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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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Old Thread

Any period of time you prefer the ponies to reside in rather then the "modern" age they have now?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
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Nah, ponies are fine where they are.
Ha ha ha. Unf.
A steam-punkish Industrial age.
I like their low technology level.
i love dicks, i want all your dicks
I like this picture a lot.
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She does not!
I prefer ponies with their airships and video games and x-rays and electrical fans.
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What if we all posted pictures of our dicks for you
Did you know that a typical sexual encounter burns 300 calories?
red pls, don't tease
my dick hurts
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Klondike pls stop trying to get us to post diamond dogs, it's not gonna work

What if you could punch your cartoon waifu right in the face and your hand could just bounce back like she's made of rubber and instead of hurting her it just tickles?
Would you punch her and beat her and throw her off buildings and run her over with your car to prank people? Or wad her entire body into a little ball and put her in your pocket and at some point she jumps out and scares someone?
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Its a fitting style for the show.
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You'd rather she workout alone?

Did you know that professional chess players can burn 8000(three zeroes, yep) calories a match from thinking?
She does. She has a fat butt.
Imagine how thin they would be if they were fucking while doing it.
But I was cut at birth. You wouldn't love a freak like me.
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excuse u
I think those hats are so ugly.
There, I said it.
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>you will never suck rediv's dick
>Implying you don't share that feeling anyways
I will need a source on this, because that is the most made up sounding thing I've ever heard.
Correct. You are an incomplete man. You are ruined forever.
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You should be
That's a paddlin'
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Diamond dogs you say?
I want to suck on Pinkie.
W-with 'rediv' written on them...?
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Is there a problem anon?
Its bulletproof.
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What if it is the future? Humanity mastered genetic engineering and over a few generations, everyone become cute magical ponies. Given the fact they are still on earth, they have two people make sure the Moon stays orbitting around the earth, as well as making sure the sun never expands into a red dwarf/run out of hydrogen. Over the course of a Billion years, however, pony became lazy and soon most knowledge was lost, and society slowly degraded, with modern ponies being at the forefront of the rebuilding of society and civilization.
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Look at this pony.
If someone shot that hat, it would just fly off.
And that is the worth of a very tall bulletproof hat.
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If she asked, I would work out with her.
Hey Red, hadn't you said something about wanting to draw something like this?

Did that ever get done?
Exactly. It's impossible.
Not that steampunkish, just having a lot of gear machinery powered with magic, along with mass migration to urban centers and emphasis on manufactured goods rather than agriculture.
I wish to travel forward in time to the age of ponies.
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me too
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Azeroth-tier world. Medieval fantasy with just a dash of whimsical steampunk. Dirigibles at the least. 90's modern tech only as the plot requires. No steelworks. Gunpowder very limited.

So I guess a somewhat inconsistent fantasy rennaissance period.
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>tfw mongols kidnap your waifu and make her a slave.
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See, look at that fat ass. I bet it'd even jiggle when you smacked it.
trips confirm ill draw it after this picture im doing
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what if you woke up and you were klondike
>you'll never give Saffron's butt a good spanking and tell her she's a bad dog
How would a gem grow?

>not sink in like pudding

do you even gooponies
Holy shit that is old
what would the pony equivalent of the mongols be?
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I would be depressed
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Ponies would be awesome in an industrial revolution time, like in bioshock infinite.

I would draw lots of Diamond Dog porn probably

also go do some sick vertical leaps and enjoy watermelon with new furor
>You will never walk her on a leash in public to sexually degrade her.
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This was too cute not to cap.
why are they fucking ponies
I'd ask Kanye West for some money
What if you woke up in a bed with a pony and you get arrested for attempted rape?
That wasn't even the full story, though.
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needs more saddles
Why are you asking this
Why aren't you?
But officer, I didn't even try to cuddle the pony
>Seriously asking that question in /mlp/
I mean really, who can resist.
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There's more? Link me and I'll cap it.

kill myself because if a woman claims that you raped her, you're fucking jailed
Kill myself.

I know what happens to rapists in prison.

They get raped.

anon pls, he doesn't draw porn, just very suggestive things
That's what they all say. Take him away boys!
how do i get a pony to fuck
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These ponies need to wear more saddles in the show.
as far as you know
okay I don't think I'd go THAT far...
in the bedroom we can go wild, but degrading her in public seems like it'd be over the line.
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Celestia always has a big fat ass, I thought she would be draw more slender like.
but who needs saddle to ride the pony?
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>yfw human twilight tries to wear a saddle

Rapists are raped in prison...
Making their rapists rapists.
So, in the end, everyone is a rapist.
It really makes you think.......
But it's a pony prison, ponies would be doing the raping.

He's drawn porn before. Even if he hadn't, I'd possess the skill to.
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Its more of a style.
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Buy the best goddamn lawyer to entrap her and say that she doesn't have right because she's not human.
Then I could be happy....
Except for women. They're never rapists. They sexual assaulters.

And even then, their victims should just be happy to be getting some.
Brb,going to steal something to get in pony prison

>assassinated by brony vigilante
ponies don't rape. They just purposely leave rapists out of the daily co-ed shower orgies.
But you're in pony court
Whats stopping me from being the big guy that grab random ponies and cuddle them?
I wish the tail wag was animated

gg pls if you're here, do one with celestia and luna "defeating" discord.
The armed guards.
you wouldn't?

