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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Villain edition.

Old: >>10786921
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.7 5/22/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes, comics, and books:
All Seasons: http://derpy.me/Z18ri
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG (and other list of scripts, sites, and programs):
http://derpy.me/WhosWho (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)

http://derpy.me/mlpgn (MLPG Nexus)


Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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281 KB PNG
Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in

Subject or Comment field to be

marked properly. Keywords include:

Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide

All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:


Room: mlp
FiM Blogs:



Pony IRC:




Who's who in MLPG:

http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)




Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
the fuck

why are they moose
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why are deer
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Do you even know what a moose looks like, Anon?
Bloody hell

wwould you a pony
they are the ones that have the long necks and fins
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Hi, waifu.
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>draw tits
There was an attempt
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Slow and ded.

>you will never sting rara's butt
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Hello, I thought you went to bed.
She looks more like one of those poster orphans for charity organizations
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quick, what's a witty name for a female mole character?

this is important, it's also a secret for what it's for.

anything that isn't molly though
>Someone quickly Roroscoped lesbian porn and put in Gunnerkrigg characters for Gunnerkrigg General and had the whole thing done in like two hours
Why has no one done this for ponies?
>Have no idea how to even get into the server the Hat games are in.
I feel like such an idiot.

open console with `
type "connect"
hit enter
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popped a molly I'm sweatin
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this fetish will never not be funny
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I have a confession to make.

I like ponies.
actually, you need to put the password in too.

so use this:
"connect; password bonbon"
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Gilda, pls

Love me.

Tex you need help.
that's because someone's rusing you
the password has a space in it
see >>10791211
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Oh, my god! So do I!
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It was very brave of you to admit that, Tex.

We're here for you.

Who is your current 3rd favorite pony?
>Literally standing at the start screen.
>This didn't help.

I...I should just stop while I am ahead here....
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Would you ever consider loving a pony?
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Finally, the time for best fetish to shine
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you heard the woman, but draw Spike as a dog since she likes that so much
don't wake up
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the other way to do it is to open up your Favorites tab, click the add server to favorites button, paste the server IP and add it, then refresh your favorites, then join the server by double-clicking. You can give the password when it prompts you for it.
Why isn't there more human x pone self-cest?
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I'm sure I'll sleep soundly. Thank you though.
Alright, I'll help.
Open the server browser, and click the favorites tab. Click "add a server." Copy/paste the server IP into taphat box and click "Find games at this address. It will find the server and display it. Attempt to connect to the server, and a little box for the password will pop up. Put either "bon bon" in there, and you're on your way to hat simulating with your best MLPG bros!

By the way, those other guys were all talking about console commands. To open the console, press ~.
I know how to open consoles.
It wasn't opening.
Fuck I probably wasn't even in the right screen for it.
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Applejack should get more sleep.
Don't forget to tell them that they have to enable the console in the keyboard options
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>Wakfu is a children's cartoon, they said
It's a children's cartoon like My Little Pony is a children's cartoon.
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>you will never watch snails cuddle his pillow at night
Of course
That is an ugly tarted-up panda.
anon pls
that's not snails
and why would you want to watch snails sleep
that's weird as hell

Why yes, I am interested in french whores
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Indeed. I'll have to take the responsibility of putter her to bed.

Just got here. This has probably been discussed a few days ago. The author seems to have done zero research, and just assumes bronies would like Equestrian girls.
what if snails watched you sleep
putting, even.
that would also be weird as hell but I guess I'd let it happen
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>you will never be Snail's cuddle pillow
Oh you cannot be this retarded...
You know what, good, stay in the dark, the last thing we actually need is for you to fuck over the group with your incompetence.
Thankfully you will be too dense to figure out the password.
it's a freudian slip tex

admit it you want to take applejack golfing
What if femsnails watched you sleep?
I'd knock that ugly little retard out.
Waking up to having a retarded kid standing over you watching is not a good experience.
Well you'd be asleep. What else could you do?
>Hanging a horse shoe on the wall
>Upside down

I hate you Twilight so much
>you will never be pony's tulpa
>they will never manifest you in to their pillow
what if you watched femsnails sleep
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Sure. Since she's a little pony, I guess that would make it mini-golf.
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Yeah, that is a good idea. The link is now converted to using derpy.me, so no more spoiler! The changes has been made and you can get the linkboard in this site.


If you want to help post the Linkboard, feel free to do so!

You guys have fun now!
Its funny how the people most vocal about My Little Pony have absolutely zero clue why people got into it in the first place
What if I slept with Femsnails while some third person watched?
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>That moment of realization when you've just clicked "submit" and you spot a typo.
You're never quick enough to cancel the post.
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Well, best of luck with-
-oh, you!
sb pls go to fucking bed
>Letting a human baby sleep so close to the two worst ponies
>wakfu is made in FLASH

blows my mind.
>tfw the captcha refreshes the moment before you hit enter to sumbit
add a link to the script list here: http://pastebin.com/CMdmNvRR
so that the bootleg linkboard-anon stops being so awful
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Spoiler Image, 124 KB
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Which pony is desperate enough to make a tulpa the most?
>Its funny how the people most vocal about My Little Pony have absolutely zero clue why people got into it in the first place

Because they just assume without doing any research. People really think they know things.
>QR upload cancelled
>still posted
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Why? Because they have a few nice looking static backgrounds?
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Wait, theaters?

