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Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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The Wonderbolts!

Previous thread: >>10646131
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I really like how Chill Spike gives you two different ways to attack enemies, if you land a direct hit it freezes the foe and if the shot collides with a surface it creates spikes. It's versatility like that which really makes a weapon useful.
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[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes:
All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG:
http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)



Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>invisible stallion.gif
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1.13 MB PNG
>dangles on a string
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2 KB
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Must be a pegasus thing
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312 KB JPG
In the future we'll engineer our women to store most of their bodyfat in the hips and breasts and make the muscles stronger to compensate.
I'd put my dick in that.
But I'm not sure I'd be able to get it back out.
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215 KB JPG

i forget, did we name the Wonderbolts, or did Hasbro?
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scratchfire is an excellent ship
It looks like she's saying ham over and over
Would you eat a pony mlpg?
And why wouldn't she?

Ham is delicious.
I would not consume a pony, no
Applejack pls
As in cunnilingus?

Some parts.
>that pic
Aha! I remember now. I wanted to use that as a reference for Twist.
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10 KB
I don't thank so, Beverly.
If mules exist, then inter-species relationships must also exist in equestria... right?
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126 KB PNG
Which type of pony do you like the most?
I know I saw when you linked it on Skype. Please do so.
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How hungry am I?
Does pony taste good?
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Winged ones
Mules come from a mommy mule and a daddy mule.
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Would you experiment with a unicorn's horn?
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>perfect bodytypes
Ho boy, here we go
You'll never have a cozy air balloon ride pinkie pie
You'll never read books with twilight
You'll never pick flowers with fluttershy
You'll never be rarity's fashion experiment
You'll never soar above the clouds (possible with magic) with rainbow dash
You'll never have a nice morning picking apples and making apple pie with apple jack.
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My negro.

But I'm starting to like bat ponies more and more.
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this is a good feel
so this is why she wants hands

what a curse

senor cardgage pls COME BACK ;_;
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929 KB PNG
they're alright
This isn't pony.
Fuck off.
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Adorable skinny colts
It's amazing how much pony can make me feel sometimes.

Are you even trying?
Am I the only one who likes belly fat? It's better cuddles.
Is it bad if I like Bat Ponies the best?
Which pone is the biggest fan of ELO?
It could be

It should be.
What's the difference between Homestar Runner and the oldhorse from yesterday?
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1.28 MB PNG
They're awesome and cute rolled into one.
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My dog bought a horse mask.
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249 KB PNG
>perfect bodytypes
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in

Subject or Comment field to be

marked properly. Keywords include:

Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide

All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:


Room: mlp
FiM Blogs:



Pony IRC:




Who's who in MLPG:

http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)




Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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>luna catching you dreaming about her catching you dreaming about her
Fucking unf.
I think the most attractive part of the pony is the butt
but just how would a mare rape a stud like soarin' anyway?
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853 KB GIF
>all these pegabros
>born with bat wings
>cant wait to get my cutie mark
>it's a night guard cutie mark.
>who would have fucking guessed
Why don't all the deerfags like Featherweight? He's got skinny legs and bounds like a deer. He's probably got some deer in his family.
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I read "most" as "moist."
I'll take that as a sign to go to bed. Good night, MLPG.

more like:

>you'll never have a tipsy Pinkie hold you down and make out with you because you don't look like you're having enough fun
>you'll never have Twilight hold you down on the bed, trying to be dominant, failing, and making you kiss her
>you'll never jk Fluttershy is crap
>you'll never have Rarity kiss you while she uses you as a mannequin, reminding you that you can't move or the dress will be spoiled
>you'll never help Dash train for a race by giving her a kiss every time she cuts a second
>you'll never be pinned against an apple tree and forcibly kissed by Applejack
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I'm inclined to agree with you
I like Deer a lot but Featherweight is a nerd
>not pegasisters
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>that one batpone who has a dayguard cutie mark

very silly
I like my ponies moist
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Well, batpones would probably have more violent marks than their normal pone counterparts.

They do look carnivorous.

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Capped that Cheerilee feels thing from, in case on of you needs it
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I felt something
keep going
I ran all out of my feel juice
You can never tell pone how you feel
You'll never enjoy a classy dinner with Rarity and drink Equestria's finest wine
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145 KB JPG
Pegasi best race
thanks pony bro

be honest mlpg, would you
>Celestia prepares the re cutie marker
>It's a cheese grater
>"Who moved my tits?!"

