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Let's have a nice quality thread with only the best ponies, yeah?

Old horse: >>10386375
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if you say so.
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>Best pony.
Look out.
I got this shit.
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I'm sorry.
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Hah! Perfect.
Silver Spoon > Diamond Tiara
Mewanon should be more boyish and shota
mewanon looks like an adult Rumble

Tex pls

9/10, it's shit
Why is the upper lip black?
>shading with black
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>filename related
>Lyra watching a handjob.png
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I like the different skin tones. Shirts seem a little bland, though.
>AJ will never rest her head on your shoulder
how tall is tex
>Lyra biting her lip staring at their hands
This shouldn't amuse me as much as it does.
poop posting
I don't know, Mewball drew him even taller first.
mew's is missing his question mark
Ew, gross
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would you?
So I've noticed people have started taking my pics and, with no small amount of effort, editing out the genitals.

Not sure how to feel about that.

Also noticed that more popular and experienced artists are redrawing my ideas.
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It's shit like this that makes me wish people would get thicker skin.
>Made Mewanon into a dude bro

Your jaws and bodies are ridiculous
aj looks extremely comfy there
>I fucking hate that he put a human vagina on an animal.
>How dare he and you defend this.
>Go fuck a sheep.

>go. fuck. a. sheep.
>Furry logic.

I had to stop reading for a second.

At first I though Texanon had a mustache, which then made me think what is actually AJ's hat was actually a sombrero.
so I skimmed it
its somebody getting too upset over people drawing human genitals on ponies

>Acknowledges there are more popular and experienced artists

Well, clearly you're not LMJ.
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Would you?
Tex, after much observation I have to tell you that your drawings lack a sense of weight. It's very obvious in this one, where the ponies don't seem to sag or squish against their supporting humans at all. Texanon is particularly egregious, in that he looks more like he's holding a potted plant, not cradling his pony wife with the full brace of his strong, manly arm.

How the body repositions, tenses, and shifts its balance is a very subtle thing, but it makes all the difference in adding vivacity to an image.
I don't see why not.
I prefer Hsien-Ko.
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Would you?
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I'll keep that in mind.
>scanning through picture for minor errors so i can point them out

HA, applejacks tail is way too high, fuck you tex
Daily reminder that you all are faggots.
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I mean, it's the name my momma gave me.
What's your point
Thanks, you too.
On what grounds?
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Well I know I would
Yeah and?

I want to put on a pretty dress and suck a few dicks
more? source?
Welcome to the internet, I guess
at least it saves you the trouble of drawing smut yourself
I'm not a faggot
I'm a slut

There's a bit of a difference
anytime someone can assert dominance in a field over someone else anonymously, they take that opportunity to degrade one person to make themselves feel superior.

hello ross
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LMJ pls
Best president or best president?
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Mangneto did them
I'll spoiler it though due to notpony even if it is quite hot
But anon is drawing smut, and other people are removing the genitals and making it not-smut
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Terrible, he's not even a pony.
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I would fuck them
so hard.
Yeah what kind of fucking weirdo does that?
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He was doing fantastic until his secretary blew it for him.
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Purple horse.
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I miss when chocolate Twilight was a thing
are there any black princess pictures?
take it as a hint that you draw shitty genitals
What do you draw?
What if Applejack were president?
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Will you?
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that horse is really purple. How is she so purple?
Post your work
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Look at her beauty. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out.
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Economic ruin
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A mare president?
>If we don't get it together we are going to lose the country!
>Sings a song.
>Country in ruins.
I just dont like this particular picture anon
oh, I misread

As someone that's edited genitals out of pictures before you shouldn't take it as a personal offense against you
some pictures just need a featureless crotch
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I've found myself liking purple horse more and more lately.
...Just what are you trying to say, Tex? I suppose next you'll be telling me that donkey's shouldn't be presidents either.
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Black people are disgusting.
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And some images need eyeless faces.
Mostly porn. Occasionally goofy one panel comics.

The pics being reproduced are unusual enough that I don't think it's somebody just coincidentally picking the exact same subject matter. At least not all of them.
>that infected ear
Dear god. Who the fuck made that?
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MLPG, if I get a job on a horse farm, will they be mad if I show up each day in my Pinkie suit?

>give me money so you can give me money for stuff
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Only other donkeys would vote for a donkey.

And not because of his policies, just because he's a donkey.
Your disgusting
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how can you not like adorable fluffy little ponies.
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>bronies in charge of originality
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I recognize that filename!
This is almost as bad as Mic getting loadsamoney.

in b4 oh no these commissions are too hard I'll make them quick sketches instead
>Once again Jay wants a free ride.
And this shocks you how?

I am waiting for Nanaki to do it so he can buy more brony shit.
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No, just tell them that you are role playing, they will understand
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I dunno
Nanaki did do it.
but I thought that was a Scoots
/co/ pls fuck off
just put them all in an imgur gallery or something and stop spamming our pony thread
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Does Jay even have a day job?
He seems to be constantly asking for money
Her hair is a mess.
It should be brushed.
but that's it
Tell them you are only trying to make the horses more comfortable with a fellow horse tending to them.
Death to all blacks
>$125 for wifi

what the fuck. lol america
There are many thousands of pony pictures out there with featureless crotches.