Why is squash and stretch just good enough to be fappable, it's so simple it's insulting.
With a big dumb grin on his face the whole time
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Guards job is to keep everyone from escaping, they turn a blind eye to any cuddling that's going on so long as you give them their cut.
No, not with you.
I love the energy.

I was watching some prison videos earlier, and all the guards were huge. One of them was from behind, and he was still huge and all tattooed up. Then he turned around and it was a girl.

then I got a boner
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Thin butts are boring, fanon fat butts are better
>in public with Saffron
>casually talk about burying a bone in the backyard
>ponies thing nothing of it
>she can't stop blushing and tugging your sleeve
Hey Ross.
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>"You're gonna ride me hard and put me away wet~"

>you will never be red's victim
Hi Kraut. Feeling better?
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I feel deeply insulted.
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>red will never hop out of a van, pluck you off the streets and take you back to her love cave
Don't do that.
Not if she's a fat chick.

I hate fat chicks.

or probably if it was any girl at all because I'm so fucking autistic and awkward and pathetic.
Ew, no.
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bark bark
Because it's almost there in the static picture, you can almost see it and feel it
The squash 'n stretch gets the seeing portion down, at least
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oh fuck

If you look at stills from each season, celestia's ass gets canonically fatter. I'm sure someone has that picture comparing them.
You mean Bow Wow ~
Is it bad that at first I thought that was Stocking?

No, you don't understand
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>Costanza/Dreamworks face

I'm gonna need more of this greentext, anon
brb crying
2Stocking4me, that's for sure.
not satisfied, but that's what i was going for


i feel different.
but definately worse.
but i know better than to talk about it any more.

What are some sexual euphamisms only Ponies use?
Are you sure it isn't?
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I'm about to go swimming
can pony swim well?

ded kraut
Corwin porfis
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>wearing water wings on their wings

She looks pretty happy there
just for a little while
Watch Hurricane Fluttershy and Too many Pinkies. Yes.
but there's not much else
except for the light bondage with scarves
and the tail tugging
and the reverse cowgirl
see >>10660513
butts butts butts butts
>"You really love burying bones back there, don't you? I've lost count of how many bones I've had to get for you."

Why yes, I do enjoy the occasional posterior
>Dash of steampunk

That's kind of what they go for in the show sometimes with Super Squeezy and Twilight's crazy contraptions
uncut butts
>Por favor!
k i dont like dicks anymore you guys turned me gay
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I love big peepees in my mouth
Can't we all just get along?
I thought she looked shocked and scared.
>implying you weren't gay before
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They should have wore these.
a slutty mare deserves respect
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>she punches your arm
>you go flying across the market

No /b/read, fuck off.
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B-b-but muh superiority complex.

ilu corwin
>every tripless namefag ever

for serious, why would you use a name without a trip? it doesn't make sense
>tfw Reu is ded
I'll fucking kill you both.
There comes a time in every namefag life when he/she needs to step up and become tripfag.
i have a secret trip, i never thought i'd have to use it

No anon, let them join the ranks of the fedora-wearers

then we can laugh at them

Because 1. trips are for fags who are super cereal about their name.

And 2. Nigga I do what I want.
because it's fun exactly because of this. Remember the huge name shitstorm?
...reverse cowgirl anal?
What's wrong? You don't like people attaching pressure gauges and brass gears to everything?
When you start talking about your preference in dick and teasing about getting pictures of dicks then yes, you'll need to use it
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THAT'S "not much else"?!
AHA! Is this our chance?
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Is there a reason you did not like this like of style?
And top hats and mutton-chops and corsets
>"I'll eat your cock~"
Cyberpunk will always be superior to steampunk.

Deal with it nerds.
Anyone here have a draw request?
>watch HFS

does anyone have that gif of the pegasus majestically swimming in that episode?
yeah? it's not that big of a deal
also I forgot about the vigorous sex that leaves you sweating and her panting

anon pls

Why does she look so nervous?
She's clearly well protected
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okay uh
Yes. It's more invasive than Homestuck.
mein neger

no you gotta draw something to prove it's you

draw fat saffron butt
finish gala dress bat pone
She's worried about going swimming for the first time
Dash standing on hind legs and hugging anon at a little over waist high
Secure tripcodes are for jerks.
jalm normally requests as anon. are you jsut trying to bait us?
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Saffron's phat ghetto booty
epic namefag impersonation tiem!

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LOL you are so random red
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I'm spoiled by Arcanum, so yeah. I thinking of replaying it with a pony this avatar this time.

dooks pls
>"And don't even get me STARTED on the front yard! What do you even DO with all those bones? I've seen you sucking on them sometimes, but it's not as if you can EAT them-"
>she covers your mouth with one big hand
I want to see more art of ponies pull dancing while dressed like carousel ponies.

Imagine a strip club with a large circular carousel in the center instead of a stage and the ponies pole dance as it slowly rotates.
pole dancing*
Why hasn't this been done in real life with human stippers?
So random!
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So what happens if EQG flops?
>you will never experience the extravagant and lavish nightlife of canterlot
Because boobs are gay and the human is gross.
anon pls
I need this anon
my lewd thoughts have reached critical mass
It won't.

