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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

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Old Thread

What kind of cute things would you like to see ponies do in any future episodes? And cute thing in the show you like to talk about?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
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All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
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Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
>sun thread
best thread.
I don't like cute things, please stop trying to melt down FiM into your faggy moeblobs.
pirate themed episode
i can't bieleive bronies still think luna was supposed to be in the show before Hasbro forced Lauren to shit her out.
Praise the shitposting!
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He should do more cute art.
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>ripe apples
Same goes for the "Sparkle" in Twilight Sparkle.
>i don't like thing
>Hey! That guy likes thing!
Theoritically, the're right, the matter is that Luna instead of being magically redeemed would be killed by EoH.
For those that missed them, the solicits for August for the comics

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #10

Katie Cook (w) • Andy Price (a) • Price, Tony Fleecs (c)

The trials and tribulations of Big Mac continue! His epic journey continues, as Big Mac must come face to face with some of the most unique citizens of Ponyville. DRAMA! REVELATIONS! DANCING! This one’s got it all!

My Little Pony: Mane 6 Micro-Series #7: Cutie Mark Crusaders

Ted Anderson (w) • Ben Bates (a) • Amy Mebberson, Bates (c)

On a hike through the woods the Cutie Mark Crusaders come across a creature unlike anything they’ve ever seen! When their new friend shows off an incredible ability, the Crusaders see an opportunity to earn their Cutie Marks! But their new friend is hiding an important secret that is sure to have a big impact on our tiny trio!

That was legal reasons though, they tried to get her name.
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epic, simply epic :)
But the show itself is cute.
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Is it wrong that I am hoping this might happen to Big Mac?
Is this the awesome new maymay we're forcing?
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They are pretty great at their work!
>we could have been spared of season 1 Lunafags and NLR

Maybe, I don't know. The matter is that it's not ONLY cute. Please fuck off if you only care about moeshit, this isn't the place nor the cartoon for you.
>Celestia turns Twilight Sparkle into a contract assassin now that she's a Made Mare.
I like the NLR song.
>Maybe, I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
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>set in Equestrian Somalia
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I can't think of any show that can pull this off. Look at Dash go!
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Niggas in bound. Jammal Peppers is also pretty good, even if his Echidnas suffer from major "Knuckles in drags" syndrome. Though pretty much anyone on the book is better than fucking Steve Butler. I dread how ponies would look under him.
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Luna hate time?
It is very generic and pretty stupid, if you pay attention.
Hey Nobody, you still here?

Late entries when?
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I'm having trouble with those tears
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Cute stuff! Best kind of horse!
Holy shit wreck it ralph is great!
She has the worst designs of all main characters. Her colour scheme is boring, her proportions are fucked up, the mane is kinda cool though.
You are a good man doing these. Where do you keep all the color files anyway?
But anon, look all around you, there's plenty of people here.
until the ending i thought it was amazing
man, i want to eat your heart to steal your arts magic
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How is Dash good at pulling off being cute?
I thought you had died. I'm disappointed you didn't.
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You are late to the party, but yes.
>mfw they're going to make Donkey Kong Country references in the sequel
in one BIG ASS folder
right now I'm coloring a bunch of pictures, jumping from one and another, learning things bit by bit
Suck on it, scum.

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because best at everything
I didn't even talk about her voice yet yadda yadda yadda.

If it wasn't for her backstory, Luna would be, well, just bad.
You should place those image in a place where anyone can get a hold of it, like tumblr or a thread in the /art/ sub.
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She's a very pretty pony, it just comes naturally.
I think Dashfags still beat Lunafags, but they are both worse than Flutterfags atleast.
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>What goes vroom in Equestria?
>Nightmare Moon makes spooky trees
>She deserves the death sentence
>If it wasn't for her backstory, Luna would be, well, just bad.
She's terrible, anon. Remember, the brony princess is terrible.
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Thats true. Her messy hair helps.
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Dunno man, she just is
But pretty doesn't mean cute.
>wants to murder the entire world and every single living organism on it
>not deserving the worst hell aviable
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Messy hair RD is 2kawaii4me
>Nightmare Moon tries to kill the entire population
Just like the show!
Xierils stuff is so damn adorable, I wish I knew how to draw something so simple yet appealing
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although, not all of them are there
just the ones I feel are finished, the others feel like I could put a little more effort in them
and as for a thread in the sub, aaaaaa I don't feel I deserve one yet
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I think its more that if you call her cute or whatever, it would catch her off guard.
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I've got a better dictionary.
Because she could be tsundere. And that's fucking adorable.
That Dash/Derpy fapfic TAW did was pretty cute.
>"Hey...hey, c'mon..."
>taking hold of the top of her witch hat, you kneel down to eye-level with her and gently lift the fabric away from her eyes
>Trixie looks at you with a shamed expression on her face, a single tear creeping down her cheek
>reaching over, you delicately wipe it from her cheek with your thumb
>"Don't be like that, Trixie...you were just worrying too much. Thinking too hard about not knowing what to do. It was making you trip over yourself."
>"But...what IS Trixie supposed to do...?"
>you lightly tap her forehead
>"Turn that off for awhile. Don't worry. Don't think. Just feel."
>you can hear the incessant bass die down from the speakers as a soothing melody starts to drift through the room
>"Slow song's coming on...You wanna give this another shot?"
>pushing the rim of her hat up with one hand, Trixie looks into your eyes
>after a long moment of silence, she leans forward and puts her arms around you, resting the crook of her neck against your shoulder
>"...Okay...Trixie will try again..."
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What kinds of ideas, Dashie?
MLPG, I am bad at drawing, and I have only a mouse and MS paint.

Tell me what to draw.
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daily dose of russian bronies
>tries to kill everything

But she didn't.
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>m-muh waifu luna wont u cry for me
Shut up, sentenal, autistic shitstai.
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You like that pony, don't you isaac.
His stuff reminds me of GG And I mean that as a compliment.