Why somebody's going to take a gratuitous close up of vaginal penetration, and shoop out the genitals, I don't understand.
You have to understand the horse
You must be the horse
You must embrace the horse
Envelop the horse
i love stephen a smith
I want to go to equestria and marry Twilight.
I fucking love this song. Deal with it.
how would Celestia react if she caught you staring at her sun-butt?
It has to be a sandwich
You are now a sandwich
You are Twilight's sandwich
This is beyond belief

Why doesn't he just use his phone for data?
Why does he have no money at all?

Does being fiscally retarded run in the family?
His job is drawing futa and ponies.
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And what about when I get the horses to try and mount "Pinkie"?

oh wait it's next to me
more cider?
cannot decide between:
1. ability to go back in time whenever i want and retain my memories
2. unlimited shapeshifting powers
>these fucking comments
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>Every time he does something that requires money.
>Asks for donations.
Take a wild guess.
>this delusional artist thinks every one of his ideas are genius and original

doubt it. post one for us and the guy who copied.
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...I actually wasn't thinking of a specific pone when I drew that but you're right. She's lodged in my subconscious making me draw her.
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Apparently that doesn't pay too well
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Nah, I don't contribute here.
it does, he just spends it all on online games.
Just tell them you a preforming a study to see what happens when a giant horse dick enters "Pinkie's" anus... They'll understand.
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What kind of power he has to just say "Hey guys I need 700 bucks please commission me" and get even the double of that quantity?

Is it the smut? Is it the anthro?
and there are thousands of pictures of explicit pony on pony action

I'll admit shopping out the genitals on full penetration seems a bit overboard, but what do I know
what does that have to do with posting them
guys i need to raise $10k
plz donate
People just throw money at him because he's a brown noser.

It's sickening, really.
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either back you up into the wall with her ass and ask if you like it up close or slap you for looking then get turned on when she realizes you like it.
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I guess being a cunt for hire doesn't pay too much.
He's gonna get that money too, he must have some kind of power over his mindless followers.

Or maybe they just don't like having money.
Neither, it's the blind fanbase, the same that throws Mic money when he complains that he's too poor to go to Bronycon
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What's with all these self-proclaimed drawfags who want to talk about their art on MLPG but don't want to post it because they're "not contributors"?

Why don't you just go fuck off somewhere else then?
Or maybe people like him more than you, and you're jelly.
onta pls
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You don't understand, Dooks

You don't have his pure skill and vision
You think that's bad
What do you contribute, anon?

>implying they're actually artists and not just people trying to stir up nonsense because they're bored
>Or maybe they just don't like having money.
Or their parents money.

I am waiting for one of his fans to legit steal their parents credit card for this shit and have the parents try to get it back, him refuse and they sue him.
I would watch the shit out of that Peoples Court.
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unlike you I'am not a shitposter.
Lube and tolberone
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I like this butt better.
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>there are people in /mlp/ who brag about shitposting in mlpg

Man if I could pull that shit off I would have so much crafting shit...
Like, all of it.
And not share any of it.
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oh wait one more
>I contribute nothing

You sure sound like a shitposter to me.
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If there's one thing i'm jelly of it's his limitless funds
It would be the best thing ever, I'd watch it every day and beat off
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I love bug-butt
somehow I can't really see her doing either of those things
shoving her ass in your face seems a bit overt. more befitting for JJ's Celestia knockoff OC
I have a standing offer to pay bitcoins to anyone that will draw OC smut without permission of the OC owners
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I sometimes wonder if the fandom made her crazy.
>she will never make her butt bigger just for you
That wasn't even me you dingus.
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The chest implants probably did

tara strong was already crazy
Who is actually jealous of Jay?

He's ugly as sin, pathetically unhealthy, can't draw worth a fuck, and has constant money trouble.

Nah, she was crazy before the show.
she was starving for attention?
>you will never drive Tara crazy
Hey Goat, you around?
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I hope I go to the con so I can call him out
>you wanna do what with my butt?
He's also incredibly popular and gets easy money doing what he loves. So who's jelly? His haters.
You forgot "drew Mic's OC unironically".
I think she'd probably laugh at the thought of an alien finding her posterior appealing. Maybe tease you about it if she's in a playful mood.
>wanting to go to conventions
Luna pls
it's probably not going to sound as cool in reality as it does in your head
either way you should record it if you do
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favorite fanon.
And yet has a small army of fans.
And somehow can get into cons that cost like 400 bucks for free.
And he doesn't have to make a livestream where he takes off his shirt and cries for it.
What was the name of the guy who went up to JJ and bitched about Molestia at that ponycon, while spouting a bunch of reddit maymays?
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Tara us gross
I find Andrea to be a cutie though
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If I had that money I'd use it either for Bronycon, or fulfill my dumb dream of setting up a musical studio.

Sometimes I wish I had Tumblr awareness to get bronies to comission me for a dumb doodle.
>not liking other's version of fun

Will do, I'll have back up too if it goes according to plan
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I'm stuck and I need your opinion MLPG, now I know you don't like blog shit but I'm in a situation were I'm fucked.

Alright it began when I choose my college course, they said if you wanted to get to a concept art job take this course you'll be drawing all the time. Of course they lied and we only drew for a month, now all I've been doing is 3D and written work for the past year and we only draw when we need a model done. Which is dull and boring and I can't build up my skill. Now it's too late to leave the course because if I do other courses will frown upon me leaving my course so they won't accept me into another, same situation with university. So now I've only been drawing when I'm not doing written work up at home, like stupid assignments like how to set up and Xbox for a software assignment. I hate my course and the predicament in which I am in.

