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Welcome to MY LITTLE PONY GENERAL, where everything's fucked up and the posts don't matter.

Old episode: >>11056567
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I'm going to marry Rainbow Dash!
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how to hide stubs in 4chan extension?

I keep seeing Shiny posts
Is there a reason you don't own an actual pony yet?
>Vampire pone will never bite you
More horeballs when?
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4chanx settings > filtering > uncheck stubs
Congratulations anon. When is the wedding?
satan pls
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you have to use an ultra pokeball

Hopefully once Braeburned stops drawing catballs.
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Changelings technically count as vampires.
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Vinyl Shark is best predator.
I knew exactly what song it was going to be before I even opened it.
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let the butthurt flow through and purify you
we're still griffons.

>you will never help your griffon waifu drive out a minotaur that's taken residence in a cave a bit too close for comfort to the clan's eyrie
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So do those from the Twilight books.

I want a real vampire
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I like the idea of vampires, but modern media has fucked them all up and now I can't enjoy them at all.
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As promised
Ronnie and Pinkie Guy
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>posting apple art
eat shit

I do enjoy those mammaries you've drawn there
MLPG help!

Pinkie Pie wont stop kissing me! It was cute at first, but she literally wont stop. I have he distracted with my left hand. What should I do?
Well? What kind of of party IS it?
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She's a student or something, right?
I bet Pinkie would be the best/worst roommate
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Oh well.

Changelings are cooler anyways.

She reminds me of that Dar-Ma you drew, it's the head fins.
distract her with your dick
Whats that green goop flowing out of her vag?
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Inline extension?
use custom css
div.post-hidden {display: none !important
it would be awesome that vampires could bite you with them diks, you know like they have teeths on them dicks.
It's okay because Veronica is sexually repressed.
Go to bed.

when was this

i missed it

i want a clan of evil vampire mares that can be defeated by El Santo de Pony.
>She'll never bite you and give you the ability to feast off love
>She's a student or something, right?
Yeah, college student
She's taking Feminist Studies

>Whats that green goop flowing out of her vag?
That's just light green coloration on her inner thigh
However her naughty bits ARE bioluminescent and her saliva and other fluids glow in the dark
so jealous
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actually im in the bed
>0 resutls

sometimes I don't understand why I'm even trying


El Santo, I'm glad you're here!
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a sex party. the sort of party where women end up with their asses up and heads down and the men end up with new diseases.
Go to sleep.
you can't see the picture when the light is out

why does it matter

why not get a pony plushie instead

at least you can feel her soft pony body in the dark, squishing her hoofs until you drift off to blissful sleep
jalm jalm jalm jalm jalm jalm jalm jalm jalm
Please let the Feminist Studies be a joke. I thought she was smart.
Strangely arousing
My first thought was her reading by cunt-light, for some reason
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>you will never be a changeling
GG more Love Starved when?

>El Santo de Pony
>Blue Pony
>Super Pony
>Pony Guerrero
>Sin Ponyra
>bioluminescent juices
>the better you pleasure her, the more light fills the room
>find her g-spot and you get a fireworks show

Pony makes me feel funny.
So, if you gave coke pony a bottle of genadine would she become a Roy Rodgers ?
Never, eyespak is ded
I DONT NEED TO SLEEP, I HAVE BEEN 3 DAYS WITHOUT SLEEPING AND IM NOT GONNA STP Njcm.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllñññññ{´}+
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Oh man oh god.

"smart" and "wrong" aren't mutually exclusive.

dooks contain your pinkieguylust
>squirting monster girls

I just realized, Pinkie wears glasses with human nose
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did anyone here actually watch this bullshit
But it's for Veronica

Also I found a batch of really old art, I'll try to make a before and after pic right now.

Yeah, for a little while. It was pretty shitty, but we already know this.

it wasn't the worst.
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Goodnight, MLPG.
Is it wrong that I want to give Pinkie Pie a million kisses?
not bad, but not very good
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It would take you forever to give her that many kisses. You'd never have time to do anything else.
i'll give her a million and one

step up loser
Dooks, you don't fool anyone.
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I had encounter with wild bitches so handling her pussy will be nothing new for me
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I have her doing Feminist Studies because the original lynchpin of her character was that she was a confused student who had a hard time reconciling her activism with her kinky desires
Thinking that because she was putting up a respectable front at school she couldn't be depraved behind closed doors, and the stress and sexual frustration that led to
but the more I played with the idea the more I realized it was a fucking social-political minefield no matter where I went with it
so I think she'll just be a generic college student from now on

she's not that glowy
the bioluminescent naughty bits go hand in hand with her huge areolas and exaggerated figure, the idea being she has a body that's sort of
"hard to hide"?
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Which pony has the smallest penis?
no, her hair is really pretty and her breath smells like snozzberries
Why is Pinkie Pie such a worst pony?
Rainbow Dash.
>tiara's last video
>even worse than his porn

good lord, I didn't even realize it was him until followed the youtube direct link from embeded
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What pony is this?
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But anon, Pinkie Pie isn't Rarity.
Prince Blueblood.
But you cannot ignore his girth.
that's not a pony at all
how bad was it, it couldn't possibly get any worse
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Pip's is pretty small.

