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The next 4chan Q&A/PMQ will be held on /q/ at 8:00PM ET on Sunday, May 12th.

I'll be spending the night answering questions/listening to feedback this coming Sunday. Don't know what a PMQ is? It's detailed towards the end of this news post.
Simply, it's the opportunity to ask me any questions you'd like, provide feedback, complain, et cetera until I fall asleep or jump off a bridge.

If you can't make it Sunday night and have a question/comment, feel free to send it to moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT.

4chan Pass Sale ends in 24 hours

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Old Horse: >>10465225

Pinot thread. Discuss Pinot.
I enjoy Pinot Gris myself.
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The drunk horse is hot
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thats it, im done. this is all i can handle for one day.
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Drunk horse is best horse, and the lot of you are Heretics.

Why? It's fake.
>and my pet cat and so on
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monstergirls and stallions
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Pretty sure it's based on an actual dude that microwaves old diapers he steals from trash bins
coming this fall to NBC
i have sad news friends. eurobeat has committed suicide.

after watching this video

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she's a really pretty pony
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why does this combination of words exist in a sentence?
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>YT thumbnail
I'm not going to click that
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I know.
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I'd post it for you

Bbut i could not bring myself to save the cap
I don't know
It kind of hurt to type it out, have to admit

How else is he gonna warm up the diapers? An oven would take too long.
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Why would a monstergirl ever want a pathetic human like me when she could have a strapping stallion?
Because you have fingers and can scritch behind her ears
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So how much money do you think it will get?

I predict it will reach up to 40k
>you will never get to cuddle Gillou because she'd rather hug a cute pony instead
>Poni Parade

Are you fucking serious
me gusta

stallions only last for several seconds
I wonder if Hasbro has heard of this yet, I don't think they'll be happy about it

are you new?
sometimes i think suicide would solve most of my problems. it comes with some disadvantages, but under the bottom line it would be an improvement.

you should talk to a therapist instead of mlpg
You should have sex with a horse first if you're gonna kill yourself anyways
Which would you, Anon?
You have to pick one, and only one. And you can't pick Anon.

not your personal blog shitbag

killyourself already
I couldn't watch it

I had to close it as soon as he started
it's an attractive prospect and therapy won't make my problems disappear.
i think i'm ready.
Not that anon, but Gillou, Caimon, Veronica in that order of preference
Man, you should at least wait until after you see The End of the World, the thrilling finale to Wright and Pegg's Cornetto trilogy
Talk to your friends instead of complaining about it here. We can't really help.
Dude, if he had friends he probably wouldn't think about killing himself and talking about it in here

Did Eurobeat saw it already?

If so, what did he say?
Whoops, World's End. Fuck this looks so good

No i just didn't want to believe even bronies would go this far

Why bother telling us anyway. Unless you think someone here will miss you, which implies you have a level of notoriety here.
monstergirls are gross
None of them above Veronica would even feel it.
You think that's bad

Did tess every say why he doesn't come here anymore?
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>Complaining that I used horse puns in the names of the STDs and that makes it silly
He came here one or two times, didnt put his name on though.

But I don't think he ever told us why he went missing
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>(KFC joke)

why GG
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>monstergirls are gross
10 ft of squishy monster cuddles
Plus she's at the perfect height for me to blow raspberries on her tummy
Plus she smells like petrichor~
fffffffuck yes
please see
It's totally legit!
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For one I've got a thing for giant ladies.

For two, I posted the pic that GG based her on.
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Jesus Christ, this kid
good evening MLPG
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Oh gosh that is seriously one of my favorite scents in the world
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blue horse
You couldn't even please her, she's almost three times your size.
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>tfw accidentally came all over my laptop

Why would you want to cum gallons of glue thick spunk?

You'd ruin everything
That won't dissuade me from trying.
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deformed blue horse
Not if you invested in extra strength condoms or stretchy ponies~
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his entire channel is just
holy shit
another project that includes ponies

>not keeping a roll of extra absorbent paper towels near your desk to cum into

I switched to paper towel because I ejaculate so violently that I rip through toilet paper

no thanks, i think i had enough
>not using a fleshlight

>I ejaculate so violently that I rip through toilet paper

Nigga what are you doing, trying to cocoon your dick in toilet paper?
Just lay a paper towel on your chest and cum onto it.
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is it that time?
>no just cumming on your chest and wiping it later.
>I ejaculate so violently that I rip through toilet paper
How does that even work?
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Not him, but I thought that was normal
I can't use napkins either, I cum too much for just one napkin
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>The extra mess
And I bet you dont take a shower afterwards and just have that cum residue smell on you all day.
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Stream faggots.
Should I be worried about that suicide anon?
It's asscrack early in the morning and I can't stop laughing
Stream what?
No, everyone here in essence in replaceable, anons and contributors alike.
I think he wants us to stream gay porn
yeah, he's fucking dead and it's your fault
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Everyone in MLPG is suicidal
Don't h8 me cuz u aint me
But I'm not.

there's something weird about pretending to be a shapeshifter
but whatever it takes, right?
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Tell me to go exercise or study, MLPG
Post ponies
Yes you are
>but I thought that was normal
Maybe I just broke my dick then
gillou pls

you dont need to dress up as bughorse to get my love
You should stay on here, that homework's not going anywhere, and you could use a break.

Have some fun!
That sounds like something I can't do.

I don't even know what you can stream bro.

