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Last Horse

Do you hope there would be more official dolls of your favorite pony?
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I only need one.
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This'll be the only one I need once it's actually out.
I want to brush and curl pinkie's hair.
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G-guys! I can't hold it! I have to boop super bad!

I'm gonna have a boopcident!
>implying you're not gay
I want to slap you in the face. You have 200 people interested in your artwork who follows you constantly and you say "only"... yeah.
pls respond
B-but I'm not..
I purchased the pinkie one at build a bear. The woman at the counter told me that corporate is looking to making a fluttershy one In a couple months.
It's "only" 200 in comparison to the supposed required 1000+.
Calm down, I'm extremely thankful for every person that follows me.
Generally, when comparing to a larger number, the word "only" is appropriate, since it does not reach the other number in size.
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>you will never receive a pony bukkake from a group of sweaty work stallions looking for a little stress release
It contains the loomis books and some other books.

Contains an inspiration folder.
Contains Tex artwork? (How is this suppose to help)
Contains 1 Jessy sketch.

Contains and inspiration folder full of inspirational quates. Contains a copy of SAI.
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The thing is a tumblr follow is only indicative of mild interest. "I wouldn't mind seeing some of this stuff on my dash sometimes." For every few dozen follows you get you might obtain one real fan who actually really likes your art and thinks you're a cool person.
But that's twice today you fucking retard,
>Contains Tex artwork? (How is this suppose to help)
which one?
Ok, the .zip I have has everything but the Tex and Jesse stuff. Any chance you could post the Jesse sketch for me?
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No official one, probably
how often do you cuddle that thing
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You have to hold in ALL the boops.
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Also, hitting numbers can feel good but in the end it's not all that great.

The two things that really lift your spirits are:

1) Getting a follow from an artist you admire and geeking out.
2) Following someone else and watching them geek out because they admire you and you didn't know it.
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Squeak has a doll?

I want one.
The best thing is a comment from an artist you look up to, pointing out something in the pic that s/he liked.

Too bad that barely happens.
None. That one was shipped off. I'll miss'em.
Yes. And I hope to make more soon. Probably a few months away. Lyra might show up in the summer.
The community for that game is fucking terrible.
Why do people just post random shit here
yo man what the fuck

that's some godly shit
Actually I meant I want a doll of MY OC.
worst management too
GM's are always banning items for no fucking reason
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Is there like a Loomis for calligraphy?
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that anon reminds me of Apple

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>you will never find a princess pile in your appartment when you come back from work
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Mind if I random subject change to the concept of the Mysterious Mare-Do-Well?

Ahh, don't we all.
>you will never be big mac's personal sperm dumpster

But which stallion gets all those booties?
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Me. I'll share the bottom three though.
You do, Anon.

Shiny gets all of them.
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This is the best game on the PlayStation 2.

Don't try to prove me wrong.
You can't.
>put time and effort into video
>shitty video made in 5 minutes

Do you really think Celestia and Luna would allow their bodies to be used in such a crass manner?
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Loved the design, but the episode is shit. Really hope we get a full MMDW story for the comics. Could be pretty fun.
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>PlayStation 2
>He had parents who would actually buy him things
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Stupid photoshop, i didn't want a gif.
SOTC is overhyped shite. First game I ever returned for being bad.
>A Nintendo 64 game
>follow all the artists in the who's who
>hardly ever anything pony related on my dashboard

I don't care, I prefer loving sex in the missionary position anyway.
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That is the greatest game series of all time.
>there will never be a pony hysterical literature.
I got frustrated at the first colossus and gave up.

Yes I do suck at vidya.
Yeah, many of them stopped drawing pony or just stopped drawing entirely
Still not possible with pone in that position
I have never played a harvest moon game.
How missed out did i?
>How missed out did i?
And also how english did i.
Burnout 3 bitch

Why not?
Very. It's casual as shit, but great.
maybe they've finally realized that mlp is shit
First of all pone isn't real
casual =/= bad
>pone isn't real
N-no, you are lying
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>Yeah, many of them stopped drawing pony or just stopped drawing entirely
>tfw Ciircuit
>tfw senpai hasn't drawn in forever
it is a bad day today
I never said that casual was synonymous with bad. I enjoy a few casual games, because they're calm fun most of the time.
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>you will never give her the sub-d
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well now
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> facesitting picture that is actually hot
I'm confused
It's just Final Fantasy 9 with the magical fairy bullshit shuffled around and better grafix.

There was nothing like SotC before it and there never has been since.
A tenth iteration of the same well-worn style is not the same as conjuring a fully-formed masterpiece out of nowhere.
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I would have thought you guys would have figured out how this hiatus shit works.

When there's no new episodes and no new characters the novelty starts to wear off. The comics help some but not everyone reads them.

If you want more content I suggest making the things you want to see. Start now and you could be a decent drawfag in time for S4.
Nightmarity makes a lot of things hot
i guess it's just because it doesn't have fluttershy for once.
are you gay?
that first r34 that was made of her got me addicted to crotchtits. I had resisted for so long...
it didn't even get good until the hd version came out and made it actually playable

>evil is hot

No. It's just nightmarity.
I'm almost sure I'm not. Why?
I beat regular SotC twice.

Yes the framerate dipped to 20 during a handful of bosses,
but I barely noticed. Had no playability problems on the PS2.
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>I'm gettin' too face for this sit
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Well, I stand corrected.
No it isn't
So I'm confused.

Is facesitting supposed to be cunnilingus, which is amazing and perfect and the only sex anyone ever needs,
or is it disgusting subhuman butt stuff?

Ambiguous, maybe?
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Yeah, I disliked the episode, but I saw potential in the idea. Same as Daring Do. Though I'm more of a fan of the MMDW's looks than Daring's.
which was?
Which pony likes anal sex the most?
It's domination-lite. Or maybe you just really REALLY like ass in your face.
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Why is top cunt so cute?
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She's not.
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I like chubby and all, but that's just too much.
Also, I'm not a faggot
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Strong pony is best pony.
But where does the face go?

Butt or vagoo?

That's not Applejack.
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But she is.
She's a terrible pone and not at all entertaining in the show.
But she's cute.
Hey, have you read the comics? They're pretty damn good. I could see them do a full issue doing a "real" MMDW or Derring Do story for it.
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Personally, I like it for the cunnilingus aspect while also having a nice ass in your face. It's when you start adding other fetishes to it that it starts to disinterest me.
yes it is.
Vag over mouth.
Nose in the taint.
Eyes covered by buttmeats.

