Twily can't fly threadHow would you ease Twilight into flying that isn't straight in a line at your screen?Could she pull off the sonic twilyboom?
Previous Thread>>10669683[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: Current General Active: New generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names Please check locator before starting a new thread. Download links for episodes:All Seasons: Seasons: FiMchan: MLP: FIM Wiki: My Little Pony Flockdraw: mlp FiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.com Pony IRC: Who's who in MLPG: (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/) Events: Stream: Drawfriend Stream Monitor: Drawings Requests doc: Art reference and tutorial: More links: Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>implying her wings aren't just decorativelike a crown, except part of your skin
More googly pones when RCH
>another thread?
>tfw finishing a game in your backlog
Previous Thread>>10669683 [ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED---------------------------------------------/co/ Thread Locator & Archive: General Active: generals need keywords inSubject or Comment field to bemarked properly. Keywords include:Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character namesPlease check locator before starting a new thread.Download links for episodes:All Seasons: Seasons: http://yayponies.euFiMchan:http://fim.413chan.netMLP: FIM Wiki:http://mlp.wikia.comMy Little Pony Flockdraw: mlpFiM Blogs:http://mlponies.comhttp://derpyhooves.comhttp://equestriadaily.comPony IRC:'s who in MLPG: (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)Events: Stream Monitor: Requests doc: reference and tutorial: links:>Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content): Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>>10673234>like a crown, except part of your skin
>>10673225>Could she pull off the sonic twilyboom?Nope!
>>10673264I don't think I'll ever know that feelI keep adding more and moreHelp
>>10673258oh boyo
mlpg,i love you
>>10673225Why can't she fly straight in a line at my screen?
>You will never be alone in your living room with Pinkie Pie after a long night of partying>You will never just talk with her about how great the party was and stuff>There will never be an happy silence after a great big laugh>You both will never dart your eyes around the room avoiding eye contact until an idea strikes you>You will lock eyes with her then lunge at her>You will never tickle her senseless>You will never let it get more suggestive and lead to happy bedroom time
>>10673282ew gross i'm not going to love an anon~
>>10673278HI EVERYONE
Imagine the prettiest pony. Imagine her wiping her anus, and examining the toilet paper after each wipe.
>>10673282I love you too, AnonI'd totally date you if you were into guys
>>10673294>tfw my post about a burrito is immortalized in a picture
>twilight normally keeps her wings hidden>they only come out when she needs them>or loses control>like when she climaxes
>>10673300Why would I want to do that?
>>10673298Hello friend.Are we drawing today?
>>10673225>Could she pull off the sonic twilyboom?I certainly hope not. Going fast should only be Dash's thing as far as the main 6 are concerned.
>>10673278You wanted Iron Derpy, right?
>>10673300how about no?
>>10673306What no that's my postunless we made separate posts with the exact same text in response to that picture of lyra holding a burrito
>>10673306>tfw the post about the burrito is regarding my drawing
>>10673314where is this picture from?
is ross really on the book?
>>10673276>tfw bought everything I wanted on steam that isn't new and expensive>Stopped playing PC games and started playing ps3 games>Bought PS PlusI've got a problem
>>10673317>Why would I want to do that?Every girl, and by extension pony does that. And way grosser things, like silently farting in public in areas that won't let them get caught.
>>10673298HI DR. JAILBAIT>>10673325Holy shnikies you can do that!? Excellente!
>>10673300Well how else is she supposed to be sure she is clean?
>>10673300>examining the toilet paperWhat the hell is she looking for?
>>10673328my post was "a burrito wrapped in tinfoil"but maybe you said the same thing
>>10673325Would Iron Derpy develop a heavy drinking problem?
Oh boy, we Twiwings?
>>10673350You examine how much feces is on the toilet paper after each wipe to determine if you still need to wipe.
>>10673344I do all sorts of shit.I just don'w know if I want to put Drillgorg on my tumblr...Unless I like, jab googly eyes on it and make it ponies...I just got an idea.
>>10673357Purple is my favorite color, but I just do not like Twilight. Why is that?
>>10673342Okay, but why would I want to think about it?
>>10673354Every time i see that picture I assume it's my postBecause I really remember saying that exact same thing. I can even remember the picture, I just don't think I saved itAre...are you me?
Will you enslave a bat pony?
>>10673363>I do the same fucking thingI am an Idiot, I just can't see a pony doing something I do.
>>10673376Because you don't judge ponies by their color?
>>10673376I like all the ponies.They're all cute in their own ways.
>>10673330It's from a fan comic, "RUSH - Bano Akira"
>>10673355>Develop.Please.That's my job!
>>10673384No, pony should be free.
>>10673357What would licking a wing doI mean I don't know much about birds but i'm positive licking a feather just gets it wet.Probably tastes bad too.checkmate atheists
>>10673384Hell no, I could never do such a terrible thing to batpone.
>>10673378I think I remember that there was actually an identical post now. Or we're the same person. Good job finishing your chem homework early me.
>>10673395And develop a mustache!
>>10673377Just realize that your perfect ponies fart, shit and have periods.>You are now imagining your pony waifu on the toilet sick, and having massive diarrhea
>>10673394Thank you
But would it make batpone happy?
>>10673415Do ponies have periods?
>>10673421What, beating on them?I doubt it, anon. They're definitely playful though.
>>10673415Would a pony know how to operate a toilet? I would think it would much different from a pile of straw.
>>10673407No my friend...That has to be built. Using nothing but brute force of will!And never shaving.Ever.Literally forcing the rest of your facial hair onto your lips!
>>10673426Real ones or FiM ones? It wouldn't shock me if later seasons show them having some gay magical means of reproduction.
>>10673404>Good job finishing your chem homework early, meThanks, me! Great job on working hard and still being recognized as a piece of shit, me!Woah this got deep real quick I'm sorry
>>10673438They have out houses. They have proper toilets. It would be designed with their needs in mind. Likely more like asian toilets.
