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Old Thread

Let talk about this pretty pony here. Do you like Rainbow Dash?
Not alone, needs to be diluted in a ship.
Ponies are gross
Where's the links to delicious filth?
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I like her, even though she's kind of dumb.
I heard she's the Equestrian ball bouncing record holder
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We're sorry, the pony you have dialed is no longer in service or you have exceeded your daily limit. Please hang up, and try a different line.
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She occupies the largest amount of my pictures so she's got PRETTIEST HORSE going for her
>try to make general
>stuck at 92% upload

I didn't used to like her very much, but she's grown on me.
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What makes you think she that dumb?
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4chan is derping
I hate her character,her voice,her coat and mane color and more importantly I hate anyone who likes her.
She didn't even read until recently and she's best friends with Fluttershy
>tfw Reu hats us
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>prettier then rarara

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I like her more than I should.
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this fuckin' guy
What the hell is happening with new threads, stuff being deleted and the catalog now having 16 pages and displaying deleted threads too (except you see the 404 page when you go there)?
It's insane.
Rarity is the 4th prettiest pony.
She's ahead of applejack and pinkie pie.
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I really love her messy hair.
Twilight gets to join the Wonderbolts before Rainbow Dash.
Did you see Dash's eyes ? Nothing can beat that.
>xieril is ded
>ciircuit hats us
>speccy will never doodle for us again
I think she's really low on the pretty scale
Her hair is ugly
Xieril is pregnant
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I see Dash as being scared of a relationship, yet be aggressive in attaining it. Also probably gets suspicious of cheating.
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>tfw you will never fall asleep cuddled up to her, your legs entwined, one wing spread over you and your head nestled up in her mane while Luna watches over both your dreams
I will just cry myself to sleep
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no but i like skittles
Why is she so cute with glasses, while it doesnt fit her at all ?
>$1,000 for a little figurine
No anon, he did during childbirth.
the fact that this ISN'T going for $1000 speaks a lot
Is the fandom dying?
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What a stupid question.

No, it's not.
Because she is ONLY cute in fanart, though she is the one that gain the most from FA.. well her and SB
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Maybe she wants to look smart.
I would see her as someone very possessive on a relationship. It would be so cute.
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I think she would want more than just sleeping.
Well, I mean stupider stuff has gotten in the +$2000 range
Maybe everyone's just gotten poor now
or smart
So it's only me then?
I'll fuck off now.
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>Dash tries to look smart for you
>she invites you to meet her at the Library where she says she hangs out all the time
>you find her reading the dictionary
We'll always have Ross.
>only cute through fanart

DYEWTS ? She us cute every time.
Well, if we really have to we can do that before we fall asleep I guess
>There will never be a fic about Twily and Pooh's romance before Pooh goes off to fight and is ultimately slain by the elder demon Christopher Robin
>That boot
Are those the Nike ones?
we hate you too
She doesnt need to look smart to be loved.

The auction was up to $900 and the guy obviously wanted to milk it.
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OP here. I made about three but this one got lucky. The rest got deleted.

But that is false.
See Anon what you did to her ? She's crying now !
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I don't think you understand. She's lived thousands of years. In order for the sex to be considered worthwhile for her, it would be a daunting task for a mere mortal human.
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I don't like it when RD cries
Nah, prices are just equalizing finally.

Seeing ponies cry makes me sad.

I might not like dash, but I hate seeing ponies crying.
But she reads Daring Do all the time
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>not posting the better version
W-well, maybe she'll be satisfied once the next evening approaches and we can fall asleep then
but why is she writing?
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>my favoritest horse thread
this pleases me
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What's Equestrian law concerning things like sex, rape, age of consent, etc?
That would be cute as hell.
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Yeah but she heard what you said about fanfiction so now she only reads that in secret
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Pone shouldn't cry ever
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i searched that on Ebay but found this here
LOL ^^
All's fair during Estrus Season.
But that's a good excuse to cuddle and console her.
It sold for $1500 yesterday so I assume the guy made multiples and is selling another?
First heat=age of consent
That's such a stupid fucking caption
I want to kick whoever wrote that in their face
Daring Do isnt fanfiction, its just fiction.
That scene was pretty cruel
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Though I posted it in the previous thread, figured I'd give you guys one last listen to this before I release it today (pending your feedback) and solicit album covers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39518350/Fly%20%28Euro%20Flight%20Mix%29.mp3
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Are you saying you're going to skip sleeping just to sex her all day?
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Whatever happened to Scootaloos father?
That's pretty neat.

Not $260 neat though.
Oh, he didn't close the auction and re-list?

Hes still a faggot for listing a second one for cheaper.
Initial D tier. Its a nice vocal.
>Implying she's not used to the usual humphumpsplurt of equine males that the stamina of a human would impress her to no end

Seriously have you seen horses mate. The male mounts, gives about four or five thrusts, cums, and then pulls out about three seconds later.
Her parents were acrobats that died while performing.
He's a Colonel.
I tought thats what she wants
Reminds me of pilot wings, so I guess it hit what you were going for.
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found it
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I think that the only pony that isn't my waifu who made me feel legitimately bad for her when she cried was Applejack during that Super Speedy Cider episode.
She just accepted her loss, even if it meant that they would lose their only way of sustaining themselves.
Call me maybe but I like to think that Applejack's mom used to say to her that "big girls don't cry", considering she's the pony who has cried the least amount of times in the show, out of the mane 6.
I bet her mum told her the same thing on her deathbed.
Not a huge fan of the genre, but I think it sounds catchy (if that's what you were going for)
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I'm fairly certain he didn't close it and relist. The auction had already ended, by that point he's already committed to sell the item on.

