block. Chapter is almost done too.
26, like every other season save 3

That's just how TV shows work
Yeah, not a fan of this image. Ponies don't need to be in everything, nor would they help in that image's situation.
i started out learning to draw with ponies
then i moved to furry (wasnt a huge fan)
now i have moved to drawing my favorite tv and videogame characters as shemales with large penises.
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sort of, but don't go saying things like that around here
some people are very touchy about being associated with the rest of the board

>Why are you not working on your craft right now?
My 'craft' was deleted by the janitor.

Now all I can do is play video games and "go outside"

might as well tell him to not draw pony

that shit kills your artistic abilities

i'll tell you to not even bother

whatever you do will be ignored

you will never be popular and draw well

you will waste your time doing something that has no worth

try again at the next big thing
are you writing porn?
We are angrier.
We sometimes create content that people from the outside like and appropriate.

We talk about art and shitpost about artists but still manage to hoard them.

We have more fetishes than you.

We talk about show and comics occasionally during the hiatus.

Enjoy your stay.

We hate /mlp/.
rediv is hetero as hell
why aren't you watching her?
Too lewd for you?
Yeah sure you could say that.

Just that we have rules:Have fun, post ponies and don't be a faggot

You already failed the last part tough.
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Silly anon hell has no end
>Ponies don't need to be in everything

i laugh because that is what people have been saying since day 1. there is no stopping the autism though.
The show's been great so far, though.
I need to hurry up and watch the latest couple episodes.
Great to hear.

MLPG are the remnants of people who liked MLP in /co/ before /mlp/ was created.
Tex is not a lesbian
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that filename made me laugh
>Ponies don't need to be in everything
I like ponies in other stuff and it makes me smile so I disagree.
So why is the link board deleted?
>If you call a fanfic a craft.....

fuck off.
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Are we summoning demon ponies?
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>pone kills your artistic abilities
Well obviously you should be practicing drawing humans at the same time. I thought that was implied.
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>Why are you not working on your craft right now?

The fuck does that have to do with ponies?
my favorite part of that image is Angel
>Tex is actually a reverse trap lesbian
I hope Season 4 is the last one, but not the way its going right now.
Do it. They're good episodes.
then don't tell him to draw ponies
>with each other
How does drawing kill your artistic abilities?
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hey captcha who is the best pone
I thought it was well known that that Anon is just talking out of his ass and has never picked up a pen in his life
nope. a crossover fic.

Let's just say nostalgia overtook me and I croosed over MLP and Captain Planet

If I do get over this block, I got a good chapter after that.
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why the hate?
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I guess
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here you go, a decent girl artist who loves dicks. talks about dicks constantly in livestream, draws dicks and girls with dicks.

she will give you a free request in stream if you show your dick.

bonus is she kinda looks like rose
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>Want to draw ponies
>Want to practice the humanoid body
>Don't want to draw normal ponies
>Don't want to draw normal humans either
>Draw anthro ponies
>Get called a furfag
Hasbro just want money. As long as the show makes money they'll still make it. That's how they did for all the other gens and that's what they'll do with this one.

FiM made pony toy sales increase by tripple digits so yeah...Buckle up for at least a few more seasons
>a crossover fic

jesus fuck can you BE any more cancer?

no one here gives a shit that you put ponies into something else just ot get attention

fuck off
some people generally dont like the kind of poster that is in /mlp/, some dont like the other kinds of generals, most dont really care but just want to stay in here and be left alone
How would she know the dick is yours?
>google search "dick"
>post in stram
>>>/co/ (presumably, I've only seen her on tumbleux)
>Tex is not a transethnic, transfat, transabled otherkin fluid
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Personally, I find the rest of the board to be unpleasant and crass
That's why I moved here and stopped posting outside

Things can be bad here too sometimes, but generally it's just more fun
So what?
Draw whatever you like.
Even if its furry porn
i honestly dont know

its like half the people here are in denial
I'd slay demon pone
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My captcha's a suckup.
Wow! You sure told him!
I bet he'll think twice before answering questions about what he's doing!

Way to go!
are you going to go google dicks now?
Reverse image search, bro
thats a pretty leg of lamb you got there it would be a shme if something happened to it
what is timestamp?
with your penis?
Should I draw Featherweight too?
The drawthreads seem to be pretty chill, too, at least in my experience.
no i slay ur mom wid my penis
With a blessed long sword
You got people like this guy here >>11171870 that say these stuff, but in all respect, its essentially /b/ with pony.

They are the only other thread that worth going to.
I-it's for research, I swear....
Is it slightly sexual?
>doing it for research
>not just for fun

sucks to be you
I find you can find really nice dicks on /soc/. I even saved two pictures once for reference.
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Jesus fuck I'll just stick to my lesbian artists.

I mean I'm straight but for some reason, seeing a girl lust that hard for dick makes me nervous
Pfthahaha, this girl is crazy.
>seeing a girl lust that hard for dick makes me nervous
nigga you gay and insecure
i dont think the board is that bad to be honest
oh shit, someone who actually arts in photoshop
any idea when she'll be streaming next?
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You did this you fucking confederate sack of shit
Because I just finished learning Chopin's Polonaise Op 53 "Heroique", and I feel that's enough piano for today.