Yeah playing it safe with the political bullshit would be nice.
I'm sorry anon, but I don't think that's a pony at all.
I think you should have your eyes checked.

lines aren't worth anything if you don't cross them. bridges aren't worth anything if you don't burn them.
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Shameful imposter.
So bad that on reddit it has only 12 points
I meant Hersey kisses you dork lords
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>not wanting pink with your grey
When you say fucking social-political minefield does that mean in the story setting, or meta wise with how people will take it? Because I think it's okay, but as long as she isn't a retard feminist.
Makes sense, but yeah its probably more trouble than its worth
Still no reason she can't take those sort of classes if you ever get around to actually doing something like that, though
Do you ever worry that, like, you can put all this time and energy and effort into thoughts of a sexual nature, but never anything important
Thats because sex is fun.
yeah, but I worry about a lot of things so I try not to think about it
Recommend me an episode to watch.

No MMDW, SIAy, MMM or owl's well or any other universally despised episodes
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Pinkie. here's Fluttershy.
I haven't given a shit about sex since I was 16.
I put very little time and energy into thoughts of a sexual nature.
I don't put a lot of time into anything important either, but I've been trying to change that.
>Universally bad episodes
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MMC wasn't a bad episode
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>tests, essays, dissertations, term papers
Oh fuck i'm drawing a blank
>greentexts, "which pony x's", drawing
It hurts too much
mrs. cake
Can someone link that "Derpy crash landing" sculpture from earlier today?
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Man, time sure really flies.

Comparision of my old doodles to my new ones.
Best big booty milf
no, because i'm being ironic
or post
there is human shit everywhere in equestria because equestria is a post-apocalyptic earth
It's my little pony and you can't have her.
I like top left and beneath top left
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i want to squish a pony's hoof

i think it would be therapeutic
thanks bruh
humans shouldn't shit everywhere in equestria

they should be house broken
what would you do if i told you that your little ponies are actually my little ponies and you just didn't know it
Would you gossip with Bon bon?
why is ass so gorgeous and amazing
i'd like to hear her hilarious lesbian dating stories
I would kill you, just to make sure you don't try to take my little pony away from me.
Those aren't ponies...those are changelings.
I'd discuss all the juicy gossip with her, and then I'd leave her secret admirer letters that everybody else knows are from me, but she remains mystified by.
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because Twilight Patel = best Twilight
She's missing her wings.
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>you will never a big fuckin' Rainbow Dash
thank god

they're little ponies
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>as long as she isn't a retard feminist.
But anon, that just makes it more fun when she's eventually degraded, turned out, and humiliated.
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Because Mascha is a goddess. She has a thread up right now if you care.


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this is still too adorable

People actually fap to this?
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That guy's plushies are great.
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>you will never a big fuckin' FemMac
did you cum

Is that dashfag drink any good?
That jiggle.
Every fucking time.
What if pone exploded

then exploded again


Why would anyone save these
jr plz
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she did for me last night
My little pony.
Kissed a coyote.
Mediocre caffeine free cherry soda
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Ponies are sleeping. Please lower your voices.

a little
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I'm not Jr...
I want to make a pony explode
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>or a regular Big Macintosh

Tex, I demand you draw more pony crossing!
Farted on Purpose
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>or a FemMac
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why are eastern european girls so perfect
Nigger i don't even drink
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I wish I had the power to know and see drawfags posting as Anon, just so I can see what kinds of things they talk about out of character.
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2 hours later
...I deont get the appeal of asses
there i said it

>"uh... ah think you might need a box or something..."
take off those clothes this instant young lady

you look like an apple tart
I don't get the appeal of your face
there i said it
>you'll never both
>at the same time
Wow you can drink apple juice. Come back when you can drink alcohol.

>tfw no homoerotic farmwork with plenty of sneaking pinches and gropes
>tfw no shower where you fuck him silly
>tfw not finishing him off with your mouth
>tfw no cuddling together on a peaceful, breezy farm night and smelling his apple-cinnamon mane while talking about things
I mostly talk about horsedicks
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It's only apple cider. What could it hurt?
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Yeah probably

I mean, I probably weigh twice as much as a little pony

me too

cosmo told me once I'd be surprised at the contributors that did things
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soft warm fun to play with

fun stuff in and around them too
I shitpost a lot. I don't mean any harm, like those /b/ faggots, by it but I find humor in it.
he'd be so warm and snuggly
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most of them aren't. i've dated three, known a lot more, and they were all insane. and Mascha probably is too, but she's just cute as a button, so she gets a free pass.

fuck like tigers, though.
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Gee I wonder who you are.
I need an episode

Fine print: Poster reserves the right to say FUCK YOU if the episode is shit or I've watched it recently
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Live life la vida loca
how can i get an eastern european beauty on my cock asap

Does cosmo have shinigami eyes?
why is real life women so ugly

and when he'd talk in that rumbling voice, you'd feel it in his chest
Sleepless in Ponyvile
the best of seaosn 3
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get ready to rumble
probably not who you think!
it's not like I'm that popular
What percent alcohol would pony cider be anyway?
I generally see 7%, but google says 5% is pretty average, probably because the states seem to have weak everything
Ponies though, maybe like, 2-3 percent?
They're pretty small, too
i would cuddle a big beefy stallion

Read it and Weep

no he's just omnipotent
Because they aren't ponies.
live life viva la lucha libre
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why are you doubles namefags replying 7 minutes late

what are you planning
>15 panels
why do bronies think this is okay
I'm pretty sure having apples as your pupils is a sign of cancer in the apple family.