Is featureless pone crotch an erogenous zone?
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because all the ponies are cute
Just look at them
No it isn't
thank you, Captain Obvious.
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>All the ponies are cute
>Rarity is in the picture
However you want, or she wants. Just as long as she is sitting on your face.
Which one's the cute pony?
Pinkie Pie
All of them except derpy and rarity
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Being a guy who's REALLY into taking dicks in the ass,
I don't get why any female would be into butt stuff.

Girls don't have a prostate. If you aren't pushing the magic button, what's the fun?
sure virgin is here
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I've read a couple of the mini ones, and three of the issues where they're after Chrysalis. I haven't seen the MMDW ones.

I've sort of got my own ideas going with her. But I'll need to find where the MMDW official comics exist and find otu their take.
This one. Someone, I think from the milky threads, drew it withing a couple hours of the first picture of her being leaked. One of if not the very first nightmarity pics drawn and it's R34 with crotchtits.


braeburned pls
I'll have you know I've ridden more dicks than you could spit at.

But... I'm gay, so I wouldn't know this.
Why would girls like buttsex? It's messy and inconvenient and they have a better hole right in front of it.
Plus, the no prostate thing.
too big for my taste.
Oh, they haven't done any real MMDW yet.
The second arc after Chrysalis has to do with Nightmare Moon's return.
It looks like PT..
I could totally fap to that if it wasn't for the crotch tits
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Gay, actually. Not the same as being a virgin, but they experience similar fear and mystery over the thoughts of vagina.
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Sorry, you were saying?
>your passport says you are male.jpg
I haven't see you in months slyfag, how is pony doing?
it isn't though
No. Is not.
But it is.
That Metal Gear Solid 3 is the second-best PlayStation 2 game of all time.
Listen, man. I know.

I know.

But... still. You can't touch the king.
I don't see a dick anywhere so it can't be.
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They haven't made a MMDW one. Just me musing. But you should definitely read up on them. The newest arc has NMM return using Rarity as host.
If it's not it should be.
PT is post-op
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It's not.
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1) Mental stimulation is more important for girls than for guys
2) There are still nerve endings and stuff so they do expereince pleasant sensations
3) Being pleasured in both holes is more pleasure.
Your opinion isn't relevant, Anon.

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everything is canon all the time
Oh god
This *******TWO DOLLAR******* steak, egg and cheese sandwich at the gas station next to my house is sublime.

I know what I'm eating for the rest of forever
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Good overall. I'm overseeing auditions from VAs for a project with Pony In A Box.

The school I work at asked me to write a comic for them.

Other than not being able to go back to Paradise, things feel good.
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>pony in a box
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Haven't been here in a while. How's things, MLPG?
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MMDW references after the Chrys arc?
Second and the first, yes.
And the third.

In fact, whole top10 PS2 games of all time is taken by MGS3
Then other games are allowd.
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>eating at a gas station

fry pls, remember what happened last time?
It's a shiny nice new gas station, not a decrepit old moldy one.
Has hardwood floors and everything
Bad, all the ponies are ded
no. t's this >>10400794
More like a road-stop, then?
No, it's a gas station. Just a very well-refurbished one with hella good food, apparently.
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I've seen the pictures around and I am quite interested. Though, I've always considered the nightmare to be unseparable from Luna.
>she will never come to bring you eternal night
>an eternal night full of passionate, rough sex

>that vending machine eggsalad sandwich that gave him super intelligent worms
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>school janitorc asually draws shit
>he probably get paid 300-500 per months
>tiara get few times more per month
>can't draw shit

Ahh, justice. Life is fair after all.
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Then why the hell are you still alive?
Faust confirmed it was a separatedcreature since s1.
Nah, it's a separate entity that transformed Luna (I think Lauren mentioned it ages ago)
>few times more per month
Life isn't fair, kid. Get used to it.
The difference being Scruffy didn't do it for money.
I do believe that she had comments that seemed to hint both ways.
bad english anon stop trying to start shit
I'm not BOO!
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not really.
>implying it is not true
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Found both references after a google. Here is 1.
That was partially the point, you dolt.
>cursor in ss
God damn it anon..
So, comics are canon? Nice, so Mando is canon too. He deserves it.

I hope they will use his pony for some musician in s04
>no argument
>m-mando is canon guys
>he haven't seen him in the comic yet
And no, I'm not talking about cover.
you retard

the only thing you have to say against comic canonicity is about mando

are you fucking serious

>he doesn't know where "lel" comes from

>still no argument
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It also means that Derpy is a canon mail pony. So yeah I could deal with his faggot ass being canon.
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Damn, it ate my post

Here is 2. Lauren says it was jealousy that got Luna. It's a bit of headcanon/theory that friendship is magic, but so are other emotions. Jealousy is then a dark magic.
good mroing
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.all that mad and denial
What arguments have you made? Naught. I'm not that guy, but so far all you have said thus far is "lel".
I believe the argument is
comics are canon
mandopony is in the comics
therefore, mandopony is canon
yes he is.

Didn't brae post a picture of his laptop once for that valentine's day thing where it was covered in ponies and dildos, with a water bottle to the side labeled "brony tears"?
>work on G4 and it's universe, lore and characters started in 2008
>whole 3 years of effort were put into this
>meghan destroyed universe and all hard work within one-2 episodes

I would be bitter too. Poor Lauren.
is really funny.
Don't let him know that, his ego might get bigger
The comic reveals that Luna turned willingly into NMM. Just thought I'd mention that
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Good afternoon all, how are the Friendship levels?

Howdy stranger!

haha oh man I need to see that
>apparently I'm in denail

so lets recap this:

Your entire argument - YOURS - against the ENTIRE COMIC SERIES being canon, which includes the okay first Chrysalis arc and the semi-decent current arc with Nightmare Moon goes as follows:
>Mando is in it, I can't deal with that because I'm autistic, I'm going to be a obnoxious asshole about it over the internet

Am I following you so far?
>comic reveals show's canon
top lel
Gilda, always gilda
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>that entire post
Hasbro okays every plot thing that goes into the comics, it's been specifically stated thats the case in several sources
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>Post season 1
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Wow, since when are you guys back? At this time of day, Gilda or ded.
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Full Gilda
>/s4s/ still exists
>Any part of the show
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at this point who cares

it's background shit

easy to ignore

i'd get pissed if he or any other "famous" bronies get a speaking role in anything.

