Sneaky peeky pone editionPrivate horse: >>11031864
How well would your favorite pone do in a war?
>>11035603of course we're elitistwe're better than everyone else and we're aware of it
Missing my four-legged girls. Think i always will
>>11035603it's not elitist if it's true!
reminder that you're waifu is shit
>>11035603You got that right, we are elite!
>>11035620Pinkie dies first
>>11035620mow down nippones with her BAR
>>11035599I feel like I've talked about this filename before
TRIGGER WARNING: /soc/The only girl that has viewed my PoF profile in the last day has this as her profession:Profession i don't know what this means
>>11035626Go to bed Lauren.
>>11035603wort wort wort
How would you tell your favorite pony you loved her?
>>11035603Feels good, man.
Happy 30th anniversary MLPI give you oblivion
>>11035649Surprise her with the D
>>11035649Yo Ponk gimme dat ass
>>11035647that's it I'm calling in the master chef
>>11035661Movie was terribleGame was terribleAlbum was terrible
>>11035661That's a shit game AND movie.
>>11035649kill the foals of her enemies
>>11035640You probably have:
>>11035661Lost in oblivion
what would you do if you met Gilda for the first time when she tried to attack you and eat you?for the sake of discussion, we will assume you survived the attempt.
With flowers n shit
>>11035669Oh god please no
>>11035639>BAR>Not MG42
>>11035671>>11035670neighgro, thatgame is great
>>11035685Nice ass
>>11035640>>11035675It's still true!
>>11035649Wear the blood and flesh of her enemies.
>>11035696I said nips not nazzis.
>>11034922>why is AJ's face stained with cum?I don't know anonShe seems as confused as you are
>>11035685I would find out what griffin meat tastes likeIF YOU CATCH MY INNUENDO
>>11035727W-where'd her hat go? SHE'S NAKED!
>>11035727Did you finally get your internet back?
>>11035693IT'S FUCKING RAW
>>11035714also>implying we want to be here
>>11035727Did Tex do a drive-by cumshot?
>>11035733Grilled or in soup?
>>11035727woah, that's pretty lewd
>>11035727woah nellyquality suddenly took a jump
Just rewatching some old episodesI had forgotten that Dash had a bridle for a minute
Damn, wrong horse.NOW, it's finished
>>11035714Hey now, no need to be jelly
>>11035747Probably grilled
>>11035756licky licky
>>11035727why would you even do
My cat just took a shit on the floor.Again.
>>11035756>nigga brand Ice creamDAMN THAT FILLY HAS SOME GREAT TASTES
>>11035733by... making the bouncy-bouncy with her?
>>11035752>quality suddenly took a jumpnah, I just colored it in>>11035739>Did you finally get your internet back?I've been finding my way onto the internet one way or another, though it may not be from the comfort of my own room>[EoH]ParTPonE has taken the blue flag!
>>11035765why do you keep doing this to me
>>11035721Besides the point.>BAR>Not MG42You fugnugged.
>>11035771Sell it to your nearest Chinese restaurant. Swift retribution.
>>11035765Hope i'm not late
>>11035765I-I'm cute?
>>11035765i don't report to you. you can't do jack shit to me.
>tfw redheart inspects your penis
>>11035804>>11035813This is why I hate using MS Paint.
>>11035651Wow. Perfect out-of-context screecap there, Anon.
>>11035823fuck it.
>>11035822>tfw sweetheart inspects your penis
>>11035765don't feel like getting called out, but i use this.
How saturated is your pony?
goodnight NMLPG.and thanks, friend. oh, and one last thing: yo, buddy. still alive?
>>11035838Dutchfag pls
>>11035861who's your buddy?
>>11035846She inspects them with her back hooves.It's her special technique.
>>11035844Ms. Harsh you know my internet icon doesnt work right anymore afterwhat happened
I'm going to eat doughnuts tomorrow.
>>11035855that pony isn't saturated, it's radioactive.
>>11035694That nostalgia
>>11035833Suck it, entry hazards!
>>11035861No, he's ded Jim
>>11035649>"Pinkie Pie, I love you."Like that
>>11035855How much saturation can one pone take?
I really should change the wallpaper
>>11035875you all are. buddy.
Fluttercrab has been flipped over! Will you help her?
Rainbow Dash sure does enjoy a good peek.
>>11035788That is a wonderful wallpaper.
>>11035894in that case: yes, I am still alive
>>11035909She's a peeping tomboy
>>11035909That she does
>>11035844this is actually clean, and i just changed from aero to classic windows. so this really is my desktop. i kinda like it
>>11035727That's awfully yellowy.Is it Zebra?
>>11035910>World of Warcraft>Alan Wake
>>11035765now featuring Black Boxes
>>11035932>muzzle 4765HOW LEWD
>>11035931It's too tall captain, she can't take much more!
>>11035932>that>cleanyou're fired
>>11035932what is your infatuation with pony snouts
>>11035946I play a lot of vidyasew me
>>11035932>Sad Sex
>>11035903I'LL HELP HER DIE
>>11035940Zebra jizz is pure whit.
>>11035914hmmm, any reason why the cross? is that the saint george one?im watching you
>>11035618I said I want to slip into your cockpit and make you soar
Something seems off about this
>>11035932>BanBustershare pls
>>11035932It's like you shitpost on yourself too
>>11035642whats PoF.i dont understand your post
>>11035969looks like AJ is trying to deepthroat those eggs
>>11035960>>11035975YEAH YEAH YEAH
>>11035969From the thumbnail it looked like some weird pony worm of applebloom and applejack
>>11035897That picture is fucking awesome
>>11035969I thought AB was a mermaid from the thumbnail
>>11035969From the thumbnail I thought AJ was breaking Applebloom's back.
