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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

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And it's getting worse and worse!

Old horse: >>>/mlp/10601776
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
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All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
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Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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Poka Poh
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I am your pony waifu.
Wow, someone saved the shitty picture I made and (apparently) uploaded it to tumblr.
I hope you're not talking to me.
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Mini panka pa
Okay, if you're my pony waifu, what am I supposed to do with you now?
You fucking faggot horse.
I had pony waifu once.
Then she got a cliche boyfriend.
2010: shows for girls don't have to be dumbed down and can be enjoyed by all ages and genders

>implying that's really him
I-it's just a coincidence...
How do I stop pinkies from popping out of my keyboard?
Does it really make much of a point?
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I don't mind, actually. Come here and let me hug you!
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Get over here.
Stop eating at your keyboard you messy fuck.
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You don't
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So Sunset Shimmer is probably going to end up appearing on the show, since she has a pony figurine

She is also confirmed to be a villain

She is obviously a counterpart to Twilight, both in design, name, cutie mark and perhaps even personality


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Introduce Dashes to hunt them all
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will she team up with sunrise sprinkles?
But I don't want my Pinkies to get hurt.
>implying they'll "hurt" the Pinkies
Oh, did I post my picture? I did on mlpg.co/art/
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Do you put marshmallows in your coffee, MLPG?
I fucking hate this concept.

>mfw they will bring back Thundercunt as anti-Rainbow Dash etc to assemble the ELEMENTS OF DISHARMONY

I always hated the concept of evil counterparts, and especially for the Elements of Harmony it makes no sense.
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No i put silver and diamonds in it.
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Personally, I like Twilight-with-a-haircut/futa edition Evening Gleam on the derpibooru tag
Coffee doesn't work for me. I don't like it anyway, tea master race.
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it doesn't matter what YOU think

It would be so comfy to be with her.
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It matters what the writers think
pony and brony sound alike.
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is she thenken about dresses?
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Dang right. No one's comfier than the Dash.
It should though.
So Sunset Shimmer is going to act as a recurring villain in season 4, And then learn her lesson and turn good in the season finale after she teams up with the others to take down a mayor villain that came from nowhere?
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a female brony is a phony
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>If FiM has taught me anything, it is to not make conclusions on something you don't know about until you've actually seen it. I look forward to this spin-off impressing me like its parent show did those two short years ago.
>overarching plot
I don't think so, Tim.
>implying Rarity won't become an alicorn princess
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But Dashie, we've been dating for years now!

Isn't your rule63 name different?
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>Sunset Shimmer after getting engulfed
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Then state your opinion more civilly.
Je suis un poney.
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Her rule 63 name is Sanic
Maybe? I just wanna see evil counterparts for the rest of the main 6
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bonne chance, anonyme
cars was the worst villain
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>1 KG
looks legit
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Fuck Lightning Crust, I want me some deliciously lazy Grayscale Force.
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>spoilering the marker
but why though
you're mom was the worst villain

but at least she is good in bed

which personhorse has a thick, healthy body?
"Evil counterpart" is a lazy excuse for creating villains, and I can't think of a single example where it is handled well and without too much cliché.

Also, elements of disharmony would make no sense because "element" implies that they work together, which contradicts the "disharmony" part. And if they wouldn't work together and have disharmony anyway, there wouldn't be much point in having "elements".
Now we are talking with edgy.
It doesn't matter, anyhow. The opposite of Harmony is Discord.
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>confirmed for ASB
Speaking of which, is anyone else having trouble accessing the archive? Was looking for something and it wasworking fine a few minutes ago, but then it started dieing and I now can't get anything to load.

A sexual brony?
Exactly. They pulled it off perfectly with a much better representation of the concept already, so there is no point at all in havign "elements of disharmony".
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Thinkgen about dresses.
>implying Sunset Shimmer isn't Sombra's Daughter
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Flutterbitch > Fluttershy
I just tried getting here with /go and the archive wasn't responding for me either.
Spoilers killed the archive.
When was the last time you watched pony, MLPG?
Actually, the oposite of Discord would be Cadende, at least if we go for literal meanings
Flutterbitch is boner-inducing
It started acting up a little bit before this thread was made, I think.
Flutterbitch will do things Fluttershy never would
It would be so comfy to be inside her.
last week. I watched Ponyville Confidential.
it was better than i remembered
Amen,brother. Flutterbitch is the only good fluttershy.
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That Karkat Lament song?
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I like the cut of you jib.
It's about the concept, not the word.

>a group of six benevolent, harmonizing individua being powerful by working together, ballancing out each other
>one individuum thrown together from several different, not harmonizing beings, who is powerful by being chaotic
how could it get better even though it's the best episode of the entire series?
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CRISIS: Equestria handled it best. Went beyond "lol grimderk ebil villins" and made them funny and charming.

Also, focusing on how they AREN'T defined by "Disharmony" rather than making them unsympathetic.

>Pic related: a sympathetic, likable, and funny character
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the other day when I watched the new trailer.
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>tfw Fighting is Magic
Season 3 finale
That's not Winter Wrap-Up
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Cue the solar eclipse!

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Season 3 finale.
I don't rewatch them.
Can someone help me find an old pic that No-Ink did?
It was of filly Twilight and Celestia with Celestia bandaging up Twi's knee. I've lost all my folders from way back when and this shitty ass thing isn't online anywhere that I can find, it's driving me mad but I want it for reasons. Anyone able to help?
nippone, monday.
fuk u i fukin hat u and respect your opinion
what billboard was that, the bridesmares one?
A year ago.
That's the only PMV I've ever liked. I didn't even like Florence + The Machine before that
And it's back up again
archive's back up
it even sees this thread
So, Sunset Shimmer is just another high school popularity queen. In autistic states of murica there is one in every schools. And because she didn't feel queennish enough, she went and actually stole a real crown from real royalty of foreign country. And she'll will get away with this, because autistic states of murica doesn't give a broken fuck about international law.
How is this plot not a bullshit?
Kill you areself.
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Vanilla Twilight
Suited for Success a week or so ago, read the Rarity micro again yesterday though.
What about it? I'm more excited for it now that it isn't about ponies.
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me too