It's part of the V Day compilation post if anyone has it.
I don't seem to have it saved on this computer.
Would that be the royal wedding? Where it's revealed that Equestria is drowning in alicorns?
Mah zebra. Toys are OG.
>point out that throwing the entire comic aside for the sole reason that a single background pony, which is a oc for someone nobody likes is retarded

well okay then, have fun being retarded

I guess I'll just enjoy all these comic arcs and mini series
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>implying this ulgy slut is canon
You know that Hasbro specifically told IDW to use Chrysalis right? And that they have to approve the stories for the comic so that they don't go against the comic right?
>replying to morning shitposters
this is your own fault anon.
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the show is canon
I know it's all approved and checked for story consistency by Hasbro before being printed, but didn't Andy say the comic is only canon if you want it to be?
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I miss you guys sometimes and peek back in, hoping I don't merely get a facefull of pony vagoo and anger. So far so good.
Only as long as it doesnt contradict my headcanon

everyone is quitting pone

we're mad all the time

eg coming out soon

mlpg is dying
You and I are enemies now
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Squeak and Slywit
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Exactly! That's why I believe only S1 is true.
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Does it look like i give a shit?
>de scord
>da pone
>disco rd
>he scored
DiscLestia confirmed for canon
>geel dar
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What the fuck did you just say about me you little bitch?
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Well, I do feel the world itself was given the most consistancy and attention in season 1. So it might be sad how true that comment you said is for me. Though throw in Discord because discord.
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I do not give a shit
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Show me a good time~
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three most canon ships:
>Pinkie Dash

Rarity, trixie, and dash are all so fucking tsundere though.
Well, if I remember correctly, discord was originally intended to be the s1 finale

>Hiatus finally ends
>Excited for new pone
>Show is completely butchered
>The Ride Ends

You really want that to happen, anon?
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I can never remember what each means
>muh faust

c'mon man
I really just like Ponka and Apple bottom for the dumb ship name
At least that'll give me closure


The character acts like an absolute dick to the one they have feelings for, and they slowly warm up to them.

>implying the ride ends
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I'm going to watch Wonder Over Yonder soooooo haaaaarrrrrrdddd.

But yes, I believe you are correct.
I-it's not like I l-like you or anything. S-stupid.

I-it's not like I WANTED you to know what tsundere means... B-baka!
Season 4 when? I want to tear it apart already.
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well...at least flutterrdash is not in there
You're waifu a shit
Excuse me while i go sick up
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A shit what anon?
Flutterdash is best friendship
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That was a pic of a fanfiction writer who wrote a ridiculous blog post about, essentially, "muh heacanons!" and is also know for some horribly misanthropic stories and very unimaginative world building.
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What the fuck did you just say to me, bitch nigga?
An episode were everyone is tsundere for Applejack, and she's really tired of their horseapples.

Voiced by Hank Hill.
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Star Swirl D. Scord
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Oh ....
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Gabby gums has gone too far this time
So it has come to this...
I was not aware of her existence.
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I know you've long since given up on Paradise even being slightly canonical, but how's this strike you?
You're right.
>leave mlpg to make some coffee
>come back
>see this

I'm not even the guy who you were replying to, I just found it rather amusing and autistic.
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It was a happier time, not knowing. I was talked into reading one of her fics before knowing. It lulled me with decent writing but the misanthropy and creepy bits over the author's personality and opinions dripping in sent my mind to dark places. It's one of those bads that's more bad as in 'this person terrifies me'.
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Well, if you insist...*whips out dick*
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Pinkie sure love her friends.
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I hadn't really completely given up. I've even thought of ways to explain Cadance (because no one will remember, spoilers: Cadance was a fake alicorn crafted by powerful enemies wanting to steal the sun out from under Celestia while Celestia mourned the loss of he sister).

But I suppose I never did know the mind of Lauren. Paradise started as a What If: Celestia and Luna weren't born gods? I felt that it was a great way to explain why they are a unification of all three races.
>that shitty fic is canon
>after she say they were born as alicorns
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She's the sweetest.
You're reading it the wrong way.
I hear humans
>Cadance was a fake alicorn crafted by powerful enemies wanting to steal the sun out from under Celestia while Celestia mourned the loss of he sister
that's fucking stupid.
Paradise is fucking shit.
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why does everything on that site have shit resolution
i dont like it when pon is being raped. i would like it more if she were enjoying herself.
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Hello little pony. Now where did you get this pretty feather?
Ice Pack is sterile you dolt.
Eh, you haven't read the book, haven't you?
why the fuck is she wearing lacy underwear?
>brony fanfiction
what else did you expect?
My nigga.
mindbreak soon.
But that's from an animation explaining his sterility
I'm going to allow this.

even worse, they are now nolonger the pony i know and love
how about no?
you crazy fuck_ _______
>that Rarity/Blueblood comic
Does anyone have that pic of Carnifex from Bronycon?
He sort of looks like a crazed rapist
I really don't like his voice. It's too indian.
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I don't want to.
So Cadance is officially a pegasus turned alicorn.
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You're going to have a terrible life then.
fits with one of my theories of alicorn being a potential genetic glitch that can be brought out by powerful enough magical potential or something.

My other favorite theory is that magical ability can increase longevity so a pony with access to powerful magic of a certain kind can live for a long time. Even an earth pony like granny smith who is older than dirt.

Adding to that theory, their longevity is based on their own magic. But an external source, one either linking to or pocessing them, of that level of power, can increase their lifespan even longer. for example, a pair of sisters who have a magical link with certain celestial bodies can live for a thousand years.

Similarly, this can be applied to Sombra and even Discord. It's what I think of when anyone brings up the "discord = starswirl" theory.

alternatively: horacrux style longevity, their soul is tied to that power source in some way.

With these theories, twilight and cadence aren't immortal and being alicorns aren't what makes them powerful. They idea of alicorns being princesses is likely more out of tradition because of their rarity.

I didn't mean to write all that. Wow.
Expanding on this guy
There's a book that's been released that supposedly has Cadance's backstory in it; can't remember the title but I think it had crystal in it somewhere. She saves the day from some minor threat, then is made a princess in a similar fashion to Twilight, is how I think it went. I didn't really enjoy the writing and unless it becomes relevant to the show somehow, I don't care enough to read through it.
It should be up in the book section of yayponies if you want to read it though, I think.
I assume:
is related?

