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Old Horse
Is there anything you wish to see involving Zecora in the show?
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So the majority vote is yes on the simple art for Pony Crossing quest, yes?
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I want ponies not some bastard half breed that looks like pony
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Zebra magic
How does it work?
No, you're not, you're a spider.

A fucking spider.

An ugly fucking spider, gross.
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We're still playing hats just in case anyone wants to play
Smoke and Mirrors. That was the entire point of that part of the episode?

That's not even magic, though - that's just sleight-of-hand.

Or hoof, as the case may be.
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What accessoriesdo you think will have the dolls?

Do these kind of dolls have panties?
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Spiders are cool
Never played it.
What if you woke up as a spider pone, would you be so cruel then?
Why doesn't Pinkie Pie like peanut butter?

Because she doesnt exist
>$599 for an apple
>Steve Jobs enters the console market.jpg
I don't think you're drunk enough, yet.
I have never been more terrified in my life.
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A properly done Zecora origins episode could be dope as fuck.
I love this guys art.
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scrubbles pls stop, i love you.
but i'm terrible at it...
does he have a tumblr or deviant?
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I'm terrified
I'm sorry I made myself a little sick
i dont have it installed or i would
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>getting SB drunk so you can get fresh with her
Tsk, tsk, Anon.
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Do ponies ever lick their lips?
I want a gif like this one
>set fire to the web
>it speeds through the entire network within minutes
>the spiders pop like fireworks

This would be the only reality in which I would feel safe living.
>brazil in charge of not having hundreds of spiders the size of your fist dangling from the sky
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So apparently Equestria Girls will have to compete agains these dolls too, besides Monster High.

I never heard of these.

The Equestria Girls designs look too conventional and homogeneous. I'm not sure how is Hasbro expecting them to stand out against these dolls and Monster High
Unf unf applehips unf.
then the yellowstar home
where am i
I'm surprise we're not in fetish mode
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Am I drunk?
sex with pinkie pie
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You drawing them?
We're in ded mode.
How much r34 is there on Bratz? Those thick, dick-sucking lips need some thick dicks in them.
>I'm surprise

I'm so sorry for your terrible color scheme.
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here ya go
Tomorrow is best style
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Why isn't your mane bacon?

This is the stupidest rumor I've heard since someone said Rarity was an ok pony
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you crusin for a brusin anon?
don't be so defensive of your waifu
tiara animations are terrible
Yeah I mean she's fucking great. Who the fuck would even say that she's only an ok pony
I hope that he will start learning drawing one day.
Cosmic is female btw
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SB I love you, but you better watch what you say about best pony.

Pic related it's best pony
Dont you know Dashing for a thrashin'?
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>All this Rarifags
>all this niggas
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So how is that 30th anniversary going?
but im a Dashfag, Rarity is just my second favorite pony
I wonder how they'll fit those things too.
Not to dash your dreams anon. That wasn't BDF.
you don't need to be a Rarifag to know that she is one of the best ponies
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Eh good enough... You still have good tastes
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Can you believe there are people out there that don't like Rarity?
I'm going to marry Rarity!

What is a average nigga from the hood's favorite pony
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I want YOU
To hat

fit what?
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And I want you
to get out
I already married Rarity
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I hat you
I want you to stop spamming the thread
Will you guys quit arguing! I'm trying to have sex with Rarity behind all your backs here
The anthro things
I mean the trailer shows the human-like things but promotional material shows the anthros.
Yes. Split us up into groups. Make it ded in here. I want it to end.
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Now compare their average semen loads!
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Would you let Futa-rarity come inside?
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>he hasn't seen this

They transform at the end after some typical asspull from Meghan

I expect it to be like ACW
I guess you could say marrity!
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Let's be real, anons. She wouldn't marry any of us. We're not handsome stallions. We're not rich or famous. We can't sew, we wouldn't even make good models. We can't help her find gems. And we can do nothing to help increase her popularity to make her famous.
All we could ever do is draw her a nice hot bath after a long day of working on dresses, maybe give her a nice massage while she lays in bed reading a cheesy romance novel and eating chocolates you've bought for her

We could offer her nothing.
i probably wouldent have a choice, so i would just let it happen
The grevy's zebras are the cumcannons. Other zebras hardly yield as much as other equines.
>everyone else is human
>They are anthro
Oh yes I am sure that this will work great for them.
why did you just contradict yourself
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i'm liking this thread
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What if she made you into a pretty mare?
Would you let her?
what if EG turned out to be good? or has our neighsaying tword it already ruined any possibility of that occuring?
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>You will never go to sleep in your own bed only to wake up in the morning in Equestria
>Your time spent there will never be spent deciding whether you were transported there or you died in your sleep and this is heaven
It is now my solemn mission to one day purchase a grevy's zebra and have it fuck me.
>giving up
well of course shes not going to want you if you do that
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>Me as the mare
Oh gosh.

But with rarity? I still don't know.
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I have no expectations from it. It could end up good. It's not impossible. I mean we haven't really seen that much of it.
But from what we've seen it doesn't look promising
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Why did we get so little art of the hippie ponies?
I hate this fandom, all the nameless background characters get tons of art but cool characters that actually have speaking lines and defined personalities get almost nothing.

If I was an artist things would be different around it.
Alright, MLPG, I need you guys to be honest to this question, are any of you furfags? cause I am not.

What if I dropped my pants and just had a Chance toy jammed in there.