Any help on my situation right now would be extremely useful.

Also sorry for my punctuation I'm tired and upset
Would you actually trade places with him though?

I fucking wouldn't.
He tripped by the name of "Luna"
That was Luna
You know what would be great?

If Thunderlane was secretly jealous of all the love Cloudchaser and Flitter give Rumble, but can't bring himself to tell them how he feels.

Shame, because it would probably result in the greatest threesome ever.
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Stick through it and use it as a learning experience
Why would I be jealous of someone who suffers from foot in mouth syndrome,Can't take criticism worth a damn. Refuses to improve their art and is content with being mediocre?

I really do hope and pray for the day that Jay acutally gets some ambition to improve himself because I think he can be much better than he actually is right now but there is little to no reason to be jelly of him.
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>I'll have back up
Are you planning to assault that fat fuck?
On one hand, I want to tell you he's not worth it because he isn't
on the other I really want to see someone go to jail for beating the shit out of him
are you kiddin? of course I would, I can drink all the Hi-C I could ever want.
Get the hell out and go to tech school for something easy like MRI operator. That's what I'm doing.
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they are just friends anon and he's not jelly
>not a foursome
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>How to set up an xbox
You went to a for profit, didn't you
get a minimum wage job and you too can live the dream

Ah yeah, jesus what a fuck-up. mlpg's got that age old problem where it's been acting retarded for so long, that all the new people don't realize it's supposed to be ironic. Like that whole DJ Acid bullshit.
It's Hawaiian Punch anon
Nah, I'm a stick and he'd break me if he sat on me. I'm saying that there would be more than one person bitching at him.
Can't think of a predicament where we would come off as a random asshole though.
I wouldn't. I'm better off than he is.

That's why I'm not constantly bitching about him. I'm not jelly.
>completely missing the point

Let me guess, you think he's gay.
Pff, yeah Tumblr awareness would be nice but then again I would have to update regularly. And actually doodle.
I would laugh if I could get paid for the shit I do.
Because he's better than you.
No but they are friends and that's it.
DJ Acid was never ironic
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I asked this in the last thread, but... a little while back, GG apparently found a fapfic featuring Luna and Icepack.

I have to ask... was it any good? Was there a link provided?
Find a better fucking university
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what do you mean profit?
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Day 79
Estimated Total MLPG posts: 5,921 (Running Total: 492,164)
Estimated Total /mlp/ posts: 22,022 (Running Total: 2,096,602)

Ponies and ponies and ponies and ponies
And ponies and ponies and ponies and ponies
And rainbow-y ponies and sunshine-y ponies
And clouds full of ponies that float in the sky!
>getting 2 grand in less than a couple weeks

That's not minimum at all actaully
I'm better off than Jay.

I still think it's shitty that someone like him can have more success than other artists who put more effort into their craft and aren't horrible people.
You're alright, despite our differing headcanons.
I told someone that I like MLP. He told me to get a life.
>D-DJ Acid is ironic! people don't r-really beat it too her!

Anon come on, how long are gonna believe this?
I don't like rainbowy ponies

Are we dying?
There are thousands of shitty artists in the fandom. If you're assblasted over Jay in particular, then you're jelly.
but if you made minimum you could afford all the red shit you could drink
stuff's not expensive
No, it's within standard deviation.
Why does this anon keep pushing this

yes some of us like futa, you got a problem, go lump it
It's hiatus anon.
>he doesn't know
Too big for me, sorry.
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What is the name of your Uni?
What accreditation does it have?
You might be in a scam
Fuck off.
I'm aware that their are people that actually jerk off to Acid. Just the sort of newfag brony retards I'm talking about. Bronies like you.
That's stupid. You're stupid.
Why. Why would you tell someone?
Everybody's dying
how do you report someone for tax fraud. i hear tons of furry artists are notorious for not claiming commissions on taxes.
I like sitting comfortable on my 10k, thanks.
I heard there is a temporary sub. Is this true?
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I like to shit on Jay cause I'm bored and it's easy.
>day threads shit posting
I'm fucking crazy that's why.
I like them big, but not that big.

Say, capable of tittyfucks big, but not back problems big.


>AppleDan is the defender of fetishes in mlpg

starting to notice this way too much
You'd have to have proof that they don't pay taxes.
Really the only way the government could get proof is if he kept records of all of his transactions through a bank or receipts.
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Whatever you say anon
No. You're more than that. You're a faggot.
you should probably get a hobby
you know, something constructive
then why are you complaining that you can't drink enough Hi-C?
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Kill me.
Not so much the fetishes, as he's defending the ridiculously shitty OC donut steels.
So much projection, it's hilarious
>Trying to be gentle to bug pone
>Cuddling sends her into a frenzy
why do you hate freedom?
Would you let bug horse lay her eggs in your back?
>a guitar that is collecting dust in the corner
>sketchpad that hasn't been touched in a month

It's hard when I don't have any clue how to start
That was the case during the Summer. It does not help that the artist came here and link it here at one point.
They're just another whiny tight ass

ignore, ignore
Huh, That was me, I haven't been in that convo since I posted that.