I'm not sure why he put another one up at a BIN though
If there was a Canadian pone, would they be even more polite and friendly than regular pone?
I'm halfway through this and my sides have already left orbit
Her Mom must have died giving birth to Apple Bloom.
I mean, in the Cutie Mark Chronicles Granny Smith is already taking care of her when AJ is just a little filly.
>your waifu would consider you a sex-god
I would be okay with that
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>I bet her mum told her the same thing on her deathbed.
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I find her to be absolutely sweet girl, despite the fact that she'd rather hide that to protect her image.
Plus she's absolutely beautiful. Best-looking pone.

She'd be great as a friend, to hang out with but also as a wife
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But anon, we do not know if she could understand that when she was a filly.
>drive pone to screaming maregasm
>still haven't finished yet
holy shit
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To be honest, I cannot really she her as wife material, or mother material for that matter.
That's pretty well done
It's a utopian paradise.

There is no age of consent, and their is no rape because everybody consents.
>there will never be a Pank plush with socks and a hole in the back
I think she would make a pretty good mother. She would be utterly devoted and probably a little over protective
Thank you! It's a pain in the ass to hit live, but I think this one needed some vocal "umph".
I never got to play those games in my youth... is that a good thing? I remember back in the N64 days that game was a fairly big deal, though that doesn't mean it was a good GAME, per se.
Awesome! I'm glad you found some good in it even when it wasn't your cup of tea.

At this point it seems safe to put the request out for album covers— all I ask is that it has Gilda fairly prominently featured on it, it uses the same typeface as the usual covers (that is, http://www.eurobeat-prime.com/media/eurobeat.ttf ) it's PG or the low-end of PG-13, and that you include the way you'd like to be credited either in the file name or somewhere on the art itself.
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make one
I like it.
Not enough to pay $260 for it though.

I dont have any idea how long it takes to make stuff like that but I could image that it is actually kind of a fair price for the time invested
>saging a general
Eurobeat pls
I think she'd have pretty strong maternal instincts. Dash is really passionate about every challenge so motherhood wouldn't be any different. And now she's got Scootaloo. I doubt anyone would want to harm her now.

Also TBH I can't picture Dash in anything less than stable relationship. Fitting to the "loyalty" theme
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...how long does it take for a female pone to cum? Do they do it before the male is finished, or do they just fuck a bunch of them and cum a few down the line?
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Since I started watching MLP, I've become attracted to real mares, and I have a severely reduced attraction to human women, although I do fap to them occasionally. I've discovered that pleasuring myself to ponies and real mares gives me the most intense orgasms I've ever experienced.

It could have been prevented, it didn't have to be like this, but I stumbled upon ponies and my life was changed forever. If you just started watching, run, run as fast as you can, get away from here before it gets ahold of you.
I remember pilot wings for the SNES most fondly, but the N64 one was great too.
I typically don't like sports or racing games and I really enjoyed those, so I'd recommend playing it if the opportunity presents itself.
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If only they used a Bad Dragon mare light instead of a disgusting one modeled after a human.
Woah man, I came into MLP furfag as shit and I still don't find horses attractive.
You're just weird.
Ahhh, the good old unthinking headcanon of "stallions of mlp have no sexual endurance".

Do you know why virgins don't usually last very long on their first time, and develop stamina over time? Because they have enough brainpower to realize that longer sex is better sex.

Don't you think that the stallions of mlp would have the same brainpower?
How have you not seen this already?
They may be ponies but they have some human-like features (especially when they make them more atractive). So I think it's possible for both sexes to last as long as humans. I want these ponies to have fun.
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Everything with a vagina is capable of achieving an orgasm but I have no gd clue if they cum when being mated. I'm not a horse or a horse biologist.
I had a fleshlight and what I would do is put it on top of my bean bag, put a pillow on top, and then fuck it.
Mares orgasm very rarely during sex with a stallion. It is possible for a human to give a mare an orgasm, but it's pretty rare, it only happens if the mare is very aroused or it trusts you and you've been having sex with it for a long time. From what I've read and the videos I've seen, it can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour or more to make a mare cum. You can make a shetland mare or miniature mare cum through regular intercourse, but with a full size mare you have to fist them. Mares will grunt when they're getting close to orgasm, and when they do their vaginal muscles convulse and squeeze tight, and they squirt everywhere.
Naah, they're more interested in rainbow farts and fairy shit.
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>HUB website background image

>I think I even see a little bit of BonBon in the top left corner of the white square

But where the fuck is Applejack?
Sorry! Force of habit. My posts don't really directly contribute to the discussions at hand so I don't let them age the thread sort of by reflex.

Duly noted! I'll give it a shot when next the opportunity arises.
>mlpg bronycon orgy

What happened to it?
But that is a Mary.