>>11035947fuck yea muzzles>>11035949i love them so much >>11035951seriously i had to monitors full, before, i have caps...but even i have disgusted. i had to hide icons then just dump then into a folder>>11035955i dunno, i like how they look like little faces inside of the pony faces>>11035961good eye
>>11035979>Pretty Princess ...what?
>>11035948What the hell is all that shit and where can I get it?
>>11036009Like you're one to judge.
>>11035971oh shiet, that is top secret /b/ pony tech. sorry its not for public dist. >>11035973i have no shame
>>11035765No pone here.
>>11035969I think AJ's angles are screwyAJ's tail is attached to her right hipAnd her tail is just overall off methinks
I recently moved all of my old project files onto the desktop so I could have a visible reminder of what I need to finish.
>>11035932Shiny you are fired like a motherfuckerTurn in your badge and clean out your desk
>>11035996why not go for something historically accurate
>>11035897>tfw there will never be a shooter as grand as BF1942>everyone has quit and only a few stragglers, not even enough to fill a server of 48 remainThat was hard to accept a few years ago.'VE NEVER FELT AN UNF LIKE THIS BEFORE
>>11035991YEAH YEAH YEAH
>>11035979>AVG>Norton>utorrent>VLCI can't stop laughing
>>11036009I filled in for archiving Pretty Princess Quest one week. I sent the file to the guy, but I forgot to delete it.
>>11036031GR pls post cityscape
>>11036033*scene from half baked*
>>11035940>That's awfully yellowy.It's just translucent, let me try another approach
>>11036063w-what's wrong with utorrent?
>>11035979>Quick time>Norton>AVG>Windows 8
>>11036077GG notracist AJ when?
>>11036065This one was a late night fever dream concerning my unwritten fanfic, Storm Princess.More than the drawing I should get back to writing the story.
>>11036063Watch me give no fucks.Although I could probably use a better free Antivirus program.
Hey GG, some femanon wanted your D before.
>>11036015Rainmeter Enigma.If you want the full kit and caboodle;Windows theme is led by krissirkStart Orb removed with start killerIcons are token by brsev
>>11036083its a government watch dog programenjoy you v&
>>11035765this guy still holds the prize for wost desktop in mlpg
>>11036077>none hanging off of eyelidspfft, talk about bad aim
>>11036083Gvuments be watchin youget deluge.>>11036099Avira
>>11036099I actually use Microsoft Security Essentials. It works well enough.
>>11036083THEY'LL GIVE YOU IN TO THE GUVERNMEN MAHHN!Feels good to live in a country where filesharing laws don't apply.
Goodnight, MLPG
>>11036127good night best princess
>>11036119That's what I've been using.Haven't had an issue for about a year now.Pretty good, man.
>>11036098woah, neat!I read what you have so far and it was pretty coolYou should finish that picture!
>>11036126I miss Bad Company
>>11036127See you later, UNOPT
>>11036077>>11035727so which one's better
>>11036103>>11036104>tfw don't know anything and just use shit that's already on my computer when I buy it like quicktime and WMD.I have no idea how to know what's good and what isn't.
>>11036127You're the moon Pony, you can't go to sleep!It's not even (insert time) yet!
>>11036137But thats not Cadence.
>>11036103Deluge a shit, use Transmission.There is a Windows build of Transmission and it's fine. Thank Qt for being so goddamn portable.
>>11036100>Hey GG, some femanon wanted your D before.whoa whoawhat
>>11035765am i too late? be gentle
>>11036147You're on 4chan. Go to /g/
>>11036115no god damn it that is my title
>>11035966mare juice is naturally white but it sometimes has a yellowish color since it often mixes with urine
>>11036146The second one is better.The first one looked like dried cum on a printed image.
>>11036157Someone used your name and made out that you were interested in a con orgy.
>>11034896AJ.AJ pls.Your freckles are taking over your face.I think they've become sentient.
>>11036146the second attemptbut try making the grey spots in the second one a transparent white
>>11036143I do too anon.It was basically DICE's last hurrah, despite not being liked by some people, and no one even realized it.A lot of talent left after Bad Company 1, then even more after Bad Company 2.It shows big time in BF3.
>>11036164But /g/ is bewildering and seems to be full of nothing but threads for programmers and bitching about apple products.Is there like a '/g/'s recommended X guide'?
Wait, what happened with your internets, GG?Don't tell me you went through that 5k already.
>>11036183BFBC1 was my favorite BF game
>>11036189that was like six months ago dude
>>11036183but I liked 3, a lot. alot-alot
>>11036156got addicted to using that awesome program when i installed a linux distro a few years backsuperior torrent program coming tru>>11036150bitch pls, don't make me get lauren on your ass
>>11036199please stop spamming terrible things
>>11036147When it comes to programs, there are only two kinds, the righteous free software licensed ones and the foul non-free ones.
>>11036176There are more icons on there than in an orthodox church.
>>11036189>Don't tell me you went through that 5k already.Scherzo how about you stick a gun in your mouth and see how many times you can pull the trigger
>>11036194GG said he could live for 3 years off the money
>Had to go away for a week>No pone>Miss Lauren>Computer parts came in the mail>Room mate opens the box>She's misplaced the RAM>In a tiny 2 bedroom flat>No Lauren>HTPC is just sitting there being uselessFuck
>>11036118>>11036119>>11036138Avira? Is that any good? Does the free version actually work?Also, in case you're curious, I've only used utorrent a few times, and Norton expired ages ago, but I haven't deleted it yet.
>>11036205im done sorry, my honor for worst desktop was threatened
>>11036196It's alright to like horrible games, I enjoy a few too.>>11036191BF1942 was my favourite.
>>11036188X11 4 lyfWayland can suck a dick
>>11036104But....I've been using it for years...
rollin'1-3:TotA4-6:RE7-9:FFT0/dubs:MLPG decidestrips:bed
I need to watch an episodeIf you're thinking about being funny and posting an episode that is generally disliked then go fuck yourself because you've already made me sit through them again
>>11036224>>Room mate opens the box>>She's misplaced the RAMThis is what we like to call justified murder.