My god, Howl... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKFiIwtEgQk
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Two days ago. I watched The Magic Duel because it had been a while.
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I know I'm going to get laughed at, but I think that Scourge is a somewhat decent twist to the "Evil counterpart" trope.
>How is this plot not a bullshit?
No one said it is not.
sleepy horse is kawaii
Fuck, I love owl city. Stop putting your goddamn ponies in my songs.
They hired the cheapest writers that they could find?
Who know
Who cares tough?
Sunset Shimmer won't be in the pony show so I don't care.
Guut bye.
what did i miss?
>don't believe Meghan's lies.jpg
What in the dicks are you doing, BCS?
>"Ohhh yesss~ You like that, don't you, pervert? Tonguing a girl's ass~ You're a dirty d-disgusting little boy~"
Yeah probably the bridlemaids, she's right though human poses is what ruined 3.5. Well that and shit writing, animation, and habsro being entirely uninspired.
Nothing of what you said is confirmed nor backed up by anything
A sticky, a trailer and a shit storm
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The trailer?
That song is great. The whole album is, actually. Actually, Florence is pretty fucking great overall.
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that's not me

who the hell are you?
The quality really dropped in the last hour and a half.
/b/ tards are around
Just ignore it
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MLPG, should I kill myself?
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Man, looking back through my old defunct folders is a trip down memory lane.
What's the reason, out of curiosity?
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Archie Sonic comic character. "Evil Sonic" that got frustrated with the fact that he was just an evil counterpart of Sonic so he decided to change everything about him in order to be seen as someone more than just an evil clone.
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i don't know who any of you fuckers are
you sound like a brony yes you should

He's amazing, because he's basically every Edgy Tryhard Sanic OC Donut Steel ever, but canon.

And it WORKS, somehow. I think that >>10605996 was an attempt along the same lines, because that's the only reason I can come up with as to why she's the universe's chew toy.
yeah who the fuck is bcspls?
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ahhh, the bread

they're not THAT bad...
who cares?

Oh god that's not actually BCS? I feel dumb for responding to it
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i dunno
Princess Celestia didn't get to know Twilight until after the magic test. At which point she earned her cutie mark.

Shitty fan art by artists who don't watch the show.

That or Princess Celestia is in charge of kissing booboos in grade schools.
>Scan drawn pone
>realize i forgot somthing important
>have to draw again and restart the whole process
>you sound like a brony
What how?
>donut steel design
>Quoting duke
No sir I don't like it
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The bread is where I get all my reaction faces from
>renaming songs

Absolutely disgusting.
All these people stealing remixes and renaming them need to be shot.
...Yes mama Fluttershy....
>Quoting duke
But the Duke was quoting someone himself. Everything the duke ever said was a quote.
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There's already a linkboard, fuck off.
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It's just BCS.
Actually, I feel that he works because of the slight metaness of his motivations (OC recolor that wants to be seen as someone unique and not a recolor) and the fact that he's seen as an actual threat and taken seriously.
I like how Scourge gave his old girlfriend AIDS then dumped her
Yeah, I know. The quote always makes me think of duke anyway.

Pretending to be retarded, etc.
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you guys are gullible
It was done on my request and I just really wanted to see it again. It was a super cool thing for him to do and I was sad I didn't have it saved anymore.
Thanks a lot for the help bro.
Goddamnit, I can't help but laught at >digest< every time I see this pic.
That art-style is so un-unf
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we /co/ now?

I like how Scourge's daddy never loved him
I believe Renne's cutie mark was an ankh right?
>No Game of Thrones .gifs
Who, Buns? They probably fucked, but it was inevitable since Bunny in the regular dimension would've gotten the same thing without the robotic lower half.
>"That's right, I'm your mama~ I bet you DO want to fuck your mother, don't you you little sicko~?"
>"Ngh...that's it...get it nice and deep in there~ Fill my tight little ass~"
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Thank you both.
>it's been a whole year since RenneQuest started
That whole back up was fucking amazing.
>And only like 5 months since it ended
Where the fuck is Nyx?
Nigga come on.
She didn't said Don't believe rumors, she didn't say she can't say anything. She said No she won't be in S4.
>and people are still praising it and fawning over the characters
I'm jelly
Also, just checked and it is up on Derpibooru, but it's tagged as being Pacce's.
Apple Pie Moonshine is god awful. At least the legal stuff is.

Tastes like fucking rubbing alcohol with just a dash of cinnamon.
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Oh look, Bowie has given you a gift wrapped in a pretty ribbon!
but what is the gift?
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With your head held high
And your scarlet lies
You came down to me
From the open skies
>He draws
You mean he commissions.
That would be why I couldn't fucking find it then
Don'tbelieveher lies
It's not big enough to be a dragon dildo. Fuck her gift I don't want it.
>Dead so fast i didn't even get it refreshed in
Ironic bronying is still bronying,bcs.
A bow.
Am I doing a good job, mommy?
D-did I make you proud?
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So why are there counterparts for the rest of the ponies in the EqG universe, but Twilight doesn't? And it's apparently the same deal with Sunset. Do Celestia's students just not have them?
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Oh my God.

Is this MLPG?
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where am i what am i doing
Twilight entered the body of her human version.

Sunset is Twilight's counterpart
MLPG never actually existed
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either bcs has gione full idiot or someone found her password.
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The one and fucking only.
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what does bronying even MEAN
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It's an alternate reality. Maybe Twilight never moved to "Ponyville" in human land
i would post freud.
but i want you two to go on~
Human Twilight goes to some private school, the equivalent of the gifted school for unicorns. Obviously none of her friends would have gone to that. She exists, just in the next town over.
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Remember me?
>implying she wasn't an idiot to start wit
She's insane nigga. Slowly descended in madness.

Malky pls go.
No, should I?
and still she doesn't post her tits.
>"Ahahaha! Look at you, touching yourself to licking a girl's butt! You should be ashamed of yourself~"
>"I bet you wanna put it in too, don't you, you little freak~? Feel my booty clenching you nice and snug~"
>"You want that, you little worm~? You wanna fuck me in the ass~?"
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>implyiiiiiing implications

What if at the end of the movie Twilight forgets everything went she goes back to Ponyville
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Now with vitamin K!
Can you imagine if we made coffee mugs that said shit like "World's Greatest Human"?
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another tragic end
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/b/ pls
I'm telling you guys. It can't be her. There hasn't been a single Game of Thrones .gif.
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Oh~ Anon~ put~ it~ in~ my~ horse~ pussy~
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...you shout and no one seems to hear...
I can imagine someone having one.