Would she be impressed
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why is she so perfect?
She'd even make you a nice dress.

She'd make you feel all pretty after the rough fucking.
>all the while plowing every mare you see to blissful orgasm

Because I mean otherwise what's the point?
With my luck it would turn out like Groundhog Day and every time I wake up it would be the same introduction into Equestria, eternally.
Because _______________________________________________________She isn't
Lel no
she isnt
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But can't it be just about any other pone?
No, but I have fapped a lot of furry porn from various furry artist I like since the 8th grade. I also regularly follow them to see if they've made anything new.
But I'm not a furry.
I'd like to be male Rarity's trophy wife and fuckdoll.
I would never classify myself as such, but my dick doesn't complain much
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I never asked for this feel.
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She isn't. She has flaws just like every other pony.

But goddamn even with those she is still great
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give it time
because pretty
Well. I have fapped to MLP, but I'm not sure if that counts.
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>every other pony
Think again
I already have my ticket for L.A. Film Fest

Does liking anthro ponies makes a furfag?

I don't like any other anthro shit, just anthro ponies
She is way too pretty for being a dirty hippie
Rarity's the one that wants you, she wants to mount you~

She's probably into some weird NTR stuff and make Dash watch as her transformed anonfu is being fucked by her friend


magic never changes
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prove it
Because if there's one thing people hate doing, its reading. Even if its comics.

Tell us how it is okay?
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As long as I'm a pegasususus.
>a lot of furry porn from various furry artist
>Not a furry
I don't get you...
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10/10 would join a hippie drum circle with
But Twilight has flaws. A pair of them!

Her ears are so ugly

In a way, yes.
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God, I loved that bit
She's going to make Dash watch you getting fucked by her.
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Is it time again?

He likes things of a certain content, and created by a group of people with a label, but would not like the label on himself or feels like the label does not apply to himself for various reasons.

Not unreasonable, is it?
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anthro Wheat Grass is pretty hot

Basically walking in on your girl to find her fucking your best friend and she tells you you're not man enough to satisfy her and you're going to watch while a real man fucks her, and because the guys in these fantasies are always spineless twerps, you stand there and watch, getting off on being humiliated and emasculated.

It's kind of an awful thing to fetishize, really, because in real life, that sort of thing leads to double-homicides.
Is princess EA here?
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are you going to record it?
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I don't get me either, anon.
I just fap to whatever gets me hard, I don't think about labels or get involved with stupid fandoms (except MLP).
When I first discovered furry porn I gave no shits about the furry fandom, I just wanted to jerk it to various cartoon characters I had crushes on.
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Pinkie was great that episode
Nah. Gonna crash a brony meet up then relax and enjoy the movie.
Oh. Now I get it, it's like you guys liking the show, but you guys hate other people that calls you guys bronies right?
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pegasi are for chumps

earth pones are best pones
The key word being "was"
Was it really Pinkie. Or was it Pudding?

>Gonna crash a brony meet up
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Shit nigga, I don't give a fuck what you think of pegasi.
I want wings.

We just don't think the label applies to us. Others will probably call us it, but personally, based on out definition of the label, we feel it doesn't fit us.

So essentially, yes.
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How do you feel about this pony, mlpg?
Now now let's not get carried away. I mean we all know that Earth ponies are the most useless ponies. I mean everyone else is better. Even the Crystal Ponies who are just shiny Earth ponies are better
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I generally don't like furry stuff as well, but sometimes you just see something too good not to fap to.
>things no one will ever say
How many ponies does it take to deliver a message?
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makes me feel turned on because of that position
Why is she bowing?
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Nothing special
What episode should I watch from seasons 1 and 2

no owl's well
mysterious mare do well
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Swarm of the century
no it isnt
that certainly doesn't look like my pony waifu
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>crystal ponies better

better at rolling over maybe
Ok you can be with your favorite pony, just the two of you forever.

But the two of you must leave your respective worlds and forever live on the Spaceship of the Imagination. Do you accept?

Ugliest pegasus.
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I think I would know what my pony waifu looks like by now.
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I'm afraid to talk about it.
Anon will just tease about my mother.
god damn it i meant to exempt that one too

i'll watch swarm first as i finish this drink then mmdw. that's fair, right?
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Yeah and that's her.
What's the issue?

One order of Broccoli and #BEEF, please.

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No this is!
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I just want to know, anon. I like her, too

maybe she likes you?
As long as you watch it
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No, this is.
Pony = me

Sheep = pony
Yeah yeah

I'm being a good sport
Ugh. Just imagine her being in the show with Pinkie Pie. It will be a double disaster.
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Stop posting dirty hippie ponies
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I don't know if she approves of your lewd thoughts, anon.
How do you fuck up the legs that badly
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No it wouldn't
Surprise wasn't really like Pinkie
No one knows how the G1 Surprise was, do they?
Oh, why is she so perfect?
She looks intrigued.
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I'd be okay with simply hugging her.
I don't know about that anon, though.
Man, all the males looked beta as hell in that episode.
Like Rarity was just intimidating the hell out of them.
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uh, that was fast
of course not
mah nigga
Would buy / 10
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that is because they are, and she was
>sweaty Rainbow Dash with her tongue sticking out
All of them were easily intimidated.
I'm sure it had something to do with their horrible depression.
>tfw MMDW is my least favorite episode but i have probably watched it more times than any other eipsode in the show.
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You'd be intimidated too if you were in the presence of such a beautiful mare.
Is that a glimpse of marebits I'm catching there?
The last edition was better
>carrot top couldn't fit it all in
yeah, and it really shows
I would huff one of her farts and hold it in like a bong hit.
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>Hey anon, is that a MLP doll? I love that show.
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If only such benevolent leaders and rulers existed in the real world.