>>10673441>It wouldn't shock me if later seasons show them having some gay magical means of reproduction.They produce via standard mammalian production
>>10673361>DIFFERENT PONIESHey now I never said thatI only did one more before the soul-crushing depression took over
>>10673445What's wrong, Pinkie?
>>10673451Do you crap in those? Are asians born with superior aim?
>>10673452>They produce via standard mammalian productionAccording to Lauren. Guess who hasn't worked on the show for the last two seasons? They can do whatever they want from now on. Hasbro might even tell them to do an episode showing magical reproduction.
Why does Meghan hate spike so much?
>>10673440I mustache you to reconsider and give Derpy a tony stark mustache+cutie mark
>>10673336why would they let ross join the mlpg book when most people her hate ross.also one of the requirements is the pic needs to be colored. ross has never colored a whole picture in his entire life.
>>10673451That makes sense
>>10673462no just smaller dicks, so it's harder to miss anywayActually, no, you're supposed to squat. It's a much more efficient way of pooping. Maybe they still pee standing up I don't know
>>10673463Why would they do that though?
>>10673465Why is dog spike's design so god awful?
>>10673465>yfw dog spike is the best character in EG
>>10673482all the designs are awful anon.
Man S3 was pure ass.But that comic is good. When is the next issue? I really want to see how it ends. What was the big secret you think?
>>10673488>What was the big secret you think?they were ponies the whole time
>>10673486Yeah but there are levels of awful and spike is on a higher level than the humans.
>>10673479Because some exec might not like the idea of them fucking.
>>10673491no moviesjustbooze
>>10673491can I try again?
>>10673479Why does Hasbro do half the shit they do?
>>10673456I could have sworn you said you'd do more ponies being fed burritosI'm watching you
>>10673505But they don't just do half the shit they do. They do all of it
>>10673482it would take actual effort to make green and purple look decent in a design.more effort than hasbro is willing to spend
>>10673495D-Did I do something wrong?
>>10673521CAN'T YOU HEAR IT?
>>10673527Winona is kinda cuteCuter than Fluttershy, anyway
>>10673521It's how a 40+ executive thinks they can best make money.
>>10673534welp i'm being eaten alive by a ponythis is itrip me
>>10673540Would you go through Winona to get to Fluttershy?
>>10673469A4 resolution, art alongside others in a book, possibility to make money. You better believe I'm pulling out all the stops.
>>10673546I wish pony would eat me alive.
>>10673540Would Fluttershy be cuter if she were a doggy?
>>10673378>I can even remember the picture, I just don't think I saved itoh goodIs there a word for that feeling of embarrassment you feel when you look back at your art?>>10673507When you said to "do more of that sort of thing" I assumed you meant humans helping ponies do things, my mistake
how are pony levels
>>10673561too low
>>10673528Oh can't you hear it?
>>10673549I would go to Winona and stop there.
>>10673559That's okay anon, I'm just pulling your chain.
>>10673561Pony levels stabilizing.
>>10673552I... Just... remember to clean and color the stuff you're putting in there. You don't have a good track record on that front.>>10673559"Natural."
>>10673575It'll be fine.
>>10673561Low and staying there.halp pls
Evens - studyOdds - studyDubs - you tell me
>>10673575Hey, he'll make everyone else look jaw-dropping by comparison so that's a total plus.
>>10673577>>10673559GAME OVER MANI HAVE IT SAVED NOWIt's cute so fuck you and your looking-back-and-hating-your-old-work silliness
>>10673566CAN'T YOU HEAR ITmoney
>>10673597whatcha studyin?
>>10673614Computer Science & Engineering
>>10673625Me too!
>>10673614Your ass
>>10673625just like everyone else on the internet? GOOD LUCK GETTING A JOBno seriously i hope for the best for you because IT skills are very marketable
>>10673614ur butt
>>10673604You're just a leech. All you do is talk shit. Seriously, what on earth do you give in the wake of your constant vitriol? At least I give something people to talk about whether they like my art or not.
>>10673644get fucked
>>10673637I'm doing complex systems rather than software engineering, though, which if i'm not mistaken is a bit less like everyone else on the internet. Real computer engineers are a bit more sought after than your typical java SE gook.
Goodnight losers
>>10673665dream of teaching pones
>>10673665Good night, America.
>>10673633There's nothing there.
>>10673649Whoa slow down fella. As long as there's shit on the wall we can still discuss if it smells good or not.>>10673665Goodnight teacher pone.
>>10673468Consider it considered.
>you will never explain the comonadic nature of general stream computation to pone
>>10673673Perhaps surprisingly, i've reached the same conclusion.Gonna be a funny thing to write about in our report on this exercise.
>I'm going to go to bed early and catch up on sleep this weekend!>3 AM and I'm still ponying
>>10673678>there's shit on the wallGod damn it Luna
>>10673704i don't understand
Has MS made anymore lolicon?
Didn't you say you had something you needed to do, anon?Have you finished with that, yet?
I really like this horse.
>>10673713I think he needs to use the bathroom.
>>10673729S1 Twi is best pony.
>>10673729You don't saySo do i
>>10673729pretty good/horse
>>10673680Hey RCHMaybe you could buy a Japanese figurineRepaint, mod it and doll it up to be humanized poneTake some high-res photosAnd submit it as part of the pinup project
>>10673738I like when pony spins.
>>10673729I like that horse too, but I like this horse more
if the mane six were replaced by contributors, which draw/writefag would be which element?
>>10673765what the fuck kind of question is that
>>10673691catching up on sleep is a myth. you can't make up lost sleep.
>>10673738>>10673746>>10673753This is too much spinny pony.
>>10673753I really like that pony.
Daily reminder>>>/q/603926
>>10673753I love that pony.