Fucking theaters? Like real ones? MLP is getting an honest to goodness movie and it's fucking Equestrian girls? I thought this was straight to dvd shit.
I know.

That and this show give me some measure of hope that the current trend of Flash wont be all terrible
I'd that light elf like no tomorrow
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Twilight could create something better than a tulpa.
where have you been for the last month
>Enable the console.
What kind of fucking asshole doesn't have that standard?
Even Food Fight made it to theaters
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I can't even tell if the second one is shaded and man I'm bad ad shading
Like apples?
it's not the default setting
blame gaben

People just make a bunch of assumptions. The usual "they want to be girls or are effeminate" line is thrown around a lot. It's the opposite. They're lonely males, and are attracted to the females.
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What the shit? I didn't check the spoiler box.
I want to be the pretty mare
Would you let a pony cuddle up on you like that

I would

But not that one. She can sleep on the floor
>letting a princess sleep on the floor
wow, rude
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What fillies and colts would succumb to the tantalizing attraction of smoking and underage drinking?
>where have you been for the last month

Not paying attention to Equestrian girls stuff.
The second one has some additional layers on the left sides of everything.

MLP has already been in theaters (the pilots). Lots of them run smaller kids' flicks during the summer months.

It's not going to be like a big budget release if that's what you're thinking.
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I did not know someone made a list. Hmmm, Croptool, right? Remember to update it daily if you can. That link been added!

Have a cute pony and you guys have a good night!
Does Dovne do anything aside from complaining about too many notes and photoshopping his bird?
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>tfw try to open commissions during break but everything goes wrong

who does darth waifu?
Magic will fix all their health problems

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But, Anon.
You already are pretty.
They will get caught, of course, and the it would turn into a moral episode.
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1.79 MB GIF
The horse is strong in this one.
>Watching him sleep
>He gets horny and starts humping his pillow
>He spots you and stops immediately
>He starts going again without breaking eye-contact
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oh jesus
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Sweetie and Scoots are such lightweights
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I'll add scripts on when they get created and brought to my attention
I don't think daily updates are really necessary for that sort of thing


that picture needs more saturation
So how long before "boop" becomes the next "brohoof"?
Featherweight gets hopped up on Speed.
DT and SS both do coke, but DT later moves on to heroin
Snips is the heaviest drinker ever
Pip and Rumble get weed and toke toke toke
Scoot is a chain smoker
Sweetie is a drinker like her sister is
Applebloom gets hopped up on crack like nobodys business.
Hopefully never.

When mainstream bronies pick it up.

Marker Pony stays with us so far, except for a few exceptions.
after the show gets cancelled and the main fandom collapses on itself
MLPG will continue on as always
Why would it? They can't really be used in the same context
and I'll punch anyone who asks to be booped
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But I don't like Rainbow Dash like that.
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what the fuck anon, you can't just say "kiss x", you have to spin the fucking bottle first.
haven't you ever been to a sleepover party before?
Anon, we've talked about this. After the show ends we all go our separate ways.
Fuck it this is getting too awkward...
I will try again tomorrow or something.
I am getting embarrassed without even playing the fucking game.
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>Tex kisses Rainbow Dash
>xieril hits up Applejack in return
we contributor swingers now?
when they say "the ride never ends" what the fuck do you think they mean by "never"
>they spitroast Mewball while Lyra watches in awe
>tfw you still have brohoof imagines and other stuff like that saved from when MLPG posted all that stuff

Working on any drawings?
and tomorrow we're gonna see the new guy and know it was the idiot who had trouble joining the day before and we're all gonna mock at you
But Xieril is pregnant
>Appledan sits in the corner crying
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91 KB
But I don't want to go.
>Lyra's idea of a spitroast is double handjobs
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God almighty do I know that feel.
>implying he wasn't smothered to death by fat slutpone
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whos the father?
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28 KB
>tex cheats on his waifu
>xieril is preggo
>cats and dogs living together
>vidya games dying
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do ponies have free will

this question keeps me up at night
Missing my four-legged girls. Think i always will
Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash
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I sketched a couple of things yesterday, but I haven't had the time for that.

Alright, but only because you dared me, it's not like I w-wanted to.
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yes, of course
why wouldn't they?
Aw shit I have that exact image.
Show us what you sketched
Not to mention the tornado.
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1.06 MB JPG
am i rad enough now daddy
I wish top hats could be cool
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Have you finished those projects?
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Spike should be a dog

Meghan loves Spike dog
>Steam spam all day.
>Janitor doesn't do shit about it.
what projects
why would I have projects
Being a fan of this show has brought me nothing but suffering

I want to leave but I cant. I've been here for three years. I've been here too long to give up, but I have nothing left to hope for.
>I sketched a couple of things yesterday, but I haven't had the time for that.

Show us.
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32 KB
This doesn't encourage me to finish them.
tex you sure have been kissing her for a while
>He is going to butcher the Discord song.
>Not Haveyoufinishedthoseprojects@finishthoseprojects.now
which contributor do you ship with each pony
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It wasn't pony, so I cannot, nothing interesting anyways.