Instead all we get are warlords and corrupt bastards.
jay naylor plz no
>tfw Rainbow Dash ended up pregnant
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Don't vibrate at me, fggt
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You would have to wait in line.
At least the corrupt bastard in charge here is a cool guy. He was a sailor.
nah, she's rather silly. Which is what I like, but it makes it hard for me to be intimidated by her
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Do you know anyone like this?

Why would you do that?
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What are you >implying
Ms. Peachbottom is hotter.
>xieril managed to get Rainbow Dash pregnant
What a fucking tool, keeping the secret to himself.
>a MLP
It's an MLP you stupid bitch
The idea of Dash getting pregnant before realizing her dreams of joining the wonderbolts intrigues me. Because on one hand i think she would be reprehensive about her dreams being ruined, but on the other i think being the element of loyalty she would devote her life to her child.
How did you get out of your cage?!

That's it! Lube yourself up, I'm getting my bat.
She's silly when alone and excited or when she knows she has to act silly.
Otherwise she can be intimidating as fuck.
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>Have them in the read world.
>Luna wakes on on the wrong side of the bed and the wold is destroyed by a slow heat death.
>tfw xieril ended up pregnant
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That is my favorite picture of her. I think I captures everything about her—her youth, her spontaneity, her glowing smile, and the effect those have on other.

This is a close second.
That fuck is probably be the most evil leader the world will ever see.
pls no more sad thoughts
happy celestia is best celestia
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I could be she showed you that on purpose
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holy fuck.
It's like staring at Satan's eyes.
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Happy AND cute.
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But anon, human males can't get pregnant! And Rainbow Dash is a female!
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Don't forget the happy look on her subject's faces.
Even though she's the most powerful being in existence, they all still find her a joy to be around.
i will marry princess celestia
and you can marry princess luna
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Just ignore him, anon.
He doesn't understand basic biology.
Someone should tell Tex that if he's not drawing, he should drop the trip. It's just avataring.
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She's a nice pony.
>And Rainbow Dash is a female!
Don't make me post it.
Jeez, you two are never going to fit in Equestria if you don't even know how things work there.
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Luna seems lovely to be around.
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Look at these little faggots

You ever buy any of these MLPG?
It's so weird that Celestia is hyped up to be so powerful and shit, but she hasn't won a single fight in the show.
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Nah, I don't care.
Post what? She's a female!
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I actually want Equestria Girls to turn out at least decent, but if it does then bronies are going to worship Meghan and it will be harder to criticise Meghan with rabid bronies defending her
>They tried to tell her that the horn bong was not meant for a horn that long, but Celestia likes to be 'hip with the kids'
she has in the comics
Check out this parasprite.
Well who did she fight? I mean Discord is way way out of her league. And Chrysalis would have lost if she wasn't pumped to hell and back by SA.

The writers said that if Twilight fucked up she would just bitchslap NMM back to the moon and that Twilight is a fucking ant compared to her
Luna is a nice pone. Not as nice as Celestia, but I could settle for her.
Also she'd be easier to snuggle, since she's a significantly smaller horse, so I'd guess just about 350-450 pounds
Pretty much all of her plans have come to pass, though. She's a chessmaster, she might be fairly powerful individually but she's wise enough not to rely on it.
She was fighting cocks...
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I want to give that pone a beely rub, can you imagine it?
>losing herself in pleasure with each passing moment
>she becomes more and more lost in ecstasy of the moment but still tries to keep up the princess formalities.

>tfw Kraut is too depressed to draw more
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I got the mane6 in normal random bag version
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cuddling with Luna, you say?
Giant cocks
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Nah, I don't think the ponies are that heavy.
what kind of ocs are those

>Tex Drones
That can get you hard as a rock!
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That freakin' heavy's a spy
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they look like blindbag crystal pones
I like the single footprint in the cake

it's a nice touch
What kind of freak would buy pony toys?
>tfw no several qt 12 year old wives

Why couldn't I have been born in 12th century Persia?
Chicken butt why are you so amazing
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Would you an IRL celesita
>tfw you saw her in person and damn she looks good
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>You'll never make it to Equestria and take it upon yourself to hunt Tex and his cronies down.
I agree, but don't care enough to say anything.
>different opinion
>hurr durhf drone drones!

Step it up, son
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A long long time agoi
>Generic hateanon on tripfags.
I bought 3 2 pony waves of these things
>first wave
Soarin' and Spitfire
>second wave
Applejack and a fucking Hasbro OC
>third wave
these little assholes
My luck damn near deteriorated.
not me
None of those were opinions, though.
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>He doesn't know that there's child exploitation world-wide
>He thinks it's isolated in the far off past
I agree. But it should be said for all contributorfags who name when they're not contributing.
But it's not that important or bad or whatevs.
Here are all of mine, I seriously though I scored a Bon Bon the second time.
>I don't mind
>not being an opinion
2/10 made me reply
You know there's a number imprinted on the flip of the bags, that you can use to tell which one is in the bag?
Yeah but I'm not rich enough to get away with it.
Licky pls
That is a statement.
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Forgot picture