At least until 4chan gets slow too and I'm gonna get back to my piano improvising random shit.
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That wolf was great.
If the janitor keep doing his job (but he is not here 24/7) then maybe, but right now, there is ton of shit posting out there that said otherwise.
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i think the janitor has actually made the board worse lately
What do you get if you cum on cam
i enjoy her livestreams. she talks about the dicks she has blown, it is a little creepy since people dont usually talk about that.

it wouldnt call her crazy, just really open about sex.
Them ain't yo funyuns!
Them's Foxy dunyuns!
I couldnt sexual Featherweight.
then she's a slut

front pages are cluttered with meta threads and shit posts rather than the usual ordered generals
Janitor suddenly going and deleting a bunch of established threads has the place in a chaotic state lately.
That's all right. Someone's coloring that sketch by SB and I can wait.
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i dont get that vibe from her since most of the time she complains about lack of sex or the dudes she fucked were complete losers.
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Most of those stupid generals threads already had their own websites or forum.
That what a /b/ says.

You mean all the fetish generals and tupla? They were deleted.
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you know that mlpg has both, right?
she would draw your shemale wolf fursona thats for sure.

she is technically a furfag with a fursona but doesnt draw much furry
look at this b8 guys
>tfw Kraut is ded

>that chubby pinkie
every time
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>Hey girls, did you hear it? Anon faps to words!
Aren't clopfics the stuff you read when you're walking down a cobblestone road?
>print out a picture of Twilight with her mouth open lewdly, sticking her tongue out
>cum all over it, shame sets in as I realize that I have to clean up about 4 days worth of cum off my desk

ponies ruined my life
words > pictures
Hes just too that odd mix of cute and plain. Cant do it.
His constants deaths and resurrections make me uneasy.
Double standard.
>his penis has a hat
I think he might be gone for good now.
I read http://www.fimfiction.net/story/103346/the-possibilities-of-potions recently, it was kinda cute.
Not sure if that's what you're looking for.
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>fapping to words
>blow load at the wrong paragraph
It's never the right part when you finally do cum
we have all been there anon
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>go to doctor to get medicine for strep throat
>they find my heart doing this thing

Wolf Nanaki is dying
>actually recommending fanfiction
You people are fucking retards.
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So a weird thought came over me just now when I went to make an egg sandwich

Say we all do get to Equestria and you actually get to be couple with "X favorite pony". You lucky bastard, you're going shopping, playing with each other, hitting the hay together. A really close relationship is forming. So one night out in the town, you're ready to pop the question. You learn that like you, she's a virgin. You continue the night chatting about it when all of a sudden a naked brony comes out of nowhere, sticks his dick in your pony once, pulls out and then runs off yelling "I stole X's virginity!!! I DID IT!" before you two even have a clue what just happened

How would you even deal with that? Ponies don't seem exactly hard to rape.
fuck you she has a heart of gold
shut the fuck up autist, sentenal isn't here
It feels odd and makes me feel old. I remember the first time he came depressed and a bunch of people tried to cheer him up and then he posted his skype contact for someone (who turned out to be SB) to add. I almost added him, but then I saw he already had someone to talk to. It feels like ages ago.
Nanaki is goint to die!?!?!?!!?!!??!??????
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I know reading is hard when there are lots of words, but it's really worth it!

Here, get started with something like this
you might find it more your speed because of how short it is!
>not loving them regardless she is a virgin or not
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Looks like I'm going to be slaying two things that night.
>wait for her to snag the brony in magic
>violent pummelling
>sad sex with favourite pony
>love forever
I remember when he only put on a name and got a tumblr because we were asking for it
It's been almost and year and he now said he'll leave
>collecting my semen in a bucket

what benefit does this serve
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I didn't even make a fortune of commisions off of him by drawing his dumb fursona. Imagine all that money.. gone

Also Nanaki will be dead...sad...I guess
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for storage and consumption, I guess?
this whole kraut shit is the reason why i haven't bothered to try and draw for you guys

there's no reason to with the way most of the thread treats artists that draw here
the worst is when the cumshot scenes are extremely weak. like its only one short sentence then its over. thats when i always try to blow.

or when you hold off after the first sex scene since you see there is a ton of story left only to see no other sex happens it is only bullshit afterstory.
I heard once there was this one guy who stored all his semen in a container for months just to dump it on this one person he hated
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go to the drawthread, they respect artists over there
>Yes Hub Logo! Punish her!
>the worst is when the cumshot scenes are extremely weak

fucking hate that, it's such a huge cocktease
or just dont be an autistic depressed sack of shit all the time, how about that?
I remember that too. He thinks people he admired here don't like him, while most probably don't care or even like him if they were friends beforehand.
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>Being On Topic

Nigga, I am.

