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I'm in Seattle with no plans for the night and hankering for a milkshake.
If you'd like to share a milkshake over some spaghetti, shoot me an e-mail with a timestamp that has "I WILL NOT STEAL YOUR KIDNEYS" written on it,
your favorite milkshake flavor, and a sentence or two convincing me that you're more interested in talking about feels than pilfering organs.

EDIT: Hung out with some /b/ros at the Northwest Folklife Festival.
I think I'll organize a drink-up at a bar downtown later this week, so if you're a Seattleite hankering to meet some fellow awkward-folk, keep an eye on this notice.

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Ancient old dead horse: >>10878075

Twelly edition
Discuss and post Twelly
Describe her perfections
Describe her imperfections
Describe why you love her, or why you don't

Would you hug a twelly?
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the fuck is a twelly
Make it a Twelly E. Cayotee and I'm in.
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I love her the most of any pony. I would hug her every day.
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If you took a massive shit would you show it fluttershy to impress her?
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How do you think twelly will handle all the things a teenage girls body does in EqG?
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Currently at 18 players! Come be beta with us on the MLPG TF2 server!
>the area between the twat and the belly

There's a word for that though - it's called the mons pubis or the pubic mound.
Do you think Twily will acquire a taste for meat and meat products while she's in EqG?
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I can hear her saying "Such a good boy Mama's so proud"
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Sleep tight MLPG
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Twilight Sparkle is a very pretty pony
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>>She spends the rest of the night avoiding you and asking her parents if she can go home early
She's too fucking cute. I could never sexually a Femsnails, but I'd love to be her friend and hang out with her and maybe talk about boys she likes.
she'd give you a little round of applause
Well FS was eating a burger, so probably.
Thanks to everyone who got a kick out of my dramaitic reading of bad fanfic

sorry I wasnt more drunk or more engaging, but hopefully this maraton of reading has given me some much needed practice.

I could do more if any one in interested
god damn I want to eat your heart and steal your hands.

your stuff is way too fucking adorable and fast

Fluttershy was eating a salad.
has anyone seen GG since he made the post officially leaving mlpg?
get some rest and do more tomorrow

There was nothing on his tumblr about it.
>this is bait
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>"That's pretty good Anon, but lets see you beat THIS!"
I'm sprry. I a out of all alcohol for a good loneg while. Any more dramtic readings of mad finfiction by me will need to be done sober
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>why do you show me these things?
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That's it I'm done STICK A FORK IN ME I AM DONE.

PS: I was ghost
PSS: this is the real GG here is a pic to prove it, cuz u know only I have access to pics like these
>Thats... nice.
don't do that
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thanks for the stram
it was great
He probably got kicked out of his place again for being a dead beat who only browsed 4chins.

Although I really want to know how much GG made in commissions, or did he even do those
Your favorite pony is naked!
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Th-thanks m8
what i cant use your guise maymay's?

or you think it was me?

or just all of the above?
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Silly anon, no one ever leaves...
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is it possible to have a mons fixation?
cuz I really wouldn't mind nestling my face up against CC's in this pic
Any refs or screenshot of a pony folding their forelegs in annoyance. Twilight did it once I think.
Nah, he would have come to MLPG and demanded we pay him the money we "owe" him, like always.

He hasn't posted anything on his tumblr or IRC about why he'd be away, but he has been active on Something Awful, so I'm thinking that post was a fake and he's just been absent.

You are clearly delisional, but I might make this a regular thing on the rest of /co/
He's done commissions a few times, on a "pay what you like" pricing thing.
>He probably got kicked out of his place again for being a dead beat who only browsed 4chins.

Wasn't he evicted once already back in S2?
anyone else ever relaize that the unicorn minority from frozen northern lands enslaved an entire race of hornless, wingless ponies?

were... if...
would humanized crystal ponies be black?
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Please do, you have a wonder voice to listen to. Shame it's with a terrible story though.
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>if they were enslaved, they must have been black!
Will they do lewd things to her?
I dunoow

this thig looks like it might suck!
Guys im in a hotel room and I can't sleep
take a shower
lie there in the dark until the sun rises

>Kissing CC's mound, touching your lips to her soft skin, just above her little patch of pubic hair
>She giggles, before humming contentedly, running her fingers through your hair
>"That feels nice..."
>not packing your body pillow
I bet if you ask room service they'll bring you an extra pillow. Just say you need back support or something
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SB does it again.
>but he has been active on Something Awful
GG has an SA account? What is it?
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pls no , ill be a good girl i promise
I do not understand this whole Oedipus thing with ponies
oh god
oh geez
oh fuck
I bet she'd feel even nicer if you kissed just a little lower
she might even start stroking your hair...
Sent :)
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who knows
I mean grip it. Grip your hair.
>you will never impregnate a pretty princess
everything about that character drives my boner wild
shame her sister is so boring
>no hooves
Thats as stupid as pretending to bring along a date to the movied because you dont want to be seen anlone

Just ask for a pillow. Thy'll bring you a dozen if you ask
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Please do go on...
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So I did this sorry it took so long, Anon!
Also, this inker tool is really comfy.
I need a Renne reference pls
Family guy really was never good, was it?
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>Celestia is a mom

What if celesita was YOUR mother
Luna pls
What does she need help with?
by the white unicorn 'master race'? blood diamonds anon.
>go to hotel
>realize you left your pony at home
would you go to the front desk to ask for a pony in person or would you order pony delivery by phone?

>her sister is boring


...yeah, boring. Flitter. The boring one. "Boring Flitter," they call her... haha...
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Luna is not a clever pony.
Those're just for the 3 times she wants you to fuck her in the ass.