Are you sure the cider you drink is 100% apple?
>and when he's quiet you can feel his breath and heartbeat

Post/reblog something on your tumblr maybe?
Chances are I'm following you.
>First result on youtube has russian subtitles

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insane? who cares, which woman isnt?....
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What are those?
We were planning Double Rumble Dubs and it worked out flawlessly

god dammit anon

i didn't mean to feel so hard tonight

i'm getting the love vapors
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Ponies aren't insane. Find a nice pony, anon.
It wouldn't really be an issue if there was actually more going on.
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death note reference.
costs half your remaining life span but lets you see anyone's name and remaining years in their life

community colleges. all those mail-order brides that escape slavery (or whatever) come to America and want to become Classic American Self-Made Woman, for which they go to college. but the ones you probably want then discover that it's a lot easier to become Classic American Arm Candy, and essentially end up as mail-order brides anyway.

so, they're just about. go to college parties. they like fun. all three of the ones i dated wanted to party about eighty percent of the time.
I feel like AB's age shows in season 3

I'm scared for the future
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But ponies aren't real
Well duh
It's just there's only a few actions.
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The apocoblips
But that means she can be for sexual soon
You're doing god's work
Pony? Pony!?

Pony. What the fuck is this, pony?


Pony! I want to speak to your manager, pony!
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Oh, I thought you were already in Equestria. Silly me.
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ikr? antelopes are hip though.
I actually don't mind that one being huge
Lots of panels where not much happens, yeah, but the pacing is actually pretty well handled
It loses something when you cut out all those panels
Oh no way, I'm not that good at spotting people or calling somebody out. Leths a pro at it though. Has that whole pastebin detailing everyone here by filename patter, sentence spacing, grammar, favoured ponies and response style. It's pretty thorough.
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cant fuck a pony...love rarity by the way
alright, I posted something

doesn't really work here, in my opinion

you lose a lot of the setup
post it.
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>pastebin detailing everyone here

He doesn't do anons, right?

oh geez if I was popular I'd probably be easy to pick out.
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>can't fuck a pony
That is creepy. I don't want to post here anymore.
Why can't you fuck a pony?
Oh fuck what
He said he deleted that. Goddammit he probably made a new one. And still has the old list about Anons.
Oh shit I forgot about that. I haven't heard about it since like a year ago. Is it even updated anymore?
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last one. look at that smile.

Damn, a new message indicator popped up but there was nothing new there. ;_;
When I found that antelope hot was the moment I knew there was something wrong with me.
Rarity is now your boss and she just sexually harassed you

wat do?
thats pretty common in 4chan CJ communities, i usually attribute to autism
it worth it
it blows my mind that people are just finding out about this now

He knows, dude
you've got a serial number if you've never given yourself a name
I thought that was a joke. Leth doesn't really do that, does he?
>every now and then, he'll tustle your hair
let it happen and try to leverage it in to a better job
That is literally my fetish
he has no idea who i am i switch it up too much
i hear ya bro
>newest post is by Rose
So either I'm not following you or Rose likes talking about horse dicks

I uhh... sometimes I shitpost about others. And talk about how I don't have any art friends. And sometimes coltboners.
Sue for sexual harassment.

>he knows

Fuck yes, I hope my years of only being a fag for 4 characters has given him stuff to work with

I wanna see ;-;
Maybe. He is extremely good at identifying Anons tough so who knows.

That never worked.
Yeah same. Shit he made it like more than 2 years ago. Probably almost 3. Hell it was even on his stream once before he closed the tab. Organized really well too. There were over a hundred and twenty entries.
So he knows that there are no hateanons, but that all artists shitpost about themselves to get attention.

yes, but one of them tried to kill me and another took the seats out of my car, slashed the tires, and keyed the shit out of it. so, y'know, dancing on a landmine, yes?


enjoy it, see where it leads. make sure that dyke Harshwhinny doesn't find out.
and who dont want some of that fuckmeat?
>there are people being killed in Turkey for standing up fro their rights and you discuss horsefuckery here
Oh fuck
he knows I haven't been drawing
>he knows who I am because I make a lot of typos
>tfw horsefucking is illegal in my state
It really still exists? Does he even come here anymore? Like I said, I haven't heard about that since over a year ago

All my screencaps have a particular file format which can be linked to a name I recently started using and to my tumblr which also could be used to find my DA and FA accounts since some stuff is posted on both. I don't think anything traces back to my real name though. The only people here who probably know my real name are a couple contributors I've commissioned.
why can't american girls be this not fat

Is horsefucking legal in Turkey
can I have it?
Uhm...you do know he is always here right? Used to be easier since he never took his trip of but seeing how he posts as Anon now it's harder to not see him.
All this time
it turns out Kraut is his own hateanon
Jesus christ anon, could at least pretend you don't fuck popsicle sticks?

>There were over a hundred and twenty entries.

Haha, I'm probably not there then!
I always pictured it as an Excel spreadsheet, but I guess a private pastebin would work
Stop hanging out at Wallmart and you might see some


Yeah, that was pretty obvious the whole time, but I was talking about the others.
well dun know....how to fuck a cartoon...i mean i love the show and stuff but....lets get real...WE MEN NEED ASS
those ice cream guys are amazing


GG pls

The same reason Brits go into shock when they see knives

the same reason the French smell like piss

the same reason African Americans are 3000% more likely to commit crime
>there are people being killed in Turkey for standing up fro their rights and you discuss horsefuckery here
That happens around the world every single day
what the fuck do you expect?
Would you gather around the campfire with the ponies and share scary stories about The Zone?
Something exploded, sci fi happened the end
Which ponies?