But I DO like Featherweight.
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556 KB GIF
E for Eff-

Actually, no, it doesn't even deserve that
I like earth ponies the most, but my two favourite pones are pegasi. Does that make me some kind of awful hipster?
>Celestia will never cheese-grater away your awful destiny and give you a future of infinite possibilities

>"adjusting your breasts. you fainted and they shifted all outta whack."
thanks anon
though you missed the first post about hugging Rumble nonsexually
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Yo pegasi are the best

I always forget that I have that picture saved like 3 times. It's just so cute ugh
I like Featherweight despite being neutral about deer.
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>when I finally open a portal to equestria I still won't be happy because my waifu isn't a pony
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49 KB
How could you hug him sexually?
>she wants the C
I want to buy one of those
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71 KB
>batpones are predatory
woah shit nigga it's gettin hot up in here
>You'll never non-sexually cuddle with your cuddly pony waifu
Life is hell
Speaking of deer, I should probably jump back on that picture of their houses I was doing.
Me too. Let's do it
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no, the teeth are for mate-attraction purposes only.
Dammit Fluttershy, you wanton slut!
Buy them on Ali3xpress instead of J-list to save a fair bit
I'll give her the B.
Only if you show me your vag tentacles.
does your site beat amazon's 19.99?
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How's this?
i am also okay with this
still hot up in here
sorry. cuddling nonsexually. not hugging.
I just want her to give me her V.
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Sorry, I'm terrible at cropping
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It really is
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And yes
Same here. And in return I'll give her a B. lots of B's
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124 KB JPG
feels bad, man
>not liking duckduckgo
haha, no worries

shut up, I like it
it's convenient
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234 KB PNG
>knitting with hooves
>twilight will never come through the portal naked
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>Hating on the search engine that respects your freedom
>She keeps keeps getting the urge to knit little hats that say "anon"
>She never knows why
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14 KB
>little hats
Cock hats?
I cannot comprehend a situation where terrible results are more convenient

Unless you're using Mint and you're too stupid to change to awesome bar search engine in Firefox
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I'd buy a horse mask but it's not like I'd wear it anywhere anyway
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45 KB
>our system thinks your post is spam
>our system thinks your post is spam
>our system thinks your post is spam

If I ever find moot I'm going to skin him.
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1.44 MB PNG
You get to Equestria. Now you have to choose. Stallions or mares? Whichever you pick the others won't want you. They'll know.
>screencap post you were trying to make
>submit it as an image
am I human, stallion, or mare?
Stallions can't wink.
I don't understand.
this is important: >>10650617
probably stallions though
File: 1368778481284.png-(82 KB, 392x388, 1358197844548.png)
82 KB
>Artist asks for requests
>type up requests
>type captcha
>a split second before I hit submit
>the fucking captcha disappears
I'd wear clothes that I never wear and go to campus using it
Whenever I see that picture all I think is-
>I wanna kiss aunt cherilee...
Mares. I cannot pass up the muscular horse vag.
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49 KB
I would do some bad, bad things if Cheerilee was my aunt.

They would all know that it's you.
What if you were a young colt and she were YOUR MOTHER?
Huh, what would ya do then?
Would you try to convince your favorite pony you're actually an infant of your species and need to nurse from her at least once a day?
Satan why do you keep coming into the mlpg?
Certainly not

You wouldn't be able to fuck anything if they think you're a baby
Your fetishes are the most interesting.
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320 KB JPG
>26 day shipping
fuck that

okay co, I need to add a $5.02 in items to be eligible for free shipping
Who are you, Hercule Poirot?
Add a cape.
I would tell them I am a pony regardless of what I look like, and if they can't accept it they are speciesist
Coconuts to properly make a clopping noise.
Magical unicorn mask
The stallions I want arent old enough...
She's not my REAL mom, she's my stepmom, so that makes it okay
Would you attempt to rape, then kill your mother

If she was Cheerilee and then took away your Call of Duty?
It also makes it extremly hot
>26 day shipping
What kind of shit is that, are they strapping the package to their back and crawling it to you?
No. Just no.
It's coming from China, I think.
strathmore 400 series 8 x 10in 24 sheet drawing pad
fill it with ponies
All that lead paint makes it pretty heavy anon.
File: 1368779038817.jpg-(14 KB, 251x200, 1353348538944.jpg)
14 KB
>26 Day Shipping

Sounds like a movie made about Rainbow x Pie.
File: 1368779055026.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, 418tZQUZe3L.jpg)
19 KB

You know you want it.
File: 1368779070780.png-(66 KB, 450x488, 1327015687814.png)
66 KB
Buy the black one instead. It's over the free shipping limit by itself and I never see that one.

See if it ships faster.
Would you seduce Cheerilee if you were a filly enrolled in her class?