Her tail seems to have gone missing, she needs help finding it.
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I actually enjoy it
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Derpy and Care Package please!
Theres a fucking foot gap between the backboard and the mattress

If I put my pillows thwre , they will fall into the gap

I put my head below the gap, my feet will hang off the bed
Pony is a person, not a thing to be replaced
Princess Celestia, I believe you're trying to seduce me!
Sleep on the floor like a dog.
Which one is Care Package again?
she's an adult and still wears a bow

If you can, lie on your bed at an angle.
but they would have loaner ponies for weary travelers, right?
Flitter, pls. Don't be down.
Luna got sent to the moon before she got the talk about birds and bees
Remember whne pony did pony things like that?

b-but I wanna go bareback...
Sure, where is it? Ears? Back? Wings even?
But anon, that's her lucky bow

She lost her virginity in that bow.
If by boring you mean sneaking supplements into your food, edging you for a week, and then all but tying you down to her body to coax seven days' load out of you and into her hungering pussy.
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I'd still be a bat pony in her guard in a heartbeat.

Oh, wait she found it. False alarm.
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she though they were sex balloons
>convince her that repeated, constant sex is the best way to ensure pregnancy
>and that anal and blowjobs during pregnancy helps the health of the foal
I can fix that.
Do you have a loner family when you go abroad?
Just how old was she for her first time?
I pooped an obscene amount today

And they were big poops
Their to keep her space mane from sucking you in...
I try not to eemreber.
It only brings pain.

On it, Coach!
I can only promise a sketch tonight. It's almost bedtime.
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Maybe you could show me them.
heh cute, thanks Goat
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Heh. Hot. Cause it's a sun. I get it. Sure, I'll scratch your booty doodle.
>Luna was an angsty teen who Celestia never gave her a talk about shit was going to happen, and couldn't deal with raging hormones and became NMM

What is the shittiest head canon for $1000?
>fluttershy will never diagnose you with bunny cancer after examining your stool
same fag
what the fuck fluttershy? what the hell is wrong with you?
The scary part is that it is canon in the fandom's eyes
I want to have a bath with the pony mare version of myself.

How do I achieve this?
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>MLPG openly admires mares and fillies sexually
>MLPG openly admires stallions and colts also sexually

So are most of you bisexual, or straight/gay/straight female just living in harmony?
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I hate everything, I even felt bad for typing that
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"Hey honey... y'know how I'm on the pill? Well, I just thought of something a while ago - what if those supplements you've been on - the ones that make you cum more?
Well, what if you... like... got to the point where you could cum SO much... that, like... even though I'm on the pill, I still got pregnant?

Like, you had SO much sperm, and your sperm were SO potent, that they just, like IGNORED the pill, or condom, or gel, or whatever I was using? ...wouldn't that be the hottest thing ever?"
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Is it gay that I want to be a mare and fucked by a stallion?
I don't think so
dont reply
There's more than one of here mate
I do too

It's a harmonious mix of everything.
Female and wishing there were more art of stallions/colts on women that I could use my imagination on.
Her sister must have a few tricks up her sleeve too.
Honestly whichever one enjoys taking it up the butt the most will have won me.
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I don't think my sexuality can be described with just one word, anon.
Is it weird that I know gangonagong style, but not the harlem shake?
it means you're trapped in the wrong body. I'm sure some plastic surgeon is willing to turn you into a female pony
dont reply

you're not funny
Oh fuck I scrwed up I'm sorry!
somehow hot isn't the first word that comes to mind...
Do you like the thought of sucking/riding a dick?
Do you like the thought of sucking/plowing a vagina?

If yes to both, press B for bisexual
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wth anon, who let a bee in your bonnet tonight
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ok fine but it sure did look like it
>Do you like the thought of sucking/riding a dick?

Well on MLPG on a Sunday night.....................................

homosexual biromantic?
Bisexual heteromantic?
heterosexual biromantic?
Bisexual homoromantic?
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>you will never have both princesses fight over you for belly rubs and ear scratches
The filter really is a lifesaver
I don't understand how romantic feelings come into play talking about sexual orientations.

Or why there needs to be so many names for this shit.
Why when I could have all 4?
What if pony was filtered?
So much that there's a little bump in her belly immediately after I cum inside her?
Because muh speshul snowflake feelings
Straight, gay, bisexual.
Fucking pick one of the above.
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WE royally demand you unfilter us at once!
I just finished Bastion, sheeit that was a good game.

It's just to make things easier.

If you like the aspects of gay and straight sex but could only see yourself dating a girl, then you could say you're bisexual heteromantic.

But you're right, if it's just sexual orientation, it wouldn't really come into play
Just for fun and for masochism, I'm going to filter "Anonymous"
straight and ponicurious
He can't hear you.
Yell louder.
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Can I have the silver tongued changeling?

"Oh, fuck yesss..."
WWhats the difference between MLPG and a gay sex brothel?

one of them has money!
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>wanting to give bellyrubs to a soul sucking evil monster
More like a big bump, her belly sloshing and stretched a bit tighter from the amount of hot cum inside of her, and once you pull your dick out an entire waterfall of your cum would splash out her pussy.
That's so dumb.

I love riding and sucking dick, and I also love sleeping with women,
but I only romantically like women. Still, the "riding a dick" part is what's important,
so I'm going to call myself bisexual just for the sake of convenience.

>Flitter fantasizes about getting pregnant

...Hello erection.
>feeling her trimmed pubes tickling your nose as you lick and suckle on her tender labia
>feeling her thick thighs squeezing the sides of your head, covering your ears in pillowy softness and muffling your hearing
>feeling her hands curl into fists and grip handfuls of your hair when you tease her sensitive clit with her tongue and push her ever-closer to orgasm
>"Keep going...just a...little more...f-fuck...~"
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Bi is good, suppose.
>Soul sucking
More like cock sucking
I could squeeze it and make a little bit squirt out of her? And she can feel it all oozing and pouring from deep inside her, flowing back out into a hot sticky mess all over her thighs?
what draw /co/ ?
Why do I want to be Chrysalis daughter?
>there's a sequel to Four Leaf Lover

Oh god

You should I do it?

"But I don't wanna waste any of it!"
That isn't how the pill works.
>still being curious
Make up your mind, please. You've had plenty of time to think it over.
I don't want to give her belly rubs. I just want her, to, like, tie me up and fuck me and lay eggs in me.

and once she gets actually pregnant the sex gets even wilder, especially with that beach ball sized gut in the way.
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>implying mlpg doesn't rob banks and live the high life
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And that's totally cool.

