Cute ponies doing cute things general!Old non-cute: >>10835544
>>10839978THAT'S NOT CUTE
Previous Thread>>10835544 [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Download links for episodes:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG: (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Events: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:>Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content): Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>10839993>mlpg>a thread should be
I want to be a in a lesbian three-way with the do?
>>10839978That is not cute anon
>>10840003ask hermaybe she'll say yes
>>10840003Are you a lesbian?
>>10839987>>10840012It's two cute ponies being cute together, how is it not cute?
GUYSSOMETHING--!SOMETHING WRONG WITH THE BEACON!HAD TO -- HAD TO SWIM THROUGH PISS TO GET HERE--!Please......please don't make me go out there again...!
>>10840020When I become a mare I will be
>>10839989>twilight's pudgy belly in that image>"It's okay, I'm sure we'll find the father">"I always knew you were a fucking slut!"
I like this thread already.
>>10840001that's often bums
>>10840023Sloppy makeouts with Saliva trails are not cuteTHIS IS CUTE>>10840032
>>10840024get this idiot to the decon showers
what if time in the ponyverse was cyclicaland all of these events--the mane six getting their cutie marks, twilight coming to ponyville and becoming an alicorn--will inevitably bring about the return of nightmare moon and the destruction of the universe, at which point two ponies will be selected to become the new celestia and luna, repeating all of pony history againhow could ponies tell the difference? how could ponies prove they WEREN'T in a cyclical timeline?these are the thoughts that keep me awake at night
>>10840052We had to sell those.
>>10840024you could try emailing archive about
>>10840050Both of them are cute.
>>10840059How do you know that you don't live in a time loop?
>>10840059That probably explains pinkie sense.probably some cumulative universal conscious from trillions and trillions of pinkies before hand
Reminder that Celestia Quest resumes in /mlp/ in 10.5 hours. Noon UTC-5.
Did we decide on six elements to serve Princess EA?
>>10840038so umew.
>>10840081goddamn it, I'm not going to be here
>>10840079i am amazed and frightened by that thought
>Bronies start a flash mob in Hot Topic couldnt make it past the awkward countdowm
hats was fun, thanks guys
Hats was funMove the server to 'Straya so I can actually play something that isn't medic
>>10840094I'll try to keep updating people on the time for each session. I may do another session in the evening as well (6-7 hours after that one).
>>10840079The first pinkie punched a hole in the universe, from it she and every pinkie that came after can cohabitate. She's the collective consciousness of an infinite amount of pinkies. Of course the pony mind wasn't meant to comprehend such things so she's invented her "Granny Pie" as a means to justify these powers of hers. In reality ponies never even invented their surnames in this universe, and pinkie alone never met her grandmother.
>>10840104>gross misunderstanding of what a flash mob isI'm not even surprised.
>>10840113hi EA~ least we had fun in Hats?
>>10840110But I'm not wrong.
>>10840104That's not how a flash mob worksHoly shit bronies never fail to disappoint
bombs are weapons of terror, guns are weapons of murderdiscuss
Allright, after some tests, the oC server seems to work fine now!IP is: openCanvas here:
opencanvas was fun
>>10840149which one are we supposed to get
Day 975/24/2013Estimated Total MLPG posts: 3,872(+716=4,588) (Running Total: 588,395)Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 24,239 (Running Total: 2,545,771)The Archive isn't working again! Aaaah!... it'll get fixed eventually. Keep calm and flutter on.I think that was an episode name, actually. There's almost too many of those things these days.
>>10840147ponies are weapons of friendship
>>10840147bullets are like tiny bombsdiscuss
>>10840147great swords are weapons of critical charge times and the insect staff will be the best weapon period
>>10840113>Dear Princess Audio>Today I learned that the average pony rectum can stretch to almost eight times its relaxed size.
>>10840157did anyone order one of thesei wanted to but was too much of a pussy
>>10840104>literally none of them keep in time>or in keyThey fail at every single thing and they will never even realise it.
>>10840103No wonder she's able to break the fourth wall so often, she unconsciously knows the ins and outs of the universe like the back of her hand.She probably has horrible dreams of wars past and rise and fall of ponykind, because every pinkie has seen it.
>>10840155Whichever you want, I'd reccomend revision version
>>10840162>you will never fill the Empty Princess
>>10840157Yes, that was an episode name.
>>10840159None of this would've happened if everyone had a pony.
what if you came home from work one day and Applejack was there and she was all like
If you knew you were being forcefully transported to Equestria and turned into a mare by tomorrow at midnight, what would you do with your last day of humanity?
>>10840139That is cute but that op picture ain't
>>10840128what ifwhat if pinkie is her own grandmother
>>10840175pretty lousy artwork for holivi
>>10840190Rewatch pony
>>10840147False, falseP=NPDiscuss
>>10840196then where did she first learn to gigle at the ghosties?
>>10840181But anon, her biggest fetish is indulging you in yours.
>>10840162>My Faithful Student>I'm pleased to hear of your discovery and am looking forward to hearing of further research in this subject.>Especially if you explore the elasticity of other orifices~
>>10840166>*This item is for pre-sale and is estimated to be ready for shipment in June.It's still not even out it seems
>>10840104>you will never stumble upon a brony meetup, draw your knife and start stabbing indiscriminately
>>10840190Feel the joys of prostate simulation one last time.
>>10840190Memorize how to make a transistorEvery other answer is fucking dumb
>>10840157Too many episodes?Or not enough?
>>10840065...Well, hose him off or something, then. He smells fucking awful.
>>10840113>Princess EA will never take you under her wing>She'll never watch as you turn from an run of the mill anon into a lustful futa pony
>>10840204During a drug infused orgy
>>10840190Brag about it on mlpg.
>>10840138>Never spoke.Way to hide your autism.
>>10840200>going to do nothing but pony for the rest of your life>watch pony anywaysyou really like those ponies don't you anon
>>10840230ok but only because it's you pinkie
>>10840153That is some delicious ponk ass.
Waitdid I miss hats
>>10840233But then you'd learn I'm a grill gamer
>>10840191But it is.
>>10840229If you turned into a pretty mare, would you post sexual pics on MLPG?
Rainbow Dash Presents or Friendship Is Witchcraft?