At this point, according to the canon show, I assumed all alicorns were former other-corns.
why not just imagine she is just a unicorn, like she was supposed to be?
Finally someone that shrugs it off instead of getting angered. I like you already.
We can all hate or dislike stuff but there's no reason to get buttmad about it.
>Even an earth pony like granny smith who is older than dirt.
She's the only pony withthe zap apple secret recipe right?
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Would you still love me if I posted ponies?
>inb4 deleted
If Cadance doesn't become an alicorn through learning all there is about love, then I'd dismiss it as a terrible idea.
>posting ponies
>on mlpg
Jesus christ what's wrong with you?
what im looking at
Usually. The book is bad but you can read off from http://yayponies.eu.
goodnight mlpg
why? Twilight doesn't know all there is about magic.
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The doctor says I have a condition, but I'm trying to get over it.

Is this any better?
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I think that in general pegasi and or unicorns becoming alicorns is a terrible idea.
It shall be so.
>apple scientist
Somebody's gotta be the applologist.
Gotta learn about those apples.
Faust please

She's an earth pony. She will help in the farm and breed more earth pony workers.
So you have no objections to earthies becoming alicorns?
A certain level of expertise, then. It made more sense to me that way, at least. Celestia basically tells Twilight that she's reached a new level. Or something like that. I haven't rewatched the episode in some time.

Anyways, Twilight learned enough about friendship (is magic) to digivolve into PrincessTwilimon. So, perhaps (and the most interesting idea to me) Cadance digivolved through learning about true love.
Well, duh.
But she's also gotta learn how to apple more efficiently! It'll be the Apple Family's secret. Nobody has to know their family is associated with higher learning.
also, I had headcanon like this back in S1 and had not trouble with anything that came later because of it. I always got angry back then when the sisters were made out to be goddesses by people. I thought that was jumping to conclusions.

I never saw celestia as anything more than pony galadriel. Great power over certain things maybe, but not a goddess. The fact that so many people clinged to that kind of headcanon even when the show tore it apart is just ridiculous.

Exactly. And I don't care about the whole "earth pony magic over nature" fanon but it makes sense for them to posses some forms of magic just to explain things like cutie marks and being able to use the elements of harmony.

And if friendship is magic then pinkie is about 95% concentrated magical energy ready to break loose.

because Faust didn't think of it that way, she imagined them as alicorn borns. Besides if you think of that you have to explain it in some way, you can't just fucking mess with genes like that.
>My other favorite theory is that magical ability can increase longevity so a pony with access to powerful magic of a certain kind can live for a long time. Even an earth pony like granny smith who is older than dirt.

Christ Savino, when being pointed out that she fucked up timeline, said "Oops". This is an obvious even for a brony mistake, Granny isn't 1000 years old.

I do understand now why headcanons usually being associated with autism and retardation when I read such kind of posts: >>10401585
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I prefer background ponies because they have little in the way of personality for corporate decisions to ruin

liking background ponies is a cheap, low-risk, disappointment-free investment
a breeding scientist?
Maybe she can learn how to breed more workers.
Yes, I'll allow this.
>you can't just fucking mess with genes like that.
>Granny isn't 1000 years old
she's over 200 years old
>because Faust didn't think of it that way, she imagined them as alicorn borns. Besides if you think of that you have to explain it in some way, you can't just fucking mess with genes like that.
Faust also had some pretty bad ideas that got axed, and her opinion on the subject doesnt matter anymore. And to your next point no you dont and yes you can, its fucking magic.
don't forget the fanfics, they NEED the fanfics.
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Aww, thanks.
are you trying to be ironic with that image?
I wasn't talking about that mistake. She's still old as dirt and it was a joke more than anything.

Next you're going to tell me that Celestia moves the sun,too.
Until they die and come back as an empty husk of their former self.
She even mentioned that if she was in charge there would be only 2 alicorns. Period.
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I like background ponies because they are cute, just like actual characters.

The End.

those are two words that should never go together

unless it's "we need to kill people who write fanfics"
oh you're just a shitposter? Shame.
Headcanon tiem? Feeling Pinkie Keen and Mysterious Mare Do Well aren't canon. Neither is season 3.
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I don't get it.
you still a colorfag?
that's not headcanon, is autism.
WWU: ponyville ponies used to do winter-wrap up without magic for AGES
AFR: granny and her family is the founder of Ponyville

Simple math: Granny is AGES old, not just 200 years.

But that was mistake on the writer's part.
>Neither is season 3
what a shitty headcanon
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This pony is a good pony. She is very pretty and has a nice voice and she loves animals.
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Babs' Seed
but then someone write a character a certain way and gets all mad that not everyone agrees with how that character is 'supposed' to be. Like the horrifying people who think the name Derpy is as much an insult as kicking her in the dirt and take it personally when they hear it.

I' only mentioning this because I had a frightening conversation with one last night.
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That's how it was fucking supposed to be, in fact.
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dash is such a silly and cute pony.
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Where do you think we are?
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>Neither is season 3.
Fine but then Babs Seed is my headcanon
Come the fuck on, anon. Celestia rotates the earth, she doesn't move the goddamn sun.
Sure thing retard.
It was just a joke. I purposely spelled time wrong to help indicate this.
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is babs time?
Hmm. No, I don't think I've been. My skills with color consist of the Fill feature on paint.net. I mean, I did draw a comic once, but it got uploaded rather poorly. Pacce colored it.

I dabble in plushes and write for the most part.
Explain how she can move a body with that mass, at that distance


She can easily destroy world with a spark of her horn.
>thinking mlpg could ever get a joke

Not when you have idiots like >>10401783
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That goes without saying, my dear anon.
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I want to kiss her little pony cheeks
I'm not going to waste my time and you should watch the show brony.
>i was just pretending to be retarded
you need to make it more obvious than simply transposing 2 letters.
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actually she can destroy the entire solar fucking system if she just concentrates for five seconds.
She's the most magical and powerful being of the galaxy.

And you're telling me that she got defeated by a bug.
>I don't know how to answer that and I am going to resort to callling you a brony and tell you to go watch the show
the show mention she move the sun in the first 2 minutes retard, is canon but no MUH SCIENCE XD
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I think the obvious part was saying parts of THE FUCKING SHOW are not canon.
Come on, I even threw in the easy episodes. Get a clue.
How about this headcanon that I don't have but like to consider still.

Equestria was an experiment to terraform a planet with two moons. The ponies were meant to serve the humans that created them. Certain races like griffins were the betas before the pony races were made. The planet is blocked from its sun so one of the moons was made into a miniature artificial one. Not a real star but acting like one all the same. The races were made with the unicorns to both act as servants and manage trickier things like the two moons, pegasi were meant to control the weather and make it earth like, and the earth ponies of course worked the earth. Other mythical creatures were made as genetic experiments simply to add appeal to the planet for colonists.