My poor heart.
A cube.
Ah, and so you do have one. I'll look into these in the future!
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I would wants the night to last 5ever
learn, like I have before you
These are the most normal bronies I've ever seen.
>young James Rolphe in the background

She did though.
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That's a surprisingly well done picture. The subjects are mediocre, but the picture itself is just oddly good. Similar pictures always tend to be blurry, partially out of focus, horridly lit and all other sorts of shit.
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Remember, circle + bean
>reasonably thin
>no obvious 20% t-shirts
>no fedoras

I am OK with that
Construct a sphere within a cube
>you will never have sex with a messy-haired Rainbow Dash while looking at her half-lidded beautiful eyes
>hearing her voice crack every time you ram inside her
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Anyone has that cute Dash picture wearing a cute dress, and the artist is Golly or whatever his name was?
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I can't help it, she's so very pony.
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>I'll look into these in the future!
y-you too
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I... what?
2/10 shit perspective
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>that guy on the background

Reminds me of someone.
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Is this a cute dress?

don't make me like trixie
ReiDuran is feeling NTR'd, which is weird because he's supposed to be a Pinkiefag.
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>reminding you of GG
nigga what
Reminds me of AVGN. But maybe that's just me.
But that Batman!
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Can I be less of a Lunafag and more of a Nightmare-lover? Nightmare Rarity is sexy too.
Are you saying Batman isn't a cute dress?
Simple yet appealing like that guy said.
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All i've got
At the gara~
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I never shade like this at all
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Is it wrong that I want to give my waifu the D
You're tainted.
original lauren prospects changed because of hasbro

luna dying because of elements of harmony
apple bloom being the only little sister pony, no scootaloo or sweetie belle
twilight sparkle being a princess without being an alicorn
rarity not being fabulous

Was it THAT bad?
No, that's totally normal.
>someone saved my quickly thrown together parody picture
People worshipping evil are mentally insane
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But why can't you party?
It's not parody if it's indentical to the legit thing.

What would happen if pony genitalia got switched to the opposite sex?
Would stallions be the ones to go into heat?
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But evil is sexy.
But it's true.
no, nightmarity is sexy.
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it was mediocre:

>When 4A needed another dev kit, or high-end PC, or whatever, someone from 4A had to fly to the States and sneak it back to the Ukraine in a backpack lest it be "seized" at the border by thieving customs officials. After visiting the team I wanted to buy them Aeron office chairs, considered a fundamental human right in the west. There were no outlets in the Ukraine, and our only option was to pack a truck in Poland and try to find an "expediter" to help bribe its way down to Kiev. We gave up not because this tripled the cost, but because we realized that the wider Aeron chairs would require spreading out people and computers, which would lead to extra desks, and that ultimately would have required bigger offices. Yes, really.
batman is for the night, not for cute dresses
You forgot Rarity not existing.
I know.
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Demon waifu > pony waifu
No, it's disgusting and vile. And you're a madman. Pleaase off yourself for the good of manking.
I knew it when I saw the live action trailer.
So Luna and Rarity are the two ponies that shouldn't exist, and they're both Nightmare Moons.

>posting best demon sister
My biggest nigga
Lunafags are easy to mock to. Their name alone summons laughter in people.
>implying we're nto on /co/
don't do that
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We're on /s4s/.
Don't forget:

Trixie was a stallion
Gilda was Grizelda
Zecora was "Shaman" and Twilight's mentor, not Celestia
Steven Magnet was actually a regular, recurring character in every episode
Mrs. Cake was both Snails' and Twist's mom
Big Mac was violent and threatening to AJ
Fluttershy was shy because she was a victim of sexual abuse
Twilight lived in a water mill, not a library
Cloudsdale was a separate nation, constantly at war with Equestria
Flim and Flam were both jet black and had big red lips
I still didn't read more than the first issue of the Nightmare Rarity comic. Don't even know why, I think simply because the scans only come in uncomfortable sizes, and my mouse wheel is broken.

Actually, I was trying to stir up shit about P&S actually belonging on /a/.
I already planned to throw in how Avatar is an anime.
...but anon avatar IS an anime.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #10

Katie Cook (w) • Andy Price (a) • Price, Tony Fleecs (c)

The trials and tribulations of Big Mac continue! His epic journey continues, as Big Mac must come face to face with some of the most unique citizens of Ponyville. DRAMA! REVELATIONS! DANCING! This one’s got it all!

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio

FC • 32 pages • $3.99

My Little Pony: The Magic Begins

Various (w & a & c)

The celebrated animated series comes to book shelves! Revisit the habitants of Equestria and learn about the magic that friendship brings in this adaptation of the television series.

TPB • FC • $7.99 • 112 pages • 5” x 7” • ISBN 978-1-61377-754-1

My Little Pony Cover Gallery! #1

Various (a & c)

Cover-to-cover Ponies in this special Cover Gallery! Many beloved, rare, hard-to-find, and fan-favorite My Little Pony covers are collected here in this 32-page art extravaganza!

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
>Twilight lived in a water mill, not a library

this is starting to sound unbelievable
That pic drives my boner wilf
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pretty much
except more Ponychan.
and less [you can't say this word] because you guys fascistly abhor them in some cherry picking manner
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Spoiler Image, 76 KB

I'm 5 hours in and like it so far.
My Little Pony: Mane 6 Micro-Series #7: Cutie Mark Crusaders

Ted Anderson (w) • Ben Bates (a) • Amy Mebberson, Bates (c)

On a hike through the woods the Cutie Mark Crusaders come across a creature unlike anything they’ve ever seen! When their new friend shows off an incredible ability, the Crusaders see an opportunity to earn their Cutie Marks! But their new friend is hiding an important secret that is sure to have a big impact on our tiny trio!

*2 regular covers will be shipped in a 1-to-1 ratio

FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Then buy them or something.

Shut up.
...It's an anime,come on.
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>Trixie was a stallion
Not changed by Hasbro.

>Zecora was "Shaman" and Twilight's mentor, not Celestia
She was supposed to be a co-mentor.
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So Big Mac's adventures is another 4-issue arc?

What if he meets le popular le fandom ponies like Loira and Dr. Whooves?
jesus christ those are some ugly as fuck tits
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But the only guy I go to the local comic store with is some absolute normalfag who only buys DC and Star Wars comics.

I almost got him into Deadpool.
>sure to have a big impact on our tiny trio

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This is a cute pone.
>copypasted descriptions of future issues
>advertising spam

Just.. get out
haha, MLPG is still full of its juice, still full of dumb retards:
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These guys are seriously trying to milk the shit out of bronies.

And it's working since I'm going to buy the hell out of that cover issue.