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I don't need it...
MSOB are you drawing that Twist? I want to know if I should stay up tonight.
But shes straight. Now if I were the little colt...
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633 KB PNG
>China's planes can ship packages anywhere in the world in under a week
>All the lead paint weighs the planes down and lengthens the trip
Depends, do I need to mention if I succeed or not?
the mlp comic tpb
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286 KB GIF
No because I'm a freaking kid
I can sketch out something real basic. I can't just rip the composition wholesale, so it might take me a bit to come up with something I like.
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1.18 MB
1.18 MB GIF
What are you waiting for?
>You are not allowed to view this image
Imgur link when?
>anal winking
File: 1368779286929.jpg-(79 KB, 1577x369, maskshades.jpg)
79 KB
I found 12 pairs of shutter shades
File: 1368779292939.png-(38 KB, 219x254, 1362774021757.png)
38 KB
Do you guys have a favorite oc?
I'm waiting for lyra

Your face
Take a bite of my heart tonight!
Just make an FA account already like everyone else.
There is just not enough underboob in the world.

Special delivery
AND a coloring book!

Alternatively, if you like reading material:

180 pages. Perfect for the shitter.

Or if you prefer the rainbow one:
go register
you get this instead: http://i.imgur.com/kcIXdTO.png
File: 1368779411750.png-(31 KB, 531x325, 1365436247668.png)
31 KB
oh gosh anonymous
that didn't work for me and I do have an fa account
File: 1368779419474.jpg-(171 KB, 716x1216, 3ea0c66b4de2fb1f3a74a5166(...).jpg)
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Why don't we make our own coloring book?
I'd let her seduce me.
"That's a good filly. And remember, every night before the sleep I want you to do it again, thinking about me. Will you do that for me?"
"Y-yes, ms Cheerilee..."
Not that guy, but I am considering turning furry. I've held out for a good two or three years now, and I think you may have finally corrupted me.

Where should I go to register? Or am I allowed to "carry" without a license in some countries?
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824 KB PNG
Would you like to be in Big Mac's position?

Fans have done it before.
>finishing anything
you should wear them all at the same time over the horse mask

'cause that'd be lulrandom.

How fucking gay are shutter shades though?
403? Just hit enter in the address bar
Sad Sack but only because I have a crush on SB
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232 KB JPG
No i'd like to be in Cheerilee's position
>wanting to be a furry

You sicken me. Just fap to anthro like normal people and don't think about it so much.
I like Red Ribbon too

File: 1368779525591.png-(289 KB, 1023x989, 1363909251396.png)
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289 KB PNG
Oh wow she looks so much better now that she's lost some weight.
The Christmas Book was finished.
That's a lot of text for, from what I can gather from the first few lines, is basically just a trap pony
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280 KB PNG
This is cute.
You can be my Cheerilee if you want to
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361 KB PNG
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I'm sure that Nanaki has a few spare licenses.
You would like to be impregnated by Big Mac? Neat
File: 1368779697650.jpg-(2 KB, 54x124, 1368676918533s.jpg)
2 KB
Slutty mare is strong in this one
You have no idea
This made me laugh
Is it getting impregnated or the being pregnant part that gets you? Or botho?
Eight foals?
If you were a mare, would you let Big Mac impregnate you? How many times?
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221 KB PNG
Or more
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2, actually.
fuck no
I'm not dealing with pony children
I'm gonna be happy if we bring back that mental breeding clock discussion.
Okay, there's only one topic left and it's fetishes.
Plus I've 'finished'.
I'll take my leave.

Good night, losers.
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Bbut those are what's truly hot
Tonight is a very Cheerilee night.
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On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like this pony's wings?
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40 KB
Purple / 10
Rumble might be cute as hell, but he's not hot yet
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25 KB
das pretty cute
Which would you rather have?

>You and your waifu fight viciously in public, but in private are lovey-dovey and sweet on each other

>You and your waifu are sweet to each other in public, and have all your fights in private
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109 KB PNG
He's hot and will stay hot until he's gramps.
I don't want to fight pony
Do we fight all the time in private/public?
First one. We could treat it like a game. How many complaints can we get?

But Anon.

If you don't have fights then how will you have makeup sex?
Pinkie pie fights in public, because they would be filled with crazy shit and I'm pretty sure I'd have access to hammerspace.
The first one, though that seems like something Dash would do and she's not my waifu
What don't you like about them?
What would make you liker her wings more?
We won't. We will have happy sex instead. No need for excuses
>not posting it all

No more than is expected for a relationship.
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84 KB
No fighting.
Only dreams.
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39 KB
Fluttershy doesn't appear to be very happy about what's happening to her in that picture
Private I guess. Fighting in public wouldn't be good for her image.
Fluttershy doesn't appear to be very happy about most things
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25 KB
>fighting with Fluttershy in any way

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1.1 MB PNG
I like them!
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165 KB PNG
Am I capable of flying too? Because I refuse to fight with Dash in public unless we can inadvertantly reeenact the final fight of The Matrix Revolution.
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She's just unsure of how to handle physical contact, that's all.
She's easily embarrassed and flustered you know.
Should I take OC requests to improve/setup for possible future commissons?