Besides, I deleted it when I was done.

aren't all pony actions determined by a series of chemical reactions, bound by the laws of physics and causality
I had no idea Larry the Cable Guy was a fan!
Snarky with Rarity

I think he'd treat her right.
Xieril and Rainbow Dash
No mpreg
I ship myself with Flitter
No, they're actually governed by friendship and magic which are wholly unpredictable
>That feel when you will never give a sleeping pony a piggyback ride back home
my OTP
with or without mpreg
and which contributor are you?
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i questioned the legitimacy of fluttereyes rainbow dash

but now i am starting to see the appeal
I ship myself with a ship!
>tfw you will never give a sleeping pony a Cleveland steamer
oro pls go
I ship everyone on MLPG with their favorite pony
jelly hateanon pls go
and here I thought nobody knew my waifu
you faggots are terrible at tf2.
But I hate my favorite pony! She's a bitch!
>You will never be a big pony stallion
>You will never carry other sleeping ponies home on your pony-back
what the fuck, anon
I like my favorite pony but I don't want to be in a relationship with her
why would you do this to me
>Pony wake up to find your gift of a high quality, industrial food steamer in their kitchen shiny and new
>you will never be big stallion's little spoon
>he will never wrap himself around you and hold you close
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but unpredictability doesn't equal free will

this pony does unpredictable things, but they could be the result of random firings in her soft pony brain
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71 KB
>you x are bad at y game
Your point being?
not telling
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72 KB
Well they are playing a horrible game, anon.
>playing tf2

There's your problem
>It wasn't pony, so I cannot,

Well post it to your tumblr then.

>i told my mom not to buy me this car for my birthday until tomorrow
>it's not even the right car
>everything's ruined
>i hate you mom i fucking hate you
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how can i obtain one of these at the mall build-a-bear workshop without appearing like a total pedophile even though i am
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>You will never be a pony's big spoon
I wish I was big mac in this pic

If friendship is unpredictable, how can you have honesty and loyalty?
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Keep reading.
I want to be the caramel
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>Human Fluttershy will never rub your soft pone tummy

Well undelete it then
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ponies go to the bathroom by opening their mouth and leaking waste fluid out of a separate orifice

the garbage storage is located in the crotch area but theres no holes there
Just because they're unpredictable doesn't mean they're unreliable

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No, no unf.
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just do it, you pussy

You are the dumbest motherfucker who ever walked this earth. Luckily, even that shitty episode with the babies proves you wrong.
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why is this show so full of fetish fuel
Will you be my caramel?
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Yes, all of the unf.
i have my doubts that that pony is actually sleeping
dooks pls

No, bad unf, bad!
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how the fuck am I supposed to meet this pony's emotional needs

she's like a thousand years older than me, what could I possibly bring to the table to hold her interest

she's pretty and great and I kind of love her but I just don't know how I could make this work
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Are you calling her a liar?



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>Freckled body
Why don't you ask her? She might surprise you with her answer.
Applejack? Nahhh. She's a workhorse, workhorses sleep at night.
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i'm bored. i'm going to do a CR story, and, go team us, i'm gonna do it on here. this one happens during the pregnancy but before the birth. excuse any delays, because i am doing this on the fly.

wherein Rarity rediscovers a washing machine's secondary function.

She hadn't felt like this in years-- not since Cyndi Lauper was still on the radio. not since the radio was relevant, at that. And God, she was horny. She blamed him for that, for making the young life growing inside her which was in turn feeding the wonderful, horrible, filthy, beautiful fire of hormones that blazed all through her body. And where was he now? Out, of course, running a week-long errand for her in Monte Carlo. But where he was was irrelevant; wherever he was, he wasn't with her, and that was where she needed him, dammit, now!

She whined piteously, trying to jill herself with one hand and texting him with the other. She knew it wouldn't help. It had been very nearly four decades since her fingers had been able to provide any kind of relief. Four decades since she'd graduated from girlhood. But she knew as well as anyone that hope sprung eternal. "What are you doing?" she asked him. Her legs crossed and uncrossed, fingers a blur inside her. She held the phone against herself appreciatively as he answered, arching her back and thrashing her head.

"Forgot something?" came the response. She had. She'd committed a tactical error and lent him one of her suitcases. Unfortunately, she had forgotten just which one it was that she kept her vibrator in. "Just use the phone", he offered. She had tried that already, but it just wasn't the same.
nope, i am taking my unf and going home.

Deleting drawings before sharing them with the world makes Marker cry.
what are they even singing? Particle Man?
I've tired, I'm still waiting for an answer
I dont know why I even keep trying to defend this show when its quickly becoming apparent its no longer worth defending
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do pony plushies exist within the mlp universe

i mean, smarty pants exists, but do plushies of the mane six exist

or are there alternate plushies of ponies which exist in a show within the show

wait, does television exist
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Why don't you stop talking about how you're going to do something and actually do it?
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nothing you do will matter

to her your lifespan is but the blink of an eye
They have vidyagames and pop idols so they have TV.
hey wait a minute

that isnt the same bed

that isnt the same room

i dont even think that is the same house

are you sure this is the same pony
Okay, but you're probably going to have to force me in to it
I'd be terribly nervous about the whole thing, I'd really appreciate it if you powered through my resistance and showed me what's what
Until she shares her age spells.
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>Not owning a superior OC pony.
why the fuck are you defending it? no one here is.
do they watch my little pony

do they have a pony fandom
fuck that, I don't want to live forever
She can reincarnate me if she wants, but only if I get a new form each time
>tfw getting NTR'd over the internet
>by people I dont know
>over people I would have never met anyway

Anon, what are you talking about?