Sexual preference is a super complicated thing, and while some like being precise with the label or whatever, it's honestly whatever you decide best fits you.
personally I find it hotter when she holds it in.
no mess, no waste~
What ending?

>"Well, duh. I mean, if I'm not ovulating, obviously I can't get pregnant... but it's fun to think about."
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Evacuation, I figured it'd just happen all over again otherwise.
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i just like the term, im totally in the camp that pony should pony. with me in the middle
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Oh please, that's not all of it.

I'd have a blast getting on her nerves. Demeaning her every now and then by patting her on the head in front of her changelings or scratching her ears when she's trying to be serious.
Don't forget to turn on recursive filtering so you only get namefags talking to namefags!
And what about Zulf?
I tried it and it was horrible
For whatever reason it also filtered tripfags so there were ONLY namefags left
There were five posts left out of the entire thread

>booty doodle

that's a great substitute for cutie mark, I might have to sue that
What if she eventually starts warming up to you?
she would fuck you up anon
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How many were pony related?

Butt tat is nice too
oh god those thick thighs
I hope she wouldn't mind having fingers exploring her other areas
I think all of them, surprisingly
I want to cum in her hair and see what happens
I know a couple places we could put it
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rate my shitty attempt at lineart

based on http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=35097148

>captcha: horse ysoardi
I saved him, I couldn't leave a nigga behind.
Then all over your horse face
>luna wants to fetish greentext with you
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>implying it wouldn't be worth it
>implying I wouldn't do it again
"other areas"?
You did good Anon.
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If Celestia's cunt tastes like Sunny D, what does Luna taste like?

This is actually a really difficult question...
o-oh my
If you cum into her hair, it would absorb it... then seek out more.

Her mane would come alive and wrap around your dick, then milk it dry.

grilled cheese
not great, but not terrible.

You should practice more.
sticking a finger up her tight little asshole
cute but i can tell you did it free hand, with no base sketch. also thicker lines look better
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Is that even a fucking question?
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I'm wanting to be romantically invested with a cartoon horse more and more. what is happening to me?
yeah go for it
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and you're going to get a mouth full of her cheese
good point
No, actually.
I forgot the question mark. I guess it was me just yelling.
Would you >you will never a princess?
Her hair gives you space cancer.
Your dick falls off.
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like this?
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Silly rabbit, you're going to make a tulpa is what's happening to you.

Try it. It's fun!

>Derpy with a short mane cut
>wearing the boys mailpony outfit

Tomboy derpy sounds really cute
I bet my tulpa could beat up your tulpa!
I'd never.
I'll just roll around in some radioactive waste until it grows back
Mine plays tennis, she'd just be able to smack your tulpa's face with a racquet.
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You clearly have never had one of these before.
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I might just drink the bleach now if this is whats going to happen to me.
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Welcome to my world, anon.
So marshmallows and chocolate.
I'm assuming the flesh is the chocolate part and the fluid is the marshmallow part.
You know, I think I'll take Luna.
A bit smaller than her sister, which is unfortunate, but also less crazy.
>you will never have Celestia help Luna feed you
>that face
God damn this sketch ended up being too much.

Anyone have a Saffron reference?

>She gives a little squeak of surprise at the sensation of you slipping inside
>but after a moment to adjust, she starts getting into it
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Don't fight it. You'll be able to talk to your dear Fluttershy any time you want.
It's like she's there with you, and having a predefined character helps enormously.
I'm creating a human one from scratch; a pony would be easier.
Gwilled cheese
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would you feed luna back?

Sorry! It was messy to begin with.
I might color it myself.
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The face is perfect.
Go away purple it's Luna and Fluttershy's turn
No no, I mean a Renne Quest pic I'm drawing myself.

>I might color it myself.

o-oh okay
>letting your hands wander over her bare skin, lovingly stroking her thighs and wandering around her sides to squeeze the ample cheeks of her derriere
>feeling her legs buckle and hearing her let out a surprised gasp as you tease her anus with your fingertips, tracing little circles around the rim before slowly pushing two fingers inside
>she squeals and clenches as you gently nibble on her clit, pumping your fingers in and out of her in a slow, steady rhythm
How does a pony know what Yakutsk is?
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and how much of that finger correlates to her growing arousal.
there's nothing like having both holes being tended to to get an orgasm building
Given how they feed me of course I would.
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At 20 people currently. Come join the fun because you have no friends/family to hang with tomorrow!
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is this saffron?
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Twily is best person-horse!
She's going to make so many person-horse friends and win the prom crown in her upcoming movie!
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She looks so frustrated with that butt

That's a butt worth betraying a civilization for
If NMM promised you once-daily freedom with her body,
to touch and to taste anywhere you please,
in exchange for your help in dooming Equestria to eternal night,
would you assist her?
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Fuck that's hot
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I think this is all I got in me tonight. I'll try and finish it tomorrow.

Good night, gentlemen. It's been a pleasure.
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>once daily
>eternal night
I'm onto her
I see through her tricks
Is that a belly button piercing?
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No, because I'd rather take up that same offer with Chrysalis.
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that's adorable.
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>thick lines look better
Are you sure about that?
Fuckload of shit, I didn't mean that.
Once every 24-hour period you can do as you please with her, regardless of what light level it is.
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I love you man
Slight homo
-_- anon pls
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That looks...surprisingly good.

And Chrysalis is mine, nigga.

fuck off goat train, go back with the petfuckers
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she gets a harem of anons

or instead of turning yourself into a schizophrenic moron, you could train yourself at lucid dreaming and dream focus.

With will and practice, you may be able to choose the general subject of a dream and shape it in lucidity. Way less stupid that scarring your brain.
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>art of other mail ponies
>art of Derpy in the main pony uniform

Best drawfag
>she starts menstruating
>goes into a panic and starts crying because she think she's dying
I love you Goat Train.
yeah, she's an NPC in Renne Quest.
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I believe she's mind.