I like this.
Hasbro wonders what they did wrong and then move on to make something else that will fail right off the bat or ruin something that started out promising and then wonder again what went wrong.
I REALLY hope that if it does, Hasbro would just hide it and pretend it did not exist. For 30th anniversary of MLP, this kind of piss off anyone that watches the show since G1.
What he said
I know what I'm opening if I'll ever find myself in Canterlot
You say this while on a board made specifically to stop ponies from invading the rest of 4chan.
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i have to do commissions
>belt count 5

did I miss any?
>you will never rape Fred in his traecheotomy hole
>you will never give Fred an unnecessary traecheotomy
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time to officially start using a tripcode all the time now
I just like to think about what fetishes sentient non human mammals would have, since their bodies and minds are different from the human ones
I've only seen a little bit of this.
Then why are you sitting around here teasing about dicks?
No! the darkness will eat away at your soul!

but that doesn't even look like your work
We do it ironically and for lulz.

Homeshits and Steampricks do it because they honestly believe they're helping.
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only you can finish this one out, anon
bury that bone
>implying anyone would want to impersonate you



it's funny because you're not dooks

Back to /b/ with you.
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Jesus fucking christ just stop

Saffron speaking spanish is always great
Commission on, I suppose.
Good luck.
How else do I say it, then?

you like acting like a retard
[in your opinion]
it's not how you say it but that you say it.
>"Are you done?"
>you give her a little nod
>she pulls her hand away from your mouth
>"Good. Now can we get our shopping done sometime BEFORE the market closes?"
>"Yeah yeah, let's go."

>"...Be good and I might see if I can find a nice big bone to give you when we get ho-"
>Saffron smacks you on the back of the head
im leaving mlpg forever.
When I started to draw I was really bad.

Now I'm getting pretty good and popular. It's driving my haters nuts.

It's a good feel.
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No, you worthless piece of shit, it's FACT that Homestuck is the worst everything.

For example, let's talk about OCs.

Here we have an average Homestuck OC. First result I got when searching.

I don't have words for the concentrated autism.
me too
see you in a minute
Post that pillow when you get it
Are you being ironic right now?
I thought that was the main character
LMJ please go
Oh when we get back she is SO going in the doghouse.
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Do you want to pet this dog?
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Now here's the average CUHRAYZEE good MLP OC.

Look at her. Not OP, cute, fuckable, and great design.

That's one of the infinite things MLP has on Homestuck. Shrekmate, bazooper.

I want to fix that dog's slipping butt cheek
It might as well be.

/co/ is having a fun time bashing MLP and EqG right now. Their janitors must be asleep.
I'm more of a cat guy, but she's 2qt so it's okay.
has she ever been drawn in bike shorts yet?

lonk that shit
I wish Jessy was here
[in your opinion]
i have always been a huge dog furry

she does good pones
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I am going to reach through my screen and pop you, I swear to fucking god.
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I want to do a lot of things to her
petting is one of those things
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>average mlp oc.png

But that's wrong you fucking retard, just look.
Good for them! Unless it's just mindless brony hate circlejerking. Then it's kinda retarded.
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ilu moot
No, you intentionally googled 'bad MLP OCs'. I just searched myself.

Back to /hsg/ with you.

Find it yourself, nigger.

I'm back

that was refreshing
I think I'll quit MLPG forever more often
>hamsteak tunnel vision

Every fandom has good and horrifically bad OCs.
/co/ wants to know what contributors we still have
yeah, exactly
It's pretty refreshing, huh?

pls draw Paula
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>concentrated autism
Where do you think we are?
Already did. You had a chance to be useful this one time and you failed. Nice job.
Tell them to get their butts over here if they're curious. There's links.
This back-and-forth stuff is silly.
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So which ship would produce the best magical lesbian spawn?

No, he should draw more Caimon
ur mom.
Link them the who's who
No, how about the Egyptian Golem girl?

She's Egyptian now? I like her too, though.
She's got a cobra headdress and gold scarabs for a bra
Seems pretty egyptian style to me
pls no
>"B-But Anon-!"
>"No buts. You've been a bad dog."
>she lets out a little whine as you attach a collar to her neck
>"And bad dogs should be DISCIPLINED."
>Saffron whimpers, her trembling thighs rubbing together a little as she looks up at you
>reaching down, you rub the top of her head
>"Be a good girl, and I'll give you that bone~"
>her tail wags excitedly against the floor
Wait, how about the Spidergirl with huge tits?
Wait who? Did GG put up some more exotic hips?

Oh, that one. I thought you were talking about Dewbon

I'm not sure about that one...
but yeah, you have to consider the context of the stories
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Probably that one. Little polite country filly who talks like a southern lady.
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>/co/ thread deleted
c'est la vie.
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Okay, that aside, here's the first MLP OC I found.

Probably is the son of Luna and Twilight, is likely an alicorn(I looked away quickly, it hurt my eyes), and is a mess of blood red.

Fuck this thing. Homestuck is the best, deal with it bronies.

Check the sub. Or his tumblr.
...now I want to see this too
Aww... /co/ thread died.
I shouldn't like this,but I do.
A lot.
/co/ thread about what?
It's your OC. You like it too much, know too much about it, and reverse image search gets me jackshit.

Get the fuck out and go back to Homestuck General, you piece of shit.
I think we're just making stuff up now.

Do go on.
You're not serious are you? All fandoms have awful OCs in someone's opinion. It's not an objective matter
Aww, /co/'s mod woke up and deleted all the threads.