Wait seriously?
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We're all mad here anon.
i would
Are you forgetting something?
rch when are you going to do porn
just move to indonesia
Can you imagine this venus singing out to you...
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>Implying child exploitation is a thing only of the super rich
>Implying that there are many countries in the world where this is common practice
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You caught my beef a little late anon.
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I like to see his trip around and him posting ponies, it makes me feel happy. It's no more offensive than FlyingSaucer posting background ponies.
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why is she so perfect?
Slightly overcooked beef is better than no beef.
Seriously how many proxies do you have?
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>I want MLPG to be a happy little circle jerk with my brony friends
because she's a mary sue now
I can't unf to this
Back in 2011 this sort of posting was okay, but things change. Mostly for the worse these days

This... is happening. What the fuck. What the fuck man. This feels so alien and weird.
Swarm of the century down and I'm still not drunk enough to face MMDW

But here I go anyway
so, she wasn't before?
Why do I constantly obsess about snuggling pony nonsexually?
Me neither

The proportions are just wrong.
>You start on her back, digging into it with your fingers
>She rears her head back in pleasure, telling you to keep going just like that
>A guard announces a guest. You offer to leave, but she tells you it's no bother and she really needs the massage
>The guest comes in and chats with Celestia, as proper as ever, about something with food trade routes
>A devious thought comes to mind and you shift your rubbing to her stomach
>She says nothing to you, but is forced to stop talking when the initial wave of pleasure hits.
>Soon she recovers and continues her conversation
>You work harder at it, trying different patterns and rhythms
>Celestia is compelled to roll over onto her back to allow you better access
>The guest gives her a funny look, but Celestia keeps talking like nothing is wrong
>Within minutes, she's having trouble stringing together complete sentences
>Her golden hoofboots have fallen off, but she doesn't care
>Moans sneak into her speech
>The guest offers to come back later, but Celestia can't even respond
>She's panting now, pushing her belly into your hands, so completely engrossed in the experience
>The guest leaves, perplexed, but you and Celestia are lost to the world
>She starts giggling, a massive grin on her normally-regal face
>Nothing of her composure remains
>You blow a raspberry on her stomach; she's all-out laughing now
>Finally, she rolls back to her stomach, grinning at you
"Sometimes I forget the simplest things in life are the most fun."
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How the hell would I do that with little pony toys?
Make little plastic horse dicks?
Like this?

at this point tex is contributing more than you guys
>implying that isn't what we started as
Because she's obsessing over the same thing, anon
I would rather us be a massive circlejerk of things I like than people being angry all the time about things I don't care about and driving out the things I like.
She was fin until Chris Metzen got hold of her...
And nerfed the fuck out of Rarity.
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I like to live dangerously
I don't think she is now, not quite
but she definitely wasn't in seasons 1 and 2
Actually, she's not, she's thinking about having sex with one of the royal guard.
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Do you agree with her?

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>Implying there's anger in this thread
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remember when you guys were optimistic? good times
>Chris Metzen
the fuck?
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Clip your nails faglord

I agree that you should stop spamming your shitty videos in here. Get out whore.
Steam, why do you care that we don't want to hats with you?
is that a 1:1 of your dick?
No. She uses one episode to make her point and scant examples of AJ "being the first to apologize"

Actually, for the sake of brevity... the fact that her AJ manifesto is less than 10 minutes long says more than I ever could
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Gonna take a lot of time, money or luck to get the ones you want then. Bonne chance
>remember when you guys were optimistic?

Never. I was always critical of the new shit, and I was always right.
Just buy the whole box man.
Do it.
I'm trying to stay optimistic until I see the finished product.
Nigga the other may have gotten episodes but the small parts Rarity had in episodes were great. She just didn't get any major changes but the small ones aren't nerfs
>He hasn't seen the tentacle pics.
Is there more?
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What seems to be the problem, Anon?
Man I want to Pet that goat.

I've fallen and I cant get up
Uh, Celestia, why are you making that face at me?
I have

it was lewd, but not quite porn
Hey man...
At least I cleaned them.
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I drew porn twice today, or porn esque shit. I'm afraid Celestia, so afraid.
I have no qt pi princess sunpony to cum inside of
and she makes claims that she doesnt justify very well.
Such as AJ being "the best" to deal with accepting failure.
Even though Rarity and Dash have done similar things in their episodes and it would be better from them imo since they have dreams that they could fail at (and we are more emotionally invested, especially Dash's since it is less opaque and more specific)
Why is coke such a disgusting drink?
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According to this list, I cant even get a crystal Bon Bon. I have to settle on punk ass Sweetie Drops
>50 US dollars for a whole box
pfffffffft, you think I could find the rest of these at Toy's R Us?
why is coke pony so fucking expensive holy shit

I'll take a case.
My only regret with this expansion was the Crystal Empire raid. I mean everything was so cool, the quests, the designs, the NPCs and then bam the shitiest ride boss ever. And you don't even get to kill him
Get him down to 10% and then the scrip kills him. And he only drops items for Spike. Who the fuck plays Spike?
I'd buy that pony a drink.
>Three bucks for a Coke Pony.
What kind of fucked up nation is this pony in?!
New Yorke?
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This and one other pic i can't post because it has dicks

Check /unf/
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It's so weird, but it shouldn't be surprising considering Hasbro's track record