>>10673783I don't think you're the real spitfireplease post verification on your tumblr or something
>>10673765Laughter: Glitter GlueHonesty: RoseKindness: TexGenerosity: JessyLoyalty: RoognaMagic: Ross
>>10673774Yeah I know, but I don't get much sleep each night during the week. It's not that I feel exhausted by the end of the week, but I feel like I should sleep a lot when the weekend comes around. For reference, I have to be up at 5 AM on the weekdays, and usually don't get to sleep until midnight.
>>10673728Not yet not twilight.
>>10673797Roogna isn't loyal.
>>10673807He's been here forever.
>>10673797Ross isn't magical
>>10673795>tumbler you what?Linkit
>>10673797>Magic: Ross
>>10673704pony version of Brad kissing Twilight when?
>>10673797>implying LK isn't Magic, or at least Loyalty
>>10673797Rose isnt honest
>>10673815It's gotta be a work of magic that he's still coming here posting his art. I would have left ages ago.
>>10673797Better question is: if every contributor had to have an element, what would it be?
>>10673795That's a /b/ shitposterJust ignore it
>>10673807If you want Loyalty, then look into Klondike.
>>10673788Such a qt3.14
>>10673834Element of creativity
>>10673797Gitter Glue isn't laughter
>>10673750Oh god.On one hand I would have to spend money on a project I have no clue one how I would finish on time, or if it would even look good.On the other, I have all those tentacle things not doing anything now...WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME!?
Your waifu is a very nice pony, and I'm sure she loves you very much.
>>10673764I'm not really sure what drew me to her initially, I guess just her design and color scheme, but while I've only heard her say three words I find her voice quite pleasant, not to mention she's always really excited about somethingOverall just, you know, cuteI wish I could say more but that's all I or anyone else knows about her that isn't pure fanon
>>10673797>Kindness: TexNothing says Kindness more than a revolver.
>>10673864Hey fuck you
>>10673765honesty: rossmagic: rosekindness: mtlaughter: jessyhonesty: texgenerosity: lk
>>10673858Yeah, it's a little unfair since you'd be putting actual capital into it unlike the other contributors. Still, with what you've done I think you could be a great model-maker.
>>10673864Fuck you she's a slut
>that feel when Twilight will never give you a dissertation on cocommutative coassociative coalgebras in the small category Frens
>>10673864y-you too
Good night MLPG
>>10673881>Still, with what you've done I think you could be a great model-maker.G-gosh...
>>10673876>>10673882That's not a very nice thing to say.How do you think your waifu would feel about that?
>>10673869>dat bon bon tail twitch
>ross is going to be in the book>if i buy the book i am technically paying ross for art>i would have ross art in my housenope. i will donate the money to the charity and then illegally download the digital version.
>>10673911That's not Bon Bon, though.
Help me decide what to play next, MLPGThiefHitman 2The Quake 2 expansionsDoom 2
>>10673913I would give that horse treats and scratch their head for as long as they let me.
>>10673911>bon bon
>>10673921Whichever one has pony in it.
>>10673921Why is this difficult? Thief.
>>10673931>thief 1>not metal ageHope you like undead
>>10673930Parasites look like ponies don't they?
>>10673765Laughter: CosmoKindness: mewballGenerosity: CybermanonHonesty: Art AnonLoyalty: TexMagic: EmptyAudio
>>10673949<3 <3
>>10673942>not Deadly ShadowsScared of the Cradle?
>>10673930>tfw no pony games
>>10673797>Kindness: Tex>Hates feminism>Hates gun control>Right wing>"kindness"
>>10673913oh god the eyelashes look like teeth
>>10673959>deadly shadows>implying a single creative level can save that disaster of a gameAnon, get some better taste.
>>10673797>>10673962Anyone other than LK for kindness is bullshit
>>10673797I can't agree with a single one of those
>>10673887>tfw twily tries to talk nerd shit at you and you have to rub her hears until she calms down
Why aren't you talking about Twilight's new wings?
Twilight would probably love The Big Bang Theory
>>10673989they're very pretty, I don't know what else to say
>>10673993I don't think she would.
Do you think Hasbro will develop an MLP game for the 3DSWhere you can design your own pony and do quests.With DLC like more quests and cute pony clothes.
>>10673993No she'd probably laugh at how the show uses high school math and science as though they were "smart people things."
>>10674003No.Hasbro hates money.
>>10674003Nah. Because it's cheaper just to do shovelware.
>>10673989They're pretty and will likely result in some cute moments with Dash and Fluttershy.
>>10674002she probably would
>>10674003MT that is too good of an idea. It would never be done.
>>10674028I think her taste is better than that.
>>10674041it probably isn't
>>10673962>Implying the right wing isn't kindness.Let me guess, you are one of the brain dead libs.Guess it's time for your buzzwords on how making guns illegal will make the illegal guns vanish.
>>10673989I bet that her boyfriend loves them
>>10674000Talk about how much prettier and bigger they are than her friends' wings.
>>10673993but that's a show for dumb people
>>10674022>counter filename
>>10673989>twilight's first wingrub
>>10674047Of course I do!
>>10674046>Police reports that the majority of illegal weapons are obtained from corrupt, licensed dealersYes
>Want to post Drillgor on the MSPA forum.>No matter where I look, it's all Homestuck.>Nobody there would understand the reference.
>>10674051i am deceased
>>10674072my spurs that bazinga bazinga berjangles
>>10674048they're very big and they're very pretty, but they are not the best
>>10674060shut up Brad
>>10674066actually a lot of the people on there are long time mspa fans. of course there's going to be a lot of homestuck, it's the current adventure.
>>10674068it's okay rainbow dash is deceased too
here are the real niggers of equestria>ugly smell bad>low intelligence>mooses are known for stealing everything from your yard>tall, good at basketball
>>10674046>bait responding to bait
>>10674084>go to conventions>at least 30% of the attendants are filthy homestucks getting grey paint all over everything>they get banned from the hotel for it
>>10674084Yeah, it's just, diving into that forum head on was weird.