Even if they're super edgy?
go for it
sure, just make sure to charge extra if people commission oc's.
Then she should call the police.

All unwanted physical contact is rape.

I learned that from a loud, greasy lady at my college.
No man should subject himself to art whoring, look at all the commission whores out now and tell me they're happy.
I wish I can
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428 KB PNG
Don't forget a woman can be raped without physical contact too.
Seems legit.
The first one is objectively the better choice. Sure, they fight in public but when they are alone, they are honest and compleely into each other.
The second one is hollow, torturous relationship
Are you trying to brainwash me?

I-it's not going to work, you know.

I....I will not....stream...!
I think only Nanaki is unhappy

I feel for him

>"YOU never put the toilet seat down! I can't count the number of times I've almost fallen in because YOU left it up!"
>"WHAT. The toilet seat?! Really?!"
>"YEAH, Really! HOW hard is it to put the seat down?!"
>"I dunno - about as hard as it is to check if it's down before you sit down on the can, apparently!"
>"I wouldn't HAVE to check if you put it down!!"
>"Oh God, will you LISTEN to this shit?!"
>Anon turns to everyone watching the argument
>"Back me up here, guys - SHOULD it be my responsibility to put the seat up or down?!"
>A few of them shout "NO!"
>"You're a BIG GIRL, now, you can do it yourself!"
Looking at a woman for longer than ten seconds is raping her you know.
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Sure man, you should start with bat pone.

Not really - it doesn't say you're ALWAYS fighting.
"OHhhh, i'm a BIG gril now!? You're not too attractive yourself motherfucker!"
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Thinking about a woman is already rape in the first place.
...but you're not. the shoce is that you're not
Having a y chromosome for more than 5 minutes is rape.

Every second, an infant baby rapes every woman on earth at the same time.

Patriarchal scum!

You already know what you're capable of straming.

Just do it.
Being born a male is raping a woman
I don't understand. How could I fight with my waifu? Over what? Her every wish would be my command
You sure like batpones a lot

I like them a lot too
The ten second rule is actually partially true.
I think it's counted as sexual harassment.
Imagine that.
Looking at someone.
Criminal charges.
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If you want to be.
This is why we need to abort baby boys.
She thinks you need to be more assertive. She's sick of you just going along with whatever she tells you.
>ironic rape talk
That's a whole new level of sad, guys.
Point taken.
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how is she holding that glass?
How is she holding it while walking?
Stop raping me with your words!
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Yes, yes I do.
Maybe unhealthily so.

I'm probably going to start pissing off the general eventually.
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>Her every wish would be my command
How are you holding your face?
How are you holding it while walking?

It's possible to walk on three feet, you know. Hell, you walk on just two!

...you do walk on two legs, right?
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of course
I'm actually a pony
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If you get more pictures of batponies drawn I don't think the General will be too upset

I'll probably end up drawing them for you again.
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I think I could warm up to her.
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I am okay with this.

You'll be my dealer.
why has Bomb-it Boston chained a pony?

>Mall Security escorts you to one of the back rooms for making a disturbance for the other patrons

>They return a few minutes after to find you all over each other, passionately making out.
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It's almost like i have to bend backwards to get some bat ponies round here.
How much horsepower does pony have?
Yes Pinkie. All of the dicks.
>Bomb-it Boston
Dammit anon.
I actually laughed out loud.

I mean, by definition. A pony is a single horse, the power that they have is therefore 1 horsepower.
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i want to hug night horse
but I'm just listening to the brony music that someone posted earlier
I'm not even doing anything interesting
do you want a movie or something?
I love that apple
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I'm sure she'd allow it.
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>mascara running
>sad expression
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then how did only a handful of pegasi generate 600 wingpower?
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This is the ref I was given.

..should I do it?
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Fluttershy is a very strong pony
It makes me just want to hug that batpone.
absolutely not
draw a picture of that pony as a pretty mare instead
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because wingpower isn't the same as horsepower.
>you're a dog with a dick!

every time.
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more bathorses please

I, too, fucking love them
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It's just too cute, I almost feel bad for thinking that.
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anons please
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Hey drawfags let's play Poke a Muscle!