>>11036230nigger please
>>11036239May the Best Pet Win
>>11036218>GG said he could live for 3 years off the moneythat never happened
>>11036228MSE is all you need. It's free and non-intrusive.It actually comes with Windows 8, so installing third-party AV software will soon be a thing of the past. Security should always have been the responsibility of the OS vendor anyway.
>>11036238>not rolling pone dice
>>11036247Ok>>11036243I always forget to mention: s1-2 only. Sorry
>>11036188There is a Windows Essentials picture they put together. Really helpful.
>>11036238is that horse wang dice? i need this
>>11036238>7-9:FFTFast Fourier Transform?
>>11036230>>11036183I like BF3 but I love Bad Company 2. BF3 was a lot less frustrating
>>11036235I prefer my window managers built-in
>>11036265I'd buy them
>>11036224>>Room mate opens the boxI believe it's a crime to open someone else's mail, Anon.And I bet you could find something to charge her with for losing something you spent money on after handling it without your permission or knowledge.Light that stupid cunt up.
>>11036268POST PLEASE.
>>11036268Thanks NobodyDo you have it?
>>11036237*shrugs*don't worry about it use a open source program
>>11036283>taking your roommate to court
>>11036295We live in a world where people sue their dogs, Anon.
>Can't find any channel that has pone episodes all of a sudden on youtube>Hasbro is charging money for themHELPOr do I just have to download all the fucking things
>>11036283Hey that's a great idea! Let's bog down the legal system with even MORE pointless bullshit that could be solved with a swift kick in the ass.
>>11036224>Room mate opens the box>She's misplaced the RAM>Losing something that isn't even fucking yours that you didnt have to touch
>>11036241>>11036283I stupidly told her she can lookShe's pathetically unorganized so I shouldn't be surprised when things go missingIt's probably in one of her shoeboxes or something
>>11036297Let me clarify, I'd buy them reasonably priced.
oh ya and about anitvirus, comcast gives free norton subscription to its high speed internet customers. its not really know about but its 100% free retail anti-virus. just saying...
>>11036235Just wait till everyone starts using Mir.
>>11036273No, Final Fantasy Tactics. Not sure why I put that in there. I'm not really feeling it. I'll reroll with something else. How about MH instead.>>11036265I didn't know that there were pon dice.Rerollin'
>>11036307you'll have to search for the epsode names
>>11036313>not putting it backSo, that's tampering with mail, and now theft.
>>11036274I don't know mate, short of the occasional non functioning knife in BC2 I had almost no trouble or frustration.BF3 on the other, with its bullshit clientside hit detection solution is a constant source of frustration and the reason I quit, uninstalled it.The signs were all there, DICE could have remedied it, but chose to leave it ignoring the writing on the wall.
Gypsy pinkie request complete.I'm gonna go practice digital painting with a mouse.
>>11036314There were 10 sets made, 8 of which went to VAs
>>11036313its on the kitchen table under some other mail
>>11036285>>11036286ErI actually DO...But I'm on my phone right now.AppleDan you frequent /g/ too, right? Do you have it?
>>11036327Noit's too lateYou have to create a highly optimized openCL implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform for AMD gpus
>>11036322Norton is a virus itself
>>11036300No one but you Americans do that.
any torrent experts know why this one never finishes even though it say it is fully available?
>>11036344There something off about Pinkie's head. Maybe its the chin.
>>11036334I meant BC2 was less frustrating
>>11036344More gypsy ponies for the gypsy pony godThankee
>>11036357>dildo ass fuck.flv
>>11036334I honestly blame EA. They forced them to rush the game for launch to beat MW3, which it won against anyway, and does in my book because cod is boring as shit now. But they also forced them to rush the dlc. They were also REALLY gay about not letting dice release patches unless they were close to or on the same day as dlc.
>>11036357Are you connectable? uTorrent shows a little tick or whatever in the status bar if you are I think.
>>11036354Damn sight better than living under Her Majesty's Shariah Law, or in Scandinavia.
>>11036324pls noWe've had almost 30 years of XI don't want 3 competing systems
>>11036345Well it's not like no more sets can be madethat's like artificial scarcity for profit
>>11036353well i have had horrible luck with Essentials and AVG is a joke. I have had Security Suite for years with no problems and its blocking webkits and other nasty pop up stuff consistently. but ymmv
>>11036344why a mouse?
>>11036372Not seeding is for poorfags with shit internet connections.
>>11036357If you're behind a firewall or NAT some seeds/peers might not be able to connect to you
Where the fuck are the ponies? All I see is /b/tards and no ponies at all.
>>11036361Yeah I know but it was already inked before I could change it, I'll make sure to get it right next time.
>>11036371>beat MW3It's not a huge challenge, since they've been re-releasing MW1 with new maps and weapons every single year.
>>11036387>blocking webkitsDoes it block geckos and tridents too? What about blinks?
>>11036360So? Just get it and uninstall the bloat. Chrome/Chromium/Nightly, 7zip/WinRAR, foobar, avira is all I can think of now.
>>11036388I don't own a pad, not enough money.
>>11036401exactly my point.Hell, the new weapons aren't even new. They're practically reskins.
>>11036399Don't be afraid to ask for feedback etc. before inking stuff next time, either.
>>11036322I've always known you were pathetically stupid but this is just absurd
>>11036398there's also a whole lot of /g/ going onbut there are ponies too
>>11036406I know how to computer.I just want to see this image. It could be helpful and neat.
>>11036382Keep telling yourself that, meanwhile I'll just live easy with low crime-rates, cleaner air, nature, a national history, national healthcare and numerous other benefits.
So, MLPG, how do you manipulate people over the internet into being your friends? I just can't seem to do it normally, so don't even come up with that "just be yourself" or "write them a line every now and then" bullshit.
>>11036398I found one!