I still want a Pinkie Pie one that says something like "Party Hard" because I feel the way Pinkie looks in that picture in the morning.
I'd buy one
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mlpg pls
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File deleted.
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Hmm. Did someone notice that the picture in the book has the other 5 looking like young girls? Maybe they all knew each other since they were kids.
I kind of want one now.
Yeah, I noticed that. But I didn't notice Twilight was not on that picture.
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nice catch
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there happy now?
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that reminded me of part 5 jojo
where the fuck is that from?
There was another leak?
Y-yes, I want. More than anything. I... I can even lick it clean afterwards. Just let me in

That's where most the "there's no Twilight in EG" thing comes from.
Well that's when they were young.
Still pretty different from the pony counterparts
It's from the trailer
Where you been bro?
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It will never be the same again.
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It's terrible and it shouldn't exist.
>"Who could ever be proud of such a disgusting little creature? Wallowing in such filth...I can barely even stand to LOOK at you!"
>"You wanna make mama proud? Then make mama cum~"
>arguing with Digibrony
>he just stops answering
>I ask him why he stops answering
>"I think there is nothing else to talk about."
>He just leaves unanswered questions.
Why does he have so bad opinions?
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Man that film was so fucking tryhard.
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You're terrible and shouldn't exist.
oh, I only saw it once. Why are people looking into it? Why do you hateyourselves so much?
Aww, I wanted to look at it.
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Don't even know what film it's from
Absolutely starved for more information on ponies.
Google reverse image search the thumbnail if you can still see it
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Because there is nothing better to do at this point.
They're his opinions to have, why do they bother you so much? He has no need to defend them in the first place.

why is licking girl anus so arousing

is it the feeling of submission
...Sometimes I wish like that.
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so twilight goes into another dimension where there are humans?
I don't remember the name, but I remember seeing a nostalgia critic review.

The movie marker doesn't even have a last name, that I remember. he's too "intense" for last names.
What if human Twilight told Buck or whatever she was actually a pony and he thinks she's a crazy bitch and sends her to the mental ward
But when he makes videos about them, he should have a little more substance behind them, is all.
Yup. And it's 66 minutes long.
I-I don't think I can keep going on
I'm feeling weird...
It's not canon, ignore it.
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When I was fifteen, sixteen when I started really to play the the booptar. I definately wanted to become a boopsician. It was almost impossible because the dream was so big. I didn't see any chance because I was living in a little town. And when I finally broke away from school and became a boopcisian. I thought "well I may have a bit of chance"/ Because all I every wanted to do is boop but not only play boop. But compose boops.
At the time in /co/many, in 69,70, they already had MLPGenerals. So I would take my cape and go to a MLPGeneral and boop about maybe 30 minutes. I think I had about 7-8 boops. I would partially sleep next to the computer because I didn't want to get up and use the bathroom and that help me for about almost 2 years to survive. In the beginning. I wanted to do an album with the boop of the 50s, the boop of the 60s, of the 70s and then have a boop of the future.
I know the boopesizer, why I don't I use the boopesizer which is the sound of the future. And I didn't have any idea what to do but I know I need a boop so we put a boop on the 24 track which was then synced to the moog modular. I knew that it could be a boop of the future but I didn't realise how much impact it would be.
My name is Markerita, but everyboy calls me Marker Pony
What a long neck you have there,scoots
File deleted.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
So twilight's boyfrand has officially been named Buck?
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Giorgio pls
They look so goddamn horrible.
And animated they are even worse
would you do this for your waifu
what's this copypasta edit from?
>getting laid tonight.jpg
that song was shit
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>samefag syndrome
why is it always men and no women on horse. I'm not gay for hairy men,damn it.
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are you sure Anon? the poor girls gets heartbroken when others don't accept her gifts.
Where can I find the trailer?
How can you say you love her if you won't even eat her poop?

she isn't, but how would that make you feel
does anyone have a screenshot of ponies crying?
I need it for reasons
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because horses aren't allowed in the kitchen
It's too late for that now. The damage has already been done.
You're shit
Nigga that thing is small. She is insulting my honor.
Fuck her and fuck her gifts.
If she retconned everything after Discord, sure.
If you like the episodes, sure, like them, you could still watch them. But I'd want her to follow her own vision again.
too little too late.
renzetti on the other hand...
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Twilight's skirt. My god. If my ponimouto tried to go out in something that short I'd ground her for a week.

It's a good thing Twilight didn't dress herself or else I'd feel like she has no sense of...

Well I guess a creature that doesn't normally wear clothes and has giant tattoos on her sides wouldn't make a huge deal about their entire upper thigh being exposed.
Eh. I don't really care about Faust that much. Call me when Rob is coming back.
>"That's right, beg for it like the little rat you are~ Beg to let me let you put it in my butt~"
>"Well come on then~ Don't keep mama waiting~"
>"Ngh...gh-!! MmmMMmmh~!"
>"Th-That's it...fill me up all the way, little boy~ Mmm, all the way...~"
>"Ahhh...i-is that really all there is? You're down to the hilt already? This is n-nothing! Not only are you a disgusting little pervert, you're also inadequate~"
>"But...haaah...as long as you're in there already...you might as well get to work~"
>"Get moving, mutt~"
Where can I find the Equestria Girls trailer, plsssssssssssssss.
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Dont feel too bad I guess.
Thank you.
she was mad he only last 3 minutes
I kinda feel sorry for the guy. I hope he'll sort his things out soon.

You know, if they use the CmC and make Recess lite with those girls, I would fucking watch it.
Did I miss the fun again? Fuck...
Anyone have a quick rundown of what's going on with Nanaki in the first place
Same here. They look the least bad of the characters.
>for me to let you
haha faggot
Those are appropriate dresses and very pretty. I like Scootaloo's sleeves. And she's wearing sneakers? That must be artistic license but still absolutely adorable and appropriate. Some girls just can't do heels I guess.

But those are prom dresses. We still don't know how outrageous their everyday clothes are going to look.

>inb4 Scoot's wearign purple short shorts, AJ is doing an overall dress thing and Sweetie is in a pure white dress with frills purple ribbons.
last night nanakis mom ripped up his comics he was selling on ebay and smashed his computer.

the mom called the cops to the house but nanaki never said why.
shut up and fap, you horrible little creature
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wuts that?
it's going to be skirts.
Probably because she realized he was a fucking furry in the porn business. Probably called the cops because she thought he was fucking animals but the cops couldn't find any evidence.

110% speculation here
is that it?
They don't look as shitty as the rest but why are Sweetie's eyes the wrong color?
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It's the lighting of the original scene,
a video of nanaki jacking off while wearing womens panties

he has a pretty nice dick
Fuck you, Scootaloo doesn't do girly.