Same here:

But it was already on my dashboard before (I'm assuming) they made the post.
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what did you do to the bitches?...im not a pro but they dong go mad out of nowhere
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>Has that whole pastebin detailing everyone here by filename patter, sentence spacing, grammar, favoured ponies and response style. It's pretty thorough.

I'd rather gather round with a bunch of other STALKERs, because I'm certain I'd be killed soon if I were in the Zone with ponies

i'd probably die fast with other STALKERs too but whatever
I think I'm pretty good about not making typos actually
Silly anon, you're not in the Zone.
You're just telling stories about it.
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No, I can just read to them and we can look at the pictures together.
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>he knows
give me an ass to slap
He's not autistic, just an artificial intelligence.

Why would I do that then

that's boring

>I was playing STALKER when I killed a controller and some dogs
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just for that, junior.
can someone post the 5000x5000 thank you image to lauren? or link
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I feel like i've beefed something hard here
>you hire an expensive lawyer and take the company for all they're worth
>needless to say, this will result in Rarity getting fired in spectacular fashion
>she meets you outside the courthouse after the case is decided
>she just wanted to be close to you, she's always liked you and she didn't realise that you'd be so offended
>her eyes are full of tears when she quickly flees the scene, leaving you standing in the empty hallway

bad end
Nobody gave a shit about Kraut in the first place. He just tried to stir up shit so people would continue talking about him.

Usurp her position and become rich
No, that seems like a pretty good end to me.
Who can never play bowling...
He does draw quite nicely tough.
dat face
dat head
>mind issues is now called artificial intellect
we already filled quota of autism today in this thread
not like any more would hurt
>Implying you wouldn't tell the stories like you were actually there
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That bad?
You just destroyed a strong, independent woman's life for no good reason, anon.

She'll never trust another man again.
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Okay I'm REALLY going to have to say goodnight now, MLPG.
The sun is coming up.

I've seen enough cartoons about not telling bullshit stories to know this is gonna end with them asking me to stop some kinda dreadful monster

I wouldn't lie to them

You mean womyn?
Good morning/night, anon.

Norning? Might?
Could you try to make it a bit rounder and less ovalish?

yes they do. car-girl said i was fucking her sister, and flipped after being given absolute proof that i wasn't: the fact that her sister was still a virgin. attempted murder-girl did it because she was flying on cocaine and decided i hated spending time with her.

>no good reason
>sexual harassment

check your privilege
You just don't capitalize and use enter as a period.
For no good reason?
She's the one that sexually harassed me.

it just might be norning.
What about Magic? Better yet MIGHT AND MAGIC
>Not being brave enough to face the monster to save your little ponies despite never doing anything as challenging or frightening in your life

>Being a little bitch nigga
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How does a pony sexually harass you anyway? Why is a pony your boss?
You're funny
thanks m8
How did that meeting with the Ursa Minor go Trixie?
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I figured it should be a bit oval-ish, but i guess i overdid it.
Yeah i can see her chin's kinda fat
Because you're a dirty ape in a pony world
>He nibbles on your ear while he sleeps

>implying Rarity's a womyn
>"Darling, have you *met* my parents? I went through that phase when I was a teenager. You can imagine how well that went."
>Only one response

In my inebriated state, the only thing I notice is how oval-shaped that face is. Work on your pone faces, man!

Also, "Work on it" doesn't mean "you suck," it means "keep fucking drawing"
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I'd try to stop like, a medium-large dog maybe. I'm just a human, man. I'm at the top of the food chain tanks to tools and intelligence. I ain't fighting a grizzly bear or fucking Cerberus.

maybe I'll invent/get a gun and do it then
Golly, it look nice but this guy got what he saying. >>11062138
I will just assume you are joking.
Oh god! Pinkie just hugged me!

Quick, burn off all of my skin!
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sektching pones
did you know 88% of pones dont like dressies or clothes
its why they're mostly nude
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You've upset the pony
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>Anon gets a gun and single-handledly saves Ponyville from countless threats
no they just aren't as good as Rarity

it's okay. you lack the heroic fire that would be necessary to defeat the monster anyway. you'd die no matter what weapon you wielded.
yeah, i know, see >>11062171
I've not worked enough of expressions i guess.

thanks, guys
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I could just work for someone else, right?
>you will never dress up an indifferent pony

No, I'm pretty brave with a gun in my hands.
But they know from your stories that you had amazing weapons to combat the monsters in the zone.

But they also know you had the bravery. If you don't have the tools to take down the beast that threatens the lives of your little ponies, at least you'll have died honorably.
I don't really care for that pony anyway
She has a big butt.
But enough about Twilight's face
but she's still wearing her collar
I told her she could take it off if she wanted
File deleted.
little interview with someone about the pastebin
>put wheaties in a pretty dress

>she has no strong feelings one way or another
Or you could just borrow Pinkie's party cannon and put it to a more military use
>Anon becomes Napoleon
Except the losing bit at the end, hopefully

situational bravery isn't bravery at all. Corporal Upham in Saving Private Ryan was situationally brave, but no-one would say he was a brave man.
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Well it's no wonder she's upset with you.

She does not. Her butt is normal pony size.
>she doesn't put up any resistance either
>she lights up just a little when you brush her hair
So he doesn't browse here anymore, I take it?
Well to be honest like anon said it hasn't been mentioned in over a year.
I wont believe it till I actually see that list
Why would you even do that.

Well then I'll take not being brave, because the ponies I care about would appreciate thinking over action.