Just do it.
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That's right because there's nothing she can do to get love, so she ought to quit trying.
Well now I want to see Chrysalis and Gillou having fun together dressed as each other.
It would either be vidya or weird fetish art.
Not YET maybe
Sounds fun
What vidya/fetishes?
More qt dragon pls
and shouldn't you be asleep?
The usual stuff.
I'm not very good at sleeping.
I'd tab between qt dragon and other shit quite happily
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>Read Twilight's Pacifier greentext
>Watch AnonxRD flash
>Can't think about anything else but Dash whispering into my ear about cum inflation

small primary colored horses are sexy
There's only one thing to do now anon.
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Just drew this

>>Watch AnonxRD flash
just drew this in 2012?
Alright. Might do other monstergirls as well. Gimme a minute to set up.
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Have a picnic?
Looks like a recolored Rainbow Dash. A recolor with shitty colors. You suck at making OCs
It fucking sucks.

Lfaust you fucking suck at drawing ponies
Just fucking give up

No one is going to like your stupid style
No, my online name is Lfaust12
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>This is actually Lauren Faust
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>not cumming on yourself
>not having your cum all over your body and dripping into your pubic hair
>not going four days without a shower so you can bask in your own musk every time your underwear is lifted
>not feeling the nearly orgasmic feeling of showering after so long just so you can repeat the wonderful process all over again
>having pubic hair
My pelvis is aerodynamic as FUCK.
You know how whenever you go outside people are disgusted by you and generally try to stay as far away as possible?

This is why.
What if we do that but with someone else's cum?
>showering at all
>not happily slathering your body and room in hot spunk
>not breathing in the smell of your musky seed at all times
>not jerking off to your own stink and adding to it with every thick spurt
oh? we having a stram?
>not wearing armor of your own hardened cum
>not fighting crime with your potent ejaculations
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Why are we talking about cum
But we're 4 hours into friday already!
Klondike have you ever kissed a dog
you can be honest here no judgment
What's the stram name?
Because you touch yourself at night Anon
This is Lunas punishment for you
Why is Rarity wearing a meatball belt?
Do you even DYEWTS the show?

Stram is up now, hopefully. Probably monstergirls or whatever.
Cool, its up
Holy shit its quarter after 4
What's new, apart from rarity tooting?
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Pink toots
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This pony ponied a pony
Only once.
After Tess posted that thing where that girl said licking your dogs back confuses the shit out of them.

It was horrible and she's a fucking liar
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Klondike do you have stereotypical black guy dogs?
I need to know how funny this mental image should be
My Little Elitist General
What's a stereotypical black guy dog?
you mean like pitbulls and bulldogs? Those are horrible.
Mines is a German shepard mix who got knocked up by a rottweiler so the kids look nothing like her

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>not pure rottweiler
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How did we move from cum to dogs?


rottweiler is a pretty black guy dog
My uncle had an Alsatian and then a Rottweiler. The Rottweiler was scary as hell, even when it was affectionate.
Male or Female? Mine's just a big teddy bear. I don't even think she knows how to be mean.
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Guys, how much does a dog cum?
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Would anyone be kind enough to redraw this with marker pone and the marker? I'll pay in ponies.
Female. We didn't see her often, so she didn't really know us and she was very protective of the house. But she was incredibly obedient and listened everything my uncle or his kids ever said.
We so ded. Or is just everyone in LK's stream?
I'm playing vidya
lk stram has 3 guys in it

we jus dead
>we jus dead

Come on boys and girls. Come a little closer. I'm the reanimator. Reanimate your feet!
What if I don't have feet?
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>average MLPG goer
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Vem aqui com tua mão
Que eu quero acarinhar
You don't have to have feet to

move your dead bones bones bones

move your dead bones bones bones
>you will never flood a pony with so much cum their belly looks gravid
>if you're feeling dead, I'll be your reanimator
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What if I don't have bones either?
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Goo pony please
>goo pony thrusts deep inside
>slowly pushes deeper and deeper
>fluttershy's belly bloats as goopone settles into her new home
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>Slowly goo pony aligns to Fluttershy's bone structure.
>Goo pony is now Fluttershy
>Goo pony is in control
>Goo pony will always be her
Can't she be a willing host to a goo pony, kindly offering her womb as a place for it to live in harmony with her?
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]
Version 7.6 3/28/13
/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in
Subject or Comment field to be
marked properly. Keywords include:
Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names

Please check locator before starting a new thread.

Download links for episodes:
All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide
All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu


MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:
Room: mlp

FiM Blogs:

Pony IRC:

Who's who in MLPG:
http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)



Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
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If she were, would goo pony be happy with this or take over anyway?
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Don't mind me for posting the cutest princess.
I think she'd do her best to accommodate goo pone, and goo pone would be thankful for the hospitality.

Though she might show it by bringing Fluttershy to climax after climax every so often
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Would goo pony fit inside my dick?
If goo pony does, would she bring me to climax once in a while?
Would goo pony exit my body over the course of my climax?
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With your head held high
And your scarlet lies
You came down to me
From the open skies
I will draw one pony

which pony should it be
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I think she could slime down your urethra just fine, as long as you don't mind a full ladder or overswollen testes.

And when you spunk her back out you might find her larger than before~
I would do my best to provide Goo pony with the best housing in there.
And apologize every time i wake her from her sleep by spunking her back out
you KNOW he's right.
Love butt may be the most useless and irretating princess, but she is the cutest, especially with that ponytail.
I'm sure she doesn't mind slowly squishing back down inside, especially since each time stretches you wider and makes it easier for her to fit.
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Fuck it, might as well
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Quite so. She was made for cuddling.

That is a cute attempt. Who that pony anyways?
I'm afraid she's an OC
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>fence gag

Someone should stream Shaun and Hot Fuzz
Did Paul have a fence gag?
Ah, a blank state. She almost reminds me of Derpy for some reason.
I don't think so. Been a while since I've seen it.
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why am i such a coward, MLPG?
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So you didn't go through with your suicide, huh?
You don't actually want to kill yourself, you just want attention.
Daily dose:

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we ded as fuk
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What if Applejack stank really bad because she forgot to shower

would you tell Applejack
Better question: if Applejack got on a horse and couldn't get off, would you help Applejack off the horse?