I don't even like Hi-C
No anon. You must suffer with the rest of us.
What the fuck. Just why. Also the theaters are going to be full of spaghetti. Just wait and see.
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>june 16th

>he says this on MLPG
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People are free to think a certain way. They are also free to jerk it to anything they want.

Also people like to cry about what gets another anon's rocks off too much.
Haha what? That happened?
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It's college not uni, but leaving the course would be frowned upon when trying to do another course in college. It would also be marked down when going to uni. I'm not sure it was a scam, the college course as well as the college was only built 3 years ago. But I'll probably ride it out I just wanted to see if there were any other options available.
what the heck is this?
nanaki linked her
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Why does anthro girl Twily have wings but no horn ????
DJ Acid is a bad anthro Vinyl recolor with a giant green dick that had furries walk into its anus.

It became a big joke on mlpg. Like Nyx from Past Sins.. Even the original artist didn't understand why it was getting so much attention. Apparently mlpg kept repeating the same joke so many times that genuine retards actually started liking it.
>Get a hobby.
>Make a tumblr about it.
>Now it's a job.
I don't think anyone actually likes Acid as a character
The whole concept is retarded. The accent, the totally not Scratch, everything
But the fetishes can be fun
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I salute you, AppleDan
We have the main comic series and the micros, but given how many comics pony is moving do you think they'd consider having a third set of them?

Maybe something with original characters separate from the established cast building the world outside what we've seen and going places the main cast can't.
>genuine retards
See, there's the projection again
under the skirt.
I didn't even know it even had an accent
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I said I'd fix it, so I did.
because a horn would be too ridiculous
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Dude, you are probably getting scammed
Don't throw away your money and time on something that won't mean anything to anyone.
Whats the name of the college?
Having main characters no one gives a shit about is the fastest way to kill a comic.
I am now, are you still here?
When it comes up here, people just ignore everything that isn't the fetishes

Its a fucking terrible fake accent too
the problem isnt the fetishes but that mlpg became the place to discuss fetishes

what the fuck
Rainbow Dash is awesome.
You forgot the two-foot throbbing horsecock.
There is a limit to how much bullshit there is for this general to take and you pretty much does this a whole bunch of time by letting all these crap. Pathetic.

Maybe a nostril but its looks done at the moment.
He's not wrong.
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Anon, pls
Why would she have a horn tail?
That is just ridiculous
Rainbow Dash is terrible
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I live in the UK so I don't pay for anything, the name is Bede college it's in Billingham.
if you read the canon backstory for dj acid you will want to kill yourself

Goat, someone in the draw thread linked your painting, and a really good painter is gonna do a paint over of it and give some advice. Just thought you should know.
If there's one thing in the fandom I can't stand, it's the porn.
you forgot the dripping marefluids dude
how could you
looks a ton better by the way
I think it could work if done well enough, but I'll admit I don't follow comics that much either.
Is there a history of series coming up short with ideas like that?
Massive faggot.
Link me negro

I could go for a laugh
Rainbow Dash did the sonic Rainboom.
now that seems more like her
That's something.
Should I give him the new painting, or just let him do his thing?
where is the tiara?
>not living in 'murrica = faggot
All you fags who have revealed your power levels are gonna get winked and laughed at when the EG adverts start appearing on the television.
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Oh, okay then.
Enjoy your education is Xbox hooking up paid for by the Queen.
U wot m8 I slap ur gobber.
Wait, you can be an X-Ray Tech in less than a year? What the fuck? Seems like the medical field would be a LOT more involved than that.
X-Ray tech doesn't mean medical knowledge
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Best Episode of the series in my opinion. No other episode has been able to top that for me
Twilight Princess Sparkle is best Princess
i didnt save the link. it was on the artists FA.

the worst i remember is the sonic OCs that live in her testicles
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Needs more contrast.
I think he currently is doing the one you posted before. He said he would have it up tomorrow or something, so keep a look out in the draw thread



If that's what you believe
Yes. The MEDICAL FIELD is. Not the position of 'poosh buttan on beeg theng'.
You can get certified for a lot of medical shit in less than a year or two and make major bank.
The job market for it is amazing too, you could move anywhere and get hired.
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Random example.
>Nothing to link
Opinion invalidated, case closed
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1.13 MB JPG
>check thread

I'm jelly as hell goat
>sonic OCs that live in her testicles

Oh god no
Pls no
Hi Fluttershy.
Go away flutterbutt no one likes you.
inorite? That's why I stopped being a Star Wars fan when The Old Republic came out. Because bad new things ruin good old things. They can't be enjoyed separately.
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Its an alright episode.
>dat fucking background
Don't talk to my waifu like that bitch
>being this gullible
go go gadget wowzers
It seems that every time I think I have it right, I need to make the contrast heavier. Good to know, I guess?

Just to be sure, we're talking about the same drawthread, right?
I'm kind of super-excited to see what he's going to do with it. TIME TO LEARN SHIT.
Do I have to fucking slap your yellow ass you flutterfag?!

As a former flutterfag you can all burn in hell.
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but I looove her
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I'm gonna fap to Acid just to spite you
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Yeah, look for paladin.