>>10840172>handbut seriously, i am legit scared by these thoughtswhat if quantum multiverses exist and the ponyverse we know is but one of an infinite number of possibilitieswhat if there are endless ponyverses in which events took place in a slightly different waywhat if there was a ponyverse where lauren was still in chargewhat would it be like
>>10840245Is not
>>10840226>one day after fucking all the ponies you wake up in the matrix room>you get to watch your greatest hits and you leave with wings and a futacock
>>10840253Friendship is magic.
>>10840226>you will never feel her motherly embrace around you as she gently stuffs her shaft into your swollen holes>you will never hug her tight as you pump hot spunk into her womb
>>10840253both, but Witchcraft
>>10840104> wish i could have fun like them
>>10840253What is she presenting?
>>10840261Celestia already agreed, don't bother asking her.
If there is ever another group OC image it should be every OC indulging in a different fetish in Princess EA's dungeons.
>>10840241don't feel bad i always miss hatsyou guys should stop playing whenever my dad is on his computer...
Had fun hatting with you guys, until next time
>>10840104 god help
>>10840253Isnt RDP just taking already written fanfics and voicing them?
>>10840262>the entire time you're watching your lewd transformation you're having passionate sex with her>your memories swirl around like a personal pornographic stream of video and sound
>>10840254if quantum multiverses exist with endless possibilities, does that mean that the ponyverse actually literally physically existsand somewhere, somehow ponies existwhat if we could contact themwhat would you say
>You guys understand that when people say that "fedoras are awesome" or that they are "classy" is just a joke? Fedoras are horrible. Most of them have a delusion that they are somehow "stylish" and have some "Mad Men" look happening...they are mistaken. Most Fedora wearing folk believe to have an above-average intelligence ("special classes" doesn't mean what you believe it to), they are usually those kids, those people, who believe they look like an Anime character, that it is some PUA shit, etc
>>10840323For about the first 30 seconds before it goes off tangent and makes everything up
Hey guys. Dunno if you saw this when I posted it earlier, but have a Scootabutt that I finished the background on and did some touchups to.
>>10840221>Renne quest co-ophmm
great art work and im hot for luna/tia ...but the tongue thing is a boner killer.
>>10840346>bland anon
>>10840351>tiayou killed my boner
>>10840253Friendship is witchcraft is more consistently funny but RDP has some great moments. Plus they actually animate their shit instead of just voicing over episodes.
>>10840253I really like their sweetiebot episodes of FIW but everything else is pretty ehh..RDP so far has been all great though.
I have this weird feeling EA will one day have a personal army and eventually conquer the world.
>>10840342It's supposed to be worn with a suit, not your everyday retarded hipster clothes. It looks as out of place in a normal outfit as a tie with a t-shirt.
>>10840346Hey AA, let's play >>10840149
>>10840346I want to grab my hands around her midriff~
>>10840337I love you all.
>>10840367That is a very sexy tongue.
>>10840383>everyday retarded hipster clothes.Nerds don't dress like hipsters. They dress like children.
I want to be transformed into a mare forcefullyq
>>10840385who is the moron in charge of speech bubble placement in this picture?
>>10840394IF YOU SAY SO
>>10840382><3 becomes the 2020s equivalent of the swastika
>>10840414That tongue is ugly though.
>>10840346i love it
>>10840383>It's supposed to be worn with a suitare you sure about that? have you ever seen a respectable person in recent times wear one?
>quantum whateversThis is a thing in actual science? Really? These are all just big "what if?" questions, what is there even to suggest that random as fuck universes actually exist.
>>10840372bland anon, is it?Nice to meet you. I'm Art-Anon, but some people call me AA.
>>10840437Hats went out of mainstream fashion with the Kennedy administration.
>>10840418Even as stubborn as I am, I think eventually I would succumb to his skills as well.I would turn to the dark side.... but have not yet.
>>10840447i want fluttershy to vibrate like that while sitting on my lap
Pony must cease ponying immediately.
>>10840415>>10840457>"Just give in man! You'll totally love it!"
>>10840463you fool! Such a thing would break pony!
>>10840437Point is it's part of an outfit. Unless you're creative enough to repurpose items into a new outfit (you aren't), then just throwing accessories onto an outfit that doesn't match at all, like casual wear, just doesn't work.Again, ties. Lots of people still wear them. They're respectable. But just putting on a tie over your casual wear will make you look like a dingus.
>>10840463Roger, good copy
>>10840415>Princess EA can easily your fetish>She knows that you want to be turned into mare by force>She stalks you day in and out>At the right moment she pounces and constrains you>She slowly and pleasurably breaks your mind,will and eventually turns you into mare
>>10840459All pones can vibrate, Anon.You just gotta know the right buttons to press~
>>10840471Pony will be fine.
>>10840440it's a science fiction thing
>>10840383You have to be a hipster with a fully commited 20's outfit and hairdo
>>10840482was her mouth cropped on there? it has a box around it
>>10840471>pony ponying pony
More proof that Meghan is killing the showSkip to 40:45 Asker: I have two questions for M.A. Larson.Asker: In the season 3 finale, what was the original intent of Star Swirl the bearded’ spell?M.A. Larson: What’s the other one?[snip]M.A. Larson: ...As for the first part, I’m gonna take the Fifth and pass it over to my leftMeghan McCarthy: Oh, I can’t...FinalDraft: You brought it upon yourselfMeghan McCarthy: I know.Meghan McCarthy: Um. That’s a good question. I don’t know if we went into it knowing what he thought that the end result was he was sorta working... what he was working towards... um... but.. yeah...
>>10840483No, she will not be fine. Pone needs to pony.
>>10840512you can pony me twilight
>>10840478So her special talent apart from the physical is simply to know instinctively the darkest desires of anyone she meets?
>>10840470NO! You shan't have me so easily!
Not when I shift into MAXIMUM PONYDRIVE
God, Opencanvas is so buggy...
>>10840512Pony will be locked up if she doesn't stop ponying.
>>10840509I'm not following you
>>10840346>"Oh, THERE you are - I thought you weren't gonna show!">"So - you ready to run a coupla miles with me?"
>>10840478>Princess EA will never replace Luna
Hey mlpg come play TF2 again we're almost dead and I keep getting dominated by a chubby chaser
Would you let a Panko steal yourprecious bodily fluids?
>>10840479Where's his button? Belly?