I think it was confirmed to be a 2 parter.
It's been posted 3 times in the last hour
>tfw obsidian hats us
That's really cute yio
That picture was so obviously made by a brony it hurts.
obsidian went full anti-pony hate crusader

he always seemed kind of weird from the start though
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this is true.
Wow /v/ is really bad.
>hates ponies
No, anon. No.
Of course it was. I just found it a little heart-warming in that recent Lauren Faust screencap dump thread, I felt like saving it.
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You're right, I thought it said issue #11 instead of issue #10.

Shame that Price isn't doing the CMC micro-comic. I really like how he draws them.
She always looks so naked without her crown.

It is passable at night, but even that grows lower and lower sind /vr/ is a thing.
I won't take his anti-pony hate crusafe seriously as long as he continues waifuing the donkey
>bugpone vore
>not corruption
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ironic shitposting is still shitposting, anon.

Holy fuck, I like my coffee black, but that's just crude oil.

Is there honestly anything in the show that even remotely suggests changelings are corrupted pones instead of a wholly separate species?
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Nothing in the show.
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Ben Bates is definitely a good choice though. His Sonic stuff is really good. Cute, clean and expressive, yet dynamic when the action starts. Very excited for his take on pone.
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>doctor and patient relationship
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why would ponies look naked without crowns
>the third panel
I would
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I want my own changeling.
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Seems like that's more turning her into a mind controlled slave like Shining rather than turning Twily into a changeling.
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>naked sunbutt
I still don't understand what exactly Cheesus' plan was, neither in the cartoon nor in the comic.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
That's why you should stop it.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
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Except she says Twilight would be draining her friend's love.
do you know what you are being?
a weenie
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Oh look, we're being hit by another script

how cute

guess whats going to go into the filter
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>leading her back to the dance floor, you hold her hand in yours and put your free hand on the small of her back
>"Just follow my lead...alright?"
>Trixie's free hand hesitantly comes to rest on your shoulder as she peeks up at you
>and then, you begin to dance
>she stumbles a bit at the start, clearly still nervous. but she's faring much better than last time, doing her best to mirror your foot-movements
>as the song progresses, you feel her anxiety melting away, her royal-blue-clad hips swaying in rhythm to the music and her body leaning against yours
>the entire time, she gazes up at you with eyes that shimmer in the dimmed lights, a tender smile on her face
>the two of you dance in silence for what seems like an eternity, yet when at last the song reaches its end, you find yourself lamenting it being over already
>"...See? Nothing to it~"
>"That...Trixie enjoyed that..."
>brushing her fingers down from your shoulder to your back, she pulls you in closer, nuzzling her cheek into your shoulder
>"...I enjoyed that a lot..."
uh oh, looks like a script kiddie got buttmad.
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What? Because I want a little changeling?
You're not making any sense, anon.
ironic shitposting is still shitpösting
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I swear there's a switch in this thread lately. One side is labeled "cute bat ponies" the other side is labeled "cute changelings".

not that I'm complaining...
irœnic shitpostïng is still shįtposting
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>anon making sense
ironìc shitpostìng ís stîll shītposting
Try reporting, or go ask to the mods on the IRC, the latter worked yesterday
irönic shitpósting is still shitpòsting
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would you still love your waifu if she was a big gross disgusting smelly horse
size matters
ironíc shitpošting is still śhitpostîng
But the details always were so stupid.

Just take the comic:
>get Twilight to come here
>plan to drain her magic
>don't do it
>get blasted away

Or in the cartoon:
>get them to erect a forcefield
>sneak in alone
>instead, let your sneaky minions attack with brute force
>do this despite thinking you would not be able to defeat Celestia
day 4 of the /b/ raid continues
>implying that wouldn't make me love her more
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Why can't we have both cute batponies and cute changelings?
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what about babby bat ponies?
irōnic šhitposting is śtīll shitpœsting
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holy shit she fuzzy as fuck
Technically speaking, that is clearly a sentient horse capaple of keeping herself clean and not smelly
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What about iconic shitposting?
ïronic shitpôsting is still shįtpòsting
>tfw S1 started 13 days ago
ironic shitposting is still shitpœsting
what is this picture supposed to be
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Chrysalis isn't a clever pony, but she's still pretty and very silly.
ironic shįtposting is still ßhitposting
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no matter how sentient you are that will not stop the massive horse farts
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just quit saying raid
we are barely posting
myself im lurking only, trying to learn your ways
comic about a dude who has sex with horse
ironic śhitpösting iś still šhitpośting
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Ladies don't fart, Anon
So new comic next week?

can't wait to see maritys end
They poop though.
īrońîc ßhitpòßting is still ßhitpœßting
so do you
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>teen mother
>has 1000 kids at least

No wonder she grew up into a bitch.
irœñic shitpoßtińg is ßtill shitpóśting

You do realize it's comic 7 next week, right? It leaked a month in advance.
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cute fucking griffins.
Gotta feed your kids somehow


>foreground pony

Thanks doc.
arent batponies fuzzy? i mean, look at their ears, their clearly fuzzier than typical ponies
ironlc shìtpostìńg is stiIl shîtpostlng
nonono, you were doing good so far
then you started posting with your trip
besides, we're not blaming you yet
we're blaming a /b/tard that you guys inadvertently brought here
like having an STD without know you had STD
not your fault,ya weenie
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can you link said comic, pls?
lronic shltposting is still shltposting
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Jesus Christ how horrifying.
>You will never be a brood mare for the chrysalis
ïrôńic shîtpoßting įs stīll shītpośting
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They are fuzzy wuzzy.

>You will never go exploring the mountains and forests with a cute little Griffon
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never posted in mlp general as anon
ive posted as anon on other parts of /mlp/ tho

you are confusing me with someone else
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they got tufts on tufts on tufts. And then they don't have gross, greasy feathers, but warm peach fuzzy blankets.
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>resemble a corrupt version of the primary species of the setting
>all black with blue or greenish highlights
>insect like
>kidnap their victims and cocoon them for feeding
>lead by a queen or queens
>obnoxious monologuing antagonists

The changlings are the pony version of the wraith from stargate atlantis with the exception that changelings eat love rather than generic life energy, and chanelings like to infiltrate more.