Nothing about the show has changed since the last episode.
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I can assure you that this is the same pony.
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I love how much the animation quality improved from the first 3 episodes of the show compared to the last couple of season 1 episodes.
Besides that animation error guy from the S1 finale
are you sure there isn't more than one of them
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Jokes on you I don't know what NTR means.
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Yes, without a doubt.
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>rch has gone total brony.

cuckolding basically
>my little pony exists in the ponyverse
>but it is slightly different than the version we know

what would it be like

what kind of fan would each pony be

which pony would be the biggest brony pinkie, she owns all the merch and goes to all the conventions
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What the fuck do either of those fucking mean will somebody speak English.
Cuckolding IS English you git.
there should be fanart of pinkie and fluttershy asking andrea for an autograph
NTR is watching the girl you love get fucked by another man and she's enjoying it

it's basically the worst fetish
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>inb4 the dolls end up looking as cheap as the movie
Why do I keep coming here. I dont like where the show is heading. EG will be worse shit then what the Michela Bay Transformer movies were to Transformers. The fandom only gets larger and louder and more autistic, and the people bandwagoning to hate them find a way to be even more louder and more autistic.

I still like pony, but none of it seems worth it anymore
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pinkie cosplays as fluttershy
The dolls are going to be made in flash?!
>Implying they aren't going to be cheaper
The only reason they're making the show is that they found some chinese factory that could make them even cheaper
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Nervous about nonsexual cuddling?

It's Hasbro, so yeah
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Here's some feels
Chyrsalis sliding her long tongue down your throat
The queen pinning you down and filling you with eggs
When your filled up she playfully licks your swollen stomach
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Come home
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Shut up, Bill.
Uh. This shit isn't that serious dude. It's a cartoon show. Everything you're describing is happening on the internet, which you can get off of at anytime.

Turn off your computer. Go rest, read a book, listen to some music, go out to eat, take a walk. Enjoy life. We'll still be here when you get back.
>When your filled up she playfully licks your swollen stomach
>From the inside

GR pls, I need more

Gonna be totally honest here.
One of the easiest ways to break tension when you're with a guy you're real nervous with and wanna break the ice/relax/get comfortable?
Tickle fight.
Just find sensitive spots on each other and tease em. It works super well.
this is not my fetish
Don't you want to give birth to changelings for your queen?
No, I'm sad and nothing will make it better becasue the entire series is slipping harder then a clown in a banana peel on a linoleum mountain after a rain storm
Dooks, stop unfing to anthro traps.
She's not my queen and the world doesn't need more changelings, least of all from me birthing them.
nervous about any sort of physical contact, really. I'm awful at social situations
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>Anonymous becomes a changeling
the temptation to fool around with another guy has been in the back of my head occasionally. Don't know how to find somebody to even try with though.
What kind of trap should he unf to then?
I laughed.
Here's some feels

Soft worn paper
Really hot sun baked cement
Jello that hasnt quite set yet
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Why are plane ponies so adorable?
Dunno. Post more Blitz being adorable.
>Soft worn paper
>implying she wouldn't make you comfortable with the transformation and pregnancy
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because they're part pone and all pone are cute

Best case scenario: a best friend who's wanted to try the same thing
We could maybe vidya together.
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I don't understand this joke at all
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I don't understand your face
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because jets are sexy as fuck
I don't think I have any friends like that anymore. used to but he's states away now.
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How would drone pony be different from plane pony anyway? The plane ponies don't have pilots
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Why are grimdark fans so subhuman?
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that's what i am doing. but as far as what you're talking about is concerned, it's because i have to really force myself to care about basketball.

"This is your fault", she reminded him. "I'm literally laughing my ass off right now", he reminded her. "Once I get your kid out of me you're never getting any again", she reminded him. His silence was deafening. Her breasts were starting to hurt, they needed to be touched so badly. The woman on the television groaned and grunted in ecstasy beneath the bronzed god atop her. The bitch was almost mocking her. She wanted to turn it off, but God, it was hot. She put the phone in her mouth, trying to imagine it was him, to cross half the planet, to reach out and touch him. If she closed her eyes, she could almost smell him, could almost feel the hair of his legs scratching against hers. She could almost feel a lot of things, and that was the problem. A subtle pain bloomed slowly in the back of her head as her body waited, and waited, and waited for release.

She opened her eyes again and took the phone out of her mouth. Scrolling through picture after picture, she found the glamor shots she'd taken of him that time he'd torn his shirt while she was teaching him how to dance. Then she found the pictures one of her friends had taken and sent her of the two of them, roaring drunk, wrapped around each other. She was a clever girl, and she always made sure she had something to get off to close at hand. His voice wasn't difficult to imagine, to lay over the stud on the television. All she had to do was keep thinking about him, how he moved, how he smelt. She brought herself to the bridge, felt her eyes screw up in the back of her head, and her vocal chords bunched together to let loose a glass-shattering scream...

And then nothing came.
i prefer the term Poni
Because they are tryhards

>tfw i know the guy who started "pone"
I'm going to marry Bon Bon.
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Why are all fans sub human?

I've never met a fan that didnt make me sick
What did they do to you Babs?
Lil' B is a rapper who puposefully made entirely awful raps in order to gain popularity. Once enough people knew his name, he dropped his first actual album entitled "I'm Gay", which speaks to social issues and his own history in a serious style of hip hop.