>>10674087MTCan you draw Twily and Sunset Shimmer passionately kissing? As EG yes
>>10674072The worst thing is how everyone around me loves this show and won't shut up about it for a single hour. I'm studying a natures science
>>10674076Why do we call him Brad? Has that been officially confirmed, or is it jut a stereotypical high school jock douchebag name that we use out of spite?
>>10674088It's "moose"
>>10674107No.Bad anon.
>>10674119No, nothing about him has been confirmed.
>>10674097>go to conventions
>>10674119i dont know but it sure does fit him.
>>10674119stereotypical high school jock douchebag name
>>10674128>not going to conventions with friends>taking pictures of the good cosplays>laugh at the bad ones>getting drunk and people watching
>>10674117>I'm studying a natures science
>>10674135>having friends
>>10674144he he he
>>10674136It is really late here and I havent slept in a while and english isn't my first language, give me a break you blue cunt
>>10674136He probably means natural science
>>10674136>>10674157 beefed that linkI beefed it hard
when is new horse cartoon season
>>10674119It comes from this
>>10674175ponies is over
>>10674135if your are old enough to get drunk at an anime convention, you are too old to be at an anime convention
>>10674184But it's a comic convention
>>10674121>hateanon is always here
>>10674183nidorina pls gofucking ratata was better than you
>>10674183holy shit that's cute
>>10674176i love those
>>10674190>any kind of convention>ever
>>10674181Okay.Wanna fuck instead?
>>10674199They can get that way.
>>10674210The 2nd episode's ending absolutely killed me
>>10674184>being too old for anythingas I get older this starts making less and less senseI mean why stop doing things you enjoy because of your age? Isn't that what high schoolers usually do? Give up stuff they liked as a kid because they're trying to be adolescent?
>>10674226holy shit you are too old for 4chan
>>10674184The most wrong statement of forever.
>>10674230bitch I'll be browsing 4chan on my deathbedyou know that '>implying I'm going to die' image?that's me
guys, what if all the main characters get boyfriends/dates to the prom in EqG?
>>10674231Until I got food poisoning and spent a day emptying from both ends, being drunk at an anime con was the best time I'd ever had at an anime con.
>>10674239Go out like this.
I had a dream, MLPG, that the general had given up.. that there was no more MLPG.I was really sad.
>>10674232That Frog is still Butt ugly
>>10674244guywhat if your face gets a boyfriend to the prom in EqG?
>>10674232A Chespin is fine too.
>>10674244Twilight is the only one that's actually Twilight.
>>10674239I hope they have 4chan in heaven, I'll need something to do when i'm not shaking my fist at the other angels flying around in my perfect golden backyard
>>10674257Maaan, how do you learn to animate like that?
>>10674272Simple.They're not mine.
>>10674277I know, but... it's just... how does one do that?
>>10674272Learn what makes effective animation, don't skimp on the frames (except when you should), exaggerate and skew freely, and never give up.
continuing adventures of apple pony
>>10674283Smear frames, timing, patience... practice. Practice practice practice.
>>10674250When that day comes, I'm not sure if I will be happy or sad.probably sad
>>10674272100 tweens every day
What am I doing up?Have this thing I made for LK's reblog contest thing.I'm going to get some sleep now.Good night.
>>10674291apple pony where did you get that moneydo you have something to confess
>>10674267>you>heavenNo, you go directly to pony hell.
>>10674295When you're here for as long as I, you'll be sad.
>Finally figure out the MSPA forumHaha, I posted a thing!
Have we done any night thread stuff yet?
>>10674305That's from apple sales, I swear.
>>10674319how is a forum hard to figure out
>>10674311I hope they have 4chan in pony hell, I'll need something to do when i'm not shaking my burning fist at the other ponies prancing around in my infernal smoldering backyard
>>10674320We've barely done anything this whole fucking hiatusLast hiatus was so much betterThis is a bad omen
Already trying to get started. Just sketching what comes to me. I don't think I'll be using this pose.
>>10674320In case we didn't, I want it to be vanilla.
>>10674329Mainly worry that I didn't put it in the right place.
>>10674320You mean like talking about getting a unicorn off by horn rubs alone?
>>10674299oh wow
>>10674335Oh they'll have 4chan in hell alright.
>>10674346Link it
hey MLPGee
>>10674343>>10674348I think a unicorn would like having their horn rubbed and LOVE having it scrubbed and polished.
>Want to play hats>Have to extract the gcfs>Not enough room on my SSDSTOP BEING SO BORING
>>10674357>hell is actually 4chan>it's all fetish discussion and ERP>but only the fetishes which you're not into
>>10674366Hi there.
>>10674366What the fuck do you want?Shouldn't you be drawing?
>>10674375>installing games on your SSD
>>10674377>still thinking this response is funny
>>10674366Are you drunk?
>>10674387What else are you going to put on it?Movies?
>>10674376>implying I can't be flexible>implying I don't enjoy people enjoying their fetishes>implying I wouldn't happily discuss fetishes with others, regardless of their views
>>10674369oh yes
>>10674399Your OS, asshat.
>>10674396shudddupo dont have a problem>>10674382
>>10673225>twilyboomnigger do you even science?She would still do a sonic rainboom even if it WAS possible. Why, do you ask? The sonic rainboom is basically a photonic boom on a much larger scale. A photonic boom is the same thing as a sonic boom; only with light instead of sound. Light waves are compressed by the speed of the flier, and eventually, they can't be contained anymore, and disperse once the speed of light is broken.The result is typically a short little blip of light. However, on a large enough scale, it could break the light spectrum and create an explosion of color -- a sonic rainboom.One thing you should note is that there would be a small part of the 'boom' missing; a small angle of the circle wouldn't be visible. The reason being is because that part of the circle would be outside of the visible light spectrum, where x-rays and gamma rays and such would be. (We've replaced this part with the color pink. So, scientifically, there is no pink light.)With all of this, even though Twilight is purple, it would still be a sonic rainboom.