Keeping with comparison, Chrysalis's plan, like every wraith queen ever, was to try to conquer then eat everyone, which in reality meant getting stopped by a small group of primary antagonists via deus ex machina. Be it a love bomb or ancient atlantian superweapon from motherfucking nowhere
Equestria Prevails is overrated.
irōnic shitpósting is still shitpòsting
Comic #7 came out today actually, and yeah it's been leaked for almost a month. Fluttershy micro will be out on the 29th.

It's the one where Nightmarity throws the mane 5 into prison cells and tries to mindfuck Spike into being her dream-slave.

Just go on yayponies
iröníc śhitpõsting is still shītpòsting
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Bat ponies are pretty damn cool
îronïc shîtpostīng is still shitpōstíng
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I thought Pinkie's micro was next. Oh well. Who's writing the Fluttershy one?
Do you think they are an own species or are they just magical helloween costumes?
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the coolest.
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They are really neat.
you were lurking, then you posted with your tripcode
you, labeled wuma, started posting with you tripcode a few minutes ago, ya weenie
you were doing good by not posting with your tripcode, that was good
what you are doing now is acting like a weenie by posting with that toxic tripcode
ironic¡ ≈shítposting is still £shitposting
which includes your posts, stop
Ωironic πshitposting∆ is ºstill shitposting
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Crossover when?
ironicƒ shitposting is •still shitposting¶
That's really cute
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I sort of miss moonstuck.
ironic˙ ∂shitpostingå ∑is √still ¬shitposting
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but ive been lurking since i got home today, only to post like, 5 times, never as anon
ironic shitposting≥ is still… shitposting.
ironiç shitposting≤ is≤ stillº shitposting•
Wow that size difference
oh shit I thought I had this one filtered.
that's bad
stop being a weenie and take off the trip
we can still identify you by you filenames and your grammar
you WERE doing good
you are not raiding
you are being a weenie
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it gets cuter
I love how she's taller than them in the middle one, but they're almost one head taller than her in the bottom one. I really dig nice size differences
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Damnit twilight. Lusting after your brothers dick is not alright.

She fucked the batguard duo in between breaks
I liked this comic because I want to see some bromance between these two.
ironicLshit‘posting«is still shit–posting

He's a regular of weenie hut general
I feel like puking.
I know
what a weenie

>Mother Bat doesn't have batwings



ironic∫˙∫˙∆shitpost√√ing ˜˜˜is stillˆˆˆ shitposting √√√
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trips rly are that much of a needle in the eye for peoples around here?
are you also against thread ID's?
securetrip is just to get my trip unbanned btw
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What about just watching them sleep?
ironicπ¬πshitpo∫˙∫sting is stiçƒçll shitp˙∫˙osting

Because it's blatant attentionwhoring. Do something that warrants parading around the thread with a trip, let alone the avatarfagging.
...i dont get it
Barbara Kesel is doing the writing for the Fluttershy micro. The same dude who did the art for the Dash micro is doing it for the Fluttershy one, but it looks like he got a bit better.

Pinkie's micro is after Fluttershy's, then Applejack's, then CMC's.
iår∫oçn∂i´cƒ ©s˙hˆi∆t˚p¬oµs˜toiπnœg® ßi†s¨ still√ ∑s≈h¥iΩt∑p≈o¥sΩt≤i≥n÷g“
Is this where the ponies are?
hehe. but seriously, where does the name "brad" come from?
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They look pretty retarded to me, brother
iroßnic shitpåosting is sti∂ll shitpo®®®®®sting
The new guy is a carbon copy of twilights brother. He acts/looks/does/likes things just like him. So by getting together with him she can have all the nasty crush sex she wants to have with her brother without the stigma of incest.
ill fucken wrek u m8

There's a point where enough is enough and we have clearly passed it.
do you not read the banners, weenie?
>secure tripcodes are for jerks
don't be a jerk
don't be a weenie
do what another poster, by the name of scootanon, does
keep the filenames, keep posting styles
ya weenie
Teh new guy "looks" like SA.

Not really.
I don't feel bad about incest, only about my waifu getting boyfriend.
ironic sßhißtpostingß ißs sßtill sßhitßpßo∂sting
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Every day /b/ raids us I learn something new about regex.
årånåc shåtpåstång ås ståll shåtpåstång
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Now I'm looking through equestria prevails' deviantart again.

Why doesn't he just make a comic already please! I feel bad because this stuff makes me want to write fanfiction.
iro“nic shitpßosting is sti“ll shi˙tposting
iroπnic shitpos∂ting is sætill shit©˙posting
iron∆ic shitpoƒsting is s¬till shitpo©sting
iroßnic shitp©ƒosæting is ¬still shƒitposting
iroånic shitpo¬stiæng is s∆till shitpos˙ting
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>Do something that warrants parading around the thread with a trip
i cant draw or write storys

securetrip is just to avoid my tripban
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Don't be hating now.
does do anything else other than pony? does he have a different alias?
ir¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡onic shitpoßsßtßißngß ßißsß stillß shitpostingßß
None. Just this stuff as far as I can tell.
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you're trying too hard, you're gonna lose all your energy :D
So how long until this shit gets ponified like everything else?
I miss ika
iroonic shitpo∑sting is s´till shœitposting
hopefully never
>ponified Twilight and Brad
like I said, ya weenie
don't post with the trip, at all
it wont be banned, and you won't be called out as much
no cares about scootanon, so if you do the same, we won't care about you
simple stuff that even a weenie like you should understand
l≥ronic shitpostin≤g lsstill shltposting
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I don't read fanfiction but I would read this. If someone ever writes something as quality as this art about this shit I would be all over it.
Twilight/Brad porn when?
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What do you mean?

Dooks made this by the way
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Whatever makes her happy, I guess.
Is Brad a bard?
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>trixies big debut

Sam, just because I want to be forcibly transformed into a mare and thrust into servitude for the royal guard, doesn't mean I'm a weirdo.
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EQP makes his stuff kind of grimderp though.