Pretty sure that's Storm, bro
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Impressive name creativity

>you will never dp braeburned
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A Gilda image you ask? I don't know any that might work with your album.
Ew, homosexual encounters.
Anyone have a nsfw draw request?
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Is it sad that if I had my own apartment and money I would get the Dashingly Blue one?
Apple Turnover getting facefucked
it certainly is
Will you actually draw it and post it here?
I think you mean ponpon
I moved from living in a dorm alone to a house with six other people. I threw it away. It was okay, but the novelty of it wore out. Now I just masturbate to get rid of the wanting.


This is what a genuine maregasm looks like. There was a video called "Wet Dreams" made by a guy going by the name "Old Zoo" where he makes a full size mare orgasm through intercourse, and they both cum at the same time. The horse actually groans in the video, I had it on my old laptop, I'll see if I can dig it up.
>All my friends are here.
>And Applejack is here too.
caramel in panties with boner please
While bellyriding.
This is bait.
Jalm doesn't draw.
bug queen licking fluttershy
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@ 130$ a bit heavy on th ewallet.
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Nice, another cute bonbon!
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Please... she deserves it...
stop using stupid made up words i never heard before
Bonbon doesn't deserve to look cute

Belly riding.
anyone have a mare and a fleshlight to compare the difference? does the mare one even come in a case?
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so you like pegasi, eh?
I want to make a buffalo porn OC named Tomacock.
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Anon pls
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Don't be so silly, anon!
>0r0 stuff
>...still pretty good.
Fuck. Into the pile it goes.
By now I'm actually considering that this isn't Jalm but just an Anon picking up his name.
Because I've seen "Jalm" ask for requests and never delivering multiple times in a row now

For straight sex this image is pretty gay.
I assume that is you in the middle?
anyone know the name of this video?
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no one says that about my waifu's waifu
I have a penis fixation.
That's what I thought too. The last time he posted presumably himself was when he said that he doesn't draw pony anymore.

also here's a video of a mare sucking a huge cock, the guy cums in the mare's mouth and it swallows his load
We all do.
>tfw reu and tess are laughing at our penis sizes
Anyone who doesn't have shitty taste will tell you that Pegasi are the sexiest. the question is which one is the most.
My vote goes to Dash but Spitfire is not far behind
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I didn't mean for this to happen, I just wanted to know how female pones are during sex so I can write it better...
It might be the guy that does that


>tfw that's my fetish
>that guy from the satyr general
I've been meaning to say that the legs look kinda odd on most of those pictures. Too human, not enough pony.
Also you should draw centaurs and horse-head folk. Crossbreeding is full of all sorts of hilarious and ultimately odd things.
>tfw both of them are ded
oh pls no, that means we have no flutterfag drawfags left

Way to objectify her.
>tfw Tess is ded
>tfw MiLes is ded
>tfw Peanus is ded
>tfw Obsidian is ded
>tfw Moe is ded
>tfw Kraut is ded
>tfw Dafty is ded
>tfw Apple is ded
>tfw mewball is ded
>tfw Changelingbro is ded
>tfw Japanon is ded
>tfw NPA is ded
>tfw Scherzo is ded
>tfw Moophins is ded
>tfw Rubro is ded
>tfw SB is ded
>tfw Metals is ded
>tfw Tex is ded
>tfw Cheshire is ded
>tfw AB is ded
>tfw Noel is ded
>tfw NTSTS is ded
>tfw Disco is ded
>tfw Nithirian is ded
>tfw ReiDuran is ded
>tfw Jailbait is ded
>tfw LK is ded
>tfw BDF is ded
>tfw Jalm is ded
>tfw xieril is ded
>tfw ciircuit is ded
>tfw Reu is ded
>tfw Smile is ded

Why are tentacles so horny?

replace "&" with "a"

There's a few maregasm vids in here, I put this together a long time ago and IIRC it has that video in it.

We'll always have Braeburned.
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>you will never be sandwiched in between pegasi babes

I'm confused.

Is this Luna investigating Anon's dreams and considering dreamsex the same as realsex, or is it Celestia dream-diving.
mewball stop flaking on your waifus
Christ, that is a cute BonBon
Wow, this isn't anything like the other million tentacle pictures ever drawn.
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specifically yellow one
I would let a horse suck my cock if it could do it like the one in the video. That's a once in a lifetime experience.
You can always request Fluttershy stuff from non-flutterfags though?
I don't self insert in my art.
I have a wife and a healthy sex life.
I don't get off to ponies.
>tfw mewball is ded
I bet Fluttershy uses Beats by Dre
That's even worse.

Her meat flaps should be where her asshole is, and her doughnut should be just above that. Have they even SEEN a real horse cunt?
>I don't get off to ponies.

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I'm only going to watch this to write pone fapfics better... honest...
>mewball, Scherzo, SB, Tex, Chesh, Rei, JB, LK, Jalm
Braeburned, pls.

you can't talk, you're ded
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Would you return the favor and eat out her cunt?
it looked like a tentacle was exiting her at first glance
really weirded me out
no, please stay
You're not another disillusion fuck like that Dash is my daughter dude are you?