>G 3.5 chibi shit

>newborn cuties
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Ya, shit sucks
There isn't any harshwhinney at all
I liked that when Rarity fucked up her entire career because her friends she wasn't mad at them.
Or you can get the specific ones on Toywiz.
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I'm having a coke right now and I didnt even pay third world prices for it.
She's like 3 feet tall, its a good deal
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>wanting a crystal bonbon

why would you want such a thing anyway

normal bonbon is best bonbon
>AJ tanks' faces when guarding fake Crystal Heart
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fuk you its wonderful with rum
Too expensive.
Where is my generic coke pony?
No fuck you it's not
*Sweetie Drops
yes it is faggot
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>There will never be a wacky sitcom where Tex anon and Marker are roomates
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>he still has hope
why is dash such a cunt god damn
I kinda have to respect Faust. This show has become an extreme run away success, but she left because of lack of creative control and seeing EqG I don't blame her. To hold on to your creative respect in spite of great success is admirable.
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Oh. Hey.
TexMarker OTP
Sitcoms are terrible anyway
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Why aren't you out admiring the full moon, anon?
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That too is horseshit, I want my crystal waifu.
No Chickenbutt either.
Naw thats alright, I'll take what I can get in meatspace.
That shit is Bon Bon and Applejack's secret lovechild
You're terrible
>play Rarity
>have to hold mobs back with Hats
>a shit load of hats
>then the spawn rate increases by 300%
>still hold them
>no reward
>Now have to help AJ tanks
>can't even keep one of those hats
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why is she so perfect?
I do it by wearing the halloween items in hats
I don't like the moon.
I wouldn't watch it.
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but I am, anon. I always do.
Drop trou.
>muh Faust
stop this shit faggots
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there are only two versions of Bon Bon in blindbag land

One uses the Applejack mold, the other uses the Pinkie Pie mold

neither are accurate
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oh hey
I am going to masturbate to the moon thinking of Luna now
Don't say I didn't
>still no Flugelhorn drops
>Lyra and bonbon's first trip to a stripclub.gif
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her eyes look souless, not like the real trixie

Lauren is one of those women who is pretty, but I can also imagine sitting on a toilet shitting.
And i'm gonna score both of them and if i'm lucky, I can hitch a ride to a toy store and get some real pone toys.

>Marker pony bursts through the door
>"Hey Tex!"
>"What'cha up to, Tex?"
>"Oh that Tex!"

That's a pretty good description actually

what the fuck
At least it was better than the last patch for the second expansion
>Only Twilight drops in the entire raid
>Don't even fight the boss
>NPCs kill him without even a fight
>only Twilight players do anything while the rest just fuck around the dungeon

At least the Boss design was cool. And goddamn her voice. Her fucking voice
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Sunbutt is best royal butt
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>Tfw been maining griffon for 2 years now
>Marker boops tex
>A few unfs and grunts are heard in the audience
>tfw first witnessing the boss reveal
>dodging fucking laser beams, fighting off adds
>Celestia NPC gets knocked the fuck out anyway, it's scripted but shit was intense
>tfw you were one of the first players to just /bow or /worship the boss every time she revealed herself
>One member shouts LEWD
>caught you 'mirin
Doesn't quite have the same effect.
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well then good luck in your waifu hunt

but you will be forever tormented by the fact that far more accurate figures exist, somewhere just out of reach
>playing a beta class with no development
>no change since it was introduced
>only good on RP Servers
You deserve this.
Your favorite pony told me she thinks you're a jerk
>RP servers
More like FOE servers, amirite

Come in if you like I'm streamin' pones.
What have I done to make her say that
i dobut it

my favorite pony would be too terrified to approach you

let alone speak coherently in your presence
Good. I'd hate for her to not realise that I'm a jerk.

It's good for her to know that so that she doesn't make the mistake of associating with me.
>Twilight goes to church with Fluttershy
>Accidentally brings Necronomicon
Well alright.
I don't think I could fit into Equestria anyways.
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>that sandstone Bon Bon
One day, i'm gonna steal a 3D printer of some brony tumblr star and print out all of my waifus.

It will be a shrine to mansluttyness
I'm too beta to be a jerk
>>Twilight goes to mosque with Fluttershy
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>Pone will never motorboat you
>You'll never be a lesbian relationship with your waifu
I can't wait until 3D printers are affordable so I can just print all the stuff that I want but is too embarrassing to go out and buy from another human being

That's why I only ever use the self-serve aisle at the supermarket.
Everytime I watch MMDW I just want to tell Dash to stop

Please. Just, stop

Episode idea. Flutters joins a nice new religion, because they preach tolerance, kindness towards animals and niceness. Turns out to be a creepy cult.
i really like that song
>They celebrate the new member with a blood orgy in the forest
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Her legs look so tiny in that gif...
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>so I can just print all the stuff that I want but is too embarrassing to go out and buy from another human being
Man I'm telling you 3D printers will have a hard time in Murrika. I can just see it. Big corporations and stuff will complain about shit and then everything will go to hell
little ponies have kicky little legs
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last panel ruined it

No, it's keeping with the show, so it's not grimdark. Just that it seems like this nice thing on the outside, but is actually hypocritical and only concerned about controlling people.

Lesson: Don't question the One True Religion of Celestiaism.
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>too embarrassing
Nigga, some faggy soccer mom made the mistake of looking me in the eyes as I made my way into the aisle to snap up some pones. I took up two bags, examined them closely, went "aha", and left.