I want more of this ship.
>tfw no short stack wavy-haired gf with tactical adventure socksis that one femanon still working on the cosplay?
>>11036362why are you looking at me like that?? >.>what i do wrong now...
>>11036406>7zip/WinRARDon't recommend WinRAR, just 7-zip. I think people get the impression they need WinRAR to open RARs, which is simply not true. 7-zip will open them fine.
>>11036424play video games with them
>>11036423Get a job
>>11036357>downloading normal 3DPD porn vids>2013Pleb. All of my vids are fursuit sex or beast videosnice on the Camille Crimson though
>>11036424I don't, there's no need as long as you're a good guy people will always like ya.
>>11036419Not really, seeing there /soc/ and fucking /pol/ happening, and there this faggot here as well. >>11036431
>>11036438I have a job, I run a political party, you silly buffalo.
>>11036424Get their address and surprise them with a blowjob when they get home
>>11036424I'll be your friend anon
>>11036424Consult Kraut. He's an expert in bullshitting people into becoming your friend
>>11036424I can be your friend
What if lyra was suddenly your fapping hand?
>>11036360Firefox, Flash, Adobe Reader, LibreOfffice, FB2K, Steam, Beta Nvida drivers, Whatever media player you likeThat's it
>>11036424Play video games with them. I am literally a nameless anon and I was invited to play Halo 4 with LK and Dooks once, but I didn't have Halo 4.or learn to draw
>>11036439I can do both.
>>11036427It's not a ship
>>11036448What party's that, then?Communist party?
>>11036403meh, i am indifferent to using something else, but thanks>>11036405wut r u talking about
>>11036458Keep going
>>11036214I don't own a gun :|>>11036194Really? Goddamn my sense of the passage of time is all fucked up.
>>11036371It sold less than MW3, the very next year the newest Call of Duty game sold just as well. I don't understand how BF3 could win any category.DICE had planned on using client side hit detection from the start, the problem with it is that it's very exploitable, low ping players are at a disadvantage, and because of DICE's "check" system it introduces a delay as to when bullets hit.They could have just used the server side hit model from BC2 and been no worse for wear.
>>11036458Lyra would touch my dick a lot
>>11036460Oh.That's kind of useless...
Give me something to draw with a mouse, I'm stuck for idea.example of the last thing I did with a mouse.
>>11036406B-but how do I know what's bloat and what isn't?
Would you hand feed a Derpy?
>>11036424>>11036433>>11036441>>11036450>>11036453>>11036457>>11036461>>11036473>>11036468These are not ponies at all.
>>11036481Mouse Rarity
>>11036481Diamon tiara and silver spoon
>>11036472My RasPi is named after pone.
>>11036418pls tell me why though, i am getting a lot of flack for this post, but no real i missing something. it's not that has a bad rep, is all.
>>110364241. Don't be a scrub at vidya, hop on the MLPG Hats server every now and again
>>11036485I'm going to have to agree with this person
>>11036485I see no pony in your post, Anon.
>>11036495>don't be a scrub at vidya[Mission Failed]
>>11036491>Having a caseMy raspi is currently suspended by the HDMI cable
>>11036424step 1: stop using 4chan memesstep 2: go to the gymthis will improve your life x100 and the friends will flow in naturally
>>11036484That little doll looks so soft but can't they do something with the cutie mark or the eyes? They look like paper.
>>11036464I never know if that on the floor is a dildo or a miniature Marker.I think the second option would arouse me more.
>>11036471Actually, it was closer to a year agothis was captured that same nightI'd say he did pretty good, I don't think I could live for that long off 6k
>>11036495But I've never played hats and am embarrassed by it.
>>11036467The Anti-Communistic Fascistic Party of Norway, unofficially that is, wouldn't want anyone to actually find out what ideology I follow before garnering more foothold.
>>11036485then how about we post some ponies thanwho is you favorite anon?
>>11036512>Almost a year agoOh god by the time I'm 40 entire decades are going to go by me in the blink of an eye
>>11036512>mfw I remember this night>mfw I'm in the cap
>>11036424Looking for someone specific or in general?
>Not installing a system that has everything you need installed already
>>11036529well that was unexpected
>>11036515Then it's time to start
>>11036443fine fine, ill go back to lurking, geeshso touchy about ponies in EVERY SINGLE POSTyou do know computers allow us to post ponies and share them. so it is related...but i digress
>>11036498>You will never be humantwist's cuddlestallion
>>11036516Doesn't sound like a very good or productive job, anon.Stop leeching of your welfare state and do something useful.
>>11036540I haven't found such a system yet, but I went with the closest I could find, ___W7.
>>11036515hats is dumb and lameit's not worth it
>>11036520SNAAAA KEY
what kind of computer would your favorite pony use? Kind of case? AMD or intel CPU? How much rice? GPU? What OS? What would they mostly use it for?
>>11036563oh ya spam links, that surely will help
>>11036573Go to fucking /g/.
>>11036563next you're gonna tell me that this isn't pony related
>>11036551>she will never pick you up and squeeze the life from your bones with her giant bazooms
>>11036573>my favorite pony would use my favorite OS, favorite CPU manufacturer, favorite GPU and use it for the same things I use it for
>>11036563You sound rustled, did you forget your Gorilla Munch this moring?You could eat it in your gyro bowl you should have purchased over a year and a half ago.
>>11036590>you favorite pony will never have the same dumb habits as you>they will never waste their days on a stupid thread on a stupid imageboard on the ponynet
>>11036573My Twily would >>11036590 fuck
>>11036573D-wave quantum computer, solving world problems, creating AI and math stuff. Chrysalis
>>11036582Let's discuss things we have discussed to death and talk about the show 24/7 during hiatus and whenever something off-topic comes up shit up the thread and shitpost in reply to every post.That will surely improve the quality of the thread
>>11036573They all use Intel and Nvidia because they want a system that works consistently with consistent performance
>>11036581I am just pointing out the crap that the general been infected for the past couple of months. Rather then using /b/ or their respected board, they come here and just use this general for their non-pony crap. Its fucking tiring.>>11036583Thank god that shit was over.