It's like you hate penises or something.
Aren't Kraut and metals also IRL dead?
that's not an encouraging thought
Good for you. So what make you come here?
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b-but anon, im not on the ded list..
Pretty sure Metals is in jail
I love dicks. I just hate Braeburned.
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Oh motherfucker...
I have no idea what you're talking about. I don't have children. Yet.
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>tfw xieril is ded
probably not, I'm not in love with horses, it just feels really good to bust a nut in them
I think he referring to that faggot Rainbowcrash.
tess still draw ponies (not very often though) but doesnt seem to come here anymore
miles was here a few days ago
mewball is in the thread right now
SB just doesnt have internet access at the moment if I got that right
tex posted a pic hes working on last thread
cheshire is still here, just anon
jailbait posted that hes busy with finals yesterday

And I'm not too sure about bdf, lk, smile and jalm.
you can tell how good that felt because he groaned like a wounded animal
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>Draws good
>Doesn't self-insert
I can already tell I'm going to like you.
>miles was here a few days ago
did he drew?
he's not an attention horse or anything.
he doesn't even post with a name anymore because of people bitching for no reason. do you even have a good reason to not like him as a person?
LK drew cheesecake pone and that Freud/Celestia thing just the other day
>not on the list even though ded

so sad
Jalm is on steam...
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As a pony I'd only go out with Pegasi ladies.

>Sexy as fuck
>Devotion to athleticism
>Descendants of proud warrior race, the best of them still had it in them

I'm stuffed, thanks.
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Give me.
It's Luna bursting into Anons dream and finding out that he dreams about fucking her
And apparently thinks that means he has to marry her
It's a bit confusing because Jalm doesnt use the show style mane so you cant always distinguish them without colors

This one is fine. I might have to ask Hootaloo herself about this piece though. I'm USUALLY gunning for completed covers but it seems like they're a tad few in number so I might toss a couple together myself and just credit the artists.
No, he said he forgot how to art and the stuff he tried recently didnt look good
He posted an old art trade he did with Cheshire though
Better than being lumped with the twilight wife guy
I wonder if he's noticed how Renne Quest art is slowly becoming more popular

Fuck yes. Thank you.
I interpreted ded as "doesnt come here anymore and doesnt draw ponies" - and I'm not sure if Jalm comes here anymore and I havent seen him draw anything in the last few weeks so I put him on the maybe-list
ask him if he still draws ponies
m-my threads are marking on their own~
The fact that you were able to complain about this shows that you are indeed not ded

I know that feel though
I've posted this before, but I'll indulge you. My wife had been pretty much obsessed with ponies since she was a child and had seen every iteration of ponies before. When G4 came out, she told me about how there were grown-ass men watching this show and that I should give it a chance. So I did. I liked it and we watched it in it's entirety one weekend. It inspired me to get back into drawing, something I had given up since 2007. I've usually lurked /x/ just to read some good creepy stories and one day noticed /mlp/. So I lurked and posted some pony art. Now I'm currently helping the satyr thread get some more satyr art because all they had were like 3 images of Hope (lyra x anon)
>tfw suckmyoff will never write another dinky rapefic
Ask him if that was him asking for requests
I really want to know if its just some Anon asking for requests and never delivering or if I have to give him a disappointed face the next time he shows up
it is?
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Eh, I meant this general but that is quite a backstory. Thanks for sharing that, I guess.

Have a Dash.
how do i make pony love me
Don't you have a not-fat Dash?
braeby, braeby
give me your answer do

I'm half hard just
thinking gay thoughts of you

I'd like to induldge in your fetish,
bound and gagged in leather

and you'll look sweet
upon my knee
as I spank the shit out of you~
He said it wasn't him.
Force it
Would you a pone if they couldn't seem to get soft even after spurting several times?
Rainbow Dash is always fat though
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Okay, thanks. Thats kinda what I expected anyway
they named her?
But that's OUR daughter.

We were gonna name her in Lyraquest 2.
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I don't want it.
Applejack is best pony
You're doing god's work, son.
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But she would grow up to be thin!

How can something fast be fat?
while I am guilty of taking many requests anonymously and never doing them, no, that wasn't me.
Good that sounds creepy as shit
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I would do my very best
It was nice until
>bound and gagged in leather

It's required for aerodynamics.
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>opinion: improved
>tfw other people can talk to your artwaifu without immediately dropping their spaghetti or thinking that he hates you when he doesnt respond
and I was starting to like you
Aight, s'cool.
Can you answer this?


How would you write it?
Be honest with yourself

If pony were real, and consenting, would you fuck it.
She could only do a sonic rainboom flying down, because her enormous weight helped her along
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I know this feeling. I want to hang with GG...
There aren't many things that I wouldn't fuck.
Only if we were in a committed relationship.
Or maybe that fact that its a human is new enough experience for her to get some excitement.

Not that I'd want to. Just saying.
>and consenting

In a fucking second
Well, good for you, I was already starting to practice my frowny face
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also have a scribbly painting idea

i think crookedtrees did something like this tho woops

fucking UNF.
And if it wasn't a stallion?
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>pudgy, annoyed/scrunching tiny Dash
Why is life so cruel
Marshmallow pony? without hesitation
Real pony? Ew no dude
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What if MLPG was only on 14.4 Kbps?
>somebody did something
>I can't do it now

you dork
probably not
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Is that a real question?
I don't understand the question

I would drop to my knees and praise the lord if ponies were real and they wanted to give me a sensual blowjob
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What pone is silliest pone
I would second this.
Also assuming I myself am a pony. If not, well... magic will find a way.
Is she sleeping?
i'm terrified at the prospect that people might hate me without me knowing or even being hated behind my back.
Inorite? Real mares? Weirdo. They can't even talk.