I just stopped by to see if you have talked about this.
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I missed the janitor drama someone fill me in
It's strange, since most drawfags get treated better than one or two extreme cases.
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MLPG respects their artists by two things
Contribution rate and skill

If you suck at art but contribute a lot, MLPG will love you and try to help you become better

If you are decent at art and contribute a fair amount, MLPG will most likely love you but not think about you that much

If you are great at art but don't contribute that much, well lets just say hateanons are in season
Would ponies think human dicks are cute
He have a point but it doesn't make much sense to go out and scream at mlpg because of that.

Some faggots in here bringing up some old drawfag drama all the time are just awful.
so, how many comic books are there now?

any links to them?
They'd laugh at them and then say its adorable
>hateanons are in season
>but it's really worth it
>worth it

top lel
read the real books that really worth it
If it only was that goddamn simple.
Go check Yayponies
You forgot the thing that supersedes everything: attitude.
You can be an amazingly skilled contributor and pump out work faster than humanly possible, but if you're a cunt then no-one is going to like you.
Alternatively, if you're decent and you're a good guy, people are more likely to like you.
>great at art
That's a stretch. He was decent and ambitious and improving, but not great.
hit the linkboard, go to yayponies, look for the books section
most of the mini-series are lame (Rarity's is the only one I've liked) but the main story is pretty good
7 main series, 8th coming next week iirc
4 side series, 5th coming at the end of the month

You know how much you think horse dicks are for sexual? Subtract that amount of sexual from human dicks.

Now imagine if people came in weird colors found in nature.

That's what a human dick looks like to a pony.
>It's just the right size for a mouthful!
They would snuggle them in their vaginas.
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I wish I could get paid to hug and cuddle little ponies all day.
Too bad, it is not a job.
>you will never be a professional horse masturbator
how much would you buy pony's fish for
What if it was part of your job?
Maybe you babysit little, little ponies.

Between snack time and nap time they need their cuddle time so they grow up soft and affectionate.
Why not?
Just follow your dream!
3 bits
No more no less
so yeah

i'll just save myself the trouble and not even bother

i'm actually kind of jelly of fanfiction writers

since they don't actually do anything, they can pretend to be contributing and not get hated

Sometimes they use an electric probe inserted in the anus to stimulate the prostate and force and orgasm, I know they collect semen from bulls that way.

Or you could do one thing and then ride on it for a while
Like LK or Tex don't produce much, but when they do people like it a lot and it sort of "refuels" popularity
But if cuddling was your job, do you think you'd grow jaded to it?
GR8 B8 M8
Not once the little fillies and colts begin cuddling you back or want to start cuddle time early.
Son of a BITCH, I'm trying to do my job and these horses keep trying to suck me off, I've had at least 5 different mares stick their face in my crotch today, this shit is getting ridiculous.
pedophilia is not a real job
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i am depressed. i take medication for it and visit therapist.

i have never once complained about depression in mlpg so it is possible to keep that shit separate.
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>letting children grow up soft in this society.
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>an hour for this
>bull parts include meat, bones, wooden planks, meat hooks, and butcher knives
Write that down in your copy books now.
You are very brave and admirable and I hope you're doing well.
I bet they didn't offer to pay you extra for that.
It's shit.
So, are generals no longer welcome on /mlp/?
it's not like i'm wrong
This is a serious position for serious applicants only, Anon. If you are found fillyfiddling they will geld you.

Cuddling can only be done by a trusted adult. For the first few months you will have a cuddle partner who will help with cuddling all the ponies and train you.

Why does she have a condom, that's not how you collect a semen sample, that's just plain unprofessional
What are bulls?
No one knows
don't bother again
>i am depressed. i take medication for it and visit therapist.
Yes me too.
>I made it so it's possible.
Different people. Different behavior. Some times it just affects you differently. You can loose control.

>the beginnings.
Oh god yes. I remember those. KEEP AT IT. Maybe not today but repeat tomorrow. And then day after that and another one. Everyone were there once.
That feel. I don't like to bog down others with it.
They don't tell you at all, they let you figure it out on their own, no wonder this job was so easy to get. This is some bullshit, can't go one day without somebody trying to get their mouth on me.
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>celestias cutie mark

Try to avoid chicken scratches
And use construction lines - you can always erase them later
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>tfw you want pineapple and ham but your waifu always wants the meat lovers with extra sausage
It's fucking awful.
but it's so haaaard and I'm so baaad

>Rarity likes the meat lover's pizza

what are you trying to imply
You're already trying to cuddle, you're prime gelding material from the get go.
That's pretty great, I like it
Try like >>11172436 says, next time, and go for single long lines instead of tiny fuzzy ones, and see how that works out for you
She just wants your dick, but you're too cluless to take a hint.
Twilight isn't that kind of pony
Nah, there have been plenty of good contributors with totally awesome attitudes who attract hateanons that poison the water for everybody.
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She really loves meat on her pizza?
Anon pls, these children need their cuddling.
Are you saying a male can't have this position? Because that's sexist, equestrian society says a stallion can now run for office and even vote on local issues. Are you trying to hold back the rougher sex?