...probably the wrong place to ask that...
Does anyone have the 10000000 get post and its replies?
odds: lift
evens: vidya
dubs: sleep
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>Applejack killing a horse because she couldn't get off on it
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lift anyway phaggot

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>not evens: lift
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>if Applejack got on a horse and couldn't get off
I totally misread "get off" here
fuckign slut
yeah but maybe i'll become the world's best at vidya one day

but does that make you happy?
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You'll never graduate from Casual.
well lifting doesn't.
meant to be a reply to >>10470606

bullshit it doesn't

are you going to be happier after an hour of vidya, or after an hour of doing what you should be doing?

you know the right thing to do, anon
What if he should be playing vidya?

What if you didn't suck dicks?
fuck you imma vidya

outtie, yo.

Regret is a terrible friend
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g2b Rogga
Good night, Roogna.
shit there goes my hat again
I need a chinstrap for this thing
LK post monsters
Do you lift anon?

Post your exercise routine.
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wwould you?
Reminder popularfags should leave.
Yes apple.
and good morning to you too
reminder that without popularfags mlpg would've died by now
Actually, popularfags don't run MLPG. But people that choke on their cocks do.
>missed LK stram

Well fucknuggets
Okay, bye angry Anon.
Heh, how convenient.
No it wouldn't . It would still be alive.
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Previous Thread

[ Your MLP:FiM Link Board ]

Version 7.6 3/28/13 FIXED


/co/ Thread Locator & Archive:

Current General Active:

New generals need keywords in

Subject or Comment field to be

marked properly. Keywords include:

Hub, MLP, Pony, Ponies, main character names
Please check locator before starting a new thread.
Download links for episodes:

All Seasons: http://tinyurl.com/mlps2guide

All Seasons: http://yayponies.eu

MLP: FIM Wiki:

My Little Pony Flockdraw:


Room: mlp
FiM Blogs:



Pony IRC:




Who's who in MLPG:

http://tinyurl.com/3tk3lax (by /сo/ςmѳиαцt рзtяѳ/v/)




Drawfriend Stream Monitor:

Drawings Requests doc:

Art reference and tutorial:

More links:



IMGUR->Picture script (for non-removable r34/other content):

Archiver System by Archive!noTe.poNY.
That would be a darn shame if it were true.
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>bummed for missing a stream
>choking on cock
as a shell of its former self, with little art, because anyone who draws something actually new becomes 'popular' and thefore gets pressured to leave 24/7
Apple why do you come back? Why are you sucking off Tess?
Without new content a community is forced to recycle and rehash old content endlessly like Reddit
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"Microsoft Excel isn't only for spreadsheets. It can also be used to create art. Don't believe me? Just ask 73 year-old Tatsuo Horiuchi. He'll tell ya.

But why Excel? "Other specialized graphic software is expensive, and Excel came pre-installed in PCs," Horiuchi told Japanese website PC Online, adding that he found the program easy to use and more capable than actual paint.

The retiree said that he didn't use Excel at his job. "I saw other people neatly drawing graphs, and I thought it seemed like Excel could be used to draw art." Before he retired from his company, he felt like he wanted to do something new, bought a computer, and started using Excel. And in the last ten years, he has established himself as a digital artist, showing his work in exhibitions."

Just stop trying at once, You will never be even close.
>4chan filename


A: Chest/Shoulders/Tris
Incline Bench
Lateral Raise
Rear Delt Raise

B: Back/Biceps/Abs
Concentration curls
Barbell curls
Weighted Decline Situps

C: Legs/Traps
Stiff-leg deadlift
Calf raises
Well, gee, it's not like we've been doing that for 2 years or anything.

>responding to shitposts
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Has Markerpone ever been so desperate to boop that she couldn't hold it and had a boop accident?
Not really. Majority of our new drawfags besides MT draws for fun. And popularfags doesn't necessarily mean they have to drawfags.
>implying "I miss LK stream, woe is me" isn't shitposting
24/7 Generals about a show that airs once a week and it's in hiatus for months shouldn't exist.

Shitposter pls go
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For some reason I'm always surprised that morning comes

You'd think I'd learn to expect it
MT isn't really a new drawfag. And most of established drawfags want to make in in the industry somehow.
Popularfag cocksuckers pls go.
So, where exactly is the line between "oh, they draw just for fun" and "HES POPULARFAG GET THE PITCHFORKS LADS HE'LL DRAW YER WAIFU AS A SLUT BURN THE HERITIC"?
I am betting that guy is this guy here. >>10470720
Like who wants to be in the industry?
Well, duh.
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>tfw was cycling for the last 2 hours
>Come back to this thread
Fucking cunts
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Yeah, that's the Femsombra guy.
Almost all of them, I
d say... mostly as animators/illustrator or waiting to get into art school.

It's really not even that bad, just one guy calling people cocksuckers

it's still slow as heck, quit being dramaqueens
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Probably. Luckily she doesn't wear clothes.

Could you imagine the embarrassment if she booped in her pants?
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I like how they can't even be bothered to put an anti-aliased logo there.
I can't believe this is the same show.
It's not.
Even season 3?
Okay, assuming you arent just mindlessly shitposting but actually mean it:
Who the hell is a popularfag according to you?
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Huh. Seems like it's using the DVD cover art but with wings.
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>assuming you aren't just mindlessly shitposting
And that windows tier font rendering
EqG is not season 3.
Will we finally get a damn trailer? This shit is getting annoying
Are you a popularfag? Take this simple yes or no test to see if you have the disease!

- do you have more than 1000 followers on tumblr?
- have you opened several accounts and plugged your shit on several art community sites like da, fa, tumblr?
- is attention seeking and popularity your only motivation to "art"?
- everytime you blog about your personal problems do you immediately get responses from several poeple trying to cheer you up?
- have you established noteriety?
- do you only hang around and circlejerk with poeple who also have the dreaded popularfag disease?