>>10674376>but only the fetishes which you're not intoWhats with EA? I dont think there are any he doesnt enjoy
>>10674402>you will never be vanillanon's slutty marepet>he will never humor the wierd fetishes you picked up off the internet>you will never pay him back by letting him rub your belly
>>10674419He doesn't like lots of stuffMostly gore etc, I think
>>10674387>having a small SSDits like you dont even bronybux
>>10674387I normally have the game I play the most on my SSD. ItÄs big enough for the OS, some other programs and one game
>>10674430>its like you dont even bronybux>tfw you can't draw to make easy money of bronies
>>10674438I agree
>>10674438>>10674443You clowns, if you don't set limits for yourself there will be nothing keeping you from falling into the abyss.
>>10674452my limits are shit, piss and puke
>>10674460But not guro, which often includes at least two of those.
>>10674452The only not-good fetish is scat and relatedNot quite in the abyss, but the view is nice from my house on the edge
>>10674414That's a pretty shitty spray
>>10674460Same here. And vore of any kind sends chills up my spine.>>10674468try not to blink if it looks back at you, it doesnt like that.
>>10674468not if its foodscat written by soashampedpony
>>10674460Wait>commaOkay it's not rediv. Everyone calm down
>>10674460Mine are pretty much scat and puke.
>>10674466i like guro, and have seen plenty without any of those>>10674482its actually me
which pone is the virginiest? fillies and foals don't count
>>10674481Truth, those stories are funA while ago he was around talking about Chrysalis, wasn't he?Did that ever get done or am I imagining things?
>>10674488Princess CelestiaJust kidding lol
>>10674488Mr. Cake.
>>10674488Rarity. She's deathly afraid of her performance in bed, so she just avoids it.
>>10674494>oh god is that a ceiling.gif
>>10674488Rainbow DashIn my headcanon, she's really sensitive down there
>>10674501If I'm actually remembering something that happened, I think he was asking what her flavors would be.I don't remember what was decided though
>>10674488Fluttershy or Dash
Now in color thanks to Elslowmo!
what pone is the LEAST virginiest? foals and fillies are acceptable this time around
>>10674535I wish there were batponies on the show
>>10674499>that projecting
more winged poni
>>10674554Princess Celestiafor reals this time
>>10674554this one, it's canon
>>10674554Mrs. Cake
>>10674557they showed up oncemaybe they can show up again
>>10674563>tfw your waifu had others before youI- I guess I'll have to live with it
>>10674561She's very pretty.
>>10674568they showed up as a halloween costume only
>>10674535Me likey.
>>10674564No, it's not canon.Yet.
>>10674578hey omwolslE do you every stream your colorizing/
>>10674564I don't think you understand what canon means.
>>10674583I have before, but I haven't done it a while.But classes are over for the summer, so I should be good to go!
>>10674535That some cute coloring. Who did the gif? Was it Jessy?
>>10674587still in denial?
>>10674612Yes, I put the gif together. Elslowmo did all the coloring.
>>10674593Also, I'm more confident in my drawings that I should also be able to stream those too.
>>10674624Again, you both did a nice job at it. Its cute.
>>10674616Denial over what.
Did Jessy ever do that tiny plane pone?
>>10674632Thank you! Elslowmo does some awesome coloring jobs.
>>10674640Did you ever post those requests from two days ago?
>>10674640These ones? I did this one and the sweater BD one earlier today.
>>10674648Yeah, earlier today.>>10674650Oh god 2cuteI think it was a tiny plane pone flying around Anon's house?
why is she so worstpone
>>10674650Taht adorable. I would SO let her piggyback on me.
>>10674663>>Yeah, earlier today.>you actually picked both of my requestsNobody, I...also gosh, what a cute frankie
Haven't been following pone for a month, anything interesting happen while I've been away?
>>10674689there was some EQG stuffnothing about the actual show though
>>10674671You take that back faggot.She's clearly best pone.
>>10674663I'll try that tomorrow if I have the time. Here's the other one.
>>10674644Aw jeez...
>>10674689Rainbow Dash dies in S4
>>10674704>I didn't watch S2 or S3
>>10674705Oh, awesome.I can never get enough plane ponies
pony should pony pony
>>10674704>best poniesNow anon I love Twilight. A lot but best pony? I can understand you putting her so high but in the main cast she is only second best pony.This is best pony
Mulpug!Mulpug!Recently there have been claims that you've been acting rather elitist, and participate regularly in circlejerks. How do you respons to these claims?
>>10674711But are you the lord of dance?
this is the only pone that is cute with wings
>>10674737>not putting "(from bronies)" under the rest of the text
>>10674727best pony indeed
>>10674727I'm sorry anonymous, but that there is 6th best pony.
>>10674742why are irish stepdancing dresses so fucking hot
Remeber the first tim eyo watched ponies
>>10674754yeahI watched half of dragonshy and I didn't feel like watching the rest until weeks later
>>10674741The circlejerk part is a myth, unless you count various offshoots of MLPG (steam, various skype chats) might indulge in this behaviour, but our HQ still tries to be a pure maiden.
>>10674756>thinks mlpg is different at all
>>10674741mlpg a place should be
>>10674754All of season 1 in one night.Fuck.
>>10674764>anon in charge of getting the joke
>>10674754Yes. It was a weird feeling
>>10674767mah nig
>>10674750I'd like a taste of her sugar cookies...And Rarity is fine too
>>10674764That is a luxurious beard
>>10674741/mlp/, how do you respond to the claims that you've been acting a lot like /b/ only with ponies?
>>10674802Mlpg isn't /mlp/ go ask someone else
>>10674802the same way mlpg does
>>10674802A distressing number of 4chan's boards are becoming /b/ only with x
>>10674741Pretty sure we just stay here in this thread. Apparently preferring the company of one specific section of pony fan means you're elitist though.