I'd help Twilight devise and act out a plan in a heartbeat, but I'm not going toe-to-toe with the beast.
Leth is always here. Who keeps making the Hiatus Journal Entry?
>Cpl Upham
I've seen that movie a thousand times over but it's been a couple of years. Remind me what he did?

Was he the big pussy that tried to avoid fights?

It's unfathomable how retarded you are
>wheaties smiles a little
>turns away when you smile back
I don't like when wheaties is happy. It makes her ugly.
i actually want to see that one

just to find out whats written in my line because I'm sure my writing style is to inconsistent to actually pin me down on it
Sweet baby jesus
Wow. This place attracts the wrong kind of people.
It's not like this place is worth staying here anyway.

I haven't seen or do not remember her happy crystal form.
Your waifu has been dethroned, Applefags
I need an episode
MLPG sometimes you're goddamn retarded
Owls well that ends well

he was the guy that, as a direct result of his (in)actions and hiding from conflict, put Tom Hanks in danger, got two people killed, and eventually got Tom Hanks killed by proxy. to round it off, he committed a war crime by murdering a surrendered man in cold blood. he was so beneath contempt that one of the Germans decided he wasn't even worth the bullet.
>Anon: tries to be three or four different people, is immediately recognizable
all the crystal empire episodes

Over a Barrel
there are actually a few things one could use to spot me rather easily, but the rest of my writing style is so inconsistent that I dont think anyone realized yet
Yeah I know exactly who you're talking about, and as a soldier, it makes me mad that he was a part of the NCO corps. Every scene in the movie with him makes me so mad
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The only good one is Pony game, right?
When was the last time you watched Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000?

mangneto pls
It's not my fault.
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I've enjoyed them all
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maybe i'll feel like rewatching these after giyc
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na, I'm not mangneto

Spielberg intended that scene where he shoots the German to be redemptive, i hear. for all his talent as a director, he can be a colossal anus from time to time.
no, this is my robe
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Sweet Jesus.

Adding this to the queue if GG has no plans on coloring it.



nanaki pls
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Twily has very pretty wings.
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I agree
I really like her butt
>international cyber warfare
They're actually kinda ugly like Luna's.
Regular pegasi wings are pretty.
Celestia's wings are fucking glorious.
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better believe it. look at this motherfucker.
Prettier than Celestia's
On the one hand I want to tell you that you are wrong so my posts dont get attributed to them, but on the other hand I dont want to play the guessing game for the next hour.
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You take that back
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>ugly like Luna's
I'll fuck you up
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Nigga you just didn't go there
You're wrong faggot.
Her wings are fucking beautiful.
>Wearing nothing
I can't unf to this

I've only got like, 2 more guesses anyway.

Just the name/tripfags that I've noticed change up their writing style.
i-i wanna see the secret thing t-too...
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dude what
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Luna's ugly, ugly wings.
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Twiwings>Celestia wings
Would you work for the spa twins
These are even worse, but we were talking about canon anyway.
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>those hindlegs

what if Fluttershy went for a jog wearing nothing but running shoes and ankle-high socks?
What do I have to do and how much do I get paid?
Also are there any other jobs available?
Oh well, if its just two more I guess I want to see them
Those look okay, exactly because they look nothing like her wings on the show.
Nigga I will destroy you and everything you ever loved
you have to massage ponies with your special magical hands and fingers

you get paid just enough to live off of
only if I get to jerk off stallions
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Of course, even if they are inferior to those other twins.

corwin and braeburned
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I'm actually mortified Leth got a lot of it correct. Reading the stuff associated with my name and especially if it's linked to when I go Anonymous would make horrifying reading.
The second one is wrong. Just like the first one. You suck at this, Anon.
Do I get dental? Will there be retirement funds? How will this affect my 401k?
>Get to feel up mares all day
>Stallions too
Sign me up
I think I'd rather find a job somewhere else if I could. That doesn't sound very appealing to me.
This won't end well will it?

Well, I never claimed to be good at it, so it's okay that I suck.
What is his motivation?
What does he have to gain?
Maybe Leth is the doorkeeper to pony heaven. When you die and step in front of him, he'll pull out the scroll with all your shitposts and use it to smack you down to ponyhell

I think I'll be ok

I rarely shitpost, and always make up for it with decent posts
He's just bored.
Knowledge. Leth seeks only to understand.
but it wasn't deleted
i have a folder with pics of a lot of contributors in here. i dont get anything from it, i just like having it
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>Team Rocket teams
>James and Jesse
>Cassidy and Butch
>Hun and Attila

>Jesse James
>Butch Cassidy
>Attila the Hun
>You must
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Image is:
>not uno, dos, tres
>Just now realizing this
Looks like the slowpoke caught Team Rocket's tail on this one.

but everyone everywhere forever knows that already
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yeah, but the mozart one doesnt really look intentional
you're not intentional
I like seeing what others look like. But most of those are just things that somehow ended up here, I wouldn't go out of my way to track down people's photographs.

I dunno, it counts down from three and they're all legendary birds
Everyone in here is insane.
Why have I waste so much time with all of you?
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What would happen if one of the ponies was name "my dick"?
Fuck you that condom ripped for ME
my parents tell me that every christmas dinner...
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[spoilerThere's one ghosty that Pinkie Pie can't giggle at: the Man in the Attic. She loves her house, but every night, when she lies in bed, she can hear scritch-scritch-scritch on the attic door and something asking her to let it out. She's asked the Cakes about it. They pretend they can't hear it, but she can see that shiver running down their spines telling her they do. But their children tell her that they hear it too. And they sometimes dream that the Man in the Attic can come into their closets. She went in there once during the day. Never during the night. She found nothing except cobwebs and cold air. And, for the first time since her childhood, she had a nightmare: she dreamt that the Man in the Attic found a way to open the door.[/spoiler]
For a second I was worried
Okay, it's your lucky day. The spa twins just happen to have a position open right now that they feel you may be qualified for. Your job title will be Donut Massager, and it will pay 4 bits per hour. Do you accept?
Poor pones
Time to free them
how does pony even know what a Man is?
A baker? fuck yeah!