Ponies eating meat is one of those almost shameful pleasures
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Also you need to post with your name on everyday or else people forget about you even if you do contribute decent stuff
But what if they try to make a move on you? Does the training cover that?
Would you be able to get away with going naked in Equestria, or would they find you out?
who doens't?
>pineapple fags
Any examples?
We're not supposed to resist, company policy is to passively give in to demands.
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You don't need to, but it helps.
I havent contributed in a few weeks so I dont think people would appreciate me putting my name on
>encouraging circlejerking

[Belly rubbing intensifies]
>being a shitfuck
>>>/anywhere else/
Diamond Tiara abuses this policy reguarly
This. I regret not being more social like GT is now.
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>Also you need to post with your name on everyday
The children? Make a move on you? It's briefly covered, yes. It's usually out of innocence. There are "good cuddles" and "bad cuddles". Your partner will show you how to defensively shift cuddles into "good cuddles".
that sounds really uncomfortable
how is the climate?
do i have to go barefoot, too?
what if i step on a rock or something?
suck my dick 24/7 anger autist
Give me 2 minute. I'll take some pictures.
If only more people would be this considerate
Your feet toughen up, when I was a kid I used to go barefoot all summer and I could walk on pebble paths without it hurting.
...mmm I agree.
This. He was a bro.
Megasweet just kind of drifted away. And the last time he turned up, everyoe queued up to suck his dick. besides he gets less shit, apart from the "sameface" and "hands are hard".
Good. I have a tendency to get overly defensive, even if people are just messing with me.
All cuddles are bad cuddles.
Well, horses wear horseshoes sometimes for rockier terrain or when carrying large loads, right?

Rarity might be up to the challenge of making you some fabulous boots.
>carrying large loads

Megasweet got hated on only after he stopped coming here, barring a few hateanons that most popular contributors tend to collect.
The hate came from abandonment issues.
fuck fabulous, i want comfortable
i hope that slut can make insoles, too
Yes, the overwhelming majority of people liked him, and want him here.

But what you're leaving out is that every time he's show up there would be these hateanon shitposters who had their little autistic blowouts and had to ruin everybody else's fun.

He drifted off because mlpg changed. Just like all the other contributors who "drift off."
>Don't complain if you're ignored because you stay anon
Holy christ, this
It doesn't make sense to whine if you never put on a goddamned name
Because horsecocks ejaculate like a quart of jizz and they got tired of cleaning the walls and floors in the donation room.
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>The hate came from abandonment issues.
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All the VAs are such qts
I love babyfur comics.
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Come and feel my shame man. It's my oldest sketchbook with some of the first pones.

>someone finally makes a jojo joke about the dimension stuff in Equestria girls

speaking of being known, has cosmo updated the who's who?
I feel that dotkwa, appledan, and omni should be on it
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Golden shower pony.
Good luck with that, cosmo's ded
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look at this qt toe

Pretty sure people have masturbated to this.
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Beginnings are always goddamn hard. No matter what you do...
>those awful reflections
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>horse shelter hire people to cuddle and comfort abandoned foals

its a real job.
No doubt, if you google "tara strong feet" there's pictures on a site dedicated to pictures of celebrity feet
>hugging baby animals for money
Where do I sign up?
>you will never get popular by tracing
i have masturbated to rose in socks she posted
You can volunteer at a local stable or animal shelter, they always take volunteers
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What's your excuse for not shipping TaRea, MLPG?
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why would I?
I ship Tara's mouth with m ydick and Andrea's asshole with my mouth.
This ship needs to be called "StrongMan"
because I'm not /tv/
>shipping Andrea with Tara

I will fight you in real life right now, those feet are mine
because I don't ship VAs, I ship contributors

LKssey ftw
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Since we're full on artist mode right now. Drawfags post some before and afters
hi rose
>not fucking Tara's tits while she licks your cockhead
I always find it funny when people trace.

Like, do they honestly believe that no one will realize how their quality suddenly went up for one single pic and then went down again?
Were we talking about the CMC voice actors or what?
That goes to prove my point.

mlpg is filled with weird, retarded self-entitled stalkers who will spam bullshit about you if you don't draw what they want.
>not fucking her throat
Konami pre E3 thing in half an hour.
>those legs
What are entertaining things to do other than video games
I think I might be done with that
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Dats fucking creepy man
She's got a cute face and she's got plenty of chub, chubby girls are great at giving head
i never understood the shipping and waifuing of VAs. they arnt even that hot just normal people.
Before and after what? Just pony?
Because it's been a while since I've drawn pone... and how far back?
Drawing. In fact, why don't all of you draw now?
Make sure to post it in this thread.
oh yeah, it's /v/'s e3 today
but it's totally going to be canon after Bronycon
Is it less creepy if I ship ChronicSwap instead?
but I don't have a camera
I don't really have any. I just cringe and go my way.
Drawing is only for a short period of time
What else could I do..
They would make such a cute couple
Read, dance, sing, exercise...
Draw more.
play good video games
or watch anime
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Whenever, as long as there's been a significant time gap
Go back to /co/, then
You guys only think about drawing
>sageing a general
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Nigga I just drew for three days straight.

Marginally improved.