Mayor Mare.
she's ded jim
panka or fluttershy?
What? But a figure exactly like that sold for $1500 the other day. Unless the high bidder backed out somehow.
I've actually been around here for a while...did you miss my 20 page Rainbow Dash comic? I don't hate Dash, I just favor AJ. AJ is my favorite for many reasons, the biggest is because I was born and raised in Texas, but moved up north to New England 5 years ago. AJ reminds me of home.
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they're all silly ponies
I'd rather be a human because they'd be so fucking tight
it would be extremely hard for you to find a consenting being that i would not have sex with.
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>not praising the sun if pone was real
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>tfw mortal princesses
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hey kid
wanna yiff?
Looks like Panko
I dont even know why the idea of Celestia having a massive hangover is so amusing
it's all pink on the inside

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for some reason she's probably my favorite to draw sighs
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Okay, here's something that's always bothered me. Their eye placement. Now, because they do it in flash, and it's 2D, it sort of floats around depending on the head angle. That's one of the reasons 3D pones have an uncanny valley to them. Are their heads a sphere? Do their eyes point forward like a human, or on the side like a horse? When they do a profile shot, it looks like both eyes can move independently...
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it's cute and adorable
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I like FS's reaction, it's like "Damn bitch you ain't so tough after all"
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You were the guy who did the Human x RD comic?
how do you draw sighs?
I have. It's a pretty good feel.
>Just now noticing this

Hey guy! I really liked your comic. You know how to make it most sensual

dat eye contact during blowjob unf that is how I imagine her BJs to be
This... happened... didn't it?

Time for some martial arts... the patented palm to face maneuver.
>being this new
what comic?
>tfw this gets posted and no-one remembers it spawned from the idea that marshmallow pone periods smell like maple syrup
Link to this comic?
have you seen /unf/ lately?
I'm pretty sure it's happening for real
haha what
>tfw first fapping to bestiality

oh man it is glorious but that feel fads fast since there is such little quality videos
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Now, this is the general for me.
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Speaking of which.
Enjoy Rainbow Dash being peaceful in death.
Have you tried gaybeast?
I imagine their head isn't perfectly spherical but it's close. I imagine their muzzle comes out enough that they just barely don't have a blind spot right in front of them.

Alternatively it is basically as round as ours and their muzzles have just atrophied that much.

I still think real life MLP ponies would be super uncanny valley unfortunately.
I don't mean to tout my MLPG Service Badge but it was from a few threads a really long time ago
That's even more pathetic than usual
I don't have it sorry, only the link to the archived thread. I only post my clop here on /mlp/ for you guys. You are free to save and repost to your hearts content, I have no problem with it.

Pankle Pine is silest pone
"I bet those grapes are sour anyway!"
When you say we can't get any lower than this
we manage
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that's the last time I play tf2 with MLPG
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Silly Anon, why did you post a sleeping pony?
>Images don't work

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i stopped going there long ago since its always the same videos reposted. i wish i knew where to go for the newest videos
Ahaha what the fuck

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Yeah this was linked here.
I think the general thoughts were it was alright but the sex kinda came out of nowhere
Me too. Thats the biggest downside of knowing people only over the internet, you cant see any facial expressions or body language so it's hard to tell sometimes and it would be really awkward to ask
Sucks especially when its someone you consider a friend but you arent sure if he sees it the same way
this never happend you idiot, you are remembering wrong.
Pretty sure there was a imgur album being posted everywhere
Sorry. I have no need to keep my own comics. I mean I have the scanned images on my computer, but I'll have to repost all 20. I (and I bet you guys) don't want to have to do that again.
It's in the DA you linked too you know
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Trigger Warning: Horrifying Uncanny Valley
uh oh, is it time for an oldfag fight?
That's what you get for taking a screenshot.
Great. Glad to see someone whose artistic spark got relit by this show. I have started remixing music again since I started watching FiM.

I hope you don't "get serious" about your art career and delete your pony pics, like SOME musicians do.
>came out of nowhere
almost every anon in that thread demanded a sex scene
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>those mouths
>that Lyra in page 5
Okay, I laughed
yeah they'll do that
great comic though
That pony is Dangaya

Nothing will convince me otherwise
There's nothing more sexy than deflowering Dash
>tfw sentenal01 will never die

I can only pray he gets cancer and is forced off of here.
I arranged a bunch of the best beast vids and I'm gonna be uploading them on pornsocket in the next week or two, I'd say there's about 20 videos that never get old because they're so hot
I wish you would die
or at least cut this nonsense out
meh. I like to add funny background events/pictures in my more detailed drawings. I could think of much to fit in that tiny space so I figured Lyra...why not.
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>hating people
That's fine man. You can hate people. Its all ri-
>Wishing death upon them
That's just over the line man

Why would she have to pay him?
he's a working man
no free rides
>go to post vibrating eye comic edit I made
>already posted
I love this feel.
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>over the line
>If pony were real, and consenting, would you fuck it.