Maybe they can get away with a really long shirt thing that -kinda- looks like a dress but it's not long enough? Then she can just wear shorts...

I want to believe.
Why is Sweetie Belle so small?
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tol lel
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>Fuck you, Scootaloo doesn't do girly.

AJ and Dash are wearing skirts.

I want to believe too
>finish work and sit down with my coffee to enjoy an hour of MLPG
>this thread right now
You are a constant stream of disappointment, MLPG.
why so many spoiler??
I play vidya
nanaki took the link down a while ago
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Is that sum Inami.
Art killed any interest in vidya I had
Applejack's ass in jeans would just be too sexual for the show.

Well, she's everything that's wrong with Equestria Girls.
M-mommy?.... I love you
Not him, but I don't want her in that situation. I want her to get off that thing and we both can do nice, cute things together, like putting bow ties everywhere.
What if there's a gym scene where they all wear gym clothes?
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Twolot Spakle should be naked from being in Equestria, and wonder why people are looking at her odd as Spike the dog rides on her back and shes on all fours.
I just want to thank the anon who posted the 'how to draw' collection which included some of Loomis' books, he's magnificent.
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which one?
>"Khh-!! Nngh!! A-Aaahhh~!"
>"H-Heh...! You're r-really enjoying yourself, aren't you Anon~? You love fucking me in the ass, don't you~? You're such a nasty little whelp~ No wonder you can't get a g-g-girlfriend~"
>"Yes...yes, yes, yesyesyesYESSSS~! D-Don't you dare stop! Don't even THINK about stopping until you've made mama cum!"
>"I w-want it...I want it NOW! I want your hot, sticky cum filling my ass! G-G-Give mama what she wants! Do it, do it, DO IT, FUCKING DO IIIIIIIIIIIT~!"
there won't be

they'll wear those giant boots and dresses everywhere for every situation

even in bed
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Are you wasting away in your show
Are you missing the love of Hasbro
Drifting and floating and fading away

Do you smell like a horse, humanized
Can you bear, EQD's on the rise
Drifting and floating and fading away
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You guys are weird.
Man, if this take place in Japan, things would be different!
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>"Sh-Shut up and fuck me~"
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it's ok dashie, I'm not here to hurt anyone
But Scootaloo would never fly!
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It would make sense though since Hasbro could sell even more clothe accessories.
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B...but this is not even the picture I posted. I don't even have this picture!
don't make me bust out the ovipositors and hollow sounds.
you want weird, I can SHOW you weird.
>those numbers
are those byte counts?
that is fucking huge
i know its wrong and i would never do it but i am glad bronies are sending tons of hatemail to the DHX staff.

the sethisto eqd post saying staff are quitting because of the hate sounds like complete bullshit though
Ah... it feels so good, mama... So warm and moist... My brain is melting...
Who cares. Those humanlike things are hideous.
What's wrong with you?
Staff is threatening to quit because
a) they are threatened by some people, not just exposed to hatred
b) they simply don't want to pone anymore
how else is shit going to get changed if people dont complain about the shit?
1,2 gigs
Worth it though.
They DON'T FUCKING CARE about bronies. It's a show meant for little girls, they won't change their policy for fat neckbeards.
i believe if there is enough hate, anything can change.
It sounds made up, or at least grossly exaggerated, yeah.

But it's one of those things I hope is true.
Pink with white polka dots?

Do you think the panties match the socks?
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>they simply don't want to pone anymore

Spoilers: Equestria Girla is for Tweens.
Fluttershy is going to kiss Dash
cap this post
i want to lift up the back of that skirt and just pound away at her tight teen girl pussy
oh jeez
can I have a link?
And while we're at it, hate towards staff members is just not fair. It's not their decision, it's Hasbro overlords pulling the strings.
And manchildren
>say this about horse fluttershy
nice, i would do the same
>say this about EQG fluttershy
ew gross pedophile disgusting
If some tranny and his soccer mom-rmy can change something, why cna't we?
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I think we all do

I'm hoping there's at least art of this.
Why should we?
What's wrong with you?
why would you eat an apple slice with a spoon
So? Doesn't change the fact that it's not aimed at bronies.
The point is, Equestria Girls was created to entice a different audience to watch mlp (like they wern't already doing so)

basicaly Hasbro wants the call of duty auidence, so EVERYONE knows that the thing is shit
The thing is that with all of this shit, the only realistic change that will happen would most likely be for the worst. I mean think about it, all of this hate, threats, and other shit and all of a sudden Hasbro pulls the idea and everyone and everything is just fine and dandy? I never really understood how the logic of us spewing hate and creating a shitstorm will actually change anything. It's not eating the shit Hasbro is giving us, it's simply not bitching about what we can't really change and what really isn't as big of a deal as we make it out to be in the first place.
Why shouldn't we?
that does make sense. someone needs to inform the bronies on how to properly send their hate.

it should be going to the writers,director and guy in charge of mlp at hasbro.
>"Oooh, that's a lot...nnn, I can feel it~ Filling me~"
>"H-Heh...you came inside my ass...dirty little boy~"
>"Oh my, look at what a big mess you've made~"
>"You'd better clean up after yourself~"

But it DOES changed the fact you can't just write it off as "a show for little girls" and ignore all its faults

Because its a show for tweens, which will naturally have different expectations.
Fruit is expensive as fuck here. In America. Can you imagine how much that meal costs?

Those girls eat giant fruit bowls like it's crack.
It's their JOB, they're not in charge of what they're told to work on. This is unneeded stress on people who don't deserve it.
We need our very own Operation Crazy,
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She's eating a fruit salad with apples in it, and she has a whole apple on the side.
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Which is weirder.
The pet pony/slutty mare guys or the Mama fluttershy guys?
Uploading it as we speak.
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oh my they're fucking adorable
The mama fluttershy guys. Definitely.
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She seems to be very releived to be off that crazy thing, even if she is embarassed for getting so worked up over it
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Nicole Oliver best VAifu.
I guess they wanted the girls to eat healthy but delicious.

So fruit.

No vegetables, no milk. Just fruit. Not even bread. Just. Fruit.

And some green burger. Which seems to imply it's some veggie bugrer?
I though you got it from a link
just give me that
they're the CMC of course they are.

Better as little ponies than weird multicolored people.
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kissing lesbian horses
the spoon is for her creamy vag juices
>Mama fluttershy guys

I don't think I've seen that
Nevermind all that.
So why should we care about this since Hasbro just wants to get a new demographic to buy their toys by making a new show riding on the fame of another one?
I mean okay it affects the normal show. This is true. But we don't know to what extent.