Some of his work
who the fuck would save the link to stupid shit like that
Thank good for my steely good looks and charm, I will be able to weather the storm ahead.
And laugh it off with a casual grace! It's how I handle most petty things that come my way.
I will purchase the new pony toy sets that come out and park my new Chrysalis on top of my Celestia like she deserves.
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You hurt me.
that one aint as good
Ahahaha, you're terrible at this
next time, try to be subtle
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If you could send a message to pony somehow who would you send it to and what would it say?
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We don't need angryfags like you among us anyway
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Someone in the last thread was asking for a link so here it is


The Ice Pack x Princess Luna fic
write on my hand slap fluttershy leaves ink imprint of message.
That one was just a paint over if I remember right. He hangs around the draw thread and paints over some of the art posted to help people out.
what's wrong with Sonic OCs?

Lots of mlpgers fap to Sonic OCs. Don't be retarded.

Did you draw any art of it? Like the two of them cuddling?
i cant
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Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that being a good friend, can lead you to having other good friends.

Your faithful student,

Good night, gentlemen. It's been a pleasure.
>Ciircuit art

Too soon anon, too soon.
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I'd send Twilight my interstellar coordinates so she can open up a portal to Earth from Equestria.
Based fimfiction writers
They might be shit composers but they make up for it with writing just about everything.
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"we will never be as bad as the sonic fandom"

-mlpg 2010
Drinking will always make the pain stop...for a while at least.
>Lots of mlpgers fap to Sonic OCs
I'm gonna need a citation on that
I still believe that.
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>Did you draw any art of it? Like the two of them cuddling?
no not really
it might interfere with ice pack canon
>Promotion fanfiction.
Why haven't you jumped into the piss dragfag threads yet GG, you obviously have the same mentality.

4/10, cringed slightly
>Promotion fanfiction.
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Quick, now's your chance
you have thirty seconds to post the interstellar coordinates to earth before the message portal closes
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what are you talking about

But it's canon that Ice pack cuddles ponies.
don't reply
>fanfiction canon
GG pls
8465893754.385484058.4858 Sector 304 Quadrant 2
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>being helpful and linking someone what they wanted
>promoting fanfics
Doesn't drinking make you even more depressed?
I want to believe too
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>But it's canon that Ice pack cuddles ponies.
yes but it's more complicated than that
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Twilight sure is good at swallowing
YES ;_;
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
Why does everyone fall for this bait
As long as our show is better than their... video game/cartoon/whatever, then it will be a better fandom.

Also, our fanartists are way, way fucking better.
>Linking a fanfic.
>That they could have found on their own.
>Tossing the name, and a pic to get attention to the post of the link.
>Not promoting a fanfic.
Does Ice Pack fuck Danganya
as is ur mum lol ____rekt____
>being a shitposter

How is it complicated?

Icepack cuddles ponies, ponies cuddle him back. Therefore you should draw them cuddling. Consider that drawing them cuddling correctly would prevent fanart of cuddles in an incorrect position.
It's not bait.

It's the satire of the guy defending DJ Acid.
>not knowing that some people lack in the ways of google-fu
>shitposting out the ass

We can do this song and dance all night anon.
Sometimes, depends on how much you drink though. If you get stumbling sloppy-drunk, sometimes you end up sobbing over nothing, doesn't happen that often otherwise. Xanax and vodka numbs you out really good, but if you take too much you blackout for 5+ hours and have absolutely no memory of what you did
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Sorry Tex.
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Ice Pack's never been with any of the Princesses and never will be
twilight doesn't count
>Also, our fanartists are way, way fucking better.
That is still true to this day.
Australia/UK stop shitposting
>and never will be
What a loser
I'm okay with this.

What about the princes?
Twilight has been with a stallion?
Nah it's bait

Just like the guy who said there was a DJ Acid backstory when no such thing has ever existed in the past.

I do believe it is called reverse trolling, but I'm never good with terms like that
Is he gonna boop her
Tex and Flutters should having a staring contest.
What are you planning?

GG you faggot, why dont you update icepack tumblr
is she lifting her skirt in the 2nd panel?

What about Cadance? He's a male escort, she's the princess of love, they should work well together.

He's figuring out how best to draw Icepack breeding Danganya
Tex has been unusually fixated with facesitting lately. Not that I'm complaining.

I don't really know.



He's tired of the cycle of learning and forgetting and relearning how to draw faces so now he just decides to cover them up.
She is married you sick fuck.
>Implying she wouldn't talk Shining into a threesome.
>they're trying to make a sequel to Eternal Darkness

>EA wants to start pumping out star wars games with disney
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I might stream tomorrow so, do you guys have any color requests?
>"I think he likes you!"
>"Th-THAT was 'likes'?! What does he look like when he DOESN'T like you?!"
>"Oh...pretty much the same, really."
>"A Ménage à trois?"
>"Honey, I don't think his is French..."
>Totally not cool...
>What about Cadance?
she's taken, and more than a bit above his station

I don't have any requests but I just want to say that Tropicana is cute.
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>Silicon Knights is still in business
>cing is dead
more of that pony


You're not the real GG
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That wouldn't be a pomf at all
More like a loud bang
The lack of a response only serves to confirm my suspicions post haste.
>Do something productive
>Do soemthing enjoyable
>Got to bed, its already late
>Or alcohol

Nah. You need to mix soda and vodka. It has no character and mixes with fucking anything, and do it while doing something fun, usually vidya. Play a favorite old game on an emulator, or run your KV-2 with the 152mm fitted. You'll be quite contented. Happy, even.

I rely on alcohol to keep me from descending into madness each night. I'm sobering up now so I should get to sleep before the life realizations kick in.
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Thanks man! It's one of the paintings I'm most proud so far.