She was all like "ho damn he didnt check his privilege!" and i winked and was all like "thats right bitch" then I turned 360 degrees and moonwalked away.
I think only the toy making companies and gun making companies would have problems but there's an easy way to subvert their possible losses.
at the supermarket? Are you embarrassed about the food you buy or something?
why didn't you give her the D
I'm mostly just in a constant state of embarrassment about everything I am and everything I do.
Why did the pony cross the road?

because they were in a horrible accident and were seeking medical help
It's weird because I know that feel, but I also have a tiny voice inside my head that tells me to stop caring because shit like that doesn't matter. It's weird, because I feel like I have an anxiety disorder or something, but another part of me just constantly tells me to get the fuck over it
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>I winked

SB, i think you are the one who needs medical help
Ok somebody recommend another episode

There are a few episodes which I'll say "fuck you" in response
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Cute ponies.
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I considered it, but she had, like, kids and whatnot.
She was no Harshwhinny, i'll tell ya that.
That's right, winked~
That one where the pony does cute stuff
Suited for Success
AppleDan you're a slut, stop sexually riling up the other mares in this thread
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Mmm, what am I gonna do with all this hot monkey dick with no mare to bury into.

If only there were some fine fillies here that would let me crash on their couch for a couple of months, just so I can get back on my feet.
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ded horses
I actually expected it to end in a more dramatic fashion, but I guess it has to end like this.
Just got here. Why has it been slow this past week. What is it, hats? Stream?
i want to touch that butt
I was with a little girl, and she was pretty casual about farting. That is the closest I'd get to sniffing a pony's toots.
actually the closest you'd get is going to a horse ranch and smelling a pony's toots
Hats started to fracture us even more, but it was just one segment in this chain of events.
MLPG is dying. I thought that it would crash and burn, but it seems that will just die buy running out of steam and slowly grinding into a halt.
What if she fainted from the sight of your human hands?
>running out of steam

The Hats server is empty right now.
Oh stop being so dramatic, traffic will increase dramatically with EqG and S4
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all ded

FiM ponies are way closer to girls than actual horses. Horses are gross.
don't be silly, hats is just fun stuff. Hell, we've had the server for long enough, it only makes sense we'd use it eventually.
It's just hiatus.
How progress with the stack?
Hats happened once before
It died after a few weeks.
It seems like everywhere I post has just been devoid of traffic this past week. I don't know if it's exams or people taking breaks or what.
Those pones need a defibrillator ASAP.
It's finals for grade schoolers, which believe it or not a lot of people on 4chan are.
But we're all little girls on MLPG
Defibrilators in equestria are just a pair of hands that provide belly rubs
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will we ever see more

of the hippie pones
Does that make Spike a paramedic?
>Everyone else freaked out about finals week in high school
>I just smoked weed and drank like I did the rest of the year
>Still somehow graduated

I don't think I'd survive college
Oh god
That's too cute
Would you be a part of the EPBRP? (Emergency Pone Belly Rub Patrol)
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a goop pony should be happy
goop pony should have more art
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no the goop industry went bust and they had to get real jobs
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>there will never be a stall selling boop for stuff
How big are a ponies hands?
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ponies don't have hands
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null value
Shut up Twily, morning is still like six hours away
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Spike is a fuckign dog. This is hilarious. He really is Twilight's pet. He's not an equal. he's a fucking slave.
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applejack, you stupid horse
you linked the same post twice
Anon don't compare the Equestria version to the EqG version.
There so many differences it doesn't even matter
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Posting ponies.

At night.
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>says goop ponies should be sad
>posts duplicate picture of happy goop pony against all laws of possibility anyway
>whatever arcane force enables posting on this site clearly altered your post to show the divine truth
checkmate atheists
rarity has an awfully masculine snout
silly artist

Rarity seems so sad. Like "what did I screw up in life to lead me to this point?"
What DIDN'T she screw up?
Y'know, that's not very good art, but goddamn if it didn't turn me on.
is there even a fetish for wanting to be fucked tenderly by an animated mannequin? I may be developing it
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>Rarity turns herself into a stallion before masturbating
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no unf
Is today no unf day?
>That's why I only ever use the self-serve aisle at the supermarket.

>The clerk that oversees the self check out at my store likes to see what you are buying.
>Have to wait till they are distracted before swooping in.
>And making my shame purchase.
>Still in my work uniform.
I think we just all need a bit of a breaking from unfing.

We've worn it out a bit
>Her belly clips through her thigh.
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Goodnight MLPG
We need more R63 ponyX Pony or R63PonyXPony's friends
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Okay, but you're just going to tire yourself out.

Unfing is a marathon, not a sprint.
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UNFing is verboten
Definitely, that's a hot concept.

Yes, this, get on it braebrae.
Unf infinity times infinity
There we cant go any further, it's done
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You rang?
>Rarity will never turn you into mare so you could have a hot lustful lesbian sex marathon with her and fluttershy
Okay. $200 up front, remaining $300 upon completion.
How many horsedicks will a bar of gold buy me?

The sad part for me is that that is actually tempting. Maybe if the rest of MLPG would through down some dosh too...
Princess EA pls
pls unf


braeby dont be like that...you know you wanna art us stuff for free~
No. Only one. Highest offer wins.
>this is actually tempting
Not really.
Hey guys,
Tomorrow is the Monaco Grand Prix and the Indianapolis 500
You should totally watch.
are you gonna stram?
I offer a 1 dollar bill and a few quarters from behind the couch.
I have people ripping each other to shreds for my art, why the hell would I want to do stuff for free for you poor fucks?
I don't know exactly what those are but it's about cars and I don't care about cars

Brae pls.