Of course.
the /be/ board on 7chan has a lot of good shit, I'm toying with the idea of starting zoophilestracker back up, I got in contact with the owner and we might be able to work something out, the problem is that you need an overseas host who deals with high-risk content and they're expensive, plus there's no way to make money from affiliate programs or advertising because of the nature of the site
Even if he died, they'd just activate sentenal02
>Two weeks until Equestria Girls

There's nothing you can do to prepare
Why would you want Sentenal to die?
I don't think that's as bad as people make it out to be since I know what he was trying to say, but flubbed it
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Thanks, I was bored
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He's a brony in every sense of the word. Him dieing would be a huge boost in decency overall.
I'm pretty sure that even if sent died for reals the sent shitposter would keep bringing him up
not the same anon
Yes, over the line. Wanting someone dead because they're awkward is over the line.
Please don't act like a sociopath.
I actually dont get whats too bad about this.
It was in a Lunaquest, right?
He's a lunafag, I've probably said equally stupid stuff about my waifu, too
/be/ is nice but there is way to much horrifying boner killing shit there
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There are more if you still are.

>Age: 17
>Music: anything but country and rap
>Religion: Athiest and proud
>Likes: ponies and shitposting
>Personal Quote: "Stupid people only exist because it's illegal to kill them."
The thing that is worse than tripfags is the sheer amount of faggots complaining about them.

my body is already prepared. all hope and joy is dead inside. whether EQG is good or not doesn't matter i will not be changed.
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quick question
does /mlpg/ fitocracy?
I'm looking forward to the shitstorm. I'll be okay with it as long as it's completely separate from the show.
there better be a whole set
anon pls denial is bad for you.
Did you make these?

I'm assuming not since tumblr.jpg
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I think so. Let's see if I saved them all.
>this video never will be uploaded anywhere
That's a very bottom-heavy pone
DJ is best bro

Who the fuck is this bitch and why do I see her everywhere?
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Oh goodness no. I couldn't art my way out of a wet paper bag.
even if it is directly connected to the show you will just come up with other bullshit in denial excuses.
No. They're Slavic-Asians.
she doesn't work out
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get to best pony already
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but he already did best pony
best pone is right there
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What does pone wing feel like?
pony was there the whole time
pony saw you do everything
yeah, I don't like dogs at all

If I was a rich man I'd start up a studio to produce high quality beast vids featuring mares, with hd cameras and good lighting. If you have the money and the contacts, you could make serious cash because there's never been a studio that produced hd beast content in a professional-type studio environment. Caledonian-nv is the only current studio I know of who has decent content, petlust and beastranch were old studios who produced a lot of videos but they were poor quality. It's a very small industry, understandably.
puffy and moist
Bags of sand
>you will never be filled with gooey princess semen
If it comes up in season 4 as an attempt to sell more EG dolls then that will be it for me, but until then I'm trying to stay optimistic.
btw im a titan ;)
It's a petlust vid, they sold the rights to caledonian-nv. I have a few of the videos on the site, but not that particular one. They were ripped from a dvd, I know there's sellers out there who have that video on dvd, but they're really expensive.
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>"You want to... touch them?"
raven pls go
cyborg is the best
She'd approve, they were Muslim-sympathizers.
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>those last three episodes
How lewd.
Did she hear me moan her name?
I dunno, wing bones don't seem very strong. I'd be afraid to break them

They have the trailer for it here, it's a decent length.
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soft feathery goodness
>you will never wake up inside a titan

Dash what

What the hell is that you're doing
swans can break your bones with their wings
I don't think that's accurate
>tfw no good gay fapfiction
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>tfw the hiatus isn't even halfway over yet
too much pone
has this been cut up so it's just one of each?
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the worst feel
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What if your favorite pone was human?
that's how it was originally posted, but I don't have them on hand
As long as she conforms to my definition of beauty then we're A-OK
Hey guys remember that time when ponies?
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sexy times
yeah. 2010-2011
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>Dating a girl who likes pinkie

2011 was a fun year.
it's shit

It's stupid, it sucks, I hate it.
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Fluttershy smiled, nervousness momentarily lost as she nodded fervently, “Anything for a friend in need.”
She looks Slavic, Slavs are communists.
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I must collect all sleepy pone
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>Who the fuck is this bitch and why do I see her everywhere?

No idea.
is SLHRPG any good?
That pony specifically or sleepy ponies?
How did Russel get so huge?
“Don't remember them doing anything like that down at the spa,” AJ mumbled into the couch.
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she's a 3qt
that pony is the purest distilled form of sleepy pone and none other will suffice
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This one's pretty sleepy.
>Super Lesbian Horse RPG
This is literally everything I have ever wanted in a video game
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nice on, fluttershy. it lovely
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Only because shes best pony.

And I found a better way to do it.
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>reverse image search

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new episode when
pank gif when?
I want to sexual a sleeping pony.
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The quick brown pone jumps over the lazy dog
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That's rape. Would YOU like it if pony sexual'd you in your sleep?
I hate the anonymous design, always have always will

all I can see when looking at it is Charlie Day as the Green Man dressed up in a business suit as well
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I mean, I wouldn't complain
Yes, I would like it. It's one of my fetishes.
Sleepy pone
Painthips pone
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I did not know this had every letter in the alphabet
Sleepy. Don't give you-know-who the light of day.
>no x or f
Your head is surrounded by 5 ponies and their pastel bottoms. You are tied down. You can't move. You don't remember how you got here.