>>10840515She's been very busy ponying today. She might not have time.>>10840527Pony will pone pone. You cannot stop it.
>>10840542Duke plsYou know you love me
>>10840531Sorry, Scootaloo, I was kind of necking with Silver Spoon and we lost track of the time.
>>10840542go away
>>10840530What he's getting at, is that Meghan just kind of throws shit out there, without any real thought into characters' intentions, or something.
>>10840509>in the episode where Itchy plays Scratchy's rib cage like a xylophone, he hits the same rib twice but we clearly hear two distinct notes>are we to believe that this is some sort of magical xylophone>huehuehue yeah, right>boy I hope somebody got fired over that screwup
>>10840550Pony ponying pony has been forbidden by the Equestrian government for 3000 years.
>>10840563what does she think she's writing?a cartoon?
>>10840346I don't know why but your human faces always seemed strange to me. Otherwise it's great
>>10840530>using Starswirl's spell just as a plot device and not giving it at least a mention of what he had intended to do
>>10840563That's kind of irritating. Why is she allowed to touch the canon?
Butt hats.
>tfw you just want to do something with MLPG but everything keep breaking
>>10840574She said she takes world building very seriously
>>10840571That's a lie and you know it. Pony will pone.
>>10840516Yep.She'll exploit whatever little doubt you have in yourself to stay a regular humanShe'd even show you things you didn't even know you liked.Your pleasure is her pleasure, I'd assume.
>>10840563But. They just needed a spell from a great wizard who's been dead for who knows how much.It's like asking the writers from Stargate SG1 why the symbols from the gate look like that. Why did the Ancients choose those specific symbols and not different symbols.
>>10840585>tfw hats dies for the night
>>10840582This is my favorite hat
>>10840597This smacks of heresy.
>>10840591That was one of the things Celestia taught you personally, Twilight.
>>10840597How would she know? I'm not giving that knowledge up without a fight, mind you.
>>10840617it's not heresyit's love
>>10840614I wonder how much MLPG Hats will last this time
Why is she so perfect /co/?
>>10840585It might be the canvas getting corrupted over the time, one solution is to nuke all the layers in some intervals.
>>10840588And clearly she doesn't give a FUCK.I'm pretty sure that's the point they're trying to make - that she's got very little respect for maintaining any sort of continuity or consistency.
>>10840622Pony will pone. It is in my blood and your crass teachings will not purge it.The pone with never stop.
I wish somebody would stream a movie or an episode
>>10840646exactlySo Meghan drones, please remind me why you have faith on her¡
>>10840636I hope FOREVER
>>10840655>Actually watching MLP
>>10840659I don't. I'm not the same anon you were arguing with.
>>10840650Your talk smacks of Discordianism.
>>10840666I never said what show, Satan
>>10840650Sure is a lot of purple in here, you tryin to say I'm not your waifu anymore? Is that it?
>He watches a goat anime
It's saturday morning.
>>10840597What is [your favorite pony]'s deepest, darkest desire of which they dare not speak?
>>10840588there's a difference between taking world building seriously, and being an obsessive compulsive autist.If you find yourself caring about Starswirl's original spell, you've gone full retard.
>>10840685one time she ate a slice of cake that didn't belong to her
>>10840676You never were my waifu.
>>10840669That goat wishes he could pony as well as me. These great techniques have been passed down the Sparkle line for generations and I have finally perfected them: the ultimate version of ponying.
>>10840692>baby talkuhhggg
>>10840684Is that bat pony sleeping?
So what toys could they possibly introduce in S4?At this point the only shit i see Hasbro coming up with is>sea ponies>The entire main 6 become princesses
>>10840640I started getting the ?????? error.This kind of sucks: It's either go with open canvas and get pressure sensitivity and good compatibility with my tablet, or try and get a flock draw up with no compatibility whatsoever.
>>10840625She can just tell, like pinkie sense.She'll just make the urge for your fetish to grow inside you, you wouldn't be able to fight it.Sooner or later you'd just be in the middle of a futa orgy as the slutty mareDon't fight it>>10840685She wants to be loved because she loves being loved, not because she wants to consume it
>>10840684i had to see this picture several times before to realize she was masturbating
>>10840695And I assume that difference is decided by you?If they're going to build up Starswirl as some awesome magician, maybe they should actually USE that hype and mystique around the character for an actual purpose greater than "he made this spell for something yada yada you fixed it CONGRATS YOU'RE A PRINCESS NOW AND A GREATER MAGICIAN THAN HE EVER WAS BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP!"
Hey Dan, guess what time it is...
>>10840659She's written good episodes in the past and still has a good a batting average
>>10840721I'd never be the slutty mare. The thought makes me sick. I don't care what she THINKS she can do, my mind is steeled.Even if she has to hold me down.
>>10840713The show staff has changed too much. It might be a risky move, but I think they should jettison the old ballast and make the series about new ponies in a new setting in Equestria.Ah, who am I kidding. The show is as good as dead.
>>10840709So, traitors in our midst, is it?Well, we'll see about that.
>>10840750she wouldn't have to hold you downa bunch of pretty mares would do that for her
>>10840755This has been a test of your emergency boopcast system.
>>10840695Shit, I don't hate Meghan. Hell, rephrase that, I kinda like how she's handled this challenge. It's a cool feat, would admire any dude that had managed it that well, so she's got my respect. But seeing those comment and snips and criticisms about how she hadn't planned how the Twilight Starswirl spell transformation into Alicorn was meant to work really hurts my confidence on where the show had been going and the implications of everything that had happened until then.Still, I think the girl's done an ok job. But you guys have definitely convinced me that she needs someone she could trust to be there with her helping her to come up with awesome stuff for the plot. Someone who knows a lot about big grandiose plots, magical shit, medieval fantasy, someone who could help her as guidance to make the trajectory of the plot and the characters more concise and well built Just so things were more "Oh wow this is amazing, I see what you did there" than "ok, this is ok, I guess it's ok" as far as plot development goes.
>>10840750If she had hold you down and exploit every little sense of doubt you have, you'd wouldn't even be able to fight your own fetish.
>>10840768I believe we passed this one. But we must always be vigilant.
>>10840768Has Marker ever booped herself too hard?
>>10840753"We'll see about that?"I don't think you realize who you're dealing with. I am THE pone. Not some mindless student like all your others.