I went from "can't draw a pony" to "shouldn't draw a pony"
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Draw something bigger.
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why would I want to do that?
I can't even post ponies there
But just strictly pony?
yfw everything you draw is just a little bit better than anything you've ever drawn before

not fanfiction though

fuck that
>3 days straight
What about sleeping?
You prefer /b/?
Why would anyone read that shit though

Which language?
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It doesn't matter
Tell that to the Onepunch-Man guy.
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Okay, that's a lie. There was sleeping. But I drew before I slept and right when I woke up.

And my boss called me in to work for 4 hours. Other than that though, I drew.
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>see artists who are good complain about art being too hard
because something original is always better than fanfiction
what kind of awful false dichotomy is that?
Someone should do a an "0r0's commission process".
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i lost anything from before after several reformats
let's just say it was awful
have something recent
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that's sad if you genuinely believe that

it's shit
no fucking surprise
How would I even start a story?
"Once on a rainy sunday, X was sitting at his window thinken about life"
Is that how I do it?
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what is this?
never said i was any good, either
the old classic
"It was a dark and stormy night"
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Some of the best pointers can come from reading. Add that to your list, reading.
I'm gonna be a butterfly and fly to equestria
Because noone likes my shit, and I'm not 100% convinced it's because my shit sucks.
you are obviously not a writer if your using the most generic cliche opening

protip: get some story vidya games out and take notes on who they wrote the dialogue and the world building, and the characters reactions to it, because thats important
you know, now that I think about it, maybe I should take up drawing instead of trying to write. I mean, I can shit out a story and most people will ignore it if it has decent art.
I'm going to be an iron cross and kill a populous.
let's see some of your shit!
>thinking MLPG will accept nothing less than perfection

spoilers: your going to give up because you' havn't actually tried and had a retarded work ethic/thought process to begin with
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does anyone have the Twilycorn version of this?
inb4 it's the usual suspect
Yeah, that's fine.

Leave off the once.
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You have to practice your craft.

You literally can't improve if you don't do it.
If you do practice there's a chance you might get better.
also the e3 MGS thing is starting
People who offer "advice and critique" are as bad as the people who do the same with art.

They're more likely to lead you down the wrong path than to help.

Just do what feels right, and keep practicing.
Really that bad?
Maybe writing isn't for me, ill try drawing and shit
ragingsemi did that. he is a massive circlejerking asshole thought but he has done a pic or two that i thought was kinda fappable.

i always thought he became an artist to draw some of his better stories but instead he draws mostly creepy fetish and furry shit.
Pinkie Pie

fuck off
I didn't know ragingsemi drew
Link to a gallery or something?
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If you give up that easily you won't make it in tthe drawing ring, either

protip 2: whats you should think instwad of "fuck, I give up" is "Well, what is there that exsists that has a story I like? I'll reference it, read it, and see how they did the things I enjoyed so I can eventually try to use similar language"
Most here accept mediocrity. It only gets a pass here because it's usually from artists that come from MLPG.

Besides, why should I try to put effort into something MLP related?
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Welp, alrighty then. Pic is the most interesting thing I've done as of late. Barring fetching one of my sketchbooks and dusting off my scanner, linked is one of the oldest things I've ever put online. I truly apologize, though it hurts me more than anyone else to dig back in this gallery. http://fav.me/d5snln
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i lost touch when his tumblr was banned for foal porn and he made a new one with different name.

he improved pretty fast.
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Why is so ponk?
Neat. Wonder what the chance cards'll be.
SB also wrote a story or two before he started drawing. I find these things interesting.
He also has a fimchan thread if I recall.
maybe i should have been more specific on how awful
let's just say i used to make godawful sprite comics
i don't have those anymore (thank god)
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They're comparing it from their own viewpoint. I mean sure, their stuff looks great, but they themselves are their own harshest critic. They know almost each and every little flaw own their own pieces however minute, or subtle it is to the average person who looks at their stuff. It's never good to be satisfied with your stuff otherwise you'll taper have in your advancement. But I understand when whining gets annoying, and there are a few artists who go overboard with it. But you gotta look at it from their side occasionally
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>that link
You know damn well who
Voldemort, obviously
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Stretch that Ponka!
did he pull a Kraut or has he actually improved?
Dang, improvement
Also, its been a while since you've drawn, huh

Anyway, that dragon is still way too adorable
I don't see how his art is any less fetishy or furry than his stories.

He always took writing requests, and it looks like he takes art requests. If that's being a massive circlejerking asshole, more power to him.
Oh god that dragon thing

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Why should you put any effort into any hobby?

because if you don't put effort into something when you could have, you'll never put effort into anything.


It's also true. You'll find ways to be lazy later down the line if you teach yourself that it's okay to not do work if you can find bad justification for not doing it, simply because you didn't exactly like practicing or doing soemthign different.
>Also, its been a while since you've drawn, huh
More that the pic was the most complete thing I've done lately. I tend to do way more sketches than anything.
The golden MLPG rule: he doesn't draw for us? He's circlejerking!
He's been pretty consistently improving. He still has a ways to go, but I've been watching him from the beginning and he's made considerable progress.
Whenever I see this I get ideas on how to bring bombs into a con.
he's fucking bad
I'm going to kick the pony
better than Ross
>prerecorded stuff

dammit konami
Please don't kick the pony
i like when he wiggles her hoofs in the video
I'll give a shit about something that actually matters to me. MLP? Passing fad. No point in trying with it when anyone with just a small bit of talent can just put ponies in anything and be popular.
To late. I kicked Fluttershy
She's crying now
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My- My craft?