Shouldn't we wait to see how much damage they'll do before bitching? I mean what if at the end Twilight forgets everything about the human world? What if another bullshit explanation is given for this to never be mentioned again in the pony show?
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You and me both, brother.
the best part of anal sex

is the cumfarts
Speaking of which, when will we finally get actual hentai of pone? I thought it is a hit in Nippoy
I don't trust you
there was already a link
just give me that one
That pun didn't work without proper spelling.
It's in this thread, Anon
we got porn doujins months ago for comiket
Where's that from?
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Well fruit is delicious I guess.
i waited already and hasbro blew it with cadance and alicorn twily.

how many chances am i supposed to give hasbro?
i want to lick her feet while she encourages me in her soothing celestia voice
She looks exactly like humanized Celestia should look like, she just needs a different hair colour.

Speaking of which, rumours want it that Celestia will wear a tux in EQD.
Was maybe a week ago, oh, turns out I gave you the wrong link appears.
I would pat her on the head and take her out for ice cream. She can forget about that nonsense while we bowtie everything along the way.
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Because hasbro just wants to get a new demographic to buy their toys by making a new show riding on the fame of another one.

It's not healthy for the original IP. It could even be fatally toxic to Gen4 mlp, and considering hw much ofa golden goose it is Hasbro is retarded to do this.
Oh, I will clean it, like a good boy.
Thank you, mommy
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I don't know, but it shouldn't be hard to fund out.
what this?
Thank you, sweetie.
your welcome
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I want her on my bed.
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would you eat your cum out of mommy's anus as she farts it out onto your face

wet messy sloppy cumfarts
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and thank you, friend
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>Speaking of which, rumours want it that Celestia will wear a tux in EQD.

Oh my god. Source?
I simply want her to wish me a good night.
I am in love with her voice.
>wet messy sloppy cumfarts
UNF Not my own cum but I love stallion cum
>I'm not gay but there's something about Sonics scum
Only from a pony.
Some "leak" on /mlp/ that was telling us of Granny Smith being in EQD before the trailer was out. And it turned out Granny Smith was there as the lunch lady, and I think it also posted some vectors. Can't find it now though.
>not wanting to fuck Flutterbitch's ass while she insults and demeans you
what are you, queer?
Which is weird, because Twilight didn't even know her friends until well after they were all out of school in her world, so why should her potential counterpart be in a picture with them here?

Here's the pic from another thread
This one >>10578247 right? I think that same leaker mentioned Flash sentry too.
she wasn't supposed to be your ACTUAL mother...
Hey, MLPG.
I usually don't ask for anything here but I'm >>10607211 and I really need to fill my folder again.
Do you have any link for a rar with pony pics? Torrent maybe?
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Oh hi Treetrunks.
Sorry for that, though. I couldn't control my urges and I just HAD to make it mom-son incest.
>Not pounding her even harder, to the point she can't keep her focus
>Her insults just come out as garbled moans now
>Her tongue starts to loll out of her mouth, you can only barely hear her abuse between quick breaths
Oh, it was in the thread I have open in the other tab. Well, yeah, that's what I meant.

Try MLFW.com, theough those are more reaction images than anything.
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Aww man, now I have to post it.
its okay. I just interpreted it as some particularly kinky roleplay. goes with the whole "emasculation" thing.
> If you want to panic, start worrying about Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna in their pantsuits.
>Celestia and Luna in pantsuits

wwhy would I panic about that?
... What the fuck.
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why aren't you sleeping on a cloud
This is only S1 stuff, but at least it's something.

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I prefer to sleep on the ground thanks
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This is why a short skirt is bad.

One wrong move and suddenly the entire school knows you like to wear no panties at all.
Yeah, I was more looking for all kind of pics, by artists and all.
Man, freaking hard drive, losing 2 years 1/2 of pony like that... My first pic was the "be a dyke pony, eat candy vag" dash pic...
Feels so sad man ;_;
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Je t'aime
Top. Unf.
Maybe because of the terrible art style.

I get my humanized Celestia from maniacpaint anyway.
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Thanks, that'll do, for now.
Have a pic from the only folder I have left!
Exactly. That sounds pretty hot
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>"Honestly Granny Smith as a lunch lady, Trixie, even the CMCs happen as very short little cameos. I wouldn't spend much time freaking out about them."

>"I believe the boy's name is Flash Sentry.... "sentry" because in the pony world he was a palace guard.
He flirts with Twilight briefly in both worlds, but they never date and it's not the over-arching plot.
Much more time is spent on the Sunset Shimmer story, especially in the end."

>"I never saw a shopping scene, but there is some Glee inspired cafeteria song and dance.
Surprisingly I think it's the best song, maybe that and the remixed intro.

Hmm. This... actually doesn't sound too bad I guess.
Because everything in EqG looks horrible?
That's what you get for being a dumbass and storing all your shit on your SSD.
It jsut rolls of the fingers.
>not wearing shimapan
>woah, I have like fingers and shit
no that's what he gets for being a dumbass and deleting his backup BEFORE making a new copy
If they cut the retarded boyfriend shit out I could actually imagine watching it once its pirated
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nigga mine.
Hmm. That sounds pretty appropriate.
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Thanks for the filename.
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>Zat gif
>CMCs happen as very short little cameos. I wouldn't spend much time freaking out about them
Expectations. Dashed.
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It mentions that it's not really boyfriend shit, so I'm kinda relieved if it's true.

Hope she looks like this
Disgusting human monkey shit, this is the kind of shit that should be deleted by Scruffy.
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>her left leg
I hope she looks completely invisible
>those thighs and hips
...I'm sorry, was I supposed to be repulsed at some point?
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Yeah, that's the thing.
I had a backup from July, with at least 8K pics on them and all. It was full though, so when I saw my computer being slow and all, I deleted the old ones and was going to replace with the new one.
Turns out, the problem is a R/W problem. And the computer started blocking every minute for like 5 miutes, so I was planning to do it TODAY while I was away, even if it took like 10 hours.
But it didn't wake from the shutdown from yesterday...
is now your left leg
Bonbon get off the computer
would ask to the dance
Noo! Not my waifu!
gr pls leave
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Seth, pls
>so when I saw my computer being slow and all, I deleted the old ones
Jesus christ
D-does that mean I'm Twilight?
In animation that's called breaking a joint. It's not a bad thing. The audience doesn't even notice it unless they freeze-frame.