>>10840717The third option is the open-source clone of OpenCanvas that has networking and I think pressure sensitivity, but no undo feature.It really amazes me that an idea as simple as "multiplayer MSPaint" is so hard to implement.
>>10840791I think it's that people who know how to tablet pressure and people who know how to networking are either a sparse or disjoint set
>>10840780>Anon sweating profusely because Princess EA can clearly see his boner>A bunch of mares are holding him down>"We'll have a new mare in our ranks, tonight"
>>10840783I've heard that song and dance before. Did you really believe you were the first?
>>10840782all the time.
>>10840782She's constantly pushing her limits, but she's learning that she doesn't actually have any
>>10840811What if becoming a mare isn't your fetish though?
>>10840744Oh goddamnit, not again.
>>10840767>>10840780I-I have trained myself f-for this moment! I knew the day would come when her army sought me out, and brought me to her! I knew she would k-know all my secrets with a glance and use them against me!N-no matter how intensely she dominates me, no matter how effortlessly she finds my every vulnerable spot, or fucks me in ways I never thought of, no matter how long she rides me, I will h-hold!
>>10840782she ripped the skin
>>10840835you'll have to wait your turnyou really only have yourself to blame
>>10840820And do you think I am so shallow not to know of the failures before me? She was weak, her talent unrefined. My technique is the key.I will pone you from this world and rule it as my own as you are not fit.
>>10840850just do it dudeit'll be fun
>>10840839You never did it earlier today, you hopped on hats instead.If you don't want to practice, then don't.
>>10840781Season 4 is coming.>>10840782>>10840829Nonsense, there's been no observed side-effects to booping as hard as impossible.
>>10840866How nostalgic... she said the same, you know.
>>10840835Then she'd find other ways for you to be loyal to her>>10840850Just let her in, just let her warm embrace infuse with youShe can make you into a very pretty mare or a subby stallion or even a futa mareIt's whatever you likeFighting it only makes her harder
>>10840883I'm kiddingyou were there too
>>10840906Your ego is your downfall; so sure I am just like the one before me.I have yet to even show you how hard I can pony.
>>10840910I want to be taken advantage of by sexually aggressive and over-endowed underage foals.
>>10840928>>10840906WE FIGHTING?
>>10840932We missed you femanon
would you be able to stop yourself from rubbing batpone's ears
>>10840939Shut up, Spike
>>10840946I think so, yeah.Unless she was cool with it anyways.
>>10840910I wouldn't want to be turned into a pony anyways. Such tricks would fail on me.Fighting makes her harder? Well, she'd sure be in for one hell of a fight.E-even if she used her magic in impossible ways to stimulate me...
>>10840946Yes their ears are highly sensitive and I may cause some serious damage
>>10840952>implying you could resist touching those ears
>>10840956>I wouldn't want to be turned into a ponyw-whatI don't understandwhy don't you want to be the little pony
>>10840956She'd just have to make your biggest fetish your most prominent one.I hope you don't have a mind control/hypnosis fetish anon, that'd be a field day for her.
>>10840969>implying she wouldn't be all mischievious and flap upside-down and tickle your nose with her ears
>>10840969I could if she didn't want me to do it.But hey if she's down, then I'll give her such a tender rubbing
>>10840922I was trying to pass the time until you inevitably finished with hats. Hats didn't work. Open Canvas didn't work. Now the boredom sets in.I'm planning on one of 3 thigns:vidya, drawing shizue, or drawcoaching.It's up to you.
It feels so good to know that no matter what you can always come home to MLPG
>>10840979Why do you want to be a little pony, anon?
>>10840992Tan i'm right here.
>>10840999Why do you want to be a little human, Tex?
so, what is new in the world of pony? i havent been around for the past few months, so has anything notable happened (i.e. mlpg events, show info leaks, interesting va interviews, etc)?
>>10840999Because I want to serve chrysalisBecause I want to be a slutty mareBecause I want to be cute and be loved
>>10841012Because I like who I am. I just want to befriend the ponies as myself.
>>10841008Yes, I'm waiting on your choice. You don't have to if you do not want to
>>10841017Nothing important
>>10841017>dash >fabulouslel
>>10840985Shit son, that's adorable.And in character, as much character an oc can have.
>>10840982Not at all. I suppose I am "lucky" in that regard. Not that I need it.>>10840979I am human. I am not a pony.
>>10841017Well, next month in june there's going to be a movieand its going to be terrible
>>10841024That's a good answer, they would like your attitude.BUT YOU WOULD FIND YOURSELF WITH SECRET GRIFFON ADMIRERS
>>10840999basically what >>10841021 saidthe last two lines though, I'm not surrendering to the bugs
What draw?
>>10841031Always dresses in style
>>10841025I was trying to be funny, let's draw.
>>10841043this >>10840767
>>10841044dat tongue
>>10841028i see>>10841039is that mlp or equestria girls?and what theaters are they showing it in?
>>10841017It's funny because this comic came out long before we knew that princess Twily was going to be a princess.
>Opencanvas is dedWell, it was fun while it lasted
>>10841041I'm only aware of two griffons, I wouldn't turn down their friendship.
>>10841044That was some nice music.
>>10841048Just try to recreate this picture. Use the body circles, head circle, and skeletal lines as a base. Thigh/leg triangle and rectangle are optional. When you finish the sketch, leave the construction layer on. Try using different colors for the body outline/upper layer and the construction layer
>>10841065Oh that's CR right?
>>10841046Ponies get so much cuter when they wear something.
>>10841104Oh, I think we were the only ones there, I tried to resync to see if there was more but then OC decided to crap out.
She's up all night to get lucky.
>>10841097If you're going to be in Equestria, you're going to be learning so many new people you haven't even seen on the show!
>>10841123Yeah, I saw it when you disconnected. I was thinking about going to bed anyways.P.S.: Your waifu a shit as well
>>10841126>Likes batpones>Likes daft punkmah you have no fucking taste holy fucking shit are you also a NMM and Lincoln park fan?
I'm going to marry Applejack!
>>10841149/mu/ pls
>>10841149>talking shit about NMMYou didnt just go there son
>>10841133Added to the list.
>>10841154I'm sorry, what was that?