He should stick to cute and silly.
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>it wont be banned
it alrdy is
call me out as much as u want, if that makes u feel better, why would i take away a trip for 1 single tread when noone has complained elsewhere?
i think your missing the point of anonymous
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Yeah, weird how there's nothing with them yet. Though I haven't really checked

He plays a guitar.
here here!

pegasus or unicorn? night or day guard?
Actually, I could guns in the Griffon Kingdoms if it's ever explored, i mean the ponies knows bullets anway, right?
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>"Help o-nay-chan, Ah'm stuck in Japan!"
night guard
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and they've got magic shields and shit so there's no reason for them to look into firearms all that much. Griffins with guns though would make sense in the industrial age they've got going on.
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does that matter?
just because this is 4chan, it doesn't mean that that is a valid excuse to be a weenie
don't be weenie just because everyone else is acting like weenies
do you want to be a weenie, ya weenie?
>butmad scriptkiddie has resorted to spammign images at us instead

my, thats cute
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>all this spam
mah nigga
Are there any wreck it ralph fics? Something good?
>the night wears on, and the two of you share many more dances together.
>all traces of Trixie's previous reservations have vanished. she rocks her body to the fast songs, and sways sensually to the slow songs.
>at one point the two of you even get a little crowd watching you. she especially enjoyed that one.
>but all things must end, and before long the last song has been played and your classmates are dispersing to go home, or to after-parties with their friends, or to spend time with their sweethearts.
>you drive Trixie home and escort her up the walkway to the door.
>as you escort her up the porch steps, you can't help but notice a subtle change in her behavior compared to last week when you had built up the courage to ask her to the dance.
>she walks with more spring to her step. smiles wider. laughs with more sincerity.
>and that flowing cape and conical hat she's always wearing are now being held in one of her hands, showing off her silky blue hair, a bit messy from a long evening of dancing.
>she's almost...glowing.
>standing at the doorway with you, Trixie looks up at you with a bashful smile.
>"Trixie...enjoyed herself tonight and thanks you for accompanying her."
>returning her smile, you take her hand in yours, a gesture she returns with a gentle squeeze.
>"It was my pleasure."
>Trixie's lips move as she stutters out fragmented words.
>"W-Would...would you care to...accompany me again...someday...? N-Not necessarily to a dance, but...but somewhere!"
>"With me..."
What would Neighpon be like?
Do you think they'd even have ponies, or would they have some other manner of inhabitant?
Generic name for male highschool crush who loves the bullied girl and is perfect in every single way.
someone on derpibooru I think. there was the usual scuffle there over names for tags but brad won out.
>tfw weeaboo Sweetie is ded
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but clock is late, off to bed
its easier to hide my post if i has the trip tho

>DT's VA joins Twitter
>She seems like a nice person

Damn, I was hoping that in spirit of her character she'd at least act demeaning on her twitter account...
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They have samuraipons
Brad is the generic "sensitive perfect cool guy," just like Chad is the generic "crude abusive asshole guy."
There's a slightly old adventure fic where the main 6 had to go to Neighpon to deliver a package from Celestia. It was really really good, though I never finished it and forgot the name.
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I would be much of a guard as I would be a nightslut
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oh madmax. Sometimes you do funny shit.
>popped a molly
>I'm sweatin'
>Woop woop
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>you will never rise the rails with a changeling hobo.
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You guys are quickly proving yourselves even more autistic than lunafags
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Why the hell would they make Spike a dog? He's not a pet.
>that bag of love
I'd love to.
I want equestria girls to go away.
I also want more horses.
Will there ever be another season?
Isn't that how nightguards work?
"Hey, stud, you don't wanna go in there when we can have so much fun out here, do you?"
They might even end up as autistic as you someday!

He should have been the little brother.
I think they're already there.
I didn't expect to get hit by this feel so hard.
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What if Changeling hobo disguised as Hobo Pone and tried to steal some of her moolah?
Because they already fucked the origional idea (went from you can be anything girl to OMG IM A PRINCESS ROFL W00T)

so might as well tack on a pet dog that every wannabee princess/rich girl has.
Dogs are considered cute fashion accessories these days.
>"I love...my hips...and my butt too~"
>"Don't you...Anon...~?"
I'm gonna punch Tess in the dick if he doesn't update Hobo Pony
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I just said I wanted to be a batpony mare and join the night guard. I think being an autistic lunafag is already pretty heavily implied right?
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and tanks and cannons and airships and locomotives and some kind of steam or internal combustion engines, whatever was driving the floats in the harvest parade thing

pones seem to be aware of much, even if they may not make use of all of it
hobo pone with moolah? Poor changeling hobo isn't that bright.
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I want to be in the slutty mare nightguard squad
I bet pone would love >>>/out/
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I checked the archive for your filename just in case you were sentenal but I found a much more pleasant surprise instead. I like your stories, despite your autism. Have a good day.
>checking the entire archive just to see if they were someone
are you serious
do you have nothing better to do
he's autistic anon, he can't help himself
I don't know how to respond to that but it gave me the warm fuzzies somehow. thanks.
It takes maybe 4 seconds, total. You're grasping for straws here.
The concept is autistic, but searching the archive for a filename isn't too difficult.
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did anybody cap that?
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Short story about 98 year old man who smoked weed since 1936.
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I've had enough of this for a while, I think.
Any quick draw requests I can do?
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What does that have to do with pony?

God I want to tickle those hind legs of hers.
Christ this is cute.
Draw Spike hanging out with the diamond dogs
Pony Twilight and Pony Brad kissing
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nothing at all
it was funny
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>tfw no qt dogbutt to use as a pillow
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I am sure there are pones that would enjoy rugged outdoor adventure
i want to see Rarity's dad talk about his old hoofball glory days.
On it, Coach.
I don't think I've ever really drawn diamond dogs before. This'll be an adventure.
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What about Applebutt?
Barrel chest, gorilla arms, and a hunch
you're strange...
I just searched too because the anon got me curious. I also liked his story.

Watch out anon, autism is contagious.

No it's not.
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Soon we did everything together
He taught me how to fly a kite
I watched him grow into a stallion
I watched him sleep in bed at night
It's not creepy

people are strange when you're a stranger.
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I would rather dogbutt

Sorry AJ
I went full retard.
Disgusting furries.
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Inky and Blinky are good pones. I hope the micro comic has them.
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women seem wicked when you're alone.
would you hug your pony doppelganger?