The colonists never showed though and were eventually forgotten.
>the show mentions she can move the sun

That's the legend that she tells everyone.
You still haven't explained me how she got defeated by chrysalis if she can do such a thing.
ask the writers retard not me.
>That's the legend that she tells everyone.
because you think her ability to move the sun is connected to her offensive magic capabilities
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Power of (eating) love.
>nanaki in charge of not wasting money
HWE was a metaphor
Celestia's dark magic was an illusion

Prove me wrong, guys.
whatever makes him happy
Chrysalis consumed so much love that became more powerful than Celestia, come on, she even fucking say it
>getting this mad at a show for little girls
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Saved the fuck out of that. I love you.
If you can channel enough power to crush entire planets into your horn, why can't you beat up something like her?
She sucked fof 1 guy and now she can destroy the galaxy?
What would happen if she got a whole army of lovers to suck? Destroy the whole universe?
1. correct
2. Incorrect. we saw confirmation in the show
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I'm quite excited about the new Mare Do Well thing I'm working on with Sly. It should be pretty fun! It's nice to see some discussion on it.
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>2 alicorns
Only one.
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>muh waifu
>Celestia's dark magic was an illusion

It's dark magic.
Welcome to last week
C'mon man havn't you ever watched a show of this genre beofre

everyone knows that the power of love and the power of friendship are in their own tiers
who's MMDW? Dash?
Lamar used to draw my OC for me.
I wonder if he'll go there, even though we haven't talked in a while.
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oh not this shit again
Oh dear. What did he say about it?
what if Twilight is corrupted by dark magic?
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Oh, there you are. I was wondering where you disappeared to.
Would it be about Dash reading the book or an actual adventure of Daring Do?
It was fucking dark magic,dude.
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How many alicorns are there now? I lost count.
Too many. Two of them must be eliminated.
Celestia and?
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Don't worry, goy. We'll get Rid of Celestia and Luna soon.
I think that alicorns are like Jedi.
Celestia and Luna have done their time and know the full spectrum of magic, hence Celestia whipping it out of nowhere.
So then that would make Twily a padawan alicorn, with lots of things still left to learn.
Luna, of course.
i still believe that cadence and twilight are just unicorns with wings, who cannot match the might of celestia and luna, who are the only "true" alicorns
You know, I'm kinda sad they won't use the DarkAether concept the crystals brought in

I mean could you imagine ponies researching negative emotion magics (basiclally the black magic of their world) and if there's a alternate world that darkness infused crystals project into theirs, hence why some things are different underneith it's light?

I mean imagine lanterns that are used to expose DarkWorld only caves and staircases and shit, it'd be amazing.
dunno, but I'm sure that Trixie and Sunset Shimmer will be alicorns too
"it" being the dark magic.
>I think that alicorns are like Jedi.

We George Lucas now? Seems fitting.
I agree.
I am fucking terrified there will be no more celestia and luna in the s4 finale.
But Cadence is more powerful than Celestia.
Imagine Batman Beyond.
Hasbro just broke the concept
Why does everyone draw Luna being sad
what the fuck
muh headcanon
well I never watched that show
Because she's a pathetic sack of shit.
To the fanfic mobile!
so if fluttershy but you don't see 10 billion sadstuck shit
froakie is by far the worst gen 6 starter
>true alicorn
The fuck, brony?
I'm sorry jeff...I really am.
hasbro ruined your headcanon
yeah, luna and celestia are just unicorns with wings.

All this "god" bullshit is the stupidest fanon.
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nigga you did not just go there
Yes, you do.
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Technically, celestia succumbed to chrysalis.
Cadance defeated her.
So TECHNICALLY, cadance is stronger.
Because she's sad in the show.
Bruce Wayne got old and took on a young protege in the near future.
I was busy geez
His fat ass just showed up when checking my fat pony tag on derpibooru
I'm just waiting for the inevitable animation where Lamar is actually circle jerking with another OC
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Could we just stop using brony as an insult please?
Like really guys? You sound like a stuck up child.
im laughing 4 real right now
at u

cus froakie sux
Brony perhaps?
I agree wholeheartedly.
oh come on you're going to tell me that g3 g4 g5 g6 are good too now,won't you
I hope he circlejerks with my oc when I make her.
you see 10 billion facesitting stuff
be more original then
And who's Bruce Wayne in your thing? Dash? Fluttershy? Applejack? Twilight? Ponko? An OC?
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Hello, what can I say, I'm never far.
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well secret passageways and stuff would be amazing

also you could have a running gag of whenever Luna gets into the darklight her outward appearance changes to Nightmare Moon
No, the love between Shining and Cadence was stronger.
>stop watching the show, guys

but g3 is the best gen go fuck yourself
and g4 had the best improvements on the series, mechanically speaking
I'm just telling the truth.
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Pinkie Pie.
Why don't they make everyone an alicorn with the elements of harmony?
I think it's because that Cadance is more well equipped for that particular threat

kinda like how a strong person can't take out a fire but a fireman could

that's me 2 cents though
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But I need more to add to my set of Stackable Princesses
update when?
>but g3 is the best gen go fuck yourself
>and g4 had the best improvements on the series, mechanically speaking

>take a load of this fucking 15 year old cam
G1 and g2 are the only fucking generations,fucker.
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Have you checked your if people have been watching your torrents lately?
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remember when video games used to be about playing video games
oh god, nostalgia incoming.
>do something other than the same thing over and over

it's hard to get out of a rut, I know
I agree on that,anon.
Jb,man. I love you but don't make me hate you.
most of g2's designs are forgettable
g1 is shit and only good for nostalgia factor or the GBA remakes


only reason why sly and squeak haven't been run off is because of "muh contributors" (even if they haven't done anything here if ages)

anyone that does fanfiction deserves to have a rusty nail up their dicks. fuck fanfiction and fuck everyone who defends it.
Don't joke about that. G2 is an abomination.
>those gifs

Every fucking time
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Add this one.
Casting the roles. Then, it'll move into production. I'm not sure how long that part takes.
Enjoy your thunder wave/wrap
They don't. It's season 1 Luna who is mainly drawn sad.
that's a simple minded headcanon. IT lacks any imagination and exists out of stubborness alone. It's stupid.

Want a less halfwit heacanon? go with one of the many that don't like alicorns with anything but royalty, and then realize that what makes celestia and luna truly special is access to certain kinds of magic that make them different. Imagine instead that their talent related spells are to link themselves with the sun and moon and draw magic from them too. Then you can put down their added height, floaty hair, and longevity on that external source rather than it being "alicorn = queen goddess supreeme!"