If you answered yes to any of these chances are you are inficted and should immediately proceed to kill yourself.
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Well, it's about a month to go. I would've expected something already. Mebbe they want to release a "trailer" at the last week or 2 like with Magical Mystery.
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This is all I have for the questionnaire. Feel free to and update this. Remember to be vigilant of the popularfags.
SB you may be a popularfag or an attention whore. Why haven't you done your civic duty and killed yourself?
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Bad spider
Sit still
>way less than 1000 followers
>tumblr and DA
>in a way
>not blogging about personal issues
>don't think so
>tfw no circlejerk ;_;
>that post

You should try killing yourself.
How would you even know that's SB? I mean, it's not a Snails picture.
so basically:

-Anyone with a tumblr is instantly a enemy to autismkind
-Anyone with multiple places to put their art, no matter why they exsist, should be put to the torch
-Doing art mearly for popularity is deplorable (Ironically, this seems to be the only point I totally agree with you on - although for different reasons, mostly because doing art for bronyfame is no way to make youself a better, more ambitious artist)
- People responding to your personal blog shit is bad (Which I only agree halfl-heartedly - apparently, people bringing up your personal blog shit in a different place apparently counts to this option, which seems a little bit of a double standard to be honest)
- "popular noteriety" (seriously what the fuck do you mean by noteriety in thsi context? That you pull a Ross and deliberatly do shitty art so that everybody hates you? He's the onyl one around who IS the "bad kind of famousness", whcih is the denition of noteriety)
- If you ask other artists what to do and hwo to do thigns better you are scum of the earth, who cares about your motives for talkign to them

so basically anyone can be a popularfag because the definitions have been fucking made up so you can hurl shit at whoever you like



bored, anon?
Whoa apple why u raging?
there's not much going on right now in MLPG, thats true
This is painful to read.
So what you are saying is that you dislike one or maybe two artists in here. Because most of the MLPG drawfags arent that well known within the fandom
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I'd rather shit post about fanfiction to be honest.
A dead giveaway to a popularfag is more than 1000 followers on tumblr.
I think the only artists that are well known within the fandom (or other fandoms) are Rose, Brae, Apple and GG.
I don't give a shit.
So basically 90% of tumblr artists are to be burnt to a crisp on sight

seems reasonable
>at all
Mew is rather well known too I think

I didn't know about him until he started posting here. And I remember I wasn't the only one.

Kevin too

he contributes about as much as apple
>90% of tumblr artists have above 1000 followers

I think Anons popularfag list is retarded bullshit, but you are overestimating the amount of followers a lot of artists have
Don't be silly, Apple contributes more drama.
Be honest, you dont even believe that yourself
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i know it's not everyone here, but there is this underlying permanent hostility that really keeps me from contriubting. it wasn't like this before the move to /mlp/ and especially since late 2012 hiatus.

that's not exactly contributing
Even Kraut had only about 350 followers at the height of his tumblr powers, I think.
Good for you.

If you're not going to contribute, then why talk about you contributing?
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3 guesses as to why.
Draw request?
I probably am - I don't actually go on Tumblr if I can help it so I have no fcucking idea how the follower system works

>taking the internet too seriously.jpg

this is literally nothing but a place to talk about things when you're bored, and maybe an art community to some. If it's anything more to you, then you really should step outside
Twily trying to put out a fire with her wings but failing.
oh sweetie

you're just going through a phase

Fluttershy sharing a blunt with Dash
You don't have to be here. There's a whole world out there.
Best pony cuddling with worst pony.
But Kraut is not popular at all, not in the fandom as a whole.
The irony is overwhelming. Thank God he's gone.
Applejack telling Twilight to leave the main 6 for being a popularfag.
>- If you ask other artists what to do and hwo to do thigns better you are scum of the earth, who cares about your motives for talkign to them

Totally misinterpret what I said. If your only goal is to only make "friends" with these other popularfags and no one else because they aren't popularfags. Then pretty much your a terrible person.
these >>10471119 >>10471114
Who are you?
But he is definitely infamous here. Just goes to show.
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>Implying either Fluttershy or Dash are bad ponies
Justin Bieber.
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>not even here
>everyone's acting like i'm every other anon

wow you people are stupid.
Kraut is an unfortunate case. His only goal was to become a popularfag. See how it ended.
>Even Kraut had only about 350 followers
>only 350
Far more than he deserved and he only got them by sucking up to Rose and SB enough to force them to reblog his garbage.
Go away Apple.
Then why not update your list to say that? It should be easy to say "Anyone who makes 'friends' with a popularfag simply to leech of their fame to make themselves famous is scum", and you might actually find people agreeing with that point.

fuckin pancakes m8000
Being bored is not an excuse for responding to shitposters. Go do something else if you really don't feel like discussing any half-decent topic.
Jailbait I'd assume.

he drew a lovely picture of Saffron earlier
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Shitposters are really just contributors getting out their pent-up aggression from the constant hostility

they still contribute, it's just necessary sometimes

I think it's Dooks or Tex doing it mostly
He pulled a very sneaky Lamar on us. At least he was finally called out on his bullshit.
Apple pls.
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Who's apple?
It's not Jailbait, thats why I asked
Rarity is a stupid name.
If you are Jailbait, then who is JB?
I want to make gentle love to that Luna
You can say it's a rarity.