Mor like [sppoiler]ug[spoilrt]ly
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I don't think so, tim.
>scarring your brain
How is voluntarily inducing hallucinations you consciously design 'scarring' anything?

You dreamfags are so silly. I don't fucking sleep all the time, and my dreams are usually horrifying.
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Hey, that's not nice. He can enjoy other things if he wants to.
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but I don't want to share her
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Day 99
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 4,840 (Running Total: 597,002)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 23,552 (Running Total: 2,588,311)

99 days without pone on the wall, 99 days without pone, you put one up, you cry a bit more...

And then we'll go into 3 digit hamburgers.
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I would still kiss it.
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Allright here it is, a sketch that I decided to finish.

Spoiler because possible spoilers of Renne Quest.
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you'll just have to take a beta changeling on the side
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I would gladly be part of her harem
>all dose hamboigahs
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He really is. He's improved a lot and continues to be chill at all times. It's such a shame that other people who contribute less and stir up more drama are mentioned more often.
Dang son! That's pretty damn neat
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Can I have a boy or am I stuck with a girl?
Women are hotter than men, but boys are cuter than girls.
I've always thought this way.
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>triple digit hamburgers
We're going to make it you guys. If Homestuck can do it, so can we!
I am assuming of course they ARE Doing alright. Right?
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Can pony live on hamburger alone?

>Her breathing picks up, and she grips the back of your head, mashing your lips to hers.
>You savor her salty tang and the thick, pillowy softness of her labia while you thrust your fingers in and out of her.
>"Oh! Sh-shit--! Don'tstop! Don'tstopdon'tstopdon'tstopdon'tstop---!"
>implying I'm not jealous of all you drawfags and write fags
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These two be my bros.
We're doing way better than last hiatus, that's for sure
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>100 days without pony

>then at least another 200 days without
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I'm pretty sure any changeling can be whatever you want them to be... as long as you love them.
Damnit MLPG, give me some requests.
>of writefags

top lel. they contribute garbage.
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Good or bad, EQG is coming. Plus our monthly comic, and the micros. We'll make it.
Rarity going fast
I don't think pony can digest meat.

Cloudchaser mussing Rumble's hair.

Featherweight and Inky Colt/Shady Daze playing a video game or reading comics together.
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Hypothetical situation:

>Tumblr® presented by Yahoo!® bans "copyright-infringing" fandom material and also porn to court advertisers
>pone is ded

Where would you go? A different platform?

More of Care Package and Derpy! (see >>10886055)

Or how about a staff pic of all the mail ponies?
Rarity trying to play vodeo games with Rainbow Dash
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most of HSG has preformed hara-kari and failed
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I want a changeling to be changeling.
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of course they can
>>Tumblr® presented by Yahoo!® bans "copyright-infringing" fandom material and also porn to court advertisers
>Tumblr banning fandom stuff
pffthahaha, hope those advertisers weren't looking for pageviews
>yahoo spending 1.1 billion to by tumblr
>banning the pony porn

Why do you think they bought it in the first place?
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Twily organizing her buttplug collection
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I fucking knew that yahoo was going to kill tumblr
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thank you brother
Seconding one of these
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>hypothetical situation
anon x fluttershy nonsexually
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Ham's not real meat, right? Pigs don't even talk!
>she starts to rock her hips in rhythm with your pumping motions, grinding her wet pussy against your face and pushing your fingers deeper into her rear
>one hand wanders up to her well-formed chest, squeezing her breast and teasing her nipple with her fingertips while her other hand holds you firmly against her slit
>"C-C'mon big boy, almost th-there...ngh...~"
>she bites her lower lip to stifle her gasps and soft moans, arching her back and curling her toes in delight
Now there's what I'd call a Twilymancer.
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good night, friends
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bah dee ya
say do you remember
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What if Fluttershy saw you eating meat and got curious as to what it tastes like?
Would you have a nice steak or burger with her?

I hate sex talk like that in writing.

No one actually says words like that unless they're actively trying to have sex like a porno.

The most you usually get is "oh god"s and a lot of whining and moaning

I can't see Yahoo ever doing that, they bought Tumblr so they would get more money, if they did that, users would be gone and pageviews would decrease, so Tumblr would be the new Yahoo.
what is that a pun of
I don't understand
If MLPG could be allowed on any board other than /co/, which one would you choose?
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I feel dirty as fuck right now.

Can someone post cute lesbian or straight ponies? Drawings or fics. Because i could seriously go for that right now
Guys I'm still in a hotel room and I still can't sleep
Of course, but the bigger deal is a vegetarian veterinarian eating meat in the first place.
I like dirty talk
hire a prostitute

You fapped to gay ponies again, didn't you?

Which ones
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I'm not sure I should help fuel her crippling bacon addiction.
A Necromancer is someone who magically summons the dead.

He clearly summons the Twily.
I dunno, /toy/ maybe? It was originally a toy before it was a cartoon, anyway. /tg/ would be nice, but we might get raided by w40kids every once and aw while, and it wouldn't make much sense anyway. /co/ or /toy/ are the only real options, and it doesn't really belong on the latter.
Play seppuku
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Quit being so gay, anon.
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Not really cute though
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>we are getting way less posts than last year

MLPG is dying

MLP is past its prime
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what the fuck
make her cum nice and hard.
and then see if we can fit something a bit bigger back there
>that wolf pad

how embarrassing
i just want to refresh my dashboard and not see it filled with notifications
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Good. Its prime is bronies fucking everywhere, the cancerous fucks can drop back off and we can have reduced number of people who actually give a shit and aren't here because LOL I LIKE MLP IM SOOOO UNIQUE BROHOOF!
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I would play mtg with twily
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We're playing TF 2 you jackass. We just added a babseed voice clip to the server.
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Fuck you, this place is alive as fuck.

If you want ded, go to /jp/ and look at the Touhou threads that last for a week each.
And this is close to the release of a new game - the hiatuses are horrible to behold.
Pony is just the Touhou of the 2010s, after all.
Too bad I lost my hard drive where all those were stored.

But I plan on actually keeping up this short and simple version of the report for the whole hiatus.
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Not my proudest moment.