One of the terms he utilizes in his raps is "Based God" basically meaning a really cool person. If you are "Based" then you are a really awesome bro, basically.
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Blitz is my favourite plane pone

>literal feels

this is interesting

running a knife across toast
cold waves breaking on dry skin
feeling a new pencil sharpening
>tfw no apples
Is Lil' B the gay rapper that made the video with the ocean of gyrating butts?
I guess that explains why I think that word is so goddamn stupid, but everyone around me keeps using it
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This needs an A-10 pone version
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2edgy tryhards, too.

Grimdarkfags are worse.

They kept writing all this horrible fanfic about all the good guys getting killed off by one of the bland-ass villains.
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That horse needs more curves
your waifu's perfectly round and taut belly
the heartbeat of your child within
we recycled the appeal into the compost
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what the fuck? do you actually know a guy who goes around bragging that he created the "pone"
meme. holy shit.
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nah, then she might be an awful picture like the one you posted
I had a friend that really wanted to a while back, turned him down everytime though. You wanna fill each others old friend spots anon?
>tfw i know the guy who invented the "Hyper Barley-Water 1kx6"
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Get fucked.
yeah, I'd probably enjoy that
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Here is an example of one of the songs he made in order to gain popularity.

Why is it all I want more then anything is Pinkie Pie sleeping soundly and safely?
Anyone have the picture of Chrysalis murdering the kitten fro the comic?
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hey, that picture is very cute

oh god
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why cant I find a nice girl like Lyra?
Will you be going to bronycon?
Because she's a magical cartoon pony
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Been thinking about it, just to meet our contributors.
>being in this much denial over xbox done

The thing is a horridly overpriced shit
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>not a Messerschmitt Me 262
but you dont know if lyra is nice. you only know about the bullshit you made up for her.
One that has no personality except the one you individually ascribe to her.
>using phone because reasons
>site doesn't want to upload image even after refreshing and reloading it

hope to see ya there
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go to Everfree instead!
I'll put out!
Show me one reason from the show where she is not nice
>the entire upcoming console generation
>2/3 of the last one

Get the hint already.
Well I will be. I, well, if you do decide to go. I'd like to hang out with you.[/spoiler] Maybe have a drink. Some tickling.
She's very bouncy and loves it.

And she will be getting more canon in the comics.
red pls
>xbox done

Man its been so long since these really shity console war name calling

I miss it
Did you get the name "Roogna" from the Piers Anthony books?
You two are adorable and I hope it works out.
Im just going to get a WiiU
Reverting back into my nintendo childhood

Oh wow what a honor
can we be friends?
probably, his tastes are bad enough for it
>implying mandopendo isn't canon
>that denial
I honestly just came up with that the other night
I dont care for the ps4
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MLPG needs more people to get a WiiU for Monster Hunting purposes.

This could be a thing
Can you tickle a pony to orgasm?
Hey, who do they call it the Xbox One?

Because thats exactly how many you AREN'T going to buy!
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>Monster Hunter
I never liked it
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Only with a proper Pegasi filly feather.
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Bon Bon please go to the party with me
I will accept this joke.
Scrubbles I need you to go to /v/ and pun them into submission.
when the writers say "its up to the fans to decide"

that means no.
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I want nothing more than to play MH online
The 3ds monster hunter 4 will have its own framework at least!
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dat insect staff
that's too bad
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>brony school
>everything taught has ponies in it

Well I guess I'll take my copy of Space Jam home
Metallic doesnt convey the message IMO
Why not
>nanomachines and genetic engineering have made it so we have literal tiny ponies composing our bodies
What if human Lyra was also bouncy and had very large boobs
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Why didnt they call it the Xbox 720?

That would imply progress
No, GR, no
Where's Everfree again?
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>tfw you're 2poverty, and will never have enough money to go to a con for the sole purpose of getting into a giant tickle fight with fellow like-minded Anons
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So does that mean you'll consider going then? I uh, I'm also not just an anon. One of the contributors here actually.
"What if" pffht good joke
But you were the one who asked to borrow it
Something tells me having an overt horsefucker spaming bad jokes on the angriest, most autistic and over reacting board on 4chan during a big event isnt a good idea


More like the Pee Ass 4!
>absolutely digusting.gif

Renard please
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>Xbox Won
People who bracket their handles with X's should be shot, burned, and shot again.
What does Space Jam have to do with it
but i don't like that poneey
Its a shit console and Nintendo is about to shit all over them
At least I hope
I think we have very different definitions of "very large"
sex with fluttershy
>tfw I bracket not using X's
What's yours?
Bigger than head
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There still hasnt been a weapon manly enough to tear me away from my baby
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>Things I wish I could dream about

More like Nintendon't need to be online to play the games
We should all go, get together and "discuss" all that fetish talk we've had over these past 2 years. Or make a thread in /unf/ to track each other.
I could come to you anon~
I watch a lot of ridiculous smut artists.
1.5 times and larger
That's exactly what I mean
you guys go so overboard with this I almost feel normal
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That would be okay, I mean if you decide to go of course.
It's SB isn't it
>tfw there is no universal hierarchy of drawn tit sizes for easy sorting

Some places "huge" means D-cup and others it means "man the harpoons."
Why do they call it the Xbox One?

because like the first xbox, it can't play xbox 360 games
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A scream was torn from her lips, yes, but it wasn't the one she had been hoping for. She threw the remote across the room in rage, and it ponged off the tile floor, the battery cover and batteries bouncing away in two separate directions.