Every single pony has a stupid name
He never really said he'd only come here to make friends though. The fact that he did doesn't prove that point.
Was it the name Lauren wanted that was changed or her element?
I'm a bit fuzzy on it right now.
I don't think its dooks doing it. It's either mewball, tex, Lamar, SB, jessy, kevinsano, or kraut. I could go as far as saying corwin is shitposting.
Can you post it?
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element. she was the element of inspiration which fits her much more nicely then generosity

but her name sounds like charity or something so hasbro went BAHURDURRGLEEEGIVIN STUFF HEE
I beg to differ

>Pinkie Pie
>she's pink and she likes pies

It makes perfect fucking sense!
He shat up the thread with drama to get attention, got himself the art friends he wanted and then came only back here to shitpost, while doing art only for his tumblr and precious friends and he hasn't actually contributed anything to thread in months.
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I had a horrible dream where MLPG was only kept alive by shitty fetishes, drama and tired reposts.
What the fuck does inspiration have to do with friendship, you ugly jerk?
My Little Paranoia General
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Go back to sleep anonymous
also her name could be a euphemism for vagina
Lamar is the worst of popular fags. He leeches fame.

I don't think it's Corwin, he's way too cool for that.

Mewball I could see, Jessy and Lamar are too done with MLPG to come back, and I think Kevin is simply too busy to shitpost here.

I still think it's dooks. I've watched enough whodunnit things.
The second part isn't true.
Her element was changed because inspiration has nothing to do with friendship. Generosity is better.
Fits her, but doesn't fit the theme of the show as easily as generosity. Makes sense that it was changed.
sweetie belle is not a stupid name

i'd definitely take a woman seriously if her name was sweetie belle, especially if she was my boss

>shitty fetishes

God, I know. I've been waiting for "being fucked by stallions" to stop being the flavor of the month for a year and a half
see? it's a excellent name.
Lamar did the same thing, but Kraut was a lot more systematic and patient with his plan. For a while I actually fell for his ruse.
They're on the sub now.

Also, any Renne Quest people, I'm doing a raffle thinger.
You can also enter here or on the sub if you like if you don't want to deal with tumblr.
What if it's all the ex-contributors ever?
Why would it be dooks?
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Why aren't you lifting?
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The best way for MLPG to deal with its shitposting paranoia is to play some epic mafia and murder each other.
plus pinkie's cutie mark looks like sperm so you know she's DTP
What if it's actually a being of complete darkness created by our hate and that lives in the Internet?

He's too perfect. Always friendly, always coloring things for free and smiling while doing it. Always shrugging off the Mexican jokes.

He's too perfect to trust, man. I just can't do it! He's like fucking Superman!
I think we're being a bit unfair to Kraut. I don't think he ever had a plan.

Sweetie Belle is a backwater stripper name
Well he takes forever to color somethings sometimes...
Lamar isn't done with mlpg. That recent tex butt is evidence.
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Post horses you guys
Does it have to be a drawn thing? Could it be something else, like a song or a small written blurb?
>mafia with MLPG
>"lets wait till the cop finds someone, otherwise no lynch"
A Mexican knock-off superman

I'm comparing MLPG to epicmafia right now half-assedly and having fun with it
Start a game so I can stop
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I keep telling them let's randomly lynch unless we're in danger and actually have to think but noooo
No random lynching.
That's like half the fun
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Oh shit, that would be rad. Anything, really. I just don't want it to be the typical tumblr free-for-all raffle with a gorillian entries because it only requires a reblog.
I bet you're proud of it.
who's the least likely contributor to intentionally shitpost?
If you ever been to his streams he always takes forever.

>random lynching

Nigga this game is too small for that
Leth? Is he a contributor?
That Tex picture could have been made with tumblr-available information, and maybe Lamar even chats with Tex occasionally, so why couldn't it be made like that?
So? More fun
>that /tv/ sticky

So, I guess moot is not going to create /yfu/...
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But what if you lynch the doctor
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I'm always friendly. But I'm so "popular" that people make up things and hate me for no reason so people hate me and I can never find happiness.

Why do you guys do this to me?
shut up apple
Alright then, I'll assume as long as its RQ related it's game?
will ponies be allowed?
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I sure am!

Because you keep complaining about things like this with your name off so we can't fix it
Shame they're all gone.
If he was a good doctor he would be famous and not live in a shitty village that is overran by mafia and has a tree that is immune to bombs. Since he lives in that village he is a shitty doctor thus not a big loss
I'd make a mafia game but I never know what roles to put down.
Tess still lurks here
And he always shows up in our streams and he always knows when there's something on.
Probably not, since he isn't the smartest person around, but the penny dropped quickly enough for him to come up with the plan to pose as a contributor and then pretensing to be depressed so he could trawl art friends and then just abandon MLPG, since he got the popularity he wanted.
The only shitposting I contribute is turning the thread into Celestiafaggotry when I'm bored
I'm sorry
Only one thing to do then anon.
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But anoncontributor

Every celestiafag does this. It's an unwritten agreement

But what if he hates ranked games because they're nofun

getting lynched D1 as an unCC'd doctor is what keeps him coming back
little redneck girls are the sexiest, running around in bare feet and barely any clothing, growing up to become strippers and porn stars

i, for one, am looking forward to sweetie belle's debut in porn

she can join her cousin lexi
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Mornin everyone just finished this, should I pony it and which pony should I do?
>Oh look, some cool people post on a thread I sometimes go to
>I wish I could be their friend, but unless I contribute, I won't be worth their time
>time to start drawing and catch their eye
>I could always feign depression if it doesn't work on sheer art skill alone

Do you know how utterly silly this sounds?
see I read that first line and instantly thought of applebloom

but then you started talking about sweetie

where is new mafia

Rainbow Dash!
tony stark used to fuck that

robert downey jr and sarah jessica parker dated for years

the moar you know
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>fix it
can 4chan do that?
Seems suspicious

Make it fgt

6 man game
Sounds silly but you never know. SB did it.
Obviously Ponka

Well I mean, everyone posting is a person and people can probably help you with your friendless problem.