Twilight steps out from the shadows.
>This is your punishment. Did you really think you could get away with that? Ha!

Your face is then assaulted from all sides by pony farts. The stench is overwhelming. What did you do to deserve such a fate?
Well now I'm interested
I'll raise your pony edit and put down COMMUNISM
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sleepest pon

Palette if not
I would probably ejaculate violently
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I think he means Jessy
I've always thought business suits look stupid
I would prefer if they all stuck their smelly feet on my face

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Now I want to see Renne jumping over a sleepy Saffron

new horse
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Because you asked nicely.
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I like suits. Pony should wear suits. Here's a picture of a pony without a suit because I have none with.
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what about their butts?
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>I would prefer if they all stuck their smelly feet on my face

This is not about what YOU want anonymous. It's your punishment.

Girls, give him another tooting.
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Does this count as a suit?
I shitposted unironically.
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>just found out there's a fucking Bowser Stage in Tetris Attack

I am the slow
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speak up anon
im unfing so hard you dont even know <3
Would you hug tick pone after she got all bloated and swollen with blood?
Don't give her attention.

She's worse than Rinachan in the attention whoring department.
ewww no

which pony would make the best dominatrix?
Getting real tired of your shit, Satan.
>Jessy after Bronycon.png
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Oh boy time to play more shitty pony mods

Which filthy heretics to I claim under the Celestian Empire?
hateanon pls
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Daily reminder to deworm your pony.
That's Tim to you.
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I'm pretty sure she's allowed to post whatever she likes on her own personal blog
it's not like she actually brings that stuff here, just pony

don't blame her for other people's actions
Why haven't you reformed the Roman Empire? Equestria is the Twelfth Rome.
Oh no, she ate too much!

Close enough.
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Has Jessy actually done anything reprehensible besides being popular or is it just hatanon being hatanon?
You make me proud, Anon.
Now; go cleanse those Muslims, and the Slavs too.
Name something funny for sleepyhead to sleep on!
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Ill do it. I swear to fuck
Okay, fine, Jessy. You're not an attention whore. Just a cunt.

Happy? Good.
She posted some stuff about friendzoning being a silly concept and this dude got massively buttflustered about it

Jessy is fine
A starfish!
Your face
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I think you're forgetting something
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Well, she did th-

>remembering ancient history
A butt.
it's not polite to grasp at straws anon
why bother her over something like this?
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When was the last time you even kissed your pony?
[citation needed]
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>Slavs too.
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If we don't remember ancient history, who will
I don't even know what we're talking about. I just saw some post saying "Don't summon her" or some shit

And while you bitch about stupid shit, people have real problems.
I will, obviously.

However, the fact you remember it makes you completely pathetic. But I forgive you because your pic made me reach top lel.
Yes, Slavs too. They're filthy Marxists and should be dealt with, just like the Muslims.
welcome regardless
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I have no pony to kiss, anon.
>implying this isn't fake shit just done by programs
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hello CC
we're talking about jessy right now

please book an appointment
hello cc

why is sweetie belle afraid of butterflies
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>She posted some stuff about friendzoning being a silly concept and this dude got massively buttflustered about it
Oh God, that was the most pathetic shit I've seen in this thread for a while, and that includes ERP about EA's futa alicorn OC
>oh shit, someone not me, somewhere not here, has a problem that I can't fix!
Did yet another female reject your creepy sexual advances?
You poor soul
>jessy doesnt even lift
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So being right = pathetic.

I see.
>autistic "Nice Guy" neckbeard gets buttpained about someone running their shitty "friend zone" concept to the ground and calling them out on being shitty members of society
What else is new
all I did was ask sleepypone or paintbutt
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Have a cute paintbutt
I like EA's alicorn. Then again, I'm horribly biased and not the person to judge it.
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Might as well continue.
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Are you seriously going to try starting this shit again.
shall i cast distraction post?

*warning* it may or may not be worse then the current drama
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Spoiler Image, 62 KB
Ah, I see, that 'joke'.
Well, I'm not one for jokes.
Biased you say
Nice guys are really lame.
So, what kind of guy do you prefer, MLPG?
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Don't you realize? Calling it bait is admitting to losing!
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>Lemon Puffs
He started it with mentioning Jessy.
no, its called calling it bait
I read that all in Adachi's voice.

You're alright, Anon. A douche who wants attention, yes, but alright regardless.

You're still a faggot though.
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I helped pick her colors.
also i really really really like ea

It's not a fruit-salad, It's a bowl of fruit.
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best not be dissing my waifu mate
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Let's talk about how much pony likes corn.
traps who are into crossdressing
Can I make bronybux doing con badges or is that just a furry thing?
Which, in turn, is losing because it's MLPG's standard "FUCK I CAN'T THINK OF A RESPONSE" response.

And you dumb twats think it's a perfect counterargument.
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It's true
I would rather talk about that pony that likes the corn
yes you can
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>that fucked up perspective of the wall and ground
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See? What did I tell you?

Same for you.
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The blue one?
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She really goes to town on that corn
I wonder what kind of foods she usually likes
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Would you hang out with xieril and switch waifus for a day?
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I like her punchy, big legs.
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blue horse
You go out to meet blue pone and during your time together she tells you in no uncertain terms that you have been ponezone'd.