It was at that moment that she noticed there was no more moaning or groaning from the television, only a single, short, repeating jingle. She turned her head to see a menu screen. She was surrounded by sweat, and it soaked into everything: the cushions on the couch, her tee-shirt, her panties, her hair-- hell, it was probably soaked into the carpet, too. The ceiling fan whirred lazily overhead, providing no relief whatsoever from the crushing heat that threatened to strangle the life out of her.

A strange agitation was coursing through her body. She felt tired yet energetic, like she was about to collapse, but not before she was able to finish one last thing.

She glanced at the phone, and its electric luminescence bathed the darkness-- that was another thing she had just noticed, that it was dark now-- of the room in harsh blues and whites. Ten o'clock. She had been trying to get herself off to the thought of him for two hours, and that was just since the last time she'd texted him. It occurred to her that that was both a compliment to her stamina and an insult to him.
Don't joke like that, Anon.
>EA will never make a pony contributor game

that's fucking gay.
No its not him and I'm not inclined to start guessing games over my potential identity. Until, I meet you, maybe.
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Let's touch dicks.

Hey, the first two were good.
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>contributor dating sim written by EA
All the fucking possibilities!
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why is this so hypnotizing
I want to stick my finger in it.
okay but we gotta keep the balls out of the way
I dont want any gay shit going on

More like phony bologna!
I wish EA would pull a Fenoxo.
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>phony bol oge na
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>Everyone gets together for a week to play out all the fetish discussion built up over the course of the general's existence
I'm not going to bronycon. 2poor
Guess I'm stuck guessing which contribLETHutor is gay.
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Real talk: how the fuck is that stupid bandana supposed to work
That kind of wrap won't stay over your dead eye when you're adventuring

Also, is LK around? A canon color reference would be nice
I'm so down for that

man roogna you're really good at having not-gay mansex
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shit that's a tough one
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Only certain ones
Rainbow Dash is about as straight as an arrow
Of course even the arrow is having trouble with its own orientation
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He's said multiple times that he can't write alone for shit. Too unfocused.
Which is sad really. He makes fucking BLISTERINGLY erotic stories.
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If I make a sexy game, I want sexy to be part of the usual gameplay.

Though I'd need a team to retain motivation. Surprise surprise!
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Yeah I'm gonna be here all night figuring it out.
All I want is to piss into you urethra. No balls will touch, I promise.
Thanks, I've had a lot of practice fucking men without it being gay.
I'm a leading expert in the field. Keep an eye out for my book "How to imagine your best friend is a woman while his dick is in your mouth"
every time i see someone say real talk i instantly scroll past.
didn't mean to reply to that
So a thread on /unf/ then?
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How the hell could I forget you?
I think of Game Grumps and instantly get bored.
thanks for taking the time to respond, I guess
From here on out, how am I supposed to clarify that I'm being serious without triggering your ignore reflex?
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I'm gonna get a signed copy!
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you sure about that
So did that writefag who was drawing EA's avatar make any headway?
I'm for srs here.
Well if everyone who's going went we'd need to know how to meet each other right?
haha what
If he doesn't write out the entire name and tripcode on my copy I am getting a refund.
it's amazing earth ponies didn't go extinct
not him but where the hell did "real talk" come from?

it seems on about equal level as "please respond" in terms of terribleness but it seems like people are using it non-ironically as opposed to the other.

Someone just make a meetup thread on /unf/ for bronycon
Ha Ha Ha what?
How do you use "please respond" ironically?
First 100 orders come with a free blowjob, too!
I'll pretend to be any pony you want, as long as its a girl pony (Another anti-homo technique, covered in chapter 15)
Like a lot of things white people still and try to use ironically, it started as a slang term mostly used by black people.
It's why they need to breed constantly
Someone should
If you gaylords~ aren't going to do it, I sure as hell will.

Seriously! She was going to be the sexiest thing!
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how about you stop posing ironically and only make serious posts.
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I like all the ponies.
I don't hate a single one.
I think some of you have unreasonably high expectations for the people you expect to show up
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More like smelly dumb back!
like when some one asks a question and no one answers, they'll link the post and say "pls respond."
technically they really do want an answer but they're kind of being extra pathetic on purpose by using the phrase jokingly

I don't think anyone is doing that with "real talk"
I had fun playing TF2 with you tonight, MLPG. Hopefully we can do it again sometime~

I don't know if I'm going to post the highlights I recorded in here or not. I doubt you guys want to see them.
What is anon DOING?

I've been pleasantly surprised on more than one occassion.
Plus hell, it's not like no one would post pictures
I'm not actually homosexual, I just like to rev people up.
Good point. Everyone, we have two months. Shape up.
Tasting her cutie mark
No really, I wasn't here when this nonsense was announced and I didn't know EA had any sort of graphical representation
give me some context here
Already eating a 5 layer burrito in anticipation
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Last I heard it was some sort of motherly futa alicorn with that color scheme.
I still think it's kind of unacceptable to go to fucking BronyCon unless you're an artist and expect to make cash.

There's a million other conventions if you really want to meet up.
We're gonna have to come to a consensus on just how large Lyra's human boobs are
Lyra's got some crazy eyes there
How can do the most good to physically improve myself in the next two months?
It's kind of an abstract butt

>not getting the nacho griller

Larger than you would find on any real human but not retardedly huge

eat healthy and move weights

2 months can make a world of difference

But bronycon is the pony one.