And if alicorns are made after discovering new magic like that then being an alicorn is a result of their power and not the cause.

If you want a canon thing to tie this in more you can look at luna's change in character design as being that her power got stripped away by the elements of harmony, making her look like a 'normal alicorn' and she regained it all later.
why does that last filename seem familiar
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>most of g2's designs are forgettable
>not liking suicune,raikou and entei
>not liking lugia and hoho

Literally worse than hitler.
>playing pokemon against other people
haha oh wow
name one pokemon in g1 that learns both of those moves
why can't people just move on already
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I want the "I hate fanfics" samefag to leave.
I said most dickshit
not all
not really

Gen 2 had a lot of improvements compared to Gen 1.

>this will never be finished
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It's a torrent from Yay-Ponies, though I'm not sure what episode is it
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but what is fanfiction but the realization of headcanon?
Luna was sad throughout the entirety of Season 1.

She was mostly sad during her one episode of Season 2.

Season 3 is brony pandering garbage.
You fucking Dickweed, all g2 is great and better than the generation that follow it.
We can't argue that 3.5 may have been the creepiest gen though. That's some /x/ shit right there.
I want Nathan, Slywit, and Squeak to leave.
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Exactly. At least we can write our headcanon.
Eren pls
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No one cares that you hate fun.
no fuck you the majority of g2's designs are garbage
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I see
I was worried it would be horse porn that's hiding somewhere on my harddrive
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>not playing pathfinder
Nathan still comes around?
>Luna was sad throughout the entirety of Season 1.
the 2 minutes of air time?

>She was mostly sad during her one episode of Season 2.
She was happy at the end.

>Season 3 is brony pandering garbage.
Oh you're just a shitposter
I miss when the show was good, and the only drama was how shit you all are.
It's season 2, episode 8....which is MMDW

I want to leave.
so it's agreed upon
chespin is the best g6 starter
Nice bait

but it's shitty and unsubtle
I know this because Pokemon Stadium's Final Gym Leader Battle has that with the above stated moves and all you can do is wait for wrap to miss.
No fuck you, all generations after gen 2 are shit.
He's always shitposting anonymously, just like you you dumb cunt.
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>Literally worse than hitler.
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same shit

it's fucking cancer

suck my dick

fanfiction is garbage

anyone with half a brain knows that

if anything, it's sad that sly and squeak are wasting their talents of this shit when in the long wun it's not going to get them anywhere.
>defending season 3

brony please leave
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>it's hard to get out of a rut, I know
I bet you do you stupid slutty mare
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Just a friend...
god damn I can't write today.

what ever really
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well, Season 3 is garbage
fucking Lance
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/b/ please go
>get them anywhere

Writing never gets anyone anywhere, lets be fucking real about this. It doesn't matter what you write because writing is pretty much a dead end to begin with, might as well write what's fun to write.
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>this is what simpletons actually believe
You're fucking cancer. Why? because I said so and bla bla bla unexplained opinions and name calling.

Shit anon, it's just taking a bit of headcanon or theory and applying it in order to better explore or realize it. Often it's just kids playing escapism or looking for attention, but that's just the external bit, the scum that forms a skin on the top of the soup.

You can call someone autistic for watching a show about ponies but you can't stop them enjoying it. You not liking it doesn't make it shit.
then why waste your fucking time on something that's useless to begin with? specially fanficiton?
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Writing is fun.
>stop attacking season 3 you guys
>anybody who does is just a big troll
>also Equestria Girls is going to be really good and I can't wait to see it in theaters
>anybody who says otherwise is also a troll
>the song where we thought Renne was dead was called "Forgotten"

I was not ready for these feels ;_;
S3 might not have been as good as the previous ones, but that doesn't mean it was bad or "brony pandering"(if anything, the comics has more of that)
>wasting their talents

Actually I think they're perfectly suited for writing pony fanfiction. What else are they going to do with themselves?
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But Anon, Equestria Girls IS going to be really good. Even if it's bad, it'll be enjoyable.
>fun doesn't exist
I build cannons out of plastic. Don't fucking tell me about useless hobbies.
this anon is same shit

the guy is fucking cancer

suck my dick

this anon is garbage

anyone with half a brain knows that

if anything, it's sad that people are wasting their time responding to this shithead when in the long wun it's not going to get them anywhere.
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Because people can do whatever they want.
They can spend their time however they want.
I think that someone writing a fanfic spends his time more wisely than posting on mlpg.
headcanon is just fanfiction

therefore it's shit

so get the fuck out of mlpg
why does everyone keep falling for this bait
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I just wanted to watch a lighthearted cartoon show.
If we fucked up, she really could have been dead and forgotten
You're in the wrong thread for that,anon
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Too bad, you're in MLPG now!
>caring for renne quest
haha you faggots
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I don't believe you.
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Beep Boop. Y'all know how this goes. Now that the draw prompts are through, we can get back to drawing horrible pictures.
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By your logic no one should even be on mlpg because it doesn't get them anywhere.

Let people do what they enjoy, if that's arguing so what?
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oh good we're making progress. I didn't think we'd ever move past the blunt 'it's just shit because it is' phase.

Now tell me anon, what's really bothering you?
Did you? Did you really?

Or did you instead want to write shitty fanfiction of a lighthearted cartoon show because you desperately want attention?
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Progress pic.
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you really fucked up
to the enjoyment of others

plus crafts are popular; writing about shows for little girls isn't

try to draw? cosmo realized this.
what bothers me is that people think fennekin is a good pokemon
I directly copied the other anon's post and replaced 'fanfiction' with him. It was an attempt to parody his complete lack of reasoning when all he had to say was "it's shit because I don't like".
watch out Lyra, all that candy is gonna make you pudgy
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Let's talk about pretty horses
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what's with the framed panels
>try to draw? cosmo realized this.

Exactly. If they really wanted to contribute, they'd teach themselves to draw. But they're just shitty non-contributing attention whores like Sentenal or Nachoes.
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Let's just fucking fight, MLPG.
Let's get it out of our system so we can move on with our lives.
it's dead

MLPG is dead, everyone is dead so why bother?

Anyone that pretends otherwise is just deluding themselves.

The only reason to even come here is to fap or to shitpost.
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Well, horsefucking and rabbits, anyways.
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>Pretty horses
>Posts derpy
Hey there brah.
pls draw dicks
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But she isn't pretty at all.
I didn't notice.. Point still stands though.