Yes, and fuck it, and let it fuck me.
Is pony doppelganger a pretty mare?
I hear if you catch it once you can't get it again so I think you're safe.
someone go here and draw someone as a pony

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Yes, and much, much more.
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>Having to deal with my douchebag,cynical,teasing pony doppelganger

He'd want to sleep in the bed.
I'd tell him no.
and he wouldn't let me sleep for the entire night.
Then he'd watch me play video games and make jokes all the time
I'd probably end up raping my pony self
and he'd probably turn me into a pony for some awkward selfcest BDSM thing

He'd probably mind rape me into submission.
I can't help but imagine the squeaking
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don't mind me
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Did you make that?
I'm sure you's annoy him just as much.
That reminds me. Are any of you going to try and make a banner for that banner contest moot's eventually doing?
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>Big Mac will never ask where your nuclear wessels are
>not blue shirt
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Is the anon from yesterday who wanted this colored on?
I tried giving this a texture to see how work.
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but I already did this
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Shading could be better and the perspective is off.
They tell me not to stick your dick in crazy but...
I would fuck that pony.
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What an odd pairing.
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>pones will never time travel to abduct whales

this makes me legitimately sad
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What if you impregnated your pony self and she popped out perfect clones of yourself?
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How would a pone Action Park be like?

And why is it that /v/ theme park threads are always so chill.
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I love humans kissing ponies so much. Imagining that big, warm tongue going wild in my mouth, all that saliva, moans, heavy breathing and animal lust.
oh my
what texture is that?
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Nigga i'm jelly as fuck
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Maybe. A pony related one would be difficult to do though unless it's funny enough to be appreciated by everyone. I think someone suggested editing that chair throwing gif to turn the chair into that cardboard cutout of the stock Twilight vector. That would be good.
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What if pony sprung fully formed from their fathers' foreheads?
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8/8 end (for now)
Athena pony would be best princess.
>I Fucked My Aunt
that's nice, weenie

They would be very wise ponies.
You drew that? Amazing stuff

Ponies are not Athena. They don't do that.

That's some really black coffee.
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I wouldn't although I wouldn't let him eat my food,drink my drinks or sleep in my bed.
I just know that's something I would do if I was the pony in that situation.

Hopefully I wouldn't pull "I'm a cutesy pony version of you! Let me curl up in your lap".

Time to practice drawing.
>Trixie beams as the words leave your mouth, her hand tightening its hold on yours.
>a long moment passes in silence, as Trixie's eyes dart from side to side as though trying to find the right words to say.
>at last she looks back up at you and inhales sharply, a determined look on her face.
>and stepping forward, she closes the distance between you and rests her lips over yours.
>her cape and hat crumple in a heap by her side as she puts her newly-freed hands against your back, holding herself against you.
>after a moment's shock, you lean in to the kiss, putting your arms around her and hugging her tightly.
>how long the two of you stand there with your lips intermingling, you can't even hazard a guess. all you know with any certainty is that it isn't nearly long enough. it could last an eternity and it wouldn't have been long enough.
>but eventually, her lips are forced to seperate from yours, and Trixie takes a step back.
>"Tri...I, hope to see you again soon..."
>collecting her cape and hat off the ground, she opens the door to her house.
>"Me too, Trixie...me too."
>turning, Trixie takes one last, long look at you with a pair of violet eyes shimmering with moisture.
>"...Thank you..."
>and then, the door is slowly shut.

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I want to pet crazypon.
Says you.
Have you checked?
>owning pony merchandise
what if you appeared at your pony doppelganger's place in equestria where he lived a similar parallel life? I'm pretty sure you'd annoy him.
you know, I haven't tested all of those
I really should do that
What';s the buzz?

buzz is my cat
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>Implying I wouldn't turn him into a submissive pet
I'm into it, he'd be into it too.
So if your turned into a pony and appeared in equestria, and somehow spilled your spaghetti about being a human, and they carted you off to the happy home...

would you be best friends with screwy pone?
That is among the silliest cat names I've heard. Others include Pixel, Bisque and Skeletor.
oh that's so supercute
Hey, just finished up something cute, thought I'd come on over and share it with you guys.

Also, thanks to the anons that helped me figure out what the hell Rainbow Dad's cutie mark was.

Whoa. Beat me to the punch. I'd like to do more of her sometime soon, but more cute stuff first.
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My other cat is named Tank!
...Is this supposed to have racist connotations? Because otherwise I'm not seeing the obligatory edgy element.
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>people copying toxic marios style of comics
I'd get another one and name it Neil just so it makes sense.

My cats are two russian blues name Hawkeye and Trapper.
So whats going on today?
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Now I'm sad that this will never happen to me.
Are you going to cap it?
Are your cats killing machines?
I don't know whether to be sad or not

>more cute stuff first

How about Nightmareity using her dark powers of the night to make pretty clothes for her nightmare minions?
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Oh yeah, and my last cat before these two was named Heatmiser, because his fur looked just like Heatmiser's hair.

Neato. Can't wait.

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much better
Their legs look a tad weird in the image to me but its so cute.

what kind of cute stuff?

Have you drawn any of those hippie commune ponies yet?
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brb, gotta go find a crazy white cat to name Angel.
Seconding this. Part of it seems to be missing in the archive.

Goddamn Dash stop stuffing your face you fucking fatass I hope you choke to death.

Mew is going to totally beef it.

Oh. My. God.
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I'd plan my escape with her.

Buzz is small and lanky and likes to run a lot. He's also the smartest of the two, although he has a shorter temper.

Tank is big and somewhat chubby. He likes to lie in the shade and comes inside to use the cat box instead of just taking a shit outside. He also gets lost a lot more easily even if he's just in the neighbor's yard. He's not as bright but somewhat more affectionate than buzz.

They haven't really killed anything yet other than ants and spiders although they like to chase turkeys and dogs out of the yard.

#blog updated

I don't want to sit through another brony presentation.

Just give me the gist.
like nothing at all?
#dull on all boards
Fat guy sings Discord and dances while a pony montage is played behind him
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>tfw wish i could draw

this would be a perfect twilight sparkle/diamond dogs comic.
>sings Discord

I don't remember Discord having a song.
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That is.. Quite the autism.
Next one involves princesses and casual wear. It'll be pretty fun. Nothing as of yet with hippy pones. Flax seed needs more love

Only if I'm paid to insert them, my dear Anon. Or if it's otherwise appropriate. Usually paid to do so, though.

And thanks! Hoping to get this next one kicked out pretty soon.
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>Zach Braff's Movie Kickstarter was a scam

Ha. Fuck your shit.
are you retarded?
>tfw you suddenly realize you've been walking in the wrong direction
>tfw trying to discreetly pause, take out your phone, and pretend to text someone or check the time before casually turning around and walking back in the right direction
there was an episode with this. Something about buffalo? Nah... that can't be right.
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You have single handedly redeemed mlpg.

you get toast

Oglaf is funny half the time, and painfully, horribly unfunny and shit the rest.