unless you're waiting for pony friends
But SB wanted to learn drawing, not hang out with cool kids
apple bloom is either one of those sex-crazed country girls who lose their virginity at 11, or an uptight christian who gets married in high school because that's the only socially acceptable way to fuck
What's wrong with doing something to get friends?
but the roles

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It's not bad to want friends
It's not bad to try and make friends by being a contributor
It's a bit tacky to make a group of friends and then tell everyone to fuck off, and that you only drew pictures to make a few friends and jet
he doesn't feign depression, he honestly has problems he's working on
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yandere eyes

use your head doofus

you've played enough games to know how to balance it

two mafia, 4 village. not mafia that can kill two in one night. no village that can kill.
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I haven't played it that much.
I can't believe people still fall for his con job. He might not be very good at art, but he's cunning, I'll give him that.
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>spike plushie

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this is not silly
this is utterly pathetic
holyshit you just described 100% of mlpg's attention fags

bravo sir
Braeburned pls keep your pants on
I still maintain that he didn't start contributiong with that in mind.
i would cuddle that spike plushie
n-no homo
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that is an adorable lil spikey-wikey

will people call me a faggot if i buy one
>no village that can kill
mafia whithout batman is slow and not fun

doc, insane cop, cop, bleeder
hooker, tailor
He seemed to have a lot of fun at the beginning
I remember back when I played mafia/werewolf in forums where the game would take multiple weeks

Mafia that can end in one turn is even less fun, believe me
So wait this is everyone talking about Kraut, right?
When did he reveal that he was a spy?
that's actually pretty good
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forced IDs soon
the best mafia is 2 vanilla, 3 gunsmiths and one batman
What happened was he came quite quickly out of nowhere and was actually pretty good and very quick, because he'd practiced for months all by himself before posting here. I think the expectations and pressure just got to him.
So you think this chain of events is a coincedence? He came here only to fuck us in the ass for his own gain.

Part of his plan. His act had to look convincing if he wanted to pull it off. It worked and everyone fell for it.

>playing mafia in forums

jesus christ that sounds like one pain in the ass

lets try this

thank fucking god

about time the shitposters won't be effective
take that tin foil hat off, it looks stupid on you
Not on /mlp/ though, that's highly a problem.
But when he puts IDs on this board I wont be able to talk about my fetishes and contribute in the same thread anymore

Bullshit, every contributor talks about their fetishes

besides the girl ones
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Fucking Christ in heaven, finally
It was actually a lot of fun because it actually mattered what you said and for whom you voted instead of just waiting for the cop to find someone.
Was insanely time consuming though
Rediv and MT do
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i don't care, spike is the most underrated character

all the girls want him and all the guys want to be him
I only do it as Anon though
2 more
but batman doesn't use guns

Believe it or not, some sandbox games get serious as shit

the 25-man ones with /v/ back in the day were intense
He's joking, you autist.
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>he thinks IDs will stop people from shitposting

Nigga, people shitpost with their names/tripcodes on and other people still fall for them. It's not going to change a single thing.

I bet people know who it is anyway


>people shitpost with their names/tripcodes on

No they fucking don't. That's just straight up not factual.
He knew what tugs on other artists' heartstrings. He flew a false flag the whole time he was here. He knew what he had to do to get other artists to jerk him off and t worked out flawlessly for him.
He approached it systematically and with cold precision. He is decended from the people who organized the Holocaust and he mobilized the same faculties to make his plan work.
You serious?
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>people giving a shit about spike
Oswalt Cobblepott should totally have been a villain in the real films.
It would reduce the shitposting though. The ones who currently go Anon for shitposting would maybe stop it because otherwise they couldn't use their trip in that thread anymore
And people couldn't samefag the shit out of their baits till someone takes it
Never been to /v/?
Whatever, man, keep deluding yourself.

Unless you mean Rainboom or something, then yes.
N-no, they don't
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>this whole thread
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I bet you think people don't go autism when linking fetishes to contributors!
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I'm 23
he was in batman returns
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Ever seen /b/read? Ever seen /a/ or /v/? You'd better pay attention, and stop paying attention.
>And people couldn't samefag the shit out of their baits till someone takes it

People are stupid and they'll take the bait anyway, even if it's obvious the guy is samefagging.
You don't need IDs to see it.

This isn't /b/read, nor /a/ nor /v/

those boards are hellholes in an entirely different manner
That's a very big, very shiny and a very crumpled hat anon.
No no, I meant the real films, not the Burton crap
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midair boops
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/b/read users come here. There are shitposters here. Nachos for example.
/a/'s one of the most successfully ontopic boards

What, you mean the one who does it anonymously?
Nachos still exists?
hey Satan, how much has Nachos been around lately?

maybe he's just posting as anon but I haven't seen that trip in forever
but i do.
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I dunno about you guys, man, but I always respond to shitposters.
I open up the quick reply box, tell 'em they're harshin' my mellows, and really get it out there.
And then I hit Esc.
Feels good man.
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>you will never have the platonic love of a fabulous generous mare who you not-really-secretly have deeper feelings for but can never pursue because you're just too different and it would ruin the friendship
/b/read isn't utterly homogeneous.
We have our share of of them but far from all of us are shitposting fuckwits.
That's right. That wasn't the original point, though.
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A'ight then, i just got here.
That ep had so many sweet moments.
i thought spike's crush on rarity was a throwaway gag at first but it's been amazing how they continue to follow up on it
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>that "generous" mare will never take advantage of your feelings to get you to lug shit around for her
>she'll never make fancy eyes at you to get you to give up your birthday meal because she thinks it looks pretty
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There are still LPS threads on /co/

5 & 1 pls
It's not a good feeling when you realize they don't actually care
Give me a better horse

the show isn't bad
>tfw forgot my EM account password
Excuse my french but what's LPS?
Littlest Pet Shop
Littlest Penis Sucker.
Yeah. She may not be interested but she doesn't outright ignore him.
Oh, right.
Lonely Penis Syndrome
Very contagious
Starts to mutate once you turn 30
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>you will never mind because you'd do anything for her out of a sense of duty
Littlest Pet Shop.
Yeah, that's worse. That means she knows full well that he's into her and is intentionally using that to her advantage without ever reciprocating.