No u
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Seeing this warms the cockles of my heart. Is it possible to do another panel if we've already gone?
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Try me ya cunt 'll neck ya' i swear on me mum
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or just crazy.
time for a tripfag tier list?
Some people left them on as a guide, I suppose. In the end they'll be covered up by surrounding panels.
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>he seriously cares about pokemon
I'll kill you
Sure thing, Cap. Just don't go too crazy.
Anything new?
good luck I'm behind 7 estus flasks
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Yeah, lets
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shit posting

Old trips

The usual really
>implying you'll have time to chug when I can just spam dark magic
The usual raid. We're having lots of fun feeding v,b and vp.
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Onta does know that spines don't bend at 90 degree angles right?
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eenie meenie minie moe
I wonder where,
Pinkies fist will go?
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She sure is!
Because you're not pretty derpy. you're beautiful
>implying bronies will care
>calling off-topic posting a raid
you don't know what a raid is
>looks okay
>looks okay
That's some fucky perspective
He knows how anatomy works, he just chooses to exaggerate it a lot
yo who the fuck is this fag and why is he with my waifu?
>implying I won't flick those off with dark bead and use the superior crystal magic instead
your problem is that you're focusing on the external rather than the internal.
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>confusing the outer edge of the rib cage for the spine

Reminds me of the time Ross called those bunch of non-90 degree angles "90 degree angles."
But it's not just the usual shitposting.
But that's bad exaggeration.

If you're going to exaggerate something make it look better than reality, not worse.
Oh shit, this is still going on?
I have to redo my panel then.
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A 40 man party in which we work together to fight a extraordinarily hard boss?

>you will never play a mmorpg with the main 6
it's just a small handful of people talking about pokemon and a couple of others throwing brony at each other in every sentence

nothing unusual here
It's really not. You're just bad with anatomy and looking for something to bitch about.
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>the only way to properly release your creativity in this fandom is obviously to draw. I mean there's not other REAL outlet for the stuff. If you're only good at writting then of well, you'll jsut have to accept that your talanet is useless and a waste of time here. I mean there's not way that drawing is autistic, you're only spending hours of time creating a picture of cartoons horses, it's not as if all the arguments against fanfiction could easily be said for drawings and hold just as much meaning. There's no such thing as shitty drawing.

And obviously drawing comics isn't bad or at all similar to fanfiction.
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you're not into that,right?
It dwindled after a little while so I let it sit in the hopes of posting it again when things were slow, but I got really busy.
oh well, it just seemed a lot moer shitposty today.
>obviously drawing comics isn't similar to fanfiction.

Of course it isn't.

People like comics.
>there will never be a pony mmorpg
>you will never make massive raid parties with mlpg
what external? all I'm saying is the truth. Fanfiction is shit and no one should bother with it.

no one is going to give a shit about the words in a comic because if the art looks good. It has always been like this.

And you can use your skills from drawing fan art to improve yourself. Writing fanfiction doesn't help in any way
What kind of MMORPG you are into?
>you're just bad with anatomy

Hint: The obliques connect from the pelvis to the ribcage.

Onta's obliques either bend inward at an impossible angle or they connect to something else below her ribs because I can clearly see from the implied ribs from the front and side view that her ribcage is higher than her wasp waist.

Now kindly fuck off, retard.
>didn't play wow back in the vanilla / tbc days
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Man, double rainboom sucked.
>you will never make massive orgies with mlpg
No, I didn't waste my time and money on world of fucking warcraft. I played diablo 2. Singleplayer.
Because opinions. All writing is a waste of time.

>no one is going to give a shit about the words in a comic because if the art looks good.
Is that why he almost always hides his hands?
People like JJ's comic for the words?
>no one is going to give a shit about the words in a comic because if the art looks good. It has always been like this.

>cynade and happiness doesn't exist
>xkcd doesn't exist
>three word phase doesn't exist

I'm just saying the first 3 that come to my mind.
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>All writing is a waste of time.
uhuh sure it is
I'm talking about shit like .303 or Punisher MAX

Yeah the images are nice but for fucks sake the story is what fucking matters.
People like JJ?
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Why do people have no taste?
no, subhumans and horny teens like JJ's butts.
That's it.
>implying no shitty looking comics are ever popular.
I wonder if anyone would have liked the wevers stuff if he hadn't done comics. Also, the point went right over your head.

oh and what's that? Writing fanfiction cna't improve your writing but drawing ponies can improve your art? Wow you're so smart and totally an expert in both mediums.

I mean there's no way limiting yourself to simply designed cartoon horses would matter, drawing is drawing right? It's all the same. Lines, shapes, maybe colors? Cool stuff.

Writing narratives that just happen to be about ponies is totally not at all going to improve your writing skills. you'd have to be an idiot to think that right?

You are really not that bright anon. Seriously. As an actual drawfag who wishes he could write, I think you're an idiot.
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too much pony
That's hilarious. Your point being?
gah, meant to reply to this one >>10402448

Well they look alike. Easy enough to get them confused.
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Ross, please.
Sometimes I wish I could be a bird and hop around cheep cheep cheep and fly with bird friends in the air whoosh
Oh! Oh! I can write! Want to trade a commission for a drawing?

That picture has clearly been edited in Photoshop. Now kindly fuck off.
That's just the right shade of chocolate I love.
Do you ever talk with fanfiction anywhere outside of your little echo chamber circlejerk?

If you tell people you draw comics, they'll find you interesting and want to learn more.

If you tell people you write fanfiction, they'll think you're a creepy retard losers.

And not without good reasons.
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>As an actual drawfag who wishes he could write

Why in the everliving FUCK would you want that? Why do you want to degrade yourself like that? More people respect someone who can draw more than a person that can write. Don't do that to yourself. Most here know this.
what's wrong with that
You are fucking blind, sir.

Do you see a fucking concave bend at her waist?

No, I don't think you do retard.
No. Not really.
I'm writing fanfiction to improve my writing through practice. that's what it's fantastic for, you can easily get help improving yourself and people are more accepting of your failures. Just like with most art and unlike most writing groups about 'serious' and 'real' writing.
you could tell people you write short stories or something
i mean, i never say that i draw my little pony fanart, i just say that i draw stuff
psst >>10402539

telling people you write fanfiction will make them laugh in your face.
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her back is bending at an impossible 270 degrees. She's been in some nasty accident, obviously.
I write fanfiction.
>laugh in your face

I'd imagine most would stifle the laughter, then make fun of you privately to other people.
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then you're fucking worthless to MLPG

now get the fuck out to /mlp/ or fucking fimfiction

we don't need that garbage shit here
That's retarded anon. If I tell people I draw comics they'll ask what it's about. If I tell them I write fanficiton they'll ask the same.