I love attic creepiness

that one that ended with the thing walking on ceilings what the best
do they have anything in the ball fondling department?
Also, I don't think 4 bits an hour is a comfortable living wage, are they open to negotiation?
What if she took a break, bent over, put her hands on her knees, and started breathing heavily?

Yes, she's a human, fucking deal with it, it makes it easier.
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let us out Anonymous
we just want to party with you...
Because they were killed off in the great pony wars except for a few hundred thousand that ended up being slaves working underground and in the shadows.
Do they need any catamites? I'm sure they also have stallion customers.
why would a human go running while naked?
What pony should I pretend to cuddle tonight?
So you are saying that the Diamond Dogs are actually a result of a unicorn crazy scientist making genetic experiments on those humans combining them with dogs without Celestia knowing?
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What if man devolved into Diamond Dogs
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>Decide to play some tf2 to see if I've still got it
>MVP every round
>See 4 bronies

It's even worse now
Reminder that pone are not for sexual.
woah woah woah what
What if poneponeponeponepone?

Diamond dogs are the war dogs humans used that ended up as the result of cross-mating with magic.

Diamond Dogs have memories of both human and dogs, through generations and generations of mating, you have your modern diamond dog.

There's only a few thousand humans left in Equestria.
oh, really?

i've been using mine wrong, then...
>play random tf2 servers
>ponies everywhere
>always MVP even though i'm only fucking around

but griffons are, right?
I like pone
Maybe you can get tips from some generous customers if you go above and beyond your standard duties.
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Thats pretty cute.
most sexual pone right there
alright fine
but I expect a raise after the first sixty days
a) Your waifu is real one day per year and she spends it with you
b) You can go to Equestria one day per week every week. No time passes in the real world
Okay new idea, instead of it being a story about a group of fillies going to see the Wonder Bolts, what if it's about about the original Wonder Bolts being formed? Set in the past before Spitfire and the like were even born.

Eh, I'll take the mystery box
bystery mox.
I'll Take B. I do not want to miss this world either.
B, duh
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I'll probably miss the internet and other tech, but I'll probably learn to have fun outside.
Oh there'll be plenty of things raising even before that.
reminder that /diy/ isn't even at half a million posts yet
>giant plush
>for sale

So, wait

If it's one day per week but no time passes in the real world, doesn't that mean the day of the week hasn't ended so it's still the day on which you're in Equestria?

Then you get to stay in Equestria indefinitely!
One more episode

Preemptive: Fuck you
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Both wedding episodes
Last Roundup
How old is that board again?

She doesn't know. She has no idea what a man is. She has no idea what a human is. She has no idea what hands are. But she knows that the Man in the Attic is a man, is a human, and has hands. She doesn't know how she knows it. What she knows is that the scritch-scritch-scritching is getting louder.

She asked Twilight, in an off-hand way, about ghosts. And then she asked about demons. Twilight told her that if you take a picture of where you suspect an entity, often, one will show up on the film. Pinkie tried it. A shadow, tall, looming a full five feet above her head, holding up a hand--how she knew what it was called, she didn't know--to its mouth, holding something. Something smoking. A cigarette. She didn't know how she knew that, either. The shadow of a tall man smoking.

She burned the picture. She had a nightmare that night: she was trapped in the house as it burned, consuming the Cakes, children and all, but it didn't smell like a fire should. She tried the windows and the doors and even tried kicking out the floors but all she could do was feel the heat growing around her and listen to the panicked screaming and whinnies of the Cakes. And laughing. Fear and whispers.

And when she woke up, the picture was laying on the floor, half-under the attic door.
a and b have to many problems
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>you will never have a filly nightmare moon to cuddle

To unf you.
mystery box

winter wrap up
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Clearly she just needs to share a laugh with the thing
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But you can have thith if you want.
I'd like one too but I'm a 21 year old man and that's a precipice I will not jump from.
Why not?

No one has to know that you cuddle a plushie of your waifu at night.

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After 24 hours you just disappear and reaper in the real world


YOU GET 10 quality toys of your 10 favorite characters in the show

You can also get what's behind the spoiler if you want. It's just an optional bonus
That was a boring movie.

She brought it a slice of birthday cake a year to the day after she first heard it.

When she went to check on it the next morning, the candle was extinguished and almost completely new, but the cake and plate were covered in melted wax. The cake had the beginnings of mold growing on it.
Ha. You fool. You foolish fool. Your clever trick doesn't fool me.

anyone please?
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Fuck, I know that even if I DID bid on it, it would skyrocket to $150+
alright. the ultimate decision. you can have what's in the MYSTERY BOX


you can have what's in MYSTERY BOX #2
it's right fucking there >>11062656
calm down
I don't see you coming up with any better ideas.



also I'll take
1. Celestia
2. Fluttershy
3. Discord
4. Gilda
5. Rover
6. Babs
7. Scootaloo
8. Big Mac
9. Applejack
10. Derpy
just give me the pony option
anon pls
>top 10 characters
>Discord is one of them
>I get a toy for him
>and that cupboard
So...what's stopping me from making Discord take me to Equestria?