It's a common interest. Plus, you can chill with them and just make fun of everything terrible. It's a lot of fun.
Check /fit/ sticky.
Should I jerk it to Discord?
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Can't they just be...normal?
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So when can we expect to see EG Tabasco and the like?
They are normal for her

Which picture?
Anything with hypnotism for bonus points.
>has never been to an autist con
It's the perfect place to people watch with some friends
That being said, Im pretty sure I'm going alone at this point
I'm sure you'll have fun. But it's still Bronycon, where the focus is on the fandom not the ponies.
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alright, that's pretty generic but I guess it can work

but that's a whole lot of reading
do I look like a dumb purple unicorn to you?
I've been to MegaCon and DragonCon and they were lots of fun.
>EG Tabasco
Please no.

Not really. It depends on who you hang out with and what panels you attend.

Usually, panels are never worth attending ever
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Participating in the fandom can be fun sometimes.

It'd be to dimwitdog's newest one

it's him showing his butt
No it can't, never
That's a lie and you know it.
PLs stram.

That's a good fucking butt
Carry on.
but I am
no one's here
That's cause you're a tool

Wow rude.
Not really. I make pony raps and stuff for the fandom and I have fun performing them. I'm going to be doing my very first performance at my town's first pony convention. It's kind of exhilarating.

Sometimes it's okay to let your inner autist out like you did when you first got into the fandom.
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Link it and I'll go.
>>10793256 here
Going to bed, I expect to see an /unf/ thread
it was a joke
Neat, okay gotta paint then bed.
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but it's in the email field

gosh fine here: http://derpy.me/xPikJ

you're a joke
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More to the point, it occurred that it was time to break out the big guns.

She remembered many things from when she was a girl. She remembered the first time she'd ever touched herself. She remembered the first time she'd ever had sex. But right now she was focusing on when she was seventeen years old and trapped in a monstrosity of a snowstorm. For three days she was stuck in the house, not just with her parents but with her uncles and aunts and cousins as well-- there had been a wedding. There was no privacy, but there were plenty of chores to do. So one day, she'd gone down into the laundry room, telling her mother she was going to tidy it up a bit. Nothing unusual, with nearly twenty people living in a four-bedroom house. She locked the door, turned around, and there she saw it: the object of her salvation. A washing machine. She'd walked funny for a few hours after that.

She rose from her sweat-soaked sticky hell and glided across the floor. Something dripped off of her in her wake, but she wasn't sure which it was. They made washing machines better now than they did in the Eighties, but she was confident that, clever girl that she was, she could overcome a few engineers.

She threw in every towel that would fit into the machine, soaking them and stuffing them into the corner. A heavy cycle. And for that extra bit of wiggle, a few pairs of shoes. His, of course. She pressed the button and a smile spread over her face as it started to rock from side to side perilously.
Well I was only half joking but that sounds...fun.
You nailed it with the spoiler, but that's just the natural order of things for them to stop being fun and to find new things to do.

What are you streaming?
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Is this a fetish?
>tried streaming while making stuff
>expected 2-3 people to show up
>somehow 30 came
felt good man. real good.
fight club
starting now
It's a joke. It's a "dragon" roll that you order at a sushi place.
I unfed a little.
So yeah.

Eh, I'll pass.

No offense or anything, just not interested in the film.
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68 KB
>somehow 30 came
>felt good man. real good.
My humour has been deteriorating.
I dont feel like watching that sorry
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2 MB
>EA will never do your fetish
>it was also a semi nsfw stream at times
>what you just said
my sides.
Is it feet or tickling?
get fetishes that aren't terrible

Is he okay?
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it's okay just .45 acp
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he was fine
Quick, someone post a colored picture of anon
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Hmm... do you mean like non-consent slowly becoming consensual? Or like slow mutative transformation? Mindbreak?
Nothing a band aid won't fix.

>transformer during energon hangover.
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I don't have as many colored pictures as I'd like.
I wonder what Tex looks like in real life.
Does he look anything like TexAnon?
Slowly being corrupted through slow transformation and being slowly and subtly mind broken
Kinda like the Chrysalis greentext from the other thread
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All my best ones are uncolored.
I kind of like them better that way.
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goodnight, MLPG
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anyone down for a vidya stram tonight, tomorrow, or over the weekend?
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Take a ride?
This is close enough, Thanks
Oh yes. *its on saddle*
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I kind of wonder that too
It wouldn't surprise me either way
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I dunno, are we?
Bareback only.
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Why yes, I think we are.
You know, I did that once for a friend. Chrysalis breaking a captured member of Luna's guard. Transformed him into a changeling soldier/fuckslave.
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We had this a while back, I think you might like it. Sure made me hard for a week.
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We talked about this anon.
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I guess
What I really want is to get dominated by Cheeselegs and get pumped with her eggs
Slowly being mindbroken into caring for my enemy's eggs
Then during mid-pregnancy I begin to lose my human form
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Derpy is such an ugly pony
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nah man
I don't remember if I have permission to post it. Let me see if I can check...
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>subby fag
Yeah, nah.
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gettting real tired of your shit lyra
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Bon Bon, stop tempting me with those hips of yours.
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it is time
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Would it be better if loyra tempted you?
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What are you listening to?
Yes, it would.
At least with Lyra, I wouldn't be treated like shit.
Good news - it was in my FA Safe folder, so I more than likely already asked!


Doesn't seem to have any of the transformation part though.
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anyone know if the lamiaaa artist is a guy or girl?
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Lyra is a very...curious mare.
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How far would Lyra be willing to go to make you happy?
Would you tell her all your fetishes?
Would she act them out the best she could?
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Lyra would be fun to hang around.