But Shindol does great aheago faces

sketchy pls

I've seen those on /co/ saying things like

>the appeal of watching a cartoon for little girls has worn off

though the show really has lost its magic since Lauren left
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my touhou folder is my second largest image folder, first is ponies
who is the broniest pony

no, the post count in general has been quite lower compared to last year
Would you, MLPG?
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Is she going to be okay?
that's because there's only like a dozen or two people left
>I plan on actually keeping up this short and simple version of the report for the whole hiatus.

but what if the hiatus never ends?
dash has the most memes and merchandise. she is also the most popular with younger bronies.
>shaft beast
A more fitting name would be hard to come by.
aww, is it over already...?
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Imagine being Celestia's son_____
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No man, we still have a season and a spinoff to watch!

The pony ride never ends
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>all those quests
>realize most quests now are dying
Knock knowck your favorite pony

U oh I'm ugly the end
There's only two people left.
You, and me.
So...which pone u wud fuk?
I've fapped to that pic before
I don't know if I would though

Either way, I wish there were pony art in this vein
Last hiatus was chock full of nice writing and quests. What's kept the same from happening this time around I wonder.
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You wake up rather late, twilight
Last hiatus also had players.
las hiatus had good quests
Because everyone wised up. Fanfiction has always been shit. It just took a while for MLPG to notice.

MLPG is dying, just accept it anon

The ride never ends only for those who can't let go, for those who can't accept that FiM ended with the wedding

The people who accepted the truth have now abandoned MLPG
>for those who can't accept that FiM ended with the wedding

Well that would rob Spike of having a good episode and Scoots from even having an episode.

So fuck you.
Then why are you still here?
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I'd rather be her little brother.
Luna would just /ss/ you all the time.
>I check this threads every now and then to see how bad they are
wait for it
I'd rather be her husband, you pair of faggots.

just like you, i can't let go, not yet
Like what?
like renne and raisin
Can't I be her partner? Sexually.
You are absolutely no fun.
We have the Comics and much to the chagrin of many here Equestria Girls. Things will pick up when content rolls around
You're letting the hiatus get to you.
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I liked the background too so have it
she'd be the little sister
Having #7 leak so early made the gap between issues awful. It's a good thing we're getting the FS micro this week, #8 the week after, and EG soon after that. Things will pick up around here soon I think.
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Who's doing the Fluttershy micro? Anyone good?

The Rarity one is the only one so far that I've liked.
what would make a quest good enough to get people to play it?
how do you avoid ending up like Celestiaquest, completely ignored and constantly postponed due to lack of interest?

what makes a quest stick?
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Is there any way for me to change the color of the text where it says "Spoiler" in the image file info by editing the 4chan X user script? I disabled image spoilers but I want to be able to easily tell right away that it was meant to be spoilered by changing the color of the text indicator to red or something.
I'm not sure who's doing it, but the preview pages seemed okay.
Puzzles and adventure and shit

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It's funny that you still think that.

Drawfags are leaving MLPG for better places and dropping MLP as a whole

writefags are possibly extinct except for one guy now and a couple of greentext writers

The mood and atmosphere here is hostile and passive aggressive as fuck most of the time towards a lot of name and tripfags, almost always derailing the thread

Why people even still bother with MLPG is a mistery
And pictures. Because no one will actually give a shit about words unless you have drawings to go with it.
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>PS4 has "used games DRM as well"

top motherfucking lel
The real mistery here is why are you still here if all those things are true

Which they aren't, mind you
Raisin Quest didnt have pictures
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Why aren't you posting Princess Luna?
Because Raisin sure had loads and loads of pictures, huh
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Hugging Pegasusus
But Rasin Quest was good
And it already had a following.
Most if not all of Aspirant's quests are without pictures, apart from fanart posts. Hell, he posts with music sometimes.
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Who says I'm not?

he also had a following. Plus they were about waifuing, meaning they would get people regardless.

Whatever floats your boat dude. Besides there's more to life than MLPG and ponies
>too big to hug

0/10 immersion broken would not recommend shipper
That's adorable
>implying they wont come back once s4 starts
A lot of them are also still here, just Anon
It didnt have a following before it existed. And Raisin Quest the first did fine without pictures.
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c:horseless essunno
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If they're still here, why aren't they writing and drawing for me?

Face it, everyone's gone.

These threads are over.
so suppose you wanted to make a quest, but you can't art
Wait what? So it magically spawned with a following when Jr did the first part?

Shitposters say the darndest things
You gave me that warm fuzzy feeling
I hope you're happy
It existed when quests weren't a popular thing as they were now.
>The mood and atmosphere here is hostile and passive aggressive as fuck most of the time towards a lot of name and tripfags, almost always derailing the thread

This is a lie to you? That's the one thing he's right about
You're going to have a hard time most likely

what was your quest idea?
>why aren't they writing and drawing for me?
Because there are no new episodes which could give us new characters, new inspiration and so on.
I'd like to do a quest but I'm neither sanic enough in drawing nor do I actually have an idea how to lead a quest
goodnight everyponу

The thought of something like Raisin Quest in MLPG wasn't known before, so it was unique at the time.
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ultra happy, it came together pretty well and I'm glad you like it.
Immersion broken?
So you're saying that a quest must have pictures to be good because quests are popular now?
Anyone who thinks a quest must have pictures is an idiot.
>Oh no, a few shitposters got to me because I haven't grown a thicker skin yet

Newsflash, honey, the immense majority of the MLPG are actually pretty decent people, the ones who shitpost and namecall are always the same fags

This is 4chan 101

Look at recent quests from here. Dead or dying.
We quest talk?
What's goin on?
mystery/adventure/puzzle stuff
This is sounding like you are just burnt out on MLPG or ponies in general.
You stopped seeing anything good in it because you didn't limit yourself on your pony intake.
But having other interests besides ponies will help you see that not everything is super fucked all the time and why would anyone even bother posting here? I know it did for me.

i don't wanna draw for you, you seem like a rude anon
I'd rather draw for others thank you
Don't quests have a better success rate out in the piss than in the sub?
It's not "quest talk", it's quest pessimism.
Is that her anus?
But that's not due to the lack of pictures.
That's due to the oversaturation of available quests and generally lower quality of the storycrafting.
Go tell that to SmutAnon(Celestia quest) and Scrubbles(Pretty Princess)
Man, I don't even know if I should do one anymore.
I'm worried I might drop it halfway through or something.
Most quest talk goes on on the skype anyways
This is the sad truth, but no one has dedquested for a long time, either. Do you think that'll be viable?
What happens ig you can't draw OR twrite good but try toe quest

then you'd be Scrubbing Bubbles!
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pls respond
You should be more afraid of never starting it
>People talking about old quests
>Completely forgetting MightyShockwave
Not really

Just seeing the truth.
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>he really believes that

The fandom already reached critical mass, from now on it comes the decline.