I offer $50.01
$50.01 and a old button
itty bitty fapping space
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$50.02 and a "used" sock
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>Wait for Brae to finish a piece.
>Download it for free when some poor idiot had to PAY for it.
Whatever. If I don't get my unconditional worship here, I'll get it somewhere else
>you will never be trapped in a tiny little lamp with a magic talking pony
Ten thousand Enron Stocks!
Shit i actually just got here whats happening

maybe you wont
$50.02 a new sock and a AC remote
pls stram
someone is pretending to be you.
>She said don't boop me off
>I'm not sleepy
>I'll pone with you
>If that's okay
>you will never be trapped in a tiny little lamp with a magic talking pony that sounds EXACTLY like Robin Williams
what if someone was pretending to be anon?
We were thinking about requesting things from you, but we remembered that we normally don't pay money for that.
Shut up breaburned we're in the middle of a auction organized by breaburned for a drawing
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>tfw moth season
I impersonate that faggot all the time
it's hilarious

But when you pay for it you get to dictate exactly (almost) what it will look like. Others have to hope it falls within their fetish bounds. I actually like commissioning things with canon characters though, to maximize the enjoyability others get out of it as well, instead of requesting a couple of OCs making it almost impossible for someone to jerk off to through their anger.
Don't blow my cover!

$54.32 and one asteroids arcade marquee

Well yeah dude, that's what the definition of a "request" is.
It's just for warmups, really. Or to be nice, or to try new things. The enticement of commissions comes from the confirmation of getting what you request
I'm the real anon, cut that shit out
you know I don't want to have to get a trip
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That's my pony.
I know many better ways to spend $400 than to shove it into the throat of some sub-mediocre faggot on the internet, who thinks his art is the shit.
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Disregard that, I suck cocks
They should, cars move you in ways Jesus never thought possible.
Still looking for a F1 stream since they don't like strams.
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Moths are awesome.

brae actually charges much less than that, like around $70 at most really.

I always like having people pay less for commissions of canon characters.

I don't have to work as hard with getting references, have personalities to work with, and the art gets more spread.
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who colored this?

I think I liked the sketchy version more, but i saved this anyway
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So you only have to pay about $350? What a fuckig steal.
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i'm not taking a break like I should
You meant Cicada season.
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Yeah, I always commission canon characters. Always nice having other people enjoy the content that gets created.

I want to say omnidragon

The most i've gotten for a commission was $115. Anything higher, the price wasn't dictated by me whatsoever

only if you were one of those DA tards who enjoy throwing all their dosh towards a single commission, which was their choice, so all the better for brae really. can't blame him for people being willy nilly with their cash.
I which Braeburned would draw more horsenuts.
That was last year(two years ago?) and it didn't last long.
I love Cicadas.

>How Magic Duel should have ended.
Monaco isn't for another 5 hours anon
Omnidragon coloured that one.
>Anything higher, the price wasn't dictated by me whatsoever

If I was in his place the first thing I'd do is to come to MLPG to brag about it, so I can derail the thread for my own enternainment.
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hey guys guess what's online
>oh here take more of my money
I feel like you're implying he did that.
>Yeah, I always commission canon characters. Always nice having other people enjoy the content that gets created.

This. I know I'm the one paying for it and everything, but I would still get that sense of being selfishness if I commission an OC knowing the artist and their followers probably get lets satisfaction from it, and it gets much less exposure.
They're swarming the north east in about a week. There's going to be a trillion giant flying bugs coming out the ground.
Pegasi probably hate them too.
But he does do that.

>"P-please commissioner-san it's...aahhh.. to much money. N-no more.... I can't take it I'm gonna explode~"
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it's late
goodnight MLPG
goodnight braeburned
may you all dream of ponies having nice times
What's bronies for you, Anon!
>Canned laughter.
that's actually what they did on DA with those auction commission slots. check his page if you want.
I know
I really need to sleep or I'll miss both.
Amazing. From what I've seen from reasonable commission charts from more skilled artists you haven't done a single thing that would be worth more than 20.
But this is without the fandom boost bonus.
Living in kansas for the first time, i was expecting cicadas at night during the summer, and I'm kind of disappointed


What if I dream of non-ponies having horrible times?

he does draw a lot of them though! twice as much as cocks in fact!
>circlejerking braeburned because you can't make more than $30 per comission yourself
Typical. Braeburned shows up and the whole thread turns into shit.
>I'm going to get mad at someone because they make money.
>How dare they!

Get mad at Eurobeat for making all that dosh too.
I almost had a stroke
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Crickets though?
I'm pretty sure bræ isn't here
Typical anonymous shows up and decides to make things worse.
More livelier at least.
So where is the human hands jerking off stallions brae?

we were talking about him even before he appeared, faggot.
Man, fuck anon. They always show up in EVERY thread and shit it up. What's up with that?

how do i even clear shit like this up
By killing yourself

I heard anon has issues.
Quit being such a faggot.
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That's the way I see it. I don't really get the selfishness part though. I just think it would be more enjoyable for everyone involved to commission characters they actually care about, maybe that's just an odd way of seeing things.
Which is tragic, since SB is superior to Braeburned in every single aspect of skill.
don't ever, ever, ever respond to it
draw horsedicks instead
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Best pony
I like you anon.