>>10841093is some sort of anger/shame hybrid a normal reaction to this video?>>10841093i didnt realize they were linked like this>>10841082none near me, i will consider this a good thing
>>10841164I did go thereFuck the moon
>>10841154Can I come to the wedding?
>>10841089what comic is this?
>>10841165Oops, wrong person to reply to.Xieril is added to the list.
>>10841178Twilight, it's 3 am, go back to bed.
>>10841180Yes, you may.
I'm too tired to fap and too horny to sleep.
>>10841184w-what list?
>>10841184List of what?
>>10841178DAMMIT DASH
>>10841191get high and jerk yourself to sleep
>>10841176I wish I could
i'm hungryi'm going to raid pony's fridge
>>10841186>Living in inferior timezones
>>10840575It'd help me a bit more if you could articulate what seemed strange about them. If it ever hits you, send me a message on my tumblr or dA or something.
>>10841203Man that is one pointy face
>>10841170oops, the >i didnt realize they were linked like thismeant to link to >>10841079
This pone is going to kill herself after all the hate she's gotten from /mlp/.Hope you feel bad.
>>10841234pony needs to stop being such a drama queenjust because I want to hook up with her brother doesn't mean I hate her
>>10841234>from /mlp/
>>10841234But anon.She's already undead
>>10841234Applepone pls no
>>10841234>killing yourself because of internet drama
>>10841184What list?
>>10841234So what?It's not like she'd care if one of us killed ourselves.
>>10841268Fuck off.
>>10841276Tex has a list of people he's going to murder once he gets to Equestria
I think I might be able to make a cross platform networked art program in QtWould still be mad tricky thoughImplementing undo would have a cascade of requiring ever subsequent action to be reprocessedI'm almost certainly not going to try. Sorry to get your hopes up
>>10841289But how can he murder them if he's in Equestria and I'm here?
>>10841234Even if you are the worst and most boring pony, you still at least have a luscious horse donut to share with the world.Don't dew yourself in just yet, kid
>>10841289Murder is... such a strong word.They're only going to get lost.Forever.
So how are we going to settle this Tex?
>>10841301Kind of like how I feel about Twist and Sapphire Shores
roasting vampire ponies
>>10841309Well you have an a in your name and Tex doesn't and both apples and Applejack start with a so you win
>>10841289>Implying I wouldn't hunt down tex>Implying he could find me>Implying I wouldn't be mossed up, with a improvised suppressed rifle, just waiting for him to strut along with AJNo Equestria for Old Anons
>>10841289So that's what it comes down to, huh?
>>10841309You could settle it with apples
>>10841335Is funny because Tex is B now.
what if pony couldn't go fast
>>10841295Couldn't you just have each user be a separate 'layer' independent of the actual user-visible layers? Then just composite them on top of each other somehow.
>>10841328>Apple bottom is sprayed with braaaaaains
>>10841360I don't know anonwhen the fuck is season four getting here I'm losing my mind
>>10841335Why do so many artists/fic writers enjoy making an anon who doesn't want to a pony? What's up with that? Who are they trying to fool?
>>10841366Season 4 airs February 29, 2020.
>>10841360Pony would be easier to rape
>>10841366At least another 200 days left.
>>10841381that is a cat butt
>>10841373>>10841379>>10841380Was it actually confirmed to not be 2013? I haven't been up to date on it
>>10841360>User was banned for this post
>>10841381ECmajor is disgusting
>>10841396They said Winter and that doesn't start until December 21st, so there's not much chance it airs this year.
>>10841381I'll give it a cat/butt
>>10841411So you're saying there's a chance
This is a very cute and adorable pony.
>>10841406speaking of bans
>>10841420Now that I think about it they normally go on a break during that time of year anyway, so I'm betting on no pony this year.
>>10841424Nobody links to referral sites anymore.
>>10841424That's lameAt least Nobody got banned
This will be our greatest trial to date.Can you actually survive for 6 more months without pone?Can MLPG survive?
>>10841424>that feel when banned for the same reason for mentioning the worst part of manual Minecraft mod installs
>>10841450Me personally?Probably not
>>10841453no, those things are expensive
>>10841453At least we'll have the comics and maybe a good book or two to help speed it along.
>>10841450i survived 8 months without any pone whatsoever and i came right back here as soon as i got the chancei can certainly do it again
>>10841424Now he finally has time to post those late entries!Sorry Nobody
>>10841450honestly it hasnt been that bad so farand we will have equestria girls next month which technically has pone
>>10841482It's been the worst hiatus yet anon.
>>10841472I wish I liked comics more because they really are pretty great and funny but I just don't like that medium very much.
>>10841487well yeah there were a few really bad pointsbut we got better
Is anyone else looking forward to the Terraria update?
>>10841487nah, not really.
>>10841487Probably because it was such a short season.It's like going back to work on the weekend.
>>10841489I wish I didn't know that feel
>>10841487Not as bad as when Faceless was here.
>>10841472The comics are fantastic.Can't wait for the exciting Nightmarity conclusion.
>>10841495I would if my computer were working.When is it coming out?
>>10841110This is what i've got so far
>>10841530>LASER EYES
>>10841518The pacing has been pretty good so far but I still wonder if it's not ending an issue or two too soon. Unless they plan on using Nightmare Moon again in the future.
>>10841519No date yet, just feature teasers.I hope they do more with wiring - as is it's pretty shit.
>>10841110>>10841530Oh boy is it time for another episode of Tan's Super Mega Art School: AppleDan is Learning?I liked episode 3 the most where Apple tried to draw Applejack.
>>10841518#7 leaking out so soon made this gap gigantic, but it helped build up theories and hype I guess. I'm wondering what Rarity and Luna are keeping secret that made them corruptible.
>>10841518Fluttershy Micro Next week
>>10841542rarity looks wall-eyed on the right
>>10841518Do we know what the next story arc is going to be yet?
>>10841552I'm almost certain that Luna's secret is going to have to do with her wanting it, but there might still be more to it than that.
>>10841561and by right, i of course mean her right, our leftyeah
>>10841562Two-part Big Mac and background pony adventures. I don't know anything beyond that.
>>10841518>exciting Nightmarity conclusionhes the ending spoiler. twilight will blast some friendship into rarity's face and all problems will be solved.