Fuck that,

I just turn around and go the right direction.
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just posting this for link
So much talent wasted on human vagina.
Great job, anyway.
wrong tab
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Fair enough.
mare vagina is gross
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Diffierent strokes for diff folks.


>Flax seed needs more love

Then draw him getting some sugar and basking in the afterglow with that bangin' hot wife of his.

Bonu points if Rarity is there too.

Was it in that shitty S3 episode? Or the EG trailer?
I'm actually not sure what to do with Nightmarity next. Could be cute, might be sexy. Should be both, I think. Whatever inspiration strikes me on down the line should turn out pretty cool, I'll bet.

Nightmarity dressing up Larry would be pretty cute, though.
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>mare vagina is gross
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Welp it's time. Pinkie i'll let you take this one.

That's pathetic

>no hippie pones


I'll gib bronybux and by bronybux I mean ERP coupons
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This. Wheat Grass is a total qt
I guess that's true.
Damn, that's one sexy image.
I can't. I'm on mobile. would someone else be so kind as to do it?
and what's missing? if it seems like it starts abruptly, that's cuz it does. it was initially in reply to a comment about wanting to invite EQG Trixie to the prom. the janitor must have deleted it along with the picture.
>By Eurobeat Brony
>One of the most widely know 'brony songs' in existance
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It's really like you want to stick out like a sore thumb.


When you're strange... faces come out in the rain...
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Fuck Flax, Wheat Grass only has 4 pics on the booru.
Who? Tombstone made that.

I could cut a steak with that ear.
I really like that pone
>brony music

So then I was right, there is no actual Discord song.

I bet he totally reeks.

Rarity probably loves it despite her mock protests.
dried grape when?
Yeah it's that. Though since I'm using Appchan X I can't cap it.

I could pastebin it if you want.
Bugger, knew it was one of the two...
The fact you had to ask, is why youre retarded.
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Eurobeat posts in these threads
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MLPG, I think I'm falling in love with this horse. Wat do?
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call you mother
Relax, at least you didn't waifu a background pony.

Oh god what is wrong with me

>She leads her country ably despite her tragically twisted, crippled right hand.

>"Duuuude I'm soooooo hiiiiigh."
can someone post that collection of these ironic faces
>I'm backpedaling so hard right now.
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>tfw you tongue Celestia's anus
Eurobeat made it, tombstone just made the (more popular) remix

plus eurobeat posts here fairly often, usually with new song material or stuff he's working on
he's pretty cool

When cooperating with an artist on a porn flash, it's a good idea to keep the quality consistent.

Mittsies knows how to draw a vagina.

You do not.

A vagina is not an upside down T with a perfect circle of darker skin tone around it.
I liked them better when they weren't all "master ruseman"
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Did he ever finish that one sketch with her and the CMC?
>tfw you inevitably hit a piece of penis

>Flax smokes like Willie Nelson
>When someone says they can smoke a lot of weed, he invites them to smoke with him
>he keeps putting more and more joints in the rotation until they're forced to try and smoke multiple joints at once

>"H-hey, Flax... uh... thanks for the smoke-up, but I got stuff to do later, so... um--"
>"You had enough, dude? Do you yield?"
>"W-wait, what?"
>"Do. You. Yield?"
>"...Yeah. BIIIIIIG pot-smoker, huh?"
>A vagina is not an upside down T with a perfect circle of darker skin tone around it.
Of course not, everyone knows a female bottom looks identical to a lowercase i.
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So elegant and majestic.
yes please
Ah, right, so, im being le epic rused.
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Anon pls learn the ways of google.
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no, you just got friendly japed
calm down

Squeeze her tail and rub the little fleshy nub at the base.
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>lowercase i
( i ) \
| || |
Embrace it.
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If only I could, anon... if only I could...
I want to make a sexy robot pony OC named Black Velveteen.
...Is there anymore of this?

I don't think I've seen anyone else spam pics their waifus as much as these fags.
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what's it to you what pony other people enjoy?
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she loves you, no matter how much you hate other anons.
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That's because her form is stunning.
Twifags and Pinkifags post theirs a whole lot too. Still wondering if this depends on the time of day.
Would you celestiafags still love your waifu if she was corrupted and turned into a changeling?
>If I dont like it, it's spam
>If I do like it, it's a god tier thread
>tfw I would actually enjoy that
>tfw I was a Twifag before a Celestiafag
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depends. Does she love me simply to use me for my love or is she still selfless about it?
Fuck, seems like i missed the EG Trixie pic and now it's gone. Shit, does anyone here have the previous thread still open?
I don't love her.

Won't happen.

And it's okay, I love her because deep down she's delicate and won't be able to resist me if I tried to rape her. Ruler of the land, turned into a crying, struggling sex toy
Is there something wrong with your brain and/or heart?

Then do it.
Don't like royalty
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It's not rape if she asks for it, anon.
forget the deleted parts. they're vestigial.

>implying you could rape a creature of her size able to pin you down with her massive rump and then suck you off with her powerful horse mouth muscles and cause you to lose consciousness immediately
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If I told you I had no idea what I'm doing, would you believe me?
Because I have no idea what I'm doing.
Spitfire pls draw this horse >>10612909
a-anon... please... my boner can't take this
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I can almost touch you!

Pretty good so far. Rover like a bit chubby though. Diamond dogs have weird gorilla proportions.
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>>tfw you inevitably hit a piece of bread
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Raisin is a qt

I still haven't read the last adventure
Thanks. And here it be for those that care.

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i just dont know what to say about this
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Did you forget Anon?
>from the artists dA
>Rarity - I just wanted to make her fat and with small breasts because I know several people that is involved with fatshion, and Rarity seems to be the kind of person that sees beauty in more than one form. She can make whatever work.

i am mad. at first i didnt want to insult this since i thought it was some young kid, but it is a grown woman in animation school.

also today i learned the word fatshion is a real thing.
To be perfectly honest, I would not mind it if Trixie appears in EG like that.
I didn't know they hired Ross to do design.