Because she is a whore.
2 more
3 and 4 are disgusting

surprise, hasbro decided to go with 4 for equestria girls

at least they didn't go with 3
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does this mean my computer is gonna die

it's a 6 year old laptop that regularly runs at 100C+ for hours
>Has recovered.

or its shitty ati drivers you might need to update
Not really. EG looks like a worse 5 but with "horse" features
Uptator your drivers

>is gonna

I guess it's like your reading comprehension

whores reciprocate
Where you at?
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>anything other than 1

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I'll take 1.
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Where in ponyville?
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Who wants to see some badly drawn porn?
would you rather

a humanized pone who is anatomically correct and fuckable


a show-accurate pone with no genitalia but still capable of a loving relationship and oral
Me, me, I do!
would the Humanized pone be capable of a loving relationship?
The first because it can be reality

The second if it could have been reality
the first one

can it be AJ
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>you will never draw this good

Miiverse is some scary shit in terms of art skill
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I'll hop on the first train
When do you think we'll get a trailer for EG?

It's coming out in a little over a month, so it has to be soon, right?
I'd rather have a pony from the show that can pee and poop and have babies.
Just goes to show MLP's nothing special; nerds can obsess over anything.
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Pick your poison
It's probably the first thing they'll update the mlpeg with.
First 1.
I pick the trap.
A week or so before release.
Vanilla Twilight.

just 2 more
Keep at it.

Who's she anyways?
What a slut
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An angry inquisitor.
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How do I get one of these fetish things anyhow?
Ask Zecora, Applejack.
go go
>You need to login to see this page!
i'd be overjoyed to spend my life with a show-accurate pony who is basically a living plush

she can eat but doesn't need to, never poops or pees or gets smelly, is always cuddleable, can be a wonderful girlfriend and can do pony stuff like magic, flying, or bending the laws of physics too

in other words, when will technology hurry up and create a robotic AI girlfriend for me

so log in?

>1886 x6264
>file too large

I wish I were on my windows 7 and could use my snipping toold to fix this up.

Did someone say weird fetishes with Celestia?

What're ya linking me for?
>half of it is spoilered
What the fuck are you doing, Anon?
i want this

so bad

i'd get derpy if i culd
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>storing cum and making it into cheese
>crushing grapes in Celestia's anus and making wine

the shit you people fap to, I swear
He's cooking #BEEF
i just want to lick her asshole

i feel like ned flanders compared to these people

I'm beefing as hard as I can!
the fields of science and technology are filled with lonely nerds

why isn't AI girlfriend technology further along already

they're too busy fapping i guess

I just want to sensually fuck Big Mac while smelling his apple-cinnamon mane and kissing him

I don't want to be fucked by 70 hyper stallions until my balls swell to the size of beachballs and I explode geysers of cum, man.
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high hoof, beefaroni!
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Hey, I'm normal

compared to some things, anyway
I know someday someone is going to fix that.

and that was when my heart grew three sizes
My dick in your mouth

the fuckers

no really its a song

Don Mclean, miss american pie.
the gentle sounds of my own sobbing
Drama and shitty fetish talk
I like Twilight because she's snarky, sarcastic, really intelligent and unpopular, like me

I can really relate to her
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best show song


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tNYmwLC6BQ best ost of last year

The Rentals and Soul Coughing

Anon for the last time, you aren't sarcastic, you just say wrong things frequently.
Oh I am normal too. I really didn't know how that came out of me. Repressed fetishes?
>typical EqD poster
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Oh, hey, guys. Anthony Fantano here, and, uh, you just read this in my voice.

But she's a princess

what does this even mean

i find it's often used to describe people who think they're smart but are really just assholes
Are you a princess too?
Your favorite pony is a slut.
I dont even know what your voice sounds like, fuck off dude
No because I only saw him on pictures and gifs and never saw a single video of him.

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>tfw never heard Anthony Fantano's voice
I think that's why everyone liked her in the first place.
too bad that twilight has been dead since season 2
...I don't know what your voice is,dude.
Even I get to be a princess?
no, she just likes to party
and suck a hundred dicks at these parties

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No, Sweetie, you're gonna work as an underwriter and talk to people having money troubles all day in a cubicle
Even you,anon
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>Well, if that's what you want, Anon
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Can I get to be a pony?

>that pic

fucking instaboner

time to fap to it for the millionth time
Man I loved taht fic. It's so sad,disgusting and at the same time boner inducing. I came when she vomited all the cum and fell face firt in it

Sure why not
You can only be a mule
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Always imaging yourself as the mare
Ccan i be a Mare?
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That would be the greatest thing.

Sure but you have to be adult Twist
and they just kept face-fucking her afterwards anyway
Now I'm sad
Bbetter than adult male human

I don't get that boner or that fetish but I repsect that
It's fucking shit
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Hmm... I'll have to take 2 marks off for that.
and she vomited again. And in the end she was a just a huge pile of cum. Man,that was a good read. I don't even hate ponka, she's third best pony.
6/10, might fap to the idea of it.
I'm not a freak.
I just want to be a mare with delicious hips
And have my way with all the stallions~

Hey, I fap to the thought of her riding me

I'm not some genderfluid freak

respect for those who are
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But adult twist is a smokin' hottie.