How do you react
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Would I also have to be pregnant?
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but legs don't punch
I don't give a fuck, because pone is best friend-material.
shut the fuck up Fluttershy
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Yes to the former.

Fast food.
Log on to the ponenet, hop on MLHG and drown my sorrows in some cider
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punchy you say
Thanks RD
She's lucky she's young and has a fast metabolism
That fast food is going to be lethal when she gets older
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But what if we share the same waifu?
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>you will never come home quietly and see pone making silly sounds with their mouth as they go about their business unaware of your presence
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so punchy, and kicky.
That's too adorable
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>drugged up mlpg bronycon orgy

I'd be really super happy because then we can be bestest pony friends forever and have all SORTS of adventures!
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He's on leave from having her offspring. That's why he's taking a break from MLPG.
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oh shit
did everybody seriously forget to tell the father

Dash, I'd just like to say congratulations...
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mlpg is a place not a community
bronies can post here if they want
Why do you walk around on the front of your feet with your heels in the air?
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>using that horrid word in your filename
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>nothing but dudes
>no ponies
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I'm saddened by you all sometimes, some pretty weird people in here.

>you will never feel pony's balls jump as they cum
its funny how the main six have real emotions for their element but twilight has some made up bullshit that doesnt fit.
best blue horse
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>expecting anything less from fetishfags
adorable, but who is she dreaming about?

is that airliner?

Palette Swap's wide, wide hips
Jessy's obnoxious, obnoxious cuntiness
Probably because it's the most neutral of elements. I mean, it didn't corporeally exsist in a way you could see and touch, after all. But you knew it was there, in this setting at least.
I think herself when she's older
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>hateanon's implied, implied implications
man her eyes are gorgeous
How is generosity an emotion
Rarity's bloated, bloated marecunt
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Rarity's squiggly, squiggly tail
its a really bad habit
Plane pone's smooth, hardened chassis
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See me after class.
MLPG's same, same samefags
I'm a raptor :3
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2/10 made me reply
Red Ribbon's soft, soft belly
omg omg
To keep my calves toned and beautiful
Extra stealth
Even though I'm alone
>tfw no NTSTS
>not fat, fat ass

Step it up senpai
i only do that in barefeet, i hate getting things on my beet so it minimizes the chances for that to happen
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Yes it is, Mrs. Dash! We can't tell at this stage if it's going to be a cute little filly or a handsome little colt, but pretty soon he'll have exited the first trimester and we'll be able to get a scrying expert in to have a look at 'im.

Now, it's important to remember to have xieril get lots a vitamins and minerals, so the baby comes out healthy. We've already told him, but first mothers can be forgetful sometimes and it's important to support your partner during this exciting time.

We're so happy for you, dearie, it's just so nice to see a new baby come into the world like this. We're here to answer any questions you might have.
Anon's baited, baited replies
>not fat, milky teats
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Thats actually really good.
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>implying her stomach isn't one of her best features
Step up
Ice Pack's sterile, sterile testicles
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>cropping that work of art
fat is the worst possible fetish imaginable.
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>MIlky Way
Pinkie Pie's screechy, screechy voice
yes that is the best emblem i have seen

>Ha ha ha look he's dumb and fat.
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Twilight just wanted a smart donor
thank Faust there's only 2 weeks left until equestrian girl
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Applejack's apple, apple apples.
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You'r not my teacher. Why would you... Ohhhhh~
I think you need to take a break, Tex.
i think you hit your head
look at that belly, i wana give it a rasberry
uncensored how?
Tactics or Superstar
yea this thread has turned into shit, hiatus meta drama is boring. it has been like that for a few days now. but its nice to see some new old faces lurking around, im relatively new. what kind of art do you do?
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Worse than feet?
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>but I'm not hungry
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Marker Pony's stretched, stretched vagina
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>Celestia fucks with Twilight's Player Handbook.png
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But I'm fine. Just a little apple is all.
Holy shit.
I want to see you draw a human Rumble.
You need to just draw yourself fucking Applejack and get it over with. We already know you jackin it to that Applejack.
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We just worry for your well being Tex
But he already did

>gHelpme and

Captca what's wrong
There's a strike an a line of pones outside of the mill

I was rused.

stil p good

Is it true that too much constant ponying over a long period of time can be damaging to your health?
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Post pls
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remember that embarrassing thing you did 5 years ago
>you will never pass out on your keyboard after a long night of ponying too hard
>you will never wake up with marshmallow hooves
>human rumble ends up being a shota Texanon
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Yeah, I was posting on MLPG.
I don't want to love pony anymore
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I've never cared for Rumble and that was my first attempt at a child's face, but perhaps someday.
>Left the name/trip on
oh the ironing
ponying so much has done nothing good for my health but to be fair i was never in good health in the first place.
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>one of the only fully color plane ponies i have already
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I will love pony for you.
And pony will love me.
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>filename still on
Hah, I knew it was only a matter of time.

Every single one of you faggots are a bunch of perverts.
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>removing your filenames
only one choice..only one way out
Seriously, Tex? Fucking perv.
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I love that pony.
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>tfw made a mistake calling out a mistake
wait draw us a pony first
or maybe a zebra?
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Would you your closeted tsundere hillbilly cousin?
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fair well then
>"I would never fuck my waifu, not in a million years"
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