You have something to confess?
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>all these bat horses
Shit niggas what's going on.
>..should I do it?
draw it with your own twist on it
full on clothes
longer goatee
no fangs
normal snout
remove leg bracelet things
change eye color
dealer's choice, you are the one drawing it
Man, I wish I could do the same quality work that that guy does
you know what. it's mostly that shitty ass character genetor that somehow makes anything created look really bad. I bet if you made the show ponies in that thing, it would look bad
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I wish I had more actual bat pony

How about Gargoyle pony?
That's the ASCII representation of their horsepower

Just convert it to base10
>thinking im gonna change waifus again
>insinuating im gonna risk having Ms. Harsh chop my balls off and take my house in court

Nicest try

I'm not even on that level and won't be for a long time. Sorry. I guess you can play with yourself
I honestly have to ask, are these characters part of some fic?
My biggest turn off honestly is the cape... It makes me think of dcma Dante
Gargoyles pls go
You don't fit in this movie
that seems to be a recuring question for EP's artwork. people ask if his characters are from a fic
No, I was more wondering why you are sweating when you are looking at terrified ponies
I'll take that as a no.
Is his comic ded?

God I love this pic.
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Well most artists don't intentionally give the characters a pose that shows off a personality type, or give them very specific physical characteristics unless they're going for something.
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I think somethings wrong with my pony.
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Looks pretty good.
rub her belly
Have you tried turning it on and off?
It's a teaching tool. That's like saying you can't play Typer Shark because you're not good at typing.
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heh, gets me everytime
>you will never hand out free orgasms to any of those bar patrons still sober enough to walk
There's something about that look, even though she's clearly terrified she looks... sexy
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That was what caused the problem though.
How do I do that?
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I like this guy's coloring more than the actual show's
What if... Equestria Gargoyles?
You're sick
>Anon sitting at the bar
>Free ograzms sloppily written on a cardboard sign next to him
>Noone approaches him all night
I know that feel.

Something about causing fear is gratifying.
Anon it's coloring with one layer of shading with a soft brush, and then randomly adding in light shafts to represent the trees. It's like, 2 minutes of work.
No, it's like saying: OMG what the hell am I still doing here I should have been in school two hours ago working on my presentation I shouldn't even be here and I have a very long week ahead of me.

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I wanna see pear pony on the show.

Just another weekend for Babs___ and me...
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Sinestro pls, i'm not like you. It's mostly in the eyes, the pouty look.
Good thing one of you has a name, because I don't want to have anything to do with either of you again.
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That looks fun
Aside from the thinner lines and shading, it's almost exactly the same as the show.

Is that a fucking burger?
unless they actually care that much about quality
No, it's an American soldier
More so it doesn't really come to mind when you're drawing, unless you're drawing an established character.
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Submissiveness is the sexiest trait a female can possess.
What's the matter? Don't like it a little rougher than usual?
That light shadow makes no sense. Applejacks shadow is going right and pink ponys shadow left.
how touchy can you get
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Come on man, being frightening is great.
that's even worse
for the show that is
Depends, is it written by the same dude? Because Gargoyles is probably one of the best written cartoons I've ever watched.
I watch you while you sleep.
I disagree.
>tfw hungry
>tfw only thing open this early is macdonalds
>tfw when i go to sleep at 9 am stuff barely starts to open up
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Absolutely not
Cook your own food.
Not really, one's a picture that would equate to one frame in the show, a small amount of time adds up like a bitch when you're animating. And shading like that doesn't animate well unless it's on a static pose.
It's called cooking, Anon

You should try it
I can burn toast.
>tfw hungry but am about to fall asleep
Intelligence is the sexiest trait a woman can have
We all had to start somewhere.
>not lknowing how to cook
everyone can burn toast
the real trick is not burning the toast
A vagina is the sexiest trait a woman can have
So can I. That doesn't stop me from cooking though.
How will pony ever love you if you can't even cook?
I guess no women are sexy, then.

Then make a sandwich dingus.
>you will never have a maregina
What about pizza rolls in a pizza oven?
Would pone's find us frighting if they watched us fight like in this video? Or would they have a similar reaction like the marines'?

Vaginas are pretty gross man.
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But it's so much work.
Unless they are mare vaginas.
Twilight is a very sexy pony.
What if I like Traps anon?
Have you even seen a goddamn vagina, shit's like an axe wound with hair on it.

No it isn't, it's less work then fucking going to macdonalds and wasting your money.
Do horses really not have meat flaps?
I'd be okay with that if they did.
God, I know. I had a super smart chubby Korean friend when I was 14 and we kept in touch and I had a big crush on her.
go visit /ck/ for fucks sake
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just do it
I'm going to go make a sandwich right now and then make fun of you because of how easy it was
Twilight could only be sexier if she was also a dom
i bet you're unemployed too

>taking the bait

>can't put things on bread

How fucking helpless ARE you?
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>"Don't you have a bigger shirt I could borrow?"