Its DT that ends up a fat mess.


naw man you'll fuck drunk bar stallions all the time
>underwater levels
Pinkie raised one hoof from the floor in a tiny cheer, then let it fall back. “Woo hoo,” she said. Then she closed her eyes, and fell sideways into the black of unconsciousness.
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i like miss chickadee

is there porn of her
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So long as there exists stallions who'll have her, i'd gladly be that mare.
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such a cute freckly faced country mare
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This is a real thing
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What if she could only manage the occasional pity strap-on fuck from applebloom?
Frankly I'd have liked it more if they had kept fucking her until she died or if she passed out and stopped breathing. Or in alternative if we had more detailed descriptions of them degrading her.
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Reminder that >fanfiction does not belong in MLPG anymore.

>harshwhinney 207

gibe folder

i need more of that gorgeous mare
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But with Apple Bloom i'll be the one wearing the strap-on.
Y'all suck. I wish Superman was here. I'd say, "Hey Superman! You mow the lawn while you here?" And he'd be like, "Yeah, I'm Superman. I know how to work the mower."
Reminder that >your face does not belong in MLPG anymore.

Fuck off Nathan.

What would Superman even do if you called for him and then asked him to mow your lawn
Gimme a sec
It's every frame plus a couple of fanarts, though i haven't been active saving fanart of her, i'm afraid.
I also think i goofed up a step and there's a few duplicate faces.
he'd probably do it

guy's got heat vision, it'd take him a few seconds

granted, there are probably hundreds of people dying preventable deaths around the world during those seconds, so he may a bit miffed at you for distracting him
yeah we just do it best
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Well he can't stop every death

plus there's the rest of the League for that

maybe Green Arrow would have an arrow for lawn mowing, actually
>implying mlpg isn't the backwater of the fandom
We're still pretty avant-garde from time to time.

>implying MLPG wants to be part of the fandom
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Don't spend it all at once
and some of the mares
Twilight will never turn you into a mare and eat you out
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We just do our fanfiction the way we want to, there's no objective leap of quality between our fanfiction and fanfiction typically found on FimFiction.
Oh god i'm so dehydrated

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Sacrebleu!! Plus de marque de cutie! Qu'est-ce que c'est?! Je parle français?
I suppose i could get down with that.
But it's stallion cock i want
stop cumming then.

Thanks a ton, man

there's gonna be a bit more Harshwinny around these parts
I have to agree with that. by now if you want to have a story that has been proofread and doesn't have any spelling errors, you gotta take it from EQD. Shame they don't post very interesting stories.
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Twilight will turn you into a pretty mare to eat out temporally.

But first she needs to know, Unicorn, Pegasus or Earth pony, what coat color and what Mane color?
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She's speakin' faincy!
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Remember when Fluffy Pony was a thing that started on MLPG, MLPG? Remember when Flutterape didn't have a name and it was just a fun thing that MLPG did?

Do you remember?
Pepperidge Farm remembers
What language did they use in the French version, anyways?
my nigga.
>You will never get railed by big mac
>You will never fuck a pegasus, while 500 ft in the air
>You will never be in some weird bdsm stuff with a unicorn
Would you beat off a ded horse?
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look at this disgusting brony
Old french.
Did they call it fancy though?
Oh pepperidge farm. Give em back the old times.
I don't know, I didn't see it

She's still speaking french

Absolutely disgusting. Why do they even keep wearing fucking fedoras, it's not like they look good on women
OLD french.
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I remember when Thread Simulators caught the raw indecency of actual 4chan conversation...but then...
>ancien francais

So it was old French
My french isn't could enough to tell what she was saying or the difference.
... >rape
>isn't could enough
good enough*

lets do it
Purple unicorn.Selfcest.
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I want it to be permanent, twilight
I want to be Fluttershy
>black&red alicorn isn't even an option
I'll pass then
Then I can kidnap (and kill?) the real Fluttershy and take her place. Or...maybe keep her alive to have insane-Stockholm-Syndrome-crazy-people sex with?
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>tfw Rarity takes over New York
Keep her alive and fuck Dash in front on her.
Anything I can do to help?
Make her watch and listen through a two-way mirror
Man that city sure has fallen into the hands of the fags.
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oh my celestia they're too cute

will i get beat up for sure if i wear these
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how long has it been

how long til it ends
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Good morning MLPG. What should I draw Pinot Noir doing?
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I wonder who could be behind this
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I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I lived the same fandom twice
Is this a hostile takeover or a takeover in the Beatles sense?
oh god

>changeling fluttershy/dash with fluttershy watching and dash not knowing the difference

jesus fuck this is hot
NO. For the love of celestia,do nothing. ust sit there and DO. NOTHING:
>best pony
being sexy
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>All these slutty would be mares
>I love you Fluttershy!
>Me tooDashie
She's just crying.
Man I love that shift thing with paint.
But that could be anything!
laughing at faustdrones
I know, Applebloom.
Earth pony breeders stronk. Now, why don't you call your sister here...
>will i get beat up for sure if i wear these
You'll probably just get avoided by normals. Also if any brony sees you they will flock to you.
staring at a barrel of wine, waiting for it to age
garbage, empty bottles and a bra are strewn about the cellar
Being EXTREMELY sexy.
Applebloom: "Why, ai'm the best slut there is, Dahmond Teeyara! An' ah'll prove it too by gettin' mah Slutty Cutie Mark!"
Scootaloo: "Me too!"
Sweetie Belle: "What they said!"
>boy I just can't wait for Equestria Girls
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Being a drunk gypsy

>wear brony backpack into Compton
>become king of the niggas
This throd is old.
You're a good Fluttershy anon.
ur mum
Dangerously sexy.
Did anyone draw that Celestia pinning anon against a wall pic?
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>they start kissing
>fake fluttershy turns her head and winks at the crying real fluttershy
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daily reminder

this is still happening
How are Cheetos and your favorite pony's vagina similar?

They're both Dangerously Cheesy
that's ok

my little pony fim ended after 3 seasons for me
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