But if you take the portal back to Equestria while you are still Twilight, you'll be sent back to reality and Twilight dies
How're we all doing?

Need to wake up some, so taking draw requests now.
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naps are the best thing since ever

Holy shit. They must really love what they do if they can survive these conditions.
Gypsy Twilight
draw a pony
EG twidash
draw a fluttershy
Featherweight and Rumble fighting over a filly (to the death)
One of the main 6 sneaking up on Twilight while she's absorbed in her reading and motor boating her between wings.
Yeah, I REALLY dropped the ball on that one. I don't know why I deleted my old picture folder instead of just writing over it, I guess I thought it wouldn't crash like that...
Don't worry, I suffer it the most.
So will it have any major effects on her if I let myself get fucked by multiple people at once while I'm her?
Rarity vomiting in a bag as Twilight describes the clothes in the EqG world
No man, you corrupted my last reuqest and tortured Gloomy, no more requests for you.

chrysalis being annoyed while a bunch of young changelings run around her
this >>10607795

no death though
>implying she's not going to kill the changelings

Alright fine not to the death.

But they have to be over a volcano because they're both Pegasi
If you like it
She'll like it

Play things right maybe she won't mind you being in control.
... I don't follow.
Your HDD or SSD memory doesn't affect computer speed you dumbass
She cares about them in the comics though.
>"Go to the dance with Trixie? Haha! Well, it's only to be expected that you would be taken by Trixie's natural charm and beauty~"
>she tosses her hair as if to emphasize the point
>"Trixie supposes she could add you to her ever-growing list of applicants. Trixie has received so many propositions for the dance that she is having difficulty choosing one!"
>pulling out her notebook, she writes something down
>"Perhaps she could take them all, and have herself a harem of dates! Ahaha~!"
>unseen by you, the page has only a single line written in it
>it reads, "Anon wants to go with me!"
>with little hearts drawn all around it
It looks like she's saying "Why would you want my pussy"

captcha: was lowhot
Yes it does. Lots of programs frequently read and write from hard storage
That's the entire point with SSDs.
Oh, I derped to a full extent. I meant "he",referring to nobody.
so, does it or doesn't it?
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>>unseen by you, the page has only a single line written in it
>>it reads, "Anon wants to go with me!"
>>with little hearts drawn all around it

Oh fuck that is adorable. Someone needs to draw this.
what does affect computer speed?
It depends on how fancy your case is obviously
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>Corrupted,changeling,brood mother mane 6
the amount of eggs you're cooking on your nvidia card.
The memory doesn't. Having a full HDD or SSD doesn't affect performance. What you fill it with does. I don't know why he fucked with his pictures. Programs and stuff do, which is why you go through and clean your computer, not wipe fucking everything.
It's obviously how much each part costs, duh. The higher the price, the better the bleepty-bloops.
The color of your LEDs.
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The color of your LEDs

>Fruit Salad
>With seeds
>And leaves
>and stems

Oh come the fuck on!
How much depends on the application. Some applications will only get faster loading time, others get faster all-around (because they frequently write/read. e.g. web browsers)
A broken disk will permeate through most application and make most of them hiccup frequently.

I think i misunderstood your earlier post. I thought you said harddisk/SSD speed making no real difference. My bad, maybe i should have read more of the conversation.
/g/ pls
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oh you guys.

100% approved, I am from /g/ and I approve of these posts
That's the weird issue: it's not a fruit salad. It's just a bowl full of fruit.
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Chrysalis is always fun to draw
>Twilight's not Trixie slave
no boner
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>inb4 it ends up in broken hearts on suicides somehow
My uncle's /g/ and he says these guys suck
>eating with a spoon from a bowl of fruit
The magic around Twilight's horn looks like semen the way manicpaint draws it.
Hum, yes it does that's the point.
However, when my SSD started failing it was 100 times worse than before. Basically, it'd froze for 5 minutes with the LED flashing, and during that time each program one by one would still run until they actually need to access it, in which case they'd freeze too, until everything get "unstuck".
So, sometimes I could watch the rest of a youtube video while the rest of the computer was "frozen". It wasn't all the time, so it was bearable, maybe once per day, however any time I tried to copy my data on another disk, it would do it, multiple time, until I stopped the transfer between "unstuck" time.
So yeah, I was fucked, I was hoping putting it in an external HD reader would do the trick, sadly, I only got my new computer yesterday, and the thing shut down TODAY, so I can't read it. When I try to access it on my actual computer now, he can't even see the size of the thing...
But I am nobody's grandfather. I think i know something more than nobody's uncle.
Fluttershy isn't very bright.
oh man I hope so.
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There was a really unf blacktext about changeling mane 6
huh, there's a fic that the exactly like that until
(warning:ACTUAL spoilers)
That trixie was just dreaming and due to twilight's mind control magic, she is nothing but a pet for her
>Yeah, I

Fluttershy. Get off the fucking computer.
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Corsair SSD?
Who is the smartest pony (except Twilight)?
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>not posting it
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Fluttershy or Rarity.
The alicorns.
Yes, they're a unique entity.
No idea who these guys are, wasn't me who bought it, that's a mistake I'll never do again.
Problably a chinese bootleg shit.
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Do you guys know what the hell Rainbow Dad's cutie mark is supposed to be? I keep seeing it as a long, stretched tail below a pair of Rainbow Dash's legs, but I know that can't be it.

What is this damn thing supposed to be?
Well she is left-handed. She probably picked out Twilight's lunch too. And the girl in the background.

In fact I bet she started a petition for a more "animal friendly" meal.

So the school responded by cutting up a bunch of fruit and throwing it in a bowl and having milk unavailable for the day.

The burger is basically old veggie burgers unthawed from the early 90's.

The entire school threw a fit but it shut that yellow girl up.
6. Pinkie Pie
5. Rainbow Dash
4. Fluttershy
3. Applejack
2. Rarity
1. Twilight
0. Pinkie Pie
Or, if we are talking ponyville.
Probably Rarity, as much as i don't like her
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>hides things in her hair

I supposed that counts for something. I don't know, I could see this having it's decent moments.