>>11036598Nope, too niggardly to do that.
im still on break i swear
Diamond Tiara is a very sensitive pony
>>11036595>cerealDon't even get me started. This dumb faggot right here already took the Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and Golden Grahams out of the mini cereal boxes, and I just got two yesterday.still fucking pissed
>>11036624it's a shame that it ended before Twily got her empire
>>11036627shut up, apple 2.0
>>11036634that should be a fontit's really nice lettering
>>11036629I STILL cant unsee the cumming dog dick eclair.
why are you here on friday night
>>11036619Then you take a break and never use that kind of shit as an excuse to post non-pony crap.
>>11036624You ever see what you're putting in your linkspam, and then read your own post? I think you're being more than a bit hypocritical here. Besides, it's hiatus.
>>11036644Because I had work until like 1am
>>11036644joke on you it's saturday afternoon here
>>11036644because I don't have any friends except the alcohol
>>11036644>friday nighttry nearly-noon on saturday
>>11036627draw alligators
>>11036556It's productive enough, running Muslims and their ways out of North-Western society is an important cause.I'm not "leeching" off the state either, I have financial footing unlike you.
>>11036644Why should I be anywhere else?
>>11036659You've got me~not really.
>>11036644It's 6:02 pm Saturday fagget.
>>11036644Because it's 4:33 am, and my friend is already passed out. I'm drinking coffee and browsing here and waiting for the warp
>>11036644because I have nothing better to do
H-here I go!
0-5 - study on6-7 - draw8-9 - vidyadubs+ - dotkwa tells me what to do
>>11036676well obviously I have you guysthat's why I'm here
>>11036644It's actually Saturday nightBut I spend last night here too
>>11036691This is not ponies at all.
>>11036644Because I just got back from shopping for clothes, a bonfire with friends, playing wingman for a friend, and am just now winding down with mlpg and some music.
>>11036691you are not pony
>>11036691hey idiottwo of those were ponies
>>11036641which apple>>11036651ME
there are filtered posts showing up in backlinks. i have stubs enabled so they shouldn't be there.anyone know how to fix that?
Which pone butt is best to lick?Trick question, it's Fluttershy.
>>11036691holy shit is this guy mad
>>11036700 apple
>>11036712but not filtering you scrub
>>11036720I think that's a pretty cool name
>>11036698Posting a pony picture doesn't automatically make the content pony related
>>11036715what did you expect, he's one of the worse shitposters herehe's the same guy who got mad at the baby cup by the way
>>11036691Dude I think you need to calm down
>>11036721Thank you Pinkie, but I'm not going outside and it's been very nice for the past few days so I don't think I would need it even if I did
>>11036727Only /b/ and /v/ have anything against filtering.
>>11036725That guy drew a very cute babs
Is dotkwa Apple?I haven't paid attention and the last thing I remember was Apple deleting everything.He did that with every fandom he left.
>>11036730you said "not ponies at all"but they had pictures of poniesthus, they were partially pony#wrekd #owned #dunked #shotsFired #bonerama
>>11036751Does his stuff look even close to as solidly constructed as apple's?Like, even close?
>>11036738Shut up Fluttershy, we all know the only show you want to talk about is the Puppy Bowl and that's not even on any time soon
>>11036751I wouldn't be surprised if apple could disguise his style so wellI would be surprised though because Apple still draws pretty regularly
>>11036754stop creating new mlpg inside jokes. i dont even know where this is from i cant keep up.
>>11036751Yeah, but he keeps coming back to MLP time and time again. Give him a few weeks and then he'll be back for a few weeks and will then quit the fandom forever rinse and repeat
>>11036727there's nothing wrong with filtering shit, dingus
>>11036778I'd be okay with that, I like his art.
He's a real Nobody man,Sitting in his Nobody Land,Making all his Nobody plansfor Nobody.Doesn't have a point of view,Knows not where he's going to,Isn't he a bit like you and me?Nobody Man please listen,You don't know what you're missing,Nobody Man, the world is at your command!He's as blind as he can be,Just sees what he wants to see,Nobody Man can you see me at all?Nobody Man, don't worry,Take your time, don't hurry,Leave it all till somebody elselends you a hand!
>>11036764>>11036751>>11036778Apple is literally streaming drawing right now.What are you guys trying to do?
>>11036774You couldnt swim in early Vice City
>>11036774Could fluttershy redeem herself as worst pony if she committed Sudoku to restore her honor?
>>11036774pone is dead
>>11036556>You'll never be Futamoonbutt's futa pet.
>>11036793So he's ded?
>>11036799>Fluttershy>Redeem herself
>>11036794I'm pretty sure you can't swim at all in Vice City
Have a Flitter + some lines.
>>11036799>worst ponyBut that isn't Twilight.
>>11036798You know what needs to be done then.
>>11036809N-no! He's....Oh, what's the use?
>>11036786>tfw i keep saving this guys pics>because its my fetish>but its not good enough for fappingi dont even know what im doing anymore
>>11036806why do they have to be futawhy can I just be a hyper-endowed stallion's pet
>>11036791You askin me for a date or what
>>11036799No.Toyota Camry will not save worst pone.
>>11036816Which episode was this from? Crystal Empire 2?
Which pony likes cilantro the most?
>>11036806I wouldn't mind that.
>>11036731disgusting, christ its like a relegion to this guy>>11036743disgusting, being this sensitive and easily offended by a post>>11036780yes there is if you are filtering on 4chan you have gone very wrong somewhere
>>11036821her breasts are very clearly there
>>11036793I just can't be bothered to care about Apple anymore. He's just made it too irritating to attempt to follow him and his art really isn't good enough to justify the effort.