I can do that!
color this celestia

What is wrong with that EVERYTHING? That is offensive to all of my senses.
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Not interested on that one, sorry!
>The magic of friendship never changes
What's fluttershy doing under that bug butt?
what a wormy pony
Who is that pony?
What's she from?
I laughed pretty hard at that one
You need to talk to someone bro.
if you reduce the nip size it aint all that bad
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Goo ponies?
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Okay I lied, I didn't actually go to bed.
Just another brony OC.
That retarded horseface with the sidemouth.
Oversized breast shit
Head way too big for the body. Arms stumpy.
Those stupid fetlocks.

>Human Scrunch

This needs to happen more.
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It's my OC, Tropicana.
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>I will devour your soul
>also your peanuts
The only person I need to talk to is my 12 year old self so he doesn't create this hell for himself.
is this real?
To be fair, all of that is pretty accurate for 2002 ponies
I love how bulky that guy draws his ponies.
.....I really dont know what I was expecting. And I'm not at all surprised its /v/
you just described 99% of anthro in the mlp fandom
Isn't that whats-his-face?

ALso why don't females do this? I almost settled for fapping to that video of the bad-dragon dude in a schoolgirl outfit bulging himself on a chance because you could only see half of him and his p0n0s was obscured so suspension of disbelief was there.
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Probably because girls don't like ripping holes in their uterus.
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this fucking word
Is that kidsune?
you're learning to paint, right?
I posted this earlier but I don't think you saw it
You should paint your pone in a scene from from that video
I'd be very tempted to dress up as something silly that says MLPG on it like this, but have no idea what would be good
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his animations are good
Look at that chunky blank flank Marker.

You'd need a horse mask and either a large Chance or a Thor to use like the bat
WHEN YOU ARE GONNA STRAM. I need to set my biological clock
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Just like autism, simply used to refer to something someone doesn't like
Donkey ears, fake mustache, and an eyepatch
>that fucking ear

I'm dying help
Fuck a horse and hold up a sign that says MLPG
she's a bad girl and Rarity like that

You are correct anon.

It's a shame he had to throw such a bitchfit and hide all his videos

Haha, I'll note that too!

I dunno, maybe between 3PM - 4PM ?
teenage delinquent applejack is maximum boner fuel
I need to get a horse mask, but I do have large semi automatic rifles to use in place of a bat

Thought I dont want to get flagged by the FBI or something silly
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>Public Videos (1)
>Private Videos (11)

Oh damn, when did that happen
There go my plans for the evening

>Live in America
>Get flagged for brandishing firearms on the internet

dude what
cunny queef
It won't work without the horse dildo

>when did that happen

A long time ago, I guess. Probably like half a year now. He threw a fit when people were requesting to be friends with him. He was upset that the majority of these requests weren't "genuine".

On a porn site.

What a fucking baby. There's this other guy though that you might like, his handle is loldragondildos.
I know its doubtful, but its just one of those weird things I'm paranoid about

I'm not buying a dildo
soke pone everyday
>Tropicana has George Micheal's singing voice
headcanon acquired
fuck off steamfags

Sorry, meant "loldragondicks"
>coloring your line art
What do I do if I go to hug pony and they do this?

Did I do something wrong?
People have been posting with pictures from custom robo more and more lately.

It makes me really sad.
Protip: The "I WANNA FUCK PONES" guy is either Nuffy, Seika or Mordecai
Make sure you have a towel for that wet pone
Yes, I am

You have to be friends first anon, you're coming across like that lolrandumb girl that thinks randomly hugging strangers is funny because it's soooo random.
What a fancy and disgusting word
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>inking on the sketch layer

is that even a word
You'd fuck a robot?

Don't forget to bring a towel!
But, I thought we were friends.....
That lolrandumb girl better have good tits then
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>implying i have a choice
If the robot was>>10392409or>>10392449 ?
In a heartbeat.
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But it gives the picture a better touch!
>that pic
my sides have left our dimension

A shame this never went anywhere after this video
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44 KB
of course you niglet
But that isn't even a robot.
>you will never a plasmolyzed pony
>improper use of greentxting


I loved Custom Robo on the GC. Shame Nintendo isn't reviving it.
Remember when Rob used to work on the show ;_;
Synthetics, man
3DGspot is ded?
Maybe some day anon
some day
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No idea, I just haven't been able to find any videos relating to "doppelganger"
there was one in DS
So is not completely ded
Whatever happened to this pony?
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what if two ponies
So, does tex mind if anyone draws his anon, or just fellow pantheon members like Mewball?
she was eaten by a bug's butt
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>mfw vacations in two days
Shit, guys
I'll be able to draw everything
What are you looking forward to this week mlpg?
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She's been here the whole time
you just never see her
why don't you see her, anon
>Ever used properly.

i bet you are attempting to defend it as writing... That's funny. Even the 'feelsmiths' here leanred they were not wanted and fucked off into the piss.
You drawing everything.
Anything applebutt

alternatively, something with>>10392409
Who are you quoting?
If she gets too happy she turns ugly
Its for her own good
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Nah, she reserves that space for Flutters.
>picking fights
>being a bully

alien pony
Probably Ntststs
>Marker pony will never sit at your breakfast and complain about what you made for breakfast
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44 KB
more pancakes please
guys, I don't think he was asking for requests
he was asking you what you were looking forward to
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You would intentionally keep a pony sad because you think they look better that way?