Just watch and make this this
There is a limit to how much McDonalds a single person may consume in their lifetime. When you hit that limit one day you'll know.
>Bitch is stealing my watermelons and my shirt
Sorry I'm not a fucking monstrous fleshblob
>letting your life get dominated by limits
they are there to break them
>not liking monstrous fleshblobs
What are you? A casual?
I don't know about that.
I have a shit ton more
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Pay attention class.
Would she have total muscular control down there?
I shall become the blob.
All will despair.
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Just imagine all the chemicals needed to do this.
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There are some limits you don't break anon. Ronald dont play, it's the first thing you learn as an American
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I'm pretty sure she is.

>That accent

O-oh my--

Erection lost. NOPE.
>i like morbid mutations
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I watched it

I can't remember anything apart from her perfect body
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if she were a pony

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That's not how tails looks like in MLP. I can't jack off to this
only if that pone sleeps with me
Is it fetish talk time yet?

I have some old XXXL shirts that don't fit me anymore. You could try one of those.
I know it's difficult to concentrate but it's super nice and easy to make. Especially the avocado one.
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Would you sleep with batpone?

Even if she wrapped you up in her wings and hug upside down from the ceiling?
Is it art talk time yet?
She's 53
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more like especially

Holy shit I'm horrible at math, my ass would be so fucking red
I like how all the powder turns black and the slight delay before the tentacles come out, it's like it rehearsed this before.
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Like toothless?
Imagine if you found a wife that stayed that sexy

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I want to be her pet

I KNOW how to make Bruschetta.

I just don't like how she pronounces it.
Who cares, she looks hot.

We need a chubby sexy milfy Nigella pony doing something suggestive with food
I dunno. Is it? I have nothing to talk about though, only getting home tomorrow.
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Yes, like Toothless.

>that don't fit me anymore

Jesus fuck how fat ARE you?
Oh you.
What's wrong with walking on all fours?

No it's stram time.
i think it's more like it's too big for him
i want to beleive
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And then spikedog mounted twilight, forced his veiny dick deep down her new hole and knotted her.

Not as fat as I used to be.


I'm down to XL now.
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why not, It's one of those "fall asleep for only two hours then wake up fully energized' nights anyway.

What's it gonna' be? I just fixed my vidya audio lag stram problem
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>we're suppose to walk on all fours and turn around to let them fuck us whenever

She thinks we want their disgusting human bodies
Why is Twilight smiling?
That's not right.
>'fall asleep for only two hours then wake up fully energized' nights

God I love those.
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So am I busting out the pastebin of my vidya library for a stram or what? Sooner I know the better. Set up is kind of a pain.
i would tannykins but i gotta bread
that looks like good cum
like the cocks

Just play whatever you want.
Who's that pokemon?
Pretty sure that's a miltank.
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I'd rather do something the thread would prefer to watch. Give me 10 minutes, I'm finishing up a video touring the bandai section of the Shizuoka Hobby show.

Go ahead and peruse this real quick: http://pastebin.com/3rejqbaR

dat RG GPO-1 Fb
Isn't that one of the new characters for fighting is magic?

I'm sorta just shifting my attention between mlpg and my book.
They're already out?

Tan why don't you own vagrant story?

mlpg could name your weapons.
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What're you reading anon?
I'm capping an old fetish discussion we had a month ago.
Pls finish.
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because I'm still backed up on my Square-Enix rpgs. I also haven't been that interested in Vagrant story, I've heard it's good though.
neat, I hope you post it when you're done
name an object a pony might hold
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>vagrant story
It's a long one, might have to make two parts.
there any good comedians I should listen to?
Square, same thing.
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64 KB
>draw something to fap to
>finish and feel ashamed
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47 KB
>Not being able to masturbate with only your mind.
>draw something for other people to fap to
>post it and be ashamed
Scrubbing Bubbles
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Emo Philips
Anon, it's 3am.
Why aren't you asleep?
>draw something to fap to
>drawing looks like shit
I just want MLPG to enjoy a good fap with me
Louis ck
>Maybe something nice will happen
>draw something
>feel ashamed
West coast master race
Australian home alone on a Friday night yet again master race
Considering going to sleep early or going out to buy food. Not sure which im gonna go with.
Because it's 5 am, and my sleep schedule is incredibly fucked up.
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I would if I could.