>>11036833This is bait
>>11036831Scootaloo. The non-mexican ponies call it coriander.
>>11036820Dude, that's pretty gay
>>11036812Dude the arms have like no definition
>>11036812That is adorable for a human. Are you going to finish it soon?
>>11036842If you can't even tell the difference between apple's stuff and dotkwa's, then I don't know what to say.
>>11036842His art is nice, but don't care about him as a person at all.
>>11036856I'd rather go full homo then deal with dickgirls they're just so off-putting to me
>>11036842DFG pls
>>11036812Right hand need some more detail, as is it looks rather strange.Her right arm looks like a noodle, with a too small hand.
>>11036869I didn't mention dotkwa you double dingus.
>>11036812her right arm looks longer than her lefther nose might be a little small and a little short
DAMN thats a nice ass
>>11036891I'm sorry, someone else did in the reply chain.
>>11036896there is hardly any ass even there
>>11036883>implying you are me>>11036896Must it always be THAT kind of Pinkie?
>>11036904My house
I drew a pony for my friend's birthday. You might like it too Mlpg.
>>11036917you should probably put on a tripcode so that you don't get impersonated againalso your post isn't ponies so I feel obligated to throw a fit
who would you say is the edgiest mlpger?mew comes to mind first but there might be another.
>>11036725Pfft, I WISH my art was as good as apple>>11036663does caimon count?
>>11036921>my friend's birthdaymust have some creepy friends
>>11036865If I can actually get some time to draw. Which is looking to be less and less likely these days. Fuck "real jobs." Can I say that? Because I've been thinking it a lot lately.>>11036863>>11036887>>11036892>Use usual method>"Too rigid. Loosen up.">Use looser method>"No definition. Inconsistent."Welp.
>>11036921Those legs are bent completely wrong.
>>11036918>all that hair everywhereclean your shit you faggot
>>11036932Yes. Caimon merits maximum points.more
>>11036917What do you mean by "THAT kind of Pinkie"?
>>11036921I like dash, not as much as AJ but she still has best voice actor.Make sure you fix the legs next time, because now rainbow needs casts on both of her legs
>>11036932Where do you keep your stuff?
>>11036921>dash waifuits not highwind or ponebrone is it
>>11036939>Pubic hair>On a reptile
>>11036934I'm just saying it's longer than the other you dork
>>11036819I understand this feel. It's hard to find good fetish pictures, so I instinctively save everything.
>>11036946is thatplease dont tell me thats a lmj doll?
>>11036941It's cat hair.You obviously have never owned a cat.
>>11036960Why is it you object to the pubic hair, but not the regular hair?
>>11036960>Pubic hair>On an intelligent anthropomorphic alligator
What's your favorite pony's favorite herb, spice, seasoning, or sauce?
>>11036960You got a problem with that. sugarcube?
>>11036960Twilight, go home your strabismus is showing.
>>11036981>Fluttershy>Tikha Masala
>>11036960>breasts on a reptile>hair on a reptile>bra on a reptileyou got a point?
>>11036971Whats wrong with it?
>>11036980>Pubic hair>on anything
>>11036958Non-mlpg friend, so no.>>11036937>>11036950Eh, usually I'd be with you on that but the pose wouldn't work otherwise.
>>11036981Salt, lots and lots of salt.
>>11037003Kill yourselfit's the best
I'd like to smell RD's wing pits
>>11037013But anon it feels gross
>>11037010Why not?
>>11036981Truffle oil.
>>11036976>using that for an excuse to live like a slobok brony. do you also have an excuse for being overweight and neckbeard? you are too busy to shave and eat properly right?
>>11037013Shaved or no D.
>>11037022>>11037012>>11036997NOW GUESS THE PONY
What if animated series
>>11037018I disagree
>>11036921it's pretty cute but you got her buttstamp all wrong
>>11037032I shave every day and I weigh 186lbs
>>11037032>has obviously never owned a cat
>>11036998>mfw i prefer human wang on my futa reptiles instead of realistic alligator cock>but when someone draws human penis on a horse i get angry
>>11037044I respect your disagreement and offer you one poni free of charge
>>11036929maybe faceless jrbut I dont know
>>11037063I choose Fluttershy
>>11037045Oh god, I linked that to my friend and he threatened to come here and complain.
>>11037045Oh jeez anon why
>>11037073thank you anon I will
>>11037068Good choice, she's got to have a jungle down there.
Wish I had these
I wanna bethe very best
>>11037068One Fluttershy on the house
>>11037089Pinkie is the only one with the creepy smile.
>>11037075LET HIM
>>11037058Whoa what the fuck is that from
>>11037091Every challenge along the way, with courage I will face!I will battle every day, to claim my rightful place!
>>11037089i keep buying pony shit but whats the point, its all in a box in the closet now
>>11036933I'm not creepy, but...>>11037097IT'S ON ASSHOLE
>>11037091I thought I saw you yesterdaybut I know it wasn't you 'cuz you passed away, dad
>>11037075tell him I said "come at me broski"
>>11037043Depends if it'd be a kid's show or one of those edgy "ADULT" cartoons.
>>11037100its obviously just bread, pixelated
>>11037104>not on displayMight as well give them all awayTo me
>>11037128let them in, obviouslythey just want to cuddle
>>11037128open the door
>>11037111>both replies were meAH HAso whats you beef stranger?
>>11036932Nobody really waifus these things, do they?
>>11037141>>11037142>>11037143BUT ANON I'M DEADLY ALLERGIC TO CUDDLES
>>11037110I would suck and lick them for hours before actually eating them
Hello Anon.
>>11037128Barricade the door!If they enter then there isn't any way of guaging what they'll do!
>>11037155just let it happenit's useless to resist
>>11037151Gillou's a cutie.I'd see what I could do to make her happy.
>>11037128GET NAKED
>>11037151Wouldn't say waifu levels, but I do love me some monster girls.