Shame, it was so entertaining.
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The comic cover featuring a MLP-Transformers crossover.
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They're both on the sub.
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Really who cares
us, of course.
Was a pretty good one, too.
>threads, plural
wait what

You do know mods are global right?

there are global mods, but they're not all global
There were two threads about the comic cover, one of which became very active, over 200 posts and was discussing FiM as well.

Another thread about Equestria Girls which reached about 60 posts. They were just deleted now.
keep calm and filter on
Jesus Christ.
Glitter Glue never stop monstergirling.
Also Agua is adorbs
Guys. Why do you think we moved here?

Who could be so stupid to make a pony thread on /co/?
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>neo/co/ telling us we deserve it

the nerve
Nice buzzword /v/
But then he'll just use a different name

It's never going to stop
I went there to shitpost with full knowledge that the thread would be deleted.
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Troll confirmed. 11/10 made me reply
Some Transformerfag who was butthurt about the Optimus Prime on the Micro #5 SDCC cover.

Which probably also gets an 8 page exclusive extra crososver story.

i'll just filter that one too

it'll stop for me
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Hey Rediv hun, did you need something?
Isn't calling people /v/ a buzzword?
Oh, that's understandable.
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>Which brings me to my next point; we are purifying you bronies.
Huh. I was in at least one of those, then.
the one I was in was somebody bitching about the crossover comic. He posted later about his poor jimmies.
Thread I was in was pretty sympathetic, actually

Spoilers, words have been used before /v/ got a hold of them.
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I can't
>I'm gonna brrrt you

I wasn't in the transformer cover one, it was the other.
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If you could reproduce with pony and have completely pony children, would you?
No.. it's too cute
I see a Homestuck reaction. See? If it weren't for us, the thread never would've taken off.

Checkmate, bronies.
But it's true.
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how shall you discipline that bad dog?

holy shit

the cute is too much
I wish you were right

I really do

But the truth here is that you guys lost the battle against bronies, and WE had to pay the price
Oh my god recursive filtering is great.
Why did I not enable this earlier.
Yes, immediately.
Oh fuck.
Is it from the 2nd part?
i'll monstergirl forever
I don't know how big a library of girls I should build up though
when does it all end
what are they even for
Why does Saffron always have suck a good back & shoulders?
>you will never come fly with plane pone
sad day for everyone
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A little trick picked up for an old marefriend.

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Of course.
In a heartbeat.

Just draw like 3 gigs of Caimon lazies and hang up your cape
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>what are they for

Does everything need a purpose?
>what are they even for
That monster girl game you're going to make.
how would you raise them? Do you think they'd resent having a non-pony father when they grow older?
>Wanting to ruin your life
lyl no.
Oh,you clever bastard. You clever,clever bastard.
I vote for gingering too.
What about Cadence's ass?
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What are you gonna do, brrrrt me?
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you know it.
you are here
now give me a kiss i am happy to see you

yes pls, I would like this. text based games with pictures should be a cinch
>"Ugh, one of those annoying breeding types"

With ass fondling
and anal
What kind of genre would such a game even be?

Every time!
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>what are they even for
I just figured you were doing them for fun.

Wow that's a really unconvincing rape scene
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>tfw jessy is dead

Yeah you've been drawing a shitton of new ones lately that you're probably never going to use again

Paula could become a regular part of the lineup, though
You should have them meet LK's monstergirls
Agua talking with his plant lady or something
JRPG with a KS style mandatory waifu system
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>>Although Logo started as a network focusing on a gay audience, it has evolved into inclusive programming that also attracts a straight audience that wants to be ahead of the curve. The Brony message of love and tolerance...
I was laughing when I started reading
What kind of reaction is that?

Adventure game, duh

like CoC but with less fetishes

boys should be happy just to be getting some.
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For anyone following the Celestia Quest, it's continuing tomorrow in /mlp/, not the sub. I'm starting it much earlier since that's what people seemed to want. Noon in the UTC-5 zone.
Well LK should do more stuff with his monstergirls before that

I just want him to draw more
Are these threads even about MLP anymore? It's okay to be honest.
I watch Logo whenever they have Crank Yankers reruns on.
What the fuck is MLP?
>brony doc is airing on the homosexual channel

Shh don't say anything, you'll just make entitled fetishfags go mad
Not really, no
>tfw no plane pony porn
File deleted.
You shouldn't mourn the dead, but instead celebrate what time you had together.

I usually only talk about how much I love my pony waifu when I'm discussing ponies

sometimes episode ideas and worldbuilding, but otherwise I don't talk about pony
I posted a picture just for you in >>>/soc/16010813
morning threads are the best for show discussion. Sleepy anons and Europeans.
I want to fuck those ponies
Why do I find their snouts so attractive?
MLPG is always on topic... kind of.
>bronies documentary to appear on homosexual network
>specifically on a series about crazy shit that weirdos do
The problem with Monster Girl Quest is that the protagonist is some sheltered Catholic who's deathly afraid of vagina
at least until the end of the second game

To be fair, some monsters DO kill him, while others just keep him as a sex slave.

Still, if I were in MGQ I'd find the girl who does the most butt stuff and give her my mind and body in a heartbeat.
We're low on MLP itself except for EQG and comics. We've discussed the show to death and back.
The ponies themselves are doing fine.
...What's Mlp?
my sides
I want to play Game Dev Story now
Are you fucking serious
Butt stuff as in you buttfucking her or her buttfucking you?
Make sure to pirate it.