And i can't fucking stop caping faces please help.
Fluttershy is in the lower third, only above Rainboy Dosh.
no you asshole I don't want the fic. I want the unf spoilertext.
I have an external hard which I use a back up for my computer's hard drive.
How do I back my backup in external fails?
Does Zecora count?
I already read it.
>receding hairline
I remember Faust saying she intended Fluttershy to have many critters living in her mane, but it never came to be and was just alluded to in some momenst (like the parasprites)

Looks to me like a rainbow-trailed shooting star.
>intellectual event horizon
Well she couldn't pull it out from her side, the skirts are so short it'd look like she's pulling it out of her ass.
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a blue butterfly on sterioids obv
Anyway, I'll manage, but still, any "rar" file for a specific pony (the only one I had left was "all of dash" from I don't know how long ago) would be welcome.
Like two days ago I saw a rar called "word of Faust" which had most of her answer about the lore since 2010, that one would be cool.
wait wait wait
does anyone have that comic cover with rainbow dash making the same face here?
I can fully agree with this list.
Like comfyanon?
>the next day Trixie approaches you at your locker
>"The Great and Powerful Trixie has an announcement to make!"
>"You'll be happy to know that after MUCH deliberation, Trixie has closely examined her LENGTHLY list of prospective dates, and has chosen YOU to accompany her to the dance!"
>"You should feel quite Fortunate to have been deemed worthy of such an exclusive opportunity! But please, there is no need to thank Trixie; she will consider your picking her up at 7 o'clock on the appointed evening to be thanks enough!"
>"Excellent! Trixie will see you then!"
>with a tip of her hat, she turns on her heels and saunters away
>as soon as she's rounded a corner, she giddily dances in place, hugging her hat tightly against her chest
>"He's going with me he's going with me he's GOING with me~!"
I didn't become a reality because it was one of those plain stupid ideas Faust had.
B-but the cutsies!
>Trixie wears her hat and cape to school.
This would make me smile.
Crucial is an acceptable SSD brand.
Google shows 0.8-2% failure rates in 2011 and they've only gotten better since.
You were unlucky.

But Intel still makes the best SSDs. I'd pay the extra bucks for one of theirs.
Slowly but surely we are giving in.

At this point I am actually looking forward to this, even if it's just to watch everything burn.

Who wants it to become a magical girl series after Shimmer unleashes magic into the world? Thus giving Twilight the reason she needs to continue to be there as well as some very interesting situations that can arise.

Imagine it. A world that HASN'T had time to put down a set of moral guidelines for usage of magic. And the ones that first get a hold of these powers are Teenagers.

This has potential to be pretty cool. Oh and ties into the whole Twilight being a teacher thing too.

Twilight, the schools magic teacher.

Pinkie Pie has frizzy hair and with that volume it looks like she could hold in her hair anything smaller than a toaster oven
Now that you mention it, I see this. The rainbow (possibly just yellow and orange with purple stripes) seems to be coming out of the blue, RD colored star's center.

That's highly plausible.

The tips of the 'star' do round out enough to make it look like a butterfly... an odd CM, to say the least.

I'll see how it looks as a star, then I'll try a butterfly. Thanks guys.
Which pone would play which character in King of the hill?
Would it work?
Hey, since S4 is apparently getting more budget, what if they start implementing those ideas on the character designs?
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I'm sorry kid, but I'm afraid we'll have to put you down.
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It would have looked abhorrent.
>implying her hair isn't dimensionally transcendental
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You're expecting way too much mate. Just lower your expectations to "typical high school flash animation shlock with some decent moments". That's what I'm doing.
I guess I was.
Anyway, I guess I'll stop the whining now, it'll feel weird going into all those "**** thread!" to fill it again.
That being said, my entire folder was unsorted aside from filename, so it may be for the best.
A mouse dropping out of her mane and crawling over her body?
I wore a fedora to school once.
Never again.
>Twilight not in a sweater vest
>That pic
What were they thinking? This isn't sexy at all.
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>That being said, my entire folder was unsorted aside from filename, so it may be for the best.
But that shit was done before so many times.
>Dash and AJ in skirts

>Hasbro in charge of knowing their own characters
At least they got rid of the facial cutie marks and anthro ears/wings. They look a little better than the original designs we got, but they could've gone without the odd skin tones.

Then again, >Hasbro's Monster High clone
>the sound of loud nasal breathing behind her snaps Trixie out of her reverie
>looking over her shoulder, she sees Snails standing behind her, breathing loudly
>"Hhhuhuhuh...hi Trixie."
>back in the hallway, you finish getting out your books and close your locker
>a loud crash booms through the hallway the moment your locker shuts
>opening it back up again, you examine the metal door with unease

>down the hall, Trixie storms off to her classroom, leaving Snails' legs poking out from a trash bin
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>that filename
Yep. Basically I was naming them "flutterhappy" or "flutterdash hug" or "scary pinkie" and let the search bar do the rest.
Good for reaction image, but that meant a good chunk of pictures was left forgotten.
Yes, imagine all the filth. It works De facto.
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Fluttershy is more head-smart than Applejack, but Applejack has all other ponies beat as far as being practical is concerned.
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At last there one positive.

In Dash's defense, she has pants under her skirt
>Trixie grows a unibrow
>Pony ears and tails aren't going to be their sentai forms

And in Applejack's defense, putting those hips and that ass in jeans is asking for porn.
>Dash wearing a skirt while playing football
>implying Dash gets to play sports anymore
>implying she's not a cheerleader with the other girls
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Those are still used in advertising material (DvD covers and in the MLPEG website before it was removed.
Yeah, like Celestia/Luna early age spin-off
or cmc spin off
or rarity getting their own shop

lots of really, really stupid Faust ideas made this how
why the fuck it is popular
>we have a practical hard working character who hates dressing up and anything 'frou-frou'. She only wears dressed when the situation calls for it like at the Gala, and even then wants to wear practical work clothes
>lel now she wears a skirt like the rest
But she was playing Euro Football in the trailer. She even kicked the ball really hard. She was wearing Fluttershy pink panties.

You should really watch the trailer.
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>that filename
i sure cant wait for the porn

also it looks exactly the same, and i mean exactly (shapes, style) to that one cartoon "Sixteen"
Well that is what the movie is going to be. But the series itself is kind of up for grabs and yes it's going to have a series.

These ARE the original designs. Nothing changed actually. These were the original leaked designs. The ones you see in the NY Times article, those are the girls "magical girl" forms.

Remember that leaked pic of Human Sunset Shimmer? She had the pony ears.

This is because when she puts on the crown, it causes a magical explosion that awakens the latent magic in humans, which includes the Mane 6, causing them to transform into the other artwork you see.

I know it has, but it's better to at least have this then to just focus on nothing but stupid high school shit.

Faust originally wanted Sailor Moon, but Ponies and this looks to be what EqG is.

Static Shock, Kamen Rider Fourze, My life as a teenage Robot.