You are a monster
new horse?
I don't get this meme
fucking pancakefags
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Yeah, this guy gets it.
I still gotta finish that Celestia "Caught you mirin' " picture
Plus a bunch of other things that I've left unfinished in the past weeks
#wow #rused
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How about Mew. Does he mind if other people draw his guy?
>150 images
Limit here is 250, so no.
You asshole
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Good, if she wants something different she cant get up out of her shitty plastic chair and make it herself
>this guy doesnt understand a mlpg inside joke meme

get out of our secret club you brony
I have been frazzled.

>Forcing giant forkfuls of pancake into Marker Pony's mouth
>Her whining around her bulging cheeks, butter dripping down her lips
>Maple syrup making her coat sticky to the touch

oh marker pony
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ya got me
But didn't expect to get blocked by Shaq
But it is
>not being a pancakefag

wow stop posting anytime
is that... LICD?

>implying it started on MLPG

Of course not.
Only autists and corporations get upset when you draw their OCs without permission.
>she's masturbating furiously the whole time
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Enough with the pancakes.
>read a fic recently
>it involves impregnating AJ
>while eating your breakfast off of her

But that plastic chair was given to her by /co/

it's not shitty in her eyes, though she's outgrown it
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That's sick
Goodnight, My Little Pony General.
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>tfw self hug
I didn't expect this
Oh god all we have are waffles
Maybe she should just put it on a shelf or somthing
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I'm going to do something with anons....
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people don't get mad when their characters are drawn without permission typically
they just mind what exactly you may draw them doing

I wish I could dream about Marker Pony

I've only had dreams about canoeing with Spike and being teased by GG about his stash

oh and of Edith
Goodnight goodnightanon!
Also Good morning mlpg! What's for breakfast?
Why do we have no pancakes pony?

If she were humanized, she'd be stacked.
homosexual orgy
pls say homosexual orgy
with the ponies reacting from the sidelines
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I don't know that feel.
Oh Princess Luna I'm gonna cum, please don't stop

That's like asking her to get rid of her cape!
>Dreaming of Edith
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Only once, though
Well, let's hear the story.
I was rimming her
Alright she can keep the chair, but she better not come cryin to me when her curvaceous pancake bloated butt splits it in half
[throws up]

But it wasn't sexual

we just watched some TV and cuddled
also when I looked at her it was like she was drawn


Take your slef and end its life
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you ever wish some "contributors" would leave?

which ones?
That looks like it hurts
I want Anonymous to leave
people that post stupid questions like this

You're gonna have to stealthily replace it before that happens

like replacing a dead fish

Holy shit composition, Batman
you for contributing an empty post trying to incite drama where there could be technicolor equines.
what kind of face is that
I don't want anyone to leave. I love all of you!
you have passed the test

now tell me, if you had to replace any voice actor on the show, which would it be?
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just your avrg furfaggotry who cares
>guy paid $270 for it

im done
But the fish has to die first before you replace it! How am I gonna know when to get another one?

And where do you even get these things? Taking care of Marker Pony is hard work.

Just get her a new one when her butt starts to spill over the sides

she won't even know she's gaining weight!
I really wish I could leave on my own
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the contributors are not the problem, its the people shitposting about them
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>mfw I could pay an entire month's worth of gas/food with that money
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>not allowed to see it
Alrighty then
log in and enable pornography
It's for the best
>tfw when you try to imitate drawn faces
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>mfw I could buy glasses that don't give me migraines with that money
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So did the real Pinkie Pie survive in 'Too Many Pinkies'? I was re-watching it with my nieces today and it occurred to me that the Pinkie depressed about the thought of losing her friends is supposed to be the 'real' one, but the first Pinkie clone showed signs of depression when she couldn't have all the fun at once.

so is it possible that season 1-2 Pinkie is dead and gone and season 3 Pinkie is just a ruse?
>log in
I'm not making an account just for that
I'll pass
Why aren't you learning to draw to whore yourself to the furry community?
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>every single episode season 1-3 AT THE SAME TIME

That's a bit unhealthy, she has a right to know! I'm not gonna have her dying of pancakes under my roof.

Toys R Us better not run out of pink chairs, or i'm gonna have to start making them myself.

Because I'm drawing to maybe become an animator sometime and make neat cartoons

also to draw things I love
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Yes, this is exactly what happened.
That's why Pinkie got worse after that episode.
I would dive into the mirror pond to rescue her, though, I don't give a fuck about consequences.
that would explain why pinkie is such a shit character now
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I don't know what I was expecting.
>the truth behind Meghan's three parter
>Twilight goes on an epic journey to rescue the real Pinkie

>Marker Pony is apprehensive, but quickly resigns herself.
>It's not going to be different this morning.
>It's never going to be different ANY morning.
>She comes downstairs and sits at the table.
>"Good morning, Marker Pony! Ready for breakfast?"
>She fights down a cringe as Anon brings her a plate and sets it down in front of her.
>Poached eggs on buttered toast, orange juice, and a side of facon
>Marker Pony fights back tears as she has the best breakfast she's ever had.
Pinkie Prioritizes her Friends over fun
>Pip is a sleeptalker

I wonder what his parents think
Ross, GG, rch, Cosmo.