>you actually did it
my late parcel
Would you fuck a pony version of yourself?
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An idealized imperial age Rome.
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Cus youre a fucking weirdo with a fetish for horsefucking, beastiality, pedophilia and childrens cartoons?
>Or cus theyre cute maybe
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>depressed people
God I just
wish I could just do magic shit and find a cure for depression in like two weeks and just
give it to everyone who feels depressed
I don't want to see people sad
it's not fair
...He's serious.
He seriously wrote "rediv" on it.

What the fuck,anon.

would you scratch her butt
that's the best kind of protagonist

>you will never be a pure straightman paladin who has to team up with some crazy succubus sidekick and fight crime
I actually thought the zombie was the hottest one, although I only just started part 2.
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Does pony watch her girlish figure?
I took a shower. it usually helps.
It kinda did.
only if at least one of us were female. Even if I were the pony.
holy unf yes

preferably from both perspectives
>I just figured you were doing them for fun.
well yeah but eventually you get a digital harem of like 100 monster girls and then what
Her buttfucking me, obviously.

Some of them DO have very thick tentacles, after all.
Taking things in the butt is the most satisfying thing in the world and everyone who disagrees with me has either never done it or done it wrong.
Pony is as soft as marshmallows. Take a guess.
Is it wrong that I would suck you off, maybe give a little anal too with a pretty dress on?

They did it to themselves.
We did.
It's all in our minds, man. All in our fucking minds

Still, you're a very decent human being.
I would say we've been derailed but the thread's never been on topic
some of them are crystal and some are purple flavored.
Now you have to post your vag.
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Just make a text game like CoC and put them to use. Make us fight them, or something, to achieve an actual goal, unlike that trainwreck of a story CoC tries to push along.
You make a Suikoden-like RPG with them
except when they're cotton candy.
Noo, it's saturday over here in Sweden The kock is. 00:32
is that pony toy hot glue thing still going on?
>well yeah but eventually you get a digital harem of like 100 monster girls and then what
I assumed that was the end goal...
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I don't even know who rediv is but I just might
Now make them rub each other with the other end
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This game has gone on long enough!

I present to the court, evidence that proves how invasive and uncouth Homestucks are!


I've been looking at dicks for three minutes straight and still hasn't found it.
Give me the goddamn post.
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>looks at clock
you are right!
the clock is 00:32 in sweden
The best and only argument for Twilight being black is that she is purple drank pone.

oh my goooosh~
>Anon taking any opportunity to post his dick online
Sounds about right

it's on his thigh, not his dick
Well, it was the last one when I posted it a few minutes ago...
Who are all these tripfags

This would be neat
Fucking namefags ruining the thread
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With this evidence, Homestucks are, indeed, invasive faggots of the lowest order!
A real one or one of those fake online ones?
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Pink > Purple
This is fact, don't try to debate it.
>tfw only half cut
How ruined am I
Why am I looking at all these weiners
What if You got a pony doppelganger but both of you end up being mares?
We need the tripfags to come make this thread better.
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Spoiler Image, 4 KB
>We think your post is spam
Fuck you auto bullshit detection. Text under picture. Link related below.


She's legit.

She's p. kuhwhyee too.
I love /soc/ dick threads

They remind me that I should kill myself.
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What sorcery is this? You're not even fat and disgusting
I think real.
>tfw jessy doesn't boop noses with anon
well the /b/ tripfags are here because my filter's started catching shit in it

go to town with them
>red posts with her name and the thread turns into dicks
>does nothing but rile everyone up
>Jessy posts without her name with adorable new pics
and I used to like Red, too
>half cut

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(I don't even like Homestuck! Why did I have to defend them?)
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Well then, looks I need to come back in a couple hours.
That would be the best end obviously.
even if I got a male human doppelganger and I was the mare. Even then anon.
Assuming they're all as consistently unique as they are now?

Fuck, pat yourself on the back I guess. You creative motherfucker.
you know most of them werent me, right
>both mares
nigga das gay

You're not red either, you fuck
This entire thread has been a laugh riot so far

>jessy posting

Because you just cant get off the ride. She even did the whole tumblr "im done" thing and here she is. Not that that's a problem or anything, I fucking knew it would happen.
>red hasnt even been here
I know that people were trying to be you for a moment
but you did start all of this dick convo in the old thread
and you did tease everyone for pics of their dicks
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niggah das my fetish.
But did you like seeing it?
I'm proud of you.
Nice dick, too

yeah, that's not red
>red has never been here
>she's just a construct of the general
Would you post your favorite pony right in her favorite general in /mlp/?
>She even did the whole tumblr "im done" thing
no I'm pretty sure she didn't
Post butts
i didnt do the last thing
Good golly holly
It wasn't red. you know why?
because I kept posting as her

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did.

Is anyone else gonna post his dick?
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If the defense has no objections, I am afraid I must judge Homestucks...
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She just said that it isn't as fun as it used to be sometimes
Which is pretty much what a lot of people have said
Depends if rediv wants to see it.
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Riley pls go
Why are you gay, son.
well feel free to post it then since it'll still be on tumblr
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Guilty, of being invasive faggots!
>not wanting belly
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Scrunchiest horse time?
>homestuck samefagger
>/soc/ dick discussion

Yeah. That's enough mlpg for today, see you fags tomorrow.
I live in Riley, though
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>Waiting for permission on the internet
I don't mingle with criminals.
People will think less of me.