>only getting two of the mane six

literally sickening
do you mean horsedicks
because if it's not horsedicks then I'm probably not prepared for it

it's a living toy, not Discord

Deal with it faglord
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dumb retard
you disgust me
Hey guys, decided to get some more music and movies.

Any movies you guys think are good, or would be worth a stram later?
Just have 10 Pinkie toys

Now calm down
Didn't the cupboard make the toys alive by taking the indian from the past or something like that.
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well if you're going to be rude about it

>ten Pinkie toys
>twelve funs

something doesn't add up motherfucker
everyone knows each pinkie is can be worth more than one unit of fun
A Pinkie is 1.2 funs.
>Indian in the Cupboard

holy shit

I forgot about that movie until I read this post

Seriously, woah
But I'm stating the fact, not bluntly insulting you.
You are a dumb retard. That is.
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for some reason 4chan thinks this is spam.
1 Pinkie Pie
2 Apple Jack
3 Rarity
4 Mrs. Cake
5. Mr. Cake
6. Sweetie Belle
7. Cadence
8. Shining Armour
9. Twist
10. Zecora

It would be cuteness everywhere
I'm not the one getting upset over rumors and gossip
you can't say "every pony" without evading the spamfilter
But it seems like you got very upset when your mental capabilities were called out.

Understandable, though. Why are you even here.
But it's a fact that Leth is a stalker, who has collected data about us for years and no rumor.
Can you not
I'm really drunk and teared up a little bit while watching/listening "BBBFF" because i miss my family

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I'm just here for the ponies
So looking on wikipedia the cupboard actually took real persons from the past and made them alive trough the toys.
So putting a Discord toy in there would bring the real Discord here. So he has his powers. So I'm going to Equestria.
Shut up Ross
>Every pone
Moot thinks it's funny to still have that banned
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This is so fucked up i don't even know what to think.

Holyshit that guy really has issues.
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hey MLPG, anything interesting happened lately?
Why would you compare me to ross

Now I'm reallly crying
Stop being a idiot Anon.
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don't forget he's also a fan of littlest pet shop

MT pls draw Mr Cake and Mrs Cake out at a fancy restaurant, all dressed up and nice.
>Leth is a salker

Has he found any good artifacts?

Does anyone have a chart of pony poses?

I'm finally drunk enough to do it! I want to be a drawfag.
I think my dick got bigger

I'm not sure though
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you should post pictures for verification
>tfw leth is worse than sentenal

I wouldn't be surprised that samefag calling and half of the shitposting is his fault or provoked by him

I want link to that comic
This place has really lost it's appeal to me.
I guess it was always that way, but it's moment like this that I wish I could hate this thread to death.
These pictures always make me smile
He's not a stalker, he's a database

and he's not a 'he', it's a computer.

If you have a lot of fun and want to actually learn to draw make ponies just a part of what you draw. Read the /ic/ sticky.
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Fine, I'll scrap the whole idea. You tell me what you want then.
what the fuck are you talking about
i dunno anon, it's already pajama time
what about Cadence and Shining Armor having pajama time

Then draw pajama pony enticing anon inside of her.

'C'mon it's bedtime anon, get in!'
doube unf
others should also post theirs so we can do a comparison for science
Good to see you wanting to expand, Scrubbles!
What color.
No thanks
I don't think it looks very big even though it is by the numbers
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>SBs are finally merging into a drawfagging singularity
well yeah, that's why you need to post it
we'll be the judge of that
>when the SB's align, all will be lost
>the prophecy will be fulfilled

Purple with pink polkadots.
>the time resets to October 2010

Rarara would wear the purplest of pajamas
>you will never check MT's pulse
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We've seen her silk pajamas in the show.

tfw bronies call it a kimono because it has flowers on it.
>History shall repeat itself
>the cycle will complete
>and reset
>the cycle will complete
>and reset
>the cycle will complete
>and reset
>the cycle will complete
>and reset
>the cycle will complete
>and reset
>the cycle will complete
>and reset


Actually she sleeps naked as seen in SS. She has that night robe for when she hears something outside
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Don't tell me this is your first rodeo anon?
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Does that mean we have to do it all over again Snarky?
nigga dat ain't no pajamas shit dat be a robe
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How big is pony.
>you will never ride Applejack
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surprisingly tall
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How big you want it to be anon

This size of pony is terrible.

She'd roll over in her sleep and crush you.
Everything but 3
I'm ok with that

but 3 has the best ass
but she's light as a feather and marshmallow soft
it would be like a big comfy blanket

3. dat luscious ass.


>i can dig it

that Big Mac is one baaaaad motha--
But those legs are gross

five feet at withers
>sweetie is just a bit taller then my knee
>I could probably carry all the CMC on my shoulders and head
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I fucking hate cupcakes shit.

Pinkamena = crap
Everything but 3 again

I'd that 2 so hard
That Alice costume is hot
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>those tits
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would you rather:

A) get high with Dash and Gilda, order a bunch of pizzas, and watch all the Jackass movies


B) get high with Twilight and Spike, order a bunch of tacos, and watch various 50's sci-fi movies
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Her fucking voice...
1 and 2
I don't know about 5. I mean it's decent I guess. Maybe
Not a big fan of his anthro or humans but this time 5 is nice
Can I pick Fluttershy and none of her animals?
Can I get high with Rarity and Twilight and laugh at the costumes and clothes from 50's sci fi movies?
what does it sound like?
Every single one
This might be the hardest decision in mlpg ever
Grating and annoying.

wearing a long-sleeved shirt with no pants is one of my biggest fetishes. it would only be better if she was wearing her boyfriend's college sweatshirt.
I thought you didn't like rarara

Where's the getting stoned with Fluttershy?