Alright, so what's it gonna' be, which game am I stramin' ?
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>that time zone
Absolutely disgusting
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Source or it's fake.
what kind of awful fake is this
>all that noise
Nice try.
We photoshop and shit vectors now?
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Alright here we go, there's a little more to it, but it isn't much and I'll cap that later.

gr8 b8 m8
not even close
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Something I noticed

What is this about?
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I believe that you're attempting to lead us to a false conclusion.
>As part of Hasbro's push into
>Asia, it's the first US company to secure
>a deal under Malaysia's new tax
>incentive program for the second

Get yer eyes checked mate.
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>Equestria Girls will be the only movie FiM ever gets.
>perfect golden tan
>waving locks of luscious hair
>fashionable slim legwear to show off perfect quads and calves
>Doomguy belt
>short sleeve shirt to bask in the glorious west coast sun
>excellent trigger control and awareness of line of fire
10/10 West wins again
kill it with fire
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i have a very neutral feel about this
so we stram or what?
>there will never be a pone version of Animal Crossing
Here's to hope that AC:NL will also have a save file editor, so I can make villagers look like ponies
what was it again?
>we ded?
>We've been crushed by Rarity's monster vagina
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I don't think I have much more to do with this. Although I probably should have thought more about shading on Babs to fit her into the background.
It was taken from this.
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over here >>10651530
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>tfw waiting for New Leaf
Can't wait to reset the game over and over until I get muh waifu in town.
You two should team up and fight crime.

Or just draw titties.
You should have thought about not making it at all.
It's absolutely horrifying.
some mario 64
>Not drawing titties that will pair up and fight crime
>no hawaii/alaska
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That was such a shit game
>two tits playing good cop/bad cop
>one smacks, the other consoles
> Hawaii/Alaska
you mean japan and canada?
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What, a 400lb samoan eating spam and a MethBear?
we ded.

Hello again.
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That's a butt.
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You're a butt

O-oh gosh...!
An image popped up in my head of a guy that's just freaked out about being interviewed by two giant tits.
it looks really weird to me. i think most of the problem to me is her tits look really strange and i dont like the face.
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Hey guys did you know there are shows other than MLP?
>that comic story thing
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butts and butts?
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Don't care
But that show has MLP.
I'm a butt.

Anything you can pin down in particular?
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yeah, and?
There's an mlp show?
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I still don't see why they didn't just reboot TT normally.

They would have made all the money
>head is wrong
But that show you posted is worse than MLP.
Why is Vegeta dressed as Robin?
'snot tho.
But are they good?
Eh that's what they said about redoing toonami, and that's not doing super great. I've come to terms that most of the shit that I liked years ago has been enhanced by nostalgia and most kids today wouldn't like it because they're hyperactive shits.
Her head doesnt seem to be attached to her neck is about as well as i can describe what i find wrong with that. While her tits might be anatomically correct (i dont know) they just look really gross to me so that is probably less your problem and mor emine.
Almost all of them.
I thought Teen Titans was too spastic and lulrandom for my tastes when it was on. Then I fell in love with it in reruns.
>It will never update again
I can agree, but man any episodes with Slade were awesome.
Is anyone streaming
Anon pls

His name is Deathstroke.
I thought he was orange deadpool.
Her breasts don't look like they're affected by gravity correctly. They look like they are hanging too far to the left and right respectively instead of downward. Don't get me wrong they wouldn't be touching each other or anything but they look like they should hang closer together.
Of course I know that. I'm just referring to that show.
but but Deathstroke's name is slade
Kids today should be forced to watch the same cartoons we grew up on.

The '90s was called the animation renaissance for a reason.
Oh wow I just realised

You do the Deathstroke in the Deadpool.
Kids these days.
Ren and Stimpy is the only animated show that was ever good.
John K plz go.
>anything by John K.

I blame him for Ross.
Go to bed, John.
Traditional animators pls

Just because he took all your work, shat all over it and produced something better than you could ever hope for is no reason to hate him.

It's a reason to hate yourselves for being failures.
So, if she takes his form or whatever, does he become an incubator?
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>Produced something better
>Hasn't worked on anything notable since the early 00's
>Last time he was even paid to animate was a simpsons couch intro
>Noone like that either
There's a reason for that anon.
>implying she's not currently inserting eggs into his urethra using her vaginal claws and ovipositor
I'm gonna' be that guy and say that I really don't like Ren and Stimpy.
yeah, give me a sec
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The neck area's been giving me some trouble.

Hopefully this is a step in the right direction?

I'm heading to bed - I need to get at least a little sleep tonight...

and really, that's all any of us could ever ask for.
Would you like to be in that position?
What? No! That sounds fucking nightmarish.

I'll stick to mammals, thanks.

Not that anon, but _no.

I'd rather be in a position like the post-sex scene in that Babs greentext.
One thing that bothers me is the muscles on her upper arm (deltoids?) give me the impression they are extending a bit too far in / behind her neck. But that might just be babs' hair fucking with my eyes.
What about being in Chrysalis' position? You'll technically still be with mammals.
Does it count as insomnia if you could go to sleep but you inexplicably don't want to even though nothing is happening right now and you're a little depressed?
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come on, it could be fun
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>no eyelashes


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Too girly
He's not even a trap.