Nigga you crazy, I'm not gonna go full autism and dig through each of her posts.
>tugging slightly on her leash, you pull Saffron towards you, making her prop herself up with her arms to keep from falling over
>craning her neck, she gazes up at you with an apprehensive expression
>"Lift it."
>tentatively, she slips her knees out from under her and arches her back, lifting her ample derriere into the air
>despite her outward nervousness, her tail wagging to and fro betrays her enjoyment of the situation
>you make your way around her, kneeling down in front of her raised buttocks
>her slit is already moist with excitement, the tender pink flesh glistening in the light. Her bountiful cheeks tighten as she flexes her glutes
>taking hold of her rear with one hand, you squeeze it firmly, sinking your fingertips into the plush flesh and enticing a gasp from Saffron's lips
>as you knead and rub her pillowy cheek, you gently tug it aside, exposing her quivering pucker tucked within the seam of her ass
>"W-What are you gonna do to me...?"
I don't have one.
He seems to have disappeared. Probably couldn't handle the Edge...'s worth.
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Dammit, and then that's the last you see of her.

Of course, that's why.
go buy one already
Yeah I guess I pass as well for today. See tomorrow man.
fuck her again anyway.
rediv pls
Go get one and claim it as yours.
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Yes, but you can always use the encyclopedia to go back to her.

And then there's the extra short story scenes
I wonder what Twily's clam looks like.
rediv pls
Posting without your name is useless if you just keep the same line of conversation
I mean I want to her as a small horse.
Rose pls
Jessy pls
Reu pls
Ross pls

>blaming it on friday/weekend
>blaming it on summer
>blaming it on the day threads
>blaming it on the night threads
>pointing the finger in every which direction

The shitposters own the thread. Eventually no one will be left, and then what? Will you be satisfied? Was all the time and effort worth it?
Tits or gtfo
i dont use punctuation
That...has really changed my idea of depression
I never had felt depressed to the degree of that guy, but maybe now I have a slim idea of how it works and what not to do with people who are feeling depressed.
I'm rambling here, but thank you for showing me this
Blaime it on the ponies.
4 x nope.

Post more dick.
Well now I just blame you.
Post a thumbs up or thumbs down to every dick

I can tolerate the threads no matter what time during the week

the weekend is really awful
If we haven't inserted the ginger, a little bit of teasing with our wonderful fingers should loosen her up nicely.
If we have, a firm spank or two (or three) will make the ginger take effect that much more~
Yamino pls.
You're not the boss of me,anon.
Post tits.
You forgot blaming me...
Nightthread can be damn chill if the fetishfags stay out of the discussion. I should know, I am one.
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cuddle hard mlpg
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How about ponies with kicky little legs?
Times like this I wish I knew how to flash program
But then you'll play the trap card and demand more . Stop being demanding anon. No one likes a dick.
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Manly Thread Time
Exactly. There are some times when posting in mpg feels like hugging a huge cloud made of cotton candy.
And vaginas.
>He just tolerates.
>Doing a job halfassed.
>not penises
So why do you want to see it?
>NOISE NOISE. Fire always makes it better!
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Well if you're into that sort of thing anon ok.
no,that's the night thread.
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Ask klondike, I think he was the one that attempted a text game way back in the day.
Because I demand post post the dick.
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This pony just kissed you on the cheek
kid, if you're gonna play the domme card you're going to do better than that.

2.3 I think we should just be friends

Turn to her, grab her by the shoulder, and pull her in to return it
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This pony just kissed you on the mouth.
>"Wait here."
>"And don't move a muscle."
>obediently, Saffron keeps her butt stuck out, peeking at you out of the corner of her eye as you dig around in the nightstand
>"Hmm...where is it...aHA!"
>turning back to Saffron, you show her the object you had been searching for
>a piece of ginger, carved into the rough shape of a plug
>Saffron's eyes widen as her eyes fall upon it
>"Y-You wouldn't...!"
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give her a hug and ask her if she can show em the way to twilight's.
post it.
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What a nice pony.
I should do something for her.
What kind of hat is that?

Put your dick in that dog's butt.
man, and I was just wondering if there were any places nicer than MLPG.
someone post a dick already
I'm going to bed soon and don't want to miss a dick
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Shit's getting real. Plug it up and let's get frea-
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We are all dicks, anon
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you're silly
if i had a decent dick i would be posting it every chance
What will I gain from this?
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This thread is already fucked so no one will mind us spoilering stuff I hope. Yeah I read it through tears and I'm glad Moot posted it. It was kind of last thing I could expect to read. I feel like that from time to time it jumps back and forth. I was even thinking about suicide which now sounds pointless but just few days ago seemed to be an option. I even checked if I care about stuff anymore and shaved my head just to see if losing those glorious hair of mine that I grew for so long will affect me. It didn't really.

It's just surreal. So fucking surreal to be in great mood on 160% of productivity. Have great ideas and so much strength to push further and then just the next day lose all of it. It wasn't even material but I lost it anyway and had no idea what happened.

Sorry I just needed to say something. I'm rambling yet again on mlpg. I'm seeing doc in few days. Have a great life anon and see you around.
Bake her a pie
I know right

There is not a single good thing about having a small dick.
im freaking out right now
oh fuck
my sides
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You ponies and your butt touching
I'm not goig through the hassle of taking my camera,taking the cable, getting hard and take a picture just because.
What do I get from this?
It's not a joke if it's true.
Take care, man
almost as good as butt stacking.
>Yeah I read it through tears and I'm glad Moot posted it.