Want to see what I'm hiding back here?
>>11037151I don't waifu Caimon, but I would be her roommate in a heartbeat
>>11037143I just want them to fuck and get it over with
>>11037128Grab some lube. According to my research, you have about 5 and a half minutes before those pones rip your door off it's hinges and ravage your cuddle hole.Start lubin'
>>11037155well you are about to get a booster shot niggertime to up that tolerance
>>11037175Rumble is not for sexual with adult mares.Rumble is for sexual with other little fillies and colts.
>>11036953all my pony is right here(and some non pony, ignore that)
>>11037170best response, they surely will be scared of a raging hard hip thrusting hairless monkey
>>11037197>censored babshow lewd
>>11037197>censoring a thumbnailthis is what is wrong with the world
>>11037188Can I get the shot a different way doc
>>11037208I like centaur ponies
>>11037230ugh, this is worse than HTH2
>>11037221nope you get a bigger needle
>>11037146I just like Rainbow Dash.And Derpy is an okay pone.
>>11037118Not all cartoons with adult content in them need to be like Drawn Together.I eagarly await the day a cartoon can have tasteful humor AND have adult themes.
>>11037240too late
>>11036755For free?In English?I didn't think so.
>>11037197I wish my sai project files could be that sexy
>>11037213the other folder is actually where i keep all of those silly drawings i post here>>11037215i do what i want
>>11037230>animate a throb>no cum bulge traveling up urethraSO CLOSE
>>11037230dont post a picture with link you sack of shitso the imgur script loads it
>>11037245did you just fucking rag on Drawn Together
>>11037257draw more crotch fluff
>>11037100Shingeki no Kyoujin.Also, the pixelated thing is just a potato.
>>11037245Will never happen, Dan Vs. is the closest I've seen recently.
>>11037262deal with it nerd
>>11037277Is it confirmed dead or will there be a new season?
>>11037222Thank you for that
>>11037283is it true that qr codes can give you viruses
>>11037284I don't know, but the post below you is ominous.I really REALLY hope there's a season 4.
>>11037301Well let's hope it does.
>tfw you were born too soon to be able to regale your Martian grandchildren with tales of life of Earth
>>11037313>you will never be a little pony
>>11037313>tfw i'm gonna live forever
>>11037313I was watching Cowboy Bebop with my dad.Those three old guys playing cards came up. They were talking about the old days and how they helped terraform mars I think.My dad said "That's going to be you one day."
>>11037325God I feel bad for you, I've only been here like 20 something years and I'm already bored of life.
>>11037333TOO FAST
Good night, MLPG.
>>11037344>good night>5:16 AM
>>11037333fuck, that OC is ugly but the gif is so cutei'm contested
>>11037333Please take your balogna elsewhere.
Should I draw or play video games Mlpg?
>>11037355you mean conflicted
>>11037361Do whatever you feel like it.Draw worst pony.
>>11037151I love my monstergirls very much. I have come to waifu one of them, but I doubt anon could tell which.
>>11037361You should play Monster Hunter with me.
>>11037333i would still eat her cunny hole
>>11037361draw penises
>>11037361draw a gypsy pony playing video games
>>11037372No.I've got two factions raging war for my final
>>11037361Draw a pretty princess pony
>>11037362le epic meem
>>11037361 what makes you happy
>>11037382in other wordsconflicted
>in a horsecock girl thread on /d/>"I recognize that refrigerator. That is my uncle's house."Fap ruined, but I'm laughing so hard.
>>11037393No, that would mean that I can't decideit's not up to me
>>11037400I didn't know that you fapped to horsecock futasholy shit you've got great taste
>>11037374>waifuing your own creationsGG, no. That's dangerous.
>>11037391>I'm talking about figuring for yourself, what makes you happy?ponies
>>11037400Will you mention it to him?Any time you see him from now on you'll never keep a straight face.You guys could fap to it together.
>>11037374that cyclops
>>11037422I was quoting someone in the thread
>>11036812I love the facial expression, I can NEVER get that angle on the nose right. My only advice is maybe lengthen the stomach a bit, the beginning of the crotch and legs looks a teeny bit too high up on the body. You're doing a great job so far!
>>11037444I LOVE TO SING-AH
>>11037386But which Princess is the prettiest?
>>11037473You know it's Celestia already
>>11037458IN THE SPRING-AH
>>11037473I wanted to say Cadence, but we all know that would be a lie
>>11037478>not about the moon-ah and the june-ah
fuck off dovne you goddamn gay bird furry shitposter
>>11037496fuck, sorry. i couldn't them
>>11037500>he doesn't like gay bird furriesGosh, what I wouldn't give to spread that feathery bird butt
>>11037458 About the moon-a and the june-a and the spring-a.
>>11037500No anon, you are the shitpost
>>11037519>not spreading feathery pone butt
>>11037549yescancer, pinkieyou're gonna die
>>11037417It's not as bad as you think. It's definitely not as bad as plenty of other things in life. I doubt it would even be in the top 50.I pick a nice spot to lie down, get comfy, and just curl up and think of one of my girls for the night. It helps me fall asleep and it brings a smile to my face.Nothing sexual, usually, just you know, friendship, and cuddling, that sort of thing. Even if there's not really anyone there with me, sometimes it's nice to dream.
orphan Scootaloo is a good headcanon that adds to her character
>>11037549Yes Pinkie, I'm sorry.You have cancer.
>>11037500fuck you.this thread needs more dovne and less braeburned
>>11037554you feelin' alright, GG?talking this much about your interests, jeez
>>11037554Oh damn, I thiiiiink I know that feel.It's pretty cool when you can come up with your own waifu creature thing.
let's be honest, all these contributors going on "break"...what do you really think that they are doing?I bet you that it is a giant orgy meet up they didn't tell us about
>>11037561I don't like it because it's sad and ponies are not for sads
>>11037561Orphan Scootaloo is a reality until proven that she has live parents.