>option 1:Summon your waifu for 24 hours every full moon. Lose your fingers.>option 2:Go to Equestria, but your lifespan is shortened drastically. You will not speak Equestrian and be seen as a beast of the Everfree, shunned by ponies.>option 3:You become the lusty, slutty mare. Your libido is increased immensly. You're also forced to wear a chastity belt and can never engage in sexual or lewd behavior with anything.>option 4:Mystery Box>option 5:Curiosity Cube
>>10674492Joking aside that is my canon. And not because she is my waifu (and thus "pure") and all that crap, it just part of my vision of her character. I think, despite all her age and experience so far - she never actually had anyone "special" in such a way, she never had such developed relationships. Partially due to her status, partially due to her personality. It is not like she is asexual, it just she never had enough time and interest in her life for such things.
>>10674819the box.
>>10674819The box...THE BOX!
>>10674819Why would anyone pick option 3?I pick #5.
>>10674819The Cube
>>10674819Become the slutty mare and take the Cube
>>10674819Mystery Box
>>10674819Eitehr 4 or 5
>>10674819Man, those options all suckIncluding the boxSO, THE CUBE!
>>10674810this is fish
>>106748191 seemes somewhat okay but noGIMME THE BOX
>>10674826>>10674835>>10674840>>10664841>>10674849You find a half eaten chocolate bar.68% cacao, with a hint of mint.
>>10674859>only 68%that had better be sugar-free, yo.
>>10674855>Someone still has that saved
>>10674867Why would i ever unsave it?
>>10674863>68%>sugar freethat sounds fucking disgusting i hope you are a massive faggot because you eat like one.
>>10674867>deleting pictures of pony>ever
>>10674874You have never eaten xylitol-sweetened chocolate, have you?
>>10674837>>10674838>>10674839>>10674841>>10674842You found an Oprah fat suit and an unregistered .45 semi-automatic pistol
>>10674875i only delete duplicates
>>10674859>mintThis sucksI WANT MY MONEY BACK
>>10674877that sounds like it will give you bladder cancer
>>10674878>shoot self
>>10674867Just look at it from the other side: If your old stuff makes your eyes bleed, you obviously improved
>>10674885Look it up before you say another word, yo.The only downside is that it's more expensive than normal chocolate.
If Pinkie Pie was a horrible horror movie monster what would she be?
>>10674855whats the joke? i dun get it>>10674867WHERE IS CUTE CELESTIA
>>10674871Because it's old and bad?
>>10674878Take the fat suit and masturbateI'm not proud of myself
>>10674878I take the pistol and demand that you take me to see my waifu.
>>10674900if that's bad it's in the upper echelons of bad bordering on perfectly fine.and cute.
>>10674905*grabs Oprah fat suit and Anon's waifu*I said back the fuck up?!?!
>>10674897I dunno. I got tons of stuff to draw and we only get on leave today.
I'm going to put my quantum harmonizer in your photonic resonation chamber.
>>10674915I'll shoot you, I swear to god I will.
>>10674926But anon, i don't have a photonic resonation chamber.And what's a quantum harmonizer?
>>10674915Nobody if you take me to my waifu I''ll give you a half eaten 68 cacao mint chocolate bar.You know you want it
>>10674926>Choosing thatFailed the GOAT I see
>>10674947That was one of the questions though, not an answer.Also fallout 3 is a bad game, and not pony related.
>Would you pone if pone was kitties?
>>10674961I would, but what about if if a kitty was pones
>>10674955It was a fun and decent game. It was a bad Fallout game
>>10674961No, I hate cats.
>>1067494968 isn't the year, dummy
>>10675000why post
>>10675000Is it just me, or is that a very off-looking picture?
Do you think pony would be upset by all the lewd things you post about her on the internet?
>>10675012But, Anon, I don't post lewd things. I only post love for pone and cute pictures.
>>10675012Jokes on you, I don't.
>>10675026>>10675031Who are you and what have you done with MLPG?Please stay.
>>10675012I just post about how pretty she is.
>>10675008Body's simply don't bend that way
I have one VERY important question.Did someone cap the lewd Saffron greentext from a few threads ago?
>>10675012Most of the time I just talk about how I want to hug her or massage her wingsAnd I'm sure she'd understand the ass-slapping, she's a thousand years old after all
Can someone post that picture with the CMC where Scootaloo is sleeping on her desk at school and she has a paper that says "if you're reading this, you're my kind of girl"?
>>10675037I've always been here, Anon.I would never leave you.
>>10675037But I'm here all the time.
>>10675049This one?
>>10675065That's the one, thanks
>>10675012funnily enough, my waifu is the pony I say lewd things about the leastand when I do say lewd things about her its usually a loving and intimate kind of lewd
Does anyone turn their layers on and off to amusing results while drawing?
>>10675072New zealand?
>>10675078All the time
>>10675077That's not funny at all.
>>10675090A lot of times I draw even parts of the face on different layers so I can erase overlapping lines easier, as a result I can turn off just the eyes or just the mouth and sometimes it looks super silly.
>>10675099Wouldn't you assume you'd have the most lewd thoughts about your waifu?
>>10675102I don't use layers to that extent, but yeah, it can be pretty humurous
>>10675110maybe. It doesn't mean you'd post them though.
>>10675128But it's fun...
>>10675114I merge them later but yeah I kind of go crazy
we ded
>>10675110No. I don't think you get the whole waifu thing.
>>10675157We're calm. I assume you're the kind of person that enjoys the lascivious threads?
>>10675174No, we're pretty ded.
>>10675182You're ded.
>>10675182But how would my waifu love me if I am ded
>>10675171Please, enlighten me.
>>10675192She doesn't even know you exist anon.
Role call, class!
>>10675195Enlightenment is something you must discover yourself. Good luck.
>>10675203I'm not even in your class though.I'm not even a pony.
>>10675203Promptory Anon here.