I make ponies out of shapes and apply them to race cars covered with puns, and then sell them on games.
They're still embarrassed
You bastard
holy shit fucking kill yourself
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>inflater job
>there will never be a new Power Pro in the US
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Like I said, it's painful to go back, for several reasons.
No you won't give a shit. You won't be ABLE to give a shit, because you'll be at step 1 while all the others who put shit art into mlp or anything else you want to practice with will be at step 20 simply because all they have to do is switch bandwagons and voila! still popularfagging.

protip: The keywords are PRACTICE and ART, before you get left behind in the dust - it's better to be a active up-and-coming artist than one that vanished off the map for a bit because nothing interesting happened
pinkie pie don't worry the party is going great, we are all enjoying ourselves
Someone asked a question yesterday which I'm still curious about.

Is this pony pinker on the inside?
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why are girls with high voices so sexy
She looks like some shaggy Finn.
Yes, because even non-pink ponies are pink on the inside.
So you're saying she's less pink on the outside? Does she get pinker the deeper we go?
how do i pon
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Only you can find our anon. Are you willing to try your hardest?
Andrea is a pretty serious charity biker.

Those legs could kill AND save lives.
post about how much you want to fuck horses/the VAs
So I'll practice seriously with something that's not MLP, and use ponies to goof off.
Would not fuck
Good, thats the spirit.
Man, Kojima is seriously a frustrated movie director
somehow I don't think you'll practice anything at all
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i want to sniff and lick her bike pants after a long ride
But she's like 60% legs and 20% hair.
oh no pinkie pie how did you manage to tie yourself up like this

don't cry i'll cut you free
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>read the description

I'm sorry LK but I can't stop laughing
you're adorable
I don't find her attractive. I wouldn't fuk her even if she did a Pinkie voice during sex
>Frenchmen in the woods
Yeah, nah. Only Nordic for me, thanks.
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It happened.
That's the whole damn point I was trying to make. Why should I make an effort for something MLP related? do an average job, slap ponies in it. Bam, instant popularity.
Tait person poke holes to make that AJ?
Whatever that is
I wouldn't eat it, looks disgusting
4/10 wouldn't even use in a pie fight
>Libman in a pair of skin-tight biking shorts

top. unf.
Mail it to Tex.
Well, with that logic, why bother makng a effort with something that you care for? You can simply just slap something up and put something popular in it for the hits and moeny, right?
I don't know about that, I think you're overestimating the fandom

That may have been guaranteed success back when ponies were novel, but I don't think it's true anymore
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that is a cute applepie
This little horsey kissing me
>The Entertainment Industry
You sure have come a long way
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Some human before and after:

Before (Middle school): http://25.media.tumblr.com/3f9333c0bf8b9079a8de66308b81b29b/tumblr_mgfl9r8n1A1rtcn4ko1_500.jpg

After: A month or two ago <-

I could also post some shitty old nuzlocke comics.
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this can only end in tears
Fuck, AJ can be so mean sometime.
David Hayter @DavidBHayter 11m
Ah well,

Can't fault @RealKiefer

Great actor, good man. The game will probably still be excellent.

Like New Coke!
Nice progress
Depending on how old you are
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You are the broest man.
Welp that was quite nice pack of motivation... time to practice some humans!
David Hayter on hearing that Keifer Sutherland is voicing Big Boss in MGS5
>Keifer Sutherland will never voice Zebra Cop on his last day before retirement
Exactly. It's EASY to pander to masses, but it's also SHORT TERM. Also, lots and lots of people coem along and tell you where you went wrong.

Sort of like those Twilight Books - they are the literacy equivelent of toilet paper, but she still got a day in the limelight (which will probably never happen again)
SO what's the point of all that teasing? We figured it out back in GDC
Something has been bothering me for a long time now.
All this time I have been wondering myself
Why don't they just delete us?
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I am 24. Granted, using a middle school image, not the best comparison for improvement.

<-This however. (from 2010)
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why would they? It's a pony thread on a pony board
I'm going to evolve ponies
Where do I begin?
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>implying its that easy
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...But why? Hayter IS Snake. You can't just replace a voice actor for no reason.
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As long as we're posting Andrea, has anyone found the full version yet?
>Tabitha st Germain husband
>Tabitha St Germain boyfriend
>you'll never feel those legs wrapped around your waist
He hasn't done a good Snake voice since MGS3. He's tired of it at this point.
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I ran out, you better share your rest.
Never assume you're awful, the far more accurate assumption is that people are distracted by other things. If something is awful, trust me, people here will let you know.
Seeing a past version of yourself, preserved... It burns.
Thank you, and good luck on your arts. Have fun with it.
He wasn't Big Boss in MGS4, though. I can't remember who voiced him, but I wish they used him again.
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I don't have it, but you can have this
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should i
>It's some neckbeard
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First actual image of "bronies" in Google Images.