>>10841571You mean Big Mac and pan-fandering and memesi'll still read it and love every bit of it most likley
>>10841550Tune in for next weeks episode where I draw Applejack again!Be sure to where your AppleDan shirts and eat you MLPG™ brand cereal!
>>10841580>implying spike won't save rarity with the power of love
>>10841530lookin' good so far. Just don't forget you're recreating this pose not by tracing, but by going it over quickly to find out the skeletal structure then using the reference to recreate that structure from scratch.>>10841550If I'm doing a bad job then nothing is stopping you from helping in my stead.
>>10841550>tfw wasnt in lk's drawing lessionshas anyone tried to do something like that again?
>>10841587>>10841580>Implying luna won't have freaky tentacle sex with nightmarity like my fanfic I just wrote
>>10841590I'm just poking fun, I'm no artist it's just amusing to watch the two of you in your art escapades.
>>10841597Rose does some tutorials via livestream occasionally
>>10841603pls post
>>10841603How does that work?
>>10841597if what I'm doing counts then there's this. I dunno. Rose does stuff from time to time.I made it a point to spend hiatus time this time trying to help others to pon
>>10841590Tan you seem really on-edge tonight are you ok?
>>10841603>just like in my fanficpost it
It's over mlpg, time to pack up and go home.
>>10841637You're throughHow could I make a mare out of you
>>10841637oh ok, byesee you guys next hiatusBYELY
>>10841637I'll take your favorite pony home, if you know what I mean
>>10841637What makes you say that?
>>10841649Fuck you anon.
sex with rainbow dash
>>10841661She'll be neighing with pleasure all night
>>10841659That OC has a weird vagina
>>10841643well fuck you i have to listen to it
>>10841659>Lyra colored socks
>>10841659>Bon Bon with some bimbo OCNo sir I don't like it
>>10841681Her face looks like a chipmunk
What happened BCS
>>10841681>Rarity will never camwhore for you
>>10841689IS THAT A PENIS?
BCS why do you make me want to filter youwhy can't you just post game of thrones picturesor just draw
>>10841659>alicorn oc>creep vaginareported
Andy's ponies look so nice.
>>10841701BCS took my drawing request once and it made me happy and other people enjoyed it.That was a long time ago.
>>10841711>not wanting Zerg structures to be built on your vagina
>>10841718which picture was it
>>10841716I wish I started with pen and paper instead of with a tablet, it's so hard to switch
>>10841716Heh, cute.
>>10841716That does look nice.
>>10841716>This episode will never happen
>>10841701thats not the real BCS
>>10841736That's the one I want to see most though. It would be so many levels of cute to see her trying and failing at first. Hope they somehow manage to get it in.
>>10841750Is a great set of crotch tits
>>10841682What if Bimbonbon
>>10841487Every hiatus is "the worst hiatus yet."
>>10841750Is another pony?
>>10841743searching the archive for that tripcode says otherwise
>>10841701>>10841718She snapped. Just let her go.
BCS why are you spamming, we're only at 154 images
>>10841773If you bought Stackable Princesses™, then of course!
>>10841723I was trying to remember, I think it was that picture of Dash on the beach or AJ and Apple Bloom in a hammock. I could be wrong though it really has been a while.
>>10841772We're not as bad as the last ones, then again, that one only got really bad near the end and we never fully recovered.
>>10841788BCS you're drunk, you need to stop. We can help you, let us help you.
>>10841775how far back did you search? there is a guy from the /b/ thread who has been pretending to be BCS for quite a while
>>10841632I would rather not talk about it.But I will say that my computer just bluescreened on me while I was in the middle of drawing a really really really cute sketch that I was actually proud of. It happened right before I was about to save my progress too. I am currently fighting every urge to just go to bed.enough of that. Dan, what's the progress on Dash?
Which episode should I watchSpike at Your Service, owl's well, and friendship express exempt you fuckers already made me watch those again
>>10841786I bought the original Stackable Princesses, will they stack with any new Stackable Princesses that come along?
>>10841804Lesson Zero.
>>10841804Just watch Spike's Service.
>>10841804Sweet and Elite
What's up
>>10841806Stacking additional princesses will void your warranty, anon. Unless you purchase an upgrade license of course.
>>10841806No you need an adapter to stack the new stackable princesses.
How about SSCS6K?
>>10841801well hang in there, man, get some sleep when you're done whipping appledan into shapehave a cute flutterbutt
>>10841804Dragon Quest.
>>10841819>Twilicorn DLC
>>10841800archive finds 9 months old posts. that trip also posted her livestream link and some WIPs
>>10841817my erection
>>10841817Every time you start posting I suddenly realize how late I've been up
>>10841814>Spike's ServiceUnf?
>>10841801>my computer just bluescreened on me while I was in the middle of drawing a really really really cute sketch that I was actually proud ofThat is enough for a night of drinking for me.It's coming along
>>10841852I'm sorry?
>>10841848>please give us 15k to play brony music
>>10841846Bump Butts are pretty cute
>Deleting 513GB of steam gamesFeels so liberating to not have the compulsion to have every single game I own installed
>>10841867It's not your fault, it's just funny
>>10841875>having everything you owned installedwhy would you do this, are you paranoid steam isn't gonna be there the next day?
>>10841801>But I will say that my computer just bluescreened on me while I was in the middle of drawing a really really really cute sketch that I was actually proud of. It happened right before I was about to save my progress too. FOR FUCKS SAKE, TANYOU CAN BUILD A BRAND NEW COMPUTER FOR LIKE $200
>>10841886I'll give you some if you promise to behave
>>10841861Are you trying to copy the picture or trying to draw it from another angle? because it's not a direct side view, the points where the hindlegs connect to the body wouldnt overlap
>>10841878Where her wings?
>>10841875>tfw compulsion to replay gamesEven uninstalling them isn't a guarantee. This is the fourth time, Human Revolution.
>>10841712This picture is so cute that it warmed my heart a bit. I thought that happening via ponies had already past.
>>10841887I had a 2TB drive and it wasn't fullNow I've got an SSD and I haven't been bothered to set symbolic links, especially since Steam supports secondary drives natively now
>>10841897>butt flustered>not flutt bustered
>>10841901The picture itself is at an angle
>>10841911>tfw I replay ever Half-Life game every year
>>10841716Any colorists around that would be willing to add this to their queue?