I want to get so high with her that all we can do is cuddle and watch the sky.
is there any proof
B easily
Twily and Spike in a social setting would be loads of fun

You and Spike ragging on Twily would be too much fun
I'm pretty sure he'd stick his dick in any warm moist hole

you can

B1) get high with Rarity and Twilight and marathon Project Runway


B2) get high with Rarity and Twilight and marathon Real Housewives of (insert favorite RHO city here)

I know he says he waifus any warm, moist hole
I would pay to not have to watch a Jackass movie.
Or in Harshwhinny's case, a rather dry one.
Official Dan rankings:
1. Applejack
2. Rara
3. Pinka
4. Rainbow
5. Twilight
6. Flutterbutt
Ms. Harsh wouldn't like me doin' that
Is it bad that I kind of regret having an active social life because I can't spend as much time here
Can we all get high and watch MST3K?
Blog updated
>ranks flutterdick lowest

Bronecon 2012 streams
He's right though
Someone has to be last
Can't handle the truth?
I'm impressed...
Switch Rainbow and Fluttershy and that's perfect
Look, we can all agree that fluttercunt is a piece of shit, but there are other ponies that give her a run for her money.
>Doing drugs
Never ever

that falls under the purview of Twilight and Spike.

you can, however, get high and watch recent movies' Rifftrax with Pinkie. catering by Pinkie.
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engineer plz
Whoever said anything about drugs?

You could be getting high on life.
This is one of those fetishes I don't quite understand
MT explain it to me
Step up son
1. Pinkie
2. Applejack
3. Twilight
4. Rarity
5. Rainbow Dash
6. Fluttershy
>post avant pony-core

>not pygeum time
I would put my entire self inside a pajama pone nonsexually and comfortably
Okay then I get high with Twilight and Rarity and just fuck around being a model as Rarity tries to teach Twilight how to make dresses
I bet she felt soft if I cuddle and hug her.
i need an unf

Now draw anon wearing her.
>bumflap tail

you can also:

get high and watch Disney movies (or Animal Planet) with Fluttershy

get high and watch bullriding with Applejack and Big Mac

get high and watch rom-coms with Rarity (nothing rom-comish will come of this)

get high and watch professional wrestling with all six

watching things while high is boring though
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Does she have a bellybutton button?
Living suit fetish (I think), basically you're wearing a living being.
I particularly like it if it's TF
Especially if the pajama pone turns you into a mare

it's mostly just about chillin' like a villain with your favorite pon(y)ies.
mmm she would be so warm too
I dunno I imagine the buttons are the same as playing with a ponies nipples...I dunno.
I thought the clothes just became magical
oh jesus
why do you guys always start doing this awesome fetish nonsense right after I finish jackin' it

>ass buttons
MT what
even worse is when they start when i have whiskey dick and am planning on going to sleep
Because you're the counter-culture, and we hate you.
Tf I get
I wonder if its at all similar to unbirthing/vore, in why people like it?
>button teats
we sense your time of weakness, so we can have all the pony to ourselves
Getting dressed just became really awkward for Anon
>coke pony's uncle, Whiskey Stallion
Would you take a drink from the tap?
but I just want to be a comfy outfit for a chilly stallion
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You've never seen a butt trap crack back flap in pajamas anon? It's so convienant...it let's you poob and be warm
Not that similar. It depends at what part you like from those fetishes.

>"aah~! n-not so hard, dick..."
>you will never suck Whiskey Stallion's whiskey dick
I get that, but you're saying they'd be buttnipples.
Don't forget the whiskey stones. Very important.
One more episode, please

no guarntees I'll make it all the way through
your dumb anon
I'm intrigued, but this is dangerously close to watersports
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I dunno ponies are weird...so pajama pony has to be ten times weird. think about it....she has to fit you inside of her.....You have to go inside of her head like a HOOD. it's just...augh

Whisky Stallion is the second cousin of Dunking Stallion.

all ponies we have invented come from one of two families, without exception. someone should embark upon the task of family trees.
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Would you stick your dick out of pajama pones fly and jerk it?
>pot pony is their stoner cousin
[incest intensifies]
with my balls hanging out too, that shit pinches if i don't
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>You've never seen a butt trap crack back flap in pajamas
>butt trap crack back flap
No i'd let her try and do the work

no, just he cums whisky is all.
>the loser child of Vase Pony and Urn Pony
Do you look out through her mouth?
Or are her eyes like goggles or something

>she giggles and says it's like she's a colt
>she pressures you into finding a GF you can bone while wearing her.
>she talks dirty to your GF in your stead.
Yeah back door booty hatch flaps are very nice for when you don't wanna take your whole onsie off.
>Skillet Pony is a dubstep musician
I think I'll stick with feeding bottles of rum to my coke pony
>what's the matter, man? Oooh, rough day? Here, let me help you wind down~
her head is like a hoodie
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well, there's children between the families, too. like, pizza pony is the daughter of Sriracha pony (a Jet) and Boogeyman pony (a Shark).
Hold up, didn't we have a beer diamond dog?

maybe they could be friends
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I'm sure they could all be friends, anon
Dude what
What if there was a pony

for sex?