The Twilight looks good at least.
How does being in animating school excuse her from anything? You can still be total shit and be in a real school.
Look at the hips and lower legs.
I believe in Leth.
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Let's be honest. If you could, would you?
did you half a chance to look at those beefy legs, where only the bottom half of the leg is fat?
thanks anon
She... she looks great on that picture.
could what?
talk about science?
sure, why not
i never said it did, i judge her harder because she is in animation school and should know the basics of design.

Those look more like big leg warmers than the legs themselves. Also I don't know what you mean by the hips.


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It's amazing how good fanart can make something ugly look good. Just as the Pokemon fanbase.
not interested in highschool kids
>implying there is one universal design pattern
>talk about science with purple human horse
What kind of sick person are you? Regular purple horse, but human? You can't be sure where she has been.

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I would fuck that shadow so hard.
>not interested in highschool kids

why do people think diversity means, everyone is ugly
so why not talk about science?
see if some laws are the same
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>tfw you are forced into accepting multicultarism but if you say you don't like it you're an evil racist.
Oh man, does anyone have that "Equality/Diversity" pic shepard did with Dash/FS/Pinkie's breast size. That was hilarious.

>these guys just got 200k from kickstart to make an album, 4x what they ask

can someone who understand music please explain this
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>Not obsessed with aesthetics, including fitness
She would probably work out more than Dash or AJ, since both are more concerned with function than how they look.
Horses in Neverwinter Online make me rock hard. I'm looking at my mare's sweet ass every time I ride her.
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No, but have this
Is RD's buttocks sinking?
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>see if some laws are the same
In the universe where pinkie sense is a thing, it's impossible for us to share laws of physics with them.
Science is hard. Purple human girls would rather talk about proms or princesses. Or Prom Princesses.
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I have thisadvance repeco

at least make it pone related

>poni parade at 37k
>delusional rarifags
>Not liking other cultures and peoples
>not a racist

lol, wut?
>accidentally putting my captcha into the text
And her vulva is drooping.
And her arm is broken.
And she has three chromosomes.
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Maybe she is just wearing it like old man pants?
Skirts like that can be worn pretty high.
There it seems to be hiked up to her breasts.
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I will find you and I will shove a rusty nail up your dick.
I have nothing against their culture or people. I just want to live with everyone whos my kind and not be forced to experience other cultures if I don't want to.
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f-fuck you
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>Not wanting pony to be like the BK KIDS CLUB
Well OK but that's blatantly racist.
I'm more concerned with the way her legs point, then how high up her belly is. The latter is pure design and liquid, the former is form and static.
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And im glad it's dead
Don't get at me. That's what Hasbro and DHX are cooking.
Not him but how is that racist? He said he doesn't want to be forced into it.
What do you think this is? Take your shitty wishes and fuck off back to >>>/a/
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>filename related

I think I just became a Trixiefag again.
>mad at me
>Not liking the BKKK
People compared you to IQ, didn't they?
How am I being racist? If I was going around saying how terrible those people/culture is then yes that would be racist. I just want to have nothing to do with them/it at all.
>segregation now, segregation forever
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Damn it feels good to be a gangsta.
That's my exact point: this has nothing to do with style, it's just blatantly wrong. (Supposing of course the work was meant represent human anatomy in strict, realistic sense.)
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awww yeah nigguh
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s-shut up....
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>TFW too much gangsta
Niggers please jam!
>one culture/people is total shit
>another culture is good/progressive
Okay fine
I'll go back to talking about pony.
/pol/ pls go
There are no gods, no men, only ponies.
policepone is secretly a nazi
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Are you redpilled to best pony yet?
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you cannot escape /pol/

no one can
Rand pls, this is no place for objectivism.
Would you let a pone impregnate you?
any have that "we dont serve transfats here" comic
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See this is why I like ponies. They don't let anyone but their kind be first class citizens and all the pones are based of white girls (don't even try, the mane 6 are completely white).
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>People actually think S1 wasn't the best season
>Not remembering the best scenes
>The hydra escape
>Twilight's scuffle with NMM
>RD's train fight
>the fight with the manticore
>RD performing a rainboom and saving Rarity just in the nick of time
>The rock slide
>Fluttershy telling off the dragon
>The CMC being hunted by the cockatrice after finding Twilight's frozen body
Name at least three "action packed" scenes in any of the other seasons. Hint: You can use the changeling fight scene in The Canterlot Wedding
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Truly best reality.

All hail our great and powerful sun goddess.
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wwould you?
Don't you realise Anon? Equestria was founded on objectivism.
Celestia is alternate universe Ayn Rand. Think about it.
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No, would you impregnate a pone?
Yes, if we were married.
This is bait for another 'pregnant lyra with your kid' thread isn't it?
when New Leaf comes out I'm going to visit all the Rarifag towns and steal all their fruit and stomp their flowers
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Not badly drawn though, kudos.
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All those scenes sucked
The best action scene was King Kong Spike followed by Scootaloo sleep scooting
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Dooks drew that like, 898942 hours ago.
It's not the drawing.
It's the concept.
I noticed whenever a picture Dooks drew is posted someone says "Dooks drew that"

Is there something I'm missing?
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Changeling fight scene.
Tornado in Hurricane Fluttershy.
Chase scene in the last Roundup.
King Kong Spike in SOME

Atheists: 1
Christians: 0
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I just want to be recognized and loved
none of those responses make sense

Why does Fluttershy have horns?
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There is no pony, only Zuul
Welcome to MLPG.
Not this time bro.
We all do Dooks but the sooner you forget about becoming popular on MLPG and start trying to become popular on tumblr, the sooner you'll be popular on MLPG
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Why would anyone want Becoming Popular, that's a lousy song.
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Big McIntosh can be my keymaster anytime
Fake me, pls
Now, I've been gone for awhile, but are you implying MLPG is all but completely overrun by Jessytards?
>Straight haired pinkie and her imaginary friends
>not rarity whining
>noy Winter Wrap up
>not THe sonic ranbom
>not 'yay~'
>not the poison joke
>not the stare
>not, etc....
Guys pls.
Saying "I watch MLP for the action scenes" is like saying "I watch Johnny Test for the animation quality"
no, you pls
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fucking kill yourself
>Straight haired pinkie and her imaginary friends
I said action packed
>not rarity whining
>noy Winter Wrap up
>not THe sonic ranbom
>not 'yay~'
>not the poison joke
>not the stare
>not, etc....</