Why him? What's the point? Where? And when?
fuck off stormweenie
So demanding anon. Jeeze.
And you're great

God dammit your style is fucking adorable
"Saffron, didn't I say bad doggies get their punishment?" And twist it in slow.
Make sure to use a little lube, we want her to burn, not bleed.
Now do a little shake and ladybugs awake.
And you better write Mlpg on those tits.
Now move it.
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It complements a nice body well?
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Sure thing bro.
its nice to have some girl drawfags who arnt complete prudes. i posted my dick to rose and she just blocked me on tumblr.
you know why they made dicks so small back then?
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You sure know your way around the ladies don't you anon?
Moot. In latest Q&A. Posted this hyperboleandahalf.blogspot answering some: "were you ever depressed" kind of question.
I wish I was there for you, Anon. Take care, and come back soon.

because no homo
bigger dick would have worked better
and possibly cut
Except a male body cannot be nice unless it has a large dick.
>you will never harass rose for months on tumblr because she blocked you for 15 minutes in a stream

Actually I feel pretty good about that
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No you didn't, don't lie to them like that.
Just think, all those guys with "worry about small dick" syndrome will probably be able to have an entirely new one made for them in their lifetime. 50 years from now, everybody's walking around with a truncheon in their pants.
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I have no good reaction images to what you just said.
You sure know how to treat a woman.

>on tumblr

that's adorable

i'm sure your asks were heavily thought about and kept her up at night
Well, I know that the greeks thought that large wieners were "barbaric", and Michelangelo made David in that style.
Except the world is going to melt from global warming within 20 years
Did you read my post? I never said I did that.
Because the Statue of David is meant to represent David staring down Goliath. His dick is literally shrinking from the fight or flight response in order to get all the blood from unnecessary parts of the body. It's the same reason people would grow pale when shocked; their body is siphoning blood from the skin to use for the vital organs
I humbly request a picture of red, palette, inky and sleepy being stacked on each other, with visible pone butts.
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You can ONLY take ONE
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>Rose is here too
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pony should butt butts
People need to stop worrying about the size of their dicks. It doesn't matter how large your hamemr is,but how you can hit the nail.
they are talking about ponebrone
That's why I'm going to mars anon. Mars.
>global warming

If you were serious in that post, I fucking hate you.

It's easier to hit a nail with a big hammer.
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We are not here to satisfy your every fetish anon

Go to bed
I feel strange for knowing right away with no conflict which one I want. I will take the apple.
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how long will it take for them to mature?
Take care, man. Good luck on everything. I'm rooting for you.
>A circumcised penis was particularly gross. (2) The ideal penis was small, thin, and covered with a long, tapered foreskin.

I want to take Magichorse for myself, but Partyhorse for my depressed friend.
I guess I could carry them to a pet shelter and tell him about penk.
But you're not making a hole in a wall, you're trying to hang a perfect and fragile picture.
You don't want to fucking break the wall.
They stay baby form for the rest of your life and when you pass away go back to their own world.
Because it's a pile of steaming bullshit. Educate yourself, read more books and less newspapers, and don't believe guys in tv.
>too many
no such thing as too many anon.
I see.

Just wondering, what is your opinion of Alex Jones?
muh fetish...
Fuck that.
And not one of them is mare vagina
That's what I was thinking too.
Anon, babies come out of those things. They can take it. And they will love it.
>ecause it's a pile of steaming bullshit. Educate yourself, read more books and less newspapers, and don't believe guys in tv.

>laughing republicans driving suvs.gif
>Celestia turning you into a subby stallion for her BDSM fetish
When babies come out of those things, It hurts as much as if they were trying to shove a basketball made of meat inside your asshole.

Don't forget that the pelvis has to crack to give birth
>not loving and motherly Celestia
do you even sunbutt?
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Please no.
Arguing this here will do nothing.
Instead look at this crying horse.
So what are your opinion on chemtrails and new earth creationism?

Is it me or FiW is losing its touch
>implying you can't harass people on tumblr by messaging them anonymously.
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How can you hate vaginas? Most of you favorite ponies have them.
And dicks aren't generally as big as babies

anon pls

pls anon

Your penis is small.
>the pelvis has to crack
god what?
FiW lost its touch 5 seconds into the first episode.
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sad pone time?

>oh no this anonymous dude has said things about me
>better cry about it and not delete it without thinking
I remember when Sarge Sprinkles wrote that pony fanfiction that devolved into a weird rant against Al Gore and his "theory" of global warming.
I don't hate them
I want one
As a pony
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>Fox news shit
dad no plz
Ha! I've always been told I've got a large dick.
Your penis is small.
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Would pony be satisfied with your penis size?
It's like you don't know what the word "harassment" means.
>This is bon bon trying to look human for lyra
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>you will never have this much fun with hoodie
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it's the weekend

>post complaining about the current discussions

Same. But at the same time want one from pony too.
I am pissing blood I am so angry at that OP image.
I was there when that image was just a rough sketch.
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I dislike your opinion
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if you have small penis the only hope for you is to become a trap
You believe everything you're told?

Girls generally don't like to hurt other peoples' feelings.
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Yes anon... that thing is definitely appropriately sized... I mean for a human of course. Here, that's a little baby dick.
But I'm not into autoerotic asphyxiation.
Not just any weekend. Summer weekend.