No, i'm not doomsaying.
>the show is almost 3 years old
>already 3 seasons
>the fandom already got as big as it could possibly get

This is completely natural, the interest for the show is wearing off

Of course the fandom will remain huge for a long time, but the general enthusiasm and activity is slowing, like with any other fandom.

Yeah, sure some people will come back, but there won't be as many as they used to.
>OR twrite good but try toe quest

SB gor hom ur dunk
If you never start, you'll never know if you could
Do it you wimp!
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do you think any unicorn created a spell that gives boobs to anything.
But I don't know which is worse. I don't want to start it and let people down.
Do you have any idea how many projects I've had that never got done?

Fuck tons, Anon.
Fuck tons.

fuck off asshole, don't spam your question when it's not even pony
>he really believes that
I don't believe, I know.
Quester, occasionally drew stuff. Wrote that lamia Rarity/Twilight fic
>As big as it could possibly get

I'm assuming this is the first fandom you've gotten to know up-close

Nigga, you have no idea how much bigger this can get still
ask /g/
>You will never titfuck a snake.
Nigga you new.
Yeah, then might as well not do it. Considering how quests do these days, I really doubt any one would care.
seems legit
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dotkwa would you draw a happy pinka smiling with a shutterfly
>Of all the things in this thread not pony, this asshole chooses that particular post to blow up at
Come to the skype call you dingus, we can help you sort things out there
Why are you telling me thing I already know? How would you liek if I did it to you?

Twilight is terrible. Tehre ho do you like oe?
Don't give up, or you'll always wonder what would have happened if you hadn't.
That was Starswirl's other spell he could never exactly get right.
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>The face of the MLP fandom
Not really, I just havent been as active or involved in quests during the first year I spent here
Glitter Glue
Glitter Glue
Glitter Glue
Twilight isn't terrible, she's a princess you asshole.
I guess. I'll try and get it up soon.
So, not for a month.
Or two.
Maybe three.

How do that
Are you just saying that or am I missing something
Actually that's a part of the "faces of atheism" reddit campaign.
>Glitter Glue
>Glitter Glue
>Glitter Glue

Is a hack
I was talking abou the boo kseries you dork lord

Also Twilight Sparkle is nothing special

>implying there's a difference
/pol/, pls stop adding quotes to every neckbeard picture you find.
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delet sytsim

Should horse horse horse?
Sadly not. I liked dedquesting, but the reason it died was because of the increase image/bump limits on /mlp/; it takes so long for a thread to reach it's conclusion now that the thread before it almost always 404's before the current one ends and is free to move into.
Right now the previous thread is 11 newly created threads on /mlp/ away from 404'ing, by my very vague estimate about an hour, while we've still got 40% of this thread's images to get through.
Actually, looking at it that's a bit over an hour at our current posting rate too, but still, even a quarter hour of just waiting for a new thread seems not worth it when you could just run it on the sub.
Those guys took down the video of the bronies in Hot Topic making fools of themselves singing MLP songs. Fedoras everywhere. Everyone was mocking them and the uploader was getting defensive.
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>Wha-What's that anon? You say I h-have a...smelly rear?
I'm not very good at these things.

I herd mlp likes traps
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I'd rather take ded threads than no one showing up at the sub.

>Jelly donut left among several green fruit
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The "truth" is what you have in your head to help explain why you don't enjoy something anymore. You only see the bad because it reaffirms how you feel.
Unless you have something more to say than 'You're just blind to the truth' I'm going to stop talking about this. Because this isn't pony
How frightful
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I'd fill that donut with my jelly
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>MLP fandom
But I still like MLP and MLPG. But if you don't see the problems then you're crazy.

See whenever someone mentions an artist that doesn't come here much or whatever, like Kraut or Tiara specially. What happens? Shitposting and thread derail. Every. Fucking. Time. Without fail.
Who is the best MLPG TF2 player?

Who is the worst?
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Go ask the steam chat
honk honk

what if



it's shit

>her cutiemark is "XXX"

>implying any of these images are real
She exerts stress when she exports beats.

>Fedora neckbeards don't exist
>Said fools don't latch onto things to feel superior to others since they're such failures

I got news for ya...
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>Nigga, you have no idea how much bigger this can get still

How ?

Freakin ponies have been posted all over the internet for almost 3 years

The show airs in a shitload of countries already

FiM has been around for enough time and spreaded as it could possibly be.

Not sure what makes you think that this could get bigger.
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because he is the only asshole that begged for replies
D-dios mio!
why is it so much better than LMJ's?
i honestly don't see how anyone could think this is unf

it's fucking ugly as hell

specially the shit face
Guys I'm trapped in a hotel room and I can't sleep
You're not one of those people who waits for peak activity hours on Tumblr to post your art just to maximize notes, are you?
Eww, she's all human and shit.
My feces are better than LMJ's stuff
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Just finished this commission - hope you guys enjoy it.
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Saffron, are you in heat again?
How? Because its from someone from here?

it still looks like shit

Only this time it's human.
There's still a huge, huge amount of people that refuse to watch it just on principle

That people will eventually break

And then there's Japan. When MLP starts getting really popular there (Not ''if'', ''when'') there will be such a retroactive surge that the fandom will only get even bigger

3 years is NOTHING for a fandom
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Did you even learn anything today mlpg?
I learned how to make a pizza today from scratch
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WHo the fuck still cares about her? God damn. And the cover's not even that good.
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Aww, that's really cute, AA.
But why would she need a suit?
In space no one can hear you pank
I learned that pony is not for sexual.
I learned that you were absent for one whole season. How dare you.
Shouldnt Pinkie's tal freeze and snap off like your a sitck in a stictorioum on moving day in a frozen vaccume?