>>11037555I love how that pose is traced poorly from his sonic advance intro sprite
>Playing Spec Ops the lineWhere is the feeling?People told me I would feel regretI'm just shooting generic dumbasses
>>11037583>hi hi hi
>>11037583Two in the pink
>>11037587That's the joke.
>>11037587/v/ plsyou're supposed to "feel" after you murder the civilian refugees
>>11037586Everything in that comic is traced.
>>11037583>you will never get a double blowjob from Hydra Pinkie
>>11037600But the game made me do itAnd the character I'm playing as is a retardWhy am I supposed to feel shit about it?
HeyWhen does Korra start again?
>>11037615when the frenzy for brown abs starts once more
>>11037543When the rabbit judge brings out the first place trophy, not sure why but that always cracks me up.
>that feel when new season of How It's MadeWould you watch it with pone?
>>11037613that's the joke, basicallyThe only winning move is not to playyou're supposed to turn around and go homeI didn't really feel anything either, but I did laugh at the part where you fall several stories off a building to complete the objective "keep going down"
would you help a poor sad nigga out by posting cute horses?
>>11037625I would watch it in a house with a mouse.Though I probably won't because it puts me to sleep, I watch it when I can.
Yessss, good goyyyim
>>11037625>new season of How It's Made
>>11037386>>11037476>>11037479Sorry if it isn't much but I just wanted to do something simple
>>11037661too simpleneeds to be more complex
>>110376618/10 work on line quality
>>11037647Could you draw Rarity getting drunk with Scorpio Pony?
>>11037661guaranteed clever reply
Man I'm gettin sick of pony, I'm gonna take a break maybe a week or two.
>>11037661Why is Luna coloured Yotsuba blue in that picture?
>>11037678okay, but you're gonna miss all the fun
>>11037661Here is your #BEEF medium rare as requested
>>11037566Ha ha, you're right, of course. Sorry, anon. It's just this is the latest I've been able to stay on the internet for a while and I know things are gonna look worse in the morning so I'm just delaying the inevitable at this point.
>>11037678It's the best choice Anon. Take a break from MLPG. Watch an episode or two every few days and just do other stuff keeping pony way way back in background.
>>11037688faust pls sleep
>>11037678Do what I do and only stop in once every two weeks.It's hiatus anyway, you should be able to find something better to do.Though, if you're a contributor pls stay
>>11037688It's time to go to bed Lauren.
>>11037661>>11037665>>11037671>>11037673I'm a little out of it tonight, I'm coming down from drunk.
>>11037688It's really nice, actually. I like hearing the soft side of contributors.It's what made Metals such a bro.
>>11037673Why the hell did I even reply to that one? Maybe I need sleep.
>>11037699you non contributors have it so easy
>>11037714Oooor maybe you should drunk draw ponies
>>11037702quick question, and I mean no offensewhen did you start drawing?
>>11037699But I'm bored anon, it's probably just me feeling down or something I'll sleep on it.
>>11037702it's alrightEnjoy your drunkenness and try not to hangover too hard
>>11037673I'll get to it later, gonna go sleep
>>11037702nice job on the tall full erect horn
>>11037688>>11037554WhwhatI don't even know who I am anymore
>>11037706>I like hearing the soft side of contributorsYou ways of treating our art dispensers are funny.
>>11037725i started drawing right after having sex with your mom
>>11037743GG senpai go to bed
>>11037625>put on an episode>Cheese Graters, Hot Sauce, Silver Jewelry, Traditional Mexican Chairs>tabasco pone pales and stammers a few suggestions of something else to watch
>>11037725Off and on for a while but I've only been serious about it for like three months. (Serious as in drawing every day)Is it bad I had to check tumblr to see when I started posting stuff consistently?
>>11037756I'm sorry for asking thatI really am
>>11037761>all the old drawfags becoming senpai all the sudden>all these new artists
>>11037744We don't even have to put coins in the art vending machines, just pick what you want and it may come out.Though we sure do have a lot of these machines break down or go out of order.
>Sit down to draw a Zelda/Pone crossover pic.>Get Link done in no time>Don't feel like finishingFuck everything.
>>11037770>>11037762>>11037759That one wasnt him
>>11037764>>11037770>>11037784OH GOD DAMN ITwow now I feel like a boobis this what it feels like to be rused?
>>11037776MLPG needs to remove malfuntioning units.
>>11037783Slap a ponka in that bitch
Give me something to masturbate to
>>11037776some even go turbo
>>11037784Post a cute picture of Luna.Then go to bed or don't and post more.
>>11037790which ones are malfunctioning?
faust getting told hard on tumblr
>>11037803I hope you like vanilla
>>11037803how do you feel about Weird Fetish Shit™
>>11037790>MLPG needs to remove malfuntioning unitsThey just can't seem to get started. They don't have the heart to live in the fastlane. All that is past and gone.
>>11037756Ah ha! I've been saving a trip just for this occasion!
>>11037813marker what nothat is not how you eat ranch dressingcome on you know better than this
>>11037815None, hopefully.A large problem with these machines it they're manufactured with legs.So they're liable to just run away.
>>11037808B-but if I post too many lunas I wont have one for when I am actually going to bed!
>>11037829just draw a new one for going to bed every night
>>11037826Step the fuck off
>>11037803Is mlpg not enough?Fun fact: I actually masturbated once to the mlpg - nothing in particular, just the concept.I did it to some games, too, when they were so good masturbating was the only way to express my joy. It felt good.I was also making out with my monitor, licking it and sloppy kissing
>>11037838I dislike you
>>11037838>>11037826Holy shit,I have a feeling it's the same person, but that was well executed.
>>11037849Clearly you need to draw a picture to proe which is the real you.Or fight to the death
you know what this means, Sainepost it on your tumblr
>>11037829That's an acceptable consequence.