>girls generally don't like to hurt other peoples' feelings

okay, what the fuck? how can you speak for an entire fucking GENDER?
What the fuck is THIS from?
But it was /soc/.
Multiple times.
wasn't the math that an average pony dick was 7 inches?
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okay son
I <3 u
>tfw penis is too big to hide.
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I want to brutally murder everyone in this thread.
> eight inches
> little baby dick
Woman, that's the length of a foal's whole leg. What sort of porn have you been consuming?
Smaller I'd think.
Are you fucking retarded or just blind and deaf?

Of all things I want to know how they LOST THE WEIGHT, holy SHIT.
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Like this, anon?

O-oh gosh, thank you.
>She takes you up on her lap, laying your legs across her massive thighs
>She pats your head then lowers her dress, allowing her bountiful breasts to spill forth
>In a calm, comforting tone, she offers you a drink
>Without even waiting for an answer, she pushes your face into the nearest one, breath quickening when you close your lips around it
It was 7.2 inches long, but humans have sexual stamina off of the fucking CHART, so we win.
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I prefer him pre-trap. he sounds lieka cool bro.
Oh yes...
This will do.

>do not put in trash

why would someone break the rules on the box
>but humans have sexual stamina off of the fucking CHART, so we win.

Talk for yourself.
Just stop eating anon. I moved out on my own and I'm too cheep to buy more food than I need. I didn't eat better, just less. Suddenly all my clothes are too big and I this is the third hole I've had to cut in my belt.
I was thinking about it having scurried inside someone's sleeve, but that works too

Gosh she's so cute, I just wanna cuddle her
> mfw I have an average pony dick
Well well well.
> and your favorite waifu is a size queen
Jessy, I like you nonsexually.
Be my chickbro.
Starting with you, you little shitmunch.
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Anon, they clearly only put garbage in the box.
that whole chart was complete bullshit.

it doesnt matter anyways since we have a new canon size for the horses since they appear in EQG episode.
Don't snap at me just because your penis is small.
im die
I am. Unless you have a medical condition sorry then, you can outlast a horse. They go for like, six seconds. Ten max.
Too motherly. I don't want to fuck my mother.

say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
oh god
this is 2cute4me
Are you me?
Man this foalcon I'm drawing is turning out really hot.

This might be the best thing I've ever drawn.

I love that feel.
stop stuffing mcdonalds into your asshole 24/7 and you lose weight. its that simple.
I'll skin you and wear your flesh like a suit.
This thread is hopeless.

Except for you <3
Maybe. Maybe we were once one person and split into two skinnier people.
I don't understand the appeal of motherly celestia
That's... so sad
sup kevinsano, who are the ponies.

That's hot
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Looking for this?
>Unless you have a medical condition

I never had sex,so I can't really know. but I fap to the speed of light and last usually 5 minutes or less.

I know I can do it for 10 times in a row, though.
> it's that simple
1300 calories a day, no dice, motherfucker.

I need to get back in to see my endocrinologist; even with a bump in my T4 levels I haven't shed a pound since Christmas.
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>approaching her, you pour a little lubricant onto the plug, getting it nice and slick
>ignoring her, you crouch down behind her and apply a few more drops to your fingers, before slipping them between her cheeks to brush against her anus
>her ring clenches as you move your fingers in circular motions
>pushing two fingers inside, you slowly pump them in and out a few times
>"Gh-!! A-Anon, please-!"
>"Saffron, didn't I say bad doggies get their punishment?"
>letting out a quiet whine, she ends her protests as you slip your fingers out of her
>you hear her inhale sharply as you nudge the ginger against her tight hole
>after a few moments of teasingly moving it in circular motions against her tender flesh, you push forward, spreading her anus and forcing the tip inside
>Saffron bites her lower lip, digging her claws into the floorboards as you slowly push the ginger inside her, twisting it as you go
>"D-Dios mio...me quema...i-it burns...!"
I wasn't THAT fat.
>Those cheeks

I swear this woman wants to give me a heart attack
Thrackerzod, pls

There's no physical way you're eating 1300 calories a day and not losing weight

make sure you count your calories right.
I'd assume for a sapient, monogamous species capable of feeling love, ponies would have higher stamina. It's not really fair to compare a chimp to a human in terms of sex. Even then, I think my hands would become instantly loved by ponies even if I'm half an inch shorter.
Five minutes would be ... surprising for a pony, to say the least.
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all the scaling charts done have been complete BS because the show scaling is not consistent between episodes
That's the one thing I miss about being a teenager
They wonder what the fuck you're doing back there
I scan and diary everything and have a food scale accurate to within 2 grams (likely 0 grams, Orezi is pretty accurate, but it's best to not say "100 percent accurate, boss!"). It's 1300 calories.
and after that, Iceplay!
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>10 seconds
>20-40 times a day

well then exercise or eat more, because something is broken
I don't have an image of people laughing hard enough for this.
I'm 21.
me neither. Just joking.

Are you also too cheep to buy new medium shirts to replace large ones and to buy a new belt?
So... would griffons have a cloaca or a barbed cat dick?
Everything back there is mammal, so it's likely they have lion-accurate parts.
I don't have a ruler small enough to measure your dick.
I like you nonsexually too! That sounds awesome.

Sure! just gimme a few, gunna get some cleaning done. Anything specific you want her doing?