Luke Allen will forever be the iconic image of bronies.
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Where's the fast?
He could have put on a decent shirt at least
>no neckbeard
>no fedora
>no embarrassing hot topic clothing

i'll take it
>just standing next to two toys
That's nothing at all, and pretty good if he's the iconic image
stuff didn't exist
Bronies evolved
remember when he used to post here?

i'd be his friend

he seems much more nor/mlp/eople than most internet famous bronies
I like he has two shelves for his two pony toys.

I like to imagine those shelves still look just like that. Assuming those are shelves.
I swear I'm pretty sure I've still seen him pop up here and there these past couple of months.
He's still around
I don't know how often, but every once in a while he still shows up/puts on his name and writes a short fic request or something
I remember when it turned out that he was DuplexFields, and countless people's worlds came crashing down after realizing he wrote stuff that they liked
That was a good day
at least it's not nathan or three piece suit guy
It's me, I am the husband.
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Can it be time for a glorious sun pony thread?
pony is going to whip you
You can fuck right off, sir.
How do I fix my dick
I'm going to marry Princess Celestia!
>no good recent pony things to fap
This is suffering
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I'll allow it
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right here man
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If you say please.
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>"Lol look at me noone speaks my language, so cool"
Why would you save shitty pictures
But are you the father?
you motherfuckers are annoying
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I'm sorry you can't appreciate the best pony, but I'm not going to leave just because you're awful
Okay, bye
I need a new computer
Where do I find good parts
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This pony is very cute
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NMM > Celestia
There's lots of things here that annoy me, but you don't hear me complaining.
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You got a better Celestia?
Does posting a suggestive image count as NSFW? because I got banned for that, but apparently my ban expired earlier.
>That leg kicking
Pls my heart can't take it
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on 4chan's My Little Pony general thread, of course!

but seriously: http://pcpartpicker.com/
But /g/ wouldn't respond
They always get botherd with that stuff
Not as annoying as the guy who will spam some "motherly" shit now so he can reply with freud multiple times
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Why can't she be real?
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Imgur it.
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I guess I could try. Going to look for something
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Your opinion is trash and I hate you because of it.
Twilight why are you bursting out of Celestia's chest?
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Don't you just adore pony's kicky and stretchy little legness?
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It's very abstract. It means... something.
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NSFW generally means explicit. >>11173649
That's how ponies are transformed into princesses silly. It's not just magic alone.
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This will always be my favorite picture of Celestia
Yeah, this shit is annoying as fuck and it's making me like Celestia less. I blame that old humaninzed Celestia fic people kept liking months back.
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Radical horse time
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Whatever I will post you will say it's shit wont you
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I wish I could rub them when they are sore.
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I don't know man
I just don't know
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It's fucking shit.
Nah, I love that picture.
>pony will never rub your belly
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But that is a lovely Celestia. I want her to pounce one me and give me kisses!
>posting applescrote picture
>you will never plow her in that position, watching her hooves digging into the bed sheets while she bites the pillow to muffle her moans
>being rude to people who aren't even here
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my dick doesn't care who drew it
why would you ever want to stifle moans
DFG pls
Welcome to mlpg. Where if there's one thing we hate more than our contributors, it's contributors from outside.
purple not fast enough
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Can we be cute colts? Celestia's boring and old.
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more colt peckers please
filthy colt cuddlers
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You're boring and old.
She is real.

The problem is you aren't.
To be fair, most contributors simply harvested what they have sown.
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Guy's I haven't been here for a while and bla bla
What is everyone's opinion towards the upcoming movie?
call that fast? not even RD is impressed
Would drinking bleach alleviate this
it's gonna be shit
I wish I got that colt as a present.
I've given up on cautious optimism
I'm just going to drink heavily while I watch it and hope it doesn't catch on within the fandom
It's shit
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What? I just think they're cute. That's all.

Cute colts are not for sexual.
Stallions however, is fair game.
>Rumble's idle pose.gif
That picture is strangely arousing for a number of reasons.

And yeah the movie is going to be terrible, but a fun terrible since I'll be able to see you guys reactions towards it, while it's streaming.

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Are you sure about that?
Recent evidence leads me to believe that that colt is in fact, for sexual
Don't bother. They showed absolutely nothing except a shitty Castlevania LoS2 trailer.
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all ponies are for sexual

especially colts and fillies
>Giddy up
Not again
too late
it's happening
click if you dare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-npBowNYDfg
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Whatever. Then can we be stallions at least?
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do it anon
click the link
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stallions on colts? Colts on stallions?

Sounds good to me.
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I guess
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>professional concept artist who has worked for blizzard is streaming sketching and talking about the industry
>22 viewers
>a guy is drawing boobs on a horse
>157 viewers

whatta crazy world we live in
Every fucking programmer loves ponies.
link to both?