>>10675203Shutup cheerilee your fat
>>10675203Here sensei
>>10675203Shhh, I'm drawing
>>10675225>talking shit about mai waifuIn the filter it goes
>>10675199She's a goddess, I'm sure she does.
>>10675237>filtering>not already having roogna filteredYou did it wrong and then you did it wrong again.
>>10675237Its okay if you're into some chub man.But Cheerilee is old and fat, its just facts!
>>10675245>>10675252She doesn't exist.
>>10675257You know who ELSE is old and fat?
>>10675263That depends,Do you like bat pony?
>>10675260Your face doesn't exist
>>10675260N-no, if there are infinite realities she does exist in one of them
>>10675262Danny DeVito?
>>10675203fuck you
>>10675276Technically she would exist in an infinite number of them. This isn't one of those realities though.
>>10675203You knowI bet human Twilight would be one of those people who never quite loses the habits they get in schoolLike, if she wants to break into a conversation she would reflexively raise her hand
>>10675292They have a magic mirror to switch between realities though. I'm sure it works both ways.
>>10675260>tfw you in the age that medical research is speeding up so fast that you'll be able to live long enough to see holo decks and cuddle with your waifu
>>10675301>Like, if she wants to break into a conversation she would reflexively raise her handPrincesses don't do that.
Hello everyone. It's me drunk anon. I want you to know that I think you are awesome. Stop feeling bad for yourself. Becasue it's okay. nobaody can tell you otherwise that you are unworthy. you are a good person. please know this. Why are you feeling bad about yoruseflsd?
>>10675301That's never happened though.
>>10675314I don't feel bad about myself.
>>10675314what a pretty picture
>>10675315It could happenONLY ON THE HUB
>>10675314Oh, it's you again.It's me, beatle-anon.
>>10675302Then I guess you got a magic mirror to find now, don't you?
>>10675301That's dumb.You're dumb.
why's she speakin' spanish
Why aren't you drawing?
>>10675329Oh okay. How are you? I watn to you to know that you are a good guy even though you feel abbad bad about collecting plaush plaus plush because I knkow what it iks s is lick to collect things.
>>10675342>you will never draw this bad
>>10675342Damn, Pinkie is one smug pony.
>>10675341The artist is Spanish.
>>10675351He's actually improved a little bit. and so did LMJ
>>10675346I'm good.
>>10675362Looking at the translated text it appears this isn't so much a nice drawing as much as it is the artist fucking Lunaand being a cunt about it
>>10675363I keep saying, every damn time someone brings up the "I don't want to start drawing because I'll never make any improvements like LMJ/Insert bad artist here", that if you give it enough time and are patient, you can improve.Do they ever listen? No. And now, LMJ of all people is actually getting better. If that nigga can get a tiny bit of improvement, who's to say random anon can't?
>>10675336Yes, I will start my mission right now!... after this horse has died
>>10675388I don't think it's about getting better or worse so much as it is not wanting to draw like shit. You want to draw an idea in your head, and you don't want to compromise. No one wants to come up with a shit idea that will suit their abilities now, they want to do the good ability that they can't doMaybe I'm projecting
>>10675388>LMJ>getting betterI'll believe that when I see itAnd I am never going to see it.
>>10675376That's too bad.
>>10675388I don't want to start drawing because I hate being so terrible at shitAnd I know I'd quit before seeing any progressI have a very limited supply of motivation to work with
>>10675416That time you're squandering not wanting to even try?It'll never come back.
>>10675416>And I know I'd quit before seeing any progressYou wouldn't. Showing progress is rather easy when you just started because you have to learn the basics first and those are the biggest improvement.You will most likely quit before you start being good at it though
>>10675405You're partly right, except for the whole "shit idea that will 'suit' their skill now" thing.You're totally right about the compromise thing, the issue however, is that nobody wants to "embarrass" themselves because they don't think of themselves as "good enough". The problem is when you let your mind set up all these restrictions or doubts/fears and you start letting those dominate your drawing. You simply mustn't let that happen.You can't run before you learn to walk.
what are the rules on covered human boobs on the crotch of a pony? is it legal to post here?
I just finished this lineart, what do you think Mlpg?First thing I've liked in days
>>10675478>human boobs
>>10675481>dash batworst bat
>>10675481Lookin' good man. Only big issue I see is where the neck means the chest of the pony. It's a bit on the flat side, but I like it overall.There are plenty of other things with construction that I can tell went a by awry, but overall I like it.don't ever stop drawing
>>10675481change it to bat rarity and now you have my boner
zzzzzdon't want to get up
>>10675481It's shitstop drawing immediately.
>>10675481Aaprt from the 90° angle at her chest it looks fine to me
>>10675481>>10675507I'm getting conflicting information here>>10675501Maybe next time
I wish pony was real and I was with pony
>>10675512she wouldnt want to be with you
>>10675515That's a lie. Pony wouldn't be pony unless they wanted to be friends with everyone.
>>10675512I do too anon.
>>10675427I...uh..have other things to do...I'll promise I'll continue to draw after that, though. Honest!
>>10675524But its Bonbon
>>10675536Bonbon would enjoy a platonic relationship with anon.But she'd never admit it.
>>10675559Because you keep looking at her butt.
>>10675515sure i cant get a rarity or pinkie but if ponies were real there will be some with low standards that are in my league.
Goodnight MLPG.I love you.
>>10675565Then she should wear a dress.
>>10675566>pinkie>high standards
>>10675500>>10675509Does this one look any better?
>>10675579The tummy is too small.
>>10675579Much better, yeah! It's surprising what just a simple angle can do.
>>10675579The back wing should probably curve a little more.
>>10675592I was actually having a lot of trouble with that actually. I redrew it a dozen times. If it's not too much trouble could you redline it for me?
>>10675569I love you, too.
>>10675569Anyone have a source on this picture? Reverse google and the signature didn't help me much.