Its very cute though
Of course I see the problems MLPG has, but those problems are too small for me to get down about.
When I see shitposts about Tiara/Kraut/whoever, those don't bother me. Why? Because I know the things they say about them aren't true and that the shitposters themselves don't actually believe the things they say.
They could give two shits about what Tiara/Kraut do but they do know bringing them up and then insistently complain about them gets others upset and ruins the fun of others.
>Pinkie on a low-gravity environment

Such majestic prancing
I learned that pony is for sexual.
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I used to queue stuff, but then I stopped caring, since no amount of notes would replace the void left by senpai not noticing me. So I quit altogether.
haha it arouses me because dicks!
The dub is shit according to them, and I don't think there have been subbed episodes in a long tme for Japan.
When's peak hours?
No one is going to the signing who already knows of her.

Hello again. How have you been?
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are you gonna keep arguing with that boob
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Same here.
>tfw you think Tex is quite dull and boring
>but casual cattle is going to love populrfags anyway
as long as lemmings are happy
Who's that?
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someone needs to shoop derpy onto that cover
Hey, she was in S3. She was with her boyfriend Big Macintosh.
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good night MLPG!
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But bothering boobs becomes beneficial, baby.
pone is not for sexual

The client asked for Pinkie in a space suit on the moon.

I left the tail uncovered because I couldn't think of a way to cover it that didn't look stupid.
Even the most downright lies about anyone contain a kernel of truth. Which does not mean it's wholly deserved, but there's always some foundation to everything.
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But pony is for sexual, that is how pony has pony.
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Sorry I'll stop now. I just really hate to see others become jaded and cynical over stuff
says the guy who wrote ponies doing sexual
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Look I like ponies as much as the next guy who has an abnorbla obession wit cartoon taliing mini horses

But this person clearly has a penis. On op of that, they're not even weating sock. Tehy;rejust....haaving striped bands on their legs, pretending to have socks. This is terrible and by no means a pony, let alone a good pony
Pony has pony by ponying, not by sexual.
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Nah, space isn't as cold as they make it out to be in movies like Mission to Mars where things like people freeze instantly. Humans can supposedly survive for about 90 seconds exposed to space with no long-term side effects, though they would only be conscience for the first 10. It's recommended in that scenario though that you exhale all the oxygen in your lungs so they don't expand and burst.
god SB how are you still conscious
work on your faces

they looked fucked

like, ross does them better. and his are shit
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>you will never sexual a small child
Ross please, no one is fooled.
Rarity my ass
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>you'll never have a blue ribbon pone
that doesn't count
that's not fair
that's a fucking joke
Artanon I'm drunk dont listen to anythign I say your drawin is cute

I would even go far as to say its very cute

Are the people who are running quests there making noticeable announcements whenever they get started?
I've seen ONE start announcement for Celestia Quest saying it'd be in an hour or so and then nothing else saying it was actually happening (though maybe I went to bed or something?) and nothing of the sort for Princess quest. Though it is possible I'm just not normally around at the time that it's happening.

They're they only quests going at the moment beside Shittyquest and LiP(ded) which are a continuous update-every-day-or-so thing and the 10 or so closed player quests (DnD, etc) that organize amongst themselves, right?

LK was out on /mlp/ so he had the chance of float ins from out there to boost his numbers, but he always made 2-3 announcements (with picture) in the leadup to each day's questing to make sure everyone knew it was happening.
Jr did similar for the Raisin Quests, though not quite as thoroughly; though I think he also used to make a reminder post that Raisin quest was currently in progress whenever MLPG moved to a new thread.
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>you will never have a nerf gun fight with the citizens of ponyville
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look what you've done
Ponying involves sticking the male's erect penile shaft into the female's slick vagina until orgasm brings the male's semen to the female's eggs and fertilizes them

Not everyone aims to be dynamic like bdf. Tex's art has its qualities, but perhaps they're not something you appreciate, which is fine.

>They looked fucked

>not needlessly coating a mare's eggs without worry
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Whats wrong with this picture?
What about a red ribbon pony?

The show already flopped with otaku audience in Japan, it might be a success with the target audience but the grown ups are just not that interested as shown by the 2chan threads.

FiM has japanese fans, but given the reception of the dub, it won't be very popular over there, just like any other baka gaijin cartoon that has aired in Japan.
Fluffle Puff is so much better than the rest of the fluffy pony etcetera
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I was going to gift him minecraft cause he said that he wanted it once but I feel like I'd be bothering him
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thats the spirit
draft horses are so unf
I'm starting to find horse tack sexy

No anon, you're wrong.
>he didn't even bother to draw an Anon, so he picked one from that template
Are you ready?

that pony is really fat
or full of baby
I can't discern
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Wow lazy
I feel they thought "why even bother doing this if no one's going to come". Which was true.
It's just fluffy so it can stay warm during the cold winter.
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But I'm right. Celestia already agreed, don't bother asking her about it.

>you will never be a pony stallion trying so very hard to mount a draft horse mare
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>are you ready?
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Ponies have prominent bellys, they're not fat. Its a characteristic of ponies to look chubby.
>you will never sexually an unfy draft horse
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You told me you were a horsevirgin!
You...you lied to me
So ture. Maybe I should just kill myself

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she just has lewd thoughts
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You need to pony harder MLPG.
fuzzy belly?
very prominent apparently.
All the pones in MLP are far too slim.
Even though I prefer small girl, big guy scenario
she was afraid you wouldn't like her
She's a virgin, Anon. It's just that, she's been waiting for so long she's just exited to lose it.
Sb you have a beautiful voice don't dew it
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Samus tracks a fleeing Space Pirate ship, Ridley included, to a remote area of space outside of Federation jurisdiction and they end up crashlanding on Equestria's world. They have metroids, which have escaped and scattered across the land.