>no hash browns
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>whoring to the furry community
It's bad enough that I'll probably have to pander to bronies for commission money so I can pay my studies.
>cant make pancakes tomorrow because >lel college

Damn you to hell anon!
This must be what it sounds like when you go through the portal.

>excess starch

Do you want her to get fat, anon?
I get you on half those people.
The same way an alcoholic keeps his job to pay for his beer money? She can't have fulfilling fun without her friends.

Why would you even make pancakes

would you pretend you were marker pony or something

>robbing retards of their money for lines on paper
>to pay for education
Ross and rch then.
that would be silly
why would anyone want to do that

But then her hugs wouldn't be all awkward and spindly like a horse's hug would be, it'd be all warm and soft and giving.

Do you WANT that, you daft fool?
Yes. I would scurry back to my room, lock the door, and eat those pancakes in the sloppiest most arousing way possible.
You kidding? If I could make money off my talents you bet I'd sell the fuck out.
>not even paper
>it's just an assemblage of jiggling electrons
Fuck off hőįhôı.

why do I want to fucking do this
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>drinking beer
You don't know shit about functional alcoholism.

I would make her silver dollar buttermilk pancakes with a healthy dose of my jizz added to the batter
>>10391785 Here

anything you guys want to see in this fic
If you died from too much pone then you are not worthy for the pone
I really wish I was good enough to do commissions. I'd totally whore out my drawing skills for bronybuxx. Sadly all I can do it scribble so badly that nobody even wants it for free.
I want to hug a pony non-consensually

You know what'd be really good with that breakfast?

Grilled tomatoes, or mushrooms.
>Not fucking Edith on a pile of syrupy pancakes, the both of you naked.
>Not running your sticky fingers through her already greasy & nappy hair, now matted with syrup.
>Not licking syrup out of her pubes.
The real question is, why don't you want to stream it?
titfucking or hotdogging
Jenny's inherent cuteness.
Don't forget it.
How is Pinkie so different not?
>now I feel bad for whining about selling out
thanks mlpg
In your head, what is Marker Pony's age, assuming ponies live and mature at the same rate as humans.

I think she's somewhere in the 5-8 area.
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>mlp gen 5

You know, I could like this, but getting sticky from syrup is a punishment in Hell most likely.

Give me some greasy takeout or something
That honestly made me feel sick.
I probably can't ever eat pancakes now thanks Anon.

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>it'd be all warm and soft and giving
Oh god i can feel it now, just wrapping your arms around her pudgy waist and burying your face in her neck and breathing in that buttery syrupy smell while she horks down more pancakes.
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I'll do ponies afterwards for you all
In fact I just did something the other day
Got it.
Will do.

dude, selling out is the best
if you ever get the chance you should take it without hesitation
Okay like, imagine this but with Marker Pony

too soon brah
Harshwinny got me into pony MILFs, Chickenbutt is super cute too, especially her accent
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These threads suck.

Remember when EqD was a roundup of stuff from /co/? Can we do that again?

>These threads suck

Well I'm having fun
>I probably can't ever eat pancakes now thanks Anon.
You're welcome. Have you any idea how unhealthy pancakes are?
What if you showered together after?
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Oatmeal, milk, eggs, and bacon erryday
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>you assault a groggy Marker pony with a stack of pancakes and a song
>every morning

Good lord my sides.
>Can we do that again?
Fandom is too large at this point.
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Still a big maybe

I think the syrup would disguise some of her scents and tastes
That could be good or bad depending on your perspective.
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>guess what daddy maaaade~
>I need me a fat ass cat with a big round ass
oh jesus my sides
I liked it.
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This is a pony.
Do you like pony?
I wanted waffles...

I don't think it can be good
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I eat the most unhealthy shit all the time because I hate myself and I never gain any weight anyways. I hope I die from a heart condition soon.
I don't remember. I haven't fapped in over a month.

Too bad, you're gonna drink a protein shake and you're gonna like it

no innuendo

Why the fuck didn't the person who capped this cut off the attention whore?
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I like her new wings too.
Not trying to shitpost but Acid
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Shit, it was like 30 minutes ago and I can't remember

Though I remember edging to Celestia's cuntflaps a while back and cumming like a freight train, so there's some food for thought.
no shit?same here
woah nelly

it must be pretty cold when she sits or falls ass down into the snow

haha really
It probably makes her pony nipples rock hard.
This just makes me laugh.
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fic based on this
goddamn i love horse vaginas
Jade you stink, go take a bath
Pony wants to talk to you.
Why aren't you talking to pony?



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human fluttershy is sex

Because I'm too lazy to get my mic and I'm still mad at skype for eating MSN
I didnt pay my phone bill
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I'm not proud of myself, but it happened.
No, they fucking aren't. A singly horseshit artist is worse than entire Sanic fanbase.
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>tfw no thick, curvy, smartmouthed New Yorker girlfriend

No see I'm only laughing because I didn't expect to make someone cum with that

oh gosh is this what it feels like to hear about someone coming to something you did I feel all giddy and it's wonderful
TW's bughorse flash
I'm sorry

I just, I just couldn't help thinking she's beckoning for me to get a whiff of her pit stank

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You really should answer anon
w-what is this homestuck?
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>hitting ignore
>letting it go to voicemail
>answering and telling her you don't want to talk

Instead of kicking your phone into orbit.

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What the hell do RCH do to shit in your wheaties?
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