Maybe a little maddening.
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Well hot damn.
First that Chrysalis greentext and this.

Thank you.
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No, anon.
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How could she ever let me be the slutty mare and penetrate me with her r63 horsecock?
I just want to cuddle a big pony
that's not too out there, right?
>R63 lyra will never impregnate you
Strap-ons, a saddle and imagination
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>not being the big spoon
Wow, it's like you WANT to disappoint her.
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What'd you think of that Chrysalis greentext?
Liked it a lot.
I never really understood plushification, but that's cute as fuck
I'd let happen without resistance

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>Announcing Winner - MY LITTLE PONY!
Due to the landslide lead of our voting system and the slow-to-grow pace of our pledges as of late, we are announcing our winner of what we'll be parodying for our very first DVD!

>Our winner by a longshot was .... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!
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oh look, another horsefucking thread

Seen it and jerked to it
it's rather goofy but still enjoyable
Mods have abandoned /mlp/ apparently
Or they are horsefuckers themselves since I've been banned for posting r34
Well that escalated. Usually we're subtle about it
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I got banned because 4chan image derped my post into a nigger getting sucked off.

But horsefucking? That's fine.
You should've been here earlier today.

What happened?
Your face happened
What, for the /q/ thread?
That happens all of the time, trust me
Daytime the janitor/mods are doing their job. Nighttime not so much.
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I just want to give her horn a nice long rub

Even if it ended up not being an erogenous zone after all, maybe she'd just humor me once and pretend
>Lyra will never throw you against the wall in her attempt to convincingly fake a horngasm
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well that might be the most depressing thing I've ever read

eh, it kinda got ruined because of shitposters
>Fleur will never accidentally throw you against the wall after you actually do bring her to horngasm
Oh I guess I missed him doing one today. I liked to save the pictures individually
I don't like Fleur at all, nice try though
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>he doesn't like the canon prettiest pony
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What about Rarity?
worst pony, after dash
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yes, exactly
I don't know whether to be disgusted that people from mlpg are going to bronycon just to hook up

or jealous
>letting canon decide which pony is prettiest

I want to make that bump feel needed.

horse should horse horse
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>all those replies to sweetiecest
I feel ___both__
That thread was nuts
I dont want to go alone but it's really my only choice
I said earlier that I was only thinking of going to meet our contributors. But I might make other reasons to go.
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>you will never experience the delights of Rarity's posterior.
Yes anon, bump. That 'bump' on her rump.
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ever have one of those so bored but don't want to do anything nights?


that's why I'm masturbating for the fifth time
What to?
with depression that's about every night
Yeah, for the past five or six years

nothing really

just jerking it to random thoughts and waiting for something good to stick
almost every night for a long long time now
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it's strange. I'm not depressed. In fact I was fixing to draw but now, after setting everything up, I just don't feel like it. But I don't feel like doing anything in place of it and I ain't tired.


Any pone in particular you're thinking about?
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>tfw gf just dumped my ass
>you will never be anon's fap-pone
I have that same feeling. Hell I was supposed to draw a landscape picture last week for the general of the Deer's homes. And yesterday I was supposed to paint a few pictures an anon requested me to do.
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oh god
this is way to hot for me to handle
oh piss off that's not being depressed
We should do that if we all met up.
will you quit replying to me unintentionally
I agree though, that's cute as hell
I wish i could go
>being a poorfag

Not particularly

trying to remember scenarios I said I'd fap to later

one of them was Mrs. Cake constantly teasing Mr. Cake with her swollen teats and that's pretty good I guess
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I just ponied your waifu.
Joke's on you! I was only pretending!
it's alright
no problem
That would depend. If everyone got in shape it might be...interesting.

>tfw already in shape
>tfw handsome
>tfw too poor to go to bronycon

I'm scared of STDs anyway
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Again, Anon? That's the 10th time this week. You need to go and pony someone else's waifu.
>You'll never watch MLP with a pony version of yourself
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>those faces
>you will never pony your humanself
Fine, who should I pony next?
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>anyone from MLPG having a SEXUALLY transmitted disease
We all are anon, which is why I'm staggering on going.
I'd love to GET RIPPED but all I have access to is a planet fitness

give me a greentext routine I can do to achieve that goal given that I can only use fixed machines
>tfw too yuropoor to find my way to bronycon
if I'm gonna get fit it's not going to be just so some random anon at a pony convention will want to have sex with me
>You'll never wake up as a pony beside yourself and proceed to cuddleyourself relentlessly.
Pony __pony__.
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>Hooking up and having sex
I think you answered your own question
because it's fun
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don't pass that shit up, bon bon
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not my kind of fun
All those fetish greentexts gotta be experimented with anon.
wait wait wait a minute here. who's gonna have sex with whom? homo? no homo? I'M SO IN THE DARK AND CONFUSED.
>Not hooking up and fighting, fightclub style
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Nobody is having sex with anyone.
More importantly, WHO'S GONNA BE THE SLUTTY MARE?!
I like how the thumbnail for this always has blue and yellow splotches across it in the colour of her balloons.
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this chain is killing

anyone have a good idea on how to color this monster?
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I call dibs for being slutty mare
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the popularfags are going to meet up at bronycon and have a real-life circlejerk

meanwhile I'll be here shitposting about it to make up for my lack of self-worth
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always imagining myself from the point of view of the mare