But what if he ever ever ever ever responds?

>characters they actually care about

Then why do you ask for fluttershy?
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Hey, like I said before, it's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
If someone is that willing to pay that much for a drawing, let them.
Doesn't mean you have to get ass devastated because the artist goes "Well fuck, guess you really want this."
Fuck off and stick to your yes-man brony friends.
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Get a trip.
#wow #woah
Can you afford it, Anon?
It's just shitposting.
This sounds good.

Getting real tired of the gay bullshit.
>brae sensed drama on the horizon and retreated back into his burrow

fucking anons scaring away the contributors
What is it now Scoot?
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Okay that didn't work

I'm willing to drop stacks in bitcoins but no one will accept them
I'm fine with that as long as they scare off the right ones.
One less artist for you.
One more for /mlp/ draw threads.

Yeah, like Leth and LK.
You doin the Monaco Indy 600?
>No Anon has found out how to scare away Ross.
>$300 for a commission? holy shit this guy better be good
>Check gallery
>It's braeburned
Well, I feel nothing.

Good on you, brae
alright buddy
>implying I draw
I just like horsenuts, bro

That's because Ross is anon.
You can have him.
It's how they think it works.

His DA gallery barely has anything good, though.

Mainly because he spends all his detail work on the porn.
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>no one is defending their waifu
Pathethic. I bet you're one of those guys that would happily betray their waifu for Chrysalis and then corrupt their waifu.
I might watch the 600, especially if Indy is rained out.
If not, then I probably won't and will watch the 500 again since that usually puts on a better show.
Where's rediv

Why are you so analpained about braeburned anyway anon? I don't even like his artstyle and avoid it where I can... but at least I can avoid it. It's your shitposting that results in me abandoning the thread for an hour until the autism clouds settle.

Why can't you just ignore shit you don't like?
Yeah, plenty of crickets. It's kind of nice.

much better than the occasional gunshot and sirens in the night I'd hear back home
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>not wanting to be the proud owner of a changeling swarm
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>Betray Chrysalis for Chrysalis
This must be some sort of fetish thing
sex with elytra
ugh that over designed armor
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>even thinking of betraying your waifu
>liking Changelings
>Liking Chrysalis
Cause he likes to stir up shit. Artists are an easy target for doing so.
I'm glad I live out in the country, but just close enough I get proper internet.
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Guys, pls.
He just lives to shit on artists and chase them away.
It's been that was since we came to /mlp/
Ignore it, it's an outside influence. All it ever succeeded in doing was push Jessy further away, and that gave it a fucking massive ego. Like a typical /b/ user to get a boner thinking they 'did something'.
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but Chrysalis is my waifu
I like Chrysalis and Rarity
Is it Goofy Time?
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But what if I don't have a waifu? What if I want an army?
Just do it.
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>This Chrysalis fag
She wouldn't even love you or like you
She'd probably see you as an experiment for brood mothers
You are everything wrong with anything
sounds awfully goofy to me
protip: none of your waifus would actually like or settle for you
hey how long did you say it took you to get your daki in the mail?
How?? Why?
Am I back?
How should I know I'm not there with them :V
While I appreciate your power hungry nature she wouldn't give it to. You would be nothing just a drone like all the other drones under her command.

>It's been that was since we came to /mlp/

Not really, it's always been this way. Even with our old contributors there was a marked difference between people who disliked them for reasons and others who just shit up the general whining and bitching about them and probably fueling arguments via samefagging just to shit up threads even more.

It's always been like this.
I don't remember. Less than two week sfrom when they shipped it, I think.
Oh good, that was a rough 24 hours.
Mines would, I know she would.
Chrysalis would never ever settle for anyone
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why do you say that?
You shut up and go back to writing or drawing or whatever

that's what she said
So who'd you refer?
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a pony
I think we could get close.
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I'd take a commander position.
Even a squad leader.
Nobody is back.
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This man needs 150 ccs of pony, stat

YES, 150 CCS
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Those eyes

place your bets ladies and gents, how much did this miniature cost
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Day 98
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 3,767 (Running Total: 592,162)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 18,988 (Running Total: 2,564,759)

Got caught up in something, report's late. At least I stil get full credit!


Nobody did you muster the will for FemroverX63Rarara yet?
Do you actually think you'd be capable of that? To work up trough the ranks? That's supposing she doesn't just kill you first.
Alrigh, and I'm even getting some help from Braeburned.


I was streaming earlier too but no one came ;_;
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how many ccs is this pony
shes at least like 200 right?
Why have you not accepted my request to join the MLPG skype group?
>Not killing Chrysalis in the name of the Princess and Justice
You fail
Thanks, japan
>Estimated Total MLPG posts: 3,767

woah what is going on? I have never seen it that low
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I hate you.
You have my sword

I would crawl inside it's anus and wriggle around it's bowels until I suffocated and died just to give it sexual pleasure.
This past week's been pretty ded.
>caught up in something

This is hot as fuck, corwin, and you know it.
That is true 600 is usually a good race though
Why would she do that? I'm sure she'd be willing to have more soldiers and commanders under her, especially after that defeat in Canterlot.
I could decesnor it, for you
The dates on posts in the archive are off, the /mlp/ posts are low as well.

A) It's not an MLPG group
B) As far as I know, I've accepted everyone that requested. Try sending request again.
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No one, you can read the post I was trying to make here.

I'll get on that now.