But he's trying so hard to be it just makes him cuter.
Depends. Would it hurt?
What a qt.
Well, she makes you swallow a whole bunch of sticky goo as a sedative before she actually inserts the eggs. It tricks your mind into feeling pleasure since your urethra is taking something the size of your fist.
Marc Maron
Dylan Moran
Doug Stanhope
Chris Rock
Dave Chappelle
Jim Gaffigan
Ellen DeGeneres
Brian Regan
So what's the current topic of discussion
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Sounds amazing
>What'ya call it?
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can it be about cute colt traps
Also, imagine having orgasms trying to shoot sperm while having eggs shoved in at the same time. Maybe some fertilization in there at the same time.
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no, but it can be stallions in socks
Stop being so ded
what do you want to talk about, anon
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Can we be filename now?
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Does anyone have the original?
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My penis likes ManiacPaint. I try to tell it that his humanisations have nothing to do with the actual characters and that most of them look the same, but it doesn't listen.
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But snow isn't air, it's water.
You assholes get your free copy of Stronghold Crusader yet?
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>got fired from his own show
Her shape of her body is just so strange.
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When pone is gone, nothing will fill the hole it leaves.

>XD you're just jealous

Free copy
Stronghold Crusader
Wood needed.
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Alright, I'm just gonna' stream whatever happens to be in my ps2.

come watch if you're bored with the dedness
Alright listen up.

Go to this gigantic fucking link

On the right click link and download free. Make an account with whatever the fuck and link it to your amazon account. Dont download that shit because fuck stronghold kingdoms. in your email you should get a credit for stronghold crusader. Go act like you're gonna buy that shit and BAM get it for free.

Also Dark Souls is $8, go get it.
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>No Its Friday filenames

>Dark Souls
>Games for windows live

No, thanks. I will wait for low price on steam.
But doesn't steam make you activate it through live?
Wow have I got some bad news for you. The Steam version uses GFWL.
Whatever happened to 4chan being the last bastion for free speech on the internet? Nowadays 4chan is just as bad as Reddit with the "STOP HAVING DIFFERENT OPINIONS THAN ME!"
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its friday and stuff
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Go ask /v/. They're the forefront in that.
I disagree!
It was always like this. What are you, retarded?
There's a difference between cencorship and telling someone to fuck off because he is retarded.
Free speech doesnt mean that everyone has to agree with you
Also not pony

Evens - Draw
Odds - Vidya
Draw Fluttershy playing with dolls, LK
Freedom of speech includes the freedom to call you a faggot for disagreeing with me.
I should draw, I don't even know why I'm straming
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4chan has spoken!
To whit; you're a faggot.
Does anyone have that pic of human pinkie saying anon wants to give her rump a bump?
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the only human pinkie image you need is YOU GUYS
>not GILDA~
theres a human version of that?
There's a human one of that?
LK and Tan should draw something for eachother.
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>Decide to check the board
>Breeding thread
>Might become a general

>It'll eventually end up with oc pony babies with awkward parenting ERP
At least there's no mare vagina thread at the moment
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Ccan i be the mare?
Surfing through it, yeah it's kind of like that. Even made a general OC.
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Daily dose:

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I'm just a mean green mother from outer space and I'm bad

This isn't my dose, doc. Are you even licensed?
>tfw Smelly Pony General died


>tuft appreciation thread
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>Surfing through it, yeah it's kind of like that. Even made a general OC.

Whelp, that was short lived.
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Tuft is nice
>Not superior this
This is my favorite one

Got the license not so long ago, still a long way to go.
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fuzzy ponies are extra cuddly
Here, if you want to check for yourself.
took a bath or what?
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what the fuck is that
I like those short little videos
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Well FART, Huey!
Will you be able to take all those horse cocks penetrating your trembling body every day? Stallions shooting load after load of thick warm cum deep inside you?
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I certainly hope so.
I'll try, at least.
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>Not remembering Fluffy
Inb4 some hybrid abomina-
Too late.
But can you cope with having all those children?
fuck, my fetish

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There's always a way

That's fucking dumb, satyrs aren't half horse, they're half goat.
oh gosh

You would have to raise them, no break from work, of course. They would suck milk from your teats while you're being fucked and impregnated again
>worst ponies

Great, now you have me wanted to be in her position.
It's cute, the hell you want from it.

the fuck
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r u a grill
Is there hope left?
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I didn't think you could make that scene any sexier

I was wrong
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Oh my god.
I wonder how much the VA's are payed per episode.

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The minimum possible amount to not make them quit.
isn't that every job ever?
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What if Twilight's current form is just a cocoon and one day she will hatch as a beautiful Celestialike pony?
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Good rapping is Zecora's fetish
>New Kato Hayabusha
>It's meh

God dammit
oh god unf
anyone want this steam trading cards beta invite thing
you'll never get rich working for others