In both cases I'd then have to tell them it's about ponies if it is. I could just as easily leave out that the 'short stories' I'm writing are fanfiction, I could bullshit it by explaining that I'm 'exploring the mythos of another writer's work to improve my own writing skills'.

I don't think you know anything about writing or drawing, and especially about drawing comics. So I'm not sure you're in any boat to pass judgement over people for it. I wouldn't even take an artistic critique from you. If I took a commission I bet I could get away with something shitty and not care about it.
Make me.
Oh wait you can't ;)
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Nigga I hope yous trollan
was that necessary?
The difference is, people appreciate fanart.

Nobody likes fucking fanfictions except a small group of fucking losers.

Are you 12? Did you not know that? Grow the fuck up.
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I don't sing the songs you like so I don't entertain you. Because that is my only purpose here, your private entertainment.

Bite me. some people like fanficiton even if you don't. Get your bullshit opinions out of here.
Oh wow those are totally amazingly diffferent.

Oh no, wait, they're practically the same, with only minor exaggeration.
>they're practically the same

Yeah, one's bent, the other's snapped.
that's opinion. You appreciate fanart and not fanfiction. some people don't have patience for either and don't like either. "why don't you make something original faggot!"

Your arguments against fanfiction are just as true for fanart. You are only spouting personal preference.

You gotta recheck your eye, major difference between a smooth curve and a snap like the left is doing.
I ignored your post because it was retarded. Spamming a link to it again won't make me care faggot.
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Listen, if you've got some actual legit complaint about Doxy's art, just say what it is.

If you're some furfag dramawhore with a grudge and just want to bitch, fuck of to FA.
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>people who can't tell the difference between a curve and an angle

MLPG doesn't care about fanfiction

other places do

so it's best to talk about it in those other places, but not here.
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Things will get better when the hiatus ends.
Doesn't mean it isn't true.
>MLPG doesn't care about fanfiction
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These hostilities are making me horny.
they didn't last hiatus

or the hiatus before
Just like with the S2 hiatus that totally didn't kill us even more?
>googling pictures of contortionists to compare an artist's with normal standing figures
>"I just don't see the problem why are you guys being so mean?"
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that pony is making me horny
fluttershy pls go under a butt or something
I'd rather have someone do some shitty fetish ERP right now than some people bitching about fanfics and drawfags.
>Pony or Die 2 will have less fanfiction focus due to not enough writers
>no Friend Off due to no writers
>the MLPG Writes event had pitiful submissions
>multiple "authors" have been switching to drawing because writing isn't worth it
>overall less enthusiasm regarding fanfictions as a whole compared to last year
>quests are dying due to lack of interest

>b-but MLPG cares about fanfiction! We even made (another) Skype Chat about it (even if it won't lead to anything other than even more circlejerking)!
His picture doesn't even fit his argument. The spine still has a natural curve there.
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Is that my cue?
>claim the bending back is anatomically impossible
>shown actual photographs that not only is it possible, it's not even close to being impossible

Maybe you should learn a little anatomy before you try to critique real artists.

Otherwise you'll just keep looking like a fool.

Don't be a Ross.
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As long as you're doing a non-shitty fetish, go right ahead.
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>all of those things
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Yes you represent all of MLPG. That's why everyone agrees with you and there aren't even and writefags around to be told off in the first place.

Nobody cares about your opinion. Stop spamming it. Your preconceptions on fanfiction are only a result of the older mentality that made up these threads for a relatively short time but became grounded well enough that parts of it still linger.

That of the usual loud minority of /co/ outlook on 'fandoms' as in themselves something to be despised and "'m totally not one of those because I don't waste time being creative with fanart/fiction/any other shit, I only spent hours on ends arguing about it passionately so I'm not as much of a faggot!"

You're a ghost of a stupid ego and I don't take your opinion as anything but shit. But then that's just my opinion, I'm not going to make sure everyone agrees that you're shit.
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Thank Gaben for vidya. I'll catch you people tonight when we aren't so nitpicky.
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>non-shitty fetish
Like what?
I've learned from before to NEVER color a sketch
give me a momant
Its a copypaste.
>inb4 that faggot will post his shitty eye-bleeding coloration again
I'm just going to close this tab and pretend the last 2 years never happened


Also see you tomorrow
No ''Anon is a beta faggot who gets raped anally by a futa Rarity'' type of shit.
Doesn't mean it isn't true.
You can color a sketch if you keep the coloring style equally as sketchy.
You don't have proof or solid examples for any of those.
i see, i dont come around that often anymore
but are the things in said copypasta true?
>I've learned from before to NEVER color a sketch
You the guy that got down on himself when someone showed up with linework?
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how do I do that?
That just means MLPG sucks at it. There are plenty here who like fanfiction but keep out out of here because it saves the grief that some faggots give it simply for being fanfiction.
I consider all of these things to be good.
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I've yet to see you demonstrate any anatomical expertise.

Yes, it's possible to bend the spine exceptionally far. If you're a contortionist. And if you're bending your entire body.

Just standing straight up with no weight should never produce a near 90-degree bend. What is causing it? Besides the artists's boner that is.
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no, I colored this and it just looks down right awful
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But who will be my master?
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best pony
Futa Rarity or 6ft Acid
Who do you want to be?
so Nyx is best pony?
>I don't see you demonstrating anatomical expertise
>I myself still don't even recognize that's not an actual ninety degree bend
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You have to follow the rules of the sketch, If you are just filling in between the lines, it will look like crap
Yes they are. It was embarrassingly funny seeing the whole fanfiction event flop hard since there was barely any involvement from anyone.

Plus no one is going to either Celestia or Pretty Princess quest.

Cosmo and I think someone else started drawing more than writing, saying it's not worth the time and effort.

No fucking shit. That's what I've been saying. You like Fanfiction? Don't bother bringing it here.
>not the pony
I'm so excited about that drawthread guy

What I'm saying is it's not brought here because of a few people causing a fuss over it.
It's true, writing fanfiction has been beaten down by ask blogs now. It's not enough just to write, you need to draw as well.
Me too. You have no idea.
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i like this horse
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It's probably closer to 70 degrees, but the angle of the bend doesn't matter as much as the sharpness off it.

Look, I don't doubt Onta knows his anatomy. But artists who know their shit can still fuck up, especially when they're catering to their fetishes.
That's a very okay horse to like
That's kind of pathetic.
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A hopeless guy who was turned into a mare and needs a place to stay
or we can just speed it up and just say I'm just some random mare
I find the former more attractive since you're trying to mentally break a person.