This kind of thing does work and amazingly well sometimes.
but what would she wear?
>Dash wants to play soccer
>Instead she's forced into being a cheerleader
>Her anger only fuels her drive
>She's the only girl to ever perform a quadruple backflip and live.
>She wears rainbow underwear under her skirt.
>Despite the losing streak, soccer game ticket sales increase that year
>Dash takes the cheerleading squad to the nationals
That show was so bad, but I would watch it every time it was on. I have no idea why.
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I'm gonna call it a day.
Good night, MLPG.
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>not understanding my comment
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There's already porn though. And it's not -that- similar looking.

Then expect the series to be "typical Disney Channel high school tween shlock in flash".
>I'm gonna call it a day
>Good night
You fucking liar
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She better keep the hat and cape. Maybe some long arm gloves.
Would you spot pony?
>"I... I just pretended to be retarded!"
nice try
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The Magic of friendship.
The magic of friendship never changes.
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>actually, you misre-
good job.
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>Spike is not a pet, they said
only bronies like that shit.
"Canine companion"
worst thing is that you shitpost in out threads every day
Good argument. I never said that all of the ideas Faust had for the show were bad, I was merely saying that some of the smaller ideas were just not good.
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I'm saved.
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That is the one thing that caught me off guard to be honest. I was squarely on the "Spike dog is bullshit" camp and then this shit happen.
actually i wasn't him.
>>10608407 this is
M-maybe Spike can still talk?
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How about someone strams the shining?
I have to study
Alright, I wasn't gonna study anyways.
>Scooby-doo Spike
Please god no.
Make me, you ugly pony.
but I want to watch shining.
I know I should but...

FINE. But I'm leaving MLP General open!
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What's going on today guys?
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Why is he so perfect?
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I'm still studying art
because he's a royal guard
>Twilight is going to marry a guard just like her brother
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This with Spike when?
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Not much. Still bitching about EG, still crying over Faust. Same old shit.
Don't you think I should get some sleep? I could just, not sleep I guess.
Busy, busy. How about you?
I just got warmed up with drawing a huge wiener.
360 pro MLG writing
No. God no. Just... just regular talking in his regular voice. And he has to remain quiet in public because "OMG TALKING DOG". A reoccuring joke could have Twilight cover for his outbursts with coughing followed her confused questions.
Is his name actually Brad, or is it just fanon?
Improper use of that picture, 3 point deduction.
I just realized how in FiW Twilight at one part calls Spike a dog.
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Stop hating brah. Not his fault he's perfect.
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>plays the guitar
I hate him.
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can you make a rarity version that says "go work on your masturbating"
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Why did you have to bring back highschool in the game mlp

fucking why
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I picked the wrong picture, I'm sorry
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so this equestrian girls thing aired or what?
>not come to bed
>>10608173 here, found the "word of Faust" thread.
Here's the mediafire link for most of Faust's online answers.
Well what?
So original -- I'd rather have him not talk at all, really.
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look at him, he is so dreamy

20/10 would go to prom with

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what's the point
everything is lost
nothing will bring FiM back to what it was
No hope
No hope
Bob hope says:"No hope"
>implying I can draw
>implying you can draw well with a mouse
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Equestria Girls will be just as good as the show it's based on: shit.
>who is GG
just jacked off to the nanaki video

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>slave to cocks
>rarity in concert
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did you just make an excuse to not draw?
Now send it to his mom
>draw well
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m80 I be shit at drawin'

I can never draw
Man, I cannot even imagine my mom making an FA account.

Shit I think she'd have a heart attack if she found out that FA existed.
>rainbow's arms stretch to impossible levels
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Last one because why not.
>having a FA account
>girliest cartoon ever

That is pure hyperbole.
>not strawberry cuntcakes
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What do you think is he talking about?
she's a worm. look at that body. She's a fucking worm.
One day, I'll make an OC that you'll like. That everyone will like.
What is the girliest cartoon ever?
It was a reference to the fact that Nanaki's mom made an FA account to badger artists that her son had commissioned to give her a refund.

Ya. Dingus.
I'm not sure that's an appropriate subtitle.
Friendship is Magic is surprisingly neutral, at least in season 1, just the characters are feminine.

It also depends on how one defines "girly" I guess. If "for girls" then that's also false, as I think Faust has been known to repeat that she wanted the show to not alienate everyone else who watched the show.
The entire movie is a dream?
>implying you don't have a FA account
FiM and EqG are going to merge with each other to create full anthro-ponies
That was a good read,I have to admit.
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No. It will it show on selected theaters on June 16 an the DVD and TV premier will be somewhere along fall though it might get leaked before that happens.
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Pony forms are their powered up forms when they fight big bad. Sluttier dresses and pantyshots included.
Too many possibilities there to mock them
Yes, really proud I'm sure.

>his last name is Studebaker.
>his friends call him Chalky.
oh wow, I guess the rumours of DHX beign demoralised is true
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nanaki says his mom is actively trying to kill the Wolf Nanaki fursona in real life and online.
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>Not #ThanksDHX
I would have laughed.
Wait what.

THAT'S Nanaki?

Holy shit.
>Ea's petpony spoilerfic on the sub

that's just ERPing.
>All of Hasbro and the fandom is in full preemptive damage control
top lel
Nah you said draw first I'm going to do that, I can sleep tomorrow.
It's not him.
it's a joke
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>"dont be mad at the nazi soldiers shoveling children into ovens, they are just doing their job!"

lol brony logic
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Are you enjoying MLP's 30th anniversary?
>sure enough, she still has on her signature hat and cape. honestly you're not sure if she EVER takes those off. even to sleep.
>she wears a form-fitting royal blue dress that clings to the contours of her body, with a low-cut top that shows off as much of her cleavage as she would be able to get away with
>the sides of the dress are slitted, showing off her shapely legs clad in thigh-high violet stockings to match the long arm gloves she's wearing
>seeing your flushed, entranced reaction, Trixie chuckles and strikes a bold pose
>"Now now, Anon. There is no shame in being captivated by the ever-lovely Trixie. Awe is the appropriate response~"
>"And I must say, you did a fine job yourself of making yourself presentable for such an occasion. A fitting companion for one of such radiant beauty as Trixie~"
g4 is quickly turning into the worst mlp gen
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You mean we're not out of the woods yet?
>30th anniversary
Oh wow, it is. I didn't even realize.
Human isn't even their final form.
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I can't stop laughing at that silly face. Fuck you. With a rake.
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>all EA does is depraved ERP
You don't fucking say