>>10841894>it got funded
>>10841933Thats what I just said
>>108419541: be gurl2: talk on mic3: instant money4: profit
>twilight is late
>>10841978who's the father?
>>10841945You can't run from it, AnonEmbrace it
>>10841894Can I have people pay for my shit if I pretend if Im a grill
>>10841954>twice the goal
>>10841991sounds hot
>>10841889this IS the new computer asshat.It's mostly a bunch of spare parts a friend decided to give to me with a brand new 500gb hard drive. Only bad thing is the fact it's a singlecore AMD and the RAM chips are bad. I don't exactly have the money to fix this because of this damn job market. I was only able to get a power source and a cheapo graphics card so I could at least not run on the terrible on board.thanks for reminding me.
>>10841991The problem is your paypal name has your male name.
>>10841911I really want to replay Air Ride and Kirby 64 but I don't have a functioning console to do so
>>10842004>my male nameSheeit Ill just put it as a grill
>>10842002>singlecore AMDouch manI'd give you some of my cores if I could
>>10841991>>10842017>your PayPal identifies you as George Foreman
I should be going to bed soon. Have a fawn with a couple of biscuits.
>>10841977Why can't I get free money for being a handsome man?Life isn't fair.
>>10842004How the Hell can you omit your real name from transactions?
>>10842004Mine isn'tI've got an entire online pseudonym that's a girl
>>10842029sweet I've been hoping for some more cute deer pics, you've made me like them almost as much as ponies I think.
>>10841712>>10841831I'm feeling the need for more cute pictures of Fluttershy.
>>10842031But you can, sad part is you have to constantly bang a milf to do this.
>>10842044TAW please, it doesn't count when everyone knows you are lying.
>>10842002>SINGLE CORemy sides, what is this 2001?
>>10842071>goes both waysum... unf?
>>10842041>That's actually a thingokay
>>10842058An acceptable trade-off if it means that I won't have to work for my money I guess
>>10842052that purple one sure is cute
>>10842029Does it like belly rubs?
>>10842080Take that back you little yellow cunt.
>>10842071Is your name Corey?
>>10842095Saying it over and over again won't make it true
>>10842095You really think so?
>>10842104she's just angry you didnt buy her butter
>>10842090no, bad anon.Don't unf to that.
>>10842056alright fine here
>>10842118That deer needs a bath
>>10842101I like this one.
>>10842144That pic really confuses me everytime I see it
>>10842002i have a single core amd toowhich one do you have, mine's amd athlon 64 3200+
>>10842118Too bad the guy cut the camera off at the part where she turned around and started winking at him with her pussy.
>>10842159Borrow? What, you're going to give it back?
>>10842115indeed>>10842117she is a cute pone of many colors
>>10842153What's so confusing about it?
>>10842173yeah maybe
>>10842181Pony should wear saddles more often.
>>10842163Sempron 140 2.71GHzDan, are you still here? If so let me see the progress on that Dash please.
>>10842118>you will never go to Equestria and do this with a pone
>>10842144Did that one anime (you know the one) suddenly make the act of someone else brushing a cute girl's teeth popular overnight? Because that's what it seemed like to me.
>>10842218Fuck off Roogna.
>>10842218Fuck off, Roogna.
>>10842218fornicate on, roogna
>>10842205Oh my god fuck you I'm laughing for real right now
>Celestia is expecting some male
>>10842167>You'll never wink in front of anon
>>10842236If I can make just one person laugh its all worth it.
hello BCS i was thinkeng of you
>>10842265This is surprisingly arousing.
>>10842272This cover is pure gold
>>10842071So what happens now that that fundraiser thing didnt go through?
>>10842272>quad booting
>>10842288>tfw I found an old vidya magazine at my parent's house a while back>I didn't look at the date and just opened it>it had a review of Red Alert 2 in itIt was favorable, but they called the graphics bad.
>>10842272mine's 2.00 GHzdo i win
>>10842265>>10842284i kinda wish there was more
>>10842272>its a freaking computer in a single chip
>>10842338Get out of the window Rainbow Dash.
>>10842350not what i meant
Meanwhile in an alternative ponyverse
>>10842338what is it fastpone?
>>10842338Every day I leave my kitchen window open hoping a pony will come by and stop by for a chat. Every day I'm disappointed, but maybe tomorrow will be the day.
>>10842339dude that's like 2 super computers
>>10842381oh godyou could octoboot it
>>10842398but that's a .png
>>10842371No, your face.
>>10842050>you've made me like them almost as much as ponies I think.O-oh gosh...
Somebody please post that .gif where dash is singing to rarity in the last episode
Queen chrysalis pouring her delicious neutrient love slime down your throatFeeling tiny changelings move around in your stomach
>>10842436>you'll never observe chrysalis in her birthing chamber.
>>10842461Man, I could supply a whole army of psychiatrists with work
Sorry Dan, I'm done. I'm heading off.Keep it up.
>>10842476but pony already is pretty.
>>10842462thank you anoni swear i saved it; must have been on the laptop or something, because it's not in my dash folder
>>10842476I tried to make you pretty, but I'm not sure it worked out.
>>10842401I've tried drawing before.I am truly awful at it.
>>10842489use stablizersyou have the basics of the body down, you just need to learn the eyes and snout, also pay more attention to the details of the main, instead of just squiggling them"Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain" could benefit you
>>10842436>love slime
>>10842526What? You don't want chrysalis to feed your the little changelings inside you?
>>10842514>use stablizersRoss pls go
If we art now why don't you guys go to the flockdraw?
>tfw posting here at 5 am on a saturday
>>10842539You don't have to use S-7, man, but at least use something so your lines aren't so shakyI know you're not that anon but still
>>10842553I want to touch that pony's butt as she lies there.
>>10842561You again.
>>10842514It was drawn in like 5 minutes using a mouse and ms paint.I plan on learning to draw, I just need to borrow my sister's tablet.
>>10842540Because all the space is taken up>>10842571>I just need to borrow my sister's tabletD-does your sister draw pones?
>>10842571just use pen/pencil and paper
>>10842568but this is the first time I've mentioned it
>>10842548yeah, I'm here
>>10842540how do i flockdrawi want to watch and/or drunkenly scribble with some mlpg fags
>>10842583I just made room for you Dan.
>>10842583No, I don't think so.