How does this go down?
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>tfw shameless back-and-forth anonymous flirting/fantasizing on /soc/ with a qt 3.14 femanon
>tfw it finally ends and you'll probably never hear from or see them again
Why? It's all ending soon. Might as well leave with the few good memories you have.
Equestria is doomed
They have 3 minutes.
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Here's a mare.

Holy shit did they body clip the fuck out of her, draft horses look weird without their fur.
There arent any native citizens alive unless they are mutated
Phazon blah blah blah
you should have raped her when you had the chance.
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>pone is not for sexual
>has a stack with over 100 porn pics
I would totally fuck that horse.
Should have asked for her skype/email/whatever.

Thanks again Art-Anon, I love it!
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oh. i know. but i just didn't want your feelings to be hurt if you had to find out that i love getting every hole filled by stallions who are way bigger than you by the way. i'm sorry.
dooks go back to your freckled appletraps
Then why wont anyone in hollywood HIR ME
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Ponies can get very fluffy. They actually grow a double coat for winter.
>Phazon blah blah blah
This is probably the most correct answer.
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dooooks stfu
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Nintendo actually manages to sell a wii-u
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Fluttershy and Anonymous sittin in a tree
First comes love then comes marriage, then Comes a baby in a golden carriage.
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No one cares about your dumb transsexual pronouns.
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I just finished my homework actually.

Can I go to sleep instead?
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Pony and human can't make baby though.
Why was the dick the first thing I looked for?
I'll show you a pronoun!

[spouiler]In your butt hoe;!

>tfw 3.14s only exist on the Internet

wait a minute.
oh god that reminds me i have to get up for class at 7 tomorow.
pone give me strength
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A whole network of ancient tubes found underneath the castle in the Everfree that only Samus can traverse. It's like, a thing. Doesn't matter what world she's on, there's terrain that only she can travel on.
>icepack gets all the bitches

No problem!

That's why I'm here, Anon.

that is an ugly-ass horse.
That gray hair's actually pretty cute
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Oh hey, me too!

But I have to get up an hour earlier to catch my bus, so sleep time for now.

Enjoy the horses.
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I miss Cookie sometimes.
Pony satyr.
Sleep well, Rustfgt
I can help her with those
I know, but it occurred to me only too late. Here's a photo she posted of herself: http://i.imgur.com/0A3m9av.jpg

that horse is considerably less splotchy than the other horse.
She could cosplay Andrea Libman?
Holy shit that is fucking adorable.

through meditation and ritualistic cleansing of the soul.
She didn't go anywhere, anon

She was Ross
On an unrelated note Lipizzan horses are cool and people should post more of them. How they're born dark grey and then become almost white by the time they grow up.
Of course.
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centaurs rock
Applejack what are you doing? There are kids here!
Oh look the lesser namefags are all here
She could've been your seahorse girl anon.
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she's doing it for the children
>you will never fuck a mermaid
>I'm sure some plastic surgeon is willing to turn you into a female pony
Would you really do this MLPG? You don't get to go to Equestria or anything
I remember that
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>you will never be a mermaid
Will you be happy only when we have purely anon contributors or what.
Scootaloo you green eyed harlot, stop promoting the gayness.
I don't want any contributors.

I want these threads to end.
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I'lll show you!

I'll show alll of you! One day I'll become a big famouse vocie actor like voice actors arent all that famouseand come back here to flaunt it in front of all of you!
Well that was uninteresting
Alright guys I need some help.

I need a simple idea for a fanfic because everytime I try to come up with one I start to over complicated it and then I can't put it into words. So give me what you got.
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What about we __make__ the children
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That can be any Grey horse you jackass.
sexual or nonsexual?
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>you will never be lyra
>you will never obsess over hands
>you will never hug a seapony version of yourself
>"well... look around. the only other mare on the farm is Granny Smith, and she ain't exactly freshness-sealed, if you take my meaning. somepony's got to educate a filly 'bout her body, right?"
applejack runs out of apples

So just go.
but im a human you idiot
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ey eain yerrall eedin?
Cheerilee looks frightfully interested.
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anon teleproting to equestria, where he teleports into rarity and procedes to rape her
Don't worry, there is always a way.

i love you and i think we should make the bouncy-bouncy
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I know. ;_;
The thread wasn't even made for flirting, people were just posting pictures and inventing roles for each other in a hypothetical apocalypse when she started posting in response about being lovers and having rough sex at every possibility. It continued on back and forth from there. Okay I'm going to stop posting about this because it's not pony and go masturbate or something to feel less sad.
Fuck you anon.
Fuck you.
Nonsexual for now. The sexual fic ideas are a bit more developed, but those are for later

Hmm. I could try.
I read that as telefrotting.
Celestia forgets to raise the sun.

A rural, out of the way town fears the return of Nightmare Moon, and freaks the fuck out for no reason.
scoots/rarity/anything else when?
>those fucking Flutterhips
>Be Big Mac
>Holy cunting Celestia, I hate how the family's estrus cycle's always align
>Now I'm just doin' work on the field while AJ and Granny Smith do horrible things to themselves in the house
>Bucking apples by myself at least helps me get my mind off it
>Lock my door at night
>Granny Smith is so fucking senile, she thinks I'm her dead husband
>Juices leak under my door as I try to sleep, and I hear a tapping
>Granny Smith rapping, rapping on my chamber door
>"'Tis just a dream," I mutter to myself, scared, "She's not tapping on my chamber door"
>"'Tis a dream and nothing more"
>Let me die
How fast can you color a pic slowmo? Have you timed yourself?
Ponies run across a field in a big battle. The twist is that there wasn't a battle, it was just a bunch of ponies playing pretend.
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>Equestria is stricken by an apple tree disease that effectively wipes out the harvest and causes the worst famine in Equestrian history due to crippling over-reliance on one type of apple
but we can't have children if she keeps asking for anal all the time!
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puddin pop