My fucking sides.
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Cheerilee is a sexy bee
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Neither. Just cute stallions.
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stallions can't be cute
they are the epitome of manliness
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I'm dying over here.
I wouldnt mind having a taste of her honey
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>Everyone watching the babby cup finals had to listen to this

Oh hey new Smash trailer soon or something.
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you're not looking hard enough.
Link to the first stream? I have an artboner for concept art.
Stop being so gay.
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I will have your head for this
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What if pony hugged pony?
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black people are the best mlp fans
acid is a shemale
and my husband
any proof?
twirity a shit
>mt, klondike, appledan

well 1 out of 3 ain't bad
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twirity > squigglekicker
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mt is black?
appledan is black?
what the fuck?
black as night
I didn't know appledan was too
shit > shit
this only make my dick harder
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Your face a shit
My nigga
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>no vagina
>referred to as she
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>appledan is black
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DJ Acid is all kinds of unf.

shit, i just found those comics last night
Stupid confusing tacovest
cis scum
hee, no gender discussion for you mate
Link to the concept art stream please
acid plugging my ass with her green cum is my fetish

and kim kardashian is richer that shit what's your point
>not understanding the difference between gender and biological sex
>implying I am
>implying I'm not a pre-op transpegasus mare
>implyra heartstrings
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So, the odl boring 1st traile--



Fuck shitty MGS, I could care less about it, it died long ago, and even Hayetr abandoned it. Yay for Castlevania.
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appledan is puerto rican you knobs



rode home

>honestly only learned that shit last year

fuckin' abstinance only teachings
I'm gonna smack his face when I see him then.
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>all that grease under his eyes
Andrea is just cute in general
anything she want
God I wish that didn't turn me on so much
but anon I like it dirty and sweaty
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Twilight Sparkle is starting a friendship. Why is she starting a friendship?
post the last horse penis you fapped to.

for me it was the shining armor having sex with his dad pic

which one
What are you, a faggot?
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That's a good girl.
She's gonna have to keep you around for her parties.
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Post wives.
>post the last horse penis you fapped to
>Describes the pic
You first.
Blacks, ugh..
To gain immortality and power
To make the Elements more Powerfull
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this is just sad now
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anon pls
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>tfw you find out a porn artist you like is female
>and she was only 16 when you first fapped to her horse porn
I got her added on Skype.

She's nice to talk to, but haven't talked to her in a while.
shaft, balls and asshole
I want it all

...You didn't know ditmitdog was a young chick?
That's a female?
My text is still white.
Speaking of races, the thought occured to me the other day that white people might look more sickly to black people because sick people generally become pale.

And historically Europeans have been through quite a few diseases.

Anyone thinking this isn't wrong?

Letting yourself become forever indited to that massive DJ pony? Following her wherever she goes and attending to her special needs underneath the booth while the club is going on, pleasuring her entire meaty shaft while she coos and moans, bucking her hips and shoving her enormous cock even deeper down your throat as she unloads all the pent up tension welling up in her, bracing her arms as untold amounts of her pungent, thick seed fill you up completely.
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>tfw she'll never be real
Your favorite pony stole your lunch, she knows you're not going to do anything about it
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but I don't even have a lunch today
Did you two chat about dicks?
>pungent, thick seed fill you up completely.

Only a for a while?
aw man I'm a thread late for kobolds
I'll lick her hooves and pretend I don't like it to get my money back
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what do you sound like MLPG

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Pls stop, I don't want to get off to this.
As long as you aren't taking my twiley I'm cool with you marrying the rest of them.
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turn her into panties
Like fuck I'm letting any of you know.

Out of the fifteen years I've spent on the internet, no one knows what I look or sound like.
I plan to keep it that way.
I already ate.
...Who's lunch DID she steal, then?
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Does it really matter?
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>talking about Acid
Her favorite human's lunch
Like this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s07UUmNq8Vg5
you don't want to be acid cocksleve? Are you gay?
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Yes you do, whore.
Hell, you seem like the kind of guy who would cum on command when she fucks that cute ass of yours.
I bet one taste of her cum would make you completely obedient and submissive to her.
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I always knew Fluttershy was a bully.
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you fucking dirty bitch
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You can blame that on SB. He caused it all.
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Too late
>2 hours
it's totally anon's fault
record or else.
can you record something in a babs seed voice.

does she make fun of my small dick?
That's a silly thought, you're silly.
Especially considering that the coloured folk are the real plague.
Why do people put the blame on SB? I thought they were friends
probably the same guy who sperged about the sex in lunaquest

This faggot shit needs to stop, seriously, if you like Acid I sincerely hope you get cancer
I didn't have lunch today.
it's one guy trying to get people to believe his dumb rumor that doesn't make any sense

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Yeah, well, deal with it.

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Because pony took it
[cries manly tears]
I have this weird feeling this is directed at me.
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Of course she does. Compared to her, yours is more like a slightly oversized clitty.
But you're just fine with that, because you're no good at being on top anyway. You make a perfect little cocksleeve for her wonderful shemale cock.
as it should be
so it is written
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What you gonna do about it, fgt.
make sex noises.
Your sister is prettier but I still stroke my cock occasionally to you
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I don't need to, she does all the touching
good. if she was real there is 100% someone else would be fucking her
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>Why are you not working on your craft right now?

Because I just woke up from a disco nap, I'll probably mess with my drawings and on music more.

You already know how I sound.