>>10842598Sweet, now how do I change my name.>>10842604Well i admit, that was a stretch but I had to ask.
>>10842611Just rejoin the server with a different name.
>>10842620Alright I got it, don't know how I missed it.
is nasse still here
>>10842626Dan, hold onto that picture for tomorrow ok?I can't go over it now, I need to leave. Maybe the thread will help out if they don't feel like not giving out critique.
>>10842620>>10842540Since this horse is dying I'll post the batpone from earlier.
>>10842643>Maybe the thread will help outpfffft, alright man see ya next time. Thanks for the help.
>>10842643I don't actively draw but i know enough to give a critique so I'll see if I can help, Danalso I'm drunk so knowledge may be lower than advertised
I think pony likes me
>>10842666But Satan I'm sleepy
>>10842673OKAY YOU HAVE 12 HOURS
howdy gangwhat's the good word
This pony has been found to be guilty for being purple. I ask you MLPG, what is her punishment?
>>10842682Okay, which ponies would sate your cravings my dark lord?
I got something nice in store for tonight's threads but for now, I slumber.
>>10842690MORE PURPLE
>>10842689Would you like to talk about Jesus?
>>10842697>CelestiaOh bother.
>>10842693But if you slumber, then it won't be tonight's threads when you come around againunless you only sleep for like 5 minutes
>>10842714I live on the important side of America (5:46 AM) and I'll sleep for about 8 hours, play some dwarfs and write up a nice framework for what I want to post.
>>10842695You heard anon! More purple!
Is it time?
>>10842750>lewd face not mid-orgasmso disappoint
>>10842750>Euphoric not neckbeard with a fedora
>>10842733>Implying west coast isn't best coastI'll never stop missing CaliforniaI probably look forward to whatever you have in store
>>10842783It's going to pull in lots of fetishesI'm going to try and contorl the power of the EA
>>10842815 Do what now?
>>10842695what kind of punishment is that?
>>10842815can you give me a hint as to which fetishes?I'd like to prepare for the unf, if possible
>>10842835TransformationHypnosisHoof fetishSlutty mareSubby stallionimpregIt'll all make sense, trust me.
>>10842834But purple isn't a punishment, it's a gift.
>>10842850my body is ready
>>10842851What would you do with that gift?
>>10842851Befitting the crime of being purple it is
>>10842868I dislike this image
>>10842882I dislike your face
>>10842886what a coincidenceso do I
>>10842868that's a pretty ponos
>>10842730Well okay, here's a practice one before I go to bed.
>>10842920oh wait I beefed it. Here you go.
Why does "New horse where" play when it's not quite at post limit
>>10842931I think it counts deleted pictures
>>10842931premature horse syndromeor what >>10842937 said
>mfw stirring some fetish talk in /dsg/
>>10842952Dark Souls general?What fetishes are there even?I mean, traps I guess, and illusion tits, but those are pretty vanilla
I should draw...
Holy shit it's 3amAgain
>>10842959Celestia or best horse!
>>10842959Draw a pony
>>10842961>Living on best coasthey want to trade places for a week? The midwest is so flat and boring, it's quite tranquil, I bet even your waifu(s) would like it!
>>10842958I posted Chrysalis corruptiona few took a liking to it, generated small fetish talk
>>10842958>>10842963you've got priscilla, who's all waify dragon slutyou've got the bitch under the fire, who can't speak (unf)you've got spider-pussyblight-pussvore from frampt and kaatheand probably a fair few more if you gimme a minute
>>10842974you want to live here, you have to come out here yourself. we'll never leave.
>>10842974Sorry man, im sure the midwest is terrible but I start to freak out if I can't smell my ocean at all times.They'd probably love it, never having seen an ocean they would never miss it.
>>10842988I want to but I'm being forced to live hereuntil july. oh god i can't wait
>>10842982Actually the only vore stuff you had was Seath and Kalameet
I don't even want to sexually a pone anymoreI just want to cuddle Does that make me a gigantic faggot?
>>10842998>>10842974The midwest is great, fuck you guys.
>>10842994I don't get it
>Living in the US
>>10843014No, it makes you a wonderful human being.
>>10843014No anon, its does not. I would love to do cute things like that to ponies.
>>10843019EA's new OC
>>10843014You don't want to sexual them at all?
>>10843022>living in a shit hole
>>10843022>Living on Earth
>>10842982incest from Seigfried and what's-her-nameCapra DemonDP from Slim and Shadytentacles from those sponge thingsLautrec
>>10842982Right, how did I forget spiderchickPriscilla isn't that dragony, but I guess it countsI was kind of disappointed in the firekeeperWhile she was mute she was really intriguing, but after you go through the whole thing to restore her tongue pretty much nothing happens.I think she also has no feet>>10843004It might not quite be vore, but Frampt almost eats you to take you to the kiln
>>10843022>living in Europe
>>10843041>Not living in europe
>>10843035sieglinde is who you're thinking of (sp?)and yeah, that's pretty unf>>10843037she's a half dragon, suck eggsand i would be disappointed in the firekeeper as wellbut fuck, manshe's so hoti can't hold it against herspidertits aren't too bad eitherdon't forget those slime things in the depthsand some people are into skeletonsyou know, if you like a good boning
>>10843041It's legal here to torrent movies and music now.
>>10843042enjoy your lye-soaked shark guts and pickled everything
I heard someone say bone
>>10843056I've never eaten shark or pickled anything
>>10843050I wish I didn't. It's becoming worse and worse
>>10843053>needing permission to do thatu srs m8
>>10843068Move out of southern europe then, fgt.
>>10843052Don't get me wrong, she's adorable, but literally the only non-human feature she has is her tail, and it isn't even a very good tail, as far as tails goThe implications of her existence are pretty hot though
>>10843066What about lutefisk?
>>10843091I despise it and nobody's forcing me to eat it
>>10843080>Not spending an hour trying to look up her fluffy skirt before fighting her
>>10843095Anon I have the suspicion that you like purple
>>10843098Min lille lilla ponni
>>10843098i'm not that anon but i like hips
you know what? Rarity is best pony.
>>10843098dem hips
>>10843099Engrish pls
>>10843098Who doesn't like purple?
>>10843075What permission? Nigga now if someone catches me downloading music or movies they can't do anything. They can't sue me for thousands of dollars for downloading a song.
>>10843105I agree.