>>10675604I was going to bring up a lot of the little issues, but you'd most likely have to do a major overhaul of it as a sketch first. There's some noodle hooves going on, the stomach is too flat like the chest-meets-neck area. I think all you need to do is angle the back wing slightly upwards and bend it back, to the right.
>>10675618 known as crenair
>>10675624This is the sketch, I'm too perfectionist to have anything messier than it is.Does this look better in terms of the wings and stomach? I don't quite agree on the legs but that's just me.
>waking up with no pony sleeping in your arms
z z z z z
>>10675657What's dead may never die
>>10675677you ended up moving the wing farther back in the wrong direction actually. Imagine it attached to the body on the other side and use the point where it meets the body as a pivot. Rotate it to the left instead. The stomach looks better.I bring up the legs because they're good on pose, but at least the front-most foreleg's hoof is too skinny. It's smaller than the "shoulder" when it shouldn't be, if that makes sense.
>>10675686>waking up with no girlfriend either
>>10675686>waking up with no anon sleeping in your arms
>>10675686>living your life with no pony by your side
>Waking up
>>10675701Rainbow dash, why are you looking at me like that?
>>10675686>waking up with no qt 3.14 anon holding you in his arms
>>10675705I really can't visualize the wings man, it's something I usually have trouble with while drawing pony to be honest. I'll give the legs another look.
>>10675707What do you need a girlfriend for when you have MLPG?
>>10675728I wish I could have a girlfriend from MLPG
>>10675727I'm not sure if I'm able to get my tablet out right now, but I'll see if I can manage and redline it for you or something.
>>10675728I'd rather have a pony girlfriend than mlpg.
>>10675735I wish I could have anyone from MLPG as a real life friend
>>10675719>people you care about not noticing you despite your best efforts
>>10675738I'd appreciate it but you don't have to.
>>10675749>having feelings
>>10675747You can, join Leth's skype call.
>>10675735If you had a horsefucker for a girlfriend, would you invite a pony to have a threesome with the two of you?
>>10675747Does Roogna count? I don't know him in person but I hang out with him on Skype all the time.
>>10675749You are not sucking their dicks enough.
>>10675759A real pony or cartoon one?
When is mlp going to be ded?
>>10675747I'd love to hang out with my bros from here, having a barbecue or playing vidya or something like that
>>10675727>Wa t to draw griffons>Suddenly remember the wingsFuck
>>10675749Oh...Look, uh Pearjack was it? I appreciate that but it's better for us to remain friends.
>>10675772Your pony waifu, who also happens to be her waifu, too.
Which pone would you like to love you like it's prom night?
>>10675792I have no idea what prom night is like
>>10675777This might help with your wing troubles
>>10675792I would take all the ponies TO THE GALA~
>>10675792what does prom night have to do with anything?
>>10675792The pony you love.
>>10675768But I wanted to be noticed on my own merits. Who the fuck was I ever kidding, haha.
>>10675814I would notice you, Anon.
Wait just a second hereEquestrian girls will be a movie?
Diamond Tiara
>>10675829Yes. It's about 3 times as long as a regular episode.
>>10675829And a series after that.
>>10675777You did it before in the past.>>10675829Yes. In a theater, no less.
>>10675792I went to prom night with my bro so I have no idea what its like to be loved on prom nightn-no homo
>>10675824And you kept me going for the longest time, anon. I'm really glad for all the support you showed me.
>>10675835is a qt3.14
>>10675835Ponies' legs are so damn sexy
>>10675858so is her friend
Daily dose: weekend dose:
How do I get on my sisters facebook account?
How do you feel about pony ponying pony?
>>10675877use her computer, she probably doesn't log out
>>10675885she has a password on her laptop
>>10675879>>10675879What do you mean by that?
>>10675872Also yes.
>>10675887You know what to do.
>>10675879Which pony would even pony pony pony?
>>10675845That's not exactly one of my crown achievements. I've never been able to o wings properly.As for that picture tan posted, thanks. It might be helpful.
>>10675887Why do you want to get on it?
>>10675876Salamat pagi, Doc.
>>10675738Okay, how's this?
>>10675907her friends pictures
would you?
>>10675910It's beautiful
>>10675738Okay, one more time. How's this
>>10675917maybe if it wasn't a pony
>>10675917AH HELL yes, NIGGA
>>10675910>>10675918>>10675923I may be getting a tad frustrated...
>>10675917>chubby>Rarity>AnthroNo, not at all.
>>10675917That's disgusting yo.
>>10675925Much better, I dig it.
>>10675917all night long
>>10675917hm, maybe
>>10675975step up nigroid
sexiest pone
You have five seconds to name something worse that _____you____
>>10676005I don't want to
>>10676007You'd like to have sex with that pone?
And would you this?
>>10676010Your face
Where are the /b/ faggots? They're late today.
>>10676019And cutest too>>10676020Very much so.
>>10676037But anon, wanting to have sex with a children's animal character is weird.
>>10676007not really
>>10676054Who would you consider more sexier then Rarity? Pinkie? Ha.
>>10676060Yes, anon.Even Pinkie is sexier than that terrible marshmallow horse.
>>10676050Can't help it. She's too sexy.>>10676061Your loss then.
>> the ass.
All of the main girls are of equal sexiness.Rarity is just prettier.
>>10676085this guy gets it
Rarity > allEvery aspect.
>>10676105>those goddamn eyes and swaying headsThey did this on purpose.
>>10676115Rarity < allFixed that for you.
I want to be a futa-mare's good cumdumpster
Twi-HomeliestFluttershy-prettyistRarity-sexiestPinkie-cutestAJ-handsomeistDash-2n'd handsomeistDerpy-Ugliest
>>10676115>>10676119So what you guys are saying is Rarity is fine with top AND bottom?
>>10676104I'm an ass-man.
>>10676128Deal with it, bitch nigga.
>>10676133Fight me irl.
>>10676132NO DON'T YOU DARE
>>10676123